Pit Design

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Copyright © 2014 Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA Inc. Al Alll rights rese reserved. rved. Dassault Systèmes GEOV GEOVIA IA Inc. publi publishes shes tthis his doc documentati umentation on ffor or the sole use of  GEOVIA GEOV IA product li license censees. es. Without writte written n permissi permission, on, you may not sell, re reproduce, produce, store in a retr retrie ieval val system, or transmit any part of this docume documentation. ntation. For such per permission, mission, or to obtain e extra xtra copie copiess ple please ase contact your local GEOV GEOVIA IA office office,, or visit ww www.3 w.3ds.com/GEOVIA ds.com/GEOVIA.. This software software and documentation is proprie proprietary tary to Dassaul Dassaultt Sys Système tèmess GEOVIA Inc. and, ex except cept where ex where expressl pressly y provided other otherwi wise, se, does not form par partt of any contract. Change Changess may be made in products or servi services ces at a any ny time wi without thout notice notice.. While eve While every ry pre precauti caution on has bee been n taken iin n the prepar preparation ation of this manual manual,, nei neither ther the authors nor GEOVIA GEOV IA assumes responsi responsibili bility ty for err errors ors or omissions. Ne Neithe itherr will will be held li liable able for any da damages mages caused caus ed or alle alleged ged to be cau caused sed fr from om the use of the informa informatio tion n contained contained herei herein. n. Dassault Systèmes Systèmes GEOVIA Inc. offer offerss complete 3D softw software are tools that let you cre create, ate, simulate, simulate, publish, publi sh, and ma manage nage your data data.. GEOVIA, the GEOV GEOVIA, GEOVIA IA logo, combinations there thereof, of, and GEMS, Surpac, Minex Minex,, MineSc M ineSched, hed, Whittle Whittle,, PCBC, InSite, and and Hub are either either trade trademarks marks or regi registere stered d trade trademarks marks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiarie subsidiar iess iin n the US and/or other countri countries. es.

Product Surpac™ Surpac ™ 6.6 6.6.1 .1 Last modified: modified: Tuesday, 1 Apri Aprill 2014 2014


Table of Contents Introduction








Setti ng up f or thi s tutori al


Setting the work directory


Tas k: Set the work directory


Dis playing the toolbar and menubar


Tas k: Dis play the m miinedesign toolbar an and menubar


A Si mple Exampl e


Crea Cre ating a simple pit


Task Tas k: Create a simple pit design


Data   preparati on Data


Cr Crea eate te ore ou outtlines


Task: Create the ore outlines


Viewing View ing Whi Whittle ttle outlin outline es


Task: View View Whittl Whittle e outli outlines nes from from  the Surpac block model


Add slop slope values


Ta Task: sk: Add sl slope ope va vallues to the block model


Load th the outline and Whittle model


Task: Lo Load the outline and Whittle model


Basic pit design  design   tool s


Task: Def Define ine the starti starting ng stri string ng



Task:  Define the slope method Task:


Ta Task: sk: De Defi fine ne a new ramp


Task: Expand Expand by bench he heiight and berm width Task: Edi Edit a pit design

46 52

Additional Pit Design  Design   Tool s


Task: Restart  Restart a Pit Design Task: Design a Switchback Task: Create multiple benches

Creating a DTM of o f a pi t desi gn


57 66


Task: Clean pit  pit design strings


Task: Crea Create te a DTM of a pit design


Intersect pit design  design   with surf ace topography


Task: Intersect pit de d esign and topography


Grade and tonnage calculation calculations Task: Create Create a b bllock model co constraint of m ma aterial in in a pit

77 77


Tas k: Calculate G Grrade a an nd Tonnage o off Ma Material in in P it

Waste dump desi gn



Tas k: Design a waste dump


Tas k: Calculate dump volume




Introduction This tutorial tutorial demonstrate demonstratess how to cre create ate pit and dump desi designs gns using Surpac.

Requirements Before Bef ore you begin this tutoria tutorial, l, you must have: l

  basi basicc know knowle ledge dge of Surpa Surpacc It is recommended recommended that yo you u understand the procedur procedures es and concepts from the Introduction tutorial.



  Surpa Surpacc inst instal alle led d on your comput computer er   the data se sett acc accompanying ompanying thi thiss tutori tutorial al

Objectives The objec objectiv tive e of thi thiss tutori tutorial al is to al allow low you to cre create ate a pit de desig sign. n.

Workflow The process descr describe ibed d in this tutorial is outline outlined d below: l







  using stri string ng tools to ccrea reate te a simpl simple e pit de design sign   pre prepari paring ng dat data a ffor or use in ba basic sic pit desi design gn   using pit desi design gn tools to cre create ate ramps, cre crests, sts, toes, and berms   creating switchbacks   exte extending nding a pit design to a DTM surface   cal calculat culating ing grade and tonnage of block mode modell blocks within within a pit pit design design   desig designing ning a wast waste e dump

Note: This This w workfl orkflow ow demonstrate demonstratess the steps iin n this tutoria tutorial. l. T There here are other ways to achieve achieve a result.

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Pit Design


Setting up for this tutor ial

T ask: Set the w or k dir ector y

Setting up for this tutorial Setting the work directory A wor work k dire directory ctory is tthe he def default ault di direc rectory tory for saving Surpac fi file les. s. File Filess used in this this tutorial tutorial are stored iin n the fol folder der \demo_data\tutorials\pit_design. Where is the dire directory ctory in w which hich the Surpac shared ffil iles es were were instal installe led. d. In Windows 7, and Windows Windows 8, the defa default ult path is

C: \Users\Public\GEOVIA\Surpac\6 \Users\Public\GEOVIA\Surpac\66\de 6\demo_data\ mo_data\tutorials\pit_design tutorials\pit_design.

