Plantas de Cuba

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Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism By

Dalia Quiros-Moran

© 2003 by Dalia Quiros-Moran. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author. ISBN: 1-4107-4630-5 (e-book) ISBN: 1-4107-4629-1 (Paperback) Library of Congress Control Number: 2003092640 This book is printed on acid free paper. Printed in the United States of America Bloomington, IN

1stBooks - rev. 08/28/03

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work arises out of a research project assigned by Oba Oriate Miguel Ramos, Ilari Oba during one of his Orisha Worship seminars. I wish to acknowledge my gratitude for the stimulating influence of his teachings, and for being such an inspiring mentor whose principles continue to impact on my work as an Olorisha. My recognition is due to many people that have given me their assistance in this project; I am especially grateful to Oba Oriate Jorge Perez, Oba Oriate Wagner Barreto, Oluwo William Garcia Rosallie, Ika Ogunda; Oluwo Alejandro Cruzado, Iwori Bogbe; Olorisa Carina Aparicio, Shango Omo Alade and the late "La Guardia". Last but not least I thank my family and godchildren for their support and encouragement. To all of the persons mentioned above and the many others I have not mentioned, my most sincere appreciation.



INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of time, Humankind has depended on Nature to preserve, improve or recuperate health. As Earth evolved, atmospheric conditions and landscape changed, resulting in an assortment of plant life, a diversity of herbs that can be used to treat similar diseases in the various geographic locations. Over a long period of time, each culture in the World developed its own healing system. The use of vegetal species with healing properties is revealed in early documents and inscriptions of Ancient Babylonia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, among others. Perhaps the oldest evidence of all is the Babylonian Hammurabi Code, which accounts for the use of numerous medicinal plants. Inscriptions of medicinal plants can be found in The Karnack temple of Egypt; a compilation of medicinal plants still used in this day and age. In India, ancient healing traditions date back to the years 1400 and 1500 BC; these were oral traditions at first, then documented in the sacred books of Veda, written in the Sanskrit language. Chinese traditional medicine also dates to four thousand years ago; records of illnesses, medicines and treatment methods were found inscribed on oracle bones from the Shang Dynasty. A number of Chinese medical treatises were found written on silk banners and bamboo slips. These treatises were transcribed between the Chin and Han Dynasties and represent the oldest surviving Chinese medical literature. In the African continent, communities have been applying indigenous beliefs, knowledge, skills and cultural practices concerned with human health for more than four thousand years. African traditional healing focuses deeply into the psychological, spiritual, and social contexts of illness by using healing ceremonies and natural medicinal preparations. This healing system believes that many afflictions come from destabilizing forces; protection against them involves warding off the negative forces and maintaining equilibrium with the fellow man, the spirits, and the ancestors. Thus African traditional healers take into consideration both the medicinal and spiritual powers of each plant, since their purpose not only lies on counteracting the forces of disease in the human body, but also to accomplish spiritual balance. For the last four centuries African traditional healing has also been part of the daily lives of individuals in the Caribbean, and the Americas due to the influx of African slaves into the New World. Captives from the various African territories identified similarities in the New World's flora and continued to practice traditional healing. Particularly, during Cuba's slavery times, African traditional medicine merged with pre-existing aboriginal medicine, Spaniard traditional medicine and to a lesser proportion, Chinese traditional medicine. This combination constituted Afro-Cuban traditional medicine which has been passed down from generation to generation until the present time, consequently, plants continue to be prized for their medicinal properties as well as the special range of energies, vibrations or powers they possess. This book embraces the medicinal action of over 700 plants and their power beyond the normal range of perception. It is intended to serve as a reference to anyone re-discovering the roots of Humanity in our quest for physical and spiritual healing.



Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Gathering the Plants Every herbalist should know the use of each plant, its characteristic appearance, odor, growth pattern, and properties. It's very important to correctly identify the desired plant; some plants look similar but can have drastically different properties. Identifying plants by common names or verbal descriptions is not recommended; common names can change from region to region, and verbal descriptions may omit a critical identifying characteristic. Gathering of healing plants should be done with respect, care and tenderness. First, pay the necessary offerings to ensure the effectiveness of the herbs. Traditionally, herbalists let the plant know what they want from it before they gather it and use it for medicinal or magical purposes. There are specific times and seasons in which to gather plants so their healing properties are optimized. Healing plants are harvested in harmony with the movement of the heavenly bodies such as the moon, sun, etc. Basic factors about gathering healing plants: •

Plants are at their best when in bloom, just before going to seed or fruit.

Plants should be picked up on the full moon, right after sunrise when the dew has dried.

Gathering of healing plants should not be done after sun down.

Plants should never be gathered while it is raining or at noontime.

Aromatic plants should be gathered at sunrise; bitter tasting plants right before sundown.

Roots should be harvested before the plant blooms, just before sunrise or after sunset.

Barks should be gathered after sunrise, preferably in the fall or spring, during full moon, through the dry season or before new leaves begin to grow.

To gather the plants, always use a sharp cutting object such as shears, or a machete, depending on their age or size. Annuals should be cut off at ground level, and perennials about one-third down the main stem, including the side branches. To avoid plant damage, observe the following criteria: • • • •

Leaves - Cut off side branches only. Bark – Cut lengthwise, at an angle. Flowers, fruits and seeds – Always leave some to insure reproduction. Roots – Cut thicker roots without affecting the main stem.

When taking leaves or branches of a plant, collect just enough to suit your needs; always leave enough for the plant to survive. Any plant part that has signs of disease or discoloration should not be harvested. Never harvest in areas that have been sprayed with insecticides or herbicides, or that have been exposed to the dust, fumes or contaminants that can render the plants poisonous. After collecting the plants, rinse the leaves and stems with cold running water to remove any soil, dust, bugs or other foreign material. Remove blossoms from the plants before using.


Dalia Quiros-Moran



Medicinal Constipation. Skin rashes. Swollen feet. Vaginal infections.

ABA / SAND BOX TREE (Hura crepitans) Other names: Brazil – Assacu, Acacu Colombia – Ceiba amarilla, Ceiba de leche Cuba - Haba, Salvadera Haiti – Rabi Kongo - Finli Lukumi – Abaa Mexico – Arbol del Diablo U.S. – Monkey's dinner bell, possum wood Venezuela – Ceiba blanca, Ceiba habillo

Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Inle. ABRAN DE COSTA / WOODLAND COFEE (Bunchosia nitida) Other names: Cuba - M... de gallina Haiti – Bois Senti

Description Tree reaching up to 90 feet. The bark is covered with conical thorns. The leaves are long-stemmed, papery thin, heartshaped and up to 2 feet long; the flowers are red. The wood is soft, pale yellow or brown. The seedpod explodes producing a loud sound that disperses the seeds all over. The plant produces a milky juice.

Description Indigenous shrub with an unpleasant, fetid odor. The wood is dark, hard and compact; fine grain. The leaves are glossy; yellow flowers. USES Medicinal Inflammation. Protruding navel in newborn children.

USES Medicinal Eczema, circulatory ailments, constipation, paralysis, tired legs and feet,

Religious/ Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Inle. Rites of Palo For healing rituals. ∗ For cleansings. ∗ Used to ward off evil eye in healing rituals.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ Used for purification, to banish negative energies and for protection.

ABRECAMINO / THOROUGHWORT (Eupatorium villosum)


Other names: Cuba Albahaquilla, rompezaraguey. U.S. – Bitter bush

ABEY MACHO / BLACK POUI (Jacaranda Sagraeana) Other names: Cuba - Abey macho Lukumi – Egbelegun U.S.A. - Boxwood


Description Indigenous perennial plant 3-4 feet high. The leaves are aromatic, 4-8 inches long, rough, serrate, and taper to a long point. Fuzzy, white or pale purple flower heads. Blossoms appear in August and September.

Description Large tree with beautiful foliage, showy lilac flowers, Wood is fairly hard and compact. Found in calcareous soils and lower areas.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism



Medicinal Ague, cold, constipation, cough, cystitis, dyspepsia, flu, fluid retention, gout, headache, intermittent fever, jaundice, malaria, muscle cramp, nervousness, night-time urination, peripheral blood circulation, pleurisy, pneumonia, rheumatism, sore throat, spasm, stuffy nose, tumor, urinary stones, wound.

Medicinal: Asthma, boils, congestion, eye itching and inflammation, gas, gonorrhea, gout, impotence, incontinence of urine, inflammation, kidney diseases, leprosy, liver ailments, nocturnal emissions in males, ophthalmia, painful urination, psoriasis, scabious skin diseases, tumors, stomatitis.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Inle Correlating Odu: Oshe Eyioko, Oshe Iroso. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. Abakuá Society For rituals. Known as "Mendiba". ∗ Used for purification baths.

Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Babalu Aye and Oshun. Correlating Odu: Otura Obara, Otura Ika, Otura Otrupon, To pack amulets and Eshu Elegba. Used for Babalu Aye rituals Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ Used for purification baths and cleansing of the household. ∗ Protects from negativity and attracts good fortune. ∗ For love spells. ∗ In amulets to overcome legal issues.

ABROJO AMARILLO/PUNCTURE VINE (Tribulus cistoides) Other names: Cuba - Abrojo Amarillo Kongo - Fugwé Lukumi – Berí Oggún U.S. – Jamaican Fever Plant


Description Weed shrub to vine with diffusely branching stems. The leaves are elliptic. Showy, bright yellow flowers. The fruit is hard, wide; produces a few stout spines.

Other names: Haiti - Poupye, Zèb Soleil, Herse Kongo - Fugwé Lukumi - Berí oggún Mexico – Abrojo Rojo Puerto Rico - Abrojo U.S. – Large yellow caltrop, puncture plant, goathead Venezuela – Yerba de pasmo

USES Medicinal Taken internally in small quantities to expulse the placenta. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun and Inle. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. For Nkisi Lango

Description Annual or biennial plant growing to 12 inches. Found in dry open habitats, and sandy seashores. It is in flower from April to August. The roots are thick, woody. Yellow flowers. Fruit spiny, divided into five segments, with 3 to 5 seeds.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

bluntly pointed at the tip, rounded at the base, entire. Flowers on numerous lateral racemes, pinkish, united in a tube, one separate white. Pods yellow-green when immature, turning blackish; elliptic, flat, shiny, black seed.

ABROJO TERRESTRE / BIG CALTROPS (Kallistroemia maxima) Other names: Cuba - Abrojo Kongo - Ngúngo Lukumi - Ewe Shoro, igbeleggún


Description Annual/Biennial growing up to 12 inches high. It is in flower from April to August. Grows on dry open habitats, often as a weed in sandy seashores. The stems and leaves are succulent; flowers are yellow. The fruit is green, reddish green when mature.

Medicinal Boils, bruises, burns, colds, cough, debility, eruptions, erysipelas, fever, fractures, gangrene, head-ache, itch, prickly heat, rheumatism, skin, sore, tumors, ulcers, urticaria, and wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlating Odu: Iwori Ofun, Ika Irete, and Otura Meji. To pack amulets and Eshu Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ In baths and household cleansings to attract prosperity

USES Medicinal Asthma, boils, eye itching and irritation, superfluous hair, tumors, ulcers. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Inle. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. For Nkisi Lango ∗ For purification and cleansings. ∗ To reverse spells and send them back to the sender.

ACANA / WILD DILLY (Manilkara Albescens) Other names: Cuba - Acaná blanca Dominican Republic - Nisperillo Haiti - Sapotille marron, bois huile Puerto Rico - Nisperillo Kongo - Ancanaá, ntola Lukumi - Iggi yáita, tóbi, taimánm, aganju igbo

ACACIA / QUICKSTICK (Gliricidia Sepium) Other names: Arada - Aweleti Colombia - Matarratón Costa Rica - Sangre de drago Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama Madera negra Cuba - Bien vestida, piñón amoroso, piñón florido Guatemala - Cansim Kongo - Topiá Lukumi - Sideé, boni, ewe firinaya Mexico - Madre de cacao, lengua de perico Nicaragua - Madriado Panama - Bala, matarratón Philippines – Cacaute U.S. – Mother of Cacao

Description Evergreen tree or shrub; wood heavy, hard, strong, and close-grained. Frequently found in coastal hammocks. The leaves are leathery, dull, and dark green. They cluster at the ends of the branches. Flowers are light yellow and form drooping clusters. The brown, roughskinned fruit is globe shaped. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Ogun. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

Description Smooth, deciduous tree growing up to 30 ft. high. The leaves are oblong-ovate, 4

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

dense, brightly colored flower heads which usually stand above the foliage.

For charms to ward off negativity, evil spirits, and the evil eye.


ACATE: Titonia

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

ACEBO DE SIERRA / MOUNTAIN HOLLY (Ilex Montana) Other names: Cuba - Acebo de sierra, Acebo cubano (Oriente) Dominican Republic - Palo Blanco Haiti - Houx Kongo - Abayo Lukumi - Sucui Puerto Rico - Acebo de sierra U.S. Cassine, Mountain winterberry

ACEITERO / CRABWOOD (Gymnanthes lucida) Other names: Brazil – Madera Verde Cuba – Aceitillo, Yaiti Dominican Republic - Yaite Kongo – Inki Lukumi – Tuquio, Epairo U.S. - Oysterwood

Description Evergreen tree, growing up to 30 feet in rich moist soils, cold swamps and on their borders. Occasionally found on high sandy banks of pine barren streams. It is in leaf all year, in flower from May to June, and the seeds ripen from October to February.

Description Indigenous tree. Generally columnar in growth, to 20 feet in height, found in coastal hammocks. The wood is yellow, hard, compact and heavy; very fine grain; can be beautifully polished.



Medicinal Fevers, indigestion, liver ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ For purification baths. ∗ Planted outside the protection.


Medicinal Muscle spasms and sprains, rheumatic aches. Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye and Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies


ACEITUNILLO / SLUGWOOD (Hufelandia pendula)

ACEDERA: Raíz Paciencia.

Other names: Costa Rica – Comenegro, Quizarra Cuba - Cabeza de toro, curavara, mastacila, mulatto Kongo - Ancayo Lukumi - Iggioro. Panama – Aguacatillo, Torpedo

ACEDIANA / CRESTED COCK'S COMB (Celosia cristata) Other names: Cuba - Amaranto, bledo morisco, moco de pavo. U.S. - Red Velvet, Celosia Cockscomb, Feather Amaranth

Description Indigenous tree that reaches up to 80 ft. high. Found in mountainous areas; the trunk is erect and cylindrical; the leaves are elliptical, alternate, grayish white

Description Erect, branching plants with oval or lanceshaped, strongly veined leaves 2-6" long and hundreds of tiny flowers packed in 5

Dalia Quiros-Moran

underneath, slightly aromatic when crushed. The fruit is similar to an olive.



Medicinal Dropsy. Hemorrhage. Stomach ailments. Stomach parasites.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. ∗ The root to make amulets to attract success.

Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ACHIOTE / ANNATO (Sloanea curatellifolia)

ACELGA/COLLARD GREENS (Brassica Olearacea)

Other names: Argentina – Achiote Colombia - Achiote, onoto, bija Costa Rica - Achiote Cuba - Achiote, bija, achotillo, cacicuto Ecuador - Achiote Guatemala - Achiote, achote, bija Kongo - Gué Lukumi– Bábá Iyé Mexico - Achiotillo, arnato Peru -Achiote Venezuela - Onoto

Other Names: U.S. - Kale, collards, flowering cabbage, cole. Description A variety of biennials and perennials plants usually grown as annuals for their edible leaves. The leaves are dark green, thick, fleshy and smooth; up to 2 ft. long and 1.5 ft. wide. The upper leaves are erect, while the lower leaves tend to sag down.

Description Shrub or small tree that grows 3 feet in height, approximately 50 seeds grow inside of prickly reddish-orange heart shaped pods at the end of the branches.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Yemaya Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ejionle, Irete Ogunda. Offerings for the Orisha and Egun.

USES Medicinal Fevers, heartburn, hepatitis, phlegm in newborn babies, skin diseases, skin infections, stomach distress, and vaginal infections.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies

Other names: Cuba –Ancaraña Kongo - Gué Lukumi – Amuyo U.S. - Fleabane, hogweed

ACORO / SWEET FLAG (Acorus calamus)

Description A coarse weed with an erect stem with branching clusters. Grows up to 5 ft. high. The leaves are lanceolate. The tiny daisylike flowers give this tall plant a fuzzy appearance; they are aromatic, blue, and close at noon.

Other names: Cuba - Acoro Aromatico U.S. - Myrtle Grass, Myrtle Sedge, Sweet Myrtle, Sweet Root, Sweet Rush, Sweet Sedge


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Perennial growing up to one foot high in moist soils and shallow water in ditches, marshes, river edges and ponds. The leaves are pointed; small greenish-yellow flowers, borne in a fleshy spike about 3 inches long. It is in flower from May to July, and the seeds ripen from July to August. The long creeping rootstocks are thick and fleshy, and have numerous rootless. They have an agreeable aromatic odor and a pungent, bitter taste.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi. Rites of Palo For rituals. ∗ To dominate and confuse the enemy. ∗ For love spells. ADORMIDERA DE SABANA / WILD TANTAN (Desmanthus virgatus) Other names: Puerto Rico - Desmanto U.S. – Ground Tamarind

USES Medicinal Arthritis, bronchitis, convulsions, diarrhea, digestive complaints, dyspepsia, epilepsy, flatulence, gall bladder disorders, induce abortion, neuralgia, rheumatic pains, skin eruptions, sinusitis, stomach acidity, toothaches.

Description Perennial, herbaceous shrub; deep rooted, stems erect growing up to 4 ft high from a basal crown. The leaves are ovate, the flowers white. USES

Other Insect repellent and insecticide.

Medicinal Tooth aches.

ADORMIDERA / OPIUM POPPY (Papaver somniferum)


Other names: Cuba (Matanzas) -Vergonzosa Lukumi – Erunkumi

Other names: Colombia – Cruceto, Maíz tostado Cuba-Yamaguey de costa, pitajoní bravo, yamaguey de costa, Juan de la Cruz Kongo – Clé-kukumenga Lukumi - Bien Mexico - Espino cruz, crucete Puerto Rico - Tintillo, escambrón, palo de cotorra, cambrón U.S. – Cabainate, Christmas tree, box brier, dogwood, inkberry

Description Annual or biennial herb, 1 ft. high, stems slightly branched, erect leaves large, numerous, ovate to oblong, serrate; flowers on long peduncles with nodding buds that expand into erect flowers; white to purplish, in varieties also pink, violet, bluish, or red. Fruit a capsule, ovoid, glabrous; seeds oily, white, dark gray to black, or bluish. It is in flower from July to August.

Description Indigenous shrub. Grows in edges of coastal hammocks, pine rock lands, and rocky flats. The leaves are opposite, elliptical, slender. Fruit round, black when dry.

USES Medicinal Asthma, bladder, bruises, catarrh, cold, colic, conjunctivitis, cough, diarrhea, dysentery, enteritis, fever, flux, headache, hypertension, hypochondria, hysteria, inflammation, insomnia, leukorrhea, malaria, mania, melancholy, nausea, neuralgia, otitis, rheumatism, spasm, sprain, stomachache, swelling, toothache, tumor, ulcers, and warts.


Dalia Quiros-Moran



Medicinal Diarrhea, hemorrhage, leucorrhoea, liver ailments.

Medicinal Conjunctivitis, fluid retention, gonorrhea, hypertension, infections, paludism, and swollen eyelids

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlating Odu: Osa Iwori. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and ceremonies

AGAPANTO / AGAPANTHUS (Agapanthus africanus)


Other names: Cuba - Agapanto, lirio, tuberosa azul. Kongo - Nfei Lukumi – Ebblé U.S. African Lily

Other names: Cuba – Yerba del Pasmo

Description Evergreen bulb; grows to 2 feet high. It is in leaf all year, in flower from July to September. The flowers are blue, white and lilac.

Description Annual indigenous herb found in red soils in most instances. Grows up to 2 ft. high. Deep gray-green, dissected leaves with small creamy flowers.

USES USES Medicinal Boils. Tumors. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. ∗ For purification baths.

Medicinal Diarrhea, insect bites jaundice, kidney ailments, liver ailments, skin problems, slow healing wounds, sores, and ulcers. Religious/Magical To banish negative energies and spirits Placed under the pillow will guard the person's sleep.

AGRACEJO / WEST INDIAN BOXWOOD (Gossypiospermun praecox) Other names: Cuba - Agracejo, Jia-Jia, Agracejo de monte Kongo - Doúki Lukumi – Yán Venezuela - Zapatero

AGUACATE / AVOCADO (Persea gratissima) Other names: Brazil - Abacateiro Colombia – Cura Ecuador, Peru – Palta Haiti - Zaboka, Zabelbok Kongo - Akún Lukumi – Otobi Mexico - Aguacatillo U.S. – Alligator Pear Tree.

Description Indigenous tree. It is abundant in hills and calcareous soils. The fruit is wrapped in a golden wool or cotton. White-yellowish wood; strong, and fine; compact grain.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Fruit tree. Grows up to 30 feet. The leaves are alternate and elliptical. White flowers. Grows in any type of soil.

Description Indigenous shrub. Grows in hills and mountainous areas. Reaches up to 30 ft. high. The leaves are extremely bitter in taste, dark green, and pinnate, setting off large, and pendant clusters of green fruit, which ripen from red to black.

USES Medicinal Chest ailments, difficult menstruation, dysentery, gas, gout, high blood pressure, stomach ailments, liver ailments, lose teeth.

USES Medicinal Burns, digestive and intestinal ailments, fever, mucous, small skin injuries, skin lesions, venereal diseases, and wounds.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Elegba, Yemaya and Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ofun Ojuani, Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ For ritual baths to ward off from accidents, calamity, hostility and negativity in general. ∗ For amulets to attract good fortune.

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ To ward off illness. AGUILEÑA / COLUMBINE (Aquilegia vulgaris) Description Perennial plant. Grows up to 3 feet high. Found in must shady positions, especially on calcareous soils or fenland peat. It is in flower from April to July, and the seeds ripen from July to August; scented flowers; generally blue, seldom white or pink.

Other uses To erase facial lines. Vermin. AGUACATE MORADO / AVOCADO


Description: See Avocado

Medicinal Affections of the nervous system, gum disease, jaundice, urinary track stones.

USES Medicinal Difficult menstruation, vaginal infections. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya. Used to make ritual omiero

AGUINALDO BLANCO/ CHRISTMAS VINE (Turbina Corymbosa) Other Names: Cuba – Aguinaldo de Pascuas, Campanilla blanca, Bejuco de gimirú. El Salvador - Campanilla Kongo - Túanso Lukumi – Ewe bere, Oniyoko Mexico – Flor de Pascuas, Pascuas

AGUEDITA / BITTER BUSH (Picramnia pentandra) Other Names: Brazil - Erva de Bugre Cuba - Aguedita, quina del pais o de la tierra. Haiti - Bwa Madame, Vanyan-Gason, Graines dorées, Bwa Montagne, Bwa Poison Lukumi - Aiya Panama - Cascara amarga Puerto Rico – Guarema, Hueso

Description Climbing vine with heart shaped leaves. Abundant white flowers; scented, shaped like a bell. In flower all winter.


Dalia Quiros-Moran


AITE / CARIBBEAN PRINCEWOOD (Exostema caribaeum)

Medicinal Difficult labor, palpitations, slow healing wounds or ulcers, vaginal infection.

Other names: Bahamas - Princewood. Cuba - Yaití, macagua de costa, falsa quina, cera amarilla, cerillo. Haiti - Kenkina Mexico - Sabac-ché, falsa quina. Puerto Rico - Cuero de sapo, lechesillo.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ To banish negative energies and spirits. ∗ For purification baths. ∗ In the mop water to cleanse and purify the household.

Description Indigenous tree. Reaches up to 30 ft. The leaves are bright green; grayish branches. Beautiful wood, yellow/purple color; hard, compact. Deep root. USES


Medicinal Anemia, Fevers, Diarrhea, Hemorrhoids, Stomachaches, Intestinal parasites.

Other Names: Brazil – Algodao Bravo (Poisonous variety) Cuba-Campana gallega, campanola, vete de aquí, yerba de guanajay El SalvadorChilco, campanola, campanilla Kongo - Nbuembo Lukumi – Ewe beberi, Obanieko Mexico - Hiedra de la India, palo santo de Castilla

AHORCA JIBARO: Aretillo AJI AGUJETA (variety of "aji guaguao") USES Medicinal Renal ailments, weak testicular tissues. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin. Correlating Odu: Okana Iwori

Description A native, evergreen bush up to 15 feet high that produces large, ovate, dull green leaves and a profusion of lavender to pink morning-glory flowers that are followed by woolly seed capsules.

AJI CHILE / CAYENNE PEPPER (Capsicum annuum) Other names: Kongo – Kualay. Inkako, Kindungo Lukumi – Ata U.S. – Sweet pepper Description Evergreen perennial; grows up to 3 ft. high. It is in leaf all year, in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October.

USES Medicinal Chest colds, cuts, fevers, flu, lack of urination, scabies, itching, wound. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila, Elegba, Ogun and Yewa. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

USES Medicinal Asthma, debility in convalescence or old age, digestive problems, fevers,


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

hemorrhoids, unbroken chilblains, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheuma, seasickness, sprains, typhoid fever, varicose veins.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies

AJI GUAGUAO / LOCOTO (Capsicum baccatum) Other Names: Colombia – Aji Pajarito Kongo – Yumbe, Inkako Kindungo Lukumi – Ata Mexico - Chile Serrano Puerto Rico – Aji picante, aji caballero U.S. – Cayenne Pepper, Cayenne. Wild Pepper

AJI DE CHINA (Salanum Havanense) Other names: Cuba - Tomatillo de la Habana. Kongo – Nkafo Kibulo Lukumi – Ata filani Description Indigenous shrub. Glossy leaves. Purple flowers.

Description Perennial; grows up to 9 ft high. It is in flower from August to September. Grows wild in mountain areas. Small leaves, the fruit is the size of a grain of pepper, red or yellow when ripe, very hot.

USES Medicinal Eye ailments, intestinal worms.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Ogun and Osayin. Rites of Palo For rituals, spells and amulets

Medicinal Asthma cold, debility in convalescence or old age, difficult menstruation, digestive problems, fevers, hemorrhoids, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheuma, sprains, varicose veins Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Ogun y Osayin. Correlating Odu: Okana Eyioko Rites of Palo For rituals, ceremonies and amulets. ∗ Reduced to powder for spells. ∗ To make the enemy uneasy.

AJI DULCE / GREEN PEPPER (Capsicum annuum) Other Names: Kongo – Mowngo, Inkakdo Mungua Lukumi - Ata Abalaiye Description Evergreen perennial; grows up to 3 feet high. It is in leaf all year, in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October.

Other uses Insect repellent AJO / GARLIC (Allium sativum)

USES Medicinal Angina, asthma, cold, debility in convalescence or old age, fever, digestive problems, hemorrhoids, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheuma, sore throats, sprains, toothache, varicose veins, sea-sickness.

Other names: Haiti - Lay Kongo – Kualango Dianputo, Niasa Kumpiricunansieto Lukumi – Jokojo Eweco, Alu deso guere


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Rites of Palo Taboo for the Nkisi. ∗ Wards off negativity

Description A bulb-forming herb of the Liliaceae (lily family). The leaves are long, narrow and flat like grass. The bulb consists of numerous bulblets, known as cloves, grouped together and enclosed within a whitish skin, which holds them as in a sac. The flowers are placed at the end of a stalk rising erect from the bulb and are whitish, grouped together in a globular head. The plant grows to 2 feet.

ALACRANCILLO / INDIAN HELIOTROPE (Heliotropium indicum) Other names: Arada - Kloklotesu Haiti - Crête Coq d'Inde, Verveine crête de coq, Verveine-à-pian, Zèb-à-pian, Zèb-aMalin'n Kongo – Blwoto Lukumi - Ewe Makogun U.S. - Turnsole

USES Medicinal High blood pressure, infections, infectious skin diseases, kidney ailment, leprosy palpitation, phlegm, stomach parasites.

Description Annual plant. Grows upright 2-3 feet in height and is very leafy. The leaves are dark green, alternate, entire, and hairy. The stems are also hispid. Flowers are blue or violet (rarely white).

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Oshe Meji, Oshe Ofun, Ojuani Okana, ∗ To protect from the evil eye. ∗ To ward off illness, negative energies and attract good fortune. ∗ Burned with incense for purification

USES Medicinal Eczema, hemorrhoids, inflammation, muscular pain, skin irritations, ulcers

AJONJOLI / SESAME SEED (Sesamum indicum)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Elegba. Correlating Odu: Okana Meji, Ojuani Irete, Ika Iroso, and Otura Iwori. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ For purification baths.

Other names: Arada – Alpiri Haiti - Wowoli Kongo – Ndeba, Guanillila Lukumi – Yanmoti, Amati Description Erect annual original from Africa, growing up to 6 feet high. The leaves are oblong or lanceolate and have white to light pink flowers; the plant is covered with fine hair. The fruit is a capsule often containing more than 100 (hundred) seeds. The seeds are small and flattened; contain a high percentage of oil.

ALACRANCILLO ROSADO Description See Alacrancillo USES


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun

Medicinal Anemia, blurred vision, constipation. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Taboo in houses where this Orisha lives. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Odi and Iroso Ofun, Irete Ojuani. 12

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

ALAMANDA / GOLDEN TRUMPET (Allamanda cathartica)

Lukumi - Afoma, Ofá, Abaila, iggolé ikiyényo U.S. - Peepul-tree, sacred ficus

Other Names: Cuba - Barbero loco, flor de barbero. Description Evergreen, sprawling shrub or woody climber; leaves opposite or whorled, simple, glossy, leathery; flowers tubular, yellow, in clusters at ends of branches.

Description Fast growing tree; usually begins as an air plant that grows on trees but develops roots to support its height of ninety plus feet. It has purple figs and is different from other species, because of its slender, long leaf tip.



Medicinal Constipation. Need to vomit.

Medicinal Asthma, atrophy, cholera, dysentery, fever, gonorrhea, gravel, inflamed feet, otitis, pimples, rheumatism, skin disease, smallpox, sore, toothache, weak nerves, hair loss, vaginal infection, hemorrhoids.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Used to make ritual omiero.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Odua and Egun. This plant is essential for all initiation and funeral rites or ceremonies. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Osa, Iwori Ika, Odi Ika, Odi Otura, Iroso Osa, and Osa Iroso, Ika Osa, Oshe Osa. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Removes impurities and negativities and provides protection in the household. ∗ To banish evil spirits. ∗ To attract good fortune.

ALAMBRILLA USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Oshun e Inle. It is not used for ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For spells and rituals. ALAMBRILLO / ENGLISH HIBER (Rajania cordata)

ALBAHACA / BASIL (Ocimun basilicum)

Other names: Cuba - Ñame volador, ñame cimarrón Description A variety of long stemmed plants that have the appearance of a wire. USES

Other Names: Arada – Debesui Brazil - Alfavaca Haiti - Basilic, Framboisin, Common basil Kongo - Mechuso Lukumi - Efinkini, Ororo

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship: Belongs to Inle ∗ To expel or make disappear.

Description Annual herb up to 3 ft. Erect stems, round below, squared above. Ovate or lanceolate leaves, very odorous; flowers grouped in spikes, with six flowers each. White or pink corolla, stamens white.

ALAMO / BOTREE (Ficus religiosa) Other names: Argentina - Higuera de las pagodas Brazil - Figueira-da-india, figueira religiosa Dominican Republic - Higuillo, Alamo laurel Kongo - Mánlofo 13

Dalia Quiros-Moran


Description Annual herb, up to 18 inches high; it grows into a low bush. It has small leaves with a strong smell. The flowers are small and purple.

Medicinal Bad breath, blisters, buccal aches or pains, difficult digestion, difficult labor in women gastric spasms, inappetence, infections, inflammations, intestinal parasites, intestinal unrest, need of vomiting, slow production of milk in nursing women, sore throat.

USES Medicinal Abdominal pains, fevers, high blood sugar level, respiratory tract infections, snake and insect bites.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun and Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Otura Obara, Otura Okana, Ofun Iwori. Used only for Babalu Aye ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ To banish negative energies and spirits from the household. ∗ For cleansings and purification baths. ∗ To attract good fortune and prosperity. ∗ For love and binding spells.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osun and Odudua ∗ In baths and household cleansings to attract prosperity Other To kill fleas. ALBAHACA DE HOJA ANCHA (Ocimum basilicum, diforme) Other names: Cuba - Albahaca mondonguera Lukumi – Efinsho

Other - Hair loss. Insect repellent.


ALBAHACA ANISADA / BASIL (Ocimum basilicum)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba

Description Small plant with white flowers. The leaves have a distinctive scent of anise.

ALBAHACA DE CLAVO / WILD BASIL (Ocimun gratissimum)

USES Medicinal Colic, flatulence, gas.

Other names: Cuba – Clavo canela, oregano cimarron El Salvador - Albahaca montés Guatemala - Albahaca silvestre Haiti - Zèb-a-klou Mexico – Albahaca de Monte Puerto Rico - Albahaca cimarrona

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala ∗ Purification baths and cleansings. ∗ To ward off against the evil eye. ∗ For protection

Description Wide leaf variety; scented like cloves. The leaves are obovate, lanceolate.

ALBAHACA CIMARRONA/ BASIL (Ocimun Micranthum) Other names: Cuba-Albahaca Morada



USES Medicinal Earaches, eyesores, difficult menstruation, headaches, menstruation pains.



Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism



Other names: Haiti - Basilic, Framboisin, Common basil Lukumi - Efinkini

Other names: Cuba - Filigrana, zanca de trebolillo, travesera, abrecamino


USES Description Shrub found in or around hammocks; the leaves, when crushed have a mint-like odor; the disk flowers are white or pinkish.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunla e Inle Correlating Odu: Eyioko Ofun. ∗ Purification baths and cleansings.

USES Medicinal Contusions, fever, paludism.

ALBAHACA MONDONGUERA/ BASIL (Ocimum basilicum, difforme)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye and Oshosi Used only for Babalu Aye ritual omiero.

Other names: Cuba - Albahaca de hoja ancha Lukumi - Ewe Abioyo Description Common variety.

ALCANFOR / CAMPHOR TREE (Cinnamommum Camphora)


Other names: Brazil - Canforeiro Haiti - Camphier Kongo - Gougoró Lukumi – Téemi U.S. - Japanese camphor tree

Medicinal Skin rashes. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oge and Oshun

Description Tree originally from Asia. Leaves are similar to the cinnamon tree but smaller; crushed in your hand expel a strong scent of camphor.

ALBAHACA MORADA / HOLY BASIL (Ocimun sanctum) Other names: Lukumi - Ororo


Description Indigenous variety.

Medicinal Bruises, muscular aches.

USES Medicinal Stomach ailments.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ To ward off from illness. ∗ Works as an aphrodisiac. ∗ The infusion of the young shoots for cleansing baths and to ward off illness.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Oshosi, Yemaya and Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Ofun, Osa Eyioko, Ika Yeku. Used only for Babalu Aye ritual omiero.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

ALCOTAN / PAREIRA BRAVA (Cissampelos pareira)

USES Medicinal Asthma, gout, hernias, rheuma, syphilis, skin ulcers, wounds.

Other names: Costa Rica - Bejuco azul, venadero Cuba - Tomatillo de sabana, bejuco azul El Salvador - Alcotán, bejuco de alcotán Guatemala - Alcotán, cotán Jamaica - Velvetleaf Mexico - Oreja de ratón, pareira brava Nicaragua - Pica mano Puerto Rico - Bejuco de mono Venezuela - Hierba ratón

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Oshun and Shango. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Meji, and Iwori Otrupon, Obara Okana, Iroso Osa, Ika, Iroso, Ika Osa, Otrupon Iwori, Otura Obara, Otura Okana, Irete Ogunda, Oshe Ojuani. Not used for ritual omiero. Used for funeral rites To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For powerful spells. In amulets to attract good fortune and overcome legal issues.

Description A woody vine, climbing a considerable height over trees; the leaves are very large; the flowers have four petals, the berries, first scarlet, then black, are oval. The root is cylindrical in varying lengths; blackish brown, longitudinally furrowed, transverse knotty ridges, it is hard, heavy, tough, and when freshly cut has a waxy luster. Stem deeply furrowed; color gray.

ALGODON / COTTON (Gossypium arborum)


Other names: Arada - Zezzma Cuba - Algodonero Kongo - Ndúambo Lukumi – Ewe Ou

Medicinal Asthma, bladder complaints, boils, burns, cold, cystitis, diarrhea, difficult labor fluid retention, dropsy, dyspepsia, erysipelas, fever, hemorrhage, hypertension, jaundice, kidney ailments, kidney stones, palpitation, phlegm, rheumatism skin rashes, sores.

Description Annual sub-shrub, up to 5 ft. tall; the leaves are alternate; flowers large, white or yellow; the fruit is a capsule, spherical, smooth, light green, with few oil glands; seeds ovoid, dark brown, about 36 per fruit, bearing hairs of two kinds: long fibers or lint, and short fibers or fuzz; welldeveloped taproot with numerous laterals.

ALEJO MACHO USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

USES Medicinal Abdominal pain, burn and wound pain, colds, delivery, diarrhea, dysentery, earache, fatigue, headaches, hemorrhoids, laryngitis, pulmonary inflammations, urinary infection, pregnancy tonic.

ALGARROBO / RAIN TREE (Pithecellobium saman) Other names: Cuba - Algarrobo del país. Kongo - Flecheo Lukumi – Afoma

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Oshanla and Odudua. Correlating Odu: Osa Meji, Iwori Obara, Odi Ogunda, Odi Ofun, Iroso Odi, Iroso

Description Indigenous tree that grows up to 60 ft. in fertile wet soils. The fruit is a large seedpod, reaching up to six inches long. The wood is reddish brown. 16

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Ogunda, Iroso Ofun, Iroso Otura, Ojuani Ejionle, Ojuani Iroso, Okana Ofun, Osa Obara, Ika Oshe, Ika Ofun, Otura Ika. Used to make ritual omiero. For rituals and ceremonies To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ For purification baths. ∗ To ward off from death and negativity.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba and Shango. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Okana, Obara Eyioko, Ofun Ojuani. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Used for rituals and ceremonies. Burned with garlic cloves to banish negative energies For purification baths and cleansing of persons, objects and the household.

ALMACIGO / GUMBO LIMBO (Elaphrium Simaruba)


Other names: Cuba–Azucarero, aceitero, almasigo colorado Colombia - Caratero Costa Rica - Juñocuavo, jiñote Guatemala - Jicote, chino, chinacahuite, palo chino Guiana - Indio desnudo, pellejo de indio Haiti - Gomye-blan, Gommier barrière Honduras – Copón, Palo chino Kongo – Imbi Iye Lukumi – Igi Addana Mexico – Chaca piocha, palo mulato, palo colorado, quiote, zongolica Nicaragua - Jiñocuavo, jiñicuite Puerto Rico - Almasigo encarnado Venezuela – Indio desnudo U.S. Torchwood

Other names: Brazil - Duraznero de monte, marmelo bravo, marmelo do matto, virarú Cuba - Cuajani hembra, cuajincillo Dominican Republic - Membrillito Haiti - Amandier a petites feuilles Jamaica - Wild cassada, cassad-wood, ants wood U.S. - Laurel cherry Venezuela - Almendro Description Slender tree 25 to 40 feet tall, gray, roughened bark. When crushed, the dark green, elliptic to oblong-ovate leaves give off the aroma of almonds. Small, white flowers appear in winter, followed by black fruit in the summer.

Description A smooth exfoliating barked tree, 60 feet or more in height, with a trunk reaching a size of two to three feet in diameter, topped by massive branches spreading out at wide angles and many stout round branches, greenish the first year and turning reddish brown the next year.

USES Medicinal Aches caused by broken bones, nervous conditions. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Odudua. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For purification baths.

USES Medicinal Arthritis/rheumatism, asthma, back pain, blood tonic during pregnancy, bruises, colds, colds in children, fever, flu, diarrhea, diarrhea with blood, gonorrhea, hoarse voice, intestinal ailments, kidney ailments, leukorrhea, high blood pressure, respiratory ailments, skin irritations, stings, sore throat, syphilis, need to sweat, stomach hemorrhage, snakebite, wounds, wounds inflicted by rusty objects.

ALMENDRO / WEST INDIAN ALMOND (Terminalia Catappa) Other names: Brazil – Castañola, parasol


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Colombia - Kotamba Cuba, El Salvador -Almendro de la India Haiti- Zanman'n, Amandier, AmandierPays Kongo - Tuánso Lukumi – Abusi, Igi Ekusi, igí uré Yucatan, Puerto Rico, Philippines Almendrón

USES Medicinal Irregular menstruation. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila

Description Beautiful exotic tree reaching considerable heights, erect trunk, horizontal branches. Wood is white, smooth bark, red inside; large leaves, oval shaped, narrow at the end. Flowers small, greenish white. The fruit is similar to the common almond.

ALTEA / ROSE OF SHARON (Hibiscus syriacus) Other names: Lukumi - Lukuari Mexico - Flor de una hora U.S. - Marshmallow


Description Upright deciduous shrub; grows up to 10 ft high. Distinctive leaves, arranged alternately; three deep lobes, toothed; bright or dark green. Flowers may be single or double; white, blue, purple, or pink; some have a pronounced crimson base. The texture of shrub is coarse.

Medicinal Constipation in newborn children; fatigue, intestinal worms and parasites, vaginal infections. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Orunla and Odudua. Correlating Odu: Iroso Ogunda, Osa Iwori, Irete Otrupon. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. ∗ Used in purification baths, cleansing of persons, objects and the household. ∗ To attract good fortune and prosperity.

USES Medicinal Hoarseness, intestinal afflictions, need to perspire, sore throat, vaginal infection. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Orunmila AMANSA GUAPO / BOXWOOD (Schaefferia frutescens)


Other names: Haiti - Bois capable, Petit garcon Lukumi – Kunino Puerto Rico - Cafeillo U.S. – Florida Boxwood, Yellow wood

ALMOREJO / PEARL MILLET (Setaria glauca) Other names: Cuba - Rabito peludo, rabo de gato. U.S: - American fountain grass, Yellow bristle grass, Yellow foxtail, Yellow pigeon grass

Description Small to medium size shrub, found close to the tidewater are on sandy soils and hammocks. Smallish leaves are borne close together; yellow green. The flowers are small, greenish white. Fruits turn from green to yellow, then bright red. The bark is smooth gray or brown.

Description Warm season grass; begins growing in May. Heads will emerge in June and begin flowering in July through September. Abundant in disturbed sites, especially in wetter cultivated soils and waste places.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Iroso Ika, Osa Okana, Otrupon She. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi For rituals and ceremonies. Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ To appease, dominate, and bind.

Medicinal Arthritis backache, back pain, blood infections, body aches and pains, bronchial asthma, colic, constipation, convulsions, diarrhea, digestive disorders, dysentery, impotence, kidney ailments, leucorrhoea, malaria, muscle pains, nervousness, ovarian hemorrhages, ovarian problems, slow milk production in lactating women, urinary tract ailments, vaginal discharges, vaginal infections, venereal disease, venereal sores, wounds.

AMAPOLA: Marpacífico. AMARANTO: Acediana

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun Correlating Odu: Osa Meji. ∗ Used for love spells, lovers who have lost interest in their mates. To make a loved one return.

AMBARINA / MUSK OKRA (Hibiscus abelmoschus) Other names: Cuba - Abelmosco, viuda. Mexico -Monacillo del río.

ANACAGÜITA / PANAMA TREE (Sterculia apetala)

Description Cultivated plant. Beautiful flowers; pink, purple or white.

Other names: Cuba - Anacagüita, anacahuita. Colombia – Camaruca, camajon duro Mexico – Anacahuita, bellota, castañas

USES Medicinal Chest colds and fever.

Description Copious tree reaching up to 60 ft. high; the trunk is thick; large heart shaped leaves. Fruit similar to a peanut. Flowers are slightly scented.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets


AMOR SECO / STRONG BACK (Meibomia barbata)

Medicinal Common cold, flu, respiratory ailments.

Other names: Lukumi – Ewe weená U.S. - Hard Man, Hard Stick

ANAMU / GUINEA HEN WEED (Petiveria alliacea) Other names: Argentina – Pipí Cuba - Namu Guatemala - Apazote zorro, hispasina Haiti - Fèy Ave Lukumi - Yena Mexico – Zorrillo, hierba de las gallinitas Nicaragua – Ipacina Venezuela - Mapurite

Description Indigenous multi branched weedy perennial herb 1.5 ft tall. Produces numerous light purple flowers and small green fruits/bean in 2" long pods. Found in open forests, pastures, yards and roadsides.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Herbaceous perennial; grows up to 3 ft. tall. Often called "garlic weed" as the plant and especially root have a strong garliclike odor.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets For purification baths ∗ Placed under the pillow to ward off bad dreams and nightmares.

USES Medicinal Arthritis, digestive ailments, dropsy, fever, flatulence, headache, malaria, migraine headaches, pain, poor memory, rheumatic pain and other types of pain, rheumatism, sinusitis, skin diseases, sluggish digestion, to induce abortions, tooth pain.

ANON / SUGAR APPLE (Annona squamosa) Other names: Haiti - Kashiman Kanèl Lukumi - Irábiri Mexico - Ahate, anona blanca. Philippines –Ate Puerto Rico - Chirimoya

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship It is not used for ritual omiero. Children of Obatala and Yemaya should not handle this herb. Correlating Odu: Iwori Irete To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals ∗ To ward off from evil spirits and witchcraft: ∗ Prepare an infusion of the leaves outside the household and wash down the front door with it. ∗ For purification baths to ward off witchcraft

Description Small deciduous tree, reaches up to 20 ft. The leaves are lanceolate to oblonglanceolate. The fruit, which ripens in the spring, is ovoid. It is composed of loosely cohering carpels, which are usually covered with a white or bluish bloom. The carpel separates readily when ripe, exposing the cream colored flesh in which are imbedded numerous small brown glossy seeds. USES Medicinal Nervousness, stomach ailments, indigestion, urinary track infections, head lice.

ANIS / ANISEED (Pimpinella anisum) Other names: Lukumi - Ewe Ise

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Oshun and Ibeji. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For spells and rituals.

Description Annual that grows 1-2 feet high. It needs 120 days to produce fully ripened seed head. USES

ANTEOJO DE POETA: Bejuco Borococo

Medicinal Abdominal pains, asthma, belching, bronchitis, chronic diarrhea, cold abdomen, colic in children, gallbladder stones, gas, griping, hernia, indigestion, intestinal colic and flatulence, insomnia, intestinal ailments, irritable coughing, nausea, nervousness, sluggish digestion, slow milk production in nursing women, tonic during menopause, vomiting, whooping cough. 20

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

AÑIL/WEST INDIAN INDIGO (Indigofera suffructicosa)

USES Medicinal Gas, slow milk production in lactating women, intestinal parasites and worms in small children, tension, weak system, stomach ailments, anemia, asthma, dysentery, Diphnea, fatigue, nervousness, rheumatism, conjunctivitis, tumor, sore.

Other names: Cuba – Añil cimarrón, Azul de hojas Dominican Republic – Azul, Azulejo Kongo - Firio Lukumi – Ewe Olu, Yiniya Mexico – Jiquilete, añil montes Description Indigenous legume abundant in calcareous soils. Some species have been cultivated for industrial use to extract the añil or indigo coloring. A maceration and fermentation process of the leaves extracts this product.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye Correlating Odu: Otrupon Ofun. Used to make ritual omiero Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. Used to make Nkisi lango. Fan the walls with the branches to ward off negative energies and evil spirits. ∗ To annoy an adversary

USES Medicinal Internal tumors, epilepsy, gonorrhea. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and Oshun Correlating Odu: Ejionle Meji, Otura Niko, Ofun Otrupo, Osa Ofun. For rituals and ceremonies ∗ For cleansings. It has purifying properties.

APIO BLANCO /GARDEN CELERY (Apium graveolens) Other names: Haiti – Celeri Des Jardins U.S. – Wild Celery Description Biennial plant up to 6 ft tall; grows in cultivated beds.

APASOTE / MEXICAN TEA (Chenopodium ambrosoides)

USES Other names: Cuba – Biengranada Haiti - Ambroisie du Mexique, Semen Contra, Herbe-à-Vers, Thé du Mexique Lukumi - Oline Mexico - Epazote U.S. - American wormseed

Medicinal: This herb should not be prescribed for pregnant women High blood pressure, indigestion, uterus inflammation, hysteria, rheumatism, kidney complaints Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye

Description Annual/Perennial, growing up to 3 feet high found in low sandy coastal areas and red soils. Leaves are scented, oval, serrated, long and narrow. Reddish trunk. The scented flowers are green. It is in flower from July to October, and the seeds ripen from August to October.

Other Insect repellent


Dalia Quiros-Moran

ARABO (Erythroxylon havanense)

ARABO DE PIEDRA (Erythroxylon minutifolium)

Other names: Cuba - Arabo carbonero, arabo jiba, arabo prieto, arabo real, jiba. Lukumi - Benkeye

Other names: Cuba - Cubanicú, sibanicú. Kongo – Fiko Lukumi - Bunda

Description Small tree found in low coastal areas. Grows up to 24 ft. The leaves are obovate, slender, light green. The flowers are white. Fruits are consumed by wild pigeons and other birds.

Description Shrub or small tree growing up to 30 ft.; leaves elliptical, obovate. The fruit is orange.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi For rituals ∗ To attract stability or success.


Medicinal Cold, flu, fever, sore throat, muscular aches. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunla and Oshun. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. Burned in incense to purify and protect.

ARARA / SPINY BUCIDA (Bucida angustifolia) Other names: Cuba -Júcaro, arará de hojas angostas, chicharrón de montes, júcaro de playa Kongo – Groo Lukumi – Amukan, Biose Mexico -Puk-té Puerto Rico - Ucar, bucaro U.S. - Gregory wood, black olive

ARABO COLORADO (Erythroxylon confusum) Description Indigenous tree; grows to 50 ft. found in coastal areas or riverbanks. It is in flower from March to May and fruits from June to August. Wood fairly heavy. Dry and coarse bark with long uneven indentations, approximately two lines wide.

Description Shrub reaching up to 24 ft high. Found in arid coastal areas. Extended branches with 2-3 terminal spines. The leaves are slender at the base. Blooms in spring. Green/white flowers.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Shango, Orunmila Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. ∗ The leaves pulverized, if scattered in a household, will create turmoil among the family ∗ Used to agitate quarrels.

USES Medicinal Seasickness. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye and Orunmila Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Description Perennial shrub. Grows up to 3 ft high. The trunk is ligneous and dark color, while the ends of the branches are greenish. Leaves oblong-lanceolate. The showy flowers are white or yellow with red tonalities.

Other names: Kongo – Mbentun Lukumi - Afilayo Description Indigenous tree. Reaches great heights, abundant in Cuba. Excellent wood.

USES Medicinal Scabies, skin infections.

USES Medicinal Earaches.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Orishaoko and Yewa Used to make ritual omiero Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ The root is used for binding spells. To attract and bind persons who have grown apart for any reason.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odudua Rites of Palo For spells and rituals ARBOL BONITO (Pithecellobium glaucum)


Other names: Cuba - Palo bonito, Abey Dominican Republic - Caracoli Kongo - Bukua Lukumi – Kukunduku, Iki, Oddara Yeye

Other names: Cuba - Arbol de sebo, arraigan. Jamaica - Waxberry, wax wood. Kongo - Masere Lukumi – Aki Yembu Puerto Rico - Arrayan. U.S. - Candleberry, southern myrtle, wax myrtle.

Description Indigenous tree of copious foliage found in riverbanks. Reaches up to 30 ft. Flowers in racemes, white. Its shade keeps the soil fresh and fertile. Lateral roots. The fruit is obovate, brown.

Description Deciduous shrub reaching up to 35 ft. Grayish bark, waxy branches, and dense, narrow, delicately toothed leaves dotted with resin glands, which produce a fragrant aroma when crushed. Yellow flowers appear in spring and produce nutlike fruits thickly covered with wax.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Oya Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ To attract success in gambling and love.

business, USES Medicinal This plant should not be used during pregnancy. Alimentary tract ailments, asthma and chills, bacterial infections, bleeding gums, boils, bowel inflammation, bronchitis, bruises, chronic gastritis, chronic sore,

ARBOL DE LA BIBIJAGUA / ANGELS TROMPETS (Datura suaveolens) Other names: Cuba - Campanilla, floripundio blanco Haiti - Datira Kongo – Musi Nguengua, Nkunia Lukumi – Agogo, Balanke


Dalia Quiros-Moran

circulatory ailments, cholera, colds, diarrhea, dysentery, epilepsy, excessive menstrual bleeding, fever, flu, gum diseases, hard to heal ulcers, hemorrhoids, indigestion, jaundice, lack of perspiration, laryngitis, leukorrhea, scrofula, skin rashes and itches, sinusitis, sore throat, typhoid, uterine discharge, varicose veins, wounds.

