Pipeline Dewatering and Swabbing
September 10, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pipeline dewatering and swabbing Procedure Status
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P R O C E E D, C H A N E A S N O ! E D A N D R E " S # $ M %!
(O R %N( OR M A!%ON O N)Y, N O R E' %EW R E* #%R ED
' O%D"!O $ E C A N CE ) ) E D D E ) E ! E D R E - EC ! E D
Code A, Code $ and Code % endorsed on Su/contractor data /0 Contractor andor Copan0 sa33 not re 3ie4e te Su/contractor 5ro 5u33 responsi/i3it0 5or an0 errors or oissions, terein, or 3iit te Su/contractor o/3i6ations 5or con5orance to Speci5ication to Contract re7uireents. Re4ie8in6 En6ineer9s Nae :%N $)OCK )E!!ERS;, Si6n and Date Nae<
Si6n< Date<
Note< !is seet sa33 /e te 1st co4er p a6e o5 a33 A& = A> docuents. !is /3oc? 8i33 a3so 5or part o5 te A& dra8in6 tep3ate.
TITLE: Trench Excavation Procedure
Pa6e 1 o5
CA!EORY ?s ApproIiate30 >; 1G Sour !run? 3ine : M- E2B to M- E22; " >.> ?s ApproIiate30 ; 2B S8eet !run? 3ine : M- E22 to M- E2>; " &.G ?s ApproIiate30 G; 1G Sour !run? 3ine :M- E22 to M- E2>; " &.G ?s ApproIiate30 ; 2B Sour !run? 3ine :M- E2> to CP(; " . ?s ApproIiate30 F; 2B S8eet !run? 3ine :M- E2> to CP(; " . ?s ApproIiate30 ; F (3o8 3ine 5ro M%N% C)#S!ER C t o M-"E2> ani5o3d "1.&2?s ApproIiate30 1B; F :2nd ; (3 o8 3ine 5ro M%N% C)#S!ER C to M -"E2> ani5o3d "1.&2?s ApproIiate30 11; 2B S8eet O i3 Pipe3ine :CP( to DS"2; " 2.B ?s ApproIiate30 12; 12 Sour Oi3 Pipe3ine : DS"2 to CP(; " 2.1 ?s ApproIiate30 1&; 2B EIport )ine :CP( to DS"1; " 2>.G ?s ApproIiate30 1>; F Produced Water )ine :DS"2 to CP(; " 2.B ?s ApproIiate30 1; 1B $ac? up 5ue3 6as )ine :DS"2 to CP(; " 2.B ?s ApproIiate30 &.
&.1 (e0initions COMPANY CON!RAC!OR Must Sa33 Ma0 Sou3d
Se33 % ra7 P etro3eu D e4e3opent $.'. : S%PD; Rat/aa Contractin6 Co. ))C a3e6a3 orstatutor0 re7uireent a re7uireent ade andator0 /0 tis procedure a 5eature 8ic is discretionar0 in te conteIt in 8ic it is app3ied a 5eature 8ere a pro4ision is pre5erredL a stron6 recoendation
Wi33 &.2 "--reviations HSSE MAOP ND! OD SMYS !P >.
