Poa 1661
October 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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WHEREAS I am the owner of some immovable properties consisting of buildings and structures, which are occupied by, tenants and which properties are more particularly mentioned in the schedule hereunder written.
AND WHEREAS WHEREAS I am unable personally to look after the said properties properties by recovering rents therefrom and paying taxes and other dues. because of my other occupations.
AND WHEREAS I, therefore therefore propose propose to appoint Mr. ... as my attorney attorney or agent to do the following acts and things on my behalf and which he has agreed to do.
NOW KNOW YOU ALL AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESS THAT I Mr.... hereby appoint and constitute the said Mr. ... to be my true and lawful attorney or agent with full powers and authority to do and execute the following acts, deeds and things in 'my name, on my behalf and for me viz.
To ask, receive and recover from all tenants and other occupants what wh atso soev ever er,, occu occupy pyin ing g an any y part part or part parts s or prem premis ises es of the the said said properties, whether under any oral or written agreement or not. all rents, arrears of rents. compensation, profits and all other moneys now due owing and payable or at any time hereafter to become due owing and payab pay able le in respe respect ct of the said premi premise ses s for occup occupyi ying ng the the same same or otherwise, in any manner whatsoever.
On non non-p -pay ayme ment nt of of any any sum sum as afo afore resa said id,, to tak take e summ summar ary y proc procee eedi ding ngs s to distress according to law.
To giv give e noti notice ce,, thro throug ugh h a lawy lawyer er o orr pers person onal ally ly,, to mak make e paym paymen entt of ren rents ts or compensation or moneys due and payable by such tenants or other occupants and also to give up the premises and vacate the same..
To file suits and other legal proceedings in proper courts for recovering re rent nts, s, comp compen ensa sati tion on and and othe otherr amou amount nts, s, from from any any tena tenant nt or othe other r occupant as well as to eject any of them from the premises occupied by him, either for non-payment or for any other ground whatsoever.
To pass pass valid valid recei receipts pts in pro prope perr form form for all moneys moneys recei received ved or recov recover ered ed fr from om any any tena tenant nt or othe otherr occu occupa pant nts s of the the said said prop proper erti ties es as rent rent,, compensation or otherwise.
To pay pay and and allo allow w all tax taxes es,, asses assessm smen ents ts.. charg charges es,, deduc deducti tion ons, s, expe expens nses es and all other payments and outgoing whatsoever clue and payable, to become due and payable for or on account of my said properties to the authorities concerned.
To let let out out on on mont monthl hly y tena tenanc ncy y any any prem premis ises es whi which ch may may bec becom ome e vaca vacant nt and at the standard rent and on the same terms as are applicable applicable to other tenants in the same building.
To take possession of any premises falling vacant for any reason whatsoever and give receipt for such possession If required.
To tra transf nsfer any any ren rent rec receipt ipt to the the name name or or nam names of of the the heir heirs s of any any tenant who has died or to the name of such one of them as the heirs may
agree upon between themselves.
To carry carry out out only only tena tenanta ntabl ble e and minor minor repa repairs irs (but (but not not major major or or struct structura urall repairs) as may be required from time to time.
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To enga engage ge watc watchm hmen en,, scave scaveng nger ers, s, and and other other serv servan ants ts In the cour course se of management of the said properties and to pay their wages and other emoluments.
To enga engage ge any any advoc advocate ate or or advo advocat cates es for for legal legal advic advice e an and d for fili filing ng and and conducting such suits and other legal proceedings as may be required to be taken from time to time against the tenants and other occupants occupants of the said properties.
To sign sign,, affirm affirm,, declar declare e and file file plain plaints. ts. writ written ten sta statem temen ents, ts, stat stateme ement nts s of defences. petitions. applications, affidavits and other papers for and in such suits and legal proceedings required to be taken in exercising the powers herein contained or taken against me by any tenant or other occupant of any of the said properties. To make any Interim applications for Injunction, receiver or for any other relief in such suits and the legal proceedings.
To prev preven entt any pers person on from from tres trespas passi sing ng on any of of the the said said prop propert erties ies or or any an y part part ther thereo eoff and and for for that that purp purpos ose e to take take civi civill and/ and/or or crim crimin inal al proceedings against such person.
To maint maintai ain n books books of acc accoun ountt and kee keep p accoun accounts ts of all all mone moneys ys recei receive ved d and all expenses incurred in the management of the said properties and to submit the same to me from time to time.
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To defe defend nd any any suit suit or other other lega legall proce proceed edin ings gs,, taken taken agai agains nstt me by any tenant or other occupant of any of the said properties and for that purpose to sign, declare and file statements of defence and other papers and make any Interim applications If any required.
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To acce accept pt serv servic ice e of any writ writ of summ summon ons s or any any other other cour courtt proce process ss In any suit or legal proceedings taken against me by any tenant or other occupant in any of the said properties and to assist and accompany the court bailiff or other officer for service of a writ of summons or other process upon any person in any such suit or legal proceedings taken on my behalf by the said attorney pursuant to the powers herein contained.
To appe appear ar befor before e any offi office cerr of the the Gove Governm rnmen entt or loca locall autho authorit rity y in any any matter in connection with the recovery of rent and payment of taxes in respect of any of the said properties.
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To acce accept pt noti notice ces s rece receiv ived ed from from the Govt Govt.. an and d any any loc local autho authori rity ty in connection with the said properties and to comply with the same insofar as they relate to carrying out minor repairs, or for removing any nuisance or clearing any pipes or gutters.
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In gene genera rall to do all other other acts, acts, deed deeds, s, matt matter ers s and and thin things gs what whatev ever er in connection with the recovery of the Income and payment of taxes and other outgoing in respect of the said properties and otherwise managing the same.
AND I agree to ratify all lawful acts and things done by the said attorney pursuant to the powers herein before mentioned.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I Mr. ... have put my hand this ... day of .……,
Signed and delivered by the withinnamed Mr. in the presence of ……………..
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