Play Without Any Risk

December 3, 2016 | Author: Kvepalai Jums | Category: N/A
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„Play Without Any Risk“ Betfair market allows to make money without risks. Many gamblers in the world, mo...





Mantas Valentukonis I have more than 4 years experiance in sports betting. Also I meet people, who is living from sports betting EVERY DAY. They give me a lot of advices and that‘s why i wrote 2 books about betting. My clients are very satisfied about my books. It help them to build their own betting business or just win more and a lot of money. All my life I trying to be better on every thing. No exception is betting. I like sport and I like making money from sports betting. That‘s best feeling in the world. I hope this book will help you to play better in BETFAIR market and win more money to the extent you can not imagine.



All rights reserved. The book is not intended for any distribution. Any unauthorized distribution of this book is breaking the law. All rights reserved. The author assumes no responsibility for your money.

Translated from the Lithuanian language




Contents I.





Sports Marketing Basis Back and Lay.....................................................................6 How to read event information........................................9 Book Percentage calculating............................................13 Bet or trade......................................................................16 “Success secret“...............................................................18 What is BETFAIR WhY do you need Betfair?...............................................21 Betfair Account Opening..................................................23 9 Betfair Trading Tips.......................................................25 Betfair replenishments.....................................................27 Betfair Glossary................................................................30 Get € 20 free Bet at Betfair..............................................33 Betfair Rules Brokerage fee and Points.................................................35 Premium Charges – Fees for Sharks.................................38 Tennis Betting Rules.........................................................41 Betfair strategies Soccer DRAW system.......................................................43 Soccer 2 DRAW system....................................................46 Soccer ATTACKS...............................................................48 Tennis Tournaments Strategie.........................................49 Trade by news..................................................................52 Betfair POKER Poker Player's Club..........................................................58 Choose your own poker bonus........................................60




Sports marketing basis

Sports marketing term came from sports betting. Whole, world betting market are very dynamic and often reminds stock and currency markets, right now. Changes in the odds resulting medium of trade and make a big money without any risk. The whole essence of sports marketing is to buy a bet (back) with bigger odd, and sell it(lay) with less. Many gamblers in the world moves to sports marketing in the end. This way is much more safer and unlike sports betting, allows you to control the situation. Quite a few of them find their nyches and make money, using other sports marketing naiviety and inexpierence. What is nessesary to be successfull in sports marketing? You must to have knowledge of sports, knowledge of numbers and be well prapared psychologically. You will find everything about it in this book. The first online sports marketing concept applied sports betting company Betfair in United Kingdom. Currently, this company is the largest sports marketing in the world and in this book we will use examples of exactly Betfair company.



Back and Lay functions are the most imporant things in sports marketing

You must to know these concepts, before you start to study sports marketing. Although it might seems a little complicated at first sight, but in fact everything is very simple. Back - traditional bet, when you are betting on the outcome of a particular event. In the example, below you are betting for the victory of David Ferrer(back). The best odds you can get is 1.26 at the moment. That means that if you bet € 300 on it, you win € 78 (minus commissions). Your potential winning or defeat you can always see below the names of the following players / names.

The higher odds you will get, the bigger profit you will have if you win. If you are not satisfied with odds, you can raise it as much as you like. You may have to wait until the bet will be accredited, but there is no guarantee that this will happen. If odds will not move to the right dirrection – your bet will be not accepted. As long as other marketing participant has not taken your bet, betfair notes these bets as Unmatched(example below). Let's say you're introducing an odds 1.34. It is enough under the current market. If something unexpected will not happen(for example : it turns out that Raonic unwell) probably your bet will reamain not taken before a game. You can always cancel 6


Unmatched bets, by clicking x in the red background or “Cancel all unmatched“(in this case, if you have more than one unmatched bet, there will be canceled all)

So if you have ever involved in betting with a tradittional bookmaker, probably you already see, that Back bets are exactly the same. The difference is that, that from the prize money you will have to pay a commission(5% in most cases, depending on your collected Betfair Points). But even in this case, the odds are almost always higher in Betfair market. Lay – reverse Back, you accept bets from other market participants. So you bet that a certain outcome of an event will not happen. The best It would be, just to show a real example, so let‘s take the same FerrerRaonic match. The gambler make a Lay bet on Ferrer(he bets that he will not win). The lowest available odds is 1.27. After recording an amount( 300 € in the example), system shows us LIABILITY (81 €), this is the amount by which we are at risk. The lower odds is, the lower our risk amount. The winning amount will be equal to the entered amount, to say as much as any other player will bet.

So, as you can see, you found yourself on the otherside. You are acting as bookmaker : offering odds and other gamblers bet on it (make Back bets).



Do not make the common mistake of newcomers. Some people think, that if he lays 50 € in odds 8.0 and that event loses, he receives 400 €. It‘s not a Back bet, where your winnings obtained by multiplying odds and a specified amount. A winning like this is paid for a Backer(man who make Back bets) the man who bet for your odds. In the case you should pay 350 €(if the event is winned) and win 50 € (if the event you Layed is lost). If you do not want to accept bets for existing lowest odds, you can enter your own. For reasons of diversity, I will show you an example to illustrate a situation with Raonic. The minimum odds is 4.8 in the market. But a gambler has entered a much lower - 3.00. If the bet will be accepted(small chance it will be, because It‘s too low odds). “Liability“ (the amount at stake to lose) is 600 €, and the winning amount, the same you entered – 300 €.

So, you shouldn‘t be afraid of Lay bets, because it's not a big deal and you are in full control of the situation. I would advise, that some times don‘t rush to take the already existing odds, better It‘s offer yours, with slightly smaller odds. You can do the same with a Back, enter one or two points higher odds. Most of the successful bookmakers earn money using lay function and acting as a betting company. Numbers under the odds is the amounts, which you can bet that moment.



How to read event information Technical data of the odds

Use this tool, to make a better picture of the odds and the direction of movement of money. Good technical analysis of the event can say a lot about the market participants views and actions. To open the window of event click on the chart Icons to the participant's name / title.

You will see the odds movement schedule in the newly opened window, accepted bets(matched) amounts, waiting bets(unmatched) amounts and odds. 9

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Betting on - I opened Mardy Fish window before running the model. In this section, you can choose any other participant. Total matched on this event - this column shows the total amount of money is accepted in this event, including all the participants. Betting summary - Volume - taken money for this particular participant (in this example, M. Fish). As you can see, the favorite is the more popular in trade market and betting(out of the total amount of € 109,911 betted for the favorite is € 97,091). This is a normal situation in the Betfair market. Last price matched - odds, which was carried out last bet. The current price of the event. The graph shows from which odds trade began and how it evolved to it‘s current point. This can be a great tool predicting further odds movement, but you should be able to apply technical analysis schedule, set the trend, support and resistance


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levels. Technical analysis is more adapted to the horse races, than to other sports events. Volume columns show how much money has been accepted for a certain odds. High volume reveals a popular cost, which longer stays in market. You can see, how activity grows quickly on leading participant, in live betting. This is because people tend to Lay reduced odds. The table on the right provides information about the exact rates and amounts.