Kongo - Gwangango Lukumi – Maeri Mexico- Arbol del cuerno, cuernos del toro, cornerzuelo Nicaragua - Cornezuelo U. S. – Wattle Description Indigenous shrub with large spines arranged in pairs, simulating small horns. Wood is hard and compact.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. Other Tooth powder. To neutralize perspiration


USES Medicinal Insect bites, impotence. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Oshun, Odudua, Obatala Rites of Palo For spells. To make amulets for men who wish to regain their vitality.

caused by foot

ARBOL DE LA VIDA / ARBOVITAE (Thuja orientalis) Other names: Cuba - Guiqui, Tuya. Dominican Republic - Pinillo El Salvador - Cipres Romano Guatemala - Incienso Puerto Rico - Tuya

ARBOL DEL PAN / BREADFRUIT (Artocarpus altilis) Other names: Brazil - Fruta-pão Cuba - Fruta de pan Haiti - Arbre à pain, L'arbre-à-pain, Fruit-àpain U.S. - Breadnut

Description Evergreen tree growing to 50 ft. Grows in either dry or moist soil and can tolerate draught.

Description Stately erect tree, 40 ft. tall, with a wide and spreading crown. The trunk, leaves, and fruit exude a milky sap when injured. The mature fruit is round or ovoid; 5 to 8 inches long by 4 to 6 inches in diameter, and may weigh from 2 to 10 pounds. The yellowish-green rind is divided into a series of low projections that may bear short spines in some varieties.

USES Medicinal Arthritic pain, asthma, bacterial dysentery, bronchitis, burns, constipation in the elderly, cough, excessive menstruation, hemorrhage, insomnia, mumps, nervous disorders, palpitations, parasitic skin infections, premature baldness, rheumatism, scalds, skin diseases.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Odudua

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odua, Obatala Correlating Odu: Ejionle Obara, Ogunda Otrupo, and Oshe Okana. Used to make ritual omiero. For rituals

ARBOL DEL CUERNO / BULLHORN ACACIA (Acacia cornigera) Other names: Cuba - Tarrillo, cuernecillo El Salvador - Iscanal blanco 24

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila, Aganju Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ In amulets to attract confidence and assertiveness.

Other names: Cuba - Arbol de la cera Kongo - Kousu Lukumi – Sainde U.S. - Popcorn tree

ARETILLO (Savia sessiliflora)

Description Deciduous tree growing to 30 ft. Leaves are ovate to 3" becoming yellow red in autumn. It is in flower from January to February, produces a 4" flower spike. The seed ripens in November.

Other names: Cuba - Ahorca jíbaro, amansa guapo, carbonero de costa, guizacillo, hueso. Description Small indigenous tree; the wood is hard, good grain.

USES Medicinal Boils, constipation, kidney ailments, urinary track ailments, skin ulcers

USES Medicinal Gum disease.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba ARNICA (Arnica Montana)

Other The wax extracted from the seed changes gray hair to black.

Other names: U.S. – Leopard's bane


Description Perennial plant that grows to a height of 1 to 2 ft. Generally found in mountainous parts. The plant is rather hairy plant, with a dark or blackish root. The stem is simple, pubescent, rough, obscurely angled, striated. The leaves are entire and opposite. In flower from June to August. The flowers are large, orange-yellow; in erect or drooping heads.

Other names: Cuba - Arcerdiana, Amaranto, bledo morisco, moco de pavo Kongo - Sigua Lukumi – Biole U.S. – Crested cockscomb Description Cultivated for its flowers in the shape of a cockscomb. Blooms are violet, yellow or salmon color.

USES Medicinal In large doses, arnica causes heat in the throat, nausea, vomiting, purging, spasmodic contractions of the limbs, difficulty of respiration, and sometimes inflammation of the alimentary canal, coma, and death.

USES Medicinal Can be toxic if taken in large quantities. Bloodshot eyes, bloody stool, blurriness of vision, diarrhea, cataracts, hemorrhoid bleeding, hypertension, intestinal parasites, leukorrhea, uterine bleeding


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Abdominal pain, contusions, inflammations, skin cuts and lacerations

Description Plant reaching 18-20' high. Wood is hard, compact, and heavy. The core is light red.


USES Medicinal Nasal congestion, nasal discharge.

Other names: Argentina, Uruguay – Espinillo Cuba - Aroma Guatemala, Salvador - Espino blanco Haiti - Gren'n l'Eglise, Lyan'n Réglisse, Lyan'n L'Église, Réglisse, Graine-Réglisse Kongo - Sunsumie Lukumi – Erite, Ereen Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Peru, Philippines, Colombia - Aromo, Aroma Nicaragua – Cachito de aroma Venezuela - Cuji

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Correlating Odu: Osa Okana, Ika Ofun, Otrupon Oshe, Irete Otura. AROMO UÑA DE GATO/CAT'S CLAW BLAKBEAD (Pithecellobium unguis-cacti) Other names: Cuba - Aruña gato, manca montero. Kongo - Bericolae Lukumi - Madde U.S. – Bread and Cheese, Blackbead

Description A deciduous shrub growing to 12 ft. in dry sandy soils in pinelands, hammocks and disturbed areas. It is in flower from February to March. Scented flowers.

Description Thorny stemmed shrub. The bark is purplish brown, with white specks. Wood yellow. Small flowers. The fruit is a seedpod, containing black seeds.

USES Medicinal Gangrenous tissue, palpitation, skin infection


USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Elegba, Babalu Aye Correlating Odu: Otura Meji To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ To cause chaos ∗ To harass and produce constant anxiety in an adversary

Medicinal Dysentery, intermittent fevers, ailments, kidney stones, sores


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Ogun Rites of Palo For spells. To break up relationships, and partnerships. ∗ Causes chaos and discord among family members and couples.

AROMA BLANCA / WHITE LEAD TREE (Leucaena glauca) Other names: Bahamas - Jumby-bean Cuba – Soplillo Dominican Republic - Granalino Lukumi - Riani Mexico - Guacis Puerto Rico - Hediondilla U.S. – Tantan, Wild Tamarind

ARRAIGAN: Arbol de la Cera


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

ARRIERO / MOROTOTO (Didymopanax morototoni)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala For rituals and ceremonies Prepared as an offering to Obatala. ∗ For cleansings of the household to banish negative energies and evil spells. ∗ To attract good fortune and prosperity

Other names: Argentina - Ambayguazu Brazil - Mandioqueira Colombia - Yarumero Cuba - Yagruma macho, Badana, Cordoban, Padero, Papayón Kongo - Kuakari Lukumi - Pikoto Mexico - Chancaro blanco Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic Yagrumo macho Venezuela - Tinajero

ARRURUZ / ARROWROOT (Maranta arundinacea) Other names: Cuba - Curcuma, leren.

Description Tall basally swollen tree reaching a height of 100 ft and more; trunk diameters to 30 inches. Wood is pale brown throughout. Abundant in calcareous hills.

Description Plant with perennial fibrous rhizome, producing several fleshy, scaly, pendulous tubers from its crown. The stems are thin, hairy, reaching up to 2 or 3 feet high. The leaves are alternate, with long, leafy, hairy sheaths, hairy underneath, and pale-green on both sides. The flowers are white. Globular fruit the size of a small currant.

USES Medicinal Tension, hysteria Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ For purification baths to banish negative energies and hysteria.

USES Medicinal Wounds, scorpion and black spider bites, gangrene, vegetable poisoning.

ARROZ / RICE (Oriza sativa)

ARTEMISA, ALTAMISA / ANNUAL RAGWEED (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)

Other names: Kongo - Loso Lukumi – Euo, Sincofa, Irasi

Other names: Arada – Bamare Cuba - Palma de alcanfor, Palma sagu y sagu Kongo - Dioke Lukumi – Liniddi U.S. - Roman wormwood

Description Erect annual grass, to 3 feet tall; leafblades long, flat, many long, ascending branches; kernel free-threshing, oblong, flattened on the sides, straw colored or yellow.

Description Common plant with ridged stem. Grows 4 or 5 ft. tall. Lives in moist soils. It can grow in semi-shade or no shade.

USES Medicinal Abdominal ailments, arthritis, bowels, burns, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, erysipelas, fever, flux, heart condition, inflammations, jaundice, nausea, ophthalmia, paralysis, piles, poor appetite, psoriasis, skin ailments, sores, stomach ailments, and swellings.


Dalia Quiros-Moran


Puerto Rico - Astrómeda Salvador, Nicaragua - Júpiter

Medicinal Insect bites, rheumatic joints, various skins complaints, fevers, pneumonia, nausea, intestinal cramps, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, diarrhea, mucus discharges, menstrual disorders, stroke, hemorrhoids, measles, colic, pimples, boils, mumps, sprains

Description Ornamental shrub originally from Asia. The bark is mottled and smooth. With age, the gray bark exfoliates to reveal a reddish-brown color underneath. The leaves are deciduous, oval, and smooth. They are usually arranged alternately. The individual flowers are ruffled, delicate, and crinkly to the touch; they last from 65-120 days. The fruit is oval and brown or black in color, appearing after the flowers begin to drop. When mature, the dry capsules split and the seeds are released.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin (Obatala or Babalu Aye) Correlating Odu: Ojuani Okana, and Obara Osa. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ For cleansings and purification baths.

USES Medicinal Colds, constipation, fever, urinary ailments, weak system, sores, boils, wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ Used for purification baths, to banish negative energies. ∗ The roots are used to make amulets.

ARTEMISILLA / SANTAMARIA FEVERFEW (Parthenium hysterophorus) Other names: CubaEscoba amarga, confitillo, altamisilla Haiti - Absent bata, Balai Amer, Absinthe marron, Zèb-a-Pian Kongo - Luanga Lukumi – Ewe Irii

ATEJE / RED MANJACK (Cordia Collococca) Other names: Colombia, Costa Rica - Nigüito, buriogre, muñeco. Dominican Republic - Palo de muñeco blanco. El SalvadorCuajatinta, zompopo, manuno, manone. Haiti - Trois pieds. Jamaica - Cherry, wild cherry. Kongo - Langwe Lukumi – Lacheo Puerto Rico -Sarguaso prieto, palo de muñeca. Venezuela - Alatrique, caujaro.

Description See Escoba Amarga USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies For purification and cleansing. ∗ To attract happiness, prosperity and success of personal endeavors.

Description Indigenous tree reaching up to 16 ft in all sorts of soils, mainly calcareous. Leaves similar to the coffee plant. Blooms in February. Produces small red fruits in racemes, from April through May.

ASTRONOMIA / CRAPE MYRTLE (Lagerstroemia indica) Other names: Cuba - Júpiter Kongo - Duanje Lukumi - Take Mexico - Astrónimica, atmosférica 28

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and ceremonies.

Medicinal Dropsy, fever.

ATEJE HEMBRA / RED MANJACK (Cordia Valenzuela)

Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Osayin, Odudua, Oya, and Elegba Correlating Odu: Oshe Okana, Okana Osa, Otura Ojuani. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi For rituals and ceremonies.

Other names: Cuba -Vomitel amarillo, ateje común o colorado Dominican Republic - Muñeco, palo de muñeco Ell Salvador - Manuno, manone Haiti - Trois pieds Jamaica - Wild cherry Kongo - Chunue Lukumi - Bembere Puerto Rico - Cerezo, palo de muñeca Venezuela - Alatrique, caujaro

ATEJE AMARILLO / WHITE MANJACK (Cordia Alba) Other names: Colombia - Uvita mocosa, cuájaro, gomo blanco. Costa Rica - Tigüilote. Cuba - Varia blanca, ateje blanco, atejo amarillo El Salvador-Tigüilote, tiguilote negro, cebito. Haiti - Bois chique. Honduras - Chachalaco. Jamaica - Dope-cherry, duppy cherry. Lukumi - Mbota Mexico - Zazamil, sasanil, gualbere, chirimo Nicaragua -Tigüilote. Panama - Uvillo, uvero, goma. Puerto Rico - Capa, capa blanca. Venezuela- Caujaro, cariaco, tarare amarillo, tarare blanco, pardillo blanco, baboso, candilero, grimanso, flor de angel.

Description Indigenous tree growing up to 30 ft. The leaves are elliptical, glossy, and narrow towards the base. Extended branches. Makes excellent wood; yellow, compact and hard. The root grows very deep. Produces red fruits. USES Medicinal Skin blemishes. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin Rites of Palo – Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets ATEJE HERMOSO / SALMWOOD (Cordia gerascanthus)

Description Fast growing tree, reaching up to 60 ft. Excellent wood, heavy, hard compact; color light yellow with streaks. Yellow flowers, fruit the size and shape of a white grape, bland taste.

Other names: Argentina - Loro negro Brazil - Louro pardo Colombia, Venezuela – Canalete Cuba - Baria Kongo - Billaca Lukumi – Malau, Iredan Mexico - Siricote, Bocote, Cupane, Amapa asta

USES Medicinal Muscular cramps, dropsy, tumors, boils, chest ailments, tumors, chest ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin, Oshun, Babalu Aye.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Small to large tree reaching up to 100 ft. high. Valued for its wood; tobacco colored to reddish brown, with irregular dark brown or blackish streaks and variegations.

Description Erect scrub, 5 to 6 ft. wide. Wood soft, white. Leaves alternate, pale green. Flowers green, five petals, unscented. The fruit is a round capsule divided into three compartments, each holding one white almond, with taste somewhat similar to the exotic almond.

USES Medicinal Skin blemishes Superficial scars.




USES Medicinal Renal ailments.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Osayin, Oba, Oshun Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets.


AYUA / WHITE PRICKLY ASH (Zanthoxylum martinicense)

Other names: Cuba - Tabaco. Dominican Republic – Majagua de Indio Kongo - Pangua Lukumi – Sayi U.S. - Manjack, sticking berry, Jack tree

Other names: Cuba - Ayúa macho, ayúa amarilla, ayuda Kongo – Lunga Kuma Lukumi - Elegun U.S. - Toothache tree

Description Indigenous tree found in mountain ranges and hills. The wood is hard, ash color with white streaks. Deep roots. It is in bloom in February.

Description Tree found in rocky calcareous areas. Grows up to 60 ft. high with thick conical spines. Easily identified for its thorny trunk and leaves.



Medicinal Skin blemishes.

Medicinal Wounds, liver ailments, infectious diseases, syphilis, rheumatism, toothaches, chest ailments.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu aye Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and ceremonies.

Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Ogun Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ For protection amulets. The thorns protect against the evil eye.

AVELLANO DE COSTA (Omphalea trichotoma ) Other names: Cuba – Avellano de America Lukumi – Muyale, Rueri


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

AZAFRAN / SAFFLOWER (Carthamus tinctorius)

USES Medicinal Hepatic ailments, gonorrhea.

Other names: Haiti - Safran Kongo – Mayanda Lukumi – Ewe pupa

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ika Meji.

Description Annual shrub reaching up to 3 ft. The leaves are ovate. Flowers are orange which contain colorant substances. It is in leaf from May to October, in flower from August to October, and the seed ripen from September to October.

AZUCENA/TUBEROSE (Polianthes tuberosa) Other names: Cuba – Nardo, tuberosa Kongo – Touje Lukumi – Ododo fun


Description Perennial garden plant growing to 2 ft. Long, bright green leaves clustered at the base; smaller, clasping leaves along the stem; fragrant, waxy white flowers.

Medicinal Rheuma, menstrual pains, uterus ailments, measles, fever, eruptive skin complaints, bruises, sprains, skin inflammations, wounds, and sores.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala To condiment food offerings for the Orishas

Medicinal Cardiac conditions. Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Odudua Correlating Odu: Ika Ofun. ∗ Used in purification baths. ∗ To attract peace and prosperity. ∗ Placed in any room heightens the energy within and promotes tranquility.

AZUCARERO: Palo cochino AZUCARITO / BREAD-AND-CHEESE (Paullinia pinnata) Other names: British Antilles - Bread-and-cheese Cuba – Azucarillo, Bejuco de vieja, Bejuco matancero, Bejuco de Indio (Santiago de Cuba) El Salvador – Chilmecate, Nistamil Mexico - Barbasco, bejuquillo Puerto Rico -Bejuco de costilla, Bejuco de paloma U.S. – Supple jack Description Stout and woody vine that forms mats in forest openings and ascends rocks and trees by means of forked tendrils to access full sunlight. It may reach up to 30 ft long. The leaves are serrated, glossy above; independent, small white flowers; red or maroon fruit.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ofun

B BADANA: Arriero

Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For spells and rituals. Weakens, causes lapses.

BAGA / POND APPLE (Annona glabra) Other names: Brazil - Araticum do brejo. Colombia - Mayos Costa Rica - Guanábana silvestre Cuba - Baga, Palo bobo, guanábana cimarrona, cimarrona. Dominican Republic – Guanábano de corcho, mammon de perro, anon de río, baga, guanábana cimarrona Ecuador - Anona del campo Guatemala, Honduras - Anoncillo Haiti - Carossol marrón, mammier Kongo - Chona Mexico -Corcho, arbol de corcho, palo de corcho. Panama - Anón de puerco Puerto Rico - Cayur, corazón cimarrón, guanábano cimarrón, anón. U.S.- Alligator apple, custard apple Venezuela - Anón liso, chirimoya cimarrona, guanábano cimarrón, guanábano bobo.

BALSAMINA / GARDEN BALSAM (Impatiens balsamina) Other names: Cuba - Madama Haiti - balsamine des jardins, impatience, bel-zanmy U.S. - Rose balsam, spotted snap weed Description A colorful annual that thrives in partial shade or full sun. Its frilly flowers are either semi-double or fully double, looking rather like camellia blossoms. The blooms are white, cream, pink, rose, red or purple. Most plants grow to 2 feet tall. USES Medicinal Bacterial infections, circulatory ailments, fluid retention, eye ailments, lumbago, neuralgia, sores, wounds.

Description Indigenous tree reaching heights up to 35 ft. Grows near fresh water ponds and streams and in swampy hammocks; with a much swelled, or buttressed, base and short, clear trunk. The branches are stout and irregular-shaped. The leaves are leathery, bright green above, elliptical or oval. The flowers open from a threeangled bud on a stout flower stem, with six petals in two series of three each, of a pale or yellowish white, the three outer ones marked with a bright red spot near the base

BALSAMO / SATIN WOOD (Zanthoxylum pistacifolium) Other names: Arada - Xuntitina Cuba - Vencedor, Palo vencedor Description A deciduous shrub growing to 12 ft. Found on upland rocky hillsides and on moist low-lying sites, in open woods, on bluffs or in thickets. It is in flower from May to June, and the seeds ripen from September to October. The scented flowers are purple.



Medicinal Abdominal complaints, burns, coughing associated with TB, infantile diarrhea, jaundice, pulmonary ailments, rheumatism, intestinal parasites and worms.

Medicinal Ague, arthritis, digestive problems, dysentery, fevers, heart and kidney troubles, leg ulcers, poor circulation, rheumatism, skin irritation, toothache.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ For purification baths and cleansings of persons and the household. ∗ To banish negativity and evil spirits. ∗ To attract good fortune and prosperity. ∗ In amulets to overcome difficult situations and for protection.

BALSAMO MAZU Other names: Cuba -Azú, bálsamo azul, balsamo tranquilo Description Indigenous tree that is tapped like rubber trees to collect their resin-like saps known as "balsamo tranquilo". Its wood is hard, compact and heavy. USES


Medicinal Earaches. spasms.

Other names: Cuba -Bálsamo de Tolú. U.S. – Balsam of Peru


BALSAMO TRANQUILO: Balsamo Mazú BAMBU: Caña Brava BARDANA / GREAT BURDUCK (Arctium lappa) Other names: Mexico – Lampazo U.S. - Bardane Description A biennial plant found along fences, walls, and roadsides, in waste places, and around populated areas. The root is long, fleshy, gray-brown outside, and whitish inside. In its second year, the plant grows a furrowed, reddish, pithy stem with woolly branches. The leaves are green and hairy on top and downy gray beneath. The purple flowers appear in from July to September. The seeds ripen from September to October.

USES Medicinal Abscesses, asthma, bed sores, bronchitis, catarrh, colds, diaper rash, diarrhea, dysentery, granulations, headache, laryngitis, leukorrhea, lung ailments, rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, sores, sprains, tuberculosis, ulcerations, venereal diseases, wounds.


Other The powdered bark as an underarm deodorant. TOLU:


Religious/Magical: Promotes tranquility

Description A large and beautiful tree with a valuable wood like mahogany, and a straight smooth trunk; the last is coarse gray, compact, heavy granulated and a pale straw color, containing a resin which changes from citron to dark brown; smell and taste balsamic and aromatic. Leaves alternately, leaflets two pairs mostly opposite, ovate, lanceolate with the end blunt emarginated; every part of the tree including the leaves abounds in a resinous juice.

BALSAMO DE Guatemala



Medicinal Bites, boils, blood ailments, bruises, burns, eczema, herpes, high blood sugar levels, rashes and other skin problems, ringworm, sciatica, skin diseases, sores, throat and other infections, toxins in the blood, ulcers.



Dalia Quiros-Moran

BARIA / CORDIA (Cordia gerascanthus)

Description Annual herb. The leaves are opposite, very soft, and coarsely toothed with round teeth. Flowers occur in globes, slightly prickly to touch with thin leaves immediately undeneath. Flowers are orange and tubular.Stem is very rigid and square, plant is taprooted. Common in fallow fields.

Other names: Colombia - Canalete Cuba -Capa roja, Varía, Varía blanca, Varía amarilla, Varía carbonera, varía prieta El Salvador - Laurel blanco. Nicaragua - Laurel macho. Perú - Arbol del ajo. Puerto Rico - Capa prieta. U.S. – Salm Wood Venezuela - Canjaro, pardillo.

USES Medicinal High blood pressure, herpes, indigestion, intermittent abscess, paludism, colitis, anemia

Description Tree that reaches up to 100 ft. The trunk is erect, flexible; valued for its reddish brown wood, with irregular dark brown or black streaks and variegations. The leaves are oval, rough, pointed at the end.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunla. Used for Ifa rituals. Correlating Odu: Iroso Okana Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies

USES Medicinal Colds, epilepsy, hoarseness, insomnia, nervousness, skin ailments, sore throat, toxins in the blood.

BAYATE / WHITE ROSEWOOD (Linociera domingensis) Other names: Cuba - Bayito, dominguito, guaney, caney, pico de gallo, hueso.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Oya, Elegba Correlating Odu: Ika Ogbe, To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi ∗ For purification baths and cleansing of persons and the household. ∗ To overcome difficult situations and to dominate. ∗ To attract good luck.

Description Tree found in hills and calcareous soils. The leaves are long, lanceolate. Fruits are oval, smaller than an olive. The wood has streaks, very hard. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala To expel unwanted persons from the household.

BASTON DE SAN FRANCISCO/ LION'S EAR (Leonitis nepetifolia)


Other names: Brazil – Cordao de Frade Colombia – Cordon de Fraile Cuba - Cola de león, molinillo. Kongo - Tóngo Lukumi – Morobó Puerto Rico – Boton de cadeta, Hisopo, Molinillo, Vara de San Jose U.S. Christmas candlestick

Other names: Bahamas - Sword Plant Cuba - Bayoneta, cucaracha, espino, maguey silvestre, piñon de puñal. Haiti - Bayonette, pinguin Jamaica - Spanish dagger


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Lukumi - Peregun U.S. - Spanish bayonet, aloe yucca

Description Trifoliate vine. The leaves are alternate, ovate at the base. The flowers are yellow/green; they have a peculiar, unpleasant scent.

Description An evergreen shrub growing to 5 ft. It is in flower from July to September. Grows in sand dunes and the borders of beaches of the seacoast. The flowers are white.

USES Medicinal Alcoholism

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlating Odu: Ofun Ogbe, Ogunda, Ofun Meji Essential for initiation rituals

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets


BEJUCO ANGARILLA / FOWLS FOOT (Serjania diversifolia)


Other names: Cuba - Bejuco colorado. Kongo - Seikon Lukumi – Obolo, Yenkemi

BEJUCO DE ALCANFOR / DUTCHMAN'S PIPE (Aristolochia trilobata) Other names: Haiti - Trèf carayib Kongo – Embi Lukumi – Ewe tuko

Description Vine, also known as "Bejuco Colorado". Grows in low areas. It is in bloom in November. The seeds mature in February.

Description Flowering vine. The leaves are threelobed, glossy. The flowers have a bend in them shaped like an old pipe; pale green, striped tan with a long tail. They emit an unpleasant and the stems have a foul smell when crushed.

USES Medicinal Hemorrhoids. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets For cleansings to banish negativity.

BEJUCO BATALLA Other names: Kongo - Wangara USES

BEJUCO AMARGO / BIRTHWORT (Aristolochia trilobata)

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Essential for the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets

Other names: Brazil – Angelico, Contra Herva Bastarda, Jaruiba Lukumi – Iye Koro Puerto Rico – Buche de Pavos, Bejuco de Santiago Venezuela – Bejuco de Estrella


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Lukumi – Uñuare, Kawon. Nicaragua - Hoja-chigüe

BEJUCO BARACOA: Bejuco Vergajo

Description Woody vine with papery reddish bark, the leaves are rough, white flowers, four to six fruit per bud, green color, containing black seed.

BEJUCO BOROCOCO / WHITE THUMBERGIA (Thumbergia fragans) Other names: Cuba - Anteojo de poeta, jazmín del Vedado. Kongo - Waniko Lukumi - Yila U.S. - sweet clock-vine, white lady

USES Medicinal Chest ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Oshun Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Description Slender-stemmed climbing plant. Leaves margined, lower ones more or less lobed but upper ones rounded towards the base or having two small teeth only. Corolla lobes obliquely aligned to the tube, about 2 inches across the white, scentless flower that opens in the evening making a detonation noise.

BEJUCO CASTAÑO: Bejuco Guarana BEJUCO COLORADO (Serjania diversifolia)

USES Other names: Cuba - Bejuco carey, bejuco de cerca, bejuco de corrales, bejuco de vara, bejuco guara, Bejuco guarana y gauvillo. Lukumi - Obolo

Medicinal Headaches. Insomnia. Religious / Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Description Reddish vine; reaches up to half an inch thick, smooth, furrowed branches. Flexible. Found in black soils. It is in flower from April through May.



Other names: Cuba - Vencebatalla. USES

Medicinal Chest ailments, diseases.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets To overcome; to succeed in any endeavor.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Orishaoko, Elegba Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.




BEJUCO CAREY (Tetracera volubilis) Other names: Colombia - Bejuco chiparron, bejuco tome Costa Rica - Raspa, raspa-guacales Cuba - Bejuco Guará Kongo - Ndukora 36

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


BEJUCO DE CRUZ / HIPPOCRATEA (Hippocratea volubilis) Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de castaña, bejuco de vieja. Haiti - Lyan'n Z'Amande, Bois Z'Amande, Lyan'n Rouge, Lyan'n Crabe Kongo - Npoti Lukumi – Anmele, Saraundere U.S. – Medicine vine

Other names: Cuba - Conchita, conchita azul, deleite, divierte sabanerón, papito de la reina. U.S. – Pigeon Wings Description Tropical annual or biennial slender twiner reaching 15 ft, with pinnate leaves, and pea-like solitary, showy flowers with broad, fan-like lip narrowing to the base, bright blue with beautiful markings in the throat, blooming all summer.

Description An indigenous climbing vine found in mountainous areas, and calcareous soils. Flowers small, green, in large terminal panicles. Fruit green, divided in three compartments filled with flat, winged brown seeds.



Medicinal Abdominal discomforts.

Medicinal Chest ailments. Snake bites.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Orishaoko Correlating Odu: Odu Ejionle Meji. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Odudua Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets For ritual baths and amulets to attract health and prosperity.

BEJUCO DE CORRALES / FOWLS FOOT (Serjania diversifolia)

BEJUCO DE CUBA / CHEWSTICK (Gouania polygama)

Other names: Cuba - Bejuco Colorado Kongo - Twonfi Lukumi - Waniri

Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de dientes, leñatero, bejuco de indio, jaboncillo. Kongo - Nyouyole Lukumi - Idalla Panama – Jaboncillo

Description Vine. The glossy leaves are obovate, dentate. Flowers arranged in racemes, the fruit have a fuzzy cover on the upper part. The seeds mature in February. It is in bloom from October through December.


Description Vine. The leaves are olive-green above, yellow green underneath. The sepals pale tannish green.

USES Medicinal Gum disease

USES Medicinal Skin infections

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Medicinal Gonorrhea, eye irritation and swelling, gum disease

BEJUCO DE FIDEOS / DODDER (Cuscuta americana) Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de fideo, fideillo. Haiti - Lamitie Kongo - Nyouyole Lukumi - Uti

BEJUCO Lombriz




BEJUCO DE JAIBA Description Indigenous vine. Grows in low-lying areas, and riversides, aerial roots.

Description Parasitary plants found in dry soils and hills, with leaves reduced to scales. The stems are thin, cylindrical and golden yellow; they look like noodles, crawling over plants to absorb their juice, covering them almost completely.

USES Medicinal Hemorrhages

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Medicinal: Jaundice. Liver ailments. Blood toxins. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila Palo Rites For rituals and amulets


BEJUCO DE GIRIMU: Aguinaldo Blanco BEJUCO DE INDIAS: Bejuco Leñatero

Other names: Lukumi – Oguetiyo Aro U.S. – Bush spiderling


Description Sub shrub; common on rocky slopes and washes; flowers pale green, March & November.

Other names: Cuba - Indio trepador. Lukumi - Chinyo U.S. – Moon Vine

USES Medicinal Gonorrhea. Venereal diseases.

Description Perennial vine can smother tall forest canopies. The large leaves are dark green on the upper side and paler green on the underside; divided in 5 to 7 narrow lobes. The flowers are a bright yellow, funnelformed. The globular fruit turns into a woody pod.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Description Herbaceous vine, often blanketing nearby vegetation. Slender cylindrical stems; leaves simple, opposite, ovate, bright green on top, pale green underneath; flowers small, white.

BEJUCO DE VARA: Bejuco Colorado BEJUCO DE VIEJA: Bejuco de Cruz

USES Medicinal Asthma, bile, bloody stools, cholera, fever, flu, insect bites, malaria, rheumatism, scorpion bite, sore, spasm, stomach, syphilis, tetanus.

BEJUCO DE LA VIRGEN (Cassia Chryssocarpa) Other names: Lukumi – Alai Kongo – Nfita Ngana Maria

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun and Osayin Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets To counteract ingested witchcraft.

Description Native vine. The flowers are yellow. The fruit is gold. USES

BEJUCO GUARANA (Davilla rugosa)

Medicinal Ear ailments and infections.

Other names: Cuba (Camaguey) -Bejuco carey, bejuco colorado, bejuco de cerca, bejuco guarana, guaranillo. Kongo - Disoto Lukumi – Kensa Mexico - Bejuco de agua Nicaragua - Hojachigüe

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets BEJUCO GARAÑON USES

Description Reddish vine; reaches up to half an inch thick, smooth, furrowed branches. Flexible. Found in black soils. It is in flower from April through May.

Medicinal Impotence. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun Correlating Odu: Eyioko Obara, Irete Obara. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

USES Medicinal Hoarseness. Skin rashes. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orishaoko, Erinle Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

BEJUCO GUACO / GUACO (Mikania guaco) Other names: Brazil - Cipó-Cabeludo Haiti - Lyan'n Koulèv, Lyan'n serpent, Lyan'n Françoise U.S. - Hempvine


Dalia Quiros-Moran

BEJUCO GUAURO (Gonolobus pubescens)

BEJUCO JIMAGUA / GRAPE VINE (Vitis caribaea) Other names: Cuba - Parra cimarrona. Lukumi – Ewe lopamo, Ajara melli

Other names: Cuba - Huevo de toro. Kongo - Tabi Lukumi – Egua

Description A deciduous, native vine; woody stem that climbs by tendrils into and over the tops of nearby trees and other vegetation. The leaves are alternate and variable in form, generally heart-shaped, three-lobed or unlobed, with or without serrations at edges. The flowers are small, greenish, five-petaled. Clusters of purple to black edible fruits that appear from late summer to fall.

USES Medicinal Hemorrhoids. Need of vomiting. Tetanus. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Oke Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

BEJUCO JABONCILLO/ WHITE ROOT (Guania Lupoloides) Other names: Colombia – Rabo de Mono


USES Medicinal Dropsy, stomach ailments.

Other names: Cuba - Aguinaldo marrullero, marrullero.


Description Profusely flowering vine. The leaves are small, simple, heart shaped; the flowers bell shaped, pink, lavender or lilac outside, dark purple inside. Fruit a capsule with four brown or black seeds, smooth and glossy.

Description Indigenous vine. Slender stems. USES Medicinal Gonorrhea.


Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Medicinal Infected wounds. Insect bites.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orishaoko Correlating Odu: Ika Ogunda Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

BEJUCO LOMBRICES / HEART LEAF (Philodendron scandens)


Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de lombrices.

Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de dientes, bejuco indio, bejuco jaboncillo. Colombia – Bejuco de Reina Dominican Republic - Bejuco de Indio Haiti - Lyan'n savon Kongo - Etun Nicaragua - Rabo de mono U.S. – Soapstick

Description Vine growing half an inch thick; leaves are long and thin; the root winds its way up to the top of the trees. USES Medicinal Intestinal worms and parasites

Description Vine found in all soils, the stem grows up to two inches thick. The leaves are alternate; small flowers. It is in flower throughout the spring. The fruit is elliptical, brown when mature.

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets BEJUCO LOMBRICERO (Philodendron lacerum)


Other names: Cuba - Macusey macho.

Medicinal Hemorrhage, burns, gum disease, dropsy, gonorrhea

Description Vine with large platter-sized foliage that is slightly palmately lobed.

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

USES Medicinal Arthritis, contusion, sore, toothache

BEJUCO LOMBRIZ (Philodendron Wrigtii)

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Other names: Kongo – Sekuse Lukumi - Omisu

BEJUCO LONGANIZA (Serjania oblongata)

Description Indigenous climbing vine found in mountainous areas and calcareous hills. Grows up to 30 ft. The stems are thin, the leaves ovate.

USES Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

USES Medicinal Intestinal worms and jaundice

BEJUCO lombricero.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye, Elegba Rites of Palo For rituals, ceremonies and amulets


BEJUCO MADRINA Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Obara Iroso



Dalia Quiros-Moran

Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

BEJUCO PENDOLA (Securidaca volubilis) Other names: Kongo – Areto Lukumi - Leremi

BEJUCO MARRULLERO / COW PEAS (Vigna vexillata) Other names: Cuba - Caracolillo de cerca. Lukumi – Floido U.S. – Wild Mung, wild cowpeas

USES Medicinal Liver ailments.

Description Long trailing vines with narrow pointed bean-like leaves, pods and seeds resemble mung beans, and the roots are nodulated.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Oba Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ To bind a couple that is still in love, but has parted due to a spell.

USES Medicinal Sores.

BEJUCO PERDIZ / CATCLAW VINE (Macfadyena unguis-cacti)

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Other names: Cuba - Bejuco perdicero. Kongo - Mansagro Lukumi – Duela U.S. - Bignonia




Description Lianas up to 50 ft. or more long, often rooting at the nodes, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves drying dark green to nearly black, leaflets narrowly ovate to lanceolate, tendril deciduous, 3-forked, each fork bearing a small horny hook. Flowers usually in axillary clusters of 1-3; calyx cup-like, glabrous. Capsules drying blackish, linear, flattened, tapering at both ends.

Medicinal Rheumatism. Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets BEJUCO PARRA: Bejuco Jimagua BEJUCO PELADOR (Serjania glabra)


Other names: Kongo – Buaña, Buare

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orishaoko, Oshosi Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ To separate and create chaos among friends.

USES Medicinal Skin infections, ulcers and wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye, Obatala Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets




Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

BEJUCO PRIETO (Serjania subdentata)

BEJUCO SAN PEDRO (Stigmaphillon lineare)

Other names: Cuba - Alambrillo, bejuco becerra, bejuco casero, bejuco colorado, bejuco lechero, Bejuco vergajo blanco, curamaguey prieto y tripa de pollo. Kongo - Brose Lukumi – Ruye

Other names: Cuba – San Pedro de flor amarilla Kongo – Bejuco Zarabanda Yayanke Lukumi - Jisollo Description Woody climbing vine, very common in lowlying areas and arid soils. The leaves are opposite, ovate, rounded at the base, smooth above, pubescent underneath. The flowers are axillary, bright yellow.

Description A woody, climbing vine with long leaves, white flowers and inedible dark, grape sized, berries. It resembles a ruffled ribbon, winding its way up to the top of the tree. The stem is deeply furrowed, color gray, and covered with patches of lichen. The odor of the vine is slightly aromatic.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Elegba ∗ To cause chaos and turmoil. ∗ For protection.

USES Medicinal Boils, conjunctivitis, buccal ailments and pain, difficult menstruation, minor kidney problems, pre- and postnatal pain, rheumatism, testicle inflammation, unbalanced female hormones, uterine hemorrhages.

BEJUCO TORTUGA / BAUHINIA (Bauhinia heterophyllia) Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de tortuga. Mexico - Timbe, hierba de la vaca, papalocahuite U.S. – Monkey ladder

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu Correlating Odu: Ofun Ogunda. Rites of Palo – For rituals and amulets ∗ To banish evil spirits

Description Vigorous woody vine found in sandy soils. The mature stem is flat, very tortuous. The scented flowers are pale yellow, with purple specks inside. The fruit is green, with purple specks in the center.

BEJUCO SABANERO (Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum)


Other names: Cuba (Camaguey) - Bejuco San Pedro. Lukumi - Ogumona USES

Medicinal Boils, bronchitis, colds, coughs, diarrhea, dysentery, dropsy, liver ailments, malaria, ulcers, wounds

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu, Ogun, Orishaoko Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets To cause turmoil.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Yemaya Correlated Odu: Ika Okana Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets


Dalia Quiros-Moran

BEJUCO UBI-hoja ancha / POSSUM GRAPE (Cissus sicyoides)

Description Climbing vine, leaves are large, heart shaped, glossy, and simple. Grows in all soils.

Other names: Colombia - Bejuco chirriador, bejuco castro Costa Rica - Iasu, bejuco iasu Cuba - Bejuco ubi Dominican Republic - Caro, bejuco de caro Guatemala, Honduras Bejuco comemano Haiti -Lyan'n mol, Lyan'n Brulante, Lyan'n à Corde, Lyan'n à-Chasseur Mexico - Vid silvestre, tripas de juda Nicaragua - Uvilla Puerto Rico - Caro, bejuco de caro U.S. – Season Vine, Princess vine

USES Medicinal Colds, ear infections, excess wax in the ears, influenza, inflammation, rheumatism Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets BEJUCO UBI MACHO / SORREL VINE (Cissus trifoliata)

Description Vine found in calcareous hills, the leaves are small, simple, and glossy. Flowers green, disk and stamens are yellow.

Other names: Cuba - Parrita cimarrona, Ubi colorado. Lukumi – Ewele keri Mexico - Hierba del buey, Bolontobi Nicaragua – Uvilla U.S. – Marine Vine

USES Medicinal Back pain, boils, bruises, gangrene, hemorrhoids, influenza, itching, mental disorders, phlegm, rheumatism, skin sores including sunburn, swollen feet, and ulcers

Description Evergreen vine with thick, light green leaves that are deeply notched.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Medicinal Skin, sore, tumor


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

BEJUCO UBI- de cinco hojas / SEASON VINE (Cissus sicyoides) Other names: Colombia - Bejuco castro, bejuco chirriador Costa Rica - Iasu, bejuco iasu Cuba - Bejuco Ubi Guatemala, Honduras Bejuco comemano Lukumi – Ewele Keri Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo - Bejuco de caro, caro Mexico - Tripa de vaca, vid silvestre, tumbavaqueros, hierba del buey. Nicaragua - Uvilla U.S. – Possum Grape, Princess vine

BEJUCO Carabalí



BEJUCO VERGAJO/ DRAGON WITHE (Heteropterys laurifolia) Other names: Costa Rica - Coral Cuba - Vergajo de toro, mata negro, bejuco baracoa, Juan caliente. Kongo - Nontori


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Lukumi – Failla, Atire Mexico - Pinsanillo, escobillo, bejuco de caballo. Panama - Cointura Puerto Rico - Bejuco de buey

BEJUCO ZARZUELA / LANCELEAF GREENBRIER (Smilax domigensis) Other names: Cuba - Bejuco zarzaparrilla, raíz de china.

Description Vine reaching up to half and inch thick. The leaves are deep green, opposite, lanceolate. Flowers in racemes, yellow. Blooms in spring. Produces green fruits. Deep roots.

Description Perennial vine. A long, tuberous rootstock producing a vine which trails on the ground and climbs by means of tendrils growing in pairs from the petioles of the alternate, orbicular to ovate, evergreen leaves. The small, greenish flowers grow in axillary umbels.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orishaoko Rites of Palo For binding spells For rituals and amulets

USES Medicinal Catarrh, colds, fevers, flatulence, gout, rheumatism, ringworm, skin problems, scrofula.

BEJUCO VERRACO (Elsota virgata)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin It has negative properties. Can harm the expecting mother and the unborn child.

Other names: Cuba (Camagüey) – Perlilla Dominican Republic – Maravedi Kongo – Fumasi, Kuenye Lukumi – Arebo

BELLADONA / CATHEDRAL BELLS (Kalanchoe aegyptiaca)

Description Indigenous woody vine with violet flowers.

Other names: Cuba - Peregrina. Haiti - Lougarou


Description Herb. The flowers are pale green. In bloom from February through March. Found occasionally in shady places.

Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, constipation, cough, delayed menstruation, dementia, depression, flatulence, impotence, kidney troubles, laryngitis, menstrual cramps, nervousness, rheumatism, skin sores, snakebite, swollen legs/feet, venereal disease.

USES Medicinal Bronchitis, eye irritation, fever, flatulence, headache, heartburn, internal fevers, intestinal upset, sores, ulcers, urinary tract inflammation

Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba Correlating Odu: Eyioko Ogunda Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ To banish the evil eye and breaking spells.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odudua, Obatala, Yemaya Correlating Odu: Osa Iwori.


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BEN: Paraíso Francés

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Taboo for Oshun Ololodi Taboo in Odu Odi Meji To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ To attract good fortune

BERGAJO (Rourea glabra) Other names: Cuba (Camagüey) - Bejuco baracoa, mata negro, Juan caliente. Description Climbing vine found in calcareous soils, near low coastal areas. The leaves are composite, lustrous; yellow fruit.

BETEL / BETEL PEPPER (Piper betle) Other names: U.S. – Betel Leaf


Description An evergreen vine, it climbs to a height of 12 ft. The stem is slender, twining and rounded; the leaves are oval-acuminate, green and smooth; the flowers are green, occurring in spikes; the fruit are fleshy, red berries.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odua BERENJENA / EGG PLANT (Solanum melongena) Other names: Yoruba - Igba Aja

USES Medicinal Gum disease, burn pain, dandruff

Description An annual herb or a perennial shrub with alternate, ovate or elliptical purplish-green leaves. Abundantly found in plains. The flowers are violet. Berries purple, white or black. It is in bloom February through March. Fruits April through May.

BIBONA (Gilibertia arborea) Other names: Costa Rica - Cacho de venado. Cuba - Palo santo, Ramon de vaca, víbona, ahorca jíbaro, palo cachimba. Kongo - Kinkua Mexico - Palo santo, palo de danta, mano de danta, mano de león. Panama - Vaquero. Puerto Rico - Vívona, Palo cachumba, Muñeca.

USES Medicinal Fever, Pyorrhea Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya Correlating Odu: Irete Otrupon

Description Indigenous tree with trunk reaching up to 18 ft. high, and six inches in diameter. Found in hills, near forests and riverbanks, black and brown soils. The wood is white; leaves are alternate, glossy, elliptical and lanceolate.

BERRO / WATERCRESS (Nasturtium oficinale) Other names: Haiti - Kreson-Frans Lukumi –Iguere, yeye peregun Description Aquatic perennial herb. The plant is characterized by long, floating and ascending stems, green, fleshy leaflets, and small white flowers. 46

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


U.S. – Green Heart

Medicinal Fever

Description Commonly diffuse shrub. The upper sides of the leaves are dark green and shiny and the undersides are covered with rusty down. The younger parts of the tree have numerous conspicuous rusty-read hairs. The star-shaped flowers are yellow and the ripe fruits are purple to black. They sometimes open explosively and scatter three black seeds.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies BIENGRANADA: Apasote BIEN VESTIDA: Acacia


BIJA / ARNOTTO TREE (Bixa orellana)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and ceremonies ∗ Causes insanity

Other names: Brazil - Urucum Colombia - Achote, Onoto Cuba - Bija, cacicuto Guatemala – Achote Haiti – Woucou Lukumi - Oen Venezuela – Onoto


Description Profusely fruiting shrub or small tree; grows 15 to 30 ft. in height. Approximately 50 seeds grow inside of prickly reddishorange heart shaped pods at the end of the branches. The trees are literally covered by these brightly colored pods and one small Bixa tree can produce up to 600 pounds of seeds. The seeds are covered with a reddish aril, which is the source of orange-yellow dye.

Other names: Cuba - Bledo, espinaca. Lukumi – Ewe tete Puerto Rico – Blero, Bledo manso U.S. - Green calalu Description Annual weed of waste grounds and roadsides. USES


Medicinal Boils, dysentery and inflammation

Medicinal Fevers, hepatitis, liver disease, phlegm in newborn babies, skin problems.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship One of the five essential plants to make ritual omiero. Belongs to Obatala and Elegba Correlating Odu: Ejionle Ogunda, Okana Ika, Osa Okana, Irete Untelu, Irete Iwori.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba and Shango. Other Food coloring BIJAGUA O BIJAGUARA / WILD COFFEE (Colubrina, colubrina) Other names: Cuba - Bijaguara, birijagua. 47

Dalia Quiros-Moran

To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ For cleansings and purification of objects, household and persons.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Used for Babalu Aye rituals. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba.

BLEDO CARBONERO / POKE (Phytolacca icosandra)


Other names: Brazil – Tinturera Colombia – Grava Cuba – Terba carmin Puerto Rico – Juan de Vargas U.S. -Pokeweed, red weed, red ink plant, garget, pigeon berry, American nightshade, red ink berries.

Other Names: Lukumi - Gbegbe U.S - Amaranth, Grain Amaranth, Red Cockscomb, Tassel flower. Description Annual growing to 6 ft. It is in flower from July to September and the seeds ripen from August to September. The red flowers are individually small but are borne in long, narrow, finger-like clusters. Some of the clusters will branch and droop providing a cascade of dark red.

Description Herb reaching up to 3 ft. high. Grows in calcareous, coastal areas. The leaves are long, lanceolate. Flowers are erect growing in a raceme. Fruit is red, and then turns black when it matures. USES


Medicinal Catarrh, laryngitis, mumps, scabies and other pests, swollen glands, syphilis and malignant tumors, rheumatism, tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract infections.

Medicinal Scrophulous sores. BLEDO MORISCO: Acediana

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To pack amulets and Eshu Used to make ritual omiero.

BOJ DE CUBA (Picardaea cubense) Other names: Cuba - Boje


Description Shrub found in calcareous soils. The leaves are opposite, short petiolate; the blades are obovate. The flowers are cup shaped, white to cream-white inside, and red, violet to purple outside Fruit a capsule, thinly woody.

Other names: Haiti-Zepina-à-Shyen,Zepina-Koshon, Zepina-Pikan, Zepina-Rouj, Zepina-Kabrit U.S. - Wild Spinache, Amaranth, Pigweed Description Annual plant growing to 1 ft. Found in roadsides, waste places and fields.

USES Medicinal Paludism, liver ailments, toothaches, intestinal worms.

USES Medicinal Broken bones, colic, diarrhea, eczema, excessive menstruation, gonorrhea, internal bleeding, nosebleeds, snake bites, ulcerated mouths, vaginal discharges, and wounds.



Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

BONIATO / SWEET POTATOE (Ipomoea batatas)

BORRAJA / BORAGE (Borrago officinalis)

Other names: Brazil - Batata da ilha Mexico - Camote Dominican Republic – Batata Kongo - Mbala Lukumi – Oduko, undukumduku

Description Annual reaching to 2 feet in height. It is in flower from June to October, and the seeds ripen from July to October. Grows in waste grounds near houses. USES

Description Crawling vine producing large rhizomes. Well known for its nutritional value. The stems are smooth; leaves elliptical; flowers pale purple. USES

Medicinal Chest problems and kidney problems, damaged or irritated tissues, fevers, hormonal unbalance, high blood pressure, inflammatory swellings, melancholy, skin complaints and pre-menstrual tension.

Medicinal Slow milk production in lactating women, pimples, skin blemishes

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orishaoko, Oshun Used for rituals and offerings to the Orishas.

Other uses The growing plant is said to repel insects. BOTON DE ORO / INDIAN MALLOW (Abutilon indicum)

BONIATO DE PLAYA / BAYHOPS (Ipomoea pes-caprae)

Other names: Lukumi – Ewe oshiwere, ewe fin

Other names: Puerto Rico – Bejuco de Playa U.S. - Railroad vine

Description Shrub with solitary, pale peachy-yellow flowers formed among the large broad, toothed, hairy leaves and at the ends of the branches. Grows up to 6 ft. high.

Description A native, robust vine reaching up to 10 ft. long. It is found in coastal areas, forming large colonies; in flower year-round, peaking from May till November. The stems are flexible, thick and root at the nodes. The leaves are green, leathery; they are two-lobed and look more heartshaped. The flowers are pink to lavender, funnel-like, open in the morning, only one time each. The fruit is brown, and in the form of half an inch pods, each containing four seeds. USES

USES Medicinal Diabetes, urinary infections Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Oshun, Inle Correlating Odu: Ejionle Odi, Oyekun Iwori, Odi Osa, Irete Wori. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies

Medicinal Arthritis pains and aches, jellyfish stings. Religious/Magical Ritual baths to banish evil spells.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

BRUJA/ YELLOW AUTUMN CROCUS (Sternbergia lutea) Other names: Cuba – Brujita U.S - Winter daffodil, Fall daffodil Kongo - Guengue Lukumi - Erere Description Cultivated bulb. Gently curving flowers extend up to 2 inches from 6 to 8 inches stems. Produces crocus-like leaves after flowering that lasts through the winter. The flower is yellow, pink or white. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun BRUSELLA USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs Shango Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

sub acid fruits. It is in flower during the spring.

C CABALONGA / TROMPET FLOWER (Thevetia peruviana)

USES Medicinal Tetanus, wound

Other names: Arada – Kuyomasa Brazil - Castanha elétrica British Antilles - Lucky nut, luck seed Colombia -Cabalonga, cobalonga, amancay, aje de monte, pepa de cruz, castañeto Costa Rica -Chirca El Salvador -Chilindrón, campanilla amarilla Guatemala -Chirca Haiti - Fèy-Sezisman Mexico -Chirca, narciso amarillo Nicaragua -Chilca Puerto Rico -Caballón U.S. - Yellow oleander Venezuela -Lengua de gato, retama

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ To ward off illness CABO DE HACHA / BROOMSTICK (Trichilia Hirta) Other names: Cuba - Guaban, Jubaban Dominican Republic - Jojoban Haiti - Monben bata Kongo - Nkunia, beleloasu Lukumi - Ere, iggi, nika, akudiyica Mexico - Garbancillo, Jumay, Palo colorado chico, azuica. Nicaragua - Mata-piojo Panama – Conejo colorado, Matapiojo Puerto Rico - Cabo de Hacha, Guaita, jobillo, nolinillo, palo de Anastasio, retamo.

Description Graceful tree with shiny leaves and yellow or apricot Funnel shaped flowers; five petals. The globular fruits are segmented and green in color. Latex and fruits are poisonous.

Description Tree of the mahogany family that reaches up to 35 ft high. The trunk is erect, cylindrical. Bark is maroon. Wood often used for timber. Produces aromatic cream flowers. Fruits are green turning brown when matured.

USES Medicinal Fever, insomnia, malaria. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Used only for rituals of this Orisha. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ The seed for amulets.

USES Medicinal Anemia, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore, tumors. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya. Correlating Odu: Iroso Ika Rites of Palo Nkisi rituals and amulets. ∗ Purification baths negativity.

CABEZA DE TORO: Aceitunillo CABIMA / CUBAN MANGOSTEEN (Rheedia aristata) Other names: Cuba - Manaju

Other - Body lice, Vermin

Description Native tree reaching up to 35 ft. The trunk bears one-inch diameter, reddish wood; leaves sharp-tipped; lateral roots; yellow,





Dalia Quiros-Moran

CACAO / COCOA (Theobroma cacao)


Other names: Brazil - Cacau

Other names: Kongo – Pentongo Lukumi - Munumi U.S. – Mule ear orchid

Description Tropical evergreen tree growing up to 25 feet. The pod contains the cacao beans that are fermented, roasted, and processed to extract cocoa powder.

