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Vedic Astrologer's Handbook II

By Bepin Behari

Sagar Publications 72 Janpath, Ved M a n s i o n New Delhi-110001 Ph: 23320648, 23328245 E-mail: [email protected]

\ " Indian Edition, 2004

© Bepin Behari

A l l rights reserved. N o part of this book may be used or reproduced i n any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied i n critical articles and reviews.

For Sale i n South East Asia only

Printed by Saurabh Sagar for Sagar Publication.s, N e w Delhi and Printed at Sagar Printers & Publishers N e w DeIhi-110003


7 9


The First House General Personality Assessment: Energy Content, Opportunities and Direction in Life



The Second House Release of Potential Energy: Wealth, Speech and Social Relationship



The Third House Individual Prowess: Valor, Siblings and Sacred Instructions



The Fourth House General Prosperity: Mother, Property, Vehicles, Intelligence and Havel



The Fifth House The Impulse of Individualization: Progeny, Education, Secret Wisdom and Literary Work



The Sixth House Karmic Impediments: Diseases, Debts, Theft, Humiliation and Litigation



The Seventh House The Field of Action: Marriage, Sex, Spirituality, "ftade. Status and Death



The Eighth House The Mysterious Unknown: Longevity, Legacy, Secret Afflictions and the Serpent Fire


— Planets in the Signs and Houses — 9.

The Ninth House Spiritual Endeavor: Divine Wisdom, Spiritual Disciplines, Mystic Initiations and Enlightenment



The Tenth House Expansion of Moral Virtues: Livelihood, Renown, Paranormal Faculties and Interaction



The Eleventh House The House of Gains: Friendship, Servitude, Ornaments and Social Life



The Twelfth House The House of Dissolution: Death, Discharge of Debts, Termination of Job and Loss of Spouse


EDITOR'S FOREWORD This second volume of the Vedic Astrologer's Handbook is unique i n many respects. First of a l l , it is remarkably complete. Every possible combination of planets i n signs and houses is covered herein; to the best of our knowledge, this is the only accessible volume i n the Vedic field which offers such a thorough treatment of the subject. Secondly, this book, like all o f Behari's work, embodies a reformulation o f classical Vedic principles, a more " m o d e m " interpretation to an ancient science. Nevertheless, the Western reader who approaches this material would do well to keep a few points i n mind. Some of the delineations offered herein may seem mapplicable to life i n the Western world. Others may appear to have an overwhelmingly foreboding tone, to embody a fatalism which no longer appears i n Western astrological books. In order to understand what the author is trying to tell us, we should remember that the astrological "classics" have a great deal more influence upon contemporary Vedic astrologers than do similar texts i n the West. For instance, only an historical scholar i n the Western tradition would be familiar with Manilius, W i l l i a m L i l y , or Marsilio Ficino. Almost no one would think to consult these Classical and Renaissance authors i n search of a delineation. But i n India, it is common for an astrologer to study the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, the Jatika Parijata, or the Uttara Kalamrita even today. Most o f these texts ostensibly date from the period between 600 to 800 CE, though they may w e l l contain material that is much, much older. Hence they are filled with references to kings, elephants, palanquins, and other cultural material w h i c h is no longer conunon i n India, let alone i n the West. The Indian astrologer does not hesitate to "translate" such dicta into the social and cultural norms o f his o w n day. To a great extent, this task has already been accomplished for us by Behari, though we must still allow for cultiu-al differences between contemporary India and the West. There is no quick way to act as a translator; the reader simply has to study the delineations, think about them, and begin to see them i n the light of his or her own culture. Proficiency i n Vedic astrology is not possible without hard work. The Sanskrit classics seldom indulge i n euphemisms when dealmg with the darker side o f life. Hence a certain amount of "death, doom and


— Editor's Foreword —

disaster" is predicted for certain combinations, just as it is i n the medieval or Renaissance texts of Western astrology. In the West, we have learned that any influence, no matter how overwhelming it may seem at first glance, is always subject to modifying factors. The same is true of Vedic astrology. Throughout this volume, Behari takes great pains to point out that the whole horoscope must always be studied before reaching a decision. There are any number of factors which alter or modify the effects of a particular planetary position; most of these factors are discussed at length i n Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Vol I. Nowhere is this caution more necessary than in respect to the M o o n ' s Nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Because these two "shadowy" planets carry so much of the weight of an individual's karma, their delineations may often seem exceptionally dire. But it should be remembered that the Nodes, even more than other planets, are greatly influenced by their dispositors, i.e. by the planet which rules the sign in which a node is positioned. Let us say, for instance, that Rahu is i n L e o , a sign ruled by the Sun. There is obviously a great difference between the behavior of Rahu in L e o when the Sim itself is debilitated in Libra in the Eighth as opposed to its behavior when the Sun is exalted in Aries i n the Fifth! This matter of dispositors, of course, applies to all planets, but never more so than with regards to the Nodes, which do not actually "rule" signs of their own and which are therefore more likely to be influenced by their dispositors. Before jumping to the conclusion that any number of fearsome karmic events may befall a native due to the position of his or her Nodes, one should always check the dispositors carefully. W i t h these few points i n mind, we invite the reader to sample the wealth of information in this book. Volume I was devoted to the basic principles of the Vedic art, while Volume II provides us with an enormously detailed treatment o f the effects o f planets i n signs and houses. Predictive Techniques of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Vol HI w i l l concern itself with the techniques of prediction, the unfolding of an individual horoscope through time and Career, Relationship, Success and Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Vol IV w i l l deal with career and relationship issues. A l l of it, taken together, forms a unique introduction to every aspect of Vedic astrology. Kermeth Johnson August 1991 Santa Fe, N e w M e x i c o


Vedic astrology is intimately personal and intensely practical. It reveals the vast store of latent faculties inherent in every individual. It also indicates the basic impulses motivating one's various activities and relationships. It enables a person to study the blueprint of his life's mission and warns h i m o f the various impediments to his path of imfoldment. A n important feature of Vedic astrology is the knowledge of planetary periods or cycles which indicate timing: when the different facets of one's life come into focus according to the nature and disposition of the planets. The cycles specify the times when an individual may undergo experiences varying from exaltation to frustration, depending upon the inter-relationships o f the planets and their locations i n different signs. The basic information contained i n the earlier volume o f the Vedic Astrologers' Handbook provides the essential base which w i l l enable the reader to gain a panoramic view of his life. The present volume gives some details o f that picture. It shows the impulses likely to be generated by the planets i n different signs and houses of the natal chart. A planet's placement may radically alter its impact. Every planet precipitates its special influence depending upon the sign i n which it is placed and the house w h i c h it occupies. Details o f the time sequence whereby these planets w i l l exert their special impact and direct the course of the individual's pilgrimage are given i n the next voliune, which is concerned primarily with the timing of events. It w i l l specify the time when the imiqueness o f an individual w i l l be exposed and his special qualities strengthened. O n the basis o f this knowledge, the individual may be equipped to face the ordeals awaiting him or greet the exhilarating situations lying on his path. The timing o f himian events is arranged i n such a manner that the individual finally succeeds i n attaining a balance, a kind o f equilibrium, with the cosmic life-force. This is the final stage of Nirvanic bliss, Kaivalya Samadhi as the yogic seers would call it. In order to attain this stage, the individual w i l l find a knowledge o f Vedic astrology extremely useful. K n o w i n g his inherent capabilities (from Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Vol I), the individual uniqueness likely to be unfolded i n his present life (from the present volume), and the


— Preface —

timing o f experiences both exhilarating and frustrating (from Predictive Techniques of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrologer's Harulbook Vol. Ill), the individual may orient his life on the principles of Astrological Yoga to attain harmony i n this life and, finally, the ultimate goal of his destiny. That is the expectation with w h i c h Vedic astrology was propounded by the ancient seers. It is difficult to say h o w far the present author has succeeded i n his efforts. The task o f disseminating the spiritual w i s d o m of the ancient seers is very difficult. The author realizes his personal limitations but hopes that this publication w i l l prove helpful to his readers i n strengthening them during the adversities and sorrowful experiences of everyday life, which by enduring they w i l l discover and strengthen their inborn qualities. It is hoped that they gradually may begin to recognize that these experiences are necessary for their spiritual progress. They may realize that pleasant and exhilarating experiences are also special opporttmities for iimer unfoldment. Vedic astrology reveals to us our imprisoned splendor and future possibilities; it also indicates to us the possibilities for happy social relationships and a satisfying status in life, all of which are our birthright in accordance with the inevitable laws o f Nature. The author earnestly hopes that the readers w i l l find this work useful, but he w i l l be very w i l l i n g to accept any shortcomings i n the present publication and suggestions for its improvement. B e p i n Behari C - 5 0 5 Yojana Vihar N e w D e l h i — 110 092 India

1 THE FIRST HOUSE General Personality Assessment: Energy Content, Opportunities, and Direction in Life The assessment o f a life i n all its variety can be done effectively only on the basis o f the total horoscope, but the First house reflects the entirety of the individual's life within a small compass. A l l the houses and planets are intimately related to one another and, for the examination o f any special aspect of life, a comprehensive approach is necessary. In order to approach the horoscope methodically, it is advisable to examine different aspects o f the individual's life separately, despite the fact that this approach is unrealistic and defective i n many ways. W i t h this proviso, we shall n o w attempt to see h o w far it is possible to k n o w about the basic charactistics o f a person on the basis o f the First house, w h i c h should, o f course, be considered as giving only the most general indications. We have already seen that the First house represents the life-essence with which the soul begins its journey i n any particular incarnation. Capabilities acquired by the individual during its various incarnations are not lost; they become part o f its general nature. But the direction w h i c h that soul must take during its present incarnation depends upon the judgment o f the L o r d s o f Karma. For the successful completion o f one's assigned task i n any lifetime, a certain amoimt of a soul's total life-essence is made available to h i m for that specific birth. The First house represents the quantimi o f energy apportioned to h i m , the envirotmient and conditions o f his life, and the general direction that he shall have to pursue during the course o f the specific incarnation i n order to reach his goal. This is why the astrological texts describe the First house as representing the physical appearance o f the person, his temperament, personality and environment, the early years of his life's journey and the vitality with w h i c h he meets the challenges of life. Through these external features the


In Vol ume I, Part One, Chapter 1.

— Planets in the Signs and Houses


astrologer must comprehend the nature and problems of the life-essence xmder evolution. The principles o f astrological prediction mentioned in Volume I are intended as aids for embarking upon this kind o f exercise. One w i l l have to proceed gradually i n making a final judgment. But as a first step, we must examine the disposition o f the sign o f the zodiac in the First house. T h i s w i l l indicate the basic psycho-spiritual field on which the planetary influences w i l l act. Unless the individual can harmoniously react to planetary vibrations, he w i l l be unable to absorb the higher planetary influence. ARIES

A r i e s i n the First house charges the native with a scintillating spark of energy w h i c h enables h i m to leave his mark in whatever he imdertakes. A n A r i e s - b p m person^ is usually of average height, stout, fearless, courageous, and eager to take the initiative. H i s life is full o f activity; he feels miserable when he has nothing to do or contribute to society. H e begins each day with a new experience and is dissatisfied with routine work. Originality i n everything; what he does is his keynote. He is very ambitious, and desires to change the world. H e is an idealist who functions on several different levels simultaneously. These are the outer expressions of the Eternal Flame that bums within. His personality radiates energy, awe, and an irresistible power which makes others restless and uncomfortable i n his company. He faces difficulties i n education, expression o f thought, and in relationships with the opposite sex. H e loves freedom. H i s greatest trials come from the kind of restrictions which are generally represented by Saturn. H i s most serious difficulties are with relationships, symbolized by Venus. There w i l l be many contradictions i n his life. Outwardly an A r i a n is busy and involved i n many activities, but inwardly he can be lonely, frustrated, depressed and forlorn. He has ample opportunities for pursuing esoteric knowledge, spiritual attaiimients, and the discovery of the unknown. But such opporttmities become available only when his material involvements are reduced and he is set free from emotional entanglements. Unless a suitable envirotmient is present, his latent capabilities and


III the West, we use terms like "Aries-bom" or "those bom under Aries" to refer to those with the Sun in Aries. In India, such terms typically refer to a person's Ascendant.

77K First House —


potential contributions to society may easily wilt. H i s longevity is not often great and he may die suddenly. When the S U N occupies the Ascendant, the native w i l l surely receive political patronage and be invincible i n his approach to life. H i s m i n d w i l l be sharp with mathematical genius and superb philosophical vision; he is often famous but not often happy. H e is an habitual wanderer and w i l l seldom be able to live i n peace with his spouse. There w i l l be very few people who can establish harmonious partnerships with h i m . W i t h the M O O N i n the First house, the mdividual w i l l be amiable and wealthy (though finances may fluctuate). H i s eyes w i l l be roimd and voluptuous, always longing for romantic love. The native's health may be poor during the early years when M E R C U R Y is i n the First house. H e w i l l eat sparingly, relishing vegetables and hot meals. The individual has educational difficulties, and his upbringing lacks sophistication and culture. H e may, at worst, become a thief, gambler, or liar, with an equally immoral spouse w i t h a crooked mind. He may very likely be an atheist. The placement o f V E N U S i n the Ascendant w i l l give the native an attractive physical form and artistic sensitivity; but it also causes trouble. Venus is i n an enemy's house (that o f Mars) and becomes a death-inflicting planet (lord o f the Second and Seventh). Under such an influence, there w i l l be contradictory planetary forces at w o r k and one caimot expect a harmonious impact. Temperamentally this native has an affinity with Mars, while the Ventisian influence works i n an almost totally different direction. Aries w i l l influence such an individual to w o r k hard, strive for excellence, explore new lands, and bring forth new ideas. Venus w i l l impel h i m toward luxurious living and sensual pleasures (he is likely to become involved i n sexual intrigues), make h i m squander money, and possibly bring disgrace to his family. M A R S i n Aries occupying the Ascendant is one o f the most harmonious o f placements. Aries and M a r s radiate similar impulses w h i c h greatly enhance the possibility that the individual w i l l express his best i n the world and carve a niche for himself in society. H e may have a strong constitution and courageous disposition with an urge for exploration, research and the establishment o f a new social order — but he seldom lives to an advanced age. H e w i l l be k n o w n for his leadership and w i l l be honored and respected by the state. H e becomes a wealthy wanderer, m o v i n g from land to land, and is bound to leave an imprint on society. J U P I T E R i n the Ascendant favors military achievement, lends a graceful appearance, a learned and generous disposition, and favors devotion


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

to religious ritual. The native is liberal i n making gifts, has multiple marriages, several children, and is long lived. S A T U R N i n this position is quite adverse. The native is often bony, depressed, suffering from melancholy, lacking i n corrmion sense, and engaged i n mean or deceitful acts. H e may be unfriendly, miserly and live an unconventional life. H e may keep questionable company and be dishonored by the state. R A H U ' S influence resembles that of Saturn. K E T U can make its native philosophical, psychic, precocious by temperament, rugged and somewhat haggard in appearance. TAURUS

A n individual b o m with Taurus i n the Ascendant w i l l generally have a pleasing face, small thick neck, plimip thighs, broad shoulders and a w e l l built muscular body. A m i a b l e by temperament, artistic i n nature, libidinous i n character, he can be categorized as essentially materialistic. He is fond o f l u x m y , favoring romance but tending to cultivate bad company. The native is self-respecting and happy, mostiy i n the middle and latter portions o f life. The S U N i n Taurus i n the First gives a majestic appearance, though the native may suffer from eye troubles and often has marital difficulties. He acquires property and wealth through his o w n efforts. H e may become a skilled instnmiental musician. The M O O N i n Taurus compensates for any other difficulties thus produced. Though an individual under this planetary placement may not inherit any patrimony and may be abandoned by people close to h i m , his attraction to the opposite sex w i l l be enormous and w i l l persist despite any hardship. H i s appearance w i l l be majestic; he has an amiable disposition, and w i l l be learned i n mantras and tantras. Physically, he may have broad thighs and a b i g face and suffer from phlegm.^ M E R C U R Y i n this sign creates a clever, skillful negotiator who may find success i n the teaching profession. Though weak i n physical strength, he has a well-proportioned body and "the gift of gab." Amiable by


This is a reference to Ayurvedic medicine. Taureans tend towards an abundance of kapha in their physical constitutions, which implies slovmess, tranquillity, and peace of mind. But kapha literally means "phlegm," and people of this constitution are especially susceptible to colds, asthma, and other "phlegmatic" ailments.

— The First House —


disposition, he w i l l look youthful even i n o l d age. H e w i l l have a good wife and children. V E N U S i n Taurus ushers i n an individual o f exceptional merit. H e is honored by the state, powerful among the people, fearless and brave by disposition. H e is talented, artistic, regal and affable and earns money through exertion and intelligence. In appearance he is w e l l proportioned and extremely attractive. M A R S produces a highly passionate individual who is often imder the influence o f the opposite sex. Such an individual is usually true to his friends but not to his spouse. H e dresses w e l l , lives overseas, is t i m i d but harsh, and faces loss o f property. J U P I T E R occupying Taurus i n the First house gives a soimd body, wealth and friends, but may render its native tmethical, prone to engage in imdesirable secret activities and indulge i n alternative sexual relationships. The last characteristic (see Jiipiter above) is greatiy accentuated i f the Ascendant is occupied by S A T U R N instead o f Jupiter. The person may be tall, bony and dark i n appearance; he has endurance but may suffer from throat ailments. H e attains a respectable status i n life but often loses it. Whatever social position he attains, he may be constantly drawn into tawdry sexual affairs. R A H U i n Taurus bestows luck i n the native's j o b and achievement o f his desired object. H e becomes crafty and may indulge i n black magic or questionable practices. W i t h K E T U i n this position, the person seldom feels happy and may associate himself w i t h neurotic partners. GEMINI

G e m i n i is a pleasing sign i n the Ascendant and gives an attractive appearance. The native is usually tall, has large hands and feet, and is lean and thin w i t h beautiful eyes and a sharp nose. H i s intelligence and pleasant demeanor make his face radiant. H e has a special s k i l l i n diplomatic negotiations, expertise i n trade practices, a talent for dramatic performances, and a great capacity to conceal his emotions. A m b i v a l e n c e w i l l be his outstanding feature. A O e m i n i Ascendant is often bashful and very selective i n speech. He likes to meet people, travel extensively, and acquire knowledge. H e has a special ability to influence people and he delights i n sporting w i t h the opposite sex. H e is bi-polar: he has a dual personality. H e is flexible and adaptable; he can be serious or trivial, depending upon his mood and circumstances. H i s success i n life depends upon intuitively understanding


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

other people's thoughts and emotions, then acting accordingly to influence theiK. T h i s capacity to interpret the thoughts and feelings of others also enables h i m to be a very successful writer or novelist. A m o n g the planets, Venus has a special a f ^ t y with a person b o m imder this sign, while Mars, the S i m and Jupiter produce adverse results. The M o o n is a killer,* but, i f posited with favorable planets may yield auspicious results. The S U N i n G e m i n i does not create a favorable impact — it may cause baldness and the native is often sick with fever. H e is well versed i n astrology and other occult subjects but his knowledge does not ensure a happy family relationship or marital bliss. The M O O N bestows a beautiful physical body, voluptuous eyes and an imderstanding o f the feelings and thoughts o f others. The native is erotically skilled and attractive to the opposite sex, leading to an agreeable married life — though fidelity is not assured. The M o o n i n G e m i n i may tend toward homosexuality. The native suffers from phlegm and often falls Ul. M E R C U K V as the Ascendant lord shapes an individual who is greatly desired for his social grace, intellectual attaiiunent, scientific learning, artistic talent, and affluent conditions. The youthful appearance that is common with M e r c u r y i n the Ascendant is assured when cojoined with Venus, w h i c h gives sensuality to the face. A VENUS individual draws attention from the government and may perform important interpretative, diplomatic or negotiating acts for the state. H e earns money overseas. H e is very fond of his mother and derives m u c h inspiration from her. H e may nevertheless be prone to vice, fond of romance but imsteady i n relationships, and often i n trouble from his unbridled sensual urges. M A R S has an adverse influence on a G e m i n i - b o m individual. H e earns much money but becomes involved i n litigation. H e is intolerant, stingy and friendless and may suffer from blood diseases and nervous exhaustion. J U P I T E R creates a graceful appearance and favorable external conditions i n life but does not give the native iimer satisfaction or peace of mind. The native with S A T U R N rising in G e m i n i is usually tall and mgged in appearance, unhappy, miserly, and suffers from family problems and respiratory troubles.


A "killer" planet (Sanskrit: maraka) is one which pertains to the maimer or time of the native's death. See "The Eighth House," pp. 163-8.

— TTie First House —


R A H U i n this position may, when afflicted, lean toward crime and perversity. Such an individual has exaggerated libidmous desires. K E T U shapes an individual who is psychic but may have an unusual physical appeareance. CANCER

A Cancer Ascendant is generally pleasing i n appearance, o f medhun height, have a rotmd face, a thick neck and pliunp buttocks. He is amiable i n disposition, soft i n speech, a cotmoisseur o f good food and fond o f luxurious l i v i n g . A Cancer-borr has the admirable quality o f feeling at home i n ahnost every situation. There is no special m o l d for a Cancer Ascendant; he is a bimdle o f contradictions, greatly influenced by his planetary conHgurations. H e is gentle, feminine i n attribute, watery and has strength during the night and when "resting near a lake, pond, or sandbank." Materialistic i n his approach to life, he is nevertheless capable o f attaining great heights i n spiritual practices. H e may withdraw from the mainstream o f life, actively piusuing his ethereal interests i n seclusion, though outwardly he seems to be deeply engrossed i n his earthly profession. H e can rise to sublime heights or sink into gross materialism. However, a Cancer-bom does not really enjoy any situation: he may easily capture the object o f his desire, but sex alone w i l l not satisfy h i m ; he may possess material riches and luxuries but pine for something else; even spiritual attaiimients and realizations seem o f no consequence. Either he longs for the past or for that w h i c h is not yet i n his possession. H i s attitude toward life and the parameters o f his emotions and thoughts are always changing — nothing can hold his attention for long. A Cancer-bom individual always shines i n reflected glory: he must hold onto someone higher, mightier, wealthier, more leamed and more respected, and through whose support and patronage he can express his o w n qualities. In the absence o f such an influence he seems forlorn, made o f straw. G i v e n the opportunity to e x p l a i n abstmse p h i l o s o p h i c a l thoughts, he can reel out poetry to express them beautifully. B u t i f required to articulate his o w n independent ideas on any subject he m i g h t fail miserably. A s long as love and affection are bestowed upon h i m he w i l l react with the greatest sincerity, but once that situation o f warmth and recognition is withdrawn he becomes most miserable, just as i f the life-force had been drained from h i m . It is said that Venus and Mercury produce adverse effects for a Cancer individual, whereas the M o o n , Mars, and Jupiter give excellent results. Saturn is the killer planet, but the Sun i n auspicious houses leads to much


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

happiness. It has been observed that emotional excitement, aggressive designs, and the pursuit o f self-aggrandizement often lead a Cancer-bom individual to destruction. H i s greatest trouble comes from Satum, the planet o f restriction: whenever any situation arises w h i c h impedes the natural growth and blossoming of the native, he gets etmieshed i n an inextricable tangle. H i s marriage is seldom happy; he often surrenders himself to his partner, either i n emotional excitation or through some kind of infatuation, only to discover that his imderstanding o f the situation was not realistic. Something done i n a hurry, prohibited b y society and performed to derive some mean favor, often becomes a stumbling block, causing life-long sorrow. Whatever happens i n life, a Cancer-bom individual is basically shy, miable to express his iimermost feelings and thoughts, or to live a completely natural life. The S U N i n the Ascendant creates an individual who is wealthy and has a powerful personality. H e becomes opinionated, always thinking that he can do no wrong. H e is passionate but unable to establish a cooperative partnership with his spouse. H e undertakes long and weary journeys and is made to work for others. The M O O N is soothing i n the Ascendant, but such an individual is often overly sensitive. Under favorable configurations, psychic faculties are easily developed and he becomes extremely sensitive and susceptible to the smallest changes i n the physical and emotional environment. Such a planetary position often aids i n marriage, for he has the endurance to weather any possible storms or conflicts. The health o f this native needs much care as he is susceptible to the cold and changes of weather. He is likely to suffer from phlegm and fever (kapha and pitta disorders). M E R C U R Y is not a favorable influence for a Cancer-bom person — it gives h i m beautiful form but his general vitality is low. The native may experience sexual impotency or frigidity. H e arouses much hostility from his friends, siblings, and i n other relationships, even with his spouse. This individual can eam his wealth from occupations pertaining to water resources. V E N U S does not produce desirable results either. It lends a charming face and the desire to live a luxurious life but the temperament, though timid, is arrogant. The native is socially popular but solicits money from others. He is rarely satisfied with a stable relationship because he is libidinous. M A R S in the Ascendant produces an exceptionally robust persoi) who is extremely active. H e makes many sea voyages to explore new lands and to research i m k n o w n areas. He may become a leader o f amiies, head of a conmiunity, or director of important national or international ven-

— The First House —


tures. He w i l l be attractive to the opposite sex and impulsive in character, often falling prey to sexual intrigues. Whatever happens to h i m externally, he is never at peace within, and bums up with his o w n intensity. J U P I T E R rising shapes an individual who receives great honor from the government, is considered immensely leamed, and is much respected for his character and advice. H e is religious, philanthropical, and lucky. The native does well i n his profession, though service careers are not always smooth. S A T U R N i n the same position w i l l give the opposite result. The native may be poor, miserable, bereft of good family relations and troubled i n his career. H e suffers from nervous exhaustion, and may lose his teeth early. There is a possibility he may develop serious spiritual interests. R A H U i n Cancer gives may well be both libidinous and depressive. There is a tendency to conceal actions, emotions and thoughts; such an individual is often deceitful. H e cliampions the cause o f criminals and imdesirable persons. K E T U may lead to mental conflict and emotional imbalance. Such a person needs to develop dependability and stability. LEO

Leo rising gives a regal appiearance, as i f the life-force were vibrating in every sinew of this person. He has a broad face with strong bones, beautiful and expressive eyes. H e may be a possessive parent, egotistical and selfish i n temperament, and a braggart. H e is excessively libidinous but not necessarily promiscuous. A L e o - b o m is not satisfied with the material heights he attains: he is always aspiring towards greater intellect, greater wealth, greater status, and greater respectability. Often he thinks he has acriieved mere than he really has; nevertheless, he is never satisfied, for he thinks he deserves more than he has received. A L e o - b o m always strives to reach the top o f the mountain. H e is basically materialistic but likes to assume that he is spiritually highly evolved. Involvement i n work for the native is intense and whole-hearted. H e may be seen working adroitly on the subtle problems o f life, whether related to physical sciences, psychology, or to concrete and technological problems i n engineering, industry or economics. It is not the subject matter that is significant: his complete involvement i n whatever he undertakes is of supreme importance to h i m . In that pursuit, his engagement o f effort is total. A n important characteristic o f a L e o - b o m individual is suddermess i n his actions which gives h i m an element o f surprise and unpredictability. However involved he may seem m a pursuit or relationship, he c m


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

abandon it as abruptly as he began. L e o Ascendants are loyal friends, but even friendship can end suddenly. To many, he seems ungrateful; the world exists only for his convenience and the satisfaction of his whims and caprices. In his social relationships contradiction, an unyielding temperament and self-aggrandizement seem to predominate. A L e o Ascendant may find married life difficult. H i s spouse is very money-minded, calculating and self-centered — which are some of L e o ' s traits as well. Compatibility becomes difficult. In such circumstances, he often acts i n a clandestine maimer, concealing certain aspects of his life. He does not trust others: equal partnership is not a common factor i n his life. Mars is very helpful to a L e o Ascendant. It enables such an individual to acquire much property and brings h i m general prosperity. Jupiter and Mercury are also helpful, but sometimes bring i l l health and financial worries. The combination of Jupiter and Venus is not auspicious, while Satum is the killer planet. The S U N i n the Ascendant makes the native invincible, enduring, and victorious over his enemies. H e is strongly libidinous but not necessarily unfaithful. He has mathematical and philosophical insight which enables him to make valid judgments on the most meager experience. H e likes to dwell i n the forests, moimtains and villages: he is admirably suited for spiritual studies and practices. Physically very graceful i n appearance, he is prone to suffer from blood diseases and fever. ^ The M O O N LS inauspicious for a L e o Ascendant and leads to mental agony, unproductive efforts, extravagant habits and he suffers from stomach pain. The person pines for non-existent things and situations. H e is fond o f sea voyages and likes to establish his residence abroad. Physically he is energetic, has large cheeks, a broad face and reddish eyes. W i t h M E R C U K Y i n the Ascendant, the L e o native lacks a robust constitution. H e is physically attractive and intellectually sharp but mentally unsoimd and constitutionally weak. H e gains but little money through trade and authorship, is always traveling, and suffers from social or romantic humiliation. V E N U S rising introduces contradictions i n the native's life: a spouse helps bring h i m luck and money and a female boss brings success and professional reward. But i n spite of such favorable situations, the person often becomes manipulative and selfish.


In Ayurveda, blood diseases and fevers indicate unbalanced Pitta, the humor associated with fire.

— The First House —


M A R S is a lucky planet for the individual. It provides direction i n his efforts with lucky results. The urge for rambling i n the moimtains and the forests is greatly accentuated. If he can control his impulsiveness, he can attain great heights i n life. J U P I T E R is a friendly planet for a L e o Ascendant and provides h i m with protection from i l l health and i l l luck. Under the impact of Jupiter, he becomes leamed and acquires w i s d o m ; he even attains a high status in life. But occasionally he suffers from scandal and is wrongly accused of concealing things. H e should be careful o f urinary tract infections. S A T U R N rising i n L e o may destroy a l l pleasures and creative faculties when afflicted. Such a person may suffer from physical ailments w h i c h w i l l be very acute and difficult to cure. H e may be poor, unsocial and frustrated with life. H e has a tendency to associate w i t h c m e l and l o w l y people. R A H U may sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts, anti-social behavior, surreptitious habits, and the appropriation of the wealth and property o f others. K E T U can bring a haggard appearance, mental suffering, and marital problems. VIRGO

W h e n V i r g o occupies the Ascendant, the primordial feminine power pours down into the individual's personality. A person b o m under this sign may not be constitutionally strong, but is pleasing i n appearance, feminine by temperament, sharp i n intellect, and capable o f interpreting the thoughts of others. G i v e n over to sensual pleasures, the spiritual quest w i l l not be his forte. H e likes to be surrounded by respectable people, who could be famous as authors, tradesmen, lawyers, diplomats and even martyrs. H e may attain material prosperity and be honored outside his immediate surroundings and country. H e can be easily frustrated and his passionate nature often leads to serious psychological complications. H e may even have a psychopathic personality and is often found to be deceitful, critical, manipulative and covetous o f other people's wealth. A V i r g o - b o m Ascendant is full o f anxiety for the w o r l d at large and usually does not have many children. W i t h the S U N i n the Ascendant, the native may be a skilled writer, mathematician, or astrologer, but w i l l have very feminine physical features. H i s vitality w i l l seem l o w and he w i l l be secretive by nature. H i s area o f operation may be away from the home, i n a distant land, possibly for a humanitarian cause.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

W h e n the M O O N is i n the Ascendant, there w i l l be no dearth of income, though it may fluctuate. Professional concerns w i l l send this person traveling far and wide, bringing h i m into contact with many different kinds of people. H e possesses much expertise and natural skill as a businessman dealing i n overseas trade, a negotiator i n international trade terms, or a diplomat arbitrating between differing groups. He is usually shy and amiable i n disposition, possessing an imaginative insight. Sometimes he is so elusive that no one can decisively understand the workings o f his mind. M E R C U R Y i n V i r g o placed i n the Ascendant ushers i n essentially great souls with matured levels o f consciousness. Under normal circumstances this person w i l l acquire fame because o f his intellectual capabilities. H i s family life w i l l be harmonious, his career eminently successful, and his excellence displayed i n every action. He radiates an intellecmal glow but his health may be fragile at the same time. H e is a natural leader among intellectuals and quite liberal i n bestowing gifts. H i s friendly disposition and exceptional adaptability make h i m superbly suitable for diplomatic assigimients. H e is very likely an evolved soul. V E N U S rising i n V i r g o combines he-alth, wealth and an amiable disposition. A n individual with such a planetary placement is very attractive, but this may lead h i m to base, self-serving actions. He attains an important social status, displays a high order of artistic achievement, and enjoys much renown — family life is enjoyable. ITie life of the person is primarily intended to reap the fruits o f past merits. M A R S heralds warning of some impending danger. This individual has a penetrating insight, original thought, and can externalize his ideas into concrete results making for new discoveries and fruitful explorations. Yet somehow he lives i n the shadow of some catastrophic danger lurking at important crossroads i n his earthly pilgrimage. H e should beware o f his near and dear ones, for his closest relations or friends may deliver the fatal blow. H e may imexpectedly find himself seducing someone else's spouse, even using physical force as well as persuasive thoughts and words. This combination is bad for physical injuries, accidents, blood pressme and nervous exhaustion. Such people should take precautions against diseases of the reproductive system. J U P I T E R i n V i r g o bestows stability, grace, protection and a religious insight. Vitality may be l o w but there wOl be a glow and grace on the face of the person. H i s temperament w i l l be religious with much faith in formal worship. Marriage w i l l be helpful i n producing a happy, luxurious life full of respectable social relationships. The individual has a great deal of potential for spiritual knowledge.

— The First House —


W h e n S A T U R N occupies the First house, the native feels a strange suffocation and restrictions similar to imprtisonment. H e feels quite miserable, suffers from stomach disorders, blood pressure problems, and mental constraints. He is deeply critical and frustrated about everything around h i m . He can, however, produce masterpieces o f imorthodox literature and propagate ground breaking philosophical ideas. R A I I U rising i n V i r g o can spoil the general attitude o f its natives. The person can be depressive and haggard i n appearance. He w i l l generally associate with undesirable groups of people, engage in illegal activities, and suffer from physical ailments hard to diagnose. Drug addiction, sex crimes, smuggling and espionage are additional unfortimate possibilities. The K E T U native can become haggard and unpleasant i n disposition, critically i l l psychologically, and suffer from a breakup i n his marriage. LIBRA

A Libra Ascendant usually has a long face, aa attractive app>earance, tender eyes, sparsely set teeth. H e is generally above average height, lean and thin. Mentally, the person is disorganized, emotionally unstable, and socially imbalanced. He is extravagant, generous, helpfijl and simple at heart. He craves social contact and the assiuance that other people need him. H e is also subject to contradictory thoughts and actions; he is justice loving but easily irritated. H i s friends and benefactors tend to be w e l l placed individuals, but he can also associate with dishonest people who, unfortunately, stick with h i m for years. Physically the individual appears strong and healthy but he may secredy suffer from diseases relating to the loins and kidneys, and should take precaution against urinary tract infections. H e may have a strong desire for artistic achievement but fail to actualize it. The S U N occupying the First house in Libra may shap>e an individual who is extremely selfish, and frustrated through dissipation of his own vitality. There is sometimes a depressive feeling around such a person, for he never succeeds i n projecting any enthtisiasm for life. He often has an insatiable lust for money and personal gain. H i s married life is full o f strain and the chance of divorce is high. He is often so crude in his sexual relationships that he destroys true intimacy between partners. He is fond of traveling on foot, i.e. walking, trekking and hitchhiking. The M O O N rising in L i b r a produces a frail constitution, often with deficient limbs, and the native may suffer from phlegm and loss of vitality. He Ls "sweet" i n social interaction, amiable in disposition but inwardly frustrated; he is religious yet covetous of others' wealth. H i s fortune is so uncertain that he is never sure about anything in his life.


Planets in the Signs and Houses

M E R C U R Y i n the Ascendant enables tlie native to enjoy respect from the state as w e l l as from the people. H i s social demeanor and intellectual approach to life is appreciated, but an astrologer can never be sure about his financial prosperity. H e w i l l be extravagant, collecting gains from overseas trade. Nevertheless, he is likely to pass through several difficult periods i n life, occasionally even suffering from penury. W h e n V E N U S occupies Libra, the native is regal i n appearance. H e leads a luxurious life, wields power over a large number o f subordinates, and attains a powerful status i n society. W i t h much money at his command, he is surroimded by extravagant comforts. H i s artistic abilities are highly accentuated. However, he may dissipate his energy i n sexual escapades and clandestine extra-marital relationships. W h e n M A R S occupies this sign, libidinous tendencies are greatly exaggerated, making the person insatiably lustful. He tends to spend money on lewd or illegal activities, is accident prone, and suffers from urinary diseases. J U P I T E R is the killer planet for L i b r a Ascendants. Externally, the native's physical appearance is healthy; he is affluent and secure; but his personal and social life is full of tangled knots. He may even create self-destructive conditions for himself. Litigation, enmity, and wasted money are some o f the hallmarks o f Jupiter's influence when rising in Libra. S A T U R N is exalted i n Libra, and is ruler o f a quadrant and a trine, making this planetary placement very auspicious. These conditions enable Satum to bestow much honor, power and leadership, h i g h status, wealth, extensive renown and social leadership to the native who is exceptionally gifted. The person has enduring health, a persevering attitude, and a sense of abandon i n his life. The physical impact of the planet, however, is seldom pleasing, for in spite o f an otherwise well-proportioned body, depression persists i n the native's countenance. H e is not very careful about his clothes. H e may indulge i n a tawdry or socially unacceptable relationship or covet another's spouse or wealth and suffer humiliation and loss o f prestige at some time or other. R A H U can form an individual who, under affliction, likes to indulge in mean or perverse acts and to associate with undesirable characters. He may suffer from diseases which are difficult to diagnose. K E T U rising i n L i b r a can shape a person who, under affliction, is cranky, disturbed, and unable to coordinate his work.

— The First House—



Physically, a Scorpio Ascendant is usually beautiful and attractive with rounded legs and thighs. Vindictive by nature and sensitive to criticism, he can be very alert and quarrelsome. H e seems to take special delight i n verbally abusing his friends. Ordinarily, he is lucky i n marriage but his sex life remains undisciplined. H i s children could be famous and his friends eminent, but he is unable to establish an enduring relationship with them. H e is ignorant of his o w n long-term interests: immediate gratification is more important to h i m than permanent gain. H i s life i n general tends to be a bag of m i x e d achievement and frustration. H i s health may suffer from abuse and irregularity of habit. Secrecy i n his life is a very significant issue: secret alliances, secret pangs and sufferings, secret hiding places, secret enemies, secret friends and secret undertakings. Drug addiction, smuggling, litigation, and participation i n cruel deeds are not uncommon under this sign. In a way, this person is his o w n worst enemy. Cruelty is exaggerated when the S U N is in this sign; i n fact, a l l of Scorpio's undesirable characteristics are pronoimced when the S i m rises here. The individual may receive money under the solar impulse but he w i l l not spend it generously. Whether he becomes a drug dealer or a spy, whatever he does i n life he w i l l not stick to it — or to a relationship — for long. A M O O N i n Scorpio native has expressive eyes, a broad chest, rounded loins and knees, and is unable to feel sure about himself. H e receives honor from the state and cooperation from his colleagues, but the trials of his life never cease. H e may be separated from his father with a mind full o f guilt. H e may have an insatiable carnal passion w h i c h a more conventional spouse catmot satisfy and he often indulges i n infidelities. He may be mentally unstable and suffer from illness early i n life. M E R C U R Y may shape a gambler, cheat, liar, and a deceptive character in general. H e w i l l be unscrupulous i n his quest for personal gain, take to corrupt business practices, and probably get caught at it. The person may suffer from a speech defect. V E N U S here adds warmth to family life and the spouse is usually honorable. There w i l l be happy partnerships between business colleagues and gains from overseas are common. W i t h M A R S rising i n Scorpio life can be explosive: sins and criminal tendencies inevitably come to light with this planetary placement. Courageous and able to overcome adversaries, the person is susceptible to danger from fire, poison, and bloodshed. He is also likely to be reckless in speech and get involved i n criminal conspiracies. H e may experience early divorce and suffer from heart disease.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

W i t h J U P I T E R , however, the circumstances w i l l be very different. The individual is religious, wealthy, well-educated, and healthy. Difficulties in his personal life w i l l be removed and the journey made smooth. He usually enjoys happiness, stability, and a satisfying family life. W h e n S A T U R N rises i n Scorpio, the native may suffer from throat disease and experience professional hazards. H i s marriage partner is usually incompatible, his personal life miserable, and his circumstances poor and needy. Under the impact of R A H U i n this sign, the individual can suffer danger from poisoning and suicidal urges, indulge in mean and prohibited undertakings, and be at the center o f serious scandal. W i t h K E T U , the native can be heartless, murderous, crazy, perverted and unattractive at worst, but the converse side of a strong Ketu is always intensely spiritual. SAGITTARIUS

W h e n Sagittarius occupies the Ascendant, the native is usually tall, with a broad face, long neck, sharp nose and big ears. His habits are simple, methodical, righteous, and clean. H e has high ideals w h i c h he endeavors to implement i n his everyday life and conduct. Regularity i n physical exercise and open air are advisable for h i m . He is not deterred by hard work and often suffers from nervous exhaustion caused by long working hours. There is some danger from accidents, physical injury and the eruption o f boils. The individual is respected by the government and the people, and admired for his leanung and sage counsel. H e is religious; ritual fascinates h i m . The Sun and Mars are auspicious here, while Venus is adverse. Surprisingly, Jupiter, which owns this sign, is not always beneficial. The M o o n does not become a killer, even though it owns the Eighth house. A s a matter of fact, it gives auspicious results. The presence o f the S U N i n the Ascendant makes very forceful personalities. A n individual imder this configuration becomes fiery, philosophical, forthright, courageous and does not consider anyone his equal. He mamtains his distance, even from his near and dear ones, but is well respected i n society. H e may become bald. W i t h the M O O N i n the Ascendant the native tends to have a long face and high nex;k. H e enjoys social status, inherits property from his father, and has an imaginative mind. H e is usually powerful and clever in speech. The person can be easily w o n by kind treatment but not easily subdued by force. However, he is subject to mood swings and to being dissatisfied with liis immediate l i v i n g conditions. He may suffer from phlegm (kapha), high cholesterol, and the eruption of boils.

— The First House


With M E R C U R Y here, the native receives support from his spouse and business partners. The state honors h i m , and society respects h i m for his approach to life, social behavior and righteous conduct. He has a good command o f the spoken and written word. H i s personal life and family relationships w i l l be harmonious. V E N U S also gives favorable results i n thus position. Under its impact, the individual is adored for his good qualities. H e usually has a charming face, many friends, and devotes quality time to his family. However, he may encoimter difficulties i n married life and impediments i n everyday living. M A R S rising i n Sagittarius shapes an individual who is leamed in technology and military sciences. There may be danger from poison, machinery and travel. The person gains renown and wealth, especially from overseas. H e w i l l be given special consideration and regard from the state and may even be i n the diplomatic service. There may, however, be a strain on his marriage. W i t h J U P I T E R i n the Ascendant, the native becomes respected, regal, greatly honored, an intellectual leader and leamed among men. H i s soul is highly evolved; he is a righteous man; a saint among the people. He w i l l inspire others to righteous action and there w i l l be a g l o w on his face. He w i l l attain wealth, but his heart w i l l always be with the people. S A T U R N bestows material wealih here. The person becomes a civic leader among the people with w h o m he dwells. H e is wealthy, ha'; a good spouse, resides i n a spacious home, and is generally happy i n the latter part of his life. Psychologically, he feels he is playing a role i n the drama of life: there may be an astonishing detachment. R A H U i n the Ascendant can inspire the individual to believe i n or propound unethical ideas. Such a person indulges i n mean social conduct and at worst may become a d m g addict. W i t h K E T U here, there is a tendency to disobey moral laws and to seem deranged. The person may suffer from ailments w h i c h medicine caimot cure. CAPRICORN

A C a p r i c o m Ascendant is usually tall and well-built, but the lower part of the body tends to be lean and weak. H e is enthusiastic and persevering, but his tendency to fall prey to melancholia is quite pronounced. He is ouUpoken even if his words hurt others; and he is, at worst, suspicious, mean, cowardly, and egotistical. H e is always prepared to take revenge on those who harm him. H e is hard-headed i n his social relationships. Some contradictions exist i n his character: he is basically material


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

minded, judging his achievements i n tenns of wealth, status, and popularity; yet he is also god fearing, careful i n his words and deeds (despite his outspoken nature). W h e n given the opportunity to imdertake spiritual studies and practices, and when the planetary configurations are favorable in this regard, the individual may rise quite high i n that field. The possibility of his becoming an occultist is great. H e is likely to be afflicted by phlegm (khapa) and w i n d (vata) disorders. W h e n the S U N occupies the Ascendant it can make the native mean and dishonest; he neither realizes the true significance o f his actions nor accepts the meaimess o f his behavior. H e is poor, works for others, and w i l l be very avaricious. H e wanders, is unsetded, and moves from one place to another i n search o f greener pastures. Such a person never reveals his plans and programs to others. H e is essentially secretive, and even in married life complete trust and mutual understanding w i l l be lacking. The M O O N further intensifies materialistic tendencies. This native attracts a beautiful spouse, but whether he remains contented with marriage is difficult to predict; he could become more interested i n illicit liaisons. H e is lonely so often that nothing sustains h i m for long: he needs constant psychological support. M E R C U R Y i n Capricorn i n the Ascendant is not totally adverse. Spiritual proclivities are always possible imder this influence. It may bring poverty, make h i m w o r k for odiers and incur fmancial problems, but it w i l l also bring h i m into contact with thoughtful and influential people who help h i m i n extraordinary ways. Intellectually he possesses a deep insight into human character and motivation. Leaning toward physical weakness, he is often unable to establish a successful sexual rapport with his spouse. V E N U S w i l l seem to promise material prosperity, but the results w i l l fall short o f expectation. The individual w i l l possess artistic talents, have a good education, and enjoy the company o f respectable people. But his interest i n sex may be exaggerated and he could lean towards compulsive expressions o f promiscuity. M A R S i n Capricorn natives are exceptionally important people. B o m under this planetary placement i n the Ascendant are leaders o f the community w h o have certain spiritual goals to achieve and new areas of human experience to explore. Such a person is regal i n his appearance, invincible in his onslaught, conunanding i n his approach, and full o f energy and warmth i n his behavior. H e is always victorious. H e enjoys the confidences o f his followers and remains active until the end o f his life. Such an individual is b o m to lead and i n the pursuit o f his objective even martyrdom is no sacrifice.

— The First House—


JUPFfER is debilitated i n Capricx)m and its impact is adverse, making the individual miserable i n many ways. H e displays immense fortitude and tremendous forbearance, but there are breaks i n his education, imhappiness i n his relationships, and a lack of wealth or social status. Such a person w i l l be a wanderer, filled with anxiety even when he wins acclaim for his wisdom i n foreign lands. A n individual with SATURN rising i n C a p r i c o m is exceptionally evolved, but his uniqueness is not expressed i n terms o f Martian courage or victory over his enemies. Satum gives matured dispassion and enlightenment leading to liberation. A person b o m imder the influence o f such a Satum is certainly wealthy and leads society i n some w a y . H i s primary spirit manifests through his complete abandonment o f the material conveniences o f life. H e is not concemed about his outer expression or the way he looks; instead he is very particular about the quality o f his thinking and the impression he makes upon the society i n w h i c h he resides. Sex can be his greatest weakness and he is often attracted to an older, unloved or rejected partner. R A H U i n the Ascendant burdens the native w i t h family responsibilities and depression. H e may also suffer from sldn diseases. W i t h K E T U . i n diis position, there is a tendency to become melancholic. However, the native w i l l gain opportunities to develop his psychic faculties. Whenever a lunar node rises i n C a p r i c o m , the native is deprived of a happy marriage.

AQUARIUS A n Aquarian is generally an evolved individual whose sufferings and difficulties are extremely karmic and aimed at teaching powerful lessons. The person has an imposing personality, though he may lack physical beauty. H e is very keen to establish an empathic relationship w i t h others, and eager to comprehend the laws o f nature w h i c h control and guide the universe. Unless the higher aspect o f his personality opens up for h i m , he is both materialistic and miserable. A person who has Aquarius rising usually cotisiders himself unfortunate and deprived o f the good things i n life, or as a chosen one sent to the w o r l d to discharge a spiritual mission. B e i n g primarily unsturdy and windy (vata) i n constitution, he often suffers from headaches and stomach aihnente. The S U N is not helpful when rising i n Aquarius. The loss of self-respect is so complete that the mdividual can stoop to any degree o f meanness, engage i n an ignoble profession, and behave i n the most atrocious maimer.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

The M O O N i n this position can give worse results. Its native is usually tall, has a long neck, is hard hearted, adulterous, and covetous o f other people's wealth. H e often suffers from pectmiary losses and engages in imdesirable activities. H e may be scandalized and persecuted. M E R C U R Y is not favorable here either. The person has a sharp intellect but he uses his cleverness i n questionable dealings; he can be so psychic that he controls the minds o f others. But he usually spends his life working in servitude and does not possess enough vitality to discharge his o w n individual responsibilities. V E N U S , on the other hand, is auspicious here and enables people to gain wealth and status i n life. This native is attractive but is usually licentious i n a relationship. M A R S i n the Ascendant introduces certain contradictions. A n individual under its impact aspires to achieve great heights i n life, but circumstances always pull h i m down. Naturally, there is mental turmoil and psychological tension w h i c h can lead to high blood pressure and depression. H e possesses a sharp intellect which he is unable to utilize in a positive way. Often he becomes poor, loses status in society, wanders from place to place, and leads a frustrated life. J U P I T E R bestows the native with wealth, intellect and an interest in ethical l i v i n g — but the environment i n w h i c h he exists is very antagonistic. A l t h o u g h he may have an efficient spouse and intelligent children, he suffers through cycles o f financial losses. He is prone to dental diseases and stomach aibnents. S A T U R N ' S influence i n the Ascendant is powerful: it raises the individual's status and makes h i m a leader of men. A person with this planetary placement tends to be unique in his attitude, unconventional, and disapproving o f established tradition. But he can carry his bohemian proclivities to dangerous extremes. R A H U also gives undesirable results, shaping an individual who is thoroughly materialistic. He suffers from serious bouts o f depression, leans towards substance abuse, has high blood pressure, and may even become suicidal. K E T U leads to perversity but makes its native psychic; such a person often dabbles i n black magic. PISCES

Pisces as the Ascendant creates a bridge through which celestial benediction flows to the individual thus blessed and impels h i m to do good for humanity. In fact, unless this is his life's pursuit, he seems miserable and mentally disturbed. He faces many difficulties during his childhood

— The First House —


and adult years. But fortune smiles on h i m i n old age and a glow of satisfaction and maturity radiates from his face. Generally speaking, he is healthy, leamed, respected in society, and sympathetic to his associates and relations. H i s marriage partner is usually clever and tactful, but he enjoys other clandestine relationships. H i s status is high and people look to him for advice and guidance. H i s vitality may n m l o w , he may have eye trouble, and his sources of income are not always legitimate. When the S U N is in the Ascendant, the native can be tormented by his o w n relations, but is adored by the opposite sex. He is often imlucky, poor, indigent, and himiiliated. He is able to gain from maritime products. The M O O N provides an auspicious influence. This individual is happy, his emotions are tranquil, he is leamed, and he attains his composure and stability. Family relations are harmonious and life itself progresses honorably. The person possesses great beauty and has lovely eyes and a fair complexion. He enjoys "hidden treasures," attractive partners and receives a good education. W i t h M E R C U R Y in the Ascendant, an individual has enhanced skills in various crafts; his property grows i n value, and his spouse cooperates with h i m in his endeavors. He may become a skilled negotiator or eminent diplomat. V E N U S is exalted i n Pisces in the Ascendant, and the iimer glow, vitality and maturity of the native is of the highest order. H i s life is graceful and he is fond of the opposite sex. H e sometimes becomes entangled in secret relationships that he may find hard to share with others. But even these secrets may ultimately lead to a unique social position. He is greatly honored by the state and becomes wealthy, respected, and very eminent. M A R S i n the same position shapes an individual who is fearless, wealthy, religious and devoted to a higher cause. H e also attains honor from the state. Whatever happens to h i m is primarily the result of his own efforts; he believes i n eaming his o w n bread and building his o w n castle. However, he often becomes cruel, dull-witted, licentious, or shortsighted. When J U P I T E R is in Pisces i n the Ascendant, the native possesses the soul of a sage and has taken an incarnation once again to give a new direction to society. He is regal in appearance, devoted i n his attitude, god-fearing by disposition, and exceptionally leamed and wise. H e w i l l possess immense wealth, be imiversally respected, and attain high status. He enjoys "the good life," and thus finds himself in compromising situations. S A T U R N i n Pisces is not very desirable. A n individual|f with this planetary position is trusted by the government and possesses sound


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

physical and mental health. H i s o l d age is peaceful, contented, and renowned, and he achieves success abroad. Unforttmately, the spiritual unfoldment o f the individual does not receive much impetus. The disillusioimient he sometimes feels with life and career does not bestow spiritual insight. It simply introduces an element of frustration. He feels disenchanted yet caimot see the hidden spiritual reality i n things. He sometimes becomes religious, but i n a conventional way and with an eye for personal gain; and therefore esoteric w i s d o m eludes him. W h e n R A H U occupies this position, the individual tends to become godly and religious, but lonely. Under the impact of K E T U , the native becomes philosophical, contemplative, and engages i n metaphysical speculation. Towards the end o f life he may become reclusive.