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To read this table is very simple. To back and To lay amounts in the collumns shows how much money is currently available for the bet on the participant a certain price. Traded value in the column indicates how much money has already adopted a certain odds (price). The odds and the prices are the same, however this concept has the inverse proportion. If the odds are low, it say that the price is high, and vice versa. Much more about this later.

How to use this data? As you can see in the table, the maximum amount is in to back column at an odds 1.57(2.728 €). That means, that gamblers are tend to lay this event. Considering to weight of money principles odds should move up. Why? Because, thet more money goes against M. Fish. Gamblers want to lay on current price (and near) bigger money than place back. If try to say simplier, it is more sellers than buyers(at least at this time and at this price). Another way to use this data is adapting the technical analysis charts. As I mentioned before, this strategy applies only to horse racing, where trade is more akin to a numbers game.


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Book Percentage calculating Book% indicates the quality of the odds

How is it calculated and how adapt it to your trade? Perhaps, your eyes has stumbled at the numbers when you started learning marketing on Betfair market. It‘s not difficult to understand these figures as it might seem at first glance. Let‘s take the first example : BACK

Book % back side is 100.3%. I will show you the simplest calculation(as obtained by this number). Odds for both sides are 2.04 and 1.95. Imagine, that we place bet for both players, to win 100 €. N. Djokovic: €100 / 2.04 = €49.02 J.W. Tsonga: €100 / 1.95 = €51.28 €49.02 + €51.28 = €100.3 (full bet) Shortly, if we back both players, we will bet 100.3 €, to receive 100 €. That means, that odds at back side is is relatively high quality. 13

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So the payoff, of this event is : (€100 / €100.3) *100% = 99.7% ! Have you ever seen such a small profit margin. Despite a 5% commission, It‘s still substantial benefit. Book Percentage back side will always be slightly above 100%. If you manage to find less than 100% hence there is chance for arbitration and take profit immediately(bet on all the outcomes). However, chances like this is rare in betting market and if it occurs only very briefly. 100 % book percentage means that the profit margin for this event is 0(bet for all outcomes you will staty “on your own“). Tip: Look for the smallest possible book %, if you back your outcome(100.3 is very low).

LAY Let's take an example from the same market.

Odds are 2.06 and 1.96 in the lay side. Make that same calculation. N. Djokovic: €100/2.06=€48.54

J.W. Tsonga: €100/1.96=€51.02

€48.54 + €51.02 = €99.6 (book percentage) So, if we will lay both sides, we will lose 100 €, to win 99.6 €. Book % and an event payout in lay side is the same. Typically, book % will be far below 100, in the lay side. The higher number than 100 indicates that there are arbitrage opportunity and to lay all outcomes you can get fast profit with out any risk. But as the back side of this situation it is very rare. 14

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Tip: if you want to make a lay bet, look for a higher percentage book (99.6% is high enough).


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Bet or trade? Betfair trading and betting differences Bet and trade. These two concepts are intertwined in Betfair market. I will try to give you a brief and clearly set out what is trade and how it differs from betting. The main difference is that, that in the trade you cover your bets. Lay function allows you to do that, when you accept a bet from another player's / trader. In trade, all bets are closed, thereby reducing the losing (failure of trading) or securing gains (successful sale). Your goal – is to make that every event bring you profit. Here is an example of successful trading:

Outcome was layed for 2.22 and backed for 4.30. Bet successfully closed and the profit is guaranteed. No matter how game will end I still will have profit. €24 or €24,80. This trade was made using football draw 2nd strategy(which I will talk later). Similarities with Betfair trading and stock exchange market Do you earn a lot or a little depends on your capital and stubbornness. Earnings achieved in the same way as everywhere - buy cheap, sell expensive. Translated into Betfair language it would be: Lay low coefficient and back it in big. Prices are odds. The odds are higher, the lower the price, then you need to back it (currency and stock market to buy or long term). When the odds are small, its high price, then you need to lay it(sell or short).


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All prices are regulated by the same law. Supply and demand. The more people who believe in one or the other outcome probability, the more money goes to her side. Market reacts and odds optimize. What affects the supply and demand? Sports news often shock Betfair prices. Depending on what the news was announced, the odds may vary slightly or greatly. If you follow very closely all the news and react quickly, you can often profit from the coefficients of variation. The stock manipulators also influences Betfair prices. They enter the very large sums hoping to influence the market. In fact, they are not going to bet these amounts, it is only intended to influence the actions of traders. For example manipulator introduces a large amount (about € 30 000) into Lay tab on less odds than people bet. In this way, they want to mislead, that a large amount of money goes against this outcome. Small traders have begun to respond – they start laying. In this way, artifficaly raised rate. Manipulator back, and cancels its big, misleading bet. Prices gradually returned to previous levels. The manipulator can lay and then ensure his profit. There are basically a lot of reasons why prices change, but the core has always been and is - the majority opinion. Why trade and the Betfair betting exchange is intertwined? The reason is that a large part of Betfair customers are not traders. They are simply gamblers, who have an account and wish to bet on their favorite teams with good odds. These people do not care about trade, they objectively assess the participants' capabilities and distribute the money according to the principle of sport. Betfair exchange coefficients always very accurate. Traders and manipulators can not influence them too sharply. If something will drop very big money to one or other side, hoping to undercut severely / lift coefficient, it will face strong resistance. If there is no real reason for the price changes, people began to trade between the bookmaker and Betfair (that I have done hundreds of times, well earned, for this strategy to be able to read the next entry) and maintain balance. Therefore, I would advise traders not to rely solely technical analysis and tricks, sports knowledge is more important. By applying this book to learn the trade principles and strategies, and uses your knowledge of sports, you can earn a lot of Betfair trading. 17

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„Success secret“ Magic Betfair strategies Do not believe any of the prophets proclaim that can make you a millionaire in one day. Betfair Exchange is very large and tempting, so it's a great niche for fraudsters to "sell" their proposals. They're trying to sell people the hope of earning a lot of money. I guaranteed that you have ever saw a post in internet : „5000 € per week without leaving home! "Or" I quit work, I took this strategy, last month paid all the debts." Such banners are hundreds and even thousands. All of them proclaim that the author worked long and hard, but finally came up with a magic strategy and wants to sell you. Do not fall, here is lie. No matter how convincing the story sounds, it conceals deceit. Of course, a lot of fun to get fooled and buy a hope which is so lacking in others. This is human nature and are often fraudsters manage to take advantage of this. Do not be weak, turn your logical thinking and realize that what you have suggested is possible. No one does not sell such a good strategy and even make efforts that no one else from finding out about it. The best strategy - hard work There are many people who believe that there is a special secret, known only to the elect and thus earn a lot of money. No matter how banal sounds - no secrecy is not! You can become the most successful Betfair merchant and no one in the world will not prevent you! The winners are those who persevere. You can take root very successfully and start making profit very well. Be patient, do not stop learning and you will see results. While on the one hand, it looks fantastic, but believe me, the reality is not easy. Like everywhere, so the Betfair exchange the biggest enemy to you is yourself. So, the best strategy - hard work. Do not believe any of the prophets, offering a lot of money for a few dollars. All secrets are lies. Equal conditions for all.


