Plant and Process Engineering Workflow

March 15, 2017 | Author: Suhas Jadhal | Category: N/A
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Process Plant Engineering Activity Model The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Copyright Notice The copyright of the contents of this document is assigned to the Process Industries STEP Consortium and its successors. However the contents may be freely distributed or copied, in full or part, provided due acknowledgement is made. Acknowledgements The following organisations provided the information that was used to generate the model and reviewed the model at various stages of its production. AMEC Engineering Ltd AKZO Engineering bv British Nuclear Fuels plc Eutech Engineering Solutions Ltd Harrow Associates ICI Engineering Ltd Ingevision Framatome Systems d’Information John Brown Engineers & Constructors Ltd

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Nuclear Electric plc National Institute for Standards & Technology Process Industries STEP Consortium (PISTEP) Shell International SINTEF The British Petroleum Company plc University of Newcastle upon Tyne


Introduction This model and its associated documentation has been produced as an aid to those involved in the production of Application Protocols for the Process Industries in the STEP (ISO 10303) standard. It provides an overview of the main activities and data flows associated with the life cycle of process plant. It is emphasised that the aim of the model is not completeness but communication to those who require to understand the main interactions between the major phases of engineering activities in the process plant life cycle. With this aim only the major data flows are shown and minor data flows and feeds back to earlier phases of the life cycle have been ignored. The activities are depicted as serial streams for the process and engineering activities. However, the activities may be ignored, combined or performed concurrently dependent upon the requirements of the task to be undertaken. The model will be made available in four forms, a paper document (this document), an electronic version of this document in Microsoft Word for Windows1 version 3.0 or 6.0 or Wordperfect 5.12 for DOS, a Microsoft Powerpoint file suitable for version 3.0 or 4.0, a coloured wall chart (A0) and a Microsoft VB basic program. Copies may be obtained from The Process Industries STEP Consortium at: QMS Beech House 1 Yorktown Road Sandhurst Camberley Surrey GU17 8DX United Kingdom

Contact: Telephone: Facsimile:

W R Mesley 01252 878482 (Outside UK: +44 1252 878482) 01252 877386 (Outside UK: +44 1252 877386)

Purpose To identify the activities which create and use engineering data that we wish to share and exchange in the Process Industries. Something that engineers in the Process Industries will readily understand and identify with. Viewpoint A Plant Operators view based upon the Facility and Equipment life cycle.

1 2

Microsoft, Word for Windows, Powerpoint and VB basic are registered trade marks and products of the Microsoft Corporation. Wordperfect is a registered trademark of the Wordperfect Corporation. 3

Context Statement This activity model provides a simplified view of the Process Plant Life Cycle activities and indicates areas of interest and data flows that may be modelled in a more formal manner. As such this model should prove useful in planning and developing Application Protocols to meet the needs of the Process Industries within the ISO 10303 (STEP) environment. Exclusions and Inclusions The model excludes: ♦ 1. Design and manufacture of standard parts. e.g. Pumps, valves etc. ♦ 2. Development, Marketing and Transportation (other than pipelines) of manufactured product. ♦ 3. General Management activities. ♦ 4. The management of human resources and the supply of computing services. ♦ 5. Minor data flows. e.g. Minor Feedback's etc. The model includes: ♦ 1. Engineering management activities. ♦ 2. Authorisations and Permissions both internal and external. e.g. License to Operate



Safety & Environment Case






Regulatory Requirements Authorizations Process Definition Control Philosophy Costs, Benefits & Timings Safety / Regulatory Requirements


Performance Requirements Operating Procedures Operating Conditions Alarm / Trip Settings Safety and Environment Case


Process Stream Data Process Flow Diagrams Costs, Benefits & Timings

Detailed Process Design Availability Requirements Safety Systems Specifications Operating Procedures Codes & Standards

Preliminary Engineering Design Engineering Philosophies Availability Requirements Cost & Time Estimates Safety / Regulatory Requirements Codes & Standards



As Built Drawings Equipment Commissioning Procedures Equipment Operating Procedures Inspection & Testing Records Handover Certification Detailed Engineering Design Equipment Procedures Vendor Drawings Spares Lists

Equipment Procedures Delivery Dates Vendor Drawings Certification Equipment & Materials Catalogues Invoices SUPPLIERS & FABRICATORS

Delivery Dates Vendor Drawings Certification Equipment Procedures Equipment & Materials Catalogues

Plant Status Ground Drains Status Safety Case As Built & As Modified Drawings


Inspection Requirements Work Permit Requests Notification of Work Completion

As Built Drawings As Built Equipment Specifications Spares Lists Installation Procedures Maintenance Procedures Inspection Results Unfinished Work Details

Delivery Dates Vendor Drawings Certification Equipment Procedures Equipment & Materials Catalogues Inspection Results Shipping Details


Plant Status Plant Records Inspection Requirements Regulatory Approvals

Engineering Work Requests Working Conditions Requirements Engineering Work Permits Acceptance of Engineering Work


PRODUCE DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN Materials & Equipment Requirements & Specifications Required on Site Dates

Materials & Equipment Requirements & Specifications Required on Site Dates Inspection Results Shipping Details Payment Details

As Built Drawings Operating Procedures Acceptance Test results Handover Certificate

State of Equipment Value of Equipment Equipment Records



Materials & Equipment Requirements & Specifications Required on Site Dates

Disposal Records Restoration Records Handover Records Final Regulatory Approvals


P Harrow colact1 ©PISTEP 10/06/94


OVERVIEW This diagram gives an overview of the whole life cycle and shows the relationships and data flows for the level 1 activities. 1. Set Engineering Policy and Standards Defines the engineering policy that shall be used and obtain any codes and standards that may be required.

7. Produce Conceptual Engineering Design Produce the preliminary engineering philosophies to be used and the preliminary engineering design required for further detailed engineering design. This activity is often performed concurrently with the Conceptual Process design.

2. Produce and Maintain Feasibility and Financial Case Produce and maintain the feasibility and financial case.

8. Produce Detailed Process Design Produce the detailed process design which provides the specifications, requirements, codes and standards, design and operation philosophies required for the Detailed Engineering Design and Commissioning.

3. Control Operations and Engineering Activities Prepare plans, aquire resources to execute them, check conformance to plan and take corrective action. 4. Obtain agreement with Regulatory Bodies Obtain agreement with regulatory bodies for the siting, design, construction, commissioning and operation of the plant. The engineering management activities required to obtain approval from the regulatory bodies for the mothballing of the plant or its demolition and subsequent site restoration.

9. Produce Detailed Engineering Design Produce the Detailed Mechanical, Electrical, Control/Instrumentation, Plant/Building Services and Civil/Structural Engineering Design for the plant including all specifications, drawings, construction and commissioning plans, 3D models, materials takeoff and spares lists.

5. Regulatory Bodies The external regulatory bodies whose requirements must be met at all stages of the plant life cycle. These bodies may be a purchaser of the plant, governmental body or supra-national organisation at various stages of the plant life cycle.

10. Procure and Control Equipment Materials and Services Make enquiries, place purchase orders, inspect and expedite progress, ship goods and control stock of equipment and materials.