Task: Set the work directory 1. In th the e Navigator, right-click the pit_design folder. 2. From the short shortcut cut men menu, u, se sele lect ct Set as work directory.

The name of the work direc directory tory is dis displa played yed in the tit title le bar of the Surpa Surpacc window window..

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Pit Design


Setting up up fo for this tu tutor ial

T ask: Di Display th the mi minedesign to toolbar and me m enu bar  

Displaying the toolbar and menubar Task: Display the minedesign toolbar and menubar 1. Ri Rightght-cl clic ick k in tthe he bla blank nk are area a ne next xt to the menu menuss at tthe he top of the Surpa Surpacc main main wi window ndow.. 2. From the short shortcut cut men menu u cchoose hoose Profiles > minede minedesign sign.

information on sett setting ing up profi profile less and customising me menus nus and Tip: For more information toolbars tool bars,, see the Intro Introducti duction on to Surpac tutor tutoria ial. l.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

A Simple Example Creating a simple pit You will will desig design n a pit base around an ore zone at an e ele levation vation of 15 150, 0, and then then extend extend it up to an el eleva evatio tion n of 25 250 0 with with a pit wa wall ll angl angle e of 45 deg degre rees. es.

Task: C Create reate a sim simple ple pit p it desi d esign gn 1. Clic Click k Reset graphics   . 2. Ope Open n ore150.str in Graphics. You can can see a hori horizontal zontal sli slice ce of ore zone zoness at an el eleva evatio tion n of 15 150. 0.

3. Choos Choose e Create > Digitise > Properties.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

4. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

5. Choos Choose e Create > Digitise > New point . 6. Cl Clic ick k in Graphics to create create points 1 1,, 2, and 3 as shown. Notes: l

  Do not press ESC. You have not finished finished cre creating ating the string.


  Numbe Numbers rs 1 1,, 2, and 3 are not displ displayed ayed in Graphics. They are shown on the images ima ges sso o you know the orde orderr in w whic hich h to crea create te the poin points. ts.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

7. RightRight-cli click ck in Graphics and select Point.

8. Cl Clic ick k thre three e poin points ts at the north norther ern n end of the seg segmen mentt as show shown, n, to cre create ate poin points ts 4, 5 5,, and 6.

9. Choos Choose e Create > Digitise > By following a segment . 10 10.. Click Click and hold dow down n the left left mouse button at point 7, the then n drag to poi point nt 8 and re rele lease. ase.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

11 11.. Click Click and hold dow down n the left left mouse button at point 9, the then n drag to poi point nt 10 and rele release. ase.

12. Cho Choose ose Crea Create te > Digitise > Close current current segment. The close closed d segment is displayed.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

create te close closed d segme segments nts in the XY plane (plan (plan vie view) w),, you wi will ll usually usually Note: When you crea create cre ate them in a clockw clockwise ise dire direction. ction. Clockw Clockwise ise segme segments nts are regarded regarded as an area of  inclusion, and give expecte expected d results w when hen you intersect them w with ith other clockwise segments. 13. Cho Choose ose File > Save > string/DTM. 14 14.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and tthen hen click click Apply.

15 15.. 16. 17. 18 18..

Cl Clic ick k Reset graphics   . Ope Open n pit150.str in Graphics. Cho Choose ose Display > Point > Numbers . Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

The numbere numbered d poi points nts on the segme segment nt ar are e displa displayed. yed.

Ne Next xt,, you w wil illl del delet ete e some point pointss to make the outl outline ine more conve convex. x. 19 19.. Set the sel selec ecti tion on mode to Select Point/Triangle.

20 20.. Hol Hold d the CTRL key and click click severa severall points as shown.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

21 21.. RightRight-cli click ck in Graphics to display a shortcut menu, and select Delete.

The renumbe renumbered red segme segment nt is displa displayed. yed.

Ne Next xt,, you wil willl set the slope wa wall ll angl angle e to 45 deg degre rees. es. 22. Cho Choose ose Pit design > Set slope gradient.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

23 23.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

The Design grade butt button on

disp displlays th the e curr urrent desi design gn gr gra adi die ent. nt.

Ne Next xt,, you will will set the stri string ng number number for the top of the pit. pit.

Note: This step is optional. 24 24.. From the Stat Status us bar at the bottom of the Surpa Surpacc window window,, cl clic ick k the Design string button . 25 25.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

The Design string but butto ton n disp displlay ayss th the e cu curr rre ent de desi sign gn st stri ring ng numbe numberr


Ne Next, xt, you wil willl ex expand pand the segme segment nt horizonta horizontall lly y by a di distance stance of 10 100. 0. At At an a angle ngle of 45 degrees, degre es, this w wil illl cre create ate a pit ccrest rest 1 100 00 mete meters rs above the base, at an e ele levation vation of 25 250. 0. 26. Cho Choose ose Edit > Segment > Expand/Contract. 27 27.. Cl Clic ick k anyw anywher here e in Graphics to select select the segme segment nt for ex expanding. panding. 28 28.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

29 29.. Press E ESC SC to ffini inish sh ex expanding. panding.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

The seg segmen ments ts repr represe esenti nting ng the top and bottom of the pit ar are e displaye displayed. d.

30 30.. Hol Hold d dow down n the right right mous mouse e button a and nd dra drag g dow down n or to the le left ft to to zoom out. 31 31.. Cl Clic ick k the Plan View button . 32. Cho Choose ose Display > Dynamic 2D Grid. The pit str string ingss and the Dynami Dynamicc 2D gr grid id are disp displa layed. yed.