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What is Betfair?

Betfair is the biggest betting market in the world

Betting market are often mistakenly mixed with a bookmaker. Although there are similarities, but the system is completely different. The betting market players betting among themselves, and the company operates only as an intermediary. Clients include coefficients others or themselves build on other participants in the proposed coefficients. Here's what you can do Betfair sports betting market :  Bet usual, traditional bets. Back bets are exactly the same like in a bookmaker site, but the odds here are much better.  Act as a bookmaker. Lay function allows you to accept bets from other gamblers on your proposed odds(clearly, if you make an unrealistic coefficients your bet, perhaps, will not be accepted). In this case, your activity is equivalent to the bookmaker, people are taking bets from you.  You can perform both types of bets. This method, when you layin and backin same outcome called sports marketing. You can minimize your risk and ensure 19

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profits. Betfair trade provides a unique opportunity to make money off of the lowest odds changes. More later.  LIVE betting. You can place bets in real-time event has already begun. Most of Marketa Betfair Exchange has a high activity during the game. Imagine a large crowd of people in one room, proliferating their opinion and willing to make a bet on your favorite team or player. In this way, you will feel at Betfair Exchange. Key facts about the company  Betfair was founded in 1999 in the United Kingdom.  The company was the first the launch betting market, where players are betting with one another.  Today Betfair is one of the largest betting companies in the world, with more than 3 million registered users and 2,000 employees.  Betfair making more than 7 million transactions in a day. 99.9% of the operations carried out in less than one second.  UK registered company adheres to high standards of fair activities. Betfair has a gambling license in Gibraltar, Malta, Italy, the USA and Australia.  The innovative and transparent activities of the company has won many awards of various institutions, including the United Kingdom, "Company of the Year" title.


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Why do you need Betfair? 9 reasons why you should have a Betfair account

You never thought about Betfair account opening? Here are some points why Betfair is so popular among online gamblers. # 1 Very wide football betting offers A keen football fan Betfair is like a candy store to child. By betting on the same day football events may bet for victory, Asian Handicaps, HT / FT, red cards, who will score the next goal, the total number of corners, index of cards, or will there will be a hat-trick and a host of other options. Also you can bet in betting live. # 2 large sports and not only a variety of sports events You can place bets for horse races, which take place throughout the day (10-15 minutes apart), the next presidential elections, Oscar Awards, Eurovision, global financial indexes and clear for sports events. # 3 The ability to act as a bookmaker You can offer your odds to other players, the type of betting is called Lay, more information about that in Back and Lay section. # 4 Trade If you see that odds for a certain event is too large, you can bet and wait for the fall, when the odds will fall a few points, you will lay and take profit. This is similar to trading in shares, currencies or commodities. You buy cheap, sell expensive. After all, perhaps many times had to be disappointed when the end of the match for acquiring equalizing goal and lose victory. From such situations can prevent 'closing', pick up a guaranteed profit and quietly observe possession. # 5 No limits You can build as much as someone is willing to take. If the event is a sufficiently large scale, for example : 500 ATP semi-final or the Premier League in the round, the 21

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amounts reach hundreds of thousands of euros. I do not think that someone this may prove to be too little. # 6 User-friendly trading platform You can trade in Betfair market throughout the day, and certainly you don‘t feel tired from hard website. Excellent designers and programmers work. All functions are clearly visible and accessible. # 7 Quick benefits You can be absolutely calm about your money. Asked for the benefits it often get on the same day (depending on the choosed method). Among all the contributions / benefits of methods to choose and Moneybookers. # 8 With Betfair account you can play poker, casino games and exchange games Your account is universal and can access all the company's products. Due to the fierce competition in poker and casino Betfair always try to offer something new and interesting. For example roulette without 0! Also machine games are completely new in the market, about which ones you can read in other sections. These games very intriguing and engaging, but always try to keep a healthy mind. # 9 Betfair often offer various promotions to its customers New customers receive 20 €free betting or 1000 € cashback offer. Endless promotions for poker, casino games players.


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Betfair Account Opening Instructions on how to open an account at Betfair If you do not have a Betfair account you can open it in a few minutes. After a reload you will be able to dive into the betting market and begin to learn its nuances. Who knows, maybe you will become a very successful and professional trader. The registration form will ask you to enter personal information (Personal details), and the address of the new Betfair account information (Betfair account details). In the Personal Details area, enter your full name, date of birth, mobile phone number and e-mail address


In the Address area, enter the country (select from the menu), street address, city and zip code. Fields marked optional not needed. 23

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In the Betfair account details area, type the desired user name, desired password, security question and answer, and lastly currency. When everything is completed, click Agree and open account. Congratulations! Confirm your email address, do the first deposit and start your career in the biggest betting exchange in the world.


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9 Betfair Trading Tips Avoid rookie mistakesin the Betfair betting market

If you want to make profit from market you must be done very precisely and avoid wasting energy and money, where there are no benefits. These tips will raise your trade to a higher level and protect you from stupid mistakes. The market can be very treacherous at times, especially sports betting, then remember the following tips when you take trading. # 1 Be careful in the early markets. When a certain event odds offered only a few bookmakers and the event is already active in the Betfair exchange, often appear in various wiseacre trying to make a profit. They enter the unconscious odds, and wait for dumb gambler. Unfortunately, they succeed sometimes. No action until you don‘t analysed event very well. # 2 Watch the cash in Back / Lay prices. The amount of the following odds show how much money can backin / layin. If a large amount is stored in the back side, that means a lot of people do not believe in victory and tend layin outcome. The odds will rise most likely. If the opposite (a large amount on lay side), odds should fall. The cash flow strategy with examples you can read later. # 3 Do not leave unmatched bets for a long period of time. The situation may change, and you will not even be able to react to it. For example, if a tennis player will play match with sore foot, Market responds very quickly. Your odds may be accepted, but you will not be really happy about it. # 4 compare the coefficients with bookmakers offer. If you are an experienced gambler –this advice you are probably already well known. Comparing Betfair prices with bookmaker, you will be more informed about the situation in the market. Betfair is often the first place where optimized coefficients. If you notice a discrepancy between the betting company and Betfair


