Planning Campaigns (2111) - 40080344-July 2021-1
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Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
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Planning Campaigns (21 ( 211 11) July 2021
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CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional marketing
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Quality and IT Experts Co Ltd
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Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
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2 TASK 1 Briefing Paper (A) Organi Organisation sation’s ’s backgro background und informat information ion
Organisation Name
Products and services range
Key customer segment:
Theme chosen
4 (B) The benefits of taking structured approach to planning
The component of a campaign plan
Creative brief
External agencies in supporting campaigns
(C) The influence of internal and external environment
The Micro Internal Environment
The Macro External Environment
TASK 2 - Campaign Plan
(A) Describe the content for your campaign , detailing
Key issues arising from the analysis carried out out in task 1
Objectives for the campaign
The required change in behaviour that the campaign is designed to achieve
Key message for the campaign
(B) Prepare a detailed campaign plan that include include
ALL media to be used, including both online and offline tools
How elements of the plan will be integrated
Resources required for each campaign element
an implementation plan showing timing
other staff will be engaged in the plan How management and other
TASK 3 - Report
Executive summary
Recommend the methods and metrics that will be used to monitor and evaluate the camp ca mpai aign gn ac acti tivi viti ties es pr pres esen ente ted d in TAS ASK K 2 hi high ghli ligh ghts ts th the e be bene nefi fits ts to th the e or orga gani nisa sati tion on of th this is approach
Discu ss ho how w to en ensu sure re tha thatt th the e ev eval alua uati tion on of th the e ca camp mpai aign gn’s ’s ef effe fecti ctive vene ness ss co coul uld d in info form rm th the e Discuss successful planning and implementation of future campaign
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
Title: A briefing paper for campaign process Author job role: Marketing Specialist, 29 June 2021 Subject matter: campaign process (B) Organisation’ Organisation’s s background information 1.1 Organisation Name: O.TWO.O Sudan Branch
Organisation information: O.TWO.O Sudan branch is one of the brand branches located in Khartoum, Sudan. The O.TWO.O mother company is a manufacturer & trading company in Guangzhou, China, specialized in the manufacturing of a wide variety of cosmetics products. products.
Type of Organisation O.TWO.O is a private for-profit makeup company. company.
Organi Orga nisa sati tion on si size ze O.TWO.O Sudan Branch was launched in 2013, it is SMEs it has 250 employees and our revenue revenue is more than than two million dollars for 2020 1.2 Products and services range: O.TWO.O brand produces a variety of makeup products including this below Catalogue
Face Makeup
O.T .TW WO.O Foundation, O.TWO.O Loose Power, ROSE Pri rime merr, BB Cream
Lip Makeup
2 IN IN 1 matte & Gl Glossy, O.TWO.O Focal Point lilipstick, VELVET Matt
Eye Makeup
2 IN 1 Mascara, Eyebrow gel
"GO TRAVEL" TRAVEL" eyeshadow palettes collection ( NEW PRODUCT ), Shiny eyeshadow
Table (1:1) O.TWO.O Products Range ●
Customer base: O.TWO.O Sudan Branch is a ( B2C) it is focused on young female lives in Khartoum, women that care about their beauty and they use makeup daily.
Main Comp Main Competi etitor tors s in in the the SUD SUDAN AN mar market ket Total annual revenue in the makeup industry industry is about 7,000,000 FACTORY Name
Market share (%) in 2020
Annual revenue
Golden Rose
African Beauty
Table (1.2) Main Competitors Competitors 3
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
1.3 Stakeholders
Key In Key Inte tern rnal al St Stake akeho hold lder ers s are members of the O.TWO.O Sudan Branch. The fol olllowing are these stakeholders:Mana Ma nage gers rs ha have ve a si sign gnif ific ican antt ab abililit ity y to in infl flue uenc nce e co comp mpan any y op oper erat atio ions ns an and d ma make ke de deci cisi sion ons, s, th they ey have an extremely high interest in what O.TWO.O Sudan Branch is doi oin ng, employees on the
other hand have high interest and low power. Key Ke y Co Conn nnec ecte ted d St Stak akeh ehol olde ders rs, also called primary stakeholders, are those that have an econ ec onom omic ic or co cont ntra ract ctua uall re rela lati tion onsh ship ip wi with th th the e co comp mpan any y Su Suda dan n br bran anch ch:: O. O.TW TWO. O.O O sh shar areh ehol olde ders rs have ha ve hi high gh po powe werr an and d the hey y sh show ow a hu huge ge in inte tere res st in wha hatt we ar are e do doin ing g whi hile le Cus usttom omer ers, s, Su Supp ppli lier er,, and Retailer these groups have little power and the hey y show a huge interest in what we are doing (Academy, 2021) Key Ke y Ex Exte tern rnal al St Stak akeh ehol olde derrs or secondary stakeholders are those who are not directly conn co nnec ecte ted d to O. O.TW TWO. O.O O Su Suda dan n Br Bran anch ch Th Thes ese e st stak akeh ehol olde ders rs wi willll ha have ve an in inte tere rest st in ou ourr ac acti tivi viti ties es or they might be impacted by the O.TWO.O’'s activities in some way, way, These are involving : Nattio Na iona nall Cou ounc ncil il for Dru rugs gs an and d Po Pois ison ons s, Min inis isttry of Co Com mme merc rce e ( Go Gove vern rnme ment ntal al bo body dy ), an anim imal al rights protection organisation “cruelty-free” (pressur ure e group), Makeup blogger and be bea auty influencers. 1.4 Key customer segment: The Th e la late test st po popu pula lati tion on st stat atis isti tics cs fo forr Su Suda dan n is (4 (44, 4,90 900, 0,12 121) 1) (W (Wor orld ldom omet eter er,, 20 2021 21)T )The he es esti tima mate ted d size of Key customer segment is around 8% of the total population which is 3,592,000 woman
Figure (1.1 ) Key Customer Segment 1.5 Theme chosen the chosen theme is Build Brand Reputation
O.TWO.O Sudan Branch is one of the best makeup brands in Sudan, which motivates the the board of directors to invest in the newest product to position it in the market. market.
