Playwright's Primer - Updated Puppeteer

May 1, 2017 | Author: Damian Fitzpatrick | Category: N/A
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Thank you for purchasing the Playwright's Primer. The experience wouldn't be complete without this new material, to be introduced in the next Naruto d20 update, and as such, is now available for your eyes to see.

Puppeteer This type of ninja does not like Melee combat. Instead, it uses tools to fight for him, while he calmly watches and analyzes his enemy from the shadows. The fastest path to this class is through the Smart hero basic class. Requirements: To qualify to become a puppeteer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +1 Skills: Concentration 3 ranks, Ninjutsu 6 ranks, Repair 6 ranks. Special: The puppeteer candidate must be able to create C-Class chakra threads or better with the Ninpou: Chakra no Ito technique. Class Information The following information pertains to the Puppeteer advanced class. Hit Die The Puppeteer gains 1d6 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies. Action Points The Puppeteer gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, everytime he attains a new level in this class. Class Skills The Puppeteer's class skills are as follows. Chakra Control (Wis), Craft (chemical, mechanical) (Int), Concentration (Con), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (earth and life science, ninja lore, popular culture, streetwise) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ninjutsu (Int), Perform (Cha), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Language (None), Repair (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.


Base Attack Fort Ref Will Level Bonus Save Save Save Special

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

+0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5

+1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5

+1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5

+1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5

Puppetry, bonus chakra Puppeteer skill Advanced puppetry Puppeteer skill Advanced puppetry II Puppeteer skill Advanced puppetry III Puppeteer skill Advanced puppetry IV Puppeteer skill

Defense Reputation Bonus Bonus

+1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5

+0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2

Class Features The following features pertain to the Puppeteer advanced class. Puppetry The user is able to use chakra threads to animate and control a single Small, Medium or Large puppet within his reach as an attack action, and use any component installed on the puppet. The puppet cannot move further than the maximum distance of the chakra threads, but the chakra threads' range increment penalties otherwise do not apply. The puppeteer can control up to 1 hit dice of puppet per character level. No puppet can be animated with more hit dice than the puppeteer's total hit dice. The puppet is animated with 1 hit dice per chakra spent, and has a chakra pool equal to the chakra spent animating it. A puppet reduced to 0 chakra is deanimated and cannot be reanimated for 1d4 rounds, and a puppet reduced to 0 hit points is disabled (see Puppet Combat for details). If the chakra threads are severed or cancelled, the puppet is deanimated but retains its chakra for 1 round, enabling the puppeteer to reanimate the puppet by paying the chakra cost of the chakra threads only, rather than the full cost of the puppet. The puppeteer must make a Concentration check at the beginning of each turn if he has taken damage in the previous turn. The check is DC 10+damage taken, and causes the puppet to be disabled when failed. The puppet is animated for 5 rounds, plus 2 rounds per character level. See the Puppets section of the Ninja Tools chapter for detail on controlling puppets and puppet components. Using this ability can provoke an attack of opportunity. Bonus Chakra The Puppeteer gains a certain amount of bonus chakra and bonus reserve from taking levels in this class. The amount of bonus chakra or chakra reserve gained is shown on the table below. It is not influenced by ability scores, and is in addition to the standard amount gained every level from gaining an additional hit dice.

The amount of bonus chakra or reserve doesn't stack, simply choose the appropriate value based on the character's class levels. Multiple instances of Bonus Chakra and Reserve, such as from various classes, do stack with each other. Class Bonus Bonus Levels Chakra Reserve 1st 1 2 2nd 2 4 3rd 3 6 4th 4 8 5th 5 10 6th 6 12 7th 7 14 8th 8 16 9th 9 18 10th 10 20

