Planets Significations

April 18, 2017 | Author: Srinivas Vamsi | Category: N/A
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Planets Vs Significations Contents Planets Vs Significations ....................................................................................................... 1 Planet Sun ............................................................................................................................ 8 Primary attributes .............................................................................................................. 8 Special Notes .................................................................................................................... 8 Character/Nature ............................................................................................................... 8 Nature related-other .......................................................................................................... 9 Afflicted Sun ...................................................................................................................... 9 Professions ....................................................................................................................... 9 Relatives ........................................................................................................................... 9 Locations/geographical...................................................................................................... 9 Physiological ..................................................................................................................... 9 Diseases ......................................................................................................................... 10 Karakatwa ....................................................................................................................... 10 Result related Sun’s features........................................................................................... 11 Results of Sun’s Mahadasha ........................................................................................... 12 Results of Sun-Sun (MD-AD) Dasha: (BPHS).................................................................. 12 Results of Sun-Sun (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) .................................................................. 13 Sun-Moon combination .................................................................................................... 13 Results of Sun-Moon dasha (MD-AD) as per BPHS ........................................................ 13 Results of Sun-Moon (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS)................................................................ 14 Sun-Mars combination..................................................................................................... 14 Sun-Mer combination ...................................................................................................... 14 Sun-Jup combination ....................................................................................................... 15 Sun-Ven combination ...................................................................................................... 15 Sun-Sat combination ....................................................................................................... 16 Sun-Rahu dasha results (MD-AD) ................................................................................... 17 Results of Sun-Ketu (MD-AD) as per BPHS .................................................................... 17 Some Yogas involving Sun .............................................................................................. 18 Planet - MOON ................................................................................................................... 20 Special Notes .................................................................................................................. 20 Primary attributes ............................................................................................................ 20 Character/Nature ............................................................................................................. 21 Afflicted Moon.................................................................................................................. 21 Nature related-other ........................................................................................................ 21 Material objects ............................................................................................................... 22 Events ............................................................................................................................. 22 Professions ..................................................................................................................... 22 Relatives ......................................................................................................................... 22 Locations/Geographical ................................................................................................... 22 Physiological ................................................................................................................... 22 Diseases due to affliction ................................................................................................. 22 Moon in nakshatra of ....................................................................................................... 22 Karakatwa ....................................................................................................................... 23 Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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Result related Moon’s features ....................................................................................... 23 Results of Moon’s Mahadasha (BPHS)............................................................................ 25 Results of Moon-Moon (MD-AD) dasha (BPHS) .............................................................. 25 Results of Moon-Moon (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) ............................................................. 25 Combination with other planets & effects ......................................................................... 25 Results of Moon-Sun (MD-AD) dasha (BPHS)................................................................. 26 Results of Moon-Sun (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS)................................................................ 26 Moon-Mar combination .................................................................................................... 26 Moon-Mer combination .................................................................................................... 26 Moon-Jup combination/influence ..................................................................................... 27 Moon-Ven combination .................................................................................................... 28 Moon-Sat combination..................................................................................................... 28 Moon-Rah combination ................................................................................................... 29 Moon-Ket combination..................................................................................................... 30 Moon in different signs .................................................................................................... 30 Some Yogas involving Moon ........................................................................................... 32 Planet: Mars .................................................................................................................. 36 Primary attributes ............................................................................................................ 36 Character/Nature: Positive traits ...................................................................................... 37 Character/Nature: Negative traits .................................................................................... 37 Nature related-other ........................................................................................................ 37 Afflicted/Weak Mars......................................................................................................... 37 Material objects ............................................................................................................... 38 Events ............................................................................................................................. 38 Professions ..................................................................................................................... 38 Relatives ......................................................................................................................... 38 Locations/places.............................................................................................................. 38 Physiological ................................................................................................................... 38 Diseases due to affliction ................................................................................................. 38 Karakatwa ....................................................................................................................... 39 Result related Mars’ features ........................................................................................... 40 Retro Mars ...................................................................................................................... 41 Results of Mars’s Mahadasha (BPHS)............................................................................. 41 Results of Mars-Mars dasha:MD-AD (BPHS) .................................................................. 41 Results of Mars-Mars (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS .................................................................. 42 Combination with other planets & effects: ........................................................................ 42 Mars--Sun ....................................................................................................................... 42 Results of Mars-Moon dasha:MD-AD (BPHS) ................................................................. 42 Mars-Mer combination ..................................................................................................... 42 Mars-Jup combination ..................................................................................................... 43 Results of Mars-Jup dasha: MD-AD (BPHS)................................................................... 44 Mars-Ven combination..................................................................................................... 44 Mars-Sat combination...................................................................................................... 45 Mars-Nodes ..................................................................................................................... 46 Mars-Rahu dasha results (MD-AD): (BPHS) .................................................................... 46 Some Yogas involving Mars ............................................................................................ 47 Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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Planet: Mercury ................................................................................................................... 48 Primary attributes ............................................................................................................ 48 Character/Nature: Positive traits ...................................................................................... 49 Nature related-other ........................................................................................................ 49 Afflicted/weak .................................................................................................................. 49 Material objects ............................................................................................................... 50 Events ............................................................................................................................. 50 Professions ..................................................................................................................... 50 Relatives ......................................................................................................................... 50 Locations/geographical.................................................................................................... 50 Physiological ................................................................................................................... 50 Diseases due to affliction ................................................................................................. 50 Karakatwa ....................................................................................................................... 51 Determining malefic/benefic nature of Mercury ................................................................ 52 Result related .................................................................................................................. 52 In signs/bhavas ............................................................................................................... 53 Retro Mer ........................................................................................................................ 54 Results of Mercury mahadasha (As per BPHS) ............................................................... 54 Relation with Sun ............................................................................................................ 55 Relation with Moon: ......................................................................................................... 55 Results of Mer-Moon dasha (MD-AD): BPHS .................................................................. 55 Mer-Mars combination ..................................................................................................... 55 Mer-Jup combination ....................................................................................................... 56 Mer-Ven combination ...................................................................................................... 57 Mer-Sat combination ....................................................................................................... 57 Mer—Rah combination .................................................................................................... 58 Mer-Ket combination ....................................................................................................... 58 Some Yogas involving Mercury ....................................................................................... 58 Planet: Jupiter ..................................................................................................................... 60 Primary attributes ............................................................................................................ 60 Special Notes .................................................................................................................. 60 Character/Nature ............................................................................................................. 61 Nature related-other ........................................................................................................ 61 Afflicted/owning evil houses............................................................................................. 62 Material ........................................................................................................................... 62 Events ............................................................................................................................. 62 Professions ..................................................................................................................... 62 Relatives ......................................................................................................................... 62 Locations/places.............................................................................................................. 62 Physiological ................................................................................................................... 63 Diseases due to affliction ................................................................................................. 63 Karakatwa ....................................................................................................................... 63 Result related .................................................................................................................. 64 Own features ................................................................................................................... 65 Retro Jupiter .................................................................................................................... 66 Results of Jup Mahadasha: (BPHS) ................................................................................ 67 Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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Jupiter in different signs (also useful in assessing yogas like GKY) ................................. 67 Results of Jup-Sun dasha (MD-AD): BPHS ..................................................................... 68 Jup-Moon combination .................................................................................................... 68 Jup—Mer combination..................................................................................................... 69 Results of Jup-Mars dasha (MD-AD): BPHS.................................................................... 69 Jup-Ven combination ....................................................................................................... 70 Jup-Sat combination ........................................................................................................ 71 Jup—Nodes..................................................................................................................... 72 Jup—Ket combination ..................................................................................................... 73 Some yogas involving Jupiter .......................................................................................... 74 Planet: Venus ..................................................................................................................... 76 Primary attributes ............................................................................................................ 76 Character/Nature: Positive traits ...................................................................................... 76 Character/Nature: Negative traits .................................................................................... 77 Nature related-other ........................................................................................................ 77 Afflicted Venus ................................................................................................................ 77 Material ........................................................................................................................... 77 Events ............................................................................................................................. 77 Professions ..................................................................................................................... 78 Relatives ......................................................................................................................... 78 Locations/places.............................................................................................................. 78 Physiological ................................................................................................................... 78 Diseases due to affliction ................................................................................................. 78 Karakatwa ....................................................................................................................... 79 Result related .................................................................................................................. 79 Own features ................................................................................................................... 80 Retro Venus .................................................................................................................... 81 Effects of Venus Mahadasha: (As per BPHS) .................................................................. 81 Relation to Sun ................................................................................................................ 82 Relation to Moon ............................................................................................................. 83 Relation to Mars .............................................................................................................. 83 Results of Ven-Mer dasha (MD-AD): BPHS ..................................................................... 84 Relation to Jup ................................................................................................................ 84 Ven-Sat combination ....................................................................................................... 85 Relation to nodes ............................................................................................................ 87 Ven-Rah combination ...................................................................................................... 87 Ven-Ket ........................................................................................................................... 88 Some yogas involving Venus ........................................................................................... 88 Planet: Saturn ..................................................................................................................... 90 Primary attributes ............................................................................................................ 90 Character/Nature: Positive traits ...................................................................................... 91 Character/Nature: Negative traits .................................................................................... 91 Nature related-other ........................................................................................................ 91 Evil Sat ............................................................................................................................ 91 Afflicted Sat ..................................................................................................................... 91 Ill posited Sat ................................................................................................................... 92 Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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Material ........................................................................................................................... 92 Events ............................................................................................................................. 92 Professions ..................................................................................................................... 92 Relatives ......................................................................................................................... 92 Locations/places.............................................................................................................. 92 Physiological ................................................................................................................... 92 Diseases due to affliction ................................................................................................. 92 Karakatwa ....................................................................................................................... 93 Result related .................................................................................................................. 94 Sat’s native features ........................................................................................................ 95 Retro Saturn .................................................................................................................... 96 Results of Sat Mahadasha: (BPHS) ................................................................................. 96 Sat in bhavas/constellations ............................................................................................ 97 Propitiating Saturn ........................................................................................................... 97 Relation to Sun ................................................................................................................ 97 Relation to Moon ............................................................................................................. 98 Relation to Mars .............................................................................................................. 99 Relation to Mercury ....................................................................................................... 100 Relation to Jup .............................................................................................................. 101 Relation to Venus .......................................................................................................... 102 Sat-Rah combination ..................................................................................................... 102 Sat-Ket combination ...................................................................................................... 103 Transit of Saturn ............................................................................................................ 103 Sadhe Saathi (7.5 years period) .................................................................................... 108 Some Yogas involving Saturn........................................................................................ 111 Planet: Rahu ..................................................................................................................... 112 Primary attributes .......................................................................................................... 112 Special notes ................................................................................................................. 112 Character/Nature: Positive traits .................................................................................... 114 Character/Nature: Negative traits .................................................................................. 114 Nature related-other ...................................................................................................... 115 Material ......................................................................................................................... 115 Events ........................................................................................................................... 115 Professions ................................................................................................................... 115 Relatives ....................................................................................................................... 115 Locations/places............................................................................................................ 115 Physiological ................................................................................................................. 115 Diseases caused ........................................................................................................... 116 Karakatwa ..................................................................................................................... 116 Result related ................................................................................................................ 116 In signs & Bhavas .......................................................................................................... 117 Placement w r t Moon (Manasagari) .............................................................................. 117 Dasha results as per BPHS: .......................................................................................... 118 Dasa & Transit............................................................................................................... 118 Expected results in Rahu’s Mahadasha: ........................................................................ 118 Relation with functional planets ..................................................................................... 119 Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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Rahu & planets: ............................................................................................................. 119 (GC Sharma:BPHS) Functioning of Rahu ...................................................................... 120 Rahu & Sun ................................................................................................................... 120 Rahu & Moon ................................................................................................................ 121 Rahu & Mars ................................................................................................................. 122 Rahu & Mercury ............................................................................................................ 123 Rahu & Jupiter............................................................................................................... 124 Rahu & Venus ............................................................................................................... 125 Rahu & Saturn ............................................................................................................... 126 Results of Rahu-Ketu dasha (MD-AD): BPHS ............................................................... 127 Some yogas involving Rahu .......................................................................................... 127 Planet: Ketu ...................................................................................................................... 129 Primary attributes .......................................................................................................... 129 Special notes ................................................................................................................. 129 Spirituality & Ketu .......................................................................................................... 129 Character/Nature: Positive traits .................................................................................... 130 Character/Nature: Negative traits .................................................................................. 130 Nature related-other ...................................................................................................... 130 Material ......................................................................................................................... 130 Events ........................................................................................................................... 130 Professions ................................................................................................................... 130 Relatives ....................................................................................................................... 130 Locations/places............................................................................................................ 131 Physiological ................................................................................................................. 131 Diseases caused ........................................................................................................... 131 Karakatwa ..................................................................................................................... 131 Result related ................................................................................................................ 131 In signs & bhavas .......................................................................................................... 132 Results of Ketu mahadasha (as per BPHS) ................................................................... 132 Relation to planets ......................................................................................................... 132 Results of Ketu-Sun Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS .................................................................. 133 Results of Ketu-Moon Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS ............................................................... 133 Results of Ketu-Mars Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS ................................................................ 133 Results of Ketu-Mer Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS .................................................................. 134 Results of Ketu-Jup Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS................................................................... 134 Results of Ketu-Jup Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS .................................................................. 134 Results of Ketu-Sat Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS ................................................................... 135 Some yogas involving Ketu ........................................................................................... 135 Common Features of Rahu & Ketu ................................................................................... 137 Signs/Bhavas/Lords....................................................................................................... 137 Dispositors .................................................................................................................... 138 Yogas/yogakarakas ....................................................................................................... 138 Good Results................................................................................................................. 139 Bad Results ................................................................................................................... 139 Expected results in their Mahadasha: ............................................................................ 140 Influence on planets ...................................................................................................... 140 Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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Planet Sun Primary attributes •

Fiery, male, ordinary malefic (Krura [malefic], not paapa graha- [evil]); satwa guna; royal planet; Kshatriya—men in army, police, high positions; is less likely to cause a person to ‘sin’ than the other malefics; astrologically the Sun is cruel because he dries up the rasa, the juice or nectar of life which makes life worth living.

Maturation age: 22; personified age: mature person of 50; age duration: 23 to 41; indicates average height;

Deity—fire (vahni-BPHS); Lord of Moola (organic matter such as vegetation); rule four legged creatures such as horse; governs pitta; rules clothes that are coarse or thick; rules dark red colour; rules fire; rules soul; are born feet first; rules punishment; rules Grishma (20 May to 19 July); The Sun rules our physical health and vitality and determines our self of ego and selfprojection in the world. A strong Sun makes a person very energetic and the centre of attention. A weak and afflicted Sun can give a weak constitution and create an egomaniac.

• • •

Sun, Moon & Lagna are vital tripod around which life of a native moves on. Sun is powerful in signs 1, 4, 5 & 9. The Sun and Mars gain strength in the 10th house for they help you in courageously and dutifully fulfilling worldly commitments and performing the karmas which are in public domain. • The essential principle of Sun is: The Sun functions at an Atmic level which is the seat of primordial spirit. It stands for the soul, the immortal. Those who have maturity at this level would be very significantly aware of their primeval nature, the source of his inner energy & vitality & thereby they would have tremendous confidence and the feeling of assuredness and as such they would find it very difficult to yield to anyone else. Such a person would have a glow on the face, initiative in action & would be benign in temperament when it comes to bestowing some favor to others. Sun’s exaltation bestows the real grace. When Sun is strong by being in own sign/vargottama/in exaltation, it is this characteristic that is displayed, the degree depending on the state of the planet. Special Notes •

With the change in level of consciousness, an individual’s perception & mode of operation undergoes a drastic change. All differences would automatically disappear as the level of consciousness soars high. One with low level of consciousness would get easily disturbed, whereas one with elevated consciousness gets inner power to convert a mountain of a problem to a mole hill. As consciousness is raised, the barriers like hatred, jealousy, revenge etc. get dissolved. Weak Jup, Sun & Moon cause low levels of consciousness.

Character/Nature • •

Medium stature, square body; black-red mixed colour; limited hair on head; red-yellow mixed color eyes, strong bones, pitta tendency; Soul, godliness, nobility, personal magnetism; Self-reliance, psychic development, creativity, fearless, vitality, endurance; (Bepin Behari) the most important planet of occultism, the central from which all energy sources & occult sciences originate;



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• • • •

If Sun is the strongest planet, native enjoys well balanced health, looks only at bright side of things; the weak point is eyesight. He is likely to suffer from accidents from fire. If Sun is predominantly weak, one may become blind, the heart will be in a poor condition. He will be frequently troubled by palpitations & aneurism. He may be a victim of sunstroke. Deb Sun could indicate selfishness. Exalted Sun gives immense initiative & fortitude; will be very self-opinionated/selfassured/decisive, irrespective of his social/official/financial constraints. Is very decided in actions and in his heart does not feel that his social status should stand against his being recognised on equal level with other individuals as far as his individuality is concerned. Will be ready to face whatever ordeals have to be faced as a consequence of his decisions. In fiery signs—ambition, anger; In earthy signs—pride, headstrong; In Airy signs— noble, given to learning; In watery signs—fond of opposite sex;

Nature related-other •

Leadership, success in undertakings, honours & rewards, Condition of health.

Political power, pomp, despotism, positions of authority, influence in society,royal favours; confers vitality; Good voice, intelligence, manly; clean habits; Strong Sun—will-force & individuality; spiritual maturity;

• •

Afflicted Sun • • •

Arrogant, a bluff, domineering, egoistical, faithless, vainglorious, haughty, jealous, lavish, over-ambitious/ambitionless, pompous, proud, self-opinionated, self-centred, irritable, angry & spiteful; Attention-seeking, insecurity, lack of confidence, and a shaky sense of identity. Poor health and a lack of vitality can also be manifestations.

Professions •

Goldsmiths, money-lenders, chemist, druggist, doctor (with Mars), cardiologists, orthopaedics (with Ketu), administrative or management service, diplomacy/mediation/arbitration, career in engineering; service under a ruler or other prominent person; repetition of mantras; Work with metals, wool or medicines; grass, grain related, fruit trees related;

Fraud, gambling, lying;

Relatives •

Father, patrimony; position & status of father.

Locations/geographical • • •

Temples (BPHS), places of worship, sacrificial places, coronation chambers, mountainous places, forests; Represents Eastern direction; represents medium distances; Strong in South (BPHS);

Physiological • •

Bones (BPHS), head, heart, eyes(right for men & left for women), brain, mouth, throat, spleen, skin, stomach, hair, vitality; Hot & pungent tastes; signifies old age.



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Diseases •

Diseases in the head, headache, cerebral meningitis, epilepsy, baldness, loss of speech due to cerebral affection, eye sight, bilious, eruptions of the face, dental problems, defects in the heart, affliction & abnormality of blood circulation, overheated constitution, sharp fevers, inflammation, typhoid, polypus, bile complaints, windy & bilious temperament, sun-stroke, scorches, neuralgia, injuries from falls, resistance to diseases; Sun-Sat combination-- Health hazard, suffers from bronchitis & cough;

Sun in the nakshatra of: o

Sun—eruptive fevers, irritability


Moon—highly temperamental, pessimistic


Mars—Anaemic, low BP, marasmus, giddiness, haemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis


Mer—neuralgia, migraine


Jup—jaundice, liver/gall bladder problems


Ven—burning micturition, cystitis, prutus vulva


Sat—low blood pressure;


Rah—mental deficiency, dullness forgetfulness


Ketu—Low BP, angina pectoris


A strong/unafflicted Sun rules out serious heart condition;


Sun weak/afflicted—general health is affected;

Karakatwa • • • •

Father; Considered as natural atmakaraka; royalty; (some say that Sun is karaka for daytime birth & Sat for night time birth); Profession & vocation; Natural significator of 1st bhava; is karaka for prarabdha karma; TASTE: Spicy (khara), katu (bitter) (BPHS);

List of other karakatwas o

Self-Realization; Worship Of Siva; Sattvik (Pure); Mental Purity;


Power; Fortress; Good Strength; Heat; Fire; Scorch; Splendour; Intense Severity (fierce); Courage; Valour; Capture Of The Enemy; Strenuous Effort; Wandering Over The Mountains (wanderer); Travelling; One Born of a Timid Woman;


Wickedness; Long Standing Anger; Hostility; Bitterness; Public Life;


King; Lordship Of The Whole Country (sovereign); Kingdom; Lord Of Sky; Being In Royal Favour;


Land; World Of Mortals (Mrtyu Loka); Thorny Trees; Grass; Forest; Timber (wood); Thick Cord; River Bank; Cattle; Quadruped (also the birds);


Body (vitality in the body); The Belly; Bone (skeletal system); Eye (right); Mouth; Blood; Eye Disease; Disease In The Head; Freedom Form Disease; Short Like A Dwarf; Skyward Look; Old Age;


Half A Year (uttarayana / dakshinayana); Lord Of The Eastern Direction; Strong At MidDay (Noon);



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Ornaments; Precious stones (gems); Ruby; Copper; Stone; Red Cloth; Red Chandan Or Saffron; Square shape;

Result related Sun’s features • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Is considered strong if it contains 5 to 8 bindus in AV. Normally with 4 bindus gives average results. Mischeif is caused if it contains 1-3 bindus. If vargottama: philosophical attitude, firmness of mind, sound health, status in life, popularity, desire to acquire knowledge & self-satisfaction; If vargottama in Leo sign (panchamamsa)-native will become a king (even if this planet alone in horoscope is so placed); if in addition be endowed with all kinds of strength (shad-varga bala), he will be an emperor; Has separative effect; Sun remains unafflicted in Virgo; Powerful: --in Signs of Mars, Moon & Sun; (But some say Sun in Dhanur is not considered a good position); in bhavas-- Lag & 10H; Sun Loses much of strength in 5H/9H. Planet whose trimsamsa Sun occupies gives his prominent characteristics; Positive Sun gives radiance, energy, intuition & integrity; one with strong Sun will never be mean, vicious, criminal or untrustworthy; Negative/weak Sun—haughty, reckless, dogmatic & eccentric; proneness to disease, greedy, quarrelsome, inability to interact in society & generally low status in life with pessimistic attitude. Sun with less bindus—loss of wealth (2,12), diseases due to affliction of Sun—BP, chest pain, eye disease, stomach ache (1,4,5,7,8,9 & 12), obstacles, aimless travelling, separation from family, displeasure from Govt (1,7,9). Sun in 4/10 identical with Aqu—heart disease to father; If Sun is placed in Ari/Tau/Leo/first half of Cap/second part of Sag and the other planets are in dual signs with strength, the child will be one of the twins. All planets produce ordinary results in 3rd, 5th, 9th & 10th places from Sun. Malefics produce favourable & benefics produce adverse results in 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th & 12th places from Sun. (This is related to speed & type of motion of planets when at those distances from Sun). (BR) Sun & Moon own only one house; hence when Lords of 2H/12H which are neutral, their results would depend more on the house in which placed. According to observations of Sri. Y. Krishna Rao, one will be endowed with extra ordinary intellect if the Sun or the Moon is posited in a Navamsa ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo). If Sun combines (not combust) with other planets, Sun confers fame & wealth in its dasha while other planets give ordinary results. Sun in different signs: o If in Tau, enables the individual to obtain spiritual knowledge & impart the same to others. o If in Gem, the intellect of the person is greatly sharpened, & he attains penetrative understanding of mathematical laws, or of complex economic relationships. If Sun is along with Mer, makes the person learned, beautiful & strong but fickle minded. (The fickle mindedness may occur when Mer is weak & incapable of absorbing the radiance of Sun. Mer in Gem/Vir does not produce fickle mindedness, though under certain conditions, it may make the person



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headstrong & sometimes even impervious to thoughts & opinions of others.) He may also become famous. o If in Can, makes the person relinquish its basic idealism & gets immersed in contemporary materialistic way of life. o If in Leo, the individualism is greatly sharpened & he begins to have an unconscious understanding of his latent powers & destiny though it may sometimes express itself as egotism & arrogance. o In Vir, it is fierce enough to burn the dross materialism, bring forth the latent creativity, but also to make him a little sad, laden with innumerable personal & social responsibilities. If Sun is along with Mer, makes the person learned, beautiful & strong but fickle minded. (The fickle mindedness may occur when Mer is weak & incapable of absorbing the radiance of Sun. Mer in Gem/Vir does not produce fickle mindedness, though under certain conditions, it may make the person headstrong & sometimes even impervious to thoughts & opinions of others.) He may also become famous. o In Libra, not good for material prosperity. The struggle of the inner spirit to liberate itself from physical restrictions often depresses the person. Results of Sun’s Mahadasha •

If placed in MT, exalt, own sign & occupies Kendra/trikonas, or 11H, conjunct with Lords of 9L/10L, powerful & in own vargas: (BPHS) • Acquires lot of comforts, happiness, power & conveyances. Also favourable for gain of wealth & profit earning. High status is conferred by king-Govt/authorities/employer, acquisition of conveyances etc. • If conj with 4L, gain of vehicles, wealth, ministership etc • If conj with 5L, birth of son. • If conj with 11L, comforts of costly vehicles. Additional effects of well-placed/strong Sun in its dasha: (GCS) •

Increase in confidence, feeling energetic & exalted, others get automatically impressed, blessings of authorities, desire to undertake assignments, jobs, ventures etc of large scale, sound health. • If Sun is weak by being in 6H/8H/12H, in deb, conj with malefics/Rahu/Ketu, or with 6L/8L/12L: (BPHS) • Intense miseries, loss of wealth & fame, living in foreign land, punishment by authorities, money crunch, illness, confrontation with brothers & friends, fear of father’s death etc. Also misunderstanding/anger with parents, wrath of public. • If Sun has asp/conj of benefics, at times gets happy events but if there is only malefic influence, then only unfavourable results will occur. Additional effects based on conditions: (GCS) •

Deb Sun gives sudden effects such as fracture of bones, eruption of sudden fever, loss of confidence; if not deb but badly placed, then native faces bad period boldly & puts best efforts to overcome it; • If Sun as Dusthana Lord is placed in Dusthana, it results in VRY; more the malefic influence, the more it is in favour of the native. Results of Sun-Sun (MD-AD) Dasha: (BPHS) • •

If Sun is exalted, or in own sign, or in 11H, or in Kendra/kona: gain of wealth & food grains. If deb/inauspicious sign: Opposite results.



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If Sun is 2L/7L: causes apprehension of early death; in order to guard against these ill effects, “Mrityunjaya japa” should be recited (or have it done through others); Undertaking the worship & other religious observance of Sun will bestow good health. Results of Sun-Sun (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) • Contorversies, depletion of wealth, sufferings to wife, ailments affecting head. Sun-Moon combination • • •

Moon when in conjunction with Sun loses its strength. Makes one fickle minded. Sun in Can, Moon in Leo/both in Can or Leo—lean, weak body; Mutually 6/8—parents do not see eye to eye; if Sun weaker, father becomes villain, otherwise mother; • In same rasi but mutual navamsa—poverty; • In Leo—Sun is strong, Moon is weak; • In Lib—Moon does not lose strength; • New Moon’s conjunction within 3 deg of Sun—very low vitality; • Conjunction gives more material wealth than in square/opposition; • Together cause bad kuhoo yoga; If Mer joins, Moon ceases to be malefic; • If these are together in the same house & are in same navamsha (within 3 Deg 20 Min), the child is nurtured by 3 mothers (nurses) for three months & afterwards by father & brother. (BPHS) [This condition would mean Amavasya, & hence Moon, the significator of mother will become her destroyer] • In 2/12 or 6/8 produce characteristics and psychological conflicts pertaining to the houses they are posited; it indicates severe mental strain/lack of harmony not only in immediate environment but deep down in the innermost parts of soul. Results of Sun-Moon dasha (MD-AD) as per BPHS • • • • • •

If Moon is placed in Lag, Kendra / Kona: marriage & other auspicious functions will take place, one gets wealth, growth/improvement in matters relating to home/lands/property/vehicles; If in exalt/own sign: happiness from wife, increase in income, happiness from children/birth of children, meeting with high authorities, and fulfillment of desires due to blessings of authorities. If Moon is 2L & is placed in 11H: good gain of wealth. Will acquire fixed assets which will be useful for his children. If weak/conj with malefics: suffering to wife & children, conflicts with people in general, destruction of servants, opposition, quarrels with authorities, reduction in wealth of all kinds; If in 6H/8H/12H: fear of danger from water, disturbed mind, imprisonment, diseases, loss of position, controversies & litigations, meager/bad food, distress caused by thieves & authorities, urinary diseases. If there are benefics in the 11H or 9H and in kendra from MDL: luxurious comforts, improvements for wife & children, gain of authority, great happiness & comforts, gain of good position, marriage, gain of good clothes & ornaments, vehicles, children & grand- children etc; overall happiness of all kinds are enjoyed. If in 6th/8th /12th from MDL & is weak: will get untimely food, wandering in different countries; (?) in the AD of 2L or 7L, fear of death by accident (apamrityu); to alleviate such evil effect, white cow or female buffalo should be donated.



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Results of Sun-Moon (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) • Anxiety, quarrels, loss of wealth, anguish. Sun-Mars combination • •

Enemies, firmness of mind, happiness from close relatives, prosperity of brothers. If in 8th or 12th from MDL/conj with or asp by malefics: loss of authority, cruel/wicked thoughts, mental ailments, imprisonment, destruction of brother like relatives, opposition from brothers, failure in ventures; • If deb/weak: loss of wealth due to authorities; • If Mars is 2L/7L: different bodily & mental ailments; by recitation of Vedic mantras, charity (daanas), donation of a bull, proper rituals etc the native can attain good & healthy life & longevity; Results of Sun-Mars (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Fear from king, danger of weapons, bondage, series of troubles, sufferings thro enemies & fire. Sun-Mer combination •

The Sun and Mercury are never away beyond 28 degrees. The conjunction of these two is frequent. Our ancient authorities praise this as Budha-Aditya Yoga. When Mercury is left alone he can upset mental stability. But a close conjunction of Mercury with the Sun eclipses mental faculties related to business and literary abilities. The other activities will flourish. • Intelligence & scientific bent of mind; a hard task master. • If longitude of Mer is more, Mer does not give good mentality & sufficient reasoning power; will be a scholar but may not enjoy prosperity; • Mer within 3 Deg behind Sun—learned, fortunate, has luxuries, high power & capacity for concentration; • (BVR) almost all standard astrological works agree that Sun-Mer combination is auspicious (largely). • Jup & Mer in 2nd to Sun indicates good education; • If in Kendra/trikona/11H—a mathematician; • If in conj / mutual asp, highly favorable results in dasha of Mer while ordinary results in dasha of Sun. Results of Sun-Mer dasha (MD-AD) as per BPHS • • • • • •

If in exalt/ in own sign/in Kendra/in Kona/in 11H/strong in vargas: gain of high authority, high levels of enthusiasm, happiness from wife & children, gain of vehicles, dresses & ornaments due to blessings of authorities, pilgrimages, plenty of cattle etc. If conj with 9L/11L: increases profits; If placed in 5H/9H/10H: honors, will do good deeds (10H), will have virtuous thoughts (5H), will honor/worship preceptors, scholars & deities (9H), will be endowed with wealth, possible marriage & birth of a son; If placed in an auspicious house from MDL: great happiness, marriages, religious events, charities, dharma karyas, japas, letter of appreciation, adoption of Alias name (brings fame?), good food, clothes, ornaments, heavenly comforts; If placed in 6th/8th/12th from MDL or deb: body ailments, mental distress or misunderstandings, suffering to wife & children; In beginning of dasha: unhappy results, in the middle: some relief & happiness, in the end: fear from authorities, frequent travels;



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• •

If Mer is 2L/7L: body pains & diseases; Recitation of Vishnusahasra nama, annadaana, donating a silver idol will result in good health; Results of Sun-Mer (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Completion of education, get together with relatives, decent meals, acquisition of wealth, religious attainments. Sun-Jup combination •

Sincere, wealthy, devoted to duty, great mental equilibrium, Govt patronage, royal dignity, executive ability, ever increasing honor & reputation, worldly wisdom, diplomacy , good fortune; • Good physician; • Jup in close proximity to Sun (within 11 deg) may get its own benefic results reduced greatly. But if it is near the Sun but not too closely, its auspicious effects on the Sun are remarkable. In this case the Jovian effect on the Sun adds to its spiritualising & life sustaining force. Jup placed in 5th or 9th from Sun is excellent. Results of Sun-Jup dasha (MD-AD) – BPHS •

• •

If placed in Kendra/Kona/exalt/friendly Vargas: marriage, pleasure of meeting high authorities, gain of wealth, birth of a son, great happiness, fulfillment of desired activities, love & honor from learned scholars, gain of choicest clothes. If Jup is 9L/10L: Attainment of kingdom, costly vehicles, rise in position, great happiness. If in auspicious house from MDL: rise in fortunes, involvement in charities & dharma karyas, worship of gods, devotion to preceptors, mental satisfaction/achievement of wishes, doing of punya karmas. o Note: For Gem/Vir Lag, Jup is disabled due to Kendradhipatya dosha; but if he develops connection with trinal Lords or becomes dispositor of trine lords it gets the potency for good results.

If Jup is placed in 6th /8th from MDL or deb or conj with malefics: sufferings to wife & children, bodily diseases, anger of authorities, loss of dear things, loss of unscrupulously acquired assets, suffering from chronic disease, mental agony; to ward off such evil results, donation of gold, mantra japa of ishta devatha, donation of cow should be resorted to. Results of Sun-Jup (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Victory over enemies, clothes, increase in gold & ornaments, acquisition of horse drawn vehicles. Sun-Ven combination •

Affectionate, popular, successful actor, warm hearted, cheerful & loving disposition, polite, affects married life; • In Can/Sco—a drunkard; • Within 3 deg of Sun-- highly sexed or nymphomaniac; • Fortunate, owns vehicles, property & ornaments; success through opposite sex; Results of Sun-Ven dasha (MD-AD) –BPHS •

If placed in Kona/Kendra/exalt/friendly or own vargas: acquaintance with women of taste (?) (abheeshta sthree bhogya sampada), travelling to villages, meeting with brahmins & authorities, gain of authority, great enthusiasm, great honors, wealth &



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well being at home, delicious/luxurious food, gain of precious stones, exquisite dresses, gain of cattle/vehicles, earning great amounts of money, earning fame; • If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL or weak: wrath of authorities, mental distress, loss of children, wife & wealth; • Beginning of dasha—medium results; in the middle: gains & auspicious results; in the end: loss of fame, loss of position, enmity of relatives, loss of comforts & enjoyments; • If 7L: diseases of body & mind; • If placed in 8H/12H: premature death; the dosha can be avoided by doing Mrityunjaya japa, donating white cow or buffalo, doing rudra japa. Results of Sun-Ven (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) • Steady life, little but steble gain, moderate happiness & prosperity. Sun-Sat combination •

Sat & Sun are greatest enemies of each other. Their dislike for each other is very severe, quite unlike the relationship between Sun & Ven or Sat & Mars. Sat & Sun are exactly opposite in nature. Both do not tolerate each other at all. Neither of them allow the other to interfere in his reign. Sun when aspected or conjoined with Sat, will become the greatest malefic & will damage the pertaining house (except perhaps when one of them is in own house &/or strongly placed??). Similarly, if both asp each other, both concerning houses will be spoilt.

Gives inheritance but squanders away, unsteady, source of disgrace to family, bitter family life, anguished mind, ailments which deny certain kinds of food; • Conjunction/opposition/square—affects cordiality with father; unfavorable for Govt service, disagreements with seniors, clash with elders & subordinates; • In 4/10 axis—conflict with authorities; • Opp is very bad as they both get badly afflicted & destroy the Lordship of their respective houses; Opposition denotes sudden fall in power; • Exchange often gives bad results unless mitigated by good yogas; • Struggle in life, bad for business; Results of Sun-Sat dasha (MD-AD) –BPHS • •

• • •

If placed in Kendra/Kona: destruction of enemies, abundant happiness, limited gain of wealth & food grains, marriage festivities at home, other auspicious functions. If exalted/own sign/conj a friendly planet: welfare activities at home, accretion of assets, marriage & such auspicious events, honors from authorities, fame, gain of varied dresses & money. Note: marriage of close relatives is possible, such as if Sat is 7L from 3H, marriage of brother may happen. If in 8H/12H from MDL or conj with malefics: gastric diseases & abdominal pains, fever, dysentery, arrest, failure of efforts, loss of wealth, sense of fear, sudden quarrels, legal fights. If Sat deb: In the beginning of dasha—loss of friends, in the middle—some happiness, in the end—difficulties & sorrows; further, grief due to parents & frequent travels; If 2L/7L: fear of untimely/premature death;



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To mitigate evil effects: donate black cow or buffalo or goat, japa of Mrityunjaya mantra; with these propitiations, happiness & prosperity can be restored; Results of Sun-Sat (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Loss of wealth, trouble to animals, disturbed state of mind, serious disease, inauspicious results in all sphere. Sun-Rahu combination •

This combination is especially indicative of medical career, in appropriate signs. Sun is indicative of cardiology. (BVR)

Sun-Rahu dasha results (MD-AD) •

(BPHS) If Rahu in Kendra/Kona from Lag—for first two months there is fear of thieves & loss of wealth, fear of theft, snake bite, sufferings to wife & son, and thereafter happiness; • If Rahu is conj with benefics or in benefic Navamsa: good health, mental satisfaction, affection of authorities; • If Rahu be with Yogakaraka & in 3, 6, 10, 11 from Lag or placed in an auspicious house from MDL: honors from authorities, fortunate, fame, gains, some suffering to wife & children, happy event of birth of a son, festivities at home; • If Rahu & MDL are not well placed from each other: o if in 8th or 12th from MDL or weak: arrest, loss of position, confinement in jail, theft, fear from snake, injury etc; prosperity of wife & children; loss or destruction of cattle wealth, destruction of house, blisters, TB, asthama, dysentry etc; (If either related to 9L/9H, it could mean danger to father) o If with 2L/7L or placed in 2H/7H: fear of premature death, fear of snakes; o Durga japa with donation of a goat; donating a black cow or buffalo will undoubtedly make the suffering subdued or ineffective. • (Sun-Rahu-Rahu is not good—dysentery) Results of Sun- Rahu( AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Phlegmatic disease, danger from weapon, loss of wealth, great fright, dislodgement from kingship, mental anguish. Results of Sun-Ketu (MD-AD) as per BPHS • •

Diseases, mental agony, expenditure, wrath of authorities, clash with kith & kin; If conj with LL: in the beginning—happiness, receipt of income; in the middle— trouble; in the end—news of death; • If Ketu in 8th or 12th from MDL or conj with malefics: oral & dental diseases, urinary related problems, loss of position/dismissal, loss of friends, death of father, foreign travel, great fear; • If in upachayas from Lag or with Yogakaraka or in benefic navamsa/vargas: auspicious results, happiness to wife & children, happiness, increase in affection & love, gain of exotic dresses, increased fame; • If 2L/7L: apamrityu (premature death); durga japa & donation of goat will bring happiness; Results of Sun-Ket (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Danger to life, great losses, fear of ruler, quarrels, confrontation with enemies.



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Sun, Gulika combination Harm to father, lack of help from higher people, disgrace to father. Some Yogas involving Sun Configuration


If there is a planet other than Moon in the 2nd house from Sun.

Has a balanced outlook. He is truthful, tall and sluggish. He is fortunate, happy, virtuous, famous, aristocratic and comfortable even with little wealth.

Name Vesi

Typically with planets in 2nd from Sun, produce righteousness or truthfulness more than affluence. An inauspicious planet producing Vesi yoga will make the individual fond of bad company, evil minded, and bereft of riches & comforts. If there is a planet other than Moon in the 12th house from Sun

Skilful, charitable, famous, learned and strong. Favourite of the ruling class.

Vasi Yoga

Typically with planets in 12th from Sun, emphasis is more on renown, learning & proficiency. An inauspicious planet producing Vasi yoga will make the individual stupid, afflicted, lustful, ugly faced and murderous. He may have to go into exile. Ubhayachara Yoga

If there are planets other than Moon in the 2nd and 12th houses from Sun.

Will have all comforts. He is a king or an equal.

If Sun and Mercury are together (in one sign).

Intelligent and skilful in all works. He is well known, respected and happy.

Budha–aditya; more powerful in D-charts like D-10.

Learned, well versed in sciences,

Ravi yoga

Essentially Sun will precipitate the effect based on nature of flanking planets. In case the Sun is flanked by Sat & Rahu or Mars & Ketu, the auspicious results of this yoga may get reversed. The individual may lead a miserable existence full of troubles, sorrows & deprivations. But flanking of Sat & Mars as concretising planets may give good implementation/execution capabilities.

Mer should not be combust; preferably 10 deg separation. If (1) Sun is in the 10th Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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house and (2) the 10th lord is in the 3rd house with Saturn.

becomes famous after 15th year, highly passionate, likes simple food, and respected by kings.

Sun & Jup in 5H

Promises a dignified political career.

Rajalakshana Yoga

Lord of Nav occupied by Sun should attain vaisheshikamsha & join 2H.

Becomes a humorous & witty speaker.

Parihasaka yoga

Sun must occupy 5th house & be in deb (Mithuna Lag)

Will lose children on account of father’s curse.


(check bhava position rather than sign of Sun)



Be in be in 5 house & in amsha of Makara/Kumbha (not possible for Ari, Leo, Sag Lag) or be in 5th house & be hemmed by malefics. Or Sun as 5L should be in a trine & be hemmed in between or aspected by malefics (Mesha Lag) Sun in 6th house in conj with a malefic & further asp by another malefic

Suffers from bilious complaints

Pittaroga yoga

Sun in Lag in conj with Rahu & malefics in trines.

Person will be born stone-blind.

Andha yoga

Sun occupies 10th Deg of Libra

Though born in a royal family will be bereft of fortune & position.

Raja bhanga yoga

Sun & Ketu conj in trines to Lag

Spiritualism of a high degree. Such people would not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others.

Siva yoga



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Planet - MOON Special Notes •

With the change in level of consciousness, an individual’s perception & mode of operation undergoes a drastic change. All differences would automatically disappear as the level of consciousness soars high. One with low level of consciousness would get easily disturbed, whereas one with elevated consciousness gets inner power to convert a mountain of a problem to a mole hill. As consciousness is raised, the barriers like hatred, jealousy, revenge etc get dissolved. Weak Jup, Sun & Moon cause low levels of consciousness. • The Venus and Moon gain strength in the 4th house, perhaps for they represent happiness and worldly attachments. They are the planets of desires. Primary attributes •

Watery, female, cold; best royal planet; while/fair in color (Gowra-Parasara);

The Sun is life and Moon the life’s force. It represents the gushing blood that causes turbulence inside you and makes you lively - churning life’s force. It also represents the mind. In a man’s journey from birth to death it is the Moon (mind) which eclipses the Sun (atma) and rules life. It is the mind – heart combo (thinking and emotion) that dominates with immortal atma taking the back seat.

