Piping Isometric checklist
March 3, 2017 | Author: Nguyen Anh Tung | Category: N/A
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Piping Isometric checklist...
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Drawing Revision Number/Letter and Description
Drawing Title Block Information
Drawing Signatures Back Circles Drawing Notes Drawing Attributes Spelling and Abbreviations North Arrow Project Specific Requirements PIPING SYSTEM INFORMATION CHECK
System to P&ID Check
Equipment Location, Description, Tag Number
Equipment Nozzle Location, Tag Number, and Data
Piping Connection to Equipment Nozzle
Flow Direction Arrow
Completeness (All required dimensions, notes, information, details required forconstruction)
Project Design Criteria Documents
Valve and In-Line Components
Valve, Flow Element, and In-Line Components Installation Requirements
Vents and Drains
Minimum Pipe Spool Lengths
Separation Distances for Branches
Instrument Connection Orientation and Access
Insulation and Insulation Support Lugs
Heat Tracing
Pipe Penetration Symbols and/or callout of core drilled openings
Pipe Supports and Welded Attachments
Material List on Isometrics
Insulating Flange Kits
Dissimilar Metal Welds
Dissimilar pipe and/or component wall thickness
Interference Check
Thermal Analysis
Hazardous Areas
Plant Personnel Access, Construction Access, Maintenance Areas, and Safety
Pump and Equipment Requirements
System Discharge Points
Underground Pipe Burial Depth
Pipe Lanes
Structural Gusset Plates
Circulating Water Branch Component Reinforcement Plate clearance
Underground Potable Water and Waste Water Separation
HDPE Pipe Fitting Separation and Butterfly Valves
Clearance from vertical structural columns and walls
‘Olet Branch Dimensions
Miscellaneous Items for Checking List
Holds list
Remark Check that the drawing number is in accordance with the project numbering system, client numbering system Check that the drawing revision number/letter is correct in the title block and revision description block according to project revision numbering system. Check that the revision description in the revision block describes the purpose for the drawing issue or changes. Check that the text in the drawing title block is correct in accordance with the project standards Deliverable Drawings. - Project Description - Drawing Type Description (Piping Isometric, Underground Piping Isometric, Small Bore Piping Isometric, Analyzed Small Bore Piping, etc) - Piping System Description - Scale Check that drawing arethat correct the title For revised drawingssignatures only, check backincircles areblock. place around revised areas to identify changes since the previous drawing issue. Check that back circles from previous revisions have been removed Check that the line graphic and text attributes meet the requirements of the Project Cadd Specification.
Check that the pipe system matches the approved system P&ID including comments found on the project’s Master Set of P&ID’s. The checker is responsible that the piping drawing and the P&ID are in agreement for the following: - Pipe Line Number - Pipe Sizes - Pipe Line Specifications and locations of Line Spec changes within the pipeline. - Pipe Insulation Class - Branch and Component sequence - Equipment Tag Numbers and Descriptions - Component Tag Numbers - Flow direction - Heat Tracing limits, type, and thickness Check the coordinate (n/s, e/w, and elevation) locations of all equipment to which the pipe system is connected in the model. The location shall match the general arrangement, equipment setting plan, and civil/structural drawings. Check that the equipment description and tag number match the P&ID and Mechanical Equipment List. Check the equipment model nozzle location, size, connection end preparation, flange rating, pipe schedule are in accordance with the latest equipment vendor drawing. - Check that nozzle information on piping drawing is correct - Butt Weld nozzles shall include the nozzle pipe schedule or wall thickness Check the pipe connecting to the equipment nozzle matches the nozzle attributes and is compatible. - Flat Faced or Raised Faced Flanges - Butt Weld Nozzles requires matching material and pipe wall thickness. Identify dissimilar metal welds and wall thickness between nozzles and pipe. - Non-USA vendor may provide nozzles that do not comply with ASME B16.25 weld bevel standards. Identify locations of any pipe joint that requires a bevel different than the ASME standard. Check that each pipe line contains one flow direction arrow. Each sheet of a piping isometric shall contain a minimum of one flow direction arrow.