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
The Ana Analys lysis is (B) The benefits of taking taking structured approach approach to planning 1.6 The component of a campaign plan
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Campai Camp aign gn pl plan anni ning ng is th the e mo most st im impo port rtan antt pa part rt to ac achi hiev eve e th the e de desi sire red d ou outc tcom ome e fr from om a ca camp mpai aign gn.. using an integrated communication plan company will identify effective channels and touchpoints relevant to key customer segments. The purpose of any Marketing Communications campaign Planning is to reach the target audience, any well-planne ned d communication campaign should consist of goals, objectives, strategy, and tactics, and the most common frameworks used when it is come to structure a campaign plan are APIC and SOSTAC, (commentator, 2021) in this campaign plan, we are going to use SOSTAC which is a marketing framework developed by PR Smith, that helps mark ma rket eter ers s to de des sig ign n a st stru ruct ctur ured ed ap appr proa oac ch to de dev vel elop opin ing g a cam ampa paig ign n pl plan an,, SO SOST STAC AC ® sta tand nds s for: (, 2021) Situat Sit uation ion Ana Analys lysis is: Th This is pa parrt of the pr proc oces ess s in inv vol olv ves an anal aly yzi zing ng ex exte tern rnal al an and d in inte tern rnal al el elem emen entts that may impact our campaign, including analysis of the market, competitor, stakeholder, internal and external environment, Using Using SWOT and PEST analysis. (commentator, (commentator, 2021) Objective: marketing communications objectives should be SMART. It stands for Specific, Objective: Meas Me asur urab able le,, At Atta tain inab able le,, Re Real alis isti tic, c, Tim imel ely y. an and d al alig igne ned d to th the e or orga gani niza zati tion onal al obj objec ecti tive ve (S (Sch chra rade derr, 2021). Strategy: is to cre reat ate e an in inte tegr grat ated ed com omm mun unic icat atio ion n mi mix x th that at po posi sittio ions ns th the e ne new w pr prod oduc uct, t, whe here re it wants to be. Tactics: describe which tools will help the c Tactics company to reach my target audiences to deliver the message effectively and efficiently, incl in clud udin ing g ma mark rket etin ing g co comm mmun unic icat atio ions ns ch chan anne nels ls,, me medi dia a pl plan an,, an and d th the e ma mark rket etin ing g co comm mmun unic icat atio ion n mix. Action: is a de dettai aile led d pl plan an of ta tact ctic ics s in incl clud udin ing g id iden enttif ify yin ing g the ac acttiv ivit itie ies s an and d wh who o sho houl uld d ha hand ndle le them to deliver the strategy. strategy. Control The metrics company will use to measure the campaign success such as ( CPC, ROI, ROMI) Some additional benefit benefit of using marketing campaign plan is: ● ● ● ● ●
help markete help marketers rs to set set SMAR SMART T objec objectiv tives, es, real realist istic ic and clea clearr goals goals define def ine and and prep prepare are a str strate ategy gy that that hel helps ps to to achiev achieve e the these se goals goals help hel p to impleme implement nt the stra strateg tegy y to action action by detai details ls in the tacti tactics cs and and actions actions improv imp rove e the the way way of mea measur sure e campa campaign ign suc succes cess s give market marketer er overview overview of all all elements elements,, resource resources s need to to consider consider when when start start build the camping
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
1.7 Creative brief
” (CIM Marketing Expert) defines it as “A creative brief is a document that explains the background of a project and your objectives for it to the creative team, agency, or designer who’ wh o’ll ll be wo work rkin ing g on it it.. You wi will ll ne need ed to gi give ve as mu muc ch de dettai aill as po poss ssib ible le to max axim imiz ize e th the e cr crea eati tiv ve team’s ability to create something meaningful. A creative brief should include the project’s purpose, executive summary summary,, marketing commun com munica icatio tion n obje objecti ctive, ve, com commun munica icatio tion n str strate ategy gy,, tar target get aud audienc ience, e, pro produc ductt his histor tory y, com compet petito itorr, uniq un ique ue se sellllin ing g pr prop opos osit itio ion, n, us user er va valu lue e pr prop opos osit itio ion, n, me mess ssag agin ing, g, to tone ne,, ti timi ming ng,, bu budg dget et,, an and d ot othe her r key information. (Bump, 2021) Usua Us uall lly y, a cr crea eattiv ive e br brie ieff is th the e fir irst st st step ep wh when en de deve velo lopi ping ng the pr proj ojec ect, t, it wil illl he help lp a cre reat ativ ive e te team am better understand a project from the start and maybe present it to the key stakeholders. some additional creative brief benefits: ● ● ●
empower the empower the creative creative team to produce produce an effecti effective ve and efficie efficient nt commun communicati ications ons mix mix to he help lp th the e in inte tern rnal al an and/ d/or or ex exte tern rnal al tea eam m un unde ders rsttan and d th the e br bran and, d, the vi vis sio ion, n, the or orga gani niza zattio ion, n, and the product. The fin final al prod product uct wil willl be hig higher her qua qualit lity y
● ●
identify the identify the campaign campaign mess messages ages and give give the the team team a clear unders understandin tanding g of the audienc audience. e. Expl Ex plai ain n exp expec ecta tati tion ons, s, ti time me,, and and bud budge gett
1.8 External agencies in supporting campaigns
