PLM210 en Col92 FV Part A4 NoRestriction

August 20, 2017 | Author: Raghu Chakri | Category: Business Process, Information Technology Management, Computing, Technology, Business
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PLM210 Project Management – Structures SAP PLM

Date Training Center Instructors Education Website

Participant Handbook Course Version: 92 Course Duration: 2 Days Material Number: 50094558

An SAP course - use it to learn, reference it for work

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Contents Course Overview ......................................................... vii Course Goals ...........................................................vii Course Objectives .....................................................vii

Unit 1: Introduction........................................................ 1 Introduction ..............................................................2

Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures................................. 13 Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I........................ 15 Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II ....................... 30 Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures ........ 42 Standard Work Breakdown Structures ............................. 68

Unit 3: Activities and Networks....................................... 79 Customizing Activities and Networks............................... 80 Creating and Working with Activities and Networks .............. 90 Standard Networks .................................................. 110

Unit 4: Versions ......................................................... 119 Versions ...............................................................120


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing

.............................. 145

Appendix 2: Project Profile

........................................ 155

Appendix 3: Network Profile

....................................... 161

Appendix 4: Network Type

......................................... 165

Appendix 5: Parameters for Network Type Appendix 6: Control Key

..................... 167

........................................... 169

Appendix 7: Open Project System (Open PS)

................. 171

Appendix 8: Variant Configuration with Networks (1)

....... 175

Appendix 9: Variant Configuration with Networks (2)

....... 179

Appendix 10: Claim Management

................................ 185

Appendix 11: Project Planning Board Appendix 12: Archiving

........................... 195

............................................. 197

Glossary................................................................... 205 Index ....................................................................... 209


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Course Overview In the course PLM210, Project Management – Structures, you will learn about the different options for generating and maintaining project structures (work breakdown structures, networks) and learn the relevant Customizing settings.

Target Audience This course is intended for the following audiences: • • •

Project managers Project team members Consultants

Course Prerequisites Required Knowledge • •

PLM200 Project Management Basic business experience in the area of project management

Course Goals This course will prepare you to: • •

Use different options for creating and maintaining project structures Make the required Customizing settings

Course Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to: • • • • •


Create and structure work breakdown structures Create and process activities and networks Create standard structures and use as templates Make the relevant Customizing settings Create versions

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Course Overview



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Unit 1 Introduction Unit Overview This unit gives you an overview of the use and functions of the structures work breakdown structure and network in SAP Project System. You will also become familiar with various options for creating project structures.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • •

Explain the main differences between work breakdown structures and networks Cite the reasons for the assignment of networks to PSP elements. Identify different options for creating projects structures

Unit Contents Lesson: Introduction ...............................................................2 Exercise 1: Structures in the SAP Project System........................9


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Unit 1: Introduction


Lesson: Introduction Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will get to know the most important features of the two SAP Project System (SAP PS) structures: work breakdown structure (WBS) and network. Different options for creating projects structures will be discussed.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Explain the main differences between work breakdown structures and networks Cite the reasons for the assignment of networks to PSP elements. Identify different options for creating projects structures

Business Example You work in a company that is going to implement the SAP PS to plan and recognize, for example, the costs and revenues of certain projects. You are responsible for implementing SAP PS. Think about which structures are the most suitable for mapping the characteristics and demands of your company's projects in the SAP system.

Introduction To successfully manage projects, you must plan, control, and execute fundamental objectives in a targeted, efficient manner. In light of this, professional project management plays an important role in a business's ability to stay competitive. This is especially true for businesses whose success is based primarily on project-oriented business processes. The term “Project” is not specific to any particular industry and therefore covers different types of plans, such as the following: • • • • •

R&D projects Make-to-order production Investment plans Maintenance IT projects

A project is a summary of certain business processes within a company. A project can be defined as a plan distinguished by the uniqueness of its conditions. These conditions include clear goals and objectives, and restrictions such as time, money, and personnel resources.


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Lesson: Introduction

Projects are usually an integral and interdisciplinary part of a company's business processes. To control all of the tasks involved in carrying out a project, project-specific organizational forms (project organizations) are often used, which are located between the specialist departments involved. Many projects can also be characterized by their uniqueness and newness, the high quality demands placed on the result of the project, or their strategic importance for a company. The project itself comprises several phases. A high degree of precision is required when planning and coordinating large and complex projects. When planning the flow of a project, you will schedule deadlines and dates, make resources available, and assign funds. A clearly and precisely structured project is the basis for planning, monitoring, and controlling your projects. As a rule, a project is structured according to two points of view: structure and process. Hierarchical structures are used to represent the structure of projects. They enable the following: • •

Top-down estimates (for example, to establish persons responsible, the assignment of budgets) Bottom-up estimates (for example, to evaluate aggregated data about costs, revenues, scheduling, and progress)

As a rule, network techniques are used for planning and controlling the process flow of projects.

Structures in the SAP Project System SAP PS is a project management tool, which provides you with support in all phases of the project. The high degree of integration between SAP PS and other SAP functions, such as Logistics, Accounting, and Human Resources, ensures that the required business processes can run quickly and efficiently in SAP PS. SAP PS provides structures that you can use to model and organize projects flexibly. You can plan and monitor dates, costs, revenues, budgets, resources, materials, and so on in these structures using the relevant tools and reports from SAP PS. SAP PS is a component of both SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP). Depending on the project type and the focus of project monitoring, you can structure your project in SAP PS using work breakdown structures (WBS) and/or activities in one or more networks, which can be linked using relationships, if required.


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Unit 1: Introduction


Figure 1: Structures in the SAP Project System

A work breakdown structure is a model of the project that shows the project deliverables in hierarchical form. The work breakdown structure thereby represents the structural organization of the project and provides a phase, function, or product-oriented description of the project. It outlines the project in manageable sections. The individual elements of the work breakdown structure are called WBS elements. You can break down the WBS elements further, depending upon the project phase. The graphic “Structures in SAP Project System” lists important functions of work breakdown structures. Because every PSP element represents a separate Controlling object in the SAP system, work breakdown structures can be used in particular for hierarchical controlling of project costs, budgets, revenues, and, if necessary, payments. By assigning orders to a WBS element, you can analyze order costs for the WBS element and check them against the WBS element budget. With the help of progress analysis, you can view progress values that reflect the status of your project relative to the individual WBS elements, or aggregate them according to the project hierarchy. A network describes the time sequence and dependencies of events and activities in a project, and thereby represents the course of the project. A network consists of fundamental elements: activities and relationships. Networks and their activities form the basis of planning, analyzing, and controlling dates, costs, and the personnel, capacity, materials, resources, and services that are required for carrying out a project and its tasks (compare graphic “Structures of SAP Project System”).


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Lesson: Introduction

Figure 2: Assignment of Networks to Work Breakdown Structures

Depending on requirements, you can use work breakdown structures or networks to map your projects in the SAP system. To use the functions of both structures, you can also use both structures to map a project. To do this, you assign activities from one or several networks to WSB elements in a work breakdown structure. A project can therefore also consist of a work breakdown structure and several networks. When activities are assigned to WBS elements, the dates and costs defined in the individual activities are totaled up (aggregated) at the WBS level, and can be evaluated. Activity funds already assigned are checked against the budgets of the WBS elements. Conversely, status, date information, or settlement rules, for example, can be transferred from WBS elements to the assigned activities. The criteria according to which a project is structured using a work breakdown structure and/or networks can vary and depend on the type and complexity of a project. For example, the criteria can vary depending on the responsibility


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Unit 1: Introduction


and structure of the departments or teams involved, or on how production and assembly are integrated. It is therefore impossible to give a wholesale answer to the question of how best to structure different types of projects. Hint: Generally, however, you should take the following recommendations into consideration when structuring your projects: • • • • •

The various WBS elements and activities should cover the entire scope of the project. Keep the structure simple – generally speaking, nobody can monitor structures containing more than 500 elements. Keep your project elements SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-framed). Alternative structure information should be contained in the project elements, not in the structure itself. Use alternative hierarchies during evaluations.

Ways to Create Project Structures There are different ways to create project structures. In the following graphic, these options are presented schematically.

Figure 3: Ways to Create Project Structures


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Lesson: Introduction

As well as being able to create work breakdown structures and/or networks manually, you can also use existing project structures as templates. You can create a project by copying other operative projects, standard structures, or also simulation versions. Assembly processing is another indirect method of generating a network or, if necessary, a WBS from a sales order, for example.


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Unit 1: Introduction



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Lesson: Introduction

Exercise 1: Structures in the SAP Project System Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Identify the most important common features of and differences between the two structures: work breakdown structures and networks

Business Example Ensure that you are clear about the characteristics of work breakdown structures and networks. As you do this, consider the structural requirements of your company's plans.

Task: The following text describes once again the basic characteristics of work breakdown structures (WBS) and networks (NTW). Fill in the blanks with either "PSP" or "PSP or NTW". 1.

Complex projects at a company can be modeled in SAP PS using the two structures work breakdown structure (WBS) and network (NTW). The hierarchical reflects the structure of such projects, while are used to represent the detailed processes. To plan and monitor costs, you can use . You plan and post revenues . Budgeting is on only possible for . However, by assigning one, or if required, more than one to a , the costs of both structures can be checked against the budget as assigned funds. Time scheduling is carried out using . Time dependencies between individual tasks in a project can be planned by linking the activities of . To plan material and . When you create capacity requirements, you use , you can use standard structures as templates. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.


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Unit 1: Introduction


Solution 1: Structures in the SAP Project System Task: The following text describes once again the basic characteristics of work breakdown structures (WBS) and networks (NTW). Fill in the blanks with either "PSP" or "PSP or NTW". 1.

Complex projects at a company can be modeled in SAP PS using the two structures work breakdown structure (WBS) and network (NTW). The hierarchical work breakdown structure reflects the structure of such projects, while networks are used to represent the detailed processes. To plan and monitor costs, you can use WBSs and/or NTWs. You plan and post revenues on work breakdown structures. Budgeting is only possible for work breakdown structures. However, by assigning one, or if required, more than one network to a work breakdown structure, the costs of both structures can be checked against the budget as assigned funds. Time scheduling is carried out using WBSs and/or NTWs. Time dependencies between individual tasks in a project can be planned by linking the activities of networks. To plan material and capacity requirements, you use networks. When you create WBSs and/or NTWs, you can use standard structures as templates. Answer: work breakdown structure, networks, WBSs and/or NTWs, work breakdown structures, work breakdown structures, network, work breakdown structure, WBSs and/or NTWs, networks, networks, WBSs and/or NTWs


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Lesson: Introduction

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Explain the main differences between work breakdown structures and networks • Cite the reasons for the assignment of networks to PSP elements. • Identify different options for creating projects structures

Related Information • •


For more information about SAP PLM and SAP ERP, as well as other key functional areas, refer to the SAP literature under For more information about SAP PLM and SAP ERP, see SAP Service Marketplace ( using the quick links PLM and ERP.

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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Explain the main differences between work breakdown structures and networks • Cite the reasons for the assignment of networks to PSP elements. • Identify different options for creating projects structures


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Unit 2 Work Breakdown Structures Unit Overview This unit discusses the creation of work breakdown structures, their most important characteristics, and Customizing settings. Different processing options will be demonstrated using the Project Builder. Finally in this lesson you will learn how to create standard work breakdown structures and how to use them as templates.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • •

Make settings in Customizing for work breakdown structures, in particular for project profiles and editing masks Define and employ user statuses and user fields Enhanced functions in EhP3, such as status combination codes, multilingual capability, and access control lists Make important Customizing settings for work breakdown structures, particularly for user fields and settings for the user interface Describe new features in EhP3, such as access control lists and multilingual capability for short texts Use options for creating and editing work breakdown structures (Project Builder, network graphic) Assign different objects for detailing and documentation to WBS elements Use the tools for optimized data maintenance (validation, substitution, and mass change) Create a standard work breakdown structure

Unit Contents Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I ........................ 15 Exercise 2: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures ................. 23 Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II ....................... 30 Exercise 3: Access Control Lists .......................................... 35 Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures ......... 42 Exercise 4: Work Breakdown Structures ................................. 55


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Lesson: Standard Work Breakdown Structures.............................. 68 Exercise 5: Creating Standard Work Breakdown Structures .......... 71

Figure 4: Project Definition and Work Breakdown Structure


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I

Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I Lesson Overview This lesson deals with important settings in Customizing of the Project System for creating and working with work breakdown structures.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Make settings in Customizing for work breakdown structures, in particular for project profiles and editing masks Define and employ user statuses and user fields Enhanced functions in EhP3, such as status combination codes, multilingual capability, and access control lists

Business Example To create work breakdown structures in SAP Project System (SAP PS), you must have already made certain settings in Customizing. You create certain project profiles, user statuses, and editing masks that will later control the attributes and identification of your projects.

Project Profile You must assign a project profile to the project when you create a work breakdown structure. The project profile is the most important profile for the work breakdown structure. It contains default values and profile data for the project. When you create a work breakdown structure, the system saves the project profile in the project definition. When you edit the work breakdown structure, you can change the default values provided by the project profile. Values for the project profile are maintained in Customizing for the Project System. The project profile is divided into four sections for clarity's sake: control, organization, planning board/dates, and controlling.


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Figure 5: Project Profile

The various fields in the project profile are dealt with in more detail in the appendix. When you create a work breakdown structure based on a template, you can use a checkbox to decide where the data for the new project will come from. You can transfer the data from the profile of the template project, from the template project itself, or from another profile you enter for the new project.

Editing Masks Coding masks serve as a display option for complex project numbers. They can also be used to derive the hierarchy of a work breakdown structure from the numbers of their WBS elements. In the Project Coding Mask table in Customizing, you define the appearance of the coding masks in the Project System. The way it is set up depends on the first characters of the project number. These characters serve as keys for coding projects. You can create a mask for each key you want to use when coding a project. The following characters are available for editing and structuring project numbers: X for alphanumeric characters, 0 for numeric characters and special characters. In addition, you can maintain blocking indicators for standard structures (LkS) and operative structures (Lck). It is not possible to create new projects with this coding key if you maintain a blocking indicator. In the Special Characters table, you specify the possible special characters for use in editing masks, and you also specify the following for the project coding: whether coding must be used, how long the key should be, and whether this length is compulsory. Furthermore, you can define a special character to be used as input help. If you enter special characters that have been defined for your project in Customizing in the WBS Element field, the system transfers the number of the superior WBS element to this field. If this is the top WBS element in the project


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I

hierarchy, the system transfers the number of the project definition. You need to modify the number just so it differs from the number that was transferred. Using another indicator, you can define a temporary placeholder for automatically determining a project number. This placeholder is used only if an unused (free) project number cannot be determined automatically.

Figure 6: Project Coding Masks and Special Characters

Hint: Please note that, even though you can make additions to the coding masks later, you cannot take anything away if WBSs have been created already using this project coding mask.

Status A project is not static, but rather has a life cycle with a beginning and an end. During this time, various business transactions change the project. For example, you can plan, post costs, and settle. You can document the current status of a project with status management. The status determines which business transactions are permitted and which are prohibited in the system. System statuses have been set up by the SAP system to control primary business activities. You cannot change them. You can, however, define your own user statuses to attain a greater level of detail. You must always define a user status within a status profile. Therefore, you must always create a status profile for an object type in Customizing before you can define the user status in the status profile. You can enter your user statuses in the status profile and define which


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


business transactions are permitted or prohibited. You can also specify the sequence in which user statuses should occur. A user status can be set or deleted manually for several WBS elements at the same time. Individual status profiles can be defined for project definitions and WBS elements. If a status profile has not yet been defined in the project profile, you can still specify in the application which status profile should be used the first time you set a user status.

Figure 7: System and User Status

The current combination of all statuses of an object determines which business transaction you can carry out. You can define the user status yourself if you want to control at what time certain business transactions are allowed. A user status enhances the existing system status. Example: A WBS element has the system status Created, which permits, among other things, the business transaction Material Order. However, you can now set a user status such as Quotation, which prohibits purchase orders being created. You must already have defined a suitable status profile in Customizing for Project System. It is possible to permit a transaction, but to have the system issue a warning at the same time. In this case, you can decide whether the business transaction that triggered the warning should be executed. The status log contains information as to which status permits the transaction with a warning.


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I

Figure 8: Status Function

You must create a status profile for certain types of objects. In the Project System, these objects include project definition, WBS element, network header, and network activity. Make the settings required for defining the user status within the status profile. • • • • •


Define the descriptions of user statuses and document their functions using a corresponding long text. Define the order in which user statuses can be set using a status number. Define the initial status that is set automatically when you create an object. Define that the system automatically sets the corresponding user status when carrying out specific business transactions. Permit or prohibit certain business transactions if a certain user status is active.

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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Figure 9: Status Profile

In the above example, the user status OBzS can be set in two ways: manually, or automatically as a follow-on action when an original budget is entered. If this user status is set, a warning is issued by the system when the original budget is changed.

Status Combination Codes In addition to their ability to influence business processes, statuses can also be used in reports to set limits for analyses. Two options are available. Option one involves the status itself: The status selection profile enables selection before you start the report. In this case, the status is read in addition to the master data table. Another option involves status combination codes. This new master data field, available in EhP3 and later, helps you speed up reports through status-dependent selection. The first 26 status combinations are reserved in the standard system; 14 of the predefined codes are for combinations of system statuses. You can set up your own combinations with additional code numbers in Customizing for user statuses. You can even define new status combinations - that is, define a targeted selection of status combinations. In the second step, you can set priorities that determine which status combination should be recorded in the master data table when multiple status combination codes match an object status.


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I

Figure 10: Status Combination Codes


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I

Exercise 2: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Define a project profile in Customizing for the Project System

Business Example You define a project profile in Customizing for the Project System that you will later use for the work breakdown structures in your sales projects.

Task: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures Create a suitable project profile in Customizing and adapt the data of your person responsible. Optional: Check the coding masks for elevator projects. Hint: In the following exercises, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Create the project profile GR## with the description GR## Sales Projects by copying the profile 1004, Elevator Model Group 4, in Customizing for the Project System.


Change the project profile you created so that the following statements are true: The end user can create only one WBS element on the highest level of the WBS when using this project profile. The WBS elements of such work breakdown structures belong to the project type CP (Customer Project). Each WBS element enables you to achieve a valuated project stock When a substitution for WBS elements is manually triggered, the substitution PSSUB01 (set cost center) is used automatically. The system does not suggest a default user status profile for WBS elements. All WBS elements are relevant for project summarization. Project summarization is carried out using the master data of WBS elements. Access control should be active, but not inherited. This will prevent the "Inheritance" flag from appearing in the ACL screen, which in turn will prevent users from passing ACL rights on to subobjects. Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


The profile 130000000001 IDES Scheduling Forward is used for scheduling the WBS. Budgeting individual fiscal years is possible (Budget Profile 130001). All other settings in the project profile should match the settings in the template. Save your changes.



Assign the person responsible to your group number (## = 1,2, and so on) so that you receive e-mails sent to project responsible ## in the inbox for your SAP user.


Optional: Check which key, according to its description, is intended for elevator projects for project coding and whether you can use the corresponding coding mask for operative and standard structures. Is it possible for a user to create projects with the current system settings without using a coding mask?

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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I

Solution 2: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures Task: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures Create a suitable project profile in Customizing and adapt the data of your person responsible. Optional: Check the coding masks for elevator projects. Hint: In the following exercises, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Create the project profile GR## with the description GR## Sales Projects by copying the profile 1004, Elevator Model Group 4, in Customizing for the Project System. a)

To access Customizing, enter transaction code SPRO or choose SAP Menu → Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project. To get to Customizing for the Project System, choose SAP Reference IMG. To copy the project profile, choose Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) → Create Project Profile Select the profile 1004, Elevator Model Group 4. Choose Copy As. Change the identification and the description according to the task and confirm your entries with Copy (Enter).


Change the project profile you created so that the following statements are true: The end user can create only one WBS element on the highest level of the WBS when using this project profile. The WBS elements of such work breakdown structures belong to the project type CP (Customer Project). Each WBS element enables you to achieve a valuated project stock When a substitution for WBS elements is manually triggered, the substitution PSSUB01 (set cost center) is used automatically. The system does not suggest a default user status profile for WBS elements. All WBS elements are relevant for project summarization. Project summarization is carried out using the master data of WBS elements. Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Access control should be active, but not inherited. This will prevent the "Inheritance" flag from appearing in the ACL screen, which in turn will prevent users from passing ACL rights on to subobjects. The profile 130000000001 IDES Scheduling Forward is used for scheduling the WBS. Budgeting individual fiscal years is possible (Budget Profile 130001).