The rising signs and planets i n those signs represent important personality factors with regard to the individual concemed. But they are only a part o f the whole. Other planets i n other houses, as w e l l as the aspects involved, must also be taken into account for detailed predictions. Hasty conclusions based on only a few factors w i l l not lead to accurate work.


THE SECOND HOUSE Release of Potential Energy: Wealth, Speech, and Social Relationship The release o f creative potential represented by the Second house has seldom been fully described. In fact, the Second house is very mysterious, and its true meaning can only be defined i n metaphysical terms. Classic astrological texts relate it to death, eyesight, speech, and wealth. In its manifestative process, creative energy assinnes various forms. The primordial energy i n its latency was defined i n Volume I as the Sea of Immutability which contains within itself every subsequent stage of manifestation; it contains cause as well as effect. Speech and eyesight are both manifestations o f creative power. They do not always operate at the purely physical level, but produce results i n supraphysical realms by transmitting the w i l l of the originator. Clairvoyant seers apprehend the conditions of past lives through the aid o f these characteristics. Speech and eyesight are very creative, and are also related to the primordial essence of the individual. A similar importance can be attached to wealth. The churning of the ocean allegory which narrates the emergence o f creative causative factors mentions precious jewels as well as L a k s h m i , the consort o f Vishnu, emerging from the ocean. Symbolically, these stand for different kinds of wealth. In a Second house context, the word wealth is used i n a special sense. Astrologically, other houses such as the Fourth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh are also associated with wealth, the specific nuances o f which must be clearly understood i n order to appreciate the goddess L a k s h m i as an embodiment o f creative potential. The goddess is not related to one's salary and income so much as the general affluence that one enjoys. Precious stones and metals are i n a different category and thus are mentioned separately i n the churning allegory. They are among the various things attributed to the Second house. L a k s h m i represents the money power which controls the strings of social and political management. One's ability to possess such power and to wield it effectively depends upon the duration o f one's existence i n this mortal world. Thus longevity, whose converse is death, becomes important i n the external-


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

ization process of the creative energies. The five important aspects of the Second house, i.e. wealth, family relations, speech, eyesight, and death, are all expressions of the potential energy which lies at the eternal core of die individual being and w h i c h , under favorable influences, is articulated in a multiplicity of forms. The Cardinal houses and the houses represented by the Spiritual Triangle, mentioned i n Volume I, are important contributors to the formation of favorable influences and helpful opportunities for the individual. When the Sea o f Immutability is churned, it brings forth the elements of life which make for pleasure and enjoyment. Such favorable influences arise when the lord of the Second house either occupies its own sign in that or i n the First, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth, Fifth or Ninth. Affluent and favorable conditions arise according to the symbolism'of the houses or planets involved. But i f the Second house is linkexl with the Sixth, Eighth or Twelfth house or their lords, the individual is denied these helpful influences, thus leading to impoverislmient. Similar results accrue under the impact of benefic and malefic planets. A benefic planet occupying the House o f Affluence w i l l be conducive to the production o f enjoyable conditions i n life while malefics create disturbing situations. In this regard, Jupiter is exceptionally auspicious: under its influence, the individual's life is linked with the eternal treasure house, making his physical existence extremely pleasant, with healtliy sense organs. One o f the special qualities of Mars is that it chums up the past and externalizes that which lies within. In the event of meritorious deeds already present to the credit of the individual, its presence in tlie Second house w i l l externalize them for his benefit. W i t h Jupiter conjunct Mars, the Second house provider an enviable status. In fact, the lord of the Second house is so much attuned to providing affluent conditions diat any favorable placement arouses its eagerness to make the person happy. The Eleventh house is concemed with producing income; under the impact of this house, the inflow of money to tlie individual mcreases. The combination of the lords o f the Second and Eleventh houses, the occupancy of their lords in any of these houses, or their placement in the quadrants or trines is very auspicious for making the individual unusually wealthy. If there is any aspect of Jupiter or Venus in such configurations, the flow becomes a torrent. The affluence of tlie individual depends primarily on the disposition of the Second house lord, its association with or aspect from Jupiier and Venus, and its relationship with the quadrants and trines. Malefic planetary influences and as.sociation with the Sixdi, Eighth and Twelfth houses or tlieir lords w i l l restrict one's affluence.

— The Second House —


Generally speaking, tiie S U N functions like a malefic i n this house. The individual should be prepared for the annihilation o f every material comfort: he may have intellectual difficulties, be isolated from his friends, bereft of a good car, prone to suffer from eye and mouth diseases, and often in trouble with the govenmient. When aspected by Satum, the Sun causes acute suffering and the individual may even become indigent, lacking the basic necessities o f life. Instead o f drawing physical affluence to the individual, these planets i n combination draw riches away. A strong M O O N casts its spell i n bringing forth the treasures o f the deep to make the life of the individual enjoyable. The M o o n is not averse to sensual enjoyments; when its influence is favorable one can expect much gold and silver. The native w i l l be honored by the state, surrounded by an affectionate family, and blessed with sweet and courteous language. Nevertheless, there may be some dissatisfaction o f heart. T h i s liinar configuration may have an adverse impact on the wealth o f the individual's sisters and daughters. W ^ e n the M o o n is weak, it leads to stammering, dullness, and sometimes even loss o f wealth. In association with Mars, the M o o n produces skin diseases, and Mercury aspecting the Moon leads to some loss of wealth. M E R C U R Y by itself produces leaming, conmiand o f language, sweetness of tongue, and honorable surroimdings and relations. Often it happens that lost wealth is gained again under the impact of Mercury; the wealth is regained by one's o w n efforts and often as a result of one's leaming and educational abilities. V E N U S in the Second harmonizes well with the basic meaning of tlie house. It enables the individual to delve deep into the mysteries of wisdom; it makes his speech sonorous and pleasing. H e w i l l be fond of good food and acquire money and status through marriage. The association or aspect o f the M o o n on Venus is bad for eyesight and for family relations. M A R S i n association with the lord of the Second house in auspicious houses produces favorable results but by itself in the Second, and especially without strength, it can be quite destructive. Under such a configuration, the individual may be c m e l , indigent, devoid of intelligence, and extravagant; he uses harsh words, indulges i n sex and gambling, and always quarrels witli his relations, but he gains money through agriculture and trade. In the event of its being either in exaltation or in its o w n sign, Mars makes the individual leamed, especially in the military sciences, agriculture, or technology. 'ITie individual also possesses good eyesight. The influence of JUPITER depends upon its strength and associations. By itself Jupiter produces auspicious results in the Second house, enabling

— Planets in the Signs and Houses —


the individual to enjoy respectability, culture, social prestige, renown and wealth. B u t a debilitated Jupiter loses its auspicious natiu-e and begins directing the individual towards gambling, alcoholism and debauchery. Aspected by Mercury, the inherent hostility between these two planets is activated so as to make Jupiter produce indigence. S A T U R N has a very undesirable impact i n the Second: when it is afflicted, the individual indulges i n dishonorable dealings, is cruel, bereft of family relations, without a house of his o w n , and i n trouble with the authorities. There is, however, some likelihood of his acquiring money through the steel or lumber industries. Aspected by Mercury, Satum can make the individual very wealthy through uascmpulous methods. Towards the end the native w i l l be abandoned by his brothers, entangled in shady dealings, and suffering from mental distress. The Nodes i n the Second house create very difficult conditions. W i t h R A H U here, the individual may stammer, become separated from his near and dear ones, and is usually poor. H e becomes a purveyor o f fish, flesh, skins, nails, and products w h i c h require a coarse heart and m i n d to w o r k with. W h e n K E T U occupies this house, the inner bemg of the individual may become depraved and conceited; he may be foimd engaged i n activities w h i c h relate to theft, murder, burial grounds and scandals. ARIES

A r i e s gives special results i n the Second house: the native looks at the w o r l d from a new viewpoint and evaluates social status, affluence, and human relationships from an original and unique standpoint. H e does not feel envious o f those w h o have them, but discharges his o w n obligations w i t h whatever he possesses. Though he may not possess much, he is contented with what he has. The S U N , being strong i n this sign, is absolved from the malefic influence it w o u l d otherwise possess. There w i l l be no defect o f eyesight, nor any lack o f social status. People w i l l want to gain this individual's attention, and his speech w i l l be commanding; people w i l l automatically obey h i m . W i t h the M O O N i n this position, the individual may not possess much wealth and his education may be impeded, but he w i l l have to support a


The above references to flesh and fish as indicative of a coarse spirit, or the reference to burial grounds, reflects Hindu rather than Western society. The student should remember that astrological indications are modified by the type of society in which one lives.

— The Second House —


large family nevertheless. The feeling of helplessness w l i i c h arises due to a shortage of money vi-ill not sour his social respectability. H e w i l l enjoy a status w h i c h w i l l not depend upon material possessions: his empathy for others w i l l make h i m honorable and respected. M E R C U R Y i n the Second house i n Aries w i l l introduce an element of deception into one's social relations. Even when tlie individual is not rich, he w i l l give the impression of affluence. H i s speech w i l l be deceptive, equivocal, and often critical, tliough very polished. Over a period o f time, his deceptions w i l l be exposed and he may be abandoned by his friends. He w i l l violate the trust placed i n h i m by those friends and take liberties with their spouses. He w i l l acquire some wealth from marriage. V E N U S , normally a very auspicious planet i n the Second house, loses much o f its benefic impact in Aries. A n individual with such a position of Venus seldom feels much gusto for undertaking any new initiative; his interest i n his relations is also much reduced. H e begins to covet other people's wealth and marriage partners. M A R S makes the individual sexually lusty and gives h i m warm feelings for his relations; his speech is penetrating, without any weakness in it, and he acquires much wealtli through his o w n efforts. H e gains no happiness from his children, but his personal health is very soimd. J U P I T E R i n Aries i n the Second house produces much wealth, a very extensive social circle, and sound health. Such an individual w i l l be exceptionally rich and very much honored. H i s speech w i l l be impressive and his advice much valued. H i s longevity w i l l be good and the last phase of life w i l l be devoted to religious practices. S A T U R N i n a similar position reduces the life o f the person at worst, makes h i m miserly, interested i n black magic, and prone to feel tmattractive. H i s speech w i l l be coarse and he may often be imtruthful. H e may even engage i n theft. W i t h R A H U , the individual suffeis from mouth and speech diseases, but he w i l l acquire wealth by surreptitiotjs means and may live long. K E T U , i f afflicted, w i l l give a hoarse voice, defective vision, and a sinister look. TAURUS

W h e n Taunis occupies the Second house, the individual is invariably attracted to material wealth. Such a person has a great thirst for acquiring precious things; though he knows die futility o f material possessions, the lust for them remains imcontrolled. H e may speak i n the language o f spirituality, but ordy when it aids i n the achievement o f hLs worldly goals.


Planets in the Signs and Houses —

The S U N i n Taurus i n the Second house adds an unusual dimension to life. Spiritual opportunities fail to arise for such a person, but he is provided with material affluence, renown, and honorable status — but without a spiritual core, these things do not satisfy the cravings of his heart. W i t h the M O O N in that situation, the veil of illusion is cast over the person's life, engrossing h i m in those objects of sensual pleasiu-e which are coveted in the physical world. But the M o o n in the Second house also makes the individual happy and satisfied with his wealth, status, property and sense o f well-being. M E R C U R Y w i l l elevate the native's social status; and his physical surroundings w i l l be comfortable, yet he cannot be considered happy. H i s health w i l l be weak. H e may travel frequently in cotmection with his work, but his wealth and property w i l l not be commensurate with tlie amount of effort he expends. A b o v e all he w i l l fmd it difficult to accumulate property. Hostility and possible litigation frequently pester h i m . V E N U S in this position throws open the floodgate of the past fruits of one's meritorious deeds. There w i l l be hardly anything in life that such a person w i l l lack; his spouse w i l l be an asset to h i m . The possibility of diseases resulting from such an indulgent life, however, is high. M A R S w i l l produce wealth, landed property, and tremendous energy along with a tendency to accidents and an intense ambition; there may be occasional troublesome situations. In spile of the high status of the individual, he w i l l find it difficult to accumulate wealth and money, and even his excellent education w i l l not eliminate his larcenous tendencies. His longevity is curtailed and his speech is rude and impolite. J U P I T E R i n this house w i l l make the person rich, well-placed in life, religious and righteous, but he w i l l not be entirely free from social and physical difficulties. WTien S A T U R N occupies Taurus in the Second house, it w i l l certainly produce wealth, but the means of its acquisition may not be honorable. Health-wise, the individual w i l l have much endurance, but speech impediments and eye diseases caimot be ruled out. There w i l l also be some loss of landed property and a favorable relationship with the mother should not be expected. R A H U intensifies the kinds of trouble produced by Satum and may result in diseases which are very malignant. K E T U destroys all pleasurable or sensuous excitement, thus inducing tills planet's typical desire for spirituality.

— The Second House —



G e m i n i is favorable in the Second house. Though the vitality of the native may be low, his sj>eech w i l l be diplomatic and ambiguous, susceptible to numerous interpretations. The S U N w i l l lead to the accumulation of property, but the process w i l l not be satisfying. The M O O N w i l l not be helpful, making the native's income fluctuate and become subject to dispute and partition. W i t h M E R C U R Y here, the basic qualities of the sign are greatly enhanced. Under its impact, the person becomes wealtliy, eaming his money from authorship, business, or trade. H e w i l l have intelligent children. V E N U S w i l l make one's speech pleasant and one's wealth substantial, but litigation regarding property is possible. With M A R S here, the individual w i l l have virility but no children. He may acquire property through marriage and overseas, but w i l l be impulsively extravagant; his speech w i l l be abrupt and liable to provoke otliers. J U P I T E R w i l l give respectability, a grave voice and an impressive tone, but the individual w i l l be far from happy. H e w i l l be surrounded by hostile influences, w i l l suffer from i l l health and from disturbances in his career. * 2 S A T U R N , being a dispositor of wealth for this sign, w i l l enable the individual to acquire wealth and property, but they w i l l not be durable. R A H U i n tliis position w i l l enable die native to acquire a great deal of money, but it w i l l also cause family trouble. K E T U makes the native a bit w i l d ; he w i l l make and spend his money in unconventional ways, and w i l l be exceedingly idealistic i n his family relationships. CANCER

Cancer in the Second house w i l l make the native's maimer of speech very emotional, and w i l l cause fluctuations in his family relationships and financial status. The S U N i n tliis position leads to family bickering. The

M O O N w i l l produce such a such a soothing voice that the

mdividual with this placement may become a master of words or literature, with great command i n either writing or speech. He w i l l be wealdiy


If Gemini is the Second house, Aquarius will be the Tenth house. The Tenth is a house of wealth (artha) and Aquarius is ruled by Satum; hence Satum is a dispositor of wealth for such an individual.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

and respectable. H i s greatest trials w i l l arise from poor health, variable fortunes, and shifting popularity. H e may be defective m some limb. Egotistical i n temperament, attractive to the opposite sex, honored by intellectuals, and possessing a great deal o f property, the individual with this M E R C U R Y position should be careful about health. V E N U S w i l l produce excellent material results. The person under its impact w i l l be leamed, musical, talented i n tlie fine arts, and wealthy; he w i l l acquire property through his o w n efforts, possibly i n a foreign land. M A R S is not a killer for this sign i n the Second house, but it creates havoc nevertheless: it may destroy tlie person's peace o f mind, incite his children against h i m , inflict injuries and even produce physical disabilities. Such a person w i l l have many competitors. J U P I T E R here w i l l make the individual fabulously rich, almost equal to a k i n g ; the demeanor o f die person — including his gait, speech and social relationships — w i l l be regal. H i s spouse w i l l be a source o f much inspiration and marriage w i l l enhance his status. H e w i l l enjoy profitable partnerships i n business and trade. Towards the latter part of his life, such a person's affluence reaches its peak. S A T U R N gives mixed results. Under its impact, the individual may be leamed but a thief, rich but miserly, and w i l l suffer from diseases related to the rectum and the urinary tract. R A H U is not w e l l placed here; at its worst it may make the individual indulge i n surreptitious practices, tell lies, feel depressed and complain constantly about his finances. H e w i l l use foul language. K E T U imder similar conditions may produce some kind o f mental imbalance and incoherence i n speech. LEO

Something extraordinary happens to the individual with L e o in his Second house. Whether he has financial support or not is unimportant: what is o f significance is that he never feels constrained i n his activities due to financial restrictions. H e embarks upon enterprises for which he may not have adequate resources, but i n the end he w i l l complete the program with admirable results. H e earns his o w n money and hates to seek support from others. H i s language is balanced, careful, and geared to some predetermined effect. W i t h the S U N i n the Second house, these traits are very much accentuated. Such an individual is a reliable support for his family. H i s voice w i l l be forthright and he w i l l have keen eyesight. H i s longevity w i l l be good.

— The Second House —


With a strong M O O N i n this sign, the individual becomes wealthy, religious, and a master o f pleasant conversation. H e earns money from trade or on the stock exchange. H e has a long life but is surroimded by people of dubious character. M E R C U R Y w i l l make a skilled conversationalist, engaged i n authorship or commerce. H e may be god-fearing, but w i l l lose m u c h money. V E N U S w i l l produce very satisfying conditions o f affluence. There w i l l be much property, a regular flow o f income, pleasant company, and a respectable social status. There w i l l , however, be some aloofness. Restlessness, impulsiveness, independence, and a meticulous avoidance of hypocrisy w i l l characterize the person with M A R S i n the Second house i n Leo. H e w i l l receive huge sums o f money i n sports, and his m i n d w i l l be very sharp when it comes to mechanical and technological subjects. H e w i l l be a reliable friend and a helpful relation, but w i l l experience sorrow from his children. J U P I T E R i n the Second house is auspicious: it produces wealth, respectability, social status, powerful creative potential, wise behavior and great care i n dealing w i d i otliers. A n y o n e having such a combination, however, w i l l be confronted by hostile forces i n life and w i l l suffer from some chronic illness. H e w i l l experience difficulties i n accumulating money, tiiough he w i l l never face a real shortage i n this regard. W h e n S A T U R N occupies L e o i n the Second house, the individual faces financial hardship. H i s m i n d becomes irritable and his relations part company with hun. H e may suffer from speech problems or poor eyesight. Satum can inflict serious mortal blows. R A H U w i l l make the individual seek favors from his relations. H e may suffer from diseases such as tuberculosis. K E T U shapes the k i n d of philosopher who propounds Utopian theories of social relationship while grumbling that his financial and social status is inferior to what it should be. Aspects from Jupiter to these malefics w i l l often improve dieir results radically.


The individual becomes expert i n financial transactions i f V i r g o occupies the Second house. H e w i l l be self-respecting, and may often boast o f his financial stability i n a subtle manner. It is doubtful that he w i l l succeed i n accumulating a huge bank balance, though financial problems w i l l never hinder his work. H e w i l l pride himself o n his ability to support his family, though his means w i l l usually be quite modest. Occasionally he w i l l suffer from overstrain and nervous exhaustion.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

The S U N provides respectability, wealth, long life, and support to family members. Such a person becomes a leader in his community. The M O O N i n V i r g o produces clever people skilled i n writing, persuasive i n conversation and logic, wise, religious, but prone to suffer on accoimt o f imbridled expenses and to grow miserly i n consequence. W h e n M E R C U R Y occupies V i r g o i n the Second house, the individual becomes a very successful businessman, acquiring money through trade and commerce; i f he takes up writing he may succeed even in this difficult profession, because his words have an appeal w h i c h readers w i l l find hard to resist. H e w i l l possess extreme diplomatic skill. W h e n V E N U S occupies this position, wealth accrues through public relations jobs. Such a planetary position makes the person extremely interested i n h i m ^ n relationships; he becomes well-coimected through his relations. H i s speech is very pleasant. However, he lacks initiative and spends his time i n wasteful activities. M A R S imparts a sense o f direction, an urge to extend one's empire, a desire to live righteously, and s k i l l i n cooperative activities. A person w i d i M a r s i n the Second house i n V i r g o may be impulsive and impatient in speech and action, but never dishonest or insincere. JUPrrER here w i l l make the person leamed and wise, but it w i l l not enable h i m to amass much wealth. H e w i l l gain through honest activities, but there w i l l be persons who w i l l slander him. H e w i l l suffer at the hands o f relations and friends. W i t h S A T U R N i n V i r g o in the Second, the individual may succeed in acciunulating wealtli, but there w i l l be a lack of ethics in his professional dealings and relationships. H i s spouse w i l l be an asset i n assisting h i m to acquire wealth but people w i l l not rate h i m high as a social companion. R A H U w i l l make the individual suffer much, especially from illness, if afflicted. K E T U w i l l provide the native with very original ideas — which, however, he cannot consolidate or compile. LIBRA

L i b r a i n the Second house produces an individual who is very meticulous about the cash he acquires: he avoids "tainted" money. He works w i t h diligence and scrapulousness, though he may secretly covet the wealth and affluence o f others. H e tries to be meek, and wants to be k n o w n as a very honest person. Such a person may often gain through resources hidden inside the earth: agriculture, mining and quarrying. H e is usaally very greedy, but strives to hide his greed.

— The Second House —


The S U N m this sign and house is quite adverse. The individual is often devoid o f leaming and proper judgment; his demeanor is ungraceful, his speech is bitmg, his eyesight defective, and he is both miserly and indigent. If the M O O N is strong here, the individual may acquire wealth and the comforts of life; his speech w i l l also be pleasant. M E R C U R Y makes the individual leamed and renowned for his intelligence, diplomacy, and authorship. Such a person is very calculating in financial affairs: he is an excellent investor who leans toward blue chips. V E N U S in this position enables the native to acquire considerable wealth. A n y association of Venus with Mercury results i n much affluence, but Venus also inflicts death. M A R S is not favorable here. It destroys the harmony o f family life and makes one's speech impolite, greedy, and confused. The individual w i l l have to work very hard in order to acquire a satisfactory financial position. H i s actions, esjjecially regarding money matters, w i l l often be misconstrued. When J U P I T E R occupies this position, it enables the individual to attain social status but does not lead to secured fmancial stability. There will be something impleasant about the native's family relationships which he w i l l not want to admit to in public. In spite of his many pleasant traits, most people w i l l stay away from h i m . S A T U R N in Libra in the Second w i l l also enable the individual to attain social status, but he w i l l be indigent, miserly, and without much money in the bank. He w i l l be talkative, with the polemical abilities w h i c h make a good trade union leader. R A H U may destroy any pleasant experience for the individual and he could develop a repulsion for die comforts of life even as he paradoxically hungers for them. Such disillusionment with the material world may, at best, instill spiritual yearnings. K E T U may persuade the individual to dabble i n black magic and w i l l lend an unusual quality to his appearance. SCORPIO

A mystical aura surrounds Scorpio i n the Second house. Scorpio requires a metaphysical approach in order to be interpreted properly. In the Second house, this sign links the individual with his innermost core, wherefrom arises an extraordmary power which elevates the individual to a higher plane. He derives his energy not from the social status he enjoys or the amoimt of money he possesses, for there is a concern for spirituality in his acquisition of wealth and status as well as the tenor of his human


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

relationships. H i s speech w i l l have a unique quality which draws people near h i m , but he may leave life behind h i m with unexpected suddermess. The S U N i n Scorpio i n the Second house is very disturbing and may put a stop to ahnost every source o f material prosperity. The limited amoimt o f money the individual may secure as capital w i l l not enable hun to enjoy the same. H e may become a miser, even trying to appropriate odier people's money; he may be diseased, suffering from several ailments and unable to enjoy good food. He is often unhappy. W i t h the M O O N i n this position diere is better fortune, despite the fact that this is the M o o n ' s debilitation sign. The person may be able to save some money and gain some property; ordinarily he w i l l be pleasant to others and devote time and money to his family. M E R C U R Y w i l l make the individual leamed, a capable speaker, skilled author and efficient businessman. H e is likely to liave great success overseas; i f he engages i n intemational trade, he w i l l make money. H i s longevity, however, may be harmed; he may have frequent bouts of serious illness w h i c h sap his vitahty. V E N U S w i l l bestow much money and make the individual a pleasant companion, articulate i n speech and polished i n maimers, but he w i l l have many secret dealings. W h e n M A R S occupies Scorpio i n the Second house, the individual is under the control of his spouse. H e may eam money, but his marriage partner w i l l spend it. The individual w i l l devote time to mystical pursuits and succeed i n imderstanding the mysteries o f nature. J U P I T E R i n the Second house i n Scorpio w i l l enable the individual to secure good professional status, but there w i l l be many who are hostile to him; tliey w i l l create problems for him. H e w i l l succeed i n accumulatmg money otdy with great difficulty. S A T U R N w i l l secure a very high s o c i i l status and an extraordinary intellectual capacity, but these w i l l fail to bestow a peaceful heart or pleasant associations. The native w i l l always be short o f money and thus miserly. R A I I U may cause speech defects, unpleasant surroundings, and i m healthfid family relations; i n other words, it makes Second house matters difficuk. K E T U , i n contrast to Rahu, w i l l bestow powerful but mysterious achievements based o n the individual's unusual ability to deal with people.

— The Second House —



Sagittariiis as the sign occupying the Second house enables the person to make very ethical use of his wealth; he earns his money through considerable effort, accumulates it with patience, and spends it on righteous ends. H i s behavior earns h i m friendship, though people may consider h i m a miser. H i s speech, even when intended to inspire others, w i l l fail to arouse the requisite enthusiasm because it is tinged with selfishness. The powerful nature o f the SUN i n this sign w i l l be expressed through an impressive professional status, much accumulated wealth and property, conmianding speech, and good longevity. The M O O N i n this position w i l l also give auspicious results. The individual w i l l certainly he wealthy and religious i n attitude. There w i l l be an inspiring tone i n his speech and he should also have good eyesight. He w i l l take care o f his family members. M E R C U R Y here w i l l limit one's capacity to accumulate wealth. The nadve w i l l be fond of colorful and fiery speeches, but w i l l accomplish little i n terms o f action. V E N U S w i l l make the individual god-fearing, ediical, and an able speaker, but finances w i l l be limited and whatever exists w i l l be squandered by his spouse. M A R S w i l l enable the individual to accumulate wealth, though w i t h difficulty. He may, however, become famous and loquacious, enjoying a long life and many relatives. If J U P I T E R occupies this position, the auspicious nature o f the planet w i l l make the individual wealthy, socially and professionally prominent, and blessed with a good education and powerful speech. H e w i l l be a connoisseur o f good food. W h e n S A T U R N occupies this position, the individtial may become indigent, coarse i n speech, defective i n limb, and ill-treated by his family. H i s longevity may be curtailed. R A H U may give a speech defect and a desire for extramarital affairs. K E T U often causes the same sort o f problems indicated by Rahii. CAPRICORN

Capricorn i n the Second house does not as a rule belong to wealthy persons — though tmder very favorable planetary configurations one may become rich. The sign usually belongs to one who is either a miser or always constrained by fmancial difficulties. Too many family responsibilities, w h i c h often become a limiting factor i n personality development, are encoimtered by such a person. H e may be rough i n speech.


Planets in the Signs and Houses —

The S U N i n this sign w i l l make the native suffer injuries from animals and reptiles. Questions as to the right or ethical way o f acquiring money w i l l arise i n his m i n d and gready upset his balance, while some k m d of deep-rooted psychological problem may disturb his speech. Humiliation from family members is likely to take place, which may lead h i m towards spirituality. The M O O N w i l l adversely affect the native's longevity, reduce his social status, lead h i m to poverty, and affect his speech. M E R C U R Y is very auspicious i n this position; it makes one's marriage a source o f money, professional preferment, and contact with the influential families o f the country. Once such a person begins to speak, he rarely stops to listen to what others are feeling or saying. V E N U S w i l l bestow everything a materialist can desire: wealth, fami l y , pleasant company, attractive speech and artistic taste. Mars can give leaming i n this sign; it can also make the person very powerful i n demeanor, forceful i n speech, rich i n possessions, and renowned i n a foreign land. J U P I T E R loses its strength i n this sign: it does not produce what it is normally capable of. If S A T U R N occupies this house and sign, much o f its adverse influence is eliminated. The individual becomes rich, religious, and generous. He is, however, covetous o f other people's property. One may be seemingly rich, religious and surroimded by good family relations, but none o f these things are quite real, with a solid foundation. R A H U w i l l make the person unscmpulous i n regard to accumulating wealth, for w h i c h objective the person may stoop to any level of meanness. K E T U may make die person greedy and miserly i f afflicted.

AQUARIUS Aquarius i n the Second house helps the individual to acquire much money. H i s "treasure house" w i l l be filled with art objects; he may be a discriminating collector, through which practice he profits. A man o f few words, more renowned for wealth than generosity, such a person may be unscmpulous i n attaining his objectives. W i t h the S U N i n this sign, the individual w i l l be faced with a severe conflict i n his mind: one side o f his nature w i l l goad h i m to surreptitious activities wWle the other w i l l urge h i m to adopt ethical means. A s a result of the perpetual conflict, he w i l l not succeed in becoming wealthy — though i f the darker side predominates he may gain his possessions by outright dieft.

— Tlie Second House—


The M O O N occupying this sign w i l l destroy the native's finances; he will become a libertine, and thus lose much o f his wealth. H i s family life may be difficult. M E R C U R Y w i l l create a more favorable financial climate, though not without occasional difficulties. It w i l l , however, produce stability of mind, enabling the native to put his speaking talents to some profitable use. In spite of various impediments on the way, he w i l l become renowned and respectable. V E N U S in this sign w i l l produce affluence i n the real sense. Wealth, renown, captivating speech and the pleasant company o f y o i m g women are conmion. M A R S w i l l give wealth and property, but not respectability. The family life of the native w i l l be disturbed, and his children w i l l often be rebellious. J U P I T E R w i l l enable the person to be comfortable with regard to money matters, but it w i l l not produce affluence, nor w i l l it be effective in creating a happy family life. There w i l l be a tone o f gravity and seriousness i n one's voice, but it w i l l lack conviction i n v i e w o f the native's poor financial position. With S A T U R N here, the financial status o f the person w i l l be gready improved. A man o f means he w i l l be, but lacking i n the respectability that Jupiter's influence could produce. H i s longevity w i l l be more satisfactory than his speech. R A H U w i l l be helpful i n seooring a good bank balance, but the native's relationship with others w i l l not be harmonious. H e w i l l regard other people the way a predator regards its prey. K E T U may arouse ethical considerations i n one's himian relationships; such a person may not be rich, but he is a well-meaning and helpful friend when his affection has been won. PISCES

Pisces occupying the Second hotjse activates the iimer depths o f the Sea of Immutability, i.e. the individual's karmic reservoir, i n a way w h i c h produces exceptionally pleasant conditions. The chaimel through w h i c h these karmic treasures are brought to the individual is represented by the lord o f the sign: Jupiter produces its results through righteous l i v i n g , penance and religious observances, education and leaming, devotion to deities, invocation o f higher powers, and respect for parents, teachers, and the elders o f the commimity. Jupiter's influence is also felt through success i n lotteries, legacies and gifts, rewards and honors granted by the government.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

The S U N here accentuates marital difficulties. It w i l l also restrict the flow o f income, but the native w i l l always appear regal nevertheless. The M O O N can make die individual poor and prone to suffer from various diseases. H i s greatest asset w i l l be his composure o f mind and persuasive speech. W h e n M E R C U R Y occupies the Second house i n Pisces, the individual accepts the course o f his life and destiny, though not without some initial resistance. Once he makes his peace with the universe, he is happy, accumulates substantial wealth, receives pleasure from his illustrious and intelligent children, and becomes respected i n leamed societies. H i s speech is very meatiingful, and people gather to hear his discourses. Wheti V E N U S occupies the Second house i n Pisces, the individual speaks simple tmths which penetrate to the very heart o f his listeners. Words spoken imder this impulse reflect the depths of etemal wisdom; they are simple but revolutionary, transforming those who hear, listen to, and contemplate them. The native becomes a leader of men without trying — he is respected even by his adversaries. H e does not restrict himself to his immediate family or circle, but becomes so universalized that he belongs to humanity at large; the world suffers with h i m when he suffers — and physical suffering is often part o f his destiny. It is not the material wealth he commands but the richness of human affection and regard which follows h u n even after his deadi. M A R S w i l l make the individual very material, enjoymg his possessions, status, land, buildings and assets, and increasing his efficiency i n technological and scientific studies. Such an individual w i l l be primarily concemed with his o w n progress and development, which w i l l attain a very high level; his interest i n family relations w i l l be lacking and his speech w i l l be that of a "benevolent dictator." W h e n Pisces occupies the Second house, the individual receives auspicious conditions i n life i n general, but i f J U P I T E R occupies the sign the results are gready amplified. Under this configuration, however, the individual must forego many o f the common pleasures of life. H e may have a large family circle, but he w i l l be denied the satisfaction o f having obedient children, a harmonious marital life, and a smooth course i n his everyday existence. Instead, he w i l l be afflicted by unfriendly criticism, weak health, and a social position which is not i n harmony with his basic temperament. H e w i l l certaitdy be wealthy and able to maintain his composure; his speech w i l l inspire others. S A T U R N i n this position is disturbing: die native misses many of his spiritual opportunities, displeases his family and his associates, and tries to live an isolated life surrounded by his wealth and property. Over time.

— The Second House —


however, he begins to lose them and develops a disillusionment more frustrating dian enlightening. When R A H U occupies this sign, the individual is able to acquire hidden wisdom; a sense o f contentment i n the imderstanding of that wisdom pervades his mental attitude. His voice acquires a calmness which caimot be disturbed by the fleeting successes and failures o f life. Wealth does not seek him, but neither does he seek it. K E T U makes one a truly detached philosopher who cares for neidier material nor spiritual accomplishments.

3 THE THIRD HOUSE Individual Prowess: Valor, Siblings, and Sacred Instructions Representing the penetration of the Divine Subjective Essence into the veil of materialism, the Third house describes a stage in cosmic as well as individual evolution which is full of mysterious significance but extremely difficult to render in purely exoteric astrological terms. Instead of defining the tumultuous conditions which arise from the intermingling of diverse forces and which make of the human individual a bewildered onlooker, the astrological texte have merely pointed to certain aspects of life emerging from this situation like scintilla or sparks from the fire or lightnmg and thunder from the cloud. In the process of piercing through an almost invincible blockade of dark material forces, the human spirit must become a warrior and develop indomitable courage, strength, valor, gallantry and other such qualities. In its downward material progress, the Divine Essence associates itself with a host of worldly factors such as siblings, colleagues, the logical mind or intelligence, the vocal cords which enable us to express our thoughts and experiences, the type of food we eat, the ornaments and articles of apparel we put on, the servants and helpers from whom we receive assistance, and the power to hear or listen which enables us to communicate with our immediate environment. On such an important stage of the soul's growth or pilgrimage away from its celestial home, our Father in Heaven does not leave His child unattended; necessary instructions and advice are arranged for us. A l l these things constitute the necessary base for the materialization of the purely subjective entity. Thus the Third house is part of the THangle of Materiality. While describing the various astrological significations of this house, we will have to rely upon the crude tools of exoteric zodiacal signs and planets, but if the leader attempts to understand thefinerforces impinging upon the incarnate soul, he may be able to appreciate these astrological forces more completely. Here we can only discuss some of the physical characteristics of what is in reality an intensely psychological situation.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

In such a fierce fight, the most important planet is Mars. Its indomitable courage, its restlessness until its goal is achieved, and its tremendous capacity to organize any important campaign for the furtherance of the Divine mission make it admirably suited to play such a powerful role. Any association of Mars with this house is important in a positive way. The Sun will naturally assume a very important role as well, but its lack of adaptability to changing material conditions creates an ambiguity about the nature of its influence. The solar force isolates the warrior from his fellow men, for it bestows upon hiin the inherent greatness of his inner reality, and while he is shining with that dazzling light his associates cannot conceive of any equality with him. Rahu also has a unique position in relation to the Third house. Apart from being the expression of the Law of Karma which sustains the universe, it also represents the churning apparatus necessary for drawing nectar from the Sea of Immutabihty. Having accomplished the churning, and in spite of great opposition by the benevolent powers represented by the gods, Rahu succeeded in achieving his object and becoming immortal. Such a powerful force influencing the Third house is indeed a great help, though its impact has very specific qualities and characteristics. These three planets, namely Mars, the Sun, and Rahu, require the most careful consideration when associated witli the Third house. Generally speaking, the influence of the SUN in this house destroys the harmony natural among siblings, but this happens because the interests of the native have become more universal. He is inore concerned with the welfare of his friends and associates; narrow restrictive considerations involving only the family have been superseded by a wider vision. As far as moral qualities such as diligence, perseverance, forbearance, culture and perfection are concerned, the Sim will express them in abundance. It will also create a distaste for sex in general, though the individual will have a natural attraction to wealthy, cultured partners. Fond of aristocratic living and regal companionship, he will conquer his adversaries easily in any confrontation. The M O O N , being a reflection of the solar impulse, is only superficially different. It also discourages the influence and importance of one's siblings and makes the individual the very incarnation of courage whenever someone creates trouble for him. Otherwise, the native will be a person of few words, concerned with enjoying the good life, spending time with his family, and interested in spiritual matters. M E R C U R Y harmoniously links the individual with his family. Tliere may be some provincialism, and probably a more selfish approach than

— The Third House —


is typical of the more generous solar impulse. Such a person may not truly enjoy life, but he will achieve his objectives one way or the other. Under the influence of V E N U S , the materialistic side of life becomes very evident. The individual is attracted to and involved in the luxuries of life; he gains great satisfaction from wealth, servants, romance, beautiful clothes and big houses. Ideals are not often important. He will be more fond of his sisters than his brothers. He will be rich and have an elegant way with words — even though his words may never express his true inner feelings. He may also suffer from eye and chest troubles or from problems involving the throat. M A R S in the Third house has a special importance. It provides tremendous initiative and courage for imdertaking new and arduous enterprises, but it has an adverse effect on sibling relationships. Physically, it makes the person lean and thin, but with much vitality and strength. When Mars is in its exaltation (Capricorn) it becomes very indulgent and luxury-loving. JUPITER in the Third house may make the person something of a coward, yielding his wealth to his brothers and philosophizing rather than taking action or engaging himself in definite activities. He gets wealth but very often loses it. S A T U R N is destructive to one's siblings and isolates the individual. Nonetheless, he wins a great amount of respect and becomes almost equal to a sovereign. R A H U is also destructive to siblings, but otherwise helpful in enabling the individual to acquire material conveniences. He secures physical comforts, wealth, children, and a good spouse; he has many friends and may acquire expensive cars. K E T U in this house conquers one's enemies, makes the individual quarrelsome, and can bestow upon him much wealth. He has few friends, constant pain in his hands, fear, anxiety, worry and instability. Ketu can give much affluence, but it will not lend peace of mind. These planetary influences are modified in the different signs.

ARIES When Aries occupies the Third house, the individual has religious inclinations and an ethical approach to circumstances. He is keenly interested in new subjects, religious discourses, and meeting saintly persons, but his chief motivation is to undertake challenging jobs. He is datmtless and chivalrous, and therefore honored by the state. The S U N in this sign is exalted, which impels it to genuinely radiant activities. The individual is unique, and attacks life's challenges almost


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

singlehandedly. He has few brothers or companions but a host of employees and perhaps even servants. He keeps company with eminent and powerful persons, is philosophical, intellectual, and honorable. His spouse is generaUy a source of inspiration to him. When the MoON is in this sign, the individual craves group support but is vindictive by nature. He believes in rituals and may often seek answers through the lower manifestations of occultism (black magic, fortune telling, etc.). He feels secure only when his friends and colleagues reassure him and are around him. With MERCXTKY in Aries, the individual seeks out learned company and is fond of travel but loses support from his siblmgs. V E N U S makes the individual keep company widi drunkards and debauchees; he is fond of sensual pleasiu-e and thus unwilling to engage himself in religious pursuits. He is very materialistic but loses much of his wealth. M A R S here makes the individual very opinionated, which alienates him from his siblings and friends. He is wealthy and industrious, but craves money and status more than meritorious deeds. With JUPITER in Aries, the individual spends much of his time in learned company; he is generous and spends money on religious activities. S A T U R N in Aries is debilitated. Consequently, its malefic nature is accentuated. Under its influence, the individual may have more perseverance, but is fond of bad company. He becomes miserly and unbalanced, lacks a good education and is restless. R A H U bestows fortitude. Under its impulse, the person may not enjoy what he has secured but covet that which he does not possess. K E T U shapes a solitary individual with a mind full of ideas which he caimot tring into systematic reality. He can become unbalanced in his thought and behavior if Ketu is afflicted.

TAURUS Taurus shapes a completely different kind of individual. His goal in life is not the search for a new land or a field for chivakous activities; he believes in an easy-going life, in the enjoyment of sensual pleasures and in the socially accepted norms of human existence. He is generous and his patties are well attended. Renowned for his generosity, he is learned and powerful, honored by the state. The S U N in this sig;n makes the individual invincible to those who disagree with him. He prefers to keep his own company, has a sharp mind, and travels widely.

— The Third House —


With the M O O N in Taurus, the individual becomes a nourishing force: he devotes much time to helping and encouraging the people around him, to financing and guiding the activities of his siblings, with whose lives his own is intertwined. He favors the company of younger people and is always willing to spend money on those he loves. He is refined in taste, well-educated, travels with ease, and is respectful to elders. When M E R C U R Y occupies Taunis, the person becomes learned, frequently travels from one place to another, and has so many business associates and friends that he seldom has time for his family. He maintains liaisons with the opposite sex. With V E N U S in Taurus, the libidinous nature of the person is so intense that he may cast aside all responsibilities in order to satisfy his sexual urges. He has a large number of lovers, many of whom cling to him for selfish personal ends. Though refined in taste, artistic in nature, and capable of cultivated behavior in respectable company, he is often accused of indulging in lewd, immoral, and secret activities. M A R S makes the person notoriously indulgent in sensual pleasures and somewhat anti-social as well. Such a person is unmindful of his expenditines, and though he may attain great social status and professional success, he creates problems for his siblings and friends. JUPITER shapes a family-oriented individual. Fulfilling obligations is often more important to him than pursuing his own betterment. S A T U R N can bring undesirable company, selfish siblings, and a self-centered attitude towards life. The person becomes a miser but he attains a respectable professional position and acquires wealth as well. R A H U makes the personality strong, but that strength is often directed towards evil designs. The attainment of one's personal desires, especially those of a sensual or material nature, is more important than working for religious causes. Nevertheless, the native does know the difference between right and wrong. K E T U shapes a native who often remains isolated, immersed in his own thoughts, but when it occupies Taurus it becomes truly difficult, shuiming all respectable company. The individual is lonely, craving love and affection which he is unable to secure; he favors alternative expressions of sexuality and is much disliked by others.

GEMINI Gemini occupying the Third house enables the individual to possess the best cars or other vehicles. He is fond of his family and has "the gift of gab." In problems requiring legal intelligence, his advice can be of great assistance. He is religious and understands the inner significance of


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

rituals. He is held in high esteem among his family members and receives honor from the state. When the SUN occupies this sign, the person is talkative, even though his education is often impeded. He may become famous, is courageous, and knows his way around the world. Learned and eminent persons are attracted to him. With the M C X ) N in this sign, the native loses his property and wealth due to the intrigues of his siblings or friends. He is god-fearing, helpful to others, and generous. M E R C U R Y in Gemini may not provide courage or the urge to take the initiative, but it makes the individual fond of the company of learned persons. The native himself is intelligent and appreciates scholarly discourses, but his ideas may get him into difficulties. He has little determination, moves from one place to another, and is all too willing to lend an ear to anyone with a story to tell. There is an instability in his life which makes the achievement of specific goals difficult. With V E N U S in this sign, the person is controlled by his spouse, who also controls the money. This individual's prime interest in life is to enjoy the company of cultured people and spend money frivolously on them. M A R S in this sign will give purpose and direction to the life of the individual. His personality is powerful and very few people are able to confront him on equal terms. Some iimer power sways him to such an extent that, in spite of his desire for company and correct manners, his siblings, friends and relations feel so restless around him that he is left to carry on his life alone. He attains great professional eminence quite suddeidy and by virtue of his own effort. JUPITER imparts a spirituality which is evident in the native's every action. He is respectful, god-fearing, and helpful; but though many people flock to him, none of them are able to help him with his own difficulties. S A T U R N in this position often leads to bitter experiences, which make the native's mental attitude uncongenial to others. A break in education, trouble with one's elders, abandoimient by one's siblings, and no sexual pleasure make the person unhappy in any social circle. His heart is so often broken that very little resolve is left to help him express courage or strength. Often losing his money, he may become a miser as well. R A H U forms a difficult personality. The Satumian tendencies exist, but with a difference. The bitterness experienced in life under this influence makes the individual secretive and vindictive. His behavior is unpredictable, his approach imethical, and the urge to engage in deviant social behavior highly pronoimced.

— The Third House —


K E T U tends to impart originality in relationships, but there may be grossness in the individual's behavior. In short, there is a dissociated behavior pattern.

CANCER Cancer in the Third house provides an emotional upsurge which involves the person in powerful conflicts. One can never be sure of his reaction from moment to moment. He seeks sensual satisfaction even while possessing a deep understanding of the spiritual approach to life. This creates the conflict: he is always torn between the spirit and the flesh. Generally, his companions are engaged in trade, business, and other social relationships. Personally, there is a strong desire to become individualistic. With the S U N in this sign, the native is inflexible but may well become famous. He is powerful among his siblings and colleagues and does not hesitate to spend money on his friends and companions. With the M O O N here, the person is reserved in speech, fond of his siblings and friends. He appreciates the good life and attracts deserving people. He is fond of religious discussions. Social relationships become purely utilitarian when M E R C U R Y is in Cancer in the Third. The native is helpful to siblings and colleagues, but expects them to be obliged to him in return. He has a good education and his children are very intelligent. When in need, he solves the problem himself rather than seeking help from others. When V E N U S occupies this sign, the individual may have little regard for his own welfare, whether short or long-term. The attraction towards sensual gratification is so great that he ignores good advice and keeps bad company. The situation is not much improved with M A R S occupying the sign. The person is materialistic, lusty, and at worst somewhat perverse. He is opinionated and revengeful. His relationship with siblings and colleagues is negatively affected by his selfishness and underhanded deals. JUPITER in this sign will enable the person to earn much money and establish a harmonious family life. He will be looked upon as a wise elder whose advice is much valued. He keeps company with religious persons. Under the impact of S A T U R N , the individual will suffer from complex diseases based upon an inner lack of balance. He may be an agnostic, considering his own self-interest the most important aspect of his life. He may also be miserly and treat his siblings and friends as inferior.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

With R A H U in this position, there is no family support, but the person attains a powerful status in society nevertheless. He is more feared than respected. When K E T U occupies this position, the native's emotions chum and liis mind is a storm. No sane advice can help him for he is simply not inclined to accept help. He is bereft of friends, a social life, and sexual relationships. He lives the life of a recluse, but does not feel happy in that either.

LEO Leo in the Third house makes the individual very powerful and courageous. His intellect is sharp and he attains a good professional status. His ambition runs high. He earns his money through his own efforts and is very self-reliant. His attachment to others is marginal: when he feels that a particular individual is of little use to him, he easily gives up the relationship. The S U N occupying Leo enhances the individual's strength and valor and accentuates his individuality. His siblings and friends hover around him, expecting sustenance and succor. He dresses lavishly and his demeanor is regal; he is universally respected. The M O O N in this position makes the individual spend money on his siblings and friends. He becomes receptive to good counsel from his elders and believes more in consolidating his position than in conquering new fields. He is fond of travel and the good life, and relishes good food. M E R C U R Y also makes the person spend money on his siblings and friends, but in this case the expenditures come to nothing: he loses money and his associates lose their regard for him. He feels insecure and seeks company and support from others. He is talkative and fearful. V E N U S makes the native sensuous and amorous, and his search for sensual pleasures often leads him to bad company. He is not much interested in education, though his considerable intelligence and luck in obtaining a degree may secure for hin: a respectable job. His children will be a source of inspiration and he himself a charming conversationalist. M A R S is powerful in this sign. Consequently, the individual is courageous and respected by his siblings. He lords it over his obedient employees and his business takes him to distant places. He will overcome all his difficulties. When JUPITER occupies the Third house in Leo, the individual becomes well-cormected by marriage, but many impediments arise in married life. Neither is his professional career smooth. His sensitive nature, sharp intellect and personal difficulties drive him to spirituality.

— The Third House —


though in fits of depression, he may indulge in truly disrespectful behavior. S A T U R N produces mixed results. The individual under its influence may have an interrupted education, rebellious children, and perverse acquaintances, but his employees will be amenable and he will be lucky in his profession. R A H U here tends to make the individual forceful and directed in his action; he will acquire money but will be cheated by others. K E T U can make the person feel isolated and inflexible, but it will also enable him to propound his own special philosophy of life.

VIRGO A gentle and studious nature is produced by Virgo in the Third house, though the native may become quite angry when provoked. Generally speaking, he is respectful to elders, god-fearing, and inclined towards righteous living — though this attitude paradoxically creates many impediments in his life. The S U N occupying this sign will make the individual a wanderer, fond of traveling from one place to another, meeting eminent persons and having discourses with them. People seek him out for his advice. The M O O N also makes a traveler, but grandeur and a regal demeanor are lacking in this case. The individual suffers from ill-health and his siblings and friends are trouble-makers. He meets impediments in his professional career. A literary person, having many siblings and skilled in persuasive talk, is bom when M E R C U R Y is in Virgo in the Third house. He is renowned far and wide, is highly spiritual, and is held in high esteem for his many virtues, especially his helpfulness to others. V E N U S in the same position will make the individual wealthy. He is fond of rich clothes and good food. He is extravagant and religious, but his social popularity depends upon his lavish hospitality rather than his individual merit. When M A R S occupies the Third house in Virgo, there will be intermptions in the individual's education, his speech will be impulsive and he will be a terror to his siblings and friends. He will be promoted unexpectedly in his job, will overcome various impediments in life, and will become wealthy. When JUPITER occupies the Third house in Virgo, everyone cot^iders the individual a "good" person who can be successfully leaned on for money. He is respected by his siblings and his advice is sought by different


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

people. He himself leads a pious and religious life, but his immediate surroundings are not very congenial. S A T U R N creates many kinds of difficulties. The individual feels depressed, has an interrupted education, begets lazy children, and may develop a gloomy, frustrated outlook on life. R A H U may produce a person who succeeds in spite of everything. He has many employees, dresses shabbily, and is popular with the working class. Erratic behavior can be the result of K E T U in the Third house in Virgo. Such a person may have a weak mind and will be ill-treated by others.

