PM Principle PDF

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EFFEGT; fts ftl Pr{@ b a 0bcfiilFgr &r€e pl@ inorrls pt€dbddr rolfrne.A rolfrne. d Srkrgs SrkrgsO Ocor€t ma.h ma.hard ard sd arfte ed Ths nngickrAttrei trrns aumd n*frficspectamrttcry Edecis (nobrcel std qtenhrl€s I h$o W ]HEd. Tte try&brtrns dcinnd€dc @iffi @dbegfredd ca &-E{lwrfrom$ebcb withoutnstdon Sdd€rry, ard without nstdon sre cad b d€d fu dm orto theepffifior's the epffifior's outeHcfed pda c Sre qfi*rn says Ihat card magfubnten ten aslts hB M a dfrtrert@fing ttnn fiq Otkrl.".The Otkrl.".Themagfubn speetorto concsffie on f catlltilile tpdrarc t& lrpredtn Now lrecf hs t *rruilteot papo.Th6psps b ffi€d andg aslde.Now sffi brnrpd and iespodatqbsseucied tomnfietro'card ha palm [ rdched The&euuktg onha on The&euuktg cfrechEd nd bo ndcfiee cfrechEdnd the sdecdon FkEny,ie ffin'mde.bsftrs lfie'eard'ms s,bffid b #hnd o nucfu b$e ftffieret|dhgt o Batr:@-Eaqnctr. . rSqfiB o mrdaWylqrffille . ffis aanythr. o Noe&rnadon .9er*oanop.wiltpd I . Nofore e' tffiylnryMet CoffiedrsSh

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SecondPrintingNovember 9 9 0 (C) Copyright 990 990Michael MichaelPowers P owers All rights eserved. o part o f this publication ormo or reproducedrr ransmittedn any orm mayb may b e reproduced ncludlectronicr mechanical, by anymeans, anymeans, lectronicr ing photocopy, ecording, r any information etrievalystem ystem o wknown r o b e storage n d etrieval writingrom he invented, ithout ermissionn writingrom copyright older.


Alsoby Also by MichaelPowers MichaelPowers PowerfulMagic M agic 1983) 15.00 Top Secret tuff 1990) 35.00 HoleyTerror Holey Terror I (1990) 12.50 Mike Powers ideo (1990) 35.00

Order Hotlinez Hotlinez 219 325-8 20 PM Productions 1701Monroe MonroeS St. I-aPorte N 46350


THE PM PRINCIPLE by Michael Powers

The effect exactly sdescribed n the ftont cover s achieved in a very easyway easywayby by following he stepsoutlined stepsoutlinedbelow. below. Method:This effect s based n a subtlemathematical Method:This subtlemathematical rinciplekey cards.The The two key cards punchesn the useof use of trvo keycards. have iny punches n cardshave the upperright upperright corner cornerwhich whichcan canbe be felt when he cards redealt. redealt. Even knowing hat these keycards thesekey cardsare are used s not sufficient o r an understanding f how he ocation s achieved. ollowing he steps outlined below will achieve he effect exactly as stated Later in the manuscript, ouwill ouwill find anexplanation f the above.Later themanuscript, mathematics f thePM the PM Principle Principleas well a sborrowed aswell borroweddeckvariadeckvariations andvariations andvariationswhere he spectator huffles hu ffleshe he deck. You havebeenprovidedwith havebeenprovidedwith deck deckof of cards. wo of the cards contain he punches poken f above.The T he two okers each eachhave have black X acrosst acrosst s backs.Before alargeblack alarge B efore ryrng he punched ar ard d method, ry the experiment utlinedbelow utlinedbelow o get geta feelfor how w a feel for ho Principleworks. the PM Principleworks. Experiment:Remove R emove he heJack Jacko o f SpadesJS)and andEight Eightof of Hearts (8H) and place hem hemaside. heseare aside. hese are hecards he cardswith the punches will be used ater.This andwill and ater. This eaves ou with a 50 card deckn deck n ot counting h e okers.Count off2 off 2 5cards acedown acedown half he deck). placeone Now place one oker on top and andone one oker on the bottom of the 25 cardpacket. inallyplace his now2 2 7 cardpacket ntop of the hisnow 25 cards. hispositions hispositions oker o n op of the ace other25 other acedown downdeck deck followed by 25 cards hen the other oker and finally 25 more cards.The T he backs backso o f the okers okershave have arge argeblack blackX's X's on themfo them forr