6. Produce Conceptual Process Design Produce the preliminary Process design which will be passed to Conceptual Engineering Design and Detailed Process Design. It will also prepare a feasibility and financial case for management.


16. Demolish Plant and Restore Site The activity of demolishing the plant and restoring the site. Demolish Plant and Restore Site makes use of Plant Status from Decommission Plant, and Equipment Status from Maintain Equipment.

11. Construct and Pre-Commission Plant Construct the plant as defined by the detail design specifications to plan to meet the needs of the commissioning team. Construction includes verification that the design has been satisfied and that the resulting plant is acceptable to the commissioning team.

17. Suppliers and Fabricators External suppliers and fabricators offering goods and services.

12. Commission Process and Handover Plant Prove the operation of all plant systems as defined by the detailed design specifications such that the plant can be accepted for operation to manufacture product. Commissioning typically consists of a number of stages progressing from activities using either no or inert process materials to the use of production process materials. 13. Operate Plant Operate the plant safely, efficiently, and according to plan. 14. Maintain Equipment Maintain the plant and equipment in a safe manner to ensure plant operability. 15. Decommission Plant Taking a plant out of operating service, isolating all feedstock and services, removing all process materials from the plant, and establishing maintenance conditions such that the plant could be returned to operating service.



Identify Candidate Processes

Define End Requirements

Identify Start Conditions - Define Battery Limits - Identify state of Plant to be modified


Provide Input to Feasibility / Financial Case

Identify Safety / Regulatory Requirements

Define Unit Operations Process Definition - Process Stream Properties & Composition - Required Unit Operations - Process Flow Diagrams - Energy Balance Control Philosophy Costs, Benefits & Timings Safety / Regulatory Requirements

Produce Energy / Mass Balance Produce Composition of Process Streams Define Control Philosophy Produce Process Flow Diagrams

Process Stream Data Process Flow Diagrams Costs, Benefits & Timings



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CONCEPTUAL PROCESS DESIGN Produce the preliminary Process design which will be passed to Conceptual Engineering Design and Detailed Process Design. It will also prepare a feasibility and financial case for management. Produce a Process Flow Diagram identifying all major items of equipment and Process Streams.

1. Define Overall Requirement 1.1 Define End Requirements Define the requirements the process must satisfy. 1.2 Identify Start conditions. Identify the start conditions for the conceptual process design, including:

4. Produce Feasibility/Financial Case For each candidate process produce estimates of capital and operating costs, operating manpower requirements, technical/financial risk assessments and return on investment predictions.

• The definition of the Battery Limits. • Identification of the status of any existing plant and the performance characteristics of its processes.

5. Identify Safety / Regulatory Requirements Identify all features of the process and plant which are potentially hazardous and produce design philosophies to minimise/eliminate the hazards. Typical features considered: • Hazardous material handling • Effluent Treatment • Fire Protection • Pressure Relief/Containment • Emergency Shutdown • Safety Interlocking

2. Identify candidate processes Identify potential processes for meeting the overall requirements.

3. Design Process 3.1 Define Unit Operations Identify the constituent unit operations for a process. 3.2 Produce Energy / Mass Balance Produce mass and energy balances for the overall process and for each unit operation. 3.3 Produce Composition of Process Streams Identify the material composition of each process stream. 3.4 Define Control Philosophy Define the control philosophy for the process. For batch processes include process timings.

Identify all features of the process and plant which are subject to regulatory requirements and produce design philosophies to meet those requirements.

3.5 Produce Process Flow Diagrams





Review Process Design Determine Status of Existing Plant Define Engineering Design Strategy Obtain Codes & Standards

Produce Conceptual Mechanical Engineering Design

Produce Conceptual Electrical Engineering Design

Produce Conceptual Control & Instrumentation Engineering Design

Identify Materials of Construction

Identify Materials of Construction

Identify Materials of Construction

Produce Major Equipment Design Philosophy

Produce Major Equipment Design Philosophy

Produce Major Equipment Design Philosophy

Produce Conceptual Safety Engineering Design

Define Preliminary Plant Layouts

Define Safety Philosophies

Review Site Alternatives & Conditions

Identify Regulatory Requirements

Produce Preliminary Layout Drawings

Produce Preliminary Equipment & Line Specifications

Produce Preliminary Equipment Specifications

Produce Preliminary Equipment Specifications

Define Containment Philosophy

Produce Cost & Time Estimates

Produce Cost & Time Estimates

Produce Control System Architecture

Produce Technical Risks Assessment

Produce Preliminary Weight & Volume Estimates

Produce Preliminary Weight & Volume Estimates

Produce Cost & Time Estimates

Define Commissioning Philosophy

Define Commissioning Philosophy

Produce Studies for Cranage & Handling

Produce Conceptual Civil / Structural Engineering Design

Produce Site Survey / Soil Investigation Define Civil / Structural Philosophies Identify Materials of Construction Produce Preliminary Building or Module Layout Drawings Produce Preliminary Weight & Volume Estimates Define Construction Philosophy

Produce Preliminary Weight & Volume Estimates

Define Building / Structural Commissioning Philosophy

Define Commissioning Philosophy

Preliminary Engineering Design - Equipment Lists - Preliminary Equipment Specifications - Materials of Construction - Utility Requirements - Preliminary Layout Drawings - Weight & Volume Estimates - Control Systems Architecture - Technical Risks Assessment Engineering Philosophies - Design Philosophy - Construction Philosophy - Commissioning Philosophy - Operations Philosophy - Safety Philosophies - Containment Philosophy Availability Requirements Cost & Time Estimates Safety / Regulatory Requirements Codes & Standards

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PRODUCE CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING DESIGN Produce the preliminary engineering philosophies to be used and the preliminary engineering design required for further detailed engineering design.

1. Determine Engineering Approach Determine the approach to be used in engineering of the process definition. The following sub-activities are performed. 1.1 Review Process Design Conduct a review of the process definition. 1.2 Determine Status of Existing Plant Determine the status of any existing plant which is to be modified.. 1.3 Define Engineering Design Strategy Define the strategy that will be used in the engineering design of the plant. 1.4 Obtain Codes and Standards Obtain the codes and standards either internal or external, that will be used in the engineering design of the plant

2.3 Produce Preliminary Equipment, Line Lists From the process definition, list the major process piping and major equipment items for all disciplines. 2.4 Produce Preliminary Equipment Specifications From the early process definition, generate preliminary specifications for the major process piping and major equipment items. 2.5 Produce Cost and Time Estimates Produce project plans and budgets for capital and Design and Engineering costs. 2.6 Produce Preliminary Weight and Volume Estimates Add weight and volume estimates to the plant list for use in conceptual plant layout and civil/structural design. 2.7 Define Commissioning Philosophy Prepare an outline statement of the rules and sequences for commissioning.

2. Produce Conceptual Mechanical Engineering Design Produce the preliminary mechanical engineering design. 2.1 Identify Materials of Construction From the process definition, identify appropriate materials for major process piping and equipment. 2.2 Produce Major Equipment Design Philosophy From the process definition and the project plans, prepare an outline statement of the rules and sequences for the design of the major equipment.