Thiss procedure Thi procedure can be use useful ful for det deter ermin mining ing the li limit mitss of a block model. model. Ne Next, xt, you will will cre create ate a DTM from this data.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

33. Cho Choose ose Surfaces > Create DTM from Layer. 34 34.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

35. Cho Choose ose Display > Hide grid. 36. Cho Choose ose Display > 3D Grid. 37 37.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

38 38.. To rrotat otate e the data data,, clic click k and d drag rag in Graphics. The pit and 3 3D D gri grid d are displa displayed. yed.

Ne Next, xt, you will will save the DTM ffil ile. e. 39. Cho Choose ose File > Save > string/DTM. 40 40.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


 A Simple Example

Task: Create a simple pit design

41 41.. In the veri verifi ficati cation on fform, orm, ccli lick ck Yes.

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task sk run  _01_simple_pit.tcl. You need to click  Apply on any forms presented.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Cr eate the or e outlines

Data preparation Create ore outlines Geologic Geological al outline outliness are a good sou source rce of infor information mation w when hen perf performing orming pit design. design. They can be obtained obtaine d from sli slicing cing a ge geologic ological al model (sol (solid id or wi wiref reframe rame)) or taken ffrom rom bench by bench interpretations.

Task: Create the ore outlines 1. Conne Connect ct to pitdesign.mdl. 2. Cl Clic ick k the pitdesign icon  icon on the Status bar, and cchoose hoose Display.

3. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Cr eate the or e outlines

The bloc block k mode modell is displ displaye ayed. d.

4. Choos Choose e Block model > Constra Constraints ints > New graphica graphicall constraint constraint. 5. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as sshow hown, n, cl clic ick k Add, and click  Apply.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Cr eate the or e outlines

The constrai constrained ned bloc block k model is displ displayed. ayed.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Choos Choose e Block model > Display > Colour model by attribute . In th the e Attribute to colour by, select gold and click  Scan. In th the e Ranges for colour selection , type "0,8,1;99 "0,8,1;999" 9" and and click Refresh. Clic Click k Apply.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Cr eate the or e outlines

The block mode modell is col coloured oured by gol gold d grade grade..

10. Cho Choose ose Planes > Quick planes. 11 11.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Cr eate the or e outlines

12 12.. Pre Press ss F12 to move to the nex nextt pla plane. ne. 13 13.. Conti Continue nue pre press ss F1 F12 2 unti untill you ha have ve vie viewe wed de each ach pla plane. ne. Note: The pla planes nes you have cre create ated d are tempora temporary, ry, and the data in in each each of the sec secti tions ons you have vie viewe wed d in Graphics is not saved iin n indi individual vidual fi file les. s. To save the data iin n the acti active ve plane to a string fi file le,, you can choose Planes > Save section to string files . To save save al alll planess in a group, you would need to perfor plane perform m this function for each each plane created. created. The follow following ing ste steps ps use the sec sectio tion n funct function ion iin n the bloc block k model modul module e to create create and save the sections sect ions in a single functi function. on. 14. Cho Choose ose Block model > Sections > Create. 15 15.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

16 16.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Cr eate the or e outlines

17 17.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, cli click ck Add, and click  Apply.

18 18.. The secti sections ons a are re writte written n to new string file files. s. 19 19.. Cl Clic ick k Reset graphics   . 20 20.. Hol Hold d CTR CTRLL and se sele lect ct a all ll of the new sec secti tion on stri string ng fi file less in the the Navigator. That is, selec selectt ore885.str, ore895.str,  ore905.str, ore915.str, ore925.str, ore935.str,

ore945.str, ore955.str,  ore965.str, ore975.str, ore985.str, and  ore995.str. 21 21.. Conti Continue nue to hol hold d CT CTRL RL and dr drag ag tthe he file filess into into Graphics. The sec sectio tions ns open in the same layer layer..

22. Cho Choose ose File > Save > string/DTM.

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

23 23.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _02_create_ore_outlines.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

Viewing Whittle outlines Task: View Whittle outlines from the Surpac block model 1.   Click Reset graphics   . 2. Conne Connect ct to pitdesign.mdl. 3. Cl Clic ick k the pitdesign icon  icon on the Status bar, and cchoose hoose Display.

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

4. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

The bloc block k mode modell is displ displaye ayed. d.

5. Choos Choose e  Block model > Constraints > New graphica graphicall constraint constraint.

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

6. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

7. Rota Rotate te th the e mod mode el in Graphics to vie view w the data data..

8. Choos Choose e Block model > Constraints > Remove all graphical constraints. 9. Choos Choose e  Block model > Constraints > New graphica graphicall constraint constraint.

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

10 10.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

The Whi Whittl ttle e pit she shell llss 16 and 2 28 8 are displ displaye ayed. d.

11. Cho Choose ose Block model > Display > Colour model by attribute .

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

12 12.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, cli click ck Scan, and click  Apply.

The two Whi Whittle ttle pit shel shells, ls, 16 and 28, are displa displayed yed in dif diffe ferent rent colours. colours.

13. Cho Choose ose Block Model > Block model > Export > Block faces to DTM .

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

14 14.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

15 15.. Cl Clic ick k the pitdesign  icon  icon on the Status bar, a and nd choose Close. 16. Ope Open n pi  pit28 t28.dtm .dtm in Graphics, and rota rotate te to vi view ew the pit. pit.

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

17 17.. Cl Clic ick k Section view   . The data is displayed iin n section view view..

18. Cho Choose ose Display > 2D grid. 19 19.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

20. Cho Choose ose Solids > Solids tools > Create sections. 21 21.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

Thiss will Thi will give give a vert vertic ical al axis axis for sli slici cing ng the DTM.

