Plant Simulation Basics Tutorial English Andersson Aslam

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Tutorial Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

Andersson M., Aslam T., Källa: UGS

The class library of a model file •

A model file contains the class library with the built in objects in a hierarchical structure.

Folders contain different object classes.

Its possible to expand the structure, as needed.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Modify structure •

To add a new folder, frame or toolbar, right-click the folder and choose your item.

Copy an item -> Duplicate

Move item -> Drag & Drop

Beware!!! – Changing the structure of existing items may cause malfunction

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The standard toolbar Class Library/ Show Explorer

Object Palette/ Show Toolbox

Show Console

Open active Even Controller

Close All Windows

MU Animation

Icon Animation

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Material Flow Object and MUs

Are used to model the material flow in the model.

Object types from, simple time consuming objects to complex assembly machines

Three type of moveable objects: – Passive – Passive carrier – Active carrier Andersson M., Aslam T.

Resource Objects

Is used to model workers or other shared resources, e.g. tools

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Information Flow Objects

Is used for control strategies as: – Information interface – Compiling of results

Andersson M., Aslam T.

User Interface Object

Is used for gathering results or as user interface

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Tools Objects

Special objects for performing: – – – –

Bottleneck analysis Sankey diagram Portal Crane etc

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Source – Time of creation •


The Source produces MUs according to your settings in Time of Creation drop-down list box, you can choose: – – – –

Interval Adjustable Number Adjustable Delivery Table Trigger

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Source – MU selection •

MUs are produced according to your settings selected from the drop-down box MU selection.

You can choose: – – – –

Constant Sequence Cyclical Sequence Random

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Source – Defining the Type of MU

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Entity •


Is produced by the source, the material flow objects process it and the Container and Transport objects transports the entity.

The Entity cannot load other parts.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Single Proc •


Receives, processes and then moves the MU to the next station.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Drain •


Removes the MUs from the material flow.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The EventController - Controls •


Coordinates and synchronizes different events taking place during a simulation run.

• • •

Start and Stop the simulation run. Reset a simulation run. Initialize the simulation model and execute all methods named Init. Step through the events in the simulation model. Open the event List to follow planned events in the simulation run.

• •

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The EventController – Settings •

Enter Date on which the simulation run starts.

Enter End on which the simulation runs stops.

Enter the time of when to start collecting Statistics.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

State of objects The current state of an object is displayed by an LED along the top border of the icon. Each colour represents a specific state:


means that the object is failed.


means that the object is paused.


means that the object is working.


means that the object is blocked.


means that the object is setting-up (setUp).

light blue means that the object is recovering (no_entry).

Rough structure of the simulation model A top-down strategy will be used to build the simulation model.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 1 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Open Frame_1 in the folder Models. Name it Cylinder_block_plant. Insert the objects, see figure on the left, from the Toolbox and connect them.

Define the type of MU: Open Source and select MU type to Bottom_Block. Open the EventController: In settings choose Delete MUs on reset. Click Reset first and then Start to start the simulation. Set the “Processing time“ of the four machines to 30 s (0:30)

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 2 1.



In the class library, right click on basis and create a new Folder and name it Exercises. Copy the contents of the Frame Cylinder_block_plant to a new frame in the folder Exercises. Practise different ways of displaying objects: zooming, rotating, and moving objects. Create non-straight connections, show and hide Names and Labels of objects.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 3 1. 2. 3.

Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant and name it Cylinder_block_plant_2. Set the Processing Time of the Drilling to 30s. Add a second milling machine (SingleProc) and name it Milling2. 4. Name the other milling machine to Milling1. 5. Select View > Options > Show Successors in the Frame. 6. Set Processing Time of the Milling machines to 60s. 7. Start the simulation and watch how the MUs move from station to station. Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Flow Control •


• •

Regulates the flow of materials. You select: – Exit Strategy – Entry Strategy

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Chart •


Displays statistics data and allows you to evaluate and present the results from the simulation runs.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 4 1. 2. 3.

Run a simulation and check statistics of Milling1 and Milling2. Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_2 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_3. Insert a FlowControl between Drilling and the Milling stations. The FlowControl controls the flow of materials from station to station.



Select Exit Strategy of the FlowControl to Percentage and check the box blocking. Milling1 is to receive 37%, Milling2 63% of the MUs. Run simulation and check statistics of the milling machines.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 5 1. 2.


4. 5. 6.

Activate statistics collection for the two milling machines. Insert the object chart into the frame: Cylinder_block_plant_3. Drag Milling1 and Milling2 onto the chart and drop them there. Run a simulation and look at the statistics of the machines. Unpick the box blocking and run one more time. Try the other Strategies in the FlowControl.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Hierarchy – What is it? •

It’s is the concept of nesting Frames within Frames.

