Planets and Bach Flower Remedies

March 27, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Bach Flower Remedies

BACH FLOWER REMEDIES INDICATED BY ASTROLOGICAL ASPECTS For Astrologers and Practitioners THE BACH THERAPY OF FLOWER REMEDIES This method of treatment and the thirty-eight Remedies which comprise its Pharmacopoeia were discovered by Edward Bach, a renowned physician, who practiced for over twenty years in London as a Harley Street consultant and as a bacteriologist. His name (and fame) is perpetuated by the seven Bach Nosodes which he discovered, and which to this day are still in use. The late Edward Bach, M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H.(CAMB.), gave up his lucrative practice and research in 1930 to devote his full time to the finding of the Remedies and the perfecting of his method of Flower Healing. He sought for remedies in the plant world which would restore vitality to the sick and ailing, so that the sufferer would be able to overcome his worry, his fear, or his depression, and in that manner assist in his own healing. The Remedies used in this method of treatment are all prepared from the flowers of wild plants, bushes, or tree. None of them is harmful or habit forming. They are prescribed, not directly for the physical complaint but rather according to the sufferer's state of mind, according to his moods of fear, worry, worry, anger or depression. An inharmonious state of mind will not only hinder the recovery of health and retard convalescence, but it is the primary cause of sickness and disease. It is well known that a long continued fear or worry will deplete an individual's vitality; it will cause him to feel out of sorts, below par or not himself. Under these conditions the body lose its natural resistance to disease. It is in a fit state to become the prey of any infection and any form of illness, whether it is a cold, rheumatism, digestive disturbances, or any of the more serious diseases. Therefore it is the patient himself, not the disease, who needs the treatment. - It is an absolute exemplar of the old dictum that ‘there are no diseases, only sick people'. When peace and harmony return to the mind, health and strength will return to the body. In Dr. Bach's own book, The Twelve healers and Other Remedies, he describes thirty-eight Remedies, one for each of the most common negative states of mind, or moods that afflict mankind. He divided these negative states of mind into seven groups under the following headings: fear; uncertainty; insufficient interest in present circumstances; loneliness; over-sensitivity to influences and ideas; despondency or despair; and over-care for the welfare of others. Under the heading of FEAR, for instance, there are five Remedies for five different kinds of fear such as: terror, fear of a known cause, fear of an unknown cause, fear of the mind losing control and fear of other people. As an example, the Remedy for terror or extreme fear (ROCK ROSE) is given when the patient or those near and dear to him are seized with sheer terror, when the accident or the illness appears so severe that there is little hope of recovery. The nature of the condition, or the name of the disease makes no difference. If terror is present, then the Remedy for terror is the one which the patient (and his family or friends about him) requires.




Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Remedies are absolutely benign in their action; they can never produce an unpleasant reaction under any condition. Therefore they can be safely prescribed and used by anyone, and this was Dr. Bach's intention; that man could bring about his own healing. The Bach Remedies can be taken with any other kind of medicine with absolute safety; there is not the slightest danger of a harmful or conflicting effect to either medicine. Chancellor, Philip. (1971). Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies. New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, Inc FOR ASTROLOGERS & PRACTITIONERS Aspects noted are: Square, Opposition, Quincunx, Semi-square, and Sesqui-square. * -Indicates one of the original 12 Bach Flower Remedies (R) -indicates one of the five Rescue Remedies

MOON MOON /SUN = Hornbeam (Boredom, mental & physical exhaustion, Monday morning blahs.) MOON /MERCURY= Mimulus* (Fears and phobias of known origin.) MOON /VENUS= Wild Rose (Apathy, resignation, stuck in a rut.) MOON /MARS= Walnut (Over-sensitivity to other's influence, overwhelming life changes and transitions [puberty, menopause, etc.]) MOON /JUPITER = White Chestnut (Uncontrollable thoughts, inner arguments, and insomnia.) MOON /SATURN = Gorse (Hopelessness, depression, despair, giving-up attitude.) MOON /URANUS = Water Violet* (Aloofness, detached from others, pride.) MOON /NEPTUNE = Honeysuckle (Nostalgia, homesickness, regret, lost hopes, disappointment.) MOON /PLUTO = Olive (Complete exhaustion from a long ordeal or illness.)