LIBRA Individuals with Libra in the Third house generally do not keep good company. Such an individual may have unstable relationships and very few children. When the SUN occupies Libra in the Third house, it will make the individual gready handicapped in many ways. His relatives will be demanding and he may have to support them. He will be reserved by temperament and will lack courage to take the initiative in any enterprise. The M O O N in this position will make the individual extravagant, and lonely for personal contact. He will be fond of traveling, will enjoy social life and will become involved in romantic escapades. M E R C U R Y will also make the individual fond of traveling and social relationships. He will have helpful siblings and colleagues and will earn well. V E N U S here shapes an individual of doubtful morality. He will be indulgent and licentious, cultivating the bohemian life of an artist and enjoying food, fine clothes, and music. M A R S makes the individual a person of strong common sense, though he may be deficient in schooling. Such a person will feel restless with his relatives and face life's difficulties with courage and enterprise. Professionally, he will succeed. Under the influence of JUPITER, the individual will have a good spouse and will be able to survive any marital problems. He will earn well, support his siblings and other relations, and have a religious temperament. S A T U R N will create sorrow for the individual. He will have an interrupted education and problems with his children. He will keep company with undesirable persons and underworld characters. R A H U will also give the company of low or undesirable persons and under its influence the individual may become a leader of anarchists or

— The Third House —


revolutionaries. He will be much influenced by selfish people and have anti-social as well as unethical habits, but will be wealthy. Under the impact of K E T U , the individual may become lonely, forlorn, and cranky. His emotions will be uncontrolled, he will suffer from throat trouble, and he will be attracted towards sensual pleasures.

SCORPIO Scorpio is not a very desirable sign in the Third house. It arouses base impulses, making the person sensual, indigent, ungrateful, quarrelsome and aimless. His behavior is unethical and anti-social. The S U N in this position does not improve the situation. The individual fights for misguided ideals and misconceived social obligations. He usually keeps company with cheats and swindlers, and can actually thrive in such an environment. With the M O O N , the individual is impelled by sensual urges; his friendships are based on sensual desire. At worst, he may be a parasite with criminal tendencies, always in debt for the wrong reasons. With M E R C U R Y in this position, the mdividual uses his intelligence, but the outcome is not very helpful. He falls victim to peculiar ideals and becomes associated with alien or radically different cultures. He deceives and is deceived. The individual leans toward superficiality under the impulse of V E N U S . He likes to dress in rich and gaudy clothes and indulge excessively in food. He is fond of illicit sexual relationships. M A R S will engage the person in many secret activities. The individual under its influence will be bold, courageous, and able to achieve his objectives, howsoever difficult they may be. He will be a trouble-shooter; in fact, his true mettle emerges only through opposition and difficulties. JUPITER shapes an individual who is god-fearing and religious, but prone to marital infidelity. He supports his relatives and becomes wealthy. Generally of weak mind, he is permanently worried. S A T U R N in this sign shatters family ties and disrupts one's education. Such a person keeps bad company and might even engage in smuggling. He may also be mean-spirited. Under the influence of R A H U , the individual can gain his objectives surreptitiously; he will be manipulative and accustomed to underhanded deals. His friendships may be directed primarily to the object of securing illicit sexual pleasures. K E T U makes the individual desirous of cheating others, but in the process he himself is deceived. He is deserted by his friends and relations.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius in the Third house radiates a magnetic aura; the individual's relationships lead to transformation and new situations. Basically, such a person will prefer to lead an active life, engaging himself in social and administrative projects. He will be a law-abiding servant of the state, happy in the discharge of his obligations. His spouse has a healthy influence on his life. The S U N enhances his sociability, inculcating the desire to rise high in life. He works for society and is helpful to his relations and associates. He is wealthy and powerful. With the M O O N in this sign and house, the individual has problems in his job, and suffers for his siblings. His mind is afflicted with too many problems which he is unable to resolve effectively. M E R C U R Y makes the person godly, intelligent, and helpful to others. He is a good conversationalist and writes well, having good command of his thoughts. He will be of a spiritual disposition. V E N U S in the Third house in Sagittarius distiu-bs one's life due to sexual liaisons, for which the native has an unnatural or excessive desire. The chances of venereal disease are also considerable, for he is inclined to keep company with persons of loose morals. When M A R S occupies this position, the individual is full of enthusiasm, helpfiil to his relations, and devoted to his spouse. He acquires property and is always on the move. He is respectful to his elder siblings and is always full of warmth. JUPITER makes the individual an ideal householder. He is devoted to his siblings and friends, loves his marriage partner and his children, is well-educated and religious and desires to fulfill his family and social obligations in the best way possible. S A T U R N , on the other hand, can make the individual uivhappy. He may lose his property, become self-centered and miserly, and even fall prey to bad company. R A H U can make the individual successful in every materialistic enterprise, though the possibility of criminal associations also exists. K E T U leads to loss of thinking capacity and stormy personal relationships.

CAPRICORN Capricorn in the Third house will produce many unexpected relationships in the life of the person. Under this sign, the individual associates with crystal gazers, occultists, and religious philosophers, but he will also be found in the company of sexual wrecks, perverse individuals, and

— The Third House —


persons of suicidal temperament. The native is sharp-witted and quick in grasping the significance of any situation. With the S U N in this sign, he receives setbacks in his professional life and enters into dispute with his siblmgs. He is, however, invincible to his foes, over whom he ultimately attains victory. In spite of his courage and enthusiasm, he often feels lost and internally drained. The M O O N makes one mentally weak, ritualistic, and surrounded by psychologically disturbed persons. His relations take advantage of him. When M E R C U R Y is in this sign, the individual often travels on business trips, though he may also engage in illegal business transactions. He is very talkative and receives sorrow from his siblings. V E N U S does not allow the individual to devote himself wholeheartedly to his business. Good food, good clothes, amorous company and a penchant for gambling are his major preoccupations. M A R S in this sign is very powerful and effective. The native will be a terror to his adversaries and a friend to those who can help him. He may not be well educated, but he will have excellent common sense. He will earn well and gain a respectable place in society. When JUPITER occupies this house and sign, the individual will have a good education and a charming spouse. Being interested in social life, he will spend money on his friends and associates, but they will exploit him. He will be cheated and ultimately have to suffer due to their machinations. With S A T U R N , the native appears to be leading a happy life, but suffers psychologically. He will be a miser, bereft of a good education, unhappy with his children, and plagued with marital problems. With R A H U in this house, there will be stability in the native's approach and he will succeed in eliminating his adversaries. K E T U may produce psychological adjustment problems.

AQUARIUS Special forces affect the individual when Aquarius occupies the Third house. When the person succeeds in opening himself to imiversalizing influences, there will be much goodness flowing to him, but if he remains closed off or self-centered, his surroundings will be depressive. In general, such an individual will be well-versed in rituals and spiritual knowledge. He may also be talented in music and the fine arts. He will be renowned for adhering to ethical ways of life. V^th the S U N occupying this sign, his desire for a good and moral life is intensified. The number of his friends may be restricted, but they are


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

very dependable. His siblings envy him, and people in general seek his advice and assistance when they are facing difficulties. The M O O N leads to ill health, but the person is able to establish friendship with administrators. His associates also include gamblers, cheats, and persons engaged in secret activities. Clandestine liaisons can also be expected. M E R C U R Y shapes a suave individual — polite, cultured, with good maimers. He will be a skillful diplomat or negotiator, though he may suffer inner torment despite his polished exterior. V E N U S does not produce good results here. The person with this planetary position may incur expenditures on litigation. He lacks courage, is overcome by hostile forces, and suffers from nervousness. M A R S makes the individual powerful among his siblings and colleagues. He will be a man of common sense. JUPITER can produce a fatalistic attitude, and the individual with this configuration will treat his losses as the results of karmic retribution. He will receive assistance and support from friends and others, especially those who live far away. Occasionally, divine or unexpected aid will come to him, and he is always prepared to help his friends. S A T U R N in this position makes the individual a great believer in his own power. He is held in great esteem by others and is very successful in diplomatic assignments. When R A H U occupies this position, tlie individual becomes a strong but potentially evil power. He has the capacity to succeed in any enterprise he undertakes. But he often keeps company with depraved persons, and hence his mind may work in evil designs. K E T U arouses an urge for undertaking philanthropic activities. Individuals widi Ketu here usually have few siblings and friends.

PISCES The person witii Pisces in the Third house is generally very popular and respected. He is renowned for his wealth, sociability, good family surroundings, and hospitality. When the SUN occupies this sign, the individual believes he has a secret mission m life. Such an individual usually associates himself with esoteric and occult organizations. He keeps respectful company and is regal in his relationships and in his attitude toward friends and relations. He knows his worth and his way. He is courageous and strong; he leads others and accepts none as his guide. With die M O O N in this sign, the individual loves the good life, good clothes and good food. He wants to entertain lavishly but is henpecked

— The Third House —


and homesick, very loving to his own people but always desirous of the company of the opposite sex. M E R C U R Y will make the individual sociable and talkative, but not very powerful. He has a spiritual world-view and prefers to lead an introverted life, though he can mix well with others. When VEhfUS occupies this sign, the individual is well-educated and artistic. He keeps company with other artists and talented persons. Professionally he is well placed, and eminent persons are counted among his friends. The individual becomes invincible when M A R S occupies this sign. Generally he is pious but warm, ethical but courageous, devoted to ideals but attentive to his siblings and friends. When JUPITER occupies this sign, the individual is respectful and religious. He is a philanthropist, and therefore weak persons and individuals of depraved character flock to him, seeking advice and guidance. He himself believes in religious rituals and performs them assiduously. When S A T U R N occupies the Third house m Pisces, the mdividual is tormented in his personal life, but always protected. He gains special importance in foreign countries and many enduring friends come from abroad. His inunediate surroundings, however, are not very pleasant. When R A H U occupies this sign, the individual is both spiritual and persevering. Although he talks of high ideals, he lives shabbily. With K E T U in this position, the individual has an original way of looking at and approaching the problems of life. He may be inclined toward alternative or unusal sexual relationships and is generally very lonely.

4 THE FOURTH HOUSE General Prosperity: Mother, Property, Vehicles, Intelligence and Travel The personal welfare of any mdividual depends upon beneficent forces arising from the depths which link his past and ultimate future. Any understanding of these influences is inherently limited, though the immediate environment in which the individual dwells is an indicator. His early childhood, the love and affection bestowed on liim by his family, the clothes he puts on, tlie food he eats, the house in which he lives, the education he receives and the religioas instruction he gets all contribute to his sense of well-being. The Fourth house in a natal horoscope signifies all these factors and something more. When an individual's Divine Eissence immerses itself in that Great Depth known as Hiranyagarbha, then rises again to the surface of externa! existence, one is confronted with many helpful and adverse forces which guide him towards his destiny, which in any given incarnation is reflected by the opposite house, the Tenth. In order to comprehend the complex forces which impinge upon an individual and condition the psycho spiritual entity to receive such influences, it is necessary to examine the Fourth house. The nature of this house determines one's general welfare, happiness, emotional stability, and the degree of affluence operative in his life. The Moon and Venus have special importance in this house. The Moon provides emotional stability, nurtures the individual, and helps to make him amiable. Such an influence attracts people to him and his sociability is therefore intensified. Venus enhances his setisitivity and makes his life comfortable. Luxurious surroundings and friendly people make him happy. Jupiter in the Fouith hoase enables the individual to earn respect and favor from the state. Some of tlie significations of this house are "celestial foixl," "an ant-hill," "tlie development of Vexlic and otlier sacred texts," "celestial drinks," and "die elephant in rut." llicae are appellations alluding to die « cwl! and est txjmpaiiy and enjoying singula! honors. The M O O N quiets the impulsiveness of this Martian sign but may still produce things new and different. The individual seems quiet, receptive, and sociable, but internally he is always in tune with subtler forces Exceptional psychic ability is common, for there are no boundaries or walls to prevent the upsurge of the karmic past. Consequently, ill luck and auspicious events are equally likely to manifest. There will always be a special subtlety, novelty, and sympathy in the personal relationships of such an individual. He will be affluent, live luxuriously, find maiital happiness, and be religiously inclined. M E R C U R Y in this position will certainly make the individual intelligent, fond of traveling, and able to live well. He may feel tlie invisible hand of God guiding everything, but hs will be unable or unwilling to respond wholeheartedly, and his life will generally be lived on a supeifi cial level. V E N U S will make the individual very libidinous, attracted to tlit opposite sex and fond of socializing. He will be artistic and susceptible to flattery. His attachment to his children, profession, and personal pleasures (especially of the sensual kind) will be great He will be more poetic than logical, more excitable than intellectual, essentially a man of the world. With M A R S in the Fourtli house in Aries, the individual will be exceptional m many ways. He will have the aura of greaUiess: whatevei happens to him, it will never be ortJiodox, traditional, or routine. His hiiart


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

will be full of warmth which cannot be restricted to his immediate family surroundings. He can never be accused of parochialism or nepotism; tliere will be a feeling of universality in whatever he does, feels, or experiences. His warmth is at times misimderstood: his spouse may accuse him of infidelity, his boss may judge him unstable, and his friends may consider him frivolous and inconsistent. A l l these reactions arise from his inherent urge for the new, his warmth towards everyone, and his tremendous desire to mingle with all. This tendency may be expressed as vision, psychic sensitivity, or a truly tantric sexuality. He will have a natural affinity with Mother Earth: he will love to work on the land, possess much landed property, live in eccentric houses, and arrive at conclusions without bothering about reason or deduction. He will never depend on anyone else, on any outside or external support. His individuality will gain him the honor and respect of the govenmient. He will be wealthy but prone to extravagance. JUPITER in this sign will make the individual popular, sympathetic, religious, god-fearing, and engaged in a respectful vocation. His relatives will look to him for support, guidance, and even sustenance. He may actually be deceived by his siblings and other relatives, and will often be afflicted by illness. He is likely to become famous outside his own country or place of birth. S A T U R N in the Fourth house in Aries produces an extremely unhelpful influence. Any benefic forces radiating from the karmic past are obscured by this planet, and the individual gropes in the dark as if blindfolded. Depression and depravity often descend upon him so that he is neither aware of his divine inheritance nor of his glorious destiny. His life is full of suffering, and his dark clouds loom so thick that he may sink into serious depression or abandon civilized society and traditional social decorum. Physically, he is likely to be afflicted with several ailments, perhaps including heart attacks. Psychologically he feels lonely, forlorn, unable to think logically, and bereft of all auspicious benedictions. He may be involved in litigation and surrounded by hostile forces. His mother suffers on his accoimt; he receives neither love nor affection from her. In spite of these adverse influences, the individual may become wealdiy, though he will probably be tied to the material plane. He may also be cruel, keep bad company, or suffer dishonor. The effect of R A H U is adverse here. Under its influence, the individual will be deserted by his relatives, depressed by dispxasition, and will live in a sub-standard house. Under the influence of K E T U , the individual may become disturbed, lonely, and contemplative.

— The Fourth House —


TAURUS When Taurus occupies the Fourth house, the immediate environment in which the individual dwells is one of luxury, popularity, and great renown. Eminent persons will be seen in his company and every type of enjoyment or pleasurable sensation will be at his beck and call. In such a situation, the individual is seldom immersed in exploration of the unknown, nor is his life tossed about in the turbulent storm of karmic retribution; rather, the meritorious deeds of his past are made readily available for the rest and relaxation of the pilgrim's weary limbs. But even when the individual finds his vocation to his liking, his everyday life one of order and discipline, and his social relationships eminently respectable, there is a danger that he may become so oriented towards sensual gratification that his futtu'e incarnations may be negatively affected. Taurus occupying this house provides a generative f>otential which, under favorable planetary influences, may open up immense possibilities for the individual's growth and prosperity while not inhibiting his indulgence in sensual pleasure. When the S U N occupies Taurus in the Fourth house, the individual receives a kind of energy which, if properly directed, can make him regal in appearance and disposition. His aura exudes a sense of power and strength which impels others to yield to his wishes. I le may easily become an egotist. Instead of enjoying his mother's affection, he may lose her altogether, for the intense solar rays "bum up" this particular relationship. The solar radiance which so often produces universal empathy may, in the present case, generate so much virile energy that the individual becomes uncontrollably libidinous. He will be extremely fond of passionate sexual affairs and will indulge in several secret relationships. He will be very intelligent, enjoy extensive property, and move from one place to another in quick succession. The M O O N will bestow .such soothing charm that the individual can carry his iimate spiritual wisdom and power with ease, in fact his power and stamina are often invisible behind the screen of his humility and simplicity. He will have a tremendous capacity to delve deep into nature's mysteries. His intuitive understanding will transcend all comprehension. Emotionally he will be very stable, yet sensitive to the slightest changes in his environment. He can taste the food of the gods, drink nature's nectar, and impart a healing touch to the most disturbed person. He will have insight in administering herbal medicines and, if he exerts himself, leam to counteract and treat the effects of poisonous dmgs. He may easily attain the kind of perfection in magic which enables him to cure snake bite, exorcise evil spirits, and prepare the alchemical potions capable of coun-


— Fianets in the Signs Houses -

terbalancing planetary atfli Use Moon in ?h.e fourth house m Taurus makes a person respectable, honored by society, the state, and the wise. What is important is to notice how his eminence, wisdom, and power are carried lightiy and without ostentation. M E R C U R Y in this position will iiiake a penjon very intelligent and clever. He will live with ease and comfort and will favor leamsid people who are critical of the existing order. Among themselves this group will indulge in many secret vices and socially undesirable activities. The individual may get into trouble due to his association with such a group. He will be unhealthy, prone to several kinds of illnexjses, and will travel much. V E N U S will make the individual comfort-loving, luxuiioiis, and respectful towards learned or religious persons. He himself may not be capable of imdertaking severe religious austerities, but he will reverence those who are capable. He will be very honored by the state and the people, but his sensual nature, sensitivity, and love for artistic things will draw him towards sexual indulgences. He will lie lusty and libidinous, but in whatever he does there will be grace, discrimination, and a s*irioas attitude. He will be considered a leader of his people and will be capable of sustaining them through periods of difficulty. M A R S in the Fourth house in Taurus produces warm feelings and bestows much landed property and real estate, but the individual's sexual desires will be uncontrollable. He will be immersed in bad company, driven to work for social and material advancement, even if by unethical means. Materially he will be well off, but there will always be the desire to acquire more and more. His most unportant characteristic is his insatiable thirst for life. JUPITER will make the individual's life very comfortable, rich and respectable. Though he will be learned in sacred scriptures, many swindlers and rogues will seek his advice. His status in society will bf^ honorable, but his ego will be covetous, even towards other people's spouses. S A T U R N can make a person veiy cruel, greedy, miserly and burdened with family responsibilities. Such an individual will try to be very clever


In Ayurvedic medicine, certain preparations involving gemstones and metals are given to patients to counterbalance planetary afflictions; these preparations are part of the tradition of Hindu Alchemy. The term in .lehari's original text is "alloys," which I have rendered "alchemical potions."

— The Fourth House —


and outdo others who are Uving a conventional life; his own approach to life will be materialistic, for he seeks sensual pleasure in every situation. He will receive serious setbacks; emotionally he will be much perturbed. Generally he will be poor, though in the latter part of life he may be better off. When R A H U occupies this position, the person is wealthy, but he will not receive any affection from his mother. There will be some desire in his life which can never be completely satisfied, and he will always pine for what he doesn't have. With K E T U , an occultist is bom. Life holds no charms for him and he is always preoccupied in exploring the secrets of nature: emotion, sensual pleasure, human relationships and material riches hold no attraction for him. His greatest joy arises only when his consciousness is imited with the universal consciousness, tliough in ordinary life such an integration is difficult to achieve.

GEMINI When Gemini occupies the Fourth house, the immediate physical surroimdings are good and comfortable, but the individual may have to rely upon his spouse for emotional or psychological support in Ufe. Such an individual is very attached to his family and has an honorable status in society. His friends are of the intellectual type, but his approach to life is essentially passive, accepting things and conditions as they come to him rather than creating conditions to his own advantage. When the S U N occupies this sign, the individual stmggles against hostile forces but overcomes them. He is intelligent and capable of pursuing the deeper problems of life effectively, but he is cut off from his mother's love. He rises high in his career and acquires much prestige m life. He is, however, not much recognized for consistency in his relationships. The M O O N produces a nurturing enviromnent. It makes the individual contented, well-educated, sensitive, supportive to his family members and fond of physical comforts and sensual pleasures. His affections are well-balanced; his warmth is modulated by social decorum and personal fidelity and his wealth seldom gives him a swollen head. He Ls a respected and honorable figure, but this does not make him arrogant or inconsiderate. M E R C U R Y in this sign signifies greatness and maturity of the soul. Essentially a family man, enjoying an amiable environment and pursuing his intellectual studies and vocation, such a person enjoys respectability and honor from tiie government. He is healthy, renowned, wealthy, and


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

contented. He becomes in some way a leader of the community in which he resides. When V E N U S occupies this sign and house, the person enjoys a luxurious lifestyle, but he does not attain quite as much status as with Mercury in Gemini. Venus also produces clandestine liaisons, bad company, and weak morals. M A R S affects the individual in a radically different manner. It produces warmth in social relationships, bestows material wealth and property: he earns from land and agriculture, technological knowledge, and courageous behavior. He has great stamina and a capacity for exploring new areas of experience, but for marital happiness it Ls not an auspicious placement. With JUPITER in this position the individual has an excellent family life. He is well-respected, his relationship with his modier is very happy, and his children are promising future citizens of the country. He is sober, well-balanced, wealthy, and leads a religious life. S A T U R N makes the individual more self-centered, interested purely in his own enjoyment and prosperity. His health is poor, and he is very secretive in his behavior and relationshijis. He travels overseas, and though he is seldom happy, he is very persevering. R A H U can make the individual very intriguing and intelligent, though he will be frequently depressed as if beset with iimnense difficulties. K E T U makes a person psychologically sensitive. His mind will be sharp, and he will be attracted towards philosophy. His emotional namre, however, will be barren.

CANCER Cancer in the Fourth floods this house with its natural characteristics; happiness is generally assured under its influence. The individual has an intuitive understanding of the finer forces of nature, and, if other planetary factors agree, he may become a student of sacred wisdom. He will be humble, popular, and accomplished in almost every way. In spite of his material abundance he remains unattached to his possessions, for his heart is concerned with deeper realities. * When the S U N is here, the individual is immersed in spiritual realization and cares litde about acquiring property, material riches, or social approbation. He possesses a good house and is well-educated, but is not terribly attached to his mother. Once he decides on a specific goal, he approaches it wholeheartedly and consequendy achieves it. The M O O N provides an opportunity for acquiring spiritual knowledge, and the individual with this placement may even come to possess

— The Fourth House —


powers, but he remains essentially a family man. He is fond of his relatives, amiable in disposition, forgiving by temperament, and loves travel. M E R C U R Y creates several problems in the life of the person, who is required to establish a bridge between the realities of his life and his visionary ideals. He has the intelligence to achieve such a synthesis, but problems with siblings may stand in his way, and his health is likely to be weak. However, he travels much, visits a large number of places, and may choose a vocation involving boats, hydro-electric engineering, or water in general. His relationship with his mother is affectionate, and his temperament is usually emotional. V E N U S snapes a person who is very much attached to his spouse and family relations. He is rich, lives in a luxurious enviromnent, and is very affable. He has a pronounced artistic temperament, is quite popular, fond of the opposite sex, and much honored. He rises in his profession. But with M A R S occupying this sign, the individual becomes abnormally restless, fails in real estate, and gets into trouble due to his sexual relationships. He quarrek with his family, is estranged from his mother, and has troubles in marital life. Professionally, however, he is likely to rise quickly and become extravagant. A completely different kind of sihiation is present with JUPITER occupying the Fourth in Cancer. The individual is renowned for his composure of mind, attains status in local govenmient, and is provided with all the conveniences of life. His demeanor is almost regal and his understanding of spiritual matters exemplary. His children are very promising, and he is surrounded by people who are full of affection and regard for him. S A T U R N in Cancer brings greatness and fame, but the kind of social position acquired under this planetary placement is based solely upon material attainments. Professionally, the person attains a high position, but he may well suffer a catastrophic fall from that height, causing serious psychological damage. He experiences many setbacks in life, especially physical illness and poverty, and must suffer the death of some of his near and dear ones. He begins life with selfishness, but faces so many problems and breakdowns that he develops a radically detached view of situations and relationships.


Another word for "powers" is the Sanskrit siddhis, which implies spiritual powers attained through Yoga and meditation.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

When R A H U occupies this sign, the individual becomes depressive and interested in black magic. He has trouble with his family and is denied liis mother's affection. With K E T U in this position, the individual lacks loving relationships. His life is full of troubles and his behavior is unpredictable. These troubles, however, render him very thoughtful and ultimately philosophical.

LEO When Leo occupies the Fourth house, the individual radiates a brilliance which makes less evolved souls genuinely uncomfortable. His behavior is royal, his emotions are detached; his feelings are so intense that they actually caimot be expressed externally. His warmth is genuine, but only evolved persons vibrate at his level of awareness. As a result, he may often be considered dry and without any emotion. He is very philosophical, an abstract thinker, and deeply interested in spiritual wisdom. On the social level, his relations are terse; witliin his own family circle he will be misunderstood. With the S U N in this sign, the individual establishes a link with the very essence of existence, and consequently his capabilities for spiritual knowledge are greatly increased. HLs consciousness is almost identified with the universal consciousness, and a ray of divinity sparkles through his behavior and disposition. He attauis a regal status and acquires property. His intellect is sharp, but very few people feel comfortable with him; even his mother is estranged from him. The M O O N in this sign makes the individual thoughtful and religious, but there is always some misunderstanding with his family, and he pines for love and affection. He has good status, a sound mind, and an amiable disposition, yet he does not feel happy within. M E R C U R Y makes the individual wealthy, well-related, intelligent, and fond of good company. He is also very demoastrative in his behavior, though his demonstrations don't really mean much. He travels extensively and can be a very absorbing conversationalist. When V E N U S occupies Leo in the Fourth house, the individual suffers from a guilty conscience: inwardly he is very affectionate, sensual, and fond of luxurious living, bat his immediate surroundings — conditioned by his parents' disciplining force — urge him to renoimce such pleasure. He attains status, good friends, and an abundance of goodwill and popularity, but his iimer desires remain unsatisfied. M A R S makes the person devoted to his family. He excels in technological or agi jcultural vocations, is w^jmi hearted, and travels extensively.

- The Fourth House -


He is also a very lusty cliaiacter with an inclination toward extramarital affairs. He is always active and intent upon impressing others with his capabilities. JUPITER in Leo in the Fourth house makes the individual very honored, pious, wLse, and deeply learned in spiritual matters; his fame spreads everywhere. He is generous and extravagant, and therefore he is often short of money. Though he suffers from serious illnesses, his insight into the spiritual depths of life draws people to him from far and wide. He is very much in demand socially. SAIXIRN makes the individual rich, wealthy, and well-placed, but such a person suffers from heart ailments, physically and metaphorically. He feels restricted, hLs activities aie fettered, and there is no peace of mmd for him. R A H U in this position Ls very depressive. It impels the individual to indulge in various forms of surreptitious behavior and keep bad company; he is a materialist and often humiliated. K E T U makes the person suffer psychologically. Such an individual is :x>ntemplative, inconsistent, disenchanted, and prone to wild outbursts which reveal a philosophical nature. He does not feel equal to any occasion and his reactions to life situations and human relationships are often perverse. He is precocious but antisocial.

VIRGO When Virgo occupies the Fourth house the individual becomes greatly engaged in accumulating wealth and riches, though he may be unable to retain them. He is very intelligent and capable of establishing a quick rapport with gifted or important f>ersons, but his openness, sympathy, and ambivalent disposition often bring him into contact witli imethical characters who discredit liim and make him unhappy. However, he can retrieve his position and clear himself of any ignominy. He himself may have secret leanings toward magic. The S U N in this sign makes the individual lose his mother early m life, as well as losing much of his prop)erty. Problems relating to his work may also armoy him. In spite of such difficulties, the individual will be opinionated and disinclined to heed good advice. With tine M O O N in tliis jxjsition, the individual is nourished by his relations and friends, v«'ho afford him psychological support. His problems arise from mL:plac'ill affect the individual: he will be primarily a comfort-loving sensualist, living in a make-believe world, but the thirst for social position and power com bined with a deep comprehension of nature's secrets will chum his heart, and no compromise will be possible. He may have one or two children, but will secure no help them.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

An ideal situation arises with the M(X)N occupying this sign. The native will be blessed with well-mannered, intelligent children, will be contented, and will have a good education. He will be in demand socially and will be well-placed in life. M E R C U R Y will activate the native's mind. His comprehension and power of expression, both verbal and literary, will make him greatly renowned. HLs educational career will be smoodi and his special aptimde for economics, international trade and legal or trade negotiations will make him much sought after. His family situation, his mother's love and his marital happiness will go a long way toward bestowing upon him a very clear, penetrating and objective approach to life. His learning will take him to distant places. M A R S will destroy any happiness from children. It can lead to abortions and perhaps to children who will seem to take care of the individual but who cannot be relied upon. The educational career of the native will not be smooth. He will be too excited about life and Ids impulsiveness will involve him in difficulties. He will be religious and self-sacrificing, but his friends will feel uncomfortable around him. An exalted JUPITER in the Fifdi house will be a great asset for die individual, but its influence on children will not be what one might expect: it will enable die individual to acquire an excellent education, superb official status and coveted international honors, but he will probably be denied any offspring. The absence of any issue is primarily intended to make liim tum towards spiritual knowledge. Such a planetary position will protect the individual from a materialistic outlook and establish him on his spiritual path. S A T U R N in tliis position is very disturbing. Its effects can be summarized as: restrictions in education, obstmction of mental pursuits, disturbances in marital relationship, and indigence in monetary affairs. R A H U might, in the same position, lead to a few children, but they may be deeply disturbed. Tlie individual himself is likely to indulge in underhanded activities; his goals will be very materialistic and directed solely towards personal satisfaction. K E T U here can make the native psychologically imbalanced. His iJiinking may be very revolutionary. LEO

If die Fifth house is occupied by Leo the individual becomes ambitious, zealous and excitexl by creative opportunitie.s which he may fail to realize due to his psychological immaturity. He is not content as a parent

— The Fifth House —


and his married Hfe is often mihappy. He has tremendous potential, but generally must traverse his path alone. The S U N occupying this sign greatly intensifies its impact. Tlie individual is fired with an idealism which often epitomizes the Vedantic way of life. If supporting conditions are present, he will strive to realize this highest spiritual objective in the society eu-ound him. Such a stupendous task may be jxssible, due to his sharp intellect, enduring stamina, and through physical creativity, i.e. the birth of a son. The M O O N in this sign tones down the fiery radiance, making die birth of children more likely; it also soothes mental restlessness. Interest in family life is accentuated. The native's education is traditional, satisfying the primary goal of enjoying a comfortable worldly life. When M E R C U R Y occupies Leo in the Fifth, the intellect is sharpened and the native's education proceeds in an orderly fashion; his interest in subjects like astrology, alchemy, the hidden powers concealed in nature, and the symbolic interpretation of secret laws Ls intensified, while his expertise in law, teaching, and diplomacy is also highly developed. He also becomes lucky with regard to offsprmg. V E N U S shapes a native who is primarily interested in mundane existence. He is affectionately attached to his spouse and has one or two very likable children. His education will be smooth and his interest in die fine arts well-established. M A R S will cause trouble for the native's children, but it will arouse his interest in technology, military strategy, nuclear power and aviation. His knowledge of practical occultism will also be quite deep. JUPITER in Leo is not very helpful for progeny, but its influence on spirituality, life after death, and literature will be pronounced. The educational career of the native will be bright, and he will have an ethical attitude to the various problems of life. With S A T U R N , the individual may b)e interested in political manipulations. His educational career will be obstructed and his social status unstable. He will also be in need of financial support. R A H U may incline the individual towards theft, smuggling, and bad habits. He will not be much interested in his studies, and will be unlucky with regard to children. K E T U will produce idealism; the individual may have a few daughters.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —


Virgo occupying the Fifth house produces daughters rather than sons and makes the individual very learned, with a deep knowledge of occult matters. He wears his learning very lightly. The S U N in this sign makes the intellect of the person very sharp; he becomes gready interested in literature, mathematics, fme arts and perhaps magic — all with a view to obtaining the power to help society. He is ethical but unhappy with regard to children. The M O O N in this sign also gives more daughters than sons. The individual is well-educated and his intellect is sharp; he is known for his extensive knowledge of scriptures. His interest in herbs and medicinal plants is very intense. He is a good conversationalist and is guided by the desire to help others, even at his personal inconvenience. The exaltation of M E R C U R Y in this important base of the Spiritual Tiiangle endows the individual with an intellectual power which may give him insight into the hidden laws of nature, making him very humble, learned and ethical. He considers the mind to be the supreme gift of man; on the basis of this jwwer, according to him, the individual can attain the highest goal of life. Logic is his supreme gift, intellect his strongest wherewithal, and study his surest foundation for enterprise. Virility is not his most powerful endowment, but he may beget some children. His company is much sought after in social circles. V E N U S in the Fifth house emphasizes the native's sensual nature; the result is that he cultivates those forces which accentuate his personal self. His urge towards mating is intensified and he jjerceives nothing unethical in licentiousness. From the same urge arises his attraction for the fme arts, music and poetry. He has good social maimers and is blessed with fme children. M A R S in Virgo can make the individual a hypocrite; his friendly warmth may conceal his profligacy. His academic interests — especially when he wishes to do well and earn himself a name — are often guided by the objective of impressing the opposite sex and society in general, providing him with a career for his underhanded practices. He measures his success in life by the number of his sexual conquests. He may lose his children through miscarriage and suffer from marital problems. JUPITER in this sign will make die individual religious, well-educated, blessed with a few children, and possessed of social status. S A T U R N in Virgo produces unfortunate conditions. The individual becomes an arch-materialist. His exlucation, profession, social status and associations are guided by the desire for personal gain. In his selfish pursuits he succeeds to a great extent, but these achievements do not lead


The Fifth House —


him to contentment. When his sorrow becomes acute, he turns towards contemplation and begins to perceive the secret messages of life. Li the real sense of the term, he becomes a philosopher. R A H U will deny the birth of children, but will make the individual deeply and truly philosophical. His vision of eternity and the futility of everyday existence will direct him to indulge in sensual gratification without any remorse and with philosophical justification. K E T U in the -same position will lead to a similar vision of eternity, but instead of indulgence the native will resort to renunciation and merge his consciousness with die universal soul pervading all.

LIBRA When Libra occupies die Fifth house, it is considered fortimate for begetting children and a happy family life. The individual bom with this sign in the house of children is not terribly interested in education or the development of his intellectual faculties. His main interest is in his spouse, children, and money. His interest in the higher values of life is merely superficial. He wants to achieve success and personal glory so that he may be a hero to his family and society. When the S U N occupies this sign, die individual is typically deprived of children: even if he does have a child it will not bruig him happiness. The individual with the Sun in its debilitation sign is deprived of aonnal solar idealism. He suffers from despondency, a sense of inferiority, and bad habits, though an interest in admuiLstration, mathematics, social organization, psychoanalysis or literature will help add a positive tone. The M O O N in this sign makes die mdividual very sensual and concemed with personal satisfaction, but his manners will be very appealing. He will be interested in music, the fine arts, social organization and poetry, will have plenty of money, and his education will not be liampered due to lack of financial resources. He will be interested in mixing with many kinds of people and he will have proficiency in trade and commerce. M E R C U R Y in this sign makes die individual a good conversationalist, persuasive speaker, a sensitive writer, and a skilled negotiator. He will be wealthy and respected, but will vacillate between materialism and spirituality and may often tell lies. V E N U S wUl make a poet of exceptional skill, capable of depicting amorous feelin.,s very artistically. The native will try to attain social status by throwing extravagant parties. M A R S creates difficulties with regard to progeny and makes the individual suffer humiliation in society. His educational c." ^er is ob-


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

structed and he does not get any support from his spouse. He has insatiable carnal passions which drive him to secret and suspect places. JUPITER is quite favorable when placed in Libra in the Fifth. Under its influence the native Ls noble minded, helpful in disposition, loving to his family, and possessed of s. good oiilcial position. He is learned, having knowledge of spiritual writings as well as of modern literature. S A T U R N in this position vidll enable tlie individtial to gain proficiency in international law, labor legislation, and engineering. His married life will be slightly strained, though perhaps not seriously. He may earn a great deal of money through large corporations. R A H U in this sign may associate the individual with mean-nunded, anti-social, and dishirbed persons. K E T U will induce the native to seek out truly wise individuals, though perhaps without much success. He will wish to find some enduring philosophy, but will always be an unsatisfied seeker. His education will be much obstructed.

SCORPIO Scorpio in the Fifth house does not lead to many children, but what children there are will probably be religious and interested in Idgh ideals. The individual with this sign in the Fifth house is likely to be a renowned person who has succeeded in achieving his objectives, but he invariably keeps his goals close to his heart without letting anyone share them. He can be very cruel in attaining those objectives. The S U N occupying this sign makes the native goal-oriented. Often these goals are deeply spiritual, and even if he is not motivated by spirituality, he will idealize his goals to justify any action. He seldom begets more than one son, and is likely to be cniel but famous. The M O O N in this sign attracts the individual to learned discourses and favors a good academic career. The native's interest in spiritual matters is aroused, and so is his interest in the psychology of people's lives. M E R C U R Y is considered very adverse here. It makes tiie individual very secretive, prying into the private lives of others. He has an aptitude for Ltivestigative studies. Journalism, which is a likely profession for such a person, provides special opportunities for the exercise of his faculties, though his education is generally obstructed and he is unable to attain high academic degrees. V E N U S makes the individual miinterested in social life. He has several children and is very much inclined to spend his time with his family. He is respected and talented, but leads a self-centered life.

— The Fifth House - -


M A R S in this sign makes the individual very extrovertexl, interested in mechanical engineering, technological irmovation, military science and sports. He will be lascivious and have a difficult married life, but always strive to attain something beyond his present circumstances. JUPITER will endow the nadve with a spiritual attitude, for die conditions of his life will make him long for soinediing which always eludes him. This unfulfilled longing often renders him very self-centered. S A T U R N in tfiis position will create many difficulties for the individual. His acquisitive tendencies will be thwarted and even his own closest associates will shun him. Material deprivation and self-centeredness will eventually cause his ego to shatter, so that he must give up liis egocentric shell just to subsist in the world. R A H U may lead die native to indulge in secret activities. Theft, smuggling, financial and economic corruption, selling secrets, or sexual profligacy may spoil his life. K E T U , on the other hand, will tum the native's gaze heavenward. Spiritual achievements in accord with the basic nature of the birdi chart will be likely. He will live a strictly personalized life, but will be available to others for any help needed, though in his approach he may be very unortiiodox.

SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius in the Fifth house makes the individual bright, ambitious, and successful. He usually lias many children, several of tliem male, and though he is very fond of his children, he may often be disappointed by them. Psychologically, he feels restless with the existing order of diings and wants to alter it; thus he is greatly interested in sixrial or political planning of every kind. Unless he can fulfill some of his goals in life, he cannot rest satisfied. The S U N in Sagittarius adds both strengtJi and egotism. It is immaterial which subject the native takes up for study; he goes right to the heart of it and always comes out with fresh ideas about it. He travels much and performs many meritorious deeds. The M O O N in this sign opens the individual's mind to future events; he may develop a specialized talent for divination. If he attempts to awaken such aspects of paranormal cognition, he may attain quick success. M E R C U R Y will enable the native to make his writings and speeches very articulate: he will attain a very high position in his academic career. The number of his children will be restricted, but his intellectual reputation will be extensive.


— Planets in the Signs ami Houses —

VEhfUS in Sagittarius will bring many lam-els to the individual: he will be compassionate, possessing both a sharp intellect and a great sensitivity for the feelings of others. His life will be directed towards achieving social and official status, in which he will succeed admirably. He will be lucky as regards children and will also have a good education, perhaps even an academic career. M A R S will provide much enthusiasm directed towards religious activities. The individual's education will be hampered and he will experience unhappiness from his children. His frustration widi his ultimate personal life will tum him towards spiritual matters. His exuberance and zest for life, however, will not be diminished and he will be ever eager to take up new subjects of study and begin a new life. JUPITER in this sign will be quite strong, directing the expression of die life essence to higher levels of existence. The native will have children only after experiencing considerable difficulties. His education will be sound, and his interests will be primarily directed towards those subjects which unprove the spiritual quality of life. S A T U R N will make a deep impact on the individual; his fiery enthusiasm for improving the quaUty of life will be seriously dampened by restrictions to his creativity on every level. He will have no comfort from his children and his marital hfe will be miserable. He will be isolated from decent society and afflicted by insomnia. He may become interested in the Tantras,'^ which can provide remedial measures, and he may even be interested in black magic. Generally speaking, his mind will be confused and baffled. R A H U will make die native deeply interested m religious refonns and in improving the lives of criminals or the mentally ill. Personally, however, he will not affiliate himself with any identifiable religious group. K E T U will enable the individual to have a few children, but they will be a nuisance to him. His idealism, however, absorbs him completely; he will strive hard to preserve his spiritual heritage.


The Tantras are writings or, more broadly, spiritual practices, which are strongly imbued with what might be called "sympathetic magic." Most of us are primarily familiar with Tantra Yoga as a "sexual" Yoga, though in fact it addresses all areas of life. Tantra makes use of powerful energies which are ix>tentially dangerous. Thus Behari warns of the danger of crossing the line which separates Yoga from "black magic."

— The Fifth House —


CAPRICORN When Capricorn occupies the Fifth house, the individual is of die retiring type. His interest in the world springs from entirely unusual sources and his knowledge of the life-process is very deep. He is contemplative and endeavors to translate his understanding into action. Often this makes him misunderstood, for his ideas are enigmatic and his words confusing. He teaches a deeply spiritual philosophy whose full significance may be comprehended only by highly evolved souls and as a result of which he may even be persecuted. When the SUN occupies this sign, the native's intelligence and idealism become obscured. He wears a look of otherworldliness; his education is impaired. He may have one son, though the begetting of children will generally be difficult. He struggles to maintain his identity while experiencing restriction. WiUi die M O O N here, die psychology of die person acquhes a radier coarse grain. The individual takes delight in associating with unethical, and-social, cruel, or selfish persons. Professionally he may be wellplaced, even important, but he indulges in self-centered activities which lead him towards deeper layers of materialism and do not provide him with inner satisfaction. His mind is confused and unhappy. M E R C U R Y does not make the individual happy as far as children are concerned, but he usually acquires a good education and social status. His actual attainments, whether in society or in education, fall short of his potential. He is eager to establish the quality of his intellect and is to some extent successful in so doing; but he also wishes to accomplish some form of social or family improvement, at which he fails. V E N U S in this position energizes the sensual nature of the individual so much that the central pivot of his life is the satisfaction of his carnal passions. He immerses himself in it whole-heartedly and thus brings considerable disrepute to his parents. His artistic talents are much stifled due to his indulgences. However, he manages to obtain money from his nefarious activities. M A R S makes the individual renowned for his activities, his valor, his ability to overcome anti-social elements, and his dauntless spirit of exploration. He is always eager to embark on new enterprises. He will be a terror to his enemies, persevering m his studies, and not inclmed to rest till his assignment Ls finished. JUPITER m diis position may enable the individual to beget a daughter. He will be inclined to indulge m irreligious activities, and though his education and intellect may enable hun to see die futility of his opposition


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

to social and religious tradition, his iimer compulsions will continue to drive him toward rebellion. S A T U R N will make an expert craftsman, mechanical engineer, nihilist philosopher, or smuggler. The native's marital life may be strained, but he vkdll secure consideration from the state and acquire much money. He will have gifted children who will make their own mark overseas, but will be of no help to their parents. R A H U will make the individual interested in medicine and inclined to assist diose who are engaged in philanthropic activiUes. K E T U will make the person study yogic literature, engage in penance, and establish a new school of thought.

AQUARIUS Aquarius in the Fifth house influences the individual in very important ways. Only after great effort will he succeed in begetting children, but his life in other spheres of activity will make him much renowned. His scrupulous adherence to an ethical way of life will often put him to serious trials, but he will be able to withstand the ordeals of principled living. He will be interested in making his life useful and thus he will study those subjects which can help society. He will be prepared to be a martyr for the sake of attaining his goal in life. His ideas, however well-meaning they may be, will create problems for himself and for his parents. The S U N in this sign will deny any child to the individual, but will instill the urge to study spiritual subjects, for which he is well-suited. It will also enable him to acquire skill in those sciences which can help society. The M O O N in this sign wUl sharpen the intellect and bestow literary gifts enabling the individual to produce masterpieces. He will be much renowned, but his children will be of no assistance to him. Personally, he will be sad and world-weary, trying to comprehend life in all its vastness, being himself an important component of that vastness. 'With M E R C U R Y , the individual may have very intelligent daughters. He himself will be renowned for his deep understanding of life and human relationships. That understanding will itself be the goal of his life, though in fact most of his perceptions of truth may remain unconscious. V E N U S will make the individual materially oriented, trying to acquire everything he can. He will have little regard for ethical values: clandestine relationshijjs, surreptitious dealings, and fawning on people for his own selfish ends will be the main features of his life. He will be mentally equipped to study serious philosophical subjects, but his slodi will hinder


The Fifth House —


him from doing so. He will have a few daughters whom he will love very dearly, but they will also be a cause of sorrow and worry to him. M A R S in this position may make the individual cruel, ruthlessly striving to attain the objects of his desire and causing terror to his adversaries. He will derive inspiration from his spouse, who will goad him to indulge in self-seeking and money-making activities. There may be a few still-births, which will cause much sorrow. JUPITER in this sign will make the individual imhappy in many ways. His education will be obstructed; his siblings and colleagues may entangle him in litigadon. His own righteousness and egotism will often embroil him in a welter of confusion. His philosophy, his action, and his achievement will all be full of contradictions. S A T U R N will give clarity to the native's thinking and approach to life; diis clarity will mduce hun to follow die right sort of enterprise for earning money and acquiring a decent standard of living. In spite of marital troubles which arise from still-birth, miscarriage, or denial of progeny, he will feel satisfied with his educational and social status. R A H U will associate the native with drug addicts and smugglers whom he will try to reform; in diis effort he will fail. For his personal glorification, he may stoop to many mean activities and try to make them appear respectable. His inner desires and personal goals will remain elusive. K E T U will sharpen the individual's intellect. His offspring will consist of a few girls who will be very bright. He will be able to pursue abstruse subjects of study and propound original ideas about them.

PISCES With Pisces as the sign in die Fifth house, the ambition of the individual is greatly aroused; he desires to attain die highest and most comfortable status in life, the acme of glory. Unless counterbalanced by other planetary influences, Pisces in the Fifth house is not conducive to children, for this sign eliminates all kinds of material attachments. When the SUN occupies this sign, it will make the individual desirous of attaining spiritual enlightenment. He will always be restless unless the best rewards are available to him. He will do well in his examinations and even attam high official status, but he will have to work very hard. The Sun will enable the individual to attain much in the realm of spirit but, since children relate to the physical plane and Pisces to the spiritual, the native may well remain childless.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

The M O O N , on the other hand, will produce fortunate children, a good educational career, and high social status. The nadve will be guided towards the realization of spiritual goals. When M E R C U R Y occupies this sign and house, the individual is bom with powerful literary abilities and a facile mode of expression. He will have an extraordinary gift for articulating highly esoteric tiuths; whatever he says or writes will be greatly valued. His children will be religious and leamed, his status in society very important, and through the perfection of his literary faculties he will attain his goals in life. V E N U S exalted in Pisces will bestow on the individual the happiness of an amiable family life with an extremely attractive and leamed spouse sharing his joys and sorrows, making his stay at home a pleasure and his travels a journey with a mission. His children will be so gifted that not only will they bring wealth to the family, they will also raise the social status of the parents. The native's own inherent talent for music and the fine arts, his efficiency in social relationships, and his ability to express knowledge creatively will secure an enduring place for him in society. Though M A R S in Pisces will not enhance the possibilities for chUdren, its religious fervor and interest in deeper observances will make the native special. He will have litde respect for social mores, but with a mission in mind he willti-avelthe length and breaddi of the coimtry and inspire people towards a better way of living. There may be serious problems begetting children, thus causing some sadness, but the native's output in other spheres of creativity will be substantial. He will be a man with a mission. JUPITER will bestow very few children, but it will make the individual contented, regarding everything as the action of divine grace. Mentally he will remain in a state of equanimity. He will have a good education and his knowledge of spiritual teachings will be authoritative. Even his cantankerous nature will be oriented towards helping others. When S A T U R N occupies the Fifth house in Pisces, the individual suffers from deep-rooted guilt. HLs basic nature is often selfish, cantankerous, self-seeking and interested in showing off his acquisitions, but when he begins to really tiiink about himself, he realizes die shallowness of these desires. His spouse displays many desirable qualities, but die native's sensuality drives him to indiscretions which he will later regret. His studies, his profession, his society, and even his relations make him feel so self-conscious and isolated that he may be lonely and miserable throughout his life. K A H U in this house will produce a unique person whose irreligious and materialistic proclivities will cause his subconscious, paradoxically, to disgorge all that is ethical in life. Similarly, his sorrows from his

— The Fifth House —


children and his psychic involvements with disturbed people will gradually be transformed into a situation where the individual begins earning religious merits while still immersed in his materialistic enviromnent. K E T U in this sign will make the individual inwardly disciplined, unattached to anything material and leading a pure life. His goal is salvation, the abandonment of the world, and merging with the void. He may be considered crazy by his friends and associates, but he will be above worldly cridcisms and opinions.



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THE HOUSES I 0 S (3 0 „


6 THE SIXTH HOUSE Karmic Impediments: Diseases, Debts, Theft, Humiliation and Litigation Many incidents occur to an individual which are difficult to explain; some of them are very painful. Often one does not deserve such trials on the basis of one's actions in this life; thus their cause can only be understood on the basis of the theory of karma. Edgar Cayce, in his life readings of various persons, showed that congenital and other serious ailments arise due to acts of omission or commission in past lives. Astrologically, some idea of this process can be secured from the disposition of the Sixth house in a horoscope. Generally, this house is described as the house of disease, enemies, debts, disappointments, illnesses, difficulties, intense anguish, misunderstanding and so on, but some of the classical texts also mention "cooked rice," "a fall from a boat," and "the six flavors" all of which are suggestive of certain kinds of karma apportioned to the present life out of the total generated by the individual. Such unfortunate occurrences are placed in the life of an individual with a twofold objective: first, they aim at counterbalancing the imbalance caused by the individual in the natural scheme of the universe, and second, they compel and direct him to follow a particular course of action which is advantageous to the attainment of his final goal in life. Considered in this way, seemingly unfortunate occurrences are extremely important lessons from which one can profit only if he understands the nature of the difficulties and what they mean for die individual. The zodiacal signs and planetary influences affecting the individual through the Sixth house merely suggest the external expression of karraic forces which, in each individual case, work themselves out. The impact of planets in the Sixth house aims at releasing the latent faculties of the individual. These effects depend upon planetary disposition, strength and house ownership. In due course, any planet in the Sixth contributes to this process; but in a particular life, certain picuiets will have special impor-


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

tance. Fresh influences upon an individual require new conditions to create new possibilities which must necessarily break down the old and prevailing conditions. This adaptive process leads to conflicts and difficulties in the life of die individual concerned. The dismantling of old habits, old relationships and thought patterns is a painful process. Therefore, the Sixth house Ls often regarded as the house of difficulties. In fact, any difficulties arising as the result of planets in diis house are related to new possibilities developing within the person. In traditional interpretation, the Sun, Mars and Rahu are considered auspicious in this house, whereas Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are adverse. But this view is misleading. Each planet produces its impact according to its basic nature; each planet has a special operational method to precipitate its results. The S U N produces a very deep-rooted impact. It destroys all impediments to the flowering of the native's innermost uniqueness. When the solar rays sparkle and strengthen the soul principle in man, no odier conditioning can obstruct its clear impulses. The inner man must have his way; external conditions must adjust to umer ones, and dius they dissipate and fall asunder. From an ordinary point of view, this may seem to be a destrucUon of physical and social barriers. The Sun in the Sixth house enables die individual to achieve victory over his enemies, a successful termination of litigation and disputes, and effective solutions to financial difficulties. However, there may be kidney troubles or other such ailments, especially of the navel region. Psychological maturity and self-reliance are acquired along with a feeling of peisonal isolation. At times, even the government is unlielpful and antagonistic. The native may decide to live away from his homeland. Widi this combination, a very enigmatic situation arises: people at large express tremendous goodwill and sympadiy for the individual, but they cannot establish empathy with him. Thus he may sometimes fmd himself on the psychoanalyst's couch unless his natal chart is basically strong. With the M O O N in the Sixth house, the individual is dogged with persistent difficulties. Often his person is endangered and he is mixed up with criminals and anti-social elements; he suffers great fmancial difficulties and is even involved in public litigation. His physical healdi may not be strong, but there will be great mental expansion, intellectual development and moral stamina. Even during periods of acute physical and fmancial difficulty the native will succeed in securing help from providential sources. Such an individual will contribute much to social progress and command great respectability, but jjersonally he will have much to complain of.