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

22 22.. Ente Enterr the parame parameters ters as shown, and cli click ck Apply.

There are two rresul There esults ts produce produced d by the Slice Object functi function. on. The fi first rst result result is a range range of  string files called  wmb805 to  wmb  wmb108 1085 5 in increments increments of 10 10,, which contain the ex extracte tracted d horizontal sect sections. ions. The These se file filess are saved to disk. The second result result is a laye layerr cal calle led d slice which whi ch contai contains ns the ex extract tracted ed se sections. ctions. If requi required, red, you can ac activate tivate this llayer ayer and save all the sect sections ions to a si single ngle file file..

23 23.. Cl Clic ick k Reset graphics   . 24 24.. Hol Hold d CTR CTRLL and se sele lect ct a all ll of the se secti ction on fi file less you have just cr crea eate ted d in the Navigator.

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Pit Design


D ata pr pr epar ation

T ask: Vi View Wh Whittle ou outlines fr fr om th the Su Sur pac bl block mo model

That is, selec selectt wmb885.str, wmb895.str, wmb905.str, wmb915.str, wmb925.str, wmb935.str, wmb945.str, wmb955.str, wmb965.str, wmb975.str, wmb985.str, wmb995.str, wmb1005.str, wmb1015.str, wmb1025.str, and wmb1035.str. 25 25.. Conti Continue nue to h hold old CTR CTRLL drag the file filess into into Graphics. 26 26.. The sec sectio tions ns str string ingss open open in on one e layer layer..

27. Cho Choose ose Edit > String > Renumber, and click a string in Graphics. 28 28.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

29. Cho Choose ose File > Save > string/DTM.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Add slope values to the block model

30 30.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run  _03_create_whittle_outlines.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

Add slope values Task: Add slope values to the block model 1.   Click Reset graphics   . 2. Conne Connect ct to pitdesign.mdl. 3. Cl Clic ick k the pitdesign  icon on the Status bar, and cchoose hoose Display. 4. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

5. Ope Open n slo1.str in Graphics.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Add slope values to the block model

6. The bloc block k mode modell and slop slope e stri string ng file file are displ displaye ayed. d.

7. Choos Choose e Display > Point > Attribute Attributess. 8. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

9. Ope Open n weathering contact.dtm in Graphics. 10. Cho Choose ose View > Data view options > View by bearing & dip . 11 11.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Add slope values to the block model

The block model, slope string, and DT DTM M surf surface ace are displa displayed. yed.

12. Cho Choose ose Block model > Attr Attributes ibutes > N New ew. 13 13.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Add slope values to the block model

14. Cho Choose ose Block model > Estimation > Assign value from polygon. 15 15.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

16 16.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

17. Cho Choose ose Block model > Display > Colour model by attribute .

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Add slope values to the block model

18 18.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, cli click ck Scan, and click  Apply.

The block model is coloure coloured d by fface ace angle angle..

19. Cho Choose ose File > Save > Block model . 20. Cho Choose ose Block model > Display > View attributes for one block . 21 21.. Click Click a block in Graphics.

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Load the outline and Whittle model

The Block attributes  form displays informati information on similar to the fol follow lowing. ing.

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run  _04_add_slope_values_to_ blockmodel.tcl . You need to click  Apply on any forms presented.

Load the outline and Whittle model Task: Load the outline and Whittle model 1.   Click Reset graphics   . 2. Ope Open n ore_blocks.str in Graphics. 3. Ope Open n whittle_pit28.str whittle_pit28.str in Graphics. 4. Conne Connect ct to pitdesign.mdl. 5. Clic Click k  Zoom all   .

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Pit Design


D ata pr epar ation

T ask: Load the outline and Whittle model

The ore outl outline ines, s, pit, and mode modell are dis displa played. yed.

see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _05_load_ Note: To see _05_load_outline_and_whittle_model.tcl outline_and_whittle_model.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design tools

T ask: Define the star ting str ing

Basic pit design tools Task: Define the starting string In this task task you wil willl be desi designi gning ng fro from m the bottom of the pit up so you wi will ll use a digi digiti tised sed string string based based on information information from the Whittl Whittle e model. Reme Remember, mber, whe when n designing designing the base of the pit, you must take into ac account count the minimum pi pitt w width. idth. Before you atte attempt mpt the ste steps ps in this proce procedure dure you must comple complete te the pre previous vious task, task, Load  Note: Before the outline outline and Whittl Whittle e model , or run m macr acro o _05 _05_load_outlines_and_model.tcl _load_outlines_and_model.tcl. 1. Choos Choose e View > Viewing planes > Create graphical sections . 2. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

3. Ope Open n bas880.str in Graphics. 4. Choos Choose e View > Zoom > Out. 5. In the Funct Function ion Choose Chooser, r, type HOF, and press ENTER. The base is at a an n el eleva evati tion on of 88 880 0 and the bloc blocks ks are bet betwe ween en 8 880 80 and 890. 890. For thi thiss reason, rea son, if you le leave ave Hide On you would would n not ot be abl able e to see see the base wh wher ere e it passe passess bel below ow

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Pit Design


Basic pit design tools

T ask: Define the slope method

the bloc blocks. ks. With Hide Off , you should should be abl able e to se see e the wh whole ole outline outline,, as show shown. n.

perfor rformed med iin n this secti section, on, run  _06_load_base_string.tcl. You need to Note: To see all of the steps pe click Apply on any forms presented.

Task: Define the slope method Before you atte attempt mpt the steps in tthis his pr procedure ocedure you must have completed completed the previ previous ous Note: Before tasks, Load the outline outline and Whittl Whittle e model and  De  Defi fine ne the start string string , or run ma macro cro _06_load_base_ string.tcl . 1. Choos Choose e Pit design > Select slope method. 2. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run  _07_define_slope_berm_width.tcl. You need to clic click k Apply on any forms presented.

