Pluma 2
September 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pluma: Rizal ang Dakilang Manunulat The documentary documentary,, titled titled “Pluma: “Pluma: Rizal ang Dakilang Dakilang Manunulat” Manunulat” attempts attempts to trace the evolution of Rizal, shoing ho Rizal as a!le to document parts of his life that is reflected from his ritings"from his !irth up to his last moments# The documentary also highlighted parts of his life thatedmade a !ig impact the Teodora Teso odora %l %lons onso o as ac accus cused of poiso poi soni ning, ng, the theinfluencing de deat ath h of his th thee patriotism$ &'M( &'M()R )R*% *% incident priest priests, s, hen an and d al also hi hiss controversial speech that he made in honour of his friends+ achievements# &iven the instances instances during during Rizal+s Rizal+s time, he as from an ilustrado ilustrado family family hich helped tremendously in his development as a child, the right type of environment to !e nurtured despite the influence and tyranny of the friars during his time# e as said to !e !orn as a genius, !ut !elieve that the concoction of forces paved even further in not .ust unlocking u nlocking !ut also surpassing his potentials$ - !ecame envious of this part !ecause - can someho associate myself ith Rizal+s !ackground, !eing a prodigy, hoever mishaps do happen, and my development as put into a halt# - see Rizal as a model of genius that is achieva!le through !uilding yourself to !ecome a genius# -+ve alays desired or ished to !e a genius, and Rizal as an e/ample e/a mple of ho a genius as made not !orn, he came from a society that pre.udice as aiting in their front door and despite ho grand the achievements of one, it ould !e !attered don# Rizal+s life as a life of determined mastery of hatever he laid his eyes on, he ill see to it that he+ll ac0uire and apply it# -t made me feel somehat associated in him and even inspired !ecause of his ill# My reaction to Rizal+s life as a fusion of envy, inspiration, gloom, and yearning# 1ould 1ould - !ecome something as close to him, someone ho challenged an empire, hose glory aakened the consciousness of a nation that eventually lead to its freedom2 - think that - may not !e su!.ected to a place of such recognition, !ut to a life that - may live like ho Rizal lived, a life of determination, only ith him as his pen and paper, and his indomita!le ill$ a life that is like of a fleeting arro, !uilt of nothing !ut direction and intent# - as really attracted to the idea of his intellect and pursuit$ he channelled his life and orks through through his ritings, ritings, a man ho thrived in his realm of ords, ho ould have thought that a mere riting can !ecome even !igger than an empire# -t is true that the pen is mightier than the sord, for sords can only do so little and that it has to !e ielded along ith violence, hoever the pen and paper hich he used to communicate his ideas, possess a su!tle genius" !ehind his ritings, there is an idea"and ideas are !ulletproof, its effect so su!tle yet a force to reckon ith# -t as he, the great g reat riter, our national hero, 3ose Rizal, a genius in his on right# "Genius has no country, genius burst forth everywhere, is like light and air – the patrimony of all; cosmopolitan as space, as life as God.” " God.” " 3ose Rizal
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