To understand understand the various concerns while planning plann ing with contours.
Calculation part is not discussed.
An imaginar line that connects all points o! e"ual elevation a#ove or #elow a !i$ed re!erence plane or datum. In other words% contour is a line in which the ground sur!ace is intersected # a level sur!ace o#tained # &oining points o! e"ual elevation. Contour line is a graphic representation o! a contour on a plan or map. The process o! tracing contour lines on the sur!ace o! earth is called contouring.
*teep slopes + Contours are closel spaced.
(entle slopes + Contours are less closel spaced .
,ori-ontal '"uivalent The hori-ontal distance #etween two consecutive contour lines .
Contour Interval +The constant vertical distance #etween two consecutive contours is called the contour interval.
Mean *ea Level + Average height o! the sur!ace o! sea !or all stages o! the tide.
'levations + /ertical /ertical distance !rom the datum to the plane.
Datum It is a re!erence point !rom which all elevations are measured.
,ILL A hill is a point or small area o! high ground. 0hen ou are on a hilltop% the ground slopes down in all
directions. The height and slope o! a hill are represented on a map # the num#er o! concentric contour rings and
the distance #etween the rings.
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RID(' A ridge is a line o! high ground with height variations along its crest. The contours along the sides o! the ridge will #e relativel parallel and there will #e several high points along the ridge. /ALL') A valle is an elongated depression that !orms the space #etween two ridges. /alle and ridges are interconnected. Ridge side slope create the valle walls.
*ADDL' A saddle is a dip or low point along the edge o! a ridge. A saddle is not necessaril the lower ground #etween two hilltops. It ma also #e a #rea1 along an otherwise level ridge . D'2R'**ION Depression is a low point or hole in the ground that is also surrounded on all sides # higher ground. Lowest contour at the centre. The map sm#ol that represents a depression is closed contour lines.
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CHARACTERISTIC All points in a contour line have the same elevation. 3lat ground is indicated where the contours are widel separated and steep+slope where the run close together. A series o! closed contour lines on the map represent a hill% i! the higher values are inside. A series o! closed contour lines on the map indicate a depression i! the higher values are outside. 0ater !lows perpendicular to contour lines. Contour line cross ridge or valle line at right an gles.
Contour lines cannot merge or cross one another on map e$cept in the case o! an overhanging cli!!. Contours cannot end anwhere #ut close on themselves either within or outside the limits o! the map. Contour lines never run into one another e$cept in the case o! a vertical cli!!. In this case %several contours coincide and the hori-ontal e"uivalent #ecomes -ero.
SLOPE ANALYSIS It is a analsis o! the steepness o! the terrain. To determine the #est areas !or placing #uildings% roads% par1ing lots and other activities on a particular site. Used !or consideration such as economics% vegetation% drainage% soils etc. *lopes o! less than a#out 4 percent in the open landscape appear !lat to the human ee. In order to conduct a slope analsis on a map in!ormation re"uired is+ + ,ori-ontal scale + Contour interval + 2ercentage o! slope categories. + *cale and contour interval are esta#lished # the analsis.
(rading is the process o! modi!ication o! e$isting land!orm to accommodate new structures% par1ing and circulation and to ensure positive drainage. The process o! developing grading plans involves manipulation o! three !actors5
+ (radient. 6(7 + ,ori-ontal distance. 6,7 + Di!!erence in elevation #etween two points. 6D7 ( 8 D9,
Contour Line + A line made up o! points all e"ual in elevation (radient + The rate o! regular ascent or descent *wale + A depressed area o! land used to collect and direct sur!ace water runo!! Cross+slope + The latitudinal pitch across an area to increase sur!ace drainage 'asement + Land owned # another which entitles the holder to speci!ic limited uses
*IT' (RADIN( T'C,NI;U'* Anal-e e$isting conditions o! the site5 (eneral !low o! water '$isting !low lines !or sur!ace runo!! '$isting structures% trees% etc. to #e saved *et preliminar elevations o! structures5 Anal-e e$isting elevations o! structures Chec1 elevations with ad&acent elements Chec1 relationships #etween #uildings% wal1s% par1ing lots% etc. Modi! appropriate contours5 :egin !rom 1nown points and calculate slope to ne$t contour 0or1 each contour line completel to #e sure to meet to e$isting Calculate re"uired slopes and modi! all other con tours as necessar •
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