Vaishya—business & commercial class;

Deity—water (Ambu-BPHS); Lord of Moola (organic matter such as vegetation); rule rodents, reptiles, multi-legged creatures ex insects; governs vata & kapha; rules clothes that are new; rules white colour; rules water; born back first; rules senses & emotions; rules temptation; rules Varsha (20 July to 19 Sept); Maturation age: 24; personified age: old person of 70; age duration: 0 to 4; indicates short person;

• •

Known for weak & wobbly promises; is a ‘domestic’ planet (interest in home life) as it rules 4H of natural zodiac.

Moon, as the fastest moving 'planet' represents rapid change in astrology. It covers the whole zodiac circle comprising of 12 rashis, 27 nakshatras and 108 charans in just 27 days. From 9Th Thithi of Shukla paksha to 6th thithi of Krishna paksha it is considered a natural benefic (some reckon from 8th to 8th) or three houses away from Sun; o Another simple way to reckon this is: If Moon is within 72 Deg of Sun in any direction, it is malefic. The lesser the distance, more malefic it is. o Sun, Moon & Lagna are vital tripod around which life of a native moves on. The essential principle of Moon is: it is linked with primordial matter & the cosmic ideation and it operates on maya containing within it the unmanifested design of the soul. Moon could be assumed as awareness, or consciousness which enables an individual to comprehend the implications of various forces impinging on the individual and to assist him in decision making process. It can be perceived in the great patience & serenity often felt in the presence of such noble souls. The exaltation of Moon conveys this principle. The Moon rules our looks, emotions and our mental health (Moon’s condition in the horoscope indicates overall emotional state). Well placed Moons tend to promote happiness, social and physical attractiveness, and this can often lead to greater accomplishments. A happy person will often integrate well with others and this can lead to success in life. (Ex: Exalted Moon asp by Jup) By contrast, badly placed Moons will



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often introduce a measure of anxiety, depression or hardship. (Ex: Deb Moon conjunct with Rah) • An action that becomes karma of consequence could be in just a gesture, a spoken word showing some amount of decisiveness or simply a routine act from motivational forces that tune the psyche. The psyche is constructed both from the karmas of earlier births which the soul records along with the actions of the current birth. Your conscience too has developed from such karmas of yours. Be it a tendency to shower snide remarks, self-praise, ridicule or to criticize fact, for every idea that comes to your mind and for every action, there is a reason and logic that lurks behind. The samskaras (psyhco mental tendencies) imbibed from actions (karmas) of past and current births get built in your psyche. How much of tamasic, rajasik or satwik elements (gunas) are there in your psyche and your conscience can be assessed from an analysis of the Moon. Tamasic (laziness, irresponsibility, cheating maliciousness), Rajasik are the undecided qualities between Tamasic and Satwik. Satwik Guna or innate quality would mean fearlessness, pure heartedness, charity, self-restraint, austerity, non-violence, truthfulness, modesty and the like. A domination of Satwik planets in the trinity of 1-5-9 houses and Moon well-disposed, therefore makes you a Satwik, concentration of Rajasik makes you a Rajasik and so forth. Character/Nature •

• •

Soft spoken, healthy blood, good looking, tall, round/rotund but not fat body, kapha-vata tendency, fair color; A strong Moon represents a well-developed brain, high emotions full of feelings & sentiments; receptivity, sensitivity, imagination, good memory, sound habits & conditioning; friendly, kind; Weak Moon--Stubbornness, changeability, unsettled, wavering, vacillating, timid; Birth on amavasya or full Moon day is said to give mental agony to the person.

Interaction & general attitude towards society, condition of mind.

Afflicted Moon • • • •

Indecision, lack of mental balance, suffering from over anxiety, disturbed family life; hyper-sensitivity, over-reaction, inability to respond; ill-placed & malefic Moon is found in the charts of criminals, insane & lunatics, neurotics; Debilitated Moon- indicates lack of warm emotions or difficulty getting in touch with feelings; If afflicted by Mars—impulsive, rash, strong attraction towards opposite sex; Afflicted by Sat—depressed & funky, fear, inferiority complex, pessimistic, weak concentration power;

When however there is Adhi yoga or Gajakesari yoga, a well-balanced mind with good reasoning qualities will develop & a retentive memory is shown. Nature related-other • • • • • • •

Impregnation, conception, birth of child; Infant stage of a person; Animal instincts, union & embryo; fond of walking; Human fancies, romances; Popularity, human responsibility; Moral & religious acts; Spirit, mediums, vision;



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Material objects • •

Clothes, women, pearls, milk, gems, vegetation, delicious fruits, juicy articles; Anything like water (any fluid); Sugarcane; Vehicles;

Events •

Royal favors, success in business;

Professions •

Seamen, trade in the products of water--fishermen, pearl, sea-products; agriculture, horticulture; humour, cartoonist, fashion & clothing; work related to or for women; travelling agents, navigators; food & hospitality industries; the public;

Relatives •


Locations/Geographical • • •

Water, watery places, bathrooms, springs, journeys in water, coldness; Strong in North (BPHS) Represents North-west; represents very short distances;

Physiological • •

Moon is connected to i) liquid component of the body ii) Blood iii) Left eye iv) mind v) state of intoxication vi) breasts vii) diseases pertaining to phlegm; face. Middle age;

Diseases due to affliction •

Eye diseases, mouth problems including loss of taste, throat troubles, cold, asthma, eosnophilia, lung disorders in general, bronchitis, cough, TB, phlegmatic disorder, ulcers, acidity, digestive complaints, colic pains, worms, intestinal disorders, gastric troubles; water retention, complications due to excess of drinks, hydrocele, dysentery, scrofula, typhoid, malarial fever, blood related illnesses, menstrual problems, disease of shoulders etc.; Skin problems may be faced by those with an afflicted/blemished Moon; lethargy, drowsiness, disorders of mind, lunacy, nervous debility, sleep disorder; paralysis, epilepsy, dropsy, beri-beri, catamenial disorders, tumours, peritonitis, pleurisy, varicose veins; cancer; • High BP is caused by weak & afflicted Moon and a strong but afflicted Mars. • Low BP is caused by weak & afflicted Moon and a weak but afflicted Mars. • Ven trine to Moon—eye defect; • Moon in deb asp by Mar—blood diseases, leukemia etc; • Moon between Mar & Sat—breathing problems; Moon in nakshatra of


Moon—carefree, jovial, robust health;

Mars—skin diseases, menorrhagia, blood in urine;

Mer—worried over health, highly imaginative;

Jup—robust health;

Ven—VD, delicate health, less resistance to diseases;



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Sat—mental diseases, pessimism;

Rah—various phobias, timidity;

Ket—irritable, aggressive but timid when opposed;

Karakatwa • • •

Mother, royalty, mind (flexible, changeable & full of desires & does not know the boundaries of prarabdha); the desires give birth to various actions, at both physical & mental level, culminating in kriyamana karma; Natural significator of 4th bhava; natural karaka for nursing; TASTE: Salt

Other karakatwas o

Mental Disposition (state of mind); Idleness; Virtue Or Vice (attributes of mind); Heart (feelings); Joking; Sharp in Thought (in good association such as Jupiter); Mendicant (sanyasa yoga); Fame (popularity among masses); Learned; Pleasure; Splendour; Happiness; Age; Life;


White Colour; Short Stature; Face; Beauty; Ability; Love for Curd; Nourishment; Eating (food); Good Fruits;


Getting a Job; Travel/going to far off Countries; Going to a Fortress;


Diseases of mind, if afflicted; Enlargement of the Spleen (spleen creates bile which help in fat metabolism); Typhoid (infection of intestine); Ailment of the Shoulders; Belly; Blood Purity and Vitality; Sleep (peace);


Winter Season; Wheat; Strength at Night; Facing Westward; Love For West; The Middle World; Worshipping Goddess Gauri;


Flower; Good Perfume (incense); Bell-Metal; Silver (metal); Nine Gems (navaratna); Middle Umbrella or any Other Royal Insignia; Brilliant Things (sparkling); Clean Crystal; Soft And Velvety Clothes; Silk Garments; Waistband;

Result related Moon’s features • •

• •

Moon rules the manas, that is flexible, changeable & full of desires, and does not know the boundaries of prarabdha. Hence is karaka for kriyaman karma. An afflicted Moon could mean faster changing moods and instability and an exalted Moon or unafflicted Moon, some amount of stability, determination and an appreciation of the beauty of life. Irrespective of its positioning, it is difficult to control it. Moon exalts in the fixed sign of Taurus and is said to be weaker in its own sign Cancer, for Cancer is a moveable sign. Moon, when weak in a horoscope, can be strengthened by the chanting of proper mantras. Moon abducted the wife of the Devguru Brihaspathi (Jupiter). Her name was Tara. This deed was perpetrated by the Moon on a Chaturthi day (4th thithi) of Bhadra month on the shukla paksha. This is ‘chaturth ka chaand’ which is to be avoided for acts of importance. The legend, for the generations to come, says that on this day Moon must not be looked at. Looking at the Moon on this day is likely to induce improper thoughts and cause the mind to get into a fallen state. The legend very pithily and correctly points out that in a fallen state the mind is capable of committing misdeeds. For any chart, if Moon is Kendra Lord it should be analysed carefully. Moon with 4 bindus is said to give average results, more towards beneficial results. But if it has 5-8 bindus it confers wealth, status, prosperity, happy attitude, great influence in



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• • • •

• •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

society, romantic & kind disposition with good fortune & long life to mother. If it has 1-3 bindus, person concerned has dark & dull mind, suffers from neurocism, melancholia and pessimistic mind. Mother of the person will also suffer accordingly. Moon in Kendra associated with 6-8 bindus makes a person very intelligent, rich & prosperous. A strong Moon with many bindus is an asset for poets, writers, artists, and musicians. The results will vary in case Moon is in own rashi, exalted, deb, in inimical sign etc. Ceremonies like tonsure, betrothal etc should be done when Moon is passing through a sign having maximum bindus. Ascertain the sign in which Moon has maximum bindus. People who have their Lagna or Chandra Lagna in these signs will be more helpful to the native. Hence it is better to avoid people who are born under your weak signs. Results of Moon’s transit over weak bindus: fear, troubles of all sorts, loss of wealth & health, disturbance of peace of mind, domestic unhappiness, laziness & jealousy; diseases of Moon—lungs, asthma, cholera, diarrhoea, lunacy, digestive disorders, jaundice, impurity of blood etc. Find out the nakshatra in which 8L from Moon is located. The transit of Moon over this nakshatra is not good for mental/physical health. How to judge whether the psyche is blessed with more freedom or less? Or whether our thoughts surge towards being positive, negative, constructive, destructive, creative, aesthetic, morose, lethal or mostly happy? This and much more can be traced to the 5th house and the Moon in a horoscope. Does not lose luster if near weak Sun; Vargottama Moon—contended life, intellect, good memory, firm & impartial attitude, gets desired things; Moon in Taurus: will have a broad chest, will be of charitable disposition, sensuous, famous, of an attractive demeanour, father of female progeny, will be sharing success of his life’s pursuits in the middle & later part of his life; In Cancer—beloved of friends; Asp by malefic—miser; Greater the influence of malefics—more worried the nature; Double affliction of Moon may signify developing sanyasi like self-control on mind to rise above the physical limitations. Moon asp by Trik Lord—fails to overcome obstacles; weak mind; If LL aspects lord of sign occupied by Moon, native becomes a member of religious order. Retro Moon excites criminal tendencies; Full Moon in Ken asp by Jup/Ven—even a low born is raised to kingly status; In 2H/with 9L—charitable disposition, liberal attitude; (but not in Cap/Aqu) If it is night birth in bright half (shukla paksha), Moon protects the native like Goddess Mother (against serious diseases, consequence of accidents etc.). According to observations of Sri. Y. Krishna Rao, one will be endowed with extra ordinary intellect if the Sun or the Moon is posited in a Navamsa ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo). Moon (in Makar?) aspected by Venus promises prosperity. Janma Chandra is a well-known principle of fatality, i.e. Moon on the day of death will be on the natal Moon.



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• • • • • •

The periods when Moon transits over natal Moon or birth Lagna, the person becomes sensitive. Sun & Moon own only one house; hence when Lords of 2H/12H which are neutral, their results would depend more on the house in which placed. Malefic influence of Mars & Sat (planets of aggression), 6L (theft, aggression), 8L (to plan & hide) on Moon/Mer give criminal tendencies. Aspect of deb Mars & deb Sat would make the person impatient & impulsive. Mrityu bhagas of Moon ( the degree at which if Moon is placed, results would be a wash out) Ari: 26, Tau: 12, Gem: 13, Can: 25, Leo: 24, Vir: 11, Lib: 26, Sco: 14, Sag: 13, Cap: 25, Aqu: 5, Pis: 12

Results of Moon’s Mahadasha (BPHS) •

If placed in MT, exalt, own sign & occupies Kendra/trikonas, is full Moon, conjunct with benefics or 4L/9L/10L, powerful & in own vargas: • Beginning of dasha till end, happiness, extreme enjoyment, auspiciousness would prevail. Gain in wealth & agri produce, many auspicious ceremonies at home, comforts of conveyance, meeting with high authorities, success at works, blessing of Goddess Lakshmi, enhancement of fortune thro royalty & friends will be experienced. Acquisition of conveyance & white apparels, happiness of having a son, addition of cows in the house etc will be seen. • If placed in 11H & also in own sign/exalt: gain of wealth in assorted forms, accretion of fortune, happiness & education, royal commendations are likely to be bestowed. • If Moon is deb / waning: loss of wealth; Powerful Moon in 3H: sometimes happiness & sometimes wealth; if Weak & with malefics: sluggishness of body, disturbed mind, trouble from servants, loss of wealth, death like situations for mother’s relatives; if in 6H/8H/12H, weak & with malefics: enmity with authorities, mental agony, loss of wealth & grains, sorrow to/conflict with mother, misunderstandings, sluggishness of body (deha jadyam), disturbed mind (mano rujam); If placed in 6H/8H/12H but strong: sometimes gains & happiness, bodily discomforts & calmness are felt intermittently; Results of Moon-Moon (MD-AD) dasha (BPHS) •

If in exalt/own sign/Konas/11H/conj with 9L or 10L: will get elephants, horses, clothes, devotion/faith in deities & preceptors, recitation of shlokas/singing of keerthanas, gain of authority, abundant happiness, increase of fame; • If Full Moon/Strong Moon: command of an army, great happiness; • If conj with malefics/deb/6H/8H: loss of money, dismissal/loss of position, laziness, mental disturbances, opposition of authorities, distress to mother, sorrow, loss of relatives; • If is 2L/7L or with 8L/12L: physical ailments, diseases or premature death; donating a white cow, or buffalo will mitigate the problem; Results of Moon-Moon (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) • Acquisition of land, decent meals, wealth, conferment of honors by king. Combination with other planets & effects How the effects of combination of Moon with other planets occurs is dependent on the houses & signs in which the combination happens. When, for instance, Moon is in Sco &



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afflicted by Rahu/Sat, the native is often tempted to use black magic & may himself become a victim of those who unscrupulously make use of these dreadful practices. Results of Moon-Sun (MD-AD) dasha (BPHS) •

If Sun in exalt/own sign/Kendra/Kona/11H/2H/3H: will regain lost authority & wealth, auspicious events at home, gain of lands etc due to patronage of friendly authorities, conception of a child, good wealth; at end of period, bodily inactiveness, fever etc; • If in 8th /12th from MDL & with malefics: fear from thieves & authorities, fever etc sicknesses, foreign travels; • If 2L/7L: fever etc sicknesses; to mitigate the dosha, do Shiva pooja; Results of Moon-Sun (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Acquisition of food grains & clothes, vanquishing enemies, ushering of comforts, triumph in all frontiers; Moon-Mar combination •

Highly emotional, erratic, less control over mind, robust, over-active, courageous, short tempered, adamant, fighting spirit, ambitious, pushy; • Mars hardens Moon and makes one unscrupulous (check benefic influences) and has been found to be a helpful combination for success in business and for making money. • If in conj / mutual asp, fortunate results in dasha of Moon & ordinary results in dasha of Mars. • If Moon is aspected by Sat, Sun & Mars, native will be imbecile. • If Waning Moon conjoins Mars, native will be vicious & ill-tempered. • Moon in Martian constellation with Sun & Sat in 12th therefrom—life may be a bed of thorns. Results of Moon-Mars dasha: MD-AD (BPHS) •

If in kendras/Konas: fortune, honors, gain of good clothes & ornaments, success in ventures due to sustained efforts; • If in exalt/own sign: improvement at home front, victory in business, success in work, great happiness; • If in 8H/12H & conj malefics or in inauspicious house from MDL: loss at home front, reduction in business, quarrel with servants, opposition/delay from authorities, • If 2L/7L or 8L/placed in 8H: loss of a close relative, daily sarcastic/bitter utterances; to mitigate these doshas, brahmins should be respected/worshipped; Results of Moon-Mars (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Gain of wisdom, felicitation by public, warmth of co-borns, increase in wealth, harassment by enemies. Moon-Mer combination • •

Active mind, highly developed intellect, retentive memory, full of common sense, expressive, quick witted, diverse merits; Mercury gives the literary touch but the mind (Moon) and intellect (Mercury) combine adversely affects the nerves. Mars & Moon are the cause for monthly menses in women. When Moon is in anupachaya rashis (not upachaya) & aspected by Mars the time for conception occurs.



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• • •

If afflicted—scornful, hypersensitive, erratic, gossiping, nervous debility especially if opposite each other, complex ridden person with feelings of guilt, insecurity & suspicion; Moon-Mer opposition aid & abet poor decisions and the tendency to raise justifications that heap abusive blame on everyone except oneself. It has generally been found that whenever there is Mer-Moon or Moon-Mer dasha, it gives rise to aberration of mind, more so when they are together. Worse is when they are together & conjunct with/aspected by malefic.

Results of Moon-Mer (MD-AD) dasha (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/kona/11H/own sign/own navamsa/exalt & strong: gain of money, honors from authorities, gain of desired clothes, company of scholars, increase of knowledge, happiness, birth of children, gain of profits in trade & business, acquisition of costly vehicles; • In Kendra/Kona/11th/2nd from MDL: marriage, accomplishment of yajna, performance of charity & dharma, company of scholars liked by authorities, gain of precious stones/gems, vehicles, exquisite clothes, good health, love & affection, enjoying good drinks (soma paana) etc; • If in 6th/8th/12th from MDL or deb: sickness, loss of agri lands, imprisonment, sufferings to wife & children; • If 2L/7L: suffering from fever & sickness; to mitigate, donate goat, recite Vishnu sahasranama; Results of Moon-Mer (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Birth of child, procuring a horse, attainment of education, raise/improvements on a large scale, acquisition of white clothes & food grains. Moon-Jup combination/influence •

Optimism, mental benevolence, vanity, sympathetic, broad minded, warm hearted, intelligent, spiritualistic values; if afflicted—harshly critical, lethargic & wasteful; • The Influence of Jupiter gives the Moon literary propensity, as Jup signifies authorship. • Natal Moon aspected by Jup, is blessed with a family of established progeny, a reliable spouse & friends; devoted towards parents, skilful in undertakings, righteous, has glorious achievements to his credit. Results of Moon-Jup (MD-AD) dasha (BPHS) •

• • •

If in Kendra/Kona/own sign/exalt/11H: gain of authority, festivities, gain of exquisite clothes & ornaments, love of authorities, income, conception of child with blessing of Ishta devatha, auspicious events at home, gain of wealth, support of authorities, gain of land property, vehicles, fulfillment of desires, happiness; If in 6H/8H/12H or in deb or combust or with malefics: inauspicious deeds, loss of preceptors, sons, loss of position, mental agony, quarrels, destruction of home/vehicles/expensive clothes etc; If in Kendra/Kona/3rd/11th from MDL: gain of good food, cattle etc, happiness from brothers, courage/valour, performance of yajnas, vratas, marriage, gain of wealth & patronage of authorities; If in 6th /8th /12th from MDL & weak: bad food, foreign travel; beginning of dasha some good results but at end, will bring grief;



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If 2L/7L: premature death; to overcome all the dosha, do shiva sahasranama japa, donate gold; Results of Moon-Jup (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Gain of clothes, increased glory, gain of brahma jnana from a sadguru, acquisition of kingship. Moon-Ven combination Love of beauty, refinement, cool minded, fashionable, lover of art & music (association of Ket with this gives it a touch of spirituality), fair-minded, romantic, shy, moody, clever in making bargains; in opposition—wealth; Moon – Ven opposition along 1/7 axis is not good for marriage & also perhaps for love-affairs. o If Moon & Ven together are in dusthana, person will suffer from night blindness. Results of Moon-Ven (MD-AD) dasha (BPHS) o

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign: gain of vehicles, dresses & ornaments, acquisition of cattle, improvement in respect of wife & children, building of new house, daily delicious food, sound health, beautiful wife, gain of cosmetics; o If with MDL: good health, great happiness, fame, comforts, wealth, improvement at home front; o If deb/combust/conj or asp by malefics: loss of lands, destruction of wife, children & friends, death of cattle, opposition of authorities; o If in 2H/exalt/own sign: gain of treasure, great happiness, gain of lands, birth of child; o If with 2L/11L: increase in fortune, fulfillment of desires, devotion towards deities & brahmins, gain of precious gems; o If in 11th /Kendra/kona from MDL: improvement at home, gain of wealth, great happiness; o If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & (?) with malefics: foreign travel, sorrows, death, trouble from thieves; o If 2L/7L: premature death; to overcome the dosha, do Rudra japa; donate white cow, silver; o Notes: The benefic effects are felt more intensely for Cap Lag; for Sag & Pis Lag, good effects are not seen but some adverse results are seen; for Leo Lag-- the evil effects are not much serious, as Ven becomes effectively 3L & will keep the native busy with business activities; Results of Moon-Ven (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) o

Gain of wealth, great jubiliation, birth of daughter, delicious meals, and affection from all. Moon-Sat combination • •

Worried, peevish, gloomy, cautious, orderly, conscientious, hardworking, perfectionist, pessimistic, inhibited, afraid of failure, low self-esteem; Saturn brings in grief when with Moon and inclines one to be a loner. Moon in conjunction with Sat & without any benefic aspects, the mind is stubborn, slow & subject to melancholia. When however there is Adhi yoga or Gajakesari yoga, a well-balanced mind with good reasoning qualities will develop & a retentive memory is shown. Their sambandha disciplines the mind (perhaps when Sat is well placed –in own sign, Konas etc.? & Moon is strong in own sign etc.- gives tremendous control over



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emotions, actions & physical movements), gives powerful concentration, bright school career, good manners; Asp of Sat can give good charishma; • Combination in 10H / 11H is combination for fame. • Moon with Sat in the 4th or 10th from Mars--native cannot give full pleasure to his wife during intercourse (Jataka Alankara). • Moon hemmed between Mars & Sat results in a mind worried almost all the time. • New Moon and dispositor of Moon with few bindus (less than 25) with aspect from Sat gives mental illness. • Sat’s aspect on Moon indicates possible spirituality. • If Moon occupies a decante of Sat and is also aspected by Sat or if Moon is in Nav of Sat or Mars & aspected by Sat, the native leads a life of dispassion & renounces the world. • If Sat aspects the Lord of the sign occupied by Moon, the native becomes a member of religious order. • If Moon is in the sign of Mars, aspected by Sat & in decante of Sat, the yoga leads to asceticism. • When severely afflicted by Sat, the person will have a sort of hysteria as it may give the mind suicidal tendencies owing to extreme sensitiveness & short temper. Results of Moon-Sat (MD-AD) dasha (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/kona/own sign/own Navamsa/exalt sign in nav/asp by benefics/strong & in 11H: gain of sons, friends, meeting with king of lower class people (shoodra prabhu samagamath),increase in agri output, improvement at home, birth of son, happy events, blessings of authorities; • If in 6H/8H/12H or deb/in 2H: pilgrimages & dips in holy rivers, trouble from many people, injury from weapons; • If in Kendra/kona from MDL : some happiness, gain of money, opposition of wife & children; • If 2H/7H/8H: sickness; to mitigate this, do Mrityunjaya japam, donate black cow, buffalo; Results of Moon-Sat (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) • Distress thro bilious & gastric diseases, loss of money & grain wealth, loss of fame; Moon-Rah combination • • • • • •

Rahu or Ketu disturbs the equilibrium and cause phobias and manias. Mind is inclined towards unhealthy & unnatural conditions, obsessions, religious mania, mediumship (mediocrity), drugs, vices and so on. In Conj/sqr/opp—little happiness from mother; Gives rise to punarphoo dosha implying delay; it is cancelled if Jup aspects the combination; Materialistic instincts, hypocrite in spiritual field, inclination towards base instincts; if afflicted—split personality; When severely afflicted by Rahu, the person will have a sort of hysteria as it may give the mind suicidal tendencies owing to extreme sensitiveness & short temper.



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Results of Moon-Rahu (MD-AD): BPHS •

If Rahu in Kendra/trikona—limited good results at start of dasha but later there is loss of honor, fear & loss of property, trouble from enemies, fear from thieves & authorities, loss of relatives & friends, mental agony. (opp of Sun-Rahu start period) • If with benefics/asp by benefics/in upachayas/ related with Yogakaraka: success in all ventures, possibility of meeting king (high authorities) in/favours from south-west or west direction, gain of vehicles & clothes, success in all desired activities; • If ill placed in 8th or 12th from MDL or weak: loss of position, mental agony, sorrow to son, great fear, suffering to wife, sometimes sickness to self, fear from poisonous insects, trouble from thieves & authorities; • If in Kendra/Kona from MDL or in 3H/11H: pilgrimages, darshan of deities, helping others etc good deeds; • If in 2H/7H: sickness; to mitigate the effects do Rudra japa, donate a goat; • If Rahu in benefic association or in good Navamsa—recognition, favors from admin. • If Rahu well placed in Kendra/trikona from Moon or in 3, 6, 10, 11—happiness to spouse & children. If in 3 or 11 from Moon—very good spiritual period. (If in 10th from Moon & associated with 10L, could give a promotion etc in profession) Results of Moon-Rahu (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Acquisition of wealth & welfare, gain of wealth from ruler, if Rahu conj/asp by malefics, fear of early death. Moon-Ket combination •

Makes one an evolved soul with intuitive & spiritual mind; may also imply suicidal tendencies; Results of Moon-Ketu (MD-AD) dasha: (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/kona/11H/3H & strong: gain of money, great happiness, happiness from wife & children, religious deeds; beginning of dasha—loss of money & in the middle—gets happiness; • If in Kendra/11th/kona from MDL & strong: some good results in beginning of dasha, happiness, wealth, gain of cattle, but losses in the end of dasha; • If with or asp by malefics/in 8th or 12th from MDL: failure in work due to enemies, quarrels; • If in 2H/7H: sickness, great fear; to mitigate evils of health & losses, do Mrityunjaya japa; Results of Moon-Ket (AD-PD) Dasha: (BPHS) •

Conflicts with brahmins, untimely death, degeneration of comforts, all round sorrows/distress. Moon-Gulika combination •

Trouble for mother, enmity with mother.

Moon in different signs (Note: All characteristics may not be seen simultaneously in all cases; the results are modified by aspects/conjunctions etc) Aries:



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Quick moving & observant eyes makes him not steady in his gaze on one object at a time; susceptibility to sickness is apparent; tendency to observe some religious norms; thighs are generally thicker; sense of gratitude is less; saves himself from sinning; has enough dynamism to win recognition in high circles; will be happy to make spouse comfortable; is afraid of water; has tendency to be rash, over-dynamic; calms down in old age. Taurus: o

Inclination to enjoy life’s gifts are strong; believes in good living & enjoyments; generally heart is pure and emotions are noble; tendency to gift away things are apparent in actions; can even have a very high level of spiritual purity; generally a strong personal presence; will have something magnetic about him; has a wide circle of good friends; efficiency in performance of duty is notable; prosperity comes easily; Gemini: o

Speech habits are pleasant/clever; quick moving & observant eyes; more than normal height; bright complexion; generally strong willed; notable intellectual gifts; efficient in performance of duties; sympathetic heart; loves to be just in all situations; desires to be well known; wants to be prosperous; musical, artistic talent; keen on enjoying life sexually; prone to develop diseases around neck; Cancer: o


A voluntary worker; likes to be rich; likes to indulge in bravado; has religious tendencies; serves guru; understands the inner meanings of some rituals; likes to go on long journeys; loses all sense of proportion when angry; weak minded; develops a tendency to get dejected; very clever in dealings; likes to strike friendships with important persons; in own house, develops own style; tendency to develop problems like headache;

Leo: o

Forgiving disposition; likes to accept challenges & face them; nurses the desire to be famous; likes to have good friends; respects parents; becomes unhappy easily; apparently humble but gets angry very quickly; likes to eat food with less sense of discrimination; has generally some addiction; likes to wander from place to place; fears cold;

Virgo: o

Believes in enjoying life; gives utmost respect to good men & deals with them with pleasant manners; religious inclinations are transparent; believes in charity; clever in many dealings; poetic talent; loves to stick to spiritual path; loving & lovable; almost gets addicted to music & dances; generally good looking or at least dresses up tastefully to appear attractive; likes to live in a place other than birth place; generally is ill-adjusted in marriage;

Libra: Has tendency to lose temper on wrong occasions; tendency to be detached & therefore sometimes unhappy; soft & cultured in speech; very kind mostly & therefore gets cheated; kindness makes the person prosperous sometimes & sometimes impoverished; asserts oneself rarely, either at home or outside; eyes & pupils have rare mobility; most sincerely spiritual with no hypocrisy; if takes to business/financial advising, is very imaginative & balanced; loves & honors bonds of friendship; an insatiable wanderlust; Scorpio: o


Develops the tendency to move from place to place very early in life; if fails to exercise self-control, may fall into life’s temptations very easily; if unchecked, covets



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the wife of others; rather haughty; cruel even with own kith & kin; does not mind becoming unscrupulous in earning money; has little love for own mother; knows most of the tricks of cheating; eyes develop yellowish color; Sagitarius: Brave; loves truth; has good qualities; would like to promote love & peace; loves prosperity; respects mother; generous in donating money; employs many servants; has histrionic talents; has liking for beautiful women; dangerous habit of destroying a flourishing family or an institution; develops corpulence; Capricorn: o

Generally not respected in own family & develops complexes very early; generally family loving; if in love, can listen to the advice of women more; succeeds in winning the respect of beautiful women; very scholarly tastes; very clear in preference for non-traditional music & disciplines; gets rich in very practical ways; kind hearted; charitable tendencies; has good servants to help; worried about own happiness; Aquarius: o

Has innate sense of charity; generally very helpful; mostly courteous; earns good name for good deeds & loving nature; tendency to be indolent (lazy) must be overcome; strong desire to surround oneself with wealth & other luxuries; can work hard to be scholar or be rich; believes in spending money earned by oneself; generally courageous; impressive eyes; Pisces: o

Self-controlled & dignified; capacity to be valorous; inborn leadership qualities; has fear of spending money lavishly; tactful in speech; has sterling qualities; loved by own family members; very truly spiritual; can develop musical talents; respected because of good conduct; gets angry quickly; tendency to walk quickly; Some Yogas involving Moon Configuration If (a) Moon is strong and occupies vargottamamsa and (b) four or more planets aspect him.

Results Becomes a king.

Moon is in own navamsa or that of an adhimitra• • •

Day birth-Jup’s asp Night birth-Ven’s asp Opp

Navamsa Lord of Moon should be exalted and daytime birth when Moon is waxing. Moon in paap-kartari , associated with or aspected by evil planets


Name Raja yoga


• Brings wealth and comforts. • Opp results. Respected by the pious, polished speech, feared by enemies, strong, faces danger from poison in 34th year. (Do not predict this house of longevity is strong enough) Mother will have an early death.

Garuda Yoga

Matru nasha yoga

If all three conditions prevail, mother may die soon after birth of native. Moon

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Asp of benefic like Jup delays the event. • •

Moon is in a quadrant from Sun Moon is in 2,5,8,11 from Sun

Moon is in 3,6,9,12 from Sun

All the natural benefics occupy 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th from Moon. Two benefics occupy. One benefic occupies.

• •

Planets other than Sun in the 2nd house from Moon,

• •


Little wealth, intelligence and skills. Average wealth, intelligence and skills. A lot of wealth, intelligence and skills.

Has great wealth.


• Has medium wealth. • Has little wealth. Becomes a king or an equal. He is intelligent, wealthy and famous. He has self-earned wealth.

Sunaphaa Yoga

Planets other than Sun in the 12th house from Moon

Becomes a king with good looks. His body is free from disease. He is a man of character and has great reputation, polite, generous, has self-respect, fond of dress & sensual pleasures. He is surrounded by comforts. In later life, renunciation & austerity.

Anaphaa Yoga

Planets other than Sun in the 2nd and 12th houses from Moon.

Enjoys many pleasures. He is charitable. He owns wealth and vehicles. He has good servants.

Duradhara Yoga

There are no planets other than Sun in the 2nd and 12th houses from Moon and if there are no planets other than Moon in the quadrants from Lagna/Moon.

Unlucky, bereft of intelligence and learning and afflicted by poverty and trouble. This bad yoga kills the results of other good yogas in the chart, especially Chandra yogas. One with this yoga has to work hard and succeed through great efforts.

Kemadruma Yoga

Wealthy, valorous and aristocratic. He is learned in sastras, astrology and music. He has a good personality.

Bhaaskara yoga

Cancellation: it is said that Moon being in Kendra from the Asc & also being aspected by Jup from 8H, the yoga is nullified. If (1) Moon is in the 12th from Sun, (2) Mercury is in the 2nd from Sun, and, (3) Jupiter is in the 5th or 9th from Moon.



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If the natural benefics (Mer, Jup, Ven) occupy 6th, 7th and 8th from Moon. These may be in three houses or two houses or one house. • • • •

If one planet strongly placed in any house Two planets Three planets Planets devoid of strength

Moon and Mars are together (in one sign). Also if they are in mutual aspect.

Becomes a king or a minister or an army chief, depending on the strength of the planets involved. Polite & trustworthy, will have an enjoyable & happy life, surrounded by luxuries & affluence, will defeat enemies, healthy & long lived. •

Becomes a leader

• • •

Minister Occupies eminent position in life. Feeble yoga

Worldly wise and materially successful. He may earn money through unscrupulous means. He may treat mother or other women badly.

Adhi Yoga (This can almost be considered as Raja yoga)

Chandra-Mangala Yoga

It can be productive of good if it occurs in 2H, 9H, 10H or 11H. It can be productive of good if it occurs in 2H, 9H, 10H or 11H. If it happens in 9H, 10H or 11H, and Moon is bright & powerful, this yoga can contribute considerably to the native’s financial status, more especially if it is a night birth. In a male horoscope this yoga connotes gains through women, or through such industries as hospitality & personal beautification industry. If the yoga is afflicted (occurs in 6H, 8H, 12H, is aspected by malefics and/or there is no aspect of benefics), it may mean exploitation of women. Moon & Mer in a Kendra asp by/conj with any other planet (heavy affliction)

Person becomes insane.


Moon in 12th, 6th or 8th from Jup

Loses fortune & may regain it. (Frequent obstructions to fortune). Will be ordinary & insignificant. Will suffer from poverty, privation & misery. Will be stubborn & hated by relatives.

Sakata yoga



(See one more version also)

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Moon, Sun & Mer in three successive signs & Jup in Kona from Moon.

Will be wealthy, valorous, aristocratic, learned in shastras, astrology & music, will have good personality.

Bhaskara yoga

Full Moon in 9H, in conj with Jup & Ven, and Mer joins Nav Lag.

Polite, learned, magistrate or head of a village, long lived, eats wholesome food.

Gola Yoga

Kethu & Moon in Lagna

Produce dire poverty, financial straits, wretchedness & miseries.

Daridra Yoga

Moon being asp by LL should occupy 6H/8H/12H in association with Sat or Mandi or Rahu.

Person will meet unnatural death.

Durmarana yoga

Moon in conj with Sat

Will be harsh in speech


(If Jup asp the conj, yoga is neutralised; If Mars asp—will be harsh & sarcastic) Moon conj Ketu & Sat

Person becomes insane.


Moon conj Ketu & Sat

Person becomes insane.


Moon conj Rahu in trines to Lag

Moon representing the conscious mind hankers for material pleasures; can be very destructive as for personal glory & aggrandizement the native would not hesitate to make nay sacrifice.

Shakthi yoga (Jaimini)

Moon and Saturn together in Arudha Lagna

Renunciation and an austere life


Moon and Saturn together aspecting arudha lagna

Inclination to renounce material comforts


Moon in Saturn's drekkana, aspected in rasi by Saturn and Mars

An ascetic


Moon in a navamsa of Mars, aspected in rasi by Saturn

An ascetic


Moon's dispositor aspected only by Saturn

An ascetic




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Primary attributes •

Significator of energy both constructive & destructive; nature, indicates in-born disposition-(satvam-Parasara).

Not very tall (short), white-red mixed color, brown eyes, youthful body, pitta constitution, has more bone-marrow; Deity—kartikeya (shikhija-BPHS); Element (tatwa)—fire; Lord of Dhatu (elementary substance, inorganic matter, mineral); rule four legged creatures; governs pitta; rules clothes that are variegated; rules red colour; rules fire; born feet first; rules power & strength; rule punishment; rules Grishma (20 May to 19 July) Kshatriya—men in army, police, in high positions; Maturation age: 28; personified age: young child below school age; age duration: 42 to 56; indicates short person;

• • • • • •

The Sun and Mars gain strength in the 10th house for they help you in courageously and dutifully fulfilling worldly commitments and performing the karmas which are in public domain. He is considered the commander-in-chief & is meant to protect the king, PM & prince!! Normally a malefic except when exalted/Yogakaraka/in own sign; He is aggressive when occupying the male rasi of Mesha that is owned by him and extremely powerful when occupying its exaltation rasi Makara. As the planet of action and athletes, a person's Mars will show how much initiative they have to make changes in their life. A strong Mars will show a lot of get up and go and an ability to outlast competitors. An afflicted Mars may show a person who fights too much or becomes subject to punishment.

Having governance over energy source that provides the momentum, Mars impels you to act negatively when it has to punish you for an evil karma and positively for a bravery award lying stored in your destiny.

In good position Mars has been found making one competent as a protector and provider of justice (committed armymen or policeman) and when ill-placed it is found driving one to crimes.

Mars streamlines & channels energy optimally when it has a good placement in a horoscope. Behaves erratically & imbalances when ill placed. Sometimes perhaps to fulfil its task to change destinies, it remains in one zodiac sign for months together.

Mars makes you move. It connects. Based on the guna, it impels you to do your karma.

Mars seduces. It fires passions & emotions.

Physics, maths, cold logic come under the fold of Mars.

Mars governs the first house of birth and 8H of death in natural zodiac.

According to astrological principles that interpret planetary war between planets, Mars is always the winner.

• •

The essential principle of Mars is: it is connected with life principle, prana, which vibrates through the pranamaya kosha and energises the individual & enables him to function energetically in the concrete world of manifestation. It represents the heat which



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enables all forms of life to grow. Whatever is within it, is brought without under its impulse. The wellbeing of the individual and the fulfilment of his mission in life depends on the evolution & maturity of the life principle vibrating through Mars. The person will display doggedness in achieving his objectives in life, inspite of obstacles/personal defects. Exalted Mars brings forth this quality. Character/Nature: Positive traits • •

• • •

Endurance, persistence, permanency, physical strength, manliness, sexual prowess, power/desire for practical execution, ability to accomplish tasks in a resourceful & ingenious way, great organizing ability, leadership in all pursuits; extroverted; Mental power, courage, zeal & enthusiasm, ambitions & desires, prowess, aggressiveness, strong determination, ambition to come out successful inspite of oppositions, faculty to argue, sharp wit, sharp/piercing intellect, happiness, pious/high thinking, frankness, liberal hearted; Acquisitions, relationship; Negotiations, using power of logic & fair play; a person who argues logically but in an aggressive manner and may even use logic as a tool in winning an argument, the logic not necessarily being correct. If Mars is very strong in horoscope, sanguine (habitually hopeful—optimistic) temperament is represented. The blood is rich. Apoplexy, skin disease, inflammation of inner organs are the likely complaints. Runs a great risk of wounds in quarrels. Karaka Mars, Mer & Rah rule over sports;

Character/Nature: Negative traits • •

• • • •

Thamasa guna , arrogance, strifes, impetuosity, extravagance, caprice (unaccountable change of mind or conduct, incalculable), contrarian nature, all-or-nothing attitude; Easily excitable, haste, inconstancy, inconsistence, cruel, eager to hurt, skilful in hurting; Craving, thieving, inability to control animal instincts; lack of drive & courage; Marital disharmony, adultery; (negative characteristics may be evident even if exalted, along with heroic qualities of courage etc.) It represents liars, crooks, serial killers who leave grisly legacy. Freak & weird incidents like shooting sprees, ghastly incidents could happen when Mars is worst afflicted. Violent vices, aggression, bullying, using abusive language, employing force, getting provoked easily, dreaming of getting rich fast, unsatiable greed, romanticising the khalnayak image, dadagiri, indulging in slogans & fisticuffs. If Mars obtains vargottama power in a bad house, it can cause more damage; When Mars is highly afflicted, native may commit acts which may lead him to the scaffold.

Nature related-other • • • •

Thin waist & thin physique; Risky ventures; Administrative capacity, capacity to award punishment; Weak Mars—rickety building.

Afflicted/Weak Mars •

Rough, short tempered, fool-hardy, quarrelsome, application of brute force than arguing intelligently/logically, ready for violence, extremist, sexual pervert; destruction of landed property by reckless actions;



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• •

• •

No success in life due to lack of ambition & effort; No landed property; When Mars is "afflicted" or has many conflicts in a birth chart, it can lead to repressing the vital fire within. But not to be denied, a stifled Mars will eventually erupt, and emerge through temper tantrums or just a low grade, but constant irritability. All Mars asks is to be channelled and given an outlet. When your own Mars nature is understood, it's easier to master. It guides you toward making the most of your potential through the use of your own natural assertiveness. Suffering to brothers; Causes accidents (owns 8H of natural zodiac), fire, extravagancy, arishta to father, mother & children

Material objects • • • • •

Immovable property; products produced from earth; Poisonous gases, burning gases, fires, sulphur; Gold, sapphire, coral; Engines, iron & steel, copper; Weapons of offence/defence; Beasts;

Events •

Litigation, accidents, bloody injuries, surgical operations; Earth quakes, catastrophes;

If related to Lagna, injury takes place.

