PIP STS03001 (Plain & Reinforced Concrete Specification)
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Process Industry Practices Structural
PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.
This Practice is subject to revision at any time by the responsible Function Team and will be reviewed every 5 years. This Practice will be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn. Information on whether this Practice has been revised may be found at http://www.pip.org.
© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP.
PRINTING HISTORY December 1995 July 2001
Issued Complete Revision
Not printed with State funds
Process Industry Practices Structural
PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification Table of Contents 1. Introduction .................................. 2 1.1 Purpose ............................................. 2 1.2 Scope................................................. 2
2. References ................................... 2 2.1 Industry Codes and Standards .......... 2 2.2 Government Regulations ................... 3
3. Definitions .................................... 3 4. General ......................................... 4 4.1 Quality Control ................................... 4 4.2 Submittals .......................................... 5 4.3 Safety................................................. 5
5. Materials ....................................... 6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7
6. Execution ..................................... 7 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11
Formwork........................................... 7 Joints ................................................. 7 Waterstops ........................................ 8 Reinforcing and Embedments ........... 8 Proportioning and Mixing ................... 9 Placing Concrete ............................. 10 Curing and Protection ...................... 10 Surface Finishing and Tolerances ... 11 Repair of Surface Defects ............... 11 Hot and Cold Weather Concreting... 12 Architectural and Prestressed Concrete .......................................... 12
Table 1 Supplier Data Requirements.................... 13
General .............................................. 6 Cementitious Materials ...................... 6 Admixtures......................................... 6 Aggregates ........................................ 6 Reinforcement ................................... 6 Water ................................................. 6 Accessories ....................................... 6
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
Introduction 1.1
Purpose This Practice provides the contractor with a specification for cast-in-place concrete construction.
Scope This Practice describes the technical requirements for furnishing and installation of all materials, proportioning, mixing, placing, testing, and curing of plain and reinforced concrete. This Practice is a supplement to ACI 301-99, Specifications for Structural Concrete. Concrete supply and construction shall conform to all requirements of ACI 301-99, except as modified or supplemented herein or by the contract documents. Any conflicts or inconsistencies between this Practice, the design drawings, or other contract documents shall be brought to the attention of the buyer for resolution.
References When adopted in this Practice or in the contract documents, the latest edition of the following codes, standards, specifications, and references in effect on the date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise noted. Short titles will be used herein when appropriate. 2.1
Industry Codes and Standards • American Concrete Institute (ACI) – ACI 117 - Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials – ACI 301-99 - Specifications for Structural Concrete Note: Standards referenced in ACI 301, Section 1.3, Reference Standards and Cited Publications, are declared to be part of ACI 301 and this Practice, the same as if fully set forth herein. – ACI 306.1 - Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting – ACI SP-66 - ACI Detailing Manual In meeting the requirements of this Practice and ACI 301, the following ACI documents shall be used as acceptable practice: – ACI 211.1 - Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete – ACI 211.2 - Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
– ACI 302.1R - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction – ACI 304R - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete – ACI 304.2R - Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods – ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting – ACI 306R - Cold Weather Concreting – ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete – ACI 347R - Guide to Formwork for Concrete – ACI 504R - Guide to Joint Sealants for Concrete Structures • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) – ASTM A185 - Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement – ASTM A615/A615M - Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement – ASTM C33 - Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates – ASTM C94/C94M - Standard Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete – ASTM C150 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement – ASTM C618 - Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete • National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) – Checklist for Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities, Sixth Edition 2.2
Government Regulations Requirements of state or local agencies that have jurisdiction where the concrete is to be placed shall apply. • U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – OSHA 29 CFR 1926 - Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
Definitions Buyer: The party who awards the contract. The buyer may be the owner or the owner’s authorized agent. Contractor: The party responsible for supplying the materials, equipment, tools, supervision, and labor for the installation of the concrete and embedded items in accordance with the contract documents. Unless otherwise noted, the term contractor shall apply also to the contractor’s subcontractor(s) and vendors. Contract Documents: Any and all documents, including design drawings, that the buyer has transmitted or otherwise communicated, either by incorporation or reference, and
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
made part of the legal contract agreement or purchase order between the buyer and the contractor. Engineer: The buyer’s authorized representative with overall authority and responsibility for the structural design.
General 4.1
Quality Control 4.1.1
The contractor shall submit a written quality control program and inspection procedures document to the buyer for approval. These shall provide details of how compliance with the requirements of this Practice and contract documents will be achieved.
The buyer will be responsible for providing a testing agency to act as the “owner’s testing agency” as defined by ACI 301, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents.
The buyer reserves the right to make inspections at any time at the source of supply of materials, at the place of preparation of materials, at the mixing plant if ready mixed concrete is used, and during execution of all concrete work.