a 5eature 8ic te Supp3ier a0 assue to /e a3read0 present Hea3t, Securit0, Sa5et0 = En4ironent MaIiuA33o8a/3e Operatin6 Pressure Non"destructi4e !est OutsideDiaeter Speci5ied MiniuYie3d Stren6t !esPt ressure
RE(ERENCEDOC#MEN!S (CP"BBBBB"PEP(S"BB")A"FFB"BBBB1 "BB1 Pipe3ine construction speci5ication. %SO 1&G2&"2BBF Petro3eu and Natura3 as %ndu stries"Pipe3ine transportation
SHE)) DEP &1.>B.>B.&F H0drostatic Pressure !estin6 o5 Ne8 Pipe3ines SHE)) DEP &1.>B.B.&B Pre"coissionin6 o5 Pipe3ines
. MA!ER%A)S, E *#%PMEN!S = %NS!R#MEN!S !e 5o33o8in6 ta/3e inc3udes te necessar0 ateria3s, e7uipents and instruents to /e used 5or te de"8aterin6 and s8a//in6 operations MO(P and te ites re7uirin6 certi5ication arc indicated in te 5o33o8in6 ta/3e. !a/3e 1 Description Properties *!Y Rear?s Air Copressor Oi3 (ree Copressor Set 8it Spread 2&&in,B"%2/ar 1set )auncer Recei4er Hose = Wip Cec?s Pressureau6e Re3ie5'a34e (3o8 Contro3 'a34e Pressure Recorder Pi6s
Pi6 De tector enerator 3 test Ca/in
Detai3ed a s p er a ttaced d ra8in6.
2 s et
2I3B, B $ar Rated, Aroured !0pe Soe secured /0 2 8ip cec?s. B"1G$ar >ea. Certi5ication/0anappro4ed independent copan0 2B , "1G$ar >ea. >, B"1G $ar, $a33 or ate 'a34es
G set
Mecanica3 sprin6 8ound dri4e, I /ar 2 Set.
Certi5ication /0 an appro4ed
Readin6 Di4ision, Ran6e /ar, BG dia. Cart, Accurac0 B"2 Dl (S, 2> r da0s CW Rotation. $i"Di Pi6L 8it in. > Hi Sca3in6 Discs, 8it 2 support d isc, 8it sti55 circu3ar /ruses, 8it 6au6in6 p3ate, 8it proper ousin6 5or pi6 detector transitter. Min. / atter0 3 i5e 2 rs, ac oustic t0pe...etc.
independent copan0 Min. o5 & ea. PerSect
3ea. 7 ea c
(oPro8esrupp30 (or De"8aterin6 and s8a//in6
G.1 Pre"Re7uisites 1; De8aterin6 = S8a//in6 acti4ities 8i33 /e started a5ter proper30 depressuriin6 te test section and recei4in6 H0drostatic !est Acceptance Certi5icate Con5iration 5ro te Copan0. 2; An0 perit to 8or?, i5 re7uired, 8i33 /e ta?en 5ro te re3e4ant autorities. &; 1 cre8 5or 3aunc po int and 1 cre8 5or recei4e po int 8i33 /e assi6ned 5or te de8aterin6 = s8a//in6 acti4ities. >; A33 pipin6 connected to test eaders 5or !rans5er or Discar6e )ine and associated 5ittin6s and 4a34es 8i33 /e cop3eted as per te !0pica3 )a0out 5or Water !rans5er = Discar6e )ine, Attacent& "S?etces, )a0outs = Dra8in6. ; %5 53eIi/3e oses used as !rans5er or Discar6e )ine, te 3ine 8i33 /e suita/30 ancored /0 sand /a6s, /3oc?s...etc. to pre4ent an0 53uctuation a0 cause aard. G; Pressure au6es 8i33 /e insta33ed prior to de8aterin6 and s8a//in6 to record< Q Pi6 Dri4e Pressure at !est Point Q $ac? Pressure at te End Point ;A33 necessar0 insta33ation 8or?s 5or de8aterin6 8i33 /e cop3eted as per te De8aterin6 )a0out, Attacent2 " S?etces, )a0outs = Dra8in6s. And copan0 8i33 /e noti5ied prior to startin6. F;Ade7uate counication 5aci3ities suc as ce33u3ar pone or radio 8i33 /e pro4ided. ; Copressors 8i33 /e insta33ed to /e 4isi/3e and /e 3ocated suc tat te operator 8i33 not /e eIposed to an0 dan6er at te e4ent o5 5ai3ure. 1B; A33 %nstruents 8i338i33 /e insta33ed suc and tat a4e to /e4a3id 4isi/3e. 11; instruents /e ca3i/rated ca3i/ration certi5icate and tose certi5icates 8i33 /e a4ai3a/3e at test point in a 5i3e /e5ore coenceent o5 te 8or?. 12; %n case o5 an0 pi6 stuc? pro/3e, te Pi6 Stuc? Dis3od6in6 procedure eIp3ained in te Metod Stateent 5or Pipe3ine Pre"C3eanin6, (CP"BBBBB"CPP1>&"BB")A "GFBB" BBBB2,Section G.& 8i33 /e app3ied G.2 EIecution Procedure G.2.1 !e De"8aterin6 and Water trans5er 8or? se7uence sa33 /e as 5o33o8s< 1; De8aterin6 8i33 /e coenced a5ter ensurin6 tat a33 re7uireents suc as discar6e 3ine insta33ation, pond readiness, perit 5or 8ater disposa3 and con5iration 5ro te copan0...etc are in p3ace. 2; (or eac section, pre3oaded s3eepin6 pi6:s; in te 3auncers 8i33 /e uti3ied 5or /u3? de8aterin6 purpose. Water Mana6eent P3an, Attacent1 so8s te De8aterin6 directions and )auncer, Recei4er and E4aporation Pond 3ocations 5or de8aterin6 acti4ities. &; %nsta33 pressure 6au6es, on te )auncer and Recei4er as per te 3a0 out 6i4en in te Attacent&, A3so, !e Pi6 Run Nu/er, )auncin6 Date = !ie, Section KP !erina3s and Seria3 no. Certi5icate No. o5 pressure recorder sa33 /e 8ritten and si6ned o55 /0 a33 parties on :3ie recorder9s cart. >; Open te a33 4a34es on te recei4er iediate30 a5ter startin6 copressor spread up. ; Start up te copressors and cec? te 53o8 at te recei4er end to estiate pi6 speed. G; %n no case 6ra4it0 53o8 8i33 /e a33o8ed durin6 te de8aterin6, a?e sure te di55erentia3 pressure o5 /ot end test ead ore tan % /ar and pressure sou3d /e positi4e. ; E4aporation Pond and D iscar6e )ine 8i33 /e onitored durin6 te operation to see i5 tere is an0 3ea?a6e.
F; De8aterin6 8i33 /e coenced a5ter ensurin6 tat a33 re7uireents suc as trans5er 3ine insta33ation, con5iration 5or de8aterin6 and c3earance 5or 5i33in6 o5 te adacent section 5ro te copan0, readiness o5 adacent section 5or 5i33in6 ...etc are in p3ace. ; A33 insta33ation 8or?s 8i33 /e cop3eted as per Water !rans5er Arran6eent " Attaeent& S?etces, )a0outs = Dra8in6s. 1B; A 53o8 eter at te discar6e end 8i33 /e uti3ied to estiate /ot 53o8 rate, aount o5 residua3 8ater in te section. 11; Water trans5er 8or? se7uence 8i33 /e adusted accordin6 to 5i33in6 8or? se7uence 5or te section /ein6 5i33ed. A 6enera3 8or? se7uence 5or 5i33in6 is descri/ed in te Metod Stateent 5or H0dro"!estin6 procedure. 12; Pressure 6au6e at te 3aunce r and recei4er ends o5 te section /ein6 discar6ed 8i33 /e insta33ed. 1&; Start up te copressors, open te 4a34es on te trans5er 3ine and ce c? te 53o8 at te recei4er end. 1>; !rans5er )ine 8i33 /e 4ented 5re7uen t30 durin6 te 8ater trans5errin6. 1; EIcess 8ater 5ro te section /ein6 de8a tered 8i33 /e discar6ed to an e4aporation pond.