Professions • • • •

Fighting & confrontation-- Warriors, military; men & things connected with men; adventurous, dangerous or courageous acts; Chemists, druggists; Metals, machinery, minerals, wood-work; vocations involving heat & energy—cookery, fire-fighting & jobs relating to electricity; cutting professions--Surgeons, dentists, butcher; doctors, healers; Brokers, driving; Engineer, builders (of anything), technical personnel; real estate; Administrators; harassing others; association with wicked people, spies & thieves;

Relatives •

Brothers, sisters, heir-apparent;

Locations/places • •

Places of fire (BPHS), cooking-rooms; Deserts, fortifications (?) Strong in South; represents South; represents medium distances;

Physiological •

Bone-marrow (majja-BPHS), Scars & wounds, blood, muscular system, muscle tissue, haemoglobin, left ear, face, sense of taste, nose, chest, bladder, pelvis, prostate glands, rectum, colon, testicles, menstrual cycle, dysuria;

Mara also rules over the ova of females and it is his conjunction etc. with Chandra that initiates menstruation in ladies.

Diseases due to affliction •

All acute fevers, plague, small pox, chicken-pox, mumps, inflammatory complaints, burns, rupture of capillaries, fistula, wounds, cuts, brain fever, haemorrhage, typhoid, ulcer in intestines, hernia, appendicitis, muscular rheumatism, boils, carbuncles, tumour, septic poisoning, tetanus etc.; head injuries; skin rashes; operations/surgery;



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• Neck bone fracture; • Mar in Sco—boils in anus; conjunct LL—piles; conjunct/square Jup—anaemia, low BP; Mars in nakshatra of: o



Moon—skin diseases;


Mar—robust health;


Mer—mental aberrations;


Jup—robust health;


Ven—VD, gonorrhea;


Sat—suicidal tendencies;


Rah-- suicidal tendencies, sex perversions;


Ket—highly irritable, high BP;

Karakatwa • • • • •

Is a benefic karaka for upachaya houses; Natural significator of 3rd bhava; Younger brothers (corporal); Leadership, commanders; paternal side; Land, immovable property; For any kind of success; Is a benefic karaka for 6H & its karakatwa includes combative & general success, fame, courage, valour, stamina, discipline, general command, superior strength, seriousness, passions, anger, desires, violence, blood, vindictiveness, increase of enemies, opposition in general, brothers & lands; mathematics, science, geology, logic, surgery; TASTE: Bitter (kahi), Pungent;

Other karakatwas o

Prowess; Strength; Loss Of Virility; Hostility; Generosity; Affection; Anger; Firmness; Controversy; Fame; Calumniating Others; Valour; Profundity Of Character; Male; Desire; Persistency; Independence; Fickle Mindedness; Leanness; Seeing; Speech; Mounting A Vehicle; Scandal; Going to a Foreign Country; Youth; Obstacles; Enemy's Strength;


Land (any immovable property); House; Owning A Garden; Burnt Place; World; Durbar Hall;


Commander in chief; Thief; Rogue; Minister; Judge; Supporter; Goldsmith; Forester; Kingship; Village Headman; Enemy; Fool;


Battle; Sword; Lance Or Spear; Axe; Spade Or Hatchet; Shataghni, A Weapon; Sound Of A Trumpet; Victory Over Enemy; Adept In Archery; Fire; Heat;


Quadruped; Looking After The Wild Animals; Serpent; A Tree; Flesh eater;


Bile; Blood (red blood cells); Sight Of Blood; Coagulation Of Blood; Fracture Of A Limb; Wound; Disease; Pain while Passing Urine;


Day; Summer Season; Facing South; Strong At The End Of The Night; Shortness; Triangle; State Inspection;


Gold; Tin; Copper; Jewel; Deep red colour; Earthen Pots; A Beautiful Cloth; Good Dinner; Sama Veda; Praying To God Subrahmanya;



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Result related Mars’ features • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • •

Duty of Mars is to protect property & life and hence has additionally the 4th & 8th aspect; A strong Mangal will certainly indicate its karaka indications getting strength, but not so in respect of the rasi occupied or aspected by Mangal. Mars has control on life upto 28 years; Mars in early degrees in a horoscope is strong; Raja Graha; Vargottama Mars: desire to learn astrology, encouragement, indicates reason for rise & fall in life; If vargottama in Vrishchika sign (panchamamsa)-native will become a king (even if this planet alone in horoscope is so placed); if in addition be endowed with all kinds of strength (shad-varga bala), he will be an emperor; Influence of Mars is prominent for home & property. Where Mars & Jup jointly influence the 4H, a home ownership is a certainty. If in any Ascendant, Mars is placed in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius sign, then one of the houses owned by Mars is damaged (even if it aspects its own sign as when it is in Libra), and it is for the astrologer to check which house has been damaged. Note: One should interpret the word “damaged” in an astrological sense as “not giving appropriate full results.” Mars with 0-3 bindus in AV is considered weak & leads to quarrels, pessimism, loss of status & wealth. Mars with 4 bindus give average results. With 5-8 bindus it gives, high status, lands & property, general prosperity, ability for leadership, & holding a commanding position in society, having initiative, dash, drive, courage & brave mind. These results are augmented if Mars is exalted, in own sign, placed in Kendra/Kona. An exalted mars or placed in own sign in 1H, 4H, 9H, 10H with 7/8 bindus is capable of bestowing great riches, prosperity & high rank. The best time to buy land, property is when Mars is transiting in sign having maximum number of bindus in its own nakshatra. Mars in Lagna with 8 bindus, one becomes a big landlord. When Mars transits a sign in which it has 8 or maximum bindus, native gains land, wealth, gold & the like. He performs auspicious functions. If Mars in exalted or is in own sign and has 8 bindus in 1,4,9 & 10, the native becomes a millionaire. Good transit with strong bindus—authority, success over enemies, victory, lands, wealth, enjoyments etc. Bad transit with weak bindus—quarrels, exchange of hot words, loss of wealth/position (4H), misunderstanding with wife; diseases of Mars—ulcers, heart trouble, BP, bilious fever, impurity of blood. In cases of self-inflicted wounds, road rage, accidents, sudden & unexpected tragic events, the role of Mars has been found prominent. Mars also governs moments of madness, revenge, flare-ups. Transiting Sat, Rahu & Mars have a role to play at the time of death also. Transiting Mars has a role to play in all vital changes. Without the energy of Mars changes are of little consequence. Mars gets exalted in Sat’s house but Sat gets Deb in Mars’ house; therefore, relatively speaking, Sat in Mars’ house is bad but Mars in Sat’s house is good; hence, Mars in Kumbha is not bad (?) Mars exalted in Natal, but deb in Nav: does not make the person aggressive or assertive;



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• • • • • • • •

Mars when retro becomes really powerful, and as such gives good results. Mars’s repeated role in divisional chart confirms operation/surgery. Mar as Dispositor of 9L: His aspects are not really so harmful; Mar in trik—always concerned about his own happiness; Mars aspecting the lagna 2nd and 10th would give aggression to the person. Mar in Lag, 4H, 10H in dual sign—prosperity in its dasha; Mar in 2nd from Ven—prosperity after marriage; When Mars is in Taurus/Libra & Sat aspects it—will be happy, famous, rich, learned & leader of men; • Mars in Mer’s sign gives worst results; Mars in Cancer brings wealth; • During the dasha or bhukti denoted by the nakshatra Lord of Mars, debts, theft, fears, ulcers, troubles, disease etc. will follow. (i.e Mars is in a particular constellation; the lord of that constellation is a planet; the dasha of that planet will be adverse.) Retro Mars

Mars retrogrades once in two years. Retrograde Mars in natal chart can bring out power issues, how to deal with conflict and aggression and anger. As Mars has male energy, its retrogression can create problems with how you deal with maleness within. It is often seen in charts of females who have problems with their sexuality- they can be overtly aggressive or completely suppress their masculine side whereby creating imbalance in personality. Men have to watch they do not become too aggressive and angry. As Mars is about power, its retrogressions give a lot of power yet the individual does not understand their own power and how to use it properly. This can lead to its misuse. Mars rules Agni (fire) element so its retrogression can create too much fire or complete exhaustion. They have to watch their metabolism. It can get speeded up or be totally dull. The chakra is Manipura, which deal with balance, vision and energy. Retrograde Mars will block the way this chakra works and create problems on a subtle level. Mars deals with logic and here the logic can get skewered or twisted. It can also make a person whose logic is unconventional but at the same time very powerful and they can reach places where others cannot as they have the ability to see things from backward to forward. Results of Mars’s Mahadasha (BPHS) •

If placed in MT, exalt, own sign, occupies Kendra/trikonas, in 11H/2H & is powerful, in conj/asp by benefics & placed in benefic Nav: • Gain of authority (rajya labha), gain of lands (bhoomi labha), gain of wealth & agri produce, high honors from authorities, gain of vehicles & ornaments, placement in foreign country, happiness from brothers; • Mars placed in Kendra or 3H in strength: wealth earned by own efforts, victory in wars, in the beginning of dasha happiness from wife & children, honors from authorities, but expect difficult times towards end of dasha. • Mars if in Deb, placed in inauspicious houses, powerless, conj/sp by malefics: gives bad/unfavourable results. Results of Mars-Mars dasha:MD-AD (BPHS) • •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/conj with benefics/3H/2H/with LL: great patronage of Authorities, gain of abundant wealth, regaining lost authority & wealth, birth of a child, plenty of cow milk etc at home; If in exalt/own vargas/own Navamsa & strong: improvement at home & house related matters, gain of cattle wealth, fulfillment of desires due to patronage of authorities, happiness;



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If in 6H/8H/12H & with malefics: urinary problems, increase in difficulties & troubles, fear of injury/ulcers etc, trouble from thieves & authorities, reduction in wealth & cattle wealth; • If 2L/7L: sickness, mental agony; to mitigate the evil do Rudra japa, donate a bull, & with these Lord Shanakara will be pleased & native will get good health & all kinds of wealth; Results of Mars-Mars (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • Fear from enemies, aggravation of quarrels, blood infections, fear of early death; Combination with other planets & effects: Mars--Sun • •

Gives much force of character & power; If both in Aries, gives rapid, powerful insights; consequently gives anger & frustrations when this rapidity is not responded to by others. Results of Mars-Sun dasha:MD-AD (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/11H/exalt/own sign/in MT/ & or conj with 9L & 10L: gain of vehicles, fame, birth of a child, gain of abundant wealth & good grains, festivities at home, good health, undaunted courage, honour from authorities, great happiness, increase in agri produce, meeting with high authorities abroad; • If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: bodily pains, mental agony, failure in endeavours, head related diseases, fever, dysentery, etc.; • If 2L/7L: danger from snakes & poison, distress to son; perform shantis as prescribed to get health & wealth; Results of Mars-Sun (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • •

Gain of land, wealth & property, contentment, company of friends, all sorts of comforts; Mars—Afflicted Moon

Cold, selfish, impulsive, highly emotional, erratic, short tempered, adamant, wicked, merciless; Results of Mars-Moon dasha:MD-AD (BPHS)

If in exalt/own sign/in kendra/in conj with LL or 4L or 9L or 10L: gain of authority, gain of fragrances & flowers, clothes, construction of temple gopuram, performance of punya-dharma deeds, marriage etc. functions, happiness to wife & children, happiness to parents, improvement at home & house related matters & wealth, fulfilment of desires due to patronage of authorities; if full Moon results will be in full strength & if weak, less results; • If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/ If in 6H or 8H from MDL: death, difficulty to wife & children, loss of landed property, reduction in wealth & cattle wealth, trouble from thieves & war; • If 2L/7L: premature death, ill-health, mental agony; do chanting of Durga & Lakshmi Mantras, donate white cow, buffalo to overcome the evil; Results of Mars-Moon (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS •

Acquisition of white apparels, ornaments, etc., from South direction, success in all pursuits; Mars-Mer combination

Trials & obstacles in educational career, possible break in education, mentally alert, sharp mind, argumentative; If afflicted—thieving, drug dealer (illegal trade), cunning, aggressive, fickle minded; will lose wealth thro state/disease



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Mars being the planet of injury & Mer being the 6L of natural horoscope, their conjunction/any type of relation can be powerful in giving injury/wound. • If Mars & Mer have 7th aspect on each other, person concerned will be well built. • If Mer be associated with Mars in signs of benefic planets or of Sat & be aspected by Sun, the native will be proficient in amusing (humour-hasyasaktha) the rulers & learned pandits. • Mars in 2nd from Mer gives a break in education or leads to change of subjects. • If Mars, Mer & Moon are aspected by a strong planet, the native will show his cleverness in speech & wit. Results of Mars-Mer dasha: MD-AD (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/Kona: listening to religious discourses, constant recitation of mantras, doing charity, religious thinking, high reputation, living only the ethical way, delicious food, enjoyment of vehicles, clothes, ornaments & cattle wealth, political power, success in agri works; o The stated results depend on the houses owned by Mer; For Ari Lag, generally adverse effects, but nexus with Sun/Sat is good for doctors & lawyers; yoga with Sun is good for education; o For Vir , Lib, Sag, Cap & Pis Lag, religious effects are more pronounced as Mer is strong & owns 9H/10H/4H; o For Leo, economic success is more pronounced; • If conj with MDL: increase of enemies, great fear, foreign travels, many diseases, opposition of authorities, enmity of relatives; • If in Kendra/kona from MDL/own sign/exalt: gain of abundant wealth, honor from authorities, if presence of Rajayoga—gain of wealth, clothes, ornaments, vehicles etc, commanding an army with fanfare, entertainment, comforts of wife & children at home; • If in 6H/8H/12H f /deb/combust: causes heart diseseas, disrepute, imprisonment, destruction of brothers, loss of wife & children, reduction in wealth, loss of cattle wealth; • If in 6th /8th /12th from MDL & with malefics: disrepute, given to cruel intentions, cruel words, trouble from thieves, fire & authorities, danger from bandits while in travel, unexpected quarrels; • If 2L/7L: serious disease; donating horse, reciting Vishnu sahasranama will overcome all problems & bring prosperity & happiness; Results of Mars-Mer (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS •

Degeneration of wisdom (buddhi nasha), loss of money, fever, (jwara sthanou?!), destruction of apparels, food etc;

Mars-Jup combination • •

In Lagna causes fractures & accidents; always adversely affects Jup’s significations; If in Conj / mutual asp, Mars’ dasha will be fortunate & Jup’s dasha ordinary. (BR); o However if Jup becomes yogakaraka, is exalted, in Lag, in 2H/10H/11H/9H, it will also give good results.

Marital bliss wiped off if—(i) Mars in Jup sign asp by Jup (ii) mutual exchange of lords of 4th & 9th (iii) 4L & 9L are deb; Deb Mars with exalted Jup could indicate righteous indignation.



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Results of Mars-Jup dasha: MD-AD (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own amsha/in 2H: fame, honor from authorities, gain of abundant wealth, improvement at home & house related matters, marriage & child birth; • If in 11th /Kendra/kona from MDL/with 9L or 10L or 4L or LL/in benefic amsha/in benefic vargas: improvement at home & house related matters, good health, fame, gain of cattle wealth, success in all efforts/profession, happiness to wife & children, honor from authorities; • If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/combust/conj or asp by malefics/weak: trouble from thieves & authorities, pittha roga, trouble from prethaas, loss of servants, destruction of brothers, • If 2L/7L: premature death, sickness; to mitigate the evil do shiva sahasranama; Results of Mars-Jup (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • Loss of wisdom (mathi nasha), sorrows, grief, quarrels, failure of all plans; Mars-Ven combination •

• • •

• • • •

Passionate in love, sensual, strong sex drive, warm & affectionate, impatient, raises passions to a high & tempestuous pitch; combination often seen in dancers; it also indicates addiction of some sort, possibly related to houses owned by Mars/Ven; if afflicted—brings bad reputation; There will be a steadying effect on this combination (conjunction or opposition) if Jup’s benefic aspect exists; or in the alternative, this combination should occur in the constellation of Jup, Mer or even Ven; Jup & Mer being more preferable. Ven-Mars disposition is an important factor for physical attraction. But in the absence of Jup’s or even Sat’s benign influence, real compatibility may be lacking. (BVR) When Ven & Mars are involved in adverse aspects, difficulty through excesses & trouble through marriage follow as a matter of consequence. Ven in a good sign or constellation can temper the roughness of Mars, but if Rahu is also involved, it makes one lascivious, lewd & wicked. (BVR) It is always better to look for trinal or quadrangular dispositions of Mars & Ven from the Lagna or Moon, no matter even if they conjoin provided they are in different constellations. A similar disposition in partner’s horoscope is desirable though not essential. (BVR) In any horoscope (boy/girl) Ketu-Ven-Mars association or even mutual aspect is not desirable unless the constellation involved belongs to Jup or Mer or even benefic Moon, though the last situation might render the thinking highly sensual. Ketu-Ven-Mars (or Sat) denotes danger of scandal in marriage. But if 10H is well disposed, the affliction becomes somewhat tempered. Children born with Mars-Ven conjunction should be brought up in a disciplined manner and should be made to avoid dissipating habits of immediate pleasure. The adverse effects of conjunction could be made to express through constructive channels if Jup aspects the combination or is in a quadrant therefrom. Mars in the rashi of Venus in navamsha aspected by Jupiter is a promise of musical abilities. Mars in the navamsha of Venus aspected by Saturn gives love for the classical & distinction in life. In 1H/5H/7H/12H coinciding with watery signs—stir up strong erotic feelings; In 1H/2H/7H/8H—brings bad reputation;



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Results of Mars-Ven dasha: MD-AD (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/having lordship of benefic houses: gain of authority, great happiness, gain of vehicles, clothes & ornaments, if connected to LL—benefit/improvement in respect of wife & children, increase in longevity & good health, increase of fortunes & happiness; If in 11th /2nd/Kendra/Kona from MDL: immediate fortunes, birth of a child, great happiness, blessings of king/immediate bosses, gain of clothes & ornaments, gain of villages/lands due to patronage of high authorities, (at end of dasha) enjoyment of music/dance etc entertainments, pilgrimages & holy dips, if connected to 10L—will perform religious & pious deeds & will construct wells etc; o If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: causes severe sorrows, bodily pains, reduction in wealth, trouble from thieves & authorities, quarrels at home, distress from wife & children, loss of cattle wealth;

• If 2L/7L: body pains; donating white cow, buffalo will give health & longevity; Results of Mars-Ven (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • Trouble from chandalas, fear from king, dysentery & vomiting; Mars-Sat combination • •

Sat gives persistence & Mars the fire. Daring, but denies son; Not bad in 1H/2H/5H/9H/10H; if strong/ asp of Jup—rises the native to dizzy heights; • Combined influence of these on appropriate house helps increase self-promotion & egoistic belief in self or in self-confidence & self-belief. (2H & 10H is one such case) • Asp/conjunction makes one serious, firm, of balanced mind, maturity more than age, temperamental; aspect of Mars on Sat adds power. • (BVR) If Mars & Sat combine Lag, 7H, 8H or 10H unrelieved by other favourable aspects, the person becomes aggressive, lacks tolerance for the adversary and is fanatical & ruthless. Fascist tendencies can be present when only when the vibrations of Mars & Sat combine in the 7H, 8H, 9H or 10H. • Mars with 5 bindus and conjunct with/asp by Sat gives Raja yoga. • Mutual asp—discord, selfishness, quick temper, injuries, rashness, haste, obstacles in occupations; it also shows compulsion in some matter, perhaps related to the houses owned by the two planets; if either is well placed & well aspected—bad things mitigated; Results of Mars-Sat dasha: MD-AD (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/Kona/exalt/own sign/in MT/exalt/own amsha/asp by LL or benefics: patronage of authorities, fame, increase in agricultural yield in own village (typically for Lib Lag), living happily with children & grand-children, accumulation of cattle & wealth, honor from king on Saturaday & in the month of Sat improvement of son; Note: Masadhipathi or month of Sat is that lunar month whose first day happens to be Saturday.

If in 8H/12H/deb: fear from authorities of lower/foreign class, destruction of wealth & grains, imprisonment, sickness, loss of agri lands; If 2L/7L & conj malefics: loss of wealth during travel, enmity of authorities, mental agony, trouble from thieves, fire & authorities, destruction of brothers, enmity of relatives, death of cattle due to calamities, fear of sudden death, trouble to wife & children, fear of imprisonment, fear of punishment by authorities;



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If in 11th /Kendra/kona from MDL: foreign travel, ill repute of different kinds, indulging in wicked/sinful deeds, cruelty to many animals, loss in sale of lands, loss of position, mental agony, defeat in wars, urinary problems; • If in 8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: death, trouble from thieves & authorities, vaatha peeda, shooting pains, fear from relatives & enemies; to mitigate the evil do Mrityunjaya japa, with this Lord Shanakara will be pleased & native will get happiness; Results of Mars-Sat (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS •

Annihilation of master, pains, loss of money, sense of fear, mental distress, trouble & quarrels; Mars-Nodes •

With Rahu—violent death; Mars in nakshatra of Ket, with Ket plus aspect of Jup can make one a prodigy, particularly in maths. • Mars & Rahu together is also said to produce skilled physicians, particularly if they strongly relate to 10H. • Ketu in sign of Mars & aspected by Mars becomes doubly a killer. Mars-Rahu dasha results (MD-AD): (BPHS) •

If Rahu in Kendra/trikona/exalt/with benefics/asp by benefics/in MT—honour from authorities, gains of land/house, marriage & birth of children, success in business, foreign journeys, spiritually a good period. • In 8H/12H or with/asp by malefics: fear of injury/ulcers etc., trouble from thieves, loss of cattle wealth, sickness due to vaatha & pittha, imprisonment; • If in 2H: loss of wealth/money, great fear; • If in 7H: fear of premature death; To mitigate the evils do worship of snake deities, and giving food to brahmins & deities, mrityunjaya japam; • If Rahu in benefic association or in good Navamsa—recognition, favors from admin. • If Rahu well placed in Kendra/trikona from Mars or in 3, 6, 10, 11—happiness to spouse & children. (10th from Mars could result in profession related gains) • If ill placed from each other o if in 8/12 from Lag associated with malefics—dangers of many types like thefts, health upsets, imprisonment etc. o if in 2H from Lag—loss of money. o If in 7H from Lag—fear of death. Results of Mars-Rahu (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • Arrest, loss of authority & money, bad food, quarrels, daily fear of enemies; Mars-Ketu dasha results (MD-AD): (BPHS) •

• •

If in Kendra/Kona/3H/11H/+conj/asp by benefics: patronage of authorities, happiness, peace, gain of wealth, less results at beginning of dasha (more at te end), gain of landed property, birth of a son, gain of cattle wealth, conferment of authority in Govt. work; If Ketu a Yogakaraka & strong: birth of a child, fame, gain of abundant wealth, gain of wealth thro employees, commander of army, happiness, acquaintance with high authorities, completion of yagas, gain of clothes & ornaments; If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: quarrels, dental diseases, troubles from thieves & wild animals, fever, dysentery, leprosy etc diseases, troubles from wife & children;



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In 2H/7H: diseases of body, humilitation, mental agony, destruction of wealth & food garins; Results of Mars-Ketu (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS Inertia, headache, diseases generating bad effects, fear of untimely death, injnury from weapons etc; Mars-Gulika •

Absence of brother, enmity with brother, absence of others help.

Some Yogas involving Mars Configuration


If Mars is in a quadrant from Lag & in own sign or exaltation sign.

Is a great man of fiery nature. Has a lot of enthusiasm. A natural leader. Loves to fight wars and he is victorious over enemies. Is discriminative and a devotee of learned people. Is well-versed in occult sciences. Has good taste. Is always successful. Person gets knowledge of science & is well versed in sacred hymns.

Ruchaka Yoga

Mars as 9L joins 5L and malefics occupy Lag & trikonas

Children die on account of father’s curse.


Mars powerfully aspecting/in conj with Mer in 6H/8H.

Person becomes insane.

Moon and Mars are together (in one sign). Also if they are in mutual aspect.

Worldly wise and materially successful. May earn money through unscrupulous means. May treat mother or other women badly.

(Apply discretion to check if 5H is strong)



It can be productive of good if it occurs in 2H, 9H, 10H or 11H. If Mars and Jupiter are together or in the 7th house from each other.

Righteous and energetic. His energies are channelled in dharmic paths.

GuruMangala Yoga

Mars in the 9H, and Sat, Rahu & Sun in association

Death by weapons

Durmarana yoga

Mars being lord of 6H/8H, should conjoin the 3L & Rahu/Sat/Mandi in cruel amsas

Will be killed in battle.

Yuddhe marana yoga



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Planet: Mercury Primary attributes •

Male eunuch (Mer associated with male planets is considered male planet; If eunuch planets associate with benefics, they are extraordinarily benefic & confer Raja Yoga; if with malefic, they are very malefic to the native); Neutral, dualistic; autumn; Rajasa Guna; o Unless it is Lord of 1, 5 or 9, it does not help in progeny.

black-green color (doorva-shyamo-Parasara); not very muscular (nerves/veins are seen prominently), thicker skin, equal vata-pitta-kapha constitution, medium size; Deity-Vishnu (Parasara); Element (tatwa)-earth; governs vata, pitta & kapha; rules clothes that are immaculate & clean; rules green colour; rules earth; born head first; rules rational mind & speech; rules diplomacy; rules Sharad ( 20 Sept to 19 Nov); Vaishya—business & commerce class; (some have assigned Shudra varna ) Maturation age: 32; personified age: is a youth; age duration: 5 to 14; indicates short height;

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

Known for weak & wobbly promises; Shows type of mentality one is endowed with as it governs the reaction to one’s sense & impressions; Represents jeeva (life force, living beings) & speech (vani—Parasara); rule flying creatures; The essential principle of Mer is: intellect enabling the individual to articulate & express his feelings and experiences. It is the energy which enables pliability (which includes concealment of the feelings/emotions), articulation (giving words to thoughts & ideas), interpretation & comprehension. Anything coming in contact with Mercurial intelligence is able to project it to the external world with its own imprint. Even if in some cases the person is unable to use polished language/written words, the basic understanding of life will be superbly under control. Exaltation of Mer leads to doing this superbly/brilliantly. Mer is a complicated planet; it is very adaptable by nature depending on its relation with benefics/malefics; gets afflicted easily; its study & accurate judgment of its results are tough; it gets heavily influenced by the planets who are associated with it either by conjunction or opposition, aspect or by mutual exchange of signs; waning Moon together with Mer—both are malefics; Mer’s malefic nature is caused by conjunction only (unlike natural malefics). Hence such Mer should be treated as non-benefic & not as malefic; therefore aspect of a badly associated Mer will bring neither benefic nor malefic effects; It has specific role over certain events of life which are mostly kept secret; Mer mostly exhibits its results in the 32nd year; Karaka Mars, Mer & Rah rule over sports; Mer is considered as the prince & hence is allotted signs next to Sun & Moon. He has to be groomed to take over!! Both signs of Mer are human signs. A person whose Lag or Moon is in the sign of Mer can read another person better. The fastest planet in the solar system rules intelligence and our ability to communicate. Strong Mercury gives high intelligence and great dexterity (since Mercury rules the hands as well) and an aptitude for speaking, writing, or teaching. Afflicted Mercury would hamper an individual's ability in these areas such that afflicted Mercury could indicate slower mental development or a harsh speaking style.



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Character/Nature: Positive traits •

• • •

Wisdom, psychological development, intelligence (while Mars rules intelligence, Mer is more prominent about thinking), rationality, practical, retentive power, dexterity, shrewdness, Communications in general, sharp & witty speech, talkative nature, expression with multiple meanings, duality, humour, logic, discriminative learning, simultaneous interest in many varied subjects, power of understanding, balanced outlook, methodical way of work, researches; well-versed in policy-making; diplomacy; praise by learned people, aptness in acquiring knowledge, expertise in ways of worship. Is Gyan of Jupiter, different from Information Processing of Mercury? It is often seen in horoscopes that when Mercury is active, one quickly acquires education, information, awareness and logic. It forges you ahead rapidly, at least superficially. But, when Jupiter gets active, knowledge that matters is gained and higher spiritual goals are reached. Jupiter is also the significator of wisdom. A Jupiter-Mercury combination helps you achieve what matters most in life. It gives short, pithy, incisive writing. Beauty, elegance, refined taste, proficiency in arts, sexual enjoyment; skill in mechanical arts. Influence of Mer makes one young in looks. Sense of humor or lack of it—like being emotional/sensitive & easily crying when something is said;

Nature related-other •

While Moon represents the mind in totality, Mer represents that faculty of mind that reasons, argues & questions. • Education, scholarship; Mer is the Mimamsak—someone who can grasp even difficult points & interpret them with ease. (Mimamsa involves investigating the Vedic texts & churning out interpretations & innovative meanings.) • Astronomy, astrology (it is Mer only which gives skill of judgment & art of interpretation of any birth chart), mathematics, medical knowledge, study of scriptures, searcher into mysteries; • Religious pursuits, mantras, yantras, tantras, curiosity to master occult science; agreements & contracts; communication equipment; • Mer is the chief planet to be considered first for education; • Being the significator for skin & nerves, Mer causes itching both on the surface & inside (knocking, questioning, irritating etc.) • Through Mer one can gauge one’s stress bearing capacity & understand lifestyle options better. • Though all planets contribute to the making of a person, Mer holds the responsibility of skilfully presenting you. • Person with very strong Mer is endowed with bilious temperament. His weak points are the nervous system, liver & digestive organs. He is childishly superstitious & has a tendency to go for quick remedies. Afflicted/weak •

Aloofness, detachment, expediency (The quality of being suited to the end in view), overintellectualisation, difficulty in thought & communications, stammering, poor memory, Phrenetic (Excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion), writes nasty things, gambler, worst liar, a cheat, forgery, conceited, showy with vainglorious statements extolling himself, talkative, perverted, unprincipled, adulterous, inconstant,



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cunning; fickle minded, eccentric, lacks confidence, has nervous breakdown; loss of wealth, lack of intelligence, unhappy relations with family members & friends. Material objects • • • •

Wire & wire associated things-copper wire etc; Putrified & rotten things, dust; Base metals, green color, betel leaves, nuts, limestone; Birds, horses;

Events • •

Aerial & land journeys; Some secretive events/Characters: adoption of child; illegitimate births; concubines & keeps; impotency;

Professions •

Mercantile, trade, brokers, hawkers, commercial dealings, accountants, auditors, CAs, economics, imports & exports, ambassadors; it rules documentation, recording, clerical work, teaching, writing, study & learning, clerical jobs, driving a bus/car/train/plane. Journalists, book sellers, publishers, public speakers, orators, translators; stenographers; Mathematicians; use of numbers; Architects, poets, artists, sculptor, weaver, artisans & others who need manual dexterity; Mer represents an actor; talking heads of TV channels, people in print media & film stars have strong Mer; Astrologer, priest, officiating as priest; sacred knowledge, repetition of mantras; Communications specialist, messengers, print & electronic media, reporters, correspondent, letter & courier services, Post & telegraph service, advocates; diplomacy. Also signifies measurements.

Those who resort to fraud, plagiary, counterfeiting or other trickery;

• • • • •

Relatives •

Younger co-borns, maternal uncles & aunts, neighbours; friends, relatives, colleagues & competitors; kinsmen in general, heir apparent, sister’s sons & daughters;

Locations/geographical • • •

Sports grounds (BPHS); Industries (?); spots of recreation & enjoyment; Strong in East (BPHS) Represents North direction; represents medium distances;

Physiological • •

Skin (BPHS), navel, neck, throat, nose, lungs/bronchial tubes, vertigo, solar plexus, central nervous system, brain; intestines, hips; Blend of bile, phlegm & wind (BPHS)-vaata, pittha, kapha; sense of smell;

Diseases due to affliction •

Vertigo, lethargy, giddiness in the head, madness, diseases of brain, disorders of nervous system, nervous breakdown, defects of memory/intelligence (buddhi), stammering & imperfections of tongue, suffers impairment of voice, skin or eyesight , dry coughs, TB, abundance of spittle, gout of hands & feet, leprosy, cancer, indigestion, etc.;



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• • • • • •

Impotence, speech disorders, nervous breakdown; Fractures to back; Mer conjunct 6L—heart problems; With a node in trik house—nervous disease; Being the 6L of natural horoscope, has ability to cause ulcer (vrana); Mer in the nakshatra of: o



Moon—highly imaginative, worrying type;


Mar—headache, nervy, mental aberrations;


Mer—self-confidence, great mental power;


Jup—great stamina;




Sat—mental aberrations;


Rah—timidity, inferiority complex;


Ket-- mental aberrations;

Karakatwa • • • • • •

The only planet which is not allotted a ‘house’ as karaka, perhaps because it cannot function to its potential independently. Associated karaka for 2H as speech giver, for 4H for friends & relations and 10H for professions related to Mer. Successor, heir presumptive; maternal side; Friends, maternal uncles & aunts, adopted son (Corporal); Eloquence, Intelligence, education; vidya karaka, bandhu karaka, jnana karaka; Natural significator of 6th bhava; TASTE: Mixed taste/varied flavours;

Other karakatwas o

Formal education (schooling); Mathematics; Vedanta Philosophy; Renunciation; Recitation Of Mantras/ Sattvik Mantras; Modesty; Dancing; Devotion; humorous temperament; Tranquillity; Speech/Courteous Speech; depth of a language; specialist in grammar; A Scholar; Wise Lectures; Writing; well versed in the legends of the past; impartial nature; family prosperity; Childhood; Crooked Look; Fear; bad dreams; moving in villages; Pilgrimage To Holy Places;


Doctor; expert in testing of the precious stones; Trading; Astrology;


Horses; Infantry; army (soldiers fighting on foot); New Garment; Wet; stone to sharpen knives; Sacred Prayer; Atharva Veda; Religious Action; Worship Of Lord Vishnu; Sudra; Bird; After Born; Paternal Relation; Maternal Grandfather;


Palatial Building; Temple; Sculpture; A Beautiful House; Garden; Tower; Heaven; Treasury;


Skin; Neck; Navel; Pudendum Virile; Eunuch;


Green Colour; Bell metal; Best Ornaments; An Amulet; Dust; Ritu (Season); Hemanta Ritu; powerful in the morning; Mixed Items;



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The Directions; fond of northwest quarter; Facing North;

Determining malefic/benefic nature of Mercury •

By the rules mentioned in conjunction heading (in section “Planets-attributes & behavior”), whenever Mercury is approaching (within 12 degrees) any one of five grahas - except Moon - either in direct or reverse, then the nature of Mercury will assume the character of that planet which is in close proximity to it.

If Mercury participates in Graha Yuddha by staying behind by less than 1 degree longitude (irrespective of latitude), then also it assumes the nature of the planet with which it is at war.

If Mercury participates in Graha Yuddha by staying ahead by less than 1 degree longitude (irrespective of latitude), then its nature will not assume that of the planet which is behind it but only that which is ahead of it and is within 12 degrees.

Rule 2 and 3 will apply when Mercury is in direct motion, and the contrary is true if it is in retrograde motion.

Irrespective of Combustion, Mercury's nature should be determined in accordance with the rules of conjunction with Sun. This implies, Mercury can be simultaneously combust and benefic or combust and malefic.

As Moon is a malefic whenever she is + or - 90 degrees from Sun, and in such case, whenever Moon is behind Mercury (who is either direct or reverse) and no planets in between them, there will be a union of Moon with Mercury. As such, Mercury will be a malefic. If Moon crosses over Mercury by even a fraction of a second there may be a samagama but not union, therefore in such case, rules 1 to 5 will apply to determine the nature of Mercury.

If all the above rules do not apply, then Mercury should be treated as isolated one, which

according to the Universal Context will be a benefic Result related • • • • • • • • •

Vargottama Mercury: sharp intellect, capacity to convince others, impressiveness, clarity of talk, desire to learn astrology; Aspect of badly associated Mer will bring neither malefic nor benefic effects; Retro Mer excites criminal tendencies; If Mer is afflicted in the birth chart & transit, then the native experiences more grief in respect of money & greed. Helps in giving marriage if lord of 2nd or 7th. With 5-8 bindus it is strong. With Mer having 1-3 bindus in 6th or 8th without any benefic aspects the person becomes unreliable & crooked in behaviour. With 5 bindus placed in trine or Kendra and joined or aspected by Jup/Sat makes one highly learned. With 5 bindus with Jup/Mars makes one scientist. Becomes a literary figure if Mer with 4 bindus is in sign of Mars & Nav of Ven asp by Jup. If there are 4 or more bindus in 2nd from Mer, native becomes a great speaker.