SUN SUN /MARS = Impatiens*(R) (Impatience, hostility, resentment, aggravation, sometimes alcohol/drug dependant.) SUN /JUPITER = Cerato* (Self-distrust, self-doubt, may seek advice/confirmation from others; sometimes misguided.) SUN /SATURN = Gentian* (Pessimistic, despondent, discouraged, depressed.) SUN /URANUS = Rock Rose*(R) (Panic, and terror in accidents or emergency situations. Hysteria and nightmares.)




Bach Flower Remedies

SUN /NEPTUNE = Centaury* (Subservient, gullible, unable to say, "No" when necessary.) SUN /PLUTO = Vervain* (Opinionated, high-strung, intense, fanatical.)

MERCURY MERCURY /MARS = Chicory* (Selfish, self-pity, possessive.) MERCURY /JUPITER = Willow (Resentment and bitterness over present conditions which one feels is unjustified.) MERCURY /SATURN = Beech (Critical, intolerant, and judgmental.) MERCURY /URANUS = Cherry Plum (R) Desperation, fear of losing control, dread of doing something horrible like suicide.) MERCURY /NEPTUNE = Clematis*(R) (Indifference to the present, dreamer, escapes in sleep.) MERCURY /PLUTO = Oak (Despondent, but carries on despite illness or hardship. A fighting spirit, but mental breakdown-prone.)

VENUS VENUS /MARS = Holly (Envy, hatred, hostility with underlying need for love.) VENUS /JUPITER = Agrimony * (Mental torture which is covered up by a front or jolly jolly attitude.) VENUS /SATURN = Crab Apple (Poor self-image, feeling self-disgust, shameful, and unclean.) VENUS /URANUS = Red Chestnut (Excessive anxiety over others and anticipating the worst.) VENUS /NEPTUNE = Scleranthus* (Indecision, uncertainty, imbalance, mood swings, PMS, motion sickness.) VENUS /PLUTO = Heather (Self-centered, unhappy alone, takes over conversations, brings attention to self.)

MARS MARS /JUPITER = Vine (Controlling, ambitious, inflexible, power-driven.)

MARS /SATURN = Larch (No self-confidence, expects to fail.) MARS /URANUS = Star of Bethlehem(R) (Sudden distress, trauma, grief or shock. [Possibly a memory from the past]).




Bach Flower Remedies

MARS /NEPTUNE = Rock Water (Repression, self-denial, martyrdom.) MARS /PLUTO = Mustard (Gloom [no known origin], depression, melancholia.)

JUPITER JUPITER /SATURN = Wild Oat (Frustration, dissatisfaction, despondency over one's correct path in life.) JUPITER /URANUS = Sweet Chestnut (Extreme anguish, hopelessness, and despair.) JUPITER /NEPTUNE = Pine (Perfectionist, discontent, guilt, and self-reproach.) JUPITER /PLUTO = Elm (Overwhelmed by responsibility, exhaustion from striving for perfection, feelings of inadequacy.)

SATURN SATURN /URANUS = Chestnut Bud (A sense of failure, having to repeat things over because of lack of observation or not learning through experience.) SATURN /NEPTUNE = Aspen (Vague fears of unknown origin, anxiety, apprehension.) SATURN /PLUTO = Rescue Remedy (In times of emergency, trauma, and shock.) (Rescue Remedy = Impatiens*, Rock Rose*, Cherry Plum, Clematis*, Star of Bethlehem.)

SOME SUGGESTED FACTORS IN CHOOSING BACH FLOWER REMEDIES FOR CLIENTS WITH MORE THAN SEVEN DESIGNATED DESIGNATED ASPECTS. 1. Eliminate out of Sign aspects. 2. Choose applying rather than separating aspects. 3. Choose aspects of Sun, Moon, Mercury, ruler of the 1st and 6th in order. 4. Chose opposition, square, and quincunx before semi-square and sesqui-square.