Samples for testing shall be obtained in accordance with ACI 301. The rate of sampling shall be per ACI 301 and the following: Structures and Foundations
Obtain one sample per 100 cubic yards (76 cubic meters) of concrete. At least one sample shall be obtained for each structure or foundation, except when placing a number of items each smaller than 15 cubic yards (11 cubic meters), where one sample per 15 cubic yards (11 cubic meters) will suffice. Paving and Slabs on Grade
Obtain one sample per 50 cubic yards (38 cubic meters) of concrete. Underground Pipe or Electrical Encasements and Fireproofing
Obtain one sample at the beginning of each day of concreting work. All Other Concrete
Obtain same samples as paragraph Take additional samples when observations on tests for slump, temperature, or air content indicate nonconformance with the specifications.
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
July 2001
For each concrete sample taken, the following tests shall be conducted in accordance with ACI 301: a. Strength tests b. Slump c. Temperature d. Air content
Test cylinder sets shall be dated and numbered consecutively.
Concrete QA test reports shall be provided to the buyer on a weekly basis, unless noted otherwise in the contract documents. Data to be included in the test report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Location of concrete on the job and associated drawing numbers and structure/foundation identification b. Specified strength (f ′c) c. Date poured d. Mix type e. 7- and 28-day compressive strength f. Slump, air and concrete temperatures at time of pour, time of day concrete was batched, and time of day concrete was poured g. Air content h. Name of inspector making cylinders and cylinder number
Ready mixed concrete suppliers shall hold a current NRMCA Certificate of Conformance for Concrete Production Facilities. Alternatively, certification from an independent testing agent stating conformance with NRMCA Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities is acceptable.
Submittals Before the start of work, the contractor shall submit the documentation presented in Table 1 in accordance with the requirements of ACI 301, as a minimum, to the buyer for review and acceptance. Additional submittals noted in ACI 301, which are not listed in Table 1, shall be provided by the contractor to the buyer for review and acceptance, when required by the contract documents.
Safety The contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, or local safety requirements, site specific requirements of the buyer, and all safety requirements specified in the contract documents.
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
Materials 5.1
General 5.1.1
Materials that do not conform to this Practice or the contract documents shall not be used, unless authorized in writing by the buyer.
Materials shall conform to applicable local volatile organic compound regulations.
Cementitious Materials 5.2.1
Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C150, Type I or Type II, unless otherwise specified on the design drawings. Only one brand of cement shall be used.
Fly ash may be used in accordance with ACI 301 and shall conform to ASTM C618, Class F, unless otherwise specified on the design drawings.
Admixtures 5.3.1
All admixtures, except air entrainment admixtures, require the engineer’s authorization for use.
Only one supplier for each admixture shall be used.
Calcium chloride and admixtures containing soluble chlorides are not permitted.
Aggregates Aggregates shall conform to ASTM C33 and shall be obtained from a single source.
Reinforcement 5.5.1
Reinforcing bars shall be deformed billet steel conforming to ASTM A615/A615M, grade 60, unless noted otherwise on the drawings.
All reinforcing shall be uncoated, unless otherwise specified on the drawings.
Welded wire fabric shall be plain wire fabric and conform to ASTM A185.
Tie wire shall be black annealed wire, 16 gage minimum.
Water Mixing water and water used to make ice shall be potable or otherwise tested for suitability in accordance with ASTM C94/C94M.
Accessories All accessories shall be specified in the contract documents.
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
July 2001
Execution 6.1
Formwork 6.1.1
Unless otherwise indicated in the contract documents, 3/4-inch (20-millimeter) chamfer strips shall be provided at all corners on permanently exposed surfaces.
Form-release agents shall not be applied where concrete surfaces will receive special finishes or where the agent may affect applied coverings. Alternately, inside surfaces of untreated formwork shall be soaked with clean water and kept moist before placing concrete.
Form removal shall be in accordance with ACI 301 and the following: a. For structures for which the forms do not provide vertical support (e.g., footings, piers, columns, walls, or sides of beams), the forms may be removed 48 hours after completion of placement if the concrete is sufficiently hard to prevent damage by form removal, and if curing starts immediately. b. Forms for self-supporting members may be removed after 7 days provided the concrete strength is at least 80 percent of the 28-day strength, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. No superimposed load shall be applied to self-supporting members before the 28-day strength has been verified by field-cured cylinders. c. Forms shall not be left permanently in place without approval from the buyer.
Form accessories that remain embedded in the concrete (e.g., ties and hangers) shall be a commercially manufactured type.
Formed concrete surfaces shall be constructed to conform with the tolerances shown in ACI 117, unless specified otherwise. Tolerances for concrete surfaces not specifically mentioned in ACI 117 shall be in accordance with ACI 117, Section 4.
