Plan i program za dopunsku nastavu iz engleskog jezika za 4. Razred Mjesec
Planirano Časova 5
Oktobar Novembar
Sadržaj rada 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Greetings and introductions Numbers (singular , plural) English alphabet (spelling) School things/subjects Developing reading and writing skills Morning routins/actions Story time-listening/talking Talking about daily routines; Yes I do/No, I don't. Developing reading and writing skills
1. Talking about activities happening at the moment 2. Talking about activities happening at the moment 3. Kitchen objects; Food 4. Developing reading and writing skills
1. Talking about weather onditions 2. Clothes
1. 2. 3. 4.
Developing reading and writing skills What's your favourite sport? Sport actions; What are they playing / doing? Describing a picture (writing)
1. 2. 3. 4.
Talking about animals (Types; Animal's body parts) Describing and animal (Has got / Hasn't got) Developing reading and writing skills Draw and write about an animal
1. 2. 3. 4.
Talking about jobs and what do you want to be Places in town Story time – listening/talking Draw a map of your street and write about it (writing)
1. Talking about free time activities 2. Do/Does, Don't / Doesn't 3. Do/Does, Don't / Doesn't 4. Developing reading skills
Februar Mart April Maj
Vrijeme i mjesto održavanja dopunske nastave: ___________________________________________ Razred i broj učenika koji pohađaju dopunsku nastavu: _____________________________________ Ime i prezime učenika koji su uključeni u dopunsku nastavu: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Planiran broj časova dopunske nastave u prvom polugodištu: ____________________ Ostvaren broj časova dopunske nastave u prvom polugodištu: ___________________ Neostvaren broj časova dopunske nastave i razlog zbog kojih nisu održani:____________________________________________________________________________ Planiran broj časova dopunske nastave u drugom polugodištu: ___________________ Ostvaren broj časova dpunske nastave u drugom polugodištu: ___________________ Neostvaren broj časova dopunske nastave i razlog zbog kojih nisu održani:____________________________________________________________________________
Ukupan broj planiranih i održanih časova dopunske nastave u školskoj 2013/14 godini: __________
Ime i prezime nastavnika koji realizuje nastavu: ___________________________________________
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