A marketing agency is an external company that partners with an internal team to identify and implement strategic marketing marketing initiatives to help the business achieve its objective objective (Jet, 2021). External agencies provide a range of marketing services like design, animations & video prod pr oduc ucti tion on,, di digi gita tall ma mark rket etin ing, g, an and d ev even en so some me sm smal alll ag agen enci cies es co conn nnec ectt yo you u wi with th in infl flue uenc ncer ers. s. Fu Fullll marketing agencies provide services for both both digital and traditional marketing. After writing the creative brief, the Next step is to decide whether to use external agencies or just assign the project to the internal creative team, here are many factors by which we will make this decision: ● Int Interna ernall huma human n reso resourc urces es siz size e and and skil skills ls ● Budget ● Tim ime e and and de dead adli line nes s ● Com Commun munica icatio tion n projec projectt size size acco accordi rding ng to to the the creat creative ive bri brief ef Hiring an external agency is a great idea because a marketing agency is typi pic cally made up of a team of experts within their respective fields of marketing. We are going to need to hire an extter ex erna nall ag agen enc cy if th ther ere e is an in inte tern rnal al re reso sour urc ce sh shor orttag age e to me meet et th the e pr proj ojec ectt si siz ze an and d de dead adli line ne.. External agencies pros are listed below ● Creat Creativity ivity:: Extern External al agenci agencies es are very creat creative ive becau because se it’s their exper experts ts ● Hiring an external external agenc agency y frees frees up time and human human resour resources ces and they they will will even even cut cut ●
media buying expenses Guar Gu aran anttee eed d suc succ ces ess s 6
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
(C) The influence of internal and external environment 1.9 The Micro Internal Environment ●
Organizat Organi zation ional al type type,, missi mission, on, Vi Visio sion n: O.TWO.O Sudan branch is a commercial brand focused on B2C. O.TWO.O's mission is to produc uce e a convenient at an affordab ablle price and del eliiver it in the best
manner to meet customer expectations, while the company objective is to increase brand awareness in one key market by 7% in 2021 ●
O.TWO. O.TW O.O O cult cultur ure, e, sc scal ale: e: The makeup industry is changing frequently that is why O.TWO.O is a customer-oriented organization focused on trends and customer needs. The board of directors tends to delegate authority and adopt a decentralized structure to manage the branches. In the context of this campaign manager has permission to make decisions about the budget.
Product Portfolios
Figure (1.2 ) BCG Matrix
Using BCG Matrix to analyze all company Product Portfolios, the "GO TRAVEL" has a high hi gh-g -gro rowt wth h ma mark rket et an and d lo low w sh shar are e ma mark rket et ( Qu Ques esti tion on ma mark rk)) be beca caus use e th the e co collllec ecti tion on is a ve very ry ne new w product in the market.
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
Analysis Stakeholder
Using Usin g th the e Me Mend ndel elow ow st stak akeh ehol olde derr ma matr trix ix we an anal alyz yze e ou ourr st stak akeh ehol olde derr gr grou oups ps ba base sed d on ho how w mu much ch they influence the campaign and how interested they are in our campaign (Academy, (Academy, 2021).
Figure (1:3) Analysis Stakeholders
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
Comp Co mpet etit itor ors s an anal alys ysis is
all makeup products are import goods, there is no makeup manufacturer in Sudan, that due to high competition environment Brand
African Beauty
well-known makeup brand have the highest market share
products tend to be more expensive than other makeup brands
17 ye year ars s exp exper erie ienc nce e in in the the Su Suda dan n mar marke kett the company strategy is to follow trends
poor custo tome merr care due to dama mag ge to their reputation
the small brand focus on market trend a have a loyal customer
poor inventory management products out of stock They do not have a website to sell their products
Table (1:3) Competitors Analysis
SWOT An Analysis
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well tr trained sta stafff financ fin ancial ial res resour ources ces that cou could ld hel help p to to reac reach h the objective O.TW O. TWO. O. hav have e a good good inv inven ento tory ry man manag agem emen entt High Hi gh-q -qua uali lity ty pro prod duc ucts ts
Opportunities The growth ma marrke kett changi cha nging ng in the ind indust ustry ry may hel help p to to deve develop lop non-existing products
● ●
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The new The new pr prod oduc uctt has has a low low mar marke kett shar share e luck lu ck in in the the distr distrib ibut utio ion n chan channe nel, l, itit is on only ly on on branch
Threats The Th e comp competi etitor tor ha has s a high higher er sha share re of of voic voice e Because Beca use of infl inflati ation, on, our pri pricin cing g strat strategy egy may be changed
Table (1:4) SWOT Analysis
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
1.10 The Macro External Environment
A PEST is a framework used to analyze and monitor macro-environmental factors that have an impact on a company (Academy (Academy,, 2021) Political
changing in Import and Export regulations and tax policy may affect the availability of a product which may impact the campaign negatively
has a significant impact, In 2019 the average inflation rate in Sudan amounted to about 50.99 % compared to the previous year this for sure will affect price and campaign budget strategy (Statista, 2021)
there are a group of people who believes that beauty is nature, encourage women to embrace their natural beauty,, and don't use beauty colourful makeup products, these groups may damage part of this campaign
perspective change their behaviour and started making purchases online and this will positively impact the campaign
Table (1:5) PEST Framework
Recommendations: us usin ing g SW SWOT OT an anal alys ysis is to co conv nver ertt th the e co comp mpan any y op oppo port rtun unit ity y to st stre reng ngth ths s an and d using these strangers to release the threats
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
Planning Campaign in Action (A) Describe the content for your campaign, detailing 2.1 Key issues arising from the analysis carried out in Analysis Analysis