G.2.2 S8a//in6 1; Once te test section is cop3ete30 /u3? de8atered, te test eads 8i33 /e cut out and teporar0 pi6 traps 8i33 /e connected to section 5or s8a//in6, 6au6in6 and pre"dr0in6. 2; S8a//in6 o5 te section 8i33 /e done /0 usin6 i6 sea3in6 disc pi6:s; andor 5oa pi6:s; ti33 tere is no 5ree 8ater in 5ront o5 te pi6. &; Copan0 Nu/er and o5 te pi6s to to /e start useds8a//in6 8i33 /e dependin6 on te actua3 pipe conditions. >; 8i33t0pe /e noti5ied prior operations. ; !e pi6 nu/er, 3auncin6 date = tie, Section KP terina3s 8i33 /e 8ritten on te pi6 /od0 and a poto6rapic record 8i33 /e ta?en prior to 3auncin6. G; Pi66in6 operation 8i33 /e continued u nti3 satis5action o5 te Copan0. ; %nsta33 a 1G /ar pressure 6au6es on te )auncer and Recei4er as per te S8a//in6 )a0out, Attacent2 " S?etces, )a0outs = Dra8in6s. F; Open te 3auncer9s c3osure and insert te 5irst pi6 into te 3auncer and c3ose te c3osure. ; Cec? e7ua3iin6 3ine to /e open to 6i4e initia3 /ac? pressure. 1B; Con5ir tat a33 4a34es on te recei4er are c3osed ten increase te 3ine pressure up to B. /ar to 6i4e an initia3 /ac? pressure. 11; Once pressure reaces to B. /ar, C3ose e7ua3iin6 3ine 4a34es to dri4e te pi6. 12; Di55erentia3 pressure /et8een dri4e pressure and /ac? pressure sou3d /e co ntinuous30 onitored and sou3d /e ?ept in te ran6e o5 B.& " 1 /ar as uc as possi/3e. 1&; %5 te di55erentia3 pressure starts to increase, increase te discar6e 53o8 /0 53o8 re6u3atin6 4a34e:s; on te recei4er end and 8ait ti33 te desired di55erentia3 pressure o/tained. %5 tis doesn9t e3p, reduce te in3et 53o8 at te 3auncer. 1>; %5 te di55erentia3 pressure starts to decrease, decrease te discar6e 53o8 /0 53o8 re6u3atin6 4a34e:s; on te recei4er. %5 tis doesn9t e3p, increase te in3et 53o8 at te 3auncer. 1; Once te pi6 arri4es to recei4er, depressurie te 3ine pressure to ero ten reco4er te pi6. 1G; Poto6rapic record o5 pi6 and ateria3 coin6 out upon recei4in6 te pi6 8i33 /e ta?en 5or reportin6 purpose. 1; Scraper Re6ister, *A*C (ors 8i33 /e 5i33ed 5or de8aterin6 and s8a//in6 runs. 1F; S8a//i n6 sa33 /e 7ua3 i5ied 8it no 5ree 8ater coe out 5ro pip e3ine.
