Political Law 2015 Bar Exam Suggested Answers by BSC.pdf

March 7, 2017 | Author: Bumbo Cruz | Category: N/A
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Political Law 2015 Bar Exam Suggested Answers by Bumbo S. Cruz


The Philippines and the Republic of Kroi Sha established diplomatic relations and immediately their respective Presidents signed the following: (1) Executive Agreement allowing the Republic of Kroi Sha to establish its embassy and consular offices within Metro Manila; and (2) Executive Agreement allowing the Republic of Kroi Sha to bring to the Philippines its military complement, warships, and armaments from time to time for a period not exceeding one month for the purpose of training exercises with the Philippine military forces and exempting from Philippine criminal jurisdiction acts committed in the line of duty by foreign military personnel, and from paying custom duties on all the goods brought by said foreign forces into Philippine territory in connection with the holding of the activities authorized under the said Executive Agreement. Senator Maagap questioned the constitutionality of the said Executive Agreements and demanded that the Executive Agreements be submitted to the Senate for ratification pursuant to the Philippine Constitution. Is Senator Maagap correct? Explain. (4%) ANSWER: The Senator is incorrect since the power to ratify international agreements does not belong to the Senate. In a landmark case, the Supreme Court has held that the right of the executive to enter into binding agreements without the necessity of subsequent Congressional approval has been confirmed by long usage (Comm. Of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading, G.R. L-14279, Oct. 31. 1961). It should also be emphasized that under our Constitution, the power to ratify is vested in the President alone, subject to the concurrence of the Senate. The role of the Senate, is limited only to giving or withholding its consent, or concurrence, to the ratification (Pimentel vs. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 158088, July 6, 2005). Here, the first Executive Agreement for the establishment of embassy and consular offices can be validly ratified by the President, who has the sole power under the Constitution to do so, which does not require the concurrence of the Senate. As to the second Executive Agreement however, the Constitution provides that foreign military bases, troops, or facilities shall not be allowed in the Philippines except under a treaty duly concurred by at least two-thirds of all the members of the Senate. (Art. XVIII sec. 25, Art. VII sec. 21) Hence, the second Executive Agreement should be concurred in by the Senate since it involves bringing in foreign military elements from Kroi Sha within Philippine jurisdiction in the first instance, there being no pre-existing treaty allowing the same. Without the required concurrence of the Senate, the second Executive Agreement shall not be valid and binding.


(1) A bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in order to implement faithfully the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to which the Philippines is a signatory. Congressman Pat Rio Tek questioned the constitutionality of the bill on the ground that the provisions of UNCLOS are violative of the provisions of the Constitution defining the Philippine internal waters and territorial sea. Do you agree or not with the said objection? Explain. (3%) ANSWER:

The objection is untenable since the bill is constitutional.

In one case, the Supreme Court held that baselines laws are statutory mechanisms for UNCLOS States parties to delimit with precision the extent of their maritime zones and continental shelves, and has nothing to do with delineation of territory. (Magallona vs. Ermita, G.R No. 187167, July 16, 2011) Here, the proposed enactment of an UNCLOS compliant baselines law as embodied in the bill, allows an internationally-recognized delimitation of the breadth of the Philippines maritime zones and continental shelf. The bill therefore is a vital step on the part of the Philippines in safeguarding its maritime zones, consistent with the Constitution and our national interest. (2) Describe the following maritime regimes under UNCLOS (4%) (a) Territorial sea These waters stretch up to 12 miles from the baseline on the seaward direction, which are subject to the sovereign jurisdiction of the coastal state. (b) Contiguous zone This is a zone contiguous to a coastal state's territorial sea, which may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured. Here, the State exercises the control necessary to prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration, or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea. (c) Exclusive economic zone It is the stretch of area up to 200 miles from the baselines. Within this zone, a State may regulate nonliving and living resources, other economic resources, artificial installations, scientific research, and pollution control. (d) Continental shelf It is the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas that extend beyond its territorial sea throughout the natural prolongation of its land territory to the outer edge of the continental margin, or to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured where the outer edge of the continental margin does not extend up to that distance.