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7/8 bindus in 2nd from Mer makes one a poet & great orator. Type of speaker can be judged by counting the bindus contributed by planets. Malefics make one a boastful who makes false promises. Influence of Jup gives ennobling & spiritual talks, Venus artistic & idealistic, Mer witty & humorous, Moon romantic & delightful, sat falsehood & obscure talk and Sun could give boastful or enlightened depending upon its placement in horoscope. Mars is basically full of braggadocio & provocative. • Mer with 4 or more bindus with malefics and deb in Nav gives proficiency in dance, drama & music. • Dispositor of Mer if placed in a Kendra/Kona with many bindus is capable of bestowing fame, education & learning. However if such a lord is in dusthana there will be break in education. • Mer with 4 bindus in sign of Mars & Nav of Ven aspected by Jup makes a person writer, poet or dramatist. • Mer in Kendra/Kona with 5 or more bindus with aspect of JUp/Sat makes one learned in scriptures. • In Mer’s AV find out the signs having more than 4 bindus & aspected by Jup. Education should be started when Mer is transiting over such sign. • Propitiation should be done to Vishnu when at the time when sign with max bindus in AV of Mer is rising. • Good transit with strong bindus—wealth, prosperity, honour, good character, happiness, friendship with good people. • Bad transit with weak bindus—loss of wealth, wicked speech, dishonour, grief, loss of position, dull intellect; diseases—nervous disorders, brain, skin, anaemia. • Favourable in 8H; • In 1H, 4H, 10H in own house—tactful (will not be frank/forthright); • Relation with 4L/9L—astrology; • In Virgo for Sag Lag—good & rich wife, prospers professionally; • It is said that 4H is best for Mer, second best is 8H, and third best is 10H. • According to some Kendra positions of Mer are preferable. 5H for Mer is considered good for writing books, business, accumulation of wealth etc. It may not make good predictors. • Mercury periods and sub periods are generally good for the pursuit of astrology. • Malefic influence of Mars & Sat (planets of aggression), 6L (theft, aggression), 8L (to plan & hide) on Moon/Mer give criminal tendencies. In signs/bhavas

o Mer in Gem/Lib/Aqu Behaves like a boy; provides a great desire of learning throughout life, unrepressable enthu, love & curiosity towards knowledge of different subjects & their various branches; powerful inclination to understand the logic & complications; easily provoked to anger & passion, and talk too much; they try to convince others by their own views and with logic; o Mer in Ari/Leo/Sag Behaves like a youth; most knowledgeable persons; have clear & wide understanding of many subjects; mostly experts but also very proud of their knowledge; usually do not compromise with circumstances; aggressive, can easily get involved in quarrels & create a dispute, as they cannot tolerate opposition or even their criticism; very passionate; o

Mer in Tau/Vir/Cap



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Behaves like a mature person; is a good disposition of Mer as it provides balanced thoughts & firm ideas; thoughts are not changeable and there is no vacillation of ideas; advises appropriately & correctly; not proud of knowledge as such never misuses intelligence; o Mer in Can/Sco/Pis Not a good disposition in general; mostly misuse their brain power; do not perform their duties in righteous manner; have a tendency to criticize & try to find fault with others and are mostly experts in that; use their intelligence for adverse causes; Retro Mer Mercury retrograde promotes either a person talking too much or not at all. Mercury is the karaka of speech and intellect. Their thinking can also be different. They may be very bright thinkers, but not know how to express that or drive others crazy with their ideas, thinking they are the only ones who are the intelligent ones. Mercury’s combustion can create more problems. Mercury travels close to the Sun and it is most likely to be combust. Combust and retrograde can make a person very prone to burn out and also unsure of how to deal with their Mercury. Not an easy situation to be in. Mercury rules the prithvi (earth) bhuta. Prithvi deals with the practical and the stable. Mercury retrograde can make someone impractical and they are more likely to make their position unstable than those whose Mercury is direct. Results of Mercury mahadasha (As per BPHS) • •

If placed in exalt/own sign/ Kendra/Kona/11H/friendly sign: Great happiness, wealth, fame, increase of knowledge, love of authorities, increase in virtues & good deeds, happiness of wife & children, pleasure of very good health, delicious foods, profits in business; If asp by benefics or conj with 9L/10L, & has strength: gives full effects (sampoorna phala dayika). • If with malefics/asp by malefics: • Enmity of authorities, mental disturbance, opposition from relatives, foreign travel; becomes dependent, quarrels, acquires urinary diseases, experiences great fears; • If Placed in 6H/8H/12H: • Gains, enjoyments & wealth are destroyed; jaundice & rheumatism are indicated; fear of authorities, thieves & fire; loss of agri lands; • Beginning of dasha brings about wealth & grains, education/learning, great happiness, welfare of children, acquisition of wealth by right means; Middle of dasha: honors from authorities; End of dasha: grief; Results of Mercury-Mercury Dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If placed in exalt/own sign/ Kendra/Kona/11H/friendly sign (original text says Exaltation etc positions): Gain of precious gems, knowledge, fruitful deeds, significant education, fame, meeting with new king; glorious life, happiness to wife, children, & parents; • If Placed in 6H/8H/12H/deb/with or asp by malefics: loss of money, crops & cattle, opposition from close relatives, shooting pains, grief & disappointment in performance of official work; • If 2L/7L: distress to wife, death of close relative, gastric & abdominal disesaes; To overcome recite Vishnu Sahasranama; Results of Mercury-Mercury Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Gain of intelligence, learning/education & money, acquisition of clothes, great comforts;



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Relation with Sun •

Ahead of Sun longitudinally & quite close—scholar but will not enjoy financial prosperity; • Behind Sun longitudinally & quite close—learned, fortunate, has luxuries, but has less reasoning power; Results of Mer-Sun dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/2H/11H/exalt or own sign in natal or nav: patronage of king, happiness & comforts due to support of boss & friends; If Sun asp by Mars, gain of land in the beginning of dasha; if asp by LL, great comforts & happiness, money income, gain of lands/village, comforts of good food, clothes etc; • If in 8H/12H and conj Sat, Mars or Rahu/ if in 6th, 8th or 12th from MDL & weak: trouble from thieves, weapons & fire, bilious problems, disease related to head, mental agony, separation from dear relative; • If 2L/7L: untimely death; perform shanthi rituals as per procedures laid down; Results of Mercury-Sun Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Loss of prowess/dignity (tejo haani), distress due to ailments, confusion/clouded mind; Relation with Moon: It has generally been found that whenever there is Mer-Moon or Moon-Mer dasha, it gives rise to aberration of mind, more so when they are together. Worse is when they are together & conjunct with/aspected by malefic. Results of Mer-Moon dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

• • • • •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign and aspected by Jup/Moon as yoagakaraka in a strong yoga: gain of woman (marriage), birth of a son, gain of vehicles, clothes & ornaments; gain of new house, daily delicious meal, enjoyment of music, effort towards learning of shastras, travel towards South, gain of foreign clothes, acquisition of precious gems & white clothes; If in deb/in enemy sign: physical distress; If in Kendra/Kona/3rd/11th from MDL: in the beginning of bukthi, pilgrimages, confidence, enthusiasm, gain of money from abroad; If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: fear from thieves, fire & authorities, disrepute due to wife’s extra-marital relations (?), loss of wealth due to bad acts of others, destruction of crops & cattle; If 2L/7L: bodily pains & distress; to overcome the dosha, do Durga Devi japam, donate clothes; Notes: For Ari Lag if Moon is in 10H/11H, will result in increase of cattle wealth, profit from manufactured goods, acquisition of vehicles & new house; For Tau Lag, if Moon is connected to 10H, native will have good profit as a commission agent & from leasing business; (Mer is a messenger or go between);

Results of Mercury-Moon Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Solemnization of marriage, gain of considerable wealth & property, birth of a girl, all kinds of comforts; Mer-Mars combination It is said to be the ink & paper combination. Is a tell-tale sign of a published writer. Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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Results of Mer-Mars Dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

• • •

If in Kendra/Kona/exalt/own sign/conjunct LL: peace welfare at home, regaining of kingdom & wealth by Goddess Lakshmi’s grace, birth of a son, increase of cattle wealth at home, acquisition of land/house, gain of fine vehicles, affection of king and comforts from wife; If in 8H/12H/deb/conjunct or asp by malefics/weak: bodily pain, mental agony, loss of job, loss of crops in own village, troubles from glands, weapon, wounds, fever etc. diseases; If in 11th /Kendra/Kona from MDL and with benefic aspect: gain of money, good health, birth of son, fame, affection from brothers; If in 8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: in the beginning of bhukthi, much sorrow, fear among brothers, fear of thieves & authorities, opposition from friends & children, loss of position, in the middle of bhukthi happiness, money income, in the end fear of authorities, loss of position; If 2L/7L: fear of untimely death; to overcome the dosha, do Mrityunjaya japa; donate cow;

Results of Mercury-Mars Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Spirituality, wisdom & wealth, trouble from thieves, assault by weapons, acquisition of red clothes; Mer- Jup combination • •

Unhappy & childless; Mer & Jup in mutual Ken—success in journalism, authorship; In cases where Bhadra yoga is formed by Mer & Mer gets the support of Jup placed in a Kendra, it will make the thinking of the person & his approach to problems of life sattwic & righteous. Ethical influence & sociability, regard for humanitarian well-being with philanthropy will induce him to be supportive of his family relations. Most important effect will be sharpness of his intellect capable of understanding the effect of solar radiation in life. Knowledge of shastras. Scritpures, metaphysical philosophies, and occult sciences with yogic precepts will make the individual unique in many ways. • Combination in the sign of Ven—well versed in dance, song & music; • Combination occurring in Watery sign of Cancer can make the person a prolific writer catering to emotional audiences; more so if Ven is in 10H indicating say cinemas as the field of profession. Results of Mer-Jup dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/2H/11H/exalt/own sign: comforts of body/good health, gain of money, affection of king, marriage ceremony, daily delicious food, gain of cattle wealth, listening to religious/spiritual subjects, devotion towards deities & preceptors, charity & pious deeds, performance of yajnas, worship of Lord Shiva etc; If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/combust/conj or asp by Sat or Mars: quarrels, dispute with king, distress from theft, loss of parents, humiliation/loss of honor, penalization from authorities, loss of money, danger from poisonous creatures, fever, loss/destruction of agri lands; If in 11th /Kendra/kona from MDL & strong: enthusiasm & exultation with relatives & children, auspicious happenings, accumulation of money, increase of cattle wealth, increase in fame, giving food in charity;



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• •

If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & weak: fever, anxiety, physical distress, enmity with wife & relatives, anger of king, reduction of money, unexpected quarrels, committing blunders, fear from Brahmins; If in 2H/7H: bodily distress; to overcome the dosha, do Shiva sahasranama, donate cow, land or gold;

Results of Mercury-Jup Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Conferment of High authority, felicitation by the ruler, increase in education & intelligence/wisdom; Mer-Ven combination •

Eloquent, gives power of expression both oral & written, including poetic language; Fond of music & acting, learned; coordinated effect of Mer & Ven will make a person a reputed actor/film star/star artist/playback singer; makes the person very understanding. • Weak eye sight, deafness; • If they are in mutually in konas (5-9 relationship), it denotes flexibility, a flair for deep thinking & ability for critical analysis in writings; Results of Mer-Ven dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H: being engaged in religious discourses, pious deeds, accomplishment of desires due to support of employer/boss and friends, gain of lands, happiness; • If in Kendra/Kona/11th from MDL: quick prosperity & auspicious results, gin of wealth & authority, construction of well, deeds of public welfare such as construction of well, pond etc., increase in agricultural produce, accumulation of wealth & grains; • If in 6th /8th /12th from MDL & weak: heart disease, humiliation, fever, dysentery etc. diseases, separation of close relative, great difficulty to oneself & anguish; • If 2L/7L: untimely death; to overcome the dosha, do Durga Devi japam; Results of Mercury-Ven Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Profits from north, loss of animals, attainment of authority in royal court; Mer-Sat combination • Loss of spirit, mean wife; Cheat, disobedient, pessimist, nervous, inferiority complex; • Mer opposed to Sat is known to cause unjust humiliation. • Sat’s aspect on Mer improves the diplomacy signification of Mer. Results of Mer-Sat dasha (MD-AD): BPHS • •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign: prosperity at home, gain of authority, great enthusiasm, accumulation of cattle wealth at home, gain of good & beneficial position, dwelling in religious places; If in 8H/12H from MDL or from Lag: excessive anguish from enemies, distress to wife & children, mental imbalance (buddhi brahmsha)/utter confusion, loss at work, mental agony, foreign travel, bad dreams; o If 2L/7L: untimely death; to overcome the dosha, do Mrityunjaya japa; donate black cow, buffalo;

Results of Mercury-Sat Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Deep anguish due to attack of bile & gastric diseases, destruction of wealth;



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Mer—Rah combination • Highly suspicious & overcautious; Results of Mer--Rahu dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If Rahu in Kendra/trikona/In 11th and in Tau, Can, Vir, Aqu: many types of gains, recognition of merit in a religious sense & from elders, spiritually very rewarding period, pilgrimages, fulfilment of desires, gain of fine clothes; physical distress in the beginning of bhukthi & comforts at the end; • If in 8H/12H: loss of money, in the beginning bad health due to vaatha (gastric problem), fever & indigestion; • If Rahu in benefic association or in good Navamsa—recognition, favors from admin. • If Rahu in 3,6,10, 11 from Lag & with benefics: moves in high circles & has satisfaction with such meetings, meeting with new high ranking authorities. • If in 8th /12th from MDL and with malefics: unpleasantness (nishtura) in official work, loss of position, arrest, diseases, heart disease, loss of money, mental agony from close relatives. • If in 2H/7H: premature death; worship Goddess Lakshmi & Durga or give in charity white cow or she-buffalo; Results of Mercury-Rah Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Disputes with women, unexpected fears, apprehension of persecution by king, danger from weapons; Mer-Ket combination •

Increases sharp intuition & makes one a computer expert; gives specialization & keen analytical intellect; Gives untoward results except in 1H, 9H, 10H where gets a good wife, wealth, friends & son; • Close conjunction saps the Mercurian grace & distinction and infuses the directness & haste of Ketu (Ket is like Mars) • If both are in 6H—afflicts Mer with all the shadripus of 6H; • Additionally with Moon —gives sharp intuitive faculty; Results of Mer-Ket dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/conj & asp by benefics/conj with LL/associated with yogakaraka/if in Kendra or 11th from MDL: happiness, wealth, affection of relatives, gain of cattle, earning money due to travel, educational attainments & improvement of reputation, meeting with equals of high rank, comforts of good food, clothes etc in the beginning & middle of dasha; If in 8th /12th from MDL & conj with malefics: fall from vehicle, grief on account of children, fear from thieves & authorities, indulgence in wicked acts, fear of bite by poisonous insects; if Deb, quarrels, sorrows, ill-health, company of wicked persons;

• If 2L/7L: stiffness in body /inactivity; to overcome donate goat; Results of Mercury-Ketu Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Difficult to digest food, stomach ailments, jaundice & bile diseases; Mer-Gulika •

Diseases of brain & nerves.

Some Yogas involving Mercury Configuration Planets-Significations-V4-GHV

Results Mercury

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If Mercury is in a quadrant from Lag & in own sign or exaltation sign. (Gem/Vir)

Great man of earthy nature. He is lion-like. Is learned in all respects. Has a good build of body and a deep voice. Has sattwa guna. Knows yoga well. Is always surrounded by relatives, friends and family and enjoys his wealth with them. Maintains cleanliness in everything and he is very systematic. Has a spirit of independence & is high spirited. Is religious. Is diligently devoted to befriending kingsmen.

Bhadra Yoga

In case Jup is also in a Kendra, it either forms Hamsa Mahapurusha yoga or will be associated with Mer. In such cases Jup will support & strengthen the inherent qualities of Mer. Mer in lagna with 6L & 8L

Will suffer from incurable sexual diseases.

Sisna vyadhi yoga

Mer & Moon in 2nd House

Will have defective eye sight, particularly night blind.(Assess the strength of planets. If 2H is house of exaltation of any, results should be modified.

Andha yoga

Mer & Gulika conj esp in 6H

May become insane




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Planet: Jupiter Primary attributes •

Male, fiery, noble, dignified, benevolent, fruitful, buoyant, optimistic, planet; white or yellowish (gowra-Parasara).

• •

Brahmin—educated, wise men etc; Deity—Indra; Element (Tatwa)-sky (nabhah)-BPHS; governs kapha; rules clothes that are average & ordinary; rules yellow colour; rules ether; born head first; rules knowledge & fortune; rules good counsel; rules Hemantha (20 Nov to 19 Jan) Maturation age: 16; personified age: young adult of 30; age duration: 57 to 68;

• •

Indicates fat & tall person, fair colored, kapha constitution, soft eyes, slightly reddish hairs;

• •

Spiritual planet; moksha giving planet (not moksha karaka); Strong Jup will provide providential help to tide over difficulties & rid of evil; he is also the Guru within who must guide; needs no protection except God’s; an idealist with inner strength; Represents jeeva (life force, living beings); knowledge & happiness; rule two legged creatures; Jupiter ,Mercury and Ketu are described as jeeva - the living things. Jupiter has hold over the past, present and future lives also. Divine planet of providence that helps in forming Rajayogas (position+power), Dhanayogas (money + power) & Gyan yogas (knowledge + logic) all in powerful manner; The position of Jup in a horoscope indicates God’s grace & measure of help a native can evoke from Him. Known as the Great Benefic, Jupiter represents wisdom, religion, expansion in general, and wealth. It is the significator of history. The preserver of heritage and culture. Individuals with strong Jupiter will tend to adhere to organized religions, usually the same ones as their parents. Strong Jupiterians also tend to be well-educated people who are well-to-do. Afflicted Jupiter may not enjoy material prosperity, or follow foreign religious traditions, if any at all.

• • • • •

The essential principle of Jup is: it derives its relationship with akasha tatwa. The existence of every manifested entity depends upon the wisdom contained within this planet. It provides the fuel for the Martian fire so that the growth and expansion of the manifesting entity is made possible. It enables the individual to reach near his goal, the impetus for which has been given by the other principles of life. They will engage themselves in activities which fulfil their life’s mission & enlarge their personality. Exalted Jup heightens these.

Special Notes •

With the change in level of consciousness, an individual’s perception & mode of operation undergoes a drastic change. All differences would automatically disappear as the level of consciousness soars high. One with low level of consciousness would get easily disturbed, whereas one with elevated consciousness gets inner power to convert a mountain of a problem to a mole hill. As consciousness is raised, the barriers like hatred, jealousy, revenge etc get dissolved. Weak Jup, Sun & Moon cause low levels of consciousness.



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Janmana jayete Shudrah sanchaarad dwija uchchayate: This shloka from Manusmriti states that “everyone is born a shudra at birth. His rebirth and elevation in life is in accordance with his samskaras (tendencies from the past life). Jupiter and Mercury gain strength in the first house for knowledge (Jupiter) and the skills to acquire it (Mercury) help in our upliftment. With strength in the first house they can best utilize and lift the inherent samskaras. • Logically, a benefic Jupiter would also mean that you have been granted an opportunity to rectify your deeds, of earlier births and of this one as well. The dasha of Jupiter is considered the most appropriate for remedial measures. It takes you closest to the purpose of life with least deviations since it a planet that represents goodness, righteousness, virtue, religion and spirituality; and lords the 9th house of fortune and religion and the 12th house of moksha (salvation) of the natural zodiac. • Jupiter, like all planets changes with its lordship and avastha. It has also to perform the role assigned to it by the creator – of bringing about major changes in life along with Saturn (Kaal) and for delivering the karmaphala. One of the guiding mantras for successful predictions given by our guru Mr. K.N. Rao is “nothing of importance has ever happened or will ever happen without the joint blessings of Saturn and Jupiter”. Character/Nature • • • •

Faith, devotion, religiousness, asceticism, penance, satwa guna, forgiving nature, generous, candid, high reasoning, good powers of proper judgement; humanitarian & spiritual outlook, optimism, geniality; Jupiter is a great negotiator. Honors, fame, truthfulness (Jupiter’s role so far as speech is concerned is limited to whether a person lies or speaks the truth), morality, idealism, fairness, wisdom, mental calibre, self-control, helpful nature, joviality; Expressive power; inclines one to write books. Manliness, corpulence, laziness;

Is Gyan of Jupiter, different from Information Processing of Mercury? It is often seen in horoscopes that when Mercury is active, one quickly acquires education, information, awareness and logic. It forges you ahead rapidly, at least superficially. But, when Jupiter gets active, knowledge that matters is gained and higher spiritual goals are reached. Jupiter is also the significator of wisdom. A Jupiter-Mercury combination helps you achieve what matters most in life. • Powered by Jupiter, Interpretations get deeper: Since the text of the shastras remains unaltered, the spiritual level of a Gyani, Pandit, Rishi or Muni is judged from how he interprets it. Interpretations of the classical text are Gyan (Jupiter) and mere translation is skill (Mercury). The Mercury in comparison with Jupiter operates at the superficial level; though it represents the intellect (faculty of the mind that reasons logically) Jupiter has depth. • If Jup is the strongest planet, the temperament is both phlegmatic ( sluggish, cool) & sanguine (optimistic); one may suffer from excessive indulgence in eating & drinking. Nature related-other • • • • •

Vedas, Vedantha, preceptor, charity; Proficiency in arts & sciences, power of discussions, respect & reputation; Diplomacy, dignity; Astrology, classical learning, grammar, logic, law, religion, philosophy, banking, economics; Jupiter the planets of Vedanta is also the planet of Vedanga which includes astrology. Higher education;



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Afflicted/weak/owning evil houses • • •

Over confidence/ over-optimistic, over indulgence, extravagance, immorality, greed, materialistic attitude (in the sense of wanting the best of everything); Unusual girth; Not moderate but extremist, very liberal & extravagant, donations beyond capacity , cheap popularity, misjudgement, false hopes, false prestige, carelessness, failures in speculation, debts, disputes, miscalculations, loss by relying on others; worry through children; trouble with authorities, diseases.

Material •

Silver, wealth, treasure, ordinary clothes;

Events •

Legal affairs, guardianship;

Professions •

• • • • •

Jupiterean influence has been always found improving the education. o It governs education in history, sanskrit and classical literature in the non- technical area. Jupiter has been found taking people towards Vedantic, classical, knowledge and literature when seen liberally. It gives careers in classical and religious preaching’s, learning and worship, teaching. o Management with Sun and Mars, commerce, finance, banking with Mercury, psychology and philosophy in the semi-technical field. o In the technical area, it contributes towards learning of Jeev Vigyan (Biology), Zoology in association with Ketu, Biotechnology. o Jupiter gives legal professions. Advocates have more influence of Mars and Saturn along with Jupiter. However, the horoscopes of Judges have been found with prominent and benefic Jupiter. o Auyurveda doctors too have Jupiter pivoting their horoscopes with the influence of Sun, Moon and Mercury. Ministers, philosophers, philanthropists; religion or religious instructions, recitation & study of scriptures, teaching & preaching, children, advice & Counselling; History related, merchants, bankers, money lending ; Publisher; planning, Lawyers, judiciary Judges; assistance from the wise, the Gods or the Govt.; While Sat’s role is more predominant in case of those who become Prime Ministers, Jup’s role is equally significant or even more prominent in case of Presidents; For someone to be a teacher there should be influence of Jup on 10H/10L generally.

Relatives o

Progeny, grand children, elders, elder brother, teachers, disciples, preceptors, Brahmins; Close Friend;

Locations/places • • • •

Treasury (BPHS); Religious institutions, shrines, temples; Restaurants & hotels; Strong in East (BPHS); Represents North-east; represents medium distances;



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Physiological • Fat (BPHS), fat tissues, liver, gall bladder, pancreas & spleen; abdomen; • The crucial Immune system of the body, fats in the body are represented by Jupiter. Diseases due to affliction •

Tumours, lymphatic & circulatory congestion, swelling filariasis, liver complaints, jaundice, cancer in liver, hernia, dyspepsia, dropsy, abscess, hernia, cerebral congestion, swoon, catarrh, carbuncles, infirmity in back arteries, inflammation of lungs, flatulence, diseases of respiratory organs, asthma, discoloration of body, rheumatic fevers, obesity, diabetes, forgetfulness (amnesia); Phlegmatic disposition, anaemia, (right) ear trouble/ fainting ear diseases,;

• Afflicted Jup’s asp on 6H—diabetes; • Afflicted Jup’s asp on 8H—piles; • 2L in 8H with Jup—problems with speech; • Affliction to Jup, 4H & Can sign—cough; In the nakshatra of: o

Sun—loss of appetite, infective fevers;


Moon—robust health;


Mars—colic pains, gall stones;


Mer—flatulence, piles, tumour;


Jup—good health;


Ven—giddiness, jaundice, sex weakness;


Sat—chronicity of diseases;


Rah—colic, dysentery, anorexia;


Ket—liver abscess, infective hepatitis;

Karakatwa • • • • •

Sons, husband, elder brother (corporal): Advisors, ministers; maternal side; Money, status, languages; Natural significator of 2nd, 5th & 9th bhavas; TASTE: sweet

Other Karakatwas o

Meemamsa philosophy; Philosophy; Mantras; God (divine blessings); Charity; Impartiality; Orator; Charming an Audience; Intellect; Proficiency In Learning; Happiness; Being Good; Misery; Gentleness; Reading Other's Mind; Brilliancy; Softness; Performing One's Religious Duties; Valour; Reputation; Logic; Astrology; Literature; Royal Honour; Moving In Villages;


Cow; Horse; Infantry; Chariot; travelling in a well-decorated carriage; Savings; Merchant; Throne; Vessels; Sweet Juice; Honey; Holy Water;


A Beautiful Mansion; Palatial House; A House Granting All Comforts; A New House; Tower;


Yellow Colour; Yellow Sapphire; Topaz; Gems; Jewel; Ornamentation; Old Garment;



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Physical Health; Knee; Thighs; Dropsy;


Strong at All Times; a month; Autumn Season; Facing North; Circular; movement in heaven; Swinging; Ether;


Length; Vedic Text; Worship Of Lord Shiva; Lord Indra; Wrath of Priest;

Result related • • •

• • • •

• • • • • • • • •

Vargottama Jup: intelligent, well developed physique, searching for truth, capacity to understand others’ views, proud; Jup should not be in contact with evil lords; should not be very weak even if it is a functional malefic: for Cap (3,12) or Tau (8,11), Lib (3,6); A good, well placed Jup without any aspect or conjunction gives stable idealism which is not affected even if enemies/difficulties increase; badly aspected Jup converts concealed lack of idealism into hypocrisy; Jup, (i) if not retro & asp by a malefic (ii) if weak (iii) if illplaced, must diminish or even mar one’s idealism. Jup being subjected to 6L’s aspect is to be feared & is a grisly combination. Jup in Kendra is considered the best position. When beneficially strong, it is said that all the planets put together cannot harm the native who has Jup posited in Kendra. The planets that Jupiter aspects gives expansion and wealth. Jup with 0-3 bindus is considered weak, with 4 average & with 5-8 strong. Jup in a Kendra/Kona is a great benefactor, particularly so if it is exalted, in own sign, not deb, not combust, not in enemy sign and associated with 6 to 8 bindus—would give a person high position, status or prosperity. Same would be the result if placed elsewhere exalted etc & endowed with 6 to 8 bindus. With 5 bindus results would be same though to a lesser degree. If in addition Jup gets lordship of 9H/10H, the rise will indeed be very high. Jup aspected by 10L leads one to acts of piety. If the 7L, 5L, 9L, 10L & Jup combine in a watery sign, the native has dips in scared rivers like Ganges in Jupiter dasha. Even though Jup be in 6, 8, 12, it would give excellent results if it is in own sign etc. & is associated with 6 to 8 bindus. If dispositor of Jup is exalted, in own sign, free from combustion and is placed in Kendra/Kona and has 4 or more bindus it gives plenty of riches & wealth. In case the dispositor is in 6th or 8th from Jup & has 3 or less bindus, it makes one poor. Father attains eminent position through son if LL is in 2 or 9 and Jup is in Kendra with 5 or more bindus. A worthy son & beacon to family is born if dispositor of 5L is associated with 5 or more bindus and has aspect, association etc. of Jup. In contrast if 5L is afflicted and Jup with 1-3 bindus is in paap kartari yoga, a sinful son is born. If dispositor of 5L is associated with Jup having 4 or more bindus, a worthy son is born. Good transit with strong bindus—wealth, prosperity, children, royal favour, association with noble persons, domestic happiness, knowledge, lands, houses, marriage, promotion. Bad transit with weak bindus—loss of wealth, disgrace, expenditure, loss of position, change of place, domestic unhappiness, death, imprisonment, disease, accidents (8H), separation; diseases—liver, cancer, jaundice, diabetes. The aspect of Jup on Sun or Moon or Lag &/or LL will always make the individual enjoy a kind of respectability for which there may not be enough justification (it does not imply



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that in all cases the laudation is unfounded). What is emphasised is that their popularity with whatever personality defects will be extraordinary. • Jup in Kendra or kona house in Pushkara Navamsa, makes the native very lucky/wealthy. But if the sign of pushkara Navamsa falls in rashi chart in 6H/8H/12H, the native also is emaciated & grieves on account of bereavement of a son; • Examples: Thula Lag, Jup in 10H in Kanya Nav (6-40 to 10-00); the sign Kanya is 12H; hence will be wealthy & will have the stated bad results also; • Thula Lag, Jup in 9H in Mithuna in Vrishabha nav, whch becomes ashtamamsa or the sign is in 8H; • Thula Lag, Jup in Lag in Meena Nav, which will be 6H; • If the above referred Jup is placed in (i) Mesha/Simha/Dhanus triad or (ii) Vrishabha/Kanya/Makara or (iii) Mithuna/Tula/Kumbha or (iv) Kataka/Vrishchika/Meena, it starts giving results of yoga from 21st, 14th or 24th or 31st year of life respectively; • Jup represents tradition, which includes respect for all gurus including mother, father, and mantra guru & shikshakas; • Jup is ‘Jeeva’ and whenever there is influence of technical planets on it (Mars, Sat, Rahu, Ketu), it provides inclination to study jeeva-vigyan—biology, biotech etc. But Jup should have some connection to education giving houses. • (Observation published in SA: to be kept note of but study in light of other afflictions to the concerned house & Jup, particularly double affliction by Mars & Sat) ‘If Jupiter is placed in Dual Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) it would spoil/destroy/delay one of the results of the 7th house from it’. Own features • • • • • •

• • • •

• •

Is not afflicted in Taurus (Vrishabha); Jup represents middle aged man & hence strong in middle degrees; Raja Graha; In Kumbha it is considered as being equivalent to being exalted. Here Jup can be in nakshatra of Mars or his own or Rahu’s. In Rahu’s nakshatra it normally gives Guru Chandala yoga, but it does not apply to Kumbha Rasi as the Rasi itself is considered pious (?) If Jupiter is placed in the kendra or trikona, the person will be intelligent. JUP’S ASPECT IS ALWAYS MORE BEENFICIAL THAN ITS PRESENCE IN A HOUSE; (Jup has to protect learning & children and hence has 5th aspect and to protect father & religion has the 9th aspect); there appears to be a statement that Jup is the destroyer of the house occupied by him (Sthana haani karo jeeva)? Jup’s aspect on dasha Lords in natal chart or during transit favours recovery from illness. However its presence in a house promotes benefic influence in that house and reduces the faults associated therewith; Even when debilitated, it remains benefic by nature and his aspect will be good though weak. Jup becomes malefic as Lord of 3H, 6H or 8H. But his power to confer yoga will not be obstructed even if he owns 8H. In his dasha, he will confer fame, name & wealth but on account of stigma due to this ownership he may give rise to malefic results as sub-lord in his own dasha & that of other planets. (BR) Right & strong influence of Jup in a horoscope gives a person high spirituality, ex: Jup in 9H asp Lagna; Any horoscope in which Jup influences/controls karma, there would be a deeply ingrained samskara of nobility which prevents indulgence in bad temptations;



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• •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

If Jup owns a kona and is placed in a Kendra, it is highly beneficial; When it owns a Kendra it suffers from kendradhipathi dosha unless it is placed in its own sign-- for Gem, Vir in Sag, Pis. If it owns a Kendra but is not placed in a Kendra , the person will experience setbacks in his major aspects of life as evident by physical troubles ( If it owns Lag), emotional & family setbacks (if it owns 4H), difficulties in marital life (if it owns 7H) or difficulties in professional life (10H ownership). These frustrations may not make the individual reactionary but would turn him towards spiritualism & religious way of life. Jup, though natural benefic, becomes evil for almost all Lagnas due to ownership. Wholly evil for Tau, Lib or Cap Lag. For Ari/Can/Leo/Sco/Aqu—mixed. Jup is best for Ari, even if deb, as he becomes Lord of 9H & 12H. Jupeterian is more attached to his children than to wife; A retro planet in 4th from Jup hinders happiness from progeny; Jup is strong in Sag/Pis/Sco for the purpose of conserving vital energy & conferring long life; Jup in Sco at the same time can pervert one’s character, unless it is 9H/10H; Jup in a quadrant in Can/Sag/Pis constitutes Hamsa Yoga giving the native sterling qualities, noble behavior, and subtle thinking and makes him a king or king-like person; Aspect of Jup on Lag/LL grants longevity; if 8th from Moon—good for longevity; aspect on 6L/8L mitigates violence; Jup gives good results in 2, 5, 7, 9 or 11th from Moon. When it transits over the natal position of Ven, Mars, Ket, own position or a trine, it signifies wedding bells & general happiness. If Jup asp 12H in a chart, during its MD/AD, there may be occasions to meet spiritual persons. (Dhruva Nadi) When Jup transits over natal Ven or its trine positions, native’s marriage takes place; (Dhruva Nadi) When Jup transits over natal Jup or its trine positions, birth of a child is expected; Note: These DN results of transit are effective during transit thro full navamasa occupied by the planet (100 minutes on either side of the planet) are conducive for the result.

Retro Jupiter Retrograde Jupiter which according to a principle of Parashari can reverse its promised results. This principle should not be overlooked in crucial predictions.(KN Rao) Jupiter is the guru or the teacher. Jupiter retrograde usually never knows when to stop giving advice. They can be very knowledgeable yet they do not know how to use this knowledge in the right way. They can also mistrust their own wisdom. On a positive level they can look at issues with a very different viewpoint. They will also give advice that is unconventional and different. As Jupiter is the karaka of children, it can show children who are different. The classics say that if Jupiter is retrograde, it will definitely give children despite what else is promised otherwise in the chart. This aspect does not always pan out but can be researched further. Jupiter as a karaka of husbands in a female chart will give a husband who is different. On an extreme negative level, they can bring twisted thinking into Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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the relationship. Jupiter rules the Aakash element. Aakash deals with the knowledge, wisdom, our ability to purify, to repel the negative forces. Jupiter being retrograde weakens the ability to use this tattva. Vishuddhi chakra will become blocked and this make us feel unprotected and make some wrong choices. Vishuddhi also purifies the poisons; here the poisons of the mind do not always get the right filter. So we do not know how to stop them from polluting our life. Retro Jup is also considered to lose its beneficence. Results of Jup Mahadasha: (BPHS) •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/MT/in won or exalt navamsa: gain of authority, great happiness, honor & praise from authorities, comforts of many types of vehicles, worship of Gods & brahmins, happiness to wife & children, gain of vehicles & fine clothes, performance of yajnas, listening to Vedantha, fulfillment of desires due to patronage of authorities, overall prosperity, donating food gladly;

If in 8H/12H/deb/combust/conj or asp by malefics: loss of position, mental agony, suffering from son, loss of cattle, pilgrimages;

In the beginning difficulties, gain of animal wealth; in the middle & end, happiness & honors;

Results of Jupiter-Jupiter Dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If placed in exalt / own sign/ kendras/Konas: attainment of kingship over many kings, honors/respect from the King, gain of cattle wealth, gain of expensive clothes, vehicles, ornaments, construction of large new place of stay with compound etc, fortune, felicitation from Brahmins & king, meeting with equals of high status, specific gains from own boss, benfits to wife & children. • If Deb in natal or Nav/ in 6H/8H/12H: company of lowly & wicked people, great sorrows, quarrels with cousins, quarrels without proper thinking, untimely death of self/employer, separation from wife/children, loss of wealth & food grains; • If 7L: physical distress; to overcome the evil, chant Shiva sahasranama, Rudra japa, donate cow; • Dislocation/loss of position (Sthana bhramsha), mental tension, fear of grief from son, loss of wealth & animals, pilgrimages; difficulties in the beginning of dasha and happiness & honors from authorities in the middle & end of dasha. Results of Jupiter-Jupiter Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Gain of gold, increase of wealth, conferment of welfare & auspicious results; Jupiter in different signs (also useful in assessing yogas like GKY) (Does not imply that all characteristics should be present simultaneously) o

Aries: knows the purpose of an argument & is adept at it. Rich, has children, is famous, has many enemies, full of anger, harsh in punishments.


Taurus: good in many ways, religious, prosperous, speaks with circumspection.


Gemini: rich, scientific bent of mind, speaks well of others.


Cancer: scholar, impressive, religious, cultured, truth loving, steady minded, famous, known for good deeds.


Leo: brave in facing enemies, helpful to friends, regal in dress & appearance, loves to live in hilly places.



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Virgo: wise, religious, tactful, efficient.


Libra: intellectual, rich, loves to live in foreign countries, loves ornaments, is artistic.


Scorpio: strongly positive in being a scholar, builder of temples etc; haughty, greedy & has low manners.


Sagitarius: religious, spiritual, scholarly.


Capricorn: has to face a lot of trouble, indulges in lowly deeds, full of grief, has all sorts of trouble.


Aquarius: tendency to do back-biting, leader of mean persons, ungrateful, loses money thro wrong judgement, deceives the guru.


Pisces: deep spiritual knowledge, respected by many, determined, famous, selfcontrolled.

Results of Jup-Sun dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If exalt/own sign/in Kendra/Kona/2H/3H/11H from Lag or MDL & having strength: quick gain of money, honor from authorities, gain of vehicles, clothes & ornaments, gain of cattle wealth, birth of a child, fulfillment of desires due to friends & authorities, auspicious results in all endeavours; • If in 6th /8th /12th from Lag or MDL: diseases relating to head, fever, apathy to pious deeds, indulging in unscrupulous deeds, hated by all people, separation from near relatives, unexpected quarrels; • If 2L/7L: bodily pain/suffering; to overcome chant Aditya Hridaya; Results of Jupiter-Sun Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS

• Benefit from ruler, friends, father & mother, veneration from all; Jup-Moon combination • • • • •

In 6/8 gives sakata yoga; Jup’s aspect on Moon does not allow mind to do wrong things; Jup in 4th from Moon—longevity to mother, birth in nani’s house; Jup in 4th, 6th or 8th from Moon—not conducive for financial stability; Jup in trikona from Moon and Mars in trikona from Mer—expert in all branches of knowledge or science. • Jup, Ven in 7th or 10th from Moon—comfortable profession, happy marriage; • Navpanchama yoga (5-9) of Moon & Jup can give organisational abilities & skills in completing a missing. • If in conj, Moon’s dasha will be highly prosperous but Jup’s dasha will be ordinary (BR); However if Jup becomes yogakaraka, is exalted, in Lag, in 2H/10H/11H/9H, it will also give good results. Results of Jup-Moon dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/full Moon & with strength/in good house from MDL: honor from authorities, happiness from wife & children, delicious food, performing good deeds, fame, enhancement of children & grand-children, all kinds of happiness, income of money, doing deeds for welfare of many people, performing many pious tasks (daana, dharma); If in 6th/8th/12th from Lag & conj with malefic or in 6th/8th/12th from MDL & weak: loss of prestige, relationships & money, banishment abroad (?),trouble from thieves &



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authorities, quarrel with cousins, death /separation of maternal uncle, suffering to mother; • If 2L/6L: physical suffering; to overcome, do Durga sapthashathi patha; Results of Jupiter-Moon Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Relief from all sorrows, acquisition of pearls & horses, success in all activities; Jup-Mars combination •

If Guru combines with Mars and along with it if they relate to 7H or Lagna, the native gets very excited (unmada) in matters of marriage or marriage like events & hence may commit undesirable acts.

Results of Jup-Mars dasha (MD-AD): BPHS • •

If in Kendra/Kona/exalt or own sign in natal/Nav: ceremonies like starting of education, marriage, gain of village/lands, gain of mass support, success in all endeavours; If in 2nd/11th /Kendra/Kona from MDL and conj/asp by benefics: gain of money & grain wealth, donating delicious food, affection of high authorities, auspiciousness, happiness from wife & children, pilgrimages;

If in 8H/12H from MDL or deb & with/asp malefics: destruction of crops & money, fear of many diseases, sorrows, eye diseases; more difficulties in the first half of AD & happiness in second half; • If 2L/7L: lethargy, mental agony; donate a bull to get all comforts & wealth; Results of Jupiter-Mars Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Danger from weapons, disease of anus, inflammation & indigestion, excessive troubles from enemies; Jup—Mer combination • •

• • • •

Optimistic, craving for travels, conceited, an inquisitive mind, self-satisfied, over confident, deceitful, eloquent; Is Gyan of Jupiter, different from Information Processing of Mercury? It is often seen in horoscopes that when Mercury is active, one quickly acquires education, information, awareness and logic. It forges you ahead rapidly, at least superficially. But, when Jupiter gets active, knowledge that matters is gained and higher spiritual goals are reached. Jupiter is also the significator of wisdom. A Jupiter-Mercury combination helps you achieve what matters most in life. When all is lost, the unconquerable knowledge remains. For us to witness, only Gyan (knowledge) has survived from ancient time, in form of sutras. It takes brilliant minds, perhaps with a Jupiter-Mercury, strategically placed in a horoscope to unravel the layers of meaning from our deeply profound legends. They operate allegorically at different levels. They have meanings embedded in layers. A story like that of Ramayana or Mahabharata from our Puranas was devised for common folk. Beneath the surface, however, there are messages of incredible complexity for the spiritually evolved. In mutual Kendras—success in journalism/authorship; In 1H/2H/4H/5H—man of genius; Jup asp Mer—smooth & meritorious educational course; Jup, Mer, Ven if conj or aspect each other, person becomes very wealthy, famous & fortunate.



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Results of Jup-Mer dasha (MD-AD): BPHS • • • •

• •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/with 10L: gain of a wealth, good health, gain of authority, great happiness, fulfillment of desires due to patronage of authorities, gain of vehicles, clothes, ornaments & cattle wealth at home; If asp by Mars: increase of enemies, decrease in happiness, loss of agri produce, fever & dysentery diseases; In 9th/Kona/Kendra/exalt from MDL: gain of wealth in native country, happiness to parents, possession of good vehicles with the blessings of higher authorities; If in 6th /8th /12th from MDL & with malefics & without benfic aspect: loss of wealth & prosperity, foregn travel, fear of thieves enroute, injuries/wounds/ulcers, eye diseases, wandering in many countries; o If in 6H/8H/12H & conj malefics: unexpected quarrels, speaking harshly at home, loss of cattle wealth, loss in business, fear of untimely death, quarrels with enemies; If asp by benefics/conj with benefics: happiness from wife, incoming wealth; auspicious, good health & gain of vehicles & clothes in the beginning of antardasha, but in the end loss of money, unhappiness to self; If 2L/7L: untimely death; to overcome the evil, recite Vishnu sahasranama; this will increase longevity & bring all kinds of fortune;

Results of Jupiter-Mer Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Attainment of education, acquisition of clothes & knowledge, procurement of pearls, exultation over the visit of friends;

Jup-Ven combination •

Popularity thro charm & generosity, a taste for luxurious & comfortable living, an eye for quality, graceful, able to handle people, conflicts in love, energetic; strong Jup in trine to strong Ven & Ket—very good understanding of scriptures & many branches of knowledge; • Jup-Ven conjunction or mutual aspect—native oozes love & goodness; gives stability in marriage. • Jup-Ven conjunction in Pisces (the mystic sign)-unfolds the inner powers of mind very quickly.(Ramakrishna paramahamsa) • Jup-Ven conjunction in Pisces + LL is endowed with strength + Moon in exaltation sign— enlightened (Samyak jnana arthavan) & wealthy (BPHS); • If Ven in conj with or aspected by Jup, person will earn much wealth in the dasha of Ven. • Jup in next sign to Ven—capable & devoted partner; • Jup in 12th to Ven—first marriage unhappy; • If in conjunction in Sco, Ven confers Raja yoga in his dasha. • If Jup has more than 4 bindus and is associated with Ven in a Kendra/Kona, the native becomes highly prosperous. Results of Jup-Ven dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If with 9L/Kendra lord/in 11H/in 5H/own sign conj with benefic: chauffer driven vehicle, gain of vehicles, clothes, increase in profits due to patronage of authorities, great happiness, travel in East direction will bring profits, auspicious events, happiness to parents, devotion towards deities & gurus, giving food in charity, construction of gopuram etc, various pious deeds;



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If in 6H/8H/12H from Lag or from MDL/deb: quarrels, enmity with relatives, trouble to wife & children; If this Ven is conj Sat/Rah, quarrels, fear of persecution by authorities, quarrels due to women, conflicts with in-laws, disputes with brothers, loss of wealth & grains; • If from MDL in Kendra/2nd/9th: gain of money & agri produce, blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, meeting with the king, gain of vehicles, birth of a son, gain of cattle wealth, great happiness, enjoyment of music, plays etc & association of scholars, delicious food, doing welfare of kith & kin; • If 2L/7L: reduction of wealth, fear of untimely death due to medication given by female; to overcome the evil, do shanti karmas; donate white cow, buffalo; Results of Jupiter-Ven Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Acquisition of various knowledge, gain of gold, clothes, jewellery, welfare & happiness; Jup-Sat combination •

Artistic tendency, religiously/philosophically inclined (Mars joining it gives to it aggressive, even unsavory expression), obesity; Jup’s non-mutual asp on Sat—good for practical politics & mundane prosperity; if both are strong (individually or together) & well aspected, uplift one to financial heights; Jup stands for open actions while sat acts for low & hidden things. Jup represents prosperity, wealth, children etc. Sat indicates adversities, poverty, sadness, depression etc. Mixed results should be expected when both these conjoin. Some books maintain that the combination is bad and others have described it as good!! When Jup and Sat reckoned from Lag or Moon are in kendras/trines or in 11th, the effect is beneficial. It bestows strength of character & those qualities which make for eventual success and spirituality. Their achievements will be substantial & solid. If they are mutually in 6/8 or 2/12 or in evil houses from Lag/Moon, one may have sudden fall & face disaster. If placed together— o They soak each other’s results. That is Sat will be improved while Jup will be spoiled. o This is not a good combination for high education. One with this combination in Lag or other houses may not study in an excellent way as long as other favorable combinations are not present. o Child brings a bad name to the family. The reputation of the family gets damaged. There may be no happiness from children. Most of the time they are not placed very high. o Do not have much wealth as karaka for money is spoiled. Could lead to hand to mouth existence. o If Jup & Sat are retro, the results will not be adverse, i.e the combination will not produce much of inauspicious results. It will promote Jup’s influence. o If the combination occurs in Sat’s sign or in Lib, evils of Sat are automatically removed. o Combination is not so bad in fiery signs as it is in earthy signs. However there are so many factors to be considered. If in opposition—they exchange their characters or exchange their roles. If any of the two falls in its own sign, the stronger results of that planet will be experienced & the results of other planet will be feeble i.e effects of exchange may not be seen prominently. o If in Lag & 7H, they do exchange their qualities but if any of them occupies own sign, the results of the other will be absorbed to a great extent. Generally such



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persons are not very happy & successful. Many downs in life. W r t physical characteristics, Sat & Jup exchange their properties. Will give only one wife. (Planet in Lag will give results as if in 7H & the one in 7H as if in Lag) • Jup in next sign to Sat—start of career at a coveted level; if no planets between Jup & Sat—success is clear & smooth; • Jup-Sat in 2/12 or 6/8—hard work; • Jup’s association with Sat—good for spiritual life & sadgati; • Sat’s aspect as 5L on karaka Jup—Good for progeny; • If in conj / mutual asp, Sat’s dasha will be fortunate, but Jup’s dasha will be ordinary. (BR); However if Jup becomes yogakaraka, is exalted, in Lag, in 2H/10H/11H/9H, it will also give good results. • Any conjunction between Saturn/Mars with Jupiter or aspect on Jup will indicate the curse of a Brahmin in a chart. Results of Jup-Sat dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in own sign/exalt/friendly sign/in Kendra/trikona/11H & strong: gain of authority, great happiness, gain of clothes & ornaments, gain of abundant wealth, marriage, gain of cattle wealth, gain of lands, gain of good position, happiness to children & friends, luxurious vehicles (chauffer driven), gain of blue colored dresses & vehicles, travel to west & meeting with high authorities, several voyages. (GCS) Note: Generally good results are seen for Gem Lag where Sat as 9L gets potency to deliver good results; further, benefic results appear in the latter half of dasha, as Sat also owns the 8H; in other Lagnas, one of these planets will have malefic potency & hence results may be inauspicious, such as disturbed mind, extravagant expenditure by son, loss or reverses in ventures, increase in liquor consumption & company of prostitues, fear psychosis, eye disease, distress of son etc have been noted by other famous astrologers of ancient times.

