PIP STS03600 (Nonshrink Cementitous Grout Specification)
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Process Industry Practices Structural
PIP STS03600 Nonshrink Cementitious Grout Specification
PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.
This Practice is subject to revision at any time by the responsible Function Team and will be reviewed every 5 years. This Practice will be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn. Information on whether this Practice has been revised may be found at www.pip.org.
© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP.
PIP will not consider requests for interpretations (inquiries) for this Practice. PRINTING HISTORY
November 1996 June 2002
Issued Complete Revisi on
Not printed with St ate funds
Process Industry Practices Structural
PIP STS03600 Cementitious Grout Specification Table of Contents 1. Introduction..................................2 1.1 Purpo Purpose se ......... .................. .................. ................... .................. ........ 2 1.2 Scope.... Scope............. .................. .................. ................... .................. ........ 2
2. References ...................................2 2.1 Proces Process s Industry Industry Practic Practices es ......... ................ ....... 2 2.2 Indust Industry ry Codes and Standa Standards rds .......... .......... 2 2.3 Govern Government ment Regulations............ Regulations................... ....... 2
3. Definitions .................................... ....................................3 3 4. General ......................................... .........................................3 3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
Field Quality Contro Control l of................... Grout.............. ............ ............. .... 3 Testing.............. Testing....................... ................... 4 Submitta Submittals ls ................. .......................... .................. ................ ....... 4 Safety.... Safety............. .................. .................. ................... .................. ........ 4
5. Products ....................................... .......................................4 4 5.1 Materi Materials als ........ ................. .................. .................. .................. ......... 4 5.2 Mixing Water............ Water..................... .................. ................. ........ 5
6. Execution......................................5 6.1 Applic Application ation .................. .......................... ................. ............... ...... 5 6.2 Prepar Preparation ation .................. ........................... .................. ............. .... 5 6.3 Instal Installation lation of Grout..... Grout.............. .................. .............. ..... 6
Process Industry Practices
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PIP STS03600 Cementitious Grout Specification
Intro rod ducti tio on 1 .1
Purpose This Practice provides the contractor with a specification for the supply and installation of “non-shrink” cementitious grout for equipment and structural column base plates. Refer to PIP to PIP STS03601 for STS03601 for epoxy grout specifications.
Scope 1.2.1 1.2. 1
The contra contractor ctor shall furnis furnish h all equipmen equipment, t, materi materials, als, labor, labor, and supervisi supervision on and shall perform all operations necessary for the formwork, proper mixing, placing, finishing, finishing, and curing of “nonshrink” cementitious cementitious grout, hereafter hereafter referred to as grout, where indicated by the contract documents.
1.2.2 1.2. 2
Any conflic conflicts ts or inconsi inconsistenc stencies ies betwee between n this P Practi ractice, ce, tthe he design design drawings, drawings, the grout manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations, or other contract documents shall be brought to the attention of the buyer for resolution before the work begins.
This document is a complete revision of PIP STS03600 - Cementitious Grout Specification, and Specification, and therefore revision markings are not provided.
References When adopted in this Practice or in the contract documents, the latest edition of the following codes, standards, specifications, and references in effect on the date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise specified. Short titles will be used herein when appropriate.
Process Process Industry Industry Practice Practices s (PIP) (PIP) – PIP STS0 STS03001 3001 - Plain - Plain and Reinforced Reinforced Concrete Specification – PIP STS0 STS03601 3601 - Epoxy - Epoxy Grout Specification Specification – PIP/API REIE686 - Recommended - Recommended Practices Practices for Machinery Machinery Installation Installation and Installation Design
Indus Industry try Codes Codes and and Standa Standards rds American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
– ASTM C109/C C109/C109M 109M-- Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic-Cement Hydraulic-Ceme nt Mortars (Using (Using 2-in. or 50-mm 50-mm Cube Specimens) Specimens) – ASTM C1107 - Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Nonshrink)
Govern Governmen mentt Regul Regulati ations ons Federal standards and instructions of the U. S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), including any additional requirements by state or local
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Process Industry Practices
PIP STS03600 Cementitious Grout Specification
June 2002
agencies that have jurisdiction where the grout is to be installed, shall apply, including the following: – Code of Fede Federal ral Regulations, Regulations, OSHA Part 1910
Definitions buyer : The party who awards the contract to the contractor. The buyer may be the owner or the owner’s authorized agent. buyer’s inspector : The authorized representative of the buyer with authority to act in the interest of, and on behalf of, the buyer in all quality assurance matters contractor : The party responsible for the supply and installation of the grout. Unless otherwise noted, the term contractor shall apply also to the contractor’s subcontractor(s) and/or vendors. contract documents: documents: Any and all documents, including design drawings, that the buyer has transmitted or otherwise communicated, communicated, either by incorporation or by reference, and made part of the legal legal contract agreement agreement or purchase order agreement agreement be between tween the buyer buyer and the contractor manufacturer : The party that produces and warrants the performance of the product
General 4.1
Field Field Qualit Quality y Contro Controll of Grout Grout 4.1.1
The contra contractor ctor shall be ssolely olely responsibl responsiblee for the quali quality ty ccontrol ontrol of all all contractor-supplied contractor-suppli ed materials, installations, and workmanship, including those items or installations supplied by any of the contractor’s subcontractors or vendors.
