Pkfz Scandal

May 24, 2018 | Author: emmy | Category: Malaysia, Government, Politics, Corrupt Practices, Crimes
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2006,, November 1: The Port Klang Free Trade Zone (PKFZ) started operations. 2006

2007:: Parliament's Publi !ounts "ommittee met the then general manager o# Port 2007 o# Port Klang !uthorit$ (PK!), !uthorit$ (PK!), %atin Padu&a .". Phang, Phang, to see& an eplanation o# the #inanial proedures surrounding the PKFZ proet and ho* the mone$ *as spent as it involved publi #unds. 2008,, +a$ : Prie*aterhouse"oopers 2008 Prie*aterhouse"oopers *as  *as appointed to ondut an independent overall

audit on PKFZ aounts. 2009:: 2009

May 20: 20: The +ala$sian !nti-"orruption "ommission (+!"") "ommission (+!"") started its

investigations into the PKFZ ontrovers$. May 28: 28: Prie*aterhouse"oopers Prie*aterhouse"oopers''s report *as made publi. Four po litiians

*ere named in the report: %eput$ Finane +inister %atu& "hor "hee eung,, /ementa eung /ementa assembl$man  assembl$man %atu& !bdul 0ahman Palil, Palil, a&benhers "lub president "lub  president %atu& /eri Tiong King /ing and /ing and Federal Territor$ 2+N 2+Ntreasurer treasurer %atu& /eri !3im Zabidi. Zabidi.415 Prie*aterhouse"oopers also estimated that, based on urrent proetions o# revenue and osts, inluding interests, the proet ould eventuall$ ost up to 0+16.78 billion.465 August 10: 10: The report o# the speial tas& #ore set up b$ Transport

+inister %atu& /eri ng Tee Keat *as Keat *as made publi. 9t #ound that hundred o# millions o# ringgit in laims b$ Kuala %imensi *as %imensi *as either overharged, unsubstantiated, or even possible #raudulent.415 August 11: 11: The Port Klang !uthorit$ (PK!) !uthorit$ (PK!) hairman %atu& ee *a

eng lodged eng  lodged a polie report againstKuala againstKuala %imensi and %imensi and T! !rhite !rhitett over the PKFZ proet. 

August 13: 13: +!"" #ormed a ; and (6) its #uture diretion.

October 8: The Port Klang !uthorit$ (PK!) sued its #ormer general manager, %atin Padu&a .". Phang #or breah o# dut$ during her tenure.

November 4: The Publi !ounts "ommittee (P!") report alled #or Transport +inister Tan /ri "han Kong "ho$ and Port Klang !uthorit$'s (PK!) #ormer general manager, %atin Padu&a .". Phang, to be investigated #or alleged riminal breah o# trust ("T) over the PKFZ proet.

December 10: %atin Padu&a .". Phang, together *ith Kuala %imensi /dn hd hie# operating o##ier /tephen !bo& and arhitet ernard Tan /eng /*ee o# T!  !rhitet, *ere arrested b$ polie in onnetion *ith the PKFZ sandal.

December 11: Former Port Klang !uthorit$ (PK!) general manager %atin Padu&a .". Phang, together *ith Kuala %imensi /dn hd hie# operating o##ier /tephen !bo& and arhitet ernard Tan /eng /*ee o# T! !rhitet, beame the #irst people to be harged #or o##enes lin&ed to the #inanial #iaso o# the Port Klang Free Zone.4;5 The$ *ere harged *ith riminal breah o# trust ("T) and heating amounting to about 0+;?< million. 2010, @ul$ 6A: Tun %r. ing iong /i& *as harged #or &no*ingl$ deeiving the "abinet o# 

+ala$sia to approve a land purhase #or PKFZ, *hih resulted in *rong#ul losses #or the government.475 2011, Februar$ 6?: "han Kong "ho$ *as harged *ith ; ounts o# heating over the

sandal-hit PKFZtransshipment hub proet and #aes up to 8 $earsB ail #or eah ount. e *as harged *ith deeiving #ormer prime minister Tun !bdullah !hmad ada*i over renovation *or& at the PKFZ site bet*een 6
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