If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/combust/in inimical sign: loss of money & agri wealth, fever, mental agony, trouble to wife & children, increase in suffering due to wounds/ulcers, inauspicious functions at home, trouble to servants, loss of cattle wealth, enmity of relatives; If in Kendra/trikona/11th/2nd from MDL: gain of money & land, birth of a child, gain of cattle wealth, gain of money through lower class people;

• •

If in 6th /8th /12th from MDL and conj malefics: loss of wealth, opposition of relatives, loss of job, physical distress, fear from near & dear ones.

If 2L/7L: untimely death; recite Vishnu sahasranama, donate black cow or buffalo to overcome the evil; Results of Jupiter-Sat Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • •

Gain of cows, land & gold, all sorts of comforts, accumulation of f food & water; Notes: ?? Generally if Jup & Sat are Lords of 6H /7H , and are conj or have some connection, native gets imprisonment on account of wife or some woman; Jup—Nodes

• • •

Jup with a node—scoffs at religion; Jup’s transit on natal Rah posited in Jup’s sign—disadvantage in that year; Rah/Ket PAC by Jup get strong benefic influence, depending on strength of Jup;



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Jup conj with Rahu and also afflicted by another malefic, say Sat/Mars, gives only daughters or more daughters than sons. Ascertain after examining the position of Jup from Lag & its strength. Even if sons are born, they may not turn out to be ideal sons. (Could happen even if Jup is in RK axis & afflicted—afflicted Jup can prevent birth of sons) • Generally Jup in RK axis, and afflicted can give daughters if strong in graha bala. The Saptamsha should also be checked for confirming results. Normally, under such conditions, if more daughters are born, there is less mishap to children; if sons are born one way or the orther, it proves unfortunate. But if a son is born late or if only one son is born, it proves quite good; one’s luck with one’s children may not be good. When Jup is under RK axis, some curse of some life seems to haunt the person all his life. One should also check the strength of 5H/5L. yet where Jup & Rahu are seen together, one should proceed carefully. Results of Jupiter-Rahu dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If Rahu in Kendra/with Kendra Lord/9H /exalted, in MT or own house and with/asp by benefics: will give results of such yogas (?); in the first five months gain of wealth, grains, high position, meeting high authorities of foreign country, accumulation of wealth & auspiciousness at home, commanding a large army, long journeys, spiritually a very good period, pilgrimages & holy dips, fulfillment of desires & happiness; • If in 8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: fear of injury/ulcers/thieves etc, enmity of authorities, distress in household matters, opposition from brothers, dispute with cousins, inauspicious ceremonies at home, fear from bad dreams, unexpected quarrels, disease of numbness or fainting of short durations etc; • If in 2H/7H: physical distress; To overcome ethe problem, do Mrityunjaya japam, donating a goat; these will give all happiness; • If Rahu in benefic association or in good Navamsa—recognition, favors from admin. • Rahu with benefics or Yogakaraka— generally good results. • If Rahu well placed in Kendra/trikona from Jup or in 3, 6, 10, 11—happiness to spouse & children. Results of Jupiter-Rahu Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Confrontation with degraded/lowerclass person, loss of wealth, distress therefrom; Jup—Ket combination • • • • • • •

Is the combination of a wise man who knows all shastras, who being of mixed caste, is outside the pale of traditional society. It is good promise of spiritual life, if not afflicted by a malefic. It also indicates a personality which is decisive, executive & humane (say Jup in the constellation of Ket & Ket in that of Jup etc.) Jup, Ketu and 10L’s association, with Jup asp 2H/10H is very good for astrological pursuits. Jup aspecting Ketu & 9H helps deep & original astrological research with hard work. Results of Jup-Ketu dasha (MD-AD): BPHS If conjunct with benefics: moderate comforts, gain of moderate wealth, subsist on charitable/despised food, money through unscrupulous means; If in 6th /8th /12th from MDL & with malefics: loss of wealth due to anger of authorities, imprisonment, suffering from diseases, loss of power, enmity with father, enmity with brothers, mental agony;



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If in 5th /9th /4th /10th from MDL: chauffer driven vehicles, fulfilment of desires due to patronage of authorities, increase of agricultural produce, gain of cattle wealth, gain of money clothes etc through a foreign king (authorities); • If 2L/7L: bodily pain; to overcome the evil, donate goat, do Mrityunjaya japa; Results of Jupiter-Ketu Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Fear of drowning, theft, imprisonment, disputes, apprehension of premature death; Jupiter-Gulika

Difficulty for or from children, debts, crooked intelligence.

Some yogas involving Jupiter Configuration



Jup in Lag, Moon in a Kendra, Rahu in 2nd from Moon, and Sun & Mars in 3rd from Rahu.

Kingly comforts, powerful, famous, aristocratic, learned in sciences, intelligent, devoid of enemies.

Budha yoga

If Jupiter is in a quadrant from Lag & in own sign or exaltation sign.

He has spiritual strength and purity. Has sterling character & immense moral fibre. Is respected by everyone. Is very passionate. He becomes a king. He has all comforts. Enjoys life fully. Is a clever conversationalist and endowed with good speech. Intent on acquisition of knowledge of sacred scriptures.

Hamsa Yoga

BPHS: fond of playing games and of watery places. Will have full cheeks & round forehead. If (1) Jupiter is strong in his moolatrikona, (2) the lord of the 2nd house is with Jupiter, and, (3) Lagna lord is exalted.

Is from a respectable family. Is wealthy, strong and respected by all.

Jup should occupy mrudwamsa in his own Navamsa (placed between 9 deg & 9.5 deg in Gem, Lib or Aqu) or Gopuramsa (own varga four times) & be aspected by a benefic planet.

Will be capable of reading past, present & future.

Trikala – gnana-yoga

If (1) Jupiter is in a quadrant from Moon, (2) a benefic planet conjoins or

Famous, wealthy, and intelligent. He has great character and he is liked by kings. For virtuousness and everlasting fame, this is a

Gaja-Kesari Yoga



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aspects Jupiter, and, (3) Jupiter is not debilitated or combust or in an enemy’s house. Gaja-Kesari yoga is present even when Jupiter is in a quadrant from lagna and not Moon. If he is strong, this yoga can be present even without a benefic’s aspect or conjunction.

key yoga.

Jup in Lag & Mars in 7H

Person becomes insane.


If Jupiter and Mars are together or in the 7th house from each other.

Righteous and energetic. His energies are channelled in dharmic paths.

GuruMangala Yoga

If (1) Jupiter is in the 2nd house or the 5th house identical with swakshetra of Mer/Ven and (2) he is conjoined or aspected by Mercury and Venus.

Is endowed with character, happiness, immune from diseases, wealth and learning. He is respected by kings. Highly passionate, commands different kinds of conveyances, all sorts of aristocratic paraphernalia.

Kalanidhi Yoga

If (1) Jupiter is in the 9th house from the 9th lord, (2) the 9th house from Jupiter has a benefic, and, (3) Saturn is in the 10th house.

A powerful leader of men. He often manages unruly activities. Evil-minded & a successful sportsperson.

Makuta yoga

The lagna lord, Jup or Ven should occupy a Kendra.

Endowed with long life, wealth & political favours. ( if all three planets satisfy the condition, then very powerful)

Sareera soukhya yoga

Jup is in 5th house and 5th Lord joins Ven

Begets a son in 32nd or 33rd year.

Kaalanirdesa t putra yoga.

(Not very harmful-BVR)

Or Jup occupies 9th house from Lag and Ven conj with LL is in 9th from Jup

Begets a son in 40th year.

Jup in 5th / 9th from Ven, Moon in 5th from Jup, Sun in Kendra from Moon

Good conversationalist, large-hearted, rich, learned, successful businessman, king or equal to him, has protruding belly.

Marud yoga

Jup in Leo, 5L associated with Sun and 5H & Lag have malefics

Children die on account of father’s curse. (Apply discretion to check if 5H is strong)


Jup is 5th Lord and Sun occupies favourable

Will have a worthy son.

Suputra yoga



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position. (Only for Leo/Sco Lag) Malefics in 5th from Jup & Lagna

Will suffer loss of children in 32nd or 40th year. (generally, few children die & a few survive)

Kaalanirdesit -putra-nasayoga

Jup as 10L is in 2H in Pushkara Navamsa and in conj/asp of Mars

Will give prosperity after 22nd year of life;

Chamara Yoga

Planet: Venus Primary attributes •

Feminine, rules gentle & refined qualities; also virility (Veeryam-Parasara, not just semen); dark-brown or dusky (Shyavah-Parasara)

• •

Brahmin—educated, wise men etc; Deity—shachi (Parasara); Element (tatwa)-water (toya)-BPHS; Lord of Moola (organic matter, vegetation, roots); rule two legged creatures; governs vata & kapha; rules clothes that are strong, durable & decorated; rules white & variegated colours; rules water; born head first; rules desires & yearnings; rules good counsel; rules vasntha (20 March to 19 May) The Venus and Moon gain strength in the 4th house, perhaps for they represent happiness and worldly attachments. They are the planets of desires. Maturation age: 25; personified age: teenager of 16; age duration: 15 to 22; Indicates average height; slightly dark complexion, sweet speech, vata-kapha constitution, good looking, black curly hairs, has happiness & is virile; Ven is consdered to be the prime minister, is full of worldly wisdom, deep knowledge & knows state-craft; Ven, the Guru of demons, must when promising worldly success, involve you in life’s tentacles. (As opposed to Sat, the planet of vairagya); a weak or combust Ven has spiritual promise. As everyone knows, Venus is the planet of love. It also represents women in general, beauty, art, socializing and pleasures of all kinds. A strong Venus will promote a good marriage, contentedness, and appreciation of the arts. A weak or afflicted Venus will tend to create disharmony in relationships or an inability to relate to others.

• • • • • •

The essential principle of Ven is: vehicle of desires & passions; it enables creative impulses to traverse from centre to the circumference. It is the energy passing through Mer in order to be expressed and given concrete shape in the material world. It is perceived as sensitivity, creativity and perception of divine purpose in every form of manifestation. One receives intuitional flashes through Venusian radiation and this energy radiation through Ven leads to unity, harmony & the sense of fulfilment (in spite of various blows to life). Exaltation of Ven heightens these.

Character/Nature: Positive traits •

Feminine grace, charming physique, lustre in the eye, beautiful & brilliant eyes, curly hair, adulation, passions, joyful, aesthetic, elegance, attractions towards all matters



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• •

relating to amusement & gratification of senses, refined sensuality; makes a person ambitious. Foresight, learning, amiability/friendliness, sociability, kindness, gentleness, affection, calmness, gracefulness, patient hearing to what others say, sociability, real peacemakers, harmony, balance, perseverance, vitality, youthfulness; planet of harmony & sensitivity; very good person (shreshta-BPHS); Pride in ancient culture; Ven is a natural planet of music. Person with Ven as the strongest planet will be healthy, happy, sensual, fond of good things in life. The disposition is cheerful.

According to Hora Sara, Venus in Ashwini, Revati & Krittika nakshatras makes the person a king.

To be called a Venusian, the person should have influence of Ven on Lag & 10H.

Character/Nature: Negative traits • •

Sycophancy, laziness; vanity, sentimentality, vice & sensual corruption, lack of taste & refinement; Deb Ven generally indicates propensity for loose character (matters of sex);

Nature related-other • • • • •

Poetical faculty, fine arts, music, poetry, dancing; musical instruments; gives inclination to write short works. Well placed Ven gives beautiful eyes. Moon in the sign of Venus also gives beautiful eyes & attractive looks. Afflicted Ven gives eye problems. Sexual pleasures; Governs all stimulants; signifies currency. Attachment, family bliss;

Weak Ven •

Causes marital problems, poverty, scandals & life without meaning.

Afflicted Venus • • • • •

Very prone to giving kendradhipathi dosha; Adverse effect on morals, mean minded, licentious, unscrupulous, having illicit love; in watery sign—addicted to vices/leading to prostitution/women trafficking; According to Sri. KN Rao, will move the person towards religion & allow for such inclinations. By Sat/Ket—spoils beauty, gives eczema; By Mer & Sat—weakens man’s sexual potency;

Material • • • • •

Movable property Material comforts; Dress, Garment, pearls, diamond; Meat & intoxicating drinks; All vehicles (animal & man-made), ship;

Events •

Marriage, Love affairs, scandals;



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Professions • • • • • • •

When Ven influences 10H of birth chart, the 10H of Nav or D-10, it has been observed that the person holds an honourable, comfortable executive position and has an elegant office. Singers, musicians, actors, artists, poetry, show-biz; advice or counselling/counsellor, fashion design; Botanists, authors, nursing, restaurateurs; Dealer in gold, silver /precious stones, apparel/textiles, beautician, cosmetic surgeons, perfumes, cows, horses & other large animals; Secondary influence of other planets can give professions in tourism, computer animation, graphics, vehicle (car, aeroplane, ship etc.) designing, architecture etc. influence of malefics will result in technical category. Marketing & branding segments of in commercial organisations also have a strong influence of Ven & the people there have Ven dominating in their horoscopes. Foreign service.

Relatives •

Spouse, children

Locations/places • • •

Bed rooms (BPHS), dens of prostitutes, places of pleasure/entertainment; lakes, rains (?) Strong in North (BPHS); Represents South-east; represents long distances;

Physiological •

Seminal fluid (BPHS), ovum, eye sight, urinary system, intestines; pelvis & sexual organs;

A more inclusive list contains, throat, chin, cheeks, kidneys, hormonal system, gall bladder. Sense of taste;

Diseases due to affliction •

Troubles in the eyes, irregularity in the catemenia (menses), diseases of ovaries, gout, anaemia, complications due to overindulgence in amusements, eating, drinking etc., gonorrhoea & syphilis, accident thro vehicles; disorders of sex organs & urinary tract, stones in kidney, sexual perversions, loss of bodily lustre; • It can give disease relating to phlegm & wind; it gives rise to cold & moisture, therefore the diseases related to cold & moisture also fall under its jurisdiction. • Venereal complaints, diabetes, typhoid, appendicitis, exhaustion, anaemia; • With Mar, Sat, 6L—bilious diseases; • Afflicted by Sat/Ket—spoils beauty & gives eczema; • Affliction by Mer & Sat—weakens man’s sexual potency; • Ven in 8H in Can/Sco asp by Mars/Rah—kidney disorder/urinary diseases; in the nakshatra of: o

Sun—eye diseases;


Moon—vaginal problems;


Mars—sex perversions;



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Mer—leucoderma, gonorrhea, pigmentation of skin, burning in micturition;


Jup—weakness in sex, giddy, jaundice;


Ven—good health;


Sat—sexual disease;




Ket—VD, Eye disease, leucorrhea, spermotorrhea;

Karakatwa • • • •

Wife (corporal); maternal side; advisors, ministers; Mouth, Throat, vehicles; natural significator of 7th bhava; relationships; TASTE: sour (amla-BPHS)

Other Karakatwas o

Youthful Vigour; Command; Fame; Strong; Beauty; The Quality Of Passion; Literary Composition, Adept at Writing Poetry; Enjoyment; Fond Of Humour; Sharp-Witted; Luck; Truth Speaking; Proficiency In Art; Profundity Of Character; Pre-Eminence; Love; Short; A Handsome Youth; Well Formed Limbs; Lovely Gait; Greatly Respected And Highly Esteemed; Gentleness; Sparing In Meals; Much Emaciated; Black Hair; Ogling; Scratching; Middle Age;


Whiteness; White Umbrella; Silver; Gems; Ornaments; Fondness For White Garments; Eight Kinds Of Wealth; Kingdom; Government Seal; Income;


Love-Making; Fondness Of Amorous Sports; All Sorts Of Pleasures;


Flower; Scents; Garland; Decoration for The Stage; Veena (a string instrument); Flute; Bharat Natyam (a form of dance in India);


A Biped (Human); South-East; Half A Month; Spring Season; Afternoon; Watery Resort; Variegated Colour; Variegated Lustre;


Water Sports; Swimmer; Day Sitting Mothers; Servant; Trading; Vaisya;


Eye; Semen; Genital Organs; Urine; Broken Health;


Worshipping Goddess Parvati and Lakshmi; Yajur Veda; Auspiciousness;

Result related • • • • • • • •

Vargottama Ven: capacity to understand pros & cons of a problem, physical development, knowledge of astrology; If vargottama in Vrishabha sign (panchamamsa)-native will become a king (even if this planet alone in horoscope is so placed); if in addition be endowed with all kinds of strength (shad-varga bala), he will be an emperor; Very unfavorable in 3H & 8H, more so in 8H; Affliction to Ven has adverse effect on morals--mean-minded, licentious, unscrupulous, illicit love affairs; If well placed adds luster to the significations of the planet/Lord of house conjunct with it; Ven in Ashvini nakshatra is capable of conferring Raja Yoga. Venus in Mesha is prosperity giving (Jatakabharanam) Ven placed in conj with malefic in any house causes death of wife. (BPHS)



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• • •

• • • • •

Ven in the sign of a retro planet—native cannot give full pleasure to his wife during intercourse.(Jataka Alankara). Ven in the sign of Cap/Aqu—emits foul body odour; Ven associated with 0-3 bindus, deb, combust, placed in 6,8,12 and aspected by malefics, causes all kinds of troubles, calamities, phlegmatic diseases, enmity with bosses, hostility of neighbours etc. Similarly transit of Ven in its own AV with 0-3 bindus gives same unhappy results. Associated with 4 bindus or transit in a sign with 4 bindus gives mixed results, both good & bad. With 5 bindus it gives friends and with 6 to 8 bindus wealth, prosperity, women, conveyance, jewellery and all kinds of happiness. Similarly transit of Ven in signs with 5-8 bindus is auspicious & gives happy results. Ven with 5 bindus in Ari/Sco and aspected by benefics gives wealth, property & vehicles. Position in Kendra/trikona gives better results. Ven placed in Kendras, Konas, exalted, in own sign, aspected by benefics gives many conveyances. Same could be the result w r t popularity with other sex. This could also lead to early marriage. Unafflicted Ven is a great asset for happy married life. If Ven is hemmed between malefics, the partner shall die from a fall from high altitudes (jataka tatva); check in either Natal & D-9; check for supporting factors like influence of 6H/6L, Mars, whether Ven is also 7L, placement in airy sign & dasha/AD of Ven; Vrishabha is negative sign for Venus. Ven in Cancer is considered worse compared to in Leo. Because Ven a watery planet has gone into watery sign, the person will not have control over his virility.

Even though Ven may be in Kendra with many bindus, malefics in 2H will delay marriage. • If dispositor of Ven is associated with 5 or more bindus one gets all kinds of wealth, comforts & happiness. • Ven in sign of Mars with 5 or more bindus aspected by benefics leads to acquisition of wealth & property. • Good transit with strong bindus—luxury, perfumes, dress, enjoyments, marriage, children, wealth, prosperity, domestic happiness, pleasure of rtips, fame, land, houses. • Bad transit with weak bindus—debt, disgrace, litigation, losses, evils from women, ill health of wife; • Venus in PoorvaBhadrapada gives the following results – He is a philosopher and poet. He is witty and may become known for his humorous writings. Own features •

• • • • •

Level of contentment can be assessed by studying Ven in a horoscope. An exalted or an unafflicted Ven gives contentment in life and a deb or an afflicted Ven discontent & disorientation w r t happiness. Happiness eludes the person with afflicted Ven. People with afflicted Ven are more flashy. For a proper assessment of its strength, Ven should be seen in Nav & other divisional charts also. Ven exalted in natal chart, but deb in Nav: will not give a life of luxuries; In own house—indulgence in sex in a little excess but with life partner; Ven in enemy’s house—little happiness in sex & marriage; Ven in deb—access to low born women; (KN Rao) Some of the most successful men I have met who are also prosperous have debilitated Venus. Always check the relevant divisional chart also.



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• • • • • • • • •

Combust Ven—vulgar & charmless married life; Ven in upachayas/7th—bhagya after marriage; Afflicted Ven in dual sign—many girl friends; Malefic Ven—alcoholism & diabetes; Malefics in 4th & 8th from Ven—widowhood; Affliction of Ven in male horoscope—marriage full of problems; Ven in movable rasi in female horoscope—husband has affairs; Ven in own trimsamsa—very passionate; Ven under double affliction in Rasi/Nav can signify destruction of sexual desires & interest in spirituality; if the affliction is caused by Sat & Sun (even by aspect), it enhances ability to overcome temptations of flesh; • Ven in 6H/8H/12H with 2 or 3 bindus, with 7L deb—loose character. • Ven with 5 or more bindus exalted in Nav & asp by Mars-- loose character. • Ven with 5 or more bindus, in nav of Mars and mars in own sign-- loose character. • Mars or Sat with 5 or more bindus in 7H and 7L in the Nav of Mars/Sat aspected by either of the two, the character of wife is questionable. • Ven with 8 bindus in Kendra/Kona, makes one a commander in the army. He has conveyances & is rich. • Ven transiting in sign having highest number of bindus gives furnishing for bed chamber, knowledge of music, performance of marriages, sensual enjoyments & much prosperity. Retro Venus Venus is the karaka for marriage. It being retrograde makes one choose unusual alliances. Native may have an unconventional view of them or when in marriage or relationship do not know how to express our love well. Venus also deals with femininity and women with Venus retrograde do not always understand how to be truly feminine. They can become overtly masculine or forget to dress feminine and be feminine. We see this often in male homosexual charts as they want something different from their relationships and their concept of the women in their life is different. Venus rules Apas, the water element. The human body is composed of over 85% water. Water deals with emotions, taste, happiness and peace. Retrograde Venus can create problems with all these. Ven dasha With the onset of Ven dasha a person starts to appreciate the beauty in nature, art & people around. It can bring forth the best in us, for it comes after the 7 year dasha of moksha karaka Ketu, a blissful refined spiritual life, a developed sense to appreciate arts & beauty and a host of other refinements is what can be expected from Ven dasha. Effects of Venus Mahadasha: (As per BPHS) Similar results can be expected in the AD of Venus. • •

If in deep exaltation/exaltation/own sign/Kendra: Very high honors from authorities, honor from very high authorities, gain of vehicles, apparels, ornaments, cattle, daily delicious/luxurious food, pleasure of fine music, blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. If in Kona: bestowal of kingdom, wealth, marriage etc auspicious ceremonies, begetting a son, becoming commander of army, meeting with loved relatives, recovery of lost power & wealth, cattle etc.



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If in 6H/8H/12H or deb or in the sign of 12L (?): enmity with own relatives, distress from womenfolk, loss of agri produce, loss of cattle, agony to wife & children, loss of close relatives. • If is 9L /10L, placed in Lag or 4H: great happiness, administrative authority, noble deeds connected with temples, tanks etc, annadaana, enjoys daily delicious/luxurious food, enthusiasm, fame, wealth, assets, wife & children. • If is 2L/7L: physical danger; to mitigate this obeisance to Lord Shiva thro Vedic mantras or recitation of Mrityunjaya mantra should be performed. Donating cow/buffalo also brings good health. Results of Ven-Ven dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/and strong: auspicious results, gain of money, cow, buffalo etc at the behest of brahmins, birth of a child, welfare at home, honors including from high authorities, gain of authority, great happiness; • If in own sign/exalt/exalt in Nav/own Navamsa: construction of new house, daily delicious food, glorious days for wife & children, company of friends & having food with them, charity of food (annadaana), happy days, pious deeds, gain of vehicles, clothes & ornaments due to patronage of king, increase in agri yield, gain of cattle wealth, travel in western direction & acquisition of vehicles & clothes; • If in upachayas & conj or asp by benefics/in friendly Navamsa/conj with exalted planet or 11L or a yogakaraka: gain of kingdom, great enthusiasm, affection of king, auspiciouness, improvement at home & house related matters, benefit/improvement in respect of wife & children; • If in 6H/8H/12H/conj or asp by malefics: fear of injury/ulcers, trouble from thieves, trouble from public at large, resentment from officials, loss of dear relatives, suffering to wife & children; • If 2L/7L (or in 2H/7H?): death; to overcome the dosha, do Durga japa & donate cow; • Notes: Weak Ven will predominantly cause phlegmatic diseases, uneasiness, quarrels & disputes in the family; ailments to wife, sluggishness in business due to poor transactions or paucity of funds; Ven as 10L placed in 6H & if native is a doctor gives good results in respect of profession; similarly Ven as 10L in 8H tends to give good results in the business of leather goods, ivory or antiques; Ven as 10L in 12H conj 12L, boosts import/export business; Results of Ven-Ven Dasha (AD-PD):BPHS •

Acquisition of white horse, clothes, pearls etc, companionship of beautiful women;

Relation to Sun • •

Auspicious when ahead of Sun; Ven in Leo close to Sun, in many vargas of Sun—malefic effects in marriage, fidelity, sexual fulfilment; acquisition of wealth; • Ven in 2nd from Sun—aristocratic, intelligent, of virtuous disposition; Results of Ven-Sun dasha (MD-AD): BPHS • •

If placed in other than auspicious houses (not exalted or deb?): agony, confrontation with king, quarrels with coparceners; If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/friendly sign/from MDL in Kendra or Kona or 11H or 2H: monetary gains, acquisition of authority, comfort of wife, wealth, great happiness from employer, meeting with a dear friend, happiness to parents, gain to brothers, earning fame, happiness & fortunes, birth of child etc;



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If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/malefic division: fever, mental agony, unhappiness with own people, use of unpalatable language, suffering to father, loss of close relative, confrontation with officials, suffering due to wounds/ulcers, lurking fear at home, fear of many diseases, destruction of house & agricultural properties; • If 7L: other planets will pose obstructions; to overcome the dosha, do please Surya god; • Notes: if both Sun & Ven are related to same events of life, the effects would get intensified. For example, if Sun is 10L & Ven is conj, and placed in a benefic house, there would be good gains in business as Ven represents wealth & magnificence; also in natural horoscope, it represents business (7H); however if both planets happen to be in trik house, it would bring reverses in business; Results of Ven-Sun Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Rheumatic fever, headache, trouble from king & enemies, also a little gain; Relation to Moon •

Jatakabharanam states that if Venus in Cancer is aspected by Moon, a daughter is born first. (check for condition in Nav also, if it does not exist in D-1) • Opposition of Venus and Moon is praised as a rajyoga by Jaimini rishi specially. • Ven in 3rd, 7th or 11th from Moon—gives vehicles; • Ven surrounded by Sun & Moon in ref to 7H--Marital bliss wiped off; • If Ven is aspected by Moon occupying dusthanas (6,8,12) the native will always feel curiously surprised. • Ven in 10th from Moon & 4th from Sat--debauch (Jataka Alankara) Results of Ven-Moon dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/conj 9L or 10L/conj with benefic & strong (full Moon): gain of vehicles, great happiness, gain of wealth of different kinds due to patronage of the king, holy dips in rivers, worship of deities & brahmins; enjoying music programmes, company of scholars, comforts & good food & fine clothes, having food together with relatives; • If Deb/combust/6H/8H/12H/ from MDL in 6H or 8H or 12H: quick (temporary?) loss of money, fear during travel, fatigue, tension, confrontation with officials, foreign travels, pilgrimages, suffering to wife & children, separation from dear relative; • If from MDL in Kendra/11H/Kona/3H: affection of king, authority over country/village, courage, fame, happiness, success, gain of vehicles, clothes & ornaments, constructing well, shelter etc., accumulation of money; in the beginning sound health & at the end, distress; Results of Ven-Moon Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Birth of a girl, gain of clothes & ornaments from the king, gain of high authority; Relation to Mars • • • •

Mars’ affliction of Ven for Females—marriage full of problems; Conjunction of Ven & Mars always indicates illicit relationship/amorous behavior; Ven-Mars is often found combination in dancers; If Ven occupies the house of Mars in either rashi or Navamsa and is aspected by or associated with Mars, the person will be fond of beautiful women of other people. Combination of Mars & Ven makes the person more sexy, ambitious & greedy.



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Results of Ven-Mars dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign and strong/conj LL or 9L or 10L: rajayoga like results, gain of land, clothes & ornaments, fulfilment of desires & happiness; • If in 8H/12H from MDL or Lagna: distress from cold & fever, disease with sustained fever to parents, loss of position, mental agony, loss of own people, quarrels, confrontation with king & his officials, excessive expenditure; • If 2L/7L: loss of crops, lands, physical distress etc.; Results of Ven-Mar Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Disease related to bile & blood infection, quarrels with assault/scuffles, intense distress; Ven-Mer combination •

If they conjoin in signs Gem/Vir in a Kendra—emits foul odour from body;

Results of Ven-Mer dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign: ushers auspiciousness, affection of the king, fortunes, birth of a son, monetary gains through honest means, listening to religious scriptures, company of romantic people, visit of beloved relatives, happiness from employer, daily delicious food; • If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & weak and conj/asp malefics: loss of cattle wealth, living in others houses, unbalanced/distressed mind, all round losses including in business; • In the beginning of dasha, favorable results, in the middle medium results, in the end unfavorable results, diseases due to cold, gastric troubles etc.; • If 7L: bodily distress; to overcome the dosha, do Vishnu sahasranama. Results of Ven-Mer Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Gain of wealth & knowledge, conferment of authority, gain of hidden treasures; Relation to Jup • •

Jup’s aspect on Ven gives real luster to classical brahmacharya; Ven-Jup-Mer: if Ven is in conj or in mutual aspect with Mer or Jup, then, o Ven confers wealth in its dasha o Jup causes loss of wealth in its dasha o Mer produces mixed results in its dasha. o If only Ven & Jup make the combination, latter gives evil results and if Ven & Mer make up the combination, the latter produces mixed results.

Dasha results: general: the results are seen primarily from the condition of both planets. If they are blemishless, one can generally expect good results. If Jup is well placed from Lagna or from Ven, there is rise in career, happiness, well being & general prosperity. If Jup is ill placed, there are quarrels, difficulties, opposition, loss of money.

Ven & Jup are enemies of each other but they promote spirituality. Ven-Jup period can produce some family tragedy or separation. Ven-Jup dasha needs to be studied mosr carefully for Tau & Lib Asc.



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Results of Ven-Jup dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in own sign/exalt/Kendra/in auspicious house from MDL/in 9H/in 5H: recovery of lost money & authority, acquisition of desired material objects, felicitation from friends & rulers, gain of wealth; fame & honors, comfort of fine vehicles, participation in scholars meet, study of shastras, birth of a son, meeting with loved relatives, happiness from parents & children; • If in 6H/12H from MDL & with malefics: trouble from thieves & authorities & own relatives, bodily pains, distress due to quarrels, loss of position, travels, many diseases; • If 2L/7L: bodily pains; to overcome the dosha, do Mrityunjaya japa; Results of Ven-Jup Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Opulent wealth, acquisition of kingdom, gain of clothes, pearls etc, gain of fine vehicles & position; Ven-Sat combination: •

Powerful Ven in 2nd to Sat gives prosperity in profession after marriage;

Married life full of trials & tribulations, low BP, gets popularity, insatiate sex life, discord on marital front;

Ven occupies varga of Sat/Mars and is asp by Sat/Mars respectively—will be profligate;

For Sag & Pis Lagnas, Ven & Sat give rise to yoga in the dasha of Sat & Ven respectively (BR). (for these Lagna these planets own evil houses. Their evil dispositions may get counteracted & they may be enabled to give favorable resultsBVR);

Aspect of Sat on Ven can give a cinema career. Ven-Sat relation indicates skill in dancing or an art easily appealing to masses.

(Late KC Saxena) Venus in PoorvaBhadrapada gives the following results – He is a philosopher and poet. He is witty and may become known for his humorous writings. From some Tamil ancient works on astrology: For PoorvaBhadrapada: o

Pada 1 - Aries Navamsa - it is taken like this - Venus-Saturn-Jupiter-Mars Venus is the planet we are considering; Saturn is the house lord in Rasi chart where Venus is placed; Jupiter is the Nakshatra Lord and Mars is the Navamsa Lord. Since none of them are enemies the results will be good. Such a person will be learned, will be affectionate to his parents. He may be engaged in research activities. He will be undertaking frequent travels to distant and foreign places. He may even settle down in a foreign country.


Pada 2 - Taurus Navamsa - Venus-Saturn-Jupiter-Venus - Best position for Venus in Aquarius. He will be a poet or a singer and will be well versed in different kinds of arts. He will be affected by skin diseases, dropsy or dental problems.


Pada 3 - Gemini Navamsa - Venus-Saturn-Jupiter-Mercury. Native may be a social worker. He may be an architect or an interior decorator. He may also do business in skins and hides or may be engaged in the processing of them.


Pada -4 - Cancer Navamsa - In this case the Navamsa position is not good for Venus. The combination is Venus-Jupiter-Jupiter-Moon. He will always be



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thinking of his wife. He expects his wife to be well educated and should be equal to him. He may be a doctor also. •

Late K C Saksena says Ven-Sat conjunction may probably give an impression that it only indicates a life of disappointment, frustration, responsibilities and sacrifice. In fact this is not true and in a number of horoscopes of most successful natives this conjunction raises the native to a high position provided he is under one of the six signs Taurus, Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius (basically signs of Venus, Mer and Saturn). Saturn signifies people from low income group who are especially doing manual work like labourers, maids. At the same time Saturn signifies elderly people and most important if the combination associates with a ‘More Karmic’ house then woman/man from a very „Dramatic’ Past life. So Venus Saturn combo can indicate relations with maids, servants (see chart of Arnold Schwarzeneger and his affair with the housekeeper) or people from low income groups doing manual work, it can also indicate relations with elderly lot and at times if it happens in the 6H, 8H, 12H it can indicate relations with someone from very dramatic past lives where the karma is pending and might cause hurt. • If this Venus Saturn combo in the 6/8/12H or associated with their lords, gets the association of a 3rd powerful planet then it gives result of a triangle love story. Sometimes the combination is simple like Saturn Venus together in 12H aspected by 6L of pending karma Mars and sometimes you have to use it with intelligence like in the case of Marilyn Monroe and see the triangles play out creatively and not just the text book rule. • Ven-Saturn can show perversion in sexual activities. It can also show perversion or heightened sex especially mental sexual thoughts for a Gemini Asc like that of Arnold. • If this Venus –Saturn combines in the 12H with aspect of Mars then ancient palm leaves (nadi) says that this native will have curse of spouse from a previous life and at the same time blessings of a Goddess3 • Chandra Kala Nadi an ancient book quotes at several places another ancient book titled Vriddha Parasaryam stating that this Venus Saturn combination will cause a liking for saints. One will perform penance and will reach the heavens after discarding his mortal coil. – ref Chandra Kala Nadi (Deva Keralam), Page 220 Verse 4964. • Saturn Venus opposition or trines can create high sex and at times scandalous affairs. • It has been found that at times even Saturn’s sextiles, 3rd aspect to Venus, can create a form of sex scandal or a minor sex scandal depending on the strength of the planets. Any form of Saturn Venus association can also give cheating issues, especially if Rahu comes into play. • Another classic Saravali says Venus and Saturn together – Marriage may be delayed – wife will be disobedient and uncontrollable– Government officer or employee – favour from Government officer – Artist – finance related job – trader in timber – Puthra Dosham (Bad Effects in area of Children)– not affected by success or adversity. • According to one old village astrologer from Maharashtra, India this can also be a combination for man/woman allowing their spouses to have open marriage or allow spouse to do it with others. • If a weak or afflicted or ill placed Saturn aspects or in association with an ill placed, afflicted Venus, the native will taste the bitter fruits of kemudruma yoga (poverty combination). We have seen a chart where both Venus Saturn affliction and Kemudruma yoga is present and the native has poverty issues in life. • Venus Saturn combo definitely meets with some kind of misfortune in life. Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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This has also worked in few charts – according to Brihat Jataka conjunction of Venus and Saturn indicate that the native is Alpoechaksha (a man with small eyes) • Ven- Sat dasha results: will give good or bad results according to their overall placement. The peculiarity of this dasha is that Ven-Sat behaves like Ven-Ven. General results are success when least expected, sudden humiliation, tension, troubles, transfers, climax or termination of career. Ven as 2L / 7L is bad for health & wellbening. This surley depends on lordship & avastha of Ven. It is undoubtedly an event full dasha. Result of Ven-Sat dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/exalt/deep exalt/own sign/own sign or exalt in navamsa: great comforts, meeting with dear relatives, honors from the king, birth of daughter, pilgrimages, charity & pious deeds, promotion etc given by employer/boss; if Sat is deb, then causes distress; • If in 8H/12H from MDL or Lagna: lethargy, expenditure more than income; in the beginning of bhukthi, many troubles, distress to parents, sufferings to wife & children, wandering in other countries, loss of crops, loss of cattle wealth; • If 2L/7L: physical discomforts; to overcome the dosha, do thila homa, Mrityunjaya japa, Chandi patha; do these by oneself or thro brahmins & these evils will be mitigated; Results of Ven-Sat Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Gain of donkey, camel, goat, iron, urad daal, a little trouble/pain; Relation to nodes • Ven, Rah, Mars in successive signs—mars happiness in married life; • Ven-Ket or Ven-Mars in Leo—bad married life; Ven-Rah combination •

Gains through computer profession, decline in prosperity from Ket dasa, elopement, marriage out of caste; In Leo—bad married life; • Venus-Rahu dasha results: Ven-Rahu or Rahu-Ven is considered to be very eventful dasha periods. (This is generally said to be difficult to interpret and tricky for predictions. It should preferably be done with both Parashara’s method including on divisional charts & using Jaimini method to cross check.) • If Rahu in Kendra/trikona or exalted—happiness, gain of wealth, success in journeys. • If Rahu in benefic association or in good Navamsa—recognition, favors from admin. • Rahu with benefics or Yogakaraka o If Rahu in 3, 6, 10, 11 from Lag—victory over enemies, many types of gains in the first five months. End of period proves bad from health. • If Rahu well placed in Kendra/trikona from Ven or in 3, 6, 10, 11—happiness to spouse & children. • If ill placed from each other o if 8/12 or associated with malefics—unhappy for oneself & parents, enmity with people o if 2/7—physical distress (Do Mrityunjaya mantra). Results of Ven-Rahu dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt and asp by benefics or conj yogakaraka: extreme happiness, gain of money & grain wealth, meeting with loved relatives, accomplishments of tasks thro touring, acquisition of wealth & cattle;



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• • •

If in upachayas: happiness, destruction of enemies, great enthusiasm, happiness of the king; auspicious results in the first five months and in the end fever & indigestion; except for obstructions in work & mental tension during journeys, there will be other kinds of happiness; good fortune & felicitation from king, travel in North-east direction will result in meeting the king, success in touring related work, return to native country, blessings/help from brahmins, pilgrimages; If in 8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: inauspicious results for self & parents, all round public resentment; If in 2H/7H: lethargy/inertness; to overcome the dosha, do Mrityunjaya japa; (KN Rao) this period always needs a very cautious approach. This dasha can give great rise or a terrible fall, setbacks, accidents or even death. Assessment should be done very carefully keeping in mind the lordship of Ven, Rahu’s dispositor & association, their placement from Lagna and each other in birth chart & relevant divisional chart.

Results of Ven-Rah Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Dispute with wife, apprehension of fear without any cause, trouble from the king & enemies; Ven-Ket • In Leo-- bad married life; Results of Ven-Ket dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in exalt/in own sign/associated with yogakaraka and with Sthana bala: in the beginning of bhukthi, very favorable results, daily good food, increased crops, increase of cattle wealth; increase of money & grains, victory in war; in the end of bhukthi, also happiness; in the middle medium results; in between (intermittently) great difficulties, followed by good health; • If in 8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: trouble from thieves, injury/ulcers etc, loss of right thinking ability, headache, mental distress, quarrels, urinary disease, expenditure in many ways, opposition from wife & children, journeys, failure in endeavors; • If 2L/7L: bodily pains; to overcome the dosha, do Mrityunjaya japa; donate goat; Results of Ven-Ket Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Apprehension of early death, travels in foreign lands, gain of income through these visits; Venus-Gulika •

Diseases from women, union with bad women.

Some yogas involving Venus Configuration If Venus is in a quadrant from Lag & in own sign or exaltation sign.


Results Great man of watery nature. He emits lustre akin to moonlight. He enjoys tasty food. He has luxuries. He has excellent health. He is well-versed in arts. Makes a person understand the (inner) meaning of scared scriptures, clever in application of three Venus

Name Malavya Yoga

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regal powers viz energy, capacity & counsel. Has sons. The Lagna lord, Jup or Ven should occupy a Kendra.

Endowed with long life, wealth & political favours. ( if all three planets satisfy the condition, then very powerful)

Sareera soukhya yoga

Venus, Saturn & Ketu together or aspecting each other

Tapas (austere pursuit), a dedicated and selfless pursuit

Tapaswi yoga

Or Venus, Saturn & Ketu in mutual Konas



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Planet: Saturn Primary attributes •

• •

Female eunuch; (If eunuch planets associate with benefics, they are extraordinarily benefic & confer Raja Yoga; if with malefic, they are very malefic to the native); Barren, cold, binding, dry, defensive, hard, nervous, secretive planet; o Unless it is Lord of 1, 5 or 9, it does not help in progeny. Shudra—servant, service class;(mixed Varna is also assigned) Element (tatwa)-air (vayu)-BPHS; Lord of Dhatu (elementary substance, inorganic matter, mineral); rules flying creatures; governs vata; rules clothes that are old & ragged; rules black colour; rules air; born feet first; rules sorrows & misfortunes; rules diplomacy; rules shishira (20 Jan to 19 March); Maturation age: 36; personified age: very old person of 100; age duration: 69 to 108;

Indicates tall person; slight but muscular build, dark complexion, excess vata constitution, brown-yellow eyes, thick nails, teeth & hairs;

Saturn gains strength in the 7th, is strong in this house of desires and death, for perhaps it is the only planet that is able to balance when it gains strength in the 7th house. It exalts in the rashi of balance Tula (Libra). Planet of justice, natural law-giver; spiritual planet, planet of vairagya, planet of masses; Saturn is the planet of democracy & hence politicians also. Causes delay, disappointment; more a planet of delay than denial; causes contraction & depression representing famine, scarce condition, controlled economy, bankruptcy, national calamities etc; Has separative effect; He is considered the servant, the employee who has to live in the outskirts! According to Skanda Hora—a strong Sat is not evil but capable of doing good; gives good raja yoga in certain positions. The planet of loss helps us to understand our limits and the things around us we cannot change. Saturn rules discipline, hard work, responsibility, longevity, and loss. Strong Saturns will be very committed people with a dedication to rules and traditions. Afflicted Saturns may be obsessed with rules to the point of detriment, or may be irresponsible and undisciplined. The essential principle of Sat is: it has the gross physical body & the physical forms of concretisation as its area of operation. It is the principle which ultimately dissolves everything. Sat enables the ego to get a glimpse of its primordial nature. That glimpse of reality is the spirit of disenchantment bestowed by Sat. It may make them understand that there are certain transcendental forces which finally determine quality of life & happiness of the person. For example, it may cause disenchantment with monetary affluence & may make the person dedicate time to philanthropic activities. In its exaltation, it helps this happen. When Sat inflicts sorrow, sickness, deprivation or even death, the aim is to liberate the soul from its physical weakness, as also from psychological attachments & decrepit physical sheath. Sat always looks for producing inner wisdom & imparting secret teachings provided the human beings are willing & prepared to receive them. The material acquisitions must end in frustration, this is the spiritual lesson Sat imparts. Aspect of Sat on Lag/LL can make the person tall.

