Plumbing 2

March 21, 2017 | Author: Daryl Gomez Timatim | Category: N/A
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Plumbing: Alley. Alley. 3 meters with walk, not less than 2 meters. Alter or alteration. alteration . change use or material. Back pressure. pressure . (drainage) air pressure in drainage pipe greater than atmospheric pressure. Back ow. (water) ow o! water in water system !rom other sources other than its water source, also called back siphonage. Back siphonage. siphonage . !or drainage and water. Back "ent pipe. pipe . also called indi"idual "ents , F C O (oor (oor clean out) out) for 1st oor, # $ % ( % (wall wall clean out) out ) for 2nd oor oor and up, up, diameter for indi"idual "ents is 2 to 3 inches  and drainage line is & inches. Ball cock . !aucet opened and closed by a ball oating on the water, water, also called ball cock "al"e. Ball 'oint. !or # $ without water storage tank, a cup like shell, ball in cuplike shell that allow mo"ement. Battery o! *tures. similar ad'acent *tures, 2 or more is called a battery. Bell or hub. hub. that portion o! a pipe which !or a short distance, is su+ciently enlarged to recei"e the end o! another pipe o! the same diameter !or the purpose o! making a 'oint. Bending pin. (or iron) a tool used !or straightening or e*panding lead pipe.

Bibb. known today as hose bib ( B), part o! water line and is a !aucet !ound in ser"ice area and gardens. -ey cock . used in hospitals, chemical laboratory, and laboratories. $ompression cock . el!closing !aucet. Bidet. (la"atory always on the le!t.), a plumbing plumbing *ture use to wash the genitals, also called a sit/ bath (tool bath), types: 1. tall. 2. tand. 3. 0ecessed. 1aterials !or pipes:

1. $   P. P.  2. Acid resistant $  P. P. 3. Asbestos pipe. 4. Bituminous ber sewer pipes. 5. itried clay pipe. 6. 4ead pipe. 7. 5al"ani/ed steel pipe. . 5al"ani/ed wrought iron pipe. !. Brass pipe. most e*pensi"e and most durable (not a"ailable commercially). 1". $opper pipe . used in   A $. 11. Plastic or synthetic pipe. Choi#e of pipe$ 1. 6uality. 2. $ost o! installation. a. 4abor. %. 1aterial. 3. 0esistance to chemical and acid waste. 4. 7urability. 0eason o! $   P !or drainage: drainage: 1. 8asy drainage installation. 2. A"ailability. $losing end o! pipes: 1. $ap. 2. Plug. 9ypes o! ange: 1. 7rilled. 2. Blank. 3. Blind. Blank ange. ange . ange that is not drilled.  drilled.   t&pes$ 1. lip ange. 2. crew ange. leaching cesspool. Blind ange. a ange that closes the end o! a pipe. 9here is no opening !or the passage o! water. Blowo. use in hot water storage tank, controlled outlet;pipe use to discharge water detritus and steam, one type o! relei! "ent. 2 types o! hot water tank: 1. 0ange boiler.

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