Check that all dimensions, notes, information, and details that are required for the construction and installation of the piping are included. - Compliance with System Design Guides. Check that the piping system is designed in accordance with the Mechanical Design Department specific system design guides. Check that the piping system is designed in compliance with project/client design criteria documents. Check all valves and in-line pipe components (flow elements, expansions joints, orifice plates, restricting orifices, etc) end to end dimensions and connection attributes from approved vendor drawings. Check that the connection size, type and schedule match the attributes of the pipe. Check all valve actuators for correct size, orientation and that they are accessible for operation and maintenance. - Standard end to end dimensions per ASME/ANSI B16.10 for valves 600 lb class and below may be approved without approved vendor drawings for gates, globe, and check valves. All other valves shall be on hold until approved vendor drawings are available. - Butterfly, control, ball, plug, and relief valve end to end dimensions do not conform to end to end standards and shall be on hold until approved vendor drawings are available. - Identify dissimilar metal welds and wall thickness between component and pipe. - Check that chain wheel operators are provided on non accessible valves. Check vendor drawings and installation instructions for installation requirements of valves, flow elements and in-line components within the pipeline. - Straight pipe upstream and downstream requirements - Valve stem orientation (especially butterfly valves) - Clearances for valve maintenance and disassembly. - Lugged butterfly valves shall be noted on drawings for proper bolting procurement. - No gaskets required at low pressure butterfly valves and expansions joints. - Flat face flanges required at flanged expansion joints - Flat face flanges are required at cast iron equipment flanges - Flow element upstream and downstream straight pipe requirements according to the Control System Engineer requirements. Check quantity and location of vents and drains. Check that all vent and drain connections reference the correct standard detail number.
Check that there are adequate pipe spool lengths between pipe line components. Use the following as a guide. Large Bore Butt Weld: Minimum spool length equivalent to the length of a butt weld reducer. Small Bore Socket Weld: Minimum exposed pipe length between socket weld components ends shall be 2”. Check that there is adequate separation distance between pipe branches and adequate separation distances between branches and pipe line ends or components. Check that instrument connections that require access are accessible and that the orientation on the pipe is correct. Check for proper connection type and size. Check that all Instrument connections reference the correct standard detail number, and there are sufficient clearances for element removal from pipe. - Temperature connections shall be located downstream of pressure connections. - Temperature thermowells cannot be installed in pipes smaller than 3”. Check insulation requirements to Project insulation class codes and thickness. Add insulation support lugs on vertical runs of alloy pipe. Check that piping is Heat Traced as identified on the system P&ID and in accordance with the Project Heat Tracing Criteria. Check that all concrete floor, platform grating, wall, and grade penetrations are indicated and labeled on piping isometrics. Callout core drilled openings in existing walls when required. Check that water stops are provided on underground piping at floor and wall penetrations. Check that pipe systems that require slope have the proper minimum slope and the correct slope direction. For hot piping verify pipe does not reverse slope in hot position. Check that pipe supports are shown when required and locations, quantity, and tag numbers have been review and approved by the Piping Engineering department. Check that shop welded pipe support attachment details are provided on alloy piping for shop welding before shop stress relieving. Check that all pipe and pipe component material descriptions in the isometric drawing material list matches the engineering pipe line specification.