• • • • • •



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Character/Nature: Positive traits •

Idiosyncrasies, detachment/divine detachment, renunciation, philosophical attitude, selfcontrol, introveted; Untainted Sat in 3H, 5H or 9H is capable of conferring detached view in most matters. The primary influence of Sat is to restrict the physical in order to arouse the philosophical, abstract, humanitarian impulses; conservatism, • Plodding, persevering, patiently working, endurance, discipline, responsibility, industry, stability, constancy, consistency; Prudence, frugality, economy, saving, thrift, practicality, realism; courageous (shouri-BPHS); • Power to keep secrets, sense of duty, authoritativeness, ; • Strong sat is necessary for hard work, concentration of mind, austere life, integrity, deep researches & life of spiritualism. • As benefic—true, reliable, honest, sincere, faithful, chaste, helps in concentration, meditation, prayers; conserves vitality; • It is the most effective planet in bringing leadership ability & success in career as it stands for discipline needed for these; • Represents power over masses, with the support of masses, for the service of masses; • While Sat’s role is more predominant in case of those who become Prime Ministers, Jup’s role is equally significant or even more prominent in case of Presidents; • Sat in Kendra to Lag—success & material progress. • If in Kendra to both Lag & Moon—will leave his footprints on the sands of time by way of enduring achievements. If environment not conducive to material success, will achieve high degree of spiritual success. Character/Nature: Negative traits • • • • • •

Stubbornness, rigidity, impetuosity, despondency, servitude, bondage, conservative; isolation, loneliness, resignation, lack of adaptability, melancholy, Tensions, anxiety, impotency, inhibition, humiliation, worries, frustrations, depression, disappointment, pain, falling of hair & teeth, untraditional things, inter-caste & illegitimate marriage. It destroys the balance of mind & one treats enemy as friend & well-wishers as rivals. Mean acts, base tricks, drunkenness, gambling, thamo guna, ugliness, cruelty, evil purpose, avarice, temptation; stinginess, lack of trust, suspicion; Association with low & wicked; Emaciated (lean-krisha) & long physique, big teeth, lame, coarse-rough hair;

Nature related-other • Longevity; • Sorrows, risks; • Penury, infamy, demoralization; • Defects; • Governs our tongue (language & speech); Evil Sat •

Disappointment, disharmony, dispute, difficulty, despondency, dejection, differences, diffidence, distrust; Afflicted Sat

Lazy, lethargic, idle;



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Ill posited Sat •

Stupid, dull, want of originality, dearth of ideas;

Material •

Oils, seeds, cereals, pots, woollen fabrics, iron, lead;

Events • • • •

Death, impediments, delays (being a slow planet), obstructions, separation; Punishments, imprisonment, humiliation, physical suffering, ill-health, exhaustion, theft, cruel deeds; Strikes, labour problems.

Professions •

Low level workers, dealings with servants, bricklayers, physical exertion, bearing burdens, technical skills/profession, architectural skill, building contractors, sculptors; miners, products /activities below the earth; Jailors, wardens, thieves, sinners, witchcraft; dealing in roots & fruits, working with spoiled food, stones or wooden materials, base avocations; serving as a butcher, executioner or mortician; If strong—engineers & scientist;


Relatives •

Servants, maid servant, masses; being old, does not indicate children (their birth etc.); ‘Sat does not like marriage’;

Locations/places • •

Jails, house, atmosphere, whirlwind, storms; garbage heaps; Strong in West (BPHS); represents West; represents long distances;

Physiological •

Muscles, sinews (snayu-BPHS); nerve tissues, thighs, hair, teeth, legs, feet, tendons, skin, colon, rectum;

Diseases due to affliction • • • • • •

• • •

Diseases which take a long time to cure; all chronic ailments, of bony system; Incurable diseases, injuries of legs & feet, amputations, windy diseases; Ugly hair, lameness, mutilated limbs; Fracture of limbs; Intoxication, eczema, amputations; vericose veins; Right ear & teeth, agues from cold, leprosy, consumption, black jaundice, palsy, gout, deafness, colic, paralysis, diseases of spleen; arthritis, rheumatism, emaciation, deformities, coldness of body, nerve disorders, psychic disturbances, depression, mental disorder, elephantiasis, tumours; Sat-Sun in evil asp—VD, skin diseases, weakness due to malpractices; Sat is responsible for prolonged disease, ‘narrowing’ and ‘defects’ in body; If afflicted by Mars—falls, injuries , bruises, operation, amputation, fracture, curvature of spine, gall stone etc;



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• Sat afflicting Mer—fear complex, ear trouble, asthma; • Sat afflicting Mer/Gem/Vir—nervousness; • Sat afflicting Jup—impotency, sciatica, Bright’s disease; • Sat afflicting Ven, Tau, Lib—love of luxury, carnal pleasures; • Natives under influence of Sat have bad teeth; Sat in the nakshatra of o

Sun—eye disease, spleen, TB, fractures, infective fevers;


Moon—menstrual troubles, melancholia, fear of future, hard labour;


Mars—eruptive fevers, boils, tumors, colics, blood diseases;


Mer—despondency, poor memory, lack of self-confidence, nervousness, rheumatism;


Jup—laziness, sleeping sickness, high BP, jaundice, liver/glandular diseases, over eating;


Ven—sex organs/bladder/eye disease, carbuncle;


Sat—robust health;


Rah—undiagnosed diseases, impotency, extreme pessimism;


Ket—dehydration, intestine troubles, appendicitis, pituitary gland abnormality;

Karakatwa • • • •

• • •

Servants (corporal); paternal side; Malefic karaka for 6H—signifies sickness, poverty, miserliness, misfortune, hard labour, disappointment, deformity, impotency, humiliation, distress in old age; Natural significator of 6th, 8th & 12th bhavas; Karaka for longevity, miseries, death, sound, profession, planet of masses, politics, public adoration, mass hysteria, elections, political rivalry, fall from heights, dishonor, penalties, debts, residence abroad, learning of foreign language, things buried deep in earth & extracted from there; For land, fixed assets & property. Sat never loses its karakatwas irrespective of houses it owns; TASTE: kashaya (astringent);

Other karakatwas o

Obstruction; Death; Great Anger; Exertion; Distress; Sickness; Misunderstanding; Misery; Unrighteous Conduct; Long Lasting; Fear; Long Standing Distress; HardHeartedness; Hunter; One With Disfigured Limbs; Handsome Look; Happiness Through A Woman; Telling Lies; Wicked Mind; Downward Look; Downfall; Lost in Battle; dressing oneself for amorous appeals; Indulging In Sex Pleasure; Old Age; Nobility; A Lord; Gain; Witness;


Haunting Woods; Ashes; Black Grains; Gems; A Portion Of Life; Outcast; One Born Of The Lowest Caste; A Student Belonging To Another Caste; Born Of A Very Low Mother; Bastard; Sudra; A Turk; Dirty Clothes And House; Worn Out; Black Colour; Horse; Elephant; Asses And Mules; Birds; Goats And The Like; buffalos and the like; Dog;



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Wind; Strong At The End Of The Day; Sisira Ritu (Winter); Facing West; North-Eastern; Travelling Through Forests and Over Mountains; Wandering; Gokula (abode of lord Krsna); External Position; Serpent World;


A Year; one representing the father; learning the trade of another class; Crippled; Sharp; Theft; Gift; Evil; Entire Sovereignty;


Agriculture; Arsenal; A Blanket; Life Saving Drugs; Alarm; A Spear; Misdirected Strength;


Worshipping God Yama;

Result related • • • • • • •

• • • • • •

Sat is a bitter enemy of the luminaries; it is considered the worst malefic just as Jup is the best benefic. Sat in exaltation/own sign/sign owned by Jup, will always give benefic results; Helps in giving marriage if lord of 2nd or 7th. Vargottama Sat: hindrance in physical development, longevity, careful (careless?), leads life by controlling desires/exercises restraints, selfishness, irresponsible; If vargottama in Kumbha sign (panchamamsa)-native will become a king (even if this planet alone in horoscope is so placed); if in addition be endowed with all kinds of strength (shad-varga bala), he will be an emperor; Detachment-giver Sat is best when alone; Sat associated with or aspected by planets is bondage; Sat’s 3rd aspect represents the efforts that have to be made to achieve what one desires to achieve; the tenth aspect represents the deeds or karma; Sat in houses of Jup/Mer are actually good according to Uttara Kalamrita; do not look upon Sat as a planet of sorrow only; Sat’s aspect/occupation is always bad/destructive, particularly the 3rd & 10th aspect, & is more powerful than its presence; Sat destroys the indications of the bhava in which he is situated except the 8H. If in 2H, will never save enough money in spite of big earnings. There are exceptions to this rule when Sat is a Yogakaraka. When in 10H, he will not destroy the indications of 10H. On the contrary gives fame, name & leadership skills. But gives the subject a sudden fall. If Sat aspects 3H or 9H, they will gain strength. Sat is empowered to cause maximum trouble when retrograde (depending on horoscopic disposition). Sat is generally bad for first 20 years of life, except when in own sign/exaltation. Sat in Pis, Lib, or Sag confers prosperity & wealth. Sat in its own sign gives ample wealth. But Sat in a house owned by Jup gives limited wealth, good wife & sons and position of head of a city or town or village. In deep exaltation (22 deg in Lib) it is capable of making the native the head of a country & enjoy worldly comforts. But in rest of Lib (23 to 30 deg) native is driven out of country and subjected to mental agony, wrath of Govt & loss of business etc. Sat in association with an exalted planet is inclined to give good results, but if conjoined with a deb planet, it produces opposite results. In its own deb sign, it is indeed bad. (SK Mehta) if a planet is in exaltation and is associated with/aspected by Sat, then this planet will act as a deb planet not only for the house it occupies but even for its own houses(s). Since the planet is basically exalted, it will also give the results of its exaltation, but in the second half of life.



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Vir Lag, Jup exalted in 11H & associated/aspected by Sat; it will first take away all facilities related to 4H & 7H in the 1st & 2nd quarters of life and then shall subsequently give them back in the 3rd & 4th quarters of life. (Note: Appears to make no reference to dashas?!) (SK Mehta) if a planet is in deb and is associated with/aspected by Sat, then this planet will act as an exalted planet not only for the house it occupies but even for its own houses(s). It will give results as if exalted in the 1st & 2nd quarters of life and since the planet is basically deb, it will also give the results of its deb in the 2nd half of life. If Sat is in deb in natal chart but exalted in Nav, it may not confer good results. This is special to Sat. In such a case it brings about sorrows in the beginning & leads to distress at the end. But if exalted in natal & deb in Nav, it bestows happiness in the beginning of dasha & evil effects at the end. Sat gives mixed results in its own sign & friendly signs. Good effects are attributed when it occupies the sign of a very friendly (atibandhu) planet. Well placed Sat is beneficial for persons born in Tau, Lib, Sag, Cap, Aqu & Pis. Sat aspected by benefics is capable of good results. Hence bad effects accrue when it receives the aspect of an evil planet/conjunct with evil planet. Sat is ayushkaraka. But its power to kill devolves on him if it joins death-inflicting planets. The good influences contributed by its favorable ownership cannot minimise its power to cause death. Transit of Sat through a bhava with 0-3 bindus causes disease, loss of wealth & property, trouble to wife & children. In a bhava with 4 bindus it gives neutral results. However since Sat has only 39 points it is seen that 4 bindus give adequate strength. In a bhava with 5-8 bindus makes one leader of masses, gives wealth and dominance over others. Good transit with strong bindus—wealth, servants, land, pleasures, victory, permanent job, leader of masses, marital happiness, honours. Bad transit with weak bindus—ill health, death, fire, enemies, journey to distant places, separation from relatives, miseries, loss of wealth, obstructions, delay, imprisonment, calamities, grief; diseases— windy & phlegmatic diseases, rheumatism, dyspepsia, deformity, chronic diseases. Retro Sat has power to pull down one gradually to a pitiable state of affairs. In the period of retro Sat, no action bears fruit, obstruction is seen in all attempts, misery follows & also destruction of brothers/all those who try to help takes place. However when retro, if Sat receives the full aspect of Sun (7th asp), then its dasha will produce good results. If Sat has same degree as Lag—will have bad health throughout life. If placed in Cap—will be a man of few words. During the dasha or bhukti denoted by the nakshatra Lord of Sat, debts, theft, fears, ulcers, troubles, disease etc will follow. (i.e Sat is in a particular constellation; the lord of that constellation is a planet; the dasha of that planet will be adverse.) Mrityu bhagas of Sat( the degree at which if Sat is placed, results would be a wash out) o Ari: 10, Tau: 4, Gem: 7, Can: 9, Leo: 12, Vir: 16, Lib: 3, Sco: 18, Sag: 28, Cap: 14, Aqu: 13, Pis: 15. o

• • • • •

• •

• • • • • •

Sat’s native features •

Is a great stabilizing planet which makes a person hard-boiled, industrious, of plodding nature;



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• • • •

Sat represents old man & hence strong in later degrees; Sat is volatile when Retro + combust/atichara; Loses much of strength in 5H/9H Sat when connected to Marakesh/Marakatva giving planet, eclipses that planet & becomes the sole planet responsible for killing the person; • A pucca Saturnine has a disability to stretch or fold his hands /legs fully; • Sat cools down when it joins its Dispositor or is in own house; • Combust Sat gives an insignificant & miserable existence; • Sat gets Deb in Mars’ house; Therefore, Sat in Mars’ house is bad; Sat in Vrishchika is very bad (neg sign of Mars) & hence enhances the bad effects; • In Sag, Sat is known as kodanda Sani, where Sat loses much of its malefic nature. It makes one cultured, well behaved, calm, honored by all, righteous, straight forward & free from dangers; • Sat being a shushka (dry) planet, its aspect on LL makes the body lean; • It is a disease giving planet. Its affliction to 5L, Sun & Moon gives chronic ailments. Retro Saturn

Saturn retrograde people usually do not know when to stop working. Or they may not like work at all. As Saturn is the karaka of misery, it is important that one must not give into a negative attitude to life and embrace depression as a habit. Saturn is usually depicted as the poor man. The poor are usually hungry - for food, for material goods, for good things in life. Saturn retrogression can make individuals hungry with desire, wanting more and more even when the hunger has been appeased and they may be materially very well off. They need to watch for greed. Saturn rules Vayu element. Vayu is air and Vayu needs to be used constructively otherwise it can become unnecessarily destructive. Retrogrades do not know how to use their energy so if they do not take care, Saturn can become destructive force for them. Anahata chakra teaches dispassion and detachment. When this chakra is blocked by retrogression then they can find it difficult to detach. Results of Sat Mahadasha: (BPHS) •

If in 3H/11H/exalt/own sign/friendly sign/MT/9H/own or exalted navamsa: glory of honor by king, fame, gain of wealth, association of scholars, gain of comforts due to patronage of king, rajayoga, commander of army, Blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, gain of authority/lands, welfare at home, marriage & children;

If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/combust: danger of poison & weapons, fear of loss of position, separation from parents, suffering to wife & children, confrontation/enmity of authorities, inauspicious events like arrest;

If conj/asp by benefics/conj yogakarakas/in Kendra/kona/11H/in Pis or Sag: Gain of authority, great enthusiasm, gain of vehicles & fine clothes;

Results of Sat-Sat Dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If placed in exalt sign/deep exaltation/own sign/Kendra/Kona/MT/11H/with Rajayogakaraka: Glory of authority, great happiness, improvement in respect of wife & children, possession of three vehicles (many types), commanding an army, gain of cattle wealth, gain of lands/villages;



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If in 8H/12H/deb/conj malefics: in the beginning of dasha fear of authorities, injuries from poisoned weapons, bleeding incidents, disease of blisters, dysentery; in the middle, fear of thieves, deserting native land, mental agony; in the end brings happiness; • If 2L/7L: untimely death; to overcome the dosha, do Mrityunjaya japa; Results of Sat-Sat Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Bodily distress, apprehension of diputes & fear from menial persons; (Trivedis) Dasha of Saturn: Special case •

If birth takes place in the dasha of Sun, Sat’s Mahadasha gives best results such as promotions, progress, popularity, power & prosperity, expansion, extension & elevation. • For those born with above condition, Sat’s dasha will be the 6th dasha. 6th dasha is also known as the Kshema dasha & is very favorable. • Those satisfying the above condition will have passed through dashas of Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu & Jupiter. Rahu dasha (which is not available for other planets’ dasha as starting dasha except for Moon) is highly significant. It gives the native all types of experiences, good & bad in life. Further native will be at least 51 year old when Sat dasha starts, if born in Sun dasha. Hence it enables the native to lead a sensible life. • If native reaches the zenith in Jup dasha, Sat helps to maintain the position during its own dasha or part of its dasha. Sat in bhavas/constellations • In Ken—makes one a nishkama karmi; • In trik houses--initial disappointment & frustrations in matter of employment & earnings; • In 3rd, 6th or 10th—devoted to one’s mother; • In swati, poorvabhadra, ashvini—stay in foreign country; • In makha, poorvaphalguni—stays away from home; • Persons born in Sun stars—raised to zenith in the dasa of Sat; • In Cap—success in business, in Aqu—gives power & position; Propitiating Saturn Sat is fond of prayers & pujas. It expects the afflicted to practice austerity & be humble. Those afflicted, in the appropriate period may undertake fasting on Saturdays, wear black dress, pray to Mahavishnu, offer tilannadana & tilataila dana/burn lamps with tila taila in temples. After Sunset Lord Hanuman should be worshipped & then fast broken. Dasharath krit Shani stotra should also be read with devotion. Relation to Sun • • • • • • •

Its affliction to Sun causes conflict with authorities; In 12th from Sun gives chequered prosperity to father; Sat in 12H, Sun in 6H—diseased body; Vargottama in Leo—influx of wealth; Sat-Sun opposition in 1-7 houses: Inimical relation with father. If conj Sun—will suffer heart trouble, especially if the 4H is involved in any way. Combust Sat when deb or in enemy sign in Lag/5H, in some cases other houses also, and associated with 4-5 bindus gives plenty of wealth. The more the number of bindus greater the amount of prosperity & accompanying paraphernalia like many servants, concubines etc.



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Results of Sat-Sun dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/with 9L and asp by benefic: happiness from boss, prosperity at home, happiness due to son, gain of vehicles, clothes & ornaments, plenty of cow milk etc at home; • If in 8H/12H from MDL or Lagna: heart disease, humiliations, loss of position, mental agony, separation from dear relative, destruction of job/profession, high fever, grief/sorrow, fear, death of a close relative, separation from loved objects; • If 2L/7L: physical distress; to overcome the dosha, do Surya pooja; Results of Sat-Sun Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Kingly radiance & authority, disputes in the family, distress from ailments like fever; Relation to Moon

• •

Its affliction to Moon/Cancer gives inferiority complex; In Ken to Moon—delays & causes obstacles in progress, gives mental depression, sluggish response to joys of life; • In 2nd from Moon—vigorous & dashing; • Sat-Moon combination may lead to study of chemistry/chemical engineering. • Sat/Rah behind Moon either in rasi or navamsa by a rasi/longitude—mahasakti yoga, destined to go far in life & progress in whatever one is engaged in. Results in abundant courage, tolerance & immense success. If Sun is in 5th from Moon the effects are magnified; • If conj Moon—will suffer from headache & if the combination is death inflicting, one will die due to water. The combination if in 4H / affects 4H, causes TB/pleurisy. • One who is having Sat in a sign of Ven and aspected (or conjunct) Moon, will be bestowed with essence of life’s successes contrived through cooperation & assistance of women (including wife & daughter). Kings, ministers & administrators always solicit advice & guidance from him. Most loved one to his woman & is surrounded by large family. • Sat & Moon in Lag having more than 4 bindus is combination for poverty but in other kendras it gives prosperity & raja yoga, as well as quest for spiritualism. • If Sat is transiting in 8th from Moon, mental worries/anxieties/disturbances will increase considerably. Results of Sat-Moon dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

• • •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign and is full Moon conj with benefics and asp by Jup: affection of & meeting with king, gain of vehicles, clothes & ornaments, good fortune, increased happiness/comforts, nurturing of servants, happiness in the family of parents, increase in cattle wealth; If waning & conj/asp by malefics or deb or in cruel Navamsa or in the sign of cruel planets: will face great difficulties, anger of king, reduction of wealth, separation from parents, diseases to children, loss of crops, expenses in various ways, untimely food, taking of medicines; there will be happiness & incoming money in the beginning of AD; In kendra/Kona/11th from MDL: gain of cattle, clothes & ornaments, improvement of brothers, happiness, happiness to parents, happiness from wife, gain of wealth, all kinds to auspiciousness due to friends & authorities/bosses; If in 8th /12th from MDL and weak: excessive sleep, lethargy, loss of position, increase of enemies & opposition, enmity of relatives; If 2L/7L: lethargy; to overcome ethe doshas, do tila homa (sessasum seeds) as per procedure with jiggery, ghee, rice mixed with curds; donating white cow or buffalo



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Results of Sat-Moon Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Higher degree of intelligence, commencement of lofty plans, impairment of radiance, heavy expenditure, companionship of many lascivious women (sexual connections); Relation to Mars

When Mars is YK & Sat is in Mars’ Vargas, then Sat is automatically rendered strong. As to whether such strength expresses itself in good or bad aspects, depends on the horoscopic disposition of Sat, though by virtue of Sat’s malefic nature, a measure of evil is bound to predominate. • Sat-Mars conjunction involving important houses makes the native an army officer or a police officer without scruples. • Sat with Mars + asp of Jup, raises one to dizzy heights; • Sat, even if yogakaraka, can be rendered malefic by association with 7L Mar in Cancer (Deb Mar); • Mars in 6H, Rah in 7H, Sat in 8H—loses his wife; • Retro Sat asp retro Mars is doubly evil but gets mitigated if LL is very powerful; • Sat in 3rd from Mars gives little happiness from brothers; • Sat-Mars-Rah related in 2H/7H—obstructions in early stage, hard work, no job satisfaction, makes one irritable; Sat in different signs aspected by Mars 1. Sat in Ari/Sco and asp by Mars Will injure innocent animals, will be leader of goondas, addicted to liquors & women, but famous. 2. Sat in Tau/Lib aspected by Mars Will be fond of warlike stories, cowardly in battlefield, will be a braggart. 3. Sat in Gem/Vir and asp by Mars Obstinate, awkward in form & appearance, will be attacked by fits, will carry others’ burdens. 4. Sat in Can aspected by Mars Will become rich thro royal or divine favor, will be maimed in physique, will have wealth, servants, ornaments, fond of bad relations with women. 5. Sat in Leo aspected by Mars Will be itinerant & ungrateful, thievish, will frequent hilly places/forests/forts, will be without wife/children. 6. Sat in Cap/Aqu aspected by Mars Will be warlike, famous, adventurous, leader of men. Mars in different signs aspected by Sat 1. Mars in Ari/Sco aspected by Sat Weak, devoid of followers or relations, will marry another wife. 2. Mars in Tau/Lib aspected by Sat Happy, famous, rich, learned, leader of men. 3. Mars in Gem/Vir aspected by Sat An agriculturist, employed in mining, itinerant, occupant of hilly places/forts, poor, dirty, miserable. 4. Mars in Can aspected by Sat Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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Navigator, poor, beautiful, engaged in princely trades. 5. Mars in Sag/Pis aspected by Sat Ugly, warlike, sinful, traveller, bereft of wealth, health & dharma. 6. Mars in Cap/Aqu aspected by Sat Becomes a king, wealthy but despised by women; will have many children, will be warlike, learned but unhappy. Results of Sat-Mars dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/conj 10L: if conj with LL, in the beginning happiness & comforts, money income, affection of king, gain of vehicles, clothes & ornaments, position of commander of an army, cattle & crop wealth, construction of new abode, comforts to brothers; If in 8H/12H/deb/combust/conj or asp by malefics: loss of money, trouble from thieves, fear of injury/ulcers etc, disease like hernia (diseases of glands?), suffering to brothers & father, dispute with cousins, loss of cattle wealth, unpalatable food, foreign travel, expenditure in many ways;

If 8L/7L/placed in 2H: fear of untimely death & several difficulties, defeat etc; to overcome the dosha, do shanthi homa; donate bull in charity; Results of Sat-Mars Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Impoverishment of brilliance (tejo haani), distress to son, danger from fire & enemies, suffering from bile & gastric diseases; Relation to Mercury

Mer in trine with Sat acts constructively, it would make men inquisitive, loquacious, studious of law & medicine, meditative, confederate in secrecy, vigilant , tractable, fabricators of miracles, imposters, improvident, cunning. • Sat-Mer opposition indicates humiliation in their periods. • Mer is square or opp to Sat acts destructively & causes native to be frivolous, vindictive, laborious, night wanderers, insidious, treacherous, pitiliess, thievish, magicians, sorcerers, forgers of writings, cheats, unsuccessful in their undertakings, and quickly reduced to adversity. • Combination causes all kinds of illegitimacy. In 5H—illegitimate birth of children. In 7H— illegitimate relationship with women; If conj in 8H—impotency & nervous disorder; If Rah is also involved, may suffer nervous breakdown. Sat-Mer combination •

• • • •

Mer cannot drain out Sat’s evil as Mer itself becomes absorbed in the tamasic qualities of Sat. Despondency, poor memory, lack of self confidence, nervousness, rheumatism; Asp on Mer—faculties dulled; poor memory, nervousness, rheumatism; Results of Sat-Mer dasha (MD-AD): BPHS If in Kendra/Kona: honors, fame, success, gain of knowledge/education/learning, gain of money, happiness in native country, possession of vehicles etc, performance of yajnas, possible rajayoga, good health, enthusiasm, prosperity at home, pilgrimages & holy dips, profits in business, listening to puransa & keerthanas, annadaana, daily delicious food;



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If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/combust/conj Sun, Mars, Rahu or in 6th /8th /12th from MDL: In the beginning coronation, acquisition of wealth, leadership & authority of village/state etc,; in the middle & end, suffering from diseases, loss in all endeavours, grief & great fear; If 2L/7L: physical sufferings; to overcome the dosha, do Vishnu sahasranama, do annadaana;

Results of Sat-Mer Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Loss of intelligence, apprehension of quarrels, destruction of food grains, loss of money, fear from enemies; Relation to Jup •

Jup is the only benefic which can drain out much of Sat’s evil from it. Hence it is desirable that in the horoscope Sat has indirect aspect of strong Jup, say the 5th or the 9th aspects or at least conjunction or opposition. Otherwise life becomes hell. If the house involved is Sat’s own/exaltation or Jup’s then even the absence of Jup’s influence may not be felt. Only difference is the native will rise from scratch to good heights; but if Jup is associated, the native will have some godfather to look after him and can come up well in life. For example, Sat in Jup sign Sag may result in desire to give up selfishness, a characteristic of Sat. Jup-Sat opposition will cause conflict between Jovian ideals & Saturn’s materialistic tendencies. • If both Sat & Jup are strong—balanced, composed, thoughtful, decision maker; • If Sat is in Tau and aspected by Jup, will be very much concerned with vicissitudes of other people, and takes interest in other people’s activities; will be liked & venerated by one & all and is a generous donor; will be at the helm of a great effort. • If strong plus well aspected—they uplift one to financial heights; • If conjunct, gives philosophical inclinations; Mars joining it gives to it aggressive, even unsavory expression. • Sat bestows very good & auspicious results during its dasha/bhukti if placed in Sag/Pis. The native gets power, authority, position, prosperity & happiness. It has been observed that Sat gives results as if exalted in these signs. • When Jup and Sat reckoned from Lag or Moon are in kendras/trines or in 11th, the effect is beneficial. It bestows strength of character & those qualities which make for eventual success and spirituality. Their achievements will be substantial & solid. If they are mutually in 6/8 or 2/12 or in evil houses from Lag/Moon, one may have sudden fall & face disaster. Results of Sat-Jup dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

• •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/conj with LL: success in all endeavors, auspicious to self, gain of vehicles, money & ornaments, honor from authorities, gain of desired clothes, devotion towards deities & preceptors, association with learned/scholars, gain of wife & children, grand marriage of son; If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/conj malefics: death of close relative, loss of money & crops, enmity of public in kings court, failure in endeavors, foreign travel, danger of leprosy; If in 11th /2nd/Kendra/kona from MDL: luxuries, fortune to wife, gain of wealth & assets, comforts of good food & clothes, performing charity & pious deeds, ?-brahma prathishta siddhishcha: Prathishta= to support, install, establish, giving food in charity, gain of fame, listening to Vedantha etc; If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & weak: hatred of relatives, mental agony, quarrels, loss of position/dismissal, bad food, failure in endeavors, loss of money due to penalties by authorities, imprisonment, suffering to wife & children;



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Results of Sat-Jup Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Inability to ward off losses inflicted by women, quarrels & anxiety; Relation to Venus • Venus can drain out only about 20% of Sat’s evil from it. • If Sat is in 6th or 12th from Ven—near incapable of sex-act; (JA) Results of Sat-Ven dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona or 11H conj benefic/exalt/own sign: gain of marriage, children, wealth, health, festivities, prosperity at home, gain of authority, great happiness, fulfillment of desires due to patronage of authorities, honor from authorities, getting desired objects like clothes etc, getting clothes from foreign countries, white horse, buffalo etc, if there is favorable transit of Jupiter, then fortunes, comforts, wealth and if favorable of transit of Sat occurs , then it will result in a yoga/fructification of auspicious results; • If in enemy sign/deb/combust/6H/8H/12H: loss of wife, mental grief/agony, loss of position, misunderstanding with wife & near relatives, distressing opposition from public; • If in 9th /Kendra/11th from MDL: affection of king, fulfillment of desires, religious deeds, charity, kindness to others, pilgrimages, composition of kavyas, study of shastras, listening to vedantha, happiness & comforts to wife & children; • If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL: eye diseases, fever, not following traditions/customs of own community, oral & dental pains, pain in heart & anus, fear of danger from water, distress of mind, possibility of falling from a tree, public resentment in the assembly of king, opposition from brothers; • If 2L/7L: deep anguish; to overcome the dosha, do japa of Durga, donate white cow, buffalo; Results of Sat-Ven Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Fulfillment of plans, prosperity of own relatives, gain from man-made activities; Sat-Rah combination •

Fear/inferiority complex, chronicity, hysteria, seclusion; base perversion, unhealthy competition. • If there are other disease causing combinations (such as with 6L/6H etc), such diseases will become long term/chronic if Sat & Rahu are conj in any house. • If Rahu/Ketu is conj Sat & Jup and asp by Ven—will become learned scholar even though born in poor family. Results of Sat-Rahu dasha (MD-AD) BPHS: • •

• • •

Can be troublesome giving quarrels, mental agony, physical ailment, antagonism with son, loss/expenditure of wealth, fear of king, disputes/opposition with relations, foreign travel, loss of house/land. If Rahu conj with LL or Yogakaraka/exalted/own sign/in Kendra/in 11th from MDL: in the beginning comforts, gain of money, acquisition of house property, devotion towards deities & brahmins, pilgrimages, gain of cattle wealth, prosperity at home; in the middle, fear of king, opposition from son & friends; If Rahu in Ari/Vir/Can/Tau/Pis/Sag/Leo: will bring luxuries of good vehicles, honors from the king, comforts of delicate clothes; If Rahu conj with 2L/7L: physical suffering; to overcome the dosha, do Mrityunjaya japa; donate goat or bull; If Rahu in benefic association or in good Navamsa—recognition, favors from admin.



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If Rahu well placed in Kendra/trikona from Sat or in 3, 6, 10, 11—happiness to spouse & children. • If ill placed from each other: generally a troublesome period causing mental, physical & family trouble. Results of Sat-Rahu Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Depletion of wealth, loss of clothes, destruction of lands, frightfulness, foreign travels, death; Sat-Ket combination

• •

Any relationship between Sat & Ket is a pointer towards engineering profession. If Rahu/Ketu is conj Sat & Jup and asp by Ven—will become learned scholar even though born in poor family. Results of Sat-Ketu dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If conj/asp by benefics/in exalt/in auspicious houses/conj Yogakaraka/in Kendra/Kona: loss of position, great fear, fear of poverty & imprisonment, loss of wife & children, much difficulties from own employer/boss, foreign travel; if conj LL, in the beginning happiness & money; If in Kendra/Kona/3rd/11th (?) from MDL: dips in holy rivers like Ganga, seeing deities, religious thoughts, comforts/happiness, meeting with high authorities; o If in 8H/12H from Lag/MDL: fear of untimely death, eating despised food, cold & fever, dysentery, trouble from thieves/wounds/ulcers, separation from wife & children;

• If in 2H/7H: physical sufferings; to overcome the dosha & untimely death, donate goat; Results of Sat-Ketu Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS Confinement by enemies, loss of glamour (? Varna haani), great hunger, worries, terror, troubles; Sat-Gulika Short life span, leprosy. Transit of Saturn • • • • • •

Transit of Sat particularly has an important role in making commission of a crime almost inevitable; In spite of best beneficial results, Sat shows its inherent malefic nature when it transits houses other than its own/exaltation/houses of Jupiter. Even in its own house, good results will not come if it is tenanted by malefics Rahu, Sun, New Moon or Mars. Transit of Sat in 3,6,11 from Moon gives good results. If Sat is transiting in 8th from Moon, mental worries/anxieties/disturbances will increase considerably. Transit of Sat through 4th or 8th from Lag/Moon will be troublesome if dasha is also bad. If the relevant bhavas in SAV have more than 28 bindus, the transit may not give bad results. The transit of Sat in binduless kakshaya causes loss of health and wealth, misery and sorrow & may lead to death. Transit in a kakshaya having bindu in his AV gives inheritances, victory, agricultural products, land & contracts with the Govt. It is a good time to launch satellite or fight elections.



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Transit w r t natal Sat • •

In transit, in square to its natal position—important development; If Sat in birth chart is exalted/in own sign/in a friendly sign/in MT—results are relatively better. • If Sat in birth chart is strong & weak in transit: mediocre results • If weak in both: highly undesirable results. • If transiting Sat is giving bad results, then effects of other planets are also lessened. Transit thro houses •

• • • • • • •

(Trivedis) Sat’s transit over Lagna brings prominent changes. This happens partially when it aspects Lag in transit. Good or bad results depend on various factors needing deep experience & judgement. When Sat transits through Lag /4H and if it influences 4H from Moon also, then check which planet is passing through the degree of natal Sat. There will be trouble related to that planet. When transiting Sat is in 4th, 7th or 10th house from Moon Lag, it is called ‘kantak shani’. It is not auspicious. The native has to suffer troubles, diseases, calamities and confusions. Life is quite unsettled & insecure, mind is thoroughly restless, all kinds of unhappiness take place. (KN Rao) in 4th, such Sat can also give excellent career. Transit in 4H: native keeps ill; no comfort of home, change of residence may take place. Unsettling trend. Transit in 7H (esp when moving thro a movable sign): if other strong configurations are absent, there is decidedly a long stay away from home & native place. Transit in 10H: terrible obstacles in work. Break in occupation/career. In transit & retro and if comes on planet on 6H—gives illness; If there are indications of getting money/property through legacy etc, one receives appreciable amounts of wealth from an old person (male/female), when Sat transits thro 8H. This happens when Sat transits through 1 Deg of the sign falling in 8H. Sat & Rah give good results when in transit through 3,6,10 or 11th from Lag or Moon (contradicts with kantak shani w r t 10H?!) When Sat transits the 10H from Lag/Moon Lag, it retards functions, delays promotions, gives demotions, unhealthy superiors etc. However if transiting Sat is conjoined or aspected by transiting Jup, during such overlapping period Jup will remove the evil of Sat. The influence of Ven is negligible in this matter as it changes signs quickly. (Chnadrakala nadi-Trivedis): consider the house through which Sat is transiting & the three additional houses aspected by it from that house. There will be suffering on account of those houses from which the above mentioned four houses become the 8th house. Such unfavorable results are to be borne by the native throughout the transit of Sat in that particular sign. Example: (i) Sat transiting thro Lag. It aspects 3H, 7H & 10H. The suffering/unfavorable results will be on account of 6H (Lag is 8th from 6H), 8H, 12H, 3H. (ii) If Transiting thro 2H, aspected house set is 2H, 4H, 8H, 11H & results affected are for 7H, 9H, Lag & 4H. (SA) Whenever in transit, Saturn is in the 11th house from any House and also aspects the ruler of that focus house, a dramatic event related to that house can happen. o When transiting Saturn moves in the 8H, it would aspect the 10H with its 3rd aspect, and at the same time, if this Transit Saturn aspects the ruler of the 10th lord, then expect a dramatic event in your career or to your father or mother of your spouse (4th



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to 7H) or child’s health (6th to 5H). This 3rd aspect of Saturn can ‘at times’ have a past life flavour, we repeat ‘at times’ bringing in also at times inborn abilities or likings. The above principle can also be applied to the significator of the planet. o

For a Gemini Lag native if transiting Saturn is in the 3H in transit and aspects with its 3rd aspect the 5H of love, authorship & of ‘Things from the past’ and at the same time with its 10th aspect this Saturn aspects the ruler Venus who is sitting in the 12H, then you can say that ‘something to do with love or marriage will happen’, since Venus is the significator of the love/marriage and at the same time, it would be a mate from some past life highlighting a very significant karma.

Transit w r t Lords of houses •

• •

• •

(Chnadrakala nadi-Trivedis): When transit of Sat coincides identically with the natal position of 8L from a particular house (& its trine position??-does not appear in the shloka), the native will experience mental upsets due to denial of results signified by that particular house. (Trivedis) When transiting Sat has an influence on 10L from Lag/Moon, either by association or by asp, this 2.5 years of transit is quite promising and rewarding for the native w r t occupation, securing job, starting business or settlement. (Trivedis) if the 10L is involved in an exchange of house with a particular planet, Sat usually gives more remarkable results in respect of success or rise in career or undertaking , when it during its transit, aspects or is united with that particular planet with whom 10L has exchanged places. Such a nativity offers scope for application of previous rule also. The rule operates fairly well even when the 10L owning two houses is involved in the exchange & not the 10H directly. (Trivedis) Transit of Sat over 10H from 10L is remarkable for professional advancement, progress & prosperity. Further, if such house falls in Lib, Cap or Aqu, professional prosperity & progress will certainly be highlighted during the transit of Sat in any of these signs. (Trivedis) if the 10L is posited in Cap/Aqu, Sat can exchange position with the 10L during its transit thro houses owned by 10L. During this transit of Sat, career will take upward turn. New activities & endeavors will bring sweet results. (Example given has Sat as 10L in Aqu?!) (Trivedis) whenever 10L & Sat transit simultaneously in either’s own/exalt signs, there may be a sudden change or promotion by superseding others, upward progress in career, and a rewarding career. The results will almost be the same whenever Sat transits in Lib/Cap/Aqu & asp 10L. (Trivedis) If the 10L is associated with nodes and is not posited in Kendra/kona, then downfall, reversion or suspension may take place during adverse transits of the nodes, provided the 10L is unaspected/uninfluenced by Sat’s transits. Such results may be more pronounced if such 10L occupies a trik house particularly with rahu, & without Sat’s benefic effect during transit over 10L. However detailed examination of chart should be done. (!) (Chandrakala Nadi-Trivedis): Transit of Sat over Lords of houses or their trinal positions; transit coinciding degreewise of the relevant planet LL: Arishta to maternal uncle & consequent agony to maternal grandmother. Additional: physical injury, father grieved due to loss of his co-born, grief to mother/maternal grandmother, worries to/death of maternal uncle/aunt, indebtedness, loss/fear from thieves.



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• • • •

2L (+ over rasi aspected by 2L): death of wife. Additional: loss in vocational activities, death of a person in wife’s paternal family, wife gaining obesity, worries to wife, want of marital happiness. 4L: Ailment to father, If over rasi asp by 4L—father suffers calamity. Additional: death of father & consequent agony to near relatives, calamity to father’s brethern, father’s sickness, loss of father’s wife etc 5L: and if 5th dasha of native is running—then death of co-born’s child. Additional: loss of paternal wealth, serious sickness of friend, ill health /death of mother-in-law, death in wife’s paternal family, death of a child in own family etc. 6L (+ over rasi aspected by 6L): Co-borns will suffer mental agony. Additional: death of a co-born, loss of status/position, change of residence, great mental agony, death of paternal relative, miseries to elder brother.