Professor Masipag who holds a plantilla or regular item in the University of the Philippines (UP) is appointed as an Executive Assistant in the Court of Appeals (CA). The professor is considered only on leave of absence in UP while he reports for work at the CA which shall pay him the salary of the Executive Assistant. The appointment to the CA position was questioned, but Professor Masipag countered that he will not collect the salary for both positions; hence, he cannot be accused of receiving double compensation. Is the argument of the professor valid? Explain. (4%)

ANSWER: The professor’s argument is invalid since holding both positions violates the prohibition on dual employment and double compensation. The Constitution provides that no appointive official shall hold any other office or employment in the Government or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including Government-owned or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries. Further, no elective or appointive public officer or employee shall receive additional, double, or indirect compensation, unless specifically authorized by law. (Sec. 7 and 8, Art. IX-B) Here, Professor Masipag’s argument that he will not collect the salary for both positions is untenable since he is still under dual employment in two different Civil Service positions and thus have the capacity to earn double compensation from both. Hence, he is still in violation of the constitutional prohibition on dual employment and double compensation against appointive government officials.


When is a facial challenge to the constitutionality of a law on the ground of violation of the Bill of Rights traditionally allowed? Explain your answer. (3%)

ANSWER: A facial challenge is allowed to be made to a vague statute and to one which is overbroad because of possible “chilling effect” upon protected speech. “On its face” invalidation of statutes results in striking them down entirely on the ground that they might be applied to parties not before the Court whose activities are constitutionally protected. (Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 148560, November 19, 2001)


BD Telecommunications, Inc. (BDTI), a Filipino-owned corporation, sold its 1,000 common shares of stock in the Philippine Telecommunications Company (PTC), a public utility, to Australian Telecommunications (AT), another stockholder of the PTC which also owns 1,000 common shares. A Filipino stockholder of PTC questions the sale on the ground that it will increase the common shares of AT, a foreign company, to more than 40% of the capital (stock) of PTC in violation of the 40% limitation of foreign ownership of a public utility. AT argues that the sale does not violate the 60-40 ownership requirement in favor of Filipino citizens decreed in Section II, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution because Filipinos still own 70% of the capital of the PTC. AT points to the fact that it owns only 2,000 common voting shares and 1,000 nonvoting preferred shares while Filipino stockholders own 1,000 common shares and 6,000 preferred shares, therefore, Filipino stockholders still own a majority of the outstanding capital stock of the corporation, and both classes of shares have a par value of Php 20.00 per share. Decide. (5%)

ANSWER: The purchase of AT of more than 40% of capital stock in PTC violates the Constitutional limit on foreign ownership of public utilities. In a landmark case, the Supreme Court held that the constitutional requirement of at least 60 percent Filipino ownership in a public utility applies not only to voting control of the corporation but also to the beneficial ownership of the corporation, it is therefore imperative that such requirement apply uniformly and across the board to all classes of shares, regardless of nomenclature and category, comprising the capital of a corporation. Under the Corporation Code, capital stock consists of all classes of shares issued to stockholders, that is, common shares as well as preferred shares, which may have different rights, privileges or restrictions as stated in the articles of incorporation. (Gamboa v. Teves, G.R. No. 176579, October 9, 2012) Here, the 60% Filipino ownership requirement in PTC as a public utility must be made to apply uniformly and separately to both common and preferred shares. Since AT, a foreign corporation, purchased two thirds of all the common voting shares in PTC, it now has controlling interest in the public utility. This is in clear contravention of the 60-40 ownership requirement in favor of Filipino citizens under the constitution. As such, AT may be compelled to divest its voting shares in excess of 40% of PTC’s voting stock, even at a loss.


(1) Distinguish the President's authority to declare a state of rebellion from the authority to proclaim a state of national emergency. (2%)

ANSWER: The President’s authority to declare a state of rebellion emanates from his powers as Chief Executive, it is merely an act declaring a status or condition of public moment or interest. While the authority to proclaim a state of national emergency is based on the constitutional provision on the State’s extraordinary power to take over a privately-owned public utility and business affected with public interest. (David vs. Macapagal, G.R. No. 171409, May 3, 2006)

(2) What are the limitations, if any, to the pardoning power of the President? (3%) ANSWER:

The following are the limitations to the pardoning power of the President:

(a) Cannot be granted for impeachment. [Art.VII, Sec. 19] (b) Cannot be granted in cases of violation of election laws without the favorable recommendation of the COMELEC. [Art. IX-C, Sec. 5] (c) Can be granted only after conviction by final judgment [People v. Salle, 250 SCRA 581] (d) Cannot absolve the convict of civil liability. [People v. Nacional (1995)] (e) Cannot be granted to cases of legislative contempt or civil contempt. (f) Cannot restore public offices forfeited, even if pardon restores the eligibility for said offices. [Monsanto v. Factoran (1989)]


Senator Fleur De Lis is charged with plunder before the Sandiganbayan. After finding the existence of probable cause, the court issues a warrant for the Senator's arrest. The prosecution files a motion to suspend the Senator relying on Section 5 of the Plunder Law. According to the prosecution, the suspension should last until the termination of the case. Senator Lis vigorously opposes the motion contending that only the Senate can discipline its members; and that to allow his suspension by the Court would violate the principle of separation of powers. Is Senator Lis's contention tenable? Explain. (4%)


The contention of Senator Lis is untenable.

In a similar case, the Supreme Court held that the order of suspension prescribed by Republic Act No. 3019 is distinct from the power of Congress to discipline its own ranks under the Constitution. The doctrine of separation of powers by itself may not be deemed to have effectively excluded members of Congress from Republic Act No. 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) nor from its sanctions. Hence, Republic Act No. 3019 does not exclude from its coverage the members of Congress and that, therefore, the Sandiganbayan did not err in thus decreeing the assailed preventive suspension order. (Santiago vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 128055, April 18, 2001)


A law provides that the Secretaries of the Departments of Finance and Trade and Industry, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Director General of the National Economic Development Authority, and the Chairperson of the Philippine Overseas Construction Board shall sit as exofficio members of the Board of Directors (BOD) of a government owned and controlled corporation (GOCC). The other four (4) members shall come from the private sector. The BOD issues a resolution to implement a new organizational structure, staffing pattern, a position classification system, and a new set of qualification standards. After the implementation of the Resolution, Atty. Dipasupil questioned the legality of the Resolution alleging that the BOD has no authority to do so. The BOD claims otherwise arguing that the doctrine of qualified political agency applies to the case. It contends that since its agency is attached to the Department of Finance, whose head, the Secretary of Finance, is an alter ego of the President, the BOD's acts were also the acts of the President. Is the invocation of the doctrine by the BOD proper? Explain. (4%)


BOD’s argument invoking the doctrine of qualified political agency is improper.

In a similar case, the Supreme Court held that the doctrine of qualified political agency could not be extended to the acts of the Board of Directors despite some of its members being themselves the appointees of the President to the Cabinet. Such Cabinet members sat on the Board of Directors ex officio, or by reason of their office or function, not because of their direct appointment to the Board by the President. Evidently, it was the law, not the President, that sat them in the Board which negates their argument that they are acting in their capacity as an alter ego of the President. Here, when the members of the Board of Directors effected the assailed reorganization, they were acting as the responsible members of the Board of a GOCC constituted pursuant to a law, not as alter egos of the President. (Manalang-Demiglio vs. TIDCORP, G.R. No. 168613, March 5, 2013)


Several senior officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines received invitations from the Chairperson of the Senate Committees on National Defense and Security for them to appear as resource persons in scheduled public hearings regarding a wide range of subjects. The invitations state that these public hearings were triggered by the privilege speeches of the Senators that there was massive electoral fraud during the last national elections. The invitees Brigadier General Matapang and Lieutenant Coronel Makatuwiran, who were among those tasked to maintain peace and order during the last election, refused to attend because of an Executive Order banning all public officials enumerated in paragraph 3 thereof from appearing before either house of Congress without prior approval of the President to ensure adherence to the rule of executive privilege. Among those included in the enumeration are "senior officials of executive departments who, in the judgment of the department heads, are covered by executive privilege." Several individuals and groups challenge the constitutionality of the subject executive order because it frustrates the power of the Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation under Section 21, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution. Decide the case. (5%)


The challenged Executive Order is unconstitutional.