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prices, then someone is late and you could possibly make a profit from this situation. # 5 Pay attention to the Book Percentage. This figure shows the coefficients of quality. When you back, you need to have the lowest possible Book%, lay - higher. Most often, these figures will be slightly over 100 (back), and far below the 100 (lay). # 6 Don‘t go to markets where you do not have any idea. Newcomer mistake nr1. Of course, other ways to improve, if you can‘t experiment? But here is the exchange and payments will be expensive. Better always keep the knowledge before proceeding with investigations. Better be smarter and learn from the mistakes of others. # 7 Watch coefficients schedules. For those who know how to read charts, may this prove to be helpful, but I won‘t focus on technical analysis. More important is to know which direction is changing coefficients. Large fluctuations hide information and if you "root out it out", you may be able to use very profitable. The odds charts, you can see by clicking on the curve before the participant's name / title. # 8 Know the rules. If you undertake trades in a given market, you need to know the rules. Do not make blind decisions in the hope that the rules will be on your side. If you "enlightenment" that proposed a great odds for any event, and you in a hurry to bet, make sure this is really what you think. "I was repeatedly deceived with the horse racing. Traditionally, the term place means to bet that your horse will be in first or second place. I knew it and I were glad when I saw Betfair coefficients. I rushed layin almost all favorites (in place event) and I was hoping that I discovered a treasure. It will turn out that it was under the Betfair rules, the term place meaned at the first two places and three. " # 9 Have a plan Know what you will do in the worst case. Model your activities and provide a few steps forward. If you have no clear plan, you will have to make quick and difficult decisions, but the market is not waiting. As the saying : "Better a small plus than a big minus.“ 26

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Betfair replenishments Skrill / Moneybookers (recommended)

Free and very convenient method to make money transfers online. The minimum fee is £ 10, the money appear in your account immediately after the order and will not be charged over one cent. This way is the cheapest and fastest (Neteller deposit as well as instant). Payment 1. Click Deposit on the top of Web or Deposit Funds by visiting My Account page. 2. Select Moneybookers. 3. Enter your Moneybookers / Skrill e. email address and donation amount. The minimum down payment - £ 10. The money appears in your Betfair balance sheet immediately after transfer. 4. Moneybookers payments are completely free of charge. We recommend that Moneybookers / Skrill or Betfair accounts are in the same currency, in which case you do not lose money on the difference in rates. Pay out 1. Click My Account on Betfair website and check the Withdraw Funds. 2. Click Withdraw Funds by Moneybookers. 3. Enter the amount you want to withdraw, Betfair password and press Send. The money appears in your Moneybookers / Skrill account within 24 hours. Payments and pay outs use the same account.


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It is very popular and safe way for online Payments. Money will appear in Betfair account immediately after the order. The first month of the contributions will be free of charge and after that will apply to 1.5% fee. Payment 1. Click Deposit at the top of the site or Deposit Funds by visiting My Account page. 2. Select NETELLER. 3. Fill in the required fields, enter Betfair password and press Send. The money appears in your Betfair account shortly. The minimum down payment - £ 12th 4. Betfair uses 1.5% fee Neteller payments. However, the first month is free. Pay out 1. Click My Account in Betfair website and choose the Withdraw Funds. 2. Click Withdraw Funds by NETELLER. 3. Enter the amount, Betfair password and press Send. The money will appear in your Neteller account within 24 hours. Payments and pay outs use the same account. ClickandBuy

Safe and easy way to add money to Betfair account. Contributions for free in the first month, the money appear in your account within one hour of the order. Benefits to ClickandBuy is impossible, you will have to choose another way to cash out their earnings. 28

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Western Union

You can recharge your account through a local Western Union. Fill out the blue form and enter the data. Company Name (Company Name): Sporting Exchange The company code (Company Code): BETFAIR.UK The account number (account number): Your Betfair username (username) A cash deposit in the currency of your Betfair account. The funds appear in your account within 16 hours. Western Union is popular payment system in the world, it is still cheaper and faster ways to supplement your Betfair, other bookmakers and online poker accounts (eg: Moneybookers / Skrill or Neteller). Western Union payment is not possible, you have to choose a different way to withdraw your money. Bank Transfer

You can recharge your account through a bank. Order take up to 5 working days. The minimum amount to be contributed - £ 10. Be sure that the sender's name coincides with Betfair account holder.


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Betfair Glossary Antepost - Betting on events that begin in a few weeks or months. These events are not applicable Reduction Factor (write explanation below) and bets on the withdrawn runners are mounted as lost. API - A program designed to achieve the Betfair betting platform offline website. Accumulator - Combination bet. It must win all the events tab in the bet to win. Back (Back explanation) - A bet that a certain event will take place end. Normal bet, as with any betting company. Best Execution - A bet with better odds than entered. This can happen when a small amount of waiting for approval, and you enter a slightly lower coefficient(seeing that there is a greater amount on it). The system will automatically bet part of your bet in better conditions. Another case is when you bet on the introduction of the system, someone has managed to offer a better odds. Book Percentage - This figure shows the factors on the competitiveness of a particular event. It is calculated by summing all probabilities of outcomes (by odds). Back side, the smaller the number, the more favorable odds. This number is often close to 100%. When this number is less, in theory backin all outcomes you will have guaranteed profit. However, such a situation is rarely in the market. Points on Betfair - Betfair points. You get it when you are doing bets. For every € 0,10 paid or payable to the tax you get 1 point. Points for the calculation of your level of discount. Cancelled Bets - Do not accepted bets and by system(event started). Commission - Betfair brokerage fee paid from the prize money. Customize Markets - You can choose which events you want to see online. On the left side of the menu, select My Markets or Customize Markets. Select a league or match, then hit yourself. Your events will always be in My Markets section, you can quickly find them. Delays - Delayed adoption of the bet. This feature is designed to protect customers in LIVE (live) betting. If a significant event occurs, such as: goal or red card, the gambler has the opportunity to withdraw their pending (unmatched) bets. It also protects the customers to whom the match broadcast lags. 30

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Deposit Limits - Customer protection tool. If you are an impulsive gambler you can limit your size of the amounts, to guard yourself against "hot" solutions. Discount Rate - Discount, which you get by paying a brokerage fee if you win. Exposure - Liabilities. You are allowed to take risks only funds of your account. Exposure can not exceed your account balance. In short, this figure shows how much you lose if all accept bets lost. The logical and self-explanatory tool. Exposure Limit - The maximum amount that you can take risk. Customer security tool to protect impulsive gamblers. This amount can be determined by you. Forecast - bet when you suspect the 1 st and 2 s local winners. Green Book - Betfair exchange traders use this term when profit is guaranteed. All event outcomes bring you profit. Hedge - A bet on the same event, only for a different outcome. It can be likened to trade. Such bets made to reduce the amount of stake at lose, or securing you profit. If the odds moves in the wrong direction, you can close a bet with a small minus. In Play - Live Betting. The event marked this event, when it has stared.

sign means that you can bet on this

KYC (Know Your Customer) - The procedure designed to verify your identity. Transmission of documents, it is customary for all betting companies. Lay (Lay explanation) - Betting type when you place that a certain event will not happen. Accept bets from other gamblers, such a method similar to the bookmaking operation principle. Lapsed Bets - Do not accepted bets from Betfair(for example: cancelled the beginning of the event). Liability - the risk of losing the amount. Loss Limits - Another one of gamblers protection tool. You can determine the maximum amount you can afford to lose over a certain period of time. Market - Event / Market. For example, a football game can have a lot of events: the victory (Match Odds), first half (1st Half), an Asian handicaps(Asian Handicap), etc. Market Based Rate - The maximum brokerage fee on a certain event (typically 5%). Market Info tab - Event Information window. You can see accepted / not accepted bets, rules. On the right side of the site. 31