Description Cultivated orchid. USES


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ibeji.

Medicinal Asthma, burns, chest colds, cough, digestive complaints, dry lips, fever, insomnia, malaria, rheumatism, scars, snakebite, and wounds.

CAGUAIRAN / COPAL TREE (Copaifera hymenaefolia)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. For rituals and ceremonies.

Other Names: Cuba - Caguairán, quiebrahacha Kongo - Uye Lukumi - Bi

CAFÉ / COFFEE (Coffea arabica) Other names: Haiti – Kafe Kongo – Tufiolo, Kuandia Lukumi – Obi motiwa, Ekanchachaete

Description Indigenous plant. Maroon wood. USES Iggi

Medicinal Sores, hard to heal wounds, warts.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Okana Osa. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Description Evergreen shrub up to 15 feet in height. The leaves are elliptical, glossy. The fruit is a fleshy berry, in which 2 seeds are imbedded. Blossoming and fruit setting occur mainly 2 to 3 times per year.



Other names: Cuba - Güirito de pasión, pasionaria. U.S. - fragrant granadilla, winged-stem passionflower

Medicinal Toothaches. Constipation. Fever. Chest ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Egun rituals and other ceremonies. Taboo in Odu Ejionle Odi. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

Description Vigorous liana, with thick quadrangular winged stems. The leaves are oval or oblong, the flowers are spectacular, and the fruit is oval yellow to bright orange, resembling tiny calabashes.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


CAIMITO / STAR APPLE (Chrysophyllum cainito)

Medicinal Acne.

Other names: Colombia - Maduraverde Haiti - Abiaba, Kayimit Kongo – Ennua, Yere Lukumi - Asan Mexico - Caimito, Cayumito Puerto Rico – Caimitero

CAGUASO / SEASHORE PASPALUM (Paspalum virgatum) Other names: Cuba – Caguazo, Caguate

Description An evergreen tree that reaches a height of 50 ft. The oblong-lanceolate leaves are dark green and smooth on the upper surface and silky golden brown on the under surface. The purplish-white flowers are small. The globose fruits range up to 4 inches in diameter and are green or purplish. The tough skin surrounds a white, sweet, edible pulp in which are imbedded the small, hard, brown, glossy seeds.

Description Perennial grass. The robust stems are 3 – 6 ft. high. Blades rough, sharp edged; inflorescence green with 10 to 15 racemes. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi. CAIMITO CIMARRON: Caimitillo


CAIMITILLO / SATIN LEAF (Chrysophylum oliviforme)

Medicinal Diarrhea. Gum Sores.

Other names: Cuba - Caimitillo, caimito cimarrón, macanabo. Haiti - Ti kayimit Lukumi – Ewe kosaa U.S. - Golden leaf tree.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya. Correlating Odu: Iwori Ika, Odi Okana, Obara Otrupon, Okana Ogunda, Osa Okana. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets.

Description Slender tree of distinctive shinny, stiff, dark green leaves with satiny fuzz on the underside. Tiny pale green, clustered flowers. The green fruit, an oval berry, resembles a small olive, as indicated by the botanical name. The resemblance persists when the fruit ripens to purpleblack.

CAIMITO BLANCO / WHITE CAIMITO (Chrysophyllum cainito)


Description Variety of the common caimito.

Medicinal Diabetes. Fever.

USES Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For Nkisi rituals and amulets.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya. Correlating Odu: Odi Okana.

CAIMONI: Camagua


Dalia Quiros-Moran

CAIREL / BEACH BEAN (Mucuna urens)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Babalu Aye, and Inle. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Eyioko, Otura Osa, Otura Irete. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba.

Other names: Cuba - Jairey, Jairel, Pica-Pica. Lukumi - Inabi U.S. – Cowhage Description A large woody perennial vine with a fibrous root and a twining, herbaceous, much-branched stem of considerable length. Leaflets elliptic, lustrous, and purplish below, green above. The flowers are large, have a disagreeable odor; the legume sessile, oblong, and covered with irritant setae; seeds 1-4, compressed or subglobose, orbicular, brownish fuscous. It is found in woods along river courses, upon fences, and in waste, neglected places.

Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. Used to make Nkisi lango. To banish illness caused by witchcraft or the evil eye. CAJUELA / SURADAN PILON (Hyeronima alchorneoides) Other names: Brazil - Licurana Colombia - Cargamanto Cuba - Carne de doncella Venezuela – Carne Asada, Trompillo


Description Large straight trees with spreading rounded buttresses; reaching heights of 130 ft. bark rough reddish. Leaves glabrous, with thick, tan, pubescence below, peltate scales above; Flowers without petals, calyx cuplike yellowishgreen.

Medicinal Abdominal discomfort, cholera, dropsy, hemorrhoids, leucorrhoea, paralysis, toothache. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. ∗ For amulets to attract good fortune and love.

USES Medicinal Burns

CAISIMON / MONKEY'S HAND (Pothomorphe peltata)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin, Shango, Ogun. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Other names: Kongo - Tagwan Lukumi – Ewe okuwe Mexico (Pothomorphe auritum) – Caisimón, Mano de zopilote, Santilla de culebra Puerto Rico - Basquiña

CALABAZA / PUMPKIN (Cucurbita Maxima)

Description Native perennial shrub reaching heights of 5 ft. Found in lowlands and mid-elevation forests. The erect stems are ridged, green. Large leaves, pointed at the end. In flower during the spring, cream scented flowers.

Other names: Arada - Ahohuwe Cuba – Calabaza amarilla Dominican Republic – Auyama Kongo – Male, malengue Lukumi - Ewe Elegede

USES Medicinal Cystitis. Erysipelas. Inflammation.



Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description An annual creeper with stems up to 30 feet long, furnished with large claspers. The leaves are large and rough like Melons. The flowers are large like yellow Lilies in color. The fruit is very large and contains white, flattish seeds.

Rites of Palo For rituals amulets. For purification baths CAMAGUA (Wallenia laurifolia) Other names: Cuba - Caimoní, carmoní, casmagua, caumao, guacamarí. Dominican Republic – Caimoni, Pendola Haiti – Bois Crapaud Kongo - Bisonto

USES Medicinal Bowels and urinary tract irritations; burn pains, catarrh, eczema, enlarged prostate, tapeworms.

Description Native shrub found in low-lying wet areas, the wood is brownish very pale red with slight streaks, hard, has no bark; it is all core. The leaves are large, elliptical; flowers in panicles, terminal.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Odi Ika, Obara Meji, Obara Ogunda, Obara Otrupo. Used for healing rituals. Used for Babalu Aye's rituals and ceremonies. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ For purification baths to attract good fortune

USES Medicinal Constipation. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Ogun.

CALAGUALA / RABBIT'S FOOT FERN (Polypodium aureum)


Other names: Brazil – Avenca Dourada Cuba - Calaguala, Carraguala U.S. - Golden polypody

Other names: Lukumi – Koko yakebere Description Native tree, the wood is yellow with streaks, hard, compact and heavy, fine grained.

Description Plant that has a thick creeping rhizome covered with golden-brown scales. The furry appearance of these rhizomes give the plant its common name that it shares with a number of other fern species.

USES Medicinal Pleurisy, lung ailments.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya.

Medicinal Abscess, boils, bronchitis, colds, colic, cough, contusions, fever, flu, gout, gripe, high blood pressure, immune disorders, menstruation problems, paludism, psoriasis, respiratory disorders, rheumatism, skin, tumor, urinary infections.

CAMARON / SWAMP FERN (Acrostichum excelsum) Other names: Cuba - Camarón, bruja, guayacancillo, helecho arbo, hueso de costa, palmera sin espinas.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun.


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Kongo – Toufen, inbrinda Lukumi – Ewe de U.S. - Inland leather fern

CAMBUTERA/ CYPRESS VINE (Quamoclit pinnata) Other names: Cuba - Cambustera, cambustera fina. U.S. - Cardinal climber, star glory

Description Fern with lanceolate leaves, simple, over 3 ft. long.

Description Annual smooth twining vine that can climb to 20 ft. or more; smooth stems, lacy leaves and scarlet flowers. The leaves are 3-4 inches long and feather-like, finely divided into threadlike segments. The scarlet red (rarely white) flowers are tubular, and flare out at the mouth into a five-pointed star.

USES Medicinal Backaches, lower back pain. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Ogun. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

USES Medicinal Catarrh, piles.

CAMBIA VOZ / FLORIDA BOXWOOD (Schaefferia frutescens)

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Other names: Cuba - Cambia voz, amansa guapo, cuaba. Dominican Republic – Cabra Haiti - Bwa Kapab, Capab, Petit-Bwa Blanc, Bwa Petit Garçon, Plé, Balai de Montagne West Indies - Florida boxwood, yellow wood

CAMELOTE / GALINGALE (Cyperus Articulatus) Other names: Cuba - Junco. Lukumi - Ibaru U.S. – Jointed flat sedge

Description Shrub found close to the tidewater area on sandy soil and hammocks. Smallish leaves borne close together Leaves are yellow green Small greenish white flowers are borne in the leaf in compact clusters. Fruits turn from green to yellow then bright red. The bark is smooth gray or brown.

Description Tall wetland sedge with hollow stems to 6 ft. tall, wide at base, gradually narrowing, stem cross-hatching at regular node-like intervals; purplish basal sheaths; shortand long-stalked spikelet clusters; spikelets narrow, linear, to 2 in. long; nutlet dark brown, 3-angled, shiny.



Medicinal Flu, cough, impotence.

Medicinal Ache, colic, internal tumors, sedative.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Osa Ogbe, Osa Okana. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Correlating Odu: Oyekun Otura. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. Works with the Nkisi. It has aphrodisiac powers. For amulets to attract love

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

CAMPANA / ANGELS TRUMPETS (Datura suaveolens)

Jamaica - Spanish carnations Mexico - Tabachin, flor de camarón, maravilla Nicaragua - Barbona roja Perú - Angel sisal Puerto Rico - Clavelina U.S. - Flower fence poinciana, Barbadosflower fence, Golden Shower, Indian Laburnum, Purging Fistula

Other names: Colombia – Borrachero, guante Cuba (La Habana) - Campana, flor de campana, campanilla, floripundio blanco, árbol de la bibijagua, trompeta de Angel, Dama o reina de la noche. Kongo - Kusuambo ngunga Lukumi – Agogo Mexico – Floridondio Puerto Rico - Cornucopia

Description A medium-sized, deciduous tree of about 10 meters tall. Leaves are compound, with 4-8 pairs of opposite leaflets. Flowers are golden yellow and in hanging bunches of up to 40 cm long. They appear when the branches are bare, just before the new leaves emerge.

Description Perennial shrub that can reach a height of 3 ft. The trunk is ligneous and dark color, while the ends of the branches are greenish. Leaves oblong-lanceolate. The showy scented flowers are white or yellow with red tonalities.

USES Medicinal Cholera, constipation, fever, high blood sugar, pain, viral infections.

USES Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, hemorrhoids.



Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. Works with the Nkisi.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Odudua. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ For purification baths and cleansing of persons, objects and the household. ∗ To banish negativity.

CANDELILLA / STINGING NETTLE (Tragia gracilis) Other names: Cuba - Ortiga, pringamoza Kongo – Banso, Nfula feino Lukumi – Ewe tinabo Nicaragua - Pringamoza. Puerto Rico - Pringamoza. U.S. – Tragia

CAMPANA GALLEGA: Aguinaldo Morado CAMPANILLA: Arbol de la bibijagua CAMPANILLA BLANCA: Aguinaldo Blanco CAMPANOLA: Aguinaldo Morado

Description Perennial herb that grows up to 6 ft. from a creeping rootstock. The stem and leaves are covered with stinging hairs that upon touching them produce a burning sensation or itch.

CAMPECHE / FLOWERFENCE (Caesalpina vesicaria)

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango y Oke.

Other names: Brazil - Maravilha, barba de barata. Colombia - Angelito Cuba - Palo campeche, palo del Brasil, guacamaya de costa Dominican Republic - Carzazo El Salvador - Barbón Haiti – Francillade 57

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Rites of palo For spells. Negative properties. quarrels.


Description Erect tree generally 25 ft tall. Slender in habit or with a spreading crown, it has brown furrowed bark. The evergreen leaves, relatively thin, glossy, short- to long-stemmed, fragrant, flowers, creamcolored, silky-hairy. The fruit, somewhat oval, which on ripening turns lemon yellow, golden-yellow or pale orangeyellow, is very smooth and glossy.


CANELA DEL MONTE / WHITE WOOD TREE (Canella alba) Other Names: Cuba – Curbana Haiti – Canelle Kongo – Mokokuaguando Lukumi – Iggi epo kan Puerto Rico – Barbasco, Canela blanca, Molambo U.S. – Wild cinnamon tree, Pepper cinnamon

USES Medicinal Skin eruptions. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Ibeji. Correlating Odu: Obara Okana, Otrupon Ogbe, Ofun Irete. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ In amulets to attract good fortune and overcome legal issues.

Description A straight tree, from 20 to 50 feet high, with erect branches at the summit only. The bark is yellowish-white; the inner bark thick, smooth, and pale, with a biting, aromatic taste. The leaves are scattered, shining, and yellowish-green. The flowers are small, and borne in clusters, and of a purple color. Berry the size of a pea, fleshy, smooth, blue, or black, hot and biting while green. The bark is of a pale yellowish-white color, occurring in hard, twisted pieces, with an acrid, peppery taste, an aromatic, clove-like, or cinnamon-like odor.

CANUTILLO / WHITEMOUTH DAYFLOWER (Commelina Elegans, virginica, longicaulis) Other names: Cuba - Cañamazo dulce, pitilla, pito de bejuco, tibisi chico, yerba de sapo. Kongo -Totoi Lukumi - Ewe Karodo, cotonembo, cotonlo, mini U.S. - Dayflower

USES Medicinal Cold, diarrhea, difficult menstruation, sluggish digestion, wound pain.

Description Perennial growing to 2 ft. It is in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October. Found in pinelands, sand dunes and fields.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Osa Meji. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ For love amulets and potions. ∗ To attract good fortune, love and prosperity.

USES Medicinal Skin irritations. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and all the female Orishas.

CANISTEL / EGG FRUIT (Pouteria campechiana) Other names: Lukumi – Igi Emé


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Correlating Odu: Odi Ogunda, Iroso Ejionle, Obara Irete, Otrupon Irete, Irete Oshe, Ofun Otrupon. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Nanaburuku, Babalu Aye, and Elegba. Correlating Odu: Odi Okana. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Used for attributes, rituals and ceremonies. Works with the Nkisi. ∗ To annoy an adversary.

CANUTILLO BLANCO Description – See "Canutillo" USES Medicinal Eye ailments.

CAÑA CORO Other names: Kongo - Lidde

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Yemaya.

USES Medicinal Kidney and bladder ailments.

CANUTILLO MORADO Description – See "Canutillo"

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and Shango.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. ∗ For purification baths to attract food fortune.

CAÑA DE ARROYO: Caña Santa CAÑA DE AZUCAR / SUGAR CANE (Saccharum officinarum)

CAÑA BRAVA / BAMBOO (Bambusa vulgaris)

Other names: Lukumi – Ewe ereke

Other names: Arada - Do Cuba - Bambú, cañambú, güin, pito. Haiti - Bambou, Bwa-bambou, Bamboucommun Mexico - Caña hueca, carricillo, carrizo. Lukumi - Oko, iggisu, yenkeye

Description Giant grass, most cultivated species grow to 5-7 feet tall. Its stalk contains sweet juice from which sugar can be extracted. It is grown by planting "seed cane," pieces of sugarcane stalk that germinate and produce new sugarcane plants.

Description Giant grass. Found in ditches, riversides and marshland. The stems are woody, erect, hallow, reaching up to 30 ft. in height and 2 inches in diameter.

USES Medicinal Fever. Paludism. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Oshun. ∗ The juice for ritual baths to attract good fortune and prosperity.

USES Medicinal Asthma, blood toxins, cystitis, vaginal infections.


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Description Medium-sized, deciduous tree of about 30 ft. tall. Leaves are compound, with 4-8 pairs of opposite leaflets. Flowers are golden yellow and in hanging bunches. Fruits are woody, cylindrical pods, becoming blackish with maturity.

Other names: Arada - Saekue Cuba - Caña brava, güin. Mexico – Carrizo, Caña hueca Puerto Rico – Caña Guana

USES Description Perennial grass growing to 18 feet. It is in flower in September, and the seeds ripen in October. Found in ditches, riversides and marshland.

Medicinal Fever, constipation, cholera, intestinal parasites, pain.


Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Medicinal Difficult menstruation, excessive milk flow in lactating women.

CAÑA SANTA / SPIRAL GINGER (Costus spicatus)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Odi Eyioko. Abakua Society Used for rituals and ceremonies.

Other names: Cuba - Cañuela santa, caña de arroyo, esquinanto. Haiti - Canne-Congo, Canne-d'Eau, PetitDegonfle Kongo – Nfita, maddiada


Description Plant from the ginger family that grows to about 6 to 7 feet tall. Leaves are about a foot long and about 4 inches wide. Flowers are reddish-orange.

Other names: Brazil - Cañafístola, jeneuna, marimary preto, marimary rana, marimary saro Colombia - Cañafístula, cañandonga Costa Rica - Sandal, Carao Cuba Caña fístola, carbonera, cañandonga. Dominican Republic - Palo de chivo, palo de burro El Salvador - Cargo, Carao Haiti - Casse, casse espagnole, Kas dous, Kanéfis, Kas-Zabitan, Casse z'habitant Hawaii - Coral-shower Honduras - Cargo, Carao Jamaica - Horse cassia. Kongo – Musengue, Monuambo Lukumi – Ireke moye Mexico - Cañafístula, quahuayo Nicaragua - Carámano, caragua Puerto Rico - Caña fístula cimarrona, Velamuerto U.S. - Cassia, pink shower.

USES Medicinal Chest colds, excessive bleeding, high blood pressure.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Otura. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. CAÑAMAZO AMARGO / SOUR GRASS (Paspalum conjugatum) Other names: Cuba - Cañamazo hembra, cambute. Lukumi - Ogbo, okutako U.S. - T grass, ti grass, sour palpalum


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Perennial grass that grows in wet habitats forming a dense ground cover. The stem spreading by long, often reddish-purple stolons, leaves flattened, green or tinged with purple margins somewhat hairy.

CAOBA/ MAHOGANY (Swietenia Mahogoni) Other names: Cuba - Caoba, Caoba macho Haiti – Kajou Kongo - Yukula Lukumi – Ayan U.S. - West Indian mahogany

USES Medicinal Hemorrhoids.

Description An upright growing tree, up to 150 feet in height, with a broad rounded symmetrical crown. The leaves are pinnately compound, ovate-lanceolate. The fruit is a large greenish-brown woody capsule, splitting into 5 parts releasing flat, long winged, light-brown seeds. It is among the most valued timber species in South America; the wood is dense, close-grained and red-brown.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye and Yemaya. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. Other Vermin CAÑAMAZO DULCE / BROAD LEAF CARPET GRASS (Axonopus compressus)

USES Medicinal Anemia, bleeding wounds, blood toxins, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, fever, malaria.

Other names: Cuba - Cáñamo, canutillo. Lukumi - Ogbo

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oba and Shango. Correlating Odu: Osa Meji. Wood carved paraphernalia. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

Description Grass. It is clump forming and spreading; stems flattened, erect to 3 ft. tall. The leaves are flat, broad, rounded at the tip. Flowers on lower side of inflorescence branches. Found in wetlands, under trees and horse stalls.


USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun.

CAOBILLA / MAHOGANY (Swietenia Mahogoni) Other names: Cuba - Caoba hembra

CAÑAMAZO HEMBRA: Cañamazo amargo CAÑAMBU: Caña Brava CAÑAMO: Cañamazo dulce CAÑANDONGA: Caña Brava

Description An upright growing tree with a broad, rounded, symmetrical crown. The shape of the tree appears to make it wind resistant and the wood is tough. The leaves are medium green in color.


Dalia Quiros-Moran


Description Tree that grows in calcareous soils, near the coastline, reaching up to 20 ft. high. Copious foliage, white flowers and globose fruits, similar to a cherry but white or pink, edible.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oba and Ogun. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. ∗ For purification baths and cleansings of persons to attract mental stability and peace.

USES Medicinal Herpes, chest ailments, vertigo, insomnia, stress.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu Correlating Odu: Okana Ogunda ∗ For purification baths and cleansings

Other names: Cuba - Encospe, Hatillo, Vigueta blanca. Description Indigenous shrub found in damp, acid soils. Reaches up to 24 ft. The branches are hairy; leaves ovate; the flowers are white.







Medicinal Dog bite, insect bites, wounds inflected by poisonous plants, blood toxins.

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For healing rituals.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu.

CARAMBOLI / STAR APPLE (Averrhoa carambola)


Description Attractive ornamental tree that attains a height of 30 to 35 feet. The leaves have 3 to 11 leaflets; small, fragrant, rose-colored flowers. The fruits are star-shaped when cut across and are crisp, juicy, and aromatic, although usually acid in taste.

Other names: Brazil - Calabura, pau de seda Colombia -Mahaujó, chitotó, manguito, acurucó, chirriador, majagüito Cuba - Capulinas, capulina, guásima cerezo, memizo. Dominican Republic - Memiso Ecuador - Nigüito El Salvador - Capulí Haiti - Bois d'orme, bois de soie marron Mexico - Capulin, Jonote, bersilana, puan, palman Peru - Bolina, yumanaza Philippines - Dátiles, rátiles Puerto Rico - Capulin Venezuela - Cedrillo, majagua, mahaujó

USES Medicinal Mumps, tumors, blood toxins. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. Used to make ritual omiero. CARBONERA: Caña Brava


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

CARBONERO / CASSIA (Cassia biflora)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun and Elegba. Used for Babalu Aye rituals To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

Other names: Cuba (Camagüey) - Carbonero. Mexico - Flor de San Jose, Nicaragua - Ahumada, montenegrillo Puerto Rico - Retama Venezuela - Brucha

CARDON / ELKHORN (Euphorbia lactea)

Description Flowering shrub or tree reaching up to 9 ft. high, leaves compound, with 4-5 pairs of leaflets, flowers light yellow.

Other names: Colombia - Lechero de lindero Cuba - Cardón, tuna de cruz, cruz de caravaca. Dominican Republic - Candelero, cato, raqueta Haiti – Candelabre Kongo – Disa Lukumi - Ika Puerto Rico - Escambrón, moteado, candelero U.S. – Frilled Fan, Mottle spurge, milkstripe euphorbia Virgin Islands - Monkey puzzle euphorbia, Malaya spurge-tree

USES Medicinal Foot discomfort, fever. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Dada. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. Works with the Nkisi. CARBONERO DE COSTA: Aretillo

Description Succulent shrub, much branched, up to 7 feet tall. Resistant to dry climates. Propagated from stem tip cuttings.

CARDO SANTO / PRICKLY POPPY (Argemone Mexicana) Other names: Haiti - Chadron Benit, Chadron, ZebChadron, Zeb-Dragon, Chadron Marbre Kongo – Cando ere Lukumi - Ika, Igbeelegun Mexico – Chicalote U.S. - Mexican Poppy

USES Medicinal Paludism, need of vomiting. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye and Ogun. Correlating Odu: Okana Osa. Used for Babalu Aye's rituals and ceremonies. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ Planted outside, near the front door of the house for protection.

Description Annual plant has a stem about 2 feet high, erect, bristly, and glaucous. The leaves are alternate, armed with prickly spines, and spotted with white patches. The flowers are either yellow or white. The plant, when bruised, exudes a viscid, milklike juice, which turns yellow when exposed to the atmosphere.

CAREY / BLACK IRONWOOD (Krugiodendron ferreum)


Other names: Cuba (Camagüey) - Carey de costa. Lukumi - Ayapaeka

Medicinal Pain, warts, cold sores, coetaneous affections, skin diseases, itches, cataracts, dropsy, jaundice, colic, fever, cough, chest complaints, nervousness in children, chronic skin diseases. 63

Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Trees of very dense, heavy wood; because of the specific gravity of its wood, it does not float in water. It has gray bark. The leaves are thick, dark, and heavy with a blunt notched end. They sometimes appear tattered because they may remain on the tree for several years. A small yellow-green flower becomes a black round fruit with a single seed.

CARQUEZA / COASTAL RAGWEED (Ambrosia hispida) Other names: Cuba - Carquesa, artemisa de playa, artemisa de costa. Kongo – Urekere Lukumi – Mireure Mexico – Margarita del Mar U.S. – Bay geranium


Description Perennial vine that grows in the wild, along the seashore. The leaves are opposite, firm texture.

Medicinal Anemia, blood tonic, emphysema, gum ailments, malaria, purgative, pleurisy, toothache.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Not used for ritual omiero. This plant infuriates Oshun.

Medicinal Menstrual problems, muscle rheuma, sprains, paralysis.


Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Odi. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For purification baths and cleansings of objects and the household.

CARMONI: Camagua CARNE DE DONCELLA: Cajuela CAROLINA PUNZO / WILLOW BUSTIC (Dipholis salicifolia) Other names: Cuba (Oriente) - Carolina punzó, jocuma blanca, almendro silvestre, cuyá. Lukumi – Ewe Osauro Mexico - Xac-chum Puerto Rico - Almendrón, tabloncillo West Indies - Wild cassada, cassadawood

CARRASPITA / CANDYTUFF (Iberis odorata) Other names: Cuba - Carraspique, carraspica, pinito de flor, zarapico. Lukumi – Aronyu, Ina

Description An evergreen shrub or small tree that reaches heights of 35 ft. The leaves are simple, alternate, and oblong to lanceolate, shiny, dark green above and dull, pale green below. The fruit is a leathery, nearly round; black berry with thin, dry flesh. The gray or reddish-brown bark is divided into square-shaped scales.

Description Cultivated herb with smooth and stout, pointy leaves. The clustered florets on stems 6 to 12 inches long; white, pink, red and lavender. Slightly scented. USES Religious/ Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Eshu. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Wori. It has negative properties.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Osa Ogbe. For rituals. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

CASCABELILLO / RADDLEBOX (Crotalaria lotifolia)

USES Medicinal Fatigue.

Other names: Cuba - Maromera, maruga. Kongo – Koro, Nkeri Lukumi – Ladde. Ewe pariwo

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Description Leguminous plant with showy racemes of yellow flowers. The fruit a peapod, when matured the dry seeds sound like a rattle.

CAUMAO (Wallenia laurifolia)


Other names: Cuba - Casmagua, guacamarí. Kongo – Bautenso Lukumi - Patire

Medicinal Eczema, itch, ringworm. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Yeku.

Description Native shrub found in low-lying wet areas, the wood is brownish/pale red with slight streaks, hard, has no bark, all core. The leaves are large, elliptical; flowers in panicles, terminal.


USES Medicinal Rheumatism.

Description Ornamental tree native from Asia. Grows to 20 feet tall. It has lobed leaves and 5 inch flowers with overlapping petals; color pink or white.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

USES Religious/ Magical Orisha Worship Used to make ritual omiero.

CAUQUI / MATRIMONY VINE (Lycium chinensis) Description Small shrub, obovate leaves and purple flowers; the fruits are ovate and red.

CASTAÑO / TOAD WOOD (Cupania americana) Other names: Cuba - Guara, guara común, guáramo. Dominican Republic - Guarana Haiti – Satanyet Kongo – Boue Lukumi - Orun

USES Medicinal Eye ailments. CAYAJABO / BAY BEAN (Canavalia cubensis)

Description Tree with small branches; leaves dentated, brown inflorescence, the capsule or fruit is divided into three compartments, each containing one black seed.

Other names: Cuba - Mate. Lukumi – Iru, orire, iggi irubi


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Sturdy far reaching vine with a strong root system. The leaves are wide, flat. The pods produce sea beans throughout the year.

Description Plants with hollow leaves and an enlarged bulb that develops at ground level. The roots come off the bottom of the bulb. The flowers are produced in the second growing season consisting of many small showy purplish flowers.



Medicinal Warts.

Medicinal Cold, influenza, insomnia, kidney and bladder stones, tumor.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. ∗ For amulets to attract good fortune and ward off from negativity.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to all the Orishas. Rites of Palo For rituals. CEBOLLA MORADA / PURPLE ONION

CAYAYA (Tournefortia bicolor)


Other names: Colombia - Lagrimas de San Pedro Cuba - Bejuco cayaya macho, nigua. Mexico - Ortiguilla, Amapa hasta, perlas Nicaragua - Tiricia, frutilla Puerto Rico - Nigua, Mata de Nigua, Bejuco de Nigua

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Babalu Aye rituals and ceremonies. ∗ For cleansing baths to attract good fortune, prosperity and ward off from sickness.

Description Liana. Flowers white, inflorescence a scorpiod cyme, anthers blue-green, filaments very short. Common in beach vegetation.

CEBOLLETA / NUT GRASS (Cyperus rotundus) Other names: Cuba - Ajo cimarrón, cebollín, coquito, corojillo, macagüita. Kongo – Temje-tenje Lukumi – Alubosa

USES Medicinal Blood toxins, infectious diseases.

Description Perennial growing from 2 ft. tall; triangular 3-sided unbranched flower stems; grasslike leaves; purple to brown flowers; leaflike bracts under flower clusters are shorter than the flowers; rough, oblong, irregularly shaped tubers; tubers have a bitter flavor.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Iwori. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. CEBOLLA / ONION (Allium cepa)

USES Medicinal Asthma, digestive problems, head aches, head sores, intestinal worms and parasites, menstrual complaints skin itches and sores, skin and renal infections, stomach/uterus spasms and pain.

Other names: Haiti – Oignon Kongo - Molabo Lukumi - Alubosa, Ella Sro


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

more than 200' high: with widely spreading branches. While still on the tree, the fruits burst open exposing the cotton like substance.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu aye and Yemaya. ∗ Burned with incense to expel negativity.


CEDRO/ MEXICAN CEDAR (Cedrela mexicana)

Medicinal Asthma, dysentery, fevers, kidney diseases, menstruation bleedings and venereal diseases.

Other names: Cuba – Cedro Haiti – Sèd Kongo - Nkunia menga tuala Lukumi - Igi Opepe, Roko Mexico – Cedro U.S. - Barbados cedar, spanish cedar

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Sacred tree. Belongs to Odudua. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Meji, Iwori Iroso, Iroso Osa, Ojuani Ogunda, Obara Iroso, Obara Irete, Osa Obara, Osa Okana, Osa Ogunda, Otrupon Ika, Otura Yeku, Otura Iroso, Otura Obara, Otura Osa. Used to make ritual omiero To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ For purification baths and cleansing of persons, objects and the household. ∗ To attract good fortune and ward off from accidents, calamity, hostility and negativity in general.

Description A tree reaching 60 to 90 ft. in height with a stout trunk to more than 3.5 ft. in diameter; it is clear of branches for two third of the trunk. The grayish bark is deeply grooved. The wood has a strong aromatic odor. The flowers are small, white with glabrous filaments. The fruit is a capsule. USES Medicinal Fever, malaria, and rheumatism. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Sacred tree. Belongs to Shango. It is taboo to burn cedar wood. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Ofun, Odi Iroso, Obara Irete, Osa Ojuani, Ofun Ejionle, Otrupon Oshe, Otrupon Ogbe, Ofun Ika. Used to carve religious paraphernalia and attributes. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ A cedar cross placed behind the front door protects the household.

CEIBON DE ARROYO/DRAGO (Bombax Emarginatum) Other names: Cuba - Drago, Carolina, lanero. Description Tree with white wood and reddish tones, lustrous, silky like yet very porous and light. Lateral roots. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Aganju.

CEIBA / KAPOK TREE (Ceiba pentandrum) Other names: Arada – Wele honsu Haiti - Kapokier, Mapou, Fromagier Lukumi - Araba U.S. - White silk cotton tree Description A very large majestic tree, with conspicuously buttressed trunk. It grows 67

Dalia Quiros-Moran

Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.


CEREZO / SWEET CHERRY (Prunus avium)

Other names: Brazil - Grao de galo. Colombia - Adonis blanco, adonis morado, garbancillo, espino negro. Cuba - Celosa cimarrona, celosa, garbancillo, no me olvides, violetina. Dominican Republic - Fruta de paloma. El Salvador - Heliotropio, chulada Haiti - Bois jambette, mais bouilli. Jamaica - Angels-whisper, poison macca. Mexico - Espina blanca, capocoche. Nicaragua - Pensamiento, heliotropo morado. Panama - Espina de paloma, lora, barita de San José. Puerto Rico - Lluvia, azota caballo, lila, cuenta de oro.

Description Small deciduous tree with round red fruit. Highly rated for timber. Height 20ft.. The leaves are alternate, simple, toothed on the margin, with 2 small glands at base of blade; flowers 1-few in a rounded cluster, 5-parted, white; fruit fleshy, yellow or red, with a large pit (stone). USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Odi Ejionle. CERRAJA / COMMON SOW-THISTLE (Sonchus oleraceus)

Description Large, evergreen shrubs that produce graceful, drooping branches, a few thorns, bright green ovate leaves and numerous small flowers throughout the year which are followed by numerous, small, golden "balls." having dense foliage and lilac colored flowers.

Other names: Cuba - Cerraja lechosa. Description Very common woodland,





parkland, hedgerows, roadsides etc. The plant is tap rooted and has small yellow flowers. It contains a bitter milky juice; upper stalks and flower bracts usually covered in gland-tipped hairs.

USES Medicinal Throat infections. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Oshun.

USES Medicinal Colic, dyspepsia, fever, liver, hepatitis, sore, stomach ailments, vitality. wart, wound.

CENIZO (Pithecolobium obovale) Other names: Cuba - Abey, abey blanco, encinillo

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Ika Meji. Used to make ritual omiero.

Description Tree reaching up to 30 ft. found near riverbanks and streams. The flowers in racemes. Seeds are elliptical, bluish color. USES Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Iroso. 68

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

USES Medicinal Bladder complaints, venereal diseases.

CHAMICO / JIMSONWEED (Datura stramonium)



Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Other names: Cuba – Chamico, Clarin Lukumi – Ewe Ofo, ewe eshela Mexico – Burladora, Cornescopia, Higuera loca, Santas noches, trompetilla Panama – Floripondio blanco U.S. – Thorn Apple Venezuela - Ñunque

CHAYOTE (Sechium edule) Other names: Cuba – Chayote, Chote Kongo - Benbanguaria Lukumi – Wobedo, mionl, tutu Puerto Rico – Chocho, Tallote

Description A bushy, smooth, fetid, annual plant, 2 or 3 feet in height. The root is rather large, of a whitish color, giving off many fibers. The stem is much branched, forked, spreading, leafy, and has a yellowish-green color. The leaves are from the forks of the stem, large, ovate, smooth, dark-green above, and paler beneath. The flowers are large, axillary, erect, white, and about 3 inches long.

Description A tender, perennial-rooted cucurbit, with climbing vines and leaves resembling those of the cucumber. The light green, pear-shaped fruit, which contains a single, flat edible seed, may weigh as much as 23 pounds, but most often is from 6-12 ounces. The fruits may be slightly grooved and prickly.

USES Medicinal Acute ophthalmia, bladder affections, impotence, inflammatory rheumatism enteritis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, peritonitis, pleurisy, painful ulcers, rheumatism, swelled breasts.

USES Medicinal Kidney and bladder ailments, kidney stones, pneumonia. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun y Yemaya. Used to make ritual omiero.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu. Correlating Odu: Iroso Obara. Used to make ritual omiero To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ Produces insanity

CHICHARRON DE MONTE (Terminalia intermedia) Other names: Cuba - Chicharrón amarillo. Kongo – Moronki Lukumi - Yenke

CHAYO / SPURGE NETTLE (Jatropha urens)

Description Indigenous trees.

Other names: Cuba - Chaya. Description Bushy upright plant to 8 feet. Dark bluegreen leaves and paler veins, clusters of white flowers on 8 inch stems held well above the foliage.


Dalia Quiros-Moran


Description Deciduous tree with false leaflets. Found in semi calcareous, mountainous forests. Thick branches; leaves elliptical; the flowers are pink/white.

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya. ∗ For cleansings of the household to banish negativity.

Other names: Colombia Guaina, Pringamosa, pringamoza Cuba - Chichicastre, Ortiga, Jamo. Dominican Republic - Pringamosa, pringamoza El Salvador - Chichicazte nigua Guatemala – Chichicazte Lukumi – Ewe ñina Mexico - Ortiga de Caballo, chichicastle Panama - Ortiga Puerto Rico - Ortiga, Ortiga brava Venezuela - Pringamosa, pringamoza

CHIRIMOYA / CUSTARD APPLE (Annona reticulata) Other names: Costa Rica - Chirimoya Cuba - Mamón. Haiti – Kashiman Kongo - Biloko Lukumi – Ewe Mekeri Mexico - Anona colorada, chirimoya Nicaragua – Anona Philippines – Anona Puerto Rico - Corazón U.S. - bullock's heart Venezuela - Riñón

Description A weak stemmed woody shrub that sometimes becomes a small tree. The most recognizable feature of the plant is the presence of many sharp, stinging spines on the leaves, branches and stem. The leaves are alternate, coarse toothed with thin blades and stout petioles. The stem bark is smooth, light gray and green over white inner bark, and thick greenish pith. It is in flower during February and fruits in April.

Description It is a small, spreading tree, up to 25 ft. in height, the leaves vary in size; the upper surface of the leaves is sparsely hairy and the lower surface is velvety-tormentose. The fruits vary in form but usually are heart-shaped or conical. The light-green surface of the fruit is variable in appearance. In some varieties it is almost smooth with slight depressions, but in others the carpels are terminated by an abrupt point.

USES Medicinal Burns, gallbladder stones, hemorrhage, tuberculosis.


Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. ∗ Causes negative effects.

USES Medicinal Debility, diarrhea, fatigue, leprosy.

CHINCHONA / PRINCEWOOD (Exostema ellipticum)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Ibeji. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For cleansings of persons and the household

Other names: Cuba - Plateado, cayateje, vigueta, lirio Santana Dominican republic - Piñipiñi, guinea criolla Kongo – Monkorina Lukumi - Monbalan Puerto Rico - Plateado 70

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Tree of excellent wood that is propagated by seed. The wood is hard, compact and fine grain, yellow with virtually invisible linear streaks. Grows up to 50 ft. The leaves are ovate; single flowers; ovoid fruit.

CIDRON / LEMON VERBENA (Lippia Citrodora) Description A deciduous shrub reaching a height of 15 feet. The leaves are very fragrant, lanceolate, arranged in threes, with smooth margins, pale green in color; the many small flowers are pale purple, blooming during August in slim, terminal panicles.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yewa.


CIRUELA / HUG PLUM (Spondias purpurea)

Medicinal Dyspepsia, indigestion and flatulence.

Other names: Arada - Feti Colombia - Ciruela calentana Costa Rica - Jocote tronador, sismoyo Cuba - Ciruela campechana colorada o loca. Lukumi – Igi Yeye, Yemere Mexico – Capuatlcacao Puerto Rico - Jobillo, jobo francés

CIMARRONA: Bagá CIPRES / CYPRESS (Cupressus funebris) Other names: Kongo - Nkunia lele nsambian Lukumi - Iggiku, oru, iko U.S. - Chinese weeping cypress

Description A deciduous tree, up to 25 ft in height, stout trunk and stiff branches. The pinnate leaves are 6 to 9 inches long with 17 or thinner, obliquely oblong-elliptic leaflets. The reddish flowers are produced on short growths from wood of the previous season. The deep red fruits, which ripen in early summer, are borne singly, or 2 or 3 together. They vary in shape and size but usually are oval in outline, 1 to 2 inches in length, and have a somewhat irregular surface. A layer of very juicy, sub acid, aromatic pulp surrounds the rather large, slightly rough seed.

Description An evergreen tree growing to 70 ft. It is in leaf all year. Forms woods on mountain slopes and ravines, especially in limestone areas. Wood is hard, tough, white, durable, and close grained. USES Medicinal Colds, bleeding hemorrhoids, excessive menstrual bleeding. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ogunda, Ofun Odi.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya. Correlating Odu: Irete Untelu Used to make ritual omiero.

CIRIO (Xylopia obtusifolia) Other names: Cuba - Malagueta Kongo – Sonjuo Lukumi – Enee Opa

CLAVELINA/COASTAL PLAIN WILLOW (Salix Longipes) Other names: U.S. – Carolina Willow


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Shrub or small tree to 20 ft tall, found in rocky soils, along riverbanks, gravel bars, sandy shores and low woods. The twigs are reddish- to grayish-brown, thin, and brittle. The leaves are green above, pale underneath, lanceolate, wide, glabrous, acuminate, finely serrate; petioles hairy; catkins at ends of branchlets. The flowers are very small, numerous, pale yellow. The capsules 1/4 inch long, ovate, longpointed.

San Juan. Dominican Republic - Cuero de puerco, tomasina, caracol. Kongo – Nkunia Ntoka Lukumi – Ofuntana


Medicinal Backaches.

Description Small mountain tree. The leaves are ovate, rigid. Reddish hard wood. The fruit is elliptical, hairy. USES

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ika Ojuani, Ofun She, Oshe Iwori.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets.

COCOTERO / COCONUT (Cocos nucifera) Other names: Cuba - Cocotero Haiti – Kokoye Kongo – Sandu, Kumelenga Lukumi – Agbon, Obi Puerto Rico – Palma de Coco

COJATE (Alpinia occidentalis) Other names: Colombia - Bagala Cuba - Cojate, colonia, colonia cimarrona. Lukumi – Oru, Oburo, Didona Puerto Rico – Bijao, Narciso Venezuela - Conopio

Description A tree growing from 50 to 100 feet high. The narrow, long, rigid leaflets compose the leaves, which are of great length, and borne in a cluster at the apex of the tall trees. The flowers are yellowish-white and the fruits, borne in clusters of from 10 to 20, are the well-known coconuts.

Description Aromatic perennial found deep in the woods; grows over 6 ft. tall. The leaves are slender, lanceolate, smooth. The flowers in racemes, conical, red.



Medicinal Kidney ailments, shingles, toothaches.

Medicinal Headaches, urinary track and kidney ailments.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Meji, Osa Ojuani For divination and offerings to the Orishas. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba ∗ For cleansings of persons and the household

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. ∗ For purification baths to attract good luck and expel negativity. ∗ For cleansings of persons and the household to banish evil spirits and negativity.

COCUYO (Pouteria Dictyoneura) Other names: Cuba - Vigueta peluda, árbol de las sierras, 72

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Odi Otrupon, Ojuani Irete, Ika Odi. Used to make ritual omiero.

COL/CABBAGE (Brasica Oleracea) Description A biennial plant, producing it's large, waxy leaves surrounding smaller compacted head leaves in first year, and a flower stalk bearing yellow flowers the second year.

COMBUSTERA CIMARRONA / MANETTIA (Manettia coccinea) Description Climbing shrub up to 6 ft. with long stalk; narrow tubular flowers, slightly tightened in the center, pink with red.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ogbe COLA DE Francisco





Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya y Shango. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

COLCHON DE PERRO / WASHER WOMAN (Alternanthera caracasana)

COMECARA / STOPPER (Eugenia aeruginea)

Other names: Cuba - Sanguinaria, yerba de carretero. U.S. – Matt chaff flower

Other names: Lukumi - Orerere

Description Perennial herb.

Description Tree reaching to 60 ft. heights. The glossy leaves are elliptical, the small white flowers occur in racemes, the ovoid fruit purple and edible.

USES Medicinal Intestinal discomfort, colitis, dysentery, intestinal ailments.



COLONIA/SHELL GINGER (Alpinia speciosa)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and Ogun. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Other names: Cuba – Cojate, Pepu Puerto Rico – Boca de Dragon, Dragon U.S. – Shell plant, Queens candle

CONSUELDA / COMFREY (Symphytum officinale)

Description Aromatic plant cultivated in gardens for its ornamental and aromatic properties. Both the plant and rhizomes are robust, reaching up to 9 ft. in height. The leaves are lanceolate; beautiful flowers resembling and orchid; pink with yellow and read throats.

Other names: Brazil - Confrei U.S. - Blackwort, boneset, bruisewort, gum plant, healing herb, salsify, and slippery root.

USES Medicinal Catarrh, headaches, skin conditions.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Erect-growing herb that can reach 3 feet high covered with a prickly pubescence, the plant develops flowers colored from white to purple, a thick, externally black root, and relatively large leaves.

USES Medicinal Bronchitis, catarrh, cystitis, diarrhea, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, psoriasis, skin sores, skin disorders, stomach ulcers, syphilis, urinary incontinence.

USES Medicinal Bleeding, disturbances, ulcers.

Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Babalu Aye, Odudua.

contusions, digestive internal inflammations,

COPAL (Icical Copal)

CONTRAYERBA (Flaveria repanda)

Other names: Cuba - Copal, negracuba, canelillo. Kongo – Nyimbo, Guaria Lukumi – Ewe Gbegbe

Other names: Cuba - Yerba de la vieja Description Common weed that grows in sandy or calcareous soils. Reaches up to 1 ft. tall, multiple branches, dentate leaves and very small yellow flowers.

Description Indigenous tree with rose/white wood. Found in wet, acid forests. Grows up to 30 ft. The branches are cylindrical; leaves are large. Produces flowers in short racemes. The fruit is ovoid.



Medicinal Dysentery, gastrointestinal ailments.

Medicinal Tension, nervousness. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Iwori Meji.

COPAIBA (Copaifera officcinalis) Other names: Cuba - Capalba, bálsamo de copaiba, palo de aceite. Kongo – Monchunto Lukumi - Enenen U.S. - Jesuit's Balsam

COPALILLO DEL MONTE (Thouinia nervosa) Other names: Cuba - Copalillo del monte, Negracuba, Canelillo. Kongo – Nyimbo Lukumi – Boru Fefe

Description A well branched tropical tree that grows up to 90 feet in height. It has pinnate leathery leaves and blossoms are borne in whitish racemes. The fruit is a coriaceous legume containing a single seed. It is harvested by tapping or drilling holes into the wood of the trunk and collecting the resin that drips out, much like rubber trees are tapped.

Description Tall indigenous tree. Wood is hard, compact, heavy and fine grain; light yellow/red, lateral roots. USES Medicinal Tension headaches, stomach cramps.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Olokun. Ritual baths to attract good fortune. ∗ Burned with incense to expel evil spirits and banish negativity.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila, Oya. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Otrupon, Ika Iroso. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba.

COPETUDA / MARYGOLD (Calendula officinalis)

COQUITO AFRICANO / KOLA NUT (Cola acuminata) Other names: Cuba - Cola, Kola Dominican Republic - Palo de col Jamaica – Bissy Lukumi – Kola Puerto Rico - Nuez de cola, colero, kola U.S. - Kola nut, goora-nut, kola, kola nut

Other names: Cuba - Flor o clavel muerto o de Indias Mexico - Cempoajochitl U.S. – Calendula Description Annual plant related to sunflower, 1 to 2 feet high and hairy, with oblong, entire, thick leaves. The flowers are large heads with yellow or orange rays.

Description A tree from 40 to 60 feet high, somewhat resembling the common chestnut tree. The trunk is erect, smooth, and cylindrical. The bark is green and thick. The leaves are alternate, entire, smooth, green, and oblong-acuminate. The flowers are greenish-yellow or white and purple at the margins of the petals. The fruit is composed of follicles, containing from 1 to 10 oblong obtuse seeds.

USES Medicinal Toothaches, earaches, irregularity, intestinal worms.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. ∗ For cleansings and purification of persons and the household.

USES Medicinal Cardiac debility, cardiac irritability, conditions of the ears, chronic diarrhea, digestive complaints, hysteria, migraine, nervous depression, neuralgia of debility neurasthenia, seasickness, vomiting of pregnancy.

COPEY / AUTOGRAPH TREE (Clusia rosea) Other names: Cuba - Balsamo cimarrón. Lukumi - Yana Panama, Puerto Rico - Cupey U.S. – Pitch apple

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odua. For rituals, ceremonies and amulets.

Description Evergreen tree. Grows on hills and riverbanks; reaches up to 35 ft. The bark is smooth; leaves are green, obovate, very leathery and tough. In flower during the summer; presenting showy pink and white flowers. The wood is reddish brown.

CORALILLO / CORAL VINE (Antigonon leptopus) Other names: Cuba - Coralillo, coralillo rosado Haiti - Belle mexicaine U.S. – Chinese love vine

USES Medicinal Colds, infectious diseases, rheumatic pains and aches, rheumatism, stomach ulcers.

Description Vine that supports itself by tendrils and grows virtually anywhere. The leaves are green, pointed and heart-shaped. The flowers are small, white or rose pink


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Osa, Osa Otura. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For amulets.

CORAZON DE PALOMA / RAUWOLFIA (Rauwolfia salicifolia) Other names: Cuba(Oriente) - Corazón de paloma. (La Habana) - Wallenia laurifolia Casmagua. Lukumi – Okan'jele


Description Shrub growing usually found growing among pine trees. The fruit has the shape of a dove's hear.

Other names: Kongo - Yuye Lukumi – Cueyen


Description Climbing plant, originally from India. It's a vigorous grower, reaching up to 30 ft. long; leaves are oval – heart shaped. In winter, this plant is full of numerous small white flowers. The fruit is a globule capsule, very small.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlating Odu: Iroso Meji. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ Purification baths negativity.




Medicinal Torpid tumors.

Other names: Cuba - Cordobán, Zapatillo, Amor y cellos, Barquito Kongo - Nrio Lukumi – Peregun pupa Puerto Rico – Sangria, Sangrinaria U.S. - Oyster Plant

Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Obatala, Oshun. ∗ Ritual baths to attract good fortune. CORALILLO ROSADO / CONFEDERATE VINE (Antigonon leptopus)

Description Perennial found in cultivated grounds and pinelands, forming a dense cover. Short, stout stems; forms clumps by offshoots. The leaves are spreading, erect, dark green and yellow stripes above, pale purple underneath. The flowers are small, white.

Other names: Cuba - Coralillo rosado, coralillo El Salvador - Bejuco de colación Haiti - Belle mexicaine Mexico - San Miguelito, hierba de Santa Rosa, Fulminosa, Corona, Bellisima Description - See Coralillo



Medicinal Asthma, catarrh, respiratory rubella typhoid fever.

Medicinal Alcoholism, hangover. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya and Ayao.



Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Oya. Correlating Odu: Oshe Ofun. Used to make ritual omiero.

CORONA DE NOVIA/LEMON VINE (Pereskia aculeata) Other names: Cuba - Grosellero de la Florida, guinda, tomate americano.

CORONA DE LA REINA (Euphorbia antiquorum)

Description Cultivated plant; scented white flowers, the fruit an acrid and yellow peapod.

Description Shrub resembling a cactus, thick stems, no leaves and large needles.

USES Medicinal Inflammation, sore, syphilis.

USES Medicinal Ear ailments.


COROJO / OIL PAM (Acreemia crispa)

Description Annual herb with glabrous stems and leaves; leaves gray-green, very small, entire, and opposite; stipules united into a triangular scale-like structure often lobed or fringed at the tip; and involucres with rather conspicuous white petal-like appendages. In flower July- October; fruiting July-October.

Other names: Cuba – Corojo de Jamaica Kongo - Gesi Lukumi – Aobara, Epo Pupo Puerto Rico – Corojo, Grugru Description Indigenous palm common in calcareous, rocky soils. Forms colonies and reaches more than 25 ft. in height. The erect trunk is narrow at both ends and thick in the middle. The young trees are covered of long dark needles, including the branches and leaves. In flower during the spring. The fruit is round one inch in diameter, yellow outside, inside a solid nut, white, with a taste similar to the common coconut someone softer.

USES Medicinal Diarrhea menstrual problems, skin, slow milk production in nursing mothers, tumor. CRESTA DE GALLO COCKSCOMB (Celosia argentea/celosia cristata) Other names: Brazil - Crista de galo Cuba - Cresta de gallo, mirabel, moco de pavo. Lukumi – Libbe kuko U.S. – Wool flower

USES Medicinal Gonorrhea, headaches, menorrhagia.


Description Ornamental plant 6 - 30 inches high, erect, branching. Leaves lanceolate to ovate. Small flowers form plumose or crested spikes, red, yellow, orange, or pink.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Elegba. Correlating Odu: Odi Okana, Osa Meji, Ojuani Iwori, Ojuani Osa. For rituals, ceremonies, amulets. To condiment offerings for the Orishas. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

flowers are without odor and of varying hues. The tree is parasitic, and will attach itself to other plants by tuberous processes on its roots.

USES Religious/Magical For courage.


CROTON (Codiaeum variegatum)

Medicinal Fevers, venereal diseases.

