PNCC SKYWAY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT AND SECURITY DIVISION WORKERS ORGANIZATION (PSTMSDWO), represented ! "ts Pres"dent, RENE SORIANO #s$ # s$ PNCC SKYWAY SKYWAY CORPORATION G$R$ N%$ &'&& (February 17, 2010) F*+ts Petitioner PNCC Skyway Corporation Trafc Manageent an! Security "i#i$ion %orker$& 'rganiation (PSTMS"%') i$ a abor union !uy regi$tere! regi$tere! wit* t*e "epartent o+ abor an! -poyent ("'-). /e$pon!ent PNCC Skyway Corporation i$ a corporation !uy organie! an! operating un!er an! by #irtue o+ t*e aw$ o+ t*e P*iippine$. T*ey entere! into C. Pertinent pro#i$ion$ are a$ +oow$34 /T5C- 6555 6C 6 CT5'N T5'N -6- N" S5C S5C -6Section 1. 6acation ea#e. b4 The company shall schedule the vacation leave of employe employees es during during the year taking taking into consider consideration ation the the requ reques estt of pref prefer eren enc ce of the the empl employ oyee ees. s. (ep*a$i$ $uppie!)
Iss-e .e/d
PNCC t*en create! a $c*e!ue o+ ea#e$ +or t*eir epoyee$.4 Petitioner ob8ecte! ob8ecte! to t*e ipeentati ipeentation on o+ t*e $ai! eoran!u eoran!u.. 5t in$i$te! in$i$te! t*at t*e in!i#i!ua eber$ o+ t*e union *a#e t*e rig*t to $c*e!ue t*eir #acation ea#e. 5t opine! t*at t*e uniatera $c*e!uing $c*e!uing o+ t*e epoyee$& #acation ea#e wa$ !one to a#oi! t*e onetiation o+ t*eir #acation ea#e in "eceber 2009. %'N t*e PNCC *a$ t*e $oe !i$cretion to $c*e!ue t*e #acation ea#e$ o+ it$ epoyee$. :-S. Petitioner Petitioner in$i$te! t*at t*eir union eber$ *a#e t*e pre+erence pre+erence in $c*e!uing t*eir #acation ea#e. 'n t*e ot*er *an!, re$pon!ent argue! t*at t*at rti rtic ce e 6555 6555,, Sect Sectio ion n 1 (b) (b) gi#e gi#e$ $ t*e t*e ana anage gee ent nt t*e t*e ;na ;na $ay $ay regar!ing t*e #acation ea#e $c*e!ue o+ it$ epoyee$. /e$pon!ent ay take into con$i!eration t*e epoyee$& pre+erre! $c*e!ue, but t*e $ae i$ not controing. T*e rue i$ t*at w*ere t*e anguage o+ a contract i$ pain an! unabiguou$, it$ eaning $*ou! be !eterine! wit*out re+erence to eui#oca. rtice rtice 6555, Section 1 (b) (b) o+ t*e C categoricay categoricay pro#i!e$ pro#i!e$ t*at t*e $c*e!uing $c*e!uing o+ #acation #acation ea#e shall shall be un!er t*e option o+ t*e epoyer. T*u$, i+ t*e ter$ o+ a C are cear an! ea#e no !oubt upon t*e intention o+ t*e contracting partie$, t*e itera eaning o+ it$ $tipuation $*a pre#ai. 5n ;ne, t*e C u$t be $tricty a!*ere! to an! re$pecte! i+
it$ en!$ *a#e to be ac*ie#e!, being t*e aw between t*e partie$. In Faculty Association of Mapua Institute of Technology (FAMIT) v. Court of Appeals, t*i$ Court *e! t*at t*e C !uring it$ i+etie bin!$ a t*e partie$. T*e pro#i$ion$ o+ t*e C u$t be re$pecte! $ince it$ ter$ an! con!ition$ con$titute t*e aw between t*e partie$. T*e partie$ cannot be aowe! to c*ange t*e ter$ t*ey agree! upon on t*e groun! t*at t*e $ae are not +a#orabe to t*e. T4*e purpo$e o+ a #acation ea#e i$ to a=or! a aborer a c*ance to get a uc*?nee!e! re$t to repeni$* *i$ worn?out energy an! ac>uire a new #itaity to enabe *i to efcienty per+or *i$ !utie$, an! not erey to gi#e *i a!!itiona $aary an! bounty. ccor!ingy, t*e #acation ea#e pri#iege wa$ not inten!e! to $er#e a$ a!!itiona $aary, but a$ a non? onetary bene;t. To gi#e t*e epoyee$ t*e option not to con$ue it wit* t*e ai o+ con#erting it to ca$* at t*e en! o+ t*e year wou! !e+eat t*e #ery purpo$e o+ #acation ea#e. 5n!ee!, t*e utitu!e or $carcity o+ per$onne anning t*e toway$ $*ou! not re$t upon t*e option o+ t*e epoyee$, a$ t*e pubic u$ing t*e $kyway $y$te $*ou! be a$$ure! o+ it$ $a+ety, $ecurity an! con#enience. Petitioner&$ contention t*at abor contract$ $*ou! be con$true! in +a#or o+ t*e aborer i$ wit*out ba$i$ an!, t*ere+ore, inappicabe to t*e pre$ent ca$e. T*i$ rue o+ con$truction !oe$ not bene;t petitioner$ becau$e, a$ $tate!, t*ere i$ *ere no roo +or interpretation. Since t*e C i$ cear an! unabiguou$, it$ ter$ $*ou! be ipeente! a$ t*ey are written.
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