dentificationn facedown easy dentification n the face down deck. Place he deck ace deck.Place downon down on the tableand tableand ollow the nextsteps xactly: 1 ) Cut about113 about 113 f the cardswith your right hand. (orr 2 ) hok at thebottom memorizett (o the bottomcard cardof of the th e cutpacket cutpacketand andmemorize wite i t down). Now,with with your eft hand,cut 3) Now, hand,cut abouthalf abouthalfo o f the pack emaining on the table. packetwith t he 4) Place he cards rom your right hand (the packetwith selection) nto h e cards emaining n the table. p lace he cardsnyour 5 ) Finally,place cards nyour left hand handon on top andsquare andsquare p . Think about what happened.t happened.t seems aboutwhat seemshat hat there s no way o locate h e selection. wasa wasa n arbitrary arbitrarydistance rom the top of distancerom placed t anarbitrary remaining the deckand deckand t was wasplaced anarbitrary osition n the theremaining 213of 213 of the deck. t is not next to any key card and seemingly as no relationship relationshipo Luckily here s a simplematheo anykey anykeycard. card.Luckily simplemathematical elationship etween etweents ts ocationand ocationand he ocations f the markedokers.Perform twomarked two P erform h e ollowing teps ndyouwill begin to see hepower he powerof the PM Principle. 1) Take he facedown deck nto left hand handdealing dealing osition. downdeck 2) Begin o dealcards dealcardsone oneat at a time facedown facedownand andcount countsilently silently up to and includingh including h e first joker (markedcard). rt's say he markedcard marked 14.Remember card allsa alls a t number number14. Remember he number 1 4. 3) Subtract hat number 14) from 26 26 getting12. getting12.We'll We'll call this result 12)yoursecretnumber. Note:You will 12) always e subtracting rom 26.)Rememberyour Note: 26.)Rememberyour ecretYou umber asyou continue dealcards to deal cards ace down.You down.You can forget everything xcept he secret umber 1 2. 4) Keepdealing Keepdealing ntil yousee h enext nextmarked marked ard.Deal D eal hat hatcard card to the table. Now deal 12more table.Now 12morecards cards.e. .e.a numberequal equal o your a number secret umber.The umber.The 12th 12thcard cardafter after he marked oker will b e t he selection t alwaysworks You simply simplydeal secretnumber number dealyour secret of cards rom the secondmarked markedcard. card. Be sure surenot not to count he marked markedcard cardas asone one of the 12. 12.Deal Deal (Remember markedcard you yo u the marked cardand and hen countotr countotr 12 12more. more.