Other names: Cuba - Croto

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ofun Ika. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Essential for the Nkisi. The root burned as an incense to banish negativity and attract good. Note: the black cuaba variety has destructive properties.

Description Evergreen shrub with alternate, simple leaves mottled with white, yellow, or red; flowers white. USES Medicinal Stomach acidity.

CUBANICU: Arabo de Piedra

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Osa, Osa Otura. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For Nkisi rituals. ∗ Planted outside the house for protection. ∗ Ritual baths to banish negativity.

CUABARI Other names: Cuba - Ambia. USES Medicinal Nervous conditions.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Ogun.

CUABA / WHITE SANTAL (Amyris balsamifera)


Other names: Cuba - Cuaba blanca, cuabilla, cuaba de monte, palo guachinango, cambiavoz. Dominican Republic - Guaconejo, palo de teja Haiti - Bois chandelle, Bwa Shandèl Vèt Jamaica – Torchwood Kongo - Inkita, nkunia bondan sua Lukumi - Loaso Mexico - Limoncillo Puerto Rico - Teílla U.S. - Balsam amyris, Balsam torchwood Venezuela – Tigua

Other names: Cuba - Cuajaní, cajuaní macho, almendro, juba Dominican RepublicAlmendro, almendrito, almendrón, membrillo. Haiti - Amandier a grandes feuilles Jamaica - Prune tree Kongo – Faere Lukumi - Maddeteo Puerto Rico - Almendrilo

Description A small tree growing to a height of 20 or 30 feet, Found in coastal areas and sandy soils. The leaves are opposite, smooth, glaucous on under surface, oval or lanceolate in shape. Its numerous small 78

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Description Tree reaching over 60 ft. high and 4 ft. diameter. The leaves, thick bark and fruit release a strong bitter almond scent.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Osa Ika. For cleansing rituals.

USES Medicinal Cough, gripe, asthma, skin rashes, itch.


CUAJANI HEMBRA: Almendrillo CUAJINCILLO: Almendrillo

Other names: Brazil – Avenca Haiti - Adi-yant' Kongo – Vititi Masa, Ngoso Lukumi – Kotonio, Ofi, necenten Mexico – Capilaria de Mexico

CUCARACHA / WONDERING JEW (Zebrina pendula) Other names: Colombia - Panameña Kongo – Kienguene bias mamba Lukumi - Ayan Mexico – Yerba de Pollo Venezuela – Cohitre morado

Description A small evergreen fern found throughout in moist forests. It grows up to 1 ft high, growing in stands from its creeping rhizome with leaves up to 2 ft long.

Description Creeping and pendulous, succulent herb. The obovate leaves are glistening and multicolored above and purple below. The surface colors may be green and silver edged with pink. The small flowers are purplish.

USES Medicinal Bronchitis, colds, coughs, gallstones, hair loss, heartburn, menstrual difficulties respiratory problems, rheumatism, snakebites, sour stomach, urinary disorders

USES Medicinal Colitis, kidney problems, warts.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ofun Odi. Used to make ritual omiero.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Oya. Correlating Odu: Iroso Ejionle. Used to make ritual omiero.

CULANTRO / FITWEED (Eryngium foetidum)

Other names: Lukumi – Ewe Kotonio

Other names: Brazil - Chicória Cuba - Culantro, culantro del país, cimarrón, sabanero o de Cartagena, Yerba de Sapo. Kongo - Bianki Lukumi – Ishoro U.S. – Long Coriander, Coriander

Description Common name given to various plants from the genus Adiantum and/or Asplenium. They are common ferns found in wetlands and shady locations.

Description An annual tropical herb that grows best under moist shaded conditions near cultivated areas. It has a pungent odor; the



Dalia Quiros-Moran

upper surface shining. Inflorescences multi-flowered, in racemes reduced to a few axillary flowers. Flowers 4-6, white; capsule dry, brown, globose to oblong; seeds numerous, minute, crescentshaped.

leaves have toothed margins and they grow in a basal rosette pattern. The fruit is round and covered with rounded protrusions. USES


Medicinal Constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, flu, fevers, irregular menstruation, vomiting.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Okana Oshe. ∗ For purification baths and cleansing of persons and the household.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and Oya. Offerings for the Orishas. CUNDEAMOR / BITTER MELON (Momordica balsamina)


Other names: Brazil – Melao de San Caetano Cuba – Cundeamor Lukumi – Ewe eyimi, ewe abonla Puerto Rico - Cundeamore U.S. – Balsam pear

Other names: Cuba - Curamagüey amarillo Lukumi – Iwo Puerto Rico – Barbero amarillo U.S. – Wild Unction Description Indigenous vine found in rocky areas and calcareous soils. The stem reaches up to 2 inches thick, somewhat woody. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate, dark green above, pale green underneath. Large flowers appearing in July, seeds in February.

Description A monoecious climber with dark green, deeply lobed leaves. The flowers are yellow and the fruits are oblong and lumpy with a light green to greenish white, waxy skin. The seeds are small and black. USES


Medicinal Diabetes, fever, gastrointestinal infections, hypertension, skin conditions stomachache

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Eshu. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye, Inle, Ogun. Correlating Odu: Odi Otrupon, Osa Meji, Obara Eyioko, Irete Untelu. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets.

CURA, MATA O VUELVE LOCO / MILKWEED (Asclepias curassavica) Other names: Brazil – Ceca Olho,Ipecacuana falsa, Official de sala Cuba - Flor de la calentura. Haiti - Zèb-Man-Boivin, Herbe-à-Ouatte, Calypso, Ti-Kadri, Zeb-Papiyon, Quadrille Mexico – Margarita Panama – Mal casada, Niño muerto Peru – Cachumeca Puerto Rico – Algodoncillo, Algodon de Mariposas U.S. – Blood flower

CUPIDO LA UNA / GINORIA (Ginoria americana) Other names: Cuba - Clavelina, Rosa de río. Lukumi - Mamboti Description Glabrous tree or shrub with opposite, lanceolate to narrowly elliptical leaves, 80

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gray/green with scaly linear leaves. In the fall produces 6" erect spikes with funnel shaped blue or violet flowers.

Description Perennial herb, up to 3 feet tall, 3 feet spread. Reddish orange and yellow flowers in umbels spring and fall.

USES USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Odudua, and Oshun. Correlating Odu: Ofun Ogunda, Osa Ogunda, Oshe Meji, Oshe Iwori, Ofun Ogunda, Otrupon Yeku, Otura Niko. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba.

Medicinal Aches, dysentery, fevers, gonorrhea, leprosy, leucorrhea, pile, poison, toxins, and wart. Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals. According to how is used, it can cure, kill of drive someone insane. CURBANA: Canela de Monte CURABOCA / STRONGBACK (Bourreria succulenta) Other names: Cuba – Ateje de Costa, Cateicito, Frutica de Catey, Raspalengua de costa, Roble negro Puerto Rico – Palo de vaca, roble guayo Description Tree that reaches up to 18 ft. tall. It has rounded leaves long with a somewhat weeping growth habit. Especially noticeable when laden with clusters of orange fruit. Clusters of small, fragrant white flowers. USES Medicinal Buccal sores, cold, flu. CURAVARA: Aceitunillo CURUJEY / BALL MOSS (Tillandsia Recurvata) Other names: Cuba - Guataca de burro. Puerto Rico – Nidos de Gundulen U.S. - Air plant Description An inconspicuous plant that grows on other plants but does not steal their nutrients. Instead it gets its water from the air. It grows in a globular clump. It is 81

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Medicinal Skin eruptions and other skin problems, sunstroke.

DAGAME / LANCEWOOD (Calcophyllum candidissimum) Other names: Colombia - Alazano, guayabo alazano, guayabo colorado. Costa Rica - Salamo, Madroño. El Salvador - Salamo. Guatemala - Salamo, Madroño, palo de peine. Honduras - Madroño, Solano. Mexico - Camarón, palo camarón. Nicaragua – Espino madroño Panama - Alazano, guayabo alazano, harino. Puerto Rico - Dágame, dégame. U.S. - Lemonwood. Venezuela - Araguato, betun.

DAMIANA / TURNERA (Turnera diffusa) Other names: Cuba - Rompecamisa macho Haiti - Oreg mawon Description Densely branched dwarf shrub, the branches clothed with tiny gray aromatic leaves. Small brilliant yellow flowers. USES Medicinal Cold, diabetes, dysentery, dyspepsia, headache, hormonal imbalance, infection, liver ailments, nervous depression, nervous disorders, pain, poor appetite, stomach ache.

Description Tree abundant in calcareous soils. Reaches great heights and it can be readily distinguished for its erect, smooth, pale red trunk. Wood hard, heavy and compact; color uniform light yellow. Flowers small.

Religious/Magical For purification baths. DATIL/ DATE PALM (Phoenix Dactylifera)

USES Medicinal Fever, infertility.

Other names: Cuba – Palma Datil

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Otrupon Ojuani, Oshe Otura. Rites of Palo For ritual and amulets.

Description Tall evergreen un-branched palm growing up to 50 ft. The trunk is surrounded from the ground upward in spiral pattern with the base of earlier formed leaves. The leaves are large, alternate. Flowers are borne in bunches at the top of the tree. The fruit is a drupe and has one seed, varying in size, shape, color and quality of flesh. Unripe dates are green in color, maturing to yellow, then reddish-brown when fully ripe.

DAGUILLA (Lagetta lintearea) Description Indigenous tree reaching 30 ft. high and 2 ft. wide. The flowers are white, produced in terminal racemes. In flower April and May; the inner bark is elastic, mesh like. Found in mountainous areas.

USES Medicinal Colds, respiratory ailments.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. Correlating Odu: Otura Irete, Odi Otura.

DIVIDIVI (Caesalpinia coriaria) Other names: Colombia - Libilibi Costa Rica - Nacascol Cuba - Dibidibi, guatapaná Dominican Republic -Dividivi, guastapaná Guatemala -Nacascolote Mexico - Cascalote Nicaragua - Nacasolo Panama - Agallo Venezuela - Guatapán, guatapanare

DIAMELA / ARABIAN JASMINE (Jasminum sambac) Other names: Cuba - Jazmín diamela, Jazmín de la India, Jazmín de Arabia, Jazmín de Francia Puerto Rico – Jazmín Oloroso Description An evergreen bush; thick, glossy, dark green, oblong leaves about one and one half inches long and a profusion of very double, fragrant, white flowers about an inch and a half in diameter. Blooms from June to September.

Description A tree that grows to approximately 30 feet tall. The trunk and branches are gnarled, with gray bark. Leaves alternate; leaflets numerous, regularly nearly touching to overlapping; flowers are small, in terminal clusters, white or yellow, pea-like, inconspicuous, very fragrant. Fruit are small curved, dished, or twisted flat pod with rounded ends.

USES Medicinal Cold, eye infections, headache, insomnia, skin, sore.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. ∗ For love amulets. ∗ Ritual purification baths and cleansings. ∗ Planted in the household heightens the energy within and promotes tranquility.

Medicinal Colic, diarrhea, gangrene, heart, pile. DORADILLA / RESURRECTION FERN (Polypodium polypodiodes) Description Fern that grows attached to trees in humid woodlands, riverbanks, and swamps. Prefers trees such as Buttonwoods, Beauty leaf, Black olive; the leaves are evergreen, leathery, stem is skinny, creeping along the bark of large trees.

DIENTE DE LEON / DANDELION (Taraxacum officinalis) Other names: Mexico - Amargon


Description A common perennial plant worldwide. The plant grows to a height of about 12 inches. Leaves oblong, irregularly dentate; grow in a rosette from the milky taproot, which sends up one or more naked flower stems, each terminating in a single yellow flower.

Medicinal Liver ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Oyekun Iwori, Irete Odi.

USES Medicinal Eczema, liver, gallbladder, hepatitis and other diseases of the liver, joint problems kidney, poor digestion, water retention.


Dalia Quiros-Moran


Medicinal Bruises, corns, gout, herpes, furuncles, and felons, skin diseases, sores, sprains, swellings.

Other names: Cuba - Vergonsoza, Sensitiva, Morivivi, Maldita Guatemala – Cierra tus puertas Haiti - Kapris, Honteuse, Zèb-a-manzèl, honteuse-femel, Marie-honte Mexico – Sensitiva, Vergonzosa Description Short-lived evergreen sub-shrub. It is grown for its curiosity value—the fern-like leaves close up and droop when touched, usually re-opening within minutes. It has prickly stems and small, fluffy, ball-shaped pink flowers in summer. It grows to a height and spread of around 3 ft. USES Medicinal Dysentery, eczema, insomnia, sore.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Odi Osa, Otura Ika. ∗ To dominate. ∗ For love and binding spells. DULCAMARA / NIGHTSHADE (Solanum dulcamara) Other names: U.S. - Bittersweet nightshade, bittersweet, bittersweet herb, bittersweet stems, bittersweet twigs, blue nightshade, fever twig, garden nightshade, nightshade, nightshade vine, scarlet berry, staff vine, violet bloom, woody, Description A perennial woody vine found in moist areas, around houses, and among hedges and thickets. The shrubby, thumb-thick, ashy-green, climbing stern can reach a length of up to 10 feet. The dark green (or purplish when young) leaves are alternate and variable in shape. The purple, starshaped flowers appear in clusters from May to August. The fruit is a scarlet, bitter berry that hangs on the vine for months after the leaves have fallen.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Description Annual plant found in wet places specially paddy fields. It is in flower in August.

EBANO / EBONY (Diospyrus Ebenus)


Other names: Cuba - Zapote negro

Medicinal Anemia, athlete's foot, catarrh, dermatitis, diphtheria, dropsy, eczema, jaundice, liver complaints, premature graying of the hair, scorpion stings, tooth loss, ulcers, wounds.

Description Ebony is the common name for the tree genus Diospyrus that contains some 300 species. The ones most associated with the black colored rare wood are African ebony, East Indian ebony, Macassar ebony and Nigerian ebony. It is believed that ebony gets its deep black color from deposits of tannins. A hard gum fills the heartwood fibers making it black and brittle.

EMBELEZO / CAPE PLUMBAGO (Plumbago capensis) Other names: Cuba - Embeleso, azulejo, jazmín azul, jazminillo, velesa. U.S. - Leadwort


Description Cultivated ornamental shrub to 6 feet tall, 10 feet wide. Blooms throughout the year, with denser blooms from March to November. Flowers vary in color from white to intense blue.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To make attributes and paraphernalia To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. EBANO CARBONERO (Maba crassinervis)


Other names: Cuba - Ebano real, manati, tagua-tagua, sapote negro

Medicinal Warts. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Oshosi. Used to make ritual omiero. Correlating Odu: Obara Eyioko. ∗ For love amulets.

Description Erect, indigenous tree reaching up to 7 ft. Found in arid soils, particularly coastal areas. Wood black, compact, hard, heavy can be polished. Leaves ovate, elliptical, glossy, color dark green, light green underneath. Small flowers.


USES Medicinal Skin.

Other names: Brazil – Amor do Campo Cuba – Amor Seco Puerto Rico - Zarzabacoa

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Oshun. Correlating Odu: Ofun Ika. ECLIPTA BLANCA / ECLIPTA (Eclipta alba) Other names: Puerto Rico – Hierba del Tajo 85

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Description Perennial legume with upright and creeping stems that root at the nodes. Leaves on upright stems are lance shaped and often have a white mark along the midrib; those on trailing stems have fewer markings and are oval or round.

USES Medicinal Cough, diarrhea, earache, fever, hemorrhoids, indigestion, kidney problems, painful menstruation, postchildbirth recovery, rheumatism, swollen body parts, tiredness, and vaginal infections.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odua. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Odi

Medicinal Cystitis, fever, liver ailments, parturition. ENCINA / SAND LIVE OAK (Quercus virginaria)

ESCOBA AMARGA / FALSE RAGWEED (Parthenium hysterophorus)

Other names: Cuba - Encino U.S. - Live Oak

Other names: Cuba - Escoba amarga, confitillo, artemisilla. Haiti - Absent bata, Balai Amer, Absinthe marron, Zèb-a-Pian U.S. - Parthenium weed, parthenium, White top

Description Small shrubby tree. Grows individually or in thickets with other shrubby oaks. In longleaf pine forests, this tree can reach the height of moderate to fairly large trees. The bark is dark red-brown, up to 1 inch thick, somewhat furrowed, and separating into small scales. It grows on sites having relatively deep, infertile sands.

Description Coarse, upright, annual plant growing 1240 inches high. Each flower head consists of 5 white ray flowers and numerous disk flowers. The leaves are 4-8 inches long and are deeply lobed.

USES Medicinal Diarrhea, dysentery, eye, nasal and urinary hemorrhages, hemorrhoids, sores, varicose ulcers, whites.

USES Medicinal Backache, headache, cold, chest ailments, dysentery, eczema, fever, leprosy, neuralgia, paludism, pimples, rashes, rheumatism, skin ulcers, tumor, pimple.

ENCOSPE: Caobilla de Sabana. ESCABIOSA / GOATWEED (Capraria biflora)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba and Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Odi Ogunda, Obara Iroso, Okana Iroso, Osa Ogbe, Ofun Otrupo. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Used to make Nkisi lango. Abakua Society For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ For ritual baths and cleansings to banish illness. ∗ For purification cleansings of the household.

Other names: Cuba - Esclaviosa, majuito, magüiro, viuda. Haiti - Te-peyi, Thé des Antilles, Thé de santé, Thé muray, Thé des Anglais, Capraire Description Common herb. Grows in calcareous soils and coastal areas; oval lanceolate toothed leaves.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

ESPARTILLO / SMUTGRASS (Sporobolus indicus)

ESCOBA CIMARRONA / ANGELSTEM (Abutilom trisulcatum)

Other names: Cuba - Espartillo, alambrillo, pajilla, pajón. Lukumi – Iye eran U.S. – West Indian drop seed

Other names: U.S. – Indian Mallow Description Evergreen shrub. Grows to 9 ft. In flower from April to September.

Description Coarse grass. Grows to a height of 5 ft. The seed head resembles a rat's tail. The branches at the bottom of the seed head often droop away from the central stem. The seeds, which are about the size of sugar grains, form at the ends of each floret. They are initially white and turn yellow-brown at maturity.

USES Medicinal Asthma. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu. ∗ A branch placed behind the door of the household will expel evil spirits.

USES Medicinal Tired feet. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Oshosi. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Osa, Otura Irete. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

ESPANTA MUERTO / ECLIPTA (Eclipta Alba) Other names: Brazil – Agria Do Brejo, Erva De Botao, Herva Botao Lukumi – Aberinkunlo Panama - Kongolala

ESPIGELIA / PINKROOT (Spigelia anthelmia)

Description A creeping and moisture-loving herb; it has a short, flat or round stem and small white flowers on a long stalk. It grows 3" tall; the leaves are opposite and lanceshaped.

Other names: Cuba - Yerba lombricera. U.S. – Worm bush, West Indian Pinkroot Description Annual weed, growing up to 2 ft.; the stem is scarcely branched, with short stalked, feather lobed leaves set like a whorl. The spikes with small purple flowers come out of the middle of the whorl. The flowers are on one side of the spike. The fruit is a two lobed, capsule with warty seeds.

USES Medicinal Anemia, asthma, dysentery, eye diseases, and liver cirrhosis. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Osa Meji, Osa Ogbe, Irete Untelu, and Irete Otura. For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ To banish negativity and evil spirits from persons and the household.

USES Medicinal Congestion, headache, intestinal worms, neuralgia, pain.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun ∗ For ritual purification baths ∗ To re-unite lovers than have grown apart.

Description Coastal shrub found in arid, calcareous soils and hills. The leaves have needles at the tip; orange flowers. USES Medicinal Blood toxins, toothaches.

ESPINACA / SPINACH (Spinacea oleracea) Description Annual crop plant, of the goosefoot family, grown for its nutritious and savory leaves.




Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

USES Medicinal Arthritis, bowel, toxins.



ESQUENATO / LEMON GRASS (Cymbopogon citratus)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun.

Other names: Cuba -Caña de limon, caña de la Meca. Description Plant growing in dense clumps up to 6 feet in diameter and has leaves up to 3 feet long. Found in sandy, well-drained soils.

ESPINILLO / JERUSALEM THORN (Parkinsonia aculeata) Other names: Cuba - Espinillo, junco marino, palo de rayo. U.S. – Mexican Palo Verde

USES Medicinal Asthma, cold, cough, dyspepsia, fever, flu, malaria, rheumatism, leprosy.

Description Deciduous, thorny tree, up to 30 feet tall. Green trunk. The leaves are narrow, long. Produces masses of scented yellow flowers in late spring.

ESTAFISAGRA / STAVESACRE (Delphinium staphisagria) Description Biennial/Perennial plant growing to 3 ft. Found in field verges and in scrub, on hot dry soils. It is in flower from May to August. The flowers are greenish-white.

USES Medicinal Epilepsy, fever. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu and Oshosi.

USES Medicinal Headache, herpes, injuries, itches, lice, skin rashes, toothache, warts.

ESPINO: Bayoneta ESPUELA DE CABALLERO (Jacquinia Aculeata)

ESTEFANOTIS / BRIDAL BOUQUET (Stephanotis floribunda)

Other names: Cuba - Espuela de Rey, Rosetillo Haiti - Bwa Bandé

Description Twining vigorous shrub, to 15 feet or more;


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

leaves elliptic, abruptly pointed at apex, thick, glossy, the fragrant flowers are white, waxy.

USES Medicinal Flu and colds, respiratory conditions, fever, paludism, throat irritation.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlated Odu: Iroso Okana.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Ogun. Correlating Odu: Irete Oshe. Ground to dusting powder to ward off disease. ∗ For cleansing of persons and the household to expel negativity.

ESTROPAJO / VEGETABLE SPONGE (luffa luffa, lyoss) Other names: Brazil – Bucha Cuba – Friega platos Puerto Rico – Esponja Servilleta


EXTRAÑA ROSA / CHINA ASTER (Callistephus hortensis)


Other names: Cuba - Reina Margarita. U.S. – Annual Aster

Description A running vine with rounded leaves. The fruits are smooth and cylindrical shaped. The length of the fruit is one to two feet.

Description Cultivated half-hardy annual, heights range from 6 inches to 3 feet. The leaves are ovate, coarsely toothed. The flowers are radiate, terminal on long stem, single or double blossoms in blue, pink, white, purple, creamy yellow, lavender, purple or red, some with feathery flower heads.

USES Medicinal Eczema, hemorrhage, intestinal parasites. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Babalu Aye. Correlated Odu: Ojuani Oshe, Okana Ika and Okana Oshe. ∗ For ritual baths and cleansings of persons and the household for good fortune.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Oshun. ∗ For purification baths to attract good fortune and prosperity.

EUCALIPTO (Eucalyptus resinifera) Other names: Cuba - Eucalipto U.S.- Red stringy bark, red-mahogany eucalyptus, eucalyptus, eucalypt, red mahogany. Puerto Rico - Eucalipto medicinal. Description A tall tree with a rough persistent bark on the trunk, but more or less deciduous on the branches, the leaves are lanceolate, the flowers grow in little clusters, yellowish color.


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FLOR DE AGUA / WATER HYACINTH (Eichornia azurea)

F FIDEILLO: Bejuco de Fideos

Other names: Cuba - Flor de Agua, jaboncillo de agua, cola de pato, boniatillo de agua. Kongo - Irituu Lukumi - Ojogbo, tana fun fun

FILIGRANA/ BITTERBUSH (Eupatorium villosum) Other names: Cuba - Filigrana, albahaca de sabana, albahaquilla, travesera, trebolillo, verbena morada y zanca de grullo. U.S. – Florida Keys Thoroughwort

Description Aquatic plant. Common ponds, rivers and streams.



USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Obatala, Oshun, Inle. Correlating Odu: Iwori Odi, Obara Ogunda, Obara Ika, Osa Oshe. Used to make ritual omiero.

Description Aromatic plant, common in calcareous hills. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. Correlating Odu: Ofun Irete.

FLOR DE LA CALENTURA: Cura Mata y vuelve loco FLOR DE MAR


USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala.

Other names: Cuba - Verbena morada, Filigrana de Mazorca U.S. - French Mulberry, Mulberry, Dwarf

FLOR DE MARMOL (Sedum monregalense)

Description Evergreen shrub. Growing to 9 ft tall. Leaves opposite and simple; oval-shaped, with an acute apex; green and usually glabrous above, paler and pubescent below; flowers perfect and in sessile clusters around the leaf nodes; lavender; blue pink; fruit is a 4-pitted lavender-pink, magenta, or violet drupe.

Other names: Cuba -Bálsamo turco, rosa de mármol. Description Exotic plant forming a neat carpet of fresh green leaves borne in whorls of four. Creamy, white flowers. USES


Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Odudua.

Medicinal Chest ailments, colic, Dropsy, dysentery, fevers stomach aches, malaria, and rheumatism.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism



Description Plants from the orchid family compact in height, usually only 10-12 inches tall, with a sprawling growth habit. The flowers are 2.5-3 inches, generally light lavender with a darker lip and throat. Clusters of 2-6 blooms are borne on the end of a spike reaching 3 feet.

Other names: Dominican Republic – Avellana Purgante Puerto Rico – Tuatilla Venezuela – Piño, Tartaro Description Indigenous plant, much smaller than the "Belly-ache" bush, with similar leaves and fruit.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala.

Medicinal Erysipelas.



Other names: Brazil – Rojao Colombia – Rueda de Arado Cuba – Clavelon, Copetuda, Copete

Other names: Brazil - Pinhão roxo Cuba - Cardecillo de monte, tua-tua. Lukumi – Baisigue, paime

Description Cultivated compact, erect plant, 12 to 14 inches tall; flowers to 3 1/2 inches across, most flowers are doubles with flat or balllike flower heads; colors range from primrose yellow through pumpkin-orange. leaves are opposite, pinnately divided into lanceolate segments with serrate margins, aromatic (unpleasant odor for many people).

Description Evergreen shrub, up to 5 feet tall. Brownish bark, whitish wood; leaves alternate; small flowers, white petals (4), very aromatic; oval shaped fruit, yellow, fleshy with one almond like seed. USES Medicinal Liver ailments.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun

Medicinal Chest ailments, stomach pains, venereal diseases.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Ogun.

Other names: Arada - Adadase Cuba – Framboyán Lukumi - Seke-Seke, inaweko U.S. - Poinciana Tree




Description Tree often more that 30 feet high with wide spreading branches from a domed top. It has brown seedpods 2" long resembling rezone strops. 91

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Medicinal Rheumatism.

Medicinal Bruise, digestive problems, kidney ailments, sores, intestinal parasites.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Oya. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Eyioko, Otura Irete. ∗ In amulets to attract stability and prosperity.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Ofun Otrupo. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo Used to make Nkisi lango. For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ For cleansings of persons and the household for good fortune and to expel negativity.

FRAMBUESA/RASPBERRY (Rubus Idaeus) Other names: U.S. – European Raspberry


Description Thorny plant growing up to 10 ft. high. The leaves are alternate, with very fine prickles or glandular hairs. Arching round branches that are bristly hairy to slightly prickly and reddish green. The flowers appear in June and July; greenish, with very small white petals. The fruit is juicy, red, multiple of drupes.

Other names: Cuba - Frijol carita, caupi criollo. U.S. – Cowpea Description A warm-season, annual, herbaceous legume. Plant types are often categorized as erect, semi-erect, prostrate (trailing), or climbing. Leaves are smooth, dull to shiny. Flowers are borne in multiple racemes on 8 to 20 in.; flower stalks pods are smooth, 6 to 10 in. long, cylindrical and somewhat curved. This plant originated in Africa. Its history dates to ancient West African cereal farming, 5 to 6 thousand years ago, where it was closely associated with the cultivation of sorghum and pearl millet.

USES Medicinal Blood toxins, eye ailments, kidney ailments, skin conditions, and stomach ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Oshe Iroso.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. For rituals and ceremonies, and offerings to the Orishas.

Other names: Cuba - Frescura, lentejuela, mañanita, señorita, yerba del tejado Puerto Rico – Madreselva, Verdolaguilla, Yerba de Vidrio U.S. - Artillery Weed, Nettle,Gale of wind Description A small, prostrate herb with very small fleshy leaves and tiny greenish female flowers and pinkish, somewhat larger male flowers. Gets its name from the way that the stamens shoot out pollen. The pollen shoots out in a tiny cloud, as if fired from a miniature cannon. 92

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

FRIJOL NEGRO / BLACK BEAN (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Description Plant with trifoliate compound leaves; somewhat showy, flowers; produces elongate legumes (pods) that contain from three to a dozen or more usually kidneyshaped seeds.

Description A short-lived, fast-growing, woody, large herb to 10 or 12 feet in height. All parts contain latex. The hollow green or deep purple trunk is straight and cylindrical with prominent leaf scars. The leaves emerge directly from the upper part of the stem in a spiral on nearly horizontal petioles. The five-petalled flowers are fleshy, waxy and slightly fragrant. The pear-shaped fruit generally weigh about 1 pound and have yellow skin when ripe. The flesh is bright orange or pinkish, with small black seeds clustered in the center.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. For ritual and ceremonies. ∗ Ritual cleansings ∗ For offerings to the Orishas

Medicinal Burns and scalds, constipation, corns, dyspepsia, intestinal parasites, jaundice nervous pains, piles, psoriasis, ringworm, sea nettle stings, syphilis tumors, warts.

Other names: Brazil - Feijao Haiti - Pwa nouris U.S. – Black turtle bean

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya, Inle. Correlating Odu: Irete Kana, Obara Osa. ∗ For purification rituals.

FRIJOLILLO (Hebestigma cubense) Other names: Cuba - Frijolillo, guamá piñón, piñón de costa, juravaina.


Description Indigenous tree reaching up to 40 ft. in height. Leaves green, glossy, lighter underneath. Flowers light pink, five petals.

Medicinal Intestinal parasites, menstrual pain.


FULMINANTE / WILD PETUNIA (Ruellia germiniflora)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Ogun For amulets

Other names: Cuba - Fulminante, triquitraque, salta perico. Description Perennial herbaceous plant that can reach 35 inches in height and have few branches. The leaf arrangement is opposite. Each leaf is entire. The flowers are lavender sometimes violet. Blooms first appear in late spring and continue into late summer.

FRUTA DE PAN: Arbol del pan. FRUTABOMBA / PAPAYA (Carica Papaya) Other names: Arada – Yipe, Sanasse Argentina - Manón Cuba – Papaya Haiti - Papay Jamaica - Pawpaw Mexico - Melón Zapote Puerto Rico - Lechosa


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USES Religious/Magical Rites of Palo The seeds are used to prepare protection amulets. FUMARIA / FUMITORY (Fumaria officialis) Description Small and slender herb, with weak, straggling, or climbing stems, decompounded leaves, and clusters or spikes of small flowers of a pinkish hue, topped with purple, or more rarely, white. The leaves have no odor, but taste bitter and saline. The plant flowers almost throughout the summer in fields, gardens, and on banks, and in ditches, spreading with great rapidity. USES Medicinal Eruptive diseases, obstructions, milk-crust.




Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description An evergreen bush up to five feet in height that produces dark green, oblong leaves and a profusion of greenish flowers, which open only at night, are intensely fragrant. The flowers are followed by oblong white berries.

G GALAN DE DIA / DAY JESSAMINE (Cestrum diurum) Other names: Colombia - Sauco tintoreo Cuba - Galán de día, jazmín de día. Jamaica - Wild jasmine, ink-bush Kongo - Montoo Lukumi – Orufin, otoiro Mexico - Juan de Noche Dominican Republic – Rufiana U.S. - Day cestrum Venezuela - Dama de día

USES Medicinal Epilepsy, hysteria, nervousness, spasm. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Orunmila. Correlating Odu: Obara Iroso. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ For purification baths to attract good fortune and prosperity. ∗ Planted outside the house for protection

Description An upright growing plant up to ten feet high that produces numerous willowy branches, bright green, lanceolate leaves, and clusters of small fragrant, tubular, white flowers, which are followed by succulent, purple berries.

GAMBUTERA / ALEXANDER GRASS (Brachiaria plantaginea)

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Odudua. ∗ For purification cleansings of the household to attract good fortune, heightening the energy within and promoting tranquility.

Other names: Brazil - Capim-marmelada, papuã Cuba - Gambute, bambutera, gambustera. Description Annual weed with prostrate, creeping smooth stems, rooting at nodes. Leaf blades usually smooth, flat and wide. Leaf sheath often with hairs on margin. Seed head branches spreading like "signal flags" with seed on underside. Found in turf and disturbed habitats.

GALAN DE NOCHE/NIGHT BLOOMING CESTRUM (Cestrum nocturnum) Other names: Costa Rica - Zorrillo. Cuba - Galán de noche, Fedora, Jazmín de Noche Dominican Republic - Rufiana, jazmín de noche. El Salvador - Palo hediondo. Guatemala - Galán de noche, reina de la noche. Haiti - Lilas de nuit, jasmin de nuit. Kongo - Dondoko Lukumi - Orufirin, Elube Mexico - Huele de noche, hierba hedionda, galán de tarde. Philippines - Dama de noche Puerto Rico - Dama de noche. U.S. -Night cestrum.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. ∗ Placed inside protection.



GANDUL / PIGEON PEA (Cajanus indicus) Other names: Costa Rica – Frijolillo Cuba - Gandua Haiti - Pwa Kongo



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Nicaragua - Garbanzo falso Panama - Frijol de palo Venezuela - Chicharros, quinconcho

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu. To disturb the enemy,

Description Perennial woody shrub, mostly grown as an annual for the legume; stems strong, woody, to 12 ft. tall, freely branching; root system deep. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate; flowers multi-colored with yellow predominant, red, purple, orange occur in streaks or fully cover the dorsal side of the flag, Pods compressed, 2–9-seeded. Seeds separated from each other in the pod by slight depressions.

GENCIANA DE LA TIERRA / WHITE HEAD (Enicostema verticillatum) Other names: Cuba - Genciana de la Tierra, de Costa Kongo - Lonlo Lukumi - Iyendere Description Perennial herb. Sessile lanceolate leaves. The white flowers are arranged in clusters. The fruits are capsule, globose, one-celled with many small, pale, ridged ovate seeds.

USES Medicinal: Bladder stones bronchitis, eczema, gripe, and pneumonia.



Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Babalu Aye For cleansings and healing rituals Offerings to the Orishas For rituals and ceremonies

Medicinal Digestion problems, rheumatic pain. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and Ogun.

GARDENIA: Jazmín del Cabo

GENJIBRE / GINGER (Zinginber officinale)

GATEADO / BREADNUT (Brosimun alicastrum)

Other names: Brazil - Gengibre Açafroa Haiti - Gingembre, Gengamb' Lukumi – Ewe atale

Other names: Cuba - Güaimaro, Ramon de Mejico. Guatemala, Honduras - Maseco Mexico - Ramon, Ojite, Capomo, Juandiego, Apomo. Nicaragua - Ochoche.

Description A perennial root which creeps and increases underground, in tuberous joints; in the spring it sends up from its roots a green reed, like a stalk, 2 feet high, with narrow lanceolate leaves; these die down annually. The flowering stalk rises directly from the root, ending in an oblong scallop spike; from each spike a white or yellow bloom grows.

Description Erect tree reaching 90 ft. high and 24 inches in diameter. Exfoliating rough bark, grayish/black. The dark green foliage is dense, with ascendent branches. The leaves are simple, glossy dark green on top, dull pale green underneath. The flowers are globose; fruit yellow or orange when ripe.

USES Medicinal Arthritis, body aches, congestion, diarrhea, flatulence,

USES Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, nervousness.




colds, colic, dyspepsia,

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

flu, headaches, morning sickness in pregnant women, motion sickness, respiratory ailments sore throats.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ika Otura, Oshe Iwori. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ Attracts good vibes and fortune. ∗ To banish evil spirits.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. Correlating Odu: Oshe Iroso. The fruit infuriates Ogun. Offering to the Orishas. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

GRAJO / WHITE STOPPER (Eugenia axillaris) Other names: Cuba - Grajo, guairaje, guairaje colorado Dominican Republic - Escobón colorado, escobón de vara, palo de hueso El Salvador - Guayacan negro, escobo, chamiso Jamaica - Black cherry, rodwood, brown leaf rodwood. Mexico, Guatemala - Guayabillo Puerto Rico - Grajo, murta U.S - Eugenia Stopper

GERANIO / ROSE GERANIUM (Pelargonium graveolens) Other names: Cuba - Geranio de olor. Lukumi – Pupayo Description Sub shrub, up to 3 feet tall. Exotic cultivated plant known for the curly, lemon scented leaves.

Description A native shrub or small tree. The leaves are ovate, glossy. Numerous white flowers and black globose fruit. The plant emits a musky unpleasant odor.

USES Medicinal Nervousness, ovarian problems. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Oya. Correlating Odu: Ika Otura. ∗ For purification baths to attract good fortune.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun ∗ To ward off evil spirits.

GIRASOL/SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annuns)

GRAMA / BERMUDA GRASS (Cynodon dactylon)

Other names: Cuba – Mirasol Kongo – Yongoso, tango Lukumi – Keuoro, orunnife, yenkemi

Other names: Brazil – Capin de Cidade Colombia – Pasto Bermuda Cuba – Grama, Yerba Bermuda, Yerba del Prado, Yerba Fina Kongo- Nfita Lukumi – Kotonembo, Ewe Eran Puerto Rico - Grama

Description Annual growing to 10 feet tall. It is in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from September to October. Grows in open dry or moderately moist soils.

Description Evergreen perennial growing to 1 foot. It is in leaf all year, in flower from August to October, and the seeds ripen from September to October. Plants are sometimes grown as a cover for warm sunny banks and are sometimes used for lawns.

USES Medicinal High fevers, insect bites, lung ailments, malaria, pulmonary complaints, sores, swellings, rheumatic aches and pains.


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Medicinal Catarrhal ophthalmia, cuts, diarrhea, dropsy, dysentery, epilepsy, hysteria, insanity, piles, syphilis, wounds.

Other names: U.S. – Jamaican Ebony, West Indies Ebony, Ironwood

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. One of the five essential plants to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

Description Native tree reaching 30 ft. high. The leaves are tiny and evergreen. Yelloworange flowers along the branches on and off all year - especially after a rain. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ika.

GRANADA / PROMENADETE (Punica granatum) Other names: Arada – Aguwo Cuba – Granado Enano Haiti - Grenad Lukumi – Oroko, Mayaku, yayeku-kansore Mexico - Granada, granado

GRANADO AGRIO / POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum) Other names: Brazil - Romanzeiro Haiti - Pomegranate, Grenadier

Description A small tree growing to about 15 feet with brownish bark, long, narrow, willow-like leaves and bright scarlet flowers. The fruit is the size of an orange, with a harder peel, containing sweet juice and numerous seeds embedded in pulp.

Description A small tree growing to 15 feet; brownish bark; long, narrow, willow-like leaves; bright scarlet flowers. The fruit is the size of an orange, with a harder peel, containing sweet juice and numerous seeds embedded in pulp.

USES USES Medicinal Fevers, intestinal worms. diarrhea and chronic dysentery, sore throat, leucorrhoea, intermittent fevers.

Medicinal Bleedings, intestinal worms, whites. GRANGANA / HOOP VINE (Trichostigma octandra)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya and Shango. Correlating Odu: Ofun Oshe. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ To banish evil spirits and negativity. ∗ For purification baths to attract good fortune and ward off from accidents, calamity, hostility and negativity in general. ∗ To ward off dark spirits and ensure a good night's rest.

Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de canasta grángana, guaniqui, guaniquique.


Description A large, perennial, sprawling vine-like bush found in calcareous soils. The stems are


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

long, flexible, and pliable used in making baskets Elliptical, glossy leaves; flowers white in racemes. The fruit is black.

USES Medicinal Digestive ailments, enteritis, fever, wound.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Ika Oshe.

Medicinal Asthma, dropsy, wound. GREGUE: Grenguere

GUABAN: Cabo de Hacha GRENGUERE / JEW'S MALLOW (Corchorus olitorius)

GUABICO (Xilopia Glabra)

Other names: Cuba - Gregue, Yute U.S. – Jutes, Bush okra

Other names: Cuba -Malagueta, pico de gallo, pino de monte.

Description An erect woody herb, usually 5 ft. high. Leaves are short stalked, ovate to elliptic, margin serrated. Leaf blade usually with basal protrusions. Flowers are yellow and the fruits are short-stalked, cylindrical capsule that splits into 5 parts. Seeds grayish black, angled.

Description Tree with twisted branches, smooth gray bark; leaves glossy, ovate, alternate, pale green on top, lighter green at the bottom; single flowers, six petals, the longer ones are brown, and the rest triangular in shape.



Medicinal Aches and pains, cystitis, dysentery, enteritis, fever, gonorrhea, pectoral pains, tumors.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Ika Ofun. ∗ To sidetrack someone following you. ∗ For amulets.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, and Elegba. For food offerings to the Orishas

GUACALOTE / GRAY NICKERS (Caesalpinia crista) Other names: Cuba – Mate gris, quita maldicion Panama - Calentura U.S. – Fever nut, Wait-a-bit, Bonduc nut, Nickernut, Sea nut

GROSELLA / GOOSEBERRY TREE (Phyllanthus acidus) Other names: Cuba - Manzana lora. Mexico – Ciruela cortada, Estrella Nicaragua – Grosella


Description A woody climber with pinnately compound leaves and yellow flowers in terminal racemes. The stems and leaves, bearing recurved spines. The pods are 2-4 seeded, short, inflated and covered with prickles. The seeds are nearly round, glossy gray.

Description Tree reaching 40 ft. high. Wood is white, fairly hard. Leaves ovate, flowers in panicles. Produces numerous acrid fruits.


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Medicinal Acne, asthma, colic, congestion, convulsions, depurative, diarrhea, dropsy, fever, gonorrhea, leprosy, malaria, neuroses, palsy, snakebite.

Description A red variety of the Guacamaya plant USES

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. Correlating Odu: Iroso Meji, Oshe Iroso, Otura Iwori, Oshe Iroso. For divination (Ibo). ∗ For amulets to attract good fortune.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Oshun. Correlating Odu: Otura Osa, Irete Ogunda. Used to make ritual omiero. Stronger than the yellow variety.



Other names: Colombia- Guacamaya, clavelina, flor de angel, florito, flor de pavo. Costa Rica - Clavelina, Hoja de sen. Cuba - Guacamaya amarilla, clavelina. Dominican Republic - Carzazo El Salvador - Flor barbona. Guatemala - Hierba de espanto, espanta lobos, gallito, Santa Rosa, flor de chapa. Mexico - Flor del camarón, flor de guacamaya Nicaragua - Guacamaya, guacamayo Philippines - Carzazo U.S. - Barbados flower, Barbados-pride, flowerfence, bird-of paradise flower

Other names: Colombia - Bajagua, lucutema, mucuteno, majagüillo. CubaGuacamaya francesa, guacamayón, yerba de los herpes o de los empeines. Dominican Republic - Guajavo Guatemala, Honduras – Barajo Haiti - Zèb-à-dartres, Kas-piyant', KasAilé, Cassia Alata Jamaica - Ringworm shrub Mexico - Flor del secreto, Taratana Nicaragua - Soroncontil Panama - Laureño Philippines - Capulco Puerto Rico - Talantola, talantro U.S. – Candlestick senna, wild senna

Description Shrub that grows to a height of 10 to 15 feet. The branches are prickly and the leaves are large and doubly compound with many small leaflets. The flower is fiery red and yellow "sunset color", has five petals with a yellow margin in a pyramidal inflorescence.

Description Shrub growing up to 12 ft. high; erect yellow spikes resembling fat candles before individual blossoms open. The leaves are large, bilateral. The fruit is a pod; seeds small and square. Found in secondary vegetation and along riverbanks.

USES Medicinal Inflammation, liver ailments, rheumatic aches and pains.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Otura Osa, Irete Ogunda. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For purification baths.

Medicinal Acne, eczema, herpes, ringworm, skin infections, snake bites, uterus disorders, venereal diseases.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Used to make ritual omiero.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun and Osayin. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. ∗ To counteract ingested witchcraft.

GUACAMARI: Camagua GUACAMAYO / CARICATURE PLANT (Graptophyllum pictum)

GUAGUASI (Zuelania guidonia)

Other names: Cuba- Justicia, papagallo.

Description Tree of calcareous soils and coastal areas reaching 40 ft. high. White-gray bark, trunk erect and cylindrical; branches long, at right angles to trunk. Leaves slender, pubescent underneath. Flowers green; fruits dark green. Abundant yellow, transparent sap.

Description Evergreen shrub reaching up to 6 feet tall. The leaves are simple, coarse; purple, tan, greenish. It presents showy red flowers that appear during the summer. USES Medicinal Earache, constipation, wound.

USES sore,

Medicinal Body toxins, fever, intestinal ailments, itches, rheumatism, skin ulcers, syphilis.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odua. Correlating Odu: Obara Ojuani.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Osa Trupo.

GUACO / CLIMBING HEMPWEED (Mikania cordifolia)

GUAIMARO / RAMOON (Trophis racemosa)

Other names: Brazil - Cipó-Cabeludo, Hierba de Cobra Haiti - Lyan'n Koulèv, Lyan'n serpent, Lyan'n Françoise Mexico – Cimarron Puerto Rico – Bejuco de Aradores


Other names: Cuba - Palo Ramón, Ramón de bestia y Ramón de caballos, balsamo. Dominican Republic - Ramón, Ramon de vaca, Ramon de bestia. El Salvador - Ojushte, chulujuste, pilijuste Guatemala - Ramon colorado Haiti - Ramon, bois neuf rameau Jamaica - Ramoon Kongo – Cuaribao, nkento, nkitan kitan Mexico - Ramon, ramoncillo, ushi Panama - Ojoche macho, breadnut Puerto Rico - Ramoncillo, Ramon. Venezuela - Marfil.

Medicinal Asthma, cholera, Fever, Flu, Malaria, Rheumatism, scorpion bites, sore, spasm, stomach ailments, syphilis, tetanus, tumor.

Description Native tree reaching up to 50 ft. high. The leaves are elliptical. Produces small edible orange fruits, with a large seed inside.

Description Herbaceous vine often blanketing nearby vegetation. Slender cylindrical stems; leaves simple, opposite, ovate, acumeate, bright green on top, pale green underneath; flowers small, white.


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Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba

Medicinal Slow milk production in nursing mothers.

GUAJEN / PUFFBALL (Lycoperdon gemattum)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Essential for the Nkisi. To dominate spirits

Other names: U.S.- Smoke ball Description Fungus in which the aboveground portion is typically a stem less brownish sac with an opening at the top through which issues the dust like mass of ripe spores.

GUAIRAJE / SPANISH STOPPER (Eugenia buxifolia) Description Native shrub up to 10 ft. high. The wood is hard, similar to the guava tree, found in all types of soils, especially in rocky soils near the coast.

USES Medicinal Wounds.


GUAMA / LANCEPOD (Lonchocarpus domingensis)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba and Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Ika Ofun.

Other names: Cuba – Guamá de soga, guamá de majagua. Dominican Republic - Anoncillo, anoncillo de majagua, anon de río Haiti - Bois caiman, Battre-à-Caïman. Puerto Rico - Geno-geno

GUAJACA / SPANISH MOSS (Dendropogon usneoides) Other names: Brazil – Barba de Velho, Samambaia do Norte Colombia – Barbas de Viejo, Melenas Cuba - Guajaca, barba española, guajaquilla. Haiti - Bab-pan'yol, Barba de Ucar Puerto Rico – Barbas de viejo U.S. – Graybeard, Old man's beard

Description Evergreen tree found in low, wet areas such as riverbanks, streams, ponds, and swamps. Reaches up to 45 feet with extended branches. The bark is brown with white specks. The leaves are green, pinnate, compound. In bloom during the summer, pink/violet flowers. USES

Description Perennial, rootless epiphyte that hangs over trees; stems slender, branching, leafy, hanging, often to 20 feet or more, hoary-gray; leaves scattered, very narrowly linear, to 2 inches long; flowers small, pale green or blue, solitary in axils of leaves.

Medicinal Urinary track problems. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi. Correlating Odu: Okana Otura, Iwori Okana, Irete Untelu, Irete Ogunda, Irete Otura. Used to make ritual omiero.

USES Medicinal Gum or tongue wounds, hemorrhoids.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. ∗ In amulets to overcome legal issues.

GUANABANA / SOURSOP (Annona muricata) Other names: Brazil - Graviola Haiti - Kowosol Lukumi – Iggi Omo Fun fun, gwanillo, nichularafun U.S. - Prickly custard apple, durian

GUAMA DE COSTA / LANCEPOD (Lonchocarpus latifolious) Other names: Cuba - Guamá de costa, Guamá macho, Frijolillo amarillo.

Description A small tree, reaching 20 feet high; the leaves are leathery, very dark and shiny green. They have a pungent odor when crushed. The fruit is oblong or somewhat curved with a length of 13 inch and a weight of up to 6 pound.

Description Evergreen tree found in low, wet areas such as riverbanks, streams, ponds, and swamps. Reaches up to 45 feet with extended branches. The bark is brown with white specks. The leaves are green, pinnate, compound. In bloom during the summer, pink/violet flowers.



Medicinal Arthritis pain, Catarrh, chills, colds, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, fever, flu, gallbladder attacks, hypertension, insomnia, internal and external parasites and worms, kidneys, liver ailments, nervousness, neuralgia, palpitations, rheumatism, ringworm, sores and internal ulcers.

Medicinal Acne, rashes. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Oshun, and Ogun. GUAMA HEDIONDO HEMBRA (Lonchocarpus Blainii) Other names: Cuba - Guamá hediondo, Guamacito

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Ibeji. Used to make ritual omiero.

Description Shrub common in low areas and rocky soils.


USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya.

Other names: Cuba - Orilla de arroyo. Description Common shrub with leaves similar to the sour sop plant.

GUAMAO/ GUAMARO (Lonchocarpus oligosperma) Description Indigenous tree propagated by seeds in mountainous and coastal areas. It is in flower during April. The roots are lateral. USES Medicinal Backaches, kidney stones. 103

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Medicinal Cardiac conditions, lack of appetite.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. Correlating Odu: Obara Oshe.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala.

GUANO PRIETO/ GUANO PALM (Copernicia wrightii)

GUANINA / CASSIA (Cassia tora)

Other names: Cuba - Guanito. Lukumi – Mariwo Dun

Other names: Costa Rica - Dormilon Cuba - Hierba guanina Guatemala – Ejotil Mexico – Biche memiso Puerto Rico – Dormidera, Hediondilla

Description Small plant, common in savannas and sandy soils, forming numerous colonies. The trunk is slender, covered by the base of the fallen leaves.

Description Small annual that grows in dry soils. The leaves close at night; the flower has five petals, yellow.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango.


GUAO (Comocladia dentata)

Medicinal Eruptions, eye pain, congestion, itchiness, redness, or sensitivity to light when caused by wind-heat conditions, fever, gout, inflammations, joint pains, ringworm, sciatica, skin diseases, skin itch, ulcers.

Other names: Cuba - Guao de costa, Guao de sabana, Guao hediondo, Guao Real Haiti – Bouziyèt

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Otura Iroso. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Used to make ritual omiero.

Description Shrub found in savannas, coastal and arid soil areas. Its latex is very caustic, producing serious burns to the skin. The leaves are ovate, dark green.

GUANO BLANCO / COPERNICIA (Copernicia glabrescens)

USES Medicinal Warts.

Other names: Cuba (Pinar del Río) - Guano blanco Kongo – Tolliyeke, molonse Lukumi – Mariwo Fun

Religious/Magical It has a destructive nature. GUARA (Cupania cubensis)

Description Palm that has a short, weakly suckering and relatively slender trunk, covered in old leaf bases, and a spreading crown of stiff, circular fan leaves, light green above and waxy gray below. Common in savannas.

Other names: Cuba - Guará amarilla, Guarana, Guarana Hembra


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Common tree or shrub found in calcareous soils with glabrous, cylindrical stems. The leaves are alternate, composite, pale green and the young shoots are red. The flowers are whitish color. The wood is also white.

GUASIMA / WEST INDIAN ELM (Guazuma tomentosa) Other names: Colombia – Guasimo colorado Cuba - Guásima común, guásima de caballo. Guatemala - Carlote Haiti - Bwa Dòm Mexico – Aquiche, Cuaulote, Majahua de Toro Nicaragua - Cuacimillo Puerto Rico – Guacima Venezuela – Guasimo macho U.S. – Bastard Cedar

USES Medicinal Bladder and intestinal catarrh, hysteria, liver ailments, nervousness, swelling. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya. Rites of Palo One of the Nkisi's most essential elements. ∗ For cleansings of persons and the household.