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Match Odds - Betting on the winner of the match. Matched Bets – Adopted bets. There may be back, and Lay. When a bet is made, it can no longer be changed. Non-runner - a participant, which retired from the match. This term is suitable for horse racing, where there are more than 2 participants. Partially Matched Bet - Partially adopted bet. In Betfair market does not always appear participants, who could take your entire bet, especially if you are betting a lot. Sometimes the odds will no longer be on the other side or just the low activity of players. Not accepted bets may be modified or canceled. Payout - win, if you guess the outcome. Premium Charge - Betfair fees for large market gamblers. The requirements are quite high and only about 0.5% of the users pay these fees. Reduction Factor - The feature is designed to protect gamblers in horse race. Specifically those who have made a lay. When one of the participants retired from the race, the chances have increased of all the other participants, so the coefficients must be reduced. Exactly this function reduces odds. Settlement – Event result confirmation. Special Bets - Events excluded from the category of sports. Eurovision, the Oscar awards, etc. Trading - Trading, a unique feature of Betfair separating from betting companies. You can bet on more than one betting event, to guarantee your profit or reducing your risk. Unmatched Bets - Do not accept bets(or part of betting). These bets can be seen on the right to information of the event window. You can change the coefficient, the amount or you can cancel these bets at any time. Void Bets – Cancelled bets, for the participant's retirement, the postponement of the event or for other reasons. Bids shall be repaid to the user accounts. Weekly Decay Rate - Number of balance reduction function to maintain the activity of players. Every Sunday at midnight player points are reduced by 15%.


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Get € 20 free Bet at Betfair Betfair Bonus for new customers

New Betfair customers can get £ / € 20 free bet. Make your first bet and if it loses, Betfair will return you up to £ / € 20. No risk. Promotion code: NLC101 Place no less than € 20 and if you lose, Betfair will refund your bet. If you bet, for example € 50, you will get still € 20. If you win a bet – money is yours. This is a situation where either 0 or profit. You can‘t lose your money, by using this bonus. Free bet (bonus) rules: Only new customers, can get free bet. This offer is valid only on the first of your bet. If you betted more events at the same time, priority is determined by the outcome of the event turns out first. You have 21 days from the date of registration, to make free bet. If you will don‘t make bet, during this time, the offer will expire. Reject (Unmatched) bets do not count. Betfair will refund your bet within 48 hours of the end of the event. This bonus you can get, by making the first deposit via Moneybookers / Skrill.


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Betfair Rules Be informed trader

One of the biggest bookmakers / traders mistakes, it is ignorance of the rules. Many people is lazy to read and they just begin to play immediately. The rules are different in every betting company and if you want to be successfull trader-you need to know it. I have made you a short summary of the most important rules in Betfair Exchange.


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Brokerage fee and Points What is Betfair commissions and how they are calculated?

Every time you bet in Betfair market, system deducts brokery fee from your money prize. In most cases, this tax is 5%.

The best would probably be to set an example: The match Manchester United - Liverpool. Odds for Manchester win is 2.0 You bet 300 €, MAN UTD also win this game, so you win 300 € from this bet. What is your profit?

€300 * 5% = €15 (commission) €300 – €15 = €285 (your winning)

This is the simplest calculation. However, it is possible to pay a lower fee. Active exchange participants can receive up to 60% discount. What kind of discount you can get depends on the collected Betfair Points. Points are earned by making bets. For every € 0,10 paid (payable) tax you get 1 point. Whether you have won or not, you still receive points as they are given and for paid and payable (5% of your Losees the amount you have won something) charges.


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The following table shows how the discount received for the collected points.

In order to maintain the activity of players, Betfair deducts 15 % of your accumulated points of your balamce every Sunday midnight (GMT). This is known as the Weekly Decay. If you suddenly make a lot of points, you do not need to wait for Sunday, the discount goes up automatically. So if in the example above (without Betfair discounts) your profit was € 285. Let‘s calculate what it would be with a 40% discount on Betfair. Calculation:


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€ 300 - your winnings

5% - Betfair brokerage fee

40% - your discount

€300 * (5% * (1-40%) = €9 (commission)

€300 – €9 = €291 (your winning) You earn approximately 90 Betfair Points. If you are selling, make back and lay bets on the same market, commissions are calculated only on the overall profit, rather than on each bet separately.

In this example, I I pay commissions only from € 34 (if somewhere team wins) or € 33,20 (if a tie).


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Premium Charges – Fees for Sharks Betfair market fee for successful traders

Betfair has introduced a new rule - a premium charges, at 2008. This additional fee for traffickers / gambler who profit greatly exceeds the paid commissions. Although a large proportion of customers rushed to express their dissatisfaction, nevertheless, this tax has affected a small number of customers. Betfair estimates only 0.5% of stock exchange participants are charged. However, whether this is a real number or not, there is nothing can to say. It is clear only, that there are a big number of dealers, earning big money from Betfair Exchange. Who pays this tax, how it's calculated and how to apply? Who pays the Premium Charges? Betfair counts customers profits and all taxes paid, every week. The fees paid by customers who fulfill the following conditions: - Your account is in profit zone (during the time between the opening of the account you are in profit). - If you pay all brokerage fees at less than 20% of your profit. In short, if your profits are 5 or more times higher than the fees paid, you can be taxed. - Carry out a bet of at least 250 different events. The majority of Betfair customers do not meet the one, or other criterion. You can be a successful trader, but still not to pay this tax, for example, if your commission is very high and well above the 20% of the net profit. To protect new customers Betfair has introduced 2 additional rules: - If one simple bet amount won is more than 50% of the total net profit, this achievement excluded.


