Planets in Different Houses

June 24, 2016 | Author: Narayana Remala | Category: N/A
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A broad view of the effects of each planet in different rasis of a birth-chart....


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Planets in Diferent Houses Planets in diferent houses-Part houses-Part 1 Sun Sun or Surya considered to be a very important planet in Indian Astrology. Sun is one o the three ascendants in !edic astrology. It gives auspicious results i it is well placed and in a good state "e#alted or placed in own sign or in riendly sign$. I Sun or Surya is well placed in the horoscope% it gives prosperity% ame% popularity% authority% good leadership s&ills% in'uence over people and good health. It is not well placed in the horoscope% it can cause eye problems% bad health% problems with authorities% unpopularity and problems in case o proession and money 'ow. Here in this section% we are presenting the results o placement o Sun or Surya in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart Sun in Ascendant

Sun in (nd house

Sun in )rd bhava

Sun in *th bhava

Sun in +th bhava

Sun in ,th house

Sun in -th bhava

Sun in th house

Sun in th bhava

Sun in 10th house

Sun in 11th bhava

Sun in 1(th house

Moon oon or 2handra is a very important planet in !edic astrology. astrology. It is one o the three ascendants in !edic astrology. I the oon is well placed in the birth chart then it brings good results both in personal and proessional lie. 3he person with a well placed oon would have a perect wor&4lie balance. 3he person would have good environment at home% good peace o mind% and good avor o luc&. 3he person will be having good level o creativity. 5n the other hand% i oon is not well placed% it creates problems in case o mental peace% harmony at home% gives 6uarrelsome nature and problems in case o ortune. 3he person may get wealth due to other well placed planets but he would not be able to eel the pleasure o lie. Here in this section% we are presenting the results o placement o oon or 2handra in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart oon in Ascendant

oon in (nd house

oon in )rd bhava

oon in *th house

oon in +th house

oon in ,th bhava

oon in -th bhava

oon in th bhava

oon in th house

oon in 10th bhava

oon in 11th house

oon in 1(th bhava

Mars ars or angal is considered a male7c male 7c planet in !edic astrology. astrology. It represents sel4con7dence% determination% and abilities to 7ghting against all odds% endurance% e8orts% aggression% wars% violence% accidents% hurdles and delays in many areas o lie. 3he result o ars depends on it9s placement in the birth chart. I the ars or angal is well placed% it ma&es the person determined and courageous. 3he person will have high level o endurance and will not be easily suppressible. 3he person will not easily accept his deeat and stic& to the 7ght against the odds. ell placed ars gives a person authority% give good administrative s&ills and give him high position in lie. 3he ill4placed ars will cause many problems to the person li&e problems in health% wea& will power% accidents% delay in marriage% hurdles in proession and child birth. Here in this section% we are presenting the results o placement o ars or angal in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart ars in Ascendant

ars in (nd bhava

ars in )rd bhava

ars in *th house

ars in +th house

ars in ,th bhava

ars in -th house

ars in th bhava

ars in th house

ars in 10th bhava

ars in 11th house

ars in 1(th bhava

Mercury  ercury is considered a natural bene7c planet in !edic astrology. astrology. ercury represents the business and trading s&ills. It represents youthulness% s&ills in computing% mathematics% public spea&ing% communication and humor. I the ercury is well placed% it will ma&e the person good in trading% business% s&ills in sotware% intellect% comedy% sharp and 6uic& thin&ing. Ill4placed ercury can cause lac& o intellect% problems in communication and computation s&ills% problems related to nervous system% hearing and respiratory problems. 3he person will lac& sense o humor and will not be able to ta&e 6uic& decisions. Here in this section% we are presenting the results o placement o ercury or ;udh in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart ercury in Ascendant

ercury in (nd bhava

ercury in )rd house

ercury in *th bhava

ercury in +th house

ercury in ,th bhava

ercury in -th house

ercury in th bahva

ercury in th bhava

ercury in 10th house

ercury in 11th bhava

ercury in 1(th house

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