Task: Define a new ramp Note: Before Before you atte attempt mpt the steps in tthis his pr procedure ocedure you must have completed completed the previ previous ous tasks, Load the outline outline and Whittl Whittle e model , De  Defi fine ne the start string string , and Defi Define ne the slope slope method  method . Alternatively, you can run macro   _07_define_slope_berm_width.tcl.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design tools

T ask: Define a new r amp

1. If bas880.str active ve laye layer, r, rightright-cli click ck it in the Layers  pane, and choose Make actbas880.str is not the acti ive. 2. In th the e Layers  pane, right-click on ore_blocks.str and  whi  whitle_pit28 tle_pit28.str .str, and clear Selectable, to stop these layers bei being ng selecte selected d in Graphics.

3. In th the e Planes  panel, double-click plane 885El in the BM_sections group. 4. Choos Choose e Pit design > New ramp. 5. Sel Selec ectt the ram ramp p poi points nts a ass show shown. n.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design to tools

T ask: Expand by bench he height and be ber m w idth

6. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _08_define_new_ramp.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

Task: k: Expand Expand by bench height and berm width Tas Before you atte attempt mpt the steps in tthis his pr procedure ocedure you must have completed completed the previ previous ous Note: Before tasks, Load the outline outline and Whittl Whittle e model , De  Defi fine ne the start string string ,  Defi Define ne the slope slope method  method , and Defi Define ne a new ramp. Alternatively, you can run macro  _08_define_new_ramp.tcl. 1. Choos Choose e Expand segment > By bench height. 2. Cl Clic ick k on the stri string ng iin n Graphics.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design to tools

T ask: Expand by bench he height and be ber m w idth

3. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

4. The seg segmen mentt is is expa expanded. nded.

5. Choos Choose e Expand segment > By berm width, and click click on the ramp.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design to tools

T ask: Expand by bench he height and be ber m w idth

6. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design to tools

T ask: Expand by bench he height and be ber m w idth

7. The seg segmen mentt is is expa expanded. nded.

8.   In the Planes  panel, click Next plane   . 9. Choos Choose e Expand segment > By bench height. 10 10.. Cl Clic ick k on the last last par partt of the pit tthat hat w was as cr crea eate ted. d. 11 11.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design to tools

T ask: Expand by bench he height and be ber m w idth

The segme segment nt is expande expanded. d.

1 2.. Cho Choose . ted. segment > pit By tthat berm width 13 13. Cl Clic ick kose on Expand the last last par part t of the hat w was as cr crea eate d.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design to tools

T ask: Expand by bench he height and be ber m w idth

14 14.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

The segme segment nt is expande expanded. d.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design tools

T ask: Edit a pit design

15 15.. Pre Press ss ESC. 16 16.. Zoom in on tthe he top of the desi design gn as show shown. n.

see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _09_expand_bench_height_berm_ Note: To see width.tcl . You need to click  Apply on any forms presented.

Task: Edit a pit design Note: Before Before you atte attempt mpt the steps in tthis his pr procedure ocedure you must have completed completed the previ previous ous tasks, Load the outline outline and Whittl Whittle e model , De  Defi fine ne the start string string ,  Defi Define ne the slope slope method  method , Def  Defin ine ea new new ra ramp mp, and Expand by bench height and berm width . Alternatively, you can run macro  _09_ expand_bench_height_berm_width.tcl. 1. Choos Choose e Display > Point > Marker Markerss. 2. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design tools

T ask: Edit a pit design

3. Choos Choose e Edit > Point > Move. 4. Move the poi points nts to e enc ncompa ompass ss tthe he or ore e as show shown. n.

5. 6. 7. 8.

In the Pla Planes nes pane panel, l, clic click k Next plane   . Choos Choose e Expand segment > By bench height. Cl Clic ick k the line line for whic hich h you moved the point points. s. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design tools

T ask: Edit a pit design

9. The sec sectio tion n is is expa expanded. nded.

10. Cho Choose ose File > Save > string/DTM. 11 11.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

12. Ope Open n pit910.str in Graphics. 13. In the Layers  panel, right-click on bas880.str and choose Delete layer. 14. Cho Choose ose File > Save > Graphics workspace.

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Pit Design


Basic pit design tools

T ask: Edit a pit design

15 15.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

16.   Click Reset graphics   . 17 17.. Cl Clic ick k the pitdesign  icon on the Status bar, and cchoose hoose Close. see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _10_edit_design.tcl. You need to click Note: To see Apply on any forms presented.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Restart a Pit Design

Additional Pit Design Tools Task: Restart Restart a Pit P it Des Design ign Note: Before Before you atte attempt mpt the steps in tthis his pr procedure ocedure you must have completed completed the previ previous ous task, Defi Define ne the slope slope met method  hod , or hav have e run mac macro ro _0  _07_de 7_define_slope_berm_ fine_slope_berm_width.tcl width.tcl . 1. 2. 3. 4.

Ope Open n pit910.swa in Graphics. Use the the Planes  pane  panell to ma make ke 905El  the act active ive pla plane. ne. Choos Choose e Pit design > New ramp. Cho Choose ose the ramp ramp poi points nts in Graphics.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

5. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _11_restart_pit_design.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

Task: Design a Switchback Instead of conti Instead continuing nuing the ramp aroun around d to the we west st si side de of the pit, pit, you w wil illl keep keep the ramp on the ea east st wall. wal l. In order to do this you will will nee need d to insert a swi switchback. tchback.