3. Produce Conceptual Electrical Engineering Design Produce the preliminary electrical engineering design. 3.1 Identify Materials of Construction From the process definition, identify appropriate materials for major electrical cabling and equipment. 3.2 Produce Major Equipment Design Philosophy Prepare an outline statement of the rules and sequences for the design of the major electrical equipment.


Produce project plans and budgets for capital and Design and Engineering costs. 4.6 Produce Preliminary Weight and Volume Estimates Add weight and volume estimates to the plant list for use in conceptual plant layout and civil/structural design. 4.7 Define Commissioning Philosophy Prepare an outline statement of the rules and sequences for commissioning.

3.3 Produce Preliminary Equipment Specifications Generate preliminary specifications for the major electrical equipment items. 3.4 Produce Cost and Time Estimates Produce project plans and budgets for capital and Design and Engineering costs. 3.5 Produce Preliminary Weight and Volume Estimates Add weight and volume estimates to the plant list for use in conceptual plant layout and civil/structural design. 3.6 Define Commissioning Philosophy Prepare an outline statement of the rules and sequences for commissioning.

5. Produce Conceptual Safety Engineering Design Produce a conceptual safety design that will meet regulatory requirements and conform to the codes and standards in force. 5.1 Define Safety Philosophies From the regulatory requirements and the early process definitions, outline the safety criteria appropriate to the type of plant concerned. 5.2 Identify Regulatory Requirements Identify the regulatory requirements that govern the siting, construction and operation of the type of plant concerned. 5.3 Define Containment Philosophy From the regulatory requirements and the early process definitions, define the underlying rules for the plant containment design. 5.4 Produce Technical Risks Assessment From the developing conceptual design, perform and publish initial hazard and operability studies.

4. Produce Conceptual Control & Instrumentation Engineering Design Produce the preliminary Conceptual Control and Instrumentation engineering design. 4.1 Identify Materials of Construction From the process definition, identify appropriate materials for major process instrumentation and control equipment. 4.2 Produce Major Equipment Design Philosophy Prepare an outline statement of the rules and sequences for the design of the major equipment. 4.3 Produce Preliminary Equipment Specifications From the process definition, generate preliminary specifications for the major process instrumentation and control equipment items. 4.4 Produce Control System Architecture Produce the control system architecture to be used on the plant. 4.5 Produce Cost and Time Estimates

6. Define Preliminary Plant Layouts 12

Study the alternative sites and produce a preliminary site layout for the selected site. 6.1 Review Site Alternatives & Conditions Review the alternative sites and the conditions applicable to those sites. 6.2 Produce Preliminary Layout Drawings From the early process definitions, plant list and volume estimates, prepare initial plant layout proposals. 6.3 Produce Studies for Cranage and Handling From the preliminary layout drawings and early process definitions, prepare proposals for the cranage facilities and other bulk-handling operations required in plant construction and operation.

From the siting proposals, preliminary plant layouts and regulatory requirements, prepare preliminary civil and structural layouts for the plant buildings or modules and the site. 7.5 Produce Preliminary Weight and Volume Estimates From the preliminary civil and structural layouts, prepare estimates of weight and volumes for use in cost estimates and foundation design. 7.6 Define Construction Philosophy From the regulatory requirements and the preliminary civil/structural layouts outline the rules and sequences on which the civil/structural construction is to be based. 7.7 Define Building/Structural Commissioning Philosophy From the developing civil/structural design and the project plans, prepare an outline statement of the rules and sequences for commissioning the civil/structural aspects of the plant.

7. Produce Conceptual Civil/Structural Engineering Design Produce the civil engineering work and structural engineering required for the plant. 7.1 Produce Site Survey / Soil Investigation Produce a site survey and investigate the soil for load bearing and other properties. 7.2 Define Civil / Structural Philosophies From the siting proposals, preliminary plant layouts and regulatory requirements, prepare a statement of the design rules and philosophies on which the civil/structural design is based. 7.3 Identify Materials of Construction From the siting proposals, preliminary plant layouts and regulatory requirements, identify appropriate materials for major aspects of the civil/ structural design. 7.4 Produce Preliminary Building or Module Layout Drawings 13


PRODUCE DETAILED PROCESS DESIGN Produce Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams


Produce Functional Specification for Equipment

Produce Control Requirements Specification

Satisfy Safety Requirements

Identify Control Requirements

Define Relief & Blowdown Philosophy

Identify Trip Requirements

Define Protective System (Including Fire) Philosophy

Produce Control Requirements Specification

Define Hazardous Areas

Produce Plant Operating Procedures

Performance Requirements Operating Procedures Operating Conditions Alarm / Trip Settings Safety and Environment Case

Produce Safety & Environment Case

Detailed Process Design - Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams - Functional Specifications - Control Specifications - Alarm / Trip Settings - Utility Systems Requirements - Design Philosophies Availability Requirements Safety Systems Specifications Operating Procedures Codes & Standards

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PRODUCE DETAILED PROCESS DESIGN Produce the detailed process design which provides the specifications, requirements, codes and standards, design and operation philosophies required for the Detailed Engineering Design and Commissioning.

1. Produce Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams Produce schematic drawings detailing equipment, instrument and piping connectivity.

4.1 Define Relief & Blowdown Philosophy Define the relief and blowdown philosophy to be used in the plant design that will ensure safe and reliable operation of the plant. 4.2 Define Protective System (including Fire) Philosophy Define the protective systems philosophy for the plant including normal and specialised fire fighting requirements. 4.3 Define Hazardous Areas Define the hazardous areas of the plant which may arise due to the use of toxic substances, radiation, inflammable fluids or gases. 4.4 Produce Safety & Environment Case Produce safety and environmental studies that may be required by regulatory bodies or planning (Zoning) authorities.

2. Produce Functional Specification for Equipment Produce a specification for the functional requirements for all equipment including process design conditions, material specifications, insulation requirements and tracing requirements. 3. Produce Control Requirements Specifications Produce the requirements specification for the plant control systems. 3.1 Identify Control Requirements Identify the specific control requirements for the complete plant and for each unit operation. 3.2 Identify Trip Requirements Identify the alarm, interlock and shutdown requirements for the complete plant and for each unit operation. 3.3 Produce Control Requirements Specification Produce a specification detailing the control requirements for the plant, the alarm interlock and shutdown requirements.

5. Produce Plant Operating Procedures Produce any procedures that may be required for Commissioning or Operation of the plant.