7L (+ over rasi aspected by 7L): death of maternal grandfather. Additional: unexpected or heavy expenditure, death of maternal uncle, ill-health/death of father’s mother. • 8L (+ over rasi aspected by 8L): death of a family member. Additional: own death, fear from opponents, severe diseases & confinement in hospital, ill-health to wife, death of bosom friend, worries on account of children, blemish to family, loss of property /wealth, exhaustion, fear of death due to accident etc. • 9L: demise of son of maternal aunt. Additional: quarrels with bad people, eye/throat disease, loss of wealth, quarrels in family, mental disability etc. • 10L (+ over rasi aspected by 10L): sister suffers mental agony. Additional: calamity in wife’s paternal family, native’s hospitalization, severe sickness/death of co-born, affliction/death of father-in-law etc. • 11L (+ over rasi aspected by 11L): trouble/agony to mother. Additional: desertion of one’s birthplace, quarrels on account of/loss of landed property, grief to mother due to death of maternal aunt/uncle, sickness/death of mother etc. • 12L (+ over rasi aspected by 12L): arishta to native’s children. Additional: setback in studies/failure in exams, sickness of elder brother’s wife/elder sister’s husband, demise of grandfather, loss of wealth, misunderstandings with children etc. Transit over Signs • •

If transits Cap in dasa of Sat—wiping out of past occurs & a new lease of life for future; When Sat transits through a particular sign, it (adversely) affects the house owned by the planet situated in that sign. Transit over planets •

• •

Sat’s transit over natal Sun causes many adversities, especially w r t matters of house owned by Sun. (Dhruva Nadi) when Sat in transit over Sun coincides with the degree of natal Sun, or its trine positions, the native’s father’s health will suffer or the native himself will suffer illness or death of some male relative (some uncle) will take place. Transit of Sat over natal Sun as well as 9H may give distress to father in bad dasha. Sat’s transit over Moon in the natal chart gives malefic results, if Sat is a bad house Lord & bad dasha & transit are also there. (See Sadhe Saathi for more details). (Dhruva Nadi) when Sat in transit over Moon coincides with the degree of natal Moon, or its trine positions, the native’s mother’s health will suffer or the native himself will suffer illness or death of some female relative (some aunt) will take place. (Trivedis) Sat in transit asp Lag & the Moon simultaneously brings promotion, elevation, appreciation, expansion of responsibilities & extension of power. This will be so even



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when Sat transits over Moon & aspects Lag. Sat’s transit that affects both Lag & Moon becomes most prominent event & auspicious 2.5 years for the native. (Trivedis) When Sat transits over natal Mars or aspects natal Mars in transit, life takes a prominent turn. Also when Sat transits 4th, 7th and 11th house from Mars, vital changes are experienced. Favorable or unfavorable depends on the position or ownership of natal Mars. If Mars is a negative planet (malefic, maraka etc), the U-turn brings negative results. These appear to happen over & above the dasha-bhukti or not considering the dasha-bhukti. Ex: (i) Mars is negative planet for Lib Lag, (but gives positive results in 11H, 3H & 10H). Sat’s transit thro Aries can bring disaster. (ii) Sco Lag, Mars in Lib, Sat transiting thro Cap asp Mars; positive U-turn as Sat transits in own sign which is also the exaltation sign of Mars. (Dhruva Nadi) when Sat in transit over Mars coincides with the degree of natal Mars, or its trine positions, the native’s co-born’s health will suffer or the native himself will suffer illness or death of some cousin will take place. Note: These DN results of transit are effective during transit thro full navamasa occupied by the planet (100 minutes on either side of the planet) are conducive for the result.

• •

Sat’s transit over natal Jup or vice versa signifies financial gains. If transiting Sat is giving bad results & Jup is unfavorable, then bad results gain in power. • If transiting Sat is giving good results & Jup is favorable, then overall results are good. • If Jup & Rah indicate bad results but Sat is favorable, then good results happen in greater numbers. • (Trivedis) In configurations where Rahu & Ketu are causing Raja Yoga (see Rak-Ket later): The results of Raja Yoga will appear when transiting Sat crosses the natal position of nodes or when Sat aspects such combination. However if the Raja yoga forming Kendra Lord is Sun, Moon or Mars , the transit over them will bring miseries, problems, tensions, frustrations, disgrace, humiliation, disappointments & failures, but soon after will promote the effect of Rajayoga. Nadi based results of Sat’s transit over planets: •

When Sat transits over exact degree of any planet or its trinal positions, it gives unfavorable results w r t: o Natal planet as significator o Houses owned by that planet o House occupied by that planet  Sun: father’s health will be affected/misunderstandings with father, native will be troubled—heavy expenditure, prestige at stake, troubles min profession or business, change of residence etc, death of elderly male relative. 

Moon: mental health affected, death of elderly female relative, mental agony/sickness to mother, trouble to native--loss of status, loss of wealth, devaluation of landed property etc

Mars: co-borns health is affected, death of co-born, trouble to native—blood impurities, humiliation, fear of criminal proceedings, quarrels for assets, reduced business activities, demotion, loss of wealth/property, physical injury, fear of accident etc.

Mer: maternal uncle or aunt’s health is affected, increase in debts, financial stringency in business, misfortune or death in mother’s paternal family, hindrances in education, sickness of a close friend, mental disorders etc.



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Jupiter: health of progeny is affected, death of progeny, trouble to native-worries from family members, mental anxiety or anguish on account of progeny, hindrance in religious pursuits/studies.

Ven: major health problem/great impending fear to wife, disgrace on account of wife & consequent anguish, obstacles from in-laws, separation from wife, demise of wife, absence of reciprocal love, strained marital relations, troubles in wife’s paternal family.

Sat: will experience major physical ailments lasting over long durations, disputes with & trouble from family members, absence of peace of mind due to problems in landed property & great loss of money, abnormal increase in miseries & sufferings, demise of native etc

Rahu: grieved by physical pain or mental agony or death of a nearer relative, relations with Govt. Strained, setback in health, reputation at stake, happening of untoward incident in own family, death of a close friend/cousin, obsequies of a dead relative, food poisoning, snake/insect bite, shifting of residence to a distant place etc

Ketu: health of native will be affected, quarrels in family, demise in maternal uncle’s family, mental tension due to family dispute over inheritance, kidney disorders, calamity, hospitalization etc

Another version of Sat’s transit results •

On Golden Legs: When it transits over natal Moon/6th /11th sign from natal Moon, it provides prosperity, happiness, success, gains, elevation, extension & accomplishments of ambitions. • On Silver Legs: when it transits 2nd /5th /9th sign from natal Moon, it gives happiness, increase in income, promotion, fame, honor, success in endeavors. • On Copper Legs: transit through 3rd/7th /10th sign from natal Moon. It gives ordinary results but not adverse. • On Iron Legs: transit through 4th /8th /12th sign from natal Moon. It is worst as it gives immense adversities. Some consider these from Lag also. Sadhe Saathi (7.5 years period) •

It should be understood that SS doesn’t give any results that are not indicated in the birth chart. SS cannot transcend the limits set by the dasha. It only enhances or diminishes the effects of planetary positions. However, it may only lessen the beneficial effect & not enhance it. No planet in transit can cause an incident; it can only decide its timing.

According to some astrologers the results based on birth sign are: o

Ari: middle period is dangerous


Tau: beginning period is dangerous


Gem: end period is dangerous


Can: middle & end period is dangerous


Leo: beginning & middle period is dangerous


Vir: beginning period is dangerous


Lib: end period is dangerous



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Sco: middle & end period is dangerous


Sag: beginning & middle period is dangerous


Cap: beginning & end are dangerous


Aqu: whole period is good


Pis: end period is dangerous

Effects in first stage: Generally malefic for parents, if dasha & transit are also bad. (i) Financially in dire straits (ii) physical comforts & health affected (iii) turns into a nomad (iv) father’s mother suffers fatal pain (v) possible eye disease (vi) mind under terrible tension (vii) guardians & relatives suffer (viii) separation from family (ix) problems for father. Effects in second stage: Malefic for self. Sat’s dasha & transit over Moon gives deep depression. (i) Constant financial worries (ii) physical ability, status & movement are affected (iii) nothing happens as per wishes (iv) terrible mental upheavals (v) lots of hurdles (vi) incomplete work & resultant unhappiness (vii) personality under cloud (viii) family, marital & professional life in disarray (ix) long journeys (x) separation from loved ones (xi) possible imprisonment , diseases, loss of property, social disgrace, (xii) all attempts prove futile Effects in third stage: (i) Pointless disputes (ii) health, happiness from children & their longevity is affected (iii) power from position vanishes (iv) excessive expenditure (v) feels lethargic, inactive & weak (vi) enjoyment & happiness are disturbed (vii) possible cheating by low minded person.

Sadhe Saathi cycles (max of three in a life time) First: is very strong. Native is badly affected by problems, obstacles & losses. May lose grandparents. Second: comparatively less severe. There may be some relief too. May lose parents. Third: full of gruesome effects; All round calamities; Very lucky natives come out of this phase. May lose their own life. Further results of SS • • •

Significations of lordship of Moon & Sat activate during SS. Houses owned by Sat as counted from natal Moon are adversely affected during SS. Transit of Sat within 5 deg of natal Moon has to be watched. It has potential to cause harm. • SS most of the times proves dangerous to parents. • Generally SS gives rise to mental agony which may or may not be related to other activities of life. • (BV Raman) Reckon Sat’s lordship from Lag & Moon. Sat, in all probability will try to give such results during SS which are expected of due to its lordship over specific houses. Examples: Tau as Moon sign— breakthrough in luck & career; Leo as Moon sign— marriage etc. These are of course associated with usual troubles & turmoil of SS. Judging Intensity of results •

Intensity of SS can be judged by studying the number of dots in the SS houses in ashtakavarga (12th, 1st & 2nd from Moon). If there are insufficient dots, native may face



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rough weather. If there is marked variation in the dots, abrupt fluctuations in intensity may be felt. • The placement of Moon in respective charts of spouses should be seen to judge the intensity & duration of the effect of SS. If they are in 3-11 or 4-10 from each other & dashas are also not favorable, it can spell disaster. • Vedha should also be considered. • Hence for any two individuals the results of SS may not be same, as it depends on the individual’s birth chart & general principles of transit of planets & its effects. Timing of SS According to the well accepted principle of H N Katwe: deduct 45 deg from birth Moon & add 45 degree to birth Moon. The resultant arc of 90 degree decides the actual begin & end of SS. Modification of SS results Reduction in intensity: •

If SS begins at a time when the period of some auspicious/Yogakaraka planet is running, then the evil influence will appear less powerful. (If the operative MD/AD is beneficial). • If 12H, 1H & 2H from Moon have more than 30 bindus each in SAV, the result will be beneficial. • If in BV of Sat it has more benefic points in these houses, the results of transit cannot be bad. • For persons born in Cap, Aqu—Sat does not cause much adversity. Those born in Lib, Tau—do not suffer much during SS. However the concept that Yogakaraka Sat (for Tau & Lib) may not cause much harm during transit is subject to exceptions. • Effects of SS are checked heavily if strong Jup & MD in transit protect Moon by asp/conj. • Effects are also minimized if Sat is transiting through its exaltation sign, own sign or friend’s sign. But this rule is not to be treated as universal. • If Sat is situated auspiciously in a house in natal chart, then that house will suffer less. Ex: If Yogakaraka Sat in 11H, then business will not suffer losses during SS. But say for Sco Lag if Sat is in 8H, there will be disputes with brothers/criticism/humiliation etc during SS. Similarly for 4H significations, like misfortune for mother, death for father (12th to 9H) etc. • Aspects of other planets should also be taken into consideration. Benefic aspects give excellent results, while malefic aspects cause evil. • Also to be checked are: o From the house through which Sat is transiting vis-à-vis Moon at the time of birth which planets & houses will it be affected with its aspect? o See also the nakshatras surrounding Moon. If these are beneficial results of SS cannot be bad. o It is also said that Sat’s transit in 1st , 7th , 10th , 27th nakshatra from birth nakshatra is evil. It is good in others. • If dasha lords are favorable along with transit of Sat, Jup, Rahu & Mars, on Sarvashtakavarga and housewise, they give good results during SS. • The aspect of Jup on natal Moon is the most potent protector during SS. Increase in intensity: •

SS in bad dasha compounds evil effects. If malefics are present in the houses through which Sat is transiting & dasha bhuktis warrant, the native will feel full force of SS.



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Effects of SS will be adversely pronounced if: o Natal Moon is afflicted by Sat, Rah or Mars, individually or jointly o Sat is in Trik houses with their Lords. o Sun with Moon or Sun exactly opposite Moon or Sun in 3H/10H from Moon, because Sat over Moon can afflict both luminaries. o If natal Sun, Moon & Sat are consecutively placed, SS will operate with equal intensity throughout. Some Yogas involving Saturn Configuration

Saturn is in a quadrant from Lag & in own sign or exaltation sign.

Results Great man of airy nature. He is rabbit-like. He is wise and enjoys wandering. He is comfortable in forests, mountains and forts. He is valorous and has a slender build. He knows the weaknesses of others. He is lively, but has some vacillation. He is charitable. Makes the person a king or a minister or a general.

Sat in Arudha Lag Sat in Lag & Mars in 9H, 5H or 7H

Name Saasa Yoga

Mahapurusha yoga Person becomes insane.


Person becomes insane.


Or Sat in 12H with waning Moon Sat & Rahu conjunction esp in first degree of Virgo, Lag being Pis/Vir



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Planet: Rahu Primary attributes •

Not a heavenly body with mass & shape; friend of Mer but enemy of Jup; mutual friendship with Sat & Ven; esp hostile to Sun; Paap graha;

Very powerful & influences all seven planets, generally in a bad way; no planet can subdue/terminate its influence; its fury is uncontrollable; Antyaj—foreigners, heterodox persons; Maturation age: 48; personified age: very old person of 100; age duration: 69 to 108; indicates tall person;

• • •

Lord of Dhatu (elementary substance, mineral); rules rodents, reptiles & multi-legged creatures eg. Insects; born head first; • (BPHS): exaltation: Vrishbha; MT: Gem; Own sign: Kumbha; according to some: Kanya; • Majority view: Exalted—Gem/Tau; Deb—Sco; OH—Virgo; MT—Gem/Can; friendly house—Aries; harmony in—Lib, Aries; fallen in –Sag; detriment in—Pisces; Becomes beneficial in Tau, Leo, Aqu; • (Parashara): exaltation: Tau; MT: Can; (Jataka Parijatha) exaltation: Gem; MT: Aqu; OS:Vir; (Phaladeepika) Strong in Ari, Tau, Can, Sco (?) & Aqu. • In Vedic astrology Rahu is supposed to maintain friendly relations with Mercury, Venus and Saturn. It is neutral towards Jupiter and Mars and maintains enmity with Sun and Moon. • According to a shloka from BPHS interpreted by Sri. J N Bhasin, Rahu has full aspect on 5th, 7th & 9th houses. (Though the shloka appears to mention Rahu, it has been interpreted to include Ketu also; according to KN Rao, certain editions among many versions of BPHS do not have this shloka) • Has separative effect; if strong, gives good results, else opp-w r t its karakatwas; • Although considered a malefic, a well-placed Rahu can contribute great wealth and success when affiliated with benefic planets. It can also promote originality in the arts and science. When afflicted, it can cause all sorts of problems depending on the planet it is most connected to. Usually these problems have to do with the loss of boundaries in some way. • Rahu is also said to have a predominantly tamasic disposition. o According to the ancient Vedic wisdom, nature has three major gunas (attributes) – rajasic (active), sattwic (balanced) and tamasic (passive) – the interplay which creates, sustains and finally ends the Universe. One must remember that Rahu can function in all the above mentioned modes – Rahu functions in a Rajasic mode when giving prosperity, in a Sattvic mode when giving knowledge and wisdom. It can also function in a state beyond the three attributes – the eternal state beyond time- space where the source of everything that is manifest and unmanifest lies. Special notes •

Rah is earthy & gives mundane prosperity only; it has insatiable worldly desires; it is known to deliver sudden & unexpected results, both good & bad depending on its association with benefic/malefic;

Rahu placed in Trika house is a first rate malefic, except when placed alone in 6H where it acts as a roga haranam (destroyer of diseases) its conjunction with other planets causes inauspicious combinations.



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• •

• • •

• •

• • •

Gives good results if posited in 3H, 6H, 10H, 11H (if not afflicted by malefics); Rah in houses of Jup/Mer are actually good according to Uttara Kalamrita; Exalted Rahu (particularly if in 2H) always generates great deal of money like Kubera; • Also when conjunct with/asp by Lords of beneficial houses particularly poorna yoga karaka planets; Else gives only evil results; Becomes very evil if with Mars, Sat or Lords of trika houses; Depending on how its energy is harnessed, it can impel one towards suicide or renunciation & spiritual mastery. In a way it has dual nature– one that can give material prosperity and the other which gives material adversity. Usually the material adversity side has more spiritual benefits attached to it, which is not to say that there is no spiritual growth when Rahu gives material prosperity. Rahu can be said to be associated with the dualities of nature and their subsequent fusion. It can be the deceitful, shady, untrustworthy sort of character when working through its lower aspect. Its energy is supposed to be behind all sorts of criminal tendencies, unlawful activities, and perversions. It is discontent incarnate and is never satisfied. It can lie, cheat, betray trust or go to any extreme to achieve its ends. Its nature in these lower aspects covers all the bad points of the dark side of the human psyche. Thus it comes as no surprise that it is the originator of many types of morbid fears, suspicious, sadistic, and self-destructive tendencies. It is seen that it retains a quarter of its illusory nature even then functioning in its most spiritual mode. The native may not mind using any method whatsoever including lying to fulfil his/her work on Earth, but everything done would be to manifest the cosmic plan, which is how Rahu functions when working through its higher principle. Rahu when working through its higher principle displays positive qualities like heightened awareness of higher realms, true compassion for all existence and a need for rising above the illusion of the material realm. When working through its lower principle it drowns one in illusions and fantasies usually relating to the lower dark sides of existence. Rahu is the planet of intuition, extra sensory perception and other such phenomenon related with the astral body. Rahu, can make one lose one’s self in chasing after mirages or hallucinations, which can either be induced by drugs or other techniques. Cloudiness is a term commonly used when functioning through its lower aspect. Rahu is the force or emotion behind such things as suicide and homicide, where it totally clouds the capacity of clear thinking. This vagueness, cloudiness and confusion, is attributed to Rahu in the Vedic system. Rahu is the planet of delusions and psychosis. If Rahu is working through its higher aspect, then this confusion usually leads to wisdom and enlightenment. Rahu has a peculiar heavy, hypnotic and sarcastic tone to its voice, which it usually imparts to a native when it is related in some way with the second or third house. Sarcasm is one of the main aspects of the nature and disposition of Rahu and it is second only to Ketu when it comes to giving a sarcastic and hurting tongue. There is often a wonderful sense of humour attached to Rahu’s sarcastic nature. This is why Rahu along with Mercury can be regarded as the king of satire among planets. Rahu knows no national boundaries and thus has a very international and allinclusive perspective on things.



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Rahu is supposed to be a mighty and naughty child of Maya (illusory power of nature), and thus has a lot of dualities attached to its Mayavi (illusory) nature. • Karaka Mars, Mer & Rah rule over sports; • It cools down if it joins its dispositor; • Mahashakti Yoga: Rahu’s dispositor placed in 2nd to Rahu—gives abundance of courage & success in career. Physical attributes of native •

• • •

It imparts a strange, hypnotic touch to the face, when placed close to the cuspal degrees of the first or the second house of a chart. There is no equal of Rahu in imparting out of the ordinary faces and appearances. It is experienced that a lot of the present day beauty queens who get sudden fame through winning international beauty pageants have either Rahu in the second house or connected in some way to the Ascendant or second house. Rahu is seen to represent tall persons. Any connection of Rahu with the Ascendant in a chart adds to the height of the native. Rahu also has a predominantly airy constitution, which is usually associated with a wiry or lean physique. Among the five senses Rahu is especially connected with the sense of hearing. A highly developed sense of hearing or complete deafness helps identify a Rahu personality. There is also a certain sort of lordliness attached to its appearance and manners in much the same way as Sun. However, there is a subtle difference as the lordliness that Sun displays has a certain benevolence attached to it. The charisma and magnetism attached with Rahu is also quite different from the Sun in much the same way a light emitted by an electric bulb is different from the sunlight. Despite its lordliness, its glance is downwards. This can be used to trace the people with strong influence of Rahu on the Ascendant. It can also be used to judge the state of mind of a person at any given point in time. A downward glance relates to a predominantly Rahu or Saturn state of mind. It must be remembered that Saturn also has a downward glance.

Character/Nature: Positive traits • •

Courage, adventures; can give fame, honour & high position; intelligent; originality, individuality, independence, insight, ingenuity, inspiration, imagination; proficiency in physical sciences, psychology, espionage, and astrology. Renunciation, unorthodox, portentous, non-conformism;

Character/Nature: Negative traits •

Confusion, duplicity, deception, falsehood, vagueness, speaking untruth knowing fully well that it is a lie, exaggeration, bad & insulting speech, eccentricity, neurosis (A mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction), psychosis (Any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted), illusion (An erroneous mental representation), delusion (an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary), addiction, infamous character, perplexity, violence, corruption, escapism (An inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy), secret or open desire for sinning, cravings that cannot be satisfied, sedition, political plots, commotion, civil discord, revolution, violence, aggressive nature, earning thro unfair means, sudden change in career, isolation, imprisonment, epidemics, psychic disturbances, inflicting injuries to others, having sex with a wicked woman, irreligious pursuits, opportunism, faulty logic,



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• •

unscrupulous/unethical behaviour, wickedness, foul tongue, looking downward while walking/talking; It gives more rise in unscrupulous ways; Rahu can be considered to be the expert among the planets when it comes to scheming and plotting. It is the master of manipulation.

Nature related-other • • •

Adultery; tendency to lust after widows; Royal status, foreign residence; rules over industries (BVR); Diseases, evils, depression;

Long foreign travels/ journey to distant places, life/business abroad.

• Rahu signifies, rebirth, impact even after one is dead. Material • • • • •

Christians, Muslims; Serpents, venomous reptiles; Stones, mud, inflammable gases; Pumps, radio, telephone, mobiles, electricity, electronics, aerial navigation, air, space; Potions, poisons, chemicals; antibiotics, insecticides.

Events • •

Execution, litigation, political plots, exile, imprisonment, sudden accident/disaster, sinking with ship/drowning; Widowhood;

Professions •

• • • •

Inventors, scientists, aviators/aviation, space technology, travellers, goldsmiths, astrologers, archers, lecturers, metaphysics students, psychologist; Rahu also gifts secrecy & innovation or research, the traits needed by a good designer. Generally acts like Sat; professions of erratic & cruel nature with constant fear of downfall/troubles Technical education; Rahu produces technocrats with as much felicity as cheats; it is statistically established that without the help of Rahu one cannot even think of a career as an engineer. Communications; Radio, TV, management expert, event managers; Thieves, hunters, spies;

Rules over- lawyers, speculation, heavy machinery, inflammable gases, space, pilots, aviation, psychology; Relatives •

Grandfather/both paternal & maternal;

Locations/places • •

Ant-hills, cracks, crevices, mole-hills; sewerage, mortuary, slaughter houses; Represents South-west; represents long distances;

Physiological • •

Windy temperament (vaata prakriti); Buttocks;



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Diseases caused •

Scars, fevers, epidemics, any type of growth including tumour/cancer etc.; Insanity, phobias (unfounded fears); breathing; side effects of medicines; diseases due to tantrik effects; hiccups, haemorrhoids, diseases & injuries/fracture of feet;

Rheumatism, acute or sharp pain in the body, swellings, epidemics, cholera, dysentery, nasty diseases of mind & body, hysteria, insanity, epilepsy, chronic & incurable/difficult to diagnose diseases, non-healing wounds, tendency to commit suicide; persistent skin diseases/spots; conditions resulting from all kinds of poisons; Afflicting Lagnesh/Moon in watery sign—eczema;

Karakatwa •

Paternal grandfather (corporal); desires and compulsion; incomplete karma to manifest again; films;

Other karakatwas o

Umbrella; Kingdom; Great Prowess; Gathering; Fallacious Argument; Falsehood; Hurting By Speech/ Harsh Words; Downcast; An Irreligious Man; Gambling; Wicked Woman; Intriguing With A Wicked Woman; Impurity; Downward Look; Perplexity; Sorrow; Reading Of Dreams; A Muhurata; Wickedness; Urdu Script; Old Age;


Bone; Enlargement Of Spleen; Painful Swelling; Pain; An Acute Or Sharp Pain; Phlegm; Catarrh; Breathing;


Strong At Twilight; Facing The Southern Quarter; Tending Towards Southwest; Wandering In Rugged Places; Mountain; Forest; Staying Outside; Wind; Air; Night Breeze; Shelter Of Outcast Or Low People; World Of Serpents;


A Vehicle; Decorated Vehicle; Travel; Going Abroad; Sharp; Long; Emerald;


Mother; Father Or Maternal Grandfather; Serpent; Reptile; Cohabitation With Quadrupeds;


Worshipper Of Goddess Durga;

Result related • • •

• • • •

Rahu & Ketu give predominantly the effects of the Lord of the house with whom they are in conjunction or of the house in which they are situated (BPHS). When situated alone in a sign, the Lord of the sign will promote its karakatwas in its Mahadasha. If the dispositor is well/beneficially disposed, it will give results accordingly. If the dispositor is afflicted, it will reflect inauspicious results. Rah is pious in Mithuna & Kanya; Rah is good in Kanya as it is 6H of kaala purusha. Rah in Kataka Rashi is considered very good; some consider Rah in Capricorn as ‘Royal Rahu’; placement of Rahu in upachaya houses (3,6,10,11) has been considered auspicious in all classics. Many say that Rahu produces auspicious results in Cancer, Tau & Ari. Has Digbala in 6H; Rah & Ket produce good results when they are in benefic signs—that is signs of planets who are benefic by lordship for the particular Lagna (Functional benefics). Rah alone in a house functions as the Lord of the house; Represents (i) one belonging to a caste outside the four main castes, (ii) an irreligious person or shudra, (iii) serpents, world of snakes;



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• • •

Gives mundane prosperity; denotes attachment; Rahu like Venus is a natural marriage maker. Benefic Rahu: exalted, aspect of benefics, with Yogakaraka, in Kendra/trikona, 3H, 11H, in benefic rashis from Lag—gains, happiness, birth of son & wealth, construction of a new house, recognition in a foreign country, religious thinking, welfare at home. • A benefic Rahu (with benefic or in benefic houses) gives very auspicious results like money, pilgrimages, religious knowledge and travel (UK). Benefic aspect on Rahu also will give success & gain. Reverse can happen in the dasha of Rahu badly aspected by malefics. • Malefic Rahu: in 8H/12H with malefic/marakas, debilitated—results will be from bad to intensely worse. Loss of residence, mental agony, loss of spouse, children. • Rahu if in Kendra /Kona confers raja yoga in its dasha (BR) • A malefic Rahu can cause disease, snake bite (or food poisoning or strong reaction to allopathic medicines), danger from enemies, fire & weapons. • When interpreting results of Rahu in different bhavas, modify the result taking into account its results in various signs. • Examine the placement of Rahu from Lag in all cases. Next in importance is the house occupied by Rahu. • Rahu must act as the lord of the house where he is placed. o If say for Leo Lag it is in Sco, it acts only as 4L & not as 9L. • Of all the positions, Rahu in 6H/11H has proved to be generally very good. Better if associated with benefics or Yogakaraka planets. Less effective otherwise. • If Rahu is conj with one malefic it is bad, if with two, it is worse. It is totally otherwise if with benefics. • The aspects falling on Rahu from any house have a deep & subtle meaning always. • The periods of Rahu can also be periods of spiritual blossoming. He acts as the spiritual transforming agent under all circumstances. The best advice an astrologer can give to a person in the MD or AD of Rahu is to take to pilgrimages more & more, seek the company of holy men & do some worship sincerely. A pleased Rahu shows them a splendorous spiritual side. In signs & Bhavas •

Generally good in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo & Aquarius; esp in Kendras, Trikonas & upachayas; gives high position of honor, fame & riches in foreign land; • Rah in Cancer or if in 3H, 9H, 10H, native lives a princely life & becomes rich in old age; • In Gem/Vir in Ken/Kon—political power & prosperity; it proves very beneficial; • In Aries, Tau, Can—profits, wealth, education, favor from Govt, recognition from various sources, happiness, patronage of women, good & beautiful married partner; if these happen to be Lag with Rahu in it—it is good. • In Vir, Sco, Pis with dispositor in Ken/Kona therefrom—excellent results; • In Vir, Sag, Pis gives marriage, children, vehicles during a large part of dasha but towards end all these are lost. • Is beneficial in Can, Tau, 10H; yields good results in Leo/Ari; laudable in Sag; best placed in Aqu; • In malefic rashis gives generally bad results, all types of fears & ailments. Placement w r t Moon (Manasagari)

First: good in the beginning of life, but in the end not so conspicuous in the same way.



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• Second: not good. Deprivations of money, honour & happiness. • Third: Not available • Fourth: gives grief to parents • Fifth: not good. Obstructions, fear of drowning • Sixth: good for financial matters. • Seventh: gives grief to parents. • Eighth: not mentioned. • Ninth: good in the beginning of life, but in the end not so conspicuous in the same way. • Tenth: good in the beginning of life, but in the end not so conspicuous in the same way. • Eleventh: not good. Loss of honor, wealth & happiness. • Twelfth: good for financial gains. Dasha results as per BPHS: •

If in exalt, own sign, MT: Excellent happiness, gain of wealth, desires are fulfilled through friends & authorities, gain of vehicles, sons, building of new house, religious ceremonies, honors from authorities in foreign lands, gain of dresses & ornaments. • If with benefics, asp by benefics, conj with Yogakaraka, in Kendra/Kona, in 3H/11H, in auspicious signs: All kinds of happiness & comforts (sarva sampath sukhavaham) due to blessings of authorities, honor from foreign authorities, auspicious ceremonies/marriage at home; • If placed in 8H/12H, indicates difficulties; if conj with malefics/marakas, in deb: loss of position/place of living, mental agony, death of wife & sons, eating of stale food; in beginning of dasha, expect bodily pain & loss of wealth & agri produces; in the middle of dasha: happiness & wealth from foreign countries; in the end of dasha: will face troubles, loss of position/place of living, mental agony. Dasa & Transit • •

Bad results of Rahu manifest only in its dashas and are not lifelong happenings. In Rah dasha—education will be disrupted in the sub period of a planet in the constellation of Rah. If there is no planet there, in the sub period of Mars; • In Rah’s transit & mahadasa, transits in 1, 2,3,5,22,25 constellation from its natal constellation—untoward things happen affecting reputation & occupation; • Rah give good results when in transit through 3,6,10 or 11th from Lag or Moon. • When Rah transits the arc of Sun—Mer—Ven (together or in adjacent houses), highly beneficial results like matters of profession & earnings, promotion in service, rise in political life etc are possible. Ket’s transit thro same arc gives setbacks in above fields. • When transiting RKA is over natal RKA, it is generally a difficult period, if the dasha is not favorable. • The transit of RK over Lag & 7H is also seen to be quite fatal, particularly if dashas are unfavorable & Sadhe Sathi is also running. • Dhan/Rajayogas should be expected when the Rahu transits the AL or its trines. Expected results in Rahu’s Mahadasha:

If exalted or in MT (MT: Gem, Own: Aqu—Parashara) or with a Yogakaraka or being aspected by a Yogakaraka or with lord of a Kendra/trikona or in 11H—the results are good. Exalted Rahu will give comforts, increase of money & high position.



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If in 8H/12H or with maraka planets or in deb, results can be bad. Deb Rahu will give opposite results of exalted Rahu. Can sometimes be disastrous, including punishment by hanging etc. Note: The results of Rahu in different signs should be applied suitably to modify the results attributed to different houses, particularly w r t negative results of Rahu. Expected results in Rahu’s Antardasha (Rahu-Rahu): (BPHS) •

If in Can, Vir, Sco or Sag—will be good; recognition from authorities, material gains (clothes, vehicles, ornaments), increase in agri produce & cattle wealth, gains from travel in western direction. o Notes: if the stated signs represent upachaya houses (3,6,10,11), & Rahu is placed therein, the status of Rahu as auspicious planet gets enhanced; • If such Rahu is in 3H, 6H, 10H, 11H & has connection with benefic planets or in friendly houses, is exalted in natal/Nav or with yogakaraka: its sub-period will be good & there will be gains. Gain of authority, great enthusiasm, patronage/affection of high authorities, brings happiness & wealth, improvement in condition of wife & children; (If with malefics, it can bring troubles, but if they are lord of trines, it can save from serious consequences.) • If such Rahu is in 8H, 12H from Lag and with/asp by malefics: grief from thieves & injuries/wounds, conflicts with officials in authority, death of dear ones & troubles from wife & children; • If Rahu is 2L/7L & placed in 7H: it causes constant illnesses & great difficulties; but if shanthi is done properly it can give wealth & health. Notes: whatever might be the position of Rahu, it does administer effect of mental tension, irritation, callousness, lethargy, strife, obstacles in work, enmity, disappointments, depression etc in its AD. However, depending upon its placement, the intensity will vary. Results of Rahu-Rahu (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS o Arrest/confinement, diseases, assaults, fear from friends; Expected results in Rahu’s Mahadasha & Antardasha of other planets: •

If the ADL from Lag are in Kendra, trikona, exalted, in own sign, 11H or exalted in Nav, the period will give good results. • If ADL is in 6H, 8H, 12H from Lag, is associated with malefics, it will prove bad. • If the ADL is in Kendra, trikona, 11H from Rahu, it will be gainful. • If ADL is in 6th, 8th, 12th from Rahu or in 2nd / 7th from Rahu, it is not helpful. • One’s father may die in the sub-period of Ketu, Sat or Sun if other supportive combinations exist. • Generally grief in the beginning, happiness in the middle, grief in the end. Relation with functional planets • If alone & not asp by any planet—will give results according to its own & Dispositor; • If conjoined by planets—will eclipse them; • Asp/association with malefics—disastrous; • Asp/associated with benefics—benefic results; • Asp/associated with yogakaraka—acts as yogakaraka; Rahu & planets: •

Rahu also gets influenced to a large extent by the planets it is associated with in a chart. Like Mercury it relays their energies without losing its inherent nature in the



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process. This mutable quality of Rahu is what makes it behave sometimes like Mars, Jupiter or even the Sun and the Moon. • Of the several planets which are in conj with or aspected by Rahu (aspecting Rahu?), the strongest one gives the results indicated by it. • Example: Jup, Ven & Sat are in conj with Rahu. Let us assume that Jup is most powerful of these, and owns 5H & is placed in 9H. Then Jup alone will be able to produce in his dasha results of his indications viz children & fortune. (GC Sharma: BPHS) Functioning of Rahu •

Rahu works like Lord of the house where placed and also works like the planet with which placed. • Rahu’s body is divided into two halves. Therefore it divides every object or incident into two parts. The planets having lordship over two signs have certainty of 50% of Rahu’s influence; but planets owning only one sign have all the destroying effect of Rahu. • This all destroying effect of Rahu through his conjunction with planets will fall on that house of the horoscope whose ‘significator’ is with Rahu and the condition of that house is weak. o Suppose Rahu is conj Mer, the significator of intelligence; suppose further that 5L (of intelligence) is deb; in this case, native will be very intelligent in the early part of education, but when higher education starts, the intellectual ability will deteriorate & will not be able to get further education; he has to manage with whatever education he got in the early part of life. o Suppose Rahu is conj Ven; suppose further that 2L (of wealth) is deb; in this case, native’s trade prospers to a great extent & there is much accumulation of wealth in early period of business, but in latter part he does not prosper even with much effort; however he might have accumulated so much money that he does not face any financial difficulty. o Suppose Rahu is conj Mars; suppose further that 3L (of brothers) is deb; brother & sisters born before the native remain alive but those born after may die. o If Rahu is with Moon & 4L is deb, native’s mother may be destroyed or native will have psychological defect. o If Rahu be with Sun & 10L is deb, will cause death of native’s father or will cause a steep fall in native’s status. Rahu & Sun There is a creative side of Rahu’s nature and disposition, which resembles that of Sun. Rahu is a force which can either nourish a personality like Sun nourishes all life on earth, or just consume it like the harsh desert which is not conducive to life. Rahu is also related to the egoistic self-consciousness in much the same way as Sun, the only difference being the fact that Rahu is not the real thing but only a mirage. It can be said that while Sun represents our true personality, and related directly with the spark of the Godhead within us, Rahu represents the outer personality we have formed through our experiences in our numerous lives. This is why Rahu is sometimes known as the ‘Artificial Sun’. Specific Results: • Rahu’s presence in the sign Leo or the Ascendant or any association with Sun assists in easy expression of the soul personality. This expression manifests in the outer world as self-confidence, self-assurance and creativity. In a negative sense it can manifest as selfishness, pride, self-aggrandizement and megalomania. • Luminaries suffer most when conjunct with Rah; Planets-Significations-V4-GHV


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• •

Combination with Sun causes loss of profession & prestige; When afflicted by Rah, may suffer in respect of father, heart, Govt. service, honors, social reputation, spirituality, vitality & right eye; • Has to labour a lot with negligible gains; • Gives early death of father, if Sun is in 7H & Mars in 10th; Results of Rahu-Sun dasha (MD-AD) BPHS: •

If Sun in Kendra/trikona/exalt/own sign/11H/own Navamsa/asp by benefics: gain of all types of wealth, affection of authorities, leadership of a small village, limited profits; • if Sun with 9L & asp by 10L: patronage of high authorities, attainment of fame, foreign travels, supremacy over the country, gain of vehicles, ornaments etc, fulfillment of desires, birth of a son. • If in Kendra/trikona/3rd /11th from Rahu: honors from authorities in a foreign country, prosperity & auspiciousness. • If in 6th/8th/12th from Rahu/deb: fever, dysentery, opposition/quarrels, increase of enemies, trouble from authorities, thieves & fire, undertaking travels. • If 2L/7L: critical illness; To overcome do Surya pranam, offer to Sun God—rice, milk, curd. Results of Rahu-Sun (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS •

Ailment like fever, intense fear, distress to children & grand children, early death, carelessless/blunders etc; Rahu & Moon •

Rahu has an innate reverence for the Universal Mother principle, which in our solar system manifests through Moon. Even though Rahu is said to have enmity with Moon, the major scope of its activity is lunar in a lot of ways. This is because Rahu is born out of causative force sustaining this Universe, which is supposed to be feminine in its attributes. • It is termed as the ‘Negative Moon’ by some astrologers as it seems to represent the dark side of the lunar nature. Though true to an extent, as Rahu does further hallucination, illusion, paranoia and other such mental states, this is still a lopsided view, because certain very spiritual yogas (combinations) involving the Rahu-Moon combination find mention in the works of ancient Vedic seers. • Another reason for this identification is that is has the power to strengthen, weaken or completely neutralize the lunar forces. The presence of Rahu in the sign Cancer or fourth house or its association with Moon in a chart is a sure indicator of importance of a mother figure in the life of a native in some form or the other. • Again a lot depends upon the aspect, lower or higher, through which Rahu is functioning in a chart. For example, there is a difference between a negative trance induced by use of drugs or other negative methods, and a spiritual trance induced by dissolving the mind and the ego in the divine consciousness. In both cases Rahu has a significant part to play, and the catch lies in the difference in degree of evolution. Since in the present day and age, Rahu functions through its higher principle in relatively few individuals, the ‘Negative Moon’ theory holds true for the majority. Specific Results •

The presence of Rahu in the sign Cancer or fourth house or its association with Moon in a chart is a sure indicator of importance of a mother figure in the life of a native in some form or the other.



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• •

Luminaries suffer most when conjunct with Rah; Combination with Moon without beneficial asp—hysteria, mental depression, lunacy, religious mania (except for Sco Lag) ; • When afflicted by Rah—suffers from emotional storms, schizophrenia; becomes difficult to adjust due to great likes & dislikes; suicidal tendencies, ambiguity, delicate health, fears, malicious intentions trouble the native; peace of mind is lost & is corrupted at all three levels—physical, mental & spiritual; • In Moon’s sign/3, 9, 10 from Moon—lives a princely life, becomes unusually rich in old age; • In 2nd/11th from Moon—shameless, poor; • In 4th from Moon—bad health to mother; • In 4th/10th from Moon—sickly, parents are worried about him; • In 5th from Moon—accident prone, danger from water; • In 6th/12th from Moon—wealth, power, landed property; • In 7th from Moon-- unhappy married life; • In 10th from Moon—setbacks in profession; • Rah-Moon-Mer combination—clouded thinking, constantly harbors suspicion; Results of Rahu-Moon dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If Moon in Kendra/trikona/own sign/exalt/11H/firn’s sign conj with benefic: authority, honors from authorities, lucrative profits, good health, ornaments, happiness from friends, wife & children, auspicious things due to kings recognition, gain of vehicles, improvements at home; Full Moon gives full results which will decrease if Moon is waning. (is this—full Moon- in transit or in natal chart?) • If in 6H/8H/12H or Deb—could be bad. • If in Kendra/11th/4th/9th/ from MDL: blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, auspicious events at home, success in all endeavours, happiness due to wealth & food grains, gain of fame/reputation, honors, worship of deities; • If in 6th/8th /12th from MDL & weak: fear of evil spirits, wild animals etc aroung home, fear of thieves during travel, increase of wounds; • If 2L/7L: sudden & untimely death can occur; donate white cow, buffalo to brahmins to overcome the danger; Results of Rahu-Moon (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • Anxiety, quarrels, worries, loss of honor, immense fright, anxiety about father’s health; Rahu & Mars •

Rahu, when relaying the energy of Mars, appears more aggressive even though a certain degree of aggression is inherent in its nature. It can boost the Martian energy in a chart but can also cause its perversion in many a case. Most of the unnecessary violence perpetuated on this planet has its roots in this perversion. It has been noticed that most of the charts of criminals of all types, have Rahu influencing the energy of Mars in some way or the other. The famous criminal John Dillinger has Mars-Rahu conjunction in eighth house. Even Saddam Hussein has MarsRahu conjunction in his fifth house! However this combination is also found in the charts of revolutionaries, who are fighting for a just cause, as it provides the vitality to go ahead with one’s thinking. The celebrated Indian revolutionary warrior, Shivaji, who fought against the Moghul rule in India, has a Mars-Rahu conjunction in his chart.



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In general conjunction makes the person violent, even murderous; may end up in violent fatal accident/become a cruel violent criminal; Results of Rahu-Mars dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If Mars in Kendra/trikona/11H/ conj with benefic/own sign/exalt: recovery of lost land or authority & money, improvement at home, birth of child, sumptuous food, great happiness, gain of decorations like ornaments, clothes, vehicles etc; • If in Kendra/trikona/3rd /11th from MDL: gains of red clothes,travel, meeting with high authorities, welfare of son, big lift in one’s position of authority, very good if in army, gain of wealth from brother. • If in 6th/8th /12th from Rahu & conj malefics: fear of thieves & wounds, pain in the body, danger for son & spouse, trouble from brothers, loss of position, opposition from near & dear ones. In the beginning of dasha brings miseries, in the middle & end brings happiness. • If 2L/7L: llethargy, great fears; to overcome the evil give in charity a bull Results of Rahu-Mars (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • Distress, disease of bile & blood, degeneration of wealth, great anxiety; Rahu & Mercury •

Since Vishnu is the deity governing the planet Mercury and has a definite connection with the serpent power, it is inferred that Rahu is closely related to Mercury. It shares qualities like wit, quickness of thought, and communication ability with Mercury. • Rahu being an illusory planet possesses a basic Mercurial nature with some spice added to it. • Some wise men postulate that Mercury has a quarter influence of the nodes attached to it even when it has no relation with them in a chart. This can be seen from its rulership of Gemini and Virgo, the signs that Rahu is most comfortable in. It has been experienced that in a nativity, only Mercury and Jupiter can control Rahu’s energy. • Rahu is also a significator of intellect in much the same way Mercury is, but the difference is that Rahu has to do more with the intuitive part of the intellect instead of the calculative, informational, discriminating part. This is why Rahu when working through its higher principle can be seen as the higher aspect of Mercury, which relates to real knowledge and the ability to look through illusions. • During dasha of Rahu one becomes timid if Mer is in 3H. • Specific: Conjunction makes one eccentric with perverse intelligence & makes the native suffer from diseases which cannot be diagnosed / cured. Results of Rahu-Mer dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If Mer strong & in 9H/own sign/exalt/Kendra/5H: Rajayoga, improvement at home & house related matters, auspicious occasions at home, gain of money in business, gain of good education & vehicles, marriage ceremonies, gain of cattle wealth, in the month of Mer great happiness, on Wednesday meeting with high authorities, enjoyment of fine pleasures & women (wife), gain of very good wealth & fame due to blessings of high authorities; o Note: Month of Mer means that Lunar month for which Wednesday happens to be the first day.