This allows you to model and test the individual components.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Inheritance •

Duplicate – Select by right-clicking a Frame. Creates a subclass in the Class Library and all inheritance relations between the class object and the duplicate object are severed.

Derive – Select by right-clicking a Frame. Creates a subclass in the Class Library and the subclass inherits some of its properties from the class

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Inheritance - Example Main Frame

Inserting a new SingelProc into the Main Frame leads to: – The SingleProc is automatically inserted in the Derive Frame. – While in the Duplicate Frame the inheritance relations are disconnected, no SingleProc is inserted

Duplicate Frame

Derive Frame Andersson M., Aslam T.

Recognize Inheritance •

A pressed toggle button means that inheritance is activated, the object inherits the values from its parent object.

A released toggle button means that inheritance is not activated. The values you enter only apply on the current object, not the class itself.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Interface •


Models the connections between the frame.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 6a 1.




In the class library, right click on basis and create a new folder and name it PlantComponents. Create a new frame in this folder and name it CompMilling. Copy the objects FlowControl, Milling1 and Milling2, and Chart from Cylinder_block_plant_3. Insert two interface objects. Connect them according to the screenshot.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 6b 1.

2. 3.


Create a new frame in the folder Exercises and name it TestMilling. Insert a Source, a Drain and an EventController. Drag the frame CompMilling from the folder PlantComponents and drop it between the Source and the Drain. Connect the objects. Test the functionality. Run simulation, open the frame CompMilling and watch what happens there.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 7 1.



Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_3 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_4. Delete the FlowControl, the chart and both milling machines, and insert the frame CompMilling from the folder PlantComponents. Connect the frame with the other components and start the simulation.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Buffer •


Moves the MUs to succeeding stations according to Buffer type: – FIFO (Queue) – LIFO (Stack)

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Shift Calendar •


A shift pauses one or several machines in the model, by setting the attribute Pause.

Shifts are assigned to material flow objects by drag and drop it onto the Shift Calendar.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Table File •


A TableFile is a way to visualize a matrix of values.

TableFile can be formatted according to your needs, you can set: – – – – –

Number of columns/rows Data type of the columns Range values Assign access rights etc

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 8a 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

Create a new frame in the folder PlantComponents and name it CompWashing. Create a new frame in the folder Exercises and name it TestWashing. Insert objects so that these frames matches the screenshot. Set the Buffer Capacity to 5. Drag and drop the machine QualityControl onto the ShiftCalendar. Open the ShiftCalendar and take a look at Shift Times. Use the pre-defined values and close the window. Set the Processing time of all elements in the frame to 30s. Run simulation and see what happens, when you are using ShiftCalendar. Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 8b 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Open the MU Bottom_Block, click on the tab Custom Attributes in the dialog of the object. Click new to open a dialog. Name the Attribute to Quality. Select the data type to string. Enter the value “good”.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 8c 1.

Open the FlowControl in CompWashing. Select the Strategy > Attribute and the Data type string in the FlowControl. Then click the Apply button and click Open List.


Enter the attribute Quality in the table, as well as the value and the number of the successor to which the MU is going to move when it has the correct value.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 8d 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.


Open the Source in the frame TestWashing. Select MU Selection > Sequence Cyclical in the Source and select ProductListTable. Select the check box Format table. Open the TableFile and enter or select the MU: Drag and drop the MU Bottom_Block from the class library. Number: Enter an integer number. Name: Assign a name of the MU. Attribute: Enter a name for the subtable by double-clicking it. Enter the custom attribute Quality and enter the string good. Repeat this step for bad Quality, but use “bad” instead of “good”. Run simulation and check functionality. Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 8e 1. 2.

Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_4 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_5. Replace the SingleProc with the frame CompWashing. Insert the ProductListTable that contains the production sequence into the frame, and enter the table as the table that controls the cyclical sequence in the Source.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Line •


Represents a conveyor system.

Length and Speed to determine the time MUs take to cover the line.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Assembly Station •


Adds mounting parts to main part

Enter into the Assembly table which parts the station moves to the main MU

Moves the mounting parts either: – On to the MU – Or deletes them

according to settings in Assembly mode.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 9a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Create a frame in the folder PlantComponents and name it CompAssembly. Create a new frame in the folder Exercises and name it TestAssembly. Insert objects so that your model matches the screenshot. Duplicate the MU Bottom_Block and name it Complete_Block. Set the Processing time of all elements in the frame to 30s.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 9b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Open Assembly in the frame CompAssembly. Set Assembly mode to Delete MUs. Set Exiting MU to New MU. Drag and drop the MU Complete_Block onto the MU field to choose MU. Open the source Source_Bottom_Block in the frame TestAssembly and choose the MU to Bottom_Block. Open the source Source_Top_Block in the frame TestAssembly and choose the MU to Top_Block. Run simulation in the frame TestAssembly.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 9c 1.

