PLC Lab manual
Short Description
Lab manual of PLC & SCADA...
Practica l No
Title o! E"#eri$e%t
Pae No
01 (a)
Inter nterfa faci cing ng of lamp amp and and but button with with PLC PLC for ON/OFF operation
01 (b)
Performed dela$ed operation of lamp b$ u%ing pu%h button% ultiple pu%h button operation with dela$ed lamp for ON/OFF operation
0 (a)
0 (b)
Combination of of co counter + ti timer fo for la lamp ON ON/OFF operation
PLC ba%ed temperature %en%ing u%ing ,-.
PLC ba%ed thermal ON/OFF control
PLC PLC inte interf rfac aced ed with with C2. C2.2 2 and and tat tatu% u% read read /command tran%fer operation
Parameter reading of PLC in C2.2
0& 0'
2larm annunciation u%ing C2.2
,eporting and -rending in C2.2 %$%tem
"! "
E"#eri$e%t %o ('A) Title Interfacing of lamp and button with PLC for ON/OFF operation Ai$ -o %tud$ interfacing of lamp and button with PLC for ON/OFF operation Eui#$e%ts use* Sr No 1
So!t+are ,se* ,"Lin3 ," Logi3 4mulator
ar*+are ,se* " "
T.eor/ I%tro*uctio% to #lc De!i%itio% o! PLC PLC i% a microproce%%or ba%ed digital controller which perform%
and control% man$ function% of man$ t$pe% and le5el of comple3it$ A*a%taes o! PLC-
1) Lower co%t6 It perform% more function% in le%% e3pen%i5e pac7age% ) Fle3ibilit$6 In the pa%t each electronicall$ controlled power machine i% re8uired to control each de5ice Now it i% po%%ible to control man$ de5ice% b$ one PLC !) peed of operation6 ,ela$ ta7e% more time to operation peed of PLC i% 5er$ fa%t ie %can time i% 5er$ le%% ) Implementing change% and correction%6 In PLC ba%ed %$%tem9 program can be changed ea%il$ within le%% time
Disa*a%taes o! PLC-
1)4n5ironm 1)4n5ironmental ental condition%6. condition%6.ue ue to high temperature temperature of en5ironme en5ironment nt at operating operating %tation damage% PLC )45er$ technician or labour mu%t 7now the PLC operation 1ac.i%e co%trol co$#o%e%ts a%* t.eir s/$ols i% la**er *iara$ ')
-here are two fundamental u%e% for %witche% Fir%t 9 %witche% are u%ed for operator input to %end in%truction% to the control circuit econd9 %witche% ma$ be in%talled on the mo5ing part% of machine to pro5ide automatic to the control %$%tem 2) Pus. utto%
-he mo%t common %witch i% pu%h button It i% widel$ u%ed in automoti5e and electr electroni onicc e8uipm e8uipment ent applic applicati ation% on% -here -here are two t$pe% t$pe% of pu%h pu%h button button%"t %"the he momentar$ and maintained -he momentar$ pu%h button i% acti5ated when the button i% pre%%ed and deacti5ated when the button i% relea%ed -he deacti5ation i% done u%ing an internal %pring -he maintained pu%h button %witch acti5ate% when pre%%ed9 but remain% acti5ated when it i% relea%ed -o deacti5ate it9 it mu%t be pre%%ed %econd time For thi% rea%on9 thi% t$pe of %witch i% %ometime% called a pu%h"%witch -he on /off %witch %witche% e% on de%7to de%7top p comput computer% er% and labora laborator tor$ $ o%cill o%cillo%c o%cope ope%% are mainta maintaine ined d pu%h pu%h button% Contact% of %witche% can be of two t$pe% the%e are normall$ open (N/O) and normall$ clo%ed(N/C):hene5er a %witch i% in it% deacti5ated %tage N/O contact% will be opened and N/C contact% contact% clo%ed -here are no material% material% or electrical connection will will be different for different different pair% 3) Selector