Note: Before Before you atte attempt mpt the steps in tthis his pr procedure ocedure you must have completed completed the previ previous ous Define ne the slope slope met method  hod  and tasks, Defi  and Restart a pit design , or have run m mac acros ros _07_define_slope_ berm_width.tcl and  _11_restart_pit_design.tcl.

1. Choos Choose e Expand segment > By berm width. 2. Cl Clic ick k the seg segment ment in Graphics.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

3. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

switc itchback hback to this ra ramp, mp, wi with th an angle of 18 180 0 degre degrees es and an Note: You are adding a sw innerr radi inne radius us of 2.5 met meter ers. s.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

The segme segment nt is e expande xpanded, d, and the swi switchback tchback iiss added to the ramp.

4. Choos Choose e Edit > Point > Delete, and delete delete the point pointss as shown.

5. Choos Choose e Expand segment > By bench height. 6. Cl Clic ick k the seg segment ment in Graphics.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

7. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

The segme segment nt is expande expanded. d. 8. In th the e Planes  panel, double-click 915El in the BM_sections group.

9. Choos Choose e Expand segment > By berm width. 10 10.. Cl Clic ick k the the seg segment ment in Graphics.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

11 11.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

The segme segment nt is e expande xpanded, d, and the swi switchback tchback iiss added to the ramp.

12. Cho Choose ose Expand segment > By bench height. 13 13.. Cl Clic ick k the the seg segment ment in Graphics. 14 14.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

The segme segment nt is expande expanded. d. 15.   In the Planes  panel, click Next plane   .

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

16. Cho Choose ose Expand segment > By berm width. 17 17.. Cl Clic ick k the the seg segment ment in Graphics.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

18 18.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Design a Switchback

The segme segment nt is e expande xpanded, d, and the swi switchback tchback iiss added to the ramp.

19. In the Layers  pane, right-click ore_blocks.str and  whittle_pit28.str whittle_pit28.str and clea clearr Visible, to hide the these se layer layerss in Graphics.

20.   Click Zoom all   . 21. Cho Choose ose View > Viewing planes > Remove viewing / cutting planes . 22. Cho Choose ose Display > Hide temporary markers. visibl sible e in Graphics. pit910.str is the only data vi

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Create multiple benches

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run  _12_design_switchback.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

Task: Create b enches Create multiple benches Note: Before Before you atte attempt mpt the steps in tthis his pr procedure ocedure you must have completed completed the previ previous ous tasks, Defi Define ne the slope slope met method  hod , Restart a pit design , and Design a switchback . Alternatively, you can run macro  _12_design_switchback.tcl. 1. Cl Choos Chick oose e Expan Expand d segme segment nt > Multi benc bench h design. 2. Clic k the seg segment ment in Graphics .

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Create multiple benches

3. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

Benchess from the curre Benche current nt segment through to an el elevati evation on of 10 1000 00 are cre created. ated. 4. In th the e Layers  pane, right-click wh  whittle_pit28 ittle_pit28.str .str, and select Visible.

5. In th the e Planes  panel, double-click 885El in the BM_sections group. 6. Clic Click k Next plane   , a and nd move thr through ough all all of the pl plane aness tto o vie view w the de desi sign. gn. 7. In th the e Layers  pane, right-click wh  whittle_pit28 ittle_pit28.str .str, and clear Visible. 8. Choos Choose e  View > Viewing planes > Remove viewing / cutting planes. 9. Clic Click k  Zoom all   .

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Pit Design


 Additional Pit Design Tools

Task: Create multiple benches

see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _13_multibench_de Note: To see _13_multibench_design.tcl sign.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

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Pit Design


C r eating a DT M of a pit design

T ask: Clean pit design str ings

Creating a DTM of a pit design This section section descr describes ibes how to cle clean an your pit desi design gn strings bef before ore cre creating ating a DTM, and how to crea create te a DTM DTM surfa surface ce from the design.

Task: Clean pit design strings 1. Clic Click k Reset graphics   . 2. Ope Open n pitdesign2.str. 3. Choos Choose e Edit > Layer > Clean. 4. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

5. Choos Choose e File tools > Check for common points. This functi function on adjusts any points w which hich a are re close (base (based d on user inputs) to any other points so that tthey hey have ex exactl actly y the same coordina coordinates. tes.

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Pit Design


C r eating a DT M of a pit design

T ask: Clean pit design str ings

6. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

7. 8. 9. 10 10..

Clic Click k Reset Graphics   . Ope Open n pitnew2.str. Choos Choose e Edit > Layer > Clean. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

Note: If you continue to have inte intersec rsections, tions, you may wi wish sh to cle clean an them manually manually using the string e edit dit tools iin n Graphics. 11 11.. Whe When n you are sure you have no inter intersec secti tions, ons, save your fi file le as pitdesign2.str

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Pit Design


C r eating a DT M of a pit design

T ask: Cr eate a D T M of a pit design

Task: Create a DTM of a pit design 1. Choos Choose e Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file. 2. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

3. Clic Click k Reset graphics   . 4. Ope Open n pitdesign2.dtm. 5. Choos Choose e Display > Surface or solid with colour banding.

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Pit Design


C r eating a DT M of a pit design

T ask: Cr eate a D T M of a pit design

6. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

7. Choos Choose e Solids > Display > Condense colouring  to give shar sharp p boundari boundaries es to the col colour our bands.

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Pit Design


C r eating a DT M of a pit design

T ask: Cr eate a D T M of a pit design

The pit w with ith col colour our banding is di displaye splayed. d.