4. Satisfy Safety Requirements Produce philosophies to meet the safety requirements of the owners of the plant and regulatory authorities. 15



Produce Detailed Mechanical Engineering Design

Produce Piping & Mechanical Equipment Design Produce Equipment Handling Systems Design Produce Detailed Mechanical Equipment Specifications Define Mechanical Equipment Spares Requirements Produce Mechanical Maintenance Procedures

Produce Detailed Electrical Engineering Design

Produce Detailed Control & Instrumentation Engineering Design

Review & Detail Plant / Building Electrical Requirements

Review & Detail Instrumentation Plant / Building Requirements

Produce Earthing Requirements (Static, Lightning, Power)

Produce Clean Earthing Requirements

Produce Communication System Design Produce Electrical Equipment Specifications Produce Electrical Cable Runs Design Produce Power Distribution Systems Design Produce Electrical Environment Control Requirements Define Electrical Equipment Spares Requirements Produce Electrical Maintenance Procedures

Produce Detailed Layout & Construction Design

Produce Measurement Instrumentation Specification Produce Actuator Specifications Produce Control Systems Specifications

Produce Site Layout Produce 3D Plant Model Coordinate Interfaces Between Design Areas Produce Site Construction & Installation Methodology Define Test & Pre-Commissioning Requirements

Define Signal Transmission Pathways

Produce Building & Plant Services Design

Produce Domestic Water, Sewage & Storm Water Design Produce Environmental Control Systems Design Produce Lighting & Small Power Design Produce Fire Protection Systems Design

Produce Detailed Civil / Structural Engineering Design

Produce Site Survey / Soil Investigation

Produce Civil Construction Drawings Design Containment Systems Design Process Effluent Drainage Systems Design Foundation Structures Produce Painting & Surface Finish Specifications

Produce Bill Of Quantities

Define Instrumentation & Control Equipment Spares Requirements


Produce Room / Module Specifications

Produce Weight Schedules

Produce Environmental Control Requirements for Instrumentation

Produce Detailed Safety Engineering Assessment

Detailed Engineering Design - Detailed Equipment Specification - Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams - 2D Schematics - 3D Model - Construction Drawings Equipment Procedures - Installation Procedures - Commissioning Procedures - Operating Procedures - Maintenance Procedures Vendor Drawings Spares Lists

Produce Instrumentation & Control Maintenance Procedures

Equipment & Materials Requirements and Specifications Required on Site Dates



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PRODUCE DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN Produce the Detailed Engineering Design for the plant including all specifications, drawings, construction and commissioning plans, 3D models, materials takeoff and spares lists.

1. Produce Detailed Mechanical Engineering Design Produce the detailed engineering design for the mechanical equipment and piping for the plant. 1.1 Produce Mechanical & Piping Equipment Design From the equipment data sheets, piping and instrumentation diagrams and plant layouts, produce detailed procurement specifications for mechanical equipment items and fabrication specifications for piping. 1.2 Produce Equipment Handling System Design From the process facility data and mechanical handling equipment specifications, produce designs for plant mechanical handling systems. 1.3 Produce Detailed Mechanical Equipment Specifications Produce specifications for all items of mechanical equipment on the plant. 1.4 Define Mechanical Equipment Spares Requirement Define the spares requirement for all items of mechanical equipment on the plant. 1.5 Produce Maintenance Procedures Produce the procedures to effectively maintain all items of mechanical equipment on the plant.

2.1 Review & Detail Plant / Building Electrical Requirements Review the electrical requirements received from Detailed Process Design and Conceptual Engineering Design and refine to give a detailed list of requirements. 2.2 Produce Earthing requirements (Static, Lightning, Power) Produce the requirements for protection of the plant from the build-up of static electricity, lightning protection and earthing of electrical power systems equipment. 2.3 Produce Communication System Design Produce the design of any communication systems required for the operation of the plant. 2.4 Produce Electrical Equipment Specifications Produce specifications for all items of electrical equipment on the plant. 2.5 Produce Electrical Cable Runs Design Produce the electrical cable runs design for the plant. 2.6 Produce Power Distribution Systems Design Produce the power distribution systems design. 2.7 Produce Electrical Environment Control Requirements Produce the requirements for environmental control of electrical equipment on the plant. 2.8 Define Electrical Equipment Spares Requirement Define the spares requirement for all items of electrical equipment on the plant.

2. Produce Detailed Electrical Engineering Design Produce the detailed engineering design for the electrical equipment and cabling for the plant. 17

3.8 Define Instrumentation Equipment Spares Requirement Define the spares requirement for all items of instrumentation equipment on the plant. 3.9 Produce Maintenance Procedures Produce the procedures to effectively maintain all items of instrumentation equipment on the plant.

2.9 Produce Maintenance Procedures Produce the procedures to effectively maintain all items of electrical equipment on the plant. 3. Produce Detailed Control & Instrumentation Engineering Design Produce the detailed engineering design for the control and instrumentation equipment and cabling for the plant. 3.1 Review & Detail Instrumentation Plant / Building Requirements Review the instrumentation requirements received from Detailed Process Design and Conceptual Engineering Design and refine to give a detailed list of requirements. 3.2 Produce Clean Earthing requirements Produce the requirements for clean earths for the instrumentation system. 3.3 Produce Measurement Instrumentation Specification Produce the specification for instrumentation used to measure process conditions in the operation of the plant. 3.4 Produce Actuator Specifications Produce specifications for all actuators on the plant. 3.5 Produce Control Systems Specification Produce the control systems specification for the plant. 3.6 Define Signal Transmission Pathways Define the signal transmission pathways required by the instrumentation system. 3.7 Produce Environmental Control Requirements for Instrumentation Produce the requirements for environmental control of instrumentation equipment on the plant.

4. Produce Layout & Construction Design From the Equipment design produce the layout and construction design 4.1 Produce Site Layout Drawing From the preliminary civil/structural layouts and the detailed plant layouts, prepare the final site layout drawing. 4.2 Produce 3D Model From the piping and instrumentation diagrams and preliminary plant layouts, produce the 3D plant model incorporating plant structure, piping, ventilation, cabling reservations and plant. 4.3 Co-ordinate Interfaces Between Design Areas Co-ordinate the interfaces between design areas from different design sources, to ensure compatibility of all aspects of design across the boundaries. 4.4 Produce Site Construction & Installation Methodology From the 3D layouts, the floor plans/elevations and the developing detailed plant design, produce all layout and construction detail drawings that are necessary to support plant construction activities. 4.5 Define Test & Pre-Commissioning Requirements Define the test and pre-commissioning requirements for the plant.


From the preliminary plant siting studies, perform physical surveys of ground contour, groundwater flow and underlying geology to support the choice of site. 6.2 Produce Room/Module Specifications From the process facility data, detailed plant layouts and equipment data sheets, produce the room or module specifications. 6.3 Produce Civil Construction Drawings Produce the drawings for any civil construction work required. 6.4 Design Containment Systems Implement the containment systems design in civil and structural design features where appropriate. 6.5 Design Process Effluent Drainage Systems From the detailed process flow diagrams and the detailed plant layouts, design the necessary collection and storage facilities and pipework to allow the removal of process effluents. 6.6 Design Foundation Structures From the preliminary civil/structural weight estimates, the site survey data and seismic design criteria, produce the detailed plant foundations designs. 6.7 Produce Painting and Surface Finish Specification Produce the painting and surface finish specification for the plant and ancillary buildings. 6.8 Produce Weight Schedules Produce weight schedules for civil / structural items where appropriate.