Description A medium indigenous tree growing to 60 ft. in height. The leaves are oblong; small white to light yellowish flowers. It produces an edible fruit that is covered with rough barbs. USES

GUARACABUYA / DIVIDIVI (Caesalpinia coriaria)

Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, bruises, childbirth, dermatitis, diarrhea, dysentery, elephantiasis, erysipelas, fever, hepatitis, kidney disease, leprosy, liver problems, malaria, nephritis, pneumonia, rashes, skin infections, skin sores, and syphilis.

Other names: Colombia - Libidibi, baranó, baranoa Costa Rica - Nacascol Cuba - Dibidibi, guatapaná Dominican Republic -Dividivi, guastapaná El Salvador - Tinaco Guatemala - Nacascolote Haiti - Dividivi Jamaica - Libidibi, dividivi Mexico - Cascalote Nicaragua - Nacasolo Panama - Agallo Puerto Rico - Dividive, guatapaná Venezuela - Guatapán, guatapanare

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs Elegba, Yemaya and Oshun. Correlating Odu: Odi Irete Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For healing rituals. GUASIMILLA (Prockia crucis)

Description A tree that grows to approximately 30 feet tall. The trunk and branches are gnarled, with gray bark. Leaves alternate; leaflets numerous, regularly nearly touching to overlapping; flowers are small, in terminal clusters, white or yellow, pea-like, inconspicuous, very fragrant. Fruit are small curved, dished, or twisted flat pod with rounded ends.

Other names: Colombia - Huesito Cuba - Guasimilla de costa. Ecuador - Sacha capuli El Salvador - Cacho de novillo Puerto Rico - Guasimilla Description Shrub found near coastal areas, slender branches and widely ovate leaves; scented

USES Medicinal Colic, diarrhea, gangrene, heart, pile.


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flowers, pale green. The fruit is green, red when matured.

USES Medicinal Dry skin, hand cramps.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Elegba, and Shango.

Medicinal Nervousness. GUAYABA / GUAVA (Psidium guajaba)

GUAYACAN / LIGNUM-VITAE (Gaiacum officinale)

Other names: Cuba - Guayabo Haiti - Goyav, Gouyav, Grivav Lukumi - Ke-en-ku Mexico – Guayabo, Guayaba perulera, Guayaba de Venado Nicaragua – Guayaba de gusano

Other names: Cuba - Guayacán negro, palo santo. Haiti - Gayak, Jasmin d'Afrique, Bois Santi- Gayac Description Low tree that may reach a height of 25 feet. It has smooth light gray bark, which is splotched with green patches. The flowers are one-half inch long, blue or white in color; they bloom in March and April.

Description Small tree that grows up to 35 feet in height; spreading branches. The leathery leaves are opposite oblong-elliptic and have pronounced veins. When crushed they are aromatic. The flowers are white and somewhat fragrant. The fruit has a distinctive fresh aroma with a sweet musk odor.

USES Medicinal Blood toxins, rheumatism, and syphilis.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Otrupon Ika. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

Medicinal Diarrhea, dysentery, menstrual irregularity, stomach upset. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Ibeji. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo Used to make Nkisi lango. For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ For purification baths.

GUAYACANCILLO: Camarón GUAYARU / FLORIDA ARROWROOT (Zamia Angustifolia) Other names: Cuba - Yuquilla de ratón. U.S. - Coontie

GUAYABILLO / BRAZILIAN RAIN TREE (Pithecellobium tortum)

Description Plant with subterranean and tuberous stem; serrated leaves. Seed cones dark gray or dark brown to black.

Other names: Cuba - Humo Description Tree with leaves, fruit and bark similar to the guava tree. It has thorns and delicate mimosa-like compound leaves and hard wood, golden yellow.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Elegba. Correlating Odu: Iwori Ogunda. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi Other Disinfectant.

GÜIN: Caña Brava GÜIRA / CALABASH TREE (Crescentia cujete)

GUIQUI: Arbol de la Vida GUIZACILLO: Aretillo

Other names: Colombia - Mate, Totumo Costa Rica - Calabacero, guacal Cuba- Güira cimarrona Ecuador - Mate El Salvador - Jícaro, cutuco, jícaro de cuchara, jícaro de guacal, güira cimarrona, huacal Guatemala -Morro, morro guacalero Haiti - Kalbas Mexico - Jícaro, jícara, güiro, cujete Nicaragua - Jícaro Panama - Calabazo, palo de calabaza, calabaza.

GUIZAZO DE BARACOA / COMMON COCKLEBUR (Xanthium chinense) Other names: Cuba - Guizazo de mabujabo. U.S. – Burr weed, clutbur Description Coarse weed found near barnyards and other rich soils, stem erect, stout, brandling, and rough, from one to two feet high. Blooms in late summer/fall; greenish yellow grapelike clusters.

Description Dense, round-headed evergreen tree that grows to 40 feet high. The flowers are yellow and green with red or purple veins, cup-shaped, and appear to emerge directly from the branches. These are followed by large, round fruit, with a smooth, hard shell, which hang directly beneath the branches.

USES Medicinal Colic, hysteria, measles, nervousness, painful menstruation, restlessness. Religious Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Elegba.


Medicinal Cold, chest ailments, tumor, ulcers.

Other names: Cuba - Guizazo de mabujabo, lampurda. Puerto Rico – Bardana U.S. – Burdock, Burweed

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Obara Irete, Otrupon Ogunda, Ojuani Obara. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. For rituals and ceremonies. Used as receptacles and to make maracas.

Description Coarse weed found near barnyards and other rich soils, stem erect, stout, brandling, and rough, from one to two feet high. Blooms in late summer/fall; greenish yellow grapelike clusters. USES Medicinal Herpes, intestinal worms, jaundice, kidney ailments, ulcers. 107

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GÜIRA CIMARRONA (Casasia calophylla) Other names: Cuba (Oriente) - Cocuyo. Description Shrubs to medium-sized trees; leaves opposite, ovate, fruit a berry resembling small calabashes. USES Medicinal Bladder, liver gangrene.




Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin, Elegba. Correlating Odu: Odi Iroso.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

HELECHO / COMMON FERN (Polipocium vulgare)

H HABA: Aba HABILLA: Salvadera. HATILLO: Caobilla de Sabana.

Description All indigenous and cultivated plants that have thick, tough leaves up to about 8 inches long (often much smaller) and grow in a variety of habitats: on trees in woodland, on sand dunes, earth banks, rock outcrops.

HEDIONDA / SICKLEPOD (Cassia occidentalis) Other names: Colombia - Hierba de la potra, hierba de gallinazo, altera, furrusca, comida de murcielago, chilinchile, busca. Costa Rica - Pico de pajaro Cuba - Hedionda, Hierba hedionda, martinica, brusca El Salvador – Frijolillo Haiti - Pois-puant, Zépiant, Herbe puante, Balambala Lukumi – Arajara, Ewe Tomode Mexico - Hediondillo, mezquitillo Nicaragua -Frijolillo, pico de pájaro Panama - Frijolillo Venezuela – Brusca

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Osa Odi. Used to make ritual omiero. HELECHO ARBOL: Camarón. HELECHO DE RIO / ROYAL FERN (Osmunda regalis) Other names: Cuba - Helecho acuático. Kongo – Vititilango, nfita masa Lukumi – Imoshun, Imo, iti ibu U.S. - Flowering fern

Description Branched annual herb or under-shrub; leaves alternate, flowers yellow; fruit flattened. Bloom July through August. Fruit September through October. Frequently occurs in plains rarely in uplands and in hilly areas.

Description A large and dramatic fern that grows from a stout rhizome, which creeps along the ground, then ascends like a stump to give rise to a crown like tussock of light green leaves. The rootstock, with its mass of wiry black fibers, can be as much as 12" above the soil line.

USES Medicinal Abscesses, anemia, asthma, bronchitis, colic, constipation in babies, dropsy, earache, fever, general weakness, gonorrhea, inflammation, intestinal worms, liver complaints, pain, parasitic skin diseases, rheumatism, ring worm, skin fungi, tuberculosis, urinary track disorders, uterine pain, yellow fever.

USES Medicinal Swelling, tumor, wound. Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Osanyin. Used to make ritual omiero.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Elegba. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Iwori, Osa Irete and Okana Otura. Used to make ritual omiero.

HELENIO / ELECAMPANE (Inula helenium) Other names: Cuba - Inula


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Description A coarse growing perennial herb, cultivated for the roots. The erect stem grows from 4 to 5 feet high, is very stout and deeply furrowed, and near the top, branched. The whole plant is downy. Leaves are up to a foot long, ellipticoblong and hairy. The plant is in bloom from June to August. The flowers are bright yellow, in very large, terminal heads, on long stalks, resembling a double sunflower.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Babalu Aye. For rituals and ceremonies. Other To make burlap, fabric used for Babalu Aye rituals. HENO/VELVET GRASS (Holcus Lanatus)


Other names: Cuba- Heno Blanco U.S. – Yorkshire Fog

Medicinal Asthma, cough, lung ailments, skin.

Description Grass that grows wild, 18 to 24 inches high. and has soft, downy green leaves In the summer, spikes of tiny purplish-white flowers are produced.

HELIOTROPO / HELIOTROPE (Heliotropium peruvianum) Other names: U.S. – Cherry pie


Description A perennial plant that has a strong fragrance like vanilla. It has vibrant purple, violet, or white flowers that bloom during the summer, and some strains have flower clusters as large as 1 foot in diameter. The plant grows 1-2 feet tall.

Medicinal To remove thorns from the skin. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To attract love.



Medicinal Calluses, Fever, malaria, nausea, warts, wound.

Other names: U.S. - Round-leaved Hepatica. Noble Liverwort. Liver leaf. Liver weed. Trefoil. Herb Trinity. Kidneywort.

HENEQUEN (Agave fourcroydes)

Description Perennial plant that grows at the shade of deciduous tree forests. The leaves are broad kidney or heart shaped, about 2 inches long and broad, with three broad, angular lobes, leathery, smooth and dark green above, almost evergreen, placed on long, slender foot-stalks growing direct from the root. In the wild state the flowers are generally blue, more rarely rose or white, but in cultivation many other tints are to be found.

Other names: Lukumi - Kunweko Description Cacti like plant with stout stems that grow up to four feet tall and are topped with a rosette of leaves that are four to six feet long and almost four inches wide. The plant has leaves with large spines and a needle-like point at the tip of each leaf.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

USES Medicinal Chest ailments, cough, indigestion, liver disorders, liver related pains and aches.

For purification baths to attract good fortune and prosperity.

HIERBA DE LA NIÑA: Yerba de la Niña HIERBA DE LA VIEJA: Yerba de la Vieja HIERBA DE LIMON: Yerba de Limon HIERBA DE SAN MARTIN: Yerba de San Martin HIERBA DIEZ DEL DIA: Yerba diez del día

HIEDRA: Yedra HIERBA BRUJA / PARA GRASS (Panicum purpurascens) Other names: Cuba -Paral, Parana, Hierba del paral. U.S. - California grass, buffalo grass, Mauritius grass, signal grass

HIERBA FINA / BERMUDA GRASS (Cynodon dactylon) Other names: U.S. - Wiregrass, couch grass, and devil grass

Description Perennial grass, rather coarse, with well developed root; densely hairy nodes, hairy sheaths; spikelets elliptic, sometimes purplish rachis more or less flat, herbaceous, ribbon-like.

Description A long-lived perennial that propagates by runners, underground rootstocks and seed. Runners may reach many feet in length. The flowering branches reach only 6 to 12 inches high. The leaves are up to 4 inches long, flat, and somewhat hairy at the base.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Obara Okana, Irete Iroso. Used to pack amulets.

USES Medicinal Calculus, cancer, convulsions, cough, cramps, cystitis, diarrhea, dropsy, dysentery, epilepsy, headache, hemorrhage, hypertension, hysteria, insanity, kidneys, measles, rubella, snakebite, sores, stones, tumors, urogenital disorders, warts, and wounds.

HIERBA BUENA / WILD MINT (Mentha sativa) Other names: Lukumi – Ewe Efirin Description A rather coarse perennial 1 to 1 1/2 feet high; leaves conspicuously stalked, ovalrounded or wedge-shaped at the base, more or less hairy on both sides; flowers in whorls.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. One of the five essential plants to make ritual omiero. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Otura. Rites of Palo Used to make Nkisi lango.

USES Medicinal Colds, diarrhea, headache, insomnia, skin ulcers, stomach upset, vomiting.

HIERBA GARRO: Yerba de Garro HIERBA JURABANA: Yerba Jurabana HIERBA LECHERA: Yerba Lechosa HIERBA LUISA: Yerba Luisa HIERBA MARAVEDI: Yerba Maravedi HIERBA MORA: Yerba Mora HIERBA MULATA: Yerba Mulata

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Correlating Odu: Osa Iroso. Rites of Palo Used to make Nkisi lango.


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HIGUERA / COMMON FIG (Ficus carica)

HIGUERON / GRAMALERIA (Ficus dolearia)

Other names: Lukumi – Poto, popo, opopo

Other names: Brazil - Figueira branca

Description A bush or small tree, rarely more than 18 to 20 feet high, with broad, rough, deciduous, deeply-lobed leaves in the cultivated varieties, though in wild forms the leaves are often almost entire.

Description Tree native from Brazil often used for wood and its medicinal properties. USES


Medicinal Intestinal parasites.

Medicinal Catarrhal affections of the nose and throat, chest ailments, dental abscesses, furuncle, gumboils, tumor.

HINO / MALE FERN (Dryopteris tetragona) Description Perennial fern of slender, spreading, blackish rhizomes with brown, fibrous scales; stalks usually single, but often in masses, erect.

Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Osanyin. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Ejionle, Irete Ojuani, and Ojuani Irete.


HIGUERETA / CASTOR BEAN (Ricinus communis)

Medicinal Intestinal worms, rheumatism

Other names: Cuba- Palmachristi Haiti - Maskriti, Maskreti Mexico – Higuerilla, Higuera Infernal

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Inle.

Description Erect shrub or small tree; grows up to 20 feet high. The stem, stalks and leaves are reddish to purple. Palmate leaves with uneven serrated edge are also red or colored and often have a blue-gray bloom. It is grown as an ornamental in gardens, sometimes as a houseplant. It also grows as a common weed. The seeds are in a seedpod that explodes when is ripen.

HINOJO / FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare) Other names: Brazil - Erva doce Lukumi - Koriko Description An evergreen perennial reaching up to 6 feet high. It has a thick, perennial rootstock, stout stems, 4 to 5 feet or more in height, erect and cylindrical, bright green and so smooth as to seem polished, It is in leaf all year, in flower from August to October, and the seeds ripen from September to October. Scented, bright, golden flowers. Found most often in dry calcareous soils near the coast.

USES Medicinal Abscesses, bruises, contusions, dropsy, headache, rheumatism, ringworms, sunburn, warts. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Odudua Correlating Odu: Iwori Ogunda. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For amulets to attract good fortune 112

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Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Ibeji.

Medicinal Abdominal distension, conjunctivitis, cystitis, indigestion, kidney stones, sore eyes, sore throats, stomach pains, urinary disorders.

HOJA PLATEADA (Psychotria horizontalis) Other names: Cuba (Camagüey)- Dagame cimarron.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Rites of Palo For funeral rites and ceremonies. To banish witchcraft, evil spirits and negativity.

Description Native shrub. The leaves are thick, glabrous, semi- leathery, deep green; flowers white; fruit dark orange, red when mature.

Other Insect repellent Dog fleas

USES Medicinal Bruises, contusions, wounds.

HISOPO / HYSSOP (Hyssopus officinalis)

HUEVO DE GALLO / MILKY TREE (Tabernaemontana citrifolia)

Description A perennial evergreen, 1 to 1.5 feet high, with a woody stem-base, from which, herbaceous shoots bearing flowers grow each year. Tops rise from the perennial root-crown each season. The leaves are entire, up to 3 inches lineal, long and slender. The whole plant has a pungent, bitter taste. USES

Other names: Colombia - Guacharaco, cojón de cabrito, turma de perro Cuba - Huevo de gallo, lechoso, pegojo Dominican Republic – Palo de leche Mexico - Cojón de gato, lecherillo, palo de San Diego Nicaragua - Cachito Puerto Rico – Huevo de Gallo U.S. – Milkwood

Medicinal Bronchitis, coughs in children, flatulence, herpes, respiratory infections, lung ailments, sore throats, stomachaches, upper respiratory tract infections, wounds.

Description Very brittle shrub; leaves long, wavy at the edges, pointed, glossy bluish green, pale underneath. The fruit has multiple seeds. Found in arid and rocky areas.

Religious/Magical For purification baths and cleansing of persons and objects.

USES Medicinal Fever, hemorrhage, herpes, impotence, wart.

HOJA MENUDA (Pithecellobium berterianum)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba and Osanyin. Correlating Odu: Okana Ogunda.

Description Evergreen tree growing in coastal areas up to 40 ft. Its wood is fibrous, flexible and very resistant; color dark purple. USES Medicinal Infantile colic.


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HUESO / PURIO (Ampelocera pubescens) Other names: Haiti - Bois-Blanc, Bwa Blan grandes feuilles Description Tree reaching up to 30 ft, with strong vegetative aromas. The leaves are ovate; white flowers; fruit is green. USES Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. HUESO DE COSTA: Camarón. HUMO / SILK TREE (Pithecellobium obovale) Other names: Cuba- Abey blanco, encinillo, Moruro Blanco Haiti - Guannegoule Kongo - Chona Lukumi – Eyereyo U.S. Monkey's Earring Description Perennial tree reaching up to 30 ft. high; grows among pine woods and sandy soils. The flowers are produced in short racemes white; bluish, elliptical seed. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Odudua ∗ For love binding spells HUMO DE SABANA: Palo cenizo.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

portions, is covered with a whitish, silky pubescence, giving to it a beautiful silvergray color. The odor is strongly aromatic, being intensified when the herb is bruised; and to the taste the plant is intensely bitter, with a persistently bitter aftertaste.

I ICACO / COCO PLUM (Chrusobalanus icaco) Other names: Bahamas - Pork-fat apple, white plum Brazil - Ajurú, icaco, guajurú Cuba - Hicaco, icaco, icaco de costa, icaco dulce El Salvador - Icaco rosado, icaco negro Haiti – Zicaque, Pom Zikak, Prune Zicaque, Prune Coton, Gros Zicaque, Zicaque blanc Kongo – Mungaoka Lukumi - Kinseke Puerto Rico - Hicaco, icaco, jicaco U.S. - Icaco coco-plum,

USES Medicinal This plant should not be prescribed for pregnant women. Digestive complaints, fevers, intestinal worms, liver ailments, uterus, menstrual complaints, spasm, wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye, Obatala. ∗ Burned with incense to negativity.

Description Indigenous spreading shrub or small tree up to 10 ft. tall with leathery, dark-green, roundish to obovate leaves. The small white flowers are produced in racemes. The mature fruits are 1 to 2 inches in length and ovoid or globular. The thin skin of the fruit varies from pinkish white, to red, to purplish black. The white, cottony pulp adheres to the single large ridged seed and is somewhat insipid in taste.

Other Insect repellent. To remove cooking odors household. In potpourris. Hair tonic or conditioner







Medicinal Colds, dysentery, ulcers.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi. Correlating Odu: Iwori Oshe ∗ For amulets to evade the police.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ibeji. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Ogbe Palo Rites For rituals and ceremonies

INCIENSO DE PLAYA / SEA LAVENDER (Tournefortia gnaphalodes)

INCIENSO / SOUTHERNWOOD (Artemisa abrotamum)

Other names: Cuba - Inciencio de costa. Lukumi - Egbado

Other names: Cuba -Abrótamo macho. Lukumi – Turare, minselo U.S. - Old man

Description Shrub up to 6 ft. tall; aromatic leaves, oblanceolate, with silky hairs, succulent; flowers white, tinged pink in throat; fruit conical-ovoid, hollowed at base, corky.

Description A deciduous shrub, sending up in the spring, from a stout rootstock, several bushy, herbaceous stems, somewhat woody at the base and from 1 to 4 feet in height. The whole plant, except the woody 115

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Found in coastal dunes, coastal rock barrens.

USES Medicinal Skin ulcers, wounds.

USES Medicinal Rheumatism, venereal diseases.




Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, and Oshun. Used to make ritual omiero. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Okana, Irete Ogunda and Obara Eyioko.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya For cleansing of persons and the household. Burned with incense to banish negativity and witchcraft. IPECACUANA / IPECAC (Cephaelis ipecacuana) Description A small, shrubby plant about a foot high, growing in clumps or patches, in moist, shady woods. The plant has a slender stem, which grows partly underground, the lower portion being knotted. Fibrous rootlets are given off from the knots, and some of them develop an abnormally thick bark, in which much starch is deposited. USES Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, dysentery, hemorrhages, pulmonary ailments, skin conditions, whooping cough.

ITAMORREAL / JACOB'S LADDER (Pedilanthus tithymaloides) Other names: Colombia - Dictamo real Cuba - Itamo real, gallito colorado, dictamo real, zapatero. Guatemala - Pie de niño Mexico - Candelilla Nicaragua - Dictambo U.S. - slipper plant, bird-cactus, redbird cactus, jew-bush Venezuela - Ponopinito Description Succulent shrub with milky juice; stems green, often zigzag; leaves alternate, simple, pointed, green or white-edged; flowers red and clustered at the ends of branches; fruit a capsule.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism



Medicinal Cuts, gonorrhea, jaundice, impotence, itch, rheumatism, tumors.

JABILLA: Salvadera. JABONCILLO / CHEWSTICK (Gouania polygama)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Iwori Ika Burned in incense to banish witchcraft

Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de Cuba Kongo - Langui Lukumi – Ewe bana, Obueno, kekeriongo

JAGÜEY/WILD FIG (Ficus trigonata)

Description Climbing vine. Leaves elliptical, olivegreen above, yellow green below. Flowers with 5 white petals. Fruit green, 3-winged, 3-seeded.

Other names: Cuba – Yo puedo mas que tu Dominican Republic - Higo cimarrón Guatemala - Chimón, Higo Haiti - Figuier Kongo – Nkunia bracanone, nkunia sanda, otakondo Lukumi – Fiapaba, afoma, uendo Puerto Rico - Jagüey blanco Virgin Islands - Wild fig

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Osa, and Ojuani Meji. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba

Description Large tree common in all kinds of soils; grows preferably in woods, hills and wet areas, such as riverbanks and streams. The leaves are alternate, entire, glossy. The fruit is a small fig; tender wood.

Other To polish objects made of ivory. To whiten teeth. JAGUA / GENIPAP (Genipa americana)

USES Medicinal Chest ailments, inflammations.

Other names: Brazil - Genipapeiro El Salvador - Tiñe dientes, Irayol Guatemala – Irayol Kongo – Goontongo, diambula Mexico - Maluco, jagua blanco, jagua azul Nicaragua - Tapaculo, Yigualti, gigaulti Peru – Palo Colorado U.S. - Juniper, marmeladebox Venezuela - Caruto

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun and Shango Correlating Odu: Odi Ejionle, Eyioko Ojuani, Iroso Osa, Irete Otura, Ika Otrupon, Osa Okana, Osa Ogunda. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. ∗ To attract good fortune ∗ To banish evil spirits and negativity. ∗ In amulets to overcome legal issues.

Description Tree to 40 ft. high. The leaves are lanceolate. Scented flowers; the fruit is a globose to ovoid berry, gray turning reddish brown at maturity; the pulp is juicy, bittersweet, and astringent. The seeds are numerous.


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JAGÜEY MACHO (Ficus crassinervia)

JAYAJABICO / NAKEDWOOD (Colubrina reclinata)

Other names: Cuba -Jagüey

Other names: Cuba – Jayajabia, Palo amargo, Carbonero, Carbonero de Costa Puerto Rico – Mabi Lukumi – Igi kikan U.S. – Soldier wood, Mabee, Smooth snake back.

Description Tree reaching heights of 60 ft. The leaves are ovate. JAIMIQUI / WILD DILLY (Manilkara jaimiqui)

Description Native tree found in high coastal areas, reaching up to 30 ft. tall. The bark is brownish orange, exfoliating in thin layers. The wood is hard, heavy, brown color towards the core. The leaves alternate, elliptic to ovate lanceolate. The flowers in clusters, petals hooded; fruit globose, orange-red; seeds blackish, shiny.

Other names: Cuba - Acana Dominican Republic - Jaiquí, nisperillo, nisperillo de hoja fina, jamiquí Puerto Rico - Jaimiquí U.S. - Wild sapodilla Description Evergreen tree or shrub has wood that is heavy, hard, strong, and close- grained. Found in coastal hammocks. Flowers are light yellow and form drooping clusters. The brown, rough-skinned fruit is globe shaped. The leaves are leathery, dull, and dark green. They cluster at the ends of the branches.

USES Medicinal Fever, liver ailments. Religious/Magical To expel witchcraft ingested.





Medicinal Fever, flu. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odudua. ∗ Used for both benefic and negative spells.

Other names: Cuba - Jazmín de cinco hojas, Jazmín criollo, Jazmín de la Caridad Lukumi - Alenyenyen U.S. – Poet's jasmine

JAYABACANA (Pera oppositifolia)

Description An evergreen shrub that produces dark green, five to seven-foliate leaves and fragrant, pedi-celled white flowers about three-fourths of an inch in diameter, which are borne in open clusters.

Other names: Cuba Jayabacana, yabacana, yayabacana.



Description Small, native tree found in hillsides. Grows up to 24 ft. high. The leaves are large, opposite.

Medicinal Nervousness.

USES Medicinal Skin eruptions.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi. Correlating Odu: Obara Oshe ∗ To expel negativity.

JAZMIN DEL CABO/GARDENIA (Gardenia Jasminoides) Other names: Cuba – Gardenia U.S. – Cape Jasmine

JIA BRAVA (Casearea aculeta)

Description Shrub that can grow 6'-8' with equal spread. The leaves are dark to bright green, opposite, glossy and leathery. Blooms in mid-spring to early summer. Flowers are white, turning to creamy yellow as they age, and have a waxy feel. They have a powerful, sweet fragrance.

Other names: Cuba - Jía Brava, jía peluda, jía prieta. Dominican Republic - Palo de avispas, carambomba margabomba Ecuador - Clavillo Guatemala - Guacuco Haiti - Piquant arada Honduras - Escambrón, agua de arrea. Mexico - Punteral, cedrón. Perú - Espina de demonio, supiecacha Puerto Rico - Cambrón, rabo ratón Venezuela - Espuela de gallo

USES Medicinal Fever, dysentery, ophthalmia.

Description Small indigenous tree covered with fine spines; leaves elliptical; flowers emerge from under the leaves.

Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Obatala Correlating Odu: Irete Ofun, Osa Meji.

USES JIA AMARILLA (Casearia ramiflora)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye ∗ Causes negative effects.

Other names: Cuba - Jía, Dominican Republic – Palo blanco

JIA JIA: Agracejo.

Description Indigenous small tree; leaves elliptical or ovate; in flower from February through March. It has no spines. Grows in rocky soils near the coast.

JIBA (Erythroxilon havanensi) Other names: Cuba - Arabo, arabo jibá, arabo prieto, arabo real.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Osa Ika.

Description Indigenous tree found in calcareous soils. The leaves are alternate, slender, ovate,

JIA BLANCA (Casearia alba) Description Common shrub. The wood is pale yellow, hard, compact and fine grain.


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pale green underneath; the flowers are small and white. Produces a red fruit well liked by pigeons and parrots.

JIQUI (Pera bumelifolia) Other names: Cuba – Jequi, Jiqui de Ley


Description Indigenous tree found in all types of soil. Reaches heights up to 40 ft. It is in flower in March and fruits in July. The wood is very hard, dark yellow.

Medicinal Bile, bruises, contusions, fevers, tumor. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Inle, Orishaoko. ∗ To ward off evil spirits.

USES Medicinal Colds, debility, internal ulcers.

JICAMA / CALOPOGONIUM (Calopogonium coeruleum)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. Correlating Odu: Okana Obara, Osa Okana. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba To make attributes and paraphernalia. ∗ To banish witchcraft.

Description A sturdy, somewhat woody, climbing, perennial legume. Stems twining. Leaves alternate, trifoliate. Many-flowered, axillary, spike-like raceme, color blue. Pods linear-oblong, pubescent, impressed between the seeds. Four to eight seeds, compressed, shining.

JOBO / HUG PLUM (Spondias mombin)

USES Medicinal Cysts, skin conditions inside the nose or around nostrils.

Other names: Arada - Akuko Brazil - Cajazeira Colombia - Jobo, ciruela calentana Costa Rica - Jocote tronador, sismoyo Cuba - Jobo hembra, Jobito, Obo Kongo – Grengerengue kunansieto Lukumi – Akikan, abba, okinkan, kinkao Mexico - Ciruela de Méjico, ciruela del país Puerto Rico - Jobo, jobo francés U.S. - Java plum, tropical plum, spanish plum

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala JICOTEA / FRINGETREE (Chionanthus axilliflora) Other names: Cuba - Guaney Description Indigenous tree. The wood is solid, compact, fine grain; color pale yellow with streaks.

Description A tree that can reach a height of 75 feet. The trunk has deep incisions in the bark that often produces a brown resinous substance. The leaves and the flowers are at the end of the branches. Before the tree starts to flower it strips itself from most of the leaves. The fruit, a 1.5 inch long oval yellow plum, has a leathery skin and a thin layer of fruit pulp with an exotic taste.

USES Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

Medicinal Diarrhea, eye inflammation, flatulence, swollen feet, venereal diseases

JUAN CALIENTE: Bejuco Vergajo. JUCARO: Arará.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Odudua, Elegba. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Ogunda, Eyioko Meji, Odi Ogunda, Irete Ogunda, Otura Osa, and Iroso Meji. Used to make ritual omiero. For Babalu Aye rituals and ceremonies. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

JUCARO BRAVO / BLACK OLIVE (Bucida buceras) Other names: Cuba - Júcaro de uña. Kongo - Totoine Lukumi - Odde Description Densely crowned evergreen tree growing to 45 ft. tall. Found in low coastal areas, swamps, and riverbanks. Grey bark. Leaves green, simple, and leathery. In flower during the spring. Flowers greenish yellow, and hang in slender spikes. The fruits are small, black and one-seeded. Seed is pubescent.

JOCUMA / FALSE MASTIC (Sideroxiylon foetidissimum) Other names: Cuba - Jocuma, jocuma amarilla, caguaní, lechero. Puerto Rico – Tortugo amarillo U.S. - Mastic, Wild olive

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Oya. Correlating Odu: Irete Ogunda.

Description Tree that reaches heights of 30 to 60 feet, with a trunk 15 to 20 inches in diameter, round-topped with stout spreading branches. The bark is thin and reddish brown in color; leaves oblong or pear shaped, rounded at the end and narrowed at the base, about one and one-half inches long by three-quarters inch wide, thick, firm, light green and smooth above, paler below; flowers borne in clusters at the ends of the twigs, and greenish yellow or purplish in color; fruit fleshy, narrow and elongated, prominently 10-ribbed, about three-quarters inch long, and bright red; yellow or brownish yellow wood, soft and weak but heavy, coarse-grained, surrounded by a wide band of darker colored sapwood.

JUCARO DE PLAYA: Arará. JUCARO ESPINOSO: Arará. JUNCIA / YELLOW NUTSEDGE (Cyperus esculentus) Other names: Cuba - Chufa. Description Weed that grows to 1 ft. tall with triangular 3-sided unbranched smooth stems; grasslike leaves; yellowish-brown flowers with long leaf-like bracts under umbrella-like flower clusters; smooth, round, whitish almond-flavored tubers produced at ends of many rhizomes.

USES Medicinal Bruises, cuts, hernia, leprosy, wounds.

USES Medicinal Cold, fever, nervousness, stomach upset.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Ogun Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ika, Iwori Yeku, Otrupon Ika. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba 121

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USES JUNCO: Camelote.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Shango, and Ogun. Rites of Palo Taboo for the Nganga.

JUNCO MARINO / JERUSALEM THORN (Parkinsonia aculeata) Other names: Colombia - Calentano, Yabo Cuba - Espinillo, palo de rayo. Dominican Republic - Cambrón Mexico - Retama, junco, palo verde Nicaragua - Acacia de agüijote, espino real de España Puerto Rico - Flor de rayo, palo de rayo Venezuela - Espinillo de España Description Tree noted for its striking yellow flowers and unusual foliage. The green bark and branches are armed with thorns, up to an inch in length. The leaves are compound, small and strap-like, resembling floppy, narrow feathers. The flowers are clustered, yellow, and pea-like, appearing in spring and summer. The fruit is hard, brown pods 3-4 inches in length. USES Medicinal Epilepsy, cancerous ulcers. Magical/Religious Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ejionle. JURUBAMA (Hebestigma cubense) Other names: Cuba -Jurabaina, frijolillo, cucharillo, guamá candelón, guamá piñón. Description Indigenous perennial tree found in seasonally deciduous forests. Grows up to 35 ft. high. The leaves are dark green above, light green underneath. The abundant flowers are produced in racemes.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


LECHERA / POISON SPURGE (Euphorbia cotinifolia)

LAUREL / FICUS (Ficus nitida)

Other names: Colombia - Barrabas lindero, naedero, lorencillo. Cuba - Hierba lechera, lechera, hierba mala Guatemala - Hierba mala Mexico - Mala mujer, tropillo, piñoncillo, mata gallina. Nicaragua - Sapo Perú - Yuquilla Puerto Rico - Carrasco U.S. – Caribbean copper plant Venezuela - Lechera

Other names: Cuba - Laurel, Laurel de la India. Kongo - Ocereke Lukumi – Igginile itiri Description Tree up to 30 ft. high, has smooth gray bark, aerial roots, upright growing branches, and very dense foliage. USES

Description Shrub that grows up to 10 feet tall. The flexible purplish stems hold copperypurple thin-fleshy broad leaves. Loose flower clusters have small white bracts in the spring, white. The plant produces a poisonous milky sap.

Medicinal Typhoid fever. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Correlating Odu: Okana Irete, Otura Ojuani. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. Works with the Nkisi ∗ Cleansings of persons and the household to banish negativity.

USES Medicinal Laxative. Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Elegba

LAVANDA / LAVENDER (Lavendula officinalis)

LECHUGA / LETTUCE (Lactuca sativa)

Other names: Cuba - Espliego.

Other names: Lukumi – Ilenke, Ogo yeye Puerto Rico - Achicoria

Description A perennial shrub of the mint family; may reach 5 feet in height. The leaves are oblong-linear to lanceolate, up to 1.5 inches long, somewhat hairy. Flower spikes may reach up to 3 feet.

Description Cultivated cool-season annual with milky sap and glabrous (hairless) leaves that grow in a basal rosette at first, then either in a loose or a tightly rolled head, and eventually along an upright stem that supports the flowers.

USES Medicinal Colic and headaches. Religious/Magical Burned as incense to banish negativity and attract good fortune. Other Insect repellent


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LEGAÑA DE AURA / LEADWORT (Plumbago scandens)

Medicinal Aches.

Other names: Cuba - Malacara Haiti Zèb-a-Djab, Dentelaire Sarmenteuse, Zèb-brûlante Lukumi – Ewe iwago, ikolekoke

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Oshun Correlating Odu: Odi Meji ∗ For purification baths and cleansing of persons and the household. ∗ To attract good fortune

Description A half-hardy herbaceous climbing, halfshrubby plant, with large trusses of paleblue flowers, which are in bloom continuously through the summer.




Medicinal Infantile diarrhea, toothache.

Other names: Cuba - Alga sensitiva. Lukumi -Oyoro



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. ∗ For cleansings of persons and the household. ∗ To banish negativity.

Description Marine algae that resembles the segment of a tender lettuce. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya



Other names: Brazil - Dinheiro em penca Cuba - Cuba libre.

Other names: Brazil – Hierba de Santa Luzia Cuba - Lechuga cimarrona. Puerto Rico – Lechuguilla de Rio

Description A creeping plant with small round pale green leaves.

Description Aquatic plant that resembles a floating open head of lettuce. Found in rivers, lakes and ponds. It has very thick leaves. The leaves are light dull green, are hairy, and are ridged. There are no leaf stalks. The roots are light-colored and feathery. Its flowers are inconspicuous.

USES Medicinal Rheumatism Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba.

USES Medicinal Asthma, cough, dysentery, hemorrhoids. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Yemaya. Used to make ritual omiero


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

LENGUA DE VACA / MOTHER IN LAW'S TONGUE (Sanseveria guineensis)

USES Medicinal Fevers, infections, malaria, rheumatic conditions, scurvy, sore throats.

Other names: Cuba - Piel de majá y sanseviera. Haiti - Fèy zorèy bourik Puerto Rico - Capaillo

Religious/Magical For spells

Description Cultivated plant. Grows Up to 4 ft. The leaves are opposite, slender, smooth. White flowers on an unbranched spike.

Other Insect repellent, potpourri, polishing bronze and other metals, stain removal. LINARIA / YELLOW TOADFLAX (Linaria vulgaris)

USES Medicinal Bronchitis.

Other names: U.S. – Butter and eggs.

Religious/ Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Ogun. Planted outside the house for protection.

Description Creeping rooted perennial to 1 ft. tall; the stalk less leaves are narrow and pointed at both ends; bright yellow "snapdragonlike" flowers with an orange spot on the lower lip.

LIMO DE MAR / SEA WEED Description Term loosely applied to the many plants found growing in the oceans. Seaweeds, however, are not weeds, but marine algae. Algae are among the plants that live in water. As their name implies, seaweeds are marine and live in salty water. They are the green, brown, and red.



Description Green floating vegetable found in rivers.

Medicinal Hepatitis, jaundice, liver ailments, piles, scrofula. LINO DE RIO / SHINING PONDWEED (Potamogeton lucens)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Infuriates Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Meji.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Oyekun Iwori, Irete Ojuani. To appease Oshun or get her attention. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

LIMON / LEMON (Citrus limonum) Other names: Brazil - Limão Haiti - Sitwon Kongo – Koronko Lukumi – Oroco, Olombo Description An evergreen aromatic shrub growing to 12 ft.. It is in leaf all year, in flower all year. Scented flowers. Fruits have abundant pulp and are acrid tasting.


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ailments, fever, gastro-intestinal disturbances, gonorrhea, hypertension, infection, inflammation, intestinal parasites, insect bites, kidney ailments, orthopedic ailments, piles, pulmonary ailments, reptile bites, skin ailments, sore, stings, throat ailments, tumor, ulcers, urinary ailments, warts, women's ailments, wounds.

Other names: Brazil – Jasmin Manga Colombia - Amancayo, azuceno Cuba - Lirio blanco, lirio silvestre, alelí blanco, atabaiba Dominican Republic - Alelí, flor de cerro, ataiba Kongo – Tunkanso Lukumi – Peregun fun fun Mexico - Sabanicte, Amapola de Venus Nicaragua - Flor de pan Puerto Rico - Tabaiba, tapaiba Venezuela - Amapola

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odua. Correlating Odu: Okana Meji. Used to make ritual omiero. For amulets and relics.

Description Trees growing up to 25 ft. high. The flowers are white. Produce a milky sap.

LLANTEN CIMARRON / DWARF SWORDS (Echinodorus grisebachu)


Other names: Cuba - Llantén de agua. Lukumi – Sheshere U.S. – Water Plantain

Medicinal Abscess, dropsy, fever, gum disease, herpes, itch, scabies, skin, typhoid cough, venereal diseases, warts.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlating Odu: Obara Meji and Okana Osa.

Aquatic perennial; the leaves are erect, resembling the great plantain plant. USES Medicinal Gum diseases, inflammation, kidney and liver ailments.

LLANTEN / GREAT PLANTAIN (Plantago major) Other names: Haiti - Planten U.S. - Plantain

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun.

Description Perennial plant with a fibrous taproot. The oval, ribbed, short-stemmed leaves form basal rosettes which tend to hug the ground, may grow up to about 6" long and 4" wide. The flower stalks bear densely packed greenish white flowers each of which will become a small capsule-like seedpod containing 10 to 20 seeds.

LLEREN/ ARROW ROOT (Galathea Allouia) Other names: Cuba – Leiren, Llerenes, Yeren Description Perennial with an erect stem from which a body of serrated, obovate leaves emerge; ending in a long spike with small white flowers. The roots are tuberous, subterraneous, similar to a yam.

USES Medicinal Bladder stones, blisters, boils, bruises, bug bite, burns, cancer, catarrh, children's ailments, cold, cough, debility, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, ear ailments, eye 126

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USES Medicinal Toothaches. Religious/ Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Irete Osa. LOBELIA / GREAT BLUE LOBELIA (Lobelia syphyllitica) Other names: U.S. – Asthma weed, Indian Tobacco, Wild Tobacco Description Erect, annual or perennial herbs; leaves alternate, simple; flowers white, scarlet, or blue, 5-parted, tubular and irregularshaped with 2 lips; fruit a capsule. USES Medicinal Chest ailments, venereal diseases.


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Description Sub canopy tree. Bark smooth and dark colored, with horizontal striations. Trunk cylindrical and mostly straight. Fruits pale green with one lobe. The wood is hard, aromatic, pinkish white.

MABA: Ebano carbonero. MABI: Bibijagua, Bijáragua. MABOA / WHITE POISON WOOD (Cameraria latifolia)

USES Other names: Cuba - Maboa, Maboa de loma, maboa común Kongo - Malembe Lukumi – Leshu Ibaye U.S. - Bastard manchineel

Medicinal Erysipelas, Toothaches. MANACABO: Caimitillo MADRESELVA / JAPANESE HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera japonica)

Description Small tree with elliptical leaves, the flowers are white, wood strong and compact, ash color. Found in calcareous hills close to the ocean. Produces a highly poisonous milky sap.

Other names: Cuba - Madreselva U.S. - Hall's Honeysuckle


Description High-climbing or trailing woody vine with attractive flowers. The flowers of this plant are perfect, fragrant, and occur on short stalks. The flowers are white becoming cream colored or pinkish-purple.

Medicinal Tooth cavities, leprosy, and warts. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Ogun.


MACAGUA / FALSE BREADNUT (Psendolmedia spuria)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odua. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. For purification baths.

Other names: Dominican Republic - Palo de leche, macao. Guatemala - Manax Haiti - Bois mérise Puerto Rico - Negra lora.

MAGÜEY / CUBAN HEMP (Furcraea cubensis)

Description Indigenous tree found in hammocks and hills. The flowers are entire. It reaches up to 30 ft. high. The wood is white, and the core is dark.

Other names: Lukumi - Ikeri Description Indigenous plant found in rocky soils. The leaves are lanceolate, rigid, slightly concave and smooth, green. The flowers in racemes along the branches.

USES Medicinal Debility. MACURIJE / COBYWOOD (Matayba oppositifolia) Other names: Puerto Rico - Doncella 128

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Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya It has negative properties.

Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, colds, contusions, dislocated joints, internal tumors, muscle cramps, rheumatic pains.


Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Ogun, Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Iwori Iroso, Odi Iroso, Otrupon Ika, Otura Iroso, Otura Obara, Okana Ika, and Okana Ofun.

MAIZ / MAIZE (Zea mays) Other names: Arada – Dli Brazil - Milho Haiti - Mayi Lukumi - Agbado

MALACARA / LEADWORT (Plumbago scandens) Other names: Colombia – Bella Emilia, Yerba del Diablo Cuba - Jazminillo, legaña de aura. El Salvador - Guacochile Lukumi – Mubino Mexico – Canutillo, Jazmín Azul, Muela de Alacran Peru – Sarna Vejiguilla

Description An annual herb with brood, linear lanceolate leaves, unisexual flowers. The spike on the top of plant consists of male flowers; the spadix in the leaf axis consists of female flowers. USES

Description Evergreen shrub, up to 4 feet tall with long climbing branches. The leaves are ovate, white flowers.

Medicinal Ammonia in the urine, asthma, bloating, cystitis, heart ailments, hypertension incontinence, leprosy, urinary infections and calculi.

USES Medicinal Chest, colic, cold, erysipelas, gangrene, itch, leprosy, Rheumatism, stomachache, toothache, tumor, wart.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship For rituals and ceremonies. Correlating Odu: Okana Ojuani, Okana Osa, Obara Otrupon, Otrupon Odi, Iwori Ojuani. As offerings for the Orishas.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Iroso Odi. For spells to cause chaos and turmoil.

MAJAGUA / MAHOE (Pariti tiliaceum)

MALAMBO, MELAMBO: Palo malambo

Other names: Cuba - Majagua hembra. Kongo – Musenguene, Gusinga, Musinga U.S. – Sea hibiscus, Cottonwood, Beach hibiscus

MALANGA / ARROWLEAF (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) Other names: Arada – Logo asasu Brazil – Taioba, mangara Haiti - Pediveau Sagitte

Description Coastal tree with a spreading crown found on sand dunes and ridges above the beach, associated with mangroves, or sometimes around freshwater streams. It has heart-shaped leaves and bright yellow flowers. 129

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Kongo – Nkumbia, Mbi nkanda, gankua Lukumi – Ewe Ikoko Puerto Rico - Yautia U.S. – Elephant Ear

Description Term used for the corn plant that for not been cultivated properly does not produce good corn, and it is cut before maturity to feed the cattle.

Description Herbaceous perennial cultivated for its edible tubers; their yellow or pinkish flesh is dense and starchy. The green leaves are large, arrow shaped with long petioles; stem very short.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Obara Ejionle, Oshe Iwori, and Okana Ojuani. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ For spells to attract prosperity

USES Medicinal Burns, mental debility, nose polyps, sores, tumors.

MALVA BLANCA / SLEEPY MORNING (Waltheria americana)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ejionle, Irete Okana. For rituals and ceremonies. Offerings for the orishas. MALANGUILLA / ARROWHEAD (Sagittaria lancifolia)

Other names: Arada - Afidemi Kongo – Dubue Lukumi – Lanla, Dede fun, ewe oshe potu. Mexico - Malva, malva del monte Panama - Friega plato, Hierba de soldado Puerto Rico - Basora prieta, malvavisco U.S. - Waltheria Venezuela - Bretónica

Other names: Cuba - Malanguilla de costa, flecha de agua, flechera. U.S. - Wapatoo

Description Common weed with tormentose hairy leaves, serrate, bright green. The flowers are fragrant, growing in clusters, yellow.

Description Aquatic plant that has three different leaves: aerial (arrow shaped), floating (round), and submerged (ribbon like). Found in ponds and swamps.

USES Medicinal Torpid tumors, toxins, whites. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlating Odu: Iroso Ejionle, Ojuani Irete, Oshe Eyioko, and Otrupon Ogunda. Used to make ritual omiero. For Babalu Aye rituals and ceremonies. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ Ritual baths to banish witchcraft.

USES Medicinal Abscess, boil, inflammation, insect bite, itch, scrofula, skin, sore, sore throat. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya.


MALOJA Other names: Cuba - Maíz, yerba del pará y de guinea. Lukumi – Ewe eshin

Other names: Argentina - Tebincha


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Costa Rica - Escobilla Dominican Republic – Malva Perú - Limpion Mexico - Huinari, huinar, huinare Nicaragua - Escoba amarilla U.S. – Paddy's Lucern, Queensland hemp

Correlating Odu: Eyioko Oshe, Odi Ogunda, Okana Oshe, Iroso Ojuani, Otrupon Ogunda and Ojuani Osa. Used to make ritual omiero. For purification baths to banish negativity. MALVAVISCO / MARSHMALLOW (Althaea officinalis)

Description Evergreen shrub. The stem is erect and branching. It grows up to 6 ft high by 6 ft wide. The leaves are narrow, oval to rhomboid, alternate, serrate and white underneath; the flowers are yellow.

Other names: Cuba - Majagüilla U.S. - White mallow Description Herbaceous plant growing to 6 ft. tall; pale lilac-pink five-petalled flowers on stems with heart-shaped leaves.

USES Medicinal Diarrhea, dyspepsia, pain, rheumatism, skin, stomach ailments, tuberculosis, tumor.

USES Medicinal Bruises, chest ailments, cough, cuts, dysentery, sore throat, sprains, wounds.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Eyioko Oshe and Osa Meji. Used to make ritual omiero.

MALVIRA / TEXASPLUME (Bauhinia megalandra)

MALVA TE / SLIPPERY BURR (Corchorus siliquosus)

Other names: Cuba - Flor de azufre, gorro de Napoleón. Kongo – Konlobanto Lukumi – Kiyo Venezuela – Urape Blanco US – Petite Flamboyant Bauhinia

Other names: El Salvador - Té de perla Haiti - Balé-glisé, Balé-lalou, ti-lalou, balésavane, petit-balai Kongo – Dubue Lukumi - Dede Mexico - Malva té Panama - Té Puerto Rico - Escoba blanca U.S. - Jute

Description Ornamental shrub. The leaves are globular, hairy underneath; the flowers are large, yellow and dark read at the base. USES

Description Coastal sub shrub, common in calcareous soils. The leaves are ovate, serrate; flowers bright yellow. The fruit is green, black when mature.

Medicinal Excessive oils in scalp, scalp irritation. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun.


MAMEY COLORADO (Calocarpum Sapota)

Medicinal Chest ailments, inflammation, nervousness, venereal diseases.

Other names: Brazil - Sapota Colombia - Mamey colorado Costa Rica - Zapotillo

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango.


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Cuba - Mamey Ecuador - Mamey colorado Haiti - Grand sapotiller Kongo – Nyumba, Machafio, Nini Yanga Lukumi - Emi Mexico - Mamey colorado, lava-zapote, zapote, zapote mamey Panama - Mamey de tierra Puerto Rico - Mamey rojo, zapote U.S. - Mamee sapote, marmalade-fruit, sapote Venezuela - Mamey Colorado

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunla, Ibeji. Used to make ritual omiero. MAMONCILLO / SPANISH LIME (Melicocca bijuga) Other names: Cuba - Anoncillo. Haiti - Kenèp Lukumi – Omoyla, Omu

Description Large erect tree; neatly veined leaves, obovate and usually pointed at the tip, 12 inches in length by 4 inches in width, closely crowded at the ends of the branches, light green on the upper surface and lighter green or brownish beneath.

Description A medium-sized to large tree often planted along roadsides. The small, greenishwhite, fragrant flowers are borne in panicles from the branch tips at the beginning of the rainy season. The ovoid fruit measures a little over 1 inch in length. Inside the tight, thin skin, which is easily cracked by the teeth, lies a thin layer of sweet-tart yellow pulp surrounding a large ovoid seed.

USES Medicinal Colitis, chronic ulcers, rheumatism, warts.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Oshun, and Oya. Correlating Odu: Otura Odi Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For ritual baths to attract prosperity and overcome difficulties.

Medicinal Gangrene, digestive complaints, ulcers, lung and liver ailments, skin diseases, herpes. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ibeji. Correlating Odu: Iwori Yeku, Otura Odi, Otura Iroso. Used to make ritual omiero.

MAMEY DE SANTO DOMINGO / MAMEY (Mammea americana) Other names: Cuba - Mamey amarillo Haiti - Abriko-Peyi, Abrikot, Zabriko

MANAJU / CUBAN MANGOSTEEN (Rheedia aristata)

Description Evergreen tree reaching up to 70 feet tall. Elliptic leaves, bright green. The fruit grows up to the size of a person's head, yellow flesh, sweet, very pleasant to the taste. Wood is reddish brown.

Other names: Kongo – Mopusua Lukumi - Neri Description Native tree reaching up to 35 ft. The trunk bears one inch diameter, reddish wood; leaves sharp-tipped; lateral roots; yellow, sub acid fruits. It is in flower during the spring.

USES Medicinal Cough, dyspepsia, eczema, fever, psoriasis, rashes, sore, stomach ailments, wound.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Venezuela - Mangle colorado

Medicinal Bruises, contusions, tetanus, wound.

Description A tree found in brackish or salt water along the shores, inland rivers and creeks. It is a low, bushy, round-topped tree up to 30 feet in height, with many aerial roots; sometimes a tree up to 80 feet in height with a straight trunk clear for 40 feet or more, and a narrow top, or head. The branchlets are pithy, reddish brown, becoming later a light reddish gray and roughened. The leaves are oval or elliptical, rounded at the outer end and narrowing toward the base, dark green and very shiny on the upper surface, thick. The flowers are pale yellow, with four petals, about an inch in diameter, usually two or three in a cluster, springing from the leaf axils. The fruit is a leathery brown berry, about one inch long, hanging, slightly roughened, and containing a seed which generally germinates before the fruit falls. The wood is very hard and heavy, strong, dark-reddish brown streaked with lighter brown, surrounded by lighter sapwood.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ibeji. Correlating Odu: Irete Osa. Used to make ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. ∗ To ward off illness MANCA MONTERO: Aroma Uña de Gato MANDARINA/MANDARINE (Citrus marmorona) Description Tree smaller or equal in size than the sweet orange, according to the variety. May reach a height of 25 ft. The tree is thorny with slender twigs. The leaves have minute, rounded teeth and narrow petioles. The flowers are single, or together in the leaf axils. The fruit is oblate, bright orange, turning red/orange when mature. The seed are green inside, small and pointed at one edge.