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Pit Design


Inter sect pi p it de d esign w itith su sur face to t opogr aphy

T ask: In I nter sect pi p it de d esign an a nd to t o pogr aphy

Intersect pit design with surface topography Task: Intersect pit design and topography You will will now ex expand pand the pit de desig sign n past the surf surface ace topogr topography. aphy. 1.   Click Reset graphics   . 2. If a bloc block k mode modell is open open,, cclose lose it usin using g Block model > Close. 3. Ope Open n top1.str in Graphics. 4. Sel Selec ectt Display > Point > Attributes. 5. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

6. Ope Open n pit980.str in Graphics. To intersec intersectt the desi design gn wi with th the surfac surface, e, you can e exte xtend nd the design a above bove topography.

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Pit Design


Inter sect pi p it de d esign w itith su sur face to t opogr aphy

T ask: In I nter sect pi p it de d esign an a nd to t o pogr aphy

7. Ope Open n pit1050.dtm in Graphics. This has been created created by using the pit design tools previously described to extend extend the design desi gn ffrom rom the 980 980 elevati elevation on so tha thatt it it is is above the topography.

8. Ope Open n  top1.dtm in Graphics. 9. Ope Open n pit_topo_intersection.str in Graphics. The li line ne of inte intersec rsection tion be betwe tween en the pit de design sign and the topography was was cre created ated usi using ng Surfaces > Clip or Intersect DTMs > Line of intersection between DTMs .

10 10.. Cl Clic ick k Reset graphics   .

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Pit Design


Inter sect pi p it de d esign w itith su sur face to t opogr aphy

T ask: In I nter sect pi p it de d esign an a nd to t o pogr aphy

11. Ope Open n pit_design2.dtm and topo_outside_pit1.dtm in Graphics. These DTM surface surfacess were cre created ated using Surfaces > DTM file functions > Clip DTM by boundary string.

see all all of the ste steps ps descri described bed iin n this ta task, sk, run  _14_intersect_design_and_ Note: To see

topo.tcl . You need to click  Apply on any forms presented.

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Pit Design


Gr ade an a nd to t onnage ca calculations

T ask: C re reate a b lo lock mo model co constr aint of o f ma m ater ial in in a p itit

Grade and tonnage calculations This secti section on descri describes bes how to cre create ate a block model constrai constraint nt of blocks w withi ithin n a pit desi design, gn, and how to generat generate e a re report port of the tonne tonness and grade of mate materi rial al withi within n the const constrai raint. nt.

Task: Create a block model constraint of material in a pit In order to cal calcul culate ate gra grade de and tonnage from from a block model model,, you can crea create te the const constrai raint nt that represe repr esents nts the mater material ial in the pit be before forehand. hand. 1. Ope Open n pitdesign.mdl. 2. Choos Choose e Block model > Block model > Display . 3. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

4. Choos Choose e Block model > Constra Constraints ints > New graphica graphicall constraint constraint. 5. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

Note: The constrai constraint nt fil file e pit_design2.con is created, created, which which is a list of all blocks within within this constraint. 6. Choos Choose e Block model > Display > Colour model by attribute .

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Pit Design


Gr ade an a nd to tonnage ca calculations

T ask: Ca C alculate Gr Gr ade an a nd To T onnage of of Ma M ater ial in in Pi Pit

7. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

8. Spin the mode modell arou around nd to see the bloc blocks ks ccolour oloured ed by gold gold grade grade.. Most of the bloc blocks ks are wa waste ste (gol (gold=0 d=0), ), and are col coloure oured d dark blue.

Note: To see see all all of the ste steps ps perfor performed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _15_create_pit_constraint.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

Task: Calculate Grade and Tonnage of Material in Pit 1. Ope Open n pitdesign.mdl. 2. Choos Choose e Block model > Block model > Report.

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Pit Design


Gr ade an a nd to tonnage ca calculations

T ask: Ca C alculate Gr Gr ade an a nd To T onnage of of Ma M ater ial in in Pi Pit

3. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

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Pit Design


Gr ade an a nd to tonnage ca calculations

T ask: Ca C alculate Gr Gr ade an a nd To T onnage of of Ma M ater ial in in Pi Pit

4. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

5. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

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Pit Design


Gr ade an a nd to tonnage ca calculations

T ask: Ca C alculate Gr Gr ade an a nd To T onnage of of Ma M ater ial in in Pi Pit

6. The The file pit_design2.not is displayed.

Note: Your report report shoul should d be sim simil ilar ar in fforma ormat, t, but the numbers numbers may not be ex exact actly ly the same. see all all of the ste steps ps perfor performed med iin n this ta task, sk, run _16_grade_and_tonnage.tcl. Note: To see You need to click Apply on any forms presented.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

Waste dump design This section This section w wil illl show you how to use Surpa Surpacc to cre create ate a dump desi design gn and a digital digital te terra rrain in model model (DTM) (DT M) of that de design. sign. Y You ou w wil illl then gene generate rate a vol volume ume report, and a bench volume repor reportt of mater material ial that can be stored on eac each h bench. You wil willl per perfor form m the dump desi design gn on the combi combined ned sur surfa face ce of the topogr topography aphy and the pit desig design. n. A key objective objective of thi thiss exe exerc rcise ise is to show you how to set up an all all-c -cut ut ramp.

Task: Design a waste dump 1. Ope Open n pi  pit_and_t t_and_topo2.str opo2.str in Graphics. The pit and topography is displ displayed. ayed.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

2. Ope Open n dcl1.str in Graphics. The decl decline ine is displa displayed. yed.

3. Ope Open n dtop1045.str in Graphics. 4. Re Resca scale le Graphics  using a combi combination nation of wi window, ndow, zoom, and pan tools until the data looks approximately approximately like the follow following ing image:

The top of the dump is appro approxi ximate mately ly 50 met metre ress above the topogr topography, aphy, at an el eleva evatio tion n of 10 1045 45 met metre res. s. T The he gra gradie dient nt of the centre centre line line wil illl be set during during the the dump desig design n process.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

5. Choos Choose e  Pit design > Select slope method. 6. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

7. Choos Choose e  Pit design > Set slope gradient. 8. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply. The new desi design gn gra gradie dient nt is sshow hown n in the stat status us bar at the bottom of the scr scree een. n.

