Pipe Support Manual

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Pipe Support Software Manual - London

00100-DG-SE-0102 Document No.

Department Guideline




Date 13/05/09

Description Issued for Implementation


Chk’d SDG

Approved GP

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Pipe Support Software Manual - London Department Guideline

00100-DG-SE-0102 Document No. Rev. 0



INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 3


INPUT DATA TO SPREAD SHEET ................................................................................. 3

2.1 Spreadsheet: Fixed Input Data ............................................................................................... 3 2.2 Spreadsheet: Project Specific Data ........................................................................................ 4 2.3 Spreadsheet: Number of Pipes and Support Size .................................................................. 4 3

USING SPREAD SHEET TO POPULATE DESIGN TABLES ......................................... 4


TRANSPORTATION LOADS ........................................................................................... 4

4.1 4.2

Floating Topside................................................................................................................ 4 Fixed Topside.................................................................................................................... 5


PRODUCTION OF PIPE SUPPORT DESIGN TABLES .................................................. 5

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Pipe Support Software Manual - London Department Guideline


00100-DG-SE-0102 Document No. Rev.



This document describes the procedure for preparing the pipe and cable tray support design tables contained in ‘Pipe and Cable Tray Support Guidelines’ Document number 00100-DG-SE-0005, Section 4 and Section 5. The Pipe and Cable Tray Support Guidelines is intended to assist the Piping design group in their design of supports for the project topsides. This guidance is provided by the Structural group in order to ensure that the supports are designed for minimum cost, weight, construction time, and labour, while at the same time ensuring that safety and functionality are maintained. The pipe support design guidelines in section 4 and the cable tray support design guide lines in section 5 are dependent on project specific inertial and wind loading. For each new project section 4 and section 5 needs to be reviewed by Structural Discipline in accordance with the procedure defined in this document and the results tabulate in project specific issue of the guide line document. This manual defines how to use the validated spreadsheet PIPESUPPORT.XLS, using project specific inertial and wind loads, to calculate allowable design loadings for the tabulated support types in compliance with AISC allowable stress design. The validation for the spreadsheet PIPESUPPORT.XLS, is in Structural validation report ‘Pipe Support Software Validation Report’; Document Number 00100-RPTSE-0002. 2


2.1 Spreadsheet: Fixed Input Data

The pipe support spread sheet PIPESUPPORT.XLS contains a design spread sheet for each of the following support types: Pipe support Cable tray supports

types 4.1 to 4.22 types 5.1 to 5.6

The spread sheet is specific to the types of supports used by the automated Mustang Pipe Support macro within PDMS. The spread sheet contains data for a range of pipe sizes, the maximum span of the pipe and the structural members specific to the support type. All of the above data is fixed for the spread sheet and does not require changing.

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Pipe Support Software Manual - London Department Guideline

00100-DG-SE-0102 Document No. Rev.


2.2 Spreadsheet: Project Specific Data The following data is project specific and needs to be input in the spread sheet:

• • •

Material grades, Fy (in Mpa), for all steel types. Wind speeds: Extreme, Operating and Transportation (m/sec) Accelerations, in horizontal and vertical directions, for extreme, operating and transportation condition (in terms of g).

2.3 Spreadsheet: Number of Pipes and Support Size The following data are variables and need to be input in the spread sheet:

• •

The number of pipes of a given size loading the support is a design variable and can be changed and the calculated structural member utilization ratio (UR’s) reviewed to advise maximum number of pipes the support can carry. The member length both horizontal and vertical can be varied.

The following data is generally fixed in value:




The length of pipe loading the support is the maximum allowable span used in pipe support design as defied in pipe support standards.

Adjust number of pipes, pipe support vertical and horizontal dimensions and review corresponding member UR’S for Extreme, Operating and Transportation conditions Identify optimum pipe support configuration to maximize allowable UR’s Input design data for maximum number of pipes and support size into Pipe Support Guideline.



Floating Topside

• •

Input project specific horizontal and vertical accelerations for extreme, operating and transportation condition. The spread sheet will calculated inertial load for extreme and operating condition for the pipes full of water. For transportation the pipes are dry.

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Pipe Support Software Manual - London Department Guideline 4.2



Fixed Topside

• •


00100-DG-SE-0102 Document No.

For a fixed platform the operating and extreme horizontal and vertical accelerations can be set to zero. ( alternatively input a nominal vertical and horizontal acceleration of 0.05 g to allow for jacket storm motions) On some projects, as directed by Pipe Support Discipline, The transportation acceleration can be set to zero. This assumes that the fabrication yard will provide local temporary seafastening to supports that are vulnerable to transportation loads.


For each new project, Structural Discipline are responsible to issue Piping Discipline with the document ‘Pipe and Cable Tray Support Guidelines’ Document number 00100-DG-SE-0005. This document should have project specific design values for Section 4 and Section 5. When preparing this document please note the following: • • • •

The tables are used by Pipe Support for standard pipe support design requiring no validation calculations. The table need to be as simple as possible to advise maximum number of pipes and maximum vertical and horizontal dimensions for any given support type. There should not be a significant difference between design tables for any given floating and fixed topside type. It is important to benchmark the spread sheets against previously issued documents.

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