— The Sixth House


M E R C U R Y in the Sixth completely uf)sets the physical and social life of the individual. He experiences so many inner or subjective changes that his outer or physical relationships are subject to severe turbulence. His mind is so stirred up that there is no social or psychological stability for him. Such a person may be catapulted from abject poverty to regal splendor, but he caimot hold onto anything. There may be physical difficulties, sexual experimentation, and marital incompatibility leading to separation, divorce, or sexual abuse. But through all these vicissitudes, significant psychological transformation and a widening of awareness and great insight into life can be experienced with Mercury in the Sixth house. V E N U S creates problems when placed in the Sixth. Aldiough the individual under its influence learns to unfold his capacities by associating himself with different types of people, these associations create social and personal difficulties for him. Often his marital life is in jeopardy, he becomes involved in bad and debt, and at times suffers from venereal disease. He has no control over his expenditures. He learns his spiritual lessons with great difficulty but develops a sense of detachment after much physical, financial and moral suffering. M A R S in die Sixth house is considered helpful; it has a great destructive force which enables the individual to transcend all sorts of difficulties. Even if the individual somehow, somewhere, gets involved in criminal proceedings, he emerges unscadied; afflicted by physical sufferings, he may experience a sudden cure. People in general may fmd him tight-fisted, but he will not be encumbered by debt. Mars in the Sixth induces a great deal of physical activity; events may happen so fast and from such unexpected quarters that the native may fmd himself in a whirlwind, bodi physically and mentally. In the process, he will develop fortitude, adaptability, and leadership. There is often a feeling of martyrdom in such a person; he may bleed physically and psychologically. His life experiences may make him rigid and opinionated. The Sixth house is not a good position for JUPITER. It bestows renown and fmancial assets, but the personal life of the native is full of turmoil. He may not enjoy the satisfaction of a hannonious married life. Financially he needs additional support to achieve stability; expenditures exceed income. Generosity of heart, an expansive temperament, and die desire for status will propel the individual into various social activities. He will invariably suffer from undefined cravings which may give him popularity, creativity and social status, but a deep-rooted sense of inferiority will be innate in him. ual

S A T U R N in the Sixth house produces sexual problems for the individSex will \ie a very unorthodox kind of experience for this native, but


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

out of it ttiere may arise a realization of his spiritual nature. Deprivation of a normal sex life and a tendency towards bizarre or unusual relaUonships enable him to secure special gifts from imexpected and unknown quarters which remove many of his personal difficulties. He may not always succeed in relating these two events, but both are impelled by Saturn. Such an individual is not necessarily attracted towards an unusual expression of sexuality, but the problem of sex affects his mental body vitally, and in some peculiar manner reveals to him the mysterious aspects of human motivation. For better or worse, his personal life is vitally affected by these experiences. He suffers from some physical ailment without expressing his pain to others; his doctors may not succeed in treating hun easily. In spite of such personal anguish and sorrow, the individual with Saturn in the Sixth house enjoys great renown and social esteem. R A H U produces great sustaining power when placed in the Sixth house. Every physical impediment is mysteriously removed, success in temporal endeavors is assured, and diplomatic skill is developed to a considerable extent. The individual may not have much idealism in his life and may even keep undesirable company. He will feel the allure of unethical, disrespectful or forbidden acUvities. K E T U in this position affects the mental principle in man and enables him to develop the powers of abstract thinking. Deeper levels of contemplation, often leading to the higher realms where one solves the abstruse problems of one's inner life, may result from such a combination. The individual imder this planetary influence may achieve a remarkable conceptualization of abstract principles and a formulation of universal laws, but the problems of life are likely to mar his thinking. The final days of such an individual are often sorrowful, full of physical suffering and a realization of the fudlity of human endeavor. He experiences enormous difficulties in his life, and considerable humiliation during major periods of his earthly existence.

ARIES Aries occupying the Sixth house chums the Sea of Immutability so as to produce egotism tinged with selfishness when the house is agitated by malefic planetary influences. Mean behavior in social relationships is not necessarily the expression of this influence, but the urge to rise higher in society often creates many enemies for die individual. He may be widely disliked, though the hostility of others is not always expressed outwardly.

— The Sixth House —


The S U N here penetrates the Sea of Inunutability so fiercely as to enable the good influences to come to the surface. Every kind of impediment is eliminated: the individual vanquishes his enemies, becomes disease-free, and is renowned for his courage and efficiency. If any one involves him in lidgaUon, he crushes his opponent severely. With the M O O N in this sign, the situadon is different. The native may feel ineffective and suffer from phlegm (kapha). He is sometimes subjected to scandal and may be under pressure from his creditors. With M E R C U R Y , the individual will have literar)' talent and secure much consideration from the state, but he will suffer from secret diseases which may put a stop to his sportsmanship. With V E N U S , any upsurge of carnal passion or the slightest temptation towards profligacy drives the native headlong into trouble. At worst he may suffer from venereal ailments and end up heavily in debt. He will not always be well spoken of Such experiences teach him, though very slowly, the desirability of basic honesty in human relationships. When M A R S occupies this sign and house, it acquires many of die characteristics of the Sun, though with the important difference that Mars attains its victory after fierce struggle and opposition, while the Sun does so without effort. Under the influence of Mars the individual becomes a litde cruel, has to fight his adversaries, and must take precautionary and remedial measures against diseases. He may get into some situation where bloodshed or surgery becomes necessary, though his recovery will probably be very swift. JUPITER LS important here because it ultimately bestows tremendous renown and prestige, but the padi is full of thorns. At some time or other in his career, the individual has to pass through periods of penury; his eyesight may give him trouble, his children may be disrespectful, his family life could be disorganized, and there may be charges against him — even of tieason. These difficulties arise so that he may realize the sorrow of deprivation and not mfiict the same on others, and also to arouse his hidden understanding of the supreme realization which can occur when one is purged of emotional impurities. In order tliat the individual may become truly spiritual, he must pass through purgatory. S A T U R N in the Sixdi house in his debilitation sign leads to die agitation of an intense karma which almost annihilates the native's personal life. Saturn can make the person indigent, under which condition he incurs heavy debt, is humiliated, and keeps bad company. His lascivious nature is so much excited that he may incur venereal disease or become a social outcast. With such bitter experiences concerning life, he


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

becomes so disenchanted widi human relationships that a desire for renunciation dawns upon him. R A H U in this sign is auspicious in the sense that although the individual sometimes passes through periods of anxious uncertainty, he finally attains his goal. He is not much respected by society, but he has all die conveniences anyone can hope for. K E T U is often destructive for the native. The karmic past is so agitated that it may bring an inf-mous fall and great humiliation. In spite of power and possessions, diere will always be an uncertainty or sense of unreality about the person which will foil his efforts to stabilize his position. TAURUS Taurus in the Sixth house provides an influence which chums past karmas so intensely that the individual has an equal chance of drowning in past life vices or conquering them and attaining the glorious realm which awaits purified souls. Social humiliation produced by sexual extremism, cmelty towards fellow human beings, and fmancial trouble may all arise in the native's life. Sometimes the spiritual forces which await die successful conclusion of the individual's trials are so strong that the moment die trial is over a flood-gate of spiritual power is opened to him. When the SUN occupies diis sign, there is tremendous dissatisfaction in the native: it is not his rampant sexuality which makes his life so difficult, but personal humiliation. He is generally considered dishonest, indulging in anti-scx;ial activities and causing strife. In the long run, liowever, he usually miUiages to save his good name. Wlien die M i D O N occupies this sign, the individual suffers from ill health connected with die cardiac region. His difficulties are of a physical nature; psychologically, he is very cool and composed. In time he acquires mucli money and is brought into such fortunate circumstances that he helps many odier people and attains social status. M E R C U R Y produces unfortunate conditions in this sign. It activates sensual desire to such an extent that it becomes a psychological obsession, thereby affecting the native's personal and social relationships and causing difficulties with regard to his married life and official position. He may be slandered or even persecuted. HLs physical and psychological health may suffer badly. V E N U S can make the native an outright debauchee who, imder affliction, incurs debt on account of his profligacy and degrades the status of his family. M A R S chums the carnal passions of the individual to such an extent that his behavior disregards all social decorum and traditional values. He

— 7?!^ Sixth House —


will not suffer from physical problems on this account, however, and once his sensual desires are stabilized he can be a powerful and effective member of society. He will live by his own standard of ethics. Widi JUPITER occupying diis sign, diere will be a marked ambivalence between sensual attractions and spiritual values. The bigotry and vacillation of the person will produce popular feelings against him, and in spite of his good intentions he will be humiliated. There may also be the chance of meeting with serious accidents or contracting diseases which lead to much loss of blood. S A T U R N in this sign will generate a protective influence. It will set up a karmic shield, founded in the past, which saves the uidividual from any serious opposition. Some kind of religious fer\'or, possibly involving ritual or traditional worship, will also protect him from danger. His past karma will be covered by this protective shield of Saturn and he w i l l be provided with opportunities to perform helpful deeds of lasting significance. Widi R A H U in this house, the individual is again placed in a protective shell which keeps lum from harm, even though his environment may be unfavorable and his associates hostile. K E T U will transform the native's basic sensitivity into philosophical perception. Under its influence, the individual will absorb and transmute all the misfortimes of the path. He may be burdened by blackmail and criticism, and at times he may have to undergo physical hardships, but he will hold his head high despite his worries.

GEMINI Gemini in the Sixth house produces misfortunes which have their roots in previous lives. A n inner power compels the individual to follow a line of action which creates difficulties for him. The ideas which induce him to take a stand against society may be justified on idealistic grounds, but his actions are motivated by psychological compulsion. A deeply felt concem for the rights of women is felt, leading to associations with particular women who, whether for good or ill, are connected with die individual's karmic past. In these relationships the individual who is disceming can find the hand of destiny. H-oubles arise due to the native's intense mental processes and through the opposite sex. When the S U N occupies this sign the individual will have fierce confrontations with authority. He will make decisions based on his ideals which acmally leave him indigent and send him into exile, but, having undergone the trial and faced the stonn, he will come face to face widi hi.s


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

true self and be able to establish a rapport with this most secret and cherished part of him. With the M O O N in this position, the individual will suffer on account of his spouse. The karmic past may manifest in the form of abject poverty at some time in his life, and he may become psychologically insecure, haunted by unknown fears. He may have stomach ailments. With M E R C U R Y in this sign and house, die individual will have fmancial difficulties. Though eminendy respectable, he may be involved in litigation. His stamina will be low. V E N U S increases the uidividual's sexuality to the point where it interferes with die rest of his life. He tells lies, meeU people surreptitiously, and gets involved in scandals. The possibility of divorce, litigation, or loss of job is high. The presence of M A R S also agitates the sexual nature of the native so much that conventional morality is cast aside. Family life is full of unhappiness, and the individual experiences almost every kind of humiliadon, persecution, litigadon, divorce proceeding, physical mjury, and bad temper. These difficulties do not permit him to enjoy the fruits of his creativity. JUPITER in this sign is a great help. It enables the individual to acquire money and status, though he becomes involved in scandal and may have to lose a substantial amount of money in litigation. Great expenditure on medical bills is also expected under this placement. Loss of health and money are predicted when S A T U R N in the Sixth house occupies Gemini. Some kind of criminal proceedings may be instituted against the native. There is danger from diseases like tuberculosis or other degenerative ailments when R A H U occupies this position. With K E T U in this sign, die individual's mind is so energized that the general public is not ready to comprehend the significance of his ideas; this leads to his social persecution. Often he will be humiliated and his company shunned because he does not enjoy popular approbation.

CANCER Cancer in the Sixth can make the person amenable to yogic exercises and promote the development of his latent faculties. If there are difficult planetary combinations or other weaknesses in the chart, however, he may also be liable to litigation and social scandals. Tbe SUN occupying the Sixtii house in Cancer will sharpen die intellect of the person, making even die ordinary pains of everyday life very acute. The individual will gain no liappiness from his children and

— The Sixth House —


will have to struggle very hard to maintain a decent standard of living, though after much effort he will be able to eke out some subsistence. His physical health is generally sound, but psychologically there is always tension. He bears heavy responsibilities for his family. When die M O O N occupies diis sign, it opens the lid on past karmas, and, depending upon the contents of the past, the individual may suffer without any letup or hindrance. He becomes susceptible to die sUghtest changes in the weadier and is unable to bear any strain on his physical body. His psychological make-up is likewise vulnerable to the sUghtest tension. He is unable to make both ends meet and is often in debt. Mental maturity is greatly enhanced with die Moon in Cancer, but when diis combination occurs in the Sixth house the individual is put to serious strain due to this very maturity of mind, which, in some cases, takes the form of rigid opinions. Unless the person has ascended to a level of supreme bliss, he will make a large number of enemies among the masses. Even when one is in a state of enlightenment, the nature of this sign is such that the accumulated (sanchita) karmas of the past will emerge to destroy one's physical comforts. If the Moon is afflicted by malefics like Rahu he may be scandalized and blackmailed, and if by Ketu he sees psychic visions and becomes psychologically disturbed; if afflicted by Saturn he becomes a victim of litigation and other kinds of persecution. When Mars is either associated with or aspecting the Moon, the individual suffers from quick temper and loss of blood. M E R C U R Y in this sign and house causes unhappiness from children. The individual suffers from secret enemies and from his own mental vacillation. His expenditure is always much beyond his income, and the lack of clarity in his approach to social and family problems leads to misunderstandings which often put him in serious difficulties. With V E N U S in diis sign, the mdividual supports many of his family members and is very reUgious. In spite of all this, he is accused of miserliness, is short of money, gets into serious fits of depression due to problems caused by female relatives, and may often dispose unwillingly of some of his family assets. M A R S in this position gets the person into physical as well as mental trouble. Violent outbursts of temper are but a mild expression of his mental attitude. Under such a combination, the individual may even take up arms and become violent in order to impose his desires and his way of thinking on others. He favors alternative forms of sexuality, illicit liaisons, and is frequentiy in fmancial difficulties. The misfortunes befalling him are sudden, unexpected, and very complex.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

JUPITER is exalted in this sign, which minimizes any adverse effect. Whatever ailments the individual may suffer are easily managed, and whatever causes heavy expenditure is made more productive of greater wealth. Auspicious past karmas surface so as to let the individual grow in his personality and stabilize his social stahis. S A T U R N occupying this sign arouses many secret desires, alternative relationships, clandestine affairs, and a strong tendency toward dirty habits and low companions. As a result, the individual often gets into difficulties, financial trouble, unfortunate associations, and is persecuted. R A H U also makes the individual indulge in bad habits and produces a depressive temperament, but most of his difficulties are easily sorted out. K E T U makes the native vulnerable to an onslaught of astral furies; he often finds himself on the psychiatric couch.

LEO With Leo occupying the Sixth house, the uidividual endures much physical hardship. There may be sudden loss of wealth, or he may be tempted to gamble. When the SUN occupies this sign, the individual defeats his adversaries. His health is generally good, but he suffers from serious eye trouble. The M O O N in this sign signifies a setback on account of one's children, who become very rebellious. The individual is subjected to litigation and incurs debt. M E R C U R Y brings loss of family property and marital unhappiness. With V E N U S , the number of one's adversaries increases. Many secret schemes are worked against the native. He suffers from diseases pertaining to the urinary tract and is also susceptible to venereal diseases. M A R S in this position produces strength and courage, which enable the individual to face his adversaries squarely. However, he is liable to suffer from serious physical injuries. JUPITER vvill enable the individual to receive unexpected help Ln his career and to secure money. However, he must protect himself against stomach disorders and pressure on his heart. S A T U R N may involve the individual in diseases like cancer or paralysis when severely afflicted. R A H U will bring diseases which will be extremely difficult to diagnose and eradicate. The individual may be almost bed-ridden without much hope of remedy. K E T U will subject the individual to scandal, divorce, and debt.

— The Sixth House —


VIRGO Virgo in the Sixth house makes the individual suffer from ailments which may be primarily psychological in origin, though life-long in duration. These individuals usually undergo surgery at some point in their lives, but the most important thing about diem is their fixation upon some objective or love object which haunts the entire life. The S U N in this sign makes the person physically fit, but mentally he is obsessed by a martyr complex of some kind. His children caimot reach his inner core and he always feels lonely, yearning for affection and recogiution. The M O O N in this sign makes the individual somewhat experimental and licentious in sexual relationships, despite the presence of an attractive marriage partner. Financial and property loss is incurred on account of female relatives. The native's sexual affairs may cause him scandal and humiliation. 'When M E R C U R Y occupies its exaltation position, few physical ailments arise for the native, and he achieves recognition for his learning. His colleagues, however, spread adverse rumors which are appropriately met in due course without causing any serious damage. The fatigue of constant traveling may exhaust him. When V E W ; S occupies Virgo in the Sixth, the individual must be careful. This is not a combination from which the native may expect comfortable living. Divorce, loss of money, venereal diseases and heavy debt are some of the factors which are likely to disturb liis mind. M A R S will involve the individual in accidents. He will have to face opposition from his colleagues on account of his ruthless ambition, but in all such confrontations he will emerge victorious. JUPITER'S inJfluence may provide temporary relief, but will not stem the tide of mLsfortune unless it is supported by other planets. Heavy debt and nervous exhaustion will have to be dealt with before the individual can attain an eminent career and accumulate wealth. S A T U R N may cause high blood pressure, physical deformities, or other congenital problems. R A H U may distort the native's thinking process and put hun in bad company, under the influence of which he will form many bad habits. K E T U will make the native psychic, though he may also be obsessional. He will be subject to possession by astral entities.

LIBRA Libra in the Sixth house generally permits favorable influences to pervade the life of the individual. Whatever his vocation, whatever his


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

mental aptitude or status in life, an auspicious enviroiunent is created for the fulfdlment of his goals. But to provide a happy set of circumstances, these goals should be directed towards materialism and sensual gratification. For those whose horoscopes show spiritual potential. Libra in the Sixth is not helpful. The SilN occupying this sign creates loss of property and humiliation for the individual. He is lured by sexual affairs which may destroy his social respectability. The M O O N occupying this sign makes profligacy so deeply rooted that the individual contracts venereal diseases which are difficult to cure. He incurs heavy expenditures and runs into debt. M E R C U R Y in this position obstructs the native's educational career; he loses his money and suffers from both physical and psychological problems. V E N U S can make the person a debauchee with all the associated vices and diseases. When M A R S occupies this sign, the individual overcomes the hypocrisy of everyday life. Though his sexual desires are strong, he struggles to overcome them by his fiery enthusiasm for higher goals. Marital happiness of an enduring kind is denied to him. He will probably be well off financially; though he may face hardships early m life, these are soon overcome. When JUPITER occupies this sign, the individual achieves command over languages. He establishes clandestine liaisons, but does not generally suffer on that account. His expenditures are on a lavish scale, but he does not incur debts thereby. His physical health is generally sound, and he attains social eminence. The only karmic affliction he suffers is a regret which leaves him always wanting more than he has. When S A T U R N occupies Libra in the Sixth house, life becomes fairly smooth, with no iimate physical problems or humiliating scandals. Past adverse influences are effectively sealed so that the individual only has to face the conditions which arise in his present birth. With R A H U in the Sixth house, there is intense materialism with much sensitivity at the physical level. The health of the person suffers from a large number of nondescript ailments. For such persons it Ls useful to take prophylactic measures against any likely disease. K E T U will lead to mental anxiety. If Ketu is not affected by any other planetary combination, there may be some physical or psychological factor leading to social ostracism.

— The Sixth House—


SCORPIO Scorpio occupying the Sixth house produces sexual issues of one sort or another. The individual also meets with problems such as long absence from his homeland or guilt and secrecy regarding his humble origins. Diseases and other humiliating situations afflicting the person will be of the sort that caimot be discussed in the open. The basic problem of the individual arises from the fact that there are two distinct components of the individual's personality, each one trying to deny the existence of the other. This conflict seriously distorts die pjersonality. When die SUN occupies dus sign, die conflict is further intensified. There is animosity between the nadve, his friends, and colleagues whom he treats as friends — but whom he secredy desires to overcome. He is very miserly in his expenditures, denying himself even the necessities, but outwardly he will make a show of generosity in entertammg friends. His personal life will be materialistic and sexual, though he will like to give the impression that he is a moralist. Such contiadictions express themselves in psychological instability, and physical problems such as high blood pressure and nervous exhaustion. The M O O N occupying this sign of its debilitation makes the native an eccentric; his past karma erupts into his life, so that social calumny confronts him without any provocation on his part. At times the Moon will withdraw its cool judgment, as a result of which the person may be immersed in profligacy. Whatever the immediate cause, the Moon creates some kind of psychological pain. M E R C U R Y is especially difficult here. At worst it can strangle the entire personality and destroy all the finer feelings of the person. It may produce a life of intrigue, unpredictability, and dissatisfied sexual desire. Male sterility or female barrenness can also be produced by this combination. V E N U S in this position is not much better. The voluptuous nature of the person and his extreme indulgences combined with a lack of any sense of family obligation may lead him into problems with venereal disease. He also suffers from financial difficulties and may be greatly dishonored in society. M A R S in Scorpio is powerful and its impact on accumulated karma is to externalize it and work it out so that its influence for the future is nullified. In order to do diis, the individual wdl meet serious opposition to his way of doing things and to his social nature. When such opposition arises, the individual gets into difficulties and becomes emotionally "dried up." But soon the crisis is over and he is free from opjX)sition. Physically, he may suffer from fever, infections, and boils or other skin eruptions.


~ Planets in the Signs and Houses —

JUPITER'S influence is not easily harmonized. There may be severe physical disease, perhaps dyspepsia or ulcers. The native's marital life will be in the doldrums and he will be in difficulties concerning his heavy expenditures. There is a possibility of his contracting sexually transmitted diseases, though his social status and respectability will be such that no one will talk about his personal life opetdy. S A T U R N will increase the possibility of hypertension, violent temper, and indecision or wrong decisions which get the native into problematical situations. He may suffer from some ailment of the pelvic region as well as infections of the urinary tract. R A H U produces enmity from low persons with whom the native must finally come to terms. In spite of such reconciliation, the individual may lose some of his social respectability. K E T U may involve die individual in bizarre sexual relations, and at worst may even lead him to commit criminal acts. Nevertheless, diese activities will be rationalized by him on the basis of some idealistic consideration. His problems will become known and his company wUl be shunned. He will be rigorously punished for any anti-social behavior.

SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius in the Sixth house enables the individual to achieve great deeds. Such daring enterprises are undertaken not oidy in the material world to acquire power and status, but also in the religious sphere where ti-emendous self-conU-ol and arduous discipline are required. In die Sixth house this sign provides an impulse whereby old karmic influences are brought to the surface to assist the uidividual in carrying out his destiny. It is a very powerful force which completely annihilates any obstructing influences and imparts to the individual only those forces which strengthen the special faculties needed for his mission. With the S U N in this sign, the individual is not necessarily robust. He may have fragile health, and may suffer from indigence, a limited education, and inability to secure a powerful career. He may undergo serious illnesses, surgery, and a dishirbed emotional life. But what the Sun in Sagittarius will do is retrieve from the karmic past the courage and perceptive faculties which can withstand the severest spiritual trials. Under this influence, the individual is also extremely empathic. The M O O N in this sign produces a versatile genius capable of dedicating all his strength and power to the transformation of society. In doing so, he may suffer physical depiivations. Excmciating pain will have to be home, sometimes to such an extent that die personality will seem completely dissolved. For a younger soul, unprepared for such trials, this

— The Sixth House —


combination may impel the individual to dissipate his vital energy, cause suffering from a burning sensation m the stomach, and create heavy debts. M E R C U R Y in this sign is not very helpful for social relations. It creates a hostile atmosphere around the native. He will be accused of parochialism, bad temper, and will suffer from financial stringency. His relations will try to damage his reputation. V E N U S causes disharmony with the mother's side of the family. Adverse conunents slandering the individual are inflicted upon him by his associates, and he may even be accused of adultery. M A R S in this position will be very helpful by way of providing indomitable courage and enthusiasm for overcoming one's enemies and transcending difficulties; it makes the native very energetic. His weakness will arise from his inattention to other people's feelings, his disrespect towsud those who are in power, and excessive sexual desire. JUPITER makes the person suffer from indigestion. He may have some disease of the intestines. He is respected and honored by the state, but will be in debt due to his extiavagance. S A T U R N makes the native specially gifted in spiritual knowledge. He is capable of arduous religious observances. If there are supporting factors, the possibility of attaitung enlightenment is great. R A H U makes the person very materialistic, but he succeeds in his enterprises. He tells lies and is held in low esteem, but he gets his work done. He also attains a high social position and a long life. K E T U in this position produces penury but favors eidighteiunent. There are many hostile forces against die person; he is humiliated, scandalized, and subjected to social obloquy, but he attains supreme detachment almost to the extent of desirelessness. The native is unique in many ways.

CAPRICORN With Capricorn in the Sixdi house, die individual cannot hope to have a smooth and peaceful life. This sign generates the union between the individual and universal consciousness, which is a very arduous process. Under this influence the individual must undergo several tiying experiences. Often the strain of family life is great, and the married life of the person Ls usually unhappy. The individual becomes exceptionally selfcentered, and is generally misunderstood by his associates and relations. In old age he suffers from serious ailments. Physical handicaps, serious operations, and psychological sorrow are some of the attributes of this sign position.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

The S U N may cripple the individual physically, but physical incapacity will not stand in the way of his achieving his mission in life. The Sun placed in Capricorn will, as a result of the native's paying off karmic debts, universalize his consciousness and enable him to do much social service. The M O O N in this sign will restrict the mental development of the individual, leaving him at the mercy of karmic forces throughout his life. All his efforts to orient his life in a specific direction according to his desire will be ineffective in the face of destiny. He will live and mix with laborers who have few altruistic notions about life. He will have plenty of money, but not peace of mind or social respectability. M E R C U R Y in this sign will make the individual insensitive to the feelings of others. He will suffer from diseases of the hands and feet and will incur the eimiity of many due to his spoken and written words. His virility will be greatly reduced and he will have fmancial difficulties. V E N U S in the Sixth house has a restrictive effect on the sociability of the person, and he will not be successful in establishing a happy conjugal relationship. He will incur hostile feelings from women, some of whom will scandalize him and damage his career. Diseases related to the getuto-urinary tract are possible. With M A R S in Capricorn, the individual becomes very excitable, always ready to create turmoil. He has very few close friends. He is generally successful in transcending all opposition, but suffers from pain in his stomach. His face may have some scar or other mark of injury. JUPITER in this sign will damage the relationship with the native's children. His academic degree and interest in spiritual studies will not be of any use in his profession — in which, however, he will attain great success. He may be a bit smug, and though his adversaries will never attack him outright they will secretly seek his downfall or obstruct his path. Jupiter will make the individual wealthy, though he would prefer to feel spiritually evolved. His personal character, affluence, and his desire to be socially helpful wdl greatly counteract any hostility against him. S A T U R N will give the native tremendous social and family responsibilities to bear. His marital life will not be a success, but he will have very few adversaries. He may be subject to diseases requiring intensive medication or surgery. R A H U will certainly enable the individual to achieve his mission and overcome any difficulties on the way, but he will associate widi meanminded and unethical people. He will be liable to prosecution for his underhanded activities; his association with such activities as drug addiction, drug trafficking, or smuggling may get him into difficulties, diough generally diese charges will not be substantiated.

— The Sixth House —


K E T U will make the individual completely non-materialistic in the sense of any covetous attachment to wealth and power. But by virtue of possessing these attributes and utilizing them to help others, the person will earn the goodwill of many. These persons, however, in public or when face to face with the native, will not express their iimer regard and appreciation for his character; instead they will often accuse him of a bad temper, of being a hard master and a strict disciplinarian, hi fact, the individual will be an austere person, and in spite of his understanding of the failings of others will always encourage them to do better and seriously take them to task — thus justifying the allegations of strictness.

AQUARIUS Aquarius in the Sixth house opens the flood-gate of karma and brmgs to light whatever the individual has acquired in the past. This enables the individual to wrestle with the adverse forces in his life and eradicate them from his psyche, so as to utilize the helpful forces for achieving his destiny. As a result of these diverse influences, there are large numbers of people hostile to him who circulate severe criticism against him. But there are also sincere friends and the individual's own sense of ethics to sustain him through thick and thin. Unless he is of an outgoing disposition, the the native with the SUN in Aquarius is always yearning for the love and affection of his family members; he misses the fmer qualities of life and remains sensually self-indulgent. His friends and foes are equally unsavory, and he himself may suffer psychological difficulties. Usually this combination does not make the person indigent, though his sexual desires are frequently uncontrollable and he will go to any lengths to satisfy them. The M O O N in this sign produces a special effect on the life of the person. There is an aura of secrecy about him. He is soft spoken and easily gains one's confidence — a confidence which he may later exploit for his own ends. He is interested in education, the fine arts, music, social organizations and political activities. As a result of these interests he gains a large number of friends and acquaintances. But then, under the guise of such respectable associations, he may engage in seduction, adultery, the misappropriation of wealth which does not belong to him, or the neglect of his own family. He may become a member of secret or exclusive societies. When M E R C U R Y occupies this sign, the individual is clever and gifted with several skills, but his personality is completely subject to the influence of very unenlightened persons. He serves those who do not appreciate the finer things in life and who are unculmred. There is always


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

unhappiness and quarreling in his house. He has bad relations widi his neighbors, is extiavagant in his expenditiires, and immoral in his dealings. He frequently gets into difficulties and is subjected to long-term litigation with little chance of emerging unscathed. V E N U S produces extreme sensuality. Under its influence, the individual often flaunts all reUgious injunctions and moral tradition with his promiscuity, drunkenness and gambling. With M A R S in this position, secret schemes may be devised for the native's destruction, but he will escape them. His personal austerity will be extreme, and his missionary zeal will bring relief to the people. He may change his place of residence frequently. Though fragile in constitution, his spiritual attainments will be immense. His death will be sudden and perhaps violent, but his influence on society survives him. JUPITER may create problems with regard to the teeth and stomach. The native's appetite will be poor. He will lose property and his marital life will be unhappy. But he will be respected, renowned for his learning, and wiU command great audiority on spiritual matters. He will have tiouble from his associates, but he will be forgiving. He will also be rich. S A T U R N in diis sign is powerful, bestowing longevity, persistence, and the ability to overcome diseases by force of will and fight the ordeals of life with equanimity. His troubles will originate from his sectarianism; his children will also bring him much worry. In spite of opposition and difficulties in his community, he will make a success of his Ufe. R A H U occupying this sign will make everyone the native's antagonist. His language may be offensive and he may be much disliked. Even his spouse and cbald may have scant respect for him. There will, however, be order in his life, idealism in his approach, and comfort in his living. K E T U in this position wiU bring cataclysmic changes to the person's life, resulting from die distrust, humiliation, and animosity generated by his colleagues and associates. After attaining great proficiency in his trade, he will be forced to alter his life pattern; after having confronted opposition from several quarters, he will gain equanimity and spend his time more or less like a recluse. He will seldom open his inner feelings and ideas to others, and he will experience a great metamorphosis in life.

PISCES Pisces occupying the Sixth house produces an imusual individual to whom a large number of people pay obedience either from fear or respect. He has much power, whether spiritual or temporal, at his command. He is bom with some purpose in life which is primarily directed towards service to the society in which he lives. By following his destiny, he may

— The Sixth House —


sacrifice a comfortable life, friendly sympadiy, riches and fame. His life is work, service, and suffering. He gets into difficulties with powerful opponents. The S U N in this position creates much trouble for the individual concerned. Enemies, debts and diseases come to him in many forms. However, he successfully intimidates and schemes against his opponents, destroying their uiuted attack on him. Local govenmient itself may disturb his mental peace, and precipitate humiliating actions against him. In spite of all these difficulties the individual suffers only minor repercussions and Ls by and large protected against major calamities. The M O O N , however, fails to protect the native. It makes him vuhierable to severe hostile onslaughts. In public office, the situation may deteriorate to such an extent that he may face suspension or demotion. Physically he may be afflicted with pleurLsy or indigestion. His expenditures will much exceed his income and he will be in debt. Allegations of moral turpitude may be leveled against him. M E R C U R Y in Pisces will make the individual greatly devoted to spirituality. He will have litde money, but a very devoted and efficient spouse. He himself will mosdy be engaged in deep contemplation, leaving the management of famUy affairs to the spouse. V E N U S in this position makes the individual extremely sensitive to the feelings of others. He will be a highly evolved soul who will be subjected to much misunderstanding. His equanimity of mind and refined perceptivity wUl raise him above the pain and sorrow of debt, disease and humiliation. He wUl be well off as far as money is concerned, his comprehension of situations wUl be very sharp, and his power to tackle his opponents will be adequate. He will move in the higher echelons of society. M A R S wUl make the person voluptuous; his marital fidelity will be questionable. But he wUl be well-provided with money and will have sufficient power to overcome die various adversaries he will encounter in life. JUPITER in its own sign makes the uidividual suffer so that he may leam the lesson of renunciation. Often the various hardships, unconventional relationships, and various other experiences the individual has to undergo make him deeply spirimal. He will achieve much renown and will suffer physical or psychological injuries; he will always look to the Supreme, whatever it may mean to him, for the cause and the remedy. Jupiter's influence will permit past karma to surface and confront the individual, who will have to deal with it. But Jupiter will always extend its protective force, enabling him to fulfill his divine mission.


Planets in the Signs and Houses —

S A T U R N in Pisces will raise the individual to the highest spiritual pinnacle. His vision will encompass the Supreme, covering e\'erything with benevolence. Physical pain, even diseases such as cancer or epilepsy, financial deprivation so severe as to leave him without a stitch, or social obloquy leading to abandonment will not affect his psyche. He will be forgiving to all, keeping his consciousness focused on God. R A H U will also enable the individual to have knowledge of the secret sciences and mysteries of nature, but the combinadon will not help him to acquire money or property. He will have the support of many powerful persons, as a result of which he will successfully overcome the various adversaries he may have to face. K E T U will provide the native with a vision which wUl enable him to forgive all his enemies. In reality, he will have no enemies, for he will be a true seeker, believing in karma and divine law.


THE SEVENTH HOUSE The Field of Action: Marriage, Sex, Spirituality, Trade, Status, and Death The energy and karma assigned to an individual during any particular lifetime require an arena wherein they can be worked out. The spiritual literature of the Hindus describes this process in terms of "kshetra," die field, and "kshetrajna," the knower of the field. The life essence which reincarnates and which plays its various roles during any given life span is the knower of the field, while the various circumstances through which it expresses itself are the field, the arena in which the drama of life is performed. The script requires the actor to respond to various stimuli received during the process of living, and the stage upon which these responses are played out is more often than not a battlefield. Thus, in classical astrological texts the Seventh house represents the sphere of action wherein life's battle is fought. Specifically, it signifies one's spouse, sexual union, the winning of one's object or desire, semen, gerutals, and all secret pleasures arising from sexual union.' The ancient texts further link this house with perfume, music, flowers, sweet drink, soup, butter, and "the tasting of things prepared in ghee." More complex symbols include "the tasting of nectar," "a break in a journey," deviation from the right path, destruction of power, controversy and "conquest over the enemy." Theft, an adopted son, foreign places, charity, "money that is locked up at another place," trade, attainment of social status, "the time of one's journey," and one's death are also indicated by this house. From all these, it should be clear that the Seventh


Here Behari follows die general teachings of yogic philosophy, in which vital spiritual energy is directly related to sexual energy. The sexual act diminishes that vital energy; hence the purpose of brahmacharya or the practice of celibacy is to presserve one's vital energy for spiritual development.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

house is a significator of the various actions which are performed with that quantum of inherent life essence apportioned to us at the time of our birth. The most universal method by which the ordinary person dissipates his vital energy is through sexual union. Other methods of sensuous enjoyments are also included in this process. " A break in a journey" signifies movement towards material values, "trade" and "foreign places" suggest one's involvement in social relationships, "the tasting of nectar" refers to spiritual efforts, and "ghee" symbolizes the essence of life. The Seventh house is thus the counterbalancing force of the First house, it represents all those things by which the energy of the latter is used up. Approached in diis way, die scope of diis house is very wide, and goes beyond the general astrological teaching regarding its connection widi marriage. Interpretation of die Seventh house should be done with this wider scope in view. This expanded view becomes useful when we begin to study the influence of the different planets in this house division. Malefics such as the Sun, Mars, and Saturn direct the basic vital energy of the individual towards spiritual unfoldment by frustrating the urge towards sensual enjoyment. Necessarily, this is a very sorrowful experience, but unless material urges are suppressed, the spirituality in man cannot blossom. Seen from this perspective, the presence of malefics in the Seventh is actually of value to the spirimal seeker. The benefics provide conditions conducive to die enjoyment of love relations, luxurious living, and die enjoyment of good food. The "inner man" may or may not attain the clarity of mind to detach himself from the impact of such pleasures and cultivate desirelessness. Venus, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter all provide conditions under which the individual may indulge in physical gratifications. When examining planetary infiuences on this house, one must assess the soul's capacity to bear the anguish of separation from all material pleasures. The various meanings of the Sevendi house must all be kept in view in order to analyze the impact of the planets in diis regard. Generally speaking, the SUN in the Seventh house shapes an individual who is greatly attracted to the opposite sex, but who suffers thereby. He experiences difficulties m establishing harmonious married life, and often marries more than once. He Ls fond of traveling, and of lovers from widely different social backgrounds. The fidelity of his spouse is doubtful. The M O O N occupying die Seventh house makes the individual very passionate, possessing an attractive spouse from whom he acquires much wealth.

— The Seventh House — M E R C U R Y makes the individual very diplomatic, able to relate well with every type of person. His relationship with his spouse is as harmonious as with other business partners; the influence of the marriage partner on his attainment of social status is considerable. VEhfUS makes the individual skilled in the erode arts. His partners in love, as well as in business, are very cooperative and harmoniously related to him. Urdess Venus is badly aspected or afflicted, the marriage partaer is honest, attractive, and well-maimered. Whatever the status of M A R S in this house, it spoils marital pleasure; the individual sometimes experiences physical abuse from the marriage partner. He is liable to undergo serious siirgical operations. JUPITER in this position makes the individual respectable, wealthy, educated, and virtuous; marital felicity is generally assured, but fidelity cannot be vouched for unless Jupiter is strong and well-disposed. S A T U R N in this position is not very conducive to happy married life. The native marries late, the parmer comes from a financially troubled background and is very narrow-minded, and the individual does not follow an ethical code of conduct. There is much animosity between the native, his spouse, and his business partners. R A H U , being a karmic planet, creates much unhappiness in the Seventh house. Whether alone or in association with any other planet, its impact is sorrowful. The mdividual falls mto relationships with partners who are very often undesirable, quarrelsome, extravagant, and inflexible; they either suffer from genito-urinary troubles or are dishonorable. Very often the individual has to face separation, divorce, or death of the marriage partner. He is very fond of traveling, of changing his job, and of cultivating new associations — all with the objective of securing something for his own personal satisfaction. K E T U in this position inclines the individual toward alternative forms of sexual expression, but if the planet is favorably inclined it may unfold many spiritual possibilities, including a proficiency in what may be termed "sympathetic magic."

ARIES Aries occupying the Seventh house creates an impetus which is expressed on the higher level as the urge for exploring new areas of experience and conquest, whether in the field of spirituality or through subjugating one's adversaries; in the realm of sensation, however, it excites the thirst for sexual indulgences. The individual will regard the marriage relationship as a replica of life's batUefield. He will consider it


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

an outlet for physical release of the tension generated through everyday life rather than as an institution which serves to perpetuate the social order. The S U N in this sign will greatly reinforce this theme. The urge to overcome an enemy, begin a new way of life, and start a fresh course of action will motivate the native. Marriage or sexual partnership to him centers less on the sharing of emotions and intellectual aspirations than on the release of physical tension. The M O O N takes full advantage of the sensational influence of this sign by arousing passionate feelings in the person. If he could financially support a harem, he would not hesitate to do so. M E R C U R Y ' S influence will arouse feelings of impotence or frigidity which actually impel die individual towards greater sexual indulgence in order to overcome the sense of inadequacy. The moral responsibility of marriage is not especially important to the individual. V E N U S can either make the individual a debauchee, indiscriminately mixing his power of love with the desire to win favors from others — which he could easdy do because of his captivating manners — or it can lead to a self-identification with the masses so strong that the native almost relinquishes his personal self The latter quality, however, is very rare. M A R S in this sign does not permit the individual to behave in a disrespectful maimer. Pride being very unportant to the native, he may have to deny himself the joys of love in order to attain life's objectives. Austerity, denial, celibacy and rigorous discipline will characterize this individual. JUPITER will generally chum the Sea of Immutability in order to enable the native to taste the nectar of immortality or spiritual wisdom. His married life will be a means of fulfilling his social and spiritual obligations, though there will be litde enjoyment and many obligations. S A F U R N will accentuate the materialistic side of human relationships. It may make the individual more demanding with his partner, and prone to associate with social outcasts. Cmelty may dominate his relationships without much fidelity between partners. R A H U will accentuate the thirst for sensation, the desire for numerous partners, and interpersonal quarrels to such an extent that separation, divorce, or even the death of the partner may result. K E T U provides a new approach to the problems of human relationship by guiding die individual towards spirituality and idealism. It may also deny sexual pleasure, but this will be due to spiritual considerations.

— The Seventh House —


TAURUS Taurur will provide physical and intellectual power to the Sevendi house, leading the individual to expect much from life. Inasmuch as his desire focuses on the acquisition of power, wealth and status, his life is generally a disappointment. The inability to accommodate the wishes of others works only when one's partner is self-sacrificing and bent upon fulfilling the demands of the native. This does not usually continue for long, for in the process of life's unfoldment it does not help the native. The main concem of the individual under the influence of Taurus is his own satisfaction, and he will be happy as long as there is no planetary influence obstmcting this enjoyment. The S U N in diLs sign and house creates difficulties in marriage, which inevitably breaks. The individual is eager to make a mark in the world. He wants movement, changing his profession and life direction frequently. To him, marriage is just a means to ascend the ladder of profession. His passion is generally not satisfied by a single partner, and this creates problems in his life. The M O O N brings a very passionate and sexually adept marriage partner, but the individual's interests are elsewhere. The spouse wants to eat well, dress well, and live comfortably, while the native is concerned primarily with what he can get from society. The conflict may not become overt in the married relationship, but will remain as an undercurrent which will cause some friction. The situation can be resolved oidy if the partner completely surrenders to the whims and caprices of the native. M E R C U R Y will make life smoodi as far as compaiuonability in marriage is concemed, but there will be obstacles to sexual fulfillment in the relationship. Ill health, infidelity, social relationships, and even religious strictures may stand between the partners. V E N U S gives a pleasant married life with a spouse who is more loving to die native than the native to his spouse. M A R S is extremely enjoyable here: both partners will be ardently in love with each other. They will not hesitate to spend their energy and wealth in making the relationship happy. JUPITER will provide all diat is good and joyous m life. Marital life will be pleasant; the individual will be rich and willing to spend money on pleasure. His children will be leamed and helpful and his social life respectable. He may, however, be attracted towards extramarital affairs. S A T U R N in this sign can make the native cmel and selfish, thirsting for power and self-aggrandizement. He may have no ediics in devising his program of action, though these actions will prove to be self-destmctive.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

R A H U can involve the person in sexual diseases which are difficult to ciu-e. His associations are often undesirable and he may be engaged in many surreptitious dealings and clandestine relations. K E T U will not permit the individual to enjoy the pleasures of conjugal life. His ideas about himself will stand between him and the world, and between him and his partners. As a result of this barrier die individual will be leamed but unhappy, without any satisfactory married relationship.

GEMINI Gemini imparts intelligence, egotism, conflict, an attraction towards spiritual philosophy, an emphasis on passion, and the urge to live for an ideal. These urges are not always conducive to a peaceful and harmonious married relationship. Uidess these influences are modified by association or aspect, the married life of die individual becomes subordinate to the ideals and otherworldly preoccupations which engage much of his time and energy. When the S U N occupies this sign, these basic influences of Gemini are greatly accentuated. The gap between the social life, business, and intellectual pursuits of the native and his marital obligation is very wide. The spouse may be completely neglected. The M O O N in this position produces illness, a draining away of energy, and persistent physical afflictions. In spite of mutual attraction, romance will fail to become tme relationship; even business relationships will change so quickly that little gain can be exp)ected from them. M E R C U R Y will make the native very inquisitive and self-seeling. An absence of idealism may destroy his zest for living, especially since he may waste his energy and power in self-defeating activities which fmally destroy his physical health, his family ties, and his marriage. V E N U S in this sign will lead the individual towards materialistic pursuits, sensual enjoyments, extramarital relationships and wasting diseases. Often the married partners will be unaware of each other's extramarital affairs. M A R S will make the individual very creative, interested in erotic literature, engaged in business or political activities, and eager for quick promotions in his career. JUPITER has an auspicious and powerful influence on this house and sign, making the individual interested in spiritual matters. He has a very respectable family life and spends much of his time in positive social activities. S A T U R N makes the individual miserable in his married life, for the ardent fire of sexual warmth is missing between the partners. A satisfac-

— The Seventh House —


tory blossoming of the personality is also greatly restricted by this combination; the individual, despite whatever position or intellectual stature he may achieve, feels that the conditions of his life have not been very favorable. A stiong sense of spirituality or social idealism may steel him against giving in to these depressing feelings, but he will be quite aware of them nonetheless. His spouse is just a social or moral responsibility. R A H U is inauspicious in this position; it leans toward marital separations and illicit affairs. K E T U excites the mind and the intellect to such a degree that the native regards all possible partners as unworthy or inferior, and thus denies himself any sexual happiness.

CANCER Cancer is a powerful sign in the Seventh. Under its impulse the individual is sometimes possessed of insatiable sexual passion and may even break social and moral taboos to obtain the object of his love. But with the slightest inclination towards spirituality, it is Cancer which provides the equaiumity of mind, tianquility of eiijotion, and expansion of consciousness which enables the individual to move beyond his personal and familiar relationships. Whatever course his relationships take, there is a great expenditure of vitality and effort. Unassociated with or imaspected by any planet, this sign is often a turbulent influence which the marriage partners are generally unable to absorb; in business relationships as well, stability becomes difficult to attain. The S U N in this sign may destroy the marriage bond, but there is a great chance of the individual becoming interested in paranormal phenomena. He is not content to work merely on the physical plane of existence, but is interested in establishing a link with the secret and the imknown. If he is not engaged in exploring the unknown dimensions of the himian psyche, he is likely to become involved in "secret" relationships. The M O O N in this sign makes the person extremely ambitious with a vision encompassing the entire uiuverse. Nothing is unattauiable for him. He wants to conquer everything, human or spiritual. He does not wish to be cruel and is generally lovable, amiable, and truly courageous. M E R C U R Y makes the individual intellectually passionate; his extramarital or socially unaccepted relationships will be rationalized by his intellect, which will cause difficulties. V E N U S makes the native sensuous. He will be inclined to bow to the wishes of his marriage partner and family members, provided they do not


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

deny him his physical pleasure and enjoyment. He wants happiness, to which all other aspects of life are secondary. One must beware of M A R S in this position because it will upset the moral balance of the individual and push him down to the lowest levels of sensual enjoyment. The native may spend a great deal of time in the pursuit of sexual thrills and neglect his family. Physically, he may contact serious afflictions. By deviating from the path, he may bring future calamity upon himself. JUPITER provides just the opposite kind of influence. The individual becomes respectable, leamed, and engaged in positive social activities; society looks upon him as an ideal householder. Under the influence of S A T U R N , the individual chooses his relationships from the working class and uses them as stepping stones to better Ms career. His influence is generally depressing. R A H U often makes the native unhappy; his spouse may either die or run away. He fails to afford satisfaction to his sexual partners, and his relationships have a mercenary tone; he likes to keep them concealed and secret. K E T U negatively affects the sexuality of the individual. He is generally isolated from society and considered peculiar, but is capable of developing paranormal faculties quite easily.

LEO When Leo occupies the Seventh house, it imparts a regal glamor to the office of the individual. He moves in very high society and is respected for his intrinsic greatness, but his passion is so intense that, urdess sublimated into spirituality, it may lead to venereal disease. The power of Leo is so dominating and invincible that the establishment of a satisfactory amorous relationship is almost impossible for the individual. If he is operating piuely on the physical level, marriage may seem to be an unbejirable bondage. The S U N in the Seventh house is powerfully placed in its own sign. Under its impact the individual becomes domineering and possesses a regal demeanor. Such a person is very selective about his sexual partners. His energy is used up by his intense involvement in administrative responsibilities. The M O O N in this sign and house will often result in a weak or ailing spouse who is incapable of providing the native with adequate amorous warmth and brings other complications into wedded life as well. A person with this combination often becomes a much-married individual.

— The Seventh House —


M E R C U R Y , being lord of die Fifdi house, when placed in die Sevendi m Leo produces very amiable and mtelligent children who make die parents happy and satisfied. Often the conjugal relations of the nadve are soured by die ill healdi of die partner. Working togedier, the partners may provide a very satisfactory outlet for each other's creative energies, but if they become polarized they wUl have a miserable existence. V E N U S will produce a very auspicious marriage: the relationship will lead to moral stature on the part of the native, and enable him to acquire property and family harmony; sexual compatibility will also be very satisfying. M A R S in die Seventh house in Leo may give so much fu-e to the life of the person that he may bum himself in it. It will raise his status but lead to strife with siblings and other relations. His Ufe may be one long story of cmelty, treachery, and bigoted fanaticism. Marriage pales into insignificance compared to his scheme for his life's unfoldment. JUPITER soothes the vibrant influence of Leo and makes the individual a powerful, rich, and leamed householder. His company will be much sought after and he will be involved in philanthropic activities. S A T U R N in this position will make the person well-educated, skilled in many crafts; his personal life, however, will be found wanting. He is likely to be immoral and cmde, and he will be engaged in antisocial activities. R A H U will make the person renowned, famed m foreign countries, and married to "an outcast." He will try to enjoy the pleasures of material affluence surreptitiously, like stealing nectar from the gods. K E T U will make the individual mtellectual about sex: eiUier he will be engaged ui the profession of psychoanalysis, in which sex plays an important role, or he dreams of sexual relationships and disturbs the balance of his personality thereby. There wUl be some abnormality about his approach to marital life.