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I

All other settings in the project profile should match the settings in the template. Save your changes. a)

Select the line with your project profile GR## in the project profile overview and choose Details. Enter the following values in the corresponding tab pages: Control tab page Field Name

Field Value

Proj. Type


Only One Root


Proj. summ. MastDa


Substitution WBS Elements


Project Stock: Valuated Stock


Project Stock: Automat. Reqmnts Grouping

Deselect Indicator

WBS sts. prof.

Delete the status profile

Project Summarization Default: All WBS elements


Access Control ListACL (w/o Inh.)


Leave the other fields as they are Plg Board/Dates tab page Field Name

Field Value

WBS sched. profile

130000000001 (IDES Scheduling forwards)

Leave the other fields as they are Controlling tab page Field Name

Field Value

Budget Profile


Leave the other fields as they are Choose Save. To exit, choose Back twice.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures



Assign the person responsible to your group number (## = 1,2, and so on) so that you receive e-mails sent to project responsible ## in the inbox for your SAP user. a)

Choose Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) → Specify Persons Responsible for WBS Elements. Find the person responsible for your group number ## and enter your SAP user PLM210-## in the Office User field. Save your changes. To exit, choose Back.


Optional: Check which key, according to its description, is intended for elevator projects for project coding and whether you can use the corresponding coding mask for operative and standard structures. Is it possible for a user to create projects with the current system settings without using a coding mask? a)

In Customizing, choose Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) → Project Coding Mask → Define Project Coding Mask. Find the key for the description Edition IDES Elevator and have a look at the corresponding blocking indicator. Use the key E for elevator projects. You can use this key in operative and standard projects. To exit the transaction, choose Back.


In Customizing, choose Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) → Project Coding Mask → Define Special Characters for Projects. The Edit indicator (only edited project numbers are allowed) is not set. Therefore you can create projects and WBS elements without project coding. To exit the table, choose Back.


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures I

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Make settings in Customizing for work breakdown structures, in particular for project profiles and editing masks • Define and employ user statuses and user fields • Enhanced functions in EhP3, such as status combination codes, multilingual capability, and access control lists


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II Lesson Overview This lesson deals with important settings in Customizing of the Project System for creating and working with work breakdown structures.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •

Make important Customizing settings for work breakdown structures, particularly for user fields and settings for the user interface Describe new features in EhP3, such as access control lists and multilingual capability for short texts

Business Example To create work breakdown structures in SAP Project System (SAP PS), you must have already made certain settings in Customizing. You create suitable tab page layouts in the Project Builder, access controls - that is, who can edit objects in projects - and describe the support for multilingual texts.

User Fields and Settings on the User Interface You can enter user-defined data for every WBS element in user fields. The system provides two text fields 20 characters long, two text fields 10 characters long, two quantity fields with quantity units, two value fields with currency units, two date fields, and two check boxes. The field key determines the name of the respective user field, and specifies whether it is ready for input. If you change the field key for the WBS element, the name of the user-defined field itself changes, but the contents of the field stays the same. If you evaluate user-defined fields in the information system and use different field keys, this can cause confusion and lead to misinterpretation (due to the different names of the user-defined fields). You define field keys in PS Customizing. You can define a user exit that enables you to develop specific checks on user fields. If the user-definable fields available do not satisfy your requirements, you can use a user exit to develop additional fields for WBS elements and the project definition.


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II

Figure 11: User Fields and Field Keys

To make users' work with the project structures as simple as possible and to avoid incorrect entries, you can adjust the display of different objects according to requirements. In Customizing for PS, use field selection to define which fields for project definition and WBS elements are displayed at all, which of them are ready for input, and which, if necessary, are required entry fields. You can completely hide fields that you do not need. By defining the field selection depending on influencing fields such as the project profile, for example, you can set different fields to be displayed and ready for input for projects with different project profiles. In the standard system, the detail screens for work breakdown structure elements (such as Basic Data, Control, User Fields) each appear as a tab page. Flexible detail screens enable you to show, hide, and define titles for individual tab pages, and display symbols for tab pages. You can define up to five detail screens for each tab page. The flexible detail screens created refer to a project profile. You have two options for creating detail screens: If you create the detail screens within the application, the detail screens are user-specific; if you create them within Customizing for Project System, they are valid for all users. If you do not want to redefine all of the tab pages, copy the SAP standard default values or the Customizing settings to the tab pages and change these settings according to your needs. You can define your own detail screens in Customizing; your detail screens are then included in the tab pages. Table controls are used for displaying WBS elements. This means that you can manipulate the layout of these overviews. You can change the sequence in which columns appear and the width of columns. Using the Table settings function in the upper-right part of the table control, you can personalize the basic settings


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


delivered with the system in a table and save them as variants. You can create as many variants for a table as you want. To adapt the layout of a table control for all users, you can use the administration function for table control settings. Using the administration function, you can also hide columns, define the number of set columns, and configure the separator for the table control. The administration function can turn a display variant of the table control into a standard setting and ensure that this variant appears for all users of each table control when they start the transaction as a basic setting.

Figure 12: Settings on the User Interface

Multilingual Capability Projects are increasingly planned and executed by international teams. Starting in SAP ERP 6.0 Enhancement Package 3 (EhP3), SAP Project System makes it possible to maintain project short texts and long texts in a language predefined by the user, to avoid being tied to one "project language". This means when multilingual capability is active and maintained, users will see project short texts and long texts in their respective logon languages. When multilingual support is activated, the detail screen for the objects contains another tab page in which you can enter the language-dependent short texts. The Customizing settings for multilingual capability determine the objects and language for which texts are displayed and entered, as well as the language for printing. Multilingual capability includes support for short texts for operative project definitions, project structures, milestones for activities and WBS elements, network headers, activities, and


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II

activity elements. If you also maintain long texts, you can continue to do so in the respective logon language. Multilingual capability is also available for standard project definitions and standard project structures. You can select a Standard Text Key to use additional maintenance functions for multiple languages. The Standard Text Key (transaction code CA10) lets you save texts in multiple languages in the system under a single key. This means you can maintain multilingual short texts ahead of time and then select the text key to include them in the project at a later time. Caution: You must activate multilingual capability in Customizing separately for each object. Multilingual support is not available for standard networks.

Figure 13: Multilingual Capability

If you log in a language for which no short text is maintained, the system selects the short text from the respective master language. If you wish to change this, you an do so in the tab page for multilingual capability in the Project Builder. Caution: You can only change from the master language to the logon language.

Access Control Lists In SAP ERP 6.0 EhP3 and later, you use access control lists to restrict authorizations for project definitions, WBS elements, network headers, activities, and activity elements. The use of access control lists is controlled via the project profile or network profile. If the function is active, an access control list is displayed on a new tab page for every PS object. You can assign authorizations for individual users, user groups, or organizational units. You can assign grant read, edit, and administration authorizations.


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


The administration authorization is the highest, granting access to the object and the ACL records for the object. The edit authorization lets you change the object, but not the ACL records for that object. The read authorization lets you display the object only. If allowed in Customizing, you can pass on access rights to subordinate objects. Once inherited, authorizations can be revoked again in the subordinate objects. Access control lists also enhance the other transactions you use to manage your projects. The structure overview transaction (CN41), for example, only gives you read authorization with the “Read” access control. You cannot change objects, nor can you create new project structures. Transaction CNACLD lets you display all existing access control lists for a project and delete them if necessary.


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II

Exercise 3: Access Control Lists Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Creating a project by copying • Create access control lists and define authorizations for project objects • Remove access control lists from projects

Business Example You are creating a project in which you will use access control lists to define access authorizations. To put the experience gained from past projects to use and to enable these projects to be compared more easily, use standard structures as templates when you create your project. Then adapt the operative structures to the specific requirements of the current project by using the access controls to restrict other users' access to the objects in your project. You will then delete the access restrictions to the respective project at the end of the exercise.

Task: Project E-99## and Access Control Lists Create a project E-99## from template, define access controls for your project definition and individual WBS elements, and then use transaction CNACLD to remove the access controls at the end of the exercise. Hint: In the following tasks, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Check your project profile GR## to see whether the access control list ACL w/o inheritance is active.


In the Project Builder, use a template to create a project with the identification E-99## and description ACL GR##. Use the standard project E-1004 as a template and GR## as the project profile. Make sure that any assigned activities are not copied. Save your project


Open your project E-99## in the Project Builder. Go to the ACL tab page for the project definition and enter a new authorization group with the authorization object category of the user sitting next to you, along with authorization type No Authorization.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures




You are still in the Project Builder. Select the highest WBS element in the structure tree, E-99##. Go to the ACL tab page and enter a new authorization group with the authorization object category of the user sitting next to you, along with authorization type Read.


You are still in the Project Builder. Select the WBS element E-99##-2 in the second level. Go to the ACL tab page and enter a new authorization group with the authorization object category of the user sitting next to you, along with authorization type Write. Save your project


Go to the Project Guilder and load the project of the person sitting next to you, E-99##, who entered you as an authorized person for his or her project. Check the different authorization restrictions.


Use transaction CNACLD, Delete PS Control List, to delete all the entries in the access control list, as well as the ACL tab pages. Open your project in the Project Builder and check your changes.

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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II

Solution 3: Access Control Lists Task: Project E-99## and Access Control Lists Create a project E-99## from template, define access controls for your project definition and individual WBS elements, and then use transaction CNACLD to remove the access controls at the end of the exercise. Hint: In the following tasks, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Check your project profile GR## to see whether the access control list ACL w/o inheritance is active. a)

To access Customizing, enter transaction code SPRO or choose SAP Menu → Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project. To get to Customizing for the Project System, choose SAP Reference IMG. To change access control lists within the project profile, choose the following IMG path: Customizing for Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) → Create Project Profile. Double-click to select profile GR## and open it in display mode. Check the entry ACL (w/o Inh) on the Control tab page and change it if Save. Exit Customizing for necessary. Confirm your entries with the Project System.


In the Project Builder, use a template to create a project with the identification E-99## and description ACL GR##. Use the standard project E-1004 as a template and GR## as the project profile. Make sure that any assigned activities are not copied.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Save your project a)

In the SAP menu, go to the Project System folder and open the Project Builder. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Project Builder. To create a project using a template, choose Enter the following data in the dialog box: Field Name

Create Copy Project.

Input Data

Project Definition





Today's date


Today + 1 year

Project Profile


Template Std. proj. def.

E-1004 Leave the other fields as they are

Do not set the With Activities indicator. Confirm your entries and any Enter. warnings that appear regarding the finish date with Save your project. 3.

Open your project E-99## in the Project Builder. Go to the ACL tab page for the project definition and enter a new authorization group with the authorization object category of the user sitting next to you, along with authorization type No Authorization. a)

You are still in the Project Builder. The project you created earlier is displayed in the worklist under Last Projects Processed. To open the E-99## with the description ACL GR##. project, double-click project Hint: If the system does not display all levels, fully expand To avoid having to carry out this step, you the structure. can enter a suitable value in the Project Builder options for the number of hierarchy levels to be displayed (Settings → Options). Select the project definition E-99## with the description ACL GR## and go to the ACL tab page. Click the Add Line symbol and enter a new authorization group. In the new line, set the Authorization Group field to 1 (User), the Auth. Obj. Type field to the participant sitting next to you (PLM21-##), and the Authorization Type to 1 (No Authorization). Remain in your project. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II


You are still in the Project Builder. Select the highest WBS element in the structure tree, E-99##. Go to the ACL tab page and enter a new authorization group with the authorization object category of the user sitting next to you, along with authorization type Read. a)


You are still in the Project Builder. Select the WBS element E-99##-2 in the second level. Go to the ACL tab page and enter a new authorization group with the authorization object category of the user sitting next to you, along with authorization type Write. Save your project a)


You are still in the Project Builder. Select the highest WBS element in the structure tree, E-98##. Go to the ACL tab page. Click the Add Line symbol and enter a new authorization group. In the new line, set the Authorization Group field to 1 (User), the Auth. Obj. Type field to the participant sitting next to you (PLM21-##), and the Authorization Type to 2 (Read).

You are still in the Project Builder. In the structure tree, select WBS element E-98##-2 in the second level and go to the ACL tab page. Add Line symbol and enter a new authorization group. In Click the the new line, set the Authorization Group field to 1 (User), the Auth. Obj. Type field to the participant sitting next to you (PLM21-##), and Save your project. the Authorization Type to 3 (Write).

Go to the Project Guilder and load the project of the person sitting next to you, E-99##, who entered you as an authorized person for his or her project. Check the different authorization restrictions. a)

In the SAP menu, go to the Project System folder and open the Project Builder. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Project Builder. Open project E-99## of the user who entered you as an authorized person. Choose Open to open the project. Enter the following data in the dialog box: Project Definition E-99## (the number of the project definition corresponds to the number of the person sitting next to you who gave you authorization access to his or her project). Check the different authorization restrictions.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures




Use transaction CNACLD, Delete PS Control List, to delete all the entries in the access control list, as well as the ACL tab pages. Open your project in the Project Builder and check your changes. a)

Go to SAP menu → Project System → Project → Access Control List → Delete Access Control List.


Set the checkbox x next to the Project field and enter your project E-99##.


Choose menu item Delete ACL to delete the ACL.


Return to the Project Builder. The project you created earlier is displayed in the worklist under Last Projects Processed. To open your E-99## ACL GR##. Check the project, double-click the project changes made to the project.

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Lesson: Customizing Work Breakdown Structures II

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Make important Customizing settings for work breakdown structures, particularly for user fields and settings for the user interface • Describe new features in EhP3, such as access control lists and multilingual capability for short texts

Related Information •


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures Lesson Overview A work breakdown structure (WBS) is the basis for organizing a project. This lesson discusses the structure and fundamental characteristics of the objects in a work breakdown structure. You will become familiar with different ways to maintain work breakdown structures and tools for optimized data maintenance.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Use options for creating and editing work breakdown structures (Project Builder, network graphic) Assign different objects for detailing and documentation to WBS elements Use the tools for optimized data maintenance (validation, substitution, and mass change)

Business Example To familiarize yourself firstly with how to create and work with work breakdown structures, create a simple project. For this, use the Customizing settings that you made previously. To optimize the maintenance of your project data, consider how mass changes, substitutions, and validations can be used.

Creating Work Breakdown Structures You create a project definition automatically when you create a work breakdown structure. A project definition defines an objective to be achieved within a project. In this way, you retain the idea that is behind the project. It is not necessary at this point to create WBS elements or individual activities. The project definition is the framework for all objects within a project in later planning phases. The project definition contains default values and profile data for WBS elements, for example, assignments to particular organizational units in the SAP system. Default data is transferred to new WBS elements you create for this project. The basic dates for the entire project and the planning parameters for costs, budget, and dates are stored at the project definition level. Caution: A project definition is not an account assignment object (that is, you cannot post to it).


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

WBS elements form the operative basis of a work breakdown structure. Planned and actual values are stipulated for them and aggregated to them. The work breakdown structure consists of WBS elements and their hierarchical order. The graphic “Project Definition and Work Breakdown Structure” at the beginning of this unit shows the structure of a project consisting of project definition and WBS elements. There are many options for creating work breakdown structures in the SAP Project System (SAP PS) The Project Builder, Structure Planning, Project Planning Board, and Create Work Breakdown Structure are transactions in SAP PS, with which a work breakdown structure can be created. When you create a new work breakdown structure, you can use an existing work breakdown structure, the subhierarchy of a project, or a standard work breakdown structure as a template. You can also include the templates in an operative work breakdown structure at a later stage. A standard work breakdown structure is a neutral work breakdown structure that can be used more than once and serves only as a template for creating operative work breakdown structures. In addition to the transactions above, you can also use the structure information system to make changes to existing work breakdown structures. You can also use the information system to create new objects. One example of how to create a work breakdown structure indirectly is to call up the Create Network transaction with a standard network as a template. If this standard network is assigned to a standard work breakdown structure, you can create a work breakdown structure when you save the network you created. Similar to standard work breakdown structures, standard networks are project-neutral network structures that can be used as a template for creating other standard networks or operative networks. Assembly processing is another indirect method of generating a network or a WBS from a sales order, for example. In the quotation phase of a project, you can simulate projects using simulation versions, even if an operative project does not yet exist. It is possible to plan several simulation versions. You can then decide which version is the most suitable to transfer to an operative project. Simulation versions are discussed in the “Versions” lesson.


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Figure 14: Different Ways of Creating Work Breakdown Structures

Structure of a Work Breakdown Structure WBS elements are the structure elements of the work breakdown structure. A WBS element describes a task or a partial task that can be divided. Use operative indicators to define the characteristics of a Controlling element, and to specify what tasks will be performed by the WBS element when the project is being executed: • • •

WBS elements for which you want to plan costs are flagged as planning elements. WBS elements to which you want to post actual costs are flagged as account assignment elements. WBS elements for which you want to plan or post revenues are flagged as billing elements.

Other indicators for functions used by WBS elements while realizing a project are statistical and grouping WBS element. The Statistical indicator specifies whether a WBS element is used for statistical purposes only or whether it works with real costs. You can specify that a WBS element is statistical only if it is an accounting element or a billing element. You use grouping WBS elements to group the material requirements for components kept in project stock in one or more projects on one WBS.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

Figure 15: WBS Element Indicators

If you want to edit large projects and you need to create numerous WBS elements with complex project numbers, the system can help you derive the project hierarchy. To be able to derive the hierarchy from the keys defined for the WBS elements, you must have defined an appropriate project coding mask in Customizing. After you have defined a project coding mask, you can create WBS elements in a project one after the other without worrying about the correct hierarchy level. You can enter all WBS elements in level 1. The system then derives the individual levels of the WBS elements from the project coding mask. The WBS element with the shortest number is created on level 1. The remaining WBS elements are arranged in the lower hierarchy levels depending upon their numbers and the number of special characters.


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Figure 16: Derivation of the WBS Hierarchy Structure

If you do not want to derive the hierarchy structure, enter the required level in the project hierarchy when you create the WBS elements. You can change the hierarchy level of WBS elements at a later point in time. The hierarchy graphic enables you to display a work breakdown structure yet change the individual WBS elements in detail, or add additional WBS elements. You can change the operative indicators for individual WBS elements quickly and easily in the hierarchy graphic. To do this, double-click on the corresponding fields below the name of a WBS element. You can change the project hierarchy by separating WBS elements or subtrees from the project hierarchy and arranging them in the project hierarchy again, or moving subtrees within the project hierarchy. You can also delete WBS elements in the hierarchy graphic.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

Figure 17: Hierarchy Graphic

Detailing Options You can assign objects to WBS elements to carry out additional functions that may be in other applications of the SAP system. Examples include: • • • • •


Milestones, which you can use, for example, to plan and follow the progress of a project Billing plans to plan and schedule revenues Documents and texts to give more precise specifications for a WBS element Project team to use persons from this team when distributing work at the activity level Investment program items to manage and distribute a budget at a level higher than the project

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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Figure 18: Assigned Objects

Milestones are events that are of particular significance or interest to the project flow. They are assigned to individual WBS elements or activities (see the “Creating and Working with Activities and Networks” lesson). Milestones can be used in both operative WBSs and standard WBSs. Milestones are created either manually or by copying from a standard milestone. If you wish, you can also include a group of milestones. A milestone group is made up of several standard milestones. It is created in Customizing for Project System, and individual standard milestones are assigned to the group. Standard milestones can be used only to copy from (in other words, they cannot be used in the operative process). Milestones you created for WBS elements have various tasks.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

Figure 19: Milestones in the WBS

The Sales Document Date indicator gives you the option of linking a milestone with a date in the billing plan. When you reach a milestone, the system transfers the actual date of the milestone to the billing plan. In progress analysis, the milestone technique is one way to measure the earned value. Each milestone corresponds to a percentage of work completed in an activity or a WBS element. Milestone trend analysis is a simple way to monitor dates in a project. In this analysis, milestone dates are compared at various report times.