If in Kendra/11H/3H/9th/10th from MDL: good health, enthusiasm, fulfillment of desires, happiness, religious shlokas, listening to puranas, marriage, initiation of yajna, charity, dharma, kindness/sympathy to others etc good deeds.



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If in 6H/8H/12H & if associated/asp by Sat, in 6th/8th/12th from MDL & conj with malefic: sacrilegious tendency/vilification of brahmins & deities, bereft of enjoyments & fortunes, speaking untruth, wicked thoughts, trouble from thieves & authorities, sudden quarrels, death of guru/son, expenditure, anger of authorities, trouble from wife and children. • If 2L/7L: fear of premature death; to overcome this evil do Vishnu sahasranama japa; Results of Rahu-Mer (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • Benefit all around, gain thro wife in particular, success in venture thro foreign visits; Rahu & Jupiter

Rahu also functions in a Jupiterian manner, only when it is associated with Jupiter in some way. Rahu has an airy disposition and thus possesses an inherently expansive nature, but there are a lot of differences, as Jupiter is the planet of law while Rahu is lawlessness incarnate. The merging of these two energies can sometimes create a good balance and at other times cause disaster through over-expansion especially on the material plane. • This over expansive nature of Rahu causes unnecessary scattering or wasting away of energies in a lot of cases, but there is a lesson to be learnt in the events that follow as a result. The disintegrating influence of Rahu through ungrounded optimism and expansion is in fact one of its most dangerous traits. • Although Rahu is an airy planet it is quite fixed in its approach. The perfect example of how the airy element can be unrelenting and powerful as a tornado, which blows everything that comes in its way. • Specific: In the house of Jup, asp by Jup—always good; generally Jup on conjunction loses his sattwik qualities & forms Guru-Chandala yoga; Results of Rahu-Jup dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If Jup in Kendra/trikona/own sign/exalt/in own or exalt Navamsa: gain of good position, gains confidence, victory over enemies, great happiness, comforts due to affection of high authorities, continuous improvement in status, vehicles & wealth, cattle wealth, travel to west & south-west & meeting with high level authorities, accomplishment of intended plans (plans made in Rahu-Rahu period will materialize now), return to home country, helping brahmins, pilgrimages, acquiring lands, happiness due to birth of a son, daily delicious food, religious ardour, good deeds etc. • If in 6H/8H/12H or Deb in natal/Nav or combust/in enemy sign with or asp by malefics: loss of wealth, hindrance in work, humiliation, differences with spouse & children, stress in official work/work of authorities. • If in Kendra/trikona/11H/2H/3H from MDL & strong: improvement in home related matters, gain of good food, clothes, cattle etc, performance of daana-dhrama-japa etc; at the end of bhukthi, anger of authorities, illness for two months, danger to elder brother & trouble to parents; • If in 6th/8th /12th from MDL & with malefics: illness, loss of wealth. • If 2L/7L: premature death; to overcome ethis evil, donate golden idol of Shiva, worship Lord Shiva; • If Jup is exalted, in MT or in own house in natal / Nav—comforts, gains, travel to west or wouth west for pilgrimage, worship or birth of a son. Results of Rahu-Jup (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS •

Profound affection all round, gain of elephants, horses & wealth;



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Rahu & Venus •

There is a strong Venusian tinge to Rahu’s nature, which usually shows itself in a love of show and pomp when Rahu is functioning through its lower aspect. Rahu is capable of manifesting highest Venusian energies like universal love, compassion and harmony as well when working through its higher principle. • Rahu’s Venusian side is highlighted when it is either associated with Venus in a nativity, or is placed in the second/seventh houses, or is posited in the signs Taurus/Libra. There is a strong urge for comfort and luxury when Rahu is manifesting these energies on an earthy plane. • This is where the materialistic side of Rahu comes out, and probably this is the reason why it is seen as a planet giving great material prosperity. The problem is that this materialistic side of Rahu usually knows no boundaries and can be said to be responsible for the terrible phenomenon known as greed, which is the core reason behind all the present day mess in which humanity finds itself. • Rahu also has a diplomatic nature, which is very similar to that of Venus. Rahu like Venus is by nature a social planet and enjoys company. Rahu is supposed to give an artistic temperament in much the same way as Venus, but as always there is a touch of unorthodoxy involved. • Specific: Gives perverse sexual outlook; sense of beauty & aesthetics is marred; Results of Rahu-Ven dasha (BPHS): •

• •

• • •

(this is generally said to be difficult to interpret and tricky for predictions. It should preferably be done with both Parashara’s method including on divisional charts & using Jaimini method to cross check.) For good results, typically (i) both should be well placed in natal chart (ii) they should be in nakshatras of planets who themselves are well placed & have good lordship (iii) their position must be good in the relevant divisional chart also (iv) their Navamsa should be good. If strong Ven in Kendra/trikona/in 11H/has Yogakaraka strength: gains from pious people, gain of cattle wealth, birth of son, auspicious happenings at home, favors/honors from authorities, gain of authority, great happiness. If in own sign/exalt/own Navamsa: construction of new house, daily delicious food, luxury for wife & children, company of friends, feasts, donating food, religious activities, gain of vehicles & ornaments due to blessings of high authorities, increase in agri produce, marriage, upanayana/beginning of education of son. If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/in enemy sign/associated with Sat or Mars or Rahu: diseases, quarrels, separation from parents/son, deaths in family, an agonizing ailment, quarrels with cousins, own / employer’s death, sufferings of wife & children, diseases like stomach pains etc. (there is some controversy w r t deb/combust results, but safe to assume these results) If from MDL in Kendra/trikona/11th/10th/auspicious sign: enjoyments, music, scented clothes, attainment of desires & material gains. If in 6th/8th /12th from MDL & with malefics: all types of fears, urinary troubles, diabetes, infection of blood, bad food, miseries (shiro vyatha), loss of wealth, imprisonment, punishment from authorities; If 2L/7L: bad for children & spouse, danger to self, premature death can take place; to overcome troubles worship Goddess Durga or Lakshmi. Note: Strong Ven in own sign, with benefic aspects can give good results relating to its significations such as marriage etc;



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Results of Rahu-Ven (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS •

Danger from witches (yogini), loss of horses, bad food, loss of wife, bereavement in family; Rahu & Saturn

The planet, which Rahu most closely resembles, is Saturn, and it even shares a rulership of a sign with Saturn (Aqu). Besides sharing an airy temperament, another thing they have in common is the colours black and white. • Rahu’s close relationship with Saturn can be seen from the fact that it represents Ultra Violet light, which falls just before the Violet light of the visible spectrum, represented by Saturn. In this way Rahu can be seen as a higher octave of Saturn. The fact that Ultra Violet light is not visible to human eyes highlights the more mysterious functioning of Rahu as compared to Saturn. • Just like Saturn, Rahu is supposed to have a lazy disposition and is a long-term planner. It can thus give a constantly worrying nature. The human follies like greed, avarice and selfishness resulting from an excess of Saturnine energy are also attributed to the lower aspects of Rahu. • Most of the devilish (to use a Christian term) aspects of human nature attributed by astrologers to Saturn are in fact related to Rahu. Rahu and not Saturn is the Devil (or Satan), which all the puritans and pseudo-religionists fear, but they don’t realize that in their own extreme way they are falling prey to the same force that they term as devilish. As the wise know, there is no such thing as evil or pure in nature – everything that exists is sacred! • It can be said to be a better politician than Saturn. The polity of Rahu is--not always orthodox or bound by prevailing social standards. Insensitivity is a term that can be ascribed to Rahu in much the same way as Saturn. • The adversities that both these planets seem to inflict are just lessons that always turn out to be rewarding in the long run. Success when it comes through Rahu or Saturn arrives only after some sort of a struggle. The only difference is that Rahu gives it with a certain degree of suddenness while Saturn grinds slowly. Rahu like Saturn is quite an expert at raising people up and then bringing them down, but gives lasting success as well, if one does not completely lose one’s head. • Rahu however acts in a predominantly Saturnine fashion only when it is associated with Saturn in a nativity, or is placed in the tenth/eleventh house, or is placed in the signs Capricorn/Aquarius. • Specific: In general conjunction makes the person violent, even murderous; In 2nd to Sat—struggle in initial stages & may have to start career at the lowest rung of ladder; Sex phobia if Sat + Rah in Lag, Sat-Rah conjoin Moon, 8L between Sat & Rah; Results of Rahu-Sat dasha (MD-AD): BPHS If Sat in Kendra/trikona/3H/11H/own sign/MT/Exalt/: opportunity to serve & please high authorities, performs auspicious events like marriage, development of gardens & ponds, gains of wealth & cattle by carrying out orders/wishes of lower level authorities, travel to West resulting in reduction of wealth due to authorities (denoted by the King), lethargy, lesser (not so satisfactory) results, return to one’s own country. Note: If Lagna is strong, the AD will bring perpetual good results. If Sat is exalted for Sco Lag, native purchases fixed assets in other places. For Tau Lag, exalt Sat in 6H, will harm the business (10L); For Lib Lag, auspicious Sat by & large renders benfci results.




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If in 8H/12H or Deb in natal/enemy’s sign: fear from enemies & menials, quarrels with wife & children, conflicts with close relations, fight with cousins, quarrels/disputes in business/profession, sudden gain of ornaments; Note: Sat even as yogakaraka (Say Tau Lag), if placed in 8H with malefics, can bring disaster to business/profession or to significations of 9H including children (5th to 5H); this bad result becomes more pronounced if Ishta Phala of Sat is much lower than the kashta phala;


If in 6th/8th /12th from MDL and conj with malefics: heart disease, humiliation, disputes, trouble from enemies, illness, enlargement of spleen, foreign travel, diseases of boils, bad food, grief from people of own caste; (if in dusthana from both Lag & Rahu, there can be compounded bad results) o If 2L/7L: sudden/premature death. To overcome the evil, donate black cow or buffalo; Notes: If Sat as LL is placed in 2H or maraka house, does not bring any kind of affliction to the body; however, if it has anyother malefic influence, it may create health problems. Sat’s position in 2H, particularly for Cap Lag, bestows assets to be inherited. In Sag Lag also, assets are accumulated, but are shared among brothers as it becomes 3L; o

Results of Rahu-Sat (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS •

Rigorous imprisonment, deprivation of happiness, intense frightfulness, rheumatic diseases; Results of Rahu-Ketu dasha (MD-AD): BPHS

• • •

Wandering, fear from authorities, gastric diseases, loss/death of cattle; If with 8L: lethargy, mental agony; If with/asp by a benefic: health will be good, wealth will be gained, will have material benefits, auspicious happenings at home; • If Ket connected with LL: gains & fulfillment of wishes. • If conj with LL: certain gains / profits; • If in Kendra/trikona: gains of cattle wealth. • If Ketu is weak & in 8H/12H: many diseases, trouble from thieves & wounds, death of parents, enmity with brothers, anguish; • If 2L/7L: bodily discomforts; Goats given in charity overcome the trouble. Results of Rahu-Ketu (AD-PD) dasha: BPHS • Buddhi nasha, fear, impediments, loss of money, great fear, quarrel all around, anxiety; Rahu-Gulika •


Some yogas involving Rahu Configuration



Rahu in Lag in conj with Moon & malefics join trines

Suffers from attacks of ‘spirit’.

Pishacha grastha yoga

Rahu in 2H with mandi

Will be bitten by snake.

Sarpa ganda yoga

Rahu’s dispositor in 2nd

Gives abundant courage & success in every




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from Rahu or Moon in 2nd house from Rahu.



Rahu in 5th house, in a Nav other than that of Sat.

Will have a large number of children

Bahu putra yoga

Rahu in 5th house, 5th Lord in conj with a malefic & Jup is deb

Will suffer loss of children in 32nd year.

Kaalanirdesat putra nasha yoga



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Planet: Ketu Primary attributes •

Not a heavenly body with mass & shape; strong Ket gives good results, weak Ket opposite results—w r t its significations; Paap graham; not separative;

• •

Antyaj—foreigners, heterodox persons; Maturation age: 48; personified age: very old person of 100; age duration: 69 to 108; indicates tall person;

Lord of jeeva (life/living beings); rules rodents, reptiles & multi-legged creatures eg. Insects; born back first; • (BPHS): exalt: Sco; MT: Sag; own sign: Sco; according to some: Pis; Majority view: •

Exalted—Sag/Sco; Deb—Tau; OH—Aqu, Pis; MT—Sag, Cap; Friendly house—Lib; harmony in—Ari, Lib; fallen—Gem; Detriment in—Vir;

Like its nodal brother Rahu, it is considered a malefic, although it too can give a great boost to a horoscope if other planetary configurations are favourable. When this occurs, Ketu creates spirituality and insight. When poorly placed, Ketu can bring about problems depending on the planets it is associated with. Where Rahu is usually related to worldly things, Ketu tends to bring people to the spiritual or otherworldly realm -- for good or ill.

Special notes •

Give good results (if not afflicted by malefics) if posited in 3H, 6H, 10H, 11H; also when conjunct with/asp by Lords of beneficial houses particularly poorna yoga karaka planets; Else give only evil results;

Ket provides mitigation of evil sins denoted by Rah & signifies salvation; it indicates detachment; it is also called roga haranam & hence acts as a balancing force to Rah; When placed with its dispositor, increases dispositors intrinsic strength/energy manifold;

Ketu is associated with diseases in general (especially small pox & those associated with itching), and can cause attacks from social outcastes or depraved persons. But Ketu also leads to abstract thinking, philosophy & complete dedication to philanthropic activities and spiritual liberation.

Spirituality & Ketu •

For spiritual initiations, first notice how Ketu is positioned in the horoscope. Ketu-Jup interconnection with 12H is always excellent.

• •

Combination of 9L with Ketu & Atmakaraka is the best combination. Second best is Ketu in 8H asp by Jup or with a benefic preferably Mer. (Mer in 8H is next best to Jup). Third best is Ketu in 4H with the conjunction of 5L/9L/Jup/asp of Jup on it. Ketu in 5H with Jup asp it, preferably from 9H or Jup in 3H asp 9H is a case of ESP (extra sensory perceptions). Jup, Mer & Ketu’s association in any house is good. For clairvoyance/siddhis: Connection of Ketu with Jup, involving 5H & 5L, the 8H & 8L or the 12H & its Lord. o Second best is same combination as above without involvement of Jup.

• • • •



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Third best is Ketu in 12H without any aspect, Moon in rashi of Sat asp by Mars, or in the rashi of Mars asp by Sat, with Jup influencing the Lag/LL exactly. o Note: when Mars gets combined with Ketu with 5L & 9L, clairvoyant visions are mostly of the ghastly type. o When Sat, as 5L/9L combined with ketu without Jup’s involvement, the worldly visions mostly of lofty hills, pilgrimages, saints giving messages of some future events to occur, broken but they are visions. o If Mars & Ketu are in 5H, without involvement of 5L & 9L, such visions are too small & often tragic. If however, there is such involvement, such experiences are very dazzling, once in a while. Character/Nature: Positive traits o

• •

Religious resignation (Particularly if in 2nd to Sat), sectarian principles, universality, impressionability, idealism, intuition, compassion, spirituality, self-sacrifice, subtleness, artistic taste, literary genius, pride, wisdom after suffering & bitter experiences; Ket’s association with any planet gives it a spiritual colouring;

Character/Nature: Negative traits •

Intrigues & associations, treachery, secretive, secret/underhand dealings, mendicancy, miserliness, quarrels, deception, obstruction, provocation, corruption, gambling, selfishness, inferiority complex, fear complex, insanity, inertia, emotional tensions, instability of mind, eccentricity, impulsiveness, faulty logic, fanaticism, iconoclasm (A destroyer of images used in religious worship, someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions), stupidity, punishment from Govt., religious show, vicious/violent tendencies, explosiveness, assassination, unconventionality, witch-craft, suffering from foes, causing trouble to enemies, back-biting, deviationist tendencies, hyper-sensitivity, suicide, amorality, weakness to have pleasure with other women, a sinful woman, conversation or association with shudras; chain smokers.

Nature related-other •

Religion, Vedantic knowledge, detachment, spiritual, knowledge of self; religious discourses, wisdom, knowledge, discretion, foreign languages, medical & occult sciences, psychic ability.

Material •

Charms, amulets; drugs, computers, small precision machines, poisonous gases, hides & skin.

Events •

Bankruptcy, assassination, accidents, imprisonment, sinking with ship/drowning, spiritual initiation (influence of Jup), spiritual progress, moksha;

Professions • • •

Generally will act like Mars; in addition, astrologer, ascetics, philosophers, occultists; ashram workers, religious leaders; juggling, immigration & foreign lands/languages, involvement with masses, poison, alcohol & other intoxicants; Ket in close conj with Jup—instrumentation engineer; Jobs at cruel, dirty & foul places;

Relatives •

Grandmother (both sides), maternal grandfather, friends;



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Locations/places •

South west;

Physiological •

skull, Injury, surgical operations;

Diseases caused • •

Epidemics, cholera; Skin diseases, pimples, dropsy, abscesses, paralysis, skin eruptions, TB, viral diseases, eruptive fevers, heart disease (if Ket afflicts Sun), hunger, colic pains, ring worm, burns, injuries from accidents & fire, apoplexy, small pox, all types of virus, poisons, deafness; danger from insects, reptiles, animals; viral fever, worms in intestines, all types of allergies, itches, eruptive/infective fevers, thyroid, suicidal tendencies; Conjunct with Mars in Gem/Vir—spinal/dental disorder;

Karakatwa • •

Maternal grandfather (corporal); Roga-karaka, moksha karaka (in natural 8H—Sco & in 12H); being headless, signifies lack of ego; for same reason, no drishti or asp (?);

Other karakatwas o

All Kinds Of Wealth; Great Penance; Observing silence as a fast; Knowledge; Knowledge Of Brahma; Philosophy; Bathing In The Holy Ganges; Friendship; Conferring Of Prosperity; All sorts of luxuries; Luck; Trouble from enemies; Inconstancy; Stupidity; Indifference to the world; orders of arrest;


Doctor; Hunter; Witchcraft; association of shudra.


Consumption; Pain; Fever; Wound; Belly; Eye Sore; Loss Of Appetite; Hunger; Severe Stomach ache; boils and the like, skin troubles;


Deer; Dog; Cock; Vulture; Thorn; Wind; Stone;


Worship Of God Chandika, God Ganesha and many other gods;

Result related • • • • • • • • •

Rahu & Ketu give predominantly the effects of the Lord of the house with whom they are in conjunction or of the house in which they are situated (BPHS). When placed alone, it will give results of its dispositor or Mars. Of course its own significations will also be felt. If the dispositor is well/beneficially disposed, it will give results accordingly. Has Digbalam in 12H; Ket is very good with Ven. It is also good if in nakshatra of Ven. Ket spiritualises unobstrusively; Represents someone outside the four main castes; vultures; If with its dispositor, increases the strength of dispositor manifold; this holds good even if other planets are conj in the house; If such planet is a functional malefic, increases its malefic abilities manifold (Ex: Lib Lag, with Jup in 3H); but if alone in say 6H, afflicts the dispositor planet with all the shadripus of 6H??; Dasha of star lord of natal Ketu may give misfortune of various kinds.



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In the charts of saints, the transit of Ketu in trines to lag/AL/paka Lag helps determine the timing of parivrajya yoga (renunciation). • Rajabhanga yogas function when Ketu transits the AL or its trines. In signs & bhavas •

In Lag—tall stature; with Sun in Lag—even taller; with Sun in Lag in long sign (Sag)—still taller; • In angles with trinal lords/in trines with Ken lords—becomes yogakaraka & give auspicious results; • Become yogakarakas if posited in Ken/Kona + connected with Lords of one of these; • Conjunction with Lord of Kona is beneficial anywhere in the chart; • In 2H/7H in conjunction with/asp by 5L/9L—wealth, long life, good status; • In a dual sign+ asp by Ken/Kon Lords—name, fame & wealth during their dasa; • Conjoined with a yogakaraka + in 1H, 3H, 4H, 7H, 10H—happiness, children, wealth; • Favorable in Sco, Sag, Cap, Pis, Lib; • Dasa of star lord of Ket gives misfortunes of various kinds; Results of Ketu mahadasha (as per BPHS) •

If placed in Kendra/Kona/11H/benefic signs asp by benefics/exaltation/benefic vargas: o Love of authorities, gets administrative authority, vehicles, son, foreign travel, happiness from wife & children, gain of cattle; • If in 3H/6H/11H: gives happiness; If in friendly Nav (?): gain of authority, vehicles etc • If in 2H/8H/12H & asp by malefics: severance of relatives, displacement, mental agony, company of lower class people, diseases; • Beginning of dasha: rajayoga; middle of dasha: great fear; end of dasha: far-off travels, fear of ailments (?) / relaxation (?); Results of Ketu-Ketu Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS • •

If placed in Kendra/11H/Kona/conj LL or 4L/good association with 9L or 10L: gain of money & grain wealth, gain of cattle wealth, happiness to wife & children, affection of king but mental agony, gain of land/village (large lands); In deb/with deb planet/in 8h/in 12H: heart disease, humiliation/loss of honor, reduction/loss of money, crops & cattle, suffering to wife & children, wobbly/changing mind; o If associated with 2L/7L or placed in 2H/7H: ill-health, great difficulties, separation from close relatives; to overcome the dosha, do Mrityunjaya japa & japa of Godess Durga; this will bring happiness.

Results of Ketu-Ketu Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Sudden calamities, foreign visits, loss of wealth; Relation to planets • • • •

Conjunct Moon—lust for power, tyrannical, ruthless; Conjunct Mer—gives specialization, analytical intellect; Jup’s aspect on Ket gives an urge for spiritual quest; Ket—Jup combination (conj/asp) is more powerful & beneficial than other combinations in effecting a boost; In 2nd to Sat—boost in spiritual achievements; Ket in 2nd to Sat can cause quarrels with neighbours in its sub-period;



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Results of Ketu-Sun Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign and conj/aspected by benefic: gain of money & grain wealth, great patronage of authorities, many auspicious ceremonies, fulfillment of desires, happiness; • If in 8H/12H/ conj malefics: fear of authorities, separation from parents, foreign travel, trouble from thieves & poison, opposition of king & friends, loss due to penalties by authorities, grief, diseases, fear, fever due exccesive heat (ushnadhikya); • If in 2nd/11th/Kendra/Kona from MDL: sound health, gain of money, birth of child, firmness of mind/determination, success in all endeavors, rulership of small village; • If in 8H/12H from MDL or with malefics: obstructions in getting food, fear in mind, reduction in wealth & cattle; in the beginning & middle, great grief, in the end happiness; • If 2L/7L: untimely death; to overcome the dosha, donate gold & cow (golden cow?); Results of Ketu-Sun Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Confrontation with friends, early death (swalpa mrityu), defeat, loss of comprehension (mathi bhramsha), arguments;

Results of Ketu-Moon Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS •

• •

If in Kendra/Kona/2H with benefics/11H/exalt/own sign: affection of the king, great enthusiasm, welfare, great happiness, gain of house & lands due to patronage of the king, enyoyment of good food, clothes, cattle wealth, increased crops, gain of fine vehicles, ornaments, construction of temples, ponds etc & such other religious activities, happiness ot wife & children; if it be full Moon, results will be pronounced. If in 6H/8H/12H/deb/weak: frustration, failure/obstructions in work, great fear, separation from parents, lethargy, grief, difficulty in agri yield, fear of destruction of cattle wealth; If in 11th /Kendra/Kona from MDL and strong: gain of agricultural lands, meeting with dear relatives, quick success in own endeavors, plenty of cow milk etc at home; in the beginning good thing & good health; in the middle, king will be pleased; in the end, fear from king, foreign travel, distant travels, felicitation by colleagues/relatives. If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & weak: destruction of crops & money, grief, enmity of own relatives/people, suffering to brothers;

• If 8L & conj 2L/7L: fear of untimely death; perform prescribed shanthi karmas; Results of Ketu-Moon Dasha (AD-PD):BPHS •

Destruction of food grains, disrepute, bodily distress, loss of comprehension, aggravation of gastric & dysentery like diseases; Results of Ketu-Mars Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS

• • •

If in Kendra/Kona/exalt/own sign and conj or asp by benefics: in the beginning auspicious results, gain of lands/village, gain of money & grain wealth, gain of cattle wealth, attainment of luxury & comforts at home dur to patronage of king; if associated with 9L/10L, gain of lands & happiness; If in 3rd/11th/Kendra/Kona from MDL: gaining affection of king, fame, happiness of /due to children & friends; If in 8H/12H/2H from MDL: apprehension of early death, hurdles in going abroad, apprehension/disress due to urinary problems, trouble from thieves & king, quarrels with repentance, slight increase in comforts; If 2L/7L: high fever, fear of poisons, distress to wife, grief, fear of untimely death; to overcome the dosha, donate goat; this brings all kinds of happiness & wealth.



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Results of Ketu-Mars Dasha (AD-PD):BPHS • Assault thro weapons, distress from fall & fire, fear from menials & enemies; Results of Ketu-Mer Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign: gain of authority, great happiness, listening to religious stories, charity, pious deeds, gain of lands, birth of a child, group meeting for auspicious purpose, monetary income, effortless benfit from religion (dharma), marriage, auspicious events at home, gain of clothes & ornaments; • If conj 9L/10L: increased fortune, comforts, participating in assembly of scholars, attending religious discourses; Results of Ketu-Mer Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS •

Loss of wisdom (buddhi nasha), grave anxiety, reverses in education/learning, great fear, failure in ventures; Ketu-Jup combination: Aspect of Jup on Ketu indicates spiritual inclinations. Results of Ketu-Jup Dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

• •

• • • • •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/conj LL or 9L or 10L: gain of money & grain wealth, affection of king, enthusiasm, receipt of vehicles, honors, at home auspiciousness/welfare, birth of a child, pilgrimages, performing good(pious deeds with enthusiasm, sucees in endeavors due to grace of Ishta daiva, conversation with the king, meeting new king; If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL/deb: trouble from thieves, fear of wounds/ulcers etc, destruction of crops & money, separation from wife & children, possibility of acute distress; good results in the beginning; in the end, sorrow & grief. If in 3rd/11th/Kendra/Kona from MDL and conj benefics: affection of king, gain of exotic clothes & ornaments, travel to distant country, nurturing/caring for own relatives, gain of good food, animals etc; in the beginning ill-health; in the end movement, unexpected quarrels; If 2L/7L: untimely death; to overcome the dosha, do Shiva sahasranama & maha Mrityunjaya japa; If in 6H/8H/12H and conj/asp Sat, Mars or Rahu: opposition from ruling class, living in other’s houses, loss of all kinds of wealth; in the beginning good results; in the middle money gain; in the end, full of sorrows & suffering to wife & children; If in 11th /Kendra/Kona from MDL: good health, great gains/profits, marriage of son, increase in all kinds of wealth; If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & weak: in the beginning, great grief, suffering to wife & children, fear from king; in the middle, pilgrimages; If2L/7L: untimely death; to overcome the dosha, do Vishnu sahasranama;

Results of Ketu-Jup Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Loss of wealth, great calamity, destruction of arms & friends, sorrows all round; Ketu-Ven-Mars combination •

In any horoscope (boy/girl) Ketu-Ven-Mars association or even mutual aspect is not desirable unless the constellation involved belongs to Jup or Mer or even benefic Moon, though the last situation might render the thinking highly sensual. Ketu-VenMars (or Sat) denotes danger of scandal in marriage. But if 10H is well disposed, the affliction becomes somewhat tempered.



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Results of Ketu-Ven Dasha (MD-AD): BPHS • • • •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/conj 10L: affection of king, fortunate time, gain of fine clothes, if conj 9L/10L immediate gain of wealth, regaining lost authority & wealth, acquisition of good vehicles, pilgrimages, gain of lands/village; If in 3rd /11th /Kendra/Kona from MDL: sound health, auspiciousness/welfare at home, gain of luxury vehicles, clothes & ornaments; If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: unexpected quarrels, trouble to cattle & crops; If deb/with deb planet/in 6H/8H: enmity of kith & kin, injury/wounds in head/eye, heart disease, humiliation, reduction in wealth & cattle wealth, trouble to wife & children, considerable travels;

If 2L/7L: stiffness in body & mental agony; to overcome the dosha, do Durga japa & donate white cow or buffalo; this will ensure health & longevity; Results of Ketu-Ven Dasha (AD-PD):BPHS • Danger from non-conformists, eye disease, ailments related to head, loss of animals; Results of Ketu-Sat Dasha (MD-AD):BPHS •

If in 8H/12H: Distress, grief, mental agony, gain of cattle wealth, loss of money in official work, great fear, loss of position, fear of thieves enroute while travelling, lethargy/disinterest, loss of confidence; • If in trine from Pisces/in Libra/own sign/in Kendra/in trikona/in 11H/in 3H and in benefic Navamsa/conj or asp by benefics: success in all endeavors, great comforts from employer/boss, comforts while travelling, gain of happiness & wealth in own village, meeting with king in one’s own area; • If in 6H/8H/12H from MDL & with malefics: fever, mental distress, obstructions in work, fear, lethargy, humiliation, loss of parents; • If 2L/7L: fear of untimely death; to overcome the dosha, do thila homa, donate black cow or buffalo; Results of Ketu-Sat Dasha (AD-PD):BPHS • Death of cows & buffaloes, physical distress, danger to friends, trifle gains of wealth; Results of Ketu-Rahu dasha (MD-AD): BPHS •

If in Kendra/Kona/11H/exalt/own sign/friend’s sign/3H/2H: quick gain of money, journeys, happiness & comforts due to co-operation of lower level/foreign king (mleccha prabhu), increase in wealth & crops, gain of cattle wealth, gain of lands/village; in the beginning grief and in the middle & end, comforts & happiness. • If in 8H/12H/conj or asp by malefics: problem of excessive urine, weakness/loss of weight, cold, fever & fear of poison, intermittent (every 4th day) fever, some minor/silly problems, unexpected quarrels, shooting pains; • If in 2H/7H: sorrows, great fear; to overcome the dosha, do Durga Devi japa. Results of Ketu-Rahu Dasha (AD-PD): BPHS • Fear from women, enemies get created, fear from degraded persons; Ketu-Gulika •

Catching fire, burning.



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Some yogas involving Ketu Configuration Kethu & Moon in Lagna


Results Produce dire poverty, financial straits, wretchedness & miseries.


Name Daridra Yoga

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Common Features of Rahu & Ketu In delineating the results of Rahu & Ketu, it is important to recognise that they operate as a unit and their axis is the fulcrum around which the other planets revolve in such a manner that our lives are appropriately prepared for the next phase of evolutionary growth. This axis is an expression of the Law of Karma, as it operates in each of our lives. The effects of the two nodes become especially manifest during their dashas & bhuktis. When Rahu’s period is entered, the intensity of afflictions arising from its unique disposition in a particular chart becomes pronounced and the individual feels the strain of its churning operation. When the period of Ketu comes, the benefits of these sufferings are experienced and the expected psychological possibilities inherent in this period, the planetary impulses, which otherwise might not be so easy to absorb, are creatively turned to one’s immense advantage. Signs/Bhavas/Lords Rahu & Ketu: Rahu depicts state of past sins & Ketu provides means to mitigate them. Rahu is earthier & denotes mundane prosperity & attachments while Ketu denotes detachment & salvation. Deep research is needed on these two; they hide in their bosom many mysteries of a deep nature; They give the effects of planets owning the sign occupied by them. In conjunction with others, they absorb their powers & try to give their effects, while these conjunct planets by virtue of being eclipsed by them, lose their powers & become less effective. They act according to their position, association & dispositors. They are benefic in 3,6,10,11 bhavas; • • • •

Rahu & Ketu strongly give results of the houses they occupy or the houses owned by the planets conjunct with them or aspecting them. The results will be a combined effect of placement, conjunction & aspect. For Tau Lag, if Rahu is in 9H with Mer & Sun and aspected by Sat, it will give results like a Rajayoga karaka in its dasha. If the lord of the house is strong, they are strong and if weak, they are weak. (Laghu Parasari) They will act according to the quality of house, if they occupy it alone. In an auspicious house they will produce auspicious results, while in an inauspicious house they will produce inauspicious results. o They will be neutral in 2H, 12H, 4H, 7H & 10H. In the trikona houses they will be auspicious. In the 8H, they will be extremely evil. In the 3H, 6H & 11H they will be inauspicious. These will be the results if they are alone in these houses. o In 3H, 6H, 11H with their Lords—inauspicious. o With 8L, inauspicious, but if conjunct in 8H—auspicious. o In 12H with 12L—neutral. o For Lib Lag: If Rahu in 9H, it functions as 9L & more powerfully if associated with Mer; o If in 12H, with or without associating with Mer, it will be neutral. o Usually Rahu / Ketu in the 7H or 2H associated with a benefic 7L, is definitely a maraka. Usually Rahu/Ketu in 2H / 7H function as marakas. If with their Lords, specific marakas.

Common features of R-K-V4-GHV

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For Ari Lag, if they are in 2H/7H associated with Ven, then it is deadly marakesha. If one of them is alone in these houses, then it is marakesha in a general sense. o For Tau lag with 7L Mars in 7H, are not so deadly because Mars a malefic is not so severe in maraka qualities. But with 2L Mer, they are 3rd grade marakeshas. o For Gem Lag, RK in the 2H /7H with Jup are deadly marakesahas, while alone they are normal in this respect. • Normally Rahu acts as Sat & Ketu as Mars; if Sat/Mars do not have their dasha at appropriate time, Rahu/Ketu respectively deliver their basic promises; • A good yoga caused by them gives materialistic worldly success only; • If posited in Kendra they behave as Kendra Lords & if in Kona, as Kona Lords. • Being in a Kendra with conj/asp of Kona Lord or being in Kona with conj/asp of Kendra Lord, they get quality of a Yogakaraka. Yogakaraka quality is not possible in case other relations are formed (GCS:BPHS). • The planets which conjoin/aspect Rah/Ket modify their nature according to their own nature, ownership etc; Dispositors o

Theory of dispositors especially should be applied for these; Ex: If Rah is in Aries, see where Mars is from Lagna; if its dispositor is a Yogakaraka, they give results of Yogakaraka. • They give the result of the lord of sign in which they are placed. (If in Sco, like Mars); • The lord of the house will affect results. If in Sco & Mars is deb, they get affected by this. If associated with other planets, it shares results of those planets also. • Rah-Ket alone is said to give results as modified by its dispositor; • Dispositors of nodes are known as ‘karmic control planets’ & if they conjoin in a good house, give Rajayoga; • If conj with a yogakaraka or if its dispositor is in a trikona, it also gives results like a yogakaraka; • When in 6/8/12 from dispositors—very bad results; Yogas/yogakarakas • • • • •

Under certain circumstances they turn out to be Raja Yoga Karakas which turn them into factors that can do good in the chart. This occurs when: Rahu or Ketu is in a kendra (the 4,7 or 10th house) and conjoined or aspected by the lord of a trikona (5 or 9th house) or when Rahu or Ketu is in a trikona (5 or 9th house) and conjoined or aspected by the lord of a kendra (4, 7 or 10th house). Note: Mere placement is not enough; its relation as given above is needed to be a Yogakaraka. The above essentially means that they function like the house Lord. If in a Kendra & aspected by a trikona Lord, it is mildly Yogakaraka, unless it does not occupy the sign of aspecting planet i.e yoga happens when aspected by its dispositor. o Tau Lag: Rahu in 10H aspected by Sat who is also 9L. o Can Lag: Rahu in 5H with 5L Mars & Sat; Raja yoga is formed, but the auspiciousness is reduced considerably due to conj of 8L. If Jup, the 9L joins the combination, then the blemish would be nullified.

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Rah-Ket axis in trika/upachaya houses causes cancellation of many good yogas generated in these houses; • Whenever they transit 4th from dasa lord—upheavels, turmoil, sad results; Good Results • • • •

Give good results in their own/exaltation signs; Aspect of Jup lends them a strong protective cover to give good results; If in 2H/7H and are associated with 5L/9L, it gives money & prosperity. In Gem/Vir/Sag/Pis + conjoined with 1L/4L/5L/7L/9L/10L—enjoys life & gets wealth in their dasa; • In Gem/Vir/Sag/Pis + Lord of sign owns one of the houses listed—promotion & prosperity in dasa; • In dual signs with/aspected by Kona Lord or with Kona Lord in 9H/10H, gives name, fame & wealth; • In 1H/4H/5H/7H/9H/10H + movable/fixed signs + conjoined with/asp by 1L/4L/5L/7L/9L/10L—wealth & power; • In exceptional cases, when Rahu is well placed in a mooltrikona sign of a planet, without causing any conjunction or close aspect with other houses and planets and its dispositor is strong, Rahu gives good results during its sub-periods for materialistic prosperity. Rahu-Ketu, when exalted, gives materialist benefits. • If they are in dual signs and if they or their dispositors are associated with raja yoga producing planets or aspected by them, they bestow money & prosperity in their dashas. However, if they are also associated with dusthana Lords, such a promise gets weakened. They also do some harm to brother and mother’s side. • If they are in movable signs and in benefic houses or are conj with lords of trines, their dasha proves very fruitful. (It is never possible for both to be in movable & benefic houses. Yet, since one of the houses is benefic, it should be examined if the planet in the benefic house is associated with trinal lord. Such Rahu/Ketu proves excellent in many ways.) • If RK are in 6H/8H/12H have their association of Kendra/trikona Lords, they become auspicious mostly, but at the end cause disease or even death. • If RK in 3H/11H/1H/4H/7H/10H & has association of Kendra/trikona Lords, they promote prosperity. Bad Results • • • • • • • •

Sun & Moon suffer most when in close conj with nodes & a node produces worst results when in sign of Sun/Moon; In 1H/4H/5H/7H/9H/10H + in dual sign + conjoined with/asp by 6L/8L/12L—loss of elder brother/father; If in 5H/9H + conjoined with/asp by 2L/7L—likely to cause death during their dasa; If in 2H/7H + malefic planet be conjoined with 2L/7L—death during the dasa of malefic; If in 2H/7H while their dispositors are with malefic lords of 3H, 6H or 11H, the latter Lords become death inflicting. If RK in 3H/11H/1H/4H/7H/10H & has association 2L/7L all promise of prosperity is destroyed & may even cause death. If RK are in malefic houses but aspected by benefics, they still become killers. If RK are in 6H/8H/12H conj with lords of those houses or with maraka lords, they cause bodily injury or ailment.

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• If RK becomes a killer by position or association, it becomes fatal. • Debilitated Rahu involves the native in exposed scandals and acute physical sufferings. Expected results in their Mahadasha: • In benefic houses or with benefics, they act like benefics. • They produce good results if associated with Kendra & trikona. • If the kendras/trikonas but unaspected, they produce good results. • They get kendradhiptaya dosha if their rashi lords are benefics. • If the rashi lords are owners of kendras, are malefics, they produce good results. Influence on planets • • • • • • •

Sun & Moon suffer most when they come in contact with them; With Mars—violent person, cannot control anger, sometimes murderous tendency; Combination with Mar—hydroclele, hernia, bladder defect; Conjoined with Mer—suffers from a disease which cannot be diagnosed/cured; even nervous breakdown/insanity is caused; eccentric with perverse intelligence; Combination with Jup—destroys satwik qualities of Jup, scoffs at religion; Ven in close association—perverse sex outlook, absence of aesthetic sense; Sat in close association—melancholia, suicidal tendency, criminal bent of mind, pessimism; but under asp of Jup, a great yogi;

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About Gulika It is a sensitive point in the natural zodiac. Some say that Gulika & Maandi are same. There appears to be different calculations for arriving at these points. However the characteristics of the two are considered to be the same. General features: Complexion is black. He is most malefic. He is very cruel & destroyer of the world. He destroys own abode. He causes death. Significations of Gulika Firewood, fire, funeral, articles of funeral rites, black magic, dead spirits, garbage dump, rat, reptiles, bhootha, pretha etc. Signs owned etc. Makara & Kumbha are own houses. Kumbha, Simha, Vrishabha & Meena are enemy’s houses. Sat & Jup are neutrals. Characteristics/behaviour •

It has three aspects: on the 12th, 2nd & 7th.

The general notion is that he is harmful.

Some scholars treat Mandi as a catalyst. It increases the good results in good combinations and bad results in bad combinations.

If placed in sapta vargas of Sat or is aspected by Shani, it indicates bad experiences for the native. The combination with Sat in any form—union or aspect—is not good in any way.

Combination with Jup is said to be good. When placed in Jup’s sign it loses its maleficience. But if Jup becomes the lord of the house where Gulika is placed, he becomes a malefic like an intoxicated mad dog.

Subtract Sun’s Long from Gulika Long & note resultant point. When Sat in transit touches this point, father becomes sick. When transit Jup comes to the Nav of this point, death of father may occur.

When the significator of asceticism associates with Gulika, the native becomes unscrupulous ascetic.

If Gulika occupies Nav of Jup, there will not be any bad results. But if it occupies Sat’s Nav, it gives bad experiences.

Gulika destroys good effects offered by other benefic planets.

Lords of Mandi rasi or Grahas associated with Mandi are considered to be malefic.

The period of Lord of Gulika rasi or the Lord of Gulika Nav will be miserable.

When Gulika occupies the Nav of AK, the native will be a thief.

Gulika & Mars posited in 5H, 12H, 8H and Moon, Jup & Sat are in Kendras, the native will be very poor.

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If Gulika, Sat & Moon occupy Kendra, will be dull headed.

Moon & Rahu in association with Gulika in a krooramsa, the native will abandon asceticism.

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