VIRGO Virgo in the Seventh house gives a normal importance to sexual relations. The importance of sex to such a person is as an expression of the finer feelings in life and a means to establish a closer bond between two people. The native has his own individual code of behavior and educs. His creative faculties blossom when his urge to win the object of his love is aroused. The S U N in this sign does not harmonize with the basic nature of Virgo. This fundamental incompatibility produces ill health to the spouse


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

and odier healdi complications, perhaps involving the partner's reproductive system. The M O O N in this house is auspicious, resulting in an attractive, intelligent, and fortunate spouse. Conjugal felicity is assured, and the children will be joyous and lucky. M E R C U R Y in this sign produces a sjjecial affluence. The individual is renowned for his learning, intelligence, good manners and status in society. His married life is happy. Together with his partner, he may exempUfy a new way of life. V E N U S will take advantage of the native's flexible mind and degrade it to the level of an obsession with sense gratification. His clandestine affairs, secret indulgences and unsavory associations will taint his life and acUvides with unethical practices. M A R S makes the individual very sociable, warm in friendship, and concemed about social decorum. Quick in understanding and skilled in adaptability, he may strike a well-maintained balance between his career and family life. He will be very careful about finances. JUPITER will impart ethics with intelligence, thus leading the mdividual to involvement in public service. He will have a loving spouse, respectable status, and honor from the state; he will be much in demand because of his personal character. S A T U R N will fail the individual as regards marriage: he may be deficient in sexual potency. His manners and associations are likely to be depressive. R A H U will inflict some inscmtable sorrow which the native and his partner will be unable to reveal to others; neither will they be able to live together. K E T U will cause the individual sexual difficulties of some kind. He will, however, be much renowned in life.

LIBRA Libra occupying the Seventh house does not, as a mle, lead to a happy married life. The conflict between materialism and the spiritual quest upsets the composure and balance needed for a stable human relationship. Idealism and the other conditions of life are at variance here, giving rise to much mental strain. Almost invariably, individuals with Libra in the Seventh are maritally unhappy. With the S U N in this sign, the conflict Ls greatly accentuated. The individual's basic urge for growth in consciousness is restricted by the material proclivities of the partner. Whether in business or marriage, the presence of the Sun in this sign is not conducive to the smooth develop-

— The Seventh House —


ment of a relationship. There is destruction of vital energy; money tied up in stocks, bonds, or securities is uiiavailable when needed, and the strain caused by the deviation from the spiritual path is exhausting. The M O O N in this sign will activate one's creativity but may cause both marriage partners to build casdes in the air. Enjoyment of the most basic pleasures of life, diough frustrating to the mdividual's dormant spiritual instinct, will become his way of life. His spouse becomes the center of his attention and brings luck and good fortune. M E R C U R Y weakens the moral fiber of the native. He is unsure of himself, his virility, and his social relations. To overcome this psychological deficiency, he tries to prove his abilities in many different ways, most typically through sexual conquests and clever business deals. He gets involved in litigation, legal and social difficulties. V E N U S makes the individual very important; he becomes a social leader and his status rises accordingly. Though his sexual passions run high, his married life tends to be smooth and harmonious. His spouse brings him wealth as well as physical comfort and emotional satisfaction. M A R S in this position creates disturbances. Though the marriage partners are wamdy related to each other, the unbridled passion of the native often leads to extramarital affairs. The strain gradually grows until the wounded spouse either leaves or, less often, dies. JUPITER in this sign and house produces a spiritual atmosphere in the famUy whereby everyone is harmoniously blended with each other. Small difficulties raised by siblings are soon overcome and life moves on quite peacefully. The couple is regarded as very respectable. Though S A T U R N ' S occupancy of this sign and house forms a combination for power and leadership in the community, it also causes mental torture to the individual. His amorous proclivities and his basic expectations from marriage are both restricted — he receives litde of the warmth of life. He craves that warmth, as well as sexual satisfaction, but remains a lonely person, bereft of all that makes life emotionally full and satisfying. R A H U makes the individual unstable, depressed, and attracted to the lower expressions of sexuality. The physical and psychological strain of living with such a person is so great that the spouse often disapf)ears from his life. Such a person is often married several times. K E T U ' S influence certaiidy puts sti-ain on the marriage partners, but the individual generally maintains his moral integrity. He may become psychologically unbalanced, and his behavior may seem uncoordinated or unpredictable. A breaking point may seem imminent, but is usually avoidable.


Planets in the Signs and Houses —

SCORPIO Arrogance and die attainment of an extraordinary social status are made possible by Scorpio in the Seventh house. Self-centeredness is so deeply entrenched that the uidividual with this combination often harms those who seek to help him. Neglect and humiliation of the marriage partner also characterizes this impulse. The S U N makes the individual so preoccupied with the occult that married life becomes insignificant to him. He struggles to become a mystic and often succeeds in doing so. With the M O O N in this sign, materialism, ego, and the desire for pleasure are so accentuated that the individual may become almost unfit for civilized society. There is a possibility that his mental balance may be disturbed. M E R C U R Y will introduce some abnormality into the individual's life, but his exceptional intellectual abilities will create a special niche for him in society. However, he is likely to seek out sexual liaisons which will ultimately make him miserable. V E N U S wdl greatly intensify the voluptuous nature of the individual. Clandestine relationships will leave their imprint on his physical health; he may suffer from venereal disease. Scandals and legal complications are also possible. M A R S in this sign will produce great physical passion, an enhanced sense of pride, and an intense sexual passion, but none of these will be fully satisfied. There will be an element of frustration in the native's life. He will have several changes in his career, will occasionally consider divorce, and perhaps even flirt with the notion of suicide, but none of these things constitute solutions to his problems. These restrictions will cause him excruciating pain. Neither will JUPITER produce the satisfaction necessary to stabilize the native. He will be socially respectable, his health will be good, and his iamUy members will be satisfactory, but he will be dissatisfied with his mai riage. The cantankerous temperament of the spxsuse will drive him crazy, seeking pleasure through extiamarital affairs. S A T U R N is superbly positioned in this house and sign. The individual's spiritual talents blossom; he acquires inner vision and paranormal powers. Physical sex is of litde significance to hun; he prefers purificatory austerities. The N O D E S in general produce a resignation with life, though R A H U inclines sp)ecifically towards difficulties while K E T U is more likely to produce complete disenchantment with all human relationship.


The Seventh House —


SAGITTARIUS Invariably, Sagittarius in the Seventh house leaves a sorrowful taste in life. Often the marriage partner is respectable, but tlie warmth of relationship is lacking. This lack of warmth is not necessarily due to sexual incompatibiUty, but more often founded in psychological incompatibility or sustained physical illness, though upon occasion the native's partner may be prone to non-traditional sexual preferences. Whatever the reason, marriage is a bed of thorns. With the SUN occupying this sign, cruelty on the part of the native's spouse or religious fervor leading to a denial of sexuality altogether may precipitate a break in the marriage. The M O O N may lead to immense wealth and great respectability, but impotence or frigidity and a general lack of amorous warmth will lead to separation, legal or otherwise. M E R C U R Y UI this sign creates a kind of helplessness in the individual. Marriage becomes merely a show of social respectability, while in private the native may suffer from sexual debility and be imable to satisfy a lusty partner. Under the influence of V E N U S , both partners seek satisfaction outside the married relationship. M A R S makes the native's marriage scandalous; frexjuent quarrels between the partners are not uncommon. Under die influence of JUPrPER, the individual attains a respectable social status due primarily to the influence of the spouse. Marriage, however, tends to be a relationship of convenience for both parties. S A T U R N makes marriage intolerable. All moral codes are discarded, and illicit affairs may become habitual. Family life disintegrates. R A H U makes personal relationships very secret; the relationship between marriage partoers is based primarily on mumal ambition. The relationship is very matter-of-fact. When K E T U occupies diis sign, die individual is burdened with family responsibilities and the strain of marital incompatibility often drives him crazy. He either becomes a philosopher or is psychologically disturbed.

CAPRICORN When Capricorn occupies the Seventh house, the consciousness of the individual is so susceptible to outside influences that all human relationships must be assessed according to the planets which occupy or aspect the house. Untenanted by any planet, a Capricorn Seventh house makes the individual vibrate to the cosnuc forces which uidock his iimer potential, thus raising him to great spiritual heights.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

When the S U N cxcupies this sign, the intellect is so turbulent that the individiial will not be sexually satisfied even with an attractive and cooperative spouse. He either has no children, or has rebellious ones. He seeks out sexual liaisons with those who move in social circles higher than his own. The M C X ) N in this sign makes the individual vulnerable to manipulation by the opposite sex, for he is easily controlled by those whom he desires. M E R C U R Y in this sign inclines the individual to establish secret relationships with social outcasts or foreigners. Such infatuations are purely physical, but they create psychological disturbances for the native. V E N U S will enable the individual to acquire much wealth and property after marriage. The spouse will be highly accomplished, and their social relationships will be very proper. Together they will be able to accumulate much property. M A R S will greatly enhance the social status of the person. He will be renowned for his strength, social relations, and his ability to help others. There may be occasions when husband and wife have to live apart, but the marriage bond will always remain firm. JUPITER will create disturbances in marriage. The spouse will lean towards the company of low persons, while the native will be idealistic and try to establish a high-minded social circle. Due to the uicompatibdity of the partners, there will be marital strain between them, jxjssibly divorce. S A T U R N in this sign will make the individual wayward, but once marriage has been contracted, there may be stability in the relationship. Such a person will earn much renown and be held in very high esteem in his family. R A H U makes the individual highly spiritual, possessed of a vision of the universal energy pervading all. H-aditional religious views or spiritual concepts of society and politics will be transcended; the native will see the same divine spark in everyone. K E T U also makes the individual very philosophical. Marriage to persons who have the N O D E S in the Seventh house, however, must be highly non-traditional if it is to survive.

AQUARIUS Aquarius in the Seventh house emphasizes the incompatibility between husband and wife. The native assumes a superior attitude towards the partner, and as long as the latter does not resent it, the marriage continues smoothly. But with the first rumbling of resentment, the mar-

— The Seventh House —


riage begins to crack. Aquarius in the Seventh is a position under which happiness in niarriage seldom occurs. When the S U N occupies this sign, the spouse is subservient to the nadve, who is very domineering. The death of the spouse often occurs during the native's lifetime, for the general health of the marriage partner is poor, subject to various constitutional ailments. The M O O N occupying this sign makes the individual irrepressibly lustful. He receives money from his spouse and gains renown in distant lands. His associates and partners are social outcasts or foreigners involved in shady deals. M E R C U R Y makes the individual suffer due to the marriage partner's Ubess, but the spouse is so efficient at managing domestic affairs and human relations that many of the native's shortcomings are covered thereby. V E N U S in this sign and house destroys the basis of the institution of marriage. Neither partner is entirely ethical in regards to the relationship. Each one wishes to take advantage of the other's position. M A R S in this sign gives much warmth to the marriage relationship. The partnership will probably produce a balance between the two individuals, but if compatibility is not attained, the marriage will be amiulled. JUPITER gives a very amiable spouse who is, however, overly conscious of social status. The native suffers on this account, or because of the spouse's illnesses. S A T U R N in this sign is liable to produce a feeling of disenchantment with physical relationships. The individual loses his faith in moral codes, personal ties, and society: he becomes disillusioned in many ways. Despite this psychological tendency toward renunciation, he will be important and have status in society. R A H U will intensify the native's material proclivities. He will engage in iUicit sexual affairs and get into difficulties thereby. If afflicted, K E T U can make the person sexually bizarre, personally crude, and often humiliated.

PISCES Pisces, as a sign of detachment, destruction, sorrow, liberation and equanimity, produces in the Seventh house a frustration with the opposite sex which leads ultimately to a spiritual withdrawal from sexuality altogether. The native realizes the transitory nature of human relationships through sorrow, frustration, profligacy and denial of marital bliss. When the S U N occupies this sign, there is constant tension in the individual's mind. A l l human partnerships are greatly colored by the


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

native's marriage, which often stunts tlie growth of his personality. The native's first marriage partner often dies early and he marries several times. The M C X ) N in this sign enables the individual to appreciate the creative and protective function of the female. He may marry late m life. Whenever he marries, he will be greatiy dependent upon the marriage partner for his sustenance. His social life, survival, and creativity depend to a great extent upon the nature of his spouse. M E R C U R Y will make the individual renowned for his intellect, business skill, diplomatic efficiency, and literary gifts. His spouse will be the dominant partner, and he will feel gready relieved of day-to-day problems because of the partner's efficiency. With V E N U S in this sign and house, there will be much warmth between the partners. The marriage will probably take place on the basis of a strong mutual attraction which lasts a lifetime. When M A R S occupies this sign, the marriage will bring secret disturbances into the life of the person. The marriage will not be long-lasting, and the partner may die early in life. With JUPITER in this sign, the individual becomes a leader in society; he will be able to establish a new order of faith. He may never marry, and will seem always to be under the protection of a benevolent, material, female power. S A T U R N in this sign will bring marriage to an early end. The person will marry several times, but each time there will be a setback. He wUl face several litigations, his family will disintegrate, and he will experience sorrow on account of his children. He may die alone, abandoned by his spouse, children, and relatives. R A H U will produce a disenchantment which averts the individual from anything sorrowful, vmethical, or out of harmony with the true self An unusual approach to life will be developed by this individual. K E T U in this sign will cause trouble on account of the native's passionate sexuality. Lust will motivate him till die end of his life, and even then will make for a sorrowful departure from the world. He will realize the futility of all his efforts, and this final disenchantment may be almost maddening.


THE EIGHTH HOUSE The Mysterious Unknown: Longevity, Legacy, Secret Afflictions and the Serpent Fire The Sea of Immutabihty contains mysterious depths. Some of these depths are represented by the Second and Sixth houses of a natal chart. Other deep mysteries of life remain unknown. Many events occur suddeidy and without any immediate cause, while saints and sages have immense supernatural powers at their command. Such unexpected and secret dimensions of life are represented by the Eighth house of the horoscope. This house is difficult to comprehend or analyze. The sign of the zodiac which occupies it as well as the planet which rules that sign are both important, not oidy for determining the significance of this house, but for the chart as a whole; any planet occupying this house becomes important and harms the aspect of life it rules. The lord of the Eighth house occupying the Ascendant produces UI health and disease. It makes the individual frustrated in life, critical of everything. He may, however, unexpectedly receive some monetary reward from the state. Occupying die Second house, it destroys die creative initiative of the individual, inducing him to earn his livelihood by surreptitious means. He may be persecuted by the government or even suffer legal punishment. Retrieval of lost property is also possible with this placement. In the Third house, the lord of die Eighth becomes detrimental to the happiness of siblings, saps one's valor, and destroys initiative. The individual is without any support in life. One's parents are chronically UI and his patrimony greatly reduced if the Eighdi house lord occupies the Fourth. Unless the planet is well fortified by association with or the aspect of benefics, the lord of the Eight in the Fifth house is inauspicious for children and mental equUibrium. The individual seldom begets a chUd, and even if a chUd is bom he becomes wayward and rebellious, a burden to the fanuly. In this situation, however, there is a possibUity of the individual acquiring substantial wealth, especially if he is denied chUdren. In the Sixth house, the Eighth lord acquires special


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

strength: one overcomes one's enemies and acquires much wealth, but suffers the illness signified by the planet in question, hi the Seventh house, the Eighth lord will make the marriage partner ill-mannered and may lead to several marriages. Even the relationship with one's business partners is soured. But if the planet is associated with Mars, the result is quite favorable. When the lord of the Eighth house occupies its own sign in the Eighth, it fortifies the life-force of die individual and gives hun special skill and extraordinary intelligence for imraveling hidden matters. The marriage partner, however, will prove unfaithful, and the native himself flouts all established decorum. In the Ninth house, the lord of the Eighth makes the individdW lose his parents early in life. He may lack moral integrity, coveting the wealth or spouse of others. In the Tenth house, the Eighth lord provides the individual with employment in government, but his professional efficiency is low and he is not well spoken of. His mother dies early in his life. In the Eleventh house, the native's income is from secret, unscrupulous, or illegal sources. If the lord of the Eighth house is in the TVvelfdi, the mdividual is greatly attracted toward the "secret" pleasures of life, spending money much beyond his means; he often dies ignominiously in a foreign land and without respectable funeral rites. These results, however, are likely to be altered by the influence of benefics or other auspicious horoscopic combinations. Essentially, the planet ruling the Eighth house destroys the auspicious influences of the house it occupies, except in the other houses coimected with the Sea of Immutability. The different planets occupying the Eighth house are of course affected by the zodiacal influences present there. In general, the SUN in this house makes a person lean and thin, mentally obtuse, disliked and abandoned by his relations. But if the zodiacal sign is supportive, die solar influence here may lead to much interest in spirituality or the process of initiation. The M O O N in this house destroys the native's mental composure; die past is so "churned up" that ahnost every defect in character and every potential adversary and ailment comes to the fore. M E R C U R Y has the special characteristic of retrieving from the past those influences which strengthen the mind of the individual, as a result of which he is able to cultivate relationships which are conducive to material prosperity, eminent status, and considerable wealth. Under this impulse, the individual is able to explore mysdcal, virgin areas of nature which open up excepUonal opportunities in life. On die physical plane, however, he begets very few children and suffers from stomach and thigh ailments.

— 77ur Eighth House —


Under die influence of VEhfUS, die libido is very strong, but it does not necessarily lead to promiscuity. The individual, becoming deeply sensitive to the enduring impulses of his life-essence, often achieves exceptional status in society; his forthright utterances may provoke others, but he becomes a civic leader and his religious proclivities are both intense and intrinsically honest. However, his spouse is not supportive, but causes some kind of worry to him. His death is generally at a noble place. M A R S in the Eighth house externalizes adverse past karma which has a very detrimental influence on the health of the native. Various diseases connected with the urinary tract or with blood circulation may afflict him; he may undergo surgery, and his sexuality is fiery and passionate. This combination is very harmful to the marriage partner, who may even die if Mars is severly afflicted here. JUPITER in this position operates like a filter which permits past religious impulses to maiufest only in terms of traditional belief systems. Consequently the individual becomes leamed, industrious, interested in the scriptural knowledge of his traditions and the higher values of life; he practices severe penance as well as arduous rituals. Nonetheless, the emotional craving for sexual pleasure under some pretence or other drives the native into affairs with widowed partners, or with extremely "religious" people who are otherwise highly respectable. S A T U R N in the Eighth house puts a powerful lid on past auspicious influences, forcing the individual to meet the everyday trials of life with no help from his past karma. Under such rigorous conditions he becomes bewildered, having been abandoned by his relations, abused and tormented through no apparent fault of his own, and put to physical hardships which require great stamina to bear. In some cases, finding his helplessness acute, he begins to seek pleasure through dissipation, though under favorable circumstances the individual may begm pursuing an arduous spiritual path which, though it may not eliminate sorrow from his life, may reveal the deeper meaning of that life and the destiny which awaits him after his period of trial. With R A H U in this position the individual is always trying to attain his goal, but unfortunately his goal is not often clear to him. Under such conditions he is always worried about unimportant things or striving after something which seems important to him momentarily but gives no ultimate satisfaction, and to attain his assumed objective he may associate with undesirable characters who bring him a bad name. He suffers from complex ailments which are difficult to diagnose. K E T U involves the native in "secret matters." Under this impulse he may join secret mystical societies, pursue occult studies, indulge in


— Planets in the Signs and Houses •—

socially unapproved activities, or use uneducal mediods to attain his goals. He may even go so far as to engage in some type of cruelty, sexual abandon, or drunkeimess.

ARIES When Aries occupies the Eighth house, the individual is constantly exposed to completely new sets of circumstances; he is unprepared for the patterns of Ufe that are unfolded to him. He is driven far away from his birthplace and the society in which he spent his childhood. In the pilgrimage of his life he ascends many peaks and attains much money and status, but from every peak he views his past, and the memory of olden days disturbs his psychological balance. When the S U N occupies this sign the individual experiences imexpected changes in career and assumes unexpected responsibUities. The punctiliousness of the individual enables him to attain high status even in these constandy changing situations. The M O O N in this sign makes the individual psychologically stiained, dissatisfied with life, unhappy and unhealthy. He is leamed and able, but his actions are often foolish. M E R C U R Y wiU make the individual long-lived, regulated in his habits, intelligent, calculating and respected, but he sometimes meets with opposition in life. He experiences obstmctions in his official career. V E N U S makes the individual mairy several times. He is unlucky, incurs sudden severe losses, may become cmel, and does not get much satisfaction from married life. He may suffer from venereal disease or other diseases of the geiuto-urinary tract. M A R S occupying this sign destroys one's plans suddenly, devastating one's expectations of life so quickly that no preparatory precautions can be undertaken. The native's family life, especially his relations with his siblings, is disturbed. JUPITER'S placement in Aries is not very helpful. It can make the individual heartless, devoid of emotional attachment, and self-seeking. He acquires much property but is not happy widi married life. His spouse is unhealthy and his passion is not reciprocated. He therefore seeks satisfaction in extramarital affairs. S A T U R N in this sign and house increases the longevity of the native, but his educational career, happiness from children, physical health and conjugal relationships are very much afflicted. R A H U makes the individual vulnerable to poisons or to enmity from his spouse and the spouse's relations. The danger is so severe that his very life, as well as his wealth and property, may be threatened.

— The Eighth House —


K E T U makes the mdividual inherit property suddetdy; even honor and respectability come to him sudderdy, though he is generally not considered very efficient. HLs death also takes place suddeidy.

TAURUS Taurus in the Eighth house burdens the native with an unsympathetic spouse who uses the marriage as a means of personal advancement, though for better or worse this spouse is responsible or instrumental in making the native important. He becomes a worshipper of the female power ui nature; i.e. he worships the shakti. If his goals in life are material, he will indulge excessively in the satisfaction of his carnal passions, including extramarital or other illicit affairs. The S U N occupying this sign makes die mdividual restless, always thiiiking of acquiring more money, more pleasure, higher status, and children. He experiences a sudden rise in life, the sudden and unexpected birth of a child, a sudden fall from high position, and a rather sudden death as well. The M O O N in this position produces coolness even amidst turmoil. Longevity is enhanced, in spite of confrontations with difficult physical and psychological situations. The native's rise in status and renown will be endtuing, though his arrogance, however subtle, will be noted by those around him. He will receive a substantial legacy or property acquired by others. M E R C U R Y will destroy the native's vital energy, though he will wantoidy seek pleasures of the senses and the satisfaction of his passion. He will suffer from several ailments. V E N U S in this sign will make the person famous, long-lived and amiable, but he will be plagued with rectal or geiuto-urinary complaints and with an overly lascivious spouse. M A R S in this position will shape an individual motivated by a powerful inward impulse. His life will be constant movement; his passion for living, for exploration, for renown, for monetary reward and for sexual conquest will be insatiable. He will, however, be unable to enjoy the fruits of his conquests blissfiilly. JUPITER will create contradictions in the person's character. Behmd a veil of respectability the native's sexual curiosity and desire to enjoy the pleasures of life will be strong, though he will feel guilt in satisfying those desires. He will not enjoy a happy home life and, though he sometimes seems to be a great moralist, his life has not grown in a balanced way. He will be sickly but long-lived.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

S A T U R N in this position draws the individual towards spiritual studies, giving him great insight into the personality of others and premoiudons of coming events. He receives help and guidance from unknown sources; life moves in an unpredictable maimer. R A H U can make die person psychologically unhealdiy, fussy about everything, and never satisfied. He will be long-lived but indigent, and very few people will admire him. K E T U will arouse supernatural powers in the native, and his intuidve understanding of relationships will be surprisuig. He will acquire much fame.

GEMINI With Gemini in the Eighth house, one is unable to control or regulate the powerful impulses of one's karmic past, as a result of which the nadve moves in directions motivated by his subconscACU.* • lia mind is often torn between several conflicting ideals. He knows that his motivations are selfish and narrow-minded, but h*" also possesses a profundity of vision which shows him the shallowness of his own life. Intellectually, he will be quite sound, and his intellect will often lead him to spirituality. The S U N in this sign energizes the intellect in such a way that the selfishness of the person is tremendously emphasized. Feelings of egotism cultivated in past lives surface with intense force, making the native clever but immoral, deceitful, and manipulative. Serious bouts of fever sap his vital energy and his health suffers. The M O O N leads the individual into numerous sexual affairs which remain devoid of satisfaction. It destroys the natural goodness with which the person is bom, inculcating in him many secret vices. His father suffers an untimely death, but his mother is long-hved. The native himself undergoes operations connected with the reproductive organs. He seldom listens to good advice. M E R C U R Y in this sign will not be damaging, though the social life of the native will not be all it could be. His life will be a pit of secrecy, and he may receive some legacy. There may be much renown and status as well. V E N U S will disturb the sexual balance of the individual. His relationships will be predominandy carnal, his spouse may be promiscuous, and he himself wUl become ever more engrossed in sensuality. He will be extremely skillful in camouflaging his sexual affairs. M A R S has a tremendous influence in this sign and house, creating a whirlwind of past karmic forces drawing both good and bad to the surface. The intellect and sociability of die native are gready accentuated, but he

— The Eighth House —


is vulnerable to surgical operations and accidents. His words often become violent, but he attains wealth and a sumptuous legacy. JUPITER in this sign arouses egotism, allowing die individual to justify his every action. His luxurious habits, idealism, and secret maneuvers will bring much wealth and power to him, though his morals will be doubtful. S A T U R N in this position will destroy the individual's material sustenance and support. It may bestow a long life, but a life which is often full of mtense sorrow and serious diseases. The native may be abandoned by almost all his relations and have serious difficulties in his career. R A H U can make die native very talkative or, if afflicted, a gossipmonger. He will also be very inscrutable. K E T U in this position will makes it necessary for the native to draw upon all this planet's innnate spirituality in order to avoid drunkenness, an early death or general dissipation.

CANCER Cancer in the Eighth house implies an extensive area of the unknown which needs to be worked out in the individual's life. In order to transform the ego from one level of consciousness to another, many experiences are needed, which require that diverse forces from the realm of the unknown be directed to the individual. This impulse vitally energizes his consciousness and aspirations. He will never reveal to others these tremendous changes and movements taking place in his psyche. With the S U N in this sign, the individual receives a legacy, as well as a kind of spiritual illumination and a vision of the universal force pervading all. Such experiences often come in a flash, but linger on for a long tune, gradually transforming his attitude and expectations from life. On the external level, this solar influence is not very perceptible, except perhaps as a tendency toward fever. The M O O N in this sign makes a remarkable impact. Deep learning, extraordinary intelligence, and a religious background fire the imagination of the native to such an extent that he loses his self-centeredness and acquires tremendous power for compassionate action. His wisdom is converted mto humility. He attains a respectable status in life but suffers from throat and bronchial ailments; he may leave a secret legacy for his children. Essentially, such a person sacrifices himself for others. M E R C U R Y produces a craftiness which may lead the individual to elope with someone else's spouse, thereby gaining pleasure, wealth, and social status. However, he is not free from illness and may not live to a great age.


Planets in the Signs and Houses —

V E N U S in this sign also leads to secret affairs and an intensely lustful life, but the respectability of the native is somehow saved. He acquires much money, legacies, and a good social position. M A R S is conducive to serious emotional upheavals. These may result in lustful outbiusts or the undertaking of arduous religious observances leading to initiation of some kind. There will be strain with the father and ailments of the blood. The native must be very careful of serious accidents. JUPITER in this sign, being exalted, sheds any possible adverse tendencies and bestows an imsullied spirituality. The individual suffers much for his mother, to whom he is greatly attached. He enjoys an affluent life, pleasures of the bed, eminence in family relations, and acquisition of property. He may suffer from some congenital ailment, though it should not create any serious difficulties in his lifestyle. He is generally longlived and inherits a handsome legacy. S A T U R N in this position precipitates a very disconcerting effect: whatever the individual desires will be denied to him. He will suffer from inscrutable pain which he caimot share with anyone, and from ailments which defy every medication. His creativity will be frustrated, his legitimate share in family property may be denied, and his advances for partnership will be thwarted. Unless he moves to the realm of the spiritual, where material relationships are very insignificant, his life will be miserable. R A H U in this sign will insphe the mdividual towards spiritual detachment, but he will be stigmatized for his beliefs. He may be vulnerable to poisoning, either as a suicide attempt in one of his depressive moods or as a willful attempt at murder by his enemies. K E T U creates an imbalance of mind, making the individual suffer from some kind of obsession.

LEO Leo is an intensely spiritual sign which raises the individual's consciousness. This may occur either as the result of intense frustration with the world of materiality or as the resuU of past forces which impel the individual to establish conscious relationship with die Serpent Fire. In either case there is a feeling of worldly disenchantment, and the individual either dries up emotionally or becomes united with the universal consciousness, whereby the glory of individual achievements pales into insignificance. The S U N in this sign provides a very powerful impulse which accentuates the zodiacal influence. The native has a matter-of-fact appreciation

— The Eighth House —


of worldly conditions and is moved by an impulse which leads him to the realization of his desired objectives. The M O O N disturbs the link between the individual and Ids eternal self; in fact, this relationship seems a meaningless illusion. The native moves towards sensual gratifications, disparaging well-established or socially approved channels. He becomes "burned out" in the process. His peace of mind is disturbed and he falls victim to ailments which mcapacitate him in some ways. Very disturbing experiences manifest under the influence of MERCURY. It bestows wealth, renown, and a good intellect, but irresistible passions combined widi anxiety regarding those passions throw the individual out of gear. He may become something of a social pariah, though his reputation and his posiUon are usually saved through some fortuitous circumstance. V E N U S is a lucky planet in this sign and house. Though the individual may suffer in childhood and die unexpectedly in the prime of life, yet he will acquire a legacy, much wealth, high social status and very intelligent children during the short duration of his existence. His spouse, however, will become a problem at some point. M A R S in Leo is eminendy in its own fiery element. It destroys everything unwanted in life and actively seeks spiritual experiences. The soul has elected to sacrifice material pleasure for spiritual realizadon. This may happen through denial of marital happiness, absence of social associations, loss of famUy inheritance, or abandonment from one's siblmgs. The nadve must stand completely on his own. Accidents, surgery, problems with the blood or diseases connected with the genito-urinary tract are the worldly trials which imf^el the native towards his Higher Self JUPITER in this position loses iLs {Toternve quality and operates by expanding whatever comes wiai.ii its sphere of influence. In so doing, however, it is aware of a need to expand the native's spiritual awareness as well. Thus it contributes to an unhappy marriage, or to an infatuation with someone who can never become an enduring partner. Marital compatibility in general is poor, and sexual attracUons soon lose their potency. The relationship with the father is soured, and the mother's feeling towards the native are upset. Ultimately the disenchanted worldly self stands face to face widi die Higher Self — but it may be too late to begin the present life afresh. S A T U R N is extremely powerful in this position, destroying all sense of a separate personality. It produces excruciating pain which may be absolved through an understanding of esoteric philosophy but which, in


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

the absence of spirituahty, leads the mdividual into underhanded business dealings or professions. He may even become an unethical politician. R A H U makes the native a law unto himself; at worst he may become a smuggler or drug dealer who is always sxurounded by chicanery. He may lead a very dirty life. K E T U in this sign arouses deep pain which finally leads to the native's psychological unfoldment; he will succeed in his trials. He will be tempted by the glamour of modem life, and his nerves will be shaken. He will be plagued by diseases difficult to diagnose or treat. At last, however, his consciousness will merge with the uiuversal consciousness. His end will be sudden,

VIRGO Virgo, which contains within itself the different kinds of perfection, brings the individual face to face with immense possibilities which he can realize if he undergoes appropriate psychological adjustment and physical purification. In the Eighth house, Virgo renders the individual almost possessed by the idea of his destiny. Whenever he strives for altmistic or social goals, the native achieves extraordinary results, though in private life he suffers physical pain and psychological frustration. The S U N in this sign often leads the native to separation from his spouse and compels him to lead a difficult life. Having a powerful libido, his passion is a problem for him. The M O O N in this sign bestows wealth, intelligence, and even a legacy, but it also renders the individual vulnerable to extramarital affairs. His health suffers, and in order to live out a full span he must reinforce the Moon's strength. M E R C U R Y in this sign considerably strengthens the mind of the individual, bestowing mental power and the ability to make mature decisions. As a result, the native becomes skillful in secret negotiations and manipulating the family circle. Sexual morality is not a strong point. The native's children, who are generally few in number, may fmd their growth and development hindered. V E N U S leads to poor health and scandal due to extramarital liaisons which damage the native's career prospects and family harmony. Under the impact of M A R S , the impulsiveness of the individual and a powerfiil egotism may destroy social relationships. Mars brings a substantial inheritance and legacy, but the danger of infection to the liver is great; the native may become involved in accidents, and death may be sudden.

— The Eighth House —


JUPITER in this position produces wealdi, a powerful literary gift, involvement in extramarital relationships, and landed property. The individual suffers from chronic ailments but dies at an advanced age. With S A T U R N in this sign the individual acquires renown in foreign countries; his skill and power are recogiuzed. He may, however, suffer from muscular deficiencies, and his old age is often very sorrowful. R A H U may lead the individual into vice. If afflicted, it may tempt the native to associate with low characters who earn their money dishonestly. K E T U turns the individual towards spirituality. He attains much power both mentally and socially, but suffers heart-wrenching personal experiences. Finally, he develops a sense of detachment from all material things.

LIBRA With Libra in the Eighth the individual is bom with creative vision. He receives from the unknown depth a quality of sensitivity which greatly enhances both pleasine and pain. He is basically honest, religious and helpful, but his intentions are greatly impeded by his family and by extemal conditions. He wishes to enjoy the secret pleasures of life, and is unable to do so to his heart's content. Social obligations, moral pressures, and physical limitations keep his desires secret, though when expressed in poetry they embody a mystic sentiment. The S U N in this sign impels the individual to operate on a low material level, but the iimate mystic vision within him may enable him to become a leader of society. If he becomes a military general he will lead a victorious army. If he is an administrator he will be tersely efficient. He will be very wealthy and carry secrets of state in his heart. With the M O O N in this sign the individual acquires a sense of beauty and orderliness which will make him extremely popular. He will have tremendous appeal to the opposite sex. His children wdl be remarkable, and he will often get unexpected lifts in life. M E R C U R Y will afflict the individual with sexual weakness, though to compensate there will be other qualities such as sharp intellect, laudable academic achievement, and well-cultivated social associations. He will be attached to his mother and spouse and will live a life of luxury. V E N U S will help the individual receive much uneamed wealth. He will be a source of envy to his siblings and colleagues. M A R S will bestow warmth and passion to the native's life and drive him to seek hidden pleasure in undesirable quarters. He may receive money from an inheritance. JUPITER will also make the individual vulnerable to the affliction of secret pleasures and sorrows, as well as to diseases like diabetes.


Planets in the Signs and Houses —

S A T U R N will make the native powerful, in social demand. He will draw his sources of inspiration from abroad and die of a lingering Ulness in a foreign land. R A H U will encourage the mdividual to indulge in antisocial activities and lead a very secluded Ufe. K E T U may subject the native to sexual aberrations and to the possibUity of disfiguring diseases if seriously afflicted.

SCORPIO Scorpio in the Eighth house makes the life of the native sad in several ways. The individual under its impact wUl prefer to live a secluded Ufe, pursuing his own interests. He may be interested in occult subjects and esoteric philosophy. As his approach will generally be from a practical standpomt, success is not always assured. The S U N in this sign leads the native to some unhappiness arising primarily from his faUure to achieve his desired goal. Surgery and humiliation will cause some kind of problem which is difficult to identify. The M O O N wUl impel the native toward secret liaisons, and his family may have to bear the humiliation and misfortune he causes. With M E R C U K V in this sign, the individual may be occupied in a secret and perilous business. Peace of mind will be absent, and die mdividual may develop degenerative diseases in old age. V E N U S in this position wUl create much sexual disturbance, inducing die individual to seek Ulicit liaisons. His associates will be persons engaged in gratifying their sensual desires. M A R S in this sign is powerful, producing courage in the individual which enables him to accept any challenging task. He wiU receive much wealth by way of the lottery or a legacy, but will suffer from blood loss and perhaps die suddeidy. JUPITER in this position wUl make the individual a pleasure seeker. He wiU be able to acquire much property and will die after a prolonged illness. S A T U R N will enable the individual to maintain a great deal of secrecy about himself. He wUl prefer to be knowTi only through his actions. He wUl attain fame and status unexpectedly, but wUl die a saddened individual. R A H U impels the individual to seek material goals, though without inculcating social sanctions. K E T U shapes an occultist engaged in arduous esoteric practices.

— The Eighth House —


SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius in the Eighth house enables the individual to receive impulses from the unknown — as if they were in actuality known to him and he merely waits for them to descend. He takes changes in stride without showing any trace of their impact on his psyche. He likes change — and each new development exposes a new aspect of life. As his life imfolds, the glories of nature are increasingly his to enjoy. He Ls no prude: given the opportunity to indulge himself, he is uidikely to abstain. Nevertheless, he has a very detached view of life and its entanglements. Tne S U N in this sign will bring any latent cruelty to the surface. The native's temper can erupt without the slightest provocation. He will destroy his family property and will not enjoy his mother's affection. His death will probably be due to fever. If the planetary combinations are favorable for the blossoming of spirituality, he will have a special potential for receiving extraordinary powers from unknown sources. The M O O N in this sign makes the individual suffer on account of his siblmgs. Though he will have career problems, he will be an ardent student of the occult and can easily acquire supernatural powers. He is always engaged in helping others, but his own life is full of sorrow and he is subject to many ailments. He Ls likely to be injured on a battlefield or by an explosive. M E R C U R Y in this sign will bring much renown to the native and he will be engaged in transforming contemporary dunking ir. one way or another. His life will be dedicated to a kind of religious awakening. He may die early, almost in the prime of life. Widi V E N U S in this position, the individual will be a versatile genius. He will be able to explore the unknown depths of many branches of learning where sensitivity, insight, intuitive understanding and deep religious feelings are needed. He will be wealthy and behave almost like a teacher or "priest of die kings." M A R S occupying this sign makes the individual greatly courageous despite setbacks in his personal career His married life may fail. His colleagues may let him down. Foreigners may create difficulties for him. But finally he will transcend all these difficulties. He will earn much renown abroad. His occupation in life will be spectacular. He will suddenly shoot up in glory and light. He will die suddenly as well. When JUPITER occupies diis sign, die meritorious deeds of die individual's past Uves will appear before him to harmonize his life and to encourage him to proceed further on his destined path. For this purpose they will produce for him a very congenial atmosphere. HLs intellect will also be sharpened. His trials will come from the attractions of luxurious


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

conditions present in his life. He will have to exercise extreme control over himself in order to overcome the allure of sex and money. S A T U R N ' S impact will make it impossible for the native to fall prey to the dazzle of modem society. Physically he will be weak and afflicted by constitutional defects. His profession will be sufficiently straightforward as not to produce any serious worldly temptations. His philosophical attitude will develop his spirituality. R A H U may produce inscmtable ailments difficult to diagnose. The individual will often be depressed. K E T U will make the individual a tme occultist, capable of delving deeply into esoteric philosophy and possessing extraordinary perfection in controlling nature's secret powers.

CAPRICORN Capricom in the Eighth house makes the individual leamed and religious. The basic impulse of this sign makes him receptive to those forces of nature which raise the individual from the level of personal considerations to a concem for society in general. However, under certain planetary combinations selfishness may become acute and the native is confmed to his own narrow mental cell. With the S U N in this sign, the individual is ripe for occult training and the control of nature's secret powers. Nothing worldly attracts the individual under this impulse, so the physical world is tianscended and the native is free to devote himself to occult preparations. Society does not give him any recognition; he may be humiliated, his actions and attitudes misunderstood. But these trials simply make him ever more receptive to the illuminations from the unknown which irradiate his mind and being. Thus the Sun in this position presents physical restrictions and difficulties which enable the native to gain spiritual power. The M O O N in this sign creates some psychological problems by presenting material temptations. The individual will be intensely interested in the mystical side of life, but his interest will be primarily guided by the desire to acquire personal glory. He will succeed in attaining his goals, perhaps so suddeidy that he himself will be surprised. He will receive wealth and property from his parents, as well as inspiration. M E R C U R Y in this sign has a special significance. The individual will become so headstrong as to be absolutely inflexible, which will create problems in his career. He will accept these setbacks as God's will, regarding them as the fruit of his own past deeds. As a resuh of this attitude, he will not attempt any great changes in his life. Opponents will take advantage of his so-called principles to strike him down and bring

— The Eighth House —


about his downfall. These batdes will finally impel him to withdraw into a seclusion which leads to deep meditation and contemplation. V E N U S will shape an individual who is attracted to the pleasures of the senses and their gratification. He will acquire much wealth and his renown wU) spread far and wide. His health, however, will suffer due to his indulgences. M A R S will bestow upon the individual so much spiritual strength and moral courage that he will be able to transcend all the physical and moral hurdles of life. It wdl enable him to dive deep into the unknown to explore and bring to the surface the mystic laws of nature. This impulse can make the individual very rich, even a world leader. JUPITER in this position emphasizes the individual's personal comfort and sensual gratification. In spite of a respectable and spiritual spouse, the native will be involved in illicit affairs with older partners and in the accumulation of profjerty. He may receive money eamed by others; his father wUl live long. S A T U R N in this sign complicates the native's personal life. Marriage may be fmstrating, with the partner suffering from some physical incapacity. Everyday life may be so complex that the native has no time of his own. With all avenues of creativity blocked, he feels extremely stifled. R A H U in this sign will make the person detached from anything personal, making his life an open book to the world. He will receive unexpected and uneamed money and wealth, but will also have to accept painful psychological experiences. K E T U in this position makes the individual an unprincipled seeker of pleasure. Unexpected changes in life and frequent removals or joumeys will be part of his destiny.

AQUARIUS Aquarius in die Eighth house, if unaffected by any odier planetary influence, often drives the individual away from his home, wandering from place to place and maintaining himself either by begging or by appropriating what belongs to others. Renouncing what rightly belongs to him, he may toil for a cause which leaves him indigent. The individual will be driven through the world in the quest to achieve something which is not easily attainable. The S U N in this sign will bring a legacy and occult interests to the native. Death will occur in old age through fever. The M O O N in this position will bring the native into contact with leamed spiritual teachers who may awaken his immense creative potential. The individual will have poor health, suffering from weakness of die


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

nerves and muscles; he will be easily susceptible to changes in the weather. He will receive material and spiritual gifts from the state as well as from elderly persons. M E R C U R Y in this sign will create difficuldes for the native, arising from siblings and colleagues. His marriage will be strained in some way, denying him a comfortable home life. His father will suffer, but the individual may gam an inheritance from him, howsoever little it may be. V E N U S will leave the individual bereft of family pleasures. His friends and associates wall be unhelpful and self-seeking. He will suffer from heart trouble and have clandestine affairs with widowed or older partners. M A R S will also create difficulties: the native's professional life will be in jeopardy, his children will have unexpected health problems, his father may die suddeidy, and he himself may be involved in accidents necessitating surgery. JUPITER in this sign will produce a spiritual individual who will understand the esoteric significance of religious rituals. He will be immensely lucky as far as spiritual life is concemed; he will be a teacher commanding a large number of disciples. I le may enter into a liaison with a married partner in order to achieve sexual fulfillment; he will inherit much wealth and power. His longevity, however, may be harmed: he wUl be bom to complete some specific piece of work for society, and, having completed it, he will depart. S A T U R N may bring unexpected loss of honor and money. The native's children often give him much sorrow, and he himself may suffer from diseases associated with old age. R A H U in this sign draws the native towards the darker side of materiality and, at worst, towards an ignoble end. K E T U will arouse supernormal consciousness, establishing direct contact with the inhabitants of other worlds.

PISCES Pisces in the Eighdi house may bring deadi from stomach aihnents, fever, drowning, blood impurities, or during surgery. It is a sign which makes die individual spiritually inclined, but he suffers disappointinent from his children. He inherits money from his father, but generally has to work hard in order to gain and maintain status. The S U N in this sign accentuates the spiritual mterests of die native. He suffers from eye trouble or problems in the navel region. The M O O N makes the individual interested in the "hidden pleasures" of life. He suffers from kidney trouble but receives a legacy.

— The Eighth House —


Under die impact of M E R C U R Y , the individual loses what should ordinarily have belonged to him by way of inheritance. Bronchial disorders may at times be troublesome, though he will live long. V E N U S in diis sign brings money and an unexpected rise m status. The native's children will be helpful and will bring comfort to him. He may receive unexpected legacies and an inflow of money. In old age, he will lead a pious life. M A R S will encourage the individual to indulge in "forbidden pleasures." He will talk of morality and ethics, but personally will lead an immoral life. He may be covetous of other people's wealth and spouses. JUPITER will make the individual susceptible to obesity. Though he may have lascivious tendencies, yet he will be religious. He will receive legacies and live to a fairly old age. S A T U R N will destroy marital felicity and may drive the individual to the verge of separation and divorce. He will attain high status in society but feel mentally unsatisfied. He will gain no pleasure from children. He may have to use illegal means to gain some legacy which should rightfully have come to him. His creativity and social life will be much restricted and he will feel stifled, though he may not be in a position to express his difficulties to others. With R A H U here, the native will surreptitiously acquire wealdi belonging to others. He will feel very insecure, haunted by an unknown fear. He will live long, though suffering from many kinds of karmic diseases. K E T U in this sign will make the native enlightened, philosophical, and detached.

DETERMINATION OF LONGEVITY The determination of longevity is a difficult question and dependent upon a large number of factors. The astrological principles which attempt to illuminate the issue must address the very root of the life-force which vivifies the human individual and which finally, at his death, ebbs out. Hindu astrology distinguishes between duee aspects of the problem, i.e. the duration of one's life-span, the actual cessation of the life-force, and the manner in which one leaves this mortal coU. The death-inflicting planet determines the manner of death, i.e. whether a person dies of fever, drowning, accident, disease, etc. Whether an individual will die at his own house among his family or at a distant place in unknown surroundings can also be determined astrologically, though these are details in which one is not always interested; the most important task is the determination of longevity and of the death-inflicting planet. The classical texts have given a large number of rules concemmg die subject, from which it is difficult


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

to draw clear-cut guidelines, but the following is a brief rendering of some of the basic principles. Any distinction between longevity and death may seem like an exercise in semantics but Hindu astrology does, for its own reason, assign different houses to them. The Ascendant is the ho\ise from which one deduces the quantum of life-force with which a person is bom, while the Eighth house shows his longevity. Death or the cessation of hfe is revealed by the disposition of the twelfth from each of these houses, i.e. the Twelfth house (after-death experiences) and the Seventh (the ebbing out of the life-force). The basic principle of 'bhavat bhavam' suggests that the disposition of any house is to be deciphered by considering that house as an ascendant and examining the house which is similarly placed in relationship to it. For instance, if we want to study the Tenth house in a horoscope, we should also consider the tenth house to die Tenth, which will be the Seventh house; if the Fifth house is to be smdied, the fifth from it, i.e. the Ninth house, will also be examined. On this principle, when we consider the disposition of the Eighth house, then the eighth from it, i.e. the Third house, also becomes relevant. And in order to consider the Third house as far as the question of longevity is concemed, the eighth house from it, which hapf)ens to be the Tenth, will also need consideration. In addition to this principle, the mle that the seventh phase shows the fmal culmination of any aspect of life requires that the seventh from the Eighth house, i.e. the Second house, will be taken into account. The Second house happens to be twelfth from the Third, and the Seventh house is twelfth from the Eighth; these two houses are very imf)ortant when considering death. Thus the determination of longevity depends on careful consideration of several related houses. A l l of them have subtle differences among themselves, the understanding of which helps us assign the proper weight to their importance. The Ascendant and the Eighth houses are basic, but because they relate to the Second, Seventh, Twelfth, Third and Tenth (as well as die Fifth), and as die subject is also intimately related to the Sun, Moon, and Satum, clarity regarding the precise impact of all these factors on one's longevity Ls essential. The rationale for such consideration becomes clear on an miderstanding of the nature and disposition of these houses and planets. The Twelfth house, as mentioned before, signifies outflow, expenditure, dissolution, or disappearance for that house to which it is the twelfdi; the Twelfth house stands for the end of the result. In this sense, the Twelfth house in a natal chart stands for the end of life, the dissolution of that

— The Eighth House—


life-essence contained in the First house. The Eighth house stands for longevity, and the TWelfth from it, i.e. the Seventh house, will stand for the dissolution of longevity, that is, death. The eighth house from the Eighth house (i.e. the Third) will be a significator for longevity, and the twelfth from diat, i.e. the Second house, will stand for die termmation of longevity or death. The Second Ls seventh from the Eighth house, so the Second house, for this reason also, signifies the end of longevity. The Second and the Seventh houses are of paramount importance for deciding the question of death. Satum is the greatest killer, whereas the Sun and Moon are connected with life-giving energy, so these three planets cannot be overlooked in the present context. The planetary positions of the Ascendant lord, die lord of the Eighth house, the lord of the Tenth house and Satum are important in determming die longevity of an individual. While considering the nature of these planets, general astrological principles should not be overlooked. If a planet is positioned in a quadrant, it reinforces the auspicious nature of the houses it mles. If the lord of the Eighth house is so placed, it assures long life. But this situation must be studied m relation to the Ascendant lord as well. If die Eighdi house lord is in a quadrant but the Ascendant lord is weakly disposed, the individual may be short-lived. This influence Ls intensified if the lord of the Eighth Ls debilitated and the Eighth house itself occupied by a malefic. The weakness of the Ascendant, the debilitation of the lord of the Eighth house, and the occupation of the Eighth by malefics will shorten the life-span. A special mle affirms that the debUitated lord of the Eighth house in the Ascendant with malefics in the quadrants or trines and benefics in the Sixth or Eighth will make the person die yoimg. The individual may also become short-lived if the Fifth or Eighth house is afflicted by malefics or if the lord of the Fifth is associated widi a malefic. Very early deatii occurs if the lord of the Eighth house is in the Eighth itself, the Moon is associated with a malefic, and there is no strengthening aspect from any benefic on the Moon. The Ascendant lord, the lord of the Eighth house, and the lord of the Fifth house in Uieir own signs, their own navamsha, or m friendly signs make the individual long-lived. The placement of the Ascendant lord in a quadrant house with aspects from benefics makes the individual leamed and wealthy and gives him a long Ufe. If the Ascendant lord is exalted, the Moon is in the Eleventh house, and Jupiter in the Eighth, the individual also lives long. The same is the resuh when the lord of the Sixth or the Twelfth is in the Sixth, Eighth, Twelfth, or Ascendant. In fact, there are many combinations influencing the longevity of a person and which

— Planets in the Signs and Houses —


require the astrologer to take a broad view of the horoscope before deciding the question of longevity. The first task in the determination of one's life-span is the examination of the broad parameters of one's longevity. For this purpose, the longevity of any individual may be divided into three categories, namely: 1. 2. 3.

Those who die young Those who live an average life-span Those who live long

The exact duration of such categories will be different for different societies; this categorization should be adapted to the life expectancy prevalent in the culture of the native under consideration. As a general rule, the first category goes up to 32 years of age, the second from 32 years to 70 years, and the third beyond 70 years of age. Whether the individual falls in the first, second or third category depends upon the signs occupied by: 1. 2. 3.