don't always ount 12.You 12.You counta counta number numberequal equal o your secret numbera number a sdefined definedabove.In 12.)The above.In hisexample hisexampleh h e number s 12.)Th e 12thcard 12th card s the selection. hat's hat'sall all there s t o i t I-aterwe will discuss o w t o get I-aterwe getset setu u p from a shuffleddeck, shuffleddeck, how o reset mmediately ndother ndotherdetails whichwill will strengthen detailswhich the effect.At effect.At thispoint you should ry setting p again o be sure you understand o w t othen use2he two marked markedokers. okers.Remember Remember place 5 cards, a joker on top, hen the secondoker a nd finallythe finally the balanceof the deck - all face facedown. Run through he down.Run you arrive stepsabove steps aboveagain again o be sure sureyou arriveat at the selection. you u Obviously o u cannot cannotuse use okerswith X's on themwhen them whenyo perform he effect.This reallyperform really effect.This s where he JSand nto o JS and8H 8H come nt play.These play. Thesetwo two cardshave cardshavebeen been specially marked" with tiny marked"with punches r raisedspots spotsat at their outerright outer right corners facedown). Your thumb shouldbe shouldbe able o feel hese umpsa This umpsa syou deal. deal.This allowsyou t o know that allowsyou thatyou you have havedealt dealt one of the special ards without ooking evenwithout even ookingat at the deck.As A s an nsurance oliry I recommend that you "pencildot" these wo cardsat cardsat their outer left corners.This T his placesa tiny but discernable discernablemark on the special cards. his s optional optionalbut but I recommendt. recommendt. The tiny punches a n sometimes e difficult to feel feeland and he dotsallow dotsallowyou to perform the effect evenon even on dayswhen dayswhen your right thumb might be a bi bitt insensitive. lso the punchesend o becomelattenedwith become lattenedwith i me moredifficult andbecome and becomemore difficulttt o feel. Experiment : Remove he twomarked eplacehe two marked okersand eplace hem m with the two punched ards JS and 8H). Thus n the facedown facedown deck you should have a punchedcard on top followed followedb b y 25 normalcards normal cards hen he otherpunched ard ardand and inally h e remaining25 normal cards.Try T ry dealing he top card ace acedown down o the table.Could table. Couldyou eel he inypunch? iny punch?Place t back backon on top and his time "wipe" he right thumb acrosshe you u acrosshe outerright outer right corner cornera a syo deal.This deal. Thismay may eela eel a ittle unnatural utwill ut will look normal o those watching. ry dealing dealingseveral several ards andbe ardsand be sureyou can eel th the e difference etween eel etweenh h e punched ardand ard and he normalones. henormal ones.f f yo you u cannotconsistently cannot consistentlyeel youwill h e punched ard,you ard, will have o pencil


T his hardlyweakens hardlyweakens visiblemarks. marks.This and ely on the thevisible dot the cards cardsand worryabout effectso about t. the effect so don't worry Set he deckup deckup with the punched ards n position oneo n t op e nowrepeatexperiment experiment butus but use andone and one2Tthfrom 2Tthfrom op).We op).We will nowrepeat specialcards.Follow these steps the punches o identify the specialcards. exactly: acedowno able.Cut about l3 of 1) Place h e set setup up deck acedown o n the able.Cut of the your right handand handand ook at the bottomcard bottomcardof cardswith withyour thecards the the selection remember t. cut packet. his s theselection 2) With your eft hand,cut hand,cut about abouthalf half of the cards emainingon the table. handonto onto he tabledportion. 3) Place he cards n you right hand handon top of the tabledpack 4) Place he cards rom your eft handon square p. andsquare and Again - it seemshat Againseemshat the selection ouldnot ouldnot be located.But Bu t ace e luckily h ePM Principlewill make t possible. lace he deck ac positionand dealingcards cards a ce handdealing dealingposition andbegin begindealing down n left hand and d C ountup to an down o the tablecounting table counting ilently o yourself.Countup punched and/orpencil pencildotted) card. rt's say includingh including irstpunched dotted)card. h e irst hatt ime. Subtractha that thepunched the punched ard alls at position15 his ime.Subtract 26).The The number number (15) from 26 as before (always rom 26). asbefore you u Remember t as yo number.Remember arrivedat arrived secretnumber. at vrz. 11 is your secret Keepdealing continueo continue deal.Keep dealing ntil you eel he second unched o deal. 11more morecards cards 11 11 syoursecret card.Deal card. Deal to the ableand ableandcount count number he l1th card will be the selection n tthis example). Check t t o be sure, good.However, Just inding he cardunder cardunder hese onditionss good.However, we will need o frame h e entire entiresequence sequence ith an ESP heme o with make t reallyhot. reallyhot.Here's Here'show how play t out: (Setup thedeck the deckwith punchedcards between on top and at 27th (i.e. with 2 5 cards cardsbetween cardson them)and them) facedown on the table.) andplace t face downon Say,"Ladies ndgentlemen, nd gentlemen, would ike conductanhe conductan erpeiSelect heorder order me? antoassistant.) ment n ESP. ESP.Wouldyou Wouldyouasskt assktme?


