Planetary Rays

April 25, 2017 | Author: energyhealing5 | Category: N/A
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Planetary Rays...


Planetary rays There are cosmic versions of the planetary rays. The cosmic rays are sourced from the Godhead at the Creator level and then filtered through each level (cosmic, multiuniversal, universal, galactic, solar) and then down to Earth. There is not much information on the cosmic rays, since humanity has only been accessing the rays since the late !!"s. The cosmic rays are not yet grounded into #other Earth, as most of humanity is not yet ready for them. $ttuning yourself to the cosmic rays is e%tremely important to accelerate your personal ascension process and that of o f the entire planet. Each attunement to the cosmic rays grounds the energies into your being as well as the Earth. &hen enough of humanity has grounded the cosmic rays, they will begin permanently anchoring into the center of #other Earth, accelerating the beginning of the Golden $ge. 'ince very little is nown about the rays and more about their sources, the bacground information here will concentrate on the Great eings of *ight who are the masters of the cosmic rays.

+elios, our 'olar *ogos +elios is the being who embodies the entire solar system, ust as 'anat umara is the  being who embodies the entire lanet Earth. 'anat umara and the planet Earth would be a chara within the body bod y of +elios. +elios is anchored in the sun and is in charge of the evolution of the entire solar system. 'even 'olar *ogoi are assisting +elios in the center of our sun. +elios is the source of the solar ray of copper-gold light. /esta is the feminine counterpart of +elios.

/ywamus, the higher self of 'anat umara 0t was /ywamus who started the Tibetan 1ounda tion with 2whal hul. This is a glorious being of cosmic intelligence. +umanity is lucy to have his guidance so readily available on Earth. /ywamus no longer has a physical body but e%ists as *ight. +e is considered to be a master psychologist. 3ne of /ywamus4 main obs is to help humanity clear the subconscious mind of misconceptions and faulty beliefs and patterns. /ywamus had thirty-two lifetimes on a physical planet in a universe other than ours. +e had lives as a soldier, teacher, mother, father, sea captain, and owner of a chain of restaurants. The  planet he ascended on, however, didn4t have oceans as vast as lanet Earth has. 0n his wor now, he is still dealing with food of sorts. 0t might be called spiritual food, the energy of *ight. 2o call on him for help.

$donis, the cosmic heart of our gala%y $donis is a great and glorious being. +e has been /ywamus4 teacher as well as 'anat umara4s teacher. 0t was $donis who ran the school on /enus to train lanetary *ogoi. +e is considered the best in the universe at what he does. +e embodies the heart focus of the universe. +e is the eeper of the Christ *ight within each soul in the universe. +e has

 been holding this position since the Earth came into e%istence, which is at least eighteen and one half million years ago and in reality, much longer.

#elchior, our Galactic *ogos The spiritual government of this planet and the solar system receives guidance from the center of the gala%y itself. The chief administrator of our sector of the gala%y, one-twelfth of the gala%y, is a cosmic being nown as #elchior. #elchior and his associates have wored for eons through our 'olar *ogos, +elios, who wors through our lanetary *ogos, 'anat umara. ecause of the spiritual acceleration of lanet Earth, the entire galactic sector of #elchior has been mobili5ed to help Earth in its evolution. #elchior is a cosmic being who can be attuned to, and he is happy to give his aid and assistance. 0t is only since lanet Earth has moved into the fourth dimension that the Galactic Core has  been so easily accessible. revious to this, the highest level of attunement that was readily available on a collective level was the 'olar Center and Core. 3ur attunement to the Galactic #asters and Galactic Core helps us he al the separation from our Galactic Center that has been in e%istence in mass consciousness. #elchior is the source of the galactic silver-gold ray of *ight.

*ord of 'irius and *ord of $rcturus, Galactic *ogoi

The *ord of 'irius and *ord of $rcuturus can be considered the higher self of +elios, our 'olar *ogos. /ery little information is nown about them e%cept that they reside within our gala%y and they each have special abilites. The *ord of 'irius is the being responsible for the +igher 6niversity of 'irius. The *ord of $rcturus is the ascension master for our gala%y. +is $rcturian technologies allow for the integration of high level energies into our bodies. The *ord of 'irius is the source of the galactic golden ray and the energies emanate from the Great &hite *odge on 'irius.

*enduce, the oversoul of 'anat umara *enduce also operates in our gala%y. +e is a blue being that is the higher aspect of /ywamus or the oversoul of 'anat umara.

