Pisay Review2

July 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Our Lady of the t he Roses Montessori Learning Center  Ilaor Sur, Oas Albay


E N G L I S H Directions: For each word in boldface, select the word/phrase that has same meaning as used in the sentence. Encircle the letter that corresponds corresponds to your answer.

1.  It is the preroga the  prerogative tive of the school heads to decide on suspension of classes during typhoon. a.  right b. command c. contradiction contradictio n d. trepidation 2.  Doing repetitive job in the desert of Saudi Arabia adds up to his ennui ennui.. a.  fear b. boredom c. sadness

d. confussion

3.  Our cats use different ruse different  ruse to attact their prey. a.  styles b. traps

d. ways

c. tricks

4.  His His pugilistic  pugilistic skill impressed the spectators, spectators, for he knocked his opponent out in just two minutes of the first round. a.  boxing b. musical c. athletes d. slack  5.  Cheating is a reprehen a  reprehensible sible act. a.  reprovable b. rescind

c. repealable

d. revocable

6.  His profoun His  profound d insight on the meaning of existence impresses many. a.  prolific b. deep c. pragmatic

d. fruitful

7.  She is a prolific a  prolific poem writer. She can write eight poems in a week. a.  superficial b. renowned c. obtrusive

d. abundantly fruitful

8.  Until Harry Potter stepped into her life, J.K. Rowling was a “happily obscure obscure  being”. being”.   a.  pensive b. overt c. unknown d. famous 9.  A boy lost his three fingers in the firecracker accident. His parents were glad that he was not more seriously maimed maimed.. a.  unscathed b. permeated c. mutilated d. touched 10. Children of parents who work honestly hard to earn a living rarely become spendthrift  become spendthrift . a.  thrifty b. frugal c. miser d. extravagant extravagant 11.  When I was about three, my mother said to me, “I “I have this intuitive feeling that you will be great and famous someday”. I didn’t know what she meant meant then. Now that I understand, I try to develop potentials and talents that I have, wishing to become one. a.  laud b. instinctive c. boon d. trepidation trepidation 12.  Basing his line of reasoning on totally intuitive hypotheses, hypotheses, he may develop it with iimpeccable mpeccable   logic. a.  enthusiastic b. irresolute irresolu te c. unimpeachable d. calculated 13. Arnold can hardly contain his exuberance after he got the news that he is admitted at Philippine Science High School. a.  waywardness b. chagrin c. abashment d. joyful enthusiasm 14. A lot of review and practice will bolster  bolster your your confidence in taking any exam. a.  magnify b. weaken c. reinforce d. petrify 15. Her soft voice and kind words were belied by her angry expression. expression. a.  contradict contradicted ed b. highlighted c. reinforced

d. compiled


M A T H E M A T I C S Directions: Select the best answer for each of following. Encircle the letter that corresponds corresponds to your  answer. 1.  The product of two numbers is 4,568. If each of the numbers is halved, the product of these two new numbers is _________. a.  2,284 b. 1,141 c. 1,241 d. 1,142

2.  If 39, 42, 68 and 51 are added and the sum is divided by 50, the final result is __________. a.  4 b. 40 c. 20 d. 2 3.  The value of a digit in a number is the same as _________. a.  Its place value c. the digit in the named place b.  the number itself d. the digit times its place value 4.  Which of the following expressions expressions are equal? I.  7 x 30 x 8 x 9 II.  4 x 6 18 x 35 III.  32 x 8 x 72 x 5 a.  I, II and III b. I and II

c. II and III

d. I and III

c. III only

d. II and III only

6.  [9 x 4 ÷ 3 x 2] ≠ __________.  __________.  a.  [9 x (4 ÷ 3) x 2] b. [(9 x 4) ÷ 3 ] x 2

c. (9 x 4) ÷ (3 x 2)

d. 9 x [(4 ÷ 3) x 2]