of the cards s inelevant inelevantbut but I'll mix them a bit. (Perform a false shuffle or cut or leave his step out.)Are out.)Are you right rightor or left handed? handed? (Assume ight handed.) am gotng o turn around so I can't see aroundso whatyou what you do. (Tvn around.) around.)Please Please ut aboutone aboutone hird hirdof of thecards thecards (less han half s all that s required)withyourght hand. hanhalf hand.Lookat Lookat the bottom bottomcard card of thispacketand memoize t. (pauseand allow andallow for a different selection f you youwish) wish)HoId HoId those ards n your ght ardsn hand handand andcut cutabout abouthalf half of theremaining theremaining ardswith ards withyour yourthe eftpile hand. (pause) place Nowplace Now he cards ight onto on handonto hand romyour thetable the andthen tableand thencover cover hem withthe hemwith thecards n your eft hand This yourrandom randomselection t a random ocation buiesyour buies ocationcontrolled otally controlledotally by you. Square Squareup up the cards cardsso so I cannot seewhere whereyou hwe cut. cannotsee (Pauseand then turn around.) This s a very air way o selecta card.You card. Youcontrolled controlled verythingnd didn't even ook Please lace Pleaselace your handpalm up near he hedeck deckII amgoing o deal dealcards cardsacedown getan until I get an "impression."am hoping hat onecard onecardwill will giveme a mea different eeling than the others. others.That That card may berelated be related o your card.Let's card. Let'sseewhal seewhal happens.Begin happens. Begin he PM Principlesequence, Principle sequence, dealingcards dealing cards ace down and countinguntil countinguntil you feel the first punched ard. rt's assumehat assumehat f fell at number number11. 11.Subtract Subtract 1 from 26 (always 26) getting 15. 15 is your secret number this time-remembert. time-remember t. Continue Continuedealing dealing ards ntil the nextpunch punch s thenext felt. The selectionwill selectionwill b e your secret number (15) from the secretnumber punched ard.Makesure M akesure h e dealing dealings s ascontinuous ascontinuouss spossible. Try not to pause o think about what sgoing s goingon. youreach aboutwhat Whenyou reach on.When theselection, the selection,eal eal t onto h espectator's spectator'sutstretchedpalm.) utstretchedpalm.)o w 7 say am gettinga verystrong verystrong about his card."(Place he remainingcards remaining cards ace acedown next eeling you u downnext o the alreadydealt alreadydealtcards cards yo will be able o painlessly painlesslyeset eset or a repeat n a moment )Say'I7/ )Say'I7/ your card s not among hese."With these betyour bet pick up the thesewords, words,pick pile and dealtpile dealt andbegin beginspreading spreadingh you come h e cards ace aceup. Whenyou up.When to the first punched ard (JSor 8H), cut the spread t that point putting he upperhalf upperhalf underneath. hisplaces his places punched ard at ardat the bottom of the faceup deck.Now deck.Now place he tabledpacket of tabledpacketo undealtcards undealt cards aceup aceup onto the cards n your hand. This restores hand.This the two punched ards o Lst Lstand and26th 26th Note - you will need o get the 2nd punchedcard punchedcard o 27th n a moment o be fully fully reset.