Notwithsta Notwithstanding nding the contra contractor’ ctor’ss res responsi ponsibilit bility y fo forr quality quality,, th thee grout grout manufacturer shall provide a technical representative who will be on-site to review the grouting set-up procedures and the manufacturer’s instructions with the ones who will actually be doing the grouting. The technical representative shall remain remain at the grouting site as long as required to ensure that the grout manufacturer’s installation instructions are being followed. This requirement may be waived by the buyer or as otherwise directed in the contract documents.
The buyer buyer reser reserves ves the right right to make make inspection inspectionss at any time durin during g mixing mixing of the materials and during execution of all grout work.
If cemen cementitio titious us gr grout out is appro approved ved for the the setting setting of rotating rotating equipmen equipment, t, the the contractor and grout manufacturer’s technical representative shall complete the appropriate Grouting Checklists found Checklists found in Chapter 5, Section 4, of PIP/API REIE686 and and shall submit these to the owner’s representative for acceptance before starting to place the grout.
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PIP STS03600 Cementitious Grout Specification
Testing 4.2.1 4.2. 1
After After init initial ial p prequa requalific lificatio ation, n, gr grout out shall shall be be sample sampled d and tested tested if required required by the contract documents in accordance with the following requirements. Make two ssets ets of three test test cubes in the field each day day that grout is mixed and placed. Make test cubes in accordance with the applicable provisions of ASTM of ASTM C109. C109. Cure the cube cubess in the field for 3 days in the same way way as the placed placed grout is cured. After 3 days, transport cubes to the testing laboratory for compressive strength testing. Test comp compressive ressive strength strength of cubes cubes in accordance accordance with with the applicable provisions of ASTM of ASTM C109. C109. Test one cube set at 7 days and one cube set at 28 days.
Submit bmitta tals ls 4.3.1 4.3. 1
4.3.2 4.3. 2
4.3.3 4.3. 3
Unless Unless noted noted ot otherwi herwise se in the contra contract ct do docum cuments, ents, the contra contractor ctor shall submit the manufacturer’s literature, material safety data sheets, and certified test data for the grout, indicating the product’s compressive strength, dimensional stability, and other requirements of this Practice. At least least 15 days days be before fore instal installatio lation, n, the contracto contractorr shal shalll submit submit to the the buyer, buyer, for review and acceptance, a written quality control program describing in detail how compliance with this Practice will be ensured. The program shall include procedures for all forming, handling, mixing, placem placement, ent, locating joints, including joint details, curing, curing, testing, and and inspection. When testing testing is is required required by th thee con contract tract docum documents ents,, the contracto contractorr shall shall submit to the buyer copies of all inspection and test reports. Reports shall contain the date of grout placement, grout type, identification of foundation of grout placement, design compressive strength, air temperature at time of grout placement, foundation temperature at time of grout placement, placement, and compressivee break strengths. compressiv
Safety The contractor shall comply with the safety requirements specified in the contract documents and also as recommended by the manufacturer.
Products 5.1 5.1
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Mate Materi ria als 5.1.1 5.1. 1
All materi materials als shall shall b bee supplied supplied as as specified specified in the contract contract docum documents ents and and as described in the following sections.
5.1.2 5.1. 2
All grout material materialss shall shall be proportione proportioned d pro products ducts,, meeti meeting ng all all the the requirements and packaged according to ASTM to ASTM C1107, requiring C1107, requiring only the addition of potable water, and shall not contain metallic substance substances, s, aluminum powder, measurable measurable amounts of water soluble chlorides, or other
Process Industry Practices
PIP STS03600 Cementitious Grout Specification
June 2002
substances that may be potentially harmful to concrete or steel reinforcement. 5.1.3 5.1 .3
Com Compre pressi ssive ve st stren rength gth shal shalll me meet et the the requir requirem ement entss of of ASTM ASTM C1107 and and shall not be less than the compressive compressive strength of the foundation.
