PNB vs. Raymundo G.R. No. 208672, December 7, 2016...
PNB vs. Raymundo G.R. No. 208672, December 7, 2016
PNB vs. Raymundo Facts !""ea# by PNB on t$e c%v%# as"ect o&
t$e cr%m%na# case &or v%o#at%on o& R.!. '01( by accused Pab#o Raymundo. De"artment )ana*er o& a PNB Branc$ Fore%*n c$ec+ %ssued by o#omon Gu**en$e%m Foundat%on Dran a*a%nst )or*an Guaranty om"any o& Ne /or+ Payab#e to a certa%n )erry )ay uan
PNB vs. Raymundo Facts n t$e same date, an account as o"ened &or )erry )ay uan and a c$ec+ boo+#et as %ssued to $er. ubseuent#y, )s. uan dre 6 c$ec+s %n t$e a**re*ate amount o& m%##%on "esos, 3 o& $%c$ named 4 G#oba# Futures as t$e "ayee. 4$e 6 c$ec+s ere ne*ot%ated by )s. uan and ere a""roved &or "ayment on t$e same day by Raymundo %t$out a%t%n* &or t$e &ore%*n dra&t c$ec+, %ntended to &und t$e %ssued c$ec+, to be c#eared by t$e PNB Fore%*n urrency #ear%n* 5n%t
PNB vs. Raymundo Facts even days #ater, PNB rece%ved a
te#e &rom %ts corres"ondent %n Ne /or+ t$at t$e c$ec+ as d%s$onored by )or*an &or be%n* &raudu#ent For %rre*u#ar#y a""rov%n* t$e "ayment o& t$e 6 c$ec+s %t$out a%t%n* &or t$e &ore%*n c$ec+ to be c#eared, Raymundo as c$ar*ed %t$ a v%o#at%on o& ect%on ' o& R.!. '01(.
PNB vs. Raymundo Facts Raymundo #ed a cr%m%na# case o& esta&a a*a%nst )s. uan. 4$e case as dec%ded %n $%s &avor and )s. uan as made to "ay $%m and t$e ban+ t$e amount o& t$e c$ec+ 9a#t$ou*$ no actua# "ayment as made:. RTC: Raymundo %s not *u%#ty. ;t %s too $ars$ and %neu%tab#e to %m"ose cr%m%na# #%ab%#%ty u"on Raymundo , $o on#y a""roved t$e %t$draa# due to t$e absence o& t$e stam" s a""ea#. Good &a%t$ %n re#y%n* u"on $%s subord%nates.
PNB vs. Raymundo ;ssue
?@N accused Raymundo s$ou#d be
c%v%##y #%ab#e &or t$e amount o& t$e c$ec+s.
PNB vs. Raymundo Ru#%n* /es. Raymundo s$ou#d be $e#d c%v%##y
#%ab#e &or $%s *ross ne*#%*ence. Raymundo>s !Adav%ts %n t$e case $e #ed a*a%nst )s. uan as cruc%a#. 4$ey ere cons%dered as etraud%c%a# con&ess%ons. Round-tr%" t%c+et to Con* on* Ces%tant about t$e amount %nvo#ved, and t$e &act t$at %t as a &ore%*n c$ec+, but as s$on a record o& a ust-conc#uded overseas ca## conrm%n* t$at t$e c$ec+ as *ood.
PNB vs. Raymundo Ru#%n* s &ore%*n c$ec+ c#ear%n* "o#%cy. Raymundo as e"ected to be an e"ert %n ban+%n* "rocedures Raymundo>s acts ere t$e "ro%mate cause o& t$e %nury.
PNB vs. Raymundo Ru#%n* s d%sre*ard o& %ts on ban+%n* "o#%cy
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