in si situ tuat atio iona nall an anal alys ysis is,, we an anal alys ysed ed co comp mpet etit itor ors, s, by us usin ing g a po posi siti tion onin ing g ma map p wi willll an anal alys yse e th them em in terms of their position to see where they positioned themselves(Patel, 2021) the th e mai ain n Co Com mpe peti tito torr ( Af Afri rica can n Be Beau auty ty ) ha hav ve a hi high gh pr pric ice e wh whic ich h is no nott af affo ford rdab able le to a cus usto tom mer er,, on the other hand (GOLDEN ROSE ) their product not convenient to use and they have poor customer care, The third competitor Foromar they do not have a website to sell their product which is a big issue to the customer. while the customer needs a product that is easy to use, affordable, and available to buy online and offline. O.TWO.O Sudan branch is customer-focused consider the needs of the customer in the first plac pl ace e tha hatt is wh why y the br bran and d cho hose se Con onve veni nien enc ce an and d pr pric ice e fac acttor ors s to us used ed in th the e po posi sittio ioni ning ng map plot where O.TWO.O Sudan Branch position in the minds of the target audience and where competitors sit against these two two factors in a positioning map
Figure (2:1) Positioning Map The positioning statement is the primary subject matter which we repeat throughout all of our marketing campaign activities, allows all of them collectively, and drives your marketing campaign messaging; it's connected connected directly to unique selling points USPs (Hart, 2021). The Th e po posi sittio ioni ning ng st stat atem emen entt in thi his s cam ampa paig ign n is " Be Beau auty ty is no nott LU LUXU XUR RY, Be Beau autty is COL OLOR ORF FUL enables, O.TWO.O COLOR your life
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
2.2 Objectives for the campaign
is to bu buil ild d a ne new w br bran and d im imag age e by po posi sittio ioni ning ng the "G "GO O TRA RAVE VEL" L" ey eyes esha hado dow w pa pale lettte tes s co coll llec ecttio ion n as a con onve veni nien entt an and d af afffor orda dabl ble e pr prod oduc uctt in the min ind d of key cu cus sto tom mer seg egm men ents ts at an aw awar aren enes ess s rate of 80% by the end of 2021. 2.3 The required change in behaviour behaviour that the campaign is designed to achieve achieve
The campaign is designed to position the "GO TRAVEL" ey eye eshadow palettes collection and impr im prov ove e it is an im imag age e in th the e tar arge gett seg egm men ent’ t’s s mi mind nds s. Ac Acc cor ordi ding ng to th the e BC BCG G ma mattri rix, x, thi his s pr prod oduc uctt is considered as a (Question mark), The brand wants to position this collection in a way that difffe di fere rent ntia iate tes s th them em fr from om th the e co comp mpet etit itio ion, n, us usin ing g a co conv nven enie ienc ncee-ba base sed d po posi siti tion onin ing g st stra rate tegy gy th that at high hi ghliligh ghts ts wh why y th the e "G "GO O TR TRA AVE VEL" L" ey eyes esha hado dow w pa pale lett ttes es co collllec ecti tion on is ea easy sy to us use, e, an and d su suit itab able le fo for r key customer segment (Patel, 2021) ❖
Communication Mix
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Public Relationship
TV: the benefit of using a TV in our campaign is it credible media to my key segment that will allo al low w th the e ca camp mpin ing g me mess ssag age e to be pe perc rcei eive ved d pe perf rfec ectl tly y. th the e ad adve vert rtis isin ing g wi willll be on a wo wome men n TV program that talks about beauty and fashion Magazine: Magaz ine: print the messag message e of the campaig campaign n in beauty magaz magazine ine will will boost boost the campai campaign gn Catalogue: a way to review the product colours and shades that will help our customers to make the buying decision easier. In the campaign, we are going to focus on a feature “GO TRAVEL TRA VEL “ collection collection by showing how to use it and present all colours available
Inf nflu luen enc cer ers s mar ark ket etin ing g gu guar aran anttee ees s th the e suc ucc ces ess s of my cam ampa paig ign n be beca caus use e mak akeu eup p lo love vers rs ar are e sol olel ely y af affe fect cted ed by mak akeu eup p in infflu luen ence cers rs.. An And d ma mak keu eup p br bran ands ds ha have ve see een n th the e gr grea eatt im impa pact ct of infl in flue uenc ncer er ma mark rket etin ing g on th the e su succ cces ess s of th thei eirr br bran ands ds.. Th The e ca camp mpai aign gn wi willll so sole lely ly de depe pend nd on th the e digital and offline presence of influencers. O.TWO.O will be going to sponsorship one of the most important events related to the makeup industry that arranged one each year
Digital Marketing
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Socia Soc iall me medi dia a ma mark rket etin ing: g: us usin ing g tar arge getted pa paid id ad adve vert rtis isin ing g an and d co cont nten entt mar arke kettin ing g in In Ins sta tagr gram am and Facebook advertising Google advertising: we will place our ads in the top 10 major makeup blogs/websites with the most traffic. Influe Inf luence ncerr market marketing ing:: using using Prom Promo o code code for mar markup kup inf influe luence ncer r SEO: enhance the O.TWO.O website and campaign landing page by improving search
keyword and desi design gn a uniqu unique e landin landing g page page specif specifica ically lly for for the “GO “GO TRA TRAVEL VEL”” collec collectio tion n
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
Sales Sale s Pr Prom omot otio ion n creat ate e discount Promo code to make product trends an and d heights in Social media, this will boost the camping massage and increase sales
Direct Dire ct Ma Mark rket etin ing g using the brand social media messenger to connect with the existing audience.
2.4 Key message for the campaign is
the founda dattion of the communication campaign it should deliver across all com omm mun uniication acttiv ac ivit ity y to in infl flue uenc nce e the ta targ rget et seg egme ment nt,, it is a su sum mma mary ry of wha hatt th the e co com mpa pany ny wan antt th the e au audi dien enc ce to perceive, and be remarkable in their mind ❖
The campaig campaign n messag messages es “ Beauty is not luxury luxury,, Beauty is COLOURFUL”
O.TWO.O is a beauty brand that cares about women's beauty and encourages them to use unique and convincing products, the tone of voice is empowering and uplifting. That is insp in spir irat atio iona nal, l, an and d fr frie iend ndly ly to ou ourr cu cust stom omer ers, s, us usin ing g em emot otio iona nall ap appe peal al co corr rrec ectl tly y an and d ef effe fect ctiv ivel ely y is the best choice for camping. It is typically entertaining entertaining and memorable.