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- Each customer will be charged exempt from tax up to £ 1000. This means that if you already have to pay a premium charges, you will not have to pay from the first £ 1000. So, those who dispose of small amounts, will be calm. All together, the appearance of a very small proportion of customers that meet all the requirements. As calculated Premium Charges? Each week the customers who meet all the requirements will be charged of a lower amount of the following options: - The difference between 20% of the profits and the taxes paid in the previous week; - The difference between 20% of the net profits and taxes paid during full period; Here are some examples of how this tax is calculated. Example 1: Let's say over the entire lifetime of your account you won € 10 000, and € 1000 taxes are paid. You have participated in more than 250 events and used the £ 1,000 tax-free amount. Last week, you have won € 500 and paid € 80 tax. Calculation : ((€500 * 20%) – €80 = €20 20% of the net profit - to pay taxes = premium charge fee In this case, you pay 20 € fee. Example 2: During the lifetime of your account you won € 10 000, and € 1000 taxes are paid. You participated in more than 250 events, but you still haven‘t used your tax-free amount. Last week, you have won € 400 and paid € 50 tax. Calculation : ((€400 * 20%) – €50 = €30 Your fee is € 30 but as yet do not use your £ 1,000 tax-free amount you will not pay the tax. You will remain £ 970 tax-free amount and the balance will be able to reuse, if you continue to successfully sale and will have to pay a premium charges. Increased Premium Charges 2011 Jun Betfair has introduced higher taxes on very high-earning customers. The increased premium charges paid by consumers, who fulfill the following conditions: - Your account profit higher than £ 250 000. 39

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- Pay fees are less than 40% of net profit. - Place bets on more than 1,000 events. Increase taxes, depending on the net income and tax paid on the proportion may be paid from 40% to 60%. < 5% - 60%

5% – 10% - 50%

10%+ - 40%

Although, according to the Betfair data, raised fee will pay only 0.1% of customers. Improvements to the new rules were even more frustration. Why Betfair imposed Premium Charges rule? Many reading probably had an idea why Betfair is doing this? The company faces very little competition, which is hardly possible for niche specifics. For many years, Betfair has been called the company where winners are welcome. It really was Betfair pride. Why should spoil such a good reputation? Basically, this rule affects only a very small number of customers. Those who pay a premium tax charges are well-paid from betting market. These people are profiting every day and fill up their bank accounts. Premium charges rule was invented precisely in order to charge such successful traders. They are not useful to the market, because they removes all the money from it. The less money circulates in the stock exchange, the fewer transactions executed and the less paid commissions. Thus, the medium-sized merchants, this rule does not affect, but only a little "precipitates" market sharks.


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Tennis Betting Rules What you need to know betting tennis in Betfair betting market?

Betfair offers bets on all ATP and WTA tournaments. This sport is a favorite on Betfair traders, and activity in it is often very high. Later we will talk about the popular Betfair tennis market strategies, but first we need to become familiar with the rules. If you will don‘t know it, you can hurt. The most common disputes over construction is completed when one of the players retires without finishing the game. According to the Betfair Rules, if a player withdraws after the first set, all bets (Back / Lay) on the victory (Match Odds) is canceled and the money returned. If the first set occurs and one of the participants retire, those wins that went beyond the official competition winner. If you bet on the other ends, such as: who will win the first set, number of games, is not always necessary to wait for the end of the game to find out whether you win or not. For example, bet more than 19.5 games. Match result is 7-6, 4-3, and now it‘s 20th game so you calm. If in such a case, one of the players retire from the match, you'll still be a winner. Who betted on under –they lost. If the bet outcome is already clear, such bets will classified as winned. What happens if you bet more than 21.5 game per match, for example. Match score is 6-4, 4-4 and one of the players retires, your bet is returned. In most cases all bets : Who will win the tennis tournament remains is valid (back and lay) even if your player retires from the tournament's and even haven‘t played one single match. Pay attention to the information note of the event Lounge: *** ALL BETS STAND RUN OR NOT ***


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Betfair strategies

Follow the stratey, when you are in market trading

Successfull Betfair trader must to have a strategy making any bets. Erratic trade completely comparable to the average gambling. They main principle – stick to the plan. Money can be earned anywhere, tennis, horse racing, football betting or financial indicators, the most important to make the right moves. The most common mistakes, which traders use : 1. Taisyklių nežinojimas. 2. You not interested in what you‘re doing. For example, if you are not horse racing lover, keep away from them, you will save a lot of money. 3. Rushing to make a profit. Do not waste your time trying to trade more markets than you able to cope. 4. Manage your money(bank). Concentrate on the positive results, rather than money.


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Soccer DRAW system

Use this strategy only if you have knowledge of soccer

This is, perhaps, the most popular soccer Betfair traders strategy. The main point in this strategy - to bet, that there will be no draw in match. The only result that you will be a losser, it's 0-0. So you must to choose, high scoring matches. If you will be able to do this often, this strategy will bring you profit. Use : check football matches of this day. By using your knowledge, choose a match, where are playing same level teams and there can be 1 or more goals. This is very important because if one of the opponents much stronger, may not be able to make a profit. But worse, if the match ends without goals. First step: Choose the game and lay draw. The odds need to be not more than 3.8(advisable). I have choosen Austria 1-league, match Ried-Austria Vienna. Clubs capacity seen more or less the same and I am sure that there will be a though one goal. Example:

The second step: at the beginning of the game, you have to be near the computer screen. Wait for the first goal. This is what happened with my selected matches. First goal in 14th minute.


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After the goal for a draw, odds have risen and I already can close the bet. Back a draw outcome, with 4.00 odds. Example :

I think, my profit is secured, in any cases. If someone club will win – my profit will be 13 €, if draw – 11 €. This Betfair strategy is profitable, if you will be able to choose a match, where will be goal. Observations : if first goal will be scored in the late of match, you will get a higher odds for draw, so you will have higher profit. If one of the clubs will be much stronger and will spend the first goal, odds for the draw can fall(most imporant to choose same level clubs). This is due to the fact that everyone expects from favorites responsive goal. If this happens, you can wait a little bit, odds may rise a little later. But there is a risk while waiting to receive and responsive goal, because when that happens, then everything again. In my selected match responsive goal came after just 2 minutes.


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Because I choose the right teams and I stick to the strategy, I was in time and I “closed“ the bet successfully. Advices : If you have selected a match and layed a draw outcome, be sure that you will be able to sit at a the computer, in a match. It is essential to reaching the first goal to act quickly. Do not bet blindly. You must to have real arguments, selecting matches. As I said, search high scoring teams. Don‘t choose big odds before a game. Lay odds, less than 3.8. Later there will be easier, to “close“ the bet. Moreover, if you choose the same capacity clubs, the odds for the draw will not be very large. Watch a game live, if you can of course. You will have more sense, when can be scored goal. Maybe sometimes is better just to wait, because the game just playing in the middle of the square. The Betfair trading strategy is quite simple and not difficult to apply. If you are interested in football, trust your knowledge, you can easily earn extra money.


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Soccer 2 DRAW system

Soccer draws strategy variation This strategy is based on the same principle as the first. In this strategy, you will lay live game. If you can watch the match live you will have more information about the game, so you can carefully choose the bets. If you can‘t watch live game, then you need statistics of that match. Use : choose a match, where are playing same level teams. Watch any team offensive indicators: corner kicks, shots, shots on goal and etc. If you have broadcast, consider the clubs chances to score a goal, according to the game that you see. To see the things live is always better, but like I said, it‘s not bad to watch statistics. Try to choose such competitions where contestants really try to score a goal. There are clubs who are playing better on defense. They always trie to protect what they have and not take risk. Some clubs start games slowly, but later they pass to offense. Sometimes both clubs satisfy only the victory and they will try to score a goal in every possible way. Evaluate all the options. This step is very important, and as often as you choose the correct pitch, the more profit you will have. First step : If in the match is a lot of attacks, and the result is equal (0:0, 1:1) Prepare layin draw. Wait until the Betfair market odds drops to about 2.00. This can happen in the middle of the game, or even a little bit after the first half. Second step : when you layed draw, wait for a goal. When the goal is scored immediately back draw. Unlike the first version of this strategy, where early goal may can affect the coefficients, here, the goal shake prices very violently. Even not always is most important equal level teams, because time is running fast and there are less and less time until game will end. Observations: in failure case, you would always lose a smaller amount, than in the first version of this strategy. This is because layed odds is – 2.00, in this strategy. However, to shot a goal there are less time every minute, so the risk of losing the bet is higher. The better analysis you will make, the better chance that you will win. There are always more goals, in second half, according to statistics.