2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_5 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_6. Insert CompAssembly instead of the SingleProc “Assembly”. Add a Source in the frame Cylinder_block_plant_6 and name it Source_Top_Block. Drag and drop the MU Top_Block onto this source in order to choose it as the MU. Change the name of the other Source to Source_Bottom_Block. Add a line similar to the screenshot and set the speed to 0.2 m/s. Connect the CompAssembly. Run simulation and test functionality. Andersson M., Aslam T.

Defining a Failure •


The objects shows a red dot on the top border of the icon.

You can define failures on all material flow objects.

Use the MTBF and MTTR to calculate the time of a failure.

Enter the % of the availability.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 10 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_6 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_7. In the frame CompMilling change the exit strategy of the FlowControl to “Or” Not blocking. Set Failures of Milling1 and Milling2. Set Availability to 80% in each of these stations. Run a simulation and test the functionality. Control %-failed in statistics of milling machines.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

What is a Method •

A Method is a small program, which can be compared to a procedure or function in the programming languages Basic, Pascal or C++.

The programming language in eM-Plant is SimTalk which is based on the programming language Eiffel.

A Method can: – – – – –

React to events during a simulation run Get and set conditions Execute statements Modify and extend the behaviour of objects Prepare a model for new users with custom dialog

A Method allows you to: – Implement different approaches and adapt your models to your needs – Increase the efficiency of your simulation model – Increase the flexibility of your simulation model Andersson M., Aslam T.

The Object Method •


Method window

Method toolbar

Body of the Method





Apply Changes(F7)


Andersson M., Aslam T.

SimTalk Operations •

Assignment operators – Assignment Operator := Value to assign to a variable – :=

Arithmetic Operators – +, -, /, *, trigonometric functions, logarithms and exponential functions

Relational Operators – =, /=, >, >=, index Search for common used functions such as: • If Statement • For-Loop • Repeat until • …

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 15 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Try to change capacity of the Buffer in CompWashing by using a Method. Change the processing time of a machine by using a method. Run the method to change capacity and processing time.

Replace the FlowControl with a method. Run a simulation to verify the methods functionality.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 16 1.

Add two variables and a chart in the frame CompWashing. •


These variables will be used to count the number of Ok and Not Ok Mu:s (Quality – good/bad)

Present the number of Ok and Not Ok Mu:s (Quality – good/bad) in a chart.

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Animating icons

Andersson M., Aslam T.

Animating icons • Choose “Edit icon” • Click on Tools->Clipart Library and choose the folder Training. • Drag and drop millingpic onto the icon editor. • Click on “Animation mode”. • Click on “Add/Remove animation” point. • Click on the tool of the first milling machine followed by the second. Andersson M., Aslam T.

Animating icons • Click on “Link/Unlink animation point” • Click on the first animation point. • Then click on Milling1. • Do the same thing with Animation point 2/Milling2. • Save the icon Andersson M., Aslam T.

Lesson 17 1.

Add an icon for the component CompMilling.


Add an icon for the component CompAssembly.


Run a simulation to see what happens.


Save the simulation model. Andersson M., Aslam T.

Generator •

The Generator has the capability to call on methods at specific time intervals.

An example: Orders are calculated each 24 hours beginning at time 0, and delivery from finished goods stock inventory is carried out each 24 hours beginning at time 12. This is possible to do by using Generator objects.

Time: 0 Order

Time: 12h Delivery

Time: 24h Order

Generator - Dialog Times Start: Set the time when the generator is to be called for the first time. Interval: Set the interval period of the Generator object.

Controls Interval: Set the method to be called at the time of execution.

Lesson 18 • • •

• •

The number of Cylinder Blocks that has passed through the system are to be reported every 4 hours. It is enough to just print the number to the program console. Add the objects Generator and Method to the Cylinder_block_plant_X. If needed add also other objects that might be needed, i.e. Variable. The Generator shall call the method every 4 hours. The method will print out the number of produced products the last period of four hours each time it is executed.

Lesson 19 • In the menu click on Help->index • Make the exercises for TransferStation • TransferStation->object in 2D->Load, Unload, and Reload Parts with the TransferStation: » Load Parts » Reload Parts » Unload Parts

Lesson 20 • In the menu click on Help->index • Make the exercise for Worker: • Work, repair, importer, broker, exporter. » Model a Worker Who Works at a Machine » Model a Worker Who Repairs a Machine » Model Workers with Importer, Broker and Exporter

Lesson 21 Experiment Manager:

• In the menu click on Help->index • Go through the instructions for the Experiment Manager. In the index tab search for “ExperimentManager”.

Lesson 22 (Optional) • In info pages open “Examples”: • In the drop-down menus there are many different example models. • Study these simulation models.

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