PLATINUM HEIGHTS SDN BHD v SUN MIX CONCRETE SDN BHD HIGH COURT (KUALA LUMPUR) KAMALANATHAN RATNAM JC ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO D5!44071995 " M#$%& 199' Civil Procedure -- Injunction to restrain winding-up petition -- Ambiguous admission of debt -- Contract to supply goods between debtor and creditor -- Whether non-receipt of final account from third party would justify non-payment of debt -- Withholding material facts by debtor -- Whether application for injunction should be dismissed Civil Procedure -- Originating summons -- No cause of action or substantive issue -- Non-compliance with O r !"#$ of the %ules of the &igh Court #'() -- Whether summons should be rejected -- %ules of the &igh Court #'() O r !"#$ * O '+ r ! T0e pla3nt344 was awar5e5 6y M3%an ar ast "5n $05 8t0e ma3n ontrator: a ontrat 4or strutural onrete wor;s 4or a on5om3n3um prouant3ty an5 pr3es o4 t0e onrete suppl3e5 6 y t0e 5e4en5ant= Howe%er? a4ter se%eral %ar3at3ons an5 a5uest3ons on w030 t0e pla3nt344 see;s t0e 5eterm3nat3on or 53ret3on o4 t0e H30 'ourt or? as t0e ase may 6e? a on3se statement o4 t0e rel3e4 or reme5y la3me5 3n t0e proee53ns 6eun 6y t0e or33nat3n summons w3t0 su4433ent part3ulars to 35ent34y t0e ause or auses o4 at3on 3n respet o4 w030 t0e pla3nt344 la3ms t0at rel3e4 or reme5y=
Howe%er? t03s or33nat3n summons 43le5 6y t0e pla3nt344 535 not onta3n any su0 statement o4 >uest3ons 4or t0e ourts 5eterm3nat3on or 53ret3on nor was t0ere a on3se statement o4 t0e rel3e4 or reme5y la3me5 an5 ne3t0er was t0ere a statement w3t0 su4433ent part3ulars to 35ent34y t0e ause o r auses o4 at3on 3n respet o4 w030 3t w3s0es to la3m t0at rel3e4 or reme5y? 6ut merely onta3ne5 t0e prayers 3t w3s0e5 4or as 4ollowsD 8a: Penentan 53laran mem4a3l;an 5an/atau menerus;an pet3syen penulunan ter0a5ap pemo0on 03na per3nta0 lan
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