5. Produce Plant/Building Services Design From the piping and instrumentation diagrams and preliminary plant layouts, produce detailed piping, ventilation and plant layouts. 5.1 Produce Domestic Sewerage and Storm Water Design From the detailed plant layouts and the site layout, produce the detail drawings to define the domestic sewerage and storm water management systems. 5.2 Produce Environmental Control Systems Design From the room data sheets, equipment data sheets and the detailed plant layouts, produce detailed procurement specifications for air-conditioning and other environmental control systems. 5.3 Produce Lighting and Small Power Design From the room data sheets and the detailed plant layouts, produce the layouts and procurement specifications to support the design and installation of the lighting and small power systems. 5.4 Produce Fire Protection Systems Design From the detailed plant layouts and the regulatory requirements, produce the layouts and procurement specifications to support the design and installation of the fire protection systems. 6. Produce Detailed Civil/Structural Engineering Design From the detailed plant layouts produce the detailed civil and structural designs required for the plant.

6.9 Produce Bill of Quantities 6.1 Produce Site Survey / Soil Investigation 19

From the detailed civil/structural layouts, derive the Bills of Quantities needed to enable plant construction. 7. Produce Detailed Safety Engineering Assessment Produce a detailed safety engineering assessment for the plant.


Equipment & Materials Catalogues - Equipment & Materials Specifications - Equipment & Material Availability & Prices - Spares Lists Delivery Dates Vendor Drawings Certification Equipment Procedures - Installation Procedures - Commissioning Procedures - Operating Procedures - Maintenance Procedures Inspection Results Shipping Details

Equipment & Materials Catalogues - Equipment & Materials Specifications - Equipment & Material Availability & Prices - Spares Lists Delivery Dates Vendor Drawings Certification Equipment Procedures - Installation Procedures - Commissioning Procedures - Operating Procedures - Maintenance Procedures

Equipment & Materials Catalogues - Equipment & Materials Specifications - Equipment Availability & Prices - Spares Lists Delivery Dates Vendor Drawings Certification Equipment Procedures - Installation Procedures - Commissioning Procedures - Operating Procedures - Maintenance Procedures Invoices


Equipment & Materials Requirements & Specifications Required on Site Dates Inspection Results Shipping Details Payment Details





Issue Enquiries

Evaluate Bids

Commit Purchase

Expedite Manufacture

Maintain List Of Preferred Suppliers

Compile Bidders List

Condition Bids

Produce Purchase Orders

Expedite Progress

Maintain Relationship with Suppliers

Produce Enquiry Documents

Select Supplier

Confirm Final Conditions of Contract

Compile Conditions of Contract

Authorize Stage Payments Respond to Technical Queries


Inspect Equipment, Materials & Services Respond to Concession Requests

Release for Shipment From Supplier

Ship Goods From Supplier

Control & Issue Equipment & Materials

Issue Release Note

Pack Goods

Produce Material Stock Strategy

Close out Purchase Order

Make Shipping Arrangements

Unload Goods

Authorize Final Payments

Ship Goods

Store Goods Control & Monitor Stock Issue & Transport Goods To Required Location

P Harrow colact1 ©PISTEP 10/06/94


PROCURE & CONTROL EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Make enquiries, place purchase orders, inspect and expedite progress, ship goods and control stock of equipment, and materials.

1. Maintain Suppliers List Keep up to date records of potential suppliers of equipment, materials or services, including information on prequalifications, range of goods and services available etc. 1.1 Maintain List of Preferred Suppliers Issue and record pre-qualification questionnaires for possible suppliers of equipment, materials and services, including information on range of goods and services offered. 1.2 Maintain Relationship With Supplier Maintain the relationship and keep up to date with product and technological advances etc.

3. Evaluate Bids Review all the tender documents received from suppliers and make the recommendations as to where to place the purchase order. 3.1 Condition Bids Resolve the non conformance’s within the tender documents from suppliers 3.2 Select Supplier Choose the successful supplier from the tenders received 4. Commit Purchase Issue purchase order to the successful supplier. 4.1 Produce Purchase Orders Compile all the purchase documentation, from the equipment, materials and service requirements. 4.2 Compile Final Conditions Of Contract Determine the contractual conditions of contract that will apply to the purchase order from the condition bid stage. These are part of the purchase order.

2. Issue Enquiries Issue the full set of enquiry documents to suppliers listed on the bidders list. 2.1 Compile Bidders List From the maintained suppliers lists, list those vendors who have suitable experience and pre qualifications to tender for the required goods and services. 2.2 Produce Enquiry Documents Compile all the enquiry documentation, from the equipment, materials and service requirements. 2.3 Compile Conditions Of Contract Determine the contractual conditions that will apply to the eventual purchase order. These are part of the issued enquiry.

5. Expedite Manufacture Review suppliers performance and contract progression against promised delivery and required on site dates. 5.1 Expedite Progress Review supplier progress, produce and issue a progress report to aid the detailed design and construction activities 22

Check that final payments are due. Authorise and make payments upon the conditions of contract being met that allow payments to be made

5.2 Authorise Stage Payments Check that stage payments are due. Authorise and make stage payments upon the conditions of contract being met that allow stage payments to be made. 5.3 Respond To Technical Queries Resolve any technical queries that occur during the manufacturing period.

8. Ship Goods from Supplier Arrange and transport the goods from the suppliers to the site or facility. 8.1 Pack Goods Pack the equipment or materials suitably, and make ready for transportation from the suppliers. 8.2 Make Shipping Arrangements Arrange transportation for equipment and materials 8.3 Ship Goods Ship goods to site or holding area.

6. Inspect Inspect the equipment, materials and services for compliance to specification 6.1 Inspect Equipment, Materials & Services Inspect the equipment, materials or services being provided noting problem areas that either need reworking or concessions granting. 6.2 Respond To Concession Requests Organise and respond to any request for concessions, liaising with the detailed engineering design.

9. Control & Issue Equipment & Materials Control and issue equipment and materials to construction or maintenance. 9.1 Produce Material Stock Strategy Produce a strategy for holding stock required for construction and maintenance. 9.2 Unload Goods Unload the goods from their transportation for storage. 9.3 Store Goods Provide storage of equipment and materials 9.4 Control & Monitor Stock Monitor stock levels to ensure equipment and materials are available when required and raise requests to purchase more stock if necessary.

7. Release for Shipment from Supplier Authorise the shipment of equipment or materials at the end of the fabrication and manufacture contract 7.1 Issue Release Note After the last inspection, of the finished items or work, issue a release note that states that the items or work are to specification and are satisfactory. 7.2 Close Out Purchase Order Check and confirm that all contractual requirements have been met by the supplier.

9.5 Issue Goods and Transport Goods to Required Location 7.3 Authorise Final Payments 23

When details of equipment and materials requirements are received from maintain plant check if equipment or materials are in stock. If so issue the equipment or materials to maintain plant.