It i% al%o 7nown a% rotar$ %witch 2n automobile ignition %witch and o%cillo%cope% 5ertical gain and hori;ontal time ba%ed %witche% are e3ample% of thi% %witch the top contact% are clo%ed when the %witch %elector i% turned to the left po%ition9 open %witch %elector i% %elected and turned to the right the bottom %et of
contact% wor7% e3actl$ oppo%ite -here are no electrical contact% between top and bottom In mo%t ca%e% we label label %elector po%ition% a% a %ame %ame one on the panel 4) Li$it
Normall$ the%e %witche% are not operator acce%%ible -he$ are acti5ated b$ mo5ing part% on the machine -he$ are u%uall$ mechanical %witche% %witche% but can al%o be light acti5ated or magneticall$ operated (%uch a% magnetic b$ %tore% and home %ecurit$ %$%tem that %en%e window% ha5e been opened) 5) I%*icator La$#s
2ll the control panel% include lamp% -he$ tell the operator when power i% applied to the machine and indicate the pre%ent operating %tatu% of the machine -he light bulb% u%ed in indicator% are generall$ white< the$ are u%uall$ colored with len%e% the color% are u%uall$ red9 green etc9 but the other color% are al%o a5ailable ,ed lamp% are re%er5ed for %afet$ critical indicator% =reen u%uall$ indicate% %afe condition% and red u%uall$ indicate dangerou% condition% -he other color% indicate information not critical to the %afe operation of the machine In thi% ca%e we u%uall$ fla%h the lamp continuou%l$ on and off
1 !
tar tartt , , lin lin3 3 %of %oftw twar are e ele elect ct >com >commu muni nica cati tion on? ? In that that99 %elec %electt confi configur guree dri5e dri5er r If there i% an$ dri5er dri5er in running running %tage9 %tage9 %top and delete that that dri5er dri5er Further Further a% we are not interfacing interfacing
# & '
plc with %oftware9 %elect dri5er a% >LC 00 (.@"') emulator dri5er? ele elect ct >add >add new? new? -hen one window window occur a%7ing a%7ing name of dri5er dri5er It i% b$ default default >4A00"1 >4A00"1?? %elect >o7? >o7? Now one one window window a%7ing a%7ing %tation %tation number %elect ? 00? ele elect ct >o7 >o7?? and >cl >clo% o%e? e?
* inimi inimi;e ;e ,"l ,"lin3 in3 oft oftwar waree window window 10 Now %tart , Logi3 micro micro 4ngli%h %oftware 11 elect? elect? New New file? file? 1 elect proce%%er t$pe t$pe a% >icrologi3 >icrologi3 1100 %erie% B? 1! 2l%o %elect %elect dri5er a% >4A00"1? >4A00"1? 1 -hen %elect >O? >O? -hen window with rung% will will appear 1 Now con%truct the the ladder dia 2% %hown %hown in fig 1# -hen down load and %a5e con%truct con%tructed ed program program 1& elect run run to run the the program program 1' Chec7 output according according to re8uirement re8uirement
La**er *iara$
E"#eri$e%t %o('B) Title 6 Performed dela$ed operation of lamp b$ u%ing pu%h button% Ai$ -o perform dela$ed operation of lamp b$ u%ing pu%h button
Eui#$e%ts use* Sr No 1
So!t+are ,se* ,"Lin3 ," Logi3 4mulator
ar*+are ,se* " "
-here are mainl$ three t$pe% of timer% u%ed in PLC Programming a% Follow%6 1D ON .ela$ -imer D OFF .ela$ -imer -imer !D ,etenti5e -imer
'7 O% *ela/ ti$er "
It i% u%ed to program a time dela$ before in%truction become% true ON .ela$ -imer i% u%ed when an action i% to begin a %pecified time after input become% true 9 for e3ample certain %tage% in manufacturing proce%%e% i% e3pected to begin !0 %ec after input i% recei5ed from limit %witch9 here !0 %ec i% nothing but the pre%ent 5alue of ON .ela$ -imer 27 O!! *ela/ ti$er E