Tools for Data Maintenance During complex and extensive projects, it is often necessary to change large amounts of master data or assignments. You can use the mass change function to make cross-project changes to fields pertaining to project definitions, WBS elements, networks, activities, activity elements, milestones, and relationships. However, the SAP system makes the changes only if the corresponding prerequisites have been fulfilled, or the business activity is allowed and you have the appropriate authorization. The same authorization objects as for individual changes are used for mass changes. If the system cannot change a field value in a WBS element, it does not carry out the changes in this WBS element. However, if you want to include other WBS elements or networks in your selection for mass changes, and if errors do not occur there, the system carries out the changes in these projects. Caution: If you make a mass change, remember that this might mean that many objects will be changed simultaneously. In many cases, you cannot undo the changes made. For this reason, always be particularly careful when you use this transaction.


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


You can carry out a mass change that refers to a single project quickly and easily in the Project Builder, in the project planning board, or in structure planning. When you save the project the system saves the changes. To carry out a mass change that pertains to more than one project you can use the structure info system or the transaction for mass changes in the Project System. In these cases you can carry out the mass changes online or plan them as background jobs. You can test the extent of your changes before you actually make a mass change. A log of the changes is issued for each mass change. The log can be saved and analyzed later. When you make a mass change, you can select and change data in a variety of ways. You can carry out a mass change without viewing it first or you can check the planned changes ahead of time in a tabular view and carry out the change there. In both cases, you can decide whether the SAP system is to replace all values of the corresponding field with the new value or only a certain value. In the case of numeric fields, you can calculate the new field value using a formula from the old field value.

Figure 20: Mass Change


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

The table form for mass changes has several advantages compared to the simple transaction: •

You can show the old values of object fields (for example, the Company Code field for the object WBS Element). In this way you can check the individual changes before you carry them out. Objects can be selected manually or by entering conditions (for example, select all WBS elements that are in company code 1000 or 2000). Only selected objects are changed. As long as you are still in the tabular view, you can undo the planned changes.

Figure 21: Mass Change Table

Using substitution you can replace values in master data fields for project definitions, WBS elements, network headers, and activities. However, replacing field values may have other prerequisites than those for mass changes. If the responsible person is “Morris” for example, the cost center “4290” is substituted (set). You can set more than one value at the same time using substitution. A substitution can be composed of more than one step. These steps can be carried out one after the other so that replacing the different fields can be connected with different prerequisites. You can trigger substitution for a project manually, or the system can carry it out automatically when you save a project. In Customizing for the Project System, you can define default values for substitution in the project profile (or network profile). Using an additional indicator in the project profile, you define whether


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


the system should carry out a substitution when saving the WBS. You define the substitution rules in Customizing for the Project System as well. A substitution step is composed of a prerequisite and substitution values: •

Prerequisite In the prerequisite you define which conditions must be fulfilled for carrying out a substitution. If the prerequisite is not fulfilled (FALSE), the transaction continues without substitution. If the prerequisite is fulfilled (TRUE), the transaction continues with the substituted value(s). The prerequisites used can be composed of a simple statement or a complex statement combination and rules.

Substitution value(s) The substitution value is a numeric value or an alphabetic string, which replaces the specified value(s). You can replace multiple values for each substitution step.

Furthermore, you can use user exits for substitution. With these user exits, you can calculate values and replace them in substitutions and rules.

Figure 22: Substitution

When you enter data in the SAP system, it is checked against tables and master data. Validation gives you the opportunity to check project definition entries, WBS elements, network headers, and activities in a way that is not included in the standard SAP system. For example, you can check if the Billing Element indicator is set on the first level of the hierarchy and whether the project has the


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

project type Customer project. If validation indicates that a statement is incorrect, the system will respond by issuing a warning, an error message, or information. A validation can be composed of more than one step so that you can check various fields and value combinations using one validation. Analogous to substitution, you can enter default values for a validation in Customizing for the Project System in the project profile (or the network profile) and you can decide if validation should be carried out automatically when you save a project. In this way, you can prevent incorrect work breakdown structures (WBSs) from being saved. You define validations in Customizing for the Project System as well. A validation step is composed a prerequisite and a check: •

Prerequisite The values to be checked are selected using the prerequisite. If a value is not selected for checking (if the prerequisite is not fulfilled), the value is valid and the transaction is carried out.

Check During the check, the values selected using the prerequisite are checked. If the check statement is true, the transaction is carried out. If the check statement is false, the system issues a message.

Prerequisites and checks are defined using Boolean logic. You can define simple logical statements or you can define very complex statements as well using rules and user exits in your logical formulas. •

Validation messages The system issues the message if the prerequisite has been fulfilled but the check has not been fulfilled. You can define messages (information, warnings, error messages) that are shown. You can create a long text for each message by using up to four variables to integrate field values from the validated object.


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Figure 23: Validation

Tips for Work Breakdown Structures The work breakdown structure is the operative basis for further planning in projects. A work breakdown structure consists of a project definition and WBS elements with hierarchical relationships. Hint: • • • • • •

WBS elements belong to one project definition; they cannot be assigned to any other one. Use coding masks for formatting the project number. Define coding masks early on and lock them, if required. If possible, use templates when creating your projects. Specify who is responsible for the various WBS elements. Do not use more than 10,000 WBS elements (otherwise, system performance will suffer).

The quality of system performance depends on many factors. For advice on improving performance in Project System, see SAP Notes 41269 and 206264 in the SAP Support portal.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

Exercise 4: Work Breakdown Structures Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create work breakdown structures using the Project Builder • Use tools for optimized data maintenance

Business Example You will become familiar with handling work breakdown structures using a simple project, the building of an elevator. For this you will manually create a work breakdown structure in the Project Builder and process it using various tools.

Task 1: Creating a Work Breakdown Structure in the Project Builder Create a project manually in the Project Builder. Enlarge the structure of your WBS by adding WBS elements and then derive an appropriate hierarchical structure. 1.

Create a project with the identification E-98## and the description Elevator Gr## manually, without a template, and using the project profile you already created GR## Sales Projects in the Project Builder.


Using Drag&Drop in the Project Builder, add the WBS element E-98## to your project. Choose for example Gr## as the description.


Add the WBS elements E-98##-1 Engineering/Design, E-98##-1-1 Mechanical Engineering and E-98##-1-2 Electrical Engineering to the table overview. To avoid typos, use the entry aid @. Do not pay attention to the WBS element level yet.


Enlarge your work breakdown structure by adding WBS elements for procurement and assembly below the WBS element E-98## GR## . Use the standard WBS elements (as templates), which are assigned to the standard WBS element E-1004 Elevator. You should not transfer the root element E-1004 or the standard WBS element E-1004-1 Engineering/Design and the activities assigned to it. Note: Make sure that you adapt the identification of the WBS elements to those of your project before you add them.


Derive the structure of your work breakdown structure using the selected identification of the WBS elements and the coding mask used.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures



Create a WBS element for Quality Assurance using the hierarchy graphic. Assign it to level two. Use an appropriate identification and save your work breakdown structure.

Task 2: Detailing a Work Breakdown Structure You can add more detail to your project in the Project Builder by defining characteristics for WBS elements, storing additional information in user fields, and assigning a milestone to it. Optional: Assign a PS text and link a document from the document management system to your project. Set and pass on a user status in your project. 1.

In the Project Builder, store basic dates for the entire duration of your project in the project definition. The (basic) Start Date should be today's date and your project should end approximately six months later. Adapt your project so that you can plan costs and account assign documents later in the realization phase for all WBS elements. Note, however, that the highest WBS element is the only one relevant for revenues. In the top WBS element of your project, enter the field key 0000001 and then values for the user fields from this WBS element.


Use a milestone (Use: 00001 Project Idea) to specify that there should be a kickoff meeting 12 days after your project has begun. You should be able to evaluate date shifts for this milestone in milestone trend analysis.


Create your own PS text for the Text Type02 General comment with the description Project ## to define a specification of your elevator at the highest WBS element. Use the Microsoft Word interface to create a text.


Optional: Using the document overview, create a link from WBS element E-98## to documents in the document management system. Use for example the document key DRM PS-TUR-001-00001. Display a document directly in the Project Builder. Save your project.


Optional: Define the user status profile 13000000 for your WBS elements of the subnode “Engineering/Design”. Set the status LPRQ Lock purchase requisitions by passing on to this subnode of your project.

Task 3: Tools Use substitutions and validations to change or check your project data. 1.

Store in the Project Builder the people responsible 21 and ## in different WBS elements of your project E-98##. Adapt the tabular display beforehand according to the responsibilities of the WBS elements, so that you can analyze and maintain the people and cost centers responsible jointly. Save

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

these table settings in a variant Group ##. You should be able to use these user-specific settings later, by default. Finally use the substitution PSSUB01 to determine the responsible cost center automatically. 2.


Optional: Test the validation PSVAL01 in the Project Builder. This validation checks whether WBS elements are flagged as billing elements on level 1 with the project type CP Customer Project. Deactivate the corresponding operative indicator from your top WBS element E-98## and then trigger validation.

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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Solution 4: Work Breakdown Structures Task 1: Creating a Work Breakdown Structure in the Project Builder Create a project manually in the Project Builder. Enlarge the structure of your WBS by adding WBS elements and then derive an appropriate hierarchical structure. 1.

Create a project with the identification E-98## and the description Elevator Gr## manually, without a template, and using the project profile you already created GR## Sales Projects in the Project Builder. a)

Open the Project Builder in the SAP Menu under Project System. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Project Builder. Hint: The first time you start the Project Builder, the system requires you to make settings for the various options in the Project Builder. You can confirm these settings by choosing Continue. You can change these settings in the Project Builder at any time (choose Settings → Options). To create a project definition, choose Project → New → Project (or the corresponding symbol). Enter the following data: Field Name

Field Value

Project Definition (Identification)


Project Definition (Description)

Elevator GR##

Project Profile

GR## SD Projects

Confirm your entries by choosing Enter.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures


Using Drag&Drop in the Project Builder, add the WBS element E-98## to your project. Choose for example Gr## as the description. a)

Expand Individual Objects in the template area of the Project Builder. Drag a WBS element to your project definition in the structure tree. Enter the following data: Field Name

Field Value

WBS Element (Identification)


WBS Element (Description)


Leave the other fields as they are Confirm your entries by choosing Enter. 3.

Add the WBS elements E-98##-1 Engineering/Design, E-98##-1-1 Mechanical Engineering and E-98##-1-2 Electrical Engineering to the table overview. To avoid typos, use the entry aid @. Do not pay attention to the WBS element level yet. a)

Choose WBS Element Overview. Enter the following data in the table overview: WBS Element





Mechanical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Confirm your entries by choosing Enter. 4.

Enlarge your work breakdown structure by adding WBS elements for procurement and assembly below the WBS element E-98## GR## . Use the standard WBS elements (as templates), which are assigned to the standard

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


WBS element E-1004 Elevator. You should not transfer the root element E-1004 or the standard WBS element E-1004-1 Engineering/Design and the activities assigned to it. Note: Make sure that you adapt the identification of the WBS elements to those of your project before you add them. a)

Select the WBS element E-98## GR## in the structure tree of the Project Builder. Right-click and choose Include → WBS Elements in the structure tree. Branch to the Standard WBS tab page and enter the following data: Field Name

Field Value



Without root




Without activities


Choose WBS Element Overview and select the WBS elements E-1004-2 Procurement and E-1004-3 Assembly. To replace 1004 with 98## choose Replace (2x). To copy both WBS elements to your project choose Include. 5.

Derive the structure of your work breakdown structure using the selected identification of the WBS elements and the coding mask used. a)


In the Project Builder menu, choose Project → Derivation Structure → Execute.

Create a WBS element for Quality Assurance using the hierarchy graphic. Assign it to level two. Use an appropriate identification and save your work breakdown structure. a)

To branch to the hierarchy graphic, choose Hierarchy Graphic. Then choose Create from the hierarchy graphic. Click the WBS element that can be inserted. Click again in a free part of the display area. Enter the identification E-98##-4 in the detail screen of the new WBS element and enter Quality Assurance as the description. Confirm your entries by choosing Back. Choose Connect and then drag a line from the highest WBS element to the new WBS element Quality Assurance. By clicking in a free area of the display section you can deactivate the connecting mode. Choose Back to return to the Project Builder. Click the corresponding symbol to save your project. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

Task 2: Detailing a Work Breakdown Structure You can add more detail to your project in the Project Builder by defining characteristics for WBS elements, storing additional information in user fields, and assigning a milestone to it. Optional: Assign a PS text and link a document from the document management system to your project. Set and pass on a user status in your project. 1.

In the Project Builder, store basic dates for the entire duration of your project in the project definition. The (basic) Start Date should be today's date and your project should end approximately six months later. Adapt your project so that you can plan costs and account assign documents later in the realization phase for all WBS elements. Note, however, that the highest

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


WBS element is the only one relevant for revenues. In the top WBS element of your project, enter the field key 0000001 and then values for the user fields from this WBS element. a)

To open your project E-98##, transfer the project by dragging and dropping from the worklist to the structure tree. Expand the project structure using the corresponding symbol. Enter the following dates in the Basic Data tab page of the project definition (if required, select the structure tree first): Field Name

Field Value

Start date


Finish date

Today +6 months

Confirm your entries by choosing Enter. Hint: If the finish date you entered is not a work day (according to the factory calendar), the system issues a warning. You can enter either a different finish date or confirm the warning with ENTER. To change to the table display of WBS elements, choose WBS Element Overview. On the Basic Data tab page, scroll far enough to the right so that you see the operative indicators for the WBS elements. Set the operative indicators according to the following table: WBS Element


























Now select the top WBS element E-98## of your project in the structure tree, and in the detail screen of the WBS element, go to the tab pageUser Fields. Enter 0000001 in the field Field Key and confirm your entry with Enter. The selection and description of the fields ready for entry change. Enter (any) values in the user fields. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures


Use a milestone (Use: 00001 Project Idea) to specify that there should be a kickoff meeting 12 days after your project has begun. You should be able to evaluate date shifts for this milestone in milestone trend analysis. a)

Drag a milestone from the template area (under Individual Objects) to the highest WBS element E-98##. Enter the following data in the detail screen of the milestone: Field Name

Field Value


Kickoff Meeting



Trend Analysis




Time unit


Confirm your entries by choosing Enter. Hint: Because you have not yet planned dates for this WBS element, the system cannot determine dates for the milestones yet. 3.

Create your own PS text for the Text Type02 General comment with the description Project ## to define a specification of your elevator at the highest WBS element. Use the Microsoft Word interface to create a text. a)

Drag a PS text from the template area (under Individual Objects) to the highest WBS element E-98##. Enter the following data: Field Name

Field Value

Text type

02 or General comment

PS Text

Project ##

Text format

2 or DOC format

Confirm your entries by choosing Enter. Enter a text of your choice. Then choose Save.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures



Optional: Using the document overview, create a link from WBS element E-98## to documents in the document management system. Use for example the document key DRM PS-TUR-001-00001. Display a document directly in the Project Builder. Save your project. a)

Select the highest WBS element E-98## GR## in the structure tree. To branch to the table overview of linked documents, choose Document Overview. Enter the following data: Type








Confirm your entries by choosing Enter. Expand the display of the document you just assigned in the structure tree. Select a document (for example, pump_assembly) in the structure tree. Choose Display Original Appl. File. Hint: The system may require you to specify the user interface type. If this occurs, choose PC with Windows. Furthermore, you can display this original document only if the SAPGUI (and the EAI Viewer) has been installed completely on your front end system. Use the pointer to rotate the CAD drawing and view the three-dimensional object. Save your project. 5.

Optional: Define the user status profile 13000000 for your WBS elements of the subnode “Engineering/Design”. Set the status LPRQ Lock purchase requisitions by passing on to this subnode of your project. a)

Open your project E-98## in the Project Builder and expand the entire structure, if necessary. Select WBS element E-98##-1 Engineering/Design. To branch to the detail view, choose the System/User Status icons on the Basic Data tab page. Define the value 13000000 in the Status Profile and confirm the assignment of the status profile. Choose Back. Assign the status profile 13000000 analagously to the WBS elements E-98##-1-1 Mechanical Engineering and E-98##-1-2 Electrical Engineering . Select the WBS element E-98##-1 in the structure tree. Use Processing → Status → User Status → Set & Pass On and choose the user status LPRQ Lock purchase requisitions. Confirm the message with Continue. Save your project. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

Task 3: Tools Use substitutions and validations to change or check your project data. 1.

Store in the Project Builder the people responsible 21 and ## in different WBS elements of your project E-98##. Adapt the tabular display beforehand according to the responsibilities of the WBS elements, so that you can analyze and maintain the people and cost centers responsible jointly. Save these table settings in a variant Group ##. You should be able to use these user-specific settings later, by default. Finally use the substitution PSSUB01 to determine the responsible cost center automatically. a)

If you are no longer in the Project Builder, choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Project Builder. Open your project E-98## by clicking the project definition in the template area. Choose WBS Element Overview and go to the Responsibilities tab page in the overview. Adjust the width of the WBS Element and Person Respons. columns by clicking and dragging the column separator. Move the Responsible Cost Center column, by dragging and dropping, to after the Resp. Person column (if necessary, scroll to the right). In the upper-right corner of the table control, choose the symbol for saving your table settings. In the dialog box that follows, enter Group ## as the Variant and, if required, select Use as standard setting. Then choose Create and exit the screen for maintaining variants by choosing Save.


Enter the value 21 in the Person Respons. column for some WBS elements, and your own course group number ## for others. To select all WBS elements, choose Select all. Choose Edit → Validation/Substitution → Substitution. This brings you to a dialog box with messages about the substitutions you made. Confirm with Continue. Note the changes to the responsible cost center in the WBS element overview. Hint: If you did not define a substitution in your project profile, the system firstly issues a dialog box after you trigger a substitution. Here you can select the substitution you want to use.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures



Optional: Test the validation PSVAL01 in the Project Builder. This validation checks whether WBS elements are flagged as billing elements on level 1 with the project type CP Customer Project. Deactivate the corresponding operative indicator from your top WBS element E-98## and then trigger validation. a)

Your project E-98## is still open in the Project Builder. In the structure tree, select the top WBS element E-98## to branch to the detail view. Deactivate the operative indicator Billing element for the basic data of the WBS element. The project category CP Customer Project should be defined for the WBS element. Choose Edit → Validation/Substitution → Validation. The system gives you a selection of possible validations. Select validation PSVAL01 and confirm your selection with Copy. This brings you to a dialog box with the error message: Set the operative indicator Billing Element. Confirm the message with Continue. Set the operative indicator Billing element in the basic data of the WBS element E-98## and save your project.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Use options for creating and editing work breakdown structures (Project Builder, network graphic) • Assign different objects for detailing and documentation to WBS elements • Use the tools for optimized data maintenance (validation, substitution, and mass change)

Related Information •


You can find important consulting notes with detailed information about work breakdown structures and other SAP PS topics in the collective consulting note 494487 on the SAP Support portal.

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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Lesson: Standard Work Breakdown Structures Lesson Overview This lesson will deal with the creation of standard work breakdown structures and how they differ from operative work breakdown structures.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Create a standard work breakdown structure

Business Example You want to make creating your future projects even easier. Therefore, you create standard work breakdown structures that you can use later as template for creating your company's projects.

Standard Work Breakdown Structures When you define standard structures, you have the option of standardizing your project management so that you can use empirical values from earlier projects in new projects. Standard work breakdown structures can be used as templates to copy from (this saves time). Another advantage of standardizing project structures is that projects become more transparent and you can compare them more easily, thereby enabling more effective project controlling. When you create an operating work breakdown structure, you can use a complete standard work breakdown structure as template or just copy parts of it. If you already have an operating work breakdown structure, you can copy parts of it into the existing project structure. In this case, you can also “Add” WBS elements.

Figure 24: Template Standard Work Breakdown Structure


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Lesson: Standard Work Breakdown Structures

You use standard work breakdown structures as templates for operative work breakdown structures. You can use standard work breakdown structures to plan the structure in advance, that is, the WBS hierarchy, organizational assignments, control data, and project documentation (long texts, PS texts). It is not possible to plan operative data with standard work breakdown structures. For example, you cannot use a standard WBS for cost planning or time scheduling purposes. You also cannot maintain settlement rules in standard WBS elements. Unlike operative work breakdown structures, standard work breakdown structures do not have user statuses. In the standard work breakdown structure, only the definition has a status. The WBS elements have no status, but you can already assign them a user status profile. The status of the definition is Created (standard WBS) (CRES), Released (standard WBS) (RELS) or Closed (standard WBS) (CLOS). If the status is CRES or RELS, standard work breakdown structures can be used as templates; if the status is CLOS, a standard work breakdown structure cannot be used as a template for creating either an operative or a standard WBS.

