Plumbing: Alley. Alley. 3 meters with walk, not less than 2 meters. Alter or alteration. alteration . change use or material. Back pressure. pressure . (drainage) air pressure in drainage pipe greater than atmospheric pressure. Back ow. (water) ow o! water in water system !rom other sources other than its water source, also called back siphonage. Back siphonage. siphonage . !or drainage and water. Back "ent pipe. pipe . also called indi"idual "ents , F C O (oor (oor clean out) out) for 1st oor, # $ % ( % (wall wall clean out) out ) for 2nd oor oor and up, up, diameter for indi"idual "ents is 2 to 3 inches and drainage line is & inches. Ball cock . !aucet opened and closed by a ball oating on the water, water, also called ball cock "al"e. Ball 'oint. !or # $ without water storage tank, a cup like shell, ball in cuplike shell that allow mo"ement. Battery o! *tures. similar ad'acent *tures, 2 or more is called a battery. Bell or hub. hub. that portion o! a pipe which !or a short distance, is su+ciently enlarged to recei"e the end o! another pipe o! the same diameter !or the purpose o! making a 'oint. Bending pin. (or iron) a tool used !or straightening or e*panding lead pipe.
Bibb. known today as hose bib ( B), part o! water line and is a !aucet !ound in ser"ice area and gardens. -ey cock . used in hospitals, chemical laboratory, and laboratories. $ompression cock . el!closing !aucet. Bidet. (la"atory always on the le!t.), a plumbing plumbing *ture use to wash the genitals, also called a sit/ bath (tool bath), types: 1. tall. 2. tand. 3. 0ecessed. 1aterials !or pipes:
1. $ P. P. 2. Acid resistant $ P. P. 3. Asbestos pipe. 4. Bituminous ber sewer pipes. 5. itried clay pipe. 6. 4ead pipe. 7. 5al"ani/ed steel pipe. . 5al"ani/ed wrought iron pipe. !. Brass pipe. most e*pensi"e and most durable (not a"ailable commercially). 1". $opper pipe . used in A $. 11. Plastic or synthetic pipe. Choi#e of pipe$ 1. 6uality. 2. $ost o! installation. a. 4abor. %. 1aterial. 3. 0esistance to chemical and acid waste. 4. 7urability. 0eason o! $ P !or drainage: drainage: 1. 8asy drainage installation. 2. A"ailability. $losing end o! pipes: 1. $ap. 2. Plug. 9ypes o! ange: 1. 7rilled. 2. Blank. 3. Blind. Blank ange. ange . ange that is not drilled. drilled. t&pes$ 1. lip ange. 2. crew ange. leaching cesspool. Blind ange. a ange that closes the end o! a pipe. 9here is no opening !or the passage o! water. Blowo. use in hot water storage tank, controlled outlet;pipe use to discharge water detritus and steam, one type o! relei! "ent. 2 types o! hot water tank: 1. 0ange boiler.
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