Check that insulating flange kits are identified on aboveground piping systems connecting to underground pipe systems where required by the pipeline specification. Check that dissimilar metal welds that may occur at valves, equipment nozzles, and material spec changes are identified and transition pieces are provided if required. Check that dissimilar pipe and component wall thicknesses that may occur at valves, equipment nozzles, and at material spec changes are identified and transition pieces or taper bores are provided if required. ASME Power Piping Code B31.1 Section 127.3C allows a 1/16” (.0625”) internal pipe wall misalignment (each side) for welding without taper boring the connecting pipe. Example of piping drawing identification of dissimilar wall thickness taper bore: TAPER BORE SCH 160 PIPE TO MATCH SCH 80 VALVE
Check that the system is interference free by a visual review of the model and that a recent electronic interference report from the model had been reviewed and cleared. If a non 3D project, review all discipline reference drawings. If the pipe routing is within an existing plant area, verify a field interference check was performed. For hot piping verify pipe clearances in hot positions. For hot piping verify WorleyParsons Piping Engineering Department has approved the thermal flexibility of the pipe. Checker is responsible to obtain pipe thermal movements and verify clearances in hot position and that pipe does not reverse slope causing low point pockets. Thermal movement’s direction and distance shall be noted on check prints in blue for future reference.
Check that no electronic instrument, valve actuator, or other electronic component within the pipe or attached to the pipe falls within a Hazardous Area of the plant. Check that the pipe system layout does not obstruct plant personnel access, construction access, and maintenance areas of the plant. Check that the pipe system lowest appendage (including pipe support clamps) is above 6’-8” headroom and does not affect plant safety.
Check that the pipe system layout meets the requirements of the connecting equipment vendor requirements or common practice. The checker shall read all vendor criteria. Examples: - Pump suction straight diameters, eccentric reducers - Steam Turbine vendor requirements - Check pipe system against Equipment Vendor P&ID if applicable - Installation and Maintenance Manuals Check that safety valve discharges, gas vents, etc are discharged in a safe location that will not be harmful to personnel, structures, or equipment. Confirm safety valve discharges do no impact noise abatement requirements. Confirm gas (fuel gas, hydrogen) discharge points are indicated on hazardous area location drawings. Check that underground pipe has adequate cover to protect from crushing from vehicle, railroad, and crane loads and is below frost depth. Check that pipe system layout is within established pipe north/south, east/west pipe lanes and elevations established within the plant. Underground piping shall have common bottom of pipe elevations for trenching. Check that the pipe system does not interfere with areas to be occupied by structural gusset plates. Not all gusset plates are in the model and those that are modeled may not represent the actual structural fabricators detail and requirements. Checkers must do a visual model interference check at gusset plate areas and interface with structural design to assure sufficient clearances. Check for potential interferences in the area of large pipe component reinforcement plates, especially at crotch areas of laterals. Check local and state codes for separation requirements between underground potable water and waste water systems to prevent pollution of potable water. Check that there are pipe spools between all HDPE pipe fittings to accommodate differences in physical dimensions between HDPE fitting manufactures. Check that Butterfly Valves discs are not obstructed from opening when connected to heavy wall HDPE pipe. Pipe spacers may be required between the flange and valve body. Check that pipe routing maintains approximately 9 inches of clearance from vertical structural columns and walls (including hot position) to allow space for field routed utilities.
‘ Olet type pipe branch fittings (weldolet, sweepolet, etc) dimensions (run pipe centerline to the fitting outlet) are approximate because the dimension varies by manufacture. Check that fitting to fitting design on the outlet of the ‘olet branch fittings is not used. A pipe spool is required for adjustment by the pipe fabricator to suit actual fitting dimensions while maintaining the overall geometry of the pipe system. Includes commonly found piping isometric Isogen software errors requiring manual annotation. a) Orifice Flange pressure tap orientations incorrectly shown by Isogen. b) Dimensions or dimension strings starting at pipe caps. Isogen dimension is from cap work point (center of cap where blue line stops) but dimensions on drawing appears to be from end of cap. c) Eccentric Reducer offset dimensions incorrectly shown by Isogen do not match actual fitting offsets as manufactured and should be deleted.
Check the location and limits of drawing HOLDs to areas of the drawing that are incomplete or can not be verified and approved by the checker prior to issue due to insufficient engineering, vendor, client or other discipline information. Check that all drawing holds are included in the Holds List for the project
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