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Advices : Do not trade blindly. Although you can access, but it is not system, it‘s just gambling or worse lottery. You must to have a goal in market and you need to try reduce losses to a minimum. Check odds of bookmakers in over/under bets. This can give an overall picture of whether the matches are expected goal. If it is difficult to watch translation to you, you can do an analysis after the first half. You will have time to analyse the statistics and make lay bet. Do not hurry to trade many matches at once.


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III. Soccer ATTACKS This strategy only can used in live games Use up the most dangerous moments in the soccer match. In line with this strategy you will never suffer heavy losses, but you can have a fair profit. Use : be sure that you can watch live game. In line with this strategy you will never suffer heavy losses, but you can have a fair profit. You will need to respond quickly and place a bet during the match. First step : wait for dangerous moments. Of course, penalty or red card is very dangerous moments, but an event will be suspended in this case. Don‘t wait. You must to make a bet, after first dangerous attacks signs. If you see that Ch. Ronaldo saw free teammate and made good pass or L.Messi went through 2 defenders and now team has more players in offense that moment – HURRY TO MAKE A F***ING BET. Second step : no wonder if the attack will end in failure. However, the beauty of this strategy is that even the attach will not be successfull, you can lay your bet on the same odds. Your loss will be minimal. But ... if will happen of something important. Rough foul in penalty area, angle, red card, 11 penalty or even a goal, odds significantly moves down. In this way, you'll have created a guaranteed win situation. Observations: How much you will win depends on the importance of the event and the time remaining in the match. Red card always has a greater impact on the beginning of the match, while a dangerous free kick more influence coefficients shortly before the end of competition. Advices : Always try to back favorites. However, the stronger clubs, always better exploit opportunities. If the attack was delayed or ended without a goal, lay your bet. Often the mistake is that people are afraid to take on a small minus. They prefer to wait and perhaps they prosper, but just refuse to lose a few cents. In this way, you may invite trouble.


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Tennis Tournaments Strategies Tennis marketing strategy for the entire week

The win came in the second day of the tournament. My chosen player ritered from the tournament's, without playing any game. This strategy is based on long-term stake in each coating step. Use : The most common tennis tournaments begins on Monday. You need to choose a player who is not a favorite, but not a complete outsider. First step : I have chosen the ATP 500 tournament in Basel. I have layed A.Murray, as the tournament winner, with 4.90 odds. So, I bettet, that he will not win this tournament. According to the tournament semi-final plan, he should meet with R.Federer, and in the finale with N.Djokovic. This is important because strong opponents of your chosen player's raise bet value.

If A.Murray wins the tournament my loss is - € 312, if he did not win a tournament, my earnings - € 80(-5% Commission, so my profit is € 76). Second step : So, knowing that I will win € 76 in case of success, I can start to accumulate the amount, with which I will cover losses(If my player will win the tournament). We take 70 €(This amount can not be higher than € 76) and bet on A.Murray, at the very first match of the tournament. The first round opponent 49

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Dutchman R. Haase. The odds for Murray 1.11, we bet € 70. If you win, our hedging amount grew, and has already reached € 70 * 1.11 = € 77.7 (€ 77,3 with commissions). If we lose, we lose 70 €, but we will get 76 €, as for the first LAY bet. You probably already understand the system? Let‘s move further. Murray has won the first round and we have € 77,3. It is likely that the opponent will be the tournament host, Swiss S. Wawrinka in the second round. Here, perhaps, the coefficient for Murray will be at least 1.40. So, we bet 77,3 € for Murray win and if he win, we already have - € 106(with commissions). Murray will probably meet I. Ljubicic in third round. Maybe Ljubicic is not such a strong contender as S. Wawrinka, but the odds for Murray certainly will be at least 1.30. We bet 106.7 € on Murray and if he wins, we have 137.1 €(with commissions). If in the tournament everything is going according to plan, semi-final awaits duel with another star R. Federer. Odds for Murray should be at least 2.10, and maybe even more. Well, keep a spare available. We bet 137.1 € and if Murray wins we have 280.4 € (with commissions). Now we can remove the first bet of € 70. Betting up on Murray, now we have € 210.4 hedging amount, and he has not played the finals! We have a lot of chance to meet with N. Djokovic in the final. You can expect at least 2.70 odds. We still need to cover the Lay loss, if Murray will win the tournament - € 312. If we will bet the entire winnings for Murray – you will get € 210.4 * 2.70 = € 550.20 (with commissions). So Murray triumph, we get: € 550.20 - € 312 = € 238.2 Profit! In case, of Murray failure, we lose the bigger bet, but win the very first lay bet. So, from the start of the tournament we will still remain at the plus € 76. (You can compare these amounts. Betting less on Murray in the finals). This is the weekly earnings of a single tournament. And there are a lot of similar tournaments per year. If your player just loses one of the first matches, you are staying in a small plus. € 76 - € 70 = € 6 However, there are many options for how things might end up much more profitable. 50

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Observations: Like I said. For me, this tournament has ened in the second day. A. Murray has ritered from the tournament with out played even his first game and my lay bet was won.

This time I was lucky, but one of the advantages of this strategy is that the player can retire from the tournament and your bet will be won. This can happen in any round, even during the game. If your player retires without finishing the first set, you will don‘t lose back bet and you will win lay bet (for the winner of the tournament). Double benefit. A minus is that the opponent can retire from the game without finishing the first set. Then you will don‘t increase your amount of hedging and layed player goes to the next stage. Advices : Know betfair tennis rules. You can do back bets not even in Betfair. PinnacleSports has high coefficients of tennis and you will not need to pay commission. Rules as in Betfair. Do not select the tournament favorites. It will be difficult to collect the amount of hedging. Pay attention to the tournament plan. The more serious and treacherous players will along the way, the strategy will be more effective. OK selecting the players you can profit from each tournament of the ATP and WTA tour.


