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Project Management COMP 4013 by:

Benilda Eleonor V. Comendador,MSIT/MSGITS





1.0 Class Orientation 2.0 The Nature of IT Projects

2.1 Introduction

3. 0 The Context of IT Proj. Mgnt. 3.1 PM 9 Knowledge Areas

Class Orientation


Activity Download PMBOK (A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge any version) Submission 1: Company Profile (by Group)

June 24 (T)

Submission 2: The Business Case (by Group) ( Possible websites: Proquest, Science Direct, IEEE )

Reading Assignments: (Individual) Read 3 Research Articles from a Published Journal ( 2012-present) related to your IT Research Topic:  Risk Management in Software Projects  Best Practices on IT Project Management



Reading Assignments: (Individual) June 24 (T) Read 3 Research Articles from a Published ( Possible Journal ( 2012-present) related to your websites: IT/CS Research Topic: Proquest,  Agile Software Development Framework Science  Cloud Computing Direct,  Data Mining  Data Warehousing  Database Administration IEEE )  Knowledge Management  Data Analytics  Decision Support System  Executive Information System



July 8

Submission of the documented reviewed 5 Research Articles from a Published Journal ( 2012present) related to your IT Research Topic In transparent folder using fold back clip with Table of Contents and List of References

July 22 Submission 3: The Project Charter



August 5 Submission 4: Scope Management Plan Submission 5: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Submission 6: Project schedule and Budget



August 8 Synchronous Online Examination – bring your own laptop August 15 Submission 7: Risk Management Plan August 19 Submission 8: Project Communication Plan



Sept. 2 Submission 9: IT Project Quality Plan Sept 5 Submission 10: Project Procurement and Outsourcing Plan Sept 12 Submission 11: Implementation Plan



Sept 19 GroupProject Presentation

Sept 30

Submission of 5 page 2 col. Individual Research Project Proposal Using Association of Computing Machine (ACM) Format with Compiled 10 Journal Articles Reviewed on your Chosen IT/CS Research Proposal (ring bind)

The Nature of Information Technology Projects

Introduction • Information Technology (IT) projects are organizational investments that require – Time – Money – Other resources such as people, technology, facilities, etc. • Organizations expect some type of value in return of this investment

Introduction cont…. IT Project Management  is a relatively new discipline  combines traditional Project Management with Software Engineering/ Management Information Systems to make IT projects more successful.

ITPM Approach • Organizational resources are limited, so organizations must choose among competing interests to fund specific projects. • This decision should be based on the value a competing project will provide to an organization.

Which Situation is Worse? Please read and share your Opinion to the class • Successfully building and implementing a system that provides little or no value to the organization. Or…

• Failing to implement an information system that could have provided value to the organization, but was poorly developed or poorly managed.

Why Do IT Projects Fail? • Larger projects have the lowest success rate and appear to be more risky than medium and smaller projects – Technology, business models and markets change so rapidly that a project that takes more than a year can be obsolete before they are completed.

• The Chaos study by The Standish Group provides some insight as to the factors that influence project success.

Has the Current State of IT Projects Changed Since 1995? • The Standish Group has continued to study IT projects over the years. • In general, IT Projects are showing higher success rates due to – Better project management tools & processes – Smaller projects – Improved communication among stakeholders – More skillful IT project managers • But there is still ample opportunity for improvement!

Improving the likelihood of success • Socio-technical Approach • Project Management Approach – processes and infrastructure (Methodology) – resources – expectations – competition – efficiency and effectiveness • Knowledge Management Approach – lessons learned, best practices and shared knowledge

IT PROJECT SUCCESS FACTORS • • • • • • • • • •

User involvement - 15.9% Executive Management Support – 13.9% Clear Statement of Requirements – 13.0% Proper Planning – 9.6% Realistic Expectations – 8.2% Smaller Project Milestones – 7.7% Competent Staff – 7.2% Ownership – 5.3% Clear Vision and Objectives – 2.9% Hardworking, Focused Staff – 2.4%


Lack of User Input – 12.8% Incomplete Reqments & Specs – 12.3% Changing Requirements – 11.8% Lack of Executive Support – 7.5% Technology Incompetence – 7.0% Lack of Resources – 6.4% Unrealistic Expectations – 5.9% Unclear Objectives – 5.3% Unrealistic Time Frames – 4.3% New Technology – 3.7 %