You will do this ater by placing he selection ack nto the top half of the deck. deck.Talk Talk about aboutan an easy eset... any y aboutan As you are areresettin resettin say don'tgetany anyspecial specialeelingabout of card." Finally say"Please anleyour thought thoughtof of thesecards." thesecards."Finally ook k Pauseor Pause have he spectatoroo or amoment a moment o build suspensend suspensendhave at the cardo cardo n her palm. t's a killer. ou mustplace place he spectator'selection To totally eset, oumust spectator'selection a ck intothe into halfof the o p half of the deckwhich rings h esecond unched ard esetand and eady o go again. to 27th rom the top.You top. You are otally eset elyingon on This s the basicPM Principleeffect. Note: f you are elying basicPM Principleeffect. punchesnstead pencildots, nstead f the pencil dots, o u should ither ook at the punches the spectator s you deal or look upward,away upward,away rom the deck. This ncreaseshe total mpact.) Further Adventureswith the PM Principle: Having Havinga a punched card on top may weaken h e deceptiveness deceptivenessff this effect fo forr magicianswho know about punched punchedcards. Also, people may cards.Also, begin o checkhe op cardand notice hatone hatoneof of the wo punched check he opcard andnotice cardss cards s always There sa s a solution. he same ffect,exactly ffect,exactly alwayshere. here.There youplace asdescribed, as orkseven even f you placeseveral several ardson ardson top of the described, orks punched ard condirequiredcondiat the top of the deck The only onlyrequired ardat tions are (1) That there be 25 cards between he two punched cardsbetween cards. 2) That the first cut is madebetween madebetween he two punched madebelow ard d cards nd 3) That he second ut s made below hepunched ar i n the tabledpacket.Thus T husyou canpositionseveral ardsabove ardsabove the upper punched punchedcard. card.This This increases increaseshe he deceptivenessy deceptivenessy forr varying he top card and allowing magicianso o feel fo allowingcurious curiousmagicians ven n work in the cards.Since S ince here areonly are only nvo punched ards, ve magiciansn magicians n the knoware work in the deck. anywork areunlikely unlikely o find any you u You can onga a syo evenallow allow he spectatoro deckas ong caneven spectatoro cut he deckas youcan pass)he canbe can be sure hat hatyou cancut heoriginal cut (or pass) original op card o near thetop. the top. Impromptu ImpromptuMethods: Methods:f youcan you canpencil pencil d ot (or punch) w o cards n i n someone killer or maeicians.n maeicians. someonelse's lse's eckfheeffect he effect anbedot


mem orize wo keycards alternative s to memorize cardsand and hen deal he cards faceup face up onto the table. table.You You need o know the top cardand cardand he 26thcard 2Tthfromtop card. Faro shufflers anpeek he 26th cardas as n a farocheck. faro S imultaneouslyeek h ebottom hendouble check.Simultaneouslyeek bottomcard cardand and hen double bottom card o the top.)You w ould nowhave nowhavea cut the bottomcard top.) You would a cutmade cut made and the selectionburied selectionburied as usual.Now usual.Now deal cardsace up from acedown downdech the ace dech counting sbefore. before.Useyour Useyourmemorized ey cardsa cards a syou would the punched ards o arrive arri veat at the selection which shouldbe shouldbe dealt ace acedown generate he face down o uspense.he uspense. u p method s still extremely eceptive ven or magicians. ey keycards cardsseem cards seem o be precluded.Cimped C imped cards a skey cardsare are also cardsa possible ndwork ndwork verywell verywell n the BONUS EFFECI below.Yo u below.You forr can alsonail also nail nick the keys n borrowed deck.Any deck. Any method methodfo identifying our key keycards cardswill do do.. Spectator huflles:-ocate -ocateh out. h epunched ards ndpalm hem hemout. (Bringing hem to the bottom and andthen Gambler'sCop p then usinga usinga Gambler'sCo worksnicely.) works nicely.)Have Have he spectator huffle heremaining he remaining 0 cards. Add the wogaffs wo gaffsonto hedeck he deckas as he spectatoreturns spectatoreturns he deck gaffs n trvogaffs t o you. f you are seated simpleway simpleway s to have he trvo left handdealing handdealing ositionwith he eft handbelow w handbelow he able.No able.Now The e slide he deck oward he table'sedge table'sedgewith with your right hand. hand.Th left handmoves handmoves pward inallymeeting inallymeeting he deck ust as he deck table.The two gaffsare husadded clears he table.The husadded o the bottom n a verydeceptive very deceptiveway. way.Now Now doublecut doublecut one o the top andsplit and splitth the e have26 cards n deck performinga Faro Check o be sureyou have26 eachhalf. At this point I generally ake the bottom half in left positionand handdealing hand dealingposition and he top half n overhand huffieposition in the right hand .e. he right hand s palm up. Now run t he cardof of the right handhalf handhalf deck handhalf deck top card deckonto the eft handhalf ontothe henshuffle shufflenormally. normally.Finally, Finally,double and hen cut he bottomcard bottomcard o doublecut the top. This positions he two gaffedcards 1stand27th. and27th. cardsa a t 1st GeneralizingFurther: Throughout he descriptionof GeneralizingFurther: descriptionof the PM havebeen Principle ou have been old to subtracth subtract h e irst counted umber from26 t o arrive arriveat matters at your "secret umber."All thatreally that reallymatters is thatyou you know knowhow how manycards manyhere cardsare arebetween between two keycards. key presentation Inthat the abovepresentation above 2 5 cards he keys. herewere were2 etween hekeys. hecards.