Figure 25: Standard Work Breakdown Structure


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


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Lesson: Standard Work Breakdown Structures

Exercise 5: Creating Standard Work Breakdown Structures Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create a standard work breakdown structure

Business Example Create a standard work breakdown structure as template for your later projects. Later you will create a standard network and assign the activities of the standard network to the WBS elements of your standard work breakdown structure.

Task: Standard Work Breakdown Structure In this task you will create a standard work breakdown structure (standard WBS) and release it as a template. Hint: In the following exercises, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.


Create standard WBS E-97## with the description Standard elevator group ##. Use standard WBS E-1004 as a template. Add detail to the substructure for the procurement in your standard WBS using two planning elements on the third level: E-97##-2-1 Procurement mechanism and E-97##-2-2 Procurement electronics. Release the standard WBS before saving.

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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Solution 5: Creating Standard Work Breakdown Structures Task: Standard Work Breakdown Structure In this task you will create a standard work breakdown structure (standard WBS) and release it as a template. Hint: In the following exercises, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Create standard WBS E-97## with the description Standard elevator group ##. Use standard WBS E-1004 as a template. Add detail to the substructure for the procurement in your standard WBS using

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Standard Work Breakdown Structures

two planning elements on the third level: E-97##-2-1 Procurement mechanism and E-97##-2-2 Procurement electronics. Release the standard WBS before saving. a)

Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Basic Data → Templates → Standard WBS → Create. Enter the following data on the initial screen and then choose Project definition: Field Name

Field Value

Std. proj. def


Project Profile

1004 or Elevators model group 4

Template Std. project def.


Adapt the description of the standard project definition according to the task. To branch to the WBS structure, choose WBS Structure. Now decide which WBS elements are to be copied with which identification. You have selected all WBS elements in the template. To replace 1004 with 97## in each identification, choose Replace. To execute the replacement, choose Replace. Then use Include to create the WBS elements. b)

Call up the WBS element overview by choosing the corresponding symbol. Select the Assembly WBS element and choose Insert row to add detail to the Procurement WBS element. Enter the following data and then confirm your entries with Enter: WBS Element


Ind. PE


Procurement mechanism



Procurement electronics


Now assign the new WBS elements to the correct level in the hierarchy. Select both WBS elements and choose Edit → Object → Level Down. Go back to the project definition by choosing the corresponding symbol. Release the standard WBS by choosing Edit→ Status → Release. Save the standard WBS.


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Unit 2: Work Breakdown Structures


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Create a standard work breakdown structure


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Make settings in Customizing for work breakdown structures, in particular for project profiles and editing masks • Define and employ user statuses and user fields • Enhanced functions in EhP3, such as status combination codes, multilingual capability, and access control lists • Make important Customizing settings for work breakdown structures, particularly for user fields and settings for the user interface • Describe new features in EhP3, such as access control lists and multilingual capability for short texts • Use options for creating and editing work breakdown structures (Project Builder, network graphic) • Assign different objects for detailing and documentation to WBS elements • Use the tools for optimized data maintenance (validation, substitution, and mass change) • Create a standard work breakdown structure


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Unit Summary



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Test Your Knowledge

Test Your Knowledge


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Test Your Knowledge




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Unit 3 Activities and Networks Unit Overview Networks describe the course of a project. This unit discusses the most important features of networks, their structure, and the required Customizing settings. Furthermore, the creation of standard networks as a template for operative networks will be discussed.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • •

Make the necessary Customizing settings for creating activities and networks Use options for creating and editing networks (Project Builder, network graphic) Use relationships, activity elements, milestones, and subnetworks Create standard networks

Unit Contents Lesson: Customizing Activities and Networks ............................... 80 Exercise 6: Customizing Networks........................................ 83 Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks .............. 90 Exercise 7: Activities and Networks......................................101 Lesson: Standard Networks ................................................... 110 Exercise 8: Creating Standard Networks................................ 113


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Lesson: Customizing Activities and Networks Lesson Overview This lesson deals with settings in Customizing for SAP Project System (SAP PS) that you have to make before using activities and networks.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Make the necessary Customizing settings for creating activities and networks

Business Example When structuring your projects, you use networks as well as work breakdown structures to plan dates and resources. The procurement of material and external activities should also be carried out later using networks. You therefore familiarize yourself with the necessary settings in Customizing for the Project System.

Customizing Networks When you create a network, you must assign it a network profile, network type, and reference to a plant. However, the network profile can already contain default values for the network type and plant. The network profile and network type are important tables in PS Customizing where you specify the characteristics of a network. They store default values and control data for the network in question. Depending upon the plant and network type, the system selects control data and default values from three other profiles in Customizing: the parameter for the network type, the confirmation parameter, and the scheduling parameter. To check the availability of material components in your networks, for example, you also require the Define Checking Control table. This table is defined depending upon the plant and network type for opened and released networks in Customizing for the SAP Project System.


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Lesson: Customizing Activities and Networks

Figure 26: Network Type and Network Profile

The network profile, network type, and network type parameters are presented in detail in the appendix.

Control Key The control key of an activity stipulates the activity type (internal processing, external processing, service, general costs activity). The control key also determines how an activity is handled during calculation, scheduling, capacity planning, and shop paper printing.


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Figure 27: Control Key

You define the control key in Customizing for the SAP Project System. You can define control keys in the network profile or standard network profile as default values for activities and activity elements to be created.


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Lesson: Customizing Activities and Networks

Exercise 6: Customizing Networks Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Make important settings for networks in Customizing

Business Example To get an overview of Customizing for networks, you will learn how to create your own profiles for networks with templates of existing profiles. When you add activities to your future project structures, the settings made here by you will be automatically used.

Task: Customizing Networks Create your own profile for networks in Customizing for the SAP Project System and look at the various settings options. Enter your network profile in the project profile you created in the “Customizing Work Breakdown Structures” lesson. Optional: You can make settings in the tables Confirmation Parameters for Network Type and Check Control of the availability check, which are required when you execute networks. Hint: In the following tasks, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Create the network type GR## with the name Group ## in Customizing. Use the network type PS04 as a template. Which user status profile is intended for this network type? To which number range is your network type assigned after you have saved?


Define parameters for your network type GR## for plant 1300 (copy the parameters from network type PS04 of plant 1300 to copy from). Adapt the parameters to your network type so that the system creates only one purchase requisition per network, if necessary. Due to the settings, does account assignment occur on the header or activity level?


Create your own network profile GR## with the name Group ## and the template of the network profile 1004. Change the data of your profile so that the system uses the network type GR##, and so that the system creates reservations and purchase requisitions only after they have been manually triggered. Enter the default value 001 as the purchasing group for the procurement of external services.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks




Create scheduling parameters for your network type GR## for plant 1300. Copy the scheduling parameters of network type PS04 in plant 1300. Adjust your scheduling parameters so that the start dates can be 999 days in the past and the system begins with forward scheduling when scheduling networks.


Enter your network profile GR## in the project profile GR## Sales Projects you created in the “Work Breakdown Structure” lesson.


Optional: Define confirmation parameters for your network type GR## in plant 1300. Copy the confirmation parameters of network type PS04 in plant 1300. Change your confirmation parameters so that it is no longer possible to confirm dates that lie in the future.


Optional: Activate the automatic material availability check for your network type GR## in plant 1300 (both for creating and releasing networks). Once again, copy the settings of network type PS04 in plant 1300.

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Lesson: Customizing Activities and Networks

Solution 6: Customizing Networks Task: Customizing Networks Create your own profile for networks in Customizing for the SAP Project System and look at the various settings options. Enter your network profile in the project profile you created in the “Customizing Work Breakdown Structures” lesson. Optional: You can make settings in the tables Confirmation Parameters for Network Type and Check Control of the availability check, which are required when you execute networks. Hint: In the following tasks, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Create the network type GR## with the name Group ## in Customizing. Use the network type PS04 as a template. Which user status profile is intended for this network type? To which number range is your network type assigned after you have saved? a)

To access Customizing, enter transaction code SPRO or choose Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project. To get to Customizing for the Project System, choose SAP Reference IMG. Copy the network type. Choose Customizing Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Network → Settings for Networks → Maintain Network Types. Select the network type PS04, Network for Customer Project ( Choose Copy As. Change the identification and the description according to the task. Confirm your entries with Copy. Then choose Save.


To access the detail screen for your network type, double-click GR## in the overview of network types. 13000000 PS Customer Project (IDES) is entered as the status profile. To check the assignment of your network type to a number range, choose Number range general. When you copy the network type PS04, your network type GR## is automatically assigned to the same number range 900000 - 999999. Hint: If you create a network type without a template, you must manually assign your network to a number range. To exit network type maintenance, choose Back (more than once). Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks



Define parameters for your network type GR## for plant 1300 (copy the parameters from network type PS04 of plant 1300 to copy from). Adapt the parameters to your network type so that the system creates only one purchase requisition per network, if necessary. Due to the settings, does account assignment occur on the header or activity level? a)

Choose Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Network → Settings for Networks → Specify Parameters for Network Type. Select the rows for the combination Plant: 1300 and Network Type: PS04. To copy data, choose Copy As. In the Network Type field, enter the network type GR## and set the Collctve Requstn indicator. Because the ActvtyAcctAsgn. indicator is set, account assignment for networks occurs for these parameters always on the activity level. Confirm your entries with Copy. Save the network parameter. To exit, choose Back.


Create your own network profile GR## with the name Group ## and the template of the network profile 1004. Change the data of your profile so that the system uses the network type GR##, and so that the system creates reservations and purchase requisitions only after they have been manually triggered. Enter the default value 001 as the purchasing group for the procurement of external services. a)

Choose Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Network → Settings for Networks → Maintain Network Profiles. Select the row 1004 Elevator Model Group 4 for the network profile. To copy the profile, choose Copy As. Change the Key and Definition of the network profile according to the task. Enter the network type GR## in the Network Type field. Enter the value 1 (never) for the Res./Purc. req. indicator. On the Activities tab page, enter the Purchasing Group 001 as the default value for service and externally processed activities. Confirm your entries with Copy. Save your network profile. To exit, choose Back.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing Activities and Networks


Create scheduling parameters for your network type GR## for plant 1300. Copy the scheduling parameters of network type PS04 in plant 1300. Adjust your scheduling parameters so that the start dates can be 999 days in the past and the system begins with forward scheduling when scheduling networks. a)

Choose Project System → Dates → Scheduling → Specify Parameters for Network Scheduling. Select the rows for the combination Plant: 1300 and Network Type: PS04. To copy data, choose Copy As. Enter the network type GR## in the Order Type field. Set Forwards as the scheduling type and enter the value 999 in the Start in the Past field. Confirm your entries with Copy (Enter). Save the changes. To exit the scheduling parameters, choose Back.


Enter your network profile GR## in the project profile GR## Sales Projects you created in the “Work Breakdown Structure” lesson. a)

Choose Project System → Structures → Operative Structures → Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) → Create Project Profile. Select your project profile GR## to branch to the profile details. Go to the Plg board/dates tab page and enter your profile GR## in the Network Profile field. Save the changes. To exit project profile maintenance, choose Back (more than once).


Optional: Define confirmation parameters for your network type GR## in plant 1300. Copy the confirmation parameters of network type PS04 in plant 1300. Change your confirmation parameters so that it is no longer possible to confirm dates that lie in the future. a)

Choose Project System → Confirmation → Define Confirmation Parameters.. Select the rows for the combination Plant: 1300 and Network Type: PS04. To copy data, choose Copy As. In the Network Type field, enter the network type GR## and deactivate the Date in future indicator. Confirm your entries with Copy (Enter). Save the changes. To exit the scheduling parameters, choose Back.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks



Optional: Activate the automatic material availability check for your network type GR## in plant 1300 (both for creating and releasing networks). Once again, copy the settings of network type PS04 in plant 1300. a)

Choose Project System → Material → Availability Check → Define Checking Control. Select the row with the combination Plant: 1300 and Network Type: PS04 for created orders (Business Function: 1). To copy data, choose Copy As. In the Order Type field, enter the network type GR## and deactivate the No Check indicator for material availability. Confirm your entries with Copy (Enter). Carry out the same for open orders (Business Function: 2). Save the changes and exit.


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Lesson: Customizing Activities and Networks

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Make the necessary Customizing settings for creating activities and networks


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks Lesson Overview Networks and their activities build the basis for planning, analyzing, and controlling dates, costs, capacity, materials, resources, and services required for carrying out a project and its tasks. This lesson discusses the fundamental characteristics of networks and activities. Furthermore, you will learn about activity elements, milestones, and subnetworks for detailing activities.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •

Use options for creating and editing networks (Project Builder, network graphic) Use relationships, activity elements, milestones, and subnetworks

Business Example You want to familiarize yourself with the different ways to create networks for your projects in SAP Project System (SAP PS). You add activities and networks to your work breakdown structure, and in the process use the Customizing settings that you made.

Creating Networks Networks are used to show the flow of a project or an action involved in a project. The fundamental elements that form a network are network headers, activities, and relationships. There are many ways to create networks.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

Figure 28: Different Ways to Create Work Breakdown Structures

Using the Project Builder and the transaction Create Network, you can create networks manually or using operative networks or standard networks as templates, without having to access them via a work breakdown structure (WBS). If you want to create networks for a WBS, you can use the project planning board or structure planning. If you work with simulation versions, you can also create networks for a WBS. By transferring the simulation version to an operative project, you create an operative network. If you use standard structures as templates, you can decide whether assigned networks should be created when you create a WBS using a indicator. Assembly processing also requires standard networks as templates for creating networks.

Network Structure In the SAP system the network is a special kind of work order, which uses a common structure with production or maintenance orders, for example. Each network has a unique identification that is assigned either automatically by the system depending upon the network type (internal number assignment) or by the user when he or she creates the network (external number assignment). The network header of a network contains default organizational assignment data and control data that applies to the entire network (similar to the project definition for WBS elements). In the network header, you can assign a network to a work breakdown structure, a sales order, or a higher-level network (if you work with subnetworks).


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Activities form the basis for planning and executing networks. Each activity can be assigned to any WBS element (as long as it is an account assignment element). The network is scheduled at the activity level. Relationships determine the order in which activities are carried out. Consequently, relationships – and the duration of the activities – are essential for scheduling networks. You use activity elements to split activities into more detail or enhance them.

Figure 29: Network Structure

Networks can be header-assigned or activity-assigned, depending on order type or plant. Normally, activity-assigned networks are used, where costs are gathered in each activity. Header-assigned networks are only significant for the assignment of networks to sales orders (without WBS).


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

The SAP Project System has the following activity categories: •

Internally processed activities contain a work center at which the work is to be carried out. They contain the working time and the duration of the activity. The assignment of the work center to a cost center provides an activity type and a rate so that planned costs can be calculated for the activity. External activities are used for procuring activities or services that are not procured within your company. Purchase requisitions are generated for externally procured activities that are processed in Purchasing. A differentiation is made between “external processing” and “service” for externally procured activities. General costs activities enable you to plan costs that can be planned by neither internal nor external activities. For example, you can plan expenses or insurance costs using general costs activities.

Normally activities are not organized in a random order in a network. There are usually technical or content-stipulated dependencies between the activities. Relationships determine the chronological sequence of the individual activities in a network (or standard network) or different networks. You can enter additional data (such as a time interval of the relationship or reference to a particular factory calendar) in the detail screen for each relationship. The type of relationship defines how the individual activities are linked to each other.

Figure 30: Relationships


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Explanation of the example above: • • • •

The activity “assembly” begins with the end of the predecessor activity “production.” The activity “purchase order” begins with the start of the activity “Engin./Design.” The activity “work scheduling” ends with the end of the activity “Engin./Design.” The activity “test run” ends with the start of the activity “approval.”

In addition you can define time intervals for the relationships, allowing you to control, for example, that the activity “assembly” begins two days after the end of the activity “production” or that the activity “purchase order” begins, according to the plan, if 20% of the design phase has been completed. In the network structure graphic you can display relationships “time dependently”, to illustrate the logical process chain. All relationships in the network structure graphic are displayed as FS relationships by default. You can access the network structure graphic from various transactions in the SAP Project System, such as the Project Builder, time scheduling, or the structure info system. The network graphic provides all of the functions needed to process a network (the functions for inserting activities or relationships, for example). The cycle analysis is a function that you can perform only in the network structure graphic. A cycle is a closed sequence of relationships and activities ("closed" means that when you start out from one activity, you end up back at the same activity with relationships). If the activity-relationship-activity path is cyclical, you will not be able to schedule the network. Cycle analysis is a tool that enables you to detect cyclical relationships, and correct them.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

Figure 31: Network Structure Graphic

Detailing Options Activities are given detail by activity elements. For example, it is possible to complement an activity, which describes the transport of a material, with a cost element, which describes the insurance for that transport process. Or you can assign an external element to an internally processed activity for design services, if, for example, a specific detail design should be carried out by an external provider. Activity elements have almost the same functionality as activities. Types of activity elements include internal processing elements, external processing elements, and general costs elements. All activity elements have a date reference to the activity to which they are assigned. In this way you are sure that each activity element can be planned independently, while remaining bound by time to a superior activity. The activity elements themselves do not affect scheduling. For this reason, they do not have any relationships or durations. Materials and relationships are assigned to the superior activity. Activity elements are assigned to WBS elements if necessary. The assignment has the same function as in the case of the activities, but has no influence on time scheduling of WBS elements.


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Figure 32: Activity Elements

Resource planning in networks includes the planning of internal and external activities, the procurement of materials, the assignment of texts and documents, and the planning of milestones. When you plan milestone dates or determine the dates on which materials are required, you can reference the dates of the superior activity (you can of course also enter definite dates without referencing the activity). You plan material requirements by assigning material components to activities. Material requirements form the basis for procurement - whether the material be produced in-house (production) or procured externally (purchasing).


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

Figure 33: Resource Planning

Along with activity elements, PS texts, documents , and material components, you can assign milestones to activities (see the “Creating and Working with Work Breakdown Structures” lesson). If you want to use particular milestones several times in project planning, you should create standard milestones, and use these as templates to copy from. Milestones assigned to activities or WBS elements are used in the SAP Project System for the following tasks and functions (it is possible to use the milestones more than once): • • • • •


For information and reporting purposes in the information system and in the project planning board For milestone trend analyses For the milestone technique of progress analysis For milestone dates in billing plans and milestone billing For defined milestone functions in activities (only for activity milestones)

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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Figure 34: Activity Milestones

Milestone functions in a network are predefined by SAP. You can use them to trigger a sequence of steps that carry out a business process. The following milestone functions exist: • • • • • •

Release subsequent activities Release up to release milestone Include a standard network Create a network Include a subnetwork Start a workflow task (user-defined workflow task or standard tasks)

You can trigger a milestone function automatically, when you change the system status or user status in the activity, or manually, if an actual date is defined in the milestone.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

Figure 35: Milestone Functions

Subnetworks (along with activity elements and the option of including standard networks in an existing network) are one way to detail a network in the project flow. You can define subnetworks for subnetworks (until you have achieved the level of detail you require). You can therefore create a subnetwork for the subnetwork for the subnetwork, and so on. You can also create maintenance orders as subnetworks for a superior network that can be scheduled from SAP PS. Data is exchanged between the network and the subnetwork. The assignment to the WBS, sales order, and possibly configuration data is transferred from the header of the superior network. The basic dates of the activity are copied as the basic dates of the header of the subnetwork. It is also possible to copy the settlement rule, the profit center, and the business area. You can also copy the relationships of the higher-level activity to the subnetwork. The control key of the higher-level activity is changed on the basis of the network type of the higher-level network and of the subnetwork. This determines which tasks are carried out by the higher-level activity (relevance for costing, relevance for scheduling, and so on.)


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Figure 36: Subnetworks

Tips for Networks You create networks from network headers, activities, relationships, and activity elements, and you can detail them using subnetworks. You can assign a large number of objects (for example, components, texts, and milestones) to activities. Networks are mainly used to map the logistical aspects of your project. Hint: • • • • •


Use a maximum of 10,000 activities and elements per project; use a maximum of 500 activities and activity elements per network. Use activity elements to split an activity into its various tasks. Do not assign activities from a header-assigned network to several WBS elements. Use the option of creating several networks and subnetworks for one project to store different responsibilities (MRP controllers). Remember that networks have lock logic (for example, if work is distributed).

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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

Exercise 7: Activities and Networks Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create networks, activities, activity elements, and relationships • Assign milestones and material components

Business Example You have already created an operative work breakdown structure. You will become familiar with the creation of networks by adding activities and networks to your example project and detailing them.