It i% u%ed to program a time to begin after the input goe% fal%e for e3ample e3ternal cooling fan or a motor which ha% to run all the time and it i% e3pected to turn off the fan or motor after min when input i% %en%ed b$ them -he min i% nothing but OFF .ela$ -ime
37 6ete%tie ti$er E
It i% u%ed to re%et accumulated 5alue through power lo%%9 proce%% change %tate or in rung from true to fal%e For e3ample ,-O i% u%ed to true running time or motor for maintenance -he time i% u%ed to trac7 accumulated 5alue time the motor ha% run For e3ample motor need maintenance ' hr% (''00 %ec)each time the motor i% turn off9 the timer need% to remember motor% total elap%e time9 ne3t time
when the motor i% turn on the timer will increa%e accumulated running time where it left off when the total accumulated running time ha% being reached9 maintenance reminder time will be off9 %ame procedure repeat% ,44- in%truction i% u%ed to pre%et accumulated 5alue of a timer It i% u%ed onl$ in retenti5e timer and not in >ON? or or >OFF? dela$ timer
But we ha5e two timer% in 2llen Bradle$ PLC 1 -ON -ONOn On del dela$ a$ tim timer er -OFF -OFFOf Offf dela dela$ $ timer timer :e ha5e addre%% rang for timer a% -60GG-6 Ti$er Ele$e%t 2timer in%truction i% one element 2 timer element i% made up of three " " "
1#"bit word :ord :ord ;ero ;ero cont contain ain%% three three %tatu% %tatu% bit9 bit9 4N9 4N9 --- and and .N .N :ord one one for for pre% pre%et et 5alu 5alue e :ord two two for for accu accumu mula late ted d 5al 5alue ue TON Ti$er
-able of %tatu% bit for -ON timer IN(Input)
.N(.one bit)
bit) 1
timing bit) 1
0 1 1
0 1 1
0 1 0
0 0 1
top ,e%tart Complete
-able -able of %tatu% bit% for -OFF timer IN(Input)
.N(.one bit)
1 0 1 0 0
bit) 1 0 1 0 0
timing bit) 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 0
top tart top ,e%tart Complete
Proce*ure -
Procedure i% a% %ame a% 43periment no 1(a) La**er *iara$-
E"#eri$e%t %o2 (A)
Title ultiple pu%h button operation with dela$ed lamp for ON/OFF operation %tud$ multip multiple le pu%h pu%h button button operat operation ion with with dela$e dela$ed d lamp lamp for ON/OFF ON/OFF Ai$ -o %tud$ operation PLC Co%!iuratio% - 1) B + , PLC ( )
) I/O configuration6 " i) 2nalog Channel I/P ii) 2nalog Channel O/P iii) .igital Channel I/P i5) .igital Channel O/P T.eor/ Pus. utto%
-he mo%t common %witch i% pu%h button It i% widel$ u%ed in automoti5e and electr electroni onicc e8uipm e8uipment ent applic applicati ation% on% -here -here are two t$pe% t$pe% of pu%h pu%h button button%"t %"the he
momentar$ and maintained -he momentar$ pu%h button i% acti5ated when the button i% pre%%ed and deacti5ated when the button i% relea%ed -he deacti5ation i% done u%ing an internal %pring -he maintained pu%h button %witch acti5ate% when pre%%ed9 but remain% acti5ated when it i% relea%ed -o deacti5ate it9 it mu%t be pre%%ed %econd time For thi% rea%on9 thi% t$pe of %witch i% %ometime% called a pu%h"%witch -he on /off %witch %witche% e% on de%7to de%7top p comput computer% er% and labora laborator tor$ $ o%cill o%cillo%c o%cope ope%% are mainta maintaine ined d pu%h pu%h button% Contact% of %witche% can be of two t$pe% the%e are normall$ open (N/O) and normall$ clo%ed(N/C):hene5er a %witch i% in it% deacti5ated %tage N/O contact% will be opened and N/C contact% contact% clo%ed -here are no material% material% or electrical connection will will be different for different different pair%
1 !