The Ascendant and the Moon The Ascendant lord and the lord of the Eighth house The Ascendant sign and the Hora-sign of the Ascendant

The zodiacal signs are classified as Movable (Cardinal) (1), Fixed (2), and Common (Mutable) (3), which can be represented by the numerals 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Each of the three pairs of signs mentioned above can therefore be examined by way of the table shown below. There will be three sets of results. First ascertain whether the Ascendant is in a Movable, Fixed, or Common sign. If it is in a Cardinal or Movable sign, the first row will apply; if it is Fixed the second row will apply, and if Common, the third row will apply. In whichever row the Ascendant falls, die sign of the Moon will have to be superimposed. For example, if the Ascendant is in Sagittarius, which is a Common sign, then the third row will apply. If the Moon-sign is Libra (1), a Movable sign, the first column of the third row will be applicable and will indicate a short life-span. Similarly, the second pair of determinants, namely the Ascendant lord and the lord of the Eighth house have to be examined. The third pair is the Ascendant and die Hora-sign of the Ascendant. As the Hora-sign is either for the Sun (Leo) or the Moon (Cancer), there will be no Common sign for the same. Therefore, the first column in the fust row, the third column in the second row, and the second column in the third row will not be applicable. We can also use the number of the sign of the zodiac instead of the numbers I, 2, and 3. The essential thing is to divide the result by 3. This,


— The Eighth House —

in fact, is how all the results are obtained for all pairs of determmants. If the result is 0, it equals a medium life-span; if I, a short life; if 2, a long one. For instance, if the Ascendant is Sagittarius and the Hora-sign of the Ascendant is Leo, this is expressed as 9 + 5 - 14. We divide 14 by 3 and get a result of 4, with a remainder of 2, sigiufying long life. Similarly, we may call Sagittarius a 3 because it is Common or Mutable, 3 + 5 (Leo) = 8, which again gives a remainder of 2. When the longevity determined on the basis of all three pairs is identical, there is no difficulty in accepting the result. If the conclusions on the basis of two pairs are identical and the third one differs, one has to accept the former, i.e. the two similar results. But in case all three conclusions are different from one another, the result based on the Ascendant and Hora-sign of the Ascendant should be considered decisive. T A B L E FOR L O N G E V I T Y DETERMINATION 0-32 Years

32-70 Years

Movable Common

I 3

Movable Fixed

Fixed Fixed

2 2

Common Movable

70 Years and Above

Movable Movable



Fixed Movable





2 3





3 3

Common Fixed





The above method of determiiung longevity is very rough and indicative only of the likely duration of one's life-span. The span of one's life depends upon die quantiun of life-essence or life-force apportioned to the soul for that specific birth. It also takes into account the special mission assigned to the individual to be completed during his life-span. Ordinarily, only after the completion of his mission will an individual leave this world. With the free will inherent in human birth, an individual can take up various options available to him at different stages of his life's pilgrimage as a result of which his life-span may, in exceptional cases, be altered. From a spiritual perspective, it is necessary to consider how the individual has used his vital energy or life-essence. But it is also necessary to have an idea of which planet plays die death-mflictmg role. The decision regarding the death-inflicting planet Ls as complicated as the determination of longevity, but, broadly speaking, the basic principles can be summarized as follows:


— Planets in the Signs and Houses — 1. The Second house, as already indicated, is important in determining the death of a person. Any planet occupying the Second house is the most important factor in this regard. A malefic in association with a planet in the Second will have the primary role in inflicting death. 2. The next in importance is the role of any planet occupying the Seventh house. 3. A malefic occupying the Third house comes third in order of importance. 4. Next in order of importance comes the lord of the Second house, which is followed by the lord of the Seventh house. 5. The lord of the TWelfth has death-inflicting potential of a lower order, and is followed by malefics associated with the lord of the TVelfth house. Tlie lords of the Thu-d and Eighth houses come next. These planets are followed by the lords of the Sixth and the Eleventh houses. Finally comes the consideration of malefic planets in general.

In considering the question of death-inflicting planets it may be useful to reiterate some of the basic principles of astrological prediction which are important in the present context. First, it is necessary to emphasize that benefics as the lords of quadrants acquire a malefic nature unless they are posited in the quadrants themselves. The malefics as lords of the quadrants acquire a benefic influence, but all planets occupying the quadrant houses become auspicious. The planets which acquire lordships of trine houses are always, irrespective of their becoming malefic or benefic, considered auspicious. But the Fifth is stronger than the First (which is considered a trine and a quadrant house), while the Ninth house is stronger than the Fifth. Among the quadrants, the Fourth is stronger than the First, the Seventh is stronger than the Fourth, and the Tenth is stronger than the Seventh. The lords of the Second, Sixth and Eleventh houses are always inauspicious, though the Sun and Moon do not suffer from this infirmity. If the lord of the Ascendant, as in the case of Aries and Libra, also becomes die lord of the Eighth house, the weakness arising from ownership of the Eighth house does not pertain. Benefics such as Jupiter and Venus, when they become lords of quadrants and do not acquire exceptions to the general rule, become strong death-inflicting planets. Among the death-inflicting benefics. Mercury has less power than Jupiter and Venus, and the Moon has even less power than Mercury. In association with a death-inflicting planet, Satum acquires tremendous power for precipitating the fma! blow.

9 THE NINTH HOUSE Spiritual Endeavor: Divine Wisdom, Spiritual Disciplines, Mystic Initiations and Enlightenment The destiny of a person is the cuhnination of a process of conscious imfoldment which enables one to release the soul from the wheel of births and deaths. In order to realize that destiny, we must dissolve tlie compulsioiK which involve us in karma or mundane activities. It is significant, therefore, that the Ninth house is placed twelfth from the Tenth, for it represents the dissolution (Twelfth house) of one's involvement in society and career (Tenth house). The Ninth house is often described as Bhagyasthana, the house of destiny, or as Dharmasthanam, the house of righteousness. A base of the THangle of Spirituality, the Ninth house shows the conditions and qualifications which attend the mdividual on his spiritual pilgrimage. For this reason, the Ninth house is also simply called Subha, meaning auspicious. The Ninth house provides for the unfoldment of different levels of consciousness which facilitate the individual's release from mundane responsibilities. The destiny of every soul is woven like a garland of beads representing each successive incarnation. During the course of one's lives, the soul evolves and learns its lessons. These lessons can be learnt in many ways. Sometimes an individual may be assigned the task of changing the nature of society, while on another occasion he may be required to explore the secrets of nature or discover the scientific laws which produce technological achievements for the service of mankind. Military conquest and the union of different civilizations may appear as themes in the destiny of a person. But whatever one's destiny, the ultimate object is tlie release of the soul from the bondage of those mundane responsibilities represented by the Tenth house. How that release is effected depends upon the grand scheme of the Lords of Karma. They decide the path of unfoldment for each individual. This path always involves the acquisition of wisdom. Tl-avels, meetings with wise elders and the receiving of sage counsel, visits to holy places


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

in order to become filled with spiritual power, attaining affluence only to realize the futility of such possessions, receiving honor and respect from the government — these are some of the ways in which we acquke wisdom. Worldly honors or the acquisition of supernatural powers merely indicate the level of spiritual attaiimient. Esoteric wisdom postulates different qualifications for the various levels of initiation which comprise such spiritual unfoldment, and these necessary individual qualifications are represented by the Ninth house. During its spiritual pilgrimage, the soul passes through many heartwrenching experiences and difficulties. The individual's capacity for spiritual endeavor shows the task ahead and how he is likely to approach those difficulties. The planets and signs affecting this house play a special role in one's pilgrimage. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are primarily the producers of an inward evolution which requires careful consideration. The S U N in the Ninth house does not discourage the native from religious observances; rather the intensity with which he applies himself to such observances is quite severe, even fanatical. The mind is sharp and the native is clear about his goals in life. His greatest problem is his egotism. Depending upon other conditions, he may be a heartless selfpromoter moved by a strong libido. He is interested in the higher aspects of life, but his interest is often oiJy skin-deep. Nor is the Sun in the Ninth very helpful for the longevity of one's father. The M O O N makes the person religious, but in a conventional way. He follows the teachings of his tradition and practices helpfulness, sympathy and charity, but his attachment to worldly objects and sensual gratification is as conventional as his spirituality. He is usually comfortably situated, but towards the end of life he may experience an intense frustration which opens to him the path of true spiritual awareness. M E R C U R Y in this position renders the individual intellectually capable of discussing spiritual topics with ease, but his personal life is entirely divorced from true spirituality. He considers worldly position, money, and intellectual discourse as the true measure of life's success; he may observe all the rules of public morality, but his private life needs a great deal of preparation before he can take the direct path towards final release. V E N U S provides a sensitivity which enables the individual to vibrate to a higher frequency and learn how to dissolve his self-consciousness by merging it with something eke. The object of assimilation may be an ideal for which the individual fights, a goal he wants to achieve, or even the beloved with whom he desires to merge, but the central theme in all of these is self-forgetfulness, aroused by sensitivity and the desire for union with something sublime, higher than oneself.

— The Ninth House —


M A R S enables the individual to offer himself up for the spiritualizing process, which takes him through difficult and varying sets of experiences depending upon his special temperament and past karma. He may be a great egotist, a valiant fighter, a bigoted religious fanatic, a dedicated and self-sacrificing leader, or even a frustrated artist or scientist, but in any event there vvill be a spirit of indom.itable determination which will finally, after his mundane responsibilities are over, place the individual on the path of righteousness and spirituality. JUPITER in the Ninth house attracts the individual towards a spiritual life through rituals, religious observa^ices, scriptural smdies and association with those who are like-minded His attractions and involvements, however, are still with material achievements, social recognition, and status; he is still largely susceptible to the temptations and seductions of sensual pleasure. S A T U R N stifles every avenue of material enjoyment and sensual gratification and leaves the individual disenchanted with the pleasure-providing potential of the physical world. It may also render him indigent, humiliated, diseased, or morally "fallen," but through these experiences Saturn guides the individual to that realm of consciousness where only the truth, the basic reality, exists. The experiences tlirough which this final glory is perceived are very disorienting, but the bridge, once crossed, leads one to enduring peace and harmony. The N O D E S of the Moon have supreme importance in spiritual evolution. R A H U , the material polarity of the shadowy Nodes, takes the individual to sacred places, associates him with spiritual aspirants, and makes him a partner in spiritual celebrations and observances. Preparing the individual in this way to receive the influence of the Divine, Rahu equips one for his process of initiation. The presence of K E T U in the Ninth house leads to a blossoming of liberated consciousness regardless of the sign involved. This planet, though shadowy, has a most potent effect in dissolving all material attachments. It disengages one's consciousness from the physical conditions of life and links the native with the universe at large. It produces a different vision, a new approach to the problems of life, and consequently a sublime ethic of its own. The individual under its influence becomes "a man of the otherworld." As always, the planetary disposition is considerably affected by the zodiacal sign occupying the house. Among the signs which most vitally affect the development of spiritual awareness and lead to phenomenal expansion of consciousness, Pisces has the greatest importance. Whatever the avocation of the person, the essential qualities of spirituality will be


— Planets in the Signs and Houses

present in him. He will have almost every quality necessary for liberation: non-attachment to material objects and sense gratification, noble-mindedness, generosity, helpfulness, and the possession of spirimal wisdom. Such a person, even though he be a cruel invader committing large-scale massacres, will be doing so under some divine inspiration whose implications may not be very clear to ordinary humanity. The same is true even if the individual indulges in sexual escapades which would ordinarily incur social censure. Occultism is a dangerous path whose implications cannot be easily comprehended; the road to divine unfoldment requires passage through many mysterious places and circumstances. For such occult preparations, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius also have special significance. In order to examine the spiritual potential of a person, one must analyze the results of different planetary combinations in various signs which, in the Ninth house, indicate the problems and prospects involved.

ARIES Aries in the Ninth house assumes Leo as the Ascendant, suggesting that the great impediment to the individual's spiritual progress will arise from his egotism. Such a person is strongly self-centered and desirous that the whole world should revolve around him. He may also be motivated by social action and helpfulness and will not hesitate, if properly aroused, to sacrifice himself for a cause he considers noble. Any new approach to life, especially if it accords with conventional religion, will be greatly attractive to him. But nevertheless, a basic feature of all such actions and thoughts is self-centeredness, which has to be eradicated before the individual is set on the path of spirituality leading to enlightenment. This is an arduous task, for the entanglement with materialism and sensual pleasure is very strong imder Leo Ascendant. The S U N in Aries in the Ninth house will push the individual towards a deeper understanding of the problems of life, but it makes him so ambitious that he inevitably becomes frustrated through his efforts. If he meets an enlightened soul or studies any deeply esoteric literature which reveals the nature of the complex problems facing him, there could be a new direction in his life. With the M O O N in this sign, the individual will be numbed into acceptance of his situation, and, though restless, he will enjoy those given conditions, leaving the higher values of life to dawn upon his mind only in the fullness of experience. M E R C U R Y will deflect the native's attention from serious spiritual values to the mundane level of physical enjoyment and the attainment of

— The Ninth House —


social respectability and status. He will be interested in the intellectual games of secular philosophy; the observance of spiritual discipline is not for him. Such a person will have to develop his mind and then learn the significance of heightened states of awareness before setting his foot on the path of spiritual development. V E N U S is very special in this sign and house. Though provided with all the comforts of life and the availability of sensual enjoyment, the individual will nevertheless choose to immerse himself in activities which will dissolve his material entanglements and free him for spiritual development. His sensitivity and dedication to religion will be great assets to him. M A R S in this sign will make the individual strongly attached to physical existence and dedicated to conventional religion. He will have a narrow sectarian religious philosophy, and his attachment to his family and friends will have to be overcome before he sets foot on the spiritual path. JUPITER will make the native successful in society, respected by people but full of "blind" faith. He will have an unexplained fear of the unknown. S A T U R N will enable the individual to be materially well off, but he will not be very happy. His motivation for exploring the unknown will arise from personal sorrow and physical suffering. R A H U will bring the individual into association with many learned men through whom he may learn the higher values of life. Nevertheless, he will remain firmly entrenched in family life with strong materialistic attachments. K E T U will enable the individual to propound a new philosophy of his own.

TAURUS Taurus, being an essentially materialistic sign concerned with sensual gratification and material pleasure, produces an abundance of wealth, respectability, honor, and material enjoyment. The heavy burdens of family and society placed on the individual's shoulders are not conducive to the arduous preparations for spiritual attainment. What the individual is able to serve is his society and his friends. He learns his spiritual lessons while satisfying his own carnal passions, and learns, in the process, that there are other values in life which must be taken into account even while leading a worldly existence. This same lesson is taught by any planet in Taurus in the Ninth, except for Ketu, under whose impact the native is


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

stripped of all his power and sustenance and psychologically crucified for trying to explore the unknown and share his experiences of it. Under the influence of the S U N , the individual may espouse a beautiful philosophy in impressive melodious language. He may speak movingly of charitable action and patriotic aspirations. He may assure people of his help in supporting their betterment. But behind all these utterances and assurances will be his strongly felt passion for attaining his sensual gratification — which may be political, social, or financial. With the M O O N in this sign, the urge for personal gratification is again highly accentuated. With an expanding circle of friends and associates, and through wealth and material gifts, the individual has plenty of opportunity to develop his personality. He is in a position to understand the functioning of the mind and the process of clarifying it. This onderstandmg sensitizes his perceptions so that, when the occasion arises, he may receive messages from the psychic world. M E R C U R Y activates the mind; the individual becomes very conscious of his personal responsibilities. His activities evolve in such a way that he gradually begins to work selflessly. V E N U S , who rules this sign, is very auspicious in bestowing material affluence. However, the individual will lose the desire for these physical gifts and become highly sensitive to non-physical vibrations. Ordmarily, however, this position is characteristic of someone who still needs a few more lifetimes before he can truly appreciate the need for spiritual regeneration. With M A R S in this sign, the individual begins his spiritual lessons differently. He receives setbacks in his personal life, faces many perils, and comes in contact with highly evolved souls. His premonitions from the unknown draw him toward the world of iimer knowledge. Through suffering he begins his spiritual journey. JUPITER bestows riches and wealth, but the individual lacks inner satisfaction. He feels that something is missing in his life. This feeling in the long run draws him towards evolved individuals and teachers who show him the way. However, he may find observance of spiritual discipline much more difficult than the rules which apply to conventional society. S A T U R N torments the person by giving him everything in life except inner peace. He knows that there is a supernatural power guiding everyone's destiny, but for himseif the struggle continues and he is unable to give up his material attachments. The conflict may evenmally kill him. R A H U gives the individual a quiet knowledge which ultimately places him on the path.

— The Ninth House —


K E T U denies physical gratification and conveniences and afflicts the native's body. As a result of such restrictions on the physical level, he is aroused to higher states of consciousness.

GEMINI Gemini is the sign of polarization and activation of mental power; and, under favorable influence from Ketu, the Moon or Jupiter, it arouses considerable spiritual growth. The individual is subject to impulses from unknown dimensions which lead him to spiritual growth and insight. This impulse, however, does not enable the individual to have a direct experience of the truth he perceives intuitively. As a result, the individual works under an inspiration whose center is unknown to him. His consciousness expands; he knows he must move in a specific direction. He proceeds in that direction and thereby qualifies himself for the highest benediction. When the SUN is in this sign, the individual becomes highly intellectual, acquiring a special place for himself in his social circle. His mind is extremely powerful, and he becomes an accomplished speaker. He is usually an iconoclast as well. The M O O N brings from the unknown depths tiie knowledge and experience of one universal life. The native wants to share that knowledge with others and is moved by a desire to help people. He is less concerned with his own spiritual progress than with producing peace and tranquility in the hearts and minds of his fellow beings. With M E R C U R Y in this position, the native's desire to gain for himself all tlie pleasures of the world is intensified. He wants to immerse himself in materiality, to acquire name and fame. He yearns for sensual gratification. V E N U S in this sign shapes an individual who is concerned with the comfort of others. It provides money for affluent living. But despite the individual's involvement in social services, his real interest in life will be the gratification of his senses and the glorification of his personal self. He will travel widely. M A R S in the Ninth house in Gemini will make the individual attracted to spiritual disciplines, but only in the interest of securing personal gain. Such an individual will be ambitious beyond all measure and will attain to an affluent life. Though he pays regular visits to places of religious worship he will not be free from mental worries. His family will be a source of anxiety and tension to him. JUPITER in this sign will produce many auspicious results. Nevertheless the individual will feel lost and will be unattached to the various conveniences of life around him. He will spend his time in some kind of


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

meditation and contemplation. Tliis will make him lonely, but it will prepare him for the arduous task of renunciation and for the acquisition of deeper spiritual knowledge which lies ahead of him. He will be respected in society and will have status in the religious order to which he belongs. S A T U R N will make the individual rich and indulgent. There will be power and position. However, his health will suffer, making him subject to various constitutional infirmities. Satuni will also make the individual interested in a philosophic life. He will be simple in his habits, calm in dispc-ition, and profound in his religious faith. He may, however, be lax as regards sexual morality. With R A H U in this sign, the individual will be fatalistic, frustrated, and sorrowful. The glamor of life will be absent for him. He will be psychologically attuned towards renunciation, caution, and deep reflection — a profound thinker. K E T U will also make the individual philosophical, a searcher for reality in an ephemeral world. He will liave no cravuig for wealth, prestige, or social status, but will be interested in the essential goodness of mankind.

CANCER Cancer is essentially a sign of mental relaxation and enjoyment of the senses which often operates through narrow paiochialism. Even when the individual under its influence professes generosity and universal sympathy, he has his gaze concentrated on maintaining his own position in society and upon self-aggrandizement. When the S U N is in Cancer in the Ninth, the individual acquires much money and spends the same on philanthropic programs. If the wealth and siatus he acquires are not employed for the public good, it will be foolishly dissipated. The individual learns that all power must come to an end. With the M O O N in this sign, the native gets all the comforts and conveniences of life, but his selfislmess is so deep-rooted that his mind is never free for serious contemplation or the sacrifices required for a spiriinal life. Any sacrifices he makes will be for tlie sake of his siblings and near relatives. M E R C U R Y in this sign will raise the native's status and enable him to harness his potential. "Work as worship" will be his motto in life. V E N U S will make the individual a lover of ease, desirous of power and capable of precipitating any amount of cruelty to satisfy his coveted goals in life. He will have little respect for religion. M A R S in this sign can destroy all sense of altruism. It will impel the individual to seek power by any means. His ethics will be materialistic,

— Tfw Minih House -


his goal the satisfaction of his camai passions, and his morality may become a justification for his lustful actions. JUPITER in this sign will enable the native to become acquainted with spiritual teachings and traditional scriptures. H e wiii try liaid to follow the path, but his personal frustrations may sometimes become so mtense as to leave him with little regard for the higher aspects of life. H i s philosophy will remain tied to formal observances and traditional religion. S A T U R N hi this position will make the individual important aiid bestow upon him many social respopsibilities and maieiiai riches. H e will be hungry for power, covetous of the possessioiis of otiiers, and lacking in a sense of moral propriety. R A H U will often make the individual rebel against all established religions. His philosophy will have a place for the evangelical spirit, but not for ritualistic observances. He will be outlawed, outcast, and ostracized because of his unorthodox morality. His associates are not always respectable, and his passions often transgress against social moies. K E T U in this sign will make tlie individual psychic as well as abiiormally critical of established religioiis practices and traditional philosophy. His own habits and maimers arise from his singularly individualistic philosophy and will therefore be extremely eccentric. He will always be on the move and may not even have an established home.

LEO Leo in the Ninth house makes the individual feel that his own religious beliefs and modes of action are the best and most righteous. H e is impervious to the beliefs of otiiers, and is likely to be a powerful person making a significant impact on society. The S U N in this sign makes the individual e.\tieine!y headsljcuf,. He travels widely and lives an almost rcgsi life. H i s relationship with liis siblings will not be cordial, and he will yeam for love and affect-on but seldom find it. He will, however, be very ethical and wiii endeavor to do what he considers right and just. The M O O N in this position can make tlie individual very destiiictive, often bringing great calamity to himself and his family, but he will seldom recognize his own mistakes in life. Neither is M E R C U R Y very helpful for spirimal growtli. The indi\'idual will be indulgent in sensual pleasures which will often bring him fiisrepute and cause problems in his career. His sharp intellect will be a genu in' impediment to his spiritual growth.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

V E N U S produces a great desire for luxury and comfort, encouraging the native's natural mdolence. Ethics and spiritual morality will be of secondary importance to him. M A R S will bestow on the individual much courage and profound devotion. He will be blessed with a happy family and obedient children. He will know that the hardships in his life are the result of past karma, and will not be resentful about them. His conduct will be righteous and he will have immense self-discipline. JUPITER will provide an extraordinary store of patience, wisdom, morality, and self-control. The native may be the very ideal of courtesy, balanced and objective. S A T U R N will enable the individual to consciously choose renunciation, the simple or spiritual life. He will have no desire for power, stams, and glamor. He will always be willing to do what is right and will not hesitate to make great sacrifices for his principles. R A H U will enable the individual to mix witli all types of men, outcasts and rogues, without losing his own individuality. He may even succeed in transforming the lives of others. K E T U wiii make the individual sad, despite the status and position he acquires. Under tliis influence the native will begin serious and meaningful contemplation. VIRGO

The spirimal awakening that occurs under Virgo is usually genuine and may take the individual very far. The native is moved by an inward impulse over which he has no control. People may (and often do) criticize him, but with Virgo in the Nintli house tlie native is very strong-willed. He knows where he is going. He may seem to indulge in immoral acts or practice hypocritical behavior, but he himself sees nothing immoral or hypocritical in liis actions: he simply does what liis inner bemg impels him to do. With the S U N in this sign, a self-centeredness verging on immorality often guides the life of the individual. He may attain a very influential position, but inner feelings of inferiority rule his life, arising from a basic '.isecurity. Religion usually plays an unimportant role in his life. With the M O O N in this sign, the individual is much influenced by his spouse. He is very attached to his relatives, is intellectual, and travels extensively. Spiritual pursuits are not often part of his life. With M E R C U R Y in this sign the individual Ls once again an intellectual carrying his family and social responsibilities. Social action and intellectual achievement are his goals.


The Ninth House —


VEhfUS accentuates the materialistic proclivities of the individual. He earns money and acquires social status, primarily in order to devote himself to acts of religious merit. M A R S in this position is a bit disturbing in the sense that the individual's energy does not find the right channels of expression. He is unable to find sexual satisfaction, and in his search for personal pleasure and a peaceful existence he often moves from place to place. Wherever he goes, some problem pursues him. This absence of tranquility may drive him to magic or the practice of planetary remedies, but even such means as these will ultimately bring him to genuine spiritual knowledge. JUPITER immerses the uidividual in material affluence and personal pleasure. He goes on pilgrimage, undertakes overseas travel, performs religious ceremonies, and contributes generously to charity. He is wellversed in conventional religion. SATlfRN in Virgo in the Ninth house may make the individual a kind of religious leader, but there will be contradictions both in his teachings and in his actions. Such a leader may delude foreign zealots, but his rituals will either be based on erroneous spiritual doctrines or motivated by conscious deceit. Among ordinary people, this combination helps shape a hypocrite. R A H U in this sign leans toward alternative forms of sexual expression and financial chicanery. K E T U makes the individual basically honest, r^onating to a higher spiritual vibration. Through the purification and sensitization of his mind, he Ls able to absorb natiu-e's finer forces and become a true devotee of the spiritual path. He is basically pious, distinctly different from his fellows and convinced of the essential goodness of man.

LIBRA Libra in the Ninth house seldom leans toward spiritual discipiine or the practice of more conventional rehgion, but impels the native to explore the secret aspects of life and, often, to expound a faith which goes counter to established beliefs. The basic principles of his approach may be linked with compassion and service, but in practice the native often provokes ruthlessness or cruelty instead. When he begins to work under the stimulus of divine inspiration as he understands it he may become a spiritual autocrat, seldom caring for the feelings and emotions of others. The S U N in this sign is very demoraUzing, and spirituality is often bent into materialism. Cruelty may become the undercurrent of all the individual does: he may at times be motivated by spiritual feelings, but orthodoxy and isolation may be in the backgroimd.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

With the MCKliK in this sign the individual will have a very strong mind His mdes of expression and working may be very persuasive. He will, however, have many probienus in life, and his conscience will not be clean in all that he does. Il-jerefore hf- will try to avoid confrontation with spiritual phik«oph,y. M E R C ' J R Y in this sign will enable t!ie individual to become wellversed in religious scriptures and lead a very simple life, but his apparent spiritualiry vvill often conceal cruelly, unethical tiehavior, skill in hiding decitful action.'?, and anunoslty toward siblings. V F N U S will make the individual very self-sa*isfied, enjoying the corisfortfible condition.'; that have been bestowed upon him. M A R S in this position will help the native dedicate himself to his ideals. His Keata! oteessions, however, completely pervade his life, and he cannot rest \jnti! he achieves his goals. When he does achieve them, he often dies shortly afterwards, having nothing further to hold him here. JUF-TFER in diis sign makes the j^erson follow his chosen path with great detennination. Under its influence the individual receives inspiration from deep layers of consciousness and thus helps establish a new way of life which may improve the living conditions of many people. Despite his altrxustic motives he may l)e easily seduced by outward circumstances so diEi a gulf opens up between his ideals and hi.": ability to live by them. He often remains tied to cosi-^entiona! religious observances. With S A T U R N in this position tliere is earnsstJiess in the individual. Life is very hard and he may have m urge to renounce almost everything. The ideal of non-attachment, imiversalism, and a return to Mother Nature takes hold of him very intensely. There is a genuine merger of the individual consciousness with universal life. R A } ! U sharpens the native's mind enoniiously, cremating the kind of healer who transmutes deadly poisons into life-giving medicines. Under lliis impulse the individual becomes greatly concerned with humanity at large. He bears his hardships easily because he lives for others rather than for himself Under the influence of K E T U the individual becomes a philosopher who turns away from luxury, sensual gratification, family pleasure, and the advantages of wealth and property. In daily life, however, he remains extremely frustrated. To him, everything seems tainted or poisoned, and his own fierce sexuality may render him unbalanced

SCORPIO Unde! the impact of Scorpio the individual is caught between the urge to do go*:*'! to humanity and merge himself with the universal flame on

— The Ninth House —


one hand, and the desire to gain worldly pleasures and experience sensual gratification on the other. The actual expression of this conflict may differ from person to person depending upon various planetary combinations, but basically die native is torn by tliis duality. When the S U N occupies this sign, the urge towards spiritual philoso phy is great and the individual tries to acquire esoteric knowledge. Once he is in touch with the source of this knowledge he may pursue it earnestly. Witli the M O O N here the individual's interests are deflected to material affluence. Family life and the acquisition of wealth become so im{x)rtant to him that higher interests in life are virtually absent. With M E R C U R Y in tliis sign this tendency is further accentuated by a capacity to justify such attachments intellectually. With V E N U S , the moral fiber of the person is veiy loose. The native becomes very secretive about his way of life and is covetous of other people's staf'.is, pleasures, and privileges. He knows that feelings are not ethical; hence there is secrecy in his life. With M A R S ui this sign, tlie uidividual may succeed in exploring the unknown However, his eyes are set on material goals and his explorations tend to !• limited to physical reality. He imdergoes hardships for the sake of his ;;• als, and he succeeds in his tiisks. If his devotion and energy are directe*.. towards a spiritual mission he may unhesitatingly become a martyr. In his life there will be more action than philosophy. JUPITER occupying Scorpio in die Ninth house will produce much affluence and a religious temperament. Interest in the hidden side of life will be heightened, and the individual will be cxjcupied with religious observances. The primary objective of all his endeavors, however, will be personal advancement and the attainment of greater material status. S A T U R N in this sign will make the individual a selfless person dedicated to helping others and carrying out social responsibilities. He may well have some healing touch and psychic power. Neither involvement in conventional religion nor the arduous path of spiritual discipline will interest him. R A H U will bring the individual into contact with those who are dabbling in nature's secret powers. KlTIl) helps the individual to secure a true insight into spiritual secrets.

SAGITTARIUS Under tlie influence of Sagittarius, the individual is prepared to take the plunge into spiritual exploration, but material proclivities will always pull him back. Knowledge of the occult will be held as a reality, and die individual will be vitally interested in observing traditional religious


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

practices. Many of his experiences will bring him face to face with esoteric reaUties, but the sacrifice needed to undertake the arduous task of spiritual discovery will be missing. The individual will be a great traveler and explorer. When the S U N occupies this sign, there Ls increases! fire in tlie mdividual. He is moved by the urge for humanitarian upliftment. No sacrifice is too great to achieve this end. His personality will be made of steel. He will succeed in transforming his life radically, acquiring all the attributes needed for tlie spiritual journey — though he will need to wait for another incarnation to embark on such an expedition. With the M O O N in this sign, the individual will be burdened with family responsibilities and will eagerly desire higher social preferment along with extensive renown. His interest in the occult will be intense. He will come in contact with many evolved persons and will crave higher values in life. With M E R C U R Y in this sign, the individual's Lntellect will prevent spirituality from dominating his consciousness. Impediments will be experienced through his family and social conditions. V E N U S will activate the urge towards sensual enjoyment. Lust will be difficult to quench. The native will have material affluence and an amiable spouse. When M A R S occupies tliis sign, the individual will jump into spiritual exploration. He will be very earnest and will desire to radically transform his life. He will travel extensively and will be known for his learning and wisdom. He may sacrifice his personal conveniences for spiritual attainments. With JUPITER in this sign, the individual will travel abroad, be learned, and gain respectable status. He will be religiously inclmed and his interest in scriptures will be genuine. With S A T U R N in this sign, the spiritual quest will begin with a bang. The individual will have to suffer many physical hardships and he will receive serious professional setbacks. Socially he will be cut off from his friends and associates. In this deep hirmoil, his mind will begin to ponder over the problems of life. R A H U in this sign makes the mdividual very persistent. Such a person often has a fixed idea which guides his actions — an idea not necessarily connected with his personal gratification. He works imtiringly to attain results and often succeeds. In his effort, however, he will suffer many hardships. When K E T U occupies this sign there is great interest m the occult sciences. The individual acquires considerable proficiency in them, and

The Ninth House —


his interest in these subjects is to harness them in order to secure a better social position and earn more income for himself. In order to gain knowledge and spiritual control, he has to suffer personal hardship. His morality is questionable.

CAPRICORN When Capricorn occupies the Ninth house, the individual often follows an irreligious course of life and wishes to display his exceptional qualities. In order to succeed in his efforts he adopts various tactics. He gains renown and acquires extraordinary status in society. Towards the later part of his life, he finally becomes disenchanted witli such a superficial existence and Ijegins to observe traditional religious notions. When the S U N is in this sign, the individual is likely to suffer from several family shortcommgs. His personal life may be very disorganized and he often associates with disturbed people. His morality may be of a low order. With tlie M O O N here the individual is very intelligent, capable of achieving much in life. His social siatus is high and he respects learned persons. M E R C U R Y enables the individual to acquire much money, and his children are a great help to him. His personal life is quite satisfactory and thus he has very little ambition. With V E N U S in this sign, the individual gradually rises in social status and acquires ever greater amounts of wealtli and property. In his religious observances and moral conduct, there is a decline. He is prepared to do whatever qualifies him for inclusion in a sophisticated elite group. When M A R S is in tliis sign, the native is preoccupied with arduous preparations for a goal. He is one-pointed in his efforts and can be a successful occultist who easily explores the secrets of namre. His extensive travels and the need to combat opposition will not deflect him from liis objective. He rests only when he has achieved the final secret. With JUPITER, there is satiety. Whatever the individual has already acquired, he regards it as final and thinks there is no need for any further effort. On the basis of his understanding of the namre of life and the laws of nature, he tries to lead a contented and indulgent life. That is the goal, according to him. S A T U R N in this sign will make the native disinterested in everytliLng. He attaches no imjxsrtance to the observance of religious practices and the performance of traditional rituals. In the scheme of tilings, everything finally perishes, so any unusual concern or anxiety about things cannot be considered really spiritual, according to him.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

R A H U may make tJie individual associate with disturbed persons, though personally he will be quite happy leading a materialistic, sensual life. K E T U , however, is different. Under its influence the individual has no attachment whatsoever to material conveniences and social prestige. His consciousness has merged with the universal consciousness. It is possible that tlie availability of sensual pleasures impels him to experiment with them, but that does not mean he is immersed in materiality. To an individual influenced by Kem in Capricorn in the Ninth house, physical actions and psychological involvements are two different things. Ketu here, as elsewhere, often produces spirimally mature souls.

AQUARIUS Aquarius in the Ninth house often gives rise to persons who are spiritually advanced. They are bom in order to receive a push which unpels them to move beyond the mental level to a more spiritual state of consciousness where one is sensitive to the needs of humanity at large. Having been accorded affluent conditions and sensual pleasures, the individual also becomes impressed by the supremacy of those higher powers which guide the progress of individuals and the world. Through direct perception of that higher power, such an individual may progress very quickly on the path of spirituality, though die zodiacal sign by itself, without any planets occupying the Ninth, only indicates that the native is prepared for further growth. The S U N in this sign intensifies egotism so much that the individual will not consider anyone his eCjaal. ITiis attitude will be a stumbling block to his spiritual progress. But if this impediment is transcended, his progress may be very rapid. The M O O N in this sign will protiuce luxurious conditions which die individual may not in all cases be able to enjoy. He will, however, have die urge to work for others and share his wealth with the needy. M E R C U R Y will help the individual in maintaining association with evolved individuals. He will come in contact with persons who are fairly advanced in material prosperity as well as m spirituality. In dieir company he will study the occult sciences, and he will also adhere to conventional religious observances. V E N U S in this sign will tempt the individual to be seduced by sensual pleasures. He will be helpful to his family members but will l>e likely to establish clandestine sexual relationships. In the end he will realize die futility of such attachments.

— The Ninth House —


M A R S in this position may be vety destructive, disrupting the settled existence of the individual. His father may die while he is young, and his family members may abandon him, causing much psychological pain. His colleagues may not extend a helping hand. In spite of these hardships the native will proceed with the development of his spiritual will. In the quest to establish his own social status and professional efficiency he will also learn the le&son of helping others. This urge to help others even while he himself is in straitened circumstances will lead him very iax on the spiritual path. JUPITER in this sign will help the individual to explore the world of spirituality. He may perceive the indwelling spirit which guides and controls us all. His psychological impulse will be toward the progress of humanity rather than for himself alone. He will be a true saint, though without the trappings of monasticism. S A T U R N in this sign produces a strong ego, and the native's karma still ties him to the tether of the external. He is capable of undertaking arduous inquiries into such subjects as occultism, astrology, the effect of mantras on the physical body and so on, but his basic motivation is material. He craves social prestige, material conveniences, and political power. R A H U in this sign involves tlie individual in magic, alchemy, and the cure of physical ailments by the use of spirimal power. K E F U will disturb the mental balance of the individual and he will quite often be in conflict with others. His ideas will clash with those of the people around him even when he is right. This will happen because his ideas will lean towards understanding the spiritual laws of nature.

PISCES Untenanted by any planet, Pisces in the Ninth house produces a soul which has a special mission to fulfill in the world. Such an individual has graceful maimers, very decided objectives in life, and much faith in the ultimate destiny of mankind. He is guided by the urge to help mankind and make the life of every individual better, more comfortable, more spiritual, and happier. The method may differ — one may devote himself to sharing his spirimal understanding, another may choose to spread his message tlirough music, while someone else may desire to destroy what he considers ugly and against the plan of God. Whatever method he adopts to cooperate witli the spirimal forces which unfold the course of history — whether collective or individual — the person himself will be in tune with the life-essence or spiritual core of the world. This is the sign under


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

which the individual may reach the highest level of spirituality and the acquisition of aU possible siddhis or perfections. When the S U N is in this sign, the native struggles continually to unprove his personal life, while remaining fully aware of his responsibilities to society. He often distances himself from his siblings and relations. He pursues studies in subjects which are beyond the realm of ordinary vision and generally succeeds in his life's mission. The M O O N in this sign not only bestows respectability, it also produces clarity of vision and a deep, penetrating muid. The native's personal conduct Ls ideal; he is fully conscious of his individuality and the need to develop its potential to the full. M E R C U R Y in this sign will develop the native's intellectual capacity to a very high level. His fame spreads far and wide and he will be much sought after by his friends and colleagues. He will be helpful, and will always have faith that his own understanding and conclusions about things are more valid than the traditional outlook. V E N U S , being exalted in this sign, bestows very auspicious results by way of providing status, social responsibilities, and a sound mind. The individual will be very helpful. However, his faith in conventional religion will be shaky. M A R S in this sign is one of the most poweiful planets for producing a new approach to life. The individual always dominates, wherever he may be. His interest in earning a living will be minimal and his entire life will be a kind of mission. He will always be creative, never wasting a single moment, for he will always be acting consciously and purposefully at whatever level of existence. He will succeed in externalizing many of the hidden aspects of life. He will appear in the world suddenly and will vanish in the same way. He will be a kind of spirimal king. With JUPITER in this sign, the individual will be deeply committed to ancient history, traditional religion, and the revival of spiritual culmre. He will confront many difficulties, and will succeed in the manifestation of certain memorable aspects of life. He will, however, be involve-d in several mundane responsibilities, as a result of which he will have very little time for self-improvement. S A T U R N will produce an occultist who will need nothing for his sustenance. He will be immersed in spiritual exploration and inquiry. He will succeed in retrieving many secrets of nature. His personal life will be a mystery; isolated fi-om society, he will join his mind with his mnermost essence, making him appear to be a kind of sleepwalker. R A H U will make the individual a great spiritualist in the sense that he will understand the significance of esoteric Mid exoteric religions. Though

— TTic Ninth House —


he himself will adhere to some esoteric form of spirimality, he will emphasize the value of traditional religion in his dealings with ordinary people. With Keru in this sign, the individual loses all sectarian feelings and succeeds in acquiring the spirit of universalism. He sees the essential reality of different faiths. In the realm of ideas, bigotry and narrow-mindedness are eliminated. Though he will be fully aware of the strong and weak points of different approaches to religion, he will practice non-interference and his greatest qualities will be integrity of character and honesty of thought.

10 THE TENTH HOUSE Expansion of Moral Virtues: Livelihood, Renown, Paranormal Faculties, and Social Interaction During the growth and development of an individual, he is often confronted with two sets of considerations. One jjertains to the extemalizatioa of his inherent faculties, and the other provides him with the nec'issary sources of sustenance. In astrological predictions these two aspects of one's life are often confused. In order to avoid such confusion, u is necessary to distinguish clearly between the Tenth and Eleventh houses of the horoscope. The Tenth house relates to the extemalizaf ion of the inherent qualities of the individual during his process of social interaction, while the sources of income which provide him the necessary wherewithal for existence are described by the Eleventh house. Popularity, renown, the response of other people to the native, the maimer in which he functions, behaves, and comes into contact with others in his everyday life are also associated with the Tenth house. This distinction becomes quite clear if we examine the various symbols used to describe these houses. It is quite common to find such words as coiiunerce (vyapara), action (karma), and livelihood (jivanam) used in the context of the Tenth house, which often leads us to regard this house as signifying the manner in which one earns one's income. But these words have very wide coimotations and need not be restricted to the physical level of existence. For example, vyapara is often translated as "commerce" while jivanam is translated as "livelihood." But these English words do not fully express the significance attached to the original Sanskrit. Similarly, the English equivalent for the Sanskrit term karma (action) is incapable of expressing the full import of the original. To get at the essential features of the Tenth house, we need to understand these terms in their deeper context. In order to do so, it will be necessary to examine some of the classical texts. Vaidyanatha Dikshita, in his Jataka Parijata, advises the astrologer to ascertain a person's authority, his honorable rank, ornaments, retire-


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

ment from the world, means of livelihood, fame, knowledge of the special arts and learning, beneficent acts sanctioned ui the scriptures and other such activities from the Tenth house, as well as from the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. These attributes of life are so extensive that the •identification of this house only with one's vocation or the means of earning one's bread is not very valid. The Uttarakalamrita, ascribed to Kalidasa, makes this house more abstruse and deeper. According to him, one can predict from this house the honors from the sovereign, riding on a horse, fame, sacrifice, pre-eminence, magnimde of moral merits, honorable living, renown and the like. These diverse attributes, which at times may even seem contradictory, can easily confuse the student unless the nature of the Tenth house is well comprehended. The determination of one's vocation takes into account almost every aspect of one's personality, but the various attributes suggested above do not seem to refer to an integrated personality at all — rather, they show individual aspects all considered separately and which carmot be very valid. These attributes of the Tenth house should be considered as the outer expressions of an inner impulse. The way one earns a livelihood does not always take into account all the talents one possesses, but the Tenth house refiects all tliose inherent qualities which m.ust come to fruition during the present incarnation. One's means of livelihood and temporal honors, both of which may be signified by the Tenth house, are so closely linked that confusion arises regarding their basic cause. In fact, both these aspects of life arise from the same cause, but their expression and manifestation are influenced by several different forces. The Tenth house of the Cosmic Man (Kalapurusha) represents the main purpose of one's present incarnation. Esoterically, it represents tlie impulse which enables die individual to merge himself in the universal life. In tenus of occultism, tlie individual aspirant is linked with the world's spiritual hierarchy and thereby becomes an agent of tlie divine. Hardships, struggles, and transformation are all expressions of this impulse. Various organs of action and knowledge are activated and made to serve the cause of evolution. In this process individual personality is annihilated. Prior to the final absorption, however, one becomes a channel for the Divine outpouring. This change takes place when the individual's latent faculties become acmalized and his inherent potential is externalized. The extemalization of the energy latent in nature, as well as in man, is the prime goal of the Cosmic Man — it is his vocation. Similarly, tlie entire life of a human individual is a process through which the extemalization of inherent potential takes place. The Tenth house of the natal chart shows the manner in which this extemalization of energy is activated and

— The Tenth House —


made manifest. The relationship between social interaction (Tendi house) and the means of livelihood (Eleventh house) is fundamental to the process. The Tenth house, in a nutshell, stands for the maimer in which an individual involves himself with his environment. During this process of interaction, there is both action and reaction. The native's talents, his special knowledge, sacrifice (yajna — meritorious moral deeds), commerce (vyapara — social intercourse), his means of livelihood and everyday conduct are all expressions of the way he functions in the world. In such an interaction one's innate prochvities, imagination, ambition and paranormal faculties, all of which may be symbolized by gagana (open sky) and gamana (travel or departure) come into operation. These are the impulses which induce an individual to pull down the barriers between his individual self and universal existence. Such unpulses, flowing from the mdividual to the universal, from the psyche to the objective world, induce responses from the world itself. These responses are the compliments or considerations that tlie world gives to the individual who acts his part on the stage of incarnation and then is heard no more, i.e. he becomes part of the Cosmic Ocean. The response of society to the individual is expressed in various ways depending upon the historical epoch, the nature of the individual's culture, and so on. The Sanskrit texts tell us that a "kingly" act is rewarded with victory and "great royal festivities" accompanied by "religious observances" (yajna). For a "noble" man, "riding on a horse" may symbolize recognition of merit. For most of us today, it may be renown, respect, the power to command, appointment to administrative service or a ministerial position. All social action and reaction is summed up in two key words, "vocation" and "honor." Behind these two manifestations of the Tenth house, however, several other spiritual aspects of life are involved. If the actions of an individual are motivated by self-centered personal considerations, they will elicit an unfavorable response from the world; the personal aura of the individual and his whole psychic atmosphere will be surcharged with unfriendly and unhappy feelings. If one's actions are motivated by sympathetic and helpful considerations there will be a satisfying response, affecting his personal aura as well as the atmosphere in which he dwells. As the Tenth house is the reahn of social interaction, and smce this law of action and reaction operates in the arena of human conduct, personal and social happiness can be effectively gauged by the nature and disposition of this house. For most people, profession or means of earning a livelihood is the most important point of involvement with society, and thus the Tenth house, for such persons, will be the most important basis for predicting


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

their profession. For a person with a fully developed personality and many interests in life, the relationships and activities through which he relates to society, as well as the responses firom society to the individual, wall be more complex. A person may receive "bouquets and bricks" simultaneously. A professor may be hooted by his students for poor delivery of a lecture, but on the same day receive a message from the govenmient offering financial gain for his advice and help on some important comiTiittee. Such experiences are not rare. But they can happen ordy when an individual has highly developed talents and social relationships. The experience of simultaneous success and failure can occur only when a person has been able to generate activity in various fields of achievement and social relationship. In such circumstances, a person's income may be gained from any number of talents and abilities, including some which are not found in the Tenth or Eleventh houses. Whatever the sources of income, they originate from one's special talents and iimate capabilities. A man may be a financial wizard, a great administrator, a deep student of history and diplomacy, a lover and critic of art, and an expert flute player, but he may not use all of these talents for earning a liveliliood. Stil', whatever he does arises from the talents and expertise acquired through a series of lives. Even if the cause of one's income or basis for employment is found in his Tenth house, his income as such is a different aspect of his life, which will be indicated by the Eleventh house. This is an important fact which should be recognized when considering the individual's function in society. In determining the nature of the Tenth house, it is important to take into account its interrelatiotvship with the Third, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh houses. The Tenth house signifies the acme of one's glory, the target set for the soul in a specific birth. This is the focus or the direction towards which all other paths lead. In activating the individual's total potential, the amount of energy apportioned to him at birth is obviously very important. The Ascendant represents the quantum and the quaUty of energy at the disposal of each individual. This potential can be effectively directed towards the task at hand or it can be frittered away and wasted, but it cannot be increased to actualize the talents or display the different qualities inherent in any individual, which requires support from the Ascendant When the Ascendant is powerful, we can expect that the individual will attain his goal. But when the strength of the Ascendant is not commensurate with the requirements of the Tenth house, tlie life of the individual may have much promise but little success. In case of disharmony between the Ascendant and tlie Tenth house, the life of the

— The Tenth House —


mdividual will be full of tuimoil. Much energy will be lost in avoidable conflict. The Third house, representing the prowess of the individual as well as his relationship with siblings and colleagues, is sixth from the Tenth and as such represents the various impediments (Sixth house) which the individual must surmount in order to achieve his Tenth house goals. Having attained control over these difficulties, the individual will acquire those qualities which are needed for the achievement of his mission. In fact, the extemalization of one's inherent quaUties often takes place by overcoming the difficulties produced by colleagues, siblings, neighbors and the immediate environment. The Fifth house, which crystallizes the qualities of the individual, is the eighth house from the Tenth, thus representing its secret afflictions as well as the secret energy which enables the individual to attain stupendous heights in his life's pilgrimage. Educational attaimnents, skills acquired and creative talents developed all have important contributions to make in the blossoming of the individual's inherent abilities and social interactions. The unexpected opportunities in life and the enduring contribution that the uidividual can make to his society will depend upon the special training he has received and the intelligence he possesses. The Sixth house, representing karmic impediments such as diseases, debts, humiliation and other obstractions in Ufe, is the ninth house from the Tenth. As such, the individual's attempt to achieve his goals ui life or the manner of his social interactions will be dependent upon the Sixth house as well. Only if the individual's karmic impediments do not create any overwhelming difficulties for the individual can he secure an easy relationship with his society, or only in .such circumstances can he act effectively. In fact, the Tenth house is fifth from the Sixth, which indicates that the Tenth is the outcome of the creative impulse (Fifth house) of the Sixth. A harmonious relationship between the two is essential for success. The Seventh house is no less important for the blossoming of the Tenth. Unless the individual is put in a situation where his field of action — as represented by marriage, spiritual attitudes, business and trade — ii conducive to the actualization of liis inherent talents and qualities, that individual will remain in an unfulfilled state. The individual's total energy, as symbolized by the Ascendant, is channeled through the activities represented by the Tenth house. Similarly, the activities aroused by the Tenth house are funneled through the opportunities and conditions provided by the Seventh. Thus we find that the beneficial influences flowing from the Midheaven (i.e. Tenth house) are conditioned by several other factors. These


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

must be kept in view while examining the social interaction and expansion of moral virtues throughout an individual's life. And of course the basic impulses of this house will be vitally affected by the zodiacal sign occupying the house and by the planets located therein. These, however, should be considered as merely suggestive of the direction and expansion of the canvas upon which the individual paints his interactions with the environment around him, as well as the possible source from which he may earn his livelihood. Essentially, the various planets affecting the Tenth house point to the honor, respectability and renown that an individual will receive as a result of his creative activities and social interaction. Auspicious results are expected when the lord of the Tentli is wellfortified by natural strength, occupancy or association. If the lord of the house is strong, either by ownership, navamsha or exaltation, the individual will be engaged in virtuous and moral activities. He will have the blessings of his parents, the appreciation of the people, honor from the state, and renown in general. Honor, wealth, and glory come to the individual when the Tenth lord is exalted and associated with the lord of the Ninth in the Tenth. If the Tenth lord is in exaltation while occupying a quadrant or trine and has either the association or aspect of Jupiter, the individual is engaged in moral and meritorious deeds. If the Tenth lord in strength is placed in Pisces along with Jupiter, the individual secures rich clothes, ornaments, and great renown. A strong Tenth lord aspected by Jupiter while the Ninth lord is also in the Tenth leads to tremendous glory, acquisition of virtuous merit, and a comfortable life along with honor from the state. When the Eleventh lord is in the Tenth house and the lord of the Tenth is in the Ascendant, or both the Eleventh and Tenth lords are in quadrant houses, great happiness will come to the individual, making his life comfortable and his activities fruitful. The Tenth lord in a favorable house in association with benefics enables the individual to engage himself in profitable commercial transactions, trading activities, or govenmient service. The auspicious nature of the individual's work is also assured when the Tenth lord is in association with the Ascendant lord in the Ascendant and the Moon is in a quadrant house or a trine. "Abundance of precious stones" results for the individual if the lord of the Tenth house is in the Eleventh, the Ascendant lord is in the Ascendant, and Venus is in the Tenth.' This combination makes the individual very stable, renowned, a leader of the people; his skills are considered very valuable and


"Abundance of precious stones" is a significator of wealth in Hindu culture.