7.  10-3 is equal to __________. a.  10 x (-3) b. 0.003

c. -100

d. 1 ÷ 103 

8.  (-5)2 + (-5)3 is equal to __________. a.  100 b. -100

c. -25

d. -5

9.  33 ÷ (-34)0 is equal to __________. a.  33-(-4) b. 33-4

c. 33-0

d. 33÷4 

5.  Which of the following statements statements is FALSE? I.  0÷0=1 II.  1÷1=1 III.  2÷2=1 a.  I only

b. II only

10. The set of non-negative non-negative integers is also called __________. a.  Whole numbers b. counting numbers c. rational numbers 11. If x is a negative integer, then –  then – ǀxǀ is __________. a.  Zero b. absolute value of x

c. positive

d. natural numbers

d. negative

12. If the product of 821 and 23 is subtracted from 20 000 the result is __________. a.  18,883 b. 1,117 c. -18,883 d. -1,117 13. If the sum of 7,638 and 2,261 is divided by 19 the rresult esult is __________. a.  402 b. 119 c. 521 14. Which of the following illustrates the identity property of addition? a.  33 = 33 b. 33 + 10 = 10 + 33 c. 33 + 0 = 33 15. The additive inverse of 4 –  4 – (-9) (-9) is equal to __________. a.  13 b. -13 c. 5

d. 530

d. (33+10)+20=33+(10+20 (33+10)+20=33+(10+20))

d. -5


S C I E N C E Directions: Select the best answer for each of following. Encircle the letter that corresponds corresponds to your  answer. 1.  The process whereby organic matter is broken down and goes back to the soil is called _______. a.  condensation b. decay c. absorption d. littering

2.  In which part of the flower is pollen produced? a.  filament b. anther

c. ovary

d. style

3.   __________ is the male male reproductive reproductive part part of the flower. a.  stamen b. filament c. pistil

d. stigma

4.  Fertilization Fertilization in the flower results in the production of __________. a.  fruit b. pollen grain c. flower

d. seed

5.  The strength of the turning effect produced by a force is called __________. a.  fulcrum b. pivot point c. turning point d. moment of force 6.  Which of the following is TRUE? a.  Water can only evaporate at 00C. b.  Water can also evaporate at lower temperature but the evaporation is slower. c.  Water can evaporate only when it is boiling. d.  Water cannot evaporate when temperature is low. 7.  In freezing, liquid changes to solid. What happens in condensation? a.  Gas changes to liquid b.  Solid changes to gas without passing the liquid state c.  Liquid changes to gas d.  Gas changes to another form 8.  Which of the following statements is not true? a.  Salty water does not freeze until the temperature is below 00C. b.  Ice melts when pressure is put on c.  Water boils at 00C and melts at 1000C. d.  98% of the world’s water is liquid, less than 2% is in the form of ice, only 0.0004%, is in the form of water vapour. 9.  When you turn the switch on, electricity flows from __________. a.  Bulb to the battery b. battery to the bulb c. battery to the switch

d. switch to the bulb

10. Which of the following is true about the bimetal strip? a.  When heated, the bimetal strip starts to bend.   b. to bend c.  When When cooled, cooled, the the bimetal bimetal strip strip starts straightens d.  When heated, the bimetal strip remains the same. 11. When does the flow of electricity electricity stop? a.  as the bimetal strip is heated b.  as the battery function

c. as the bimetal strip is cooled d. as the switch is pushed on

12. When bulbs are connected in series circuit, the current in all parts of the circuit is _________. a.  higher from left to right b. the same c. lower from left to right d. always changing 13. What happen when one bulb is removed?

a.  The circuit is broken, the other bulbs goes out b.  The circuit continues, the other bulb goes on

c. The circuit broken , the other bulbs goes on d. The circuit continues, the other bulbs goes out

14. The appliances used in the house should be connected in _________ with the main supply. a.  Series circuit b. parallel circuit c. both series & parallel d. sometimes series & parallel 15. Which of the following is true about parallel circuits? a.  One can be switched on then all appliances are activated. b.  One can be switched off then all appliances appliances are turned off. c.  Each can be switched on and off affecting all other appliances d.  Each can be switched on or off without affecting the other appliance appliances. s.

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