tar tartt , , lin lin3 3 %of %oftw twar are e ele elect ct >com >commu muni nica cati tion on? ? In that that99 %elec %electt confi configur guree dri5e dri5er r If there i% an$ dri5er dri5er in running running %tage9 %tage9 %top and delete that that dri5er dri5er Further Further a% we are not interfacing interfacing
plc with %oftware9 %elect dri5er a% >LC 00 (.@"') emulator dri5er? ele elect ct >add >add new? new? # -hen one window window occur a%7ing a%7ing name of dri5er dri5er It i% b$ default default >4A00"1 >4A00"1?? %elect >o7? >o7? & Now one one window window a%7ing a%7ing %tation %tation number %elect ? 00? ' ele elect ct >o7 >o7?? and >cl >clo% o%e? e? * inimi inimi;e ;e ,"l ,"lin3 in3 oft oftwar waree window window 10 Now %tart , Logi3 micro micro 4ngli%h %oftware 11 elect? elect? New New file? file? 1 elect proce%%er t$pe t$pe a% >icrologi3 >icrologi3 1100 %erie% B? 1! 2l%o %elect %elect dri5er a% >4A00"1? >4A00"1? 1 -hen %elect >O? >O? -hen window with rung% will will appear 1 Now con%truct the the ladder dia 2% %hown %hown in fig 1# -hen down load and %a5e con%truct con%tructed ed program program 1& elect run run to run the the program program 1' Chec7 output according according to re8uirement re8uirement
E"#eri$e%t %o2 (B) Title 6" Combination of counter + timer for f or lamp ON/OFF operation Ai$ -o %tud$ %tud$ combination of counter + timer for lamp ON/OFF operation Eui#$e%ts use* Sr No 1
So!t+are ,se* ,"Lin3 ," Logi3 4mulator
ar*+are ,se* " "
T.eor/ PLC Cou%ter
-here i% two t$pe% of counter 1 Ap Coun ounter ter .own .own Coun Counte ter r 1Ap Counter A%e the count"up in%truction if $ou want a counter to increment one decimal 5alue each time it regi%ter a rung tran%ition from fal%e to true
1 !
tar tartt , , lin lin3 3 %of %oftw twar are e ele elect ct >com >commu muni nica cati tion on? ? In that that99 %elec %electt confi configur guree dri5e dri5er r If there i% an$ dri5er dri5er in running running %tage9 %tage9 %top and delete that that dri5er dri5er Further Further a% we are not interfacing interfacing
plc with %oftware9 %elect dri5er a% >LC 00 (.@"') emulator dri5er? ele elect ct >add >add new? new? # -hen one window window occur a%7ing a%7ing name of dri5er dri5er It i% b$ default default >4A00"1 >4A00"1?? %elect >o7? >o7? & Now one one window window a%7ing a%7ing %tation %tation number %elect ? 00? ' ele elect ct >o7 >o7?? and >cl >clo% o%e? e? * inimi inimi;e ;e ,"l ,"lin3 in3 oft oftwar waree window window 10 Now %tart , Logi3 micro micro 4ngli%h %oftware 11 elect? elect? New New file? file? 1 elect proce%%er t$pe t$pe a% >icrologi3 >icrologi3 1100 %erie% B? 1! 2l%o %elect %elect dri5er a% >4A00"1? >4A00"1? 1 -hen %elect >O? >O? -hen window with rung% will will appear 1 Now con%truct the the ladder dia 2% %hown %hown in fig 1# -hen down load and %a5e con%truct con%tructed ed program program 1& elect run run to run the the program program 1' Chec7 output according according to re8uirement re8uirement
E"#eri$e%t No-3
Title - PLC ba%ed temperature %en%ing u%ing ,-. Ai$ - -o %tud$ PLC ba%ed temperature %en%ing u%ing ,-. PLC Co%!iuratio% - 1) B + , PLC ( )
) I/O configuration6 " i) 2nalog Channel I/P ii) 2nalog Channel O/P iii) .igital Channel I/P i5) .igital Channel O/P T.eor/9E"#la%atio%-