Planning Campaigns(2111) - Build Brand Reputation
Membership Number 40080344
(B) Prepare a detailed detailed campaign plan plan that includes includes 2.5 ALL media to be used, including both online and offline tools
Customer Custom er val value ue pro propos positi itions ons ar are e th the e cor ore e val alue ue of the br bran and d pr prod oduc uctt th that at a com ompa pany ny de deli liv ver ers s to a customer. The Th e val alue ue pr prop opos osit itio ion n is a to tottal be bene nefi fitt tha hatt cu cus sto tom mer pe perc rcei eiv ve di div vid ided ed by the cos ost, t, the here re ar are e tw two o
way to identify the CVP which is Customer Perceived Value (CPV) and Unique Selling Proposition (USP) by following USP methods the company should answer this following question perfectly
As a customer customer,, what do I want or need? Eyeshadow pallets have high pigmented colour, easy to take in a bag, variety of colours to daily used at an affordable price
What problems do I need the product to solve? is to find the best brand that offers a convincing and affordable product that matches my needs
What do I ex What expe pect ct fr from om th this is pr prod oduc uct/ t/se serv rvic ice? e?'' hi high gh qu qual alit ity y, co conv nvin ince ce to us use, e, su suit itab able le fo forr tr trav avel el,, affordable
What benefits do I get from it? The great benefits are a nice final makeup look using high pigmented eyeshadow pallets high-quality products.
Why should I choose this one over competing offers? because they have a unique packaging design in addition to the product product quality, quality, the collection is easy to to carry
Media plan
An effective media plan will develop according to the touchpoint and media habits of customer persona and target audience to get the best result of the campaign, using multichannel appr ap proa oach ch (c (com ombi bine nes s of offfli line ne an and d on onli line ne med edia ia ) is the be bes st way to ef effe fec cti tiv vel ely y de deli liv ver a ca cam mpa paig ign n messag mess age, e, to cr crea eate te a co comp mpre rehe hens nsiv ive e vi view ew of cu cust stom omer er jo jour urne ney y an and d su subs bsta tant ntia ialllly y in incr crea ease ses s th the e chances of a successful campaign( Medlar, 2021). Tab able le ( 2. 2.1) 1) Me Medi dia a pl plan anni ning ng an and d bu buyi ying ng pr proc oces esse ses s ) sh show own n ea each ch co comm mmun unic icat atio ion n mi mix x ac acti tivi vity ty an and d the chosen channels ( Media plan) on digital and offline media using owned media such as (website, blog, social media, etc ) and paid advertising ( google ads, social media ads ) share media using influencer share for beauty even in social media The Th e va vari riet ety y of me medi dia a gi giv ves th the e ca cam mpa paig ign n the po powe werr to su suc cce ceed ed,, the here re ar are e fac acttor ors s to me meas asur ure e the efficiency for each each media which is Reach x frequency = GRP and OTS Media Medi a Bu Buye yer r is the team or person who books media such as (TV, Magazine ) from the med ediia owner, in this campaign media buyer is an agency in some media and our team in others. others.
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Media planning and Media buyer
Media plan
Frequ ency
OT Media S Type
Media buyer
Digital Marketing website (SEO)
90 days
Digital marketing team
content marketing (blog)
90 days
Digital marketing team
google ads
90 days
2,500,000 32,400
Social Media specialist
influencer marketing
60 days
3,150,000 27,000
landing page
90 days
2,000,000 9,000
100 earned
Digital marketing team
Influencer Marketing Beauty Event
2 days
Influencer marketing (Promo code)
60 days
2,100,000 10,800
Digital marketing team
Advertising Facebook ads
90 days
2,500,000 32,400
Social Media specialist
Instagram ads
90 days
2,500,000 32,400
Social Media specialist
90 days
2,700,000 40,500 109,350,000,000 450
90 days
1,970,000 24,300
90 days
1,880,000 24,300
270 owned
Sales promotion Promo Code
60 days
2,100,000 27,000
Social Media specialist
Direct Marketing social media
90 days
2,000,000 24,300
270 owned
Social Media specialist
Table ( 2.1) Media planning and buying processes 2.6 How elements of the plan will be integrated
Smart Insights Team Team define Integrated Marketing as follows: "Int "I nteg egra rate ted d Ma Mark rket etin ing g is a st stra rate tegi gic c ap appr proa oac ch to in inte tegr grat atin ing g co com mmu muni nica cattio ions ns an and d in inte tera rac cti tiv ve experiences targeting defined audienc nce es and individuals which coordinates all aspects of mark ma rket etin ing g of a br bran and, d, in or orde derr ac achi hiev eve e co cons nsis istten entt me mes ssa sagi ging ng cus usttom omiz ized ed whe here re po poss ssib ible le by a chan ch anne nell wh whic ich h pr pres esen ents ts a un unif ifie ied d an and d se seam amle less ss ex expe peri rien ence ce to co cons nsum umer ers s ac acro ross ss th the e cu cust stom omer er lifecycle or path to purchase"(Allen, 2021). ➔ ➔
O.TWO.O used Promo code as a method of influ nfluencer encer market marketing ing that compensates an influencer to share the Promo Code across her own social media channels. the influencer informs her audiences about the features and benefits of the “GO TRA TRAVEL” VEL” collection and mentions the campaign campaign message, pursuing them to buy it using her unique promo code to get a sales promotion offer
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then the customer used the Promo code in the campaign campaign land landing ing page page on the website to sell the product and get a 15% discount, discount, due to that the SEO team improve the website ranking in Google using related keywords like( Promo Promo code, Sale, Discount, influencer name, "Go Travel Travel ")