All manufa manufacture ctured d materia materials ls shall shall be delivered delivered to the the job site site in in original original unopened packages packages and shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s manufacture r’s recommendations. All materials and tools shall be stored in a clean, dry, and organized manner.
No admixture admixtures, s, unless unless sp specifi ecified ed in the the contrac contractt documen documents, ts, shall shall be added added to the grout without approval of the buyer and the manufacturer.
Mi Mix xin ing g Wate Water r Mixing water shall be potable and free of oils, acids, alkalines, organics, organics, and other deleterious materials.
Execution 6. 6.1 1
Appli pplica cati tion on Grout thickness for column base plates and equipment supports shall be as shown in the contract documents.
Prepa repara rati tion on 6.2.1
Foundatio Foundation n pre prepara paration tion shall be iin n ac accorda cordance nce with the man manufac ufacturer’ turer’ss written instructions.
Foundatio Foundations ns sha shall ll be suitably suitably p prepar repared ed be before fore instal installati lation on of formw formwork ork for for grout. Concrete foundation shall be cured for a minimum of 7 days before surface preparation unless otherwise approved by buyer. Remove laitance and and oil-soaked oil-soaked or damaged damaged concrete with chipping hammer to the level of sound, fractured aggregate or to a minimum of the top 1 inch (25 mm) of concrete. When surfac surfacee chipping is complete, complete, remove remove all dust and loose loose particles with clean, clean, dry, oil-free oil-free air. After cleani cleaning, ng, protect the foundation surface from contamination contamination by applying protective sheeting.
The formwo formwork rk shall shall be be co construc nstructed ted w with ith adequa adequate te streng strength, th, rigidit rigidity, y, and and dimension to permit grout placement.
A bond breaker breaker consis consistent tent with the manufa manufacture cturer’s r’s re recom commen mendati dations ons sh shall all be applied to the surface of the formwork in contact contact with the grout.
Concrete Concrete surfaces surfaces in contact contact wi with th the the grout grout shall shall be saturated saturated with clean clean water before grout placement. The surface of the concrete shall be damp but free from standing water.
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PIP STS03600 Cementitious Grout Specification
6.2.6 6.2. 6
6. 6.3 3
Joints in grout grout shall shall be be as located located and and sh shown own in the contra contract ct docum documents ents or as recommended by the grout manufacturer.
Inst Instal alla lati tion on of Grou Groutt 6.3.1 6.3. 1
Grout shal shalll be m mixed, ixed, placed, placed, and and cured cured in aaccord ccordance ance with manufact manufacturer’ urer’ss written requirements. The contractor shall read, understand, and comply with the manufacturer’s instructions as printed on each unit.
6.3.2 6.3. 2
Grout may may be dry packe packed, d, flowed, flowed, or pumped pumped into into place place as permitte permitted d by the the manufacturer’s written instructions for the specific grout being installed. For some grouts, particular installation methods are restricted or prohibited by the grout manufacturer. Therefore, manufacturer’s written instructions shall be strictly followed. followed.
6.3.3 6.3. 3
All grout grout sshall hall be pl place aced d in o only nly one one di directi rection on to prevent prevent trapping trapping air. Grouting shall be quick and continuous to avoid segregation, bleeding, bleeding, or premature initial initial set.
6.3.4 6.3. 4
Retempe Retempering ring of grout grout by adding adding water water aafter fter sstiffen tiffening ing iiss not permitted permitted..
6.3.5 6.3. 5
The grout grout sshall hall be cu cutt bac back k to the llower ower eedge dge of the baseplate baseplate after it has has reached itsininitial set. Thedocuments. cutback shall be at a 45° angle, unless otherwise indicated the contract
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6.3.6 6.3. 6
Grout shal shalll be sstored tored,, mi mixed, xed, placed, placed, and and cured cured at at tempera temperature ture ranges ranges that that are consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendations. recommendations.
6.3.7 6.3. 7
Equipmen Equipmentt and machine machine baseplate baseplatess and soleplate soleplatess shall shall be prepared prepared and and installed according to the requirements r equirements of of PIP/API PIP/API REIE686 .
6.3.8 6.3. 8
If grout grout must must be place placed d through through grout grout holes, holes, it sha shall ll be p place laced d from one hole hole continuously until the grout has passed a second hole. A liquid head pressure shall be maintained at the first access hole until a head pressure has been established at the next hole. Grout placement shall continue from the next hole in a similar fashion.
Process Industry Practices
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