In a similar case, the Supreme Court held that the infirm provisions of E.O. 464, allow the executive branch to evade congressional requests for information without need of clearly asserting a right to do so and/or proffering its reasons therefor. By the mere expedient of invoking said provisions there is an implied claim of privilege and the power of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation is frustrated. That is impermissible. Here, whenever an official invokes the Executive Order to justify his failure to be present, such invocation must be construed as a declaration to Congress that the President, or a head of office authorized by the President, has determined that the requested information is privileged. Such declaration, amounts to an implied claim that the information is being withheld by the executive branch, by authority of the President on the basis of executive privilege. The claim of privilege under the assailed Executive Order is thus invalid per se. (Senate vs. Ermita, G.R. No. 169777, April 20, 2006) NOTE: see also Gudani vs. Senga, G.R. No. 170165, August 15, 2006: The President has the power to prevent members of the Armed Forces from testifying in any legislative inquiry as their Commander-inchief which is distinct and separate from the President’s power to invoke Executive Privilege, the exercise of which under E.O. 464 is unconstitutional. This was not made an issue in the problem since only the constitutionality of the executive order was questioned and not the absence of the AFP officers in the legislative inquiry, so it was not included in the answer.


The Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued Memorandum Circular No. 123-15 prescribing the administrative requirements for the conversion of a timber license agreement (TLA) into an Integrated Forestry Management Agreement (IFMA). ABC Corporation, a holder of a TLA which is about to expire, claims that the conditions for conversion imposed by the said circular are unreasonable and arbitrary and a patent nullity because it violates the non-impairment clause under the Bill of Rights of the 1987 Constitution. ABC Corporation goes to court seeking the nullification of the subject circular. The DENR moves to dismiss the case on the ground that ABC Corporation has failed to exhaust administrative remedies which is fatal to its cause of action. If you were the judge, will you grant the motion? Explain. (4%)

ANSWER: As the judge, I will not grant the motion to dismiss outright since the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies must be disregarded when there are circumstances indicating the urgency of judicial intervention. In a similar case, the Supreme Court held that a timber license is not a contract within the purview of the due process clause; it is only a license or privilege, which can be validly withdrawn whenever dictated by public interest or public welfare. (Alvarez vs. PICOP, G.R. No. 162243, December 3, 2009) Here, since ABC corporation alleges grave abuse of discretion on the part of the DENR Secretary by claiming that the issued circular is unreasonable, arbitrary and a patent nullity, it behooves the court to determine the same. An outright dismissal of the case would have prevented such determination. On the issue of the circular being violative of the non-impairment clause, since timber licenses are not contracts, the non-impairment clause cannot be invoked by ABC corporation. Hence, the circular is valid and is within the power of DENR Secretary to issue.


(1) What is the concept of expanded judicial review under the 1987 Constitution? (3%)

ANSWER: The expanded concept of judicial review under the 1987 Constitution allows Courts to not only have the power to review and settle actual controversies arising from rights which are legally enforceable and demandable but also the power to determine whether or not there has been grave abuse of discretion amounting to a lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government.

(2) Differentiate the rule-making power or the power of the Supreme Court to promulgate rules under Section 5, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution and judicial legislation. (2%) ANSWER: The rule-making power of the Supreme Court under the constitution allows the promulgation rules concerning the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, the admission to the practice of law, the integrated bar, and legal assistance to the underprivileged (Art. VIII, sec. 5(5)). This is in stark contrast with Judicial legislation which occurs when the courts under the guise of interpretation, modify, revise, amend, distort, remodel, or rewrite the law, or give the law a construction which is repugnant to its terms.


Discuss the evolution of the principle of jus sanguinis as basis of Filipino citizenship under the 1935, 1973, and 1987 Constitutions. (3%)

ANSWER: Under the 1935 Constitution, the following were considered Filipino citizens following the principle of jus sanguinis or by right of blood: a. Those whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines b. Those whose mothers are citizens of the Philippines and, upon reaching the age of majority, elect Philippine citizenship. Under the 1973 Constitution, those born of Filipino fathers and those born of Filipino mothers with an alien father were placed on equal footing. The change was enacted to correct the anomalous situation where one born of a Filipino father and an alien mother was automatically granted the status of a natural-born citizen while one born of a Filipino mother and an alien father would still have to elect Philippine citizenship. If one so elected, he was not, under earlier laws, conferred the status of a natural-born. This curative evolution of the concept of jus sanguinis was carried over in the 1987 Constitution. (Co vs. HRET, G.R. Nos. 92191-92, July 30, 1991)