Joints 6.2.1
All joints shall be located and constructed in accordance with the design drawings. Any variation from the location shown shall be approved by the buyer.
Control joints to be cut with a saw shall be cut as soon as the concrete is hard enough to prevent surface raveling and aggregate dislodging, and no later than 12 hours after concrete placement. a. Control joints shall be cut in accordance with the saw manufacturer’s written recommendations. b. Sawing sequence shall be based on pour time and size of slab.
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Control joints in slab toppings shall be located directly above and in line with the control joints in the underlying concrete slab.
Isolation joints shall be placed where the pavement adjoins vertical surfaces (e.g., walls, columns, catch basins, manholes, and equipment foundations). Isolation joints shall be in accordance with the drawings.
Construction joints in structures intended to be watertight shall have water stops.
Expansion joints shall be constructed with preformed expansion joint filler material or another approved device to allow for expansion. Joint sealer shall be provided. Dowels at expansion joints shall be properly aligned to prevent any restraint on expansion movement at the joint.
Waterstops Waterstops shall be installed as indicated in the contract documents and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Reinforcing and Embedments 6.4.1
Detailing and Fabrication Reinforcement placing drawings and bending schedules shall be prepared in accordance with ACI SP-66. Drawings and schedules shall show number, grade, size, length, mark, location, and bending diagrams for reinforcing bars. Splices in reinforcement shall be detailed, fabricated, and located as shown on the drawings only. Fabrication drawings shall indicate the related PO number, release number, and design drawing number. Reinforcement shall be tagged with weather-resistant metal tags. Each bundle of fabricated bars shall be tagged. Such tags shall indicate drawing number, release number, mark number, bar quantity, and bar size. Each bundle of stock-length straight bars shall be tagged to indicate bar quantity, bar size, and bar length.
Installation Embedded aluminum items are not permitted. Anchor bolts, anchors, inserts, sleeves, drains, curb and seat angles, nosing, and other embedded items shall be installed before placing concrete. Welding of these items to the reinforcing bars is not permitted. Anchor bolt threads shall be protected against damage and kept free of concrete.
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
July 2001 Anchor bolt sleeves shall be capped or plugged to keep out water, concrete, and debris. Reinforcing bars shall be spliced as shown on the design drawings only. Welded or mechanical splices are not allowed, unless approved by the engineer. 6.4.3
Tolerances Embedments shall be installed to the following tolerances, unless noted otherwise on the design drawings:
Anchor bolt projection
+ 1/4 inch (6 mm), – 0.00 inch (0 mm)
Center to center of any two anchor bolts within a bolt group
+ or – 1/8 inch (3 mm), where a bolt group is defined as the set of anchor bolts for a single fabricated steel shipping piece, or a single piece of equipment or skid
Center to center between bolt groups
+ or – 1/4 inch (6 mm)
Anchor bolt plumbness
1/8 inch in 3 feet (4 mm in 1 meter)
Plate inserts
+ or – 1/4 inch (6 mm) horizontal and + or – 1/32 inch (1 mm) vertical
Proportioning and Mixing 6.5.1
The minimum 28-day compressive strength f ′c shall be as specified in the contract documents.
If high early-strength concrete is specified, compressive strength shall be 7-day strength.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, the maximum size of coarse aggregate in concrete shall be in accordance with ACI 301 and shall not exceed the following: Slabs and walls less than 8 inches thick
3/4 inch (20 mm)
Lightweight concrete
3/4 inch (20mm)
Liquid retaining structures
3/4 inch (20 mm)
Underground pipe or electrical encasements
3/4 inch (20 mm)
Fireproofing or structural steel encasements
3/8 inch (10 mm)
All other items
1-1/2 inch (40 mm)
Maximum water-soluble chloride ion concentrations in hardened concrete shall be 0.30% by weight of cement, as indicated in ACI 301, Table, for “reinforced concrete exposed to chloride in service,” unless otherwise specified in the contract documents.
Air content at the point of delivery shall conform to ACI 301, Table, for moderate exposure, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents.
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
The maximum water-cementitious materials ratio shall be 0.4 for liquidretaining (hydraulic) structures and 0.5 for all other concrete, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents.
All admixtures shall be added at the batch plant, unless otherwise directed by the engineer.
Concrete envelopes for underground electrical ducts and cover slabs for direct-buried cables shall be colored red by adding 15 pounds of red oxide powder per cubic yard (9 kilograms per cubic meter) of concrete.
Concrete envelopes for underground instrument air-line ducts shall be colored yellow by adding 15 pounds of yellow oxide powder per cubic yard (9 kilograms per cubic meter) of concrete.
6.5.10 Job-mixed concrete shall not be used unless approved by the buyer. 6.6
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Placing Concrete 6.6.1
The contractor shall obtain inspection and authorization from the buyer before placing concrete.
