DECLARATION I undersigned VIVEK PACHAURY student of B.Tech 7th semester declre tht I h!e done the "ro#ect "ro#ect on $mintennce $mintennce de"rtment t %&RC' %&RC' hs (een "ersonll) done () me under the guidnce of &r. &r. *.+ shrm #i"ur in "rtil ful,llment of Progrm- during cdemic )er-/01. )er-/01. All the dt re"resented re"resented in this "ro#ect is true 2 correct correct to the (est of m) 3no4ledge 2 (elief. I lso declre tht this "ro#ect re"ort is m) o4n "re"rtion nd not co"ied from n)4here else.
ACK+56*E8E&E+T I t3e this o""ortunit) to e9"ress m) dee" sense of grtitude: thn3s nd regrds to4rds ll of those 4ho h!e directl) or indirectl) hel"ed me in the successful com"letion of this "ro#ect. I "resent "resent m) m) sincere sincere thn3s to &r &r.. *.+ ;hrm for their 4onderful? su""ort 2 ins"ir(le guiding. *st (ut not the lest I m inde(ted to m) PARE+T; 4ho "ro!ided me their time: su""ort nd ins"irtion needed to "re"re this re"ort. te@ - -/7-/01 -/7-/01 Plce@ - %i"ur ;ignture
1 INTRODUCA INTRODUCATION TION TO PERMANENT !A !A" 11 Per#$nent !$y %P!$y & It is the ril rod on 4hich trin runs. It is clled P.6 P.6) ) to distinguish the ,nl trc trc3 3 cons constr truc ucte ted d for for mo!e mo!eme ment nts s of tri trins ns from from the the tem" tem"or orr r) ) trc trc3 3 constructed to crr) (uilding mterils etc. Trc3 Trc3 cn (e of t4o t)"es !i. !i. er ;to" is tht during n im"ct the Bu>er ;to" immeditel) strts to slide once the leding !ehicle hs full) engged onto the im"ct res of the Bu>er ;to". The Kinetic K inetic energ) of the im"cting !ehicle is trnsferred trnsferred to the Bu>er ;to". The Bu>er ;to"s during sliding strts "ic3ing u" the friction elements in seuence until the full (r3ing c"cit) reuired reuired sto""ing the im"cting trin hs (een reched. All the Kinetic energ) trnsferred trnsferred to Bu>er ;to" is then con!erted into het energ) nd then trnsferred to the ril. -
18 INTR INTRODUC ODUCTION TION TO !OR !OR9S 9S DEP DEPAR ARTMEN TMENT T The t)"icl cross cross section of !iducts "ro!ided "ro!ided in %&RC %&RC is detiled in the digrms gi!en in the follo4ing sections.
Type+ o5 0e$r)n'+ pro6)ded: ( 1 Pot 0e$r)n 0e$ r)n'+ '+ 8 E*$+to#e E*$+ to#er)c r)c 0e$r)n'+ 0e$r )n'+ In+pect)on )+ t3e ;r+t +tep to4$rd+ $ny #$)nten$nce pro'r$#:( 0. Rout)ne In+pect)on It is the "eriodic e9mintion of the generl condition of structure. structure. Ech ins"ection is to (e recorded in the Bridge Register. . Det$)*ed In+pect)on This is more intensi!e ins"ection thn the routine ins"ection. All "rts must (e closel) e9mined. The detiled ins"ection should (e "lnned in such mnner tht / of the (ridges J !iducts re ins"ected e!er) )er nd ll re co!ered in "eriod of 1 )ers. . Spec)$* In+pect)on ;"ecil ins"ection re to (e done in the e!ent of unusul occurrences occurrences . 6e3nesses re re disco!ered disco!ered during routine routine or detiled ins"ection ins"ection or () n) other o(ser!tion. (. Bridge Bridge loding is incre incresed sed due to re!ised re!ised or incresed incresed loding loding stndrd c. Bridge Bridge is is in in distr distressed essed condition. condition. d. ;ettlemen ;ettlementt of foundtion foundtion is noticed noticed e. E9ce"tionl e!ents li3e li3e erthu3e: Lood: storm: storm: ,re: ,re: ccidents etc. t3e "lce.
ected () moisture: or slt en!ironment: 4hich cuses the steel to rust 4hich then e9"nds nd "ushes o> the surfce the concrete tht encses the steel reinforcing.
-P3oto Source: Internet.
. Cr$c+ )n concrete: The t)"es nd se!erit) of crc3s in concrete concrete re !ried nd include dormnt nd cti!e crc3ing. ormnt crc3s re re crc3s tht occur due to uniue circumstnce (ut re no longer mo!ing. Acti!e crc3ing is more serious nd cn indicte se!ere "ro(lems. Acti!e Acti!e crc3s sho4 mo!ement nd re relted to structurl loding: foundtion settling: tem"erture chnges or other "ro(lem conditions. Acti!e crc3ing cn (e tem"orr) or on going. If the root cuse of the crc3ing is not ddressed: then the re"irs tht re mde to crc3s generll) fil. 5ften the filed re"ir is 4orse then the originl crc3. There re re mn) di>erent di>erent methods of ,9ing crc3s. crc3s.
1< CURFES T"PES O, CURFE ON RAIL!A RAIL!A" TRAC9 0. ;im"le ;im"le circulr circulr cur!e cur!e h!ing h!ing constn constntt rdius. rdius. . Com"ou Com"ound nd cur!e h!ing h!ing t4o or more more cur!es cur!es of di>er di>erent ent rdius rdius 4ith 4ith common tngents. . Re!ers Re!erse e cur!es cur!es of sme sme or di>ere di>erent nt rdii. rdii. . Trnsition rnsition cur!e "ro!ide "ro!ided d (et4een the stright stright erent rdii.
DETERMINATION O, RADIUS The rdius of cur!e is determined determined () mesuring the Versine on chord of 3no4n length: from the eution:
18H C F
6here R Rdius in meters C Chord Cho rd *ength in meters V Versine in millimeters
Cur!es cn (e designted () the rdius in meters or () its degree. The ngle su(tended t the centre () n rc length of =H meters: is the degree of the cur!e A 1 cur!e is 1H meters: / cur!e is G71 meters nd so on.
or mesuring Versine of cur!e: / meters chords should normll) (e used 4ith sttions t 0/ meters inter!ls. or chec3ing the rdius of turnout nd turn in cur!es: o!erl""ing chords meters long shll (e used to mesure () stretching n)lon chord or "ino 4ire (et4een one sttion nd the second ne9t: Versine (eing mesured t the middle sttion.
DE,INITIONS SUPER ELEFA E LEFATION TION OR CANT +ormll) the outer ril is rised (o!e the le!el of the inner ril: 4hen the su"er ele!tion is termed "ositi!e. In the cse of turnout t3ing o> from the outside of cur!e: the su"er ele!tion or cnt for the turnout trc3 4ill (e negti!e: the inner ril (eing higher thn th n the outer ril. Cnt is com"uted () the formul@ E GF8
18 R 6here E Cnt in mm 8 istnce (et4een Center of rils in mm erence (et4een the cnt ctull) "ro!ided nd the euili(rium cnt reuired for trin mo!ing t s"eed lo4er thn the euili(rium s"eed on the cur!e.
TRANSITION CURFE A trnsition cur!e is one on 4hich the the rdius chnges uniforml) uniforml) throughout throughout its length: thus "ro!iding grdul chnge of cur!ture
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