*ord #elchi5ede, our 6niversal *ogos

#elchi5ede is the great cosmic being who heads the #elchi5ede priesthood as the Eternal *ord of *ight, the 'overeign of *ight in charge of organi5ing the levels of the heavenly world of 7+&+ (God) for transit into new creation, e8ual with #etatron and #ichael in the resourcing, regenesis and reeducation of worlds going through the  purification of living *ight. +e is in charge of the heavenly order rotherhood of #elchi5ede and the spiritual and planetary priesthood of #elchi5ede. The 3rder of #elchi5ede is in charge of the consciousness reprogramming that is necessary to lin  physical creation with the e%ternali5ation of the 2ivine +ierarchy. 0t is a royal priesthood that receives the voice of God for the sanctification of the people of *ight. The readministration and teaching affect the mental, emotional, ph ysical, and spiritual states of e%istence and consciousness. This priesthood is visible within every g eneration as a scattered rotherhood of *ight. 0t permeates the tree o f life of the human race. The order of #elchi5ede has the anointing power to reawaen and resurrect the righteous people of the world into the *ight of the higher worlds. #elchi5ede is the source of the purest golden light from the universal core. The cosmic gold ray is different from the twelfth ray of gold of the planetary rays. The universal golden ray is the highest and purest golden *ight in the entire universe.

*ord #etatron, +ead of the $rchangels $bove the 6niversal *ogos is #etatron. #etatron is an $rchangel who is also at the crown of the tree of life in abbalistic teachings. +e is referred to in the Keys of Enoch as the 9Garment of 'haddai: and is the visible manifestation of the deity of the 1ather. +e is the $lmighty Eternal *ord and 2ivine /oice of the 1ather, Creator of the outer worlds, teacher and guide to Enoch and Creator of the eys of Enoch. #etatron is the creator of the electron. +e is the representative of the 'ource. +e helped in building the Great yramid of Gi5a and placed within it the purity that goes with that high-vibrational area. +e teaches classes on inner planes, especially in the use of *ight within physical

manifestation to raise consciousness. *ord #etatron and *ord #elchi5ede are the source for the ten lost cosmic rays of the yod spectrum of platinum *ight.

The #ahatma The #ahatma, or $vatar of 'ynthesis, is the great cosmic being who has been made available to Earth since the +armonic Convergence of !;? level of the Godhead. Each of these Cosmic Council of Twelve members is connected to the cosmic

monad or oversoul, which all of us come from. $ll the beings in God4s infinite universe emanate from one of these twelve cosmic monads. Each member of the Cosmic Council of Twelve is in charge of one of the cosmic rays. The planetary rays we deal with at our level are stepped down hundreds of times so the voltage doesn4t burn us up. These twelve cosmic rays are so refined and rarefied that the y have no color. $t this stage they are translucent and invisible.

The 'ource or Godhead *evel This is the level of God from which all creation fans out. The color of the first emanation is clear 'ource *ight. 0t is so pure and refined that it has no color. 0t is translucent and invisible.

The Cosmic Ray Attunements This is a continuation of the lanetary @ay $ttunements. The Cosmic @ays are stronger than the lanetary @ays. The @ays really help you increase your vibration and the amount of *ight you hold. 'tart at the top of the list and then wor down the list as far as you can go. Each is an increase in fre8uency and vibration. 'imply visuali5e the color and you being bathed in the light. 1eel the energies. Tae at least " minutes with each ray. 7ou are welcome to tae longer. Calling forth the rays is an important step in the ascension process and will allow you to access their 8ualities to help balance yourself and help achieve full selfreali5ation.

&hen you need to stop, then do so to integrate the energies you can integrate. 0f you canAt tolerate an energy level, donAt be discouraged, you can always come bac to the attunement later. The cosmos is a very big place and you have plenty of time.

'imply sayB

. +elios and /esta in the ascension seat in the 'olar core.....0 as for an attunement and  permanent connection and the permanent integration and to be permanently able to utili5e and access the solar ray of copper-gold light......stepped down to the level that is best for me at this time for my highest and greatest good. Tae ten minutes to visuali5e being bathed in copper-gold solar light and integrate the energies.

?. #elchior, $donis and /ywamus in the ascension seat in the Galactic core..............0 as for an attunement and permanent connection and the permanent integration and to be  permanently able to utili5e and access the galactic ray of silver-gold light......stepped down to the level that is best for me at this time for my highest and greatest good. Tae ten minutes to visuali5e being bathed in silver-gold galactic light and integrate the energies.

