a material &ear process that can occur &henever surfaces slide against against each other.
*&o types+ - t&o body &ear. - three body &ear.
Two bodied wear
Three bodied wear
Erosie wear ,aused by hard particles impacting a substrate surface$ carried either by stream of air or liuid.
ard particle erosion
,hemical erosion
Abrasie instr!"ent design
Abrasive grits- materials materials crushed and various si/es obtained. -,oarse - medium coarse - medium - fine - superfine
#onded abrasie
onded abrasive are abrasives incorporated on a tool using a binder by the process of01Sintering 213itreous bonding 4glass 4glass or ceramic matri#1 51 6esinoid bonding 4usually 4usually phenolic resin1 71 6ubber bonding
Tr!ing $ dressing *ruing –the process of running a bonded abrasive against a harder abrasive bloc% to process it $ so that it does not run out out or or have eccentric movements &hen in contact &ith the substrate.
*o get the correct &or%ing si/e and shape of the instrument.
*o remove clogged debris.
Abrasive blinding -is -is the clogging of the instrument &ith debris.
,OA*"8 A6AS93"
made of abrasive grains adhered to the surface of fle#ible or semi-fle#ible bac%ings such as paper$ cloth$ vulcani/ed fiber$ plastic films by means of an adhesive.
ardness- is a surface measurement of the resistance of one material to plastic deformation by another material.
Measured in Mohs $ Measured :noops or 3ic%ers hardness.
E+ER( is a very hard roc% type- grayish E"er, is blac% corundum used used to coated abrasive dis%s. 9t consists of+ -,orundum 4aluminum 4aluminum o#ide1 – major constituent -9ron-bearing spinels hercynite hercynite and magnetite. used for finishing metal alloys and used plastic materials.
*hese minerals are the silicates of aluminum$ cobalt$ 9ron$ magnesium$ and manganese possessing similar physical properties and crystalline forms ---usually dar% red.
available on coated dis%s and and arbor bands.
used in grinding metal alloys and plastic used materials
PU+ICE Siliceous material. Flour of pumice is an fine grained volcanic roc% derivative used mainly in grit form$ but can be found in some rubber bonded abrasives forms. forms. used in polishing tooth used enamel$ gold foil$ dental amalgam$ and acrylic resins .
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