Planets in Nakshatras
April 26, 2017 | Author: murthyy | Category: N/A
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Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Raahu Kaytu
Stars ruled Krittika, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashadha
Rohini, Hasta, Sravana Mrigasira, Chitta, Dhanishta Aslesha , Jyeshta, Revati Punarvasu, Vishakha, Poorvabhadrapada Bharani, Pubba, poorvashada Pushya , Anuradha and Uttara bhadrpada. Ardra, Svati and Satabhishak Aswini Makha and Moola
When we have supposed the location of signs in the body; this ip so facto establishes the location of planets too in the body. Consequently which planet has location in which part of the body and what are its effects are point that depend on the position of the planets. Below is given an information regarding planets in somewhat detail.
Effects and Influence of Sun on Human Life In the stomach, it remains in a sign for one month. It is lord of Leo. It has lordship also over Kritika, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashadha(Own Nakshatras). Whenever Sun comes to these nakshatras by transit, it will enhance the prospects of the house over which it has lordship. But if in a natives horoscope, the Sun is in debilitation or in inimical sign, it can also harm that house. It is male and with Rajas qualities. Its sign of exaltation is Aries and that of debilitation Libra. Signs friendly to Sun are Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cancer, and Pisces, while inimical to it are Taurus, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Sun acts in a Satwik way with Jupiter, Rajas way with Moon and Tamas way with Mars. It has enmity with Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. It aspects with full power the house 7th from it.
Its daily speed is 59 Kalas (minutes) and 8 Vikalas (seconds). It is 9 crores and 59 lakh miles away from the earth. It has a diameter of 92 thousand miles. The time of its siderial revolution is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.7 seconds. According to vimshottari system the duration of its dasha is 6 years. The results of Sun depend upon the houses. According to different positions it becomes the significator of self-realization, father, jungle, sahara, wandering, headache, and mental worry. This planet becomes a Yogakarak i.e. a planet of power and affluence for people having Aries, Scorpio and Sagittarius as Ascendants. Due to the Tamas nature of Mars, Ketu, Saturn and Rahu; the Sun with these planets gives bad results. When it occupies the nakshatras Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanishtha(Mars Nakshatras), Ashvini, Magha, Moola(Ketu Nakshatras), Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapad(Saturn Nakshatras), Ardra, Swat! and Shatbhisha (Rahu Nakshatras) it harms the house. But with Jupiter and Moon it gives good results. It gives very good results in the nakshatras Rohini, Hast, Shravan (Moon Nakshatras), Punarvasu, Vishakha, Poorvabhadrapad(Jupiter Nakshatras), with Mercury it is neutral in character. When located in nakshatras Krittika, Uttaraphaiguni, Uttarashadha Own Nakshatras), Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, and Revati ( Mercury Nakshatras), it gives results according to the nature of the planet with which it is situated. For marriage, travels, auspicious functions and the business; study of the Sun has specially to be undertaken.
Effects and Influence of Moon on Human Life Moon - This planet controls chest, spirit of enterprise, human nature etc. are all studied through it. It traverses a sign in roughly 2 1/4 days. It is lord of Cancer. Rohini Hast and Shravan are Moon’s own nakshatras. It is female with Rajas quality. It’s sign of exaltation is Taurus and that of debilitation is Scorpio. Signs friendly for Moon are Gemini, Leo and Virgo. Moon aspects i.e., influences fully the house 7th from ft. Its average daily speed is 790 Kalas and 14 Vikalas. Its siderial period is 27.321661 days. It is 237840 miles away from earth. It has a diameter of 2153 miles. According to Vimshottari-system ft has a dasha period of 10 years. The location of Moon in the birth-chart is considered of great importance because; it is a very quick moving planet and is capable of giving sudden good and bad results. It is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio. According to its position in the horoscope this planet becomes Karaka or significator for mind, mental acts, articles with good odor, water, mother, honour and respect, riches, seclusion, cold, bad-cold, skin-trouble, lungs-trouble, and heart-trouble. It is liable to bring about disease when placed in signs Aries, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces. It gives excellent results when associated with a strong Jupiter. It gives results according to the planet with which it may be associated, if it occupies any of the nakshatras Rohini, Hast, Shravan,(Own) Punarvasu, Vishakha and Poorvabhadrapad (Jupiter). It is capable of creating Yoga (affluence) in company with Sun and Mercury. lt gives good results when located in any of the nakshatras Krittika, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha(Sun), Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Revati(Mercury). In Prashna (Horary Chart), almost the entire results depend upon this planet. Its special study is moreover, necessary for travel, marriage and auspicious work.