Advanced Puppetry The puppeteer is able to control two Small puppets instead of a Medium-sized or Large puppet. He is able to do so with a single use of the Puppetry ability, but must pay the chakra cost for each puppet. The sum of both puppet's hit dice cannot exceed the amount the puppeteer could normally control. The puppets animated by the Puppetry ability remain animated for 1 minute + 2 rounds per character level. Advanced Puppetry II The puppeteer can use the Puppetry ability as a move action, and reanimate puppets that were disabled from taking damage on his next turn as a move action by simply paying the cost of the chakra threads instead of the puppet's full chakra cost. This must be done within 1 round of the puppet being disabled. A puppet that was disabled from taking chakra damage or deanimated because the duration of the Puppetry ability expired cannot be reanimated with this ability. Advanced Puppetry III The puppeteer is able to control two Medium-sized puppets, or one Medium-sized and one Small puppet at once with the Puppetry ability. The duration of the Puppetry ability increases to 1 minute + 5 rounds per character level. Advanced Puppetry IV The puppeteer can control up to four Small puppets at once, or three Medium-sized puppets, or one Large puppet and one Medium-sized puppets at once with the Puppetry ability. The duration of the Puppetry ability increases to 1 minute + 1 minute per character level. Puppeteer Skills

At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level, the Puppeteer gets the chance to improves his skills as a puppeteer. He may chose from the following list of ability every time he gains a Puppeteer Skill. Unless specified, a skill cannot be selected more than once. Bonus Feat (can be selected multiple times): The Puppeteer gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Puppeteer must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Brawl, Builder, Chuunin, Craft Living Puppets, Craft Poisons, Craft Puppets, Deceptive, Educated, Focused, Gearhead, Genin, Meticulous, Multipuppet Fighting, Nin Weapons Proficiency, Puppeteer Insight, Puppet Multiattack, Stealthy, Studious, Trustworthy. Energize Puppet: The puppeteer may imbue his puppet with more chakra than normal. The puppet does not gain more hit dice, but can hold up to twice its hit dice in chakra. Greater Focus: The puppeteer gains a +8 bonus to his Concentration checks to avoid losing control of his puppet if damaged during the Kugutsu no Jutsu. Master Puppeteer (any 4 Puppeteer Skills): The maximum HD of puppet the puppeteer can control increases by 5. No puppet can have more HD than the puppeteer. Puppet Mastery: The puppeteer gains a +1 attack bonus when attacking with puppets, and his puppets make extra attacks as though his base attack bonus base attack bonus was 1 point higher. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and +3 at 10th level. Puppet Specialization (requires Puppet Mastery): The puppeteer gains a +1 competence bonus to damage rolls made with puppets. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 10th level. Improved Speed: When selecting this skill, the speed of the character's puppet increases by 10 feet. Puppet Evasion: Whenever a puppet needs to make a Reflex save to take half damage from an ability or a technique, if it succeeds the save, it takes no damage instead. Puppet Flight (any 2 Puppeteer Skills): All of the character's puppet gain a Fly speed equal to half its normal speed with a Poor maneuverability while the puppeteer remains immobile. Puppet Defense (any Puppeteer Skill): The puppeteer's puppets gains a +2 dodge bonus to defense while they remain within 30 feet of the puppeteer. This bonus increases to +3 at 8th level. Sneak Attack (any 2 puppeteer Skills): The puppeteer gains Sneak Attack (+1d6), bonus also shared with his puppets. At 10th level, the ability improves to Sneak Attack (+2d6). Sneak attack gained from an ability other than this one does not stack with the puppet's sneak attack, only the puppeteer's. This bonus does not apply if the puppet moves farther

than 30 feet from the puppeteer. Skilled Puppeteer (requires Weapon Finesse feat or Exploit Weakness class ability): The puppeteer may confer the bonuses of either the Weapon Finesse feat or Exploit Weakness class ability upon his puppet. In place of its Strength modifier, the puppeteer uses his own Dexterity modifier (with Weapon Finesse) or Intelligence modifier (with Exploit Weakness) to make attack rolls. This does not affect damage rolls. Trap Expert (any 1 Puppeteer Skills): The puppet components' save DC increase by 1. The puppeteer also gains a +4 bonus to Repair checks made to reload or install components. Resilient Puppets (any Puppeteer Skills): All of the puppeteer's puppets, when animated, gain an additional hit points per hit dice.