PROJECT IMPAIRED FACTORS • • • • • • • • • •

Incomplete Reqments & Specs – 13.1% Lack of User Involvement – 12.4% Lack of Resources – 10.6% Unrealistic Expectations – 9.9% Lack of Executive Support – 9.3% Changing Requirements – 8.7% Lack of Planning – 8.1% Didn’t Need It Any Longer – 7.5% Lack of IT Management – 6.2% Technology Illiteracy – 4.3%

The Context of Project Management

Project Management Basic

1.1.1 What is a Project? Examples of Projects: • Developing a new product of service • Constructing a building or facility • Developing a new information system

Project Management Basic

1.1 What is a Project? 

Definition of a Project: A Project is temporary endeavor

to create a unique product or service

Every project has a definite beginning and a definite end

The product or service is different in some distinguishing way from all other products or services

Project Management Basic

1.1 What is a Project?

Has a definite beginning and a definite end

Several constraints: cost, schedule, quality, resources and etc.



Can be divided into several phases

Has a concrete goal

Project Management Basic

1.1 What is a Project? 1.1.2 What is Project Management?  the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed project requirements (PMBOK2008)

Project Management Basic

1.1 What is a Project?

Project management is to balance: • Competing demands for scope, time, cost, risk, and quality • Stakeholders with differing needs and expectations • Identified requirements

Project Management Basic

1.1 What is a Project?

*Scope: the sum of the products and

services to be provided as a project *Stakeholder: individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or project completion

Project Management Basic

1.1 What is a Project?

Project team: As specialists, many staffs work toward the specific goal. Direction Project Manager

The team members can perform effective work

Project Management Basic

1.1 What is a Project? 1.1.3 Major Management Element

Scope Cost




Elements (constraints) should be synthetically controlled

Project Management Processes • • • • •

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring and Controlling Closing

Project Management Knowledge draws on 9 areas: • Integration • • • • • • • •

Scope Time Cost Quality Procurement Human Resources Communications Risk Management

Project Management unique focus:

• shaped by goals, resources and schedule of each project • VALUE of that focus is proved by rapid, worldwide growth of PM – As a recognized and strategic organizational competence – As a subject for training and education – As a career path

The Context of Project Management – Project Attributes • • • • •

• • • •

Time Frame Purpose (to provide value!) Ownership Resources (the triple constraint) Roles – Project Manager – Project Sponsor – SME (domain & technical) Risk & Assumptions Interdependent Tasks Planned Organizational Change Operate in Environments Larger than the Project Itself

In Times of Change…. Fast becoming a new norm of the modern business world, CHANGE MANAGEMENT requires STRONG LEADERSHIP from above. June 2012 PM Network


ADAPT … or DIE. June 2012 PM Network

73% of project professionals said their orgs. use change management and that these practices lead to higher success rates. Source: PMs 2012 Pulse of the Profession Survey

Project Management Processes • • • • •

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring and Controlling Closing

The Triple Constraint

Figure 1.2

The Project Life Cycle and IT Development • Project Life Cycle (PLC) – A collection of logical stages or phases that maps the life of a project from its beginning to its end in order to define, build and deliver the product of the project – i.e., the information system

• Projects are divided into phases to increase manageability and reduce risk – Phase exits, stage gates, or kill points are decision points at the end of each phase to evaluate performance, correct problems or cancel the project – Fast tracking is the overlapping of phases to reduce the project’s schedule • Can be risky!

Generic Project Life Cycle

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) • Represents the sequential phases or stages an information system follows throughout its useful life • Useful for understanding the development of the project’s largest work product – the application system • Phases/Stages – Planning – Analysis – Design – Implementation – Maintenance and Support

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The Relationship Between the PLC and the SDLC • The systems development life cycle (SDLC) becomes part of the project life cycle (PLC). – The PLC focuses on the project management phases, processes, tools and techniques for effectively managing the project. – The SDLC focuses on the software engineering phases, processes, tools and techniques for building and/or implementing the IT solution.

The Relationship Between the PLC & SDLC

Putting the SDLC into Practice • Structured Approach to Systems Development – Waterfall Method • Rapid Applications Development (RAD) – Prototyping – Spiral Development – Extreme Programming

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) • The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) documents 9 project management knowledge areas • The PMBOK® Guide is published and maintained by the Project Management Institute (PMI). –

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) • PMI provides a certification in project management called the Project Management Professional (PMP) that many people today believe will be as relevant as a CPA certification. • PMP certification requires that you pass a PMP certification exam to demonstrate a level of understanding about project management, as well as satisfy education and experience requirements, and agree to a professional code of conduct.

PMBOK® Knowledge Areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Quality Management Project Human Resources Management Project Communications Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management


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