Besides Sharing promo code in influencer platforms platforms is extremely increasing reach and that will help enhance SEO. The med The edia ia ab abov ove e is cho hose sen n ac acco cord rdin ing g to th the e to touc uchp hpoi oint nt an and d me medi dia a ha habi bitts of th the e ta targ rget et seg egm men entt and an d by us usin ing g 36 3600-de degr gree ee mar arke kettin ing g com omm mun unic icat atio ions ns (c (com ombi bine nes s of offfli line ne an and d on onli line ne med edia ia)) the campaign has become integrated, and this is the best way to effectively deliver a campaign mess me ssag age, e, Th The e me mess ssag age e sh shou ould ld be in on one e vo voic ice e an and d de delilive vere red d in ea each ch ch chan anne nell pr prop oper erly ly,, cr crea eate te a comprehensive view of the customer journey, and substantial allly increases the chances of a successful( Medlar, 2021). This wi This willll be ef effe fect ctiv ive e be beca caus use e th this is so sort rt of ma mark rket etin ing g is a co comb mbin inat atio ion n be betw twee een n ad adve vert rtis isin ing, g, sa sale les s promotion and public relationship using the POE model. POE model media including: ●
Paid media (paid ads advertising, offline advertising TV and Magazine and influenc nce er
● ●
marketing ) (SEO using conte Earned media content nt marke marketing, ting, online influ influencer encer outrea outreach, ch, and PR) Owned Own ed media media (our (our pages pages soci social al media media,, our webs website ite,, cus custom tomer er servi service) ce)
2.7 Resources required for each campaign element
There Ther e ar are e th thre ree e ma main in re reso sour urce ces s ne need eded ed to ex exec ecut ute e th the e ca camp mpai aign gn wh whic ich h ar are e fi fina nanc ncia iall re reso sour urce ces, s, human resources, and time. Table (2:2) Campaign Resources ) shows in detail the resources required for each communication element, identifying the skill neede ded d in each task and analyzing our existing resources to discover the luck. We hired an external agen enc cy to do some tasks for us shown in the table (2:2) below to fill the the gap and guarantee campaign success. ➔
Financ Fina ncia iall Re Reso sour urces ces as we mention above O.TWO.O Sudan Branch has adopted a dece de cent ntra rali lize zed d st stru ruct ctur ure, e, the ma mana nage gerr us used ed the Bo Bottto tom m-u -up p bu budg dget et ap appr proa oac ch to de dete term rmin ine e the camp ca mpai aign gn bu budg dget et.. Tab able le (2 (2:2 :2)) sh show ows s in de deta tailil th the e co cost st of ea each ch ac acti tivi vity ty,, ag agen ency cy fe fees es,, an and d th the e to tota tall campaign budget.
Human Resou Resources rces: O. O.TW TWO. O.O O Su Suda dan n Br Bran anch ch ha has s we wellll-t -tra rain ined ed st staf afff in th the e ma mark rket etin ing g de depa part rtme ment nt and other departments they can handle the campaign, but still there is the lack of human resources in some areas such as :
● Pu Publ blic ic re rela lati tion ons s man manag age e ● med media ia buyer buyer to some some adve adverti rtisin sing g such such as TV TV and Magaz Magazine ine ● vi vide deo o edi edito torr and and ph phot otog ogra raph pher er ● Gr Grap aphi hic c de des sig igne ner r Table (2:2) shows which activity activity will be assigned to an agency
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Time: plan time is 2 weeks starting from 17 September and the implementation duration is 3 months starting from 1 October. Table Table (2:2) shows the required time to complete each activity activity.. ❖
Campaign Resources Campaign Resources Financial Resources
Media plan
Cost Estimate
Human Resources
skills needed
per day
Digital Marketing SEO
SEO specialist\Content writer
8 days
content marketing (blog)
Social Media specialist\Content writer
7 days
google ads
Web marketing \ ads specialist
7 days
influencer marketing
Public relations manage
10 days
Web marketing specialist\SEO specialist
15 days
landing page
Public Relationship beauty and faction Event
Public relations \ Event coordinator
influencer marketing
Web marketing specialist Advertising
15 days
Facebook ads
Social Media specialist\ ads specialist
7 days
Instagram ads
Social Media specialist\ ads specialist
7 days
copywriter \ video editor
21 days
2 day
copywriter \ photographer
15 days
photographer \Content writer
15 days
Direct Marketing social media
Social Media specialist\customer service
8 days
Sales promotion promotion code
Web marketing specialist
Agency fees
7 days
Table (2:2) Campaign Resources
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2.8 an implementation plan showing timing
Implem Impl emen enttat atio ion n of a cam ampa paig ign n is th the e mo mos st cri riti tic cal pa part rt of th the e pl plan an,, it it''s es ess sen enti tial al to me meas asur ure e an and d moni mo nittor al alll th the e ac acti tivi viti ties es.. wh when en com omin ing g to im impl plem emen enttat atio ion n the here re ar are e thr hree ee cr crit iter eria ia to man anag age e th the e plan pl an whi hich ch is qu qual aliity ty,, cos ostt, sc sche hedu dule le,, in or orde derr to de deli liv ver the be bes st re resu sult lt ba base se on the hese se cr crit iter eria ia is to divides the project into a task and then scheduled it using Gantt Chart considering time and budget in each individual task O.TWO. O.TW O.O O Su Suda dan n br bran anch ch pr proj ojec ectt ma mana nage gerr su summ mmar aris ises es al alll ta task sks s us usin ing g pr proj ojec ectt ma manag nagem emen entt to tool ols s to help to manage all campaign activities. Table (2:3 ) Gantt Chart showing : Start time, Planning time , Execution time, Quality and who Assigned to each task by code as following ● ● ● ● ●