9. Choos Choose e Display > Point > Marker Markerss. 10 10.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

11. Cho Choose ose Pit design > New ramp.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

12 12.. Sel Selec ectt two two poin points ts on the dump ttop, op, one on e eit ither her side of the ram ramp p ccent entre re li line ne as shown. shown.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

13 13.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

14 14.. Foll Followi owing ng the prompt prompt,, se sele lect ct tthe he ram ramp p ce centre ntre li line ne anywher anywhere e wh wher ere e there there are no othe otherr strings which you may accidentally snap to. After After sel select ecting ing the ramp ce centre ntre line, line, the dump top outline is modif modifie ied d slightly slightly as shown in the follow following ing iimage. mage. This change is made to re resolve solve geome geometry try probl problems ems at the start of the ramp.

Note: In this design design you wil willl only have one safe safety ty berm at 102 1025 5 metres metres in this dump. 15. Cho Choose ose Expand string > To elevation, and click click on the dump outline outline.. 16 16.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

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Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

The displa display y is updated, as shown.

You will will now crea create te a 10 met metre re ber berm m at thi thiss ele elevati vation. on. 17. Cho Choose ose Display > Point > Numbers . 18 18.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

19 19.. Check the point numbe numbers rs to ide identif ntify y over overlappi lapping ng and close points. 20. Cho Choose ose Expand segment > By berm width. 21 21.. Sele Select ct string 2.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

22 22.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

Now proje project ct the dump o outl utline ine to tthe he DTM of the topogr topographi aphicc surf surface ace.. 23. Cho Choose ose Pit design > Load a DTM surface and load top1, leaving leaving the display display DTM at N.

24. Cho Choose ose Expand segment > To DTM surface, and clic click k the outlin outline e of the dump dump..

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Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

25 25.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

26. Cho Choose ose Edit > Point > Delete. 27 27.. Del Delete ete any poi points nts tha thatt are are close to e each ach other, overl overlapping, apping, or unwanted. unwanted. The ima image ge bel below ow is disp displa layed. yed.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

28. Cho Choose ose Pit design > Display DTM surface offsets. Thiss will Thi will show the DTM of offse fsets ts to che check ck that the base of the Dump has be been en e exte xtended nded to match the DTM surfa surface. ce.

29. Cho Choose ose File > Save > string/DTM. 30 30.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

31. Cho Choose ose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

32 32.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

Ne Next xt you wil willl clip clip a hol hole e in the topogr topographi aphicc surf surface ace aroun around d the dump desi design. gn. For a boundary string, string, you w will ill use the dump desi design gn stri string ng that li lies es on the topographic surfac surface e (string #4) (string #4).. Then you wil willl append the cli clipped pped topographic string ffile ile and dump design strings, stri ngs, and cre create ate a DTM of the surf surface ace.. To achi achieve eve thi thiss you will will use the pre previous viously ly created cre ated topographic surface surface whi which ch has alrea already dy been combined wi with th the pit design stri strings. ngs. The two ffil iles es to ccombine ombine are pit_and_topo2.str and dumpdesign1.str . 33 33.. Cl Clic ick k Reset graphics   .

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Design a w aste dump

34. Ope Open n pi  pit_and_t t_and_topo2.str opo2.str. The pit and topogra topograhy hy are displaye displayed. d.

35 35.. Sele Select ct File tools > Apply boundary string, and enter the parame parameters ters a ass shown below. below.

36. Ope Open n dumpdesign1.str to the cur curre rent nt la layer yer usi using ng the re repla place ce opti option. on.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Calculate dump volume

37. Ope Open n temp10.str, appending it to the curre current nt layer layer..

38. Cho Choose ose File > Save > string/DTM. 39 39.. Ente Enterr the information information as shown, and click click Apply.

40 40.. Cre Create ate a DTM of  pit_dump_and_  pi t_dump_and_topo2.str topo2.str. 41. Ope Open n  p  pit_dump_and_topo2 it_dump_and_topo2.dtm .dtm into the same laye layerr as the string fi file le,, replac replacing ing the the string file. see all all of the ste steps ps per perfor formed med iin n this ta task, sk, run  _17_waste_dump_design.tcl. You need to Note: To see click Apply on any forms presented.

Task: Calculate dump volume Now you will ill calc calcul ulate ate the tot total al vol volume ume of the dump dump..

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Calculate dump volume

1. Choos Choose e Surfaces > Volumes > Net volume between DTMs . 2. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

3. Ente Enterr the informa informatio tion n as show shown, n, and ccli lick ck Apply.

The for form m bel below ow give givess you the opti option on of savi saving ng the DTM clippe clipped d wi withi thin n the boundar boundary y string. This This iiss done for visual visualizati ization on purposes as this al allow lowss you to colour the dump diffe differentl rently y to the surrounding topography.

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Pit Design


Waste dump design

T ask: Calculate dump volume

As a gene general ral rule of thumb you should only use cli clipped pped DTMs DTMs ffor or visualizati visualization, on, Note: As and not for othe otherr DTM ffuncti unctions. ons. Afte Afterr you apply the sec second ond Save A Modifi Modified ed Dtm Dtm form, the volume is ccalc alculate ulated d and wr writte itten n to a note file file calle called d top1.not. 4. View View top1.not  in a text editor. The report iiss displaye displayed. d.

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