The contractor shall maintain concrete delivery tickets as a record for ready mixed concrete.
Concrete that has achieved initial set or has been contaminated by foreign matter shall not be deposited in the structure. Retempering or addition of water after concrete is first mixed shall not be allowed.
The addition of ice at the construction site is permitted only if it has been considered in the mix design. The concrete manufacturer shall provide written instructions on the required amount of ice and the mixing procedure.
Materials and equipment for protection and curing shall be operational at the placement site before placement begins.
Slabs shall be placed in alternating strips.
Curing and Protection 6.7.1
Concrete shall be cured and protected in accordance with ACI 301, Section 5.3.6, unless noted otherwise herein or in the contract documents.
Concrete not in contact with forms may utilize any of the methods indicated in ACI 301, Section, for the preservation of moisture. However, for interior concrete slabs, ponding, sprayed water, or wet sand shall not be used.
Liquid membrane curing compounds shall not be used on surfaces to receive bonded treatments, tiles, paint or other adhered finishes, epoxy toppings, or additional concrete, unless specified in the contract documents.
Process Industry Practices
PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
July 2001
Hydraulic structures shall be cured by a wet-cure procedure only. This includes the use of ponding, sprinkling, or a moisture-retaining fabric. Moist wood forms in contact with concrete shall not be considered as curing for hydraulic structures. Curing shall occur for a minimum of 14 days. Wall forms shall be loosened and water continually sprinkled between the wall and forms. Any structure designated as a hydraulic structure shall be noted on the design drawings.
Surface Finishing and Tolerances 6.8.1
All finished concrete shall be as stated below, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. The specified surface finish and correlating tolerance requirements shall be as defined in ACI 301, unless noted otherwise.
Equipment bases shall be finished with a floated finish. Stairs, steps, ramps, and walks shall be finished with a broom finish.
Interior floor slabs shall be finished with a trowel finish that will meet the conventional flat tolerance requirements of ACI 117.
Roads, area paving, and exterior slabs shall be finished with a broom or belt finish that will meet the conventional straightedged tolerance requirements of ACI 117.
Repair of Surface Defects 6.9.1
Tie holes, honeycombs, and other concrete surface defects shall be repaired as soon as practicable after form removal at such times and in such manner that shall not delay, interfere with, or impair the proper curing of the fresh concrete, unless otherwise specified or permitted by the engineer. The engineer shall be notified before proceeding with repair if the defect is greater than 3 inches (75 mm) deep (at the maximum point) and if the defect is larger than 150 square inches (100,000 square mm) in surface area, or if the depth is over 1/4 the thickness of the member and greater than 6 inches (150 mm) in any other direction.
Prepackaged grouts and patching compounds or a patching mortar similar to the concrete mix without coarse aggregate may be used with approval from the engineer. The color shall match the surrounding area.
Out-of-tolerance slabs shall be repaired by grinding down high points and/or raising low points by using a specified underlayment compound or repair topping if the areas are exposed.
Critical slab areas, as identified on the design drawings, must be replaced if out-of-tolerance. In this situation, the contractor shall submit a demolition and replacement plan to the engineer for review and approval before proceeding.
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
Hot and Cold Weather Concreting 6.10.1 During hot and cold weather, concrete supply and construction shall be in accordance with ACI 305R and ACI 306.1, respectively. Hot Weather
Where the combination of temperature, humidity, and wind velocity per ACI 305R, Figure 2.1.5, is expected to cause a rate of evaporation equal to or greater than 0.2 pounds per square foot per hour, the recommendations of ACI 305R shall be followed. Cold Weather
Where the minimum temperature criteria of ACI 301, Section, applies, ACI 306.1 shall be followed. 6.11
Architectural and Prestressed Concrete Refer to the contract documents for architectural and prestressed concrete requirements that are in addition to ACI 301 and this Practice.
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PIP STS03001 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
July 2001
Table 1 Supplier Data Requirements Type of Submittal For Approval Contractor's QA Program
For Record
When Required Weekly
Before With RFQ After Notice to Fabrication Submittal Proceed
Batch Plant and Truck Mixer Certification
Mix Designs
Trial Batch Qualification Test Results
Cement Certifications
Mineral Additive Certifications
Fine and Coarse Aggregate Certifications
Admixture Certifications
Material Suppliers, Sources, and Certifications
Manufacturer Spec's, certifications and Installation Instructions
Proposed Curing Methods
Reinforcing Bending Schedule and Placing Drawings
Certified Mill Test Reports for each bar size and heat number
Epoxy Coating Inspection Reports
Delivery Ticket
Compression Test Reports
Compression Breaks 500 psi (3500 KPa) or more below required
Water Testing Reports
Process Industry Practices
If applicable
7 days
7 days
If requested
If applicable With delivery
X Same day submittal 10 days
If applicable
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