Task 1: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks Create two networks, one with a template and one without a template, for your project E-98lb# in the Project Builder. Use your Customizing settings for networks from the last exercise. Use relationships to define time dependencies between the networks. Hint: In the following tasks, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Enter your network profile GR## in the project definition of your project E-98##. Plan costs for your team meetings in the amount of 1000 Euro for cost element 466000 using a general costs activity for the highest-level WBS element of your project E-98##. Distribute the costs over a period of 20 days. The respective network should use your Customizing settings. Have an external provider carry out quality assurance for your project. Plan this using an externally processed activity, External Quality Assurance, for the WBS element Quality Assurance. Use data from the purchasing info record 5500000057. Save the changes to your project.


Create a second network with the description Design, Procurement, and Assembly for the WBS element E-98##-1 Engineering/Design of your project. Copy the standard network E-1002. Once again, use your Customizing settings for the network profile and the network type for the new network. Not all activities of this network are intended for the elevator design. Assign the new activities appropriately to the WBS elements in your project.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks



Using the tabular relationship overview, create finish-start relationships for activity 1010 Customer Acceptance to 10 Meeting Costs and for activity 1140 Assembly to activity 20 External Quality Assurance. Use the network structure graphic to change the relationship between activities 1000 Layout and 1010 Customer Acceptance. In place of the original relationship, create a start-start relationship from activity 1010 to activity 1000. Save your changes.

Task 2: Assigning Activity Elements, Material Components, and Milestones Use an activity element to add detail to an activity in your project. Using an example, look at the manual assignment of material components. Plan the release of activities using the milestone function.



Plan costs in the amount of 800 Euros for a customer presentation that should begin when activity 1010 Customer Acceptance begins. Use an activity element.


Plan the procurement of a shaft framework (material number E-1203a) for the elevator using material requirements planning (MRP). The requirements date should lie 3 days before the end of activity 1080 Procurement of Mechanical Equipment.


Next you should create a milestone with the usage Start Execution for the activity Customer acceptance. The milestone should release the subsequent activities as soon as you set the user status Order user status for the activity. According to the plan, this milestone should be reached at the end of the activity. Save your project.

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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

Solution 7: Activities and Networks Task 1: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks Create two networks, one with a template and one without a template, for your project E-98lb# in the Project Builder. Use your Customizing settings for networks from the last exercise. Use relationships to define time dependencies between the networks. Hint: In the following tasks, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Enter your network profile GR## in the project definition of your project E-98##. Plan costs for your team meetings in the amount of 1000 Euro for cost element 466000 using a general costs activity for the highest-level WBS element of your project E-98##. Distribute the costs over a period of 20 days. The respective network should use your Customizing settings. Have an external provider carry out quality assurance for your project.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Plan this using an externally processed activity, External Quality Assurance, for the WBS element Quality Assurance. Use data from the purchasing info record 5500000057. Save the changes to your project. a)

Open your project E-98lb# in the Project Builder. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Project Builder. Select the project E-98lb# in your worklist to open the project. Change the Network Profile field on the Control data tab page for the project definition. Select your network profile Group ##. Drag a general costs activity from the template area of the Project Builder (under Individual Objects → Activity) and drop it on the highest-level WBS element of the project, E-98##. Enter the following data in the detail screen of the activity and confirm your entries with Enter. Field Name

Field Value


Costs for Meetings



Cost Element


Normal Duration

20 Days

Hint: After the data has been released, the system creates the activity and the network header using a preliminary number. The system uses the network profile defined in the project definition as the network profile for this network. Drag an externally processed activity from the template area and drop it on the WBS element E-98##-4 Quality Assurance. Enter the following data: Field Name

Field Value


External Quality Assurance

Info Rec


Confirm your entry and the dialog box that follows. To save your changes, choose Save.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks


Create a second network with the description Design, Procurement, and Assembly for the WBS element E-98##-1 Engineering/Design of your project. Copy the standard network E-1002. Once again, use your Customizing settings for the network profile and the network type for the new network. Not all activities of this network are intended for the elevator design. Assign the new activities appropriately to the WBS elements in your project. a)

Open your project E-98## in the Project Builder. Select the WBS element E-98##-1 Engineering/Design in the structure tree and open the context menu (right mouse click). Choose Create → Copy Network from the context menu. In the dialog box that follows, enter the value E-1002 in the Std network field and choose the Network Parameters tab page. Enter GR## as the network profile, GR## as the network type, and 1300 as the plant, and confirm your entries with Continue. The system displays the detail data of the new network header in the processing area. Enter Design, Procurement, and Assembly as the description for the new network. Confirm your entry and the warning message (if required) for the start date of the network so that the system creates the network. The system displays the new network and the copied activities in the structure tree of the Project Builder. Assign the following by dragging the activities in the structure tree one after the other to the corresponding WBS elements.



WBS Element













Using the tabular relationship overview, create finish-start relationships for activity 1010 Customer Acceptance to 10 Meeting Costs and for activity 1140 Assembly to activity 20 External Quality Assurance. Use the network structure graphic to change the relationship between activities 1000 Layout

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


and 1010 Customer Acceptance. In place of the original relationship, create a start-start relationship from activity 1010 to activity 1000. Save your changes. a)

Select activity 1010 Customer Acceptance in the structure overview. Choose Relationship Overview to view the tabular overview of relationships. Find and select activity 10 Costs for Meeting in the Activity Selection. To create a link between both activities, choose Create Relationship. So that activity 10 Meeting Costs becomes the successor to activity 1010 activate the Scs (Successor) indicator in the Relationships area for activity 10 Meetings Costs. Do the same to create a finish-start relationship in the table for activity 1140 Assembly to activity 20 External Quality Assurance. Hint: When you select a relationship in the tabular overview, you can display the relationship data in a detail screen by choosing Detail View. Choose Network Graphic to work (graphically) with the relationship between activities 1010 and 1000. Select this relationship and choose Delete. Confirm the dialog box. Choose the Connect symbol and drag a relationship from the beginning of the predecessor 1010 Customer Acceptance to the beginning of the successor 1000 Layout. Hint: You can display the new time dependencies in another way by adapting the entire diagram using the symbol Adjust and then creating a display that reflects that point in time by choosing Relationship display. To return to the Project Builder, choose Back. Confirm the dialog box (if required) to save the positions of the nodes. Then save your entire project.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

Task 2: Assigning Activity Elements, Material Components, and Milestones Use an activity element to add detail to an activity in your project. Using an example, look at the manual assignment of material components. Plan the release of activities using the milestone function. 1.

Plan costs in the amount of 800 Euros for a customer presentation that should begin when activity 1010 Customer Acceptance begins. Use an activity element. a)

Select the project E-98## in your worklist to open the project for editing. If required, expand the entire structure of your project in the structure tree. Drag a Costs activity element from the template area (Individual Objects → Activity Element) and drop it on activity 1010 Customer Acceptance. Enter the following data in the detail screen of the activity element and confirm your entries with Enter.


Field Name

Field Value


Customer Presentation


800 dollars

Plan the procurement of a shaft framework (material number E-1203a) for the elevator using material requirements planning (MRP). The requirements date should lie 3 days before the end of activity 1080 Procurement of Mechanical Equipment. a)

Drag a material component from the template area and drop it on activity 1080 Procurement of Mechanical Equipment. Enter the following data in the detail screen of the material component and confirm your entries with Enter. Field Name

Field Value



Item Category


Reqts Qty



-3 Days

If the system suggests more than one procurement option, choose WBS Element Reservation for the procurement. Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks



Next you should create a milestone with the usage Start Execution for the activity Customer acceptance. The milestone should release the subsequent activities as soon as you set the user status Order user status for the activity. According to the plan, this milestone should be reached at the end of the activity. Save your project. a)

Drag a milestone from the template area and drop it on activity 1010 Customer Acceptance. Enter the following data in the detail screen of the milestone and confirm your entries with Enter. Field Name

Field Value

Milestone (Description)

Release subsequent activities


00004 (Start Execution)

Ind. Milestone functions


Ind. Offset to fin.


Change to the Functions tab page of the milestone and enter the following data: Field Name

Field Value

Ind. Release following activities


User Status



+ Status Set


_ Function is activated by status

To save the changes that you made to your project, choose Save.


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Lesson: Creating and Working with Activities and Networks

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Use options for creating and editing networks (Project Builder, network graphic) • Use relationships, activity elements, milestones, and subnetworks

Related Information •


You can find important consulting notes with detailed information about networks and other SAP PS topics in the collective consulting note 494487.

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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Lesson: Standard Networks Lesson Overview This lesson deals with the creation of standard networks and the main differences between standard and operative networks.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Create standard networks

Business Example You want make creating networks even easier. You therefore create standard networks that function as templates for the operative networks of your future projects.

Standard Networks A standard network is structured in much the same way as a network. However, the internal structure of a standard network is like a task list (comparable to the structure of a routing in logistics), whereas an operative network is created like an order. This means there are small differences between a standard network and a network: • • • • •


A standard network can have more than one alternative. Alternatives can indicate different uses or validities. The header of a standard network contains different data to the header of an operative network. Standard networks have their own persons responsible (Planner Group). Standard networks have their own profiles and status that you can enter in Customizing for the Project System (PS). Materials are assigned by means of material BOMs and standard BOMs.

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Lesson: Standard Networks

Figure 37: Standard Network

You cannot assign materials directly to a standard network, but only indirectly using bills of material (BOMs). The BOM in question can be either a material BOM or a standard BOM. A standard BOM does not have a “header component”; it is a tool that is used only for assigning material components to a standard network. It is created and edited directly in the standard network. In a second step, the individual BOM items (materials) are assigned to the activities of the standard network. Phantom assemblies are exploded at several levels so the individual materials can be assigned to the network activities.

Figure 38: Material Assignment in Standard Networks


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Standard Networks and Standard Work Breakdown Structures If you use templates that are assigned to each other (that is, if you use standard networks that are assigned to standard WBSs), there are two ways in which you can proceed. Both options (1, 2) are displayed in the graphic “Standard Structures”. •

You start by creating an operative network (with a template) (1a); in this case, a WBS will be assigned when you save the network (1b). This is used mainly for assembly processing and variant configuration with networks. Alternatively, you can start by creating an operative WBS (by copying a template and all its activities); in this case, the activities will be included right from the start. In the latter case, you can use the Project Builder, project planning board, or structure planning transactions (2)

The assignment between standard networks and standard work breakdown structures is carried out in the header and activities of the standard network.

Figure 39: Standard Structures


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Lesson: Standard Networks

Exercise 8: Creating Standard Networks Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create standard networks

Business Example You have already created a standard work breakdown structure as template for your operative work breakdown structures. You would now like to create a suitable template for networks and link it to your standard work breakdown structure.

Task: Standard Network In this task, you will create a standard network. In addition, you will assign the header and the activities of the standard network to the WBS elements of your standard work breakdown structure, so you can create both structures later.



Create standard network E-97## for profile Elevator model group 4 using the standard network E-1004 Alternative 1 as a template. Enter the name Standard network group ##, the status of the standard network should be Released (general). Add another internally processed activity Delivery to your standard network as a successor to the Assembly activity. The delivery should be executed by work center 2000, use 10 hours of work, and last 2 days. Assign the activities and the header of your standard network to the WBS elements of the standard WBS E-97## that you created previously. If necessary, use the input help to help you create the assignment.


Optional: Now test your standard structures by creating a network in the Project Builder with a template from your standard network E-97##. When you save the operative network, also create an operative work breakdown structure E-97## with a template from your standard work breakdown structure E-97##. Check the structure of the new project E-97##.

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Unit 3: Activities and Networks


Solution 8: Creating Standard Networks Task: Standard Network In this task, you will create a standard network. In addition, you will assign the header and the activities of the standard network to the WBS elements of your standard work breakdown structure, so you can create both structures later. 1.

Create standard network E-97## for profile Elevator model group 4 using the standard network E-1004 Alternative 1 as a template. Enter the name Standard network group ##, the status of the standard network should be Released (general). Add another internally processed activity Delivery to your standard network as a successor to the Assembly activity. The delivery should be executed by work center 2000, use 10 hours of work, and last 2 days. Assign the activities and the header of your standard network to the WBS elements of the standard WBS E-97## that you created previously. If necessary, use the input help to help you create the assignment. a)

Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Basic Data → Templates → Standard Network → Create. On the initial screen, choose 1004 elevator model group 4 as the profile for the standard network. In the Standard network field, enter E-97## and choose Copy from template. Now enter standard network E-1004 in the template selection and alternative 1. Confirm your entries with Continue. Enter the following data in the header of the standard network and then confirm your entries with Enter:


Field Name

Field Value


Standard Network (Group ##)

Network Status

Released (general)

Std. WBS element


To branch to the activity overview from the alternative overview, choose Activities. Now enter data for a new activity on the Internal processing tab page and confirm your entries. Field Name

Field Value



Opr. short text

Delivery Continued on next page


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Lesson: Standard Networks


2 days


10 hours

Work Center


Create an FS relationship from the activity Assembly to the new activity Delivery. To do this, select the Delivery activity and choose Relationship overview. Under Operation selection, select the Assembly activity and choose Create relationship. To return to the activity overview, choose Back or Activities. c)

You have already assigned the standard network header to a WBS element in your standard WBS E-97##. Now also enter the corresponding assignments for the individual activities in the standard network. To do this, select the Total tab page in the activity overview. Enter the following data: Activity

Std. WBS element
















E-97## Hint: You can also use the input help to display the short text of the standard WBS element for the assignment. To avoid selecting all WBS elements, enter E97##* in the Standard WBS element field. You can now select from a list of the WBS elements in your standard work breakdown structures.

Save your standard network and exit the transaction.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Activities and Networks



Optional: Now test your standard structures by creating a network in the Project Builder with a template from your standard network E-97##. When you save the operative network, also create an operative work breakdown structure E-97## with a template from your standard work breakdown structure E-97##. Check the structure of the new project E-97##. a)

Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Project Builder. To create a new network, choose Project → New → Copy Network.


In the dialog box Selection Template now enter E-97lb## in the field Standard Network. On the tab page Network Parameters, enter your network profile GR## (Group ##) and your network type GR## (Group ##). Hint: If you have not made any separate settings in Customizing for networks, use network profile 1004 (Elevator Model Group 4) and network type PS04 (Networks Customer Project Processing (int.No)). Confirm your entries by choosing Continue (Enter).



Check the network header control data and start copying of your standard network with Enter. The system now reads your standard network and creates an operative network.


Choose Save. Based on the assignment of your standard network to your standard work breakdown structure, the system now suggests creating an operative work breakdown structure with template from the standard work breakdown structure E-97##. Enter E-97## as identification of the new project and choose Creation Project. Confirm the data for creating the project with Create Project. Finally choose Copy to copy the project assignment.


Your project E-97## now appears in the worklist under Projects Processed Last. Double-click to open the project, and look at its structure. Finish this part of the exercise by choosing Back.

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Lesson: Standard Networks

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Create standard networks


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Make the necessary Customizing settings for creating activities and networks • Use options for creating and editing networks (Project Builder, network graphic) • Use relationships, activity elements, milestones, and subnetworks • Create standard networks


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Unit 4 Versions Unit Overview Simulation versions in SAP Project System can be used to test changes and also as part of the quotation phase of projects. You can use project versions to record general changes made to projects, to document the course of a project. Both these types of versions of the Project System, as well as the project planning board, which is a tool for processing simulation versions and operative project structures, are also dealt with in this unit.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • •

Create simulation versions Work with simulation versions in the project planning board Create project versions

Unit Contents Lesson: Versions................................................................120 Exercise 9: Versions .......................................................131


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Unit 4: Versions


Lesson: Versions Lesson Overview In the SAP Project System (SAP PS), the term “Version” is used in various contexts. This lesson discusses the tasks, use, and Customizing options of simulation versions and project versions. This lesson will show you how to work with simulation versions using the project planning board. In addition, it will explain the basic functions of the project planning board.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Create simulation versions Work with simulation versions in the project planning board Create project versions

Business Example You would like to get an overview of how you can document the flow of your project using project versions and how you can test alternative simulation versions without influencing your operative project.

Versions in the Project System SAP PS differentiates between the following versions: • • •

Simulation Versions Project Versions CO plan versions

In SAP PS simulation versions are modifiable versions of projects. You create a simulation version in the quotation phase, for example, if an operative project does not yet exist or if you want to plan other alternatives to an existing operative project or subproject. Project versions are snapshots of a project at a specific point, and are used for documenting the progress of a project over time. Both quantities and values are stored in versions. Project versions are created either manually or automatically when a status changes. CO planning versions are used to plan costs and revenues. Using CO planning versions you can define various cost plans for a project, for example, an “optimistic” and a “pessimistic” plan. You can copy values from one version to another. You can change planned values manually in every version. The costed values are retained.


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Lesson: Versions

Figure 40: Versions in the Project System

Simulation Versions There are different application scenarios for simulation versions. Differences from your original planning often arise in a project. Differences mean that a new planning for parts of your project or the entire project is often necessary. When planning complex projects, for example, in project-oriented make-to-order production, it is often necessary to simulate and save changes to a project without actually affecting the operative project. At the beginning of a project, you can use simulation versions to simulate projects before you actually transfer them to an operative project. Simulation versions are particularly useful during the quotation phase and for comparing different what-if scenarios. It is possible to plan several simulation versions. You can then decide which version is the most suitable. Even when a project is running, you can copy operative projects to simulation versions, analyze and work with the simulation versions, and then transfer them back to the operative project. Simulation versions are edited using the project planning board or the Project Builder. When an operative project is copied to a simulation version (or vice versa), a log file is created. This contains the objects that were transferred and any error messages that were issued in the process. The system can conduct a test run when the transfer occurs to see if it is possible to transfer a project or simulation version.


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Unit 4: Versions


Figure 41: Simulation Versions

Simulation versions are manually generated, modifiable, and can be easily deleted. Simulation versions can be created either for an entire work breakdown structure (WBS) or for subhierarchies of a WBS. In the same way, you can create multiple simulation versions for a project and evaluate and compare them. When you transfer data from operative projects to simulation versions (or vice versa), the following objects are copied: • • • • • • • •

Work Breakdown Structure Network with activities, activity elements, relationships, and subnetworks Milestones Materials for the activity Capacity requirements Invoicing plan for the network and billing plan for the work breakdown structure element (WBS element) Costs, revenues, and payments (actual values are transferred only when you transfer an operative project to a simulation version) Documents, PS texts and long texts (depending on the simulation profile used)

The following objects are not copied: other orders as networks (for example, production orders). Furthermore integration with Sales (quotation processing/assembly processing) and Purchasing or Production (material requirements planning) for simulation versions is not possible.


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Lesson: Versions

Figure 42: Simulation Versions: Data Transfer

Customizing for simulation versions comprises two steps: •


Input templates for simulation versions describe only how version keys for simulations should be set up. You should work with permissible version keys right from the start because they cannot be created afterwards without deleting existing simulations. The simulation profile determines whether texts should also be copied (in addition to the structure information) from simulations to operative projects (and vice versa). If you work without a simulation profile, all texts are copied. The simulation profile is contained as the default value for the project definition in the project profile.

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Unit 4: Versions


Figure 43: Version Keys and Simulation Profiles

Hint: • • •

Define version keys in Customizing. Use the same version number only once for each project. Use simulation in the quotation phase of your project.

Just like project versions, simulation versions can be analyzed and compared with each other in the information system. However, cost element reports do not support simulation versions. In the structure info system it is not possible to change simulation versions (unlike operative projects).


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Lesson: Versions

Figure 44: Evaluation of Simulation Versions

Project Planning Board The project planning board is a graphical interface for creating and maintaining project data: project definition, WBS elements, activities, relationships, milestones, documents and PS texts. The project planning board is based on an interactive SAP Gantt chart and is especially suitable for scheduling and monitoring. It consists of a table area and a diagram area, and shows the hierarchical setup of the project and the corresponding scheduling situation. Along with the dates view, you can show or hide various other overviews of the project in the lower part of the Gantt chart, such as the capacity overview. You can call up logs, the hierarchy graphic of WBS elements, or the network structure graphic for activities from the project planning board. In the appendix you will find an overview and brief description of the symbols in the project planning board. The project planning board is the only transaction with which you can change simulation versions in releases earlier than SAP R/3 4.6C. Here you use the same functions as for editing operative projects in the project planning board. From SAP R/3 4.6C on, you can also create and work with simulation versions, dependent upon user-specific options, in the Project Builder.