On August 15, 2015, Congresswoman Dina Tatalo filed and sponsored House Bill No. 5432, entitled "An Act Providing for the Apportionment of the Lone District of the City of Pangarap." The bill eventually became a law, R.A. No. 1234. It mandated that the lone legislative district of the City of Pangarap would now consist of two (2) districts. For the 2016 elections, the voters of the City of Pangarap would be classified as belonging to either the first or second district, depending on their place of residence. The constituents of each district would elect their own representative to Congress as well as eight (8) members of the Sangguniang Panglungsod. R.A. No. 1234 apportioned the City's barangays. The COMELEC thereafter promulgated Resolution No. 2170 implementing R.A. No. 1234. Piolo Cruz assails the COMELEC Resolution as unconstitutional. According to him, R.A. No. 1234 cannot be implemented without conducting a plebiscite because the apportionment under the law falls within the meaning of creation, division, merger, abolition or substantial alteration of boundaries of cities under Section 10, Article X of the 1987 Constitution. Is the claim correct? Explain. (4%)


The plebiscite requirement claim is incorrect.

In a similar case, the Supreme Court held that a legislative apportionment does not mean, and does not even imply, a division of a local government unit where the apportionment takes place. Thus, the plebiscite requirement that applies to the division of a province, city, municipality or barangay under the Local Government Code should not apply to and be a requisite for the validity of a legislative apportionment or reapportionment. (Bagabuyo vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 176970, December 8, 2008) Here, the assailed COMELEC resolution is an apportionment which merely changes the allocation of seats in a legislative body in proportion to the population and does not create, divide, abolish, merge nor alter the boundaries of the City of Pangarap. Hence, there is no need for any plebiscite.


Congress enacted R.A. No. 14344 creating the City of Masuwerte which took effect on September 25, 2014. Section 23 of the law specifically exempts the City of Masuwerte from the payment of legal fees in the cases that it would file and/or prosecute in the courts of law. In two (2) cases that it filed, the City of Masuwerte was assessed legal fees by the clerk of court pursuant to Rule 141 (Legal Fees) of the Rules of Court. The City of Masuwerte questions the assessment claiming that it is exempt from paying legal fees under Section 23 of its charter. Is the claim of exemption tenable? Explain. (4%)


The claim of exemption is not tenable.

In one case, the Supreme Court held that since the payment of legal fees is a vital component of the rules promulgated by this Court concerning pleading, practice and procedure, it cannot be validly annulled, changed or modified by Congress. As one of the safeguards of this Court’s institutional independence, the power to promulgate rules of pleading, practice and procedure is now the Court’s exclusive domain. That power is no longer shared by this Court with Congress. (A.M. No. 122-03-0, March 13, 2012) Here, the exemption from the payment of legal fees under R.A. 14344 cannot defeat the rule that Local governments and government-owned or controlled corporations with or without independent charters are not exempt from paying such fees (Rule 141, Sec. 21 ROC). To hold otherwise would be constitutionally infirm for it impairs the Court’s guaranteed fiscal autonomy and erodes its independence.


The President appointed Dexter I. Ty as Chairperson of the COMELEC on June 14, 2011 for a term of seven (7) years pursuant to the 1987 Constitution. His term of office started on June 2, 2011 to end on June 2, 2018. Subsequently, the President appointed Ms. Marikit as the third member of the COMELEC for a term of seven (7) years starting June 2, 2014 until June 2, 2021. On June 2, 2015, Chairperson Ty retired optionally after having served the government for thirty (30) years. The President then appointed Commissioner Marikit as COMELEC Chairperson. The Commission on Appointments confirmed her appointment. The appointment papers expressly indicate that Marikit will serve as COMELEC Chairperson "until the expiration of the original term of her office as COMELEC Commissioner or on June 2, 2021." Matalino, a tax payer, files a petition for certiorari before the Supreme Court asserting that the appointment of Marikit as COMELEC Chairperson is unconstitutional for the following reasons: (1) The appointment of Marikit as COMELEC Chairperson constituted a reappointment which is proscribed by Section 1 (2), Article IX of the 1987 Constitution; and (2) the term of office expressly stated in the appointment papers of Marikit likewise contravenes the aforementioned constitutional provision. Will the constitutional challenge succeed? Explain. (4%)


The constitutional challenge succeeds in part.