C.R copywriter S.M S. M So Soci cial al me medi dia a sp spec ecia ialilist st ADS. AD S.S S Pai Paid d Ad Adve vert rtis isin ing g spe speci cial alis istt WEB WE B we webs bsit ite e de deve velo lope per r agen ag ency cy Ex Exte tern rnal al Ag Agen ency cy
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start date
E .Time
w3 1
w4 8
w5 15
w6 22
w7 29
w8 w9 5
DEC w1 0 w11 w12 w13 w14
12 19 19
PR Event Schedule day
17 Sep
1 Day
influencer deal
27 Sep
1 Day
1 1
Content Marketing content in website
20 Sep
8 days
1 Oct
90 days
S.M Paid Ads (FB ,IG,google )
Ads creation
17 Sep
3 Days
ads design
18 Sep
7 Days
27 Sep
8 Days
prepare ads & website list
25 Sep
2 Days
1 Oct
daily (90)
publishing & monitor
publishing & monitor
1 4
social media Posts in Facebook and IG
10 Sep
Daily 60 d
direct Msg to key customer
20 Sep
daily 90 d
23 Sep
8 days
TV & Magazine TVC Flash Production
20 Sep
21 days
design magazine ads
25 Sep
15 days
22 Sep
4 Days
agency sales promotion
create landing page
27 Sep
15 days
create promo code
15 Sep
7 day
Table (2:3 ) Gantt Chart 19
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2.9 How management and other staff will be engaged engaged in the plan
intern inte rnal al ma mark rket etin ing g is ex extr trem emel ely y im impo port rtan antt as ex exte tern rnal al ma mark rket etin ing, g, in inte tern rnal al ma mark rket etin ing g us use e to ma make ke employees and manager awar are e of the or orga gan nization mission an and d objective an and d the campaign working on that encourage them to work toward achieving achieving these objectives Intter In erna nall ma mark rket etin ing, g, as we well ll as ex extter erna nall ma mark rket etin ing, g, ne need ed a cle lear ar pl plan an to be suc ucc ces essf sful ul an and d sh shar are e information among all organization departments. O.TWO.O Sudan Branch used two different ways to to do internal marketing which is : ➔
print staff magazines consisting of all our products, products, highlighting the campaign message and key staff member achievement.
design a presentation to inform the managers and stakeholders about a campaign
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Report Title page: Campaign Metrics Report Written by Marketing Executive Date 30 JUNE 2021 Terms of reference: is to monitor and evaluate the campaign process Procedure Re Reco comm mmen end d mo moni nito tori ring ng me metr tric ics, s, re reco comm mmen end d re reva valu luat atio ion n me metr tric ics s an and d hi high ghliligh ghti ting ng the benefit of using them Executive summary
● ●
This report provid provides es recomm recommendati endation on metrics metrics to evaluat evaluate e and monitor monitor the campai campaign gn plan plan and highlighting the benefit of using them. discuss presentation tools used to inform managers and shareholders about the the campaign process.
(A)Recommended methods and metrics that will be used to monitor and evaluate the campaign
To gu guar aran anttee the be best st re resu sult lts s to the ca cam mpa paig ign, n, the Mar arco com m te team am sh shou ould ld mon onit itor or the cam ampa paig ign n duri du ring ng th the e ex exec ecut utio ion n an and d ev eval alua uate te it af afte terr fi fini nish shed ed,, we ch choo oose se th the e mo most st re rele leva vant nt me metr tric ics s th that at ca can n help the team to do that, some metrics to each channel:➔
Paid Advertising Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads The Th e ba basi sic c el elem emen ents ts to co cons nsid ider er in pa paid id Ad Ads s ar are e im impr pres essi sion ons, s, cl clic icks ks,, co conv nver ersi sion ons. s. Ea Each ch on one e ha has s a matrix to be measured, they used to both monitor and evaluate the campaign by using platform insights and Google Analytics. Metrics 1. Click Throug Through h Rate Rate (CTR) (CTR) is CTR CTR = Click Clicks s / Impress Impressions ions 2. Con Conver versio sion n Rate Rate = Conver Conversio sions ns / Click Clicks s 3. Cos Costt Per Click Click (or (or CPC) CPC) CPC CPC = Cost Cost / Clicks Clicks TV and magazine :
determine how many people within an intended au aud dience might see the Ads on TV using GRP metrics, on the other hand, Magazine sales will be good metrics to monitor and evaluate magazines. ➔
SEO of website and landing page The most effective method to measure and monitor SEO is to check the organic traffic of the website, there are metrics to use
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Metrics 1. Or Orga ganic nic Web Websi site te traf traffi fic. c. 2. MR MRRR-ba base sed d metri metric. c. 3. Co Cost st-p -per er-c -clilick ck (CP (CPC) C).. 4. Cl Clic ickt kthr hroug ough h rate rate (CT (CTR) R) 5. Re Retu turn rn on on ad sp spen end d (ROA (ROAS) S).. 6. boun bounce ce rat rate e (Ris (Riserb erbato ato,, 2021) 2021) ➔
Promo co Pro code de mon onit itor or an and d ev eval alua uatte Ma Mark rket etin ing g in infl flue uenc ncer ers s can be th thro roug ugh h br bran and d so soc cia iall me medi dia a channels, influencer channels and the landing page of the campaign Metrics
1. Prom Promot otion ion Cod Code e Redem Redempt ptio ion n 2. Sales 3. la landi nding ng pa page ge tr traf affi fic c
When it com When omes es to th the e ev eval alua uati tion on sta tage ge,, the te team am wi will ll de dete term rmin ine e Me Medi dia a ef efffec ecti tiv ven enes ess s th the e ac actu tual al number of ( reach, frequency, GPR, OTS, ..etc ) virus estimated one, then analyse which channel was effective effective and efficient to deliver deliver campaign messages to key customer customer segments. To evaluate the ICM across all the channels, the company should consider the following metrics:●
share of voice: the team will determine how much we spend in promotional mix virus total expenditure in the marketplace.