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Unit 4: Versions


Figure 45: Project Planning Board

The project planning board profile determines the appearance of the planning board. You can also enter default values here (for creating new activities, for example). You can adapt the graphical display of the project planning board to your needs by using the project planning board assistant. The planning board assistant is available both in Customizing and in the application itself. You can check the graphic settings immediately in Customizing, using a predefined project. The project planning board profile is valid for both simulation versions and for normal operative projects.


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Lesson: Versions

Figure 46: Planning Board Profile

Project Versions Project versions document the status of a project at a specific point in time or in a specific action. At a later time, the project versions are proof of the project status in the past and serve as a comparison with the operative project. Project versions are prerequisites if you want to use milestone trend analysis (MTA). You create project versions in the following way: •


Manually or according to a point in time: You create a project version manually at a specific point in time while changing the work breakdown structure, while changing the network, in the structure info system (for one or more than one project), or with the transaction Create Project Version (CN72). Automatically or according to an action: Depending upon the user or system status, the system automatically creates a project version of objects for which the status has changed. In the version profile you define when a project version is created and which objects are included in a project version (for example, WBS elements, activities, production resources/tools, or costs).

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Unit 4: Versions


Figure 47: Creating Project Versions

If you generate status-dependent project versions, the version profile determines which data is copied to the project version. If you create project versions manually either in network maintenance (transaction CN22) or in WBS maintenance (transaction CJ02), the version profile also determines which data is copied to the project version. If you generate project versions manually with transactions CN71, CN72 or using the structure info system, the data is copied to the project version depending upon the database profile, but independent of the version profile.


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Lesson: Versions

Figure 48: Date Transfer in Project Versions

You maintain the version profile in Customizing for the SAP Project System and you enter it in the project profile and network profile. You use a version profile to define two different kinds of information. First, you specify which version is created automatically when a specific system status or user status is set. Second, you specify which data is to be written to the versions that are created automatically. You need to define a version profile if you wish to have versions created automatically on the basis of the status, or if you wish to generate versions directly from the work breakdown structure or network maintenance transactions. You do not need to define a version profile if you wish to generate versions manually from the structure information system or if you use transaction CN72.


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Unit 4: Versions


Figure 49: Version Profile


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Lesson: Versions

Exercise 9: Versions Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create simulation versions • Use the project planning board for working with simulation versions • Create project versions

Business Example You want to learn how to document the status of your project regularly and test unplanned changes using simulation versions. You will use the project planning board to work with project structures.

Task 1: Creating and Editing Simulation Versions In this part of the exercise, you will generate a simulation version for your project, and use the project planning board to edit this version. Look at the administrative data for the simulation version and the Customizing options for the project planning board. Hint: In the following tasks, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Create a simulation version Sim##a E-98## for your project by transferring the operative project. Look at the administrative data for this simulation version.


In the project planning board, create an activity in your simulation version for the packing and delivery of elevator parts. The new activity Packing and Delivery is carried out by work center 2000. The activity comes straight after the finish date of the activity External Quality Assurance. Assign the new activity to the WBS element Quality Assurance. Plan 10 hours of work to carry it out over a duration of 5 days.


You also want to have a WBS element in the simulation version that will enable you to plan the delivery for which you have just created an activity. Create WBS element E-98##-5 on the second hierarchy level and assign the activity Packing and Delivery to this WBS element. Save the changes to your simulation version.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Versions


Task 2: Creating a Project Version, Updating the Operative Project, and Settings for the Project Planning Board Before you update your operative project with data from the simulation version, use a project version to document the original status of the project. Then transfer the simulation version and analyze the changes to the administrative data. Look at the operative project in the project planning board. First create your own project planning board profile in Customizing. Optional: Change some of the settings in the project planning board according to your needs. You can also compare the data from the project version and from your updated project in the structure information system. 1.

To record the status of your operative project E-98## for evaluations later, create a project version 1## manually with an appropriate description for version group Group##. Use database profile 000000000001.


Transfer your simulation version to your operative project. What changed when the administrative data was transferred?


In Customizing create your own planning board profile GR## with the description GR##: Elevators. Use the planning board profile 1001 Elevators/Turbines as a template. Adapt your planning board profile GR## so that the system shows activity elements and milestones but not relationships. The system should display the total float and no texts appear in the time bar. Check your settings by opening your operative project in the project planning board with the planning board profile GR##: Elevators.



Optional: Use the planning board assistant and the time scale assistant to adapt the display of objects in the table and graphic area, as well as the time scale, to your needs. Change the project planning board options so that the system displays activities in the tabular area with their activity numbers only. Save your user-specific changes.


Optional: Compare your updated operative project E-98## with the data of the project version 1## that you manually created before transferring. Use the structure information system.

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Lesson: Versions

Solution 9: Versions Task 1: Creating and Editing Simulation Versions In this part of the exercise, you will generate a simulation version for your project, and use the project planning board to edit this version. Look at the administrative data for the simulation version and the Customizing options for the project planning board. Hint: In the following tasks, ## refers to your group number (## = 01, 02, and so on). 1.

Create a simulation version Sim##a E-98## for your project by transferring the operative project. Look at the administrative data for this simulation version. a)

Transfer your operative project back into a simulation. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Simulation → Transfer Project. Enter the following data for transferring and choose Transfer: Field Name

Field Value

Project Definition


Ind. Transfer Operative Data -> Version


Target Version


Confirm the creation of the simulation version by choosing Yes in the dialog box that appears. A log will appear showing you if data was transferred, or if any errors occurred. To exit the log and the project transfer, choose Back. b)

Look at the administrative data. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Simulation → Administration Data. Enter SIM##a as the Version Key and E-98## as the Project Definition and confirm your entries with Enter. The simulation version you created is active. To exit the administrative data, choose Back.


In the project planning board, create an activity in your simulation version for the packing and delivery of elevator parts. The new activity Packing and Delivery is carried out by work center 2000. The activity comes Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Versions


straight after the finish date of the activity External Quality Assurance. Assign the new activity to the WBS element Quality Assurance. Plan 10 hours of work to carry it out over a duration of 5 days. a)

Open your simulation version in the project planning board. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Simulation → Change. Enter the following data on the initial screen: Field Name

Field Value



Project Definition


Plan.board prf

1001 or Elevators/Turbines

Indicator w. activities


Choose Open Project. Select WBS element E-98##-4 Quality Assurance. To open the template area, choose the symbol Create. In the template area, double-click Activity → Internal Processing. Hint: Since your project has more than one network and the For project definition indicator is set for network assignment in the project definition, the system now shows you a list of all networks belonging to your project. Choose a network to which the new activity should belong. Select one of the two networks and confirm your selection with Continue. You assigned an internally processed activity to the WBS element Quality Assurance. To close the template area, choose the symbol Open/Close Left-Hand Window. To branch to the detail screen of the activity, double-click the new activity. Enter the following data:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Versions

Field Name

Field Value


Packing and Delivery

Work Center



10 hours


5 Days

Confirm your entries with Back. Select the new activity Packing and Delivery and then (while pressing the CRTL key) the activity 20 External Quality Assurance. To create a finish-start relationship between both activities, choose the symbol Connect selected activities. 3.

You also want to have a WBS element in the simulation version that will enable you to plan the delivery for which you have just created an activity. Create WBS element E-98##-5 on the second hierarchy level and assign the activity Packing and Delivery to this WBS element. Save the changes to your simulation version. a)

To open the template area again, choose the symbol Create or Close/Open Left Window. Assign the WBS element (under Individual Objects) to the highest-level WBS element E-98## per Drag&Drop. The system creates the new WBS element on the second level. Close the template area by choosing Open/Close Left-Hand Window. Click the description of the new WBS element in the tabular area of the project planning board. Delete the original description and enter Delivery in the field instead. To confirm your entries, choose Enter.


Assign the activity Packing and Delivery to the WBS element Delivery by dragging the activity in the tabular area and dropping it on the WBS element. Then save all of your changes. Hint: If you already adapted the display of objects or tables in the project planning board, the system brings you to a dialog box where you can decide whether these changes should be saved according to the user. If you confirm the dialog box with Yes, the system saves these settings and uses them the next time you call up the project planning board.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Versions


Task 2: Creating a Project Version, Updating the Operative Project, and Settings for the Project Planning Board Before you update your operative project with data from the simulation version, use a project version to document the original status of the project. Then transfer the simulation version and analyze the changes to the administrative data. Look at the operative project in the project planning board. First create your own project planning board profile in Customizing. Optional: Change some of the settings in the project planning board according to your needs. You can also compare the data from the project version and from your updated project in the structure information system. 1.

To record the status of your operative project E-98## for evaluations later, create a project version 1## manually with an appropriate description for version group Group##. Use database profile 000000000001. a)

Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Project Version → Create. Enter the following data: Field Name

Field Value



Version key



Project before copying

Version group


Confirm your entries. Then choose Other DB Profile, enter the database profile 000000000001 and confirm your entry with Continue. To create the project version, choose Execute. To exit the transaction, choose Back.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Versions


Transfer your simulation version to your operative project. What changed when the administrative data was transferred? a)

Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Simulation → Transfer Project. Enter the following data for transferring and choose Transfer: Field Name

Field Value

Project Definition


Ind. Transfer Version → Operative Data


Source version


Confirm the update of the operative project in the dialog box that follows by choosing Yes. A log will appear showing you if data was updated, or if any errors occurred. To exit the log and the project transfer, choose Back. b)

Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Simulation → Administration Data. Enter SIM##a as the Version Key and E-98## as the Project Definition and confirm your entries with Enter. The simulation version you created and accepted was flagged as inactive. In addition, the version was given the Transferred indicator. To exit the administrative data, choose Back.


In Customizing create your own planning board profile GR## with the description GR##: Elevators. Use the planning board profile 1001 Elevators/Turbines as a template. Adapt your planning board profile GR## so that the system shows activity elements and milestones but not relationships. The system should display the total float and no texts appear in the time bar.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Versions


Check your settings by opening your operative project in the project planning board with the planning board profile GR##: Elevators. a)

To access Customizing, enter transaction code SPRO or choose Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project. To get to Customizing for the Project System, choose SAP Reference IMG. To copy the planning board profile, choose Customizing for the Project System → Structures → Project Planning Board → Define Profiles for the Project Planning Board. Select profile 1001 Elevators/Turbines and choose Copy As. Change the identification and description according to the task. Make the following changes: General Data tab page Field Name

Field Value

Indicator Show act. elem.


Indicator Show milestone


Indicator Show rel.

Deselect indicator

Diagram Area tab page Field Name

Field Value

Ind. No. Total Float


Indicator Text type

Deselect indicator

Confirm your entries and save the new planning board profile. b)

To open your operative project in the project planning board, choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Project → Project Planning Board → Change Project. Enter E-98## in the Project Definition field and choose your Planning Board Profile GR##: Elevators. To open the project, choose Open Project. Along with WBS elements and activities, the system should also display your activity elements and milestones. The graphical display should also have been adapted according to your changes. To exit the project planning board, choose Back.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Versions


Optional: Use the planning board assistant and the time scale assistant to adapt the display of objects in the table and graphic area, as well as the time scale, to your needs. Change the project planning board options so that the system displays activities in the tabular area with their activity numbers only. Save your user-specific changes. a)

Open your project E-98## in the project planning board. Use your planning board profile GR##: Elevators or the profile 1001 Elevators/Turbines. Choose the Planning board assistant and make a few changes to the display for WBS elements and activities in the table area and change the way the Gantt chart displays dates. To transfer the changes directly, choose Update. Save the changes as User Settings and choose Back. Choose Time scale assistant and set the value DD for the time scale 01 of the planning period in the Annotation field for the display of calendar days. Change the scale of the planning period by selecting the entry Planning Periods in the tree structure of the time scale assistant and then enlarging the Basic Unit Width. Choose Apply to directly adapt the time scale. Choose OK to return to the project planning board.


Choose Options and then the entry Planning Board in the tree structure. Branch to the Table Area tab page and deactivate the Display Network indicator. Choose Copy. Exit the project planning board. Save your user-specific data with Yes.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Versions



Optional: Compare your updated operative project E-98## with the data of the project version 1## that you manually created before transferring. Use the structure information system. a)

Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Project System → Information System → Structures → Structure Overview. Choose Change DB Profile, set the Version data indicator and confirm your entry with Continue. You can now select additional version data. On the selection screen, enter the following data: Field Name

Field Value



Indicator Current Data


Indicator Version Data


Project version


To read the data, choose Execute. You can compare the operative project and the project version line for line. Hint: To compare versions, choose Set Exceptions. The system can highlight all additional objects, for example. To exit the report, choose Back. Do not save the overview.


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Lesson: Versions

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Create simulation versions • Work with simulation versions in the project planning board • Create project versions


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Create simulation versions • Work with simulation versions in the project planning board • Create project versions


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Course Summary

Course Summary You should now be able to: • • • • •


Create and structure work breakdown structures Create and process activities and networks Create standard structures and use as templates Make the relevant Customizing settings Create versions

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Course Summary



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Appendix 1 Assembly Processing

Assembly processing is an option if you use the SAP Project System (PS) to plan products or services that are produced or carried out several times with similar constellations. Although the individual projects are carried out for different customers, for example, they are made up of similar activities. Details, such as quantities or the required amount of work, can differ, although the structure of the projects remains the same. To handle different product alternatives, you can also combine assembly processing with variant configuration. In assembly processing, networks are created in the Project System directly from a sales document (request for quotation, quotation, or sales order). When the sales document is saved, a project definition and a work breakdown structure (WBS) are also generated if required. Assembly processing generates an assignment between the sales document and the project. This means that the same information is available to the employees in the sales department and to project management. If changes are made in the sales document, the system automatically updates the network, and vice versa. This helps to reduce delays and disagreements between the sales department and the project team executing the project. If you create a sales order for a material to which a strategy group for assembly processing has been assigned, the system automatically creates a so-called assembly order in the background, and starts assembly processing. In this case, assembly processing omits the MRP planning stage and generates an operative order directly from the sales order. The following assembly orders can be created: network, production order, planned order, process order, maintenance order, or service order. The order type used in the SAP Project System is the network. Assembly processing is carried out statically in SAP Project System, so that only one network is generated for each sales document item. When you create a network by copying a standard network, data (requirements quantity and date, if applicable, configuration data) are copied from the sales order item to the network. Backward scheduling is carried out for the network, starting from the customer's requirements date, and an availability check is done for the required material components. This enables you to inform the customer without delay whether or


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing


not you can fulfill the order for the required date. If it is not possible, the system proposes a date on which the project can be completed. In addition, the system costs the network and transfers the costs to the sales document. When you save the sales order, a project definition and a work breakdown structure can also be generated, which can be identified using the sales order number.

Figure 50: Process Flow for Assembly Processing

You can enter quantities greater than one in the sales order for assembly processing with networks. All activities in the network for which an execution factor has been defined are then multiplied by the factor in question. In the case of activity elements, the execution factor of the higher-level activity applies. In the activity or activity element, the following planned data is multiplied equally, according to the execution factor and the quantity in the sales order item: • • • •

Duration Work Costs Requirements quantity for material components

If the quantities in the sales order item change, the network is adjusted accordingly. For activities whose planned data should be independent of the quantity of the sales order, leave the Execution factor field blank. Assembly processing can also be expanded to include several sales document items. An individual network will be assigned to each item in this case. The individual networks can be assigned to a work breakdown structure. However, you can only generate one project definition for the sales document. This means that the standard networks used must have assignments to the same standard work breakdown structure. The individual networks can be scheduled from the sales


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing

order. If the networks are connected by cross-network relationships, you will be able to schedule the entire network. The finish date of a network is proposed as the confirmed delivery date. If you also create a work breakdown structure during assembly processing, the system automatically generates a project number, which contains the number of the sales document. This makes it easy to identify to which sales document the sales project belongs. The way the system determines the project number from the sales document depends on whether a single structure or several substructures are to be created when the operative work breakdown structure is generated. The SD/PS assignment indicator determines whether, during assembly processing, a hierarchy is created in the operative WBS for each sales document item, or whether a hierarchy is created for the entire sales document in the operative WBS. You find the SD/PS assignment indicator in the control data of the project definition of the standard WBS. If you work with a single structure in the operative project and with editing masks, the area between the first and second special characters in the standard WBS element numbers is replaced with the matching number of characters from the sales document number. If there is not enough space, the sales order number is shortened accordingly (the numbers at the start of the sales order number are left out). To ensure that the project number and the sales document number correspond, the area between the first and the second special character of the number must be the appropriate length. For an operative project with several substructures, the sales document item is used in addition to the sales document number to differentiate between the WBS elements in the different substructures. In addition, the area between the second and third special characters in the standard WBS element number is replaced by the corresponding sales document item. Requirements for this scenario are that the SD/PS assignment indicator is set in the project definition, a project edition has been maintained for the work breakdown structure in Customizing for the Project System, and the Only one root indicator is not set in the project profile.


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing


Figure 51: SD/PS Assignment

There are different requirements for using assembly processing. To use assembly processing (with networks), you need a suitable standard network as a template for the network that is to be created. If you also want a work breakdown structure to be generated when the sales document is saved, you must have first created a standard work breakdown structure. A material must be entered in the sales document. So that the system can determine a requirements type and thereby a requirements class, which triggers assembly processing, the corresponding material master must also be set up accordingly. In requirement type determination, the system determines a requirements type and requirements class that enable assembly processing. The Network parameters from sales order table forms a link between the material and standard network.


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing

Figure 52: Prerequisites for Assembly Processing

The creation of standard networks and standard work breakdown structures is dealt with in the corresponding lessons. If you want assembly processing to be executed automatically with networks, you must make other settings in addition to creating the corresponding standard structures. The requirements class, and thereby whether and how assembly processing is executed, is defined by a combination of the material in a sales document item and the data from the sales document. The correct settings must therefore be made in the material master. You need at least the sales views of a material for assembly processing. You only require the MRP views (specifically, the strategy group, MRP group, and MRP type) if you want to determine the requirements type and requirements class from the material master. In the standard system, Customizing already contains requirements types and classes that make it possible to use assembly processing.


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing


Figure 53: Settings in the Material Master

During assembly processing, there must be an assignment between the material that you enter in the sales document item and a standard network, which is then used as the template for the network. You can define this assignment in advance in table Network parameters from sales order. However, you do not have to maintain this table. If the table contains entries, then a standard network can be determined automatically in the sales order. If the entries are missing, you must enter them manually in the sales order.


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing

Figure 54: Assignment of Material to Standard Networks

The requirements class defines how assembly processing is carried out. Various indicators in the requirements class are crucial for assembly processing: •

• • • •

The assembly type determines which type of orders the system can create during assembly processing. In the SAP Project System, assembly type 2 production order, network, or service (stat. processing) should always be set up. The Order type corresponds to the network type in the SAP Project System that is used for the operative network. The Account Assignment Category determines how the system treats stock quantities and values (see Appendix). If you want to use the availability check, the Transfer of Requirements indicator must be set in the requirements class. So that no requirements are generated in MRP, you must set one of these indicators: 1 Requirements neither planned or displayed or 2 Requirements not planned, but displayed in the requirements class, or for the MRP type in the material master ND No planning.

In the standard system, you can use requirements class 212 as a template.


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing


Figure 55: Requirements Class

The requirements class controls the account assignment category, the relevance to MRP, the availability check in sales and distribution, and other procedures in assembly processing. The account assignment category contains information about, among others, consumption posting and inventory management of the material. The account assignment category you use for assembly processing depends on your business processes. The graphic “SD/PS Processes” gives you an overview of the processes and account assignment categories possible.


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing

Figure 56: SD/PS Processes

Re. 1): In assembly processing, you can generate a (header-assigned) network without a project when you create a sales order. In this case, the sales document item is a cost object in its own right. Re. 2): In assembly processing, you can generate a network when you create a sales order. When you save your data, the system creates a WBS and assigns the sales order item to a WBS element in this WBS. In this case, the sales order represents the sales view, the project is the controlling instrument, and the network represents logistical processing. Alternatively, you can create work breakdown structures and networks, and assign the sales document item manually. Re. 3): You can assign a sales document item to a WBS element in a project. Controlling is carried out for the project. You can assign orders or documents to the project. Re. 4): You can use assembly processing or material requirements planning (MRP) to create a production order, and then assign the sales document item to a WBS element in the project. You then assign the production order manually to a WBS element in the project. The sales document item must be controlled by an account assignment category with a special stock indicator E, Q or blank. For example 1 above, the best choice would be account assignment category E; in case 2, the best choice would be Q or D, in cases 3 and 4, account assignment category G would also be possible.