In one case, the Supreme Court held that the Constitution does not prohibit a promotional appointment from commissioner to chairman as long as the commissioner has not served the full term of seven years, provided that the appointment to any vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term of the predecessor, and that the aggregate period of the length of service as commissioner and the unexpired period of the term of the predecessor will not exceed seven (7) years. (Funa vs. Villar, G.R. No. 192791, April 24, 2012) Here, the promotional appointment of Ms. Marikit from Commissioner to Chairman would constitute a new appointment and, hence, not, in the strict legal sense, a reappointment barred under the Constitution. However, her appointment to the vacancy shall only be for the unexpired term of Chairperson Ty which is to end on June 2, 2018 and not until the expiration of her original term as commissioner on June 2, 2021. On this matter, the appointment is unconstitutional.


(1) Gandang Bai filed her certificate of candidacy (COC) for municipal mayor stating that she is eligible to run for the said position. Pasyo Maagap, who also filed his COC for the same position, filed a petition to deny due course or cancel Bai's COC under Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code for material misrepresentation as before Bai filed her COC, she had already been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude. Hence, she is disqualified perpetually from holding any public office or from being elected to any public office. Before the election, the COMELEC cancelled Bai' s COC but her motion for reconsideration (MR) remained pending even after the election. Bai garnered the highest number of votes followed by Pasyo Maagap, who took his oath as Acting Mayor. Thereafter, the COMELEC denied Bai's MR and declared her disqualified for running for Mayor. P. Maagap asked the Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary to be allowed to take his oath as permanent municipal mayor. This request was opposed by Vice Mayor Umaasa, invoking the rule on succession to the permanent vacancy in the Mayor's office. Who between Pasyo Maagap and Vice Mayor Umaasa has the right to occupy the position of Mayor? Explain your answer. (5%)


Pasyo Maagaap has the right to occupy the position of Mayor.

In one case, the Supreme Court held that if the certificate of candidacy is void ab initio, then legally the person who filed such void certificate of candidacy was never a candidate in the elections at any time. All votes for such non-candidate are stray votes and should not be counted. (Jalosjos vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 193237, October 9, 2012) Here, G. Bai’s certificate of candidacy was void ab initio for being disqualified to run for an elective position or to hold public office. In short, Bai was never a candidate at all and all votes for her were stray votes. Thus, Maagap, is the one qualified candidate who actually garnered the highest number of votes for the position of Mayor and should be proclaimed as such. (2) How do you differentiate the petition filed under Section 68 from the petition filed under Section 78, both of the Omnibus Election Code? (3%) ANSWER: A petition for disqualification under Section 68 refers to "the commission of prohibited acts and possession of a permanent resident status in a foreign country." All the offenses mentioned in Section 68 refer to election offenses under the Omnibus Election Code, not to violations of other penal laws. In contrast, a petition for disqualification under Section 78 is based on a finding that the candidate made a material representation in his Certificate of Candidacy that is false, which may refer to violation of other penal laws affecting his qualifications or eligibility to run for public office. (Aratea vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 195229, October 9, 2012)


The Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Association (GBTYA), an organization of gay, bisexual, and transgender persons, filed for accreditation with the COMELEC to join the forthcoming party-list elections. The COMELEC denied the application for accreditation on the ground that GBTYA espouses immorality which offends religious dogmas. GBTY A challenges the denial of its application based on moral grounds because it violates its right to equal protection of the law. (1) What are the three (3) levels of test that are applied in equal protection cases? Explain. (3%)

ANSWER: For determining the reasonableness of classification, later jurisprudence has developed three kinds of tests depending on the subject matter involved. The most demanding is the strict scrutiny test which requires the government to show that the challenged classification serves a compelling state interest and that the classification is necessary to serve that interest. This case is used in cases involving classifications based on race, national origin, religion, alienage, denial of the right to vote, interstate migration, access to courts, and other rights recognized as fundamental. Next is the intermediate or middle-tier scrutiny test which requires government to show that the challenged classification serves an important state interest and that the classification is at least substantially related to serving that interest. This is applied to suspect classifications like gender or illegitimacy. The most liberal is the minimum or rational basis scrutiny according to which government need only show that the challenged classification is rationally related to serving a legitimate state interest. This is the traditional rationality test and it applies to all subjects other than those listed above. (Bernas, 2009)