NEEDED: 1. Your Natal Chart with the aspects of square, opposition, quincunx, semi-square, and sesquisquare noted.




Bach Flower Remedies

2. A brown 1 oz. dropper bottle (sterilized) 3. Corbel Brandy 4. Bottled distilled water 5. Bach Flower Remedies (up to 7) called for in your Natal Chart. STERILIZE: 1. To sterilize your dropper bottle, cover with water and boil for 5'. 2. To sterilize your dropper, draw boiling water in and out of dropper a few times and let dropper boil for just 1' to keep rubber tip from melting. 3. Sterilize tongs, spoon, and other instruments used in preparation, as well as surfaces you place them on. PREPARE: 1. Boil as directed above. 2. Fill bottle ½ with distilled water. 3. Add 2 drops of each Bach Flower Remedy (except 4 drops of Rescue Remedy). 4. Add a tablespoon of Corbel Brandy 5. Fill to below rim with distilled water. 6. Put in sterilized dropper and fill/release a couple of times. 7. Shake well and tape closed. 8. Label with name, date, and remedies included. 9. Shelf life is about 1 month/refrigerated 3 months. 10. Give out direction sheet on dosage (below).

DIRECTIONS FOR TAKING YOUR BACH FLOWER REMEDIES: Always take Bach Remedies 4 X's a day particularly: 1. First thing in the morning, when you awaken. 2. Last thing at night, before you go to sleep. Shake the bottle; empty the dropper; fill the dropper 1/3 full; and place drops under your tongue. Do not touch dropper to mouth. If you do, sterilize dropper again.




Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Flower Remedies may also be put in a glass of water and sipped, or a teaspoon of water and put under your tongue. Take a dose of Bach Flower Remedies during the day or night whenever you feel stress, anxiety, etc. ( You can't "overdose"). At least once a day do the Three-Minute Meditation (below) after taking your Bach Flowers. IF YOU GO OFF THE REMEDIES, OR USE THEM FOR MORE THAN A MONTH, PLEASE REFRIGERATE THEM. DO NOT USE FOR MORE THAN A MONTH AFTER THE DATE ON THE BOTTLE UNLESS REFRIGERATED. Please keep track of any changes you experience (emotionally, mentally, or physically) while taking the Bach Flower Remedies. It is good to keep a journal during this time. If you have any questions concerning the Bach Flower Remedies or if you would like your  Bach Flower Remedies prescribed through your Birth Chart , please e-mail me:  SUE

THREE MINUTE MEDITATION The Three-Minute Meditation is adapted from a Home Research Project designed by the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in April 1989. The project was titled The One-Minute Meditator. Some people have been told that in order for meditation to be effective it must be done twice a day for at least 20 minutes. The A.R.E. research findings have shown that three minutes of meditation are effective when performed daily as a part of one's spiritual path. Manifested effects are described as "more patience, more focus, more peaceful, and more joyful." Directions: Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breathing. 1. Empty your mind, become relaxed, and simply breath deeply through your nose for one minute. It is not necessary to watch the clock in this exercise: simply focus on breathing deeply for what you perceive as one minute. 2 . Now, in this relaxed state, repeat an affirmation that appeals to you. It may be from the bible, one you composed, one like "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace," or "Let me be a channel for your blessings to others." After stating your affirmation, continue to relax and focus on your affirmation. Be in a receptive, listening, and focused state for the next minute. 3. The third minute is devoted to healing prayer for others. This is the time to see the faces of your loved ones and send loving, positive thoughts and blessings to all those with whom you are concerned as well as for world conditions . As in all prayer, it is fitting to end with an attitude of gratitude. You might say something like "Thank you, Father, for having heard me. I know that you always hear me..." (Jesus: John 11: 41-42.)



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