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Appendix 1: Assembly Processing


The requirements class is determined via the requirement types. Requirements type determination, however, is carried out automatically by the system as follows: 1.



The admissible planning strategies are assigned to the material via the planning strategy group in the material master. This is required to find the correct requirements type in independent requirements management and sales order management. The default requirements type is determined by the main strategy of the planning strategy group. You can define substrategies (and consequently alternative requirements types) manually in the sales order. Finally, the individual requirements types are assigned to requirements classes.

If the system cannot determine a requirements type because of missing data, it tries to determine the requirements type for the sales order via the item category of the sales order item. This method can be used explicitly for special sales orders. A default item category is proposed when the order is entered in the system, but users can change it as required (possible item categories are defined in Customizing). The system determines the item categories for the sales order using the item category group (sales view in the material master) and the MRP type. The sales department obtains its central control keys from three different sources: the material master (which item is purchased?), customer master (which customer is buying/what conditions have been defined for this customer?) and the sales document (what kind of contract applies, which sales area is responsible?).

Figure 57: Determining the Requirements Class


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Appendix 2 Project Profile

A project profile must be entered when a work breakdown structure is created. It contains the following fields:

Figure 58: Project Profile (1)

The Project Type indicator can be used as a selection criterion in the Information System. The Field Key identifies the short texts for user fields. The Version Profile determines whether status-dependent project versions are written and with which data. The Simulation Profile determines which texts are copied to and from simulation versions. The Display Options field determines whether


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Appendix 2: Project Profile


WBS elements are mainly displayed according to key, short ID, or description in tabular overviews. The Level of Detail field specifies the number of hiearchy levels that the system displays when a project is opened in a particular processing transaction. A PartnDet. Prc. (partner determination procedure) can be used to assign partner roles to a project. The All Acct Asst Elem indicator sets the account assignment indicator for all WBS elements. Using the Only One Root indicator, you define that there can only be one top WBS element. The Trsfr to Proj. Def. is only relevant for transaction Create single WBS element. Setting the Change Documents indicator ensures that documents for master data changes are written automatically on saving. The Proj. Summ. MastDa indicator activates summarization via master data characteristics instead of via classification. If you activate the indicator iPPE Proj. Desc., the tab page iPPE PS is displayed in the Project Builder in the detail screen for the WBS element. Entries under Validation/Substitution in the Project Definition/WBS Element fields ensure that no selection screen appears when validation/substitution is triggered. By setting the Automatic Validation/Substitution indicators, validation/substitution can also be executed automatically on saving. You can use the project stock indicator to define for material requirements planning whether a project can manage its own stock. The Automatic requirements grouping indicator automates the grouping of project stocks assigned to individual WBS elements to the top WBS element.

Figure 59: Project Profile (2)


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Appendix 2: Project Profile

In the Status Management detail screen, you can enter default values for status profiles for the project definition and WBS elements. If the respective indicator was set in the project profile, status changes can be recorded automatically by the system with change documents. The profiles and indicator for Graphic control how the work breakdown structure is displayed in the hierarchy graphic. You can use the Vertical from level field, for example, to control from which hierarchy level WBS elements are to be displayed vertically, instead of horizontally. Using the default Project Summarization indicators, you can set default values for the Project Summarization indicator for all WBS elements or all billing elements and/or all account assignment elements. You can use the Access Control List flag to assign authorizations for reading, editing, or administering objects. You can select No ACL, which deactivates the access control tab, ACL (w/o Inh.) , which does not allow inheritance of access objects to subordinate objects, and ACL (with Inh.), with inheritance of access authorizations. From SAP R/3 4.6C on, you can carry out sales pricing in the Project Builder, based on Easy Cost Planning data, for a project that does not have a customer inquiry. Under Sales pricing, you can enter default values for the necessary organizational data and the DIP profile.

Figure 60: Project Profile (3)


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Appendix 2: Project Profile


On the Organization tab page in the project profile, you enter default values for the organizational assignment of the individual WBS elements and the entire project, as well as a default value for the project currency. WBS sched. prof. on the Plg board/dates tab page controls which characteristics scheduling has when you trigger WBS scheduling. You can also select one of two scheduling scenarios as a default value. The With activities indicator controls whether assigned activities can also be read when a project is opened in particular transactions. The Factory calendar, which is entered in every WBS element and can be entered as a default value in the project profile, specifies the work days and public holidays. The Time unit refers to the duration of WBS elements. Under Planning method, you can specify one of the four scheduling methods for WBS elements for the set of basic dates and forecast dates. When the dates are extrapolated (bottom-up planning), the dates of assigned activities can also be taken into account.

Figure 61: Project Profile (4)

When new activities are created in a project, the indicators under Network specify to which network these new activities are assigned or with which network profile a new network is created. For certain transactions, the new network header can be displayed automatically. The planning board profile (Plan board prof) entered in the project profile is used as the default profile when the project planning board is called up. It determines how the table and graphic areas of the planning board are displayed.


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Appendix 2: Project Profile

You can call up various capacity planning reports from the project planning board and structure planning. In the project profile, you enter the relevant overall profiles, taken from capacity planning. The profiles for the hierarchy graphic specify how the hierarchy graphic is to be displayed when it is called up from date planning for WBS elements.

Figure 62: Project Profile (5)

The Object Class that can be entered here as the default value specifies the cost flow in Controlling from a business point of view. The Statistical indicator determines whether costs can be debited from a WBS element or whether statistical costs can only be posted for it. The Integrated planning indicator activates the update of planned activity inputs from WBS elements to the sending cost center. The Planning/budgeting profiles determine how cost planning and budgeting are carried out for the work breakdown structure and whether the availability check is activated. The Costing Sheet specifies how overhead costs are determined. The Overhead key is used to determine an overhead percentage rate and templates for process cost allocation. The Interest calc. profile specifies how interest is calculated for the project. The Investment profile specifies how the project is integrated with Investment Management and can be used, for example, for the automatic generation of assets under construction. A Results analysis key is required for results analysis in WBS elements. The Settlement profile specifies, for example, the permitted settlement receivers for the WBS elements. In the Strategy for settlement field, you can enter a key that refers to the strategy for the automatic generation of the settlement profile.


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Appendix 2: Project Profile


The graphic profiles determine what the hierarchy graphic looks like when it is called up from budgeting.


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Appendix 3 Network Profile

When a network is created, the system requires a network profile containing different default values.

Figure 63: Network Profile (1)

Plant, Network Type, and MRP Group are required information for creating networks. The Relationship view field specifies whether predecessor/successor/all relationships are displayed in the list of relationships. The Level of detail field applies to networks with external relationships and specifies the level of detail with which the linked networks are displayed in the network structure graphic. Comp. Increment and Op. / Act. Incrmt specify the default increment for the numbering of components and activities. The Check WBS Act. field defines how activity dates are taken into account during top-down scheduling. The Overview variant describes how the object overview is structured. The Procurement indicator is


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Appendix 3: Network Profile


relevant for the assignment of components,, and groups together default values. The Field key describes the short texts for user fields. The Version profile controls whether status-dependent project versions are created and which data is contained in these versions. The Res./Purc.req indicator determines when reservations and purchase requisitions are created. If the indicator Capacity requirements is set, the system determines the capacity requirements when the network is saved. If you use the Entry tool, the system branches to the detail screen of an activity when a new activity is created. The Project Summarization indicator specifies whether activities take part in project summarization. The Proj.summ.Master Data indicator determines whether summarization is executed on the basis of classification or master data characteristics. Using Align finish date, you define whether the component requirements date is aligned to the start or finish of the activity. The indicator iPPE Project Description determines whether another tab page is displayed in the network activities for assigning objects of the iPPE.

Figure 64: Network Profile (2)

In the fields for Validation and Substitution, you can enter default values for the validation/substitution to be used in the network header and activities. These are executed automatically on saving. You can use the Access Control List flag to assign authorizations for reading, editing, or administering objects. You can select No ACL, which deactivates the access control tab, ACL (w/o Inh.) , which does not allow inheritance of access objects to subordinate objects, and ACL (with Inh.), with inheritance of access authorizations.


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Appendix 3: Network Profile

The Graphic Profile describes the structure of the network structure graphic. In the graphic, all relationships are either displayed as FS relationships or according to their proper type (Relationship Display). Activities can be displayed in the graphic in four different levels of detail (Activity Display). In the extended display of activities, the specified color indicates an assigned object. The Project Planning Board Profile determines the appearance of the GANTT chart. The Overall profile ID for capacity leveling contains all settings for a capacity leveling.

Figure 65: Network Profile (3)

The Activities tab page of the network profile contains default values for the different activity types. The activity key determines the business characteristics of each activity. For internal activities, the Cost Element can also be entered for the material planning value, as well as default values for the Unit of Work and Duration, and the Calculation Key, which describe the distribution of capacity requirements and costs across the activity duration. In addition to the Control Key for cost activities, a default can also be entered for the Cost Element for the planned costs. For externally processed activities and service activities, additional organizational data from Purchasing and default values for the Cost Element and Unit of Measure can be entered in the network profile.


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Appendix 3: Network Profile


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Appendix 4 Network Type

When a network is created, the network type is either determined from the network profile or entered manually. The network type contains the following data:

Figure 66: Network Type

The indicator for the partner update in Controlling determines how totals records are created during CO allocations The Classification indicator specifies whether a network takes part in order classification. Preliminary planning networks (the Preliminary Planning indicator is set) are used for planning, are never implemented, and therefore do not generate any assigned values; “normal” networks generate assigned values. Residence times specify how much time must elapse between individual archiving steps. Functional areas are used in Financial Accounting as a structural element for your company in profit and loss accounting,


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Appendix 4: Network Type


according to the cost of sales method. The Object class is used to specify the cost flow in Controlling from a business point of view. The Settlement Profile specifies how a settlement is carried out (for instance the possible recipients). Under Status Management, you can enter the user status profile for the entire network. By setting the Release immed. indicator, networks of this type are given the status released when they are created. Number ranges are assigned to network types. A number range can define either external or internal number assignment.


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Appendix 5 Parameters for Network Type

The system determines the parameters for the network type according to the plant and the network type. This Customizing table includes the following settings:

Figure 67: Parameters for Network Type

The Strategy field defines a key for determining settlement rules for activities. The Default rule is a settlement rule that can be used in the above strategy. The Reduction strategy describes how the duration of an activity can be reduced automatically in the case of deadline pressure. The CstgVariantPlan and CstgVariantActl fields describe how planned costs and actual costs are to be determined. The Plan Cost Calc. indicator specifies when and how costing is to


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Appendix 5: Parameters for Network Type


be carried out. Setting the Wrkflw PO Chg. indicator activates the workflow for changing purchase order quantities and dates. Using the Activity/Acct Assignment indicator, you determine whether an activity-assigned or header-assigned network is generated. The Net Order Price indicator controls whether the net price is transferred unchanged from the purchase requisition (PReq) to the purchase order. The Collective PReq. decides for each network whether either a purchase requisition with many items is generated or many purchase requisitions with one item. The indicators under Status change documents enable change documents to be created when master data is changed (Change documents indicator) and when a status is changed. Entering a BOM usage allows a BOM alternative to be chosen automatically. The Change Profile describes how the system is to react when changes are made to the configuration. Without the change profile, a configuration change is allowed only when the status is Created. To exchange data with PDC systems, you must set the PDC Active indicator.


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Appendix 6 Control Key

The attributes of activities are defined by the Control Key. The following settings can be made when you define control keys:

Figure 68: Control Key

Using the Scheduling, Det. Cap. With Req. and Costing, you can control whether an activity is relevant for scheduling, determining capacity requirements, and network costing. If the Schedule indicator is not set, the system uses a duration of 0 when scheduling the activity, regardless of the value in the Duration field in the activity. The Costs. act., Service, and Externally proc. act. indicators define the activity category. When you schedule externally processed activities, you can use the Sched. Ext. Act. indicator to define whether the planned delivery time or the Duration field are used for scheduling. Using the Confirmation field, you define whether confirmations for an activity are planned or possible, but not necessary, or whether they should not be possible at all. To print confirmation slips or time tickets, the corresponding indicators must be set in the control key. You make detailed settings for printing under print control in Customizing for Networks.


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Appendix 6: Control Key



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Appendix 7 Open Project System (Open PS)

The term “Open Project System” (Open PS) is a general description for the communication exchange between the SAP PS and other project management systems or personal organization systems. Open PS is developed independently from the standard release cycle and can be acquired as an additional package to the Project System. For this reason, the software you require to install Open PS, including detailed information, is located on SAP Service Marketplace. Open PS is based on the open PS interface to external project management systems (PS-EPS, Interface to External Project Software), which uses the standardized BAPI technology of SAP. The SAP system is structured into individual components, which arrange business objects according to business criteria. SAP PS is represented by the business objects ProjectDefinition, WorkBreakdownStruct(ure), and Network. Access to business objects is made using stable, standardized methods called Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs). Data exchange between the external system and the business object when using BAPIs can occur in both directions. You can maintain your work breakdown structure, for example, using the BAPI maintain, and you can read activity data or WBS element data using the BAPI getinfo. In addition, you can develop your own interfaces based on the EPS interface. However, with Open PS, SAP provides its own interface solution for connecting to Microsoft Project.


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Appendix 7: Open Project System (Open PS)


Figure 69: EPS Interface

Open PS for Microsoft Project (Microsoft Project 2000 and later) is delivered starting with SAP R/3 4.5 by SAP. You can download the required software for installing Open PS as well as detailed information about data exchange between SAP PS and Microsoft Project from SAP Service Marketplace. When you install Open PS on your PC, a new push button appears in Microsoft Project. You can choose this pushbutton to create a connection to the SAP system. For this you require an SAP user in this system. Once a connection to the SAP system has been established, Open PS offers you various options for exchanging data directly with Microsoft Project: • • •

Create a project in Microsoft Project using one SAP PS project Copy a project from Microsoft Project to the SAP PS Synchronize data from a project in Microsoft Project with a project in the SAP PS

You can use authorizations to restrict who can upload a project changed in Microsoft Project or a new project to the SAP system. Other Open PS functions available as of Open PS 2.00 include functions for downloading actual costs and actual dates from networks for informational purposes, downloading factory calendars from the SAP system, and downloading human resources from the Human Resources application to Microsoft Project for workforce planning. If a person is assigned tasks as resources in Microsoft Project, this assignment is displayed as an activity element when transferred to the SAP PS. You can display this activity element in the worklist of the Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS) using a modification (see SAP Note 516141).


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Appendix 7: Open Project System (Open PS)

Figure 70: Open PS for Microsoft Project

With the interface solution Open PS for Palm, you can enter confirmations for network activities using a 3Com Palm III (or higher). To do this, you download activity data from the SAP Project System to the Palm. You can then call up the activity data without a connection to the SAP system and confirm work and the percentage of completion, for example. When you have access to the SAP system again, you can load the data back into the Project System and update your project.


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Appendix 7: Open Project System (Open PS)


Figure 71: Open PS for Palm


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Appendix 8 Variant Configuration with Networks (1)

You can use configuration in the Project System if you wish to produce a complex product, which has different variants. The networks and work breakdown structures are basically identical for the different variants, but they have specific characteristic values, might have alternative or additional activities, have different quantities (of material components, labor, or duration), or different production resources/tools. If you want to use configuration, you must use configurable standard networks. The only configurable object in the Project System is the standard network. Work breakdown structures are configured indirectly. If you use configuration, as a rule you use a maximum standard structure. A standard network and standard work breakdown structure are given all objects that could be required for any possible variant of the product. This includes all WBS elements, all activities and activity elements, and all materials and production resources/tools. When you create an operative network using a template of a configurable standard network, the variants to be produced are specified. Using this specification (characteristic value assignment), you control which activities, activity elements, production resources/tools, and components are transferred from the standard network to the network. This occurs using an “object dependency”, which determines which object with which data is required for which variant. If an operation is not selected by configuration, the system does not transfer the objects assigned to the operation, such as relationships, activity elements, or milestones. Indirectly you can configure the work breakdown structure when you save the configured network. The system transfers from the standard work breakdown structure only the elements that were assigned to the activities selected by configuration, and their superior elements. Example: Activity 1000 is selected in the configuration and assigned to a level-2 WBS element (E-9920-1). The work breakdown structure now contains this element (E-9920-1) and also its superior WBS element from level 1 of the hierarchy.


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Appendix 8: Variant Configuration with Networks (1)


Figure 72: Configuration of Project Structures


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Appendix 8: Variant Configuration with Networks (1)

You must make various settings before you use configuration with networks. •

• •


You use characteristics and characteristic values to specify the details and attributes of different variants. You maintain the characteristics and their values in the SAP menu in the classification system in cross-application components. The characteristics required to specify a variant are grouped in a class whose class type permits variant configuration. In the standard system it is the class type 300. You must define the maximum structure for the template (standard network, and so on). Object dependencies for the objects selectable in configuration (activities, activity elements) are defined in the standard network. Object dependencies for the components or BOM items assigned to the activities are defined in the bill of material (for a configurable material) used. You can use either a local object dependency (object dependency for only one object) or a globally defined object dependency (centrally maintained object dependency for multiple objects). You must assign the standard network to the relevant variant class. You do this by using a configuration profile. By making this assignment you make the class characteristics available for the configuration of the network. When you create an operative network with a template from the standard network, after the maintenance of the header data of the network the system branches to the evaluation of characteristics, that is, to configuration. You specify the corresponding variant by assigning the characteristic values.

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Appendix 8: Variant Configuration with Networks (1)


Figure 73: Steps in Configuration


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Appendix 9 Variant Configuration with Networks (2)

You can use configuration in the Project System if you wish to produce a complex product with different variants. The characteristics required for defining a variant are grouped together into one variant class. The standard network or material is assigned to this variant class using a configuration profile. Characteristics are an important part of classification. You can use characteristics to describe the details and attributes of an object, such as the length of a screw, the color of the casing, or the shelf life of groceries. Object dependencies describe the interdependencies between different objects in a configuration. They have three functions: they check the consistency of the configuration, the completeness of the configuration, and they can be used to derive values.


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Appendix 9: Variant Configuration with Networks (2)


Figure 74: Variant Configuration Concepts

Object dependencies can be created centrally as part of variant configuration, or locally (in a standard network, for example). Afterwards, the object dependency can be assigned, for example, to an activity in the standard network. If the object dependencies have been created centrally, they can be used several times.

Figure 75: Object Dependencies


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Appendix 9: Variant Configuration with Networks (2)

Example: a configurable standard network (E-1000) has been entered in the IDES data. If you create an operative network by copying from this configurable standard network, the interface for assigning characteristic values appears. Even at this stage, different types of object dependency are used: •

Prerequisite: the Cabin Telephone characteristic is offered with three possible values only if the Telephone value has been assigned to the Cabin Fittings characteristic. The corresponding object dependency has, therefore, been assigned to the Cabin Telephone characteristic. Selection requirement: if the Telephone value is assigned to the Cabin Fittings characteristic, the Cabin Telephone must have a characteristic assigned to it. Entry of a value is required. The selection condition has thus been assigned to the characteristic Cabin Telephone. Action: the characteristic Number of Passengers determines the value of the characteristic Drive. The more people the elevator is to carry, the more powerful the drive must be. The action is assigned to the characteristic Number of Passengers.

You maintain object dependencies in the standard network for the objects that can be selected via the configuration. Object dependencies for the components or BOM items assigned to the activities are defined in the bill of material used (for a configurable material).

Figure 76: Configuration Objects in Network


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Appendix 9: Variant Configuration with Networks (2)


A variant is assigned to the standard network via a configuration profile. A standard network is configurable only if it is assigned to a variant class and if object dependencies have been assigned to the selectable objects in the standard network. The configuration process for creating a subnetwork by copying from a configurable standard network is the same as for creating a network. If the variant class of the standard network that was used to create the higher-level network is identical to the variant class assigned to the standard network that was used to create the subnetwork, the original characteristic value assignment is taken for the subnetwork configuration. If not, a screen where you can assign separate characteristic values for the subnetwork appears when you create the subnetwork. You can also use configuration when you incorporate a configurable standard network into an operative network. However, you must have used configuration to create the network, and the templates (that is, the standard networks) must have identical variant classes. Configuration is carried out using the characteristic values assigned in the network; the characteristics are passed on to the standard network that is to be incorporated. If the variant classes are not identical, the standard network is included in its entirety (with no separate characteristic value assignment). You can use configurable materials as components in a network. To identify a material uniquely, you must assign characteristic values, which will be passed on to materials planning via the reservation for the material.