(2) Which of the three (3) levels of test should be applied to the present case? Explain. (3%) ANSWER: In a similar case, the Supreme Court has declared that in our jurisdiction, the standard of analysis of equal protection challenges have followed the rational basis test, coupled with a deferential attitude to legislative classifications and a reluctance to invalidate a law unless there is a showing of a clear and unequivocal breach of the Constitution. Here, the asserted state interest that is, moral disapproval of an unpopular minority is not a legitimate state interest that is sufficient to satisfy a rational basis review under the equal protection clause. (ANG LADLAD vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 190582, April 8, 2010) NOTE: The dissenting opinion of C.J. Puno provides that Intermediate Scrutiny should have been used since the issue involves a quasi-suspect classification based on gender, following U.S. jurisprudence.


Around 12:00 midnight, a team of police officers was on routine patrol in Barangay Makatarungan when it noticed an open delivery van neatly covered with banana leaves. Believing that the van was loaded with contraband, the team leader flagged down the vehicle which was driven by Hades. He inquired from Hades what was loaded on the van. Hades just gave the police officer a blank stare and started to perspire profusely. The police officers then told Hades that they will look inside the vehicle. Hades did not make any reply. The police officers then lifted the banana leaves and saw several boxes. They opened the boxes and discovered several kilos of shabu inside. Hades was charged with illegal possession of illegal drugs. After due proceedings, he was convicted by the trial court. On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed his conviction. In his final bid for exoneration, Hades went to the Supreme Court claiming that his constitutional right against unreasonable searches and seizures was violated when the police officers searched his vehicle without a warrant; that the shabu confiscated from him is thus inadmissible in evidence; and that there being no evidence against him, he is entitled to an acquittal. For its part, the People of the Philippines maintains that the case of Hades involved a consented warrantless search which is legally recognized. The People adverts to the fact that Hades did not offer any protest when the police officers asked him if they could look inside the vehicle. Thus, any evidence obtained in the course thereof is admissible in evidence. Whose claim is correct? Explain. (5%)


The claim of Hades is correct.

In a case with similar facts, the Supreme Court held that when a vehicle looked suspicious simply because it is not common for such to be covered with leaves, it does not constitute "probable cause" as would justify the conduct of a search without a warrant. It cannot likewise be said that the contraband found in petitioner's vehicle were in plain view, making its warrantless seizure valid. Neither can petitioner's passive submission be construed as an implied acquiescence to the warrantless search. (Caballes vs. C.A., G.R. No. 136292, January 15, 2002) Here, the police officers did not have probable cause to justify an extensive search of the petitioner’s vehicle without his consent, freely and voluntarily given, and without the benefit of a search warrant. Thus, the seized boxes of shabu must be cast aside as evidence being obtained as the product of an unreasonable search and seizure. There being no other evidence against the accused, he is entitled to an acquittal.


Pursuant to its mandate to manage the orderly sale, disposition and privatization of the National Power Corporation's (NPC) generation assets, real estate and other disposable assets, the Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management (PSALM) started the bidding process for the privatization of Angat Hydro Electric Power Plant (AHEPP). After evaluation of the bids, K-Pop Energy Corporation, a South Korean Company, was the highest bidder. Consequently, a notice of award was issued to K-Pop. The Citizens' Party questioned the sale arguing that it violates the constitutional provisions on the appropriation and utilization of a natural resource which should be limited to Filipino citizens and corporations which are at least 60% Filipino-owned. The PSALM countered that only the hydroelectric facility is being sold and not the Angat Dam; and that the utilization of water by a hydroelectric power plant does not constitute appropriation of water from its natural source of water that enters the intake gate of the power plant which is an artificial structure. Whose claim is correct? Explain. (4%)


The claim of PSALM is correct.

In a factually similar case, the Supreme Court held that foreign ownership of a hydropower facility is not prohibited under existing laws since power generation is not considered a public utility operation. Further, under the Water Code concept of appropriation, a foreign company may not be said to be “appropriating” our natural resources if it utilizes the waters collected in the dam and converts the same into electricity through artificial devices. (IDEALS vs. PSALM, G.R. No. 192088, October 9, 2012) Here, since the NPC remains in control of the operation of the dam, there is no legal impediment to foreign-owned companies undertaking the generation of electric power using waters already appropriated by NPC.


