Pilgrim Bank Case September 26, 2013 How much do profits vary across customers? Provide statistical support for your answer. Out of a sample of 31,634 Pilgrim Bank customers, from a population of 5 million total, an !ero
missing "alues, profits "ar# $iel#% &'e a"erage customer profitabilit# p rofitabilit# is (111%50% (111%50% &'e minimum "alue of t'is ata set is )(221 an an t'e ma*imum is (20+1% &'is escribes t'at t'ere is a "er# $ie range% &'e meian customer profitabilit# is ( an t'e stanar e"iation is (2+2%-4% See e*'ibit e*' ibit one% How does Pilgrim Bank make money from its customers and how can this explain the variation in customer profitability? Pilgrim Bank makes its profit from customers $it' components incluing t'e balance in eposit
accounts, t'e net interest sprea, t'e fees collecte b# ser"ing customers, an t'e interest from loans istribute% &'is can e*plain t'e "ariation in customer profitabilit# because customer accounts generate ifferent t#pes of re"enue for Pilgrim Bank% .ac' customer generates in"estment income b# keeping a eposit balance% /ees are assesse for c'ecking accounts, late pa#ments an o"errafts% &'is is an important re"enue source Pilgrim Pilgrim Bank% Since eac' customer "aries in 'o$ man# fees t'e# rack up, eac' customer accounts for a ifferent amount of t'e profitabilit# from t'is source% source% epening on t'e customer, a loan $ill be 'anle an t'e rate $ill be ecie upon% .ac' customer $oul create re"enue for t'e bank t'is $a# but not all $oul create t'e same amount% Are online customers more profitable than offline customers? Provide statistical support for your answer. answ er. &'e null '#pot'esis is t'at online an offline customers are no ifferent an t'e alternati"e
'#pot'esis is t'at t'ere is a ifference bet$een online an offline customers% ccoring to t'e ata, online an offline customers are no ifferent% e accept t'e null '#pot'esis an t'e
ifferences are not meaningful% Of t'e 31,634 customers in t'e sample, 3-54 are online customers an t'e remaining are offline customers% &'e ranges of t'ese t$o t#pes of c ustomers o"erlap% &'e customer profitabilit# minimum for offline an online customers is )(221 an t'e ma*imum is appro*imatel# (2000 for bot' as $ell% &'e a"erage profitabilit# is appro*imatel# (113 an stanar e"iation is appro*imatel# 2+5 for bot' t#pes% &'e meian for offline customers is nine an for online customers in t$el"e% n a 5 confience inter"al a t$o)sample t)test re"eale t'at t'e p)"alue is 0%210% Since t'is p)"alue is greater t'an t'e significance le"el alp'a of %05 $e cannot reect t'e null '#pot'esis% See e*'ibit t$o t'roug' fi"e% What is the role of customer demographics in comparing online and offline profitability? Provide statistical support for your answer. o emograp'ic pla#s a role in online an offline profitabilit#% &'e 78, or preictabilit# factor, is
0%05+% &'is is a $eak correlation because it is no$'ere near 9:) one% Onl# age, income an tenure 'a"e a positi"e relations'ip $it' profit% See e*'ibit si* an se"en% What is your recommendation to the senior management team in terms of Pilgrim Banks online channel pricing strategy? !hould the bank charge fees" offer rebates or do nothing in regards to pricing for online channel use? ;# recommenation is for Pilgrim Bank to conuct more e*ploration an researc' into $'at
makes a more profitable customer% Since $e o not 'a"e an insig't because no relations'ip e*ists bet$een online use an profitabilit#, $e cannot le"erage it using fees or rebates%
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