Ninpou: Chakra no Ito (Ninja Art: Chakra Threads) Ninjutsu (requires Chakra Control 5 ranks) Rank: 2 (D-Class); Learn DC: 14, 1 success; Perform requirements: 2 ranks (DC 13); Time: 1 attack action; Components: C; Range: Personal; Effect: Chakra strings; Duration: Until cancelled (D) (See text); Saving Throws: None; Chakra Resistance: Yes; Chakra Cost: See text. The user creates chakra threads that can be used to manipulate objects to some degree. The ability to create and use chakra threads well is crucial for any skilled puppeteer. The user creates D-Class chakra threads with this techniques. These chakra threads can be used to manipulate objects to some degrees, depending on the quality of the threads (see below). The chakra threads are invisible to the naked eye, but a character than can See Chakra or See Through Chakra can make a Spot check to see the chakra threads (Spot DC 10). Dismissing this technique is a free action. This technique creates D-class chakra threads. The maximum distance an object can be moved in one round is left at the GM's discretion. Attaching threads to an object is a ranged touch attack. The chakra threads can reach up to a maximum of 5 range increments, each range increment causing a cumulative -2 penalty to all checks made with the threads, as well as attack rolls when used to deliver an

attack. The user does not apply his or her Strength modifier to damage. Each time an object is used to deliver damage, the user must make an Intelligence check (DC 20) to avoid losing his grip on it until the beginning of his next turn. Chakra threads have a Defense equal to a Medium-size carried object, are only subject to slashing attacks that bypass chakra-based damage reduction or attacks that deal chakra damage, and are not affected by area effects. Furthermore, severing chakra threads attached to multiple objects, such as puppets, will only disconnect the user from the object that thread was controlling. Severed chakra threads can be reformed as a swift action while the technique is active, but still cost chakra. More than one chakra thread can be connected to a single object or puppet, limited by the number of objects that class of threads can control. The user cannot use two different classes of chakra threads at the same time. Using chakra threads requires both hands free. D-Class (1 chakra): The chakra threads can be used to manipulate objects as a rope and has a range increment of 10 feet. The threads can also be used to deliver disarm or trip attempts within 10 feet at a +2 circumstance bonus, without risking being disarmed or tripped on a failed check. Manipulating objects with these chakra strings is difficult and hazardous, and gives a -4 penalty to attack rolls and any checks requiring precision. The D-Class chakra threads have 7 hit points and can control up to 2 objects or puppets, though each must be controlled individually. The puppeteer cannot control more puppets than his Puppetry and Advanced Puppetry abilities would normally allow in this manner. C-Class (2 chakra): These chakra threads can be used to manipulate objects as though with a weak telekinetic force, allowing the user to nudge forward, pull and move objects sideways, and has a range increment of 20 feet. The threads can be used to deliver disarm and trip attempts within 15 feet, but still give a -2 penalty to attack rolls and checks requiring precision. The Spot check difficulty class to see C-Class chakra threads is 15. The threads have 11 hit points and can control up to 3 objects or puppets. B-Class (3 chakra): The chakra threads can be used to manipulate objects as though with a telekinetic force, increasing the user's effective strength score by 2 when lifting and moving objects with chakra threads, and have a range increment of 30 feet. The chakra threads can be used to deliver trip and disarm attempts within 20 feet. The Spot check difficulty class to see B-Class chakra threads is 20. The threads have 15 hit points and can control up to 4 objects or puppets. A-Class (4 chakra): These high-class chakra threads can be used to manipulate objects as aptly as a human hand might, allowing the user to push, pull and move objects easily and with an effective strength score increased by 5 when lifting and moving objects, and have a range increment of 50 feet. The threads can deliver trip and disarm attempts within 30 feet. The Spot check difficulty class to see A-Class chakra threads is 25. The threads have

20 hit points and can control up to 5 objects or puppets. Mastery Each step of mastery grants a +1 bonus to touch attacks to attach strings to inanimate objects. The first step of mastery takes five times the normal amount of time to learn and allows the character to create C-Class chakra threads. The second step of mastery allows this technique to be performed as a move action three times per encounter. The third step of mastery takes ten times the normal amount of time to learn and allows the character to create B-Class chakra threads. The fourth step of mastery allows this technique to be performed as a swift action three times per encounter. The fifth step of mastery takes twenty times the normal amount of time to learn and allows the character to create A-Class chakra threads.

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