USES Medicinal Rheuma, impotence, blood toxins, angina and tuberculosis, leprosy.


Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Yemaya, Inle, and Oshun. Correlating Odu: Otura Osa, Oshe Otura. For Babalu Aye rituals and ceremonies. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba

Medicinal Colds, digestive problems, excess fluid, fever, insomnia, irritability, sores, stress. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlated to Odu: Eyioko Odi


MANGLE / RED MANGROVE (Rhizophora mangle)

Other names: Colombia - Manglesito Costa Rica - Columnate Cuba - Cativo mangle. Mexico – Puyete Panama – Mangle Salado U.S. – Olive Mangrove, Salt Pond

Other names: Arada - Wewe Costa Rica - Mangle gateador Cuba - Mangle común, mangle colorado, mangle rojo, mangle de uña. Dominican Republic - Mangle rojo Guatemala - Mangle rojo Kongo – Musi Kwilo Lukumi – Ewe Atiodo, Kasioro Panama -Mangle salado Puerto Rico - Mangle zapatero

Description Tree that may grow to 60 feet with a trunk diameter of 2 feet, but it is usually smaller.


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The leaves are opposite on the stems, thick and leathery, dark green or yellowgreen above, and downy beneath. Salt glands on the underneath side secrete salt. The leaves are elliptical, from 1-5 inches in length. The flowers are white, fragrant, found in clusters at the growing tips. The fruits are flat, and approximately one inch long. The color is green and the pod is covered with down. The bark is thick, dark brown or blackish, with rough irregular flattened scales. Twigs are grayish in color and smooth, with enlargements at the joints.

MANGO MACHO Description – See "Mango" USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala. Correlating Odu: Ika Iroso, Ofun Yeku. Used to make ritual omiero. MANI / PEANUT (Arachis hypogaea)


Other names: Arada – Azo Brazil – Amendou Verdadeiro Haiti – Pistache Kongo – Mindo, Guba Lukumi – Epa, Epamilbo, Efa, Ewa, Busia Mexico - Cacahuate

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. Correlating Odu: Obara Eyioko. MANGO (Mangifera indica)

Description Annual growing to 1 foot. Yellow flowers.

Other names: Brazil - Mangueira Haiti - Mang Kongo – Ema Benga Lukumi – Oro, Eleso, Orun Beke

USES Medicinal Hemorrhoids. Chest ailments.

Description A tall tree growing up to 100 feet with a dense, heavy crown. The evergreen drooping leaves resemble those of the peach tree. Coppery to purplish-red at first but becoming green at maturity, they are lance-shaped and often slightly curved. The flowers of mango, small ivory and very numerous, and fruit clusters hang outside the foliage canopy.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Used for rituals and ceremonies of this Orisha. Correlating Odu: Okana Osa, Irete Otrupon, Otrupon Obara, Otrupon Yeku, Ofun Yeku. MANI CIMARRON / WILD PEANUT (Cassia diphylla)


Other names: Puerto Rico – Hediondilla, Zarzabacoa

Medicinal Contusions, constipation, fever, gum disease, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, lacerations, poor blood circulation.

Description Common herb; grows in sandy savannas. The leaves and flowers resemble those of the peanut plant.

Religious/ Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun and Ibeji. Correlating Odu: Odi Okana and Ojuani Iwori. Used to make ritual omiero. Used for offerings to all the Orishas. ∗ For amulets to attract good fortune. 134

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Medicinal Dysentery and other intestinal ailments.

Other names: Lukumi - Oshare U.S. – Painted Nettle

MANO PILON (Mouriri Valenzuela)

Description Ornamental plants. They are best known for their bright colors, and variety of foliage forms. The leaves are large, dentate and the flowers are produced in terminal racemes.

Other names: Cuba - Lebrero, torcido, yaya macho. Lukumi – Morele, Owodon Description Indigenous tree; yellowish brown wood with dark streaks, hard, heavy and compact, fibrous, fine grain.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Otrupon To make attributes and paraphernalia.

MANZANILLA (Chysanthellum americanum) Other names: Cuba - Manzanilla, manzanilla de la tierra, manzanilla del país. Kongo- Dunbuande Lukumi - Nikirio

MANTO / COLUMBINE (Aquilegia Vulgaris)

Description Annual scented herb of the daisy family composite - till 20 inches tall. Erect glabrous stems. Divided leaves, toothedlobed. Yellow florets.

Description Perennial growing up to 3 ft. high. It is in flower from April to July, and the seeds ripen from July to August. Found in moist shady positions, especially on calcareous soils or fenland peat.



Medicinal Allergies, arthritis, bile, circulatory diseases, conjunctivitis, colic, dermatitis, difficult digestions, disease of the liver, fats of the blood, gas, gastritis, gout, grains, hepatic ailments, insomnia, intestinal spasms, menstruation pains, nervousness, skin burns, tired eyes, ulcers, uric acid, vaginal infections, wounds

Medicinal: Because of its toxic properties, this plant should not be taken internally without expert advice Affections of the nervous system, skin diseases. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya. Correlating Odu: Osa Ika. Used to make ritual omiero.

Religious /Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Osa. ∗ To attract prosperity and love. ∗ Sprinkled around the household to banish negativity.

Other External body parasites


Dalia Quiros-Moran

MANZANILLO / MANCHINCEL (Hippomane mancinella)

Description A tree that grows up to 45 feet in height and has a thick and tortuous trunk and branches so winding that they frequently reach the ground. Frequently found growing wild on the drier sandy soils.

Other names: Costa Rica – Manzanillo de Playa Cuba - Arbol del diablo, manzanillo de costa, pinipiche y sargazo.

USES Description A tree reaching up to 15 meters high with alternate, shiny green leaves and spikes of small greenish flowers. Its fruits are green or greenish-yellow when ripe.

Medicinal Warts, diarrhea, dysentery, diarrhea, whites, skin infections, syphilis, mouth ulcers, throat problems, wounds, asthma, diabetes, muscular debility, urinary disorders, eczema, psoriasis, scrofula, venereal diseases, impotency, bronchitis, cough, toxins, influenza.

USES Medicinal Cardiac ailments, syphilis.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Inle, and Shango. Correlating Odu: Obara Iroso. For Babalu Aye rituals and ceremonies. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

Religious/Magical It has negative properties MARABU / BOTTLE BRUSH TREE (Dichostachys glomerata) Other names: Cuba - Aroma francesa, espina del diablo, aroma, aroma blanca.

MARAVILLA / FOUR O'CLOCK (Mirabilis jalapa) Other names: Cuba - Jalapa Haiti - Zèb Katrè Kongo - Boddule Lukumi – Ewe Ewa, inkuayo Mexico - Trompetilla

Description A spiny savannah shrub, forming thickets on scrub land and common in sandy areas. The flowers are very distinctive, blooming from March to July. They have blunt thorny spikes. The timber is hard and tough.

Description Herb. Flowers and fruits almost throughout the year. Abundantly found in plains not seen in forests.

USES Medicinal Acne, eczema.

USES MARAÑON /CASHEW (Anacardium occidentale)

Medicinal Conjunctivitis, fungal infections, intestinal ailments.

Other names: Arada - Gegalise Brazil - Cajueiro Colombia - Merey Dominican Republic - Cacahuil, cajuil Guatemala - Jocote marañon Haiti - Pom Kajou, Noix-Cajou, Pomme d'Acajou Peru - Casho U.S. – Cashew -nut. Venezuela - Caujil

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Yewa, Oya, Orunla. Correlating Odu: Okana Otrupon, Otrupon Obara, Eyioko Ogunda, Ojuani Obara. Used to make ritual omiero.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba ∗ Ritual baths to attract good fortune. MARAVILLA See."Maravilla"

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Obara Ogunda. Used to make ritual omiero.


MARIPOSA / BUTTERFLY GINGER (Hedychium coronarium)

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. Used to make ritual omiero. Used to make Ogun fiery. Rites of Palo To make the spirits fiery.

Other names: Kongo – Kanda, Vititi Nkangriso Lukumi – Balaba, Aroao Description Perennial growing to 1.5m by 1m. Frost tender. The flowers are white and have a delicious perfume which is most pronounced towards evening. Grows in moist places along streams and on forest edges.

MARAVILLA BLANCA See "Maravilla" USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Used to make ritual omiero.

USES Medicinal Fever, indigestion, rheumatism.

MARAVILLA PUNZO See. "Maravilla"

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Used to make ritual omiero.

MARPACIFICO / HIBISCUS (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) Other names: Brazil - Resplandor, papoula. Colombia -Resucitó Cuba - Borrachona, amapola, cupido, guasintón, flor de chivo, mar serena, leche de Venus, malva de china, sangre de adonis. Dominican Republic - Sangre de Cristo, cayena. El Salvador - Clavel japonés. Haiti - Shoublak Hawaii -Red hibiscus. Honduras -Campana Jamaica - Shoe-black Mexico - Tulipán Panama - Papo Puerto Rico - Amapola, pavón, candelá, candelada, carta abierta, marimoña, hibisco. U.S. - Chinese hibiscus, Chinese-rose. Virgin Islands - Chinese-rose

MARILOPE / YELLOW ADLER (Turnera ulmifolia) Other names: Colombia - Malva Cuba - Maria Lopez, Marilope Mexico - Clavel de Oro, clavéndula Nicaragua - Maria Lopez, San Juan, Margarita de los campos, Oreja de coyote U.S. – Ram goat, dash along Description A perennial, dense, compact shrub that reaches 2½ feet in height. The leaves are deep green, elm-like and conspicuous; yellow flowers. USES Medicinal Chest ailments, indigestion, menstrual problems.


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Mexico - Lentepilla Puerto Rico – Perejil de Tierra U.S. – Pepper weed, peppergrass

Description Ornamental shrub growing to 15 feet. There are numerous varieties of single and double flowers of diverse colors; red, yellow, cream, salmon, etc. Ovoid leaves, thick and unevenly dentated.

Description An annual weed that develops as a basal rosette initially, eventually producing white flowering stems that have a bottle-brush appearance.



Medicinal Cough, Fever, Hoarseness.

Medicinal Catarrh, Cold, colic, diabetes, dysentery, kidney and liver ailments, rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, scurvy, sores, stomach ailments, intestinal parasites, urinary track stones, and worms.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odudua, Inle. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Meji, and Odi Meji, Ofun Odi. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ For purification baths and cleansing of persons, objects and the household.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Osa. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For ritual baths to banish negativity.

MARRUBIO BLANCO / HOREHOUND (Marrubium vulgare) Other names: U.S. - Common horehound, horehound, horehound.

MATANEGRO (Rourea glabra) Other names: Cuba - Matanegro, bejuco Baracoa, bergajo, Juan caliente, mantequilla. El Salvador – Canjura Lukumi - Konri Mexico - Palo de chilillo Puerto Rico - Juan Caliente


Description Spreading perennial herb. The plant reaches a height of almost 3 feet tall and is characterized by white, pubescent leaves, woolly stems, and continually blooming white flowers. Found in dry sandy soils and sunny spots.

Description Climbing vine. The leaves are glossy; yellow fruit. Commonly found in calcareous soils and near low-level shores. The stems of this plant were used as whips by the European colonizers during the slave trade period in the Americas.

USES Medicinal Asthma, coughs, colds, bronchitis, digestive complaints, intestinal worms, sore throats, and skin irritations.


Religious/Magical ∗ In incense for protection.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba.

MASTUERZO / DWARF HORSEWEED (Lepidium virginicum) Other names: Cuba - Sabelección. Haiti - Kreson danwa Lukumi – Eribo 138

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U.S. - Balm, Balm mint, Harden balm, Gentle balm, Lemon balm, Melissa, Sweet balm

Description Erect annual plant, less than 2 ft. tall, branched; leaves ovate, rounded at base; spikes dense, greenish or whitish; corolla white or pale violet.

Description Erect perennial herb. The plants grow in clumps to a height of about 2 feet, and the bright green crinkled leaves possess a fragrant lemon like odor.



Medicinal Fever.

Medicinal Catarrh, digestive complaints, cramps, fever, flatulence, headaches, hysteria, influenza, light head, nervousness, palpitations, toothaches, vomiting.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Yemaya and Shango. Used to make ritual omiero.

MELON DE AGUA/WATERMELON (Citrullus citrulls)

MEJORANA / MARJORAM (Origanum majorana)

Other names: Brazil - Melancia Cuba - Sandía. Haiti - Melon dlo Kongo – Machafio suri mamba Lukumi - Egusi Agbe Puerto Rico – Patilla, Sandia

Description Perennial herb. The plants are 1 to 2 feet in height, with oblong to ovate, somewhat hairy leaves. Leaves and tender stems are fragrant and spicy. Scented whitish flowers.

Description Annual climber growing to 3 ft. It is in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October.

USES Medicinal Anxiety, arthritis, bronchial complaints, colds, digestive upsets, ear ailments, genital herpes, insomnia, muscular pain, painful menstruation, sprains, stiff joints, tension headaches.

USES Medicinal Abrasions, body parasites, tapeworms, tired eyes.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Obatala, Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Okana Meji, Otrupon Otura, and Osa Odi. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ When this plant grows abundantly denotes prosperity and riches; if it dies or does not take when first planted it foretells the opposite. ∗ For protection of the household.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Oyekun Otrupo, Iwori. ∗ For ritual baths to ward off accidents, calamity, hostility negativity in general. ∗ The seeds in amulets to attract fortune.

MELISA / LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis) Other names: Cuba – Toronjil Mexico – Abejera, Cedronela


Ofun from and good

Dalia Quiros-Moran



Other names: Cuba - Melón de Valencia, Moscatel Kongo – Machafio Suri Yanga Lukumi – Egure, Lesseitaku

Other names: Brazil - Cereja Cuba (La Habana) - Abran de costa. Lukumi – Adie igbemi

Description Annual climber with wide and lobate leaves. The fruit is large, smooth; seed yellowish. The skin is yellowish green or yellow with corky reticulations, thick, sweet fleshy inner pericarp.

Description Indigenous shrub with an unpleasant, fetid odor. The wood is dark, hard and compact; fine grain. The leaves are glossy; yellow flowers. USES

USES Medicinal Blood toxins.

Medicinal Antidote for Guao, inflammation, rheumatic pains, urinary ailments.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ibeji. Rites of Palo For healing rituals. ∗ For cleansings. ∗ Used to ward off evil eye and healing rituals.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Ojuani, Otura Obara, and Obara Otura. MELONCILLO / CREEPING CUCUMBER (Melothria Guadalupensis)

MILENRAMA / YARROW (Achillea millefolium)

Other names: Panama - Sandillita U.S. – Guadeloupe cucumber

Other names: Cuba - Milenrama Haiti – Millefeuille Mexico –Hierba de las Cortaduras Puerto Rico - Perka U.S. - Milfoil

Description Perennial plant with thin and smooth stems. The leaves are alternate, toothed. The flowers are yellow. Blooms first appear in late spring and continue into early fall. May bloom throughout the year. The fruit is a tiny watermelon, green to black with white seeds.

Description Herbaceous pungent perennial plant reaching up to 24 inches high. Finely feathered, bright gray-green leaves and flat heads of small white, pink or red flowers midsummer to autumn. Grows in grassy places, including lawns.

USES Medicinal Gonorrhea, swelling.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Iroso Ogunda, Iroso Otura, Otura Obara and Obara Meji.

Medicinal Cold, cystitis, diabetes, fever, flu, gout, gum ailments, hypertension, indigestion, liver ailments, menstrual bleeding, poor wound

MENTA: Yerba Buena


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

healing, poor appetite, poor peripheral circulation, rheumatism, toothache, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge. Pregnant women should avoid this herb

USES Medicinal Ague, headache, rheumatism. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya, Yewa. Correlating Odu: Oyekun Iwori, Otrupon Ofun. ∗ For purification baths to ward off evil spirits and negativity.

Religious/Magical ∗ For binding spells. ∗ To ward off negativity. ∗ In ritual baths for protection. MIJE / RED STOPPER (Eugenia rhombea)

MILLO (Hulcus sorghum)

Other names: Cuba - Mije blanco U.S. – Spiceberry Eugenia

Other names: Lukumi – Okuare

Description Small tree or shrub is found in hillsides, and riverbeds. The bark is gray and smooth. The ovate leaves taper to a narrow tip and are dark green above and paler green below. The thin young leaves are red. Small white flowers and round fruits, which may be orange, red, or black depending upon the degree of ripeness.

Description Common plant, similar to maize, but taller and instead of cobs, it produces a spike full of grain. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Odua, Babalu Aye. ∗ To ward off epidemics, place it by the front door of the household.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Eshu. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Otura. To pack amulets. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies.

MIRAGUANO / THATCH PALM (Thrinax Wendlandiana) Other names: Cuba - Guano blanco, guano campeche, guano de costa, miraguano de lana, yaraguana. Dominican Republic – Guanillo Haiti - latanier-la-mer Lukumi - Mariwo Mexico – Chit U.S. - Silk-top thatch, sea thatch

MIL FLORES / COLOGNE BUSH (Clerodendron fragans) Other names: Cuba – Avispero, Cogelotodo, Hortensia, Yerba Hedionda El Salvador – Viuda Alegre Guatemala – Jazmín de Amelia Mexico – Bocamelia Puerto Rico – Flor de muerto, Jazmín Cimarron, Jazmín Hediondo U.S. - Honolulu rose, stick bush, glory bower

Description Palm tree with fan shaped glossy green, fan shaped leaves, clustered at the top of the trunk; attains a height of 10 to 12 feet. The trunk is hard and dense and heavier than water. The flowers are very small, and in compound clusters. The fruit is a white

Description An evergreen bush three to four feet tall that produces coarse, dark green, ovate leaves, and fragrant, white camellia-like flowers. The foliage, when crushed, is quite malodorous.


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"stone fruit," rounded, and contains a thinshelled dark brown seed or nut. The wood is brown in color, the outer portion hard but the inner portion softer.

Puerto Rico - Mirto, café de la India Virgin Islands - St. Patrick Bush Description Ornamental tree or shrub up to 12 feet tall. Leaves are obovate, oblicous at the base; white scented flowers.

USES Medicinal Bronchitis, dyspepsia, impotence, tension.

USES Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Aganju.

MOCO DE PAVO: Acediana MOLINILLO: Bastón de San Francisco

MIRRA / MYRRH (Commiphora Myrrha)

MORA / FUSTIC TREE (Chlorophora tinctoria)

Other names: Arada - Aryi

Other names: Argentina - Tata-yivá-saiyú Brazil - Tajuva, jurema de espinho, auroreira Colombia - Dinde Costa Rica - Brasil Cuba - Mora, Fustete, Mora del pais, Mora de loma, Mora blanca, Mora de piedra. Dominican Republic - Mora macho, palo amarillo, fustete Ecuador - Moral fino, moral El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras - Mora Haiti - Bois jaune, Bwa Jon Virgin Islands - Fustic Jamaica - Red fustic, snook Mexico - Palo moral, Palo amarillo, Moral, Moradila, moral amarillo, moral del clavo, mora lisa. Panama – Moro, Mora, Amarillo Peru - Insira, insira caspi, limulana, amarillo Puerto Rico - Palo de mora, mora, escambron de Madera U.S. – Yellow wood Venezuela - Moral, mora lisa, morita

Description Large shrub or small tree. A pale yellow oil drips from the cuts in its dull gray bark and hardens to form teardrop-shaped nuggets of myrrh, which are powdered for use as a healing herb. USES Medicinal Abrasions, acne, boils, canker sores, catarrh, gingivitis, mouth ulcers, pyorrhea, respiratory complaints, sinusitis, skin conditions, skin inflammation, wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship For Babalu Aye rituals and ceremonies. Correlating Odu: Otura Ogunda. ∗ To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ Used as an incense to purify and protect. MIRTO / ORANGE JESSAMINE (Muraya exotica)

Description Small, deciduous tree reaching up to 45 ft high. Found in calcareous soils. The trunk is erect and cylindrical. The trunk and branches usually present small spines. The leaves are lanceolate, serrate. Produces milky, yellowish latex.

Other names: Antilles illes - Boxwood Colombia - Azahar Cuba - Mirto, Muralla, muraya, murallera, boj de Persia, jazmín francés, jazmín de Persia Dominican Republic - Azahar de jardín El Salvador - Limonaria, jazmín de Arabia Guatemala - Limonaria, limoncillo Haiti -Bun Jamaica - China box, mock orange Lukumi - Urari 142

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bolts with a 3 ft stalk supporting bright yellow flowers that develop into sickleshaped green seedpods.

USES Medicinal Colds, gout, rheumatism, sore throat, venereal diseases.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi, Yemaya. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba.

Medicinal Arthritis, catarrh and related affections, foot ache, lumbago, rheumatism, skin eruptions and ulcers MULATO: Aceitunillo

MORURO / WILD TAMBRAN (Pithecellobium arboreum)

MURALLA / CHINESE BOX (Murraya paniculata)

Other names: Costa Rica - Loro, lorito, conchido Cuba- Moruro, Tengue, Moruro prieto Dominican Republic - Abey Guatemala, Honduras - Cola de marano, cola de mico, quebracho. Honduras – Barba de Jolote Kongo – Kasoasa kinpase Lukumi – Orudan, efunkoko Mexico – Coralillo, Caña mazo Puerto Rico - Cojoba, Cojóbana U.S. – Wild tamarind

Other names: Cuba – Murallera, Boj de Persia, Jazmín de Persia Puerto Rico – Jazmín de la India, Mirto U.S. – Orange jessamine, Orange blossom of India, satinwood Description Attractive slender, upright, shrub or tree with a dense head type and compound evergreen leaves that are made up of pear-shaped leaflets, fragrant, white, orange-like blossoms, bright, decorative, red fruits.

Description A large canopy leguminous tree, reaching to 120 feet in height and 6 feet in diameter. It has rough bark and white dense flowers.



Medicinal Aches, diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, and wound.

Medicinal Cuts, gum disease, wounds.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ojuani Iwori. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies. Used to make Nkisi lango. ∗ Planted outside de house for protection. ∗ For cleansings of persons and the household to banish evil spirits and negativity. ∗ In amulets to attract good fortune

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ejionle Ofun, Ojuani Iroso, Irete Iroso, Oshe Otura. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets MOSTAZA CIMARRONA / MUSTARD GREENS (Brassica juncea) Other names: U.S. - leaf mustard, Indian mustard, brown mustard Description Annual, grown for it's variable, glabrous, thin basal leaves which are eaten raw or cooked like spinach. Produces mustard 143

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Medicinal Abdominal distension, chest ailments, constipation, dyspepsia, hiccups, Nervousness, parasites, spasms, skin ulcers, sluggish digestion, stomach problems, uterine, rectum and stomach ailments

NARANJA / ORANGE (Citrus sinensis) Other names: Cuba - Naranja de china Haiti - Zoran'y Kongo – Bolo mamba, Mbelia kala, Mbeio malala Lukumi – Orolocun, Orombo, Olombo, Osan, Esa U.S. – Sweet orange, navel orange

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. To make Shekete For spells

Description A compact evergreen tree up to 30 ft. tall with a rounded, symmetrical crown. The leaves are shiny and leathery, oblong to elliptic, and have narrow wings on their leaf stems. The blossoms are white, very fragrant, and arranged in clusters of 1-6. They bloom in spring and give rise to oranges the following autumn or winter.

NELUMBIO BLANCO / DOTLEAF WATERLILY (Nymphaea ampla) Other names: Cuba - Flor de agua Dominican Republic - Yerba de Hicotea Description Aquatic plant. Leaves flowers at surface, white.

USES Acne, bilious affections, catarrh, colds, coughs, fever, flu, malaria, psoriasis, skin conditions




Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Ibeji Correlating Odu: Eyioko Odi To attract good fortune Burned in incense to banish negativity

Medicinal Intestinal infections. NITRO (Boldoa purpurascens) Description Common weed with erect stem and thin branches. The leaves are alternate, pale green; flowers greenish, small.

NARANJA AGRIA / BITTER ORANGE (Citrus aurantium) Other names: Cuba - Naranja agria Haiti - Zorany sí, Zoranj anmè, Orange Gosco (Gwo Po) Lukumi - Korosan U.S. - Sour Orange, Seville Orange

USES Medicinal Urinary track ailments, impotence. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Iroso Ojuani and Ojuani Oshe.

Description An evergreen tree growing to 20 ft. It is in leaf all year, in flower from April to June. Scented flowers. The wood is hard, white.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


ÑAME / WHITE YAM (Dioscorea alata)

Other names: Brazil - Grao de gallo Colombia - Espino negro, adonis morado Cuba - No me olvides, violetina, fruta de iguana, celosa El Salvador - Heliotropo, chulada Haiti - Bois jambette Jamaica - Angels-whisper, poison macca Mexico - Espina blanca, capocoche Nicaragua Heliotropo morado, pensamiento Panama - Varita de San Jose, lora Puerto Rico - Cuenta de oro, azota caballo, lila, lluvia U.S. - Sky flower, Pigeon-berry Venezuela - Fruta de paloma, melero

Other names: Cuba - Ñame Haiti - Yanm, Zyanm Kongo – Imbiku Loato Lukumi - Ewe Isu

Description Evergreen shrub, up to 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide. The leaves are 1" to 4" long with a whorled appearance. The flowers are a pale purple with a yellow eye, scented; orange berries.


Description Herbaceous vine with heart-shaped ovate leaves 3-6 inches long; wing-like on opposite sides of a square stem that has 4 flat sides and twines to the right. The leaves have veins that begin at the leaf base. The flowers are small, with a yellow or yellow-green calyx and no petals. The edible fruit, tuber, of the yam grows on an underground stem and is thick.

Medicinal Coughs, constipation, dysentery, vomiting blood. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba all the Orishas Correlating Odu: Odi Ojuani, Ojuani Iroso, Ojuani Ofun, Otura Osa, Otura Oshe, and Obara Ogunda, Oshe Meji, Okana Obara. For rituals and ceremonies Food offerings for the Orishas.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ika Ogbe. ∗ For love spells.

ÑAME VOLADOR / AIR POTATO (Dioscorea pilosiuscula)

NOGAL / WEST INDIAN WALNUT (Juglans insularis) Other names: Cuba - Nogal del país, Palo de Nuez Dominican Republic – Nogal Puerto Rico - Palo de nuez, nuez

Other names: Cuba - Alambrillo, papas al aire. Kongo – Imbikua salalala Lukumi - Ishu

Description Indigenous tree that grows in elevated areas. The leaves are large, serrated; small flowers, greenish.

Description Herbaceous, perennial vine; stems annual, twining counterclockwise Leaves simple, alternate, blades broadly ovate, cordate, -nerved, glabrous, entire; aerial tubers usually in axils, generally sub spherical, smooth-surfaced. Flowers small, fragrant. Fruit a capsule, edible, bland/ bitter tasting.

USES Medicinal Buccal inflammations, eczema, intestinal parasites, skin diseases, skin ulcers, throat irritation, whites.


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USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. ∗ To expel evil spirits ∗ To expel unwanted company.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala For rituals and ceremonies.

OCUJE / BEAUTY LEAF (Colophyllum antilanum) Other names: Cuba - Ocú. Kongo - Simano Lukumi – Yenye U.S. – Santa Maria

OJO DE BUEY / SEA BEANS (Mucuna urens) Other names: Cuba - Cayajabo, jairey, ojo de caballo, ojo de borrico. Lukumi – Jumiyi, Irubaniye Mexico – Ojo de Borrico Panama - Ojo de venado Puerto Rico - Matos del monte, matos, ojo de buey

Description Erect tree growing up to 40 ft. tall. Young stems green, minutely hair, becoming gray with age. Leaves opposite, simple, petioled, elliptic, long; blades very shiny, tips rounded to minutely notched. Flowers small, in few flowered racemes, white, fragrant, with many yellow stamens. Fruit a 1 seeded, hard shelled drupe, brown, globose. Found in mangrove forests and other coastal areas.

Description A large woody vine, glabrous. Reaches up to 10 ft. long. Leaflets mostly elliptic, blackening when dried, lustrous, purplish below, green above. Legume sessile, oblong; seeds 1-4, compressed or subglobose, orbicular, almost surrounded by the linear hilum, brownish fuscous.

USES Medicinal Hernia, rheumatism.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Otrupon Ofun Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi For healing rituals.

Medicinal Intestinal parasites. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango ∗ The seeds are used for amulets.

OFON / BLACK PLUM (Vitex Doniana)


Other names: Cuba - Ofón

Other names: Kongo – Mikambo Lukumi - Recheyee

Description A deciduous tree, up to 20 ft high, with a dense rounded crown. Its bark is light grey with numerous vertical fissures. Leaves are long stalked with 5-7 leaflets. Flowers are numerous, white, tinged purple, usually borne in short, stout axillary cymes on a long stalk. The fruits are ellipsoid to oblong, green turning black on ripening.

USES Medicinal Head colds, headaches.

USES Medicinal Anemia, dysentery, gonorrhea, jaundice, and leprosy. 147

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Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Orunmila ∗ For purification baths.

OREJA DE PALO / TIMWORT (Phoradendron quadrangulare) Other names: Cuba - Guindavela, palo caballero

OJO DE RATON / ROUGE PLANT (Rivina humilis)

Description Parasitary sub shrub. Foliage khaki to yellow-green, the leaves are fleshy and brittle. Flowers pale yellow. Immature fruit yellow green, mature fruit orange, round, with green seed.

Other names: Argentina, Urugüay - Sangre de toro. Colombia -Pinpin, pinta pinta Cuba - Coralitos. Dominican Republic –Caimancillo Kongo - Modobo Mexico - Coral, coralito, coralillo Nicaragua -Hierba mora, saca-tinta, coralillo, coralillo carmin.

USES Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets

Description A bushy perennial standing one to five feet tall. The leaves have wavy margins. The pink to white flowers grow on a spike. The top of the spike has reddish-pink buds and the base has bright red to orange fruit.

OROZUS DE LA TIERRA / AZTEC SWEET HERB (Lippia dulcis) Other names: Cuba - Orozus de la tierra, Oro Azul. El Salvador – Salvia Santa, Corronchocho Kongo - Inmeyemo Lukumi – Orosun kikio simawa Mexico – Hierba buena, Hierba dulce Nicaragua – Orosul Panama – Salvia Santa Peru – Menta Dulce U.S. - Sweet leaf

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba Correlating Odu: Eyioko Ofun Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies

Description Low creeping herb about 18 inches high; the branches and leaves in pairs, the flower stalks in the axils of the leaves, white. The leaves are ovate, narrowed into the petiole, acute, finely toothed above, veiny and glandular-hairy. They have a peculiar, sweet and very delightful, aromatic odor and taste.

OREGANO/ WILD MAJORAN (Origanum vulgare) Description A hardy perennial herb growing up to 2 ft. in height. It bears attractive white to purplish flowers and showy bracts in summer. Leaves are green to gray-green and may be hairy or smooth.

USES Medicinal Arthritis, asthma, chest ailments, coughs, infections, inflammation, liver ailments, stomach upset

USES Medicinal Bronchitis, cough, hemorrhages, intestinal parasites.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun Correlating Odu: Odi Ogunda, Irete Iwori, Ika Odi, and Ofun Iroso. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For amulets to attract good fortune

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To condiment food offerings for the Orishas


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

ORTIGA: Candelilla ORTIGUILLA/COWITCH (Fleurya cuneata) Other names: Kongo – Iyen Lukumi – Ewe Ne, Ina Description Indigenous climber, with serrated leaves, axillary flowers. USES Medicinal Blood toxins, impotence, rheumatism, skin ulcers, wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu aye


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Description A palm from 50 feet to 80 feet in height; straight clear trunk up to two feet in diameter, covered with shallow ridges and fissures. It grows in sandy soil or hammocks. The fronds are from five to eight feet long, dark green, shiny, deeply divided into narrow portions, and borne on unarmed petioles. The trunk is covered with a thick rind and marked in rings where the old sets of fronds have fallen off. The fruit consists of many rounded berries, about one-third inch in diameter, each containing a brownish colored seed. The wood is light, soft, pale brown, containing numerous hard fibers or threads.

PACHULI / PATCHOULI (Pogostemon patchouli) Description A fragrant herb, with soft, opposite, eggshaped leaves and square stems; grows from 2 to 3 feet in height, giving out the peculiar, characteristic odor of patchouli when rubbed. Its whitish flowers, tinged with purple, grow in both axillary and terminal spikes. USES Medicinal Loss of appetite and sleep, nervous attacks.


Religious/Magical ∗ Burned to attract good fortune. ∗ It has aphrodisiac properties.

Medicinal Hysteria.

PADERO: Arriero

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Egun rituals and ceremonies.

PALMA REAL / ROYAL PALM (Roystonea Regia)

PALO AMARILLO / PLUME POPPY (Bocconia frutescens)

Other names: Puerto Rico - Palma de yagua cubana

Other names: Argentina, Urugüay - Sancho amargo Colombia - Curarador, trompeto, sanor, mata-chande, sarcillejo Costa Rica -Guacamayo, tabaquillo Dominican Republic -Yagrumo macho. Guatemala - Sangre de toro Mexico- Gordolobo, cuatlataya, calderón Puerto Rico - Palo de pan cimarrón, pan cimarrón

Description Palm tree reaching up to 50 ft. high with a very solid trunk, grass green crown shaft, and a handsome crown of large feathery leaves. USES Medicinal Eye ailments, gonorrhea, kidney ailments, and leprosy.

Description Evergreen shrub to small tree that forms dense stands in dry habitats. It has very large, sinuate, dentate leaves, and small, panicled, apetalous flowers. The seeds are wind-dispersed.

Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Orunla Correlating Odu: Ejionle Meji, Iwori Iroso, Odi Meji, Otura Iroso, Otura Osa, Irete Otura. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba PALMA CANA / SABAL PALM (Sabal florida) Other names: Cuba - Guano cana. 150

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Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osanyin Rites of Palo To banish negativity and protection.

Medicinal Dropsy, jaundice, intestinal worms and parasites, psoriasis. PALO AMARGO (Picramnia reticulata)

PALO BOBO (Annona glabra)

Other names: Cuba - Palo amargo, marigoncillo, palo amarillo, quina de la tierra. Kongo - Momboco Lukumi – Igi Kikan

Other names: Brazil - Araticum do brejo. Colombia - Mayos Costa Rica - Guanábana silvestre Cuba - Baga, Palo bobo, guanábana cimarrona, cimarrona. Dominican Republic – Guanábano de corcho, mammon de perro, anon de río, baga, guanábana cimarrona Ecuador - Anona del campo Guatemala, Honduras - Anoncillo Haiti - Carossol marrón, mammier Kongo – Chona Lukumi – Inabiri, Iyumo Mexico -Corcho, arbol de corcho, palo de corcho. Panama - Anón de puerco Puerto Rico - Cayur, corazón cimarrón, guanábano cimarrón, anón. U.S.- Alligator apple, custard apple Venezuela - Anón liso, chirimoya cimarrona, guanábano cimarrón, guanábano bobo.

Description Indigenous tree reaching up to 30 ft. high. The leaves are lanceolate, bright green. Found in semi-calcareous forests. USES Medicinal Alcoholism, ailments.




Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Ogun ∗ To expel ingested witchcraft ∗ For spells to cause despair. PALO BLANCO / PARADISE TREE (Simarouba glauca)

Description Indigenous tree reaching heights up to 35 ft. Grows near fresh water ponds and streams and in swampy hammocks; with a much swelled, or buttressed, base and short, clear trunk. The branches are stout and irregular-shaped. The leaves are leathery, bright green above, elliptical or oval. The flowers open from a threeangled bud on a stout flower stem, with six petals in two series of three each, of a pale or yellowish white, the three outer ones marked with a bright red spot near the base.

Other names: Costa Rica - Simaruba Cuba - Gavilán, roblecillo El Salvador - Jucumico, aceituno Haiti - Fren'n Kongo – Musi mindola Lukumi – Iggi Fun Mexico – So. - Xpaxakil Nicaragua - Aceituno, aceituno negrito Panama - Aceituno Description A medium sized to large tree that grows up to 25 feet in height. Bright green leaves and a small red fruits. The wood is soft with a bitter taste and a peculiar scent. USES Medicinal Diabetes, dysentery, stomach upset.


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spines that cause a burning sensation and itch when touched.

USES Medicinal Neutralizes medicinal decoctions when they are made too strong. Abdominal complaints, burns, coughing associated with TB, infantile diarrhea, jaundice, pulmonary ailments, rheumatism, intestinal parasites and worms.

USES Medicinal Hair loss, menstrual irregularity. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osanyin and Obatala ∗ Used for protection against evil and negativity.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ika Ojuani Rites of Palo Palo Mayombe. For spells and rituals. ∗ Weakens; causes lapses.

PALO CABALLERO / MAHOGANY MISTLETOE (Phoradendron rubrum) Other names: Cuba - Cepa de caballero, guinda vela Kongo – Butekie Puerto Rico - Caballera

PALO BOMBA (Xilopia glabra) Other names: Cuba - Guabico, palo crio. Kongo - Mubon Lukumi – Olunipa

Description Tropical rock land hammock. Parasitic on mahogany. USES

Description Tree with twisted branches, smooth gray bark; leaves glossy, ovate, alternate, pale green on top, lighter green at the bottom; single flowers, six petals, the longer ones are brown, and the rest triangular in shape.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets Used for protection against evil and negativity.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Ogun Negative properties. It has fatal effects if ingested, causing internal hemorrhage.

PALO CACHIMBA (Aralia capitata) Other names: Cuba – Aralia Lukumi – Asho ikoko

PALO BONITO: Arbol bonito Description Tree up to 60 ft. high. Trunk produces a milky sap; the bark is light brown with shallow, round depressions; leaves glabrous, green, scented flowers; cream/white, terminal; berries are green, purple when mature.

PALO BRONCO / MALPIGHIA (Malpighia biflora) Other names: Cuba - Palo bronco de monte Kongo - Moruambo Puerto Rico - Olaga Description Coastal shrub found in arid, rocky soils. The trunk and leaves are covered by


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets For protection against negativity and evil spirits.


PALO CAFE (Amaioua corymbosa)

Other names: Cuba – Cambia Voz, palo cambia camino, cuaba, palo cuaba Kongo - Kisiambolo U.S. - Balsam Torchwood, West Indian Rosewood

Other names: Cuba - Palo café, pitajoní cimarrón, cafetillo, cafetillo cimarrón Kongo - Irinkao Lukumi - Iggi Fere, Apo Description Scrub common in sandy soils; cylindrical branches; leaves elliptical, silky underneath; scented flowers, white.

Description A small tree growing to a height of 20 or 30 feet, Found in coastal areas and sandy soils. The leaves are opposite, smooth, glaucous on under surface, oval or lanceolate in shape. Its numerous small flowers are without odor and of varying hues. The tree is parasitic, and will attach itself to other plants by tuberous processes on its roots.

USES Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets Burned to banish illness and negativity in the household.


PALO CAJA (Allophyllus cominia)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ To cause change of mind.

Other names: Costa Rica - Esuquitillo Cuba - Palo caja, palo de caja Dominican Republic - Tres palabras, palo de caja Haiti - Cafe jaune, petit cafe, trois paroles Kongo – Nguengue Lukumi – Iggi Bire, Oin, Merembe Puerto Rico - Quiebrahacha, palo blanco Venezuela - Fruta paloma, marfil

PALO CENIZO (Pithecollobium obovale) Other names: Cuba - Humo de sabana, Abey blanco, encinillo. Kongo – Nchungo, chungora mifototo Lukumi - Igbelefin

Description Dense foliage tree found in mountain sides, reaching up to 30 ft. high. The leaves are elliptical, fuzzy underneath. The flowers are white, aromatic. The fruit is red or orange, sometimes hairy. USES Medicinal Debility, dropsy, high blood pressure, intestinal ailments, toothaches, tuberculosis. 153

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Description Tree reaching up to 30 ft. found near riverbanks and streams. The flowers in racemes. Seeds are elliptical, bluish color.

USES Medicinal Colic, dyspepsia, spasm.



USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Yemaya, Ogun Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ For ritual cleansings of persons and the household.

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Used for balance and stability in amulets and rituals. PALO CLAVO / CLOVE (Eugenia caryophyllata)

PALO COCUYO (Paralabatia dictyneura)

Other names: Cuba - Arbol del clavo

Other names: Cuba - Vigueta peluda, árbol de las sierras, San Juan. Dominican Republic - Cuero de puerco, tomasina, caracol. Kongo – Nkunia Ntoka. Lukumi – Ofuntana.

Description An evergreen tree, 15 to 30 feet tall. Scented leaves, opposite, ovate; flowers are red and white, bell-shaped, in terminal clusters. The dried flower makes the "cloves". The fruit is a one- or two-seeded berry.

Description Mountain tree, reddish hard wood, Grows up to 24 Ft. high. The leaves are rigid, lanceolate, fuzzy underneath; axillary flowers; fruit elliptical, hairy.

USES Medicinal Diabetes, indigestion, infection, intestinal parasites, pain, sore throat, toothache.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets To expel ingested witchcraft

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin Correlating Odu: Iwori Odi To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets

PALO COCHINO / OKEN (Tetragastris balsamifera) Other names: Cuba - Palo cochino, palo de cochino, azucarero, incienso. Dominican Republic - Amacey Haiti - Bwa-Koshon Kongo - Fumasi Lukumi – Epoto, ewinmamaro U.S. – Masa

PALO DE CAMPECHE / LOGWOOD (Haematoxylum campechianum) Other names: Cuba – Palo Negro Description A tree that grows up to 50 feet high and has a short, crooked trunk; leaves featherformed, oval leaflets. The small yellow flowers grow in a cluster from the leaf axil. The wood is heavy and extremely hard.

Description Common tree growing up to 30 ft.; the trunk is erect, long that release a white aromatic sap; the wood is pink or grayish pink, the core is pink with white strikes.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Description A shrub or small tree reaching 15' to 30' feet with a 4" to 8" diameter trunk that often leans. Most of the trunk is covered by the narrow, irregular crown. The reddish-brown to light brown bark is scaly and very thin. The evergreen leaves are simple, opposite, and oblong or oval in shape. The reddish-brown to purplishblack fruit is a small drupe with four seeds. Found in pinelands and hammocks of coastal areas.

Medicinal Abortive, anemia, antiseptic, diarrhea, dysentery, gangrene, leucorrhea, sore, sprains, trauma, toothache, tuberculosis. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Oyekun Ika PALO DEL BRASIL: Campeche


PALO DIABLO / JAMAICA CAPER TREE (Capparis cynophallophora)

Medicinal Ear ailments.

Other names: Cuba - Palo diablo, mostacilla. Kongo - Mecuembri, wabi Lukumi – Bieshu, burubu

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Shango, Ogun PALO HACHA

Description Evergreen shrub. This flowering plant reaches up to 10 feet. It is in flower during the spring. The leaves are green and the underside rust colored; simple, medium texture; showy flowers, pink- white.

Other names: Kongo – Musi Bele loasia Lukumi – Igi Nika USES


Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu. Not used for rituals or ceremonies. Rites of Palo To overcome the enemy. Not favorable for all Nkisis. This plant should be planted away from the household for it attracts negative/evil spirits.

PALO HEDIONDO / SENNA TREE (Cassia emarginata) Other names: Cuba - Palo hediondo, frijolillo Haiti - Bwa-Kabrit', Casse Marron, Casseà-batons, Casse Savane, Casse-Hallier, Sou Maké Kongo – Sekense, baye, bitondo Lukumi – Igi jara-jara U.S. - Yellow Candle wood

PALO GUAMO: Guamá de Costa PALO GUARA: Guara PALO GUITARRA / FIDDLEWOOD (Citharexylum caudatum) Other names: Cuba - Cateicillo, collarete, guairo santo, guayo blanco, penda y roble amarillo. Kongo – Osonko Lukumi - Alare U.S. – Juniper berry

Description Indigenous shrub; unpleasant odor.





Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Indigenous large tree found in riverbanks. The leaves are green, ovate, somewhat glossy on above, and yellowish below; the flowers have four petals. The seeds in a capsule, yellowish/ green; the trunk is dark brown, smooth, light brown inside.

USES Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets To assist the earth bound moribund to pass peacefully



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osanyin y Shango Correlating Odu: Ika Okana. To pack amulets Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Other names: Cuba - Paraíso francés El Salvador - Marango, Marenque, Paraíso extranjero, teberino. Mexico - Paraíso de España, Perlas de Oriente Nicaragua, Costa Rica - Marango Puerto Rico - Angela U.S. – Drumstick tree

PALO MALAMBO / WILD CINNAMON (Canella alba) Other names: Cuba - Cúrbana, canela del país. Haiti - Canelle Kongo – Nkumia Mpeka U.S. – Wild cinnamon

Description Small tree, tortuous, used as ornamental. It has a single stem, light bark; wide-open, umbrella shaped crown; wood soft. USES

Description A straight tree, from 20 to 50 feet high, with erect branches at the summit only. The bark is yellowish-white; the inner bark thick, smooth, and pale, with a biting, aromatic taste. The leaves are scattered, shining, and yellowish-green. The flowers are small, and borne in clusters, and of a purple color. Berry the size of a pea, fleshy, smooth, blue, or black, hot and biting while green. The bark is of a pale yellowish-white color, occurring in hard, twisted pieces, with an acrid, peppery taste, an aromatic, clove-like, or cinnamon-like odor.

Medicinal: Asthma, catarrh, cold, dropsy, dysentery, erysipelas, fever, hair loss, hysteria, neuralgia, spasm, toothache, ulcer, yellow fever, tumor, vertigo. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Correlating Odu: Otura Ika, Otura Otrupon. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets. It has aphrodisiac properties. Restores the passion in loving partners.

USES Medicinal Cold, diarrhea, difficult menstruation, fever, sluggish digestion, tetanus, wound pain.

PALO JICOTEA Other names: Cuba - Jicotea, chicharrón, berijúa, juba blanca. Dominican Republic - Chicharrón Lukumi – Igi Aya Ura Puerto Rico - Chicharrón

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Iwori Odi, Iroso Ika, Otrupon Iroso. To pack amulets Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets Works with the Nkisi


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ For purification baths ∗ Burned in incense to banish negativity and attract good vibrations

PALO MANGA SAYAS USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya Rites of Palo Palo mayombe. For love amulets and spells

PALO NEGRO: Palo de campeche PALO PAPO (Fagelia bitaminosa)


Other names: Cuba - Papito de la reina.

PALO MORO (Psychotria brownei)

Description Cultivated plant.

Other names: Haiti - Café-Marron Grand-Bois, Petit-Café Marron


Description Indigenous shrubs found in mountainous areas.

Medicinal Debility. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun ∗ For purification negativity. ∗ For amulets

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Iroso Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ For binding spells. To attract love




PALO RAMON / RAMOON (Trophis racemosa) Other names: Cuba - Ramon de bestia y Ramón de caballos, balsamo. Dominican Republic - Ramón, Ramon de vaca, Ramon de bestia. El Salvador -Ojushte, chulujuste, pilijuste Guatemala -Ramon colorado Haiti -Ramon, bois neuf rameau Jamaica - Ramoon Kongo – Cuaribao, nkento, nkitan kitan Mexico - Ramon, ramoncillo, ushi Panama - Ojoche macho, breadnut Puerto Rico -Ramoncillo, Ramon. Venezuela - Marfil.

PALO MORURO: Moruro PALO MULATO / INKWOOD (Exothea paniculata) Other names: Cuba - Palo mulato, mulato, yaicuaje. Kongo - Potunkoro Lukumi - Kukunduku U.S. – Butterbough Description Shrub common in hammocks; the leaves are dark green, long and come in sets of four leaflets. Wood is hard, compact, reddish color. USES Medicinal Debility.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Native tree found in wet forests. The leaves are elliptical, slightly serrate, round at the base. Produces small edible orange fruits, with a large seed inside.

Description Common shrub of calcareous soils. The leaves a elliptical. Ripe fruits, deep burgundy, the seeds covered by a yelloworange aril. Wood light yellow.



Medicinal Slow milk flow in nursing women.

Medicinal Burns, flu, leprosy, skin lesions, wound.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Obara Okana For amulets and relics, Rites of Palo Essential to the Nkisi. To dominate spirits.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Oya and Ogun. Rites of Palo To overcome obstacles For rituals and amulets PALO SANTO/ BLACK SWEETWOOD (Ocotea foeniculacea)

PALO RAYO / JERUSALEM THORN (Parkinsonia aculeata)

Other names: Cuba - Palo Santo Puerto Rico - Palo Santo, laurel Dominican Republic - Canelilla

Other names: Cuba - Junco marino, palo de rayo. Description Tree noted for its striking yellow flowers and unusual foliage. The green bark and branches are armed with thorns, up to an inch in length. The leaves are compound, small and strap-like, resembling floppy, narrow feathers. The flowers are clustered, yellow, and pea-like, appearing in spring and summer. The fruit is hard, brown pods 3-4 inches in length.

Description Evergreen tree reaching up to 30 ft. high. Aromatic bark, smooth, gray with dark green spots; flexible, slender branches; leaves ovate, alternate; flowers in racemes, blue. USES Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Essential for the Nkisi.

USES Medicinal Epilepsy, fever, stomachache.

PALO TENGUE (Poeppigia procera)

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Other names: Brazil - Lava-cabelo Cuba - Palo tengue, quebracho blanco, abey hembra. Kongo – Nkita, Nkuni Cheche Cabinda Lukumi - Adebesu Mexico – Corazon Bonito Panama - Harino

PALO ROMPEHUESO (Casearia sylvestris) Other names: Cuba - Sarna de perro, aguedita blanca, aguedita macho, tasajo. Kongo – Beberico, kulombe Lukumi – Ishiegu, borocoma Mexico - Guayabillo Nicaragua - Comida de culebra Puerto Rico - Cafeillo cimarron, laurel espada, sarna de perro


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Tree common in calcareous and mountainous areas. Reaches up to 30 ft. high. The foliage is fine; yellow flowers. The wood is good, hard, reddish core.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Iwori Ofun. Belongs to Eshu ∗ To twist someone's luck.

USES Medicinal Ulcers and wounds.

PALO VERRACO (Hypericum stypheliodes)

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For amulets ∗ To attract stability and protection

Other names: Kongo – Fumasi, Dokirongo Lukumi – Teni teni, Lede Description Shrub growing along streams in sandy savannas. The trunk is woody, erect, cylindrical, gray. Rigid leaves; large yellow flowers.

PALO TOCINO (Acacia paniculata) Other names: Brazil - Aspera-aí Cuba - Palo tocino, rabo de iguana. Kongo – Yiguayeo Lukumi - Ore

USES Medicinal Syphilis, venereal diseases.

Description Cuban indigenous tree with emerald green, feathery, spiny, arched branches.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya


PANETELA / SWORDBUSH (Xylophylla angustifolia)

Medicinal Gonorrhea, menstrual problems.

Other names: U.S. – Foliage flower

Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets.

Description Common tree with hard, compact wood, fine grain, brownish color with streaks. At nighttime, the flowers expel a soft, pleasant odor.

PALO TORCIDO (Mouriri valenzuelana)

USES Other names: Cuba - Lebrero, mano de pilón, torcido, yaya macho. Kongo – Alubende dianfinda, Otutua Lukumi - Otite, Mitonlo

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Iroso, Ika Odi.

Description Indigenous tree found near riverbanks and streams. The wood is hard, compact, heavy and fibrous; fine grain, yellowish brown with darker streaks.

PAPAYON: Arriero PAPITO DE LA REINA: Bejuco de Conchita


Dalia Quiros-Moran

PARA MI / FIRE BUSH (Hamelia patens)

Description Tree originally from India. It flowers and bears fruit and has toothed leaflets. The tree produces purplish fragrant flowers, after wards followed by yellow fruits (berries) that are very poisonous.

Other names: Brazil – Valmoura Cuba - Para mi, ponasí, raíz de indio Haiti – Koray Kongo - Kaguangaco U.S. - Scarlet bush, hummingbird bush

USES Medicinal Diphnea, hysteria, roundworms.

Description Semi-woody evergreen shrub that can get up to 15 ft. tall. The leaves are elliptic to oval, gray-pubescent underneath with reddish veins and petioles. Showy terminal clusters of bright reddish-orange or scarlet tubular flowers, the clusters of fruit also are showy. Each fruit is a juicy berry with many small seeds, ripening from green to yellow to red and finally to black.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Obatala, Oshun, Elegba Correlating Odu: Eyioko Okana, Iwori Ika, Odi Ika, Odi Ogunda, Ogunda Oshe, Otura Okana. It is not used for ritual omiero. Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ Planted outside the house for luck and protection. ∗ For purification baths to attract good fortune and prosperity. ∗ For cleansings of the household, to banish negativity and attract good fortune.

USES Medicinal Fungal infections, pain, skin problems of many kinds, insect bites, menstrual disorders, dysentery, rheumatism, headache, uterine and ovarian afflictions. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Inle Correlating Odu: Otrupon Oshe To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ To influence, dominate, possess. ∗ For love spells.