COMMISSION PROCESS & HANDOVER PLANT As Built Drawings Equipment Commissioning Procedures Equipment Operating Procedures Inspection & Testing Records Handover Certification P


















Produce Contract Plan Produce Construction Plan

Establish Construction Services

Produce As-Built Surveys

Erect Plant


Perform Civil / Structural Construction

Perform Conformance Checks

Clean Plant for Testing and Commissioning

Erect Major Plant Items

Produce As-Built Specifications & Drawings

Prepare Equipment for Commissioning

Construct Piping

Identify Unfinished Work

Install Electrical & Instrumentation Systems

Perform Pre-commissioning Tests Perform Baseline Inspection

Handover To Process Commissioning

As Built Drawings As Built Equipment Specifications Spares Lists Installation Procedures Maintenance Procedures Inspection Results Unfinished Work Details

Complete Special Finishes, Thermal Insulation & Painting


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CONSTRUCT and PRE-COMMISSION PLANT Construct the plant as defined by the detail design specifications and plan to meet the needs of the commissioning team. Construction includes verification that the design has been satisfied and that the resulting plant is acceptable to the commissioning team. 1. Produce Construction Plans Produce plans used in the construction of the plant. 1.1 Produce Contract Plan The activity of producing a contract plan which details the organisations responsible for implementing the work packages of the construction plan. 1.2 Produce Construction Plan Produce a construction plan which identifies all construction work packages, their time and resource requirements and dependencies.

3.2 Erect Major Plant Items Locate major plant items on foundations or structures as defined by the detail design specifications, and verify that the design has been satisfied. Major plant items are considered to be fabricated elsewhere and supplied to construction essentially complete. In some cases assembly of sub units may be required during construction e.g. a large column may be transported to site in 3 pieces and assembled on site. The verification activity would typically be inspection of the erected major plant item, pressure testing etc. 3.3 Construct Piping Install pipework as defined by the detailed piping design specifications, and verify that the design has been satisfied. The verification activity would typically be inspection of the piping, pressure testing etc. 3.4 Install Electrical and Instrumentation Systems Install electrical and instrumentation equipment as defined by the detailed electrical and instrumentation design specifications, and verify that the design has been satisfied. The verification activity would typically be electrical and instrument loop testing, off line testing of the trip system and control system etc.

2. Establish Construction Services The temporary construction services required for the construction of the plant.( e.g. temporary office, workshop, carpark etc. ). 3. Erect Plant Construct the plant as defined by the detailed design specifications and verification that the construction work satisfies the design. 3.1 Civil / Structural Construction Perform the civil and structural work as defined by the civil and structural detail design specifications, and verification that the design has been satisfied. (e.g. establishment of foundations, drainage systems, effluent containment systems, buildings, pipe bridges etc). 26

Prepare the equipment for commissioning. This would include packing the vessels with non feedstock material, including flow dispersers, catalyst etc. 5.3 Perform Precommissioning Tests Test the individual items of equipment before inert or process fluids are introduced, e.g. testing pump motors etc. 5.4 Perform Baseline Inspection Perform the baseline inspection of e.g. pressure systems

3.5 Complete Special Finishes, Linings, Thermal Insulation And Painting Implement finishes, linings, thermal insulation and painting as defined by the detailed design specifications, and verify that the design has been satisfied. 4. Produce As Built Surveys Survey the finished construction work in order to identify non conformance with the detail design specifications, and update the design specifications with the design changes implemented during construction. 4.1 Perform Conformance Checks Survey the finished construction work in order to identify non conformance with the detail design specifications that need resolution. Reference may be made to the verification records for the construction activities and inspection data for bought in major plant items, e.g. records of pressure testing vessels etc. 4.2 Produce As Built Specifications & Drawings Update the detailed design specifications and drawings with the approved design changes implemented during construction. 4.3 Identify Unfinished Work Identify any unfinished work and allocate responsibility for its completion.

6. Handover to Process Commissioning Transfer responsibility for the plant from the construction team to the commissioning team, documented by a Handover Certificate.

5. Pre Commission Prepare the plant for commissioning. 5.1 Clean Plant for Testing and Commissioning Clean and flush the plant in preparation for testing and commissioning. 5.2 Prepare Equipment for Commissioning 27




Train Commissioning Personnel

Commission Plant

Perform Trip Tests Perform Cold Commissioning Perform Hot Commissioning Tune Control Systems

Perform Acceptance Testing

Identify Plant Performance Envelope Compare Performance to Specification Identify Corrective Actions & Responsibility

Handover Plant For Operation

Update Operating Procedures Finalize Agreement With Regulatory Bodies

As Built Drawings Operating Procedures Acceptance Test results Handover Certificate

Perform Plant Handover



COMMISSION PROCESS & HANDOVER PLANT Prove operation of all plant systems as defined by the detailed design specifications such that the plant can be accepted for operation to manufacture product. Commissioning typically consists of a number of stages progressing from activities using either non or inert process materials to the use of production process materials. 1. Produce Commissioning Plan Produce a commissioning plan which identifies all commissioning activities, their time and resource requirements and dependencies.

3.2 Perform Cold Commissioning Prove operation of the plant as defined by the detail design specifications by the introduction of inert feedstock materials into the plant and performing the unit operations designed to effect transformation into product or products. 3.3 Perform Hot Commissioning Prove operation of the plant as defined by the detail design specifications by the introduction of production feedstock materials into the plant and operating the plant to prove the process transforms feedstocks to products. 3.4 Tune Control Systems Tune the control loops within the control system for the plant.

2. Train Commissioning Personnel Train personnel to commission the plant. 3. Commission Plant Prove operation of the plant as defined by the detail design specifications by the introduction of process materials into the plant and operating the plant to prove the process transforms feedstocks to products. 3.1 Perform Trip Tests Prove operation of the plant safety trip system as defined by the detail design specifications. The trip test would use as far as practicable real process conditions to cause trip detection with use of simulation via instrument signal injection only on limited cases. For example level trips would be tested by introducing a liquid into the vessel.

4. Perform Acceptance Testing Test the plant under operating conditions to ensure that it conforms to the design specification and obtain the performance envelope for the plant. 4.1 Identify Plant Performance Envelope Operate the plant under various conditions to determine the operating range for the plant. 4.2 Compare Performance to Specification Compare operation with the detail process design specifications. 29

4.3 Identify Corrective Actions & Responsibility Identify any corrective actions required to make the plant perform to specification and the allocate responsibility for those corrective actions. 5. Handover Plant for Operation Transfer responsibility for the plant from the commissioning team to the operating team, documented by a handover certificate. 5.1 Update Operating Procedures Update the operating procedures to incorporate changes that may have occurred during construction and commissioning. 5.2 Finalise Agreement with Regulatory Bodies Obtain the final agreement with the regulatory bodies that all relevant regulations have been met and that the plant may be put into operation. 5.3 Perform Plant Handover Produce the handover certificate and hand the plant over to the operating staff for operations.





Ensure Safe Plant Operation

Plan & Schedule Plant Operation

Obtain Operating Procedures

Define Operating Modes

Obtain Operating Schematics

Plan Plant Operations

Define Safety And Security Procedures

Schedule Plant Operations

Operation Of Plant

Configure Plant Start-up Plant Monitor Plant Performance Optimize Plant Performance

Obtain Certificate to Operate

Account for Plant Performance

Maintain Safety Case

Shutdown & Clean Out Plant

Train Operating Personnel

Dispose of Inventory

Request and Approve Work on Plant

Identify Requirement for Engineering Work

Plant Status Ground Drains Status Safety Case As Built & As Modified Drawings

Request Engineering Work Approve Work Permits Ensure Safe Working Conditions Accept Engineering Work

Engineering Work Requests Working Conditions Requirements Engineering Work Permits Acceptance of Engineering Work


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OPERATE PLANT Operate plant safely, efficiently, and according to plan.