Figure 77: Transfer of Characteristic Value Assignment

Even if you have already released individual activities in your network, you can still change the configuration. However, if you want to do this, you must have specified a change profile in the network type parameters. If you have not specified a change profile, you will be able only to display the characteristic value assignments in the network or make changes (that is, reconfigure) until


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Appendix 9: Variant Configuration with Networks (2)

the network is released. When you change the characteristic values, the system deletes the network except for its header data and restructures the network from the standard network and the current characteristic value assignments.

Figure 78: Changing a Configuration

Without a change profile, you cannot make changes to a configuration that has the status Released. The profile tells the SAP system how to react if, for example, changes are to be made to an activity that has already been released.

Figure 79: Change Profile


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Appendix 9: Variant Configuration with Networks (2)


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Appendix 10 Claim Management

Deviations from the project plan often occur as a result of delivery problems, changes required by customers, unforeseeable capacity bottlenecks, and so on. If you find out that there are deviations to your project plan, you can create a claim in the SAP system or using an Internet application. You can use the documentation of these deviations later on in claims, for example, to prepare and submit demands caused by the deviations to contractual partners at a suitable point in time. Conversely, this also provides defense against claims from the contractual partner. In the Project System (PS) information system, there are two reports for evaluating claims. Claim Management includes a series of functions that are shown in the following figure:


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Appendix 10: Claim Management


Figure 80: Claim Management Functions

Claim is a separate, project-specific type of notification in the SAP system. Other examples of notification types are maintenance notifications, service notifications, or quality notifications. In Customizing, you can define notification types for the different notification categories. When you create a notification in the system, you select a notification type that reflects the business content of the notification. For Claim Management, SAP provides two standard notification types: internal claim (or claim on customer or vendor), and external claim (or claim by customer or vendor). By entering a partner type when you create a claim, you can also control which partner information (for example, sold-to party or vendor data) can be entered in the claim.


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Appendix 10: Claim Management

Figure 81: Claim Data

When you create a claim, you can enter information about the deviation using long texts and other additional functions (for example, priority). In addition to the long text for the notification header, there are also four other long text types available for structuring the information. The ability to call up the information according to the long text type, (for example, only the consequences long text), enables you to select specific information. You can also integrate documents from the document management system (DMS), have them displayed from claim processing, or print them. Assignment to a work breakdown structure element (WBS element) allows you to create a link to the affected project. Depending on the claim's partner type, you can enter the partner responsible (for example, sold-to party, vendor, contact person, coordinator) and thereby access other partner information, if required. By assigning reference documents from purchasing or sales (depending on the partner type), the system can also automatically determine the corresponding partner. Follow-up activities that have become necessary due to a deviation can be documented and monitored in claims in the form of tasks or activities. The main difference between activities and tasks is that activities do not have a status and do not allow the assignment of partners. In Customizing, you can define codes, which are grouped together in code groups and catalogs, for activities and tasks. You can execute different functions that are required during notification processing by


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Appendix 10: Claim Management


selecting them from the action box. If necessary, these functions are documented as tasks or activities in the notification after they have been carried out. The action box is defined in Customizing for Notifications. Using status management, you can analyze the processing status of claims or individual tasks, and control business activities. By defining user statuses, you can further restrict functions that are allowed by system statuses. You can use workflows, which you trigger from a claim, to speed up claim management processes and further automate the distribution of information in your company. Increased costs are often a fundamental consequence of deviations. You can enter the expected costs when you create the claim or at a later point in time when more exact information about the scope of the claim is available. Here you have two options: • •

You enter the estimated costs manually. You create a unit costing from the claim or integrate an existing unit costing.

In addition, you can manually enter the costs that have been demanded or accepted by your business partners. With the SAP R/3 Enterprise and later releases, you can integrate the costing data in the cost planning of the corresponding projects. To do this, the system automatically creates a cost collector (internal order with order type CL01) when the claim is saved and transfers the estimated costs for the deviation to the cost collector. The internal order is automatically assigned to the WBS element to which the claim is also assigned; the internal order can therefore be evaluated in the corresponding report in the SAP Project System. This cost integration and its requirements are shown in the following figure.


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Appendix 10: Claim Management

Figure 82: Cost Integration for Claims

The short text for the cost collector is generated automatically from the word Notification and the short text of the claim. In addition to the claim number and the assignment to the WBS element, other data is also transferred to the cost collector from the WBS element (controlling area or company code, for example). After successfully creating the cost collector, the status MKOS (cost collector created) is set in the claim. If errors occur during creation, you can refer to a log containing more detailed information. Customizing for claims is split into general Customizing for notifications and claim-specific Customizing. In Customizing for notifications, you define the most important characteristics of notification types, such as the screen layout, catalogs/catalog profiles, priorities, action boxes, or user status, for example. In the standard system, corresponding default settings are provided for the two notification types internal claim and external claim. However, if these default settings do not fulfill your requirements, you can create your own notification types in Customizing with the relevant settings.


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Appendix 10: Claim Management


Figure 83: Customizing for Claims

The notification type is a key that defines the origin, contents, and other attributes of a notification. When you create a new notification type, assign it to one of the predefined notification origins. The system uses this assignment to determine the notification type automatically. Claims belong to notification type 4. The Origin indicator also affects the appearance of the interface. You can define screen templates for particular notification types, in which you define the screen areas and, if required, initial screens, and settings for formatting long texts. A field selection also enables you to influence the screen structure. When you create a notification type, you assign it to a number range. You can use the Early No. Assignment indicator in the notification type to specify that as soon as a claim is created (before saving), the system assigns a number to the claim. You can use codes, code groups, and catalogs that are assigned to the notification type to define possible problems and causes, or tasks and activities. By assigning a catalog profile to the notification type, you can control which catalogs and code groups are actually used. In addition, you can define your own priority types and partner profiles and assign them to the notification type.


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Appendix 10: Claim Management

Figure 84: Notification Type

When you are processing claims and tasks, you can also use additional functions (activities) that are provided in a separate section of the screen (action box). In Customizing for Notifications, you define which actions are available for which notification type. In the detail screen for the individual functions, you can make other settings that control how the functions are carried out. For each function, you can also define several dependent functions (follow-up activities). After the superior function has been executed, the system provides these dependent functions in the action box. This enables you to define the workflow for the whole process.


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Appendix 10: Claim Management


Figure 85: Settings for Activities

In addition to the activation of workflows and the assignment of processors for claim management, claim-specific Customizing also contains the settings for long texts in the claim, for example. By assigning a code to one of four possible long texts, the code text is used as the description for the long text (for example, cause, consequence) and is available as an additional long text in the claim. The code must be maintained in a catalog beforehand. For a cost collector to be created when you save a claim, you must make settings in Customizing for the claim and the WBS element in addition to the setting requirements mentioned above. If you want to use cost integration, implement Business Add-In (BADI) ZCLAIM_COST_CHECK Customer-Specific Check Before Creating the Cost Collector and set the E_CREATE_COST_COLLECTOR parameter to X. Furthermore, assign a controlling scenario to all relevant notification types. In the standard system, you can use the controlling scenario CLM0 for this. So that the planned costs of the cost collector also increase the planned costs of the corresponding WBS element, and not just the committed value of the WBS element, you must also set the Appended indicator for order type CL01 in the Define Order Value Updating for Orders for Projects (OPSV). The Project System (PS) information system provides two reports for evaluating claims: the claim overview and the claim hierarchy.


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Appendix 10: Claim Management

Figure 86: Claim Reports

When you open one of the reports, you select the claims to be evaluated using the data from the notification, such as claim number, claim type, partner data, status, reference objects, priorities, or processor. In the evaluation that uses the claim overview, the system shows you all data entered for the selected claims, with the exception of tasks and activities. You can use the column selection to adjust the display to your own requirements and save it as a layout. In the evaluation that uses the claim hierarchy, the system shows you the tasks and activities assigned to the claim, in addition to the data displayed in the claim overview. You can also display the claim from the reports. Here you can analyze the document flow or display the action log, for example. In the action log, the system automatically records changes made to the claim, tasks, and activities during claim processing. This enables you to monitor which data or status was changed, who made the changes, and when.


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Appendix 10: Claim Management


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Appendix 11 Project Planning Board

The following figure shows the symbols of the project planning board, with brief information about their respective functions.

Figure 87: Symbols of the Project Planning Board

The entire period you see in the project planning board is called the “evaluation period”. The evaluation period consists of a pre-evaluation period, a planning period, and a post-evaluation period. For each of these three areas, you can choose your own scale according to your needs.


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Appendix 11: Project Planning Board


Figure 88: Time Settings in the Diagram Area

The time settings are determined by three profiles in the diagram area of the project planning board. •

The time profile determines when the evaluation period starts and finishes. It also specifies when in the evaluation period the planning period starts and finishes. Consequently, the start and finish of the pre-evaluation period and post-evaluation period are also set. The scale of the time axis determines the ratio used for the pre-evaluation period and post-evaluation period with respect to the planning period. The scale of the planning period is entered directly. The profile for the time scales determines the individual time periods (year, quarter, monthly periods, and so on). It determines when a specific period is used, and the display size of the period.

You define these profiles in Customizing for the SAP Project System and in the project planning board profile. However, you can change the graphical display of the time scale in the project planning board directly.


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Appendix 12 Archiving

Archiving is used to store project data in archive files and, if necessary, to move it to other storage media. On the basis of the generated archive files, project data can then be removed from the database by a deletion program. (Archiving is often used as a synonym for archiving and deleting. To be absolutely precise, archiving really involves only moving operative data to an archive file.) Afterwards, the archived data is always available for evaluation. The advantages of archiving, including the subsequent deletion of data from the SAP system database, are improved system availability, simplified administration, decreased duration of backup copies, faster upload of updates, and improved performance in dialog mode. This enables you to increase available memory space and reduce runtime problems that are caused by the growth of transaction data. Project data and other documents are archived using “archiving objects”. An archiving object contains an exact definition of how data is to be archived. It describes which database objects must be bundled together to get a complete business object, which can be interpreted independently of the technical conditions at the time of archiving (for example, release and hardware status). Archiving objects are assigned to programs. These programs preprocess and post-process the data to be archived, if required, and write the data to archive files, they contain activities for deleting the operative data and also control the display of archived data. In the specific Customizing activities for archiving objects, you can make other settings for the respective programs. For example, settings for automatically deleting data or moving archive files, settings influencing the size of the archive files and logical file names.


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Appendix 12: Archiving


Figure 89: Purpose of Archiving Objects

There are two archiving objects available for archiving the structure data of the SAP Project System (SAP PS): PS_PROJECT and PS_PLAN. Using the archiving object PS_PROJECT, you can archive and delete SAP PS operative data (master data) such as networks and work breakdown structures, including the transaction data and project versions. Status-dependent project versions are archived automatically with the operative data, time-dependent project versions are archived separately. You cannot archive simulation versions. The archiving object PS_PLAN is used for archiving standard networks. Standard work breakdown structures are not archived.


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Appendix 12: Archiving

Figure 90: Archiving Objects

As a rule, objects are archived or deleted in general archiving. However, you can archive or delete operative PS data from the Basic Data area menu. Activities, WBS elements, and project definitions that have the status Created or Released, and to which no documents have been assigned, can be deleted directly without archiving, in the transactions Change Network, Change Work Breakdown Structure, Project Builder, Change Structure Planning, and Change Project Planning Board. Standard networks, standard work breakdown structures (from SAP R/3 4.6 also standard project definitions), project versions, and simulation versions can always be deleted. Also, you can always carry out archiving without the subsequent deletion process.


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Appendix 12: Archiving


Figure 91: Deleting Without Archiving


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Appendix 12: Archiving

As a rule, however, a series of steps must be carried out before project data is archived and deleted, and different requirements must be fulfilled. The individual steps can also be carried out in the background for several projects, if required. •

The first step when archiving or deleting project data is to set the system status DLFL (deletion flag). Requirements for setting this status are that all assigned orders and activities also have the DLFL status and there are no open purchase orders or purchase requisitions for the object. Furthermore, settlement must have been completed for the object or the object is not relevant for settlement. The deletion flag can be set in the dialog or in the background. If required, you can reverse the DLFL status. The second step is to set the deletion indicator. For networks, there must be a certain time period between setting the deletion flag and setting the deletion indicator. This time period is defined as Residence Time 1 in the network type. Other requirements for setting the deletion indicator are that assigned orders also have the deletion indicator and the object itself has the status DLFL. Deletion indicators are set using background processing and cannot be revoked. The next step is to archive and then delete the project data. For networks, a Residence Time 2 must be observed after setting the deletion indicator. It is also defined in the network type. For objects to be physically deleted from the database, they must have a deletion indicator. Archiving and deletion is carried out using background processing. Assigned orders are archived and deleted in the respective applications.

Figure 92: Archiving Steps


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Appendix 12: Archiving


When the deletion program is carried out, only data that has been properly stored in an archive file is deleted from the database. This provides a high degree of protection against the loss of data due to malfunctions during the archiving process. You can further improve data security by storing the generated archive file in a storage system before executing the deletion program. To do this, you must make the appropriate settings in Customizing for archiving objects. This ensures that the data is deleted from the database only after it has been securely moved to a storage system. There are various functions available to the persons responsible (for example, the system administrator) for archiving administration.

Figure 93: Jobs, Administration, and Retrieval

The job overview provides an overview of the status of current archiving jobs and an overview of the processing functions. Using administration data, you can get an overview of the archiving runs that have been carried out and branch to the details of the individual archive files. Data is usually retrieved by the user for the purposes of re-analysis. In addition to project structures, other documents that are linked to a project are usually archived and deleted from the SAP system database. You archive and delete funds reservations and funds commitments using the archiving object FM_FUNRES in the general archiving transaction or in the SAP Project System.


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Appendix 12: Archiving

During the preprocessing job for this archiving object, the program checks whether a document can be archived. If the document can be archived, an archiving indicator is set. Afterwards, the document can no longer be changed. Transfer price agreements and allocations are archived using the archiving object CO_FIXEDPR. Before archiving or deleting, a deletion indicator must be set for the documents. The deletion indicator cannot be revoked. The archiving object CM_QMEL can be used for claims. Claims are archived using the general archiving transaction SARA.

Figure 94: Archiving of Documents in the Project System

The preliminary program (RQARCCMV) for archiving object CM_QMEL flags the selected claims that have the DLFL status as archivable and deletable, by assigning the MARC status to them. This means that the individual claims are prepared for archiving and locked for further changes in the dialog. Using program RQARCQM3 (transaction SA38), you can also add the archiving indicator to claims whose completion date is a particular number of days in the past. If a cost collector was created during claim processing, the internal order automatically receives the DLFL status, if the claim is flagged for deletion. If the claim's deletion flag is revoked, the cost collector's deletion flag is also revoked. However, there is no other relationship between the claim and the cost collector during archiving. If the claim is closed (for example, if it is subsequently not


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Appendix 12: Archiving


approved), this has no effect on the cost collector. Internal orders are generally archived and deleted using the archiving object CO_ORDER in Controlling or in the general archiving transaction.


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Glossary Activity Task in a network that has a defined start and finish. Categories of activities in the Project System are: Internal, external, costs, service. archiving object Logical object of related business data that is read from the database by a write program and deleted by the associated delete program after the data has been successfully archived. business area An organizational unit of external Financial Accounting that represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. claim Project-specific notification type. A claim is used to document deviations from the project plan. You can use a claim to plan costs that arise for a project due to a deviation and to trigger follow-up functions. company code The smallest organizational unit of Financial Accounting for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up. controlling area An organizational unit within a company used to represent a closed system for accounting purposes. A controlling area may include single or multiple company codes that may use different currencies. editing masks Display option for complex project numbers. They can also be used to derive the hierarchy of a work breakdown structure from the numbers of their WBS elements. milestones Objects that represent events of particular significance or interest to the project flow. They are assigned to individual WBS elements or activities. Network Describes the chronological sequence of and dependencies between events and activities in a project, and maps the actual flow of the project. object dependencies Mutual interdependencies between objects. You can also use object dependencies to ensure that the correct BOM items and operations are selected when an object is configured. You describe object dependencies in a dependency editor using a special syntax. There are different types of object dependencies for different purposes.


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plant Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning. profit center An organizational unit in Accounting that reflects a management-oriented structure of the organization for the purpose of internal control. Project The summary of certain business processes within a company. They can be defined as a plan distinguished by the uniqueness of their conditions. These conditions include clear goals and objectives, and restrictions such as time, money, and personnel resources. project definition Binding framework for all organizational elements created within a project. The project definition contains default values and profile data. You automatically create a project definition when you create a work breakdown structure. project profile Must be specified when creating a project. It contains default values and parameters for editing projects. Values for the project profile are maintained in Customizing for the Project System. project version Status of a project at a particular time. A project version documents the progress of a project over time. Project versions are created either manually, or automatically when a status changes. Relationship Description of the link between the start and finish points of two activities in a network or standard network. Relationships determine the sequence of activities. The following relationships exist: SS relationship (start-start), FF relationship (finish-finish), SF relationship (start-finish), FS relationship (finish-start). simulation version Modifiable version of a project. You create a simulation version, for example, in the quotation phase, if an operative project does not yet exist, or if you want to plan other alternatives to an existing operative project or subproject. standard network Project-neutral network structure that can be used as a template for creating other standard networks or operative networks. standard work breakdown structure Neutral work breakdown structure that can be used more than once and serves only as a template for creating operative work breakdown structures. WBS element Structural element in a work breakdown structure. A WBS element describes a task or a partial task that can be divided. Planned and actual values for a project are defined and aggregated in WBS elements.


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Work breakdown structure (WBS) A model of the project that shows the project deliverables in hierarchical form. It divides the project into clearly-structured sections. The individual elements of the work breakdown structure are called WBS elements.


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Index A


access control lists, 33 account assignment category, 151, 153 activities, 4, 90, 92–93, 146, 163 activity, 187, 193 activity elements, 92, 95, 146 archiving, 165, 197, 202 archiving object, 197, 202 assembly processing, 7, 145, 153

hierarchy, 3, 6, 45 hierarchy graphic, 46, 125, 157

B business object, 171

C characteristic value assignment, 175, 177, 182 claim, 185, 203 coding mask, 45 configuration, 168, 175, 179 configuration profile, 177, 182 control key, 81, 99, 163, 169 cost collector, 188, 192, 203

D document management, 97, 123, 187

E editing mask, 16, 147

F field key, 155, 162 field keys, 30 flexible detail screens, 31


I input help, 16

L long text, 69, 123, 187, 192

M mass change, 49 material, 44, 96, 111, 148–150, 156, 161, 177, 182 milestone, 48, 97 multilingual capability, 32

N network, 4, 90, 198 network header, 91 network profile, 31, 51, 80, 161 network structure graphic, 94, 125, 163 network type, 80, 161, 165, 201 notification type, 189 Notification type, 186

O object dependencies, 175, 177, 180 open project system (open PS), 171, 173 operative indicators, 44

P phases, 3 project, 2

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Project Builder, 50, 91, 121, 157, 199 project definition, 42 project organization, 3, 47 project planning board, 50, 91, 121, 125–126, 158, 195, 199 project profile, 15, 31, 51, 147, 155 project version, 120, 127, 198–199 PS text, 69, 97, 123

R relationship, 90, 92–93, 99 relationships, 147 requirements class, 145, 151 retrieval, 202


standard work breakdown structure, 43, 69, 148, 175, 198–199 status, 17, 49, 69, 98, 127, 157, 166, 168, 188, 199, 201 status combination codes, 20 status profile, 17, 69, 157, 166 subnetwork, 99, 182 substitution, 51, 156, 162

T table control, 31 task, 187, 193

U user fields, 30 user status, 17, 98, 188



SD/PS assignment, 147 simulation profile, 123, 155 simulation version, 7, 120–121, 198–199 standard network, 43, 110, 148, 175, 198–199 standard structures, 7, 68, 112


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validation, 52, 156, 162 version profile, 128–129, 155, 162 WBS element, 4, 44, 187 work breakdown structure, 4, 198


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