PARAISO FRANCES: Palo Jeringa PARANA / PARA GRASS (Panicum purpurancens) Other names: Cuba – Hierba del Paral Description Coarse perennial grass, with well developed root; branches robust, slender; nodes covered with long white hairs, spreading; inflorescence a panicle made up of 8–20 false spikes or racemes, simple or compound at base, erect or somewhat spreading, alternate, distant, robust.

PARAISO/ CHINABERRY TREE (Melia azederach) Other names: Arada - Zizifu Dominican Republic – Lila Haiti - Lilas-Pays Lukumi - Ibayo Panama - Jacinto Puerto Rico - Margosa, lilaila, pasilla U.S. - Persian lilac, pride of India, bead tree, lilac tree Venezuela - Aleli Virgin Islands - Neem

USES Medicinal Intestinal parasites.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi

USES Medicinal Liver complaints.

PAREIRA BRAVA / VELVET LEAF (Cissampelos pareira)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba. Correlating Odu: Oshe Ika, Ika Oshe, Irete Untelu, Oshe Ika, Ojuani Iwori, Ofun Yeku. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Other names: Cuba - Bejuco de terciopelo, bejuco de sabana, bejuco de pitilla, tomatillo de sabana. U.S. – Ice Vine Description A shrub with a round, ligneous root, stems either smooth, or with close-pressed down, and climbing over trees. Leaves large, nearly orbicular, peltate, aristate at the point, when full grown smooth above, underneath covered with silky pubescence, but not truly downy. Flowers dioecious, hispid, in racemes. Berries scarlet, round, compressed, shriveled, thinned to the edge, all over hispid with long hairs.

PATABAN / WHITE MANGROVE (Laguncularia racemosa) Other names: Cuba – Mangle Bobo Haiti – Manglier Blanc Description A tree found in the muddy tidal shores of bays and lagoons. It reaches heights up to 60 feet and diameters up to 20 inches. The top is usually narrow and rounded; leaves opposite, smooth, thick and leathery, oblong and rounded at the ends, dark green on their upper surfaces; flowers fragrant and occur in an opposite arrangement along a central stem, or five nearly round greenish-white petals; fruit a 10-ribbed hard pod, flattened with two thin ridges; single dark red, thin-walled seed. The wood is dark yellow-brown, heavy, hard and strong.

USES Medicinal Dropsy, jaundice, leucorrhoea, rheumatism, and urinary track ailments.

PARRA DE AGUA: Bejuco Jimagua PARRITA CIMARRONA: Bejuco Ubi Macho


PATA DE GALLINA / YARD GRASS (Eleusine indica)

Medicinal Dysentery.

Other names: Cuba - Grama de caballo Kongo – Kimbansa, bebeke Lukumi – Ewe Eran, Dede, Araogu U.S. – Indian Goose grass, Goose grass

PEGA PEGA/STRONG BACK (Desmodium obtusum) Other names: Cuba - Amor seco. Kongo – Inin inago Lukumi - Kirimeko

Description Annual growing to 6 inches tall as a compressed plant in turf. It appears as a silvery mat forming a pale green clump with a low rosette and flattened stems. Flower stalks are short, stout, and compressed. It is in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen from August to October. Grows in roadsides and waste places.

Description Indigenous multi branched weedy perennial herb 1.5 ft tall. Produces numerous light purple flowers and small green fruits/bean in 2" long pods. Found in open forests, pastures, yards and roadsides.


Dalia Quiros-Moran


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshosi Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ibeji. ∗ For binding spells. To reunite broken marriages and friendships.


PECHUGA DE PALOMA / JOHN CHARLES (Hyptis verticillata)

Other names: Colombia - Friega platos Costa Rica - Berenjena, berenjena cimarrona. Cuba - Prendedera. Dominican Republic Berenjena cimarrona, berenjena de gallina, tabacón. Guatemala - Tomatillo. Haiti - Zamorette, Rapon Kongo – Milisia Lukumi – Isiami, ewe oduyafun, inyelo Mexico - Espina. Puerto Rico - Berenjena cimarrona. U.S. – Gully bean, devil's fig.

Other names: Cuba - Coge mundo Honduras – Quita dolor Mexico – Hierba Martina U.S. – Wild mint Description Shrub that grows to a height of approximately 6 feet. The leaves are oval and the flowers are white. USES

Description Evergreen, widely branched prickly shrub or small tree to 16 ft. tall. The stems have stout, flattened prickles. Leaves alternate, simple, petioled; blades oval to elliptic, tips pointed. Flowers many, in large branched clusters with glandular hairs on axes. Fruit an erect subglobose berry, yellow when ripe.

Medicinal Aches (head, back, stomach, chest ailments, colds, dyspepsia, itch, rheumatism, skin infections, spasm, stings, tension, toothache. Religious/Magical Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets.


PEGOJO / MILKWOOD (Tabernaemontana citriflora)

Medicinal Impotence, kidney ailments, urinary track ailments, toxins in the blood.

Other names: Cuba - Pegojo, pitimini, huevo de gallo, lechoso. Dominican Republic - Palo de leche Haiti - Bois lait Mexico - Lecherillo Nicaragua - Cachito Puerto Rico - Palo lechoso

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu, Elegba. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Meji, Irete Obara, Irete Ika. Used to make omiero for Babalu Aye rituals To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets.

Description Very frail shrub; leaves long, wavy at the edges, pointed, glossy bluish green, pale underneath. The fruit has multiple seeds. Found in arid and rocky areas. USES Medicinal Fever, warts.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Odudua, Ogun Correlating Odu: Obara Ogunda, Odi Obara, Okana Ogunda, and Okana Ofun, Irete Iroso. Essential plant for initiation rituals Can be used as a substitute for any of the five essential plants to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba ∗ For protection. ∗ The root to expel ingested witchcraft.

PENSAMIENTO/WILD PANSY (Viola Tricolor) Other names: Argentina – Hierba de la Santisima Trinidad Brazil – Viola del Pensiero Haiti – Pensee Sauvage U.S. – Heart's ease, Johnny-jump-up Description Showy annual with small pansy-like flowers, each of them showing three colors: deep purple, yellow, and white. The plant grows to ten inches high, mainly in sand dunes. The Stem is upright, ramified, and glabrous. The leaves are undivided, oblong-ovate, notched, glabrous, short petiolate, alternate, at the base. The seed is obovate, yellowish-brown.

PEPINO / CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus) Description Annual twining vine that grows to several feet long. The flowers are yellow. USES


Medicinal Acne, fever, headache, intestinal flu, sunburn.

Medicinal Eczema, bronchitis, chest and lung inflammations, cystitis, diarrhea, painful and frequent urination, skin problems, whooping cough,


Religious/Magical Correlating Odu: Irete Meji. ∗ To attract love.

Other names: Brazil – Cereja Purga Panama - Sandillita U.S. - Guadalupe cucumber

PEONIA / BEED VINE (Abrus precatorious)

Description Perennial vine with thin and smooth stem. The leaves are alternate, toothed and shallowly or deeply five lobed; flowers are yellow. Blooms first appear in late spring and continue into early fall; the fruit is like a tiny watermelon, green to black with white seeds.

Other names: Brazil - Jequirity Colombia - Brujitos, chochitos de Indio, pionías, peronilla. Cuba - Jequirity, peonía de Santo Tomás, peronía, pepusa. Haiti - Gren'n l'Eglise, Lyan'n Réglisse, Lyan'n L'Église, Réglisse, Graine-Réglisse Lukumi - Ewereyeye Mexico - Peonía, Xocoac Puerto Rico - Peronía, peronillas. U.S. - Wild licorice, crab's-eyes. Description Woody climbing vine abruptly pinnate leaves.


USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya


USES Medicinal The seeds are poisonous


Dalia Quiros-Moran


Medicinal Anemia, body stones, body toxins, cystitis, dropsy, earache, eye infections, freckles, hair loss, lactation, insect bites, jaundice, menstrual flow, rheumatism, stings, toothache.

Other names: U.S. - Nance Description Low shrub or a small tree. The variableshaped leaves usually are formed in whorls of three. The yellow, acid fruits are about one-half inch in diameter.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Oya and Elegba ∗ For purification baths and cleansings of persons and the household. ∗ To attract good fortune and prosperity. ∗ The root to expel ingested witchcraft.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun ∗ To cause loss of virility.

Other Insect repellent Dandruff Mosquito repellent


PICA PICA / COWAGE (Mucuna pruriens)

PEREGRINA (Jatropha diversifolia)

Other names: Kongo – Ote Lukumi – Sisi, Iseliye, Rira, Aguanara, Aina Nicaragua - Gusano de pica pica U.S. – Cow itch

Other names: Kongo – Ntingoro Lukumi - Ero Description Plants common in calcareous hills. The flowers are red.

Description Leguminous climbing plant, with long, slender branches, alternate, lanceolate leaves on hairy petioles, 6 to 12 inches long, with large, white flowers, growing in clusters of two or three, with a bluishpurple, butterfly-shaped corolla. The pods or legumes, hairy, thick, and leathery, averaging 4 inches long. They are of a rich dark brown color, thickly covered with stiff hairs.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun For cleansings. For purification rituals. PEREJIL / PARSLEY (Carum petroselinum)


Other names: Kongo – Ntuoro, Vititi kamatuya Lukumi - Isako, iyadede

Medicinal Itch. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye, Elegba Correlating Odu: Iwori Obara For amulets and relics.

Description Cultivated biennial growing to 6 inches.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Rites of Palo For spells and amulets ∗ To cause turmoil and arguments. ∗ Works as an aphrodisiac.

USES Medicinal Catarrh, impotence, inflammation, menstrual pains, stomach upset.

P. DE GATO / DUMBCANE (Dieffenbachia seguine)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun For spells

Other names: Cuba - Cañamuda


Description Herbaceous perennial reaching up to 3.5 feet tall. In bloom during the summer. The leaves are green, variegated, simple and coarse. The flowers are green.

Other names: Lukumi - Atare


Description Guinea pepper is produced by the West African pepper tree, a slim, tall tree of about 70 feet high with straight stem and a slightly stripped or smooth bark.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Ogun ∗ In spells to cause impotence.

USES Boil, bronchitis, dysentery, intestinal worms and parasites, lumbago, neuralgia, rheumatism, toothaches.

PIERDE RASTRO Other names: Cuba - Tapacamino, rompecamino.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship For Egun and Orisha rituals ceremonies. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. For spells

USES Religious/Magical To expel undesired persons To avoid being caught by a pursuer. PIMIENTA / PEPPER (Pimenta)


PIMIENTA MALAGUETA (Guatteria neglecta)

Other names: Kongo – Esakukaku Lukumi - Ata

Other names: Cuba – Purio Prieto Description Indigenous tree found near streams. Grows up to 50 ft. high. The leaves are lanceolate.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ogunda Rites of Palo For spells and rituals To pack amulets PIMIENTA CHINA / CHINESE PEPPER Other names: Kongo – Tuola Lukumi - Osei 165

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Medicinal Digestive problems, joint aches and pains, muscular pains, poor blood circulation, toothaches.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu For mischievous spells.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun To condiment food offerings for Ogun.

PINO / CARIBBEAN PINE (Pinus caribaea) Other names: Cuba - Pino macho Kongo - Bundumoye Lukumi - Okilan, Orukoñikan Guatemala -Pino colorado, ocote Puerto Rico - Pino, pino caribea

PIMIENTA NEGRA / BLACK PEPPER (Piper nigrun) Description The black pepper is produced by a woody, broad-leaved cultivated evergreen vine. The stout vine, which is allowed to climb poles or small trees in cultivation, bears many slender, densely packed flower spikes. The fruits that develop upon these spikes are generally harvested while still green; the signal is the reddening of the lowest fruits on a spike. The green fruits are dried until the flesh around the single hard seed is wrinkled and grayish black, then ground into black pepper.

Description Pine tree that grows to a height of 100 ft and with trunk diameters of 30 to 40 in. Boles are clear up to 70 ft and with moderate taper. USES Medicinal Gum diseases. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Correlating Odu: Iroso Ojuani. ∗ Planted outside the house to attract good fortune and protection.

USES Medicinal Boils, fever, flatulence, nausea, sore throat, skin diseases.

PIÑA / PINAPPLE (Ananas comosus)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun ∗ For spells to cause turmoil.

Other names: Haiti - Ananas, Zan'nan'na Kongo – Mereten Mingue Lukumi – Egboibo, Oppoyibo

PINIPINICHE / POISONWOOD (Metopium toxiferum)

Description Perennial, herbaceous succulent, up to 3 ft. tall; leaves long, sword-like, arranged in a tight spiral around a short stem, edges very sharply dentate to nearly entire, often variegated, or red or brown streaked; flowers purplish-blue, fruit a composite of 100–200 seedless fruits fused into a tight, compact unit, developing along axis of stem, oval to cylindrical, yellowish to orange, often greenish.

Description A tree that has dark green, glossy, wedgeshaped leaflets hanging from the stem blotched with irregular spots of the black resin. The small creamy-white blossom clusters develop into oval, dull orange fruit. All parts of this tree are poisonous. The poison is a resin, visible on the gray or reddish bark.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Orunla. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Medicinal Abscesses, bladder ailments, contusions, corns, scarlet fever, scurvy, sores, sprains, tumors, ulcerations, warts.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ibeji Offering for the Orishas ∗ Planted outside the house to attract prosperity.

Other names: Cuba - Piña de Salon, piña de adorno. Kongo – Maba nlonbe Lukumi – Iye, Koroyima, Ogba eweko USES


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun ∗ For amulets to attract prosperity ∗ For love binding spells.

Other names: Cuba - Piña blanca. Haiti - Ananas Pain de Sucre, Nana USES

PIÑI PIÑI / CHEESE SHRUB (Morinda royoc)

Medicinal Hoarseness, digestive ailments.

Other names: Cuba – Raíz de Indio U.S. – Cheese plant, Cheese weed, Yellow root, Redgal, Strongback, stiffcock.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala For purification rituals

Description A low, shrubby, rubiaceous plant growing along seacoasts. It has small, white, odorous flowers.

PIÑA DE RATON / WILD PINAPPLE (Bromelia pinguin) Other names: Haiti - An-nan'na Pengwen, Bayonnet Pengouin Kongo – Ekeni, Muingue Lukumi – Omo igi boibo, maimai U.S. – Pinguin of Jamaica

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu ∗ Extremely negative properties.

Description Clumping rosette, 4 feet tall up to 10 feet wide that may contain as many as 40 leaves. Stiff, linear, long-attenuate leaves, serrated and armed with sharp, recurved prickles. The leaves gradually change from a shiny green to a reddish color as they age. White or pinkish flowers produced on a dense panicle that arises from the heart of the plant. Ovoid, pointed fruits are 1 to 2 inches in length and turn yellow at maturity.

PIÑON AMOROSO (Gliricidia Sepium) Other names: Costa Rica - Bala, Sangre de drago Cuba - Piñón amoroso, acacia, amor y celos, arbol del amor, bien vestida, desnudo florecido, júpiter, piñón florido, piñon francés, piñón milagroso Guatemala – Cansim Nicaragua - Madriado Panama, Colombia - Mata ratón

USES Medicinal Digestive complaints, intestinal parasites.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Smooth deciduous tree. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, bluntly pointed at the tip, rounded at the base, entire. Flowers on numerous lateral racemes, pinkish. Pods yellow-green when immature, turning blackish. Elliptic, flat, shiny, blackish seed.

USES Medicinal Bleeding gums, burns, convulsions, cough, dermatitis, diarrhea, dropsy, dysentery, eczema, erysipelas, fever, gonorrhea, gout, hemorrhoids, hernia, incontinence, inflammation, jaundice, neuralgia, paralysis, parturition, pleurisy, pneumonia, rash, rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, sciatica, skin ailments, sores, stomachache, syphilis, tetanus, thrush, toothache, tumors, ulcers, uterosis, whitlows, yaws, and yellow fever.

USES Medicinal Boils, bruises, burns, colds, cough, debility, eruptions, erysipelas, fever, fractures, gangrene, head-ache, itch, prickly heat, rheumatism, skin, sore, tumors, ulcers, urticaria, and wounds.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Shango, Elegba. Correlating Odu: Iroso Meji, Obara Ejionle, Obara Otura and Iroso Meji. ∗ Planted outside the house for protection ∗ In amulets for protection and to ward off from death. ∗ For purification baths to banish witchcraft.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ofun Meji. PIÑON DE BOTIJA / PHYSIC NUT (Jatropha curcas) Other names: Brazil - Piao, Piao branco, pinhao bravo Costa Rica - Tapate, coquillo Colombia - Piñon de purga, tuatua, frailecillo, frailejon Cuba - Piñón de botija, piñon de cercas El Salvador - Tempate Guatemala - Tempacte Haiti - Médicinier, médicinier béni, Medsinyen batà, Médecinier Rouge, BoisOrtolan, Graine Ortolan, Zèb Zotolan, Petit Medecinier Honduras - Cotoncillo Kongo – Puluka, Masorosi Lukumi – Ado, Alumofo, Akunu Mexico - Piñón de Indias, Sangreado, piñoncillo Nicaragua - Tempate Panama - Coquillo Puerto Rico - Tártago, piñon, piñon purgante U.S. Barbados nut, purge nut, curcasbean

PIÑON CRIOLLO: Piñon de Botija PIÑON FLORIDO: Piñón amoroso PIÑON DE PITO / CORAL BEAN (Erythrina berteroana) Other names: Cuba - Piñón de cerca, búcare Kongo – Fosongako Lukumi – Efeke, Yirin Puerto Rico – Piñon espinoso Description Armed tree to 30 ft. tall, the leaves alternate, trifoliate, entire shortly acute or acuminate at the apex. Flowers pinkish to red, appearing with the leaves, in terminal racemes. Pod dark brown, curved; the several seeds oblongoid, bright orange red. USES

Description A shrub that grows up to 6 ft. Spreading branches, smooth gray bark, white flowers and large (pale) green leaves. Capsules, which commonly have an oblong black seed.

Medicinal Dysentery, female ailments, hemorrhages, nervousness.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba ∗ Under the pillow to insure a good night sleep.

PISCUALA / RANGOON CREEPER (Quisqualis indica) Other names: Lukumi - Momon


Description Ligneous vine; leaf elliptic to oblong or ovate to lanceolate, rather abruptly acuminate apically, obtuse to rounded basally; flowers in panicles brightly colored white, red, very fragrant; fruit ovate-elliptic in profile, 5-winged, uncommonly produced.

PIÑON LECHOSO Other names: Kongo – Masorosi, Puluka Lukumi – Ewera, Ado USES


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu, Ogun ∗ To counteract an ingested love spell.

Medicinal Abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, parasitic skin troubles, tired feet, intestinal parasites and worms.

PIÑON VOMICO / PHYSIC NUT (Jathropa multifida)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Correlating Odu: Obara Otura.

Other names: Barbados - French physic-nut Colombia - Tártago emético, coral Costa Rica - Chicasquil Cuba - Piñón vómico, ceibilla, piñón extrangero, castaño purgante. Dominican Republic - Piñón de España, piñón extrangero, yuca cimarrona. Haiti -Médicinier espagnol, papaye sauvage, médicinier d'Inde. Jamaica - Spanish physic-nut, French physic-nut Mexico - Cabalongo Puerto Rico - Don Tomás, mana, tártago U.S. - Coral plant Venezuela - Emético vegetal

PITAHAYA/RED PITAHAYA (Hylocereus tricostatus) Other names: Brazil - cardeiro trepador, cardo ananas Cuba - Flor del cáliz. Haiti - Cierge-liane, cierge rampant Kongo – Belongo Lukumi – Esogi Mexico – Junco, Junco Tapatio Puerto Rico – Flor de Caliz U.S. – Strawberry pear, belle of the night, concerella plant, common night blooming cereus

Description A small tree or shrub, commonly 3-7 feet tall, but may reach 20 feet. Leaves dark green; alternate, simple, large; flowers small, scarlet centers with small yellow petals, resemble a piece of coral. Borne in small, loose clusters in their axils of the leaves; fruit yellow in color, usually 3angled capsule; slightly over an inch long, poisonous.

Description Vine. The flowers are red, very large, open and fragrant at night. Fruit oblong, 8-12 cm, red; pulp white, juicy, and very sweet. The pulp contains many small seeds.

USES Medicinal Colic, fever, leprosy, scabies, venereal diseases, wounds.



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PLATANO / BANANA / PLAINTAIN (Musa paradisiaca)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Babalu Aye Correlating Odu: Odi Ogunda.

Other names: Cuba – Bananito, Platano macho Haiti - Banananye, Bannan'n Miske, Kongo - Makondo Lukumi - Ogede Agbagba

PITAJONI BRAVO: Agalla de Costa PITILLA: Canutillo PITO DE BEJUCO: Canutillo

Description Tree-like herb. The leaves are large, overlapped forming a false trunk. The stem reaches a height of up to 30 ft.; the flowers spring from the center of the plant's crown.

PLATANILLO DE CUBA / WILD PEPPER (Piper aduncum) Other names: Arada – Tevigami Haiti - Bwa-Major Lukumi - Olubo Mexico Platanillo, Cordoncillo, Cordoncillo blanco. Peru - Matico Puerto Rico - Higuillo, Higuillo oloroso U.S. – Spiked pepper, Matico Pepper

USES Medicinal Bile, burns, excessive menstrual flow, diarrhea, dysentery, gangrene, gout, hemorrhage, intestinal parasites, sore, syphilis, tuberculosis, wart. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Aganju. Correlating Odu: Odi Otrupon and Odi Osa, Osa Ogbe, Otura Irete. For Egun rituals and ceremonies. Food preparation and offerings for the Orishas and Egun Rites of Palo The purple variety is taboo. For rituals

Description Small tree to 12 feet tall. Short silt roots; soft, brittle wood; foliage and twigs aromatic; branches erect; drooping twigs and swollen, purplish nodes; leaves alternate, elliptic, petiolate, softly hairy beneath; flowers white to pale yellow, turning green with maturity; fruit a oneseeded berry, blackish when ripe; seeds brown to black USES


Medicinal Blood toxins, dropsy, eczema, gonorrhea, leukorrhea, liver ailments, rheumatism, skin disorders, sore, stomach ailments, whites

Other names: Brazil – Carmelitana, Cidreira Cuba - Poleo, quita dolor. U.S. – Bushy Lippia

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Odudua, Oshun Correlating Odu: Odi Obara. Used to make ritual omiero. For Babalu Aye rituals and ceremonies. Rites of Palo For rituals and spells. ∗ For purification baths.

Description Tender perennial shrub reaching up to 4 ft. in height. The plant has a wonderful licorice scent and attractive white flowers. USES Medicinal Arthritis aches problems.





Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye Used to make omiero for Babalu Aye rituals Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Description Fast growing semi - woody evergreen shrub growing up to a height of 12 feet. Produces bright reddish-orange flowers and a deep-red berry earning its name of Scarlet Bush. USES

POMARROSA / ROSE APPLE (Eugenia jambos)

Medicinal Cholera, cuts, diarrhea with blood, fever, insect stings and bites, menstrual disorders, uterine and ovarian afflictions, skin fungus, skin problems, syphilis.

Other names: Cuba - Pomarrosa, manzana rosa. Kongo – Colomaia Lukumi – Yilebo, Eshicasho U.S. - Plum rose, malabar plum

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Oshe Ofun, Ofun Otura. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For purification baths to banish negativity, witchcraft and evil spirits.

Description A fruit tree originally from South Asia. Growing up to 40 feet, with opposite leathery leaves; creamy white flowers. The fruit is large, white to cream and sweet scented.



Other names: Kongo – Nakato Lukumi - Okorere

Medicinal Diabetes, epilepsy, gonorrhea, white. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Ofun, and Okana Ogunda. Rites of Palo Deactivates Nkisis and witchcraft. ∗ The root to expel ingested witchcraft.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. For protection amulets PRINGAMOZA: Candelilla

PONASI / FIRE BUSH (Hamelia patens)

PRODIGIOSA / LIFE EVERLASTING (Bryophyllum pinnatum)

Other names: Colombia - Bencenuco, leoncito, cresta de gallo Costa Rica - Zorrillo Cuba - Bonasi, palo de coral Guatemala - Chichipin Honduras - Achiotillo Colorado Kongo – Nfita Sunda Mocna Mexico - Chacloco Nicaragua - Canilla de venado Panama - Uvero Puerto Rico - Balsamo colorado, pata de pajaro U.S. - Polly red head, Texas firecracker Venezuela - Coralito

Other names: Arará - Afami Colombia - Colombina Cuba - Siempreviva, Víbora, Inmortal, hoja bruja. Haiti - Lougarou, Fèy Lougarou, Sanglou, Sanglaou, Zèb maltèt Lukumi - Ewe dun dun Mexico – Amor tras la puerta Puerto Rico – Bruja Description Succulent plant with basal rosette; leaves are fleshy and alternate, coarsely toothed


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but rounded, edges of leaves are purple. Flowers occur in corymbs/raceme and are bell-like and pendulous. Flower has four fused sepals with pointed tips; four fused petals are red and pointed at tip and green at base. Eight stamens with green filaments and purple anthers; four pistils stuck very close together are much shorter than stamen. Stem is purple with green flecks, slightly woody, grows about 3 ft. tall. USES Medicinal Skin conditions, skin inflammation. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship One of the five essential plants to make ritual omiero. Belongs to Obatala and Elegba. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Okana, Okana Ofun. ∗ For purification baths and cleansing of persons, objects and the household. ∗ To attract good fortune.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism



QUIEBRA-HACHA / COPAIBA (Copaifera hymenaefolis)

Medicinal Asthma, constipation, liver ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Correlating Odu: Odi Meji, Irete Otrupon, Used to make ritual omiero. For rituals and ceremonies. Food offerings for Shango and Aganju. ∗ For purification and cleansings of the household and persons. ∗ To ward off negative energies and banish witchcraft

Other names: Cuba - Caguairán. Kongo – Mbele Mukua Nketete Lukumi – Edu, Iggi Ele, Arudiki Description Indigenous tree, may reach a height of 100 ft and a trunk diameter of 4 ft. Found in mountainous, calcareous soils. Heartwood reddish brown USES Medicinal Flatulence, diseases.

QUINA DEL PAIS O DE LA TIERRA: Aguedita constipation,



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya, Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ika. Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi.

Other names: Cuba – Mate gris, Guacalote Panama - Calentura U.S. – Fevernut, Wait-a-bit, Bonduc nut, Nickernut, Seanut Description A woody climber with pinnately compound leaves and yellow flowers in terminal racemes. The stems and leaves, bearing recurved spines. The pods are 2-4 seeded, short, inflated and covered with prickles. The seeds are nearly round, glossy gray

QUIMBOMBO / OKRA (Hibiscus esculentus) Other names: Brazil - Quimgombo Cuba - Quimbombó Haiti - Kalalou, Calalou-Gombo Kongo – Gondei, Bañe Lukumi - Ila U.S. – Gumbo

USES Medicinal Acne, asthma, colic, congestion, convulsions, depurative, diarrhea, dropsy, fever, gonorrhea, leprosy, malaria, neuroses, palsy, snakebite.

Description An herbaceous annual, with a stem somewhat woody at the base, attaining a height of from 3 to 6 feet, and being 3 or 4 inches thick, bearing alternate, serrate leaves. The flowers are solitary, large, and showy; of a pale yellow, tinged at the base a dark crimson. The herbaceous portions of the plant are clothed with sharp bristles, and often bear purplish spots. The fruit is a pentagonal, narrow, cylindrical capsule, from 2 to 12 inches long, tapering at the base, and about I inch in diameter. It is often curved, and is covered with hairs, especially along the ridges. The pods contain several roundish or kidney-shaped smooth seeds in each of the several cells.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Obatala and Ibeji Used to make ritual omiero. Correlating Odu: Ofun Osa, Ofun Meji, Okana Oshe, Otura Okana, Otura Obara, Otura Ofun, Irete Iwori, Odi Ogunda.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Rites of Palo To make Nkisi lango ∗ For cleansings and purification baths to banish negativity and attract good fortune.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


RAIZ DE CHINA / GREENBRIER (Smilax vulgaris)

RABO DE GATO / MARSH BRISTLEGRASS (Chaetochloa imberbis)

Other names: Cuba – Bejuco Chino, Zarzaparrilla de la tierra. Mexico – Chiquihuite Puerto Rico – Bejuco Membrillo

Other names: Cuba - Almorejo, rabito peludo

Description. A woody, climbing vine with conspicuous tendrils and stout, thorny stems. The leaves are ovate, elliptical, or shaped like a fiddle or arrowhead with distinct lobes at the leaf base. They are simple, alternately arranged, glossy green and smooth above, paler below; flowers small, greenish-white clusters or umbels that bloom in the spring. Clusters of shiny, black berries in late summer or fall.

Description Warm season grass. Begins growing in May. Heads will emerge in June and begin flowering in July through September. Abundant in disturbed sites, especially in wetter cultivated soils and waste places. USES Medicinal Erysipelas.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Ibeji. Correlating Odu: Otura Niko. ∗ Causes negative effects on pregnant women and the unborn child.

Medicinal Arthritis, body toxins, gout, rheumatism, skin eruptions, uric acid. RAIZ DE INDIO: Piñi Piñi

RABO DE ZORRA/SOUR GRASS (Trichachne insulares)

RASCABARRIGA (Espadaea amoena)

Other names: Haiti - Herbe A Ble U.S. – Cotton grass, Feather-top grass, Silky grass

Other names: Cuba - Rascabarriga, arrayán Lukumi - Omá, eká ore Description Shrub reaching heights up to 6 ft; found in arid, calcareous soils and high coastal areas. The leaves are stiff.

Description Large perennial grass with more or less erect culms, branching up to 4 ft. high. Found in calcareous soils.



Medicinal Antidote for Guao.

Medicinal Contusions, urinary track ailments, wound.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba For Orisha and Egun rituals.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba Correlating Odu: Oshe Ogbe RABITO PELUDO: Almorejo


Dalia Quiros-Moran

RASPA LENGUA / BRAGGART (Cosearia hirsuta)

RESEDA / COMMON MIGNONETTE (Reseda odorata) Description Cultivated, ornamental herbaceous plant. Fragrant small yellowish flowers.

Other names: Cuba - Raspalengua, jía amarilla Kongo - Nkanga, nkúfindula Lukumi - Ewe Elenu


Description Shrub with elliptical, serrated leaves. The wood is pale yellow, compact.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Inle. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Ojuani. ∗ For love spells.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba Correlating Odu: Oshe Obara. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ To succeed in legal matters ∗ To stop gossip

RETAMA / JACKASS BITTERS (Neurolaena lobata) Other names: Colombia – Salvia gavilana Costa Rica - Gavilana Cuba - Romerillo, salvia victoriana. Lukumi – Chachara, Ewe Ale



Description Tall herb growing up to 5 ft. high. The leaves are papery and rough; flowers yellow. The whole plant very aromatic.

Other names: Haiti - Betrav Description Biennial growing to 1 ft. Leaves close to the ground, glabrous, ovate to cordate, dark green or reddish; flowers small, numerous in a tall open panicle; fruit an aggregate of 2 or more fruits forming an irregular dry body; root strong and hard, usually a deep red color.

USES Medicinal Fever, fungus, gonorrhea, intestinal parasites, itch, malaria, menstrual problems, ringworm, stomach ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye Correlating Odu: Otrupon Meji.

USES Medicinal Blisters. Bronchitis. Bruises. Burns. Cough. Dandruff. Eye inflammation. Hair loss. Head colds. Headache. Jaundice. Liver ailments. Menstrual problems. Sluggish digestion. Urinary track obstruction. Insect bites. Sores. Skin itches. Toothaches. Ulcers. Whites.

REVIENTA CABALLO / INDIAN TOBACCO (Isotoma longiflora) Other names: Brazil – Jasmin Da Italia, Cega Olho Colombia – Ciega ojo Cuba - Revienta caballo, quibey, tibey Dominican Republic - Quibey Kongo - fita fwa kómbo Lukumi: Erán opani chin U.S. – Star of Bethlehem, fetia, madamfate

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Herb with rosette of narrow leaves; flowers white. The milky sap is very poisonous.

ROMERILLO / BEGGAR'S TICKS (Bidens pilosa) Other names: Brazil – Picao Preto, Ciambu, Carrapicho agulha Haiti - Zegwi Peru - Cadillo U.S. - Spanish Needles

USES Medicinal Epilepsy. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oya Rites of Palo For spells and rituals ∗ It has negative properties.

Description Small erect annual herb growing up to two feet high. Grows in damp lowland fields and wasteland. Considered a weed in many places, it has bright green leaves with serrated prickly edges and produces small yellow flowers.

ROBLE/WHITE CEDAR (Tabebuia pentaphylla) Other names: Brazil – Ipe-rosa Costa Rica – Roble de Sabana Cuba – Roble blanco Lukumi - Akógi Mexico – Roble blanco, macuil, limaña, roble prieta. Panama – Roble de sabana, roble sabanero U.S. - Pink tecoma, pink trumpet tree

USES Medicinal Angina, diabetes, dropsy, dysentery, fevers, fluid retention, food poisoning, headaches, hepatitis, intestinal ailments, laryngitis, leucorrhoea, jaundice, diabetes, sore throat, tonsillitis, obstructions in the liver and other liver disorders, toothache upset stomach, urinary infections, vaginal infections, worms, wounds

Description Tree up to 30 ft. or more in height. The Leaves compound, opposite, elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate, leathery; surfaces glabrous; Inflorescence of one to several flowers borne in short terminal clusters with 5 rounded lobes at the tip, pink or lavender with a pale yellow throat. Fruit a narrow cylindrical capsule, opening along two seams to release the numerous winged seeds.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Ogun, Inle. Correlating Odu: Oyekun Ika, Otura Obara, Otura Okana, Odi Osa. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For cleansings of the household to banish negativity. ∗ To expel ingested witchcraft. ROMERO / ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis)

USES Medicinal Boil, fever, respiratory ailments, snakebite, swelling.

Other names: Brazil - Alecrim Haiti - Romarin Lukumi – Ewe re

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Otrupon Ojuani, Ojuani Yeku.

Description Cultivated plant up to 6 feet tall, 4 feet wide. Blooms in late winter and spring.


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Description Aromatic perennial that reaches 2 to 4 feet high, and grows in partial sun. prefers damp to moist rich soils.

Medicinal Depression, debility, digestive ailments, flatulent dyspepsia, food poisoning, headache, insomnia, menstruation problems, neuralgia, pain, premature baldness, rheumatic aches, sciatica, tension, wounds.

USES Medicinal Catarrh, fevers, flu.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Odudua Correlating Odu: Ojuani Irete. ∗ For cleansings of persons and the household.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Oshun and Ibeji. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Okana, Odi Ogunda, Irete Iwori. Used for Babalu Aye rituals. Rites of Palo For rituals, ceremonies and amulets To prepare Nkisi lango. ∗ To cleanse and purify objects and the household. ∗ Banishes negative energies and witchcraft. ∗ For cleansings of the household to drive away evil spirits and negativity.

ROMPECAMISA MACHO / DAMIANA (Turnera diffusa) Other names: Arada – Akabon Cuba - Damiana Haiti - Oreg mawon Description Densely branched dwarf shrub, the branches clothed with tiny gray aromatic leaves. Small brilliant yellow flowers. Found in hot, humid climates.

Description Cultivated plant with numerous varieties.



Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, depression, neurosis, and various sexual disorders such as impotence/infertility (male).

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun For baths to attract good fortune and prosperity.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ofun Osa ∗ For purification baths.

ROSA FRANCESA / OLEANDER (Nerium oleander) Other names: Colombia - Azuceno de la Habana Dominican Republic - Martinica, rosa del Perú, pirulí Ecuador - Laurel rosado El Salvador - Narciso, narciso rosado Haiti - Laurier rose, laurier tropical Kongo – Meni-Meni Lukumi – Teteli, Didekere Puerto Rico - Alelí, alhelí, alelí extrangero, laurel rosado U.S. - Rose Bay Venezuela - Rosa de berbería

ROMPESARAGÜEY / BONESET (Eupatorium odoratum) Other names: Arada - Alumofo Cuba - Albahaca de sabana, travesera y zanca de grullo, trebolillo, albahaquilla Haiti - Lang-Shat, Guérit tout, Fleurit Noël, Guérit trop vite Kongo - Ntema dián finda Lukumi - Tabate


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

greenish-yellow flowers are in terminal panicles, blossoming from June to September.

Description Ornamental evergreen shrub, fast growing to 10 feet. The narrow leathery leaves are dark green and glossy clustered at the twig or branches. The flowers are 2" to 3" across, in a variety of colors, clustered at end of branches.

USES Medicinal Chronic bronchitis, coughs, colic and flatulence, delivery, digestive complaints, headache, hemorrhages, hysterical affections, nervousness, palpitation nervous headache, sciatica

USES Medicinal Chest ailments, corns, skin ailments, warts.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Inle and Shango Not used to make ritual omiero. Correlating Odu: Odi Ejionle ∗ In the household for protection against negativity and evil spirits.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yewa Correlating Odu: Ika Ojuani ROSA DE JERICO / HUNDRED LEAVED ROSE (Rosa centifolia)

RUDA CIMARRONA (Dalea domingense)

Other names: U.S. - Cabbage rose-petals

Other names: Cuba - Santa Barbara, yerba de Santa Barbara.

Description An erect shrub, 3 to 6 feet in height. The branches closely covered with nearly straight prickles. Shoots erect. Leaves unequally pinnate. The flowers are large, usually of a pink color, but varying in hue, form, size, etc.; flower bud short and ovoid. Petals 5, and usually pale-red. Fruit ovoid.

Description Common shrub from dry limestone hills. It has green lacy leaves with purple flowers. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Correlating Odu: Osa Ofun.

USES Medicinal Hemorrhages. Religious/Magical To attract good fortune, prosperity in the household.

RUIBARBO / RHUBARB (Rheum officinale) love


Other names: Cuba - Ruibarbo de la tierra, piña ratón, piñipiñi, raíz de indio. Kongo - Futuako Lukumi – Eruko ewe kan

RUDA / RUE (Ruta graveolens) Other names: Cuba – Hierba de Santa Barbara Haiti - Wou Lukumi – Atopa kun U.S. – Herb of grace.

Description A perennial plant which forms large fleshy rhizomes and large leaves with long, thick stalks.

Description A perennial herb, woody at the base, up to 2 feet in height. The leaves are much divided and have a very strong odor. The 179

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USES Medicinal Intestinal and liver ailments, menstrual problems. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


SABILA/ ALOE (Aloe vera)

SABELECCION / PEPPER GRASS (Lepidium virginicum)

Other names Cuba - Sabila, aloe Haiti - Lalwa, aloès, aloé, laloé, laloi U.S. - Barbados aloe, cape aloe, Curacao aloe, west Indian aloe, Zanzibar aloe

Other names: Cuba – Mastuerzo Haiti - Kreson danwa Lukumi – Ishini-shini U.S. – Pepperweed

Description A perennial succulent native to East and South Africa. The tissue in the center of the aloe leaf contains a gel, which yields aloe gel, or aloe vera gel. Yellow flowers. Black seeds.

Description An annual weed that develops as a basal rosette initially, eventually producing white flowering stems that have a bottlebrush appearance.



Medicinal Asthma, burns, congestion, cough, cuts, eczema, fever, gonorrhea, headache, hemorrhoids, insect bites, intestinal worms, menstruation problems, mouth sores, nausea, piles, pyorrhea, skin irritation, sores, stomach ache, sunburn, swelling, tuberculosis, worms, wounds, wrinkles.

Medicinal Catarrh, Cold, colic, diabetes, dysentery, kidney and liver ailments, rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, scurvy, sores, stomach ailments, intestinal parasites, urinary track stones, and worms. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Ogun. Used to make ritual omiero ∗ To attract love.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya ∗ The plant inside the household for protection against negativity and attract good fortune.

SABICU / WILD TAMARIND (Lysiloma latisiqua)

SABINA / SOUTHERN REDCEDAR (Juniperus lucayana)

Other names: Cuba - Jigüe U.S. – Cuban tamarind

Other names U.S. - Sand cedar, coast juniper, coast red cedar, southern juniper, southern red juniper

Description A smooth-barked tree with light green, compound leaves, greenish-yellow, powder-puff flowers. Reaches a height of up to 50 feet.

Description Low growing, evergreen tree that produces needle-like foliage. The wood is rose color, aromatic.

USES Medicinal Fever, blood depurative, diarrhea.

USES Medicinal Menstrual problems, premature hair loss, syphilis.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye


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Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya

SALVADERA / SAND BOX TREE (Hura crepitans) Other names: Brazil – Aceitero, Assacu, Cataua Colombia – Acuapar, Milpesos, Arenillero Cuba - Haba, habilla Haiti – Rabi Panama - Tronador Puerto Rico – Ceibote, Ceibillo, Javillo U.S. - Possum wood, dynamite tree Venezuela - Javilla

SACU-SACU Other names: Cuba – Malanguilla Description USES

Description A tropical tree, reaches heights of 90 to 130 feet, with spiny trunk and branches. The bark is covered with conical spines. The long-stemmed, oval leaves are papery thin, heart-shaped and up to 2 feet long. It has red flowers. Wood is soft, pale yellow or brown.

Medicinal Menstrual disorders, syphilis Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Inle, Osayin. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Odi Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi ∗ Love and binding spells ∗ The root to remove witchcraft.

USES ingested

Medicinal Constipation, eczema.

SAGU / ARROWROOT (Maranta arundinancea)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Oshe Eyioko, Ojuani Ogbe, Okana Ejionle. Used to make ritual omiero. For purification and ritual baths and cleansings of persons and the household to ward off from death and negativity. To attract good fortune.

Other names: Cuba - Yuquilla Description A herbaceous perennial plant; creeping rhizome; fleshy cylindrical tubers with rings of scars, leftover of large thin scales. The stem reaches a height of 6 feet with creamy white flowers at the end. Ovate leaves, with long sheaths covering the stem.

SALVIA / MARSH FLEBANE (Pluchea odorata) Other names: Bahamas - Sour Bush Cuba - Salvia de playa, salvia cimarrona, salvia del pais El Salvador - Suquinay, Ciguapate, Nahuapate, suquinayo, suquinay, siguapete Guatemala - Suqinay Lukumi - Wuro Mexico - Santa Maria, Hierba Santa Maria, Calche U.S. - Wild tobacco

USES Medicinal Dysentery, erysipelas, sunburn, wound.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ibeji. For purification baths.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Erect shrub; leaves dull gray-green, elliptic-lanceolate or narrowly elliptic-sub ovate; inflorescence compound, terminal and sub terminal; heads of numerous flowers, pink or pinkish to white.

SALVIA MORADA (Pluchea bifrons) USES Medicinal Dandruff, sore joints.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye

Medicinal Headache, insect bites and stings, muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, rheumatism, stomach ailments.

SAN DIEGO / GLOBE AMARANTH (Gomphrena globosa)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye and Odua Correlating Odu: Otura Ofun, Otura Okana, Irete Iroso, Osa Okana, Otrupon Meji, Ojuani Osa. Used for Babalu Aye rituals

Other names: Cuba - Flor de San Diego. Haiti - Marguerite, Immortelle, Marguerite Blanche, Marguerite Bleue Lukumi – Mai Toto Description Tender annual, 6 to 18 inches tall depending on variety, 6-12 inches in width. The plant is erect, leaves lanceolate, spear shaped. The flowers are papery, rather clover like, white or purple.

SALVIA DE CASTILLA / SAGE (Salvia officinalis) Other names: Cuba - Salvia de castilla Haiti - Vilnerè Kongo – Vititi Leka Lukumi - Kiriwi

USES Medicinal Catarrh, dysentery, intestinal ailments, liver ailments.

Description Evergreen perennial shrub, with strong taproot and square, woody branching stems up to 2 ft tall. It is gray and woolly when young. It has gray-green colored soft leaves, with a pebbly texture, which are oblong or lanceolate, and finely toothed. Whorls of violet-blue flowers appear in spikes in summer.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Obara Iwori. ∗ Ritual baths to banish evil spirits. SANGRE DE DONCELLA / LOCUST BERRY (Byrsonima lucida)

USES Medicinal Common cold, cough, digestive discomforts, dyspepsia, esophageal irritation, fever, gum diseases, headache, insomnia, intestinal inflammation, laryngitis, menstruation problems, nausea, night sweat, poison oak, respiratory ailments, sore, sore throat, stomach inflammation, tonsillitis, warts.

Other names: Bahamas - Locust-berry, guana-berry, candleberry. Cuba - Carne de Doncella, sangre de doncella, palo señorita, sabica de costa Dominican Republic - Doncella Lukumi – Undia, Akeri Puerto Rico - Palo de doncella, aceituna, sangre de doncella, maricao. U.S. - Long Key byrsonima

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Tree with dull dark green leaves, light green on the underside, thin and stiff. They are one-to-two inches long and may be rounded or pointed at the tip. The clustered white flowers turn yellow to pink or red. The fruit is fleshy with one hard stone, somewhat like a miniature peach. The fruit is red when it ripens in summer.

Description Algae that grows up to 2 ft in length. Long fronds with short lateral leaf-like branches and small air-filled bladders at their axils. Grows in sheltered seas from the surface down to moderate depths. USES Medicinal Scrofula, ulcers and eruptions.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Oshun, Elegba. ∗ Ritual baths to banish witchcraft.

Medicinal Skin diseases. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. ∗ For amulets to attract love, or bind.

SARNILLA / WILD COFFEE (Casearia sylvestris)

SAPOTE / SAPODILLA (Sapota achras)

Other names: Brazil - Erva de Bugre

Other names: Kongo – Kobanko Lukumi - Nekigbe U.S. - Wild dilly

Description Tree. Reaching heights of up 30 ft. The flowers are cream-yellow; the fruit is green, deep burgundy when mature. The seeds are covered with a yellow-orange aril.

Description Common tropical fruit that produces attractive evergreen trees often reaching a height of 60 feet or more. The elliptic to obovate leaves are 2 to 5 inches long and 1 to 2 inches wide. Small flowers, white or pink. The fruit is brown in the outside and yellow pink inside. The seeds are black, lustrous.

USES Medicinal Digestive ailments, flu, leprosy, wound. SASAFRAS / HOLY WOOD (Bursera graveolens)


Other names: Colombia - Tajamaco Ecuador – Palo Santo

Medicinal Debility, hemorrhages, insomnia.

Description Exotic, aromatic tree with compound leaves. The flowers are white; soft, white wood; green fruit.

Religious/Magical: Orisha worship Belongs to Ibeji and Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Eyioko Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For cleansing of persons and the household. To banish witchcraft and negativity SARGASO / SARGASSO WEED (Sargassum vulgare) Other names: Lukumi – Ayarayere


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Description Flowering shrub or small tree, growing to 20 feet. Leaves green, pinnately compound. Yellow blossoms in spring and fall. Fruit narrow capsules.

Medicinal Blood toxins, leprosy, ophthalmic ailments, digestive ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship It is taboo to plant this tree near the house or bring it inside the house. Do not use for Omiero. Correlating Odu: Ejionle Okana.

USES Medicinal Diabetes, liver and stomach ailments, incontinence.

kidney ailments, syphilis, urine

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Olokun, Ogun.

SAUCE / WEEPING WILLOW (Salix Humboldtiana) Other names: Argentina – Sauce criollo. Chile - Sauce chileno, Sauce amargo, Sauce colorado, Sauce negro, Sauce cimarrón y Sauce de Castilla

SAUCO BLANCO / ELDERBERRY (Sambucus canadensis) Other names: Haiti -Fleur sureau. Puerto Rico - Sauco U.S. - Florida Elder, golf elder, southern elder.

Description Tree found in riverbanks, stream banks and shorelines. Reaches up to 30-50 ft. high. The leaves are thin, narrow, sometimes with whitened or silky undersides. Twigs and branchlets very long and drooping, with brittle bases.

Description Soft-stemmed shrub, which grows to a height of about 12 feet. This shrub is particularly noted for its attractive compound foliage and inflorescence large branched clusters of tiny white flowers.

USES Medicinal Fever, inflammation, menstrual pains.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Olokun.

Medicinal Chest ailments, constipation, ailments, erysipelas, fever, pain.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Used to make ritual omiero ∗ To attract good fortune ∗ Purification baths to negativity.

Other names: Argentina - Garrocha, garanguay amarillo, guaran-guaran Colombia - Fresno, chirlobirlos, palo hueso Costa Rica - Candelillo El Salvador - Tache, tasto, San Andres, marchucha Mexico - Retamo, retama, palo de arco Panama - Copete Puerto Rico - Sauco amarillo, roble amarillo, ruibarba Urugüay - Garrocha U.S. -Trumpet flower, yellow bells



SAUCO NEGRO / ELDERBERRY (Sambucus nigra) Description Erect woody shrub, reaching up to 12 ft. tall. The leaves are compound, bright green. Numerous fragrant white flowers arranged in branched clusters.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

USES Medicinal Colds, cough, hemorrhoids.

vegetable. Great care must be exercised in using this fruit, since both immature and over mature fruits may be toxic. dropsy,


flu, USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala For Babalu Aye ceremonies and rituals. Correlating Odu: Odi Otura. For healing rituals to treat dementia.

SENSITIVA / SENSITIVE PLANT (Mimosa pudica) Other names: Cuba - Dormidera, vergonzosa, morivivi Haiti - Kapris, Honteuse, Zèb-a-manzèl, honteuse-femel, Marie-honte Lukumi – Eran Kumi, Eran loyo, Omimi, Yaranimo

SIBANICU: Arabo de Piedra SIEMPREVIVA: Prodigiosa

Description Indigenous sub shrub with fern like leaves that close up and droop when touched, usually re-opening within minutes. It has prickly stems and small, fluffy, ball shaped pink flowers in summer. Found in moist waste ground, in lawns, in open plantations, and weedy thicklets.

SIGUARAYA / BASTARD LIME (Trichilia havanensis) Other names: Costa Rica - Uruca Cuba - Siguaraya, rompe camino, abre camino, tapa camino. El Salvador - Barre-horno Honduras - Limoncillo Kongo – Inso, Ebora, Nsinba dian finda. Lukumi - Atori Mexico - Limoncillo, cucharillo, cauache, garrapatilla

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yewa Correlating Odu: Iwori Otrupon For love binding spells.

Description Robust, native tree; the leaves are intense green above, pale green underneath. The scented flowers are greenish/cream. The fruit is bright green with orange/red seeds.

SESO VEGETAL / AKEE (Blighia sapida) Other names: Arada - Yowele Brazil - Castanheiro do Africa Colombia - Huevo vegetal, bien me sabe, pan y quesito. Cuba - Akee de Africa, arbol del seso. Lukumi – Igi ayire Panama - Huevo vegetal Puerto Rico - Seso vegetal, akee U. S. - Akee-tree, vegetable brains

USES Medicinal Kidney and bladder stone, rheumatism, skin problems, urinary track ailments, venereal diseases. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Babalu Aye and Elegba. Used for Babalu Aye rituals Rites of Palo Essential for the Nkisi. To prepare Nkisi lango.

Description Medium-sized evergreen tree. The leaves are compound, odd-pinnately with 3 to 5 pairs of dark-green, obovate-oblong leaflets. The fragrant flowers are small, greenish-white. The mature fruit splits open along 3 sutures exposing the 3 large, shiny, black seeds attached to a white or milky-white aril. The firm and oily aril is the edible portion and is consumed fresh or is cooked and used as a 186

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∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

For ritual baths to expel evil spirits and negativity. For cleansings of persons and the household Banishes any negative spell or witchcraft Planted outside the house for protection SOPLILLO / WILD TAMARIND (Lysiloma bahamensis)

Other names: Cuba - Tamarindillo, abey, frijolillo. Lukumi - Aki Description The umbrella-like profile of this large tree is produced by horizontal branching, which makes it an excellent shade tree. The leaves are feathery and flat and consist of many light green leaflets. The fruits are flat, think, black-and-tan papery pods, which contain eight to ten seeds. The pods are frequently found hanging on the tree long after they mature. USES Medicinal Vaginal infections, whites. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun SUELDACONSUELDA: Bejuco Verraco


Dalia Quiros-Moran

U.S. - Tamarind


Description A large beautiful evergreen tree that can grow up to 70' in height and 21' in girth. The trunk has cracks, down and across; the bark is brown-gray. It has a dense and spreading crown foliage and numerous yellow, with red and purple filaments, flowers. The pod contains the seeds, black, shiny squares surrounded by pulp. The pulp of tamarind is light brownish-red, sweetish acidic and edible.

TABACO / TOBACCO (Nicotiana tabacum) Other names: Cuba - Tabaco Haiti - Tabak Lukumi - Asaa Description Annual plant, single stemmed. The leaves are alternate, oblong shaped. The flowers are purplish/pink, greenish yellow inside.