.B HSE .1 enera3 Re7uireents CON!RAC!OR personne3 sa33 strict30 adere to te re7uireents o5 site sa5et0 and en4ironenta3 po3icies, ru3es and re6u3ations at a33 ties. A33 personne3 sa33 ensure tat te0 are 8earin6 ade7uate protecti4e sa5et0 c3otin6 and usin6 te correct sa5et0 e7uipent and de4ices 5it 5or purpose in respect to te acti4it0 te0 are underta?in6. %n addition to se35"a8areness re6ardin6 sa5e 8or?in6 practices, te0 sa33 deonstrate /0 teir actions co ncern 5or te sa5et0 and 8e33 /ein6 o5 tose around te and 5or te en4ironent. CON!RAC!OR HSSE Departent sa33 routine30 underta?e sa5et0 sur4ei33ance and onitorin6, reportin6 on a dai30 /asis to te Construction Mana6er. !e en5orceent o5 sa5e 8or?in6 practices and procedures sa33 /e andator0. 1; Assi6ned personne3 to eIecute acti4it0 sa33 o/e0 te pro4isions stated 8itin te Proect HSE P3an and re3e4ant -HA and a33 precautions and re7uireents in 8itin sa33 /e ta?en in p3ace and sa33 /e 5o33o8ed strict30 durin6 te acti4it0. 2; Constant and stron6 care is to /e ta?en considerin6 tat pre"c3eanin6 acti4it0 is carried out in te 5ie3d 8it i6 pneuatic pressures in4o34ed in te procedure. &; %nduction trainin6 sa33 /e arran6ed 5or te test personne3 prior to coencin6 an0 acti4it0. >; !e sa5et0 too3 /oI ta3? sa33 app30 to a33 personne3 concerned and in4o34ed in te acti4ities. ; A 5u33 tie dedicated sa5et0 o55icer sa33 /e present. !e sa5et0 o55icer 8i33 onitor te acti4ities and sa33 ad4ise and assist te Site Super4isor 8it re6ard to ip3eentation o5 sa5et0 issue, e 8i33 assist 8it dai30 too3/oI eetin6 8ere appropriate in order to rein5orce te iportance o5 sa5et0. G; A33 unautoried personne3 8i33 /e reo4ed 5ro te /arricaded areas at /ot 3auncer and recei4er side. ; A33 contractor personne3 8or?in6 on tis acti4it0 sa33 8ear te recoended persona3 protecti4e e7uipent :PP); 5or te desi6nated tas? and sa33 adere to te site sa5et0 ru3es and re6u3ations and a33 ites 3isted in -HA F; Copressor oses and instruentation 3ine sa33 /e ancored in a proper anner to restrict o4eent 8it te use o5 sand / a6s or satis50in6 8ei6ts. ; !e e3ectrica330 operated de4ices, e7uipents, instruents and po8er supp30 6enerators...etc. sa33 /e 6rounded. 1B; Proper and ade7uate 3i6tenin6 5aci3ities sa33 /e pro4ided 5or ni6t si5t. 11; Wor? perit sa33 /e ta?en prior to startin6 an0 8or? i5 re7uired. 12; (ire eItin6uiser and (irst Aid $oI sa33 /e ?ept present at re3ated 3ocation. 1&; A3on6 te entire road crossin6s and points 8ic a0 /e considered critica3, sa5et0 personne3 sa33 /e 3ocated. And tra55ic sa33 /e 8arned /0 /i3in6ua3 si6n /oards suc as< DANER... P%PE)%NE #NDER PRESS#RE DR%'E CARE(#))Y 1>; $arriers indicatin6. 9CA#!%ON.. P%PE)%NE #NDER PRESS#RE9 sa33 surround te a/o4e 6round 5aci3it0 3iits. 1; As a 6enera3 6uide3ine, no one, 8it te eIc eption o5 assi6ned test personne3, sa33 /e a33o8ed 8itin &B o5 an0 eIposed pipe 8i3e te acti4it0 is 6oin6 on. !e sae condition app3ies to 4eic3es. 1G; !e counication 8i33 /e conducted /0 o/i3e pones or radios as a4ai3a/3e. 1; Ca3i/rated pressure 6au6es sa33 /e insta33ed and oriented suc tat copressor operator can easi30 see.
1F; An0 pipe coponent :53an6es, 4a34es, 5ittin6s etc.; 5ound to /e 3ea?in6 sa33 /e identi5ied and reedia3 action or repair sa33 /e ta?en on30 a5ter te test section depressuried to atosperic pressure. 1; A33 de/ris recei4ed 8it te pi6 sa33 /e disposed"o55 in an autoried anner in accordan ce 8it te Copan0 appro4ed 8aste ana6eent procedure 2B; !e Metod Stateent sa33 /e ?ept a4ai3a/3e on site and ust /e understood /0 a33 test personne3. 21; No oter 8or? sa33 /e perittin6 at te 3auncer and recei4er area durin6 te pre"c3eanin6 operations.
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