Effects and Influence of Mars on Human Life Mars -- It controls the head and occupies sign for about 1 1/2 months. It is lord of Aries and Scorpio. Capricorn and Cancer are its signs of exaltation and debilitation respectively where it gives god and bad results respectively. It is male planet and Tamasic in nature. Mrigshira, Chitra, and Dhanishtha are considered its own nakshatras. Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces are its friendly signs, while Gemini and Virgo are its inimical sign. It behaves in Satvic way with Jupiter and Rajasic-way with the sun. Mercury is its full enemy. It has full aspect on the houses 4th, 7th and 8th from ft. Its daily motion is 46 Kalas and 18 Vikalas. This planet is situated at a distance of 14,20,00,000 miles from earth. It has a diameter of 12,500 miles. It completes a revolution of the zodiac in 686 days, 58 ghatis, 9 palas and 18 vipalas. According to Vimshottari-system ft has a dasha period of 7 years. In its various position, ft is useful for the study of honesty, farming, disease, mental-shock, elder brothers existence or sudden death, accidents, poverty, bravery, cleverness. It gives good results with Sun, Mercury and Rahu. When this planet comes by transit to any of the nakshatras Krittika, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha (Sun), Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati(Mercury), Ardra, Swati and Shatbhisha(Rahu), it gives good results of the house concerned. Mars is specifically studied for sale and purchase of animals, stealing, cheating, hypocritical behaviour. For land transactions, houses, agriculture etc. also it is necessary to study the position of Mars - good or bad.
Effects and Influence of Mercury on Human Life Mercury -- This planet specially controls the month. It is the lord of signs Gemini and Virgo. It’s own nakshatras are Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Revati. It is a eunuch planet but is very Satvic. It is exalted in Virgo and debilitated in Pisces. Signs friendly to it are Taurus, Leo and Libra. Its inimical sign is Cancer. It behaves in a Rajasic-way with Venus but inimically with Moon. It aspects fully the house 7th from it. The daily speed of Mercury is 245 kalas and 32 vikalas. It is 3,700,00,00 miles away from earth. Its diameter is 3140 miles. It revolves round the zodiac in 316 days, 19 ghatis, 31 palas and 30 vipalas. Under the Vimshottari-system the duration of its dasha is 17 years. In different situations this planet becomes the Karaka or significator for sages, Vedas and Shastras, astrology, uncle (maternal), winess, Government, trade, practice of medicine, leprosy, dysentry etc. With Jupiter and Moon it gives good results but with Venus it gives mixed result. Situated with RahuShani (Saturn) Mars and Ketu it gives bad results. By location in Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revati(Moon), Rohini, Hast and Shravan(Moon) it gives good results while by location in Ardra, Swati,(Rahu) Pushya, Anuradha(Saturn), Chitra(Mars), Magha and Moola(Ketu) it gives bad results. Mercury is significator for trade. Situated in Virgo it makes the native efficient in trade or sale and purchase business.
Effects and Influence of Jupiter on Human Life
Jupiter --This planet controls the area of the kidneys. It traverses a sign in about a year. It has lordship over Sagittarius and Pisces, but is specially strong in the former sign. Jupiter’s own nakshatras are Punarvasu, Vishakha and Poorvabhadrapad. It is male and Ralasic planet. Its sign of exaltation is Cancer and that of debilitation Capricorn. Friendly signs of Jupiter are Aries, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. Its inimical signs are Taurus, Gemini and Libra. Jupiter has Satvic relation with Sun, Rajasic with Moon and Tamasic with Mars. Its relation with Mercury and Venus are inimical. It aspects with full power the houses 5th, 7th and 9th from ft. The daily motion of Jupiter is 14 kalas and 46 vikalas. It is at a distance of 48,500,00,00 miles from the earth. It has a diameter of 27,5000 miles. It completes its revolution in the heavens in 11 years, 10 months, 15 days, 36 ghatis and 8 palas. In 43 years ft reaches the same point from which ft may have started originally. Under the Vimshottari-systern it has a dasha period of 16 years. In its various positions in natives’ birth-chart ft is studied for progeny, welfare of progeny, education etc. Besides, self-control, governmental favour, gains, honour, and pure living are also examined from this planet. In horoscopes with Aries Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, and Pisces ascendants this is a Yoga-Karak (affluence denoting) planet. It gives good results in Krittika, Uttaraphalguni(Sun), Punarvasu, Vishakha, Poorvabhadrapad (Jupiter) nakshatras. On the other hand ft gives bad results in Ardra, Swati, Shatbhisha(Rahu) nakshatras. In problems of marriage of a girl this planet has special importance. Jupiters’ location in the 4th, 8th or 12th from the girl’s rashi is bad.
Effects and Influence of Venus on Human Life Venus - This preceptor of the demons has a special control overt he face. It takes about 1/2 months to traverse a sign. It is lord of Taurus and Libra. It is specially strong in Libra. Its own nakshatras are Bharni, Poorvaphalguni and Poorvashadha. It is a female planet with Rajasic qualities. The exaltation sign for this planet is Pisces and corn are friendly signs of Venus while Cancer and Leo are its inimical signs. It has a satvic relation with mercury, a Tamasic one with Saturn and Rahu and an inimical relation with Sun, Moon and Mars. It aspects fully the house 7th from its own place. Its daily motion is 76 kalas and 7 vikalas. It is 64,00,00,00 miles away from the earth. It has a diameter of 7,700 miles. In 227 years Venus returns to the same sign degree etc. which it occupies originally Under Vimshottarisystem it has a dasha-period of 20 years. According to its varying situations in a native’s horoscope, Venus is studied in connection with marriage, engagement, breaking away of matrimonial relations, divorce and the related actions, luxurious enjoyments, between a man and his ladylove, music, painting, arts, gambling, deceit, cashiership, supervision, foreign travel, love in general, intimacy, diabetes etc. This planet is a Yoga-karak or a planet of affluence for people having Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius as their ascendant It gives good results when situated at Ashlesha Jyeshtha, Revati(Mercury), Krittika(Sun), Swati(Rahu)and Ardra(Rahu) nakshatras. It gives bad results when located on Bharni, PoorvaphaIguni, Poorvashada(Venus), Mrigshira, Chitra and Dhanishtha(Mars).