Typhoon Bangis devastated the Province of Sinagtala. Roads and bridges were destroyed which impeded the entry of vehicles into the area. This caused food shortage resulting in massive looting of grocery stores and malls. There is power outage also in the area. For these reasons, the governor of the province declares a state of emergency in their province through Proclamation No. 1. He also invoked Section 465 of the Local Government Code of 1991 (R.A. No. 7160) which vests on the provincial governor the power to carry out emergency measures during man-made and natural disasters and calamities, and to call upon the appropriate national law enforcement agencies to suppress disorder and lawless violence. In the same proclamation, the governor called upon the members of the Philippine National Police, with the assistance of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, to set up checkpoints and chokepoints, conduct general searches and seizures including arrests, and other actions necessary to ensure public safety. Was the action of the provincial governor proper? Explain. (4%)


The action of the provincial governor is improper.

In one case, the Supreme Court held that by constitutional fiat, the calling-out powers is bestowed upon the President alone and no amount of approval or ratification will validate the exercise of any of those powers by any other person. An exercise by another official, even if he is the local chief executive, is ultra vires, and may not be justified by the invocation of Section 465 of the Local Government Code. (Kulayan vs. Tan, G.R. NO. 187298, July 03, 2012) Given the foregoing, the provincial governor is not endowed with the power to call upon the armed forces at his own bidding. In issuing the proclamation, the governor exceeded his authority when he declared a state of emergency and called upon the Armed Forces and the police. XXI.

The Partido ng Mapagkakatiwalaang Pilipino (PMP) is a major political party which has participated in every election since the enactment of the 1987 Constitution. It has fielded candidates mostly for legislative district elections. In fact, a number of its members were elected, and are actually serving, in the House of Representatives. In the coming 2016 elections, the PMP leadership intends to join the party-list system. Can PMP join the party-list system without violating the Constitution and Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7941? (4%)


Yes, PMP can join the party-list system.

In a landmark case, the Supreme Court held that to participate in party-list elections, a major political party must organize a sectoral wing that can register under the party-list system. The sectoral wing is in itself an independent sectoral party, and is linked to a major political party through a coalition. This linkage is allowed by Section 3 of R.A. No. 7941, which provides that "component parties or organizations of a coalition may participate independently (in party-list elections) provided the coalition of which they form part does not participate in the party-list system." Thus, the 1987 Constitution and R.A. No. 7941 allow major political parties like PMP to participate in party-list elections by organizing a sectoral wing, like a labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, professional, women or youth wing, that can register under the party-list system. (Atong Paglaum Inc. vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 203766, April 2, 2013)


The President appoints Emilio Melchor as Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission. Upon confirmation of Melchor's appointment, the President issues an executive order including him as Ex-Officio member of the Board of Trustees of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Employees Compensation Commission (ECC), and the Board of Directors of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHILHEALTH). Allegedly, this is based on the Administrative Code of 1997 (E.O. No. 292), particularly Section 14, Chapter 3, Title I-A, Book V. This provision reads: "The chairman of the CSC shall be a member of the Board of Directors of other governing bodies of government entities whose functions affect the career development, employment, status, rights, privileges, and welfare of government officials and employees... " A taxpayer questions the designation of Melchor as ex-officio member of the said corporations before the Supreme Court based on two (2) grounds, to wit: (1) it violates the constitutional prohibition on members of the Constitutional Commissions to hold any other office or employment during his tenure; and (2) it impairs the independence of the CSC. Will the petition prosper? Explain. (4%)


Yes, the petition will prosper.

In a similar case, the Supreme Court held that the CSC Chairperson’s designation as member of the governing Boards of the GSIS, PHILHEALTH, and ECC entitles him to receive per diem. This situation goes against the principle behind an ex officio position, and must, therefore, be held unconstitutional. Further, the GSIS, PHILHEALTH and ECC and the members of their respective governing Boards are under the control of the President. As such, the CSC Chairman cannot be a member of a government entity that is under the control of the President without impairing the independence vested in the CSC by the 1987 Constitution. Here, apart from violating the prohibition against holding multiple offices, Melchor’s designation as member of the governing Boards of the GSIS, PHILHEALTH and ECC impairs the independence of the CSC as a constitutional body, since under the Constitution (Sec. 17, Art. VII) the President exercises control over these government offices as part of the Executive Branch.

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