— The Tenth House —


highly remunerative. The renown of the individual extends to the very limits of his country and he is much m demand if the lord of the Tenth is m the Ninth, the Ascendant lord is in the Tenth, and the Moon is in the Fifth. Similar results occur if the Moon is in the Tenth and the Tenth lord is in either the ninth or fifth house from the Moon while the Ascendant lord is in a quadrant. The association of the Tenth lord with a malefic is extremely inauspicious. It impels the individual to engage in illegal activities which bring him into disrepute. According to classical texts, if the Tenth lord is in the Eighth house along with Rahu the individual wUl indulge in anti-social activities, be slow of wit and immoral in character. The condition becomes even worse if the lords of the Tenth and Eighth houses exchange signs. The effects of the lord of the Tenth will vary, depending upon the inherent nature of the planet itself, though the general principles enunciated above will generally hold good. The S U N in the Tenth house draws the individual to the center of power. He acquires a role in the administration of his country. His mind goes straight to the central point in any argument or discussion and he intuitively understands the motivations of others. He is learned in Vedantic philosophy and is not interested in ritualistic observances. He dislikes flattery in social behavior. Exalted in Aries, the Sun makes the individual very powerful, famous, and honorable. He becomes a defender of established order, faith, and places of worship. Debilitated in Libra, the Sun in the Tenth makes the individual disturbed, dishonest, and prone to associate with people of bad character. If three planets aspect the Sun, the individual becomes especially skilled in his work, courageous and glorified. Generally, it is said that the individual receives some educational recognition at the age of eighteen, then suffers from some emotional strain at the age of nineteen. The MCX)N in the Tenth house produces variable fame, changes in position, tremendous responsibilities, and relationships in which coolness of mind is essential. Many of the auspicious effects of the Moon depend upon its association with benefics and its own strength. A weak Moon in the Tenth house is a drawback, while a strong one is a great asset It provides much sustenance, and the individual is capable of encouraging a large number of philanthropical activities. He is a source of social inspiration and receives a great deal of praise. M E R C U R Y makes the individual very social, intelligent, and amiable. His demeanor Ls so flexible that every type of social group accepts him m its fold without reservation. Mercurial individuals can mix with the high and low with equal ease. They have a special expertise in the legal


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

profession, economics, trade and commerce, business management and accounting. They make good teachers as well. Their efficiency as diplomats or negotiators will be pronounced. V E N U S in the Tenth house will enable the individual to establish an inunediate rapport with otiiers. He can have an intuitive perception of the special requirements of people coming into his sphere. At the same time, he will have knowledge of nature's harmonizing effects. Together, these two faculties will produce captivating actors, political leaders, and practical scientists, as well as great reformers who may change the world. The native will have an almost hypnotic power over people. Fine arts, dancing, and literary composition result from Venus; interior decorators and even successful psychotherapists are bom under this influence as well. « M A R S produces fiery enthusiasm in the Tenth house. Energizing the astro-mental component of tfie human personality, it will make the individual an idealist who is ready to sacrifice his life for a cause. Such an individual can wage war ruthlessly if he considers it necessary; he can abandon his dearest kith and kin, provided he does so for a cause; and he can be a passionate lover when the fire is enkindled in his heart. Generally, Mars will make the individual courageous, devoted, respectful and ambitious. He may be a fine engineer, doctor or organizer, and a fiery speaker. In all social interactions he will play the role of leader, and he will be more interested in action than in debate or negotiation. JUPITER in the Tenth house inspires the individual with an ideal, a Utopian future, an iimer law tliat fomis the basis of all his actions and, having done so, leaves him free to pursue those actions. Under such an impulse the individual can be a good counselor, a professor with an ethical bent, an occultist gazing into the future, or a very affectionate householder. He will radiate affection, respect, and helpfulness. Egotism may be a problem for such an individual, and he will be attracted more towards traditional religion than the harsh road of esoteric philosophy. In his social relationships he will be a protective and guiding force rather than a leader with a fiery message. S A T U R N , with its tremendous power to annihilate old worlds and create new ones, provides a detachment in worldly matters which nevertheless has constmctive and creative capabilities. Such an individual is drawn more towards the abstract sense of justice, the underlying or hidden order beneath external manifestation, and even towards the complete destmction of the existing world order. The Satumian native makes a good surgeon, engineer, social reformer, scientist — or butcher. He moves from one place to another or from one job to another, without knowing why he does so but acting from an unseen motivation. Heis often a leader

— The Tenth House —


or a great thinker, but sometimes he may be considered a Uttie crazy in his ideas. R A H U in the Tenth house makes the individual a divine agent for furthering some special cause m the world. Depending upon his status in society and the planetary combinations, his special mission may be predicted; but the real impulse of this shadowy planet will be to make the individual dedicated to a cause which he will want to carry forward even at the risk of his life, status, and health. Undatmted by any difficulty, imdeterred by any impediment, he will persist with a sense of dedication, whetlier he is waging a war of complete annihilation, reconstructing a social order, or composing verses of celestial beauty and harmony. Rahu achieves its objective despite whatever hardships it has to undergo. Its impulse produces persons of great merit, devotion, and religious susceptibilities. With inauspicious associations and influences Rahu can, however, make the individual disturbed and instil! evil ideas in his head. K E T U is our critical faculty, seeking self-knowledge and self-importance, in exchange for which it receives humiliation in the short run, followed by enduring recognition and respectability. In the Tenth house, its impulse often causes the individual to be maladjusted to society. However, his respect for others depends upon tlie real worth of a person, based upon his inherent qualities. Since society in general favors the external forms of behavior and the recognition of traditional values — despite any spiritual contradictions between the hidden and the visible — an individual under the mfluence of Ketu will find most social interactions to be based upon hypocrisy. Much animosity and resentment will be leveled against the person. He will, however, be considered quite intelligent, with a very fertile brain, having original ideas on almost all subjects with which he deals; he will be religious in the true spiritual sense of the term. His knowledge of scriptures will be profound and authentic, and his understanding of their esoteric unplications and meanings will be extraordinary. As usual, the combinations indicated above will be modified by the different signs and other planetary associations.

ARIES Aries in the Tenth house ushers in a soul which will be concerned with giving a new direction to the family or society into which he is bom. His exact vocation is not important: whether it is political agitation, a revival of traditional religion, the development of spiritual or paranormal powers, the exploration of new lands or new fields of scientific inquiry, his guiding light will be new dimensions of human experience.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

The S U N in this sign makes the individual a fearless explorer in the spiritual realm, from which he will retrieve some priceless gem for the benefit of mankind. He will have the vitality to undertake an arduous mission, and to carry it forth unaided if the need arises. He will conquer all his adversaries, and if necessary continue his pilgrimage all alone. He knows how to stand alone; the world follows him later. The M O O N in this sign makes the individual a great benefactor of humanity. Reflecting clearly what the divine plan unfolds for different people and the sufferings they all have to experience, the Moon in Aries in the Tenth will impress upon its native how best to guide them. The uidividual may not be a great oracle or seer, but he will be a person who personifies compassion, who will sympathetically encourage those in distress to persist on the path of righteousness. The relationship of the individual with society will be harmonious and he will receive much regard from the people. His pei-sonal life may not be a bed of roses, but to others he will make life worth living, instilling in them the spirit of fortitude and optimism. M E R C U R Y m Aries in the Tenth will make tlie mdividual a great logician, unsurpassable in debate and discussions. Working outside his homeland, he will discuss the hidden aspects of life and will succeed in producing publications which will be of enduring value. The novelty of his approach, his down-to-earth analysis and vigor, as well as his language, wUl be exceptionally simple but chaste. In his personal relationships, he will be equally at ease with adversaries and friends. When V E N U S occupies tliis sign, the native is very passionate and thus comes into direct contact with people; his primary contact with society arises from his sensitivity to the weaknesses and needs of others. The fme arts, musical talent, painting and dancing are some of the possible expressions of the inner experience of beauty which surrounds this individual, but the precise form m which the experience is externalized will depend upon the individual's perception of what society needs at the moment. It may take shapes as diverse as religious teaching and guidance on one hand, or prostitution and pornography on the other, or it could simply make the native very cooperative in the office. What is important is sensitivity to the needs, weaknesses and desires of other people. With this position of Venus, there will invariably be tremendous strain on the mdividual, which may lead to nervous breakdown or some other psychophysical reaction to social interaction. M A R S in this sign will make the individual indomitable, always victorious over his enemies, and capable of surmounting any obstacle. Restlessness will be pronounced. The native will feel miserable if he has

— The Tenth House —


nothing to do, and only that which makes him physically active and useful to society through identification with an ideal or a cause can satisfy him. He will be successful, whether in civic life or on the battlefield. He must have a challenge, involvement, and a cause for which to live. JUPITER will enable the individual to develop his personal qualities. He will not lack courage and valor, but his primary achievements will be in the spiritual life. He will be learned, obedient to his parents and tlie state; his actions will be ethical, and he will always be engaged m domg good to others, even when others are uncharitable to him. S A T U R N will make the mdividual down-to-earth, measuring the usefulness of everything in terms of its impact on everyday living. Saturn itself will have the capacity to destroy everything that is personally satisfying to the individual, but will make him always conscious of the needs of the other person. Personally, his life will be much restricted, with all conveniences denied to him, but his mind will remain unimpaired, alert to the minutest detail and capable of setting right a badly damaged machine or a thoroughly broken human spirit. He will sometimes rise to sublime heights in whatever he does, but then fall, having been denied the essential material for success. Though he stands on solid ground, his mind dwells m the ether, and thus the solid earth beneath his feet suddenly collapses and he feels suspended in emptiness. This is how Saturn in debilitation makes the individual miserable materially in order to reveal to him his spiritual reality. R A H U in this sign makes the mdividual hard-boiled but zealous in whatever he does. He may become a religious fanatic. K E T U will make the individual unable to enjoy any simation in which he is placed. He will instantly perceive the shallowness of any relationship and become detached. No situation can make him feel whole-heartedly involved, and thus he will always feel lost. He will be precocious, detached, and philosophical, all suggesting a lonely life.

TAURUS Taurus in the Tenth house draws the creative impulse from the supra-physical and distributes it throughout the various levels of physical existence. Under this impulse, the individual will be able to produce a harmonious impact on the world around him. The difficulties arising from his proud temperament, combined with the true empathy he feels for his fellow beings, create a contradictory situation which sometimes destabilizes his personal relationships. While he remains isolated, engaged in an enterprise in which he does not come into contact with other equally strong personalities, his repute is very high and his relationships with his subor-


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

dinates and dependents very amiable; but the moment he encounters anyone who does not accept his supremacy, either implicitly or explicitly, he is driven into a frenzy. Even in his conjugal relationships, such an individual can tolerate oiJy a submissive partner. In work, he will be happy only in fields where his literary flare, diplomatic skill, and suave manners are appreciated. With the S U N in this sign there is great turmoil, and the individual will often experience strained relationships. His skill and efficiency will not be in dispute, but his flexibility will be questionable. The M O O N in tins sign and house will bestow some of its best results. The individual bom under this influence will have no adversaries. Whosoever comes into his sphere will become his great admirer, friend, supporter, and perhaps even his follower. His arguments will be so persuasive that no one ivill think of opposing him. He will be a great organizer, and his renown and respectability will extend far and wide. M E R C U R Y will make the individual very rich, very much in demand socially, and possessed of a great intellect. No one will equal him in legal matters, as a debater he will always excel, and as a diplomatic negotiator he will be umivaled. If he engages in commerce or business, he will earn a great deal of money. He will have few, if any, enemies. V E N U S in this sign is very powerful and bestows special merits on the individual. His abilities, sociability, and demeanor are so captivating that he will be a natural leader in society. Such a person is bom into a particular family or society for some special purpose, and in the discharge of that task he enjoys easy success and enormous supportfiromthe people. M A R S in this sign makes the individual full of Ufe, a great supporter of religious and social activities, a skilled surgeon, and a passionate lover. He raises the status of his family and society. JUPITER in Taurus in the Tenth house will protect the social status of the individual and guide his progress in life through thick and thin. He will have admirable relationships with his children, family members, and elders. He will look after his parents and attain a very high status in his career. He will be wealthy. His interest in religious activities will be explicit, but his involvement in amorous alliances will also be noteworthy. But whatever he does, or in whatever situation he may find himself, there will be an invisible hand protecting his prestige and respectability. S A T U R N in this sign will draw the uidividual towards occultism in the true sense of the word. His attainment in this field will be very high, but he will not display it to the world at large. He himself will be detached from everything external and material. He will be a great traveler and will consider the whole world his home. He will give comfort to others, but

— The Tenth House —


his Ufe wiU seem barren, indigent, and fiiU of hardships if measm^ed only with the yardstick of material success. R A H U m this position attains its exaltation, thereby bestowing all that is good and auspicious in this shadowy planet. The greatest contribution it makes is to enlighten the individual spirimally: initiation into secret religious orders is possible under this impulse. A n individual under the impact of Rahu often makes a very just arbitrator, an efficient healer, and a great traveler. His external life is very simple, but his inner Ufe is rich and full. K E T U can make the individual confused or psychologically disturbed, and prone to alternative expressions of sexuality.

GEMINI Gemini in the Tenth house often belongs to a person who has clarity with regard to his purpose in life and is aware of his responsibilities. Intellectually, he is usually very bright. He may, however, be divided in his loyalties between the temporal and spiritual world. He often succeeds in attaining equanimity by adhering to a higher and giving up a lower state of consciousness. But in making tliis choice, he makes a substantial sacrifice in terms of material advantage. The S U N in this sign will make the individual very bright, drawing him to an administrative career and illuminating his mind in such a way that he succeeds in attaining social status. His heart wiU be in his work and he will travel widely. When the M O O N occupies Gemini in the Tenth, the individual becomes part of the social elite and is renowned for his literary genius. Such a person often becomes a poet, literary figure, or art critic. A successful chartered accountant, legal practitioner, businessman engaged in international trade and conunerce, or a maritime insurance agent may often be found under this combination. M E R C U R Y in this sign makes the individual soft-spoken, intelligent, a skillful negotiator, a legal expert, and highly social. Well-respected in society, considerate to family members and friends and an extensive traveler, such an individual generally leads society in some special field. With V E N U S in this position, coveted social status comes unexpectedly and money flows to the individual without any impediment. He is much respected and obeyed and his sociability and diplomacy are both of an extraordinary nature. M A R S m this position will make the mdividual disliked by his associates; he will be very argimientative. His technological skills and his


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

spirit of exploration may not be recognized or rewarded, and his professional career may sometimes fall imder a cloud. Through the influence of his spouse, the individual attains social and professional eminence when JUPITER occupies Gemini in the Tenth. Under this impulse the individual becomes religious in the conventional sense, and is devoted to both his mother and his guru. He is always protected in any kind of difficulty. S A T U R N will cause the children of the native to attain eminence in a foreign land; he himself will be considered an expert in international law. Psychologically he wall feel greatly fettered; he seldom receives oppormnities to express his special expertise. Occasionally he suffers serious setbacks in his career. R A H U shapes an individual who, under affliction, may be psychologically imbalanced or engaged in surreptitious anti-social activities. He may not be respected in society and may be considered a dangerous person to associate with. K E T U in this sign and house unplies a challengmg situation with regard to the native's peace of mind and personal ethics. Other people may find it difficult to make friends with him.

CANCER A person bom with Cancer occupying the Tenth house will have a tremendous profundity in his approach to the everyday problems of life. His spiritual insight and adaptable behavior enable him to function with equal facility at all levels of existence. No task assigned to him will be beyond his capability. In fact, his mission in life is very specialized and he has been given an extraordinary role to play m society. He can be an efficient administrator, a poet, mler, or a great saint, but a great debauchee may also be bom under tliis influence. What is important in his life is his stage of development on the evolutionary path. If his attachment to camal passions is not yet over, he will become immersed in a situation where an over-abundance of sensual gratification makes him realize its futility. If he is already spiritually advanced, he may be assigned an important task to perform in the interest of humanity. Otherwise, an evolved soul under this influence will be immersed in universal consciousness, enjoying the bliss of spirituality. In all these cases, the divine nature of the native is attuned to its highest level of existence, wherefrom he receives a special task to be performed during a particular incarnation. Therefore the consciousness of such a person is extraordinarily simple, bereft of any psychological complexity and established in its pristine nature. His social

The Tenth House —


behavior naturally reflects his fundamental self. It is a very exhilarating experience to meet such a person. The S U N occupying this sign provides vitality to the native's social interaction. Intellectually, he is versatile to the point of genius. It is not just his social eminence which attracts people to him, but the fact that he himself is always concerned with helping and working for others. His sense of responsibility is enormous; whenever he accepts the responsibility for any task, he will certainly see it to its successful completion. His organizing skill is so extraordinary, his personality so commanding, and his conduct so ethical that everyone from whom he requires service or work willingly cooperates with him. With the M O O N in this sign, peace descends upon the individual. There is no tension in him, and whoever comes in contact with him feels specially charmed. He does not command, but he is so pious and sympathetic that his wish becomes more compelling than any direct order could be. His associates are of high intelligence, moral conduct, and purity of intention. In one's associations, a person's own character may be reflected, thus those who are of shady character fall out with the native. Professionally, he goes through changes; his output is variable; he travels extensively. He may write beautiful poetry blending mysticism and romance. M E R C U R Y draws the native toward mundane relationships; there may be a display of affluence, interest in social status, mental exhibitionism and general covetousness. The individual under such an influence, however, will also be learned in religious scripture and classical literature. He will be widely known and attain eminence even in foreign countries. When V E N U S occupies this sign, there is a great urge for sensual pleasure and sexual gratiflcation, which becomes the chief motivating factor in the native's social interactions. His interest and skUl in the flne arts, his musical talent, and his eminent social status are all directed towards securing personal pleasure. M A R S in this sign will lead the individual away from altraism and immerse him in vigorously selfish material endeavors, earning more money and attaining more status. He will neglect his family, be immindful of his children, and even risk his own health in order to attain what he wants. His spouse will control his social and professional career. JUPITER in Cancer in the Tenth house will bestow a career which is respectable, comfortable, and full of travel opportunities. The individual, however, will be primarily concerned with his family happiness. Contrary to general belief, the exaltation of Jupiter in the Tenth is not very conducive to mental peace, stability, social relationships, or smooth


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

progress in one's profession. Often there is a dissatisfaction with material involvements; adversaries afflict the individual in a major way and his health suffers thereby. Considerable change and fluctuation occurs in his personal fortune. S A T U R N in this position produces a person who has almost transcended the limitations of his personality and who is inspured to work for a cause. His detachment gives him vitality, clarity, and direction. This planetary position unifies the emotional nature with one's training and with one's involvement in social interaction. The native conunands great respect from people, especially because of his integrity of character. R A H U is found bi this sign and hovise only when the individual has some karmic mission in life. He is able to mobilize his followers and associates for the attaiiunent of unconventional objects in life. Society may not see the wisdom of his activities and may even view him with some distaste, but the final outcome of his efforts will have an enduring effect. He regards himself as less important than his work, which he wants people to appreciate and recognize. K E T U leads to psychic perception; a sense of the unusual pervades the native's activities and thinking.

LEO With Leo in the Tenth house the individual may be subject to delusions. This position sometimes leads the native to perform midesirable or criminal acts. An element of social disregard is inherent in such a person. The S U N in this sign enables the individual to attain high social status, but his actions are self-centered and autocratic. Society is unhappy with him; he is not much respected. With the M O O N in this position there is some control over the erratic behavior of the individual and some ethical values are incorporrted into his life. His social and professional life seldom run smoothly, hut he will have enough endurance to sustain him through his trials M E R C U R Y will disturb the native; difficulties in regard to eaming money will be accompanied by physical and mental illnesses. V E N U S in this sign at worst may make the individual a moral wreck. He may depend upon his spouse for sustenance and devote much of his life to wasteful activities. With M A R S in this sign, the individual will be engaged in the furtherance of his personal whims and caprices. JUPITER will introduce some order and method to the native's life. He will be religious, devoted to his children and family, and considerate

— The Tenth House


to society. He will be rich, respectable, and engaged in the teaching profession. S A T U R N may negatively affect the family status, create disaffection between siblings, and break the marriage tie. The individual will bum with an mtense desire to achieve some supreme position or high ideal, but social conditions will seldom enable him to succeed. His dreams and visions will often be destroyed. R A H U in this sign will make the individual a leader of the working class who champions the cause of the downtrodden and the oppressed. K E T U will make the native a philosopher who is concemed with ultimate trath but all too inclined to think much and do little.

VIRGO With Virgo occupying the Tenth house, a great intellect with real creative genius may appear. Such an individual is a very serious minded person. He is completely engrossed in whatever he does. Not all of his activities will be approved of by society; he is, however, motivated by a sense of urgency and a sense of the usefulness of the work he performs. With the S U N in this position, the individual may be a great planner, producing something unique in a very appealing maimer which will be easily accepted by people. With the M O O N here, the individual will be able to extract from the unknown depths a message which will inspire and guide society during a period of moral crisis. He will acquire an effective command of public speaking and as an author he will be exemplary, driving his message straight to the heart and mind. With M E R C U R Y in this sign the individual attains a special combination for greatness. He becomes a leader of society, much respected for his thought and wisdom. His life will be harmonious and inspiring. When V E N U S occupies this positicm the individual will have difficulties in maintaining his social status. He will be accused of charges which run contrary to the general make-up of his personality. He will, however, be able to maintain a decent Uving and become renowned for liis intellectual qualities. M A R S will provide drive to the native's scx;ial relationships. He will be engaged in technological programs and may go abroad on some official mission. His contacts from overseas will be very helpful to him. A happy, respectable, well-satisfied person is bom when JUPITER occupies this sign and house position. This planetary position will help the individual to achieve his heart's desire. A sense of contentment will pervade his entire life.


Planets in the Signs and Houses —

S A T U R N will enable the individual to receive imexpected wealth and family support, but he will also have imexpected setbacks m his career. R A H U will shape an individual who may lack judgement and who often associates with undeskable characters. K E T U will activate the native's thinking principle, but he may not be very interested in producing anything concrete.

LIBRA When Libra occupies the Tenth house an unusual individual is bom, but his life does not begin on a happy note. Such an individual may suffer much. Society often fails to understand his mner cravmgs, and even his well-intentioned actions are misconstmed. When the SUN occupies this sign, the mdividual often suffers from some unknown affliction which paralyzes his relationship with society. He develops professional difficulties, and a lack of stability in his mental composure may become evident. With the M O O N here, the native receives support from his marriage partner. His mind is cool and his social relationships are balanced. He is very creative; his musical and artistic talents are appreciated. When M E R C U R Y occupies this sign, the individual becomes very learned, religious, and polished. He is respected and does a great deal of social work. His children are very helpful and he attains a highly coveted status in his profession. When V E N U S occupies this sign, the personal morality of the native is not of a very high order, but he is very intellecmal. His creative output, especially in visionary or imaginative literatiire, is substantial. He becomes part of the social elite and his hospitality is well-known. M A R S makes the individual rich, active, passionate, and warmhearted, though he generally suffers unhappiness from his children. He will acquire sudden fame, perhaps for his engineering and technological skills. JUPITER does not produce very desirable results. The individual suffers from contradictions in his life. Though he may obtain what others covet, he will fail to get what he really wants. He has plenty of money, but may also incur the wrath of a large number of people. His respectability and fame extend far and wide. S A T U R N gives its best results in this sign because of its exaltation. The official status of the native rises very high. He attams a dignified position in some international concem, employing a large number of workers. He becomes a leader of his people, but will also be known for his sexual liaisons.

— The Tenth House —


R A H U when afflicted may produce mental unbalance, servitude, or a tendency to become involved in underhanded dealings. K E T U often opens the native up to alternative sexual preferences or produces awkward social beliavior.

SCORPIO Scorpio in the Tenth house is a deceptive sign; its influences are not easily discernible. It is primarily an occult sign, but it also produces extremely self-centered individuals. Much of the effect of this sign depends upon other planetary combinations in the horoscope. When the SUN occupies this sign, the individual's interest in occult sciences is greatly intensified. But more important will be his ability to engage himself energetically and whole-heartedly in official business. The support of his spouse will be helpful to him m his activities. With the M O O N , the native gets into difficulties and does not often attain a very prestigious position. His mind is often troubled, and he may be unable to support his family comfortably. With M E R C U R Y the native is able to attain a good social position and demonstrate efficiency in his work. His aptitude for the medical profession, engineering, and criminal law will be pronounced. V E N U S in the Tenth house in Scorpio will enable the individual to sectire a good job. He will be interested in his work and be able to maintain his family in comfort. He will be respected and will pay due regard to the prevailing social code and to good relationships. He will be successful in life. M A R S in this position will raise the individual to great heights unexpectedly. He will be impulsive in his behavior, but his activities will be much appreciated by the people; his children, however, will create complications in his life. JUPITER here enables the native to acquire occult wisdom and to discover the hidden knowledge through extensive research, though he may experience difficulties in this pursuit. As a teacher, he may be higrdy successful, especially because of his wisdom, his religious attitude, and his personal character. Financially, however, he may not be affluent. His name may be long remembered for his contributions to sacred science. A sterling character and a quality of detachment characterize the person whose SATURN occupies the Tenth house in Scorpio. R A H U produces complete renunciation; the consciousness of the individual is merged with cosmic consciousness so as to keep him perpemally in a blissful state. He will have highly developed powers of spiritual healing.

— Pianels in the Signs and Houses KtTU helps the native to attach no significance to any material attainment except being a benevolent force for the good of humanity. Such an mdividual can even sacrifice his life and walk to Hie gallows joyfully. SAGITTARIUS

Sagittarius in the Tenth house has the unique quality of transforming almost every planetary infiuence into an auspicious one. A life of respectability and spirituality provides satisfaction in everything the individual does. When the StJN occupies this sign the demeanor of the individual is regal and his career is often administrative. He functions as a leader and society looks to him for guidance and succor. The KiOON makes the native's life a channel of comfort and uispiration. People may come to him for guidance and consolation. His role in society will be that of a father providing sustenance, guidance, and protection, as well as that of a mother, giving comfort, solace, and inspiration. M E R C U R Y in this sign will provide abundant opportunities for the individual to develop his intellect. His sociability will be pronounced; his marriage and family life harmoniously assist his social functioning. However, one must be careful about VENUS in this sign. The individual under lis influence will be respectful and well-placed in life, but his craving for material comforts and sensual gratification will often make him transgress social taboos. M A R S will give the native dauntless courage, skill in military strategy, respectful regard for his fellow workers, and a leadership role in society. Ttiere wil! be order and vision in everything he wishes to do. JUPITER is extremely auspicious here; it bestows greatness, wisdom, status, and tremendous respectability. Even learned persons come to such an individual to seek enlightenment and guidance. He demonstrates considerable occult powers and a capacity for spiritual healing. Wlien in Sagittarius, SATURN will shed its traditional isolationist attitude. It will inspire the individual to give up his ruthless worldly designs and work for universal transformation, a better society, and uninhibited social intercourse. R A H U will enable the individual to draw forth enduring passions, emotions, feelings and ideas from the Sea of Immutability and display tliem to die world in piuity, harmony and nobility. KETU in tliis sign shapes a native who is quite disorganized, though mentally very .sharp. He will say and do things which his peers will fail to understand or appreciate.

— The Tenth House —


CAPRICORN Capricorn in the Tenth house produces a powerlful individual with a purpose in life. He will have a direction to follow. He dishkes mefficiency; his life is matter-of-fact and he does not appreciate anyone whose outlook is circuitous or indirect. He is generally a god-feajfing person, believing in an unseen hand guiding his life, though in actual practice he may not always be able to meet his own expectations. The S U N in this sign makes the individual very ambitious and hard-working. However, he often fails to hit the target, and consequently feels immensely frustrated. The M O O N in Capricorn gives an unstable profession dealing with some aspect of commerce with much travel. Tlie native's homelife will be very happy and the native wUl like to be home. M E R C U R Y in this position shows the native that mental acuity, sociability, and comprehension of the deeper principles; of nature and society depend upon experiences gathered by the soul tluoughout many incarnations. It helps him work virtuously to acquire knowledge, especially esoteric wisdom, but somehow he remains at the periphery of enlightenment. He is very opinionated and caimot be submissive to anyone, as a result of which he fails to make much headway in life. V E N U S in this position destroys the personal comforts of the individual; he gives these up in order to realize his mission in life. Such a person has tremendous sensitivity, as a result of which he can establish an immediate rapport with others, but this same quality also makes him suffer emotionally because of his sympathy with the faiasses. Such a person may also display extraordinary skill in the creative arts. M A R S in this sign and house produces a leader who is both powerful and competent. When difficulties arise, his leaidership abilities are actually sharpened. He makes a considerable contribution in leading society towards an ideal goal. JUPITER in Capricorn in the Tenth house makes the native earn his livelihood by teaching and counseling otliers. Though he will dabble in the occult sciences and cultural history, he may hfive a weak mind. His morals may be questionable. S A T U R N in this sign is characteristic of a highly evolved soul bom with a special mission to imdertake. He may have no regard for established tradition, his voice may be harsh and his clothing unkempt, but the quality of his leadership, bom of a complete absence of selfishness, will be exemplary.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

R A H U in this sign makes the individual materialistic, often craving that w.hich does not belong to him. He may associate himself with unscnipulous perse ns and engage in surreptitious deals. K E T V ' may make the native an idealist, though an unhappy one, uninteresiv'd in life.

AQUARIUS Tliis signiiiicance of Aquarius in the Tenth house can be examined only on the bj^is of wh^t one expects from life. If the native's objective is to secure personal glorification this combination frustrates his hopes and ambitions, but if he v ants to give up his personal hopes and aspirations for the good of society and its evolution he wiil succeed in achieving an endming place in histor /. A sense of satisfaction, almost a state of bliss, descends upon him. Tiie S U N occupying; this sign makes the mdividual a great benefactor to society. He acquires an excellent reputation for his historical, social and political researches. H e iTioves in circles of power and wealth, but remains personally indigent to a great extent. He may suffer physical handicaps, but they do not iinpede him from contributing to social and cultural improvements. If the native does noi use his creative faculties for social and humanitarian improvement, then the impact of the M O O N in this sign may render him pathologically unbalanced in mind. Through conscious employment of his mental faculties in creative channels he will succeed in making an extraordinary contribution to the world. M E R C U R Y will make the person vei^ studious, learned, and considerate totvards his relatives.. V E N U S will make the individual engage himself in social activities. As a trouble shooter, labor leader, or international peace negotiator his skills will be greatly appreciated. Under the influence of M A R S , the native will be feverishly engaged in thoughdess activities which may create bad kanna for him. He will crave for satisfaction of his camal passions and enter into many disreputable affairs. JUPITER in this sign will be a testing ground for the native's moral qualities. He will ha ve strong ethical values and will be greatly inclined to undertake serious spiritual practices, but he will frequently be confronted with powerful temptations which may distract him from his spiritual path. S A T U R N impels the individual into the realm of objectivity, isolation, and philanthropic activides. He wil! be extremely rude and erode in his

— The Tenth House —


social relationships, but inwardly he will be motivated by the urge to help others and show them the unity underlying all things. R A H U will destroy the barriers which isolate the individual from the rest of his conMnunity, and the native will be so deeply in communion with his environment that he will struggle to show others that there is no difference between the individual and the world. K E T U obscures the divine vision of the native and he may forget that man is bom to be a social creature. Under its influence, the individual acquires money and affluence; he will be completely surpfeed about the channel through which he acquires wealtli, for it comes to him in a mysterious manner. So strange are the sources of his wealth and so gre^t his affluence that spiritual values such as poverty, chastity and forgiveness are often forgotten. The native may become greatly enthralled by the acquisition of more and more of life's comforts. He may also become covetous and even adopt imnatural methods in satisfying his desires.

PISCES Pisces in the Tenth house makes the individual very religious, an advocate of conventional philosophies and morals. He wants to work for a cause, and is never satisfied unless he has attained the highest. With the S U N in thLs position the native does not enjoy material comforts, for some karmic stigma is always and invariably attached to him. Despite great achievements, he feels that liis contribution to and involvement with society should have been different. With the M O O N in this position, there is satiety, clarity, and spiritual dedication in the individual's life. He is forgivmg, even to his adversaries. He will be highly successful as a preceptor and guardian. When M E R C U R Y occupies this sign, the native becomes a successful businessman as well as a very logical philosopher. Whatever else he does, he will finally achieve the object of his life's mission. V E N U S can make the individual dedicated to a cause which is impersonal and which requires the relinquishment of personal comforts. The native will not be drawn to sensual pleasures, but will be motivated by the desire to bring to humanity the blessings of the Supreme. Under the impact of M A R S , the individual will be engaged m carrying out an idealistic pursuit for which he will have to give up his wealth and mcur the wrath of society. With JUPITER m Pisces m the Tenth the native will leam the lesson of tolerance, family responsibilhy, respect for his elders and the urge to inspire society towards a better way of life. In carrying out this task he may not achieve many physical comforts for himself, but he will serve as


— Planets in the Signs and Houses - -

an example of how one should live ideally in a family simation while retaining the highest efficiency in his official and social relationships. Even S A T U R N is radically transformed under the influence of Pisces: it makes the individual a great philanthropist, but he suffers from some canker in his heart, arising from an unknown or mysterious cause. R A H U in this sign makes the individual a ritualist who undertakes arduous observances in order to obtain religious favor; he craves supernatural powers. KETU in this position produces a kind of mysterious halo around the person as regards his actions, Ufe, and final end. Everything about him is unusual; though he does not lack for anything in life, there is nothing which he can actually claim as his great achievement. This contradictory situation is indeed mystifying, but it will be invariably found with Ketu in the present position.

11 THE ELEVENTH HOUSE The House of Gains: Friendship, Servitude, Ornaments, and Social Life An important base of the Material H-iangle, the Eleventh house of a natal chait signifies aspects of our lives which immerse us m mundane existence so tliat we may draw from it sustenance and nourishment, bodily comfort and well-being. Primarily it refers to income, ornaments and precious stones,' skill in the practical arts — especially those which help in eaming wealth — learning one's trade, and expertise in writing and composition. Other aspects of life cormected with tliis house are lost money, "the dawn of one's future," realization of one's wish, acquisition of money and political stams, or the conferment of ministership and other such positions, from tliis house one also divines the maimer in which we observe spiritual practices in order to obtain harmonious results, the attainment of wisdom, and "the making of gold ornaments and sovereigns for one's beloved." From all these attributes, one can see that the influence of this house provides to the naUve the fraits of his material involvement. Inasmuch as it signifies the rewards of one's social interaction, every planet is effective m this house. Even the malefics contribute their best here. The S U N in the Eleventh house brings the individual wealth and "ornaments from the sovereign." He is well-provided with a spacious residence, a fine car, liired help, and stylish friends among the opposite sex. He begets a son and buys his own car at an early age, but must confront hostile influences, esjjecially those aroused by jealousy. His practical


References to "ornaments and precious stones" abound in the literature of Vedic astrology. The special regard which Hindus have for these particular forms of wealth — especially gemstones — has no precise parallel in Western culture.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

wisdom enables him to navigate through such difficulties. He derives much money from his father as well. When the M O O N occupies this house, the native gains easy success. With the Sun in this position the native has to work luird and the reward is not conraiensurate with his exertions. But in the case of the Moon, money flows to him easily, without much effort. He possesses "many ornaments and different kinds of precious .stones." Gifts from overseas come to him in abundance. His mind is always free from worries, particularly if the planet is powerful and v/ell aspected. He is blessed with a very efficient spouse and has many well-behaved children. His social circle is amiable and his friends occupy important positions m life. His mother has a special affection for him, and he receives valuable gifts from her. M E R C U R Y enables the native to earn money from trade and commerce, the legal profe^ion, or any job where his literary and matliematical abilities are needed; he may also make a good civil ser\'ant. He is quite sociable and his sharp mind may qualify him to become an astrologer. He prefers the company of enlightened and intelligent people. He receives wealth from a considerate employer, a discerning friend or a maternal uncle. His elder brother will be very encouraging to him and his special aptitudes for diplomacy, journalism and authorship will be recognized. When V E N U S occupies the Eleventli the individual has a golden touch in everything he does and his association has a luxurious influence on everyone who comes within his sphere. His friendship is consequently much sought after. His social circle includes well-placed people who are always eager to promote his interests. His special gifts for music, drama, and dance endear him to all kinds of people who become effective agents for his financial and social preferment. He obtains riches through women, fine arts, and the perfume business. His success in life depends upon his effective handling of people. Whenever MARS occupies the Eleventh house the native invariably becomes rich and chivalrous. He attains a financial status much higher than that of his ancestors. He is determined to earn money, and achieves it through his efforts. Such a person is self-made. He is a very able organizer and he possesses "gold, rubies, and transport vehicles." Though self-discipline rules his life and he has very active habits, one may not rule out the possibility of occasional sexual e,scapades. He earns money through his own efforts and acquires a large circle of friends due to his own merits. Helpfulness is one of the special qualities which attracts others to him. The presence of Mars in the Eleventh house is instrumental in adding strength to the whole horoscope.

— The Eleventh House —


JUPITER in the Eleventh house makes the individual learned, a follower of traditional social values, and fond of religious discourses. He earns his wealth through religious scholarship or by way of his sons; at heart he Ls some sort of priest and his income may be derived in that maimer, hi any case, this planetary combination produces a very earnest individual working very conscientiously; he is eminently respectable and seeks to attain perfection, though he is willing to compromise with reality when necessary. Psychologically, he is so independent that he regards himself as a king and maintains a very healthy sense of dignity in his personal deportment. S A T U R N in the Eleventh makes the native inordinately rich. He is thoughtful and serious in everything he does, and keeps excessive control over his actions and reactions. Such an mdividual is very persistent, and his desire to attain a high material position is also very intense. He can become a seasoned bureaucrat, but whatever his vocation he will be almost one-pointed in achieving the goal he sets out for himself. Callous behavior during the pursuit of that goal may also be exfjected from him; he acquires fixed assets and landed property as well. His education is usually incomplete, but his innate intelligence and practical wisdom are remarkable. R A H U is one of three planets, including the Sun and Mars, which is especially powerful in providing material possessions when posited in this house. Such an individual may lack mode.sty, but he will have tremendous control over his desires and activities. He is wise beyond comprehension. Not fond of much speaking, he prefers definite results. As such, he is a master strategist, an able commander, a skilled 'ATiter. He lives far away from his homeland and mixes well with foreigners and drifters. The way he earns his income cannot be confidently predicted because of his shady dealings and his friends in the underworld. Under favorable conditions, he may become an eminent philosopher propounding his viewpoint very effectively. K E T U in this position often indicates that the native's children will be unfortunate. The native himself becomes leamed; his appearance is attractive and he dresses well. However, some kind of perversity exists in his personal life and his family members are not very respectful. He suffers from diseases of the anus or reproductive organs. During his forty-fifth year he may receive an unexpected and substantial fortune. He is considered powerful in society, but he suffers from some unknown fear. For the benefits inherent in the Eleventh house to reach manifestation, certain planetary combinations are helpful. If the lord of the Eleventh house is closely associated with the Sun, either in the Eleventh itself or in


— Planets in the Signs and Houses -

a quadrant, trine or its exaltation sign, the native receives abundance of wealth. Tlie same result occurs if the lord of the Eleventh house is in the Second while the lord of the Second is in a quadrant with Jupiter. The individual wdl possess "ornaments and precious stones" if the Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter all occupy the eleventh house from the Eleventh (i.e. the Nindi). Furthermore, it is stated that the lord of the Eleventh in the Third house along with benefics enables the native to earn much money in his thirty-sixth year. If the Eleventh 'ord is placed in a quadrant or a trine along with benefics, it produces fortunate results in one's fortieth year. If Jupiter is in the Eleventh house, the Moon is in the Second, and Venus is in the Ninth, the native becomes fabulously rich. If there is an exchange between the lords of tlie Eleventh and the Second houses (i.e. if the lord of the Eleventh is in the Second and the lord of the Second is in the Eleventh), the individual gets a pnenomenal rise in status and fortune after hLs marriage. If a similar exchange takes place between the lords of the Third and the Eleventh houses, siblings become instrumental in enabling the na'ive to obtain "wealtli and ornaments." The signs occupying the Eleventh house have considerable influence on the material affluence of the native. ARIES With Aries in the Eleventh, tlie native has a hard tune eaming money. He has to struggle, exert himself and serve as an employee in order to procure wealth and income. Generally, such a person takes employment with the government or some other very routine job. In so doing, however, he is very unhappy. Unless he can play an active role in his career, psychological problems arise in his life. The mdividual is primarily interested in social life, sensual pleasures, and displaying hLs personality and charm. Unless these cravings are satisfied, he will feel as if he has rcjichcii a dead-end in life. When the SUN occupies this sign, a sibling helps the native to secure a gocxi position. He is very efficient in his work and earns a promotion; he acquires social status, is wealthy, and his morals are praiseworthy. He will, however, have few if any children. With the M O O N in this sign, the person becomes very wealthy; his income, however, tends to fluctuate. His status increases after marriage. He possesses "many ornaments" and has a special opportunity to eam money through mining operations. M E R C U R Y occupying this sign makes the native very social and favors his academic career. He is corjiected with activities such as transportation.

— ITie Eleventh House —


accounting, or commercial transactions in general. His income steadily increases. With V E N U S in this position, the company of the native is much sought after. He is fortunate as regards his children and he dresses well. M A K S makes the individual very energetic and active. He works whole hearted]y and constantly gets promoted. But he is never satisfied with his status or his income: he wants more, seeks more, gets more, and still strives for greater heights. There is always optimism in his oudook; he inspires courage and enthusiasm in others. He is a dependable friend, has very few children, and is devoted to religion and its observances. With JUPi ITER in this sign, the native is respected and is devoted to religion, scriptures and religious services. He earns a fabulous amount of money and his spouse brings him luck, but there is a dissatisfaction in him which raimot be filled by wealth or conventional religion. He is a truly benevolent figure lO his family. S A T U R N makes the person psychologically disturbed though he is well off with regard to money. He is well-educated, fx>ssessed of engiuecing skills, and receptive to bohemian values. His problems in life arise from an unknovm source wliich cannot be easily defined; but it may come close to shattering his personality and leading him to the edge of criminal activity. R A H U drives the native toward all manner of spiritual and religious practice, although his search is motivated by purely persona! considerations. He will become abundantly rich, though there is a possibility of his being luiked with some illicit dealings and underhanded business activities. K E T U makes tlie native an honorable person, absorbed in his philosophical thoughts, contemplating a new way of life and social order. Immensely practical in his sense of logic but extremely impractical in his profession, the native is a kind of saint, leading a beautiful but impoverished life.

TAURUS A powerful soul is bom when Taurus Ls in the Eleventh house. He derives inspiration for his sattwic or beneficent observances from the Sea of Immutability. His mind dwells on the higher spiritual realms, though physically he may he engaged in various mundane activities. A sense of hamiony and helpfuhiess pervades all his relationships. WheUier he becomes an administrator, social worker, politician, saint or king, his life IS deeply influenced by idealism and a spiritual outltxik. Nevertheless he Like.'; a pr.ictical Irn'k at his responsibilities and provides for his depen-


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

dents and helpers adequately. He is so sensitive to the feelmgs and thoughts of others that the slightest misery felt by an associate or dependent is deeply experienced and registered in his psyche. His consciousness is so expanded that all his gains or material possessions are never really regarded as "his." The S U N in this sign makes the native kingly, with the welfare of the entire nation in his heart. Dignified to the core, sensitive to every thought, he also has a great fondness for music and the fme arts. He respects leamed persons, artists, and eminent thinkers. He outshines everyone around him, like the Sun in the solar system. With the M O O N in this position, the musical and literary abilities of the native are developed almost to perfection. His urge for personal pleasure often leads him to seek the company of widely different types of persons. Basically, however, he remains a thinker. His literary works will make an enduring and substantial imprint on society. He will be very fond of opulent and artistic possessions and will amass much wealth, though his physical health may occasionally be poor. M E R C U R Y in Taurus in the Eleventh activates the native's mental principle, which will be the cause of his difficulties as well as his enduring contribution to society. Mercury persuades the native to dwell on the problems of life after death, or human pleasures and sensations which ultimately give rise to sorrow, on the personal rivalries and unbrotherly feelings which create bittemess and destmction in social life, and on the relationship between physical existence and enduring spiritual life. But when his thoughts center on his personal life, his own comforts and achievements, there is a sense of disappointment. The real is not the ideal, and this is the cause of his sorrow. When V E N U S occupies this sign, the art of music transcends its merely sensual nature and becomes sublimely spiritual. The native's heart flows with the songs he sings and the musical compositions he creates. He is not so much interested in monetary reward for his work; he lives happily and blissfully with whatever he has. In spite of this psychological saintliness, the conditions of his life keep him relatively affluent; his family members greatiy benefit from him. People flock to him because his company inspires them to seek higher realms of existence, and because he is intensely consoling when others are faced with tlie pangs of everyday misfortune. M A R S in this sign makes the native very materialistic. He earns much money, enjoys a good life, and has the company of likeable persons. He is always engaged in business, and has Uttle time for his family. He fmds no happiness in his children and often lapses in his morals.


The Eleventh House —


With JUPITER in this position, the behavior of the native is always correct. He is respectful to his parents, works for his family members, and is always willing to help them in any way possible. This helpful attitude pays him rich dividends m his professional career; his subordinates and colleagues are always willing to cooperate with him, and his superiors trust him completely. He rises very high in terms of status, and as he grows old his respectability and infiuence increase. He has a very harmonious married life and should be happy with his children. S A T U R N m this sign makes the native a philosopher. There is a close Imk between his extreme detachment from the world and the universal harmony that he perceives in that world. To such a person, wealth and personal regard, though he may receive them in plenty, are of no consideration: only spirit exists. R A H U is considered exalted in this sign and may produce a genuine saint. The native is powerfully psychic, and his higher consciousness is not displayed merely on the periphery of life but becomes a source of inspiration for his altruistic work. Often he suffers in life, and out of his suffering arises an aura of spirituality which finally becomes a palpable force emanating from him. He does not enjoy physical comforts, and he is totally persistent in his mission. He never rests till he has wrested the nectar of life from nature. K E T U in this position, though it makes the native well-provided for, is liable to accentuate his lascivious tendencies. He will have mysterious sources of income and will enjoy intellectual gains.

GEMINI Gemini in the Eleventh house is basically materialistic. An individual under its influence will be primarily interested in his profession, pleasure and welfare. Being an intellectual he may often succeed well in covering his self-centered approach to life. He makes others feel that he is mterested in social progress and thus draws a large number of both self-seeking and well-meaning persons aromid him. The polarities in his life may be difficult to integrate, thereby causing some dissatisfaction. It is not wealth and social position, but something psychological which the native will not disclose to others, which makes his life uneasy. With the S U N in this sign, this self-centeredness is greatly heightened, at times to the point of callousness. The native is enveloped in the cocoon of his own desires and pleasures. Being very powerful and determined, he moves through society with such gusto that he achieves whatever he sets out to accomplish: social status, learning, wisdom, and money.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

However, he seldom has more than one child, and his marriage is likely to be mihappy. He dwells in a land of glorified aloofness from others. The MCXDN enables the native to work out many innovative schemes; his mind is fertile and his career ever-changing. In commerce and human relations his expertise and skill -ye extraordinary. He can surpass many seasoned practitioners in the legal profession as well. His special area of interest will be politics, which may bring him great gains. With M E R C U R Y in this sign, the native becomes a renowned literary figure. He can do well in politics, the management of large business establishments, literary research, and other such creative activities. He will be social, rich, and very helpful. His friends and associates will regard him with respect and consideration. When VE^fUS occupies this position the native acquires money as a result of his intellectual contributions. Literature and social activities may lead him to a very dignified social status. Though some difficulties may arise in his career because of his colleagues, his reputation will remain unsullied. His relationship with his spouse and children will be amiable and loving. He will be among the social elite. The fiery temperament imparted to the native by M A R S in this sign inspires him to much hard work and the observation of etliical practices — even when the situation calls for attack. Such a person is ambitious, hard-working, self-made, and always engaged in thinking, planning, and implementing his program. Rest and recreation are anathema to him. He is not very lucky with his children and his finances are sometimes unstable, but such a person will make his mark in society and be remembered long after his death. JUPITER shapes a very creative person whose literary works, legal expertise, and skill in trade negotiations and business management are much in demand. He becomes rich, accumulates much money, and associates with religious and philosophical people. He is contented in life. S A T U R N makes a native rich and skillful m technological and managerial matters. Such a person is not interested in ethical questions or religious observances. He is very practical and hard working, but unhappy. R A H U makes the native very persistent in achieving his goals. He is a man of sterling character and high efficiency, especially skilled in large-scale business management and military strategy. A sense of awe radiates from him and makes others approach hun with trepidation. K E T U makes the native simple at heart, helpful by nature, and coura geous in undertaking even the most difficult enterprise Such a person

— TTie Eleventh House —


moves among high and low society with equal ease. He is basically a good person whom other people will admire and like to associate with.

CANCER Cancer in the Eleventh house brings the native into contact with truly evolved pei^sons. His mind is developed and he is sensitive to the cmelties perpetrated on the people of the world. Such an individual takes a very ambitious stance m life, but later changes tiis job and earns money from agnculture or other trading activities. He studies religious texts, contemplates the problems of life, and secures much fame. Wien tlie SlJN occupies this sign, the native succeeds in eaming substantial amounts of wealth and income, but his renown is greater than Kis wealth He devotes considerable time to serving resf>ectable and powerful natives Generally the native becomes a civil servant and rLses high in ins office. The M L X ) N in tfiis position makes the native very affluent; trade management is his special field of expertise. He becomes a civic leader and his renown is extensive. He changes his vocation several times and is always attracted to philanthropy. When Ml.RCURY occupies this sign the individual becomes a big businessman or a lawyer. Whatever he does brings him an abundance of money and good luck. In literary work he is exceptionally bright. His ct>nipany is illuminating and his conversation captivating. His mind dwells on the higher problems of life. With V E N U S in this position the native becomes a religious man of the conventional type, he also amasses much money. Even saints and sages respect him for his character and amiability. M A R S in tliis sign, though debihtated, brings good luck, especially because of its special importance in the Eleventh, hi this house, Mars beconies very productive and enables the mdividual to manifest plans and programs of action which are very useful to society He can work with untiring vigor and, due to his altmistic activities, he secures strength and guidance from an unknown source of energy. His contribution to society is enduring. JUPrn:R is exalted m this sign, and therefore its occupancy of the Eleventh house brings good fortune and respectability to tlie person. He is very religious and attached to his family. He enjoys participating in iociai work, respects the elders, and upholds the sanctity of traditional valu-.s He is very effective during the latter part of his life. S A T U R N makes a well-disciplined individual md bestows renown hi a foreign land The native suffers from some psyi lioiogical imp^ediments;


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

though he gains much in Ufe and rises high in social status, he feels that many restrictions are imposed on him. He has a special expertise in philosophical discussion and religious meditation; he can also be very skillful in technological subjects, and as a surgeon he may be exceptional. He will not be easily accessible to people, and will prefer to be very selective in his company. R A H U makes the native contemplative and often depressed, but it also enables him to eam well, especially from overseas (including trade in illegal dmgs if this combination is afflicted). K E T U accentuates the philosophical temperament of the native and enables him to acquire detachment from wealth and social ostentation.

LEO When Leo occupies the Eleventh house the native is bom to do some special work for society. He is strongly motivated to contribute significantly to his people. Such a person is not selfish, though he may not necessarily be soft and kind, either. He is a strict disciplinarian; he can subject himself to austere religious observances or wage cmel wars, but at the base of all these enterprises will be his primary motivation of social change. He wants to make the world a better place to live, a more unified social organization, so that human beings may have greater opportunities for self-expression. When the SUN occupies this sign the missionary spirit in die individual is greatly heightened. He can forge strong bonds of friendship with a few persons, but he is generally reserved, with a very exclusive sense of individuality. He becomes interested in life sciences; his fascination with occultism will also be deep and genuine. He is not interested in these rather intellectual acquisitions sunply for his own pleasure; his primary objective is to externalize them so that others can effectively use diem to improve their own personal lives. As an executive officer, political missionary, or eminent philosopher, such an individual can make an imprint wherever he goes. His personal life, however, is full of deprivations. He is unhappy with his children, and often suffers from serious strain on his nerves. The M O O N in this sign produces a benevolent influence which soothes the feverish excitement inherent in the nadve. He is very much concemed about the innate dignity of the human individual, and works to give the common man the spiritual guidance, divine blessings, and intellectual leadership which are necessary to achieve that objective. He gets results not so much through talks and discourses as through his personal Ufe and relationships.

-- 'Die Elevemh Houii.