1. Ensure Safe Plant Operation Take those steps necessary to ensure that the plant can be operated in a safe and proper manner. 1.1 Obtain Operating Procedures Acquire Operating Procedures from the Process Design team. 1.2 Obtain Operating Schematics Acquire Operating Schematics from the Process Design team. 1.3 Define Safety and Security Procedures Define the procedures that will ensure that the plant is operated in a safe manner at all times, and that the security of the plant is not breached at any time. 1.4 Obtain Certificate to Operate Acquire the certificate to operate the plant and ensure that it properly reflects the use of the plant. 1.5 Maintain Safety Case Ensure that the safety case for the plant properly reflects the state and operation of the plant, and to revise the safety case when this is appropriate. 1.6 Train Operating Personnel Train the personnel in the procedures that will ensure that the plant is operated in a safe and efficient manner at all times, and that the security of the plant is not breached at any time.

2.1 Define Operating Modes Identify and define the standard ways in which the plant should operate so that plans can be based on these standard operating modes. 2.2 Plan Plant Operations Plan for the longer term and in restricted detail the way the plant should operate. 2.3 Schedule Plant Operations Plan in detail the operation of the plant in the immediate future. 3. Operation of Plant Operate the plant to produce products in a safe, efficient and effective manner. 3.1 Configure Plant Line-up the plant choosing which circuits to use from the available options. 3.2 Start-up Plant Prepare the plant for the introduction of feed. Introduce the feed, and bring the plant up to normal operating conditions. 3.3 Monitor Plant Performance Measure process conditions, and summarise as appropriate for reporting purposes. 3.4 Optimise Plant Operations

2. Plan and Schedule Plant Operations Plan the way that the plant will operate in future periods. 32

Check plant performance conforms to target performance, and take corrective action where necessary.

Check that work has been satisfactorily completed before making plant available for operation.

3.5 Account for Plant Performance Create formal record of plant performance for accounting purposes. 3.6 Shut-down & Clean Out plant Reduce operating conditions and feedstock flowrates in such a way as to safely bring the plant out of operation. Clean out plant to remove any remaining feedstocks. 3.7 Dispose of Inventory Remove feedstocks and other reagents from the plant. 4. Request and approve Work on Plant Request maintenance. Approve proposed maintenance work. Make sure work is carried out safely, and sign-off completed work. 4.1 Identify Requirement for Engineering Work Identify the need for engineering work when equipment does not work or fails to operate as expected. 4.2 Request Engineering Work Define priority of maintenance requirements and request that they are carried out. 4.3 Approve Work Permits Ensure that the way work is proposed to be carried out is safe. 4.4 Ensure Safe Working Conditions Ensure that conditions are safe whilst work is carried out, e.g. no flammable materials in area if hot work is being carried out. 4.5 Accept Engineering Work 33


OPERATE PLANT Inspection Requirements Work Permit Requests Notification of Work Completion


Define Maintenance Approach

Prepare For Maintenance Or Inspection

Plan Actual Maintenance Or Inspection

Maintain Or Inspect Equipment

Obtain Plant Availability Requirements

Respond to Maintenance Request

Obtain Equipment Records

Prepare Site for Work

Obtain Equipment Records

Identify Routine Maintenance Requirement

Obtain Plant & Equipment Drawings

Obtain Plant & Equipment Drawings

Perform Maintenance or Inspection

Identify Inspection Requirements

Obtain Maintenance Procedures

Obtain & Develop Maintenance Procedures

Obtain Equipment Records

Obtain Resources

Obtain Plant & Equipment Drawings

Obtain Work Permits

Define Preventative, Breakdown, Shutdown Maintenance Strategy

Obtain Inspection Reports

Obtain Maintenance Procedures

Obtain & Develop Spares Strategy

Obtain Plant Availiability Requirements

Obtain Hazardous Materials Data

Identify Resource Requirements

Train Maintenance & Inspection Staff

Schedule Maintenance & Inspection


State of Equipment Value of Equipment Equipment Records

Record Resources Consumed Update Equipment Records

Materials & Equipment Requirements & Specifications Required on Site Dates




MAINTAIN EQUIPMENT Maintain plant and equipment in a safe manner to ensure plant operability. 1. Define Maintenance Approach Define the approach to the task of maintaining plant and equipment. 1.1 Obtain Plant Availability Requirements Obtain the plant availability requirements which the maintenance must achieve. 1.2 Equipment Records Obtain the records for each item of equipment in the plant. 1.3 Obtain Plant and Equipment Drawings Obtain the drawings for the plant and each item of equipment in the plant. 1.4 Obtain and Develop Maintenance Procedures Procedures provide information for performing tasks relating to routine, preventative, inspection and corrective maintenance activities. The procedures will have to be developed as the plant is modified or the need for new procedures arise. 1.5 Define Preventative, Breakdown, Shutdown Maintenance Strategy Define the strategy to be followed for preventative maintenance and maintenance required as the result of breakdown or shutdown. 1.6 Obtain and Develop Spares Strategy Obtain the spares strategy developed during the Detailed Engineering Design and develop this to meet the needs of the plant and equipment.

1.7 Obtain Hazardous Materials Data Obtain the data relating to the storage, handling and disposal of hazardous materials issued by Regulatory Bodies, or others. 1.8 Train Maintenance & Inspection Staff Train staff in inspection and maintenance procedures so that the equipment is inspected and maintained in a safe and timely manner. 2. Plan Actual Maintenance or Inspection Plan the sequence of operations required to perform inspection or maintenance of equipment. 2.1 Respond to maintenance Request Identify the manpower, materials, special resources, estimate costs and Work Permits required to meet the maintenance request. 2.2 Identify Routine Maintenance Requirement Identify requirements for routine maintenance for equipment based on the maintenance approach and procedures for the equipment. 2.3 Identify Inspection Requirements Identify inspection requirements for equipment based on the maintenance approach and procedures for the equipment. 2.4 Obtain Equipment Records Obtain the records for each item of equipment to be maintained or inspected.


Obtain authorisation to allow work to be executed and the conditions that must be fulfilled to perform the work safely. 3.6 Obtain Inspection Report The inspection report records the results of the last inspection of an equipment item with details of conditions inspected e.g. Test Pressure.

2.5 Obtain Plant and Equipment Drawings Obtain the drawings for the plant and each item of equipment in the plant to be maintained. 2.6 Obtain Maintenance Procedures Obtain the procedures which provide information for performing tasks relating to routine, preventative, inspection and corrective maintenance activities. 2.7 Obtain Plant Availability Requirements Obtain the plant availability requirements which the maintenance must achieve. 2.8 Identify Resource Requirements Identify the resources in personnel, spares and special tools required to perform the maintenance or inspection. 2.9 Schedule Maintenance & Inspection Schedule the maintenance or inspection required.