Simplyaddone Simplyadd one o thisnumber thisnumber o get he mportantnumber mportantnumber 26). Thus, f youknew hat herewere herewere21 21 cards etween keycards, cards, etweenh h e key youwould you woulduse use h e number number22 22 instead f 26.You 26.You wouldproceed asusual as usualexcept wouldsubtract except o uwould subtract romZ2 nstead f 26. 26.The The PM Principle s very generaland an understanding f the flexibility will allowyou allow you to modify his effectandhopefully newan and hopefullycreate createnew and d better waysof waysof using he PM Principle. Principle.For For example, o u could have h e spectator huffle heentiredeck. entiredeck.You You could henspread henspread the cards acedown acedownand anddetermine determine he numberof numberof cards etween gaffs assumingyouave thegaffs the pencildotted he keycards) avepencil keycards) y sight. I f too fewor few or too many manycards cards ie between he keys o uwould add or subtract ccordingly. ou wouldn'thave wouldn'thave o getexactly 5cards 5cards betweenhe between keysdue he keys due o the th e abovegeneralization. The Mathematics f the TheMathematics PM Principle:Mathematically,h e PM thePM Principle s easy o understand unde rstand sing elementary lgebra.N lgebra.N ot everyonewill care how t works,however works,however ome carehow omemagicians magicians njoy thissort this sort of thing. lrt's call he numberof numberof cards n the first cut N. This means that he selections selections N.l cards cardsafter after h e first keycard. keycard.This This eaves 52-N cards cardson on the tablewith tablewith 26-N cards cardsabove 2 . (This above e y card card2 is due to the fact fact that key 2 was position27. wasoriginally 27.Think originally at position Think about t.) After the spectator uts he secondime secondime andplaces h e packet nto the break,w originalpacket original break,w e can ind N easily. We know here 26-N 27-N are cardsbefore beforekey key 2 and at hus to and ncludingkey ncludingkey2. 2.This you This sthe scards numberyou thenumber arrive during up he first count.Thuswhen T huswhenyou you counted ay1 ay1 5cards p to and ncluding the key card, you knew 27-N. When you subtracted ha card,you hatt number rom26 you obtained 6.(27-N) r N-1. rom26you N-1.But But remember theselection the selections s exactlyN.l cards cardsafter after he otherkey other keycard card That's it That's h e PM Principle. This proof can Thisproof canbe be easilygeneralized easilygeneralizedo show hat the the number 26 s always ne more han henumber nemore he numbero o f cards etween hekeys he keys and hattop thecarda theprinciple principlestill still applieseven appliesevenwhen when he first keycard key card s not the card a sdescribed bove.