Effects and Influence of Saturn on Human Life Saturn -- This planet controls the legs. It traverses a sign in about 2 1/2 years. It is ford of Capricorn and Aquarius signs. Its own nakshatras are Pushya, Anuradha, and Uttar-abhadrapad. It is a Eunuch planet with Tamasic qualities. Its sign of exaltation is Libra and that of debilitation is Aries. Taurus and Gemini are its friendly signs. Cancer, Scorpio and Leo are its inimical signs. It behaves in a Satvicway with Mercury, Rajasic way with Venus and inmically with Sun and Moon Its daily motion is A kalas and 5 vikalas. It is 89 crores of miles away from the earth. It has a diameter of 2,500,00 miles. It completes a revolution of the heavens in 29 years, 5 months, 17 days, 12 ghatis and 30 palas. Under Vimshottari-system it has a dasha period of 19 years. In its various positions in the horoscope Saturn is studied for longevity, death, theft, loss of wealth or articles, loss in business, liquidation in business, imprisonment, jail, litigation, gallows, enmity, fear of government, resignation, pain in arms, artheritis and other windy complaints. Stealing, spying and evil deeds are also studied from this planet. This planet becomes a Yoga-karak in horoscopes that have Taurus or Libra as ascendants. It has friendship with Ketu and Jupiter, neutrality with Moon and enmity with Mars and Sun. By location in Ashvini, Magha, Moola(Ketu), Vishakha, Punarvasu(Jupiter) it gives good results while its location in Pushya, Anuradha(Saturn), Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanishtha (Mars)and Bharni (Venus)gives bad results.
Effects and Influence of Rahu on Human Life Rahu --This planet rules the feet. It travels a sign in about 11/2 year. It is lord of Capricorn. It gives good results when located in Ardra, Swati and Shatbhisha It is a female planet with tamasic qualities. Its exaltation sign is Scorpio and debilitation is Taurus. Some learned people take Taurus and Gemini as its signs of exaltationRahu’s friendly signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces. Its inimical signs are Cancer and Leo. It behaves in a Rajasic way with Venus and inimically with the Sun and the Moon. It aspects fully the house 7th from ft. Its daily motion is 3 kalas and 11 vikalas. It is 90 crore miles away from the earth. Its diameter is 3 lakh miles. It revolves 360 degrees in 18 years, 7 months, 18 days and 15 ghatis. After 93 years Rahu occupies the same sign and nakshatra which it originally occupied Under Vimshottari-system, ft has a dasha-period of 18 years In its various positions in the nativity Rahu is studied for power, industry, wrestling, fatness, courage, daring, valour, sinful deeds, expenditure, enmity, loose living, sorrow, worries, bad luck and injustice. It is considered as the strongest of planets. It is considered as yoga-karak for Taurus and Libra acendants.
Effects and Influence of Ketu on Human Life Ketu -- It controls the lower portion of the feet. It traverses a sign in about 1 1/2 year. It is lord of Aries and is considered strong and giver of liberation (moksha). Its own nakshatras are Ashvini, Magha and Moola. It is a Eunch planet and has Tamasic qualities. It has Taurus and Scorpio as signs of exaltation and debilitation respectively. Ketu’s friendly signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. Cancer and Leo are its inimical signs. It behaves with Jupiter in a Satvik but with Sun in inimical way. Ketu aspects fully the 7th house from its own location. The daily rate of motion of Ketu is 3 kalas and 11 vikalas. It is 90 crore miles distant from the earth. It has a diameter of 31 lakh miles. Like Rahu it completes, a revolution of the heaven in 18 years, 7 months, 18 days and 15 ghatis. Like Rahu it
also comes to its original sign and nakshatras after 93 years. Ketu is always in the 7th house from Rahu. Under VImshottari-system it has a dasha period of 7 years. In its various positions in the horoscope, Ketu is studied for fearful and strange dreams, accidents, fall from height, injury through water, imprisonment, death, boils and eruptions on the body, leprosy and bad motives.
Effects and Influence of Neptune on Human Life Varuna or Neptune -- Modern astronomers have discovered two new planets, thus making the total of planets as 11. Neptune is one of them and is called in India as Varuna. It traverses a sign in 14 years. It is the lord of Pisces. It has been considered as strongest when placed in watery signs. Neptune is 227 crores miles away from the Sun. It is 83 times as big as the -earth. It completes the revolution of 360 degrees.
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