:hen the auto button (I6 00/#) ie (B!60/#) i% %elected and %et point i% gi5en from %creen which i% %tored in N&6 temp en%ed b$ ,-. i% gi5en to I/P and it i% %tored in N&61 @ere we compare both the %et point 5alue and ,-. ,-. 5alue :hen ,-. ,-. 5alue i% grea greate terr than than %et %et poin pointt heat heater er (O6 (O6 00/ 00/&) &) i% auto automa mati tica call ll$ $ beco become me OFF OFF and and if the the temperature goe% low heating automaticall$ %tart% :hen manual button (I6 00/&) ie (B!60/#) i% %elected there i% no need to %et point 5alue and heater will turn ON and OFF with the help of manual button onl$
La**er Diara$-
E"#eri$e%t No-4
Title - PLC ba%ed thermal ON/OFF control Ai$ - -o %tud$ %tud$ PLC ba%ed thermal ON/OFF control PLC Co%!iuratio% - 1) B + , PLC ( )
) I/O configuration6 " i) 2nalog Channel I/P ii) 2nalog Channel O/P iii) .igital Channel I/P i5) .igital Channel O/P T.eor/9E"#la%atio%-
In thi% e3periment I/P 5alue (O60/0) ie (B!610/) i% ON when the temperature I% le%% than or e8ual to and the le5el i% le%% than or e8ual to 10 at that time O/P 5alue (O60/0#) ie (B!610/#) i% OFF If le5el goe% high that i% greater than or e8ual to & but the temperature i% le%% than output 5alue i% ON but I/P 5alue i% %till ON it will become OFF when temperature become greater than or e8ual e8ual to 0 SCADA SC6EEN-
La**er Diara$-
E"#eri$e%t No-5
Title - PLC interfaced with C2.2 and tatu% read /command tran%fer operation Ai$ - -o %tud$ PLC interfaced with C2.2 and tatu% read /command tran%fer operation PLC Co%!iuratio% - 1) B + , PLC ( )
) I/O configuration6 " i) 2nalog Channel I/P ii) 2nalog Channel O/P iii) .igital Channel I/P i5) .igital Channel O/P 5) C2.2 %oftware6"5i%uali;ation
:hen the button for the input (I600/) i% pre%%ed %tatu% of that corre%ponding I/P will change to green colour and command for the %ame ie (I600/) HON i% al%o 5i%ible If it i% OFF %tatu% of that corre%ponding I/P will change to red colour and commend for the %ame (I600/) HOFF i% al%o 5i%ible SCADA SC6EEN-
La**er Diara$-
E"#eri$e%t No-:
Title - Parameter reading of PLC in C2.2 Ai$ - -o %tud$ %tud$ Parameter reading of PLC in C2.2 PLC Co%!iuratio% - 1) B + , PLC ( )
) I/O configuration6 " i) 2nalog Channel I/P ii) 2nalog Channel O/P iii) .igital Channel I/P i5) .igital Channel O/P 5) C2.2 %oftware6"5i%uali;ation
In thi% %creen here we are able to read the parameter of PLC ie the 5alue of the analog input (I610) and (I611) -he%e analog input are %caled and the %caled 5alue% are %tored in (N&60) and (N&61) which indicate% the 5alue of -- 101 and L- 101 101
La**er Diara$-
E"#eri$e%t No-;
Title - 2larm annunciation u%ing C2.2 Ai$ - -o %tud$ 2larm annunciation u%ing C2.2 PLC Co%!iuratio% - 1) B + , PLC ( )
) I/O configuration6 " i) 2nalog Channel I/P ii) 2nalog Channel O/P iii) .igital Channel I/P i5) .igital Channel O/P 5) C2.2 %oftware6"5i%uali;ation
One of the mo%t important implementation of C2.2 i% alarm -he alarm ha% Ju%t two digital %tatu% point with 5alue% alarm or normal :hen the re8uirement% of the alarm are met the$ are acti5ated For e3ample and a light glow% -he attention of the C2.2 operation i% drawn to the %$%tem which re8uired to attention b$ the alarm -o alert the C2.2 operator% along with the manager% the te3t me%%age% and 4mail are %ending along with the alarm acti5ation :hen %ome of the 5ariable% in power %tation or %ub%tation are out of limit9 the operator get% corre%ponding alarm me%%age -he operator recei5e% alarm %ignal B$ 