Recall: the team will do a test to brand awareness rate to measure the top in mind and dominance Resp Re spon onse se ra rate te: the team will look at the Promo code Redemption and other online activity to measure the number of people who respond respond to the campaign campaign message Redemption rates: calculate the total redeemed code out of created one Reach: total number of people reach promotional campaign in 3 months Net Promoter Score (NPS): we ask the customer how much they willing to recommend O.TWO.O Brand to their college rating it from (0 to 10 ) Cust Cu stom omer er Sa Sati tisf sfac acti tion on Sc Scor ore e (C (CSA SAT) T) gives an overall level of customer satisfaction, in the campaign we ask directly the the customer about how they are satisfied with the product
● ● ● ● ●
O.TWO.O Sudan Branch will do a survey using a Perceptual map to analyse the makeup market using ( conv nve enient, price )as dem emo olition of the matrix to record how the "GO TRAVEL " collection is perceived by customers customers regarding main competitors in the market. market. analyse the survey will give the Marcom team results about the product’s competitive positioning(Nielson, 2021).
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Financial analysis evaluation
O.TWO.O Sudan Branch is a profit company, the eventual goal is to earn profit that is why the Marc Ma rcom om te team am ha have ve to me meas asur ure e re retu turn rn on in inve vest stme ment nt to en ensu sure re th that at th the e co comm mmun unic icat atio ion n ac acti tivi viti ties es worth, using this equation below (Evolution, 2021) Return on investment investment (%) = (net profit/investment) x 100. The benefit of a monitoring campai aig gn is he help lpin ing g to ad adju jus st a str trat ateg egy y tha hatt al alig igns ns to sp spec ecif ific ic,, actionable company objectives and to discover trends that can use to create modified campaigns (B) how the evaluation of the campaign’s effectiveness could inform the successful planning and implementation of future campaign The Th e ma main in ad adva vant ntag ages es of eva evalu luat atin ing g th the e ca camp mpai aign gn's 's ef effe fect ctiv iven enes ess s in incl clud ude: e: (G (Gra rayb ybea eall et al al,,
2021) ● ● ● ●
give valuable give valuable info informa rmatio tion n to learni learning ng of future future campa campaign ign give good insig insight ht and and highligh highlightt succes successes ses and failur failures es elemen elementt of the campi camping ng feedba fee dback ck of tar target get audi audienc ence e respon respond d to the the campa campaign ign help hel p the team team to to review review camp campaig aign n result results s with with key key sta stakeh kehold olders ers
Balanced Balanc ed Sco Scorec recard ard he help lps s O. O.T TWO WO..O to mea eas sur ure e com ompa pany ny pe perf rfor orm man ance ce us usin ing g fi fina nanc ncia iall an and d nonno n-fi fina nanc ncia iall me meas asur ures es,, th the e ai aim m of us usin ing g Ba Bala lanc nced ed Sc Scor orec ecar ard d is to al alin ine e O. O.TW TWO. O.O O ac acti tivi vity ty wi with th company mission and vision The benefit of using a Balanced Scorecard ● helps to communi communicate cate end goals goals with with day day to day work work that we have have within within a company company ● pri priori oritiz tize e the projec projects ts and and measur measure e and monit monitor or these these act activi ivitie ties s Ab balanced alanced Scorecard made up of five interactive components ● Th The e core core of it is vi visi sion on an and d str strat ateg egy y ● financial perspective: take into account all financial aspects will help achieve the strategic plan ● custo customer mer perspe perspectiv ctive: e: O.TWO. O.TWO.O O is consi consistent stently ly trying trying to be be more more custom customer-fo er-focused cused ● intern internal al process processes: es: is is to unders understand tand the proces process s the the campa campaign ign needs needs to to be improv improved. ed.
internal learning growth: is the facilities and develop the skills we will need in the future campaign (Graybeal, Franklin and Cooper, 2021)
To get the best result of using this method O.TWO.O Sudan Branch look for each element specifically and break it down and analysis it
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Figure (3:1) Balanced Scorecard A ma mark rket etin ing g da dash shbo boar ard d is a vi visu sual al pr pres esen enta tati tion on to tool ol us used ed to re repo port rt ca camp mpai aign gn pe perf rfor orma manc nce e an and d disp di spla lays ys ke key y ca camp mpai aign gn me metr tric ics s an and d KP KPIs Is,, th the e ma main in pu purp rpos ose e of us usin ing g th this is da dash shbo boar ard d is to pr prov ovid ide e
data to ma data mark rket eter ers s re rele leva vant nt st stak akeh ehol olde ders rs in su summ mmar aris ise e an and d wa ways ys in or orde derr to in info form rm st stra rate tegi gic c an and d operational decision-making(Hailey, 2021). in th the e cam ampa paig ign, n, the O. O.T TWO WO..O Su Suda dan n br bran anc ch Tea eam m us used ed Go Goog ogle le Da Datta St Stud udio io co conn nnec ecte ted d wi witth Google Analytics and the company CRM and other sources of data such as ( social media insi in sigh ghtt, la land ndin ing g pa page ge ) th that at pr prov ovid ide e in info form rmat atio ion n to te team am an and d st stak akeh ehol olde ders rs in a wa way y tha hatt ma mak kes it easy to analyze and pull impo porrtant insights help to evaluate the success of the campaign and give a clear insight insight about what will be benefits in future campaigns. A campaign dashboard consists of information that presents the current situation and informs progress at three levels which is ● strategic we used Metrics that how the campaign achieved business objectives such as ( ROMI, ROI) , ● Op Oper erat atio ional nal:: monit monitor or mark market etin ing g plan plan ● tac tactic tical: al: mon monito itorin ring g camp campaig aign n elem element ents. s. Recommendations the company should focus on monitoring monitoring and adjust the campaign accordingly
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References Bibliography 1. Academy Academy, P., P., 2021. Marketing Marketing Theories Theories - PESTEL Analysi Analysis. s. [onlin [online] e] Professionalac Professionalacademy .com. Available at: [Accessed 14 June 2021]. 2. Academy Academy, P., P., 2021. 2021. Marketing Marketing Theor Theories ies - Stakehol Stakeholder der Mappin Mapping. g. [online] [online] Professionalacademy .com. Available at:
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