M E R C U R Y in this sign arouses nai've lo gteiit atxial activity. It makes him uitellectuai, learned in l>oth ieiigious and classical literatures, and extensively renowned. He fWictions more on the mental plane rather than on the physical. As a result he niaj' establish his superiority ui tlie reahn of intellectual achievements, but his [xfi-soiial and domestic life is likely to be unliappy. When V E N U S is in tliis sign the native becomes vitalized with inner strength but feels shy hi expressmg his basic sexual urges. Consequently there is some motbidity in his social relationships. He wishes to be u^cluded in social congregations, but will be a bad mixer. He will, however, ht a good speaker; his approach may not be very intellectual, but wiil be mterestmg and oft^n inspiring. With M A R S in tiiis sign die native will he intluentiai and wealthy. His collection of precious stones will be exteni;ive and very worthy. His life, in spite of a great urge for social work, will be lonely and wifJiout much support from his family memb-ers. JUPrtER ui iliis fKJsition L'ctivatcs the native's mind so much tfiat his meiital balance may be disturljed if his work does not progress according to plan, and if his domestic life doe-sn't provide adequate opportunities for the expression of his feelings. He sometimes faces danger. Though S A T U R N is generally an auspicious planet for anyone widi Leo in the Eleventh house, its actual occupancy of tliat house seriously disturbs the natural mental comjxwure of the native. He fails to make die right decisions. HLs persiwality is criished and hLs creativity is stifled. The unknown source of enlightem.nerii from which one derives one's energy and direction in life is blocked for such an individual. He fails to make the right decisions. His personality is crusiied and his creativity is stifled. Saturn isolates the native from the general flow of social relationships and leaves him stranded at tlie crossroad of his soul's pilgrimage. With R A H U m lliLs situation, the na'ive progresses along a materialistic padi. He attains a great deal of money and is linketi with international organizations, but he is also involved in shady deals and surreptitious business practices. He is happy becaase he does not seek the spiritual heights. Towards tlie end of his life, however, he beguis to move towards charity and helpfulness to otiiers. K E T U , on the other hand, turns the attention of tlie native towards the ultimate reality. He seeks union widi tlie universal, which represents tlie ultimate degree of sphitual undersunding. Thus he consciously begms to take up humanitarian activities with the hop)e of ultimately attaining that goal. He often becomes renowned for his .sympathetic behavior and attitude towards life.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

VIRGO The native who has Virgo in his Eleventh house attains much wea di, especially as a result of his intellectual qualities. He is often burdened with many social and family responsibilities; his income is unstable, and his obligations often exceed his cash inflow. He will face strenuous circumstances. With the S U N in this sign, the native's fame is extensive, mainly due to his executive abilities. From his vocation he attains a great deal of success, and people acknowledge him as an expert in his field. Promotion comes swiftly and he is able to acquire much money. The M O O N makes its native a renowned author, journalist, commercial advisor or some similar professional. Generally, he avoids routine activity and prefers freedom of operation to the mere acquisition of income. With M E R C U R Y in this sign, the native becomes an intellectual, social, and blessed with good children. He likes company, and whenever he is with a group of people he is very charming. He becomes a source of attraction in social gatherings, has many reliable friends, and is never short of money. If he goes into business and commerce he will succeed. V E N U S enables the native to eam money from business or from intellectual activities such as teaching, joiunalism, authorship and social liaison work. He has good contacts, is respected, and is powerful. His married life, however, is not very inspiring. Fiery speeches, revolutionary writings, or complete absorption in the engineering field are some of the activities that an individual may undertake when M A R S is in Virgo in the Eleventh. He may also be connected with military training, the manufacmre of transport equipment, or lifesaving activities. It is also possible tiiat he will go into insurance work in which assurances are provided and risks undertaken for accidents, damages, rioting and the hke. JUPITER will make the native a great organizer. He earns a fabulous amount of money; his leadership is acknowledged and his creativity is enduring. He attains his objectives in life and finally becomes a great philanthropist. He is a great upholder of traditional values and is much respected in his community. Under the influence of S A T U R N the native's family conditions are not comfortable and a sense of restriction as regards his personal freedom is also felt, but the same restrictions later on become instrumental in his taking up new enterprises. He may be psychologically burdened but financially affluent.

— The Eleverah House


R A H U is not a good influence for spintual activities, but for material attainments it will be very useful. The native may eanj much through labor laws, industrial organizations, anti-corruption campaigns and so on. When K E T U occupies tliis sign there is much spirituality in the native. He often becomes tlie head of some religious or philosophical organization.

LIBRA Libra in the Eleventh house bestows something close to perfection in terms of one's skills, fulfills one's desires, and produces the dawn of new careers and new futures. A n individual who has this position m his chart is a person who has completed a significant portion of his soul's journey and has embarked upon a new mission, though in this life he must discharge some social karma. This situation tends to make the native very important, widely renowned with a special role to perform in his community. When the S U N occupies this sign spirituality is not waxing, but materiality, physical comfort andfinancialaffluence become the lot of die person. He is widely acknowledged as successful, but primarily in a mimdane way. He occupies a good official position and respects scholarship, but suffers on account of his children. The M O O N m this sign makes the individual interested ui conventional religion than in material comforts, affluence, and personal prestige. He is attached to his spouse and children. As a member of his community he is well-respected. When M E R C U R Y occupies diis sign tlie native receives money and other kinds of wealth, especially after marriage. In his professional activities the relationship between intellect and sociability is significant; his business partoers are very useful to him. V E N U S occupying diis sign makes tlie native suffer hardships in life. He is barred from many comforts which ordinarily might have come to him. But in spite of these difficulties there are phases in his life when he is at the helm of public affairs, when he receives truly regal treatment and comforts. M A R S occupying this sign creates an unusual craving for the forbidden fruits of life. In his drive to procure his desires, the native may be ruthless. His lust will not be easily quenched, and there may be genuine cruelty or bloodshed in his attempt to get what he wants. He will be powerful and wealthy, but not much respected. JUPITER in Libra in the Eleventh house will make the native attain the mner desire of his life: he will rise much beyond the expectations of nis


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

parents. His fame will spread far and wide, but his life will not be a bed of roses. He will be accused of many activities which may be considered scandalous; these accusations will be lodged against him for ulterior motives. With S A T U R N in this sign the native will take savage delight in many of his activides. His wealth will destroy his sense of culture, making him almost an autocrat. He will be perversely interested m music and otlior forms of fine art. When R A H U occupies diis sign the native becomes a great philoso pher upholdmg the merits of ritual and austerities. The native's philosophy leads him to travel far and wide, and his musical compositions may reveal an almost supernatural sense of beauty and harmony. K E T U will make the native rich, though without any interest in sensual enjoyments. Such a native will be an occultist, try ing to make his personal life conform to the phOosophy he advocates. It may make him a much misunderstood person.

SCORPIO Scorpio occupying the Eleventh house leads to eamhigs which are not very honorable. Under it, gains may be appropriated under exceptional cucumstances created by unfair, unnatural, or deceitful conditions. With the S U N in this sign, there is a taint p>ossibility that the individual may eam money by practicing black magic, crystal gazing, or other means of divination, but all too often, tlieft, smuggling, misappropriation of funds and blackmail are more likely ways of acquiring wealth. It is also possible that the native may be employed by a govemment office and thereby manage to sell secrets for some considerations. The M O O N fares no better in this position. The native's marriage partner may become a cooperator and abettor in criminal acts. Chances are good that the native will become a smuggler. With M E R C U R Y in this position ethical considerations begin to dawn on the native and he engages himself in activities which are socially approved, though generally he holds a subordinate position and is always in need of money. Tlie possibility of prosecution for some irregularities caimot be mled out unless other planetary combinations counteract this influence. When V E N U S occupies this sign the native becomes loose in morals; his lascivious tendencies may be pionomiced, but he will eam a decent living. He will have his own social circle where his amiability will be recognized.

- The Elfvenlh House —


Witli M A R S , native will earn his livmg by tiie sweat of his brow. He wili lean toward technical skills, more likely surgery than engmeering. lie w i l l care for his family and w i l l have only lunited luck with regard to money and childien. JlipniiK will make the ualive's life respectable but hard. He will be troubled by his colleagues and siblings. His marriage partner will be demanding. He will Ije engaged in a teaching job or become a functionary it! some reiigiotis mstiiution. Wlien SAITJRN occupies this sign the native attains a good position m society and acquires much property. HLs chief concern in life is the acquisition of higher fuiancia! and scK;ial status; he suffers from tension. Death may come suddenly and unexpectedly, or as the result of some malignant disease. R A H U makes die individual a law unto himself; he may sometimes engage in disreputable activities, Crfmiria! prcx;eedmgs may l>e started against hun; his respectability i.s frequently questionable. KEITJ in tliis sign ihajx^s an individaai who is deeply in search of an esoteric philosopliy of life; it producer the hidden motivations of external action, encouragesj die seijch for ixcult kirowledge, and provides a justification ior one's personal ethics. Under its mfluence die native may not be rich ur learned, but his life wih sphitualiy tempered. He may be isolated from his colleagues, but wil! taki" great delight in serious contemplation. He wi!l be of the brooding type.

SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius provides a crusading spirit which, actmg on the Eleventh house, motivates tlie native to fight for a cause. Generally such a cause is humanitarian, religious, or political. A n individual influenced by Sagittarius in the Eleventh may not he a philosopher, but he endeavors to live a pious life in his own individualistic or idiosyncratic way. When the SUN occupies this sign the native's fiery entJausiasm is greatly accentuated. F-amily life may be denied liim, and he may become extremely one-pomted, directed towards creating conditions he wishes for if a waxing M ( X ) N occupies this sign tlie native becomes learned, god-fearing, charitable, helpful to hLs family and a good speaker. He may be married several times but w i i ! have few cfuldren. He will be respected, but his income will fluctuate. M E R C U R Y in this sign enables the native to eam money from teaching or legal practice, but chances of a imly bright career are not encouraging.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

With V E N U S the native may have a morbid interest in sex, which he will sometimes approach in an unhealthy manner. Often trying to sublimate sex into a form of religious fanaticism, he may develop an abnormal attitude towards life which will bring him much misfortune. He sometimes lives poorly and ends his life m an mdigent simation. M A R S will enable the native to eam money, acquire property and rise high in his career, but it will be bad for Ids father, bad for his children, and injurious to his health. JUPITER arouses strong feelings for humanitarian work. Under this impetus, however, the individual prefers to be a revolutionary radier than work according to established social mles and laws. Such a person is resdess and does not earn much. S A T U R N occupymg this sign shexLs many of its narrow horizons and induces the native to take up a respectable profession. Against his temperament, he assumes a condition of bondage or servitude. He is accepted hi social circles, but people show some reluctance to approve of huu whole-heartedly. R A H U produces religious fervor. K E T U will provide a similar impietus and make the native philosophical.

CAPRICORN Capricorn in the Eleventh house makes the native a great believer m human individuality. He tliinks that one should express his own individuality without dependmg upon any exterior supjxirt; even divme assistance should not be accepted. Undeterred by any setback, such an individual adopts a materialistic attitude toward life. This makes him cmel, believing in the achievement of the end rather than the purity of the means adopted to reach it He does not believe in religious ethics. He has siblings, a large number of associates, and friends who all encourage his unethical approach to life and the adoption of selfish means. The S U N in diis sign is extremely weak, and incapable of arousmg higher feelings in the heart of the native unless supported by odier influences. He works in servimde and does not benefit from it. The M O O N brings some psychological refinement to the person. He is well-educated and respectful of social values, but his immediate circumstances are so adverse that these values cannot grow effectively. M E R C U R Y arouses a strong desire to take part in humanitarian activities, but the individual is so burdened with family re-sponsibilities diat he cannot nourish his cherished ideals. He will be a great support to his

— T V Eleventh House ~


family, and in society he will be renowned for his generosity, despite his serious limitations. V E N I I S will excite the native's lascivious tendencies. He will be sociable m order to have his appetites satisfied. Though he is amiable and will be liked by his friends and associates, his covetousness will be so pronounced that he may seduce his friends' spouses and have affairs with older or divorced partners. With M A R S , the native will always have plenty of money and may in fact be fabulously wealthy. JUPITER will shape an individual who earns a very respectable position in society. He will, however, miss great opportunities to develop his spiritual nature, and wUl prefer to engage in materialistic enterprises and attain the highest eminence thereby. S A T U R N may cause a break in the native's education and some sorrow from his children, but its effect on his general prosperity will be substantial. He will attain a coveted position in society, and will be v*dse and philosophical in temperament. R A H U in this sign will produce a sense of detachment, and acceptance of whatever circumstances come one's way. K E T U will make the uidividual deeply philosophical. He will be an idealist and may have the capacity to develop paranormal powers.

AQUARTOS Under the influence of Aquarius the native believes in action. He is not generally well liked because he is quite opinionated and cannot accept the supremacy of others. By developing his own inherent capacities, he hopes to conquer the world. This attitude is resented by society. In terms of career or general social conditions, the native is left out and fails to secure what others in similar conditions would liave attained. He dies a frustrated man, though his contribution to society's welfare and enlightenment is considerable. When the S U N occupies this sign there is a break in the native's education. He occupies an executive post in the govemment, his fmancial position is good, and he is inclined to be charitable. With the M O O N in this sign the mental condition of the person is abnormal. Family life is strained and there is no peace of mind. The native is generally employed by large corporations, the govemment, or the diplomatic service; he is also likely to be comiected with water and trade. He will have to stmggle very hard to eam his living. Under tiie influence of M E R C U R Y die native will be engaged in mtellectual pursuits, working as a journalist, literary agent, or civil


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

servant. A truly independent profe.-sion will iiot be agreeable to him. People liave reservations in serializing widi him, and in spite of his involvement in so many fruitfuS ctfative activities he will be isolated and have very few friends. With VEhfUS in this sign de sad, his habits and behavior impure and .self-centered. Wfien MAR.S occupies Aquarius in the Eleventh house, the native leads an active life, is financially v/eil off but not rich, and psychologically is very calculathig. Social hostility against him will lie present and he will experience many .setbacks in life. He wil! receive many oppxartunities for improving his lifestyle,, but wili generally miss them; however, he will get sudden lifts in his caree;, Some type of surgery is very possible. JUPITER will make the individual god-fearing, charitable, engaged in active social service, and possessed of a resjiectable social status. He wil! be concerned for his family's welfare and will go out of his way to provide adequate comfort and fmancial resources. His education will be good, his children will make a mark in scx;iety, and his married life will be happy. S.^TURN occupying this house wil! endanger die person's life several times. He will, however, be saved from danger find survive into old age. He will occupy a respectable position in government, in some international concem or large engineering esiablisiurierit. His involvement witli his job will be very intense. He will be an unpssesses an almost regal demeanor. His weaknss.s may well lie in alcoholism and extramarital affairs. M E R C U R Y creates many auspicious conditions for tiie native. His education is sound, with many academic distinctions; his financial gains are extraordinary, die money earned tbj'ough intellectual pursuits; his profession involves him with re.sf«ctable, iiuellectual person.s who work honestly with their minds and peacefully enjoy tlieir well-earned rest. V E N U S in tins position will push tlie native to excessive sensual pleasures, bringing disrepute to his family, rain to his health, and destruction to his wealdi. Tlie individual will, however, never realize diat he is progressing on tlie path of self-dei.tmcUon; his hedonistic philosophy wiii always make him fe*l diat he has die best possible life. M A R S is pwwerful in Oiis position, but it will make tlie native very concerned widi his family dignity. His financial expienditures will be excessive, often numing hito debt. He will not succeed in signitlcantly miprovuig his pixjfessional career. He will be uitere^sted m making quick money, and tlierefore an mterest in horse racmg, business sp>eculation, or the establislunent of a small manufacturing concem is likely. When JUPITER occupies this sign, the universal reservoh of energy directs its resources to the native in order to enable him to present to humanity a new direction m social development. Precisely what this gift wiil be is difficult to anticipate, but it will certauily help humanity m its evolutionary progress. Tlie native's resp)ectability will be very great, anci even if he does not become fabulously rich he will have all the conveniences of life; he will never be in want for anything. S.-VIIJRN is a most effective planet in this position and will bestow upion the mdividual everyliiing dsat can be desired. A greater upholder of traditional morality, very respectful toward leamed p>ersons, enjoying die felicity of a large and happy family, and himself held in great esteem b) the people, such a native is seldom to be found. However, he must accept the .self-imposed restrictions of social norms, traditional observ.niices, and


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

public respectability. There will thus be much curtailment of his personal liberty. R A H U in this position enables the native to acquire an important social status through tenacity. The kind of status and eminence he acquhes will enable him to disregard the normal social standards of behavior. When K E T U occupies this sign the native is in a blissful state. Having acquired the wisdom of the world and the gratification of sensual pleasures, he feels that the world in its subjective reality renders social norms and religious observances unimportant, and that only the miification of the native's consciousness with the universal life-essence really matters. Under this influence the individual, having acquired the deepest occult insight, leads a life of complete moral abandoimiient.

12 THE TWELFTH HOUSE The House of Dissolution: Death, Discharge of Debts, Termination ofJob, and Loss of Spouse All beginnings contain within themselves their ending. To consider death inherent in buth is a mystical approach which may inspire a sensitive thinking person to meaningful action. Um-aveling the unplications of this truth leads one to deeper studies of reality, the continuous process of birth and growth, and to the unification of the individual consciousness with the imiversal stream of unending creative potential, the supreme subjective spirit. What these stages of development and imfoldment imply is beyond the comprehension of most people. Unless one understands the very basis of esoteric philosophy, undergoes the process of initiation, experiences the soul's unfoldment of latent potentiality and activates the sleeping Serpent Fire, the various philosophical thoughts guiding and assisting planetary evolution may appear to be meaningless hocus pocus. Abstruse metaphysical philosophies and religious injunctions have so far failed to involve the ordinary individual in his own blossoming process with the same naturalness which holds birds, animals, and other forms of creation in a state of joyous detachment, hi fact, nature's dismterestedness in its ultimate destiny of dissolution results in its involvement in everyday life. It can be achieved only when the process of life and death, the inevitable link between the two, and the silken thread of karma by which the individual is linked with this process of dissolution, are rightly comprehended. The IVvelfth house of a natal chart reveals tlie individual's relationship with this process of dissolution in a very practical manner. It reveals many inspiring and instructive aspects of the life-process in which we are all entangled. Though the Twelfth house is popularly understood as a house of deadi, its various appellations are not merely synonyins for death. They refer to the process by which the journey of the individual from birth to death is undertaken and the different experiences are gained. As the First house contains within itself the complete course of the life to be unfolded.


- Planets in the Signs and Houses —

the Twelfth shows all the conditions under which that initial energy-content will be enwrapped in the universe before die soul embarks on its joumey once again. It demonstrates how the end contained in the very beginnuig, like the serpent eatmg its tail, leads to a constant rejuvenation of the creative process. It is not widiout significance diat every house in die natal chart indicates the process of "wrapping up" the aspect of life signified by the following house. Thus, the twelfth house from any given house shows the death or conclusion of that house and its issues. The First and TVelfth houses are, in fact, twuis, the former indicating the potential for growth and the latter the process of dissolution. 'lie different features of the dissolution process have been variously described. The classical texts describe the Twelfth house as representmg "expenditure, adversaries, clearance of debts and the cessation of all activities." Elaboratuig on these characteristics, variotis other aspects of life are also mentioned which, among other things, include awakenmg from sleep, liberation from pain, anxiety concerrung the welfare of parents and siblings, mental anguish, mutilation of the body, entry into heaven, going to anodier place, renouncing one's couch, and discussion or disputes. Obviously, these are not synonyms for death, rather, they are milestones on the joumey towaixk this final desthiation. Metaphysically, Hindu astrology does not separate birth and death as two distinct stages m ')ne's life-process; rather, life itself is a continuous process of unfoldment through which the different states of consciousness are realized. The different houses of the natal merely show the gradual merging of one state of consciousness mto another: die classical descriptions, however indicate the external symptoms of the process of change. A rational approach to Jistrological prediction in general is to consider predictions as stepping stones by which we enter the portals of the unknown laws of nature with a view to apprehending the next event so as to cooperate with natural forces. By relating the .""uture course of everyday life, as predicted on the basis of a natai chart, to one's increasmg awareness of esoteric laws, one may gain a greater understanduig of the forces surrounding everyday life. Predictions relating to the TWelfth house are very tricky, requirmg adroitness in tackling such problems and an adequate knowledge of those lasser-known laws of nature. It has been suggested that the presence of ihe Moon as lord of the TWelfth hoii:« ot in it.-; exaltation, that is, in Taurus or in the Fifth, Ninth or Elevendi house, wil! lead the individual to spend his income on "palatial mansions, a luxurious couch, and perfumeries '" This axiom indicates that die individual will be much concerned with the satisfaction of sensual plea,sures, for which he will unhesitatingly .^penci


The Twelfth House -


his energies and other resources. The presence of Mars, the Sun, and Rahu in the Twelfth house, or the lord of tlie Twelftii in conjunction widi the Sun is indicated in traditional texts as a combination leading tlie individur.1 to hell. This of course has reference to the condition of the individual's life after physical death, and about this state of existence little information is available m exoteric religion. In occuh tradition, however, much knowledge is circulated on this topic. The association of Rahu with the Twelfth house, as well as the combination in which the Sun associates widi this house, often implies diat die individual will, m the discharge of his worldly obligations, fail to vibrate widi higher spiritual force and may indulge in depravity and camal passions, busily satisfying his sensuous cravings. As the individual may not generate adequate spiritual forces to sustain him in tlie life after death, he will suffer as a result of karmic justice. The presence of benefics m die TWelfdi house or the lord of die Twelfth house in its exaltation sign point to the opposite kind of situation, i.e. one in which the individual has done well m fulfiUmg his spuitiial and ethical obligations and thereby generated sufficient merit to eam a very satisfying after-death condition. The presence of Saturn, Mars, or other malefics in the Twelfth house without any benefic aspect reveals the native's desire to eam his income hi undesirable ways and in an unethical maimer. The mdividual spends his wealth m a worthy manner if there is an exchange of signs between die lords of die Twelfdi house and die Ascendant and Venus is m the Ascendant. Such a combination reveals that all the native's efforts will be guided by the desire to clear up his karmic debts. Though he may fail to make any mark in life, and though his efforts fail to bring material rewards or position commensurate with die energy expended, he does not feel dejected, but maintains his mental composure and acts wisely. Having thus cleared any future impediments from his path, he is assured of a helpful life-after-deadi existence. Again, it is stated diat the association of the lord of the Twelfth with malefics while the Twelfth house is also occupied by malefics without any benefic aspect will make the individual travel far and wide. Excessive traveling is required for the soul to gain adequate experience of the varying conditions of life and so that the individual may be exposed to the extensive theater of natural forces. The expansion of his mental horizons and the destmction of his self-controlled isolated life leave him spiritually oriented. By revealing these indhect characteristics of the mental processes which orient our lives m a particular way, the astrological texts have indicated the end-product results. The student of esotericism, desirous of


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

exploring nature's secrets, must trariscend physical conditions to comprehend the psychological and psychic forces impinging on humankind. The TWelfth house is as important as the First. The First house combinations reveal the conditions of the entire course of life, while the TVelfth house indicates the maimer in which the different entanglements implied by those life conditions are finally severed. In this way, the Twelfth house will also reveal the psychological make-up of a person, and especially the ways and means by which that make-up changes during one's lifetime. Death, which Ls closely linked with this house, is the final cessation of the physical process, but this finality is achieved only after some psychological transformation occurring during one's life. The TVelfth also refers to separation from one's spouse or other near and dear ones, as well as to infirmities of the body and loss of money. In such matters, any planet which occupies the TVelfUi will have an important role to play. The disposition of this house must therefore be carefully considered in regard to the different planets and signs involved. In such an examination, one should take a broad view which includes the possible repercussions of one's physical actions on his psychological and psychic life. The S U N in the Twelfth house represents the basic core of the individual entrenched in the Deep Sea, signifying thereby the soul's interest in the real essence of manifestation. Having withdrawn from the objective plane of existence, the soul dwells in subjective reality. It produces spiritual forces strong enough to counteract or restrict development along purely materialistic lines. Since one's father represents the creative energy in man and thus leads to the furtherance of manifested creation, the Sun (father) m die TVelfdi is not favorable for die native's biological father, nor does the individual waste his vital energy in creative channels. He withdraws from the path of going forth (pravritti), upon which one gets involved in materiality. He is not interested in money, marriage, social status, and so on. Some may therefore consider him anti-social. If the Sim is exalted (Aries) or is in Scorpio or Sagittarius, the native's approach to life will be different. He will be linked with the universal benevolent energy and will actively participate in spiritual activities. He may wanderft-omplace to place spreading the message of goodness and righteousness. He will prefer to help the world, even at the risk of personal inconvenience and hardship. He has left his sleep and no longer enjoys the pleasures of the couch. He has become a mendicant for the redressal of universal pain. The M O O N nourishes the evolutionary impulse in the world of maiufestation. If it has received adequate light from the Sun, i.e. when it

— The Twelfth House —


is in its bright or waxing cycle and thus benefic it nourishes the manifestative process. The presence of such a Moon in the Twelfth house will immerse the individual in the reahn of illusion. This is acliieved by making the individual indulge in the pleasures of sex, bed, luxurious living, wandering from place to place and gathering experience, smdymg various subjects, cultivating the fme arts, and enjoying musical performances. A n individual in the process of such indulgence is bound to be afflicted by diseases, people's enmity, loss through marriage, termination of appointment, mental anguish, and heavy expendimre. Naturally, a malefic or waning Moon is not desirable in this house. A malefic Moon, which does not receive adequate light from the Sim, may be powerful in providing vitality to the individual, but he will nevertheless feel barren, lost without any enthusiasm for life. He will lack direction. If the Moon is the lord of the Ascendant (Cancer rising) or the Eleventh house (Virgo rising) and is posited in the Twelfth, there will be a spectacular change in the life pattern and attimde of the person. On one hand, he will be a philosopher with clarity of vision, having full awareness of his responsibilities to the world without immersing himself in its umiecessary entanglements. On the other hand, he will also utilize his full quantum of energy and resources to generate actions which will release himself and others from the imprisonment of this mundane existence. M E R C U R Y is the planet which receives subjective cosmic forces and chaimels them into objective forms of manifestation. Thus it is always creative. It is a neutral planet: it does not contribute anything of its own, but transfers subjective messages into objective manifestation and transmutes objective experiences into subjective awareness. In this state, the occupancy of the TWelfth by Mercury can be effective whether the soul is withdrawing from the pravritti marg or path of materialization, or whether it is pursuing it. For this reason, one finds that the individual with Mercury in the Twelfth house is a skilled craftsman, whatever he is doing; he succeeds in his efforts, may be interested in religious activities, but can also deceive others. This planet contributes only what the individual has aheady acquired. V E N U S is different. It produces a material unpulse. It leads the individual towards sensual gratifications and involvement in unethical relationships which bind the soul strongly in chaiiK of materialization. One may remember that Venus is the advisor to the daityas or demons who command the anti-devic forces. The advice given by Venus can lead the individual to adopt behavior and actions wldch will require scores of lives to release the soul from bondage. These activities are produced by passion, lustful intentions, psychologically acquisitive tendencies, and


— Planets in the Sigrts and Houses —

ritualistic or overly formal religious observances. These tendencies are greatly accentuated when Venus occupies; the TWelfth, which can fimdy fix the individual in has pleasant sleep (of illusion) and in the enjoyment of a comfortable couch (karmic bondage). M A R S externalizes inherent tendencies. The TWelfth house being the repository of all one's past karmic forces and future possibilities, the presence of Mars here brings these forces to the surface. This Ls done in order to neutralize tfiem so that the individual may be liberated from their binding effect. During tliis process die individual may often be unprepared to bear the pressure; his reaction creates further binding. Under die influence of Mars, the individual has the freedom either to liberate himself from bondage and begin a new life or become more deeply immeised in layers of materiality. But if the individual has already cleared his past debts and no further undesirable forces are pending, his spirimal tendencies surface. In that case, the individual shows genuine tendencies toward cpirituality. Under negative conditions, one may fmd such an individual possessed by anger, lustful behavior, animosity against friends, depi-avity and criminality. When these tendencies are bravely faced, the individual may possibly free himself to snter die heavenly gates of divhie pleasure. If his past is already full of spiritual merit the Martian effect will externalize it, and the individual may be un inspiring spirit who helps others progress courageously. It is posi..ole that some physical ilhless may afflict the person if he has the seed of such an dlness in hLs karmic past, even while he is engaged hi his spiritual mis.sion. JUPITER protects the individual in whatever circumstances he may be placed, slowly and steadily guiding him on his pilgrimage. In the Twelfth house this mfluence enables the individual to maulge hunself m material desires so that he may finally realize the futility of such a practice. This process, however, takes a long time to release the mdividual from material bondage. Meanwhile, it will seem as if the uidividual is following a path of unrighteousness. He may become lazy, neglectful of meritorious acts, mentally \mbalanced, coveting diverse objects which cannot all be attained simultaneously, and indulging in activities which may bring him into disrepute. However, he will sj)end extravagantly on religious and philanthropic programs as well as on his own luxurious lifestyle. Such an individual experiences difficulties in life which are primarily intended to make him aware of the futility of his efforts to satisfy his senses. S A T U R N completely veils the positive influences of the TWelfth house, but brings to the surface those intimations from the eternal past which urge the individual onto the path of spiritual unfoldment. The native is persistent in getting whatever he wants; his opinions are very important

— The Twelfth House --


to him. Sometimes there may be deep-rooted spuitual intonations in those ideas, but the native is primarily activated by the fact that these are his own ideas, and for that alone will he work. Often such conditions are not present and die voice of the flesh itself is very strong; sensual excess in the character of the individual may then become very pronounced. R A H U in this Twelfth house of redemption makes the physical life of the native difficult and upsets all established order. The expected course of life is not followed and the native is forced to adopt a way of life in which there is much suffering, physical debility and psychological helplessness. His movement is restricted; mental anguish often becomes acute. But the ordeals of life caused by Rahu provide one with the celestial nectar. After a bio-psychological purging, the uidividual receives a spiritual bath and is anointed for initiation into the secret mysteries of life. From the material standpoint, Rahu in the IVelfth house is considered inauspicious, suggestmg that the purging operation manifests dirougb immoral acts and unfortunate events. In the ordeal of the spiritual path, such difficulties are necessary. Rahu functions as a karmic agent, producing trials so that the latent spirituality which is die true uifluence of the Twelfth house may emerge. K E T U is also instrumental in producing a spirimalizing effect in the Twelfth house, but its mode of operation is different. It activates die psycho-mental process in such a way as to show the native that social stams and sensual gratification do not lead to mental satisfaction. .\. person under the influence of this shadowy planet in the Twelfth will seldom realize this basic spirimal truth in the early stages of life. But ha^mg been put through the mill and experiencing frustration radicr than the expected satisfaction from material gifts, the individual ultimately begins to dimk of the other aspects of human existence. Towards the end of his life, he receives a vision of permanence through which the only real satisfaction in life can be achieved. The sign occupying the TVelfth house wiil show how life's efforts reach their culmination.

ARIES If Aries occupies the TVelfth, the individual will put forth his efforts and resources for the acquisition and expansion of material wealth and social status; he will aim at sensual gratification, attaching much significance to die kmd of physical existence he must face and die life he must live. The focus will be on the immediate present. The S U N occupying this sign will disturb the family life of the native and bring turmoil into his emotional nature. He wUl resist the given state


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

of affairs- He will desire a change and be restless. He will wander from place to place and will have no sleep, literally or figuratively. He will confront his adversaries boldly. He will have great insight mto the hmer significance of situatior^ confronting him — even his physical eyesight wil! be extremely gcxxi and he wiU be free from eye diseases. The M C X ) N in diis position will quiet the nerves and help die individual lo bear tiie ordeals of life placidly. He will suffer from various diseases and will accept them with forbearance. His sleep will be broken and he will lack tranquility, but these problems will be internalized, expressing themselves as a psychological mieasiness which will be symptomatic of the deep storm raging within. He will not often reveal his iimer torment to others. M E R C U R Y hi dus sign makes die mdividual very thoughtful. He will be concemed about doing something to release himself from physical and material bondage. When Ids mind is able to perceive the simation with clarity, he wil! be able to function directly, without any difficulties. This clarity of mind is not always possible, and when it is not there the individual may resort to unrighteous actions. He may be considered adulterous, oblighig, wayward, passionate and narrow-minded. These traits, however, are not universally trae of diis house and sign position, and its chief feature will be dioughtful acceptance of die ordeals and responsibilities of life. V E N U S does not help in the unmediate development of spirituality: it leaves the inuividua! deeply asleep, enjoying the pleasures of a luxurious bed, incurring debts and enjoying "horses, elephants, and paternal wealdi." M A R S will be powerful and will brmg to die surface many hidden personal problems. The marital life of the person will go "on the rocks" and he will he seriously committed only to attauiing personal glory. His actions wdl not show that he is in any way interested ui achieving sphitual growth; physical reality alone is imjwrtant to him. De*'ective eyesight or travel abroad will present no unhappiness to him. JUPFi E R in this sign will make die individual aware of the ultimate reality, for which he must make the necessary preparations. His financial position will not be soimd and his family life will be disturbed; he will have many enemies. Despite these personal difficulties, he will be reconciled to the fact that they are expressions of eternal justice. S A T U R N m diis sign and house will chum die iimer life of the mdividual so tempesmously that he will have no peace of mind. Many physical problems will converge upon him. Sleeplessness, wandering.

The Twelfth House -


mental anguish, loss of paternal propetty, and anti-religioits activides will make spirituality difficult for him. He may die a very disturbed person. R A H U will give the native a sobriety wiiich will take him beyond personal troubles or difficultie,s. Attachment to material wealth having vanished, he will have a peaceful sleep and confidence in the future. K E I U wili dismrb the native's [>sychological balance. He will feel frustrated, and his existing state of affairs will not satisfy him. The resulting astro-mental frustration will often be expressed in sexual irregularities or drunkenness. The native's sense of respectability will be greatly dinnnished.

TAURUS When Taurus occupies the 'fVeifdi house, die individual engages in material pursuits, but dissatisfaction with the existmg conditions will be present. He will always be doing something to alleviate Ids circumstances, but he may not be moving in the right direction. He is likely to immerse himself ever deeper in materiality and drift farther away from ultimate release. When the SUN occupies this sign, the individual is so enraged with the social order that he is moved to join certain schemes of action against it, which cause him great personal trouble, even to the extent of being convicted of a capital crime. With the M O O N in this sign the individual becomes a v.^anderer, traveling to distant places in search of employment. He wili be pleasureloving and will not consider any extravagance unethical. In order to gratify his senses, he may travel to great distances and incur fmancial loss. M E R C U R Y in this position causes the native to waste away and neglect hunself, thus disrupting his family life. Sense gratification and the idiosyncratic pursuit of self-destmction wili be the most important aspects of his life. With V E N U S in this sign, the individual will spend much on his children and his indulgence may well spoil them. M A R S will greatly accentuate the carnal passions and will mduce the native to spend his earnings on sensual enjoyment and social receptions. He may, however, eam a substantial amount of money from these social contacts. Though JUPITER will cause difficulties in the family life of the individual due to his wayward habits, he will nevertheless be respectable and will have renown in distant places. Such an external recognition of his intellectual abilities wili not give him any enduring support in life.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

and, diough he wil! receive fmancial supjxirt from his contacts, his healdi will suffer. He will be afflicted by many incapacitating ailments. S A T U R N in this sign will enable the individual to travel widely m different countries and will destroy his fued assets and property. His social respectabUity will be low, but he will not be deterred by any public reaction. His personal morality may be low as well. R A H U in this position will make the mdividual an idealist, willing to sacrifice his comforts and other resources for the fulfillment of an objective. But his goals may well be unethical, anti-social, and unhelpful to society. K E T U will encourage the individual to waste his energy and wealth in sexual indulgences.

GEMINI Gemini m the Twelfth house is an exceptional position, giving rise to an individual who can make great contributions to society and sacrifice his personal comforts for the benefit of others. He is not satisfied with techno-economic prosperity; rather, he otjerates on the psycho-spirimal plane. He will neglect his own progress for the upliftment of others. His contribution is primarily through thought, intellectual guidance, and the spread of spirituality. When the S U N occupies this sign, the intellectual capacity of die uidividual is invincible, but hLs education is obstrui ted. His mind will remain an enigma to the world and his personality can only be gauged by what he accomplishes. He will have no friends to call his own, and his life will be very austere. His movements will also be very restricted. With the M O O N hi this sign, the mdividual will dive deep into the ocean of imiversal consciousness and retrieve jewels of understanding which will completely revolutionize the thinking of society. Such an mdividual will meet gieat opposition from established religious organizations. Through hLs integrity of character, based on complete renunciation of materiality and denial of personal glo.y, he will work for the revival of die primeval understanding of nature and for the proper place of mankind in the greater whole. Such a mission entails the complete abnegation of one's egotism. With M E R C U R Y in this sign, die person is very individualistic and opinionated. He does not seek personal comfort, but cherishes ideas which he believes ought to be respected and upheld. He is not attached to Ids family and, despite his honesty of purpose, he may have to undergo social or political persecution.

— 77^ Twelfth House —


V E N U S produces sensuous cravings. As a result, the individual is made to suffer from his excesses. M A R S arouses a depth of devoUon and complete dedication to die beloved. It produces such infatuation that the mmd of this nadve is completely obsessed with thoughts of his beloved. His words and expressions of love will be an inspiration to others. JUPITER will intellectu^lize one's devotion. The individual will propound a new faidi which will travel far and wide and increase his fame. Such a situation will create personal hardship for him, but not neces-sarily mental anguish. S A T U R N m this sign will subject die individual to many hidden diseases. Conventional religion, the denial of emotional satisfaction, and frustration in achieving his ambitions will often drive the individual up against the wall. In fits of depression, he may behave drastically. R A H U in dus sign will lead the native to a deep perception of universal reality wherein personal existence is totally absent. The individual may function as a conscious or imconscious medium for paranormal powers, depending on the stage of his spiritual development. Such an individual will wander in search of truth and spread brotherhood without liaving a wink of restful sleep to soothe his own nerves. K E T U in this sign makes the individual efficient in his work, but hs has the ethics of practicality and not of absolute truth. His pragmatic attimde towards life raises him in public esteem, but in his heart he is a lonely person.

CANCER Cancer in the Twelfth house hnp«ls the individual to work and spend his energy and financial resources for the propagation of spiritual and ethical values in life. He may also undertake the perfoiTnance of philanthropic activities. He is often a great traveler, wandering at considerable personal inconvenience for the sake of a cause. Though such a person works untiringly for others, he suffers intense mental anguish. With die S U N in this sign, the individual feels that life has been a failure in the end. His great isolation, his urge for social welfare and general happiness, and his denial of personal comfort for the sake of family reputation all seem to go to waste. It makes him unhappy towards the end of his life. The M C X I N in this position enables the individual to eam much money and see the world, but his personal frustration, arising primarily from unhappiness in married life and difficulties in social adjustment, leads him into unethical practices.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses -

M E R C U R Y encourages the indi vidua! to spend much of his money for some cause;. The araormt dius spent, however, wil! be nonproducdve. His eiimings will be lost in such activiti.-s, of which lie wil! not peisonally be a beneficiary. V E N U S will induce the individiial to exert his might for some philanthropic causf. !t wii! not be etstirely a labor of love; he may have to work under such programs as a part of fiis official duty. In discharging such responsibilities, he v/iil try to gain .some personal gratification but wil! pay for it heavily. M A R S m this sign may lead to the persecution of tlie person; trouble with his eyes, discontent in bis family circle, and unhappiness in marital relationships. On oear ihe troubles of unknown lands and unexplored regions. His life wil! be a success for society. Personally, he may liave a strong fascination for young and attractive members of the opposite sex. V E N U S in this sign produces a person who is singularly gifted in transmuting his failures and carnal passions into sublime poetry, and in exploration of the deeper layers of the human psyche. He may fie a failure as a lover, but he will be a success in exploring die hnmeasurable depdis of human relationships. He will suffer from unknown maladies and personally feel disappointed in life, but while waiting for the final dissolution he will be able to enjoy himself fully. M A R S will produce frustiadon through covetous desires. The uidividual wdl desire amenities of life which do not rightly belong to him. He will suffer on account of his siblings and will spend sleepless nights due to financial troubles. His marriage partner will undergo major surgery, and he himself wil! suffer from many physical ailments. He will perform rituals to secure his heart's desire and wOl b>e especially skilled in harnessing supernatural powers for his own advantage through precious stones and metals. JUPITER in this sign will bring much money to die individual, but it wili also make him suffer from many diseases. He will be intensely indulgent in la.scivious activities and have many clandestine affairs. His heart will ne.ed special attention. When S A T U R N , a planet which is normally very beneficial in this house, lies in Virgo, the individual runs the risk of becomii.g arrogant, nidiiess, and despotic. He may reject all moral codes of life. R A H U in Virgo bestows enormous responsibilities and a sense of spirimal ethics which can greatly enhance the social respectabi'ity of the person. Physical suffeiing, continued illness, and a lack of education will not deter him from following a righteous path and doing good to everyone •.vho needs sympathy and financial support.

— The Twelfth House —


K E T U will enable the native to communicate with supernatural powers. As such, he will be considered crazy, a man without mental composure.

LIBRA Libra in the TVelfth house makes the person indulgent in sensual pleasures. He is interested in worldly status, and even his religious sensibilities are directed towaids conventional observances. The S U N in this sign may drive the native to the darkest pit of physical immorality. He will have little use for social considerations and he may violate all religious ethics. His lascivious tendencies will be highly accentuated and he will be short of money. Hi-s family life may be miserable. The M O O N will make die mdividual seek "the pleasures of the bed" excessively. He will be widely known, but very few people will have good words to say about him. M E R C U R Y in this sign makes the individual a charming personality, especially for his logical speeches and his ability to fight for a cause. Despite a lack of education, he succeeds in becoming renowned and his intellect is his greatest asset. He will be extravagant and very hospitable; he likes the good life. When V E N U S occupies this sign, the individual becomes very luxuryloving. He marries into a good family but is unable to maintain a cordial relation with his spouse. M A R S in this position will intensify the libidinoiu tendency of the individual, who will care little for social decorum or family prestige. He may be accused of immoral behavior, even to the point of a criminal conviction. JUPITER will bring ruin to the native's family property and his children's future prospects. His education will be impeded. His name, however, will be famous in many coimtries and his sociability will bring him into contact with many secret esoteric organizations. S A T U R N is exalted in this sign, and as such it sheds much of its malefic nature. Saturn makes the individual very well-disciplined, having perfect control over his psycho-biological reactions. He will be able to manage his property efficiently. He may be interested in spiritual knowledge, through which, in his own way, he will be preparing himself to meet the fmal challenge. He will accept no one's guidance in this regard. When R A H U occupies this sign, the individual becomes a great iconoclast. His spouse will play a mmimal role in his life and his death


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

will come in an unexpected and mysterious manner. He will be much feared, even dreaded. K E T U in this position makes the individual very frustrated. Sleepless nights, sorrowful days, and the dishonorable tennmation of his employ ment are the general characteristics of this combination. Interest in die occult is very superficial, but alternative sexual behavior is pronounced.

SCORPIO The characterisUcs of Scorpio in the Twelfth house are singularly unique. The basic feature of this combination is transformation, which takes place in order to guide the individual toward higher degrees of spirituality. To bring about transformation, the pattern of the native's life Ls arranged in a very special manner. He may be assigned the highest position in society; he may be endowed with great mental capacity and physical comfort, or be provided with miexpected lifts in life. But towards the end of his days,, he will be sudderdy catapulted into another condition of life. Sometimes this may take the form of sudden deadi, departing from the scene; or he may be relieved from a cozy assignment. The purpose of these changes is to provide adequate opportmuties for the native to reflect on his earlier situation. Moving from the physical plane to the after-death state, Ihe individual will have dme to contemplate the various events of his life. Tliis deep thinking, from whatever cause it may arise and in whatever way it is produced, belongs to the domain of Scorpio in the Twelfth house. Wlien the S U N occupies diis sign, the individual will have a singular ability to delve deeply into every experience of his life. He may be poor, he may be rich, he may be powerful or he may be .1 nonentity, but in all he will be able to separate liis self trotn his external conditions. He will endure his sorrows cheerfully, aiid with as much composure as his pleasures. He may be hard pressed for money or poor in health, but his iimer glory will always shine forth. Widi the M O O N , such a glorious existence will not be possible. The individual will be highly moral and his personal conduct and behavior will always conform to the highest ediics, but he will work for a nanow sectarian cause and suffer indignities on that account. He will be melancholic, engaged in secret activities, and may often lead a very imhappy life. The urge towards occultism will be intense in sue' an individual, but his chances of initiation into the secret mysteries wilt be slim. He may, however, master black magic easily. With M E R C U R Y in this sign, the individual may lose power, position, and dignity. His mental .stfsbility will be at stake. The intense polarities in

~ The Twelfth House —


his approach to life may destroy his composure, his marital harmony, and his social status. His lust may niin his chances for material as well as sphitual progress. Widi VENU.S' in diis sign, the individual spends extravagantly and does not care to preserve his vital force. His extramaritr.l relationships will become a drain on his financial resources, and at worst he may die of venereal disease. M A , R S in Scorpio ;n t h p 'IVelfdi house provides the native widi immense strengdi and courage to face the ordeals of lifs. Ffe does not have a smooth academic career and his marriage ends suddenly. He becomes involved in severa' cases of liligation from which he is, however, honorably exonerated JllPi rt'K here does not prcxiuce a ()eaceful or harmonious family life. Many of the native's efforts are self-defeating. He incurs debt, lives extravagantly, and is not interested in die ultimates of life. He loses many opportunities for creative activity in those areas of life in which he has inherent ability. S A T U R N in this position has a tendency towards extreme agitation, a feeling of frustration, and retreat into a self-made isolation; the native occasionally indulges in anti-social or ;mti-religious activities. R A H U arouses conciitions m which the uidividual has to stand alone in the world. There is no one to share his pleasures and sorrows. He fights incessantly to retrieve divme nectar from the fleeting world of die senses: he struggles to bring some order mto this mad world. If the supporting planets are adverse, the chances are that the individual may become mentally distnrbed, commit heinous crimes, and fmally land in prison. KETti produces real saints in this f)osition. Under its influence, the mdividual thinks of the deepier problems of life, lives a life of seclusion, and devotes himself exclusively to religious austerities, associating himself with those who are likewise exploring the realm of the unknown. To the outside world he may seem bizarre, but internally he enjoys a rich spiritual life.

SAGITTARIUS With Sagittarius in die TVelfth house, the individual wastes his resources, his energy, and his wealth in deceiving others, associating with those who are iniinoial and self-seeking, and humoring people from whom he e,xp>ects favors. Such a person is very calculatmg as regards his expenditures Miserliness is iticrea.'^d with die S U N in this sign, which produces great physical strain on the native. All joy is absent from his life, hi this


— Planets in the Signs and Houses —

emotional desert, there is hardly anyone with whom he can share his difficulties and ordeals; he often gets into trouble with the govemment. Towards the end of his life, he becomes sad and disillusioned. The M O O N in this sign leads to the denial of a happy married life. The fanaticism of the nadve leaves him completely dead to die outside world. He is clear about his objectives, but his ethics are suspect. There will always be some kind of secrecy regarding his activities, his innermost desires, and his aspirations. M E R C U R Y will make the mdividual unwanted everywhere. He is very talkative, but his words do not impress others. He has an interest in conventional religion, his expenditures always exceed his income, and his health is never robust. With V E N U S , the individual loses many valuable opportimities m life. He has a clever irdnd and his sensitivity is extrao'dinary. Many people are willing to help him, but his personal sloth, sensual inclinations, clandestine affairs and rebellious temperament destroy his chances of phenomenal progress. M A R S in the Twelfth house in Sigittarius creates complications in the life of the nadve. He will be interested in spiritual development and will be able to .simnount considerable difflculdes in life. There will, however, be basic contradictions in his nature. He will be interested in money and sensual gratification; temptation has not lost its hold on him. But he will also seek spiritual eidightenment and will succeed to some degree. This contradiction disturbs his mental composure and .social relations, as well as public reaction to die native. He becomes a controversial figure. JUPITER in this sign will produce some very auspicious results. The individual will succeed in acquiring money and there should not be any financial problems. His mind will be well-composed; he will not suffer from insomnia or mental anguish. He will be interested in religion and spend a substantial amount of money in that field. He himself may be engaged in observing ritualistic practices in order to gain spiritual favors. SATirRN can make the person mischievous, deceitful, and prone to engage in self-destmctive activities. There may be niggardliness, secrecy, or a lack of morals. R A H U and K E T U witii bodi lead fo die spiritual life, but KeUi will be more powerful in making the individual accept misfortunes philosophically, while under the influence of Rahu the native can easily become disheartened and depressed.

— The Twelfth House —


CAPRICORN With Capricorn in the Twelfth house, the uidividual wastes his fmancial and physical resources in sponsoring the interests of his clan, tribe, or co-religionists. There is a deep-rooted dissatisfaction suggesting that the individual is not living the life he should hve; not that diere is any real shortcoming in his character, but his spiritual urge is not satisfied. The desire to do more, to secure more, to attain higher levels of respectability and reach a wider circle of society makes liim frustrated, sorrowful, irritated, and prone to take callous steps which mar his career. Such lapses may destroy the very goal towards which he is struggling. When the S U N occupies this sign, the individual loses his identity. He may never marrj'. His craving to reach the highest social status and die deepest occult understanding makes him almost a social outcast; his life-path often arouses great protest from other people. With the M O O N in this sign, the individual gains the capacity to penetrate deeply into the hidden mysteries of life. He achieves success in exploration — whether of the sea, the subconscious, or social relationships. He will be very peaceful, and he will have to face problems from opponents and adversaries. When M E R C U R Y occupies Capricorn in the Twelfth, the native may make an original contribution in the field of education. His fame will be extensive, but he himself will wander from place to place, often without adequate financial support. With V E N U S , the individual is deprived of a harmoiuous famUy life. He lives extravagantly and dissipates his energy in useless activities, but emotional and sensual satisfaction elude him; he suffers the fate of Tantalus.' M . \ R S in exaltation in the Twelfth house provides the immense courage and strength necessary for the uidividual to sacrifice all his material wealth and opportunities for the cause of social progress, as a result of which he attains the supreme heights of spuitual enlightenment. He dies of some malignant disease, but it will not disturb his mental composure, for he has externalized his innermost essence on the personality level. JUPITER in its debUitatlon will make die mdividual pseudo-religious, adhering to ritualistic practices in order to gain spiritual merit. He may waste both his money and energy in the pursuit of conventional religion.


See "The Fourth House," p. 83 footnoti? 3.


— Planets in the Signs and Houses -

He often suffers in terms of botli money and healdi, but makes little real spiritual progress. Life is frequently a disapfx>intment for him. S A T U R N will lead the native av/ay from hoine to eam money in a foreign land. He will secure no peace of mind, will suffer from eye trouble and nerve weaknesses, and may fmally die a disapf)ointexl person. R A W J can make the person bigoted and cmel, and his end may be in a prison or solitary confinement, whether mental or physical. K E T U will liberate the mind of the person. In spite of having very little money and being physically weak, his mind will soar high with die spirit of freedom where nothing can impede its unhindered movement.

AQUARIUS With Aquarius occupying the TVelfth house, the individual will be well-meaning and desirous of being helpful, but hLs life situation will not allow him to carry out his cherished desires to any great degree. He will live in a dream world devoid of reality. He will be a mixture of extravagance and niggardliness, which suggests dsat his spendmg will be thoughtless. His healdi may be unsound. The S U N in this sign will take the native to the very depths of human helplessness, even beyond tears and grief. He will suffer from a shortage of funds, but unexpected help will always be forthcoming. Generally, he will die after a prolonged ilhiess and fjerhaps after a long coma. The M O O N will disturb the native's educational career and mental balance. Tlie desire to spend money will be there, but there may be limited finances. It will be difficult for the individual to stay m one place for long. His speech will be measured, but physically he will be weak. With M E R C U R Y in this sign, the native's marriage will take him away from his home to live among foreigners. V E N U S in this sign wdl deny all personal comfort and pleasure to the person, who will be subjected to unexpected misfortunes in life. M A R S will not be good in this sign: it will sap the vital energy of the person and make him suffer both physically and psychologically. He will be a miser, due either to lack of fmances or acquisitive tendencies. Extramarital relationships will make a deep-rooted impact on his psyche. JUPITER also does poorly here. It can make the individual waste his resources, lose his best opportimities, and fmally end his life as a fmstrated person. S A T U R N sometimes produces a serious physical illness. Much of die native's earnings may be wasted; he wili be crafty and will succeed in achieving status in society, but lhe*e will be no peace of mind. Fear and insecurity will have great control over the psychology of tiie person.

— The Twelfth House —


R A H U will make the individual very acquisitive, lawless, and prone to associate with bad company. His end may be sad and he may die in a very pitiable condition. K E T U will prc
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