5irtue of fa%t e3perience e3perience and human rea%oning9 rea%oning9 the control control room operator determined determined cau%e of trouble and ta7e% appropriate follow"up action to en%ure %$%tem %ecurit$ -he 7nowledge of %ingle alarm b$ them%el5e% i% often in%ufficient9 and the operator% mu%t be able to draw conclu%ion% from 7nowing the %tatu% and the 5alue% of man$ other 5ariable% In the ca%e of brea7er %tatu% 5alue%9 the operator are pro5ided with one"line di%pla$ diagram% ha5e graphic indication% of brea7er%9 bu% bar9 %witche%9
tran%former% etc further9 the brea7er po%ition% are %hown %o that a 8uic7 accurate a%%e%%ment of a %witching action can be obtained b$ loo7ing at the di%pla$ -o %ound an alarm or to clo%e the trip circuit of circuit"brea7er %o a% to di%connect a component during an abnormal condition in the component9 which include o5er"load9 under"5ol under"5oltage9 tage9 temperature temperature ri%e9 unbalanced unbalanced load9 re%er5e re%er5e power9 power9 under"fre8 under"fre8uenc$ uenc$99 %hort circuit% etc Following table %hown alarm indication in monitoring power %$%tem onitored Kualit$ oltage% of bu%e% Load flow through line% $%tem fre8uenc$ Load Load %hedding e8uipment =enerator unit =enerator %tatu% Networ7 tran%former -ele"c le"com ommu muni nica cati tion on chan channe nell to ,-A Circuit" brea7er %tatu% Prot Protec ecti tion on rela rela$ $ comm commun unic icat atio ion n channel Circuit" brea7er (F"#)
2larm indication and %ounding Bu% 2bo5e/Below limit :9292, 2bo5e/Below limit 2bo5e/Below target limit :92, 2bo5e limit Load/%hed/load re%tore/I%landing :92,9 abo5e limit ON/OFF line -emperature -emperature 2bo5e/Below 2bo5e/Below limit Norm Normal al/f /fai ailu lure re Open/Clo%e Normal/failure Normal/Low pre%%ure
:hen water le5el goe% low or high or temperature goe% low or high the alarm will be generated and the hooter ie (O6 0/11) %hould turn ON the alarm will be ac7nowledge with the button 2c7 2larm (B!6#/0) SCADA SC6EEN-
La**er Diara$-
E"#eri$e%t No-8
Title - ,eporting and -rending -rending in C2.2 %$%tem Ai$ - -o %tud$ ,eporting and -rending in C2.2 %$%tem PLC Co%!iuratio% - 1) B + , PLC ( )
) I/O configuration6 " i) 2nalog Channel I/P ii) 2nalog Channel O/P iii) .igital Channel I/P i5) .igital Channel O/P 5) C2.2 %oftware6"5i%uali;ation
-rend di%pla$ i% the di%tributed control %$%tem e8ui5alent of chart record% -he$ are a profile of a proce%% 5ariable %howing change% that ha5e been ta7e% place o5er a period of time -he trend di%pla$ information i% 5aluable to the operator to ob%er5e the re%ent pattern of operating hi%tor$ It i% 5aluable to the operator after an up%et ha% occurred9 allowing him to determine which %e5eral inter"related 5ariable wa% the 1 %t to be affected b$ the changing condition% tread% o5er larger period% (o5er a wee7 or more) can be %a5ed on flop flopp$ p$ di%7 di%799 %tor %torag agee + di%p di%pla la$e $ed d when when re8u re8uir ired ed -he fig fig %how %how tren trend d for for the the temperature and le5el :hen we touch on an$ of the temperature indicator bloc7 then thi% thi% tren trend% d% wind window ow will will pop pop up up In %ome %ome di%p di%pla la$% $%99 %e5e %e5eral ral tren trend d grap graph% h% can can be di%pla$ed at once allowing compri%ing of the hi%tor$ of %e5eral 5ariable%
La**er Diara$-
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