4. Maintain or Inspect Equipment Prepare the site and perform the required maintenance or inspection. 4.1 Prepare the site for work Perform any preparatory work on the site before undertaking maintenance or inspection. 4.2 Perform Maintenance or Inspection Perform the required maintenance or inspection. 4.3 Record Resources Consumed Provide a record of resources in labour and spares consumed in performing the maintenance activities. 4.4 Update Equipment Records Update the records of activities and work completed on the equipment.

3. Prepare for Maintenance or Inspection Prepare to carry out the required maintenance or inspection. 3.1 Obtain Equipment Records Obtain the records for each item of equipment to be maintained or inspected. 3.2 Obtain Plant and Equipment Drawings Obtain the drawings for the plant and each item of equipment to be maintained. 3.3 Obtain Maintenance Procedures Obtain the procedures which provide information for performing the maintenance or inspection. 3.4 Obtain Resources Obtain the resources in personnel, spares and special tools required to perform the maintenance or inspection. 3.5 Obtain Work Permit 38









Define Decommissioning Requirements

Produce Decommissioning & Restoration Plan

Identify Current Status Define Final Status

Perform Preparatory Works

Clean & Mothball Plant

Isolate Services

Clean Plant

Provide Temporary Services

Mothball Plant

Provide Decommissioning Equipment

Archive Plant Records Determine Inspection Requirements Finalize Regulatory Approvals

Plant Status Plant Records Inspection Requirements Regulatory Approvals


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DECOMMISSION PLANT Take a plant out of operating service, isolate all feedstock and services, remove all process materials from the plant, and establish maintenance conditions such that the plant could be returned to operating service. 1. Define Decommissioning Requirements Identify the current plant status and define the required mothball plant status. 1.1 Identify Current Status Identify the current plant status. 1.2 Define Final Status Define the final plant status.

4. Clean And Mothball Plant Clean the plant and establishing any maintenance conditions such that the plant could be returned to operation. 4.1 Clean Plant Clean the plant internally and externally prior to mothballing. 4.2 Mothball plant Put the plant in a state such that its condition is preserve so that the plant could be returned to operation or demolished. 4.3 Archive Records The archiving of all records associated with the plant to meet regulatory requirements or recommissioning requirements. 4.4 Determine Inspection Requirements Determine any inspection requirements from regulatory bodies. 4.5 Finalise Regulatory Approvals Finalise any agreements with regulatory bodies that the plant site has met all requirements.

2. Produce Decommissioning & Restoration Plan Produce a decommissioning plan which identifies all decommissioning activities, restoration activities and their time and resource requirements and dependencies. 3. Perform Preparatory Works Undertake preparatory works required before the plant may be cleaned and mothballed. 3.1 Isolate Services Isolate power and other services from the plant. The isolation would typically be electrical power, instrument and process air, steam, cooling water etc. 3.2 Provide Temporary Services Provide temporary services required during the cleaning and mothballing of the plant. 3.3 Provide Decommissioning Equipment Provide decommissioning equipment required to clean and mothball the plant. 40



Define Demolition & Restoration Requirement

Plan Demolition & Restoration

Define Demolition Requirements

Produce Demolition Procedures

Define Restoration Requirements

Produce Resource Estimates

Perform Safety & Environment Study

Produce Demolition & Restoration Plan

Prepare for Plant Demolition

Obtain Equipment Records Obtain Plant & Equipment Drawings Obtain Maintenance Procedures Obtain Resources

Demolish & Secure Plant

Prepare Site Remove Plant Dispose of Plant Box up & Secure Plant To Remain

Obtain Work Permits

Restore Site

Dispose of Site

Survey Site Contamination Remove / Treat Contaminated Material

Archive Records Finalize Regulatory Approval

Dispose of Contaminated Material Restore Environment

Obtain Inspection Reports

Disposal Records Restoration Records Handover Records Final Regulatory Approvals

P Harrow colact1 ©PISTEP 26/04/94


DEMOLISH PLANT AND RESTORE SITE The activity of taking a plant out of operating service, isolating all feedstock and services, removing all process materials from the plant, and establishing maintenance conditions such that the plant could be returned to operating service.

1. Define Demolition & Restoration Requirement Identify the current plant and equipment status, the demolition and restoration requirements and any hazards involved in implementing demolition. 1.1 Define Demolition Requirements Identify demolition requirement for the plant. 1.2 Define Restoration Requirements Identify the restoration requirement for the plant. 1.3 Perform Safety & Environment Study Perform a safety and environment study to ensure that the plant may be demolished in a safe manner without hazard to personnel or the environment.

2.3 Produce Demolition And Restoration Plan Produce a demolition and restoration plan which identifies all demolition and restoration activities, their time and resource requirements and dependencies. 3. Prepare Plant For Demolition Prepare the plant for demolition. 3.1 Obtain Equipment Records Obtain the records for each item of equipment to be demolished. 3.2 Obtain Plant and Equipment Drawings Obtain the drawings for the plant and each item of equipment to be demolished. 3.3 Obtain Maintenance Procedures Obtained the procedures which provided information for performing the maintenance or inspection of the equipment to be demolished. 3.4 Obtain Resources Obtain the resources in personnel, spares and special tools required to perform the demolishment of the equipment. 3.5 Obtain Work Permit Obtain an authorisation for work and the conditions necessary for it to be carried out safely.

2. Plan Demolition And Restoration Identify the current plant status and produce the demolition and restoration plans. 2.1 Produce Demolition Procedures Identify any hazards involved with the demolition and restoration activities and define procedures to manage them in a safe manner. 2.2 Produce Resource Estimates Produce estimates for the resources required for the demolition or restoration of the plant.


Transfer responsibility for the plant from the demolition team to the site owner, documented by a handover certificate. 6.1 Archive records Archive all records associated with the demolition and restoration of the site. 6.2 Finalise Regulatory Approval Obtain regulatory body approval that the site has been correctly restored and is fit for disposal.

3.6 Obtain Inspection Reports Obtain the inspection report that gives the state of equipment items with details of conditions inspected e.g. Test Pressure. 4. Demolish And Secure Plant Demolish, remove and dispose of plant. Secure plant to remain. 4.1 Prepare Site Prepare the site for demolition of the plant. 4.2 Remove Plant Remove from site the demolished plant. 4.3 Dispose of Plant Dispose of plant items and materials. 4.4 Box-Up And Secure Plant To Remain Establish any maintenance conditions for plant to remain on site. 5. Restore Site Restore the site to meet environmental requirements or prepare the site for new plant. 5.1 Survey Site Contamination Perform a survey of site contamination. 5.2 Remove / Treat Contaminated Material Remove or treat material from the site which may prove a hazard subsequent to the restoration of the site. 5.3 Dispose of Contaminated Material Dispose of any contaminated material in a safe and approved manner. 5.4 Restore Environment Restore the site to a condition approved by regulatory bodies. Typical activities here would be reset drains, landscaping etc. 6. Dispose of Site 43

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