BoNUs EFFECT:Serup the deck or the normalp M principle i.e..-onee yo n top andone onea a t 27th rom op. op.For For this thiseffect effect o u will have o havepencil havepencildots dotsa a t the outer efi corners o hecards he cards canb can b e spotted n a spread. roceed susual, aving h e selection madeand made andburied buriedwhile whileyour yourback s urned. urned.Now Now spread he deck face down a syou commentabout abouthow how the selection ould ouldhave have been beenmade madeanywhere. anywhere. ote otewhen when he first pencil pencildot dot shows p i n the spread and continue o spread ntil you see h e other otherdoited doited card. (Keep the first dotted card in view as you continue o spread.) se a pass o move moveall all cards etween h e keysa s well wella as thesecond the second ey, o the thebottom bottomof thedeck. the deck. rave the irst irstkey keycard card i n place.You may openlymove h e cards f you feel the passs pass s outside our rangeof expertise. his actionwill eqve he heselection selection 26thfromthe op Now a Farocheckwill letyousee h e selection. From that point thereare thatpoint area a semi-infinite umberof ways o go.... The other advantage f having h e selection osition d at isby this action s that an ncomplete aro Location s possible. o i those who know the Faro Shuffle and are not aware of this principle,a brief description descriptionollows: ollows: IncompleteFaro Location:The spectator a nbe made o locate her own selection y a free cut when he selection selections s 26th ro rom m the top. Follow the above procedure, ositioning he free selecaboveprocedure, tion at 26th.Now perform he followingactions: Place he deck acedown downo o n the table of the total freedom n making he serection andremind and remind e spectator nd h ehfreLdom n burying h e selectionwhile whileyour your back backwas was urned. urned.Tell Tell the spectatorto tator to cutmore cut more han hanhalf half the deck,but to be sure o leavemore than wo o r three threecards cards n he able.Thus T hus h e spectator uts utsabout about 314of 314 of the cards.Take these thesecards cardsand split near the center n readinessor a Faro type typeshuffle. shuffle.Your Your right hand handhords hords h e to top p part after the cut cutwhile while your eft handholds h e bottom portion. bottomportion. Now begin h e Faro actionbeing beingsure sure hat hebottomcard bottomcardo f th the e l_. , qlO portion remains h e bottom card as you would i n a n oli-r Faro. t doesn't mthe atter f yousplit youwhen split h e paik a t t s center centera as longas long as t i s cut cutclose closeo omatter center.when center. the Faro s finishedsa say y


that you have urther randomized randomizedh h e deck deckby by shuffling t. Point out that the numberof thenumber of cards emaining n the table s unknown to anyoneand anyoneand was otally determinedby the spectator erself. Have her count the cards. ct's say here are 9 cards n that packet.Pointout 9"was P ointout that he number 9" wasarrived arrivedat at by complete randomchance swas s was he selection.Have H ave the spectator ount portionyou you ust Faro down o the 9th card n the portion Faroshuffled. will be heselection heselection (Alsoe emy.Incomplete (Alsoe my.IncompleteourWay ourWay n Top TopSecret Secret Stufffor outinewith with four ased n a more elaborate elaborateoutine selections the incompleteFaro.) Faro.)Setting Setting h e deck decku u p for the PM Principle after his airlyeasy ecausehe hiseffect effect s airlyeasy ecausehecards cards avebeen avebeencounted. counted. The top card of the smallpacket s one cardof oneof of the keysand andyou know thekeys from the count how many cards t contains.The T he other small packet ontains ontainshe he same umberof umberof cards.-ocate cards.-ocatehe he second e y cardand card keys. andadjust adjust o nsure hat hereare25 hereare25cards cards enveenhe enveenhekeys. Final Thoughts: he PM Principle s easy easyo o useand useandallows allows o r a really impossible"ocation. o cation. he mental heme hemepresented presented ere s just one dea deaon on how to get magic rom this principle. hope o see t put to otheruses. otheruses. he moresubtle moresubtle h ebetter. hope o b e fooledby someone sing he PM Principle n a cleverway. cleverway. Punchingyour own cards: Jeff Busbysells Punchingyour sellsa a nice device o r punching ards or $29.00.The ardsor evice omeswith a manuscript f $29.00.Theevice ideas rom Ray Grismer. Grismer.The The cardsprovided here have been punched or right righthanded handed ealing. ealing.ff you are eft ef t handed,ry handed,ry using a straight i n to punchholes n the outer eft corner. Punch rom theouter corner.Punch the faceof face of the card outward. outward.The The longest asting astingpunches punchesar are e whichdo thosewhich those do not otally penetratehe otallypenetrate he card.Try T ry experimenting. Also, o r thosewho whobecome become dept punches,t should depta a t eeling he hepunches, b e noted that Marlo has publisheda haspublished a great deal of materialon materialon applications f punched ealing, otably n Marlo'sMagazine Marlo'sMagazine . Anyonewho Anyone who hasseen hasseen ack$le d o punched ealing asseen asseen he powerof this echnique.

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