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Trade by news

Really interesting and noteworthy strategy, and what is most important - usually customizable and can carry a stable profit. Sports world does not stand still a moment. News coming out every minute - coaches speeches, player injuries, trades, rumors, changes in rosters, schedule changes, new contracts, etc. News is one of the most important factors influencing odds change. People react and bet their money depending on what you have heard. Schematically everything would look like this: News influences people's opinions ⇒ people's opinions influence the odds. Everything is simple. Bearing in mind that these changes are taking place every day, it can be concluded that trade under the sports news is a guaranteed profit. Almost. The most important thing is to be first who is able to take advantage of these news. If you will be late, the coefficients will be fallen and you will fail to make profit. So, you must always be alert and follow the news. Example : You have read that NY Knicks leader C.Anthony will come back to the roster after a long brake. If this new reached you not just before the game, so you have time to successfully take advantage from this case. BACK Knicks Victory. Ideally, when the bet is carried out not in the evening before the match, but in the morning. Then throughout the day, more and more people become aware of the composition of strengthening and automatically bet their money for this team. The coefficient decreases. In the evening, before you go sleep LAY your bet and you have a guaranteed profit.


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Any news, even the smallest, can provide an opportunity to profitably market. Of course, if new is more important, it will more influence odds. Among the news, which fall within the relevant category may be:    

One of the key players returns to the roster. One of the key players loss (injury, suspension). News about the poor financial situation of the team and no salaries. Coach speeches about the importance of the match and the rosters of the starting match.  Players' fears of poor physical shape (mostly tennis). However, the news published about the influence each has to deal with the knowledge and understanding of a particular sport. Trade by Tipster forecasts Another similar way to trade on Betfair Exchange is following the popular tipsters bets. Tipsters, are the experts in their fields, they often higlight one or other importnat factor for one or other event. When more and more gamblers read tipsters analysis, bet money on their bets, so odds drop. So, sometimes it is worth to have a good tipster memberships. 2 essential conditions: 1. Tipster have to be popular and have to have a lot of customers, who are betting money on his picks. If picks are free , you will have to access how much people will trust his prediction. 2. You must place a bet soon after its publication. The best thing is to be at the computer when the forecast reaches your e-mail. postbox. Strategy hazards Doing everything correctly, you will not find disadvantages or dangers in this system. However you must to know these things :  If you are late to make a bet on time or you are too late heard important information about evens, it is better not to trade and wait for another chance. Making a bet, after the odds are fallen, you run the risk of entering the correction, when odds are slightly rises to the top. Sometimes it happens that the coefficients of fully returning to the starting point (if the news is not official, or appears to be not so important).  If you know nothing about the sport, so any news you will get, will don‘t give you advantage. 53

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Often, if you will fail to catch falls of odds, at least you will be able to cover your bet with a similar rate and stay "on your own money". What is interesting is that not all the news really affect the game as the bookmakers expect. The bottom line is that this news to influence people's opinions!


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Betfair POKER

The best thing in Betfair poker is weak rivarly. You can always win more here. Why? Casual players join the poker room, just to play one or another hand. These players are not the poker grinders and don‘t make money from that. It‘s just players from many bookmakers, which have their poker rooms in OnGame network. These players allow themselves to more risk and try to success. So, why play with sharks if you can play with fishes? Moreover, the Betfair Poker players get up to 40% rakeback and a number of other advantages. The program itself is essentially good, it has some interesting features, such as player buddy, which allows you to view played hands and their history. Easy to use statistics and player notes for your convenience. Registration bonus You can choose one of 5 bonus offer that best suits your game. People who play with small amounts can pick up a $ 50 bonus, which is very easy to withdraw(8 Betfair Poker points per $ 1). On the other hand, if you are a big player, you can choose a $ 2500 bonus. There is also a $ 250 $ 500 $ 1000 bonus. $ 2500 FREEroll for new customers When you register and play your first hand, you receive an invitation to a $ 2500 free-roll. These tournaments are held every first and third Thursday of the month.


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Players club program In order to maintain the loyalty of players, Betfair has a very attractive VIP program. All the players are involved in this program. Active pokerists can get up to 40% rakeback, free bets, casino, arkada games, free merchandise and invitations to various events. How to start playing? If you do not have a Betfair account, you should first create it. If you fon‘t want you can not enter "promotion code" or "Refer and Earn code“ to get the best deal. To join the program, enter one of the following codes to get the registration bonus: WELCOME50, WELCOME250, WELCOME500, WELCOME1000 or WELCOME2500.


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Poker Player's Club Loyalty program for poker players

The more you play, the more money you get. If you are a frequent player you can get up to 40% rakeback, invitations to tournaments, free bets and other prizes. There are 7 Players' Club (Players Club) program levels. All players start from the Bronze level and collect points upward. Monthly Levels You reached level is determined by the points collected in the past or this month. Annual Levels The player must earn at least 14,000 points during the last 12 months to reach an annual level. However, it is necessary to wait for some time, if you were able to collect these points quickly, your level will still be updated.

You will receive 3.6 Player Points for each $ 1 paid in rake, and 3.6 Player Points for every $ 1 paid in tournament fees. Your player points will be divided (according to your level reached) in the Store Points. For example, if you reach the Diamond level and collect 8,000 points, they will be multiplied by 5 and you have 40,000 Store Points. 57

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Store Points can be exchanged for cash or tournament tickets.

GrandMaster level equivalent to 40% rakeback, which is a lot of online poker.


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Choose your own poker bonus You can choose the most suitable bonus for you No matter what will be your first deposit, the bonus depends entirely on your choice. You can bring the albeit minimal fee ($ 10) and to choose the maximum - $ 2500 bonus. The higher the bonus, the more difficult it is to clear. The minimum bonus - $ 50 and can be purified very quickly. Briefly about each choice: $ 50 Bonus Code: WELCOME 50 For players, who play rarely and in small amounts (up to 0:25 € Big Blind) 'cash desks or small contributions tournaments. Gambling in larger amounts, this you bonus can cash in a couple of hours. The bonus is issued after $ 5 per 40 player points. All bonus can be cashed by 400 player points. Duration: 90 days $ 250 Bonus Code: WELCOME 250 For players, who play in small amounts, but spend a longer time at the poker. This bonus will be purified in the same way as WELCOME50, but it has shorter duration. The bonus is issued after $ 10 for 80 player points. All bonus can be cashed by 2,000 Player Points. Duration: 60 days $ 500 Bonus Code: WELCOME 500 For gamblers, who play in average amounts (1 $ Big Blind). This bonus is larger and to make cash out is harder than other and it‘s provided for advanced players. The bonus is issued 25 $ 225 player points. All bonus can be cashed by 4,500 player points. Duration: 60 days $ 1,000 Bonus Code: WELCOME 1000 For players who play with amounts 1 $ - $ 2 by Big Blind and spend a lot of time to poker. The bonus is issued after $ 100 per 1,000 player points. To collect all the bonus need 10,000 player points. Duration: 60 days 59

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$ 2,500 Bonus Code: WELCOME 2500 For poker professionals, who play with large amounts and spend a lot of time with poker. In order to purify it, every day should be collected at least 583.33 points for the player. The bonus is issued after $ 500 for a 7,000 player points. To collet all the bonus, you need 35,000 player points. Duration: 60 days


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