Medicinal Constipation, diarrhea, scabies, skin disorders.

Medicinal Eczema, need to vomit, spasm.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Osayin, Elegba, Ogun, Oshosi. Correlating Odu: Ogunda Ejionle Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Oya Correlating Odu: Ofun Meji, Otura Obara, Irete Kana, Osa Okana. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba

TABANO / SWAMP-MALLOW (Pavonia typhalea)

TANACETO / BITTER BUTTONS (Tanacetum vulgare)

Other names: Puerto Rico – Anamu, Cadillo

Other names: Brazil - Catinga de mulata Haiti - Tanaisie, Herbe aux Vers U.S. - Bitter buttons, ginger plant, parsley fern, scented fern, English cost, hindheal

Description Indigenous plant found in wetlands and calcareous soils. The leaves are ovate, serrate; white flowers.

Description A coarse-growing herbaceous perennial 2 to 3 feet in height with finely divided leaves. It has a stout, somewhat reddish, erect stem, usually smooth; 1 1/2 to 3 feet high, and branching near the top. The round, flat-topped, button like, yellow flower heads are produced in terminal clusters from about July to September.

USES Medicinal Bronchitis, inflammation, kidney ailments, rheumatism. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Otrupon Obara, Otura Ika, Irete Oshe.

USES Medicinal Bruise, cold, dropsy, gall, gout, hysteria, intestinal parasites, nervousness, rheumatism, sore, sprain, stomach ailments.

TAMARINDO / TAMARIND (Tamarindus indica) Other names: Arada - Awati Cuba - Tamarindo Haiti - Tamarin, Tanmarin sí Lukumi – Igi iyagbon 188

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Leguminous tree found in calcareous, mountainous areas. The foliage is thin; yellow flowers. The wood is hard, reddish towards the core.

TAPACAMINO / CAPPEL (Palicourea alpina) Other names: Cuba - Taburete Dominican Republic - Tafetán, cafetán, cenizoso cimarrón Puerto Rico – Balsamillo, Cachimbo

USES Medicinal Skin ulcers, wounds.

Description Medium to large shrub found in the under story and sub canopy of most tropical forests from low to high elevations. The plant is glabrous; leaves elliptic, pointed at the end; stem is green when young changing to gray when mature. The wood is moderately hard and brittle; flowers tubular, grouped in cymes, ranging from yellow to orange. The seeds are black or grayish.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Eshu To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Rites of Palo Works with the Nkisi. For rituals and amulets. ∗ To attract harmony. TIBISI / OLD MAN'S BEARD (Arthrostylidium capillifolium)

USES Medicinal Asthma, circulatory problems, stomach ailments, water retention.

Description Bamboo, very abundant in forests, mainly in mountainous areas, near streams and wetlands, ascending to 8 feet and looping downward from tree branches or crotches. Leaf blades broad, rolled in bud.

TARRILLO: Arbol del Cuerno TEBENQUE / DONKEYWEED (Pectis ciliaris) Other names: Cuba Romero chinchera.


USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango ∗ Makes the person noticeable.


Description Annual plant found in sandy beaches and calcareous soils. The leaves and flowers are aromatic. Yellow flowers.

TIBISI CHICO: Canutillo TILO / LINDEN (Justicia pectoralis)


TENGUE ACEITERO (Poepigia procera)

Other names: Brazil - Chambá Cuba - Tilo casero, criollo, de jardín, natural. Haiti - Sèpantye, Zèb-a-Shapantye, Carmentin. U.S. - Freshcut

Other names: Cuba - Tengue, Palo tengue, Abey hembra. Kongo – Inkita, Linga, Nkuni Lukumi – Songa, Labari Mexico - Quiebrahacha, bicho.

Description Herb with slender, grooved stems; erect, climbing or trailing and rooting at the nodes. Aromatic; the fresh plant has a balsamic odor. Leaves opposite, narrow to broad lanceolate. The flowers are lilac or

Medicinal Chest ailments, intestinal menstrual problems.



Dalia Quiros-Moran

pink, the throat sometimes dotted with dark purple, the outer surface downy.

TOMATE DE MAR (Ipomoea pterodes) Other names: Brazil - Batata-de-purga Cuba - Almorrana. Kongo – Korogondo diKalunga Lukumi – Ikan Olokun

USES Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, chest, cold, cough, fever, flu, nausea, scabies, stomachache, wound.

Description Woody, creeping annual plant.

TITONIA / MEXICAN SUNFLOWER (Tithonia rotundifolia)


Other names: Cuba - Margaritona Kongo – Monikuana Lukumi - Sereiye

Medicinal Fever, hemorrhoids, inflammation, toxins in the blood. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba

Description Tall, bushy, ornamental plant. Foliage is dark green, large leaf, rough. Grows 36" to 42" tall.


USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun ∗ Ground to powder, unwanted visitors.

TORONJA / GRAPEFRUIT (Citrus grandis) to


Other names: Haiti - Chadèk U.S. - Pommelo.

TOMATE / TOMATO (Leyopersicum esculentum)

Description Tree similar to the orange tree. The leaves are large. The fruit is a large orange, yellow producing a considerable amount of bitter acrid juice.

Other names: Kongo – Korogondo Lukumi – Ishoma, Ikan


Description Annual herb, strong-scented; leaves alternate, simple but deeply pinnately lobed and toothed; flowers 5-parted, yellow; fruit a red or yellow berry.

Medicinal Excessive body fat, high blood pressure. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala

USES Medicinal Burns, constipation, toothache.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Ibeji. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Irete, Irete Trupon.

Other names: Argentina - Bergamota Lukumi - Ewetuni Puerto Rico - Agua florida


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Description Very pleasant, aromatic, lemon-like odor, somewhat resembling that of the Bergamot Orange. The whole plant is smooth, dotted with yellow glands and is of a dark green color, generally tinged with purple, especially the margins of the leaves, which are finely toothed.

Description A vigorous growing weedy vine growing to 1 ft. in height. It has a large root system and produces yellow and white flowers. It is found in abundance along roadsides and in the forests on dry sandy soils.


Medicinal Asthma, anemia, convulsions, cystitis, gallbladder pain and stones, gonorrhea, internal inflammation, liver disorders, jaundice, hepatitis, slow milk production in lactating women, urinary tract and renal disorders and calculi, worms from the skin.


Medicinal Anxiety, digestive complaints, intestinal discomfort, vomiting. Religious/Magical Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ For purification baths and cleansing of the household to attract good fortune and prosperity.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship One of the five essential plants to make ritual omiero. Belongs to Shango Correlating Odu: Odi Meji, Iwori Ojuani, Odi Iroso, Iroso Ika, Ofun Ogbe, and Osa Okana.

TORONJIL DE MENTA / PEPPERMINT (Menta piperita) Other names: U.S. - Brady mint, balm mint, curled mint, lamb mint

TRAVESERA / BITTERBUSH (Eupatorium villosum)

Description Herb that grows to 2 feet tall and spikes of lilac-pink flowers are produced in midsummer. Stems are usually purple and leaves can also be purple-tinged.

Other names: Cuba - Albahaca de sabana, albahaquilla, filigrana, rompezaragüey de sabana, tribulillo y zanca de grullo. Lukumi - Afosi


Description Aromatic perennial that reaches 2 to 4 feet high, and grows in partial sun. prefers damp to moist rich soils.

Medicinal Anxiety, colds, colic, fevers, flatulence, headaches associated with digestion, influenza, inflammations, itching, menstrual problems, nasal catarrh, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy and travel sickness, ulcers of the bowels, sore throat, tension, toothache.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Shango. ∗ To force an enemy to fail

TOSTON / TAR VINE (Boerhaavia erecta)

TREBOL / WHITE CLOVER (Trifoluim repens)

Other names: Brazil - Erva Tostão U.S. – Erect spiderling Lukumi - Atipola

Other names: Kongo – Kanda tatu Lukumi – Ewe etameri U.S. - White shamrock, shamrock


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description Creeping plant that spreads in large mats across the ground; the leaves are compound, with tree broad leaflets and tiny teeth on edges, a pale triangular mark appears on each leaflet; abundant, long lasting, sweet smelling flowers, white or very pale pink, on separate stalks from leaves.

Description Indigenous shrub with globose leaves. Flower color greenish white. Flowers October through November. Frequently occurs in plains, rarely occurs in uplands and hilly areas. USES Medicinal Acne, constipation, dropsy, inflammation, need to vomit.

USES Medicinal Anemia, blood toxins, boils, scrofula, skin diseases, sores, ulcers.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala, Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Okana Meji, Okana Otura, and Iwori Otrupon. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba ∗ To craft religious relics. ∗ For purification baths

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Correlating Odu: Otura Meji. TREBOLILLO: Abrecamino



TUNA / SPURGE (Euphorbia lactea)

Religious/Magical Orisha worship Belongs to Odudua, Obatala and Oshun.

Other names: Lukumi – Egun, weggun, ikikigun Description Succulent, spiny shrub with milky latex, branches mottled green with white lines.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba

Medicinal Eczema, inflammations.

TUA TUA / BELLY ACHE BUSH (Jatropha gossiifolia)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba. ∗ Planted outside the house protection

Other names: Brazil - Pinhão roxo Colombia - Frailejón, purga de fraile, frailecillo Cuba - San Juan del cobre, frailecillo Dominican Republic - Tua túa, frailecillo Haiti - Medsinyen barachèn'n, Médecinier Barachen, Médecinier Barrière, Médecinier Blanc, Médecinier Purgatif, Pignon d'Inde Puerto Rico - Higuereta cimarrona Venezuela - Tua túa, frailecillo

TUNA DE CRUZ: Cardón. TUYA: Arbol de la Vida.



Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and Ogun. Correlating Odu: Ika Irete.



Other names: Colombia – Dinde Cuba – Manca montero, uña de gavilan Jamaica – Cat's Claw, black bra, breaand-cheeses Puerto Rico – Rolon, escambron Colorado Venezuela – Espinuelo, guichere

Other names: Colombia – Gomo Blanco, caujaro, uvito Costa Rica – Jigüilote Cuba – Ateje Amarillo. Varia blanca, uvita Dominican Republic – Yagua blanca, muñeco blanco El Salvador – Cebito, tigüilote Haiti – Chique Honduras – Chachalaco Jamaica – Dope cherry-duppy cherry Mexico – Zazamil, sasamil, gualbere, chirimo Panama – Uvero, uvillo, goma Puerto Rico – Cereza blanca, capa blanca U.S.– White Manjack, Loblolly-tree Venezuela – Cuajaro, cariaco, tarare amarillo, tarare blanco, flor de angel.

Description Native perennial vine. The fruit is green, yellow when mature. USES Medicinal Fevers, liver ailments, wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Iwori Ofun It has malefic properties.

Description Tree with leathery foliage. The leaves are simple, alternate; flowers white cream color.

UVA CALETA / SEA GRAPE (Coccoloba uvifera) Other names: Costa Rica- Papaturro, Uvero de Playa Cuba – Uvero Dominican Republic – Uvillo Haiti - Raisin bò'd-mè, kino Mexico – Uva de Playa, Uva de la mar, Uva Manzano Panama – Uvero de Playa

USES Medicinal Chest, stomachaches, stomach ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ika Irete.

Description Common beach plant. Usually forms a low shrub but may be a spreading tree 30 to 35 feet in height. It does well in areas of high salt and poor soil. The leaves are stiff, large and round with prominent, reddish veins; the fruit is grape sized, with woody, purple skin covering a thin purple flesh crowning a large seed. They are borne on stalks and ripen individually, falling off easily when picked. USES Medicinal Diarrhea, dysentery, diseases.




Dalia Quiros-Moran



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun To pack love amulets

VACAHUEY / SANDPAPER TREE (Curatella americana) Other names: Colombia - Paralejo, chaparro Costa Rica - Chumico de palo, hoja chigüe, raspa guacal Cuba - Careicillo, peralejo macho. Panama - Chumico palo, curatela, chumico. Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras Chaparro

VALERIANA / VALERIAN (Valeriana paniculata) Description A tall perennial plant with clusters of pink or white flowers. Grows to 4-5 feet. Leaves strongly divided, pinnate with lance-shaped leaflets; lower ones toothed. Tiny, pale pink to whitish, tubular flowers, grow in three-forked terminal heads in tight clusters; when the fruits form, the calyces turn into feathery parachutes. Blooms June to July.

Description Woody plant found in sandy savannahs. The leaves are elliptical, rough, corrugated; flowers in racemes, white, with a peculiar odor.



Medicinal Chronic skin diseases, colic, convulsions, croup, delirium, depression, diarrhea, emotional stress, epilepsy, expelling phlegm from throat and chest, fatigue, fevers, gas, gas pains, hypochondria, hysteria, insomnia, irritability, intestinal parasites and worms, menstrual cramps, migraine headaches, mild spasmodic affections, muscle cramps, nervous cough, nervous headaches, neuralgia, palpitations, panic attacks, pimples, shortness of breath and wheezing, spasms, sores, stomach cramps, vertigo.

Medicinal Bruises, ulcers, wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango ∗ To banish negativity. VAINILLA AMARILLA (Epidendrum facutum) Description Indigenous orchid. USES

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Ojuani Odi ∗ For purification baths

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun To pack amulets


VAINILLA ROSADA (Epidendrum atropurpureum)

Other names: Lukumi - Ofun dara

Description Orchid common in rather dry, scrubby forests of coastal regions. The plants are relatively compact, branching freely to produce clumps of rounded bulbs. Upright, often branching spikes with showy blooms in green, brown, orange, yellow, or pink that expels a delightful, intoxicating rose fragrance.

Description Cultivated biennial commonly used as ornamental. Erect stem, variegated leaves, hear shaped. Spikes of large showy flowers.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

USES Medicinal Coughs, irritated stomach, bladder, and urethra.

Description A weedy annual and sometimes perennial herb growing to the height of 3 ft. It has pretty reddish-purple flowers growing along long bracts and is indigenous to most parts of tropical America.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Correlating Odu: Oshe Osa For ritual cleansings.

USES Medicinal Constipation, chronic, diabetes, fevers, diarrhea, dyspepsia, dysentery, fevers, intestinal worms and other parasites, liver problems, poor perspiration, poor supply of mother's milk, rheumatic inflammations, urinary complaints.

VENCEDOR / SATIN WOOD (Zanthoxylum arboreum) Other names: Arada – Xuntitina Cuba – Palo vencedor, balsamo

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Irete, Irete Otrupon, Ika Odi. ∗ In amulets to attract and for good fortune

Description A deciduous shrub growing to 12 ft. Found on upland rocky hillsides and on moist low-lying sites, in open woods, on bluffs or in thickets. It is in flower from May to June, and the seeds ripen from September to October. The scented flowers are purple.

VERDOLAGA / PURSLANE (Portulaca oleracea)


Other names: Cuba - Verdolaga, verdolaga francesa. Lukumi – Ewe oshisha U.S. - Cuban spinach, Miner's-lettuce, Miner's-salad, Pigweed, Pussley, Winter purslane

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Okana Odi, Oshe Odi. For amulets and relics Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets ∗ For purification baths and cleansings of persons and the household. ∗ To banish negativity and evil spirits. ∗ To attract good fortune and prosperity. ∗ In amulets to overcome difficult situations and for protection. ∗ For love and binding spells.

Description A common, persistent, trailing weed with fleshy, succulent stems, widely distributed; leaves are small, spatulate or narrow obovate, thick and green or red in color. It can be found growing wild in almost any unshaded area, including flower beds, cornfields, and waste places. USES

VENCEBATALLA: Bejuco Carabalí

Medicinal Boils, dysentery, sores, vaginal discharges, venomous bites and stings and urinary tract infections.

VERBENA / PORTERWEED (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis) Other names: Lukumi – Ewe Orukan

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba and Yemaya.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. For purification baths; to attract good fortune.

One of the five essential plants to make ritual omiero. Correlating Odu: Oshe Iroso, Odi Obara, Otrupon Irete, Otura Oshe, Irete Untelu, Irete Ogunda, Oshe Iroso. Used to appease Yemaya. To make Oshinshin Rites of Palo For rituals and ceremonies ∗ For purification and cleansing of persons, objects and the household. ∗ To attract good fortune.

Other Insect and vermin repellent. VIBORA / MOTHER OF THOUSANDS (Bryophyllum calycinum) Other names: Brazil – Coirama, Courama, Folha da Costa, Folha da fortuna Lukumi – Ewe Nioka, Fatu-Fatu U.S. - Orpine, Kurz, Life plant, live leaf

VERGAJO: Bejuco Vergajo VERGAJO DE TORO: Bejuco vergajo. VERGONZOSA / SENSITIVE PLANT (Mimosa pudica) Other names: Cuba -Vergonzosa, dormidera, morivivi, sensitiva. Haiti - Kapris, Honteuse, Zèb-a-manzèl, honteuse-femel, Marie-honte

Description Plant that produces foliar embryos in the notches of the leaf margin. These embryos remain dormant while the leaf is attached to the plant. The leaves and stems are green and fleshy and are covered with a shiny layer of wax.



Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye. Correlating Odu: Ika Oshe.

Medicinal Abscesses, burns, diarrhea fever, poorly healing wounds ulcers. Religious/Magical: Orisha worship Belongs to Eshu ∗ For mischievous spells. negative properties.

VETE DE AQUI: Aguinaldo Morado VETIVER/CUS-CUS GRASS (Anatherum Zizaniodes)




Other names: Lukumi – Orufiri, Kurubi Puerto Rico – Pachuli, Pacholi

Other names: Cuba - Vicaria, dominica. El Salvador - Chula, mulata Philippines - Chichirica Mexico - Maravilla de España Puerto Rico - Flor de todo el año. U.S. - Vinca, Old Maid, Red periwinkle West Indies - Vinca, Old maid, red periwinkle

Description Cultivated grass; tall and robust, somewhat similar to guinea grass. The roots are scented; produces an oil highly esteemed in the perfume industry. USES Medicinal Acne, Asthma, calluses, flu, malaria, muscular pains, neuralgia, rheumatism, wounds.

Description A semi-procumbent shrub with trailing ascending stems 1-3 feet long. The leaves are dark green. It has solitary flowers at the


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

small groups, are very characteristic. The mature plant has creeping stems emerging from a slender taproot. The stems root at the nodes and invade larger areas. When seeds mature, pods open explosively, often spreading seeds 10 feet or more.

end of the stem. This ornamental plant is fast growing and flowers all year long. USES Medicinal Bleeding gums, colitis, diarrhea, digestive problems, excessive menstrual flow, fever, mouth ulcers, nosebleed, sore throats, urinary ailments.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Iwori Irete, Osa Eyioko, Ika Yeku. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Correlating Odu: Irete Odi. VIGUETA (Chiones cubensis)

VIOLETA/VIOLET (Viola odorata)

Other names: Cuba - Vigueta, Icaquillo y Vigueta Naranjo. Kongo – Forumbo

Other names: Lukumi - Luko Description An evergreen perennial woodland plant growing about 6 inches tall and forming a carpet of growth. The leaves are small, they have a very mild, almost bland flavor; the texture is slightly tough. The edible leaves can be harvested all year round, and the edible flowers are produced in late winter and early spring.

Description Indigenous tree that grows up to 50 ft. high. Found in acid soil forests. Wood cream white color. The leaves are elliptical, rounded at the apex; white flowers; fruit glossy. USES

USES Medicinal Paludism.

Medicinal Indigestion, gastric upsets, heart debility, burns, pains, cough, catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, toxins in the system, phlegm, need to sweat.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya

VIGUETA BLANCA: Caobilla de Sabana VINAGRILLO / YELLOW WOOD SORREL (Oxalis corniculata)

VIUDA: Ambarina VOMITEL / GIEGER TREE (Cordia sebestena)

Other names: Cuba – Mariposa, Trebol, Violeta Americana Puerto Rico – Quita tinta, Vinagrillo Venezuela – Pata de Pichon

Other names: Colombia - San Joaquin Costa Rica - Siricote Cuba - Anacagüita, vomitel colorado, cutiperí, platanillo. Dominican Republic - Avellano criollo Jamaica - Red cordia, scarlet cordia Mexico - Anacahuita, siricote

Description A perennial that has alternate, compound leaves, each consisting of three heartshaped leaflets resembling clover. Attractive yellow flowers, borne singly or in 197

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Puerto Rico - Vomitel colorado Venezuela - Joaquin, No me olvides Description An evergreen flowering tree up to 25 ft. high. Grows in high, dry coastal areas. In bloom all year. Leaves green, simple. Flowers orange. Fruit in white drupes, aromatic and edible. USES Medicinal Breathing difficulties of all kinds, catarrh, dysentery, urinary incontinence, edema, malaria, venereal disease, headache, bandages, spider bite, stimulating appetite.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Correlating Odu: Ika Trupon, Odi Ika, Obara Ika. Not used for ritual omiero. For rituals and ceremonies. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets Placed in the household to expel evil eye and negativity.

Y YABA / CABBAGE BARK TREE (Andira jamaicensis) Other names: Cuba - Yaba, yabo, yaba colorada, moca. Guatemala, Honduras – Guacamayo Kongo – Nkasa Kadiampemba Lukumi – Ewe Soiku Mexico - Yabo, yaba Puerto Rico - Moca, moca blanca


Description Tree found in arid and calcareous soils. Grows up to 50 ft. high. The leaves are large; purple flowers; wood reddish, strong, and compact.

Other names: Brazil – Capim Sape U.S. – Cogon grass. Description Bright chartreuse green perennial grass that grows 2-4' tall and forms dense stands. The erect leaf blades are about a half-inch wide and have a prominent whitish off-center midrib and a sharp tip. The leaves are flat and have saw-like edges. The round leaf bases are sheathed and attached to short round stems. The upper part of the leaf blade is hairy near the base, but the underside is smooth. The flowers are borne in silky white spikes. Found in swamps, floodplains, dry scrubs, and sand dunes, as well as the sand hills, roadsides, pastures, utility rights-of-way, and mined lands where it is most commonly observed.

USES Medicinal Works as an antidote to "Guao" Religious/Magical: Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango. ∗ Causes negative effects. YAGRUMA / TRUMPET TREE (Cecropia peltata) Other names: Argentina - Ambahu Brazil - Imbauba Colombia - Guarumo Cuba - Yagruma hembra Kongo - Matiti Lukumi - Ona Biri Mexico - Guarumo Peru - Cetico, Tacuna

USES Medicinal Jaundice

Description Tree to 60 ft. high with a lifespan of 20-30 years. It has large leaves, a small crown, and large peltate leaves 12 to 20 inches in diameter, with silver-white lower surfaces.

YAMAGUEY DE COSTA: Agalla de Costa


Other names: Cuba – Yamagua Kongo – Nkita, Morinbankuo Lukumi - Fendebillo U.S. - Cocillana Bark

YAMAO / AMERICAN MUSK (Guarea Trichiliodes)

Medicinal Asthma, cold, corns, cough, herpes, warts. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Oya.


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Description A large tree; flowers in clusters; bark ashy gray; the inner bark is generally thicker than the outer; fracture, coarse fibrous splinters; odor musk like; taste distinctive, astringent and nauseous; leaves pinnate and of peculiar growth, as the lower leaflets fall young ones grow at the end of the same leaf-stalk, which elongates, the lower outer portion becomes woody with an outer bark and a thin pith inside and grows into a branch.

USES Medicinal Anemia, catarrh, conjunctivitis, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, fever, gonorrhea, headache, hemorrhage, prickly heat, swellings, and syphilis. YAREY/ CANA PALM (Corpernicia hospita) Other names: Kongo – Goroguayo, mabba, diba Lukumi - Ope US - Cuban Wax Palm, Guano Palm, Cano Palm

USES Medicinal Bronchitis, intestinal bleeding, pulmonary complaints.

Description Palm tree of moderate dimensions. The circular gray waxy leaves spread out like fans on long, thin stems. Up to 40 leaves form a circular outline around the top of the trunk. The smooth columnar trunk can grow up to 1' in diameter and up to 26' tall. The flowers extend past the leaves on uniquely hairy branches. The fruits resemble black marbles, up to 1 inch across. Found in open savannas, woodlands and in coastal regions, adjacent to mangrove swamps.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Oshun, Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Ogbe. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Rites of Palo Essential for the Nkisi. ∗ To attract something or somebody. ∗ For love and binding spells. ∗ In amulets to attract good fortune and prosperity


YANA / BOTTONWOOD (Conocarpus erecta)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Correlating Odu: Otura Iroso. ∗ The ground bark to avoid captivity.

Other names: Colombia - Saragoza Costa Rica - Mariquito Cuba - Mangle botón Panama - Saragoza, mangle piñuelo, mangle torcido Puerto Rico - Mangle botoncillo, mangle colorado Venezuela - Mangle botoncillo U.S. – Silver buttonwood, button mangrove

YAYA / BLACK LANCEWOOD (Oxandra lanceolata) Other names: Cuba - Yaya prieta, yaya boba macho. Haiti - Bois de lance Jamaica - Black lancewood, lancewood Kongo – Koromeni, Mbekese Lukumi – Yaya, Echi Puerto Rico - Haya blanca

Description Evergreen tree reaching heights of 32 to 45 feet. Found in close proximity to the ocean or intercoastal areas. The leaves are silver blue-gray; alternate, elliptic. In bloom during the spring, with small green flowers.

Description Slender forest trees up to 50 ft in height; the bark is smooth, wood hard, cream color. The leaves are smooth, glossy. The fruit is red.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala Correlating Odu: Otura Obara, Otura Ogunda To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Used to make ritual omiero.

Medicinal Tetanus, ulcers and hard to heal wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango, Elegba Correlating Odu: Osa Irete, Iroso Ogunda, Iroso Otura. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Rites of Palo Essential for the Nganga ∗ For purification baths ∗ In amulets to overcome legal issues.

YERBA ANIS/SPANISH TARRAGON (Tagetes lucida) Description Erect bushy shrub; grows from 2-3 feet. The leaves are glabrous, serrulate, contain essential oils similar to the French Tarragon. Produces brilliant deep yellow, five pedaled blossoms.

YAYA CIMARRONA (Mouriri acuta) Other names: Cuba - Yaya macho.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya

Description Indigenous trees found in low areas and hillsides. The trunk is smooth, the leaves obovate-oblong, pointed, glossy; the flowers are small, yellowish. The wood is very hard, compact, and brown.

YERBA BRUJA / JUNGLE RICE (Panicum numidianum) Other names: Cuba - Yerba de pará. Lukumi – Ewe Ichocho U.S. - Jungle rice grass, Millet-rice, Corn panic grass, Deccan grass.

USES Medicinal Dysentery, gangrene, hemorrhage, skin ulcers and wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Rites of Palo Essential for the Nganga.

Description Annual grass most frequently found on disturbed sites such as fields and gardens. The leaves are elongated and very narrow, smooth or sometimes sparsely hairy on the upper surface, smooth on the lower surface; flowers borne in spikelets, the spikelets crowded into 4 rows on one side of the axis of the spike; each spike up to 1 1/2 inches long, with several spikes forming a narrow panicle.

YEDRA / MADIERA VINE (Boussingaultia leptostachye) Other names: Cuba - Yedra del país. Lukumi - Itako Description Vine found in wet soils. The roots are tuberose with smooth leaves and stems. The leaves are ovate; flowers white, scented, in racemes. USES Medicinal Hemorrhage, rheumatism, warts.


Dalia Quiros-Moran


Description Large grass that can grow to cover extensive areas along ditches and into fields. It also occurs in marginal wetlands. Stems erect, to 8 ft. tall; leaf blades long, flat, midrib white, to 2 ft. long, to 3/4 in. wide, folded at the base, margins finely rough; inflorescence very large, to 20 in. long, widely spreading, branched, jointed axis; spikelets in pairs at the nodes of the axis, half are on stalks, all are hairy.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and Elegba. ∗ For love binding spells. YERBA CAIMAN / BISTORT (Polygonum bistorta) Other names: Cuba - Yerba del sapo. Kongo – Nseke gando, bamba Lukumi - Ewedo U.S. - Knotweed

USES Medicinal: Kidney stones.

Description Perennial plant reaching 1 to 2 ft. Grows in damp meadows and by water, especially on acid soils. It has swollen nodes where the leaves meet the stems. Leaves are lance-shaped, narrow, and willow-like. The leaf bases form sheaths that surround the stem. Leaves are alternately attached. The flowers are small and pinkish or white, and grow in terminal spikes that typically are several inches long. It is in flower from June to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Okana Ojuani. YERBA DE GARRO / SLENDER FALSE BOTTONWEED (Spermacoce tenuior) Other names: Cuba -Yerba de Garro, garro morado, garro blanco. Dominican Republic – Juana la Blanca Couper colonne


Description Perennial, erect or ascending herb. Stems are glabrous, slightly ribbed. Leaf blade elliptic-ovate, acute, glabrous. Flowers clustered in terminal and axillary groups, corolla white or lobes tipped with pink. Capsules obovoid, split lengthwise. Seeds brown, oblong-ellipsoid. Common weed in disturbed areas, orchards, sunny and dried localities.

Medicinal Anal fissure, burns, catarrh, cholera, cystitis, diarrhea, dysentery, excessive menstruation, internal and external bleeding, mouth ulcers, sore throats, spongy gums, vaginal discharge, wounds. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya, Oshun. ∗ An infusion sprinkled around the household to banish negative energies and evil spirits.

USES Medicinal Elephantiasis.


Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Correlating Odu: Obara Iwori.

Other names: Cuba -,Yerba mala, cañuela. Haiti - Pitimi





Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism



Other names: Cuba - Guinea gigante. Haiti - Zèb-Guinen, Herbe de Guinée Kongo – Vititi, Mariare, Maoma, Boolongo Lukumi – Okoeran-eranguini, edi edi U.S. – Panic grass, Hamilgrass

YERBA DE SAPO / DAY FLOWER (Commelina elegans, viginica, longicaulis) Other names: Cuba - Canutillo, cañamazo dulce, pitilla, pito de bejuco, tibisi chico. Kongo – Nfita Ñokampembe Lukumi – Ewe polo, Okuale

Description Tufted perennial grass, usually in large bunches from short stout rhizomes, 3 to 9 ft. tall; culms erect, stout; leaves flat, bright green, glabrous on margins; spikelets green or tinged with purple, with 2 seeds; mature upper seed white.

Description Plants found in wetlands, streams and riversides. The leaves are pointed; white flowers in spikes.



Medicinal Chicken pops, erysipelas, measles, skin rashes.

Medicinal Herpes, skin problems. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to all female Orishas.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Babalu Aye.

YERBA DE LA NIÑA / GAIL OF WIND (Phyllantus niruri)

YERBA DE LA PLATA / SHINY BUSH (Peperomia pellucida) Other names: Cuba - Yerba de la plata, Corazon de Paloma. Haiti - Zèb-Kourès, Salade Soldat Lukumi – Ewe sadaka Puerto Rico – Yerba Pelu U.S. - Pepper elder, man-to-man, rat-ear.

Other names: Bahamas – Hurricane Weed Brazil - Quebra pedra Colombia – Viernes Santo Haiti - Dèyè-do Lukumi – Ewe nene Puerto Rico – Peronilla de Pasto

Description Common annual weed. The leaves are shiny light green and it has very small flowers. Favors shady and damp soils. The fruits are very small, round to oblong, first green later black. Shiny bush has a mustard like odor.

Description A small erect annual herb growing up to 12 to 24 inches in height, growing and spreading freely much like a weed. Blooms with many yellow flowers. USES


Medicinal Bronchitis, constipation, diabetes, fever, gall bladder, hepatitis, hypertension, kidney stones, poor appetite, typhoid fever, urinary afflictions.

Medicinal Cold, cough, diarrhea, eye inflammation, fever, headache, high blood pressure, kidney and prostrate problems. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala


Dalia Quiros-Moran

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Ogun. Correlating Odu: Eyioko Ogunda. Used to make ritual omiero. ∗ For purification baths and cleansings.

USES Medicinal Diarrhea, intestinal problems, liver and kidney ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun, Ogun, Babalu Aye, Inle, and Elegba. Correlating Odu: Obara Iroso. Used to make ritual omiero

YERBA DE LA PASCUA USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship – Belongs to Oya

YERBA DE LIMON / LEMON GRASS (Cymbopogon citratrus)


Other names: Brazil - Capim santo Cuba - Yerba de limon, caña de limon, cañuela, hierba santa, yerba de calentura. Haiti - Sitwonnèl, Zèb Citronnelle

Other names: Cuba - Mierda de gallina, papita. El Salvador – Cuajatinta, Zompopo Lukumi – Ewe eje Puerto Rico – Copillo, Saraguaso prieto U.S. – Curacao weed

Description An aromatic tropical grass with clumped, bulbous stems that ultimately become leaf blades Lemon grass is in the same grass family as citronella and palmarosa; it has a lemon flavor. It has a branched cluster of stalked flowers and grows in clumps up to 6' high; when crushed the fragrance resembles the scent of lemon.

Description Small shrub found near high coastal areas. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate, serrate; flowers white, small, cup shaped; fruit small, red. USES


Medicinal Colds, chest congestion, menstrual cramps, skin eruptions, leprosy.

Medicinal: Catarrh, headaches. YERBA DE SAN MARTIN/ ST. MARTIN HERB (Sauvagesia erecta)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Yemaya and Oshun.

Other names: Cuba- Ipecacuana de Mejico, violeta silvestre.

YERBA DE LA VIEJA / CLUSTERED YELLOWTOPS (Flaveria trinervia) Other names: Cuba – Contra yerba Kongo - Kiamboba Lukumi – Ewe Agba

Description Herb-shrub. Flower with 5 pink petals, stamens red. Fruit, a dry capsule, seeds reticulate.

Description Grass found in dry coastal areas or near them.

USES Medicinal Diarrhea, digestive complaints, urinary


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

track ailments.



Medicinal Calculus, cancer, convulsions, cough, cramps, cystitis, diarrhea, dropsy, dysentery, epilepsy, headache, hemorrhage, hypertension, hysteria, insanity, kidneys, measles, rubella, snakebite, sores, stones, tumors, urogenital disorders, warts, and wounds

YERBA DIEZ DEL DIA / PINK PURSLANE (portulaca pilosa) Other names: Brazil - Amor crescído Cuba - Diez del día, diez de la mañana, salta perico.

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship One of the five essential plants to make ritual omiero. Belongs to Elegba and Olokun. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba Ritual baths to banish negativity. Rites of Palo For rituals and amulets For amulets to attract good fortune

Description A perennial, succulent herb with a fleshy taproot. The stems are prostate and up to 12 inches long. The small leaves are linear to oblong and pale grayish green. There are usually 3 to 6 flowers in small bunches at the ends of the branches. The flowers are white or pink.

YERBA HEDIONDA / SICKLEPOD (Cassia occidentalis)

USES Medicinal Typhoid fever and other types of fevers.

Other names: Brazil - Fedegoso Colombia -Hierba de la potra, hierba de gallinazo, altera, furrusca, comida de murcielago, chilinchile, busca. Costa Rica - Pico de pajaro Cuba -Hedionda, Hierba hedionda, martinica, brusca El Salvador - Frijolillo Lukumi – Arajara, Ewe Tomode Mexico - Hediondillo, mezquitillo Nicaragua -Frijolillo, pico de pájaro Panama – Frijolillo Puerto Rico – Café negro U.S. - Wild senna, Locust Plant Venezuela – Brusca

Religious/ Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba, Ogun, Yemaya. Correlating Odu: Otrupon Di, Otura Ofun. Used to make ritual omiero. To pack amulets and Eshu/Elegba ∗ To attract good fortune. YERBA FINA / BERMUDA GRASS (Cynodon dactylon) Other names: Cuba - Greña, Yerba de la Bermuda, Bahama, Yerba del prado. Lukumi - Ewe boro U.S. - Wiregrass, couch grass, and devil grass

Description Herb or under-shrub. Flower color yellow. In flower July through August. In fruit September through October. Frequently occurs in plains, rarely occurs in uplands and in hilly areas.

Description A long-lived perennial that propagates by runners, underground rootstocks and seed. Runners may reach many feet in length. The flowering branches reach only 6 to 12 inches high. The leaves are up to 4 inches long, flat, and somewhat hairy at the base. Plants are sometimes grown as a cover for warm sunny banks and are sometimes used for lawns.

USES Medicinal Anemia, asthma, bronchitis, colic, constipation, dropsy, earaches, fevers,


Dalia Quiros-Moran

gonorrhea, intestinal worms and parasite, liver complaints, rheumatism, skin disorders, urinary track disorders, wounds, yellow fever.

YERBA LECHOSA / ASTHMA WEED (Euphorbia hirta) Other names: Brazil - Erva de Santa Luzia Cuba - Yerba lechera Teta de vieja. Haiti - Malon'nen, Zèb malnomen, Malnomen, Pilulye

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango and Elegba Used to make ritual omiero.

Description Annual erect or ascending herbs with copious crisped hairs. The leaves are opposite, elliptic, oblong acute toothed or serrated; seeds pale brown, oblong, acutely angled. Found in waste places and cultivated fields.



Religious/Magical To get someone out from jail.

Medicinal Asthma, bronchitis, dysentery, intestinal parasites, skin conditions, syphilis, warts

YERBA JICOTEA Other names: Kongo – Moforoyo Lukumi – Okonyanigbo, ewe ayapa

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Obatala and Elegba. Correlating Odu: Ojuani Oshe, Obara Iroso.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango

YERBA LUISA / LEMON VERBENA (Aloysia triphylla)


Other names: Colombia - Cidron Haiti – Diapalma Mexico - Cedrón

Other names: Cuba - Yerba jurubana, surbana.

Description A deciduous shrub growing to 3m by 3m at a medium rate. It is in leaf from May to November, in flower in August, and the seeds ripen from September to October. Found in fields and roadsides. The leaves are aromatic, strong lemon-scented.

Description A tall annual, erect or spreading, and branching from the lower stem joints, 1 to nearly 4 feet high, The leaves are thinly hairy or hairless, the flowering part is short, with erect to slightly spreading spine like branches. The spikelets are green when young, and yellow or bronze when ripe, hairless, and minutely cross-ridged. The grain is dull, also minutely crossridged with a blunt tip. Found in sandy washes, river bottoms and waste places.

USES Medicinal Abdominal discomfort, acne, boils, cysts, depression, digestive complaints, fever, flatulence, indigestion, nervousness.

USES Medicinal: Female infertility


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun. Correlating Odu: Okana Meji.

USES Medicinal Angina, sore throat, colic, stomach complaints, vaginal infections, hemorrhoids, dandruff, skin eruptions, nervousness, acne, eczema, erysipelas, leprosy, shingles, skin ulcers, wounds.

Other Uses Insect repellent. YERBA MARAVEDI (Myginda uragoga)

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun, Yemaya, Oshun, Elegba. Correlating Odu: Oshe Otura. It is not used to make ritual omiero. Taboo for children of Oshun. Rites of Palo For amulets and rituals.

Other names: Lukumi - Banaibana Description Common grass found in low, coastal areas. USES


Medicinal Urinary track complaints. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun ∗ Purification baths and cleansings of objects and the household. ∗ To pack amulets.

Other names: Cuba – Malva peluda U.S. - Malachra Description Erect grass. The leaves are round or ovate; yellow flower. Found near roadsides.



Other names: Brazil - Guaraquinha El Salvador -Yerba mora Lukumi - Atore Mexico - Mora Perú -Yerba mora Puerto Rico - Yerba mora, matagallinas U.S. - Black nightshade, wonderberry, garden huckleberry

Medicinal Bile, bronchitis, cold, colitis, dysentery, fever, venereal disease. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Oshun YERBA RABO DE RATON O ALACRAN / KNOTROOT BRISTLEGRASS (Setania geniculata)

Description Erect, delicate, branched, annual herb. It has several arching, leafy branches and tiny, starlike, white flowers. The stem and branches are smooth and soft. It has ovate, dark green leaves with smooth and shiny, almost black berries as small as pepper, growing in clusters. Berries can sometimes be red or yellow. Flowers and fruits almost throughout the year, but mainly in February to July.

Other names: Brazil - Capim rabo de raposa U.S. – Knotroot foxtail grass, Bristly foxtail, Foxtail millet Description Grass usually found growing in low, moist areas. The stems arise from a "knotty" rhizomatous base and the herbage often appears purple. There are many bristles below each seed and the bristly


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inflorescence maturity.




YUCA AGRIA (Manihot esculenta)


Other names: Cuba - Yuca agria. Haiti - Man-yok

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Elegba and Oshun

Description A perennial shrub of approximately 6 feet in height with palmate leaves and green flowers. It propagates vegetatively by cuttings from the stem. Cassava is grown for its enlarged starch-filled tuberous roots.

YUA OR AYUA Other names: Kongo – Lunga-kuma Description Indigenous tree; the trunk is greenish/white, core pale red with strikes; the wood is hard, compact.

USES Medicinal Digestive complaints, eczema, tumors.

USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun ∗ It has negative properties. YUCA / CASSABA (Manihot esculenta) Other names: Kongo – Nkumbia, mandioka Lukumi – Kokomadoko, bagudan U.S. - Tapioca


Description A perennial shrub of approximately 6 feet in height with palmate leaves and green flowers. It propagates vegetatively by cuttings from the stem. Cassava is grown for its enlarged starch-filled tuberous roots. There is a bitter, poisonous- and a sweet, nonpoisonous variety of cassava, however the skin stays poisonous and the sweet variety should be peeled. USES Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun. Correlating Odu: Odi Osa. ∗ Counteracts evil spells and harming substances.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun and Oshosi.

Z ZARZA / DEVIL'S CLAWS (Pisonia aculeata)

ZARZAPARILLA / CHANEY ROOT (Smilax havanensis)

Other names: Brazil – Cipo Ponolle, Espora de gallo Colombia – Buen amigo Cuba – Uña de Gato El Salvador – Caballero Guatemala – Huele de noche Haiti – Croc de chien Kongo – Nkunia Ntuta, Nkunia Kerebende Lukumi - Egun Iggi Nicaragua – Espino negro Puerto Rico – Escambron

Other names: Lukumi – Atewe Edin U.S. – Everglades's greenbrier, Catbrier Description Woody vine, to 12 ft. long, angled stems, rigid prickles; leaves are oval, elliptic, ovate to obovate, leathery, with prickles, prickles on midrib below; fruit subglobose, black; 3 seeds, maroon red; found in pinelands and hammocks.

Description Wooden shrubby vine with opposite branching and pairs of sharp curved spines in the leaf axils; may grow up to 15' tall. The flowers are tiny clusters of yellowgreen blossoms. The fruit is dry, rounded to oblong capsules. They are ribbed, sticky, and softly hairy.

USES Medicinal Impotence, kidneys and testicles pains, blood ailments. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Shango Correlating Odu: Irete Yeku, Osa Obara.

USES Medicinal Arthritis. Religious/Magical Orisha Worship Belongs to Ogun Correlating Odu: Iwori Okana ZARZA BLANCA / IGUANA HACKBERRY (Momisia iguanaea) Other names: Cuba – Mancamontero, Uña de gato, Zarzaparrilla cimarrona Dominican Republic – Gallito Mexico – Garabato blanco Puerto Rico - Azufaito U.S. – Sugarberry Description Spreading shrub with spines; the leaves are alternate, papery, 3-nerved, with tiny teeth; yellowish-green flowers; drupes are edible. USES Medicinal Chest ailments 209

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GLOSSARY Abakua: All male secret society in Cuba. Abdominal pains: Feeling of discomfort, distress in the abdomen. Ague: Malarial or intermittent fever. Angina: A heavy or squeezing pain in the mid-sternal area of the chest. Anxiety: Stress, mental and physical tension or strain. Arada: Name used in Cuba for persons and traditions from the Kalabar region in Africa. Arthritis: Inflammation of a joint, usually accompanied by pain, swelling and frequently, changes in structure. Asthma: The narrowing of the lung passageways, making respiration difficult. Babalu Aye: Deity of leprosy and other skin infectious diseases. Belching: Upper abdominal discomfort due to excessive swallowed air. Boils: A staphylococcal skin infection, which involves a hair follicle, often referred to as a boil or a furuncle. Bladder infection: Inflammation of the bladder usually occurring secondary to ascending urinary tract infections. Blisters: A vesicle of the skin, containing watery matter or serum, whether occasioned by a burn or other injury. Blood: Considered a circulating tissue composed of a fluid portion (plasma) with suspended formed elements: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Bronchitis: Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes Bruise: An injury to the flesh with a blunt or heavy instrument, or by collision with some other body. Buccal: Pertaining to or directed toward the cheek. Burn: A hurt, injury, or effect caused by fire or excessive or intense heat. Chicken Pox: An acute viral disease with mild constitutional symptoms followed by an eruption appearing in crops and characterized by macules, papules, vesicles, and crusting. Cold sores: An area of inflammation of the lips or mucous membrane of the mouth. Colitis: Inflammation of the colon. The mucous membranes of the colon become inflamed, and small, pouch-like areas are formed. Conjunctivitis: The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane that lines eyelids and is reflected onto the eyeball. Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of this mucous membrane. Croup: A childhood disease characterized by a resonant barking cough, suffocative and difficult breathing, laryngeal spasm, and sometimes by the formation of a membrane. Cystitis: Inflammation of the bladder usually occurring secondary to ascending urinary tract infections. Depression: Mental depression is characterized by altered mood. There is loss of interest in all usually pleasurable outlets such as food, sex, work, friends, hobbies, or entertainment. Diabetes: A general term for diseases characterized by excessive urination. Diarrhea: Frequent passage of unformed watery bowel movements. It is a frequent symptom of gastrointestinal disturbances. Dropsy: Watery swelling in the tissues of cavities of the body. Dysentery: A term applied to a number of intestinal disorders, especially of the colon, characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes Dyspepsia: Failure of proper digestion and absorption of food in the alimentary tract, and the consequences thereof. Egun: Ancestral spirits. Elegba: Orisha of the crossroads. Eczema: An irritating skin disease. Erysipelas: A specific, acute, inflammatory disease caused by a hemolytic streptococcus and characterized by an eruption in the skin. Fever: An elevation of body temperature often indicating an infection. Fistula: Abnormal tube-like passage in the body. Food poisoning: An imprecise term indicating an illness resulting from the ingestion of foods containing poisonous substances. Gall: Bile. Gonorrhea: A contagious inflammation of the genital mucous membrane transmitted chiefly by sexual intercourse 210

Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

Gout: A hereditary metabolic disease that is a form of acute arthritis and is marked by inflammation of the joints. Joints affected may be at any location but gout usually begins in the knee or foot. Gum disease: Any abnormality, inflammatory or degenerative, of the tissue around a tooth. Hemorrhoids: A mass of dilated, tortuous veins in the anorectum involving the venous plexuses of that area. High blood pressure: Tension or tonus that is greater than normal. A condition in which the patient has a higher blood pressure than that judged to be normal. Hypertension: Tension or tonus that is greater than normal. A condition in which the patient has a higher blood pressure than that judged to be normal. Ifa: Cult to Orunmila, deity of divination. Divination system. Impotence: Weakness, especially inability of the male to achieve or maintain erection. Indigestion: Failure of proper digestion and absorption of food in the alimentary tract, and the consequences thereof. Infection: The condition of multiplication of parasitic organisms or microorganisms within the body. Inflammation: The reactions that occur in the affected blood vessels and adjacent tissues in response to an injury or abnormal stimulation caused by a physical, chemical, or biologic agent. Inflorescence: Cluster of flowers. Inle: Deity of medicine. Insomnia: Habitual sleeplessness, repeated night after night. Jaundice: A condition characterized by yellowness of skin and whites of eyes Leprosy: Chronic infectious disease affecting the skin. Leukorrhea/Leucorrhoea: Whitish vaginal discharge. Lukumi: Name for the Yoruba of West Africa and their traditions in Cuba. Malaria: An acute and sometimes chronic infectious disease due to protozoan parasites within red blood cells. These parasites are discharged through salivary ducts when the mosquito "bites" a person. Measles: A highly communicable disease characterized by fever, general malaise, sneezing, nasal congestion, brassy cough, conjunctivitis spots on the buccal mucosa, and a maculopapular eruption over the entire body caused the rubella virus. Menopause: Cessation of menstruation in the human female, occurring usually around the age of 50. Migraine: Attacks of headache, usually accompanied by disordered vision and gastrointestinal disturbances. Nausea: An unpleasant sensation in the abdomen often culminating in vomiting. Neurasthenia: Nervous debility and exhaustion. Symptoms include palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, clammy hands and feet. neurasthenia is an older term. Oba: Deity of the cemetery. Obatala: Deity of whiteness and purity. Obovate: Oval that is widest in the upper half. Contrast "ovate". Orisha: Deity in Yoruba language. Odu: Term used by the Lukumi traditions to describe divinatory receptacles of events present, past and future. Oge: Deity of cattle. Ogun: Deity of iron and war. Oke: Deity of the mountain. Olokun: Deity of the deep seas. Omiero: Sacred mixture of leaves used for Orisha worship rituals and ceremonies. Orishaoko: Deity of agriculture. Orula/Orunmila: Deity of divination. Oshosi: Deity of the chase and hunting. Otitis: Inflammation of the ear. Osayin: Deity of the plants. Oshun: Deity of the river. Ovate: Oval that is widest in the lower half (as in a hen's egg). Contrast "ovobate" Oya: Spirit of the winds Pain: A message from the body that it is having trouble in a particular area. Palo: The practice of BaKongo religions in Cuba. 211

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Palo Mayombe: tree that possesses spiritual powers. Palpitation: A sensation of a rapid, irregular or forceful beating of the heart Phlegm: Mucous from the bronchial tubes. Piles: A mass of dilated, tortuous veins in the anorectum involving the venous plexuses of that area. Pimples: Oil glands infected with bacteria. Pleurisy: Inflammation of the pleura Pneumonia: Inflammation of the lungs caused primarily by bacteria, viruses, and chemical irritants. Psoriasis: A scaly skin disease. Panicle: Pyramidal inflorescence formed by multiple branches. Each branch is a raceme. Peduncle: Stalk of an inflorescence or of a flower when borne singly. Pinnate: Leaves arranged on opposite sides of a stem. Pistil: Female flower part that bears the stigma. Raceme: Form of inflorescence with several single flowers growing on individual small stems and along a larger main stem. Rheumatism: A general term for acute and chronic conditions characterized by inflammation, soreness and stiffness of muscles, and pain in joints and associated structures. Rhizome: Underground horizontal stem with scale leaves at the nodes that bears shoots above and roots Scabies: A contagious dermatitis of humans and some animals caused by the itch mite. Sciatica: Low back pain. Sepals: Outermost floral whorl that serves as a protective enclosure for the petals (corolla), stamens, and young fruit. Serrate: Toothed along the margin with sharp, forward pointing teeth. Shango: Deity of thunder. Shingles: An infection caused by a herpetovirus, characterized by an eruption of groups of vesicles on one side of the body following the course of a nerve due to inflammation of ganglia and dorsal nerve roots resulting from activation of the virus which has been latent Sinusitis: Inflammation of the sinus. Smallpox: An acute viral disease Sore: A place in the body where the skin and flesh are ruptured or bruised Spasm: A sudden, violent, involuntary contraction of a muscle Sprain: A tearing injury to ligaments. Stigma: Part of the pistil that receives pollen. Stone: A stone-like concretion formed in the urinary tract or in the gall bladder. Toothache: Pain in or around a tooth; due to the condition of the pulp or periodontal membrane resulting from caries, infection, or trauma. Tuberculosis: An infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tumor: An abnormal mass of tissue that results from excessive cell division that is uncontrolled and progressive Typhoid: An acute infectious disease caused by a bacillus (Salmonella typhi) and acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated by excreta Ulcers: An open sore or lesion of the skin or mucous membrane accompanied by sloughing of the inflamed necrotic tissue. Urticaria: A transient condition of the skin, usually caused by an allergic reaction. Varicose veins: Enlarged, twisted superficial veins. Warts: Benign epidermal proliferations or tumor, some are viral in origin. Whites: Vaginal discharge. Worms: Worms are parasites that live in the gastrointestinal tract. Wound: A hurt or injury caused by violence; specifically, a breach of the skin and flesh of an animal, or in the substance of any creature or living thing; a cut, stab, rent, or the like. Yemaya: Deity of the ocean. Yewa: Deity of the graves.


Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism

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About the Author: Dalia Quiros-Moran was born in Havana Cuba, a descendant of African slaves and a lineage of Orisha/Ifa worship traditions. After migrating to the United States, she was initiated as a priestess of Yemaya in 1990. Since then, she has avidly studied the various aspects of Lukumi Orisha Worship traditions and has authored three books (El Poder Yoruba, Tradiciones, Unyen: Lukumi Cooking) on the subject. Now with her fourth book, Guide to Afro-Cuban Herbalism, she focuses on the herbal remedies of traditional African medicine as brought to Cuba by her ancestors.

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