=. *ord of 'irius, *ord of $rcturus and *enduce in the ascension seat in the Great &hite *odge on 'irius in the Galactic core.............0 as for an attunement and permanent connection and the permanent integration and to be permanently able to utili5e and access the galactic ray of gold light......stepped down to the level that is best for me at this time for my highest and greatest good. Tae ten minutes to visuali5e being bathed in golden galactic light and integrate the energies.

. *ord #elchi5ede in the Golden Chamber in the 6niversal core...........0 as for an attunement and permanent connection and the permanent integration and to be  permanently able to utili5e and access the universal ray of the purest and most refined gold light......stepped down to the level that is best for me at this time for my highest and greatest good.

Tae ten minutes to visuali5e being bathed in pure golden universal light and integrate the energies.

>. *ord #etatron, *ord #elchi5ede and the #ahatma beyond the 6niversal core ...........0 as for an attunement and permanent connection and the permanent integration and to be permanently able to utili5e and access .................. the ten lost cosmic rays of the yod spectrum (platinum light).....stepped down to the level that is best for me at this time for my highest and greatest good. Tae ten minutes to visuali5e being bathed in platinum light and integrate the energies.

D. *ord #etatron, *ord #elchi5ede and the #ahatma in the #ulti-universal core......... ...........0 as for an attunement and permanent connection and the permanent integration and to be permanently able to utili5e and access the pure platinum ray of light at the multi-universal level.....stepped down to the level that is b est for me at this time for my highest and greatest good. Tae ten minutes to visuali5e being bathed in pure platinum multi-universal light and integrate the energies.

. Go to the ascension seat in the #elchior4s Chamber in the Galactic Core. $s that #elchior help you. Call in your galactic body of *ight and as that it permanently anchor and activate. 0t will slowly descend and merge. 7ou might e%perience a ind of spiritual overlighting that helps facilitate the alchemical transformation. $lso call forth the fire letters, ey codes, and sacred geometries that go with your galactic body of *ight. Each of the bodies will serve to bridge worlds and to create your personal connection to more e%pansive states of consciousness. &ait ten minutes for the galactic bo dy to anchor. &hen the galactic body fully anchors along with the fire letters, visuali5e a double merabah surrounding you. The bottom of the diamond goes to the center of the Earth and the top is connected to the Godhead, the 'ource of $ll That 0s. @e8uest to your #ighty 0 $# resence to begin spinning the merabah to the right to help you integrate this body. $lso re8uest that a second merabah spin to the lift (opposite direction) simultaneously. *et the merabahs spin for seven minutes, or longer if necessary. Call on the $rcturians to use their advanced technology to help you. The body of *ight that is coming in is lie a grid, and this new grid must be united with your e%isting grids. The $rcturians have technologies that can help in this process. $lso call on /ywamus, Thoth and #elchi5ede to help you in this process. &hen the galactic body is anchored, re8uest that the merabah stop spinning.

D. Go to the ascension seat in the #elchi5ede4s Golden Chamber in the 6niversal Core. $s that #elchi5ede help you. Call in your universal body of *ight and as that it  permanently anchor and activate. 0t will slowly descend and merge. 7ou might e%perience a ind of spiritual overlighting that helps facilitate the alchemical transformation. $lso call forth the fire letters, ey codes, and sacred geometries that go with your universal body of *ight. Each of the bodies will serve to bridge worlds and to create your personal connection to more e%pansive states of consciousness. &ait ten minutes for the universal body to anchor. &hen the universal body fully anchors along with the fire letters, visuali5e a double merabah surrounding you. The bottom of the diamond goes to the center of the Earth and the top is connected to the Godhead, the 'ource of $ll That 0s. @e8uest to your #ighty 0 $# resence to begin spinning the merabah to the right to help you integrate this body. $lso re8uest that a second merabah spin to the lift (opposite direction) simultaneously. *et the merabahs spin for seven minutes, or longer if necessary. Call on the $rcturians to use their advanced technology to help you. The body of *ight that is coming in is lie a grid, and this new grid must be united with your e%isting grids. The $rcturians have technologies that can help in this process. $lso call on /ywamus, Thoth and #elchi5ede to help you in this process. &hen the universal body is anchored, re8uest that the merabah stop spinning.
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