PHYSIOLOGY Pre-Boards 2006-2007 Muscle/Vision Neurotransitter Neurotransitter in!ol!ed in s"eletal uscle uscle contraction a# Acetylcholine c# $%ine%&rine '# Nore%ine%&rine d# G(B( )alciu in t&e cell o* soot& uscle 'inds +it& a# ,ro%onin ) c. Early relaxation '# Late relaation relaation (.P P &ead o* uscle --- bending (t t&e onset o* uscle contraction t&e initial source o* con*oration --- ATP for creatinine phosphate )ross 'rid1e lin"a1e 'et+een actin and osin is not %ossi'le +&en s"eletal uscle is at rest due to --- interference by tropomyosin molecule In ecitation contraction cou%lin1 +&at iediatel *ollo+s de%olari3ation o* trans!erse tu'ule --- diffusion of Ca ion from sarcoplasmic reticulum to myofilaments .urin1 s"eletal uscle t&e a# H 3one 'ecoes s&orter '# ( 'and 'and decrease in +idt& +idt&
c# I 'and reains unc&an1ed d. both a and c
,ro%oosin a. prevents prevents binding of actin actin & myosin myosin when when muscle muscle is at rest rest b. is a %rotein o* t&in o*i'ril
c# does not 'ind to )a d# all o* t&e a'o!e
4or" 4or" %er*orance is ne!er seen +&en t&e uscle is doin1 a# concentric c. isometric contraction '# eccentric d# a and ' ,etanus ,etanus is o'ser!e in s"eletal uscle i* e%osed to --- increase stimulation intensity 5uantal suation --- also known as graded multiple motor unit summation due to recruitment of motor unit ,rue o* s%at&etic ner!ous sste ece%t a# lon1er %ost1an1lionic '# arise *ro t&oracic t&oracic to lu'ar lu'ar ner!es
c# ca cata'olic in nature d. discrete and localied effect
)enters *or re1ulation o* cardio!ascular acti!it and *or res%iration are located in t&e a. s%inal coard c# cere'ral corte d# li'ic sste b. medu medull lla a oblo oblong ngat ata a (ll o* t&e *ollo+in1 &a!e nicotinic rece%tors ece%t a. radi radial al mus muscl clee of the the iris iris c# s"eletal uscle d# soot& uscle b. s+eat 1lands Bot& %aras%at&etic and s%at&etic %re1an1lionic *i'ers release a. Acetylch lcholine line c# Nore%ine%&rine d# L-do%aine b. $%ine%&rine 4&ic& o* t&e *ollo+in1 is/are not c&oliner1ic a# %re1an1lionic s%at&etic *i'er '# all %ost1an1lionic %ost1an1lionic %aras%at&etic %aras%at&etic *i'er
c# %re1an1lionic %aras%at&etic *i'er d. most preganglionic preganglionic sympathetic fiber
c# %a % aras%at&etic neuroe**ector d. both b and c
4&ic& o* t&e *ollo+in1 stateents re1ardin1 acetlc&oline acetlc&oline e**ect is incorrect a. decrease *r *reuenc o* S( node disc&ar1e c# decrease %a%illar diaeter d# increase sali!ar sali!ar secretion secretion b. decr decrea ease se intes intesti tina nall motili motility ty ,&e lar1est co%onent o* t&e %aras%at&etic %aras%at&etic di!ision is +&at )N8 a. vagus c# *acial d# 1losso%&arn1eal b. occulootor ,&e %aras%at&etic ner!e a. give give ris risee to to a more more loca locali lied ed '# are deri!ed *ro *ro t&e t&oracolu'ar t&oracolu'ar di!ision o* t&e t&e s%inal cord c# &as t&e adrena adrenall edul edulla la as its its 1an1 1an1lia lia d# &as a s&or s&ortt %re %re1an 1an1li 1lioni onicc *i'e *i'er r ,&e ecitator e**ects o* t&e s%at&etic di!ision are seen in all o* t&e *ollo+in1 ece%t a# dil dilator ator %u%i %u%illlae lae c. gastrointestinal tract '# cardiac uscle d# cutaneous 'lood !essels !essels
(ll !isceral e**ector cells are duall inner!ated ece%t a# s+eat 1lands c# sali!ar 1lands '# %ilootor uscle d. a and b Not a s%at&etic 1an1lion a. terminal ganglion b. esenteric 1an1lion
c# adrenal edulla d# 'ot& a and c
.MG %otentiates adrener1ic e**ects a# t&ose %re!ent reu%ta"e and N$ ' t&e %ost1an1lionic *i'ers '# t&ose t&at in&i'it M(O c# t&ose not interact +it& 'eta rece%tor d. all of the above .ru1s t&at interact t&e uscarinic rece%tors initiatin1 (c& a. potentiates cholinergic effect c# 'loc"s adrener1ic e**ect b. 'loc"s c&oliner1ic e**ect d# %otentiates s%at&etic e**ect )N6 inner!ates t&e ee uscle t&at +ill o!e t&e ee a. in+ard c# do+n and out b. outward d# u% and out Paras%at&etic e**ect o* t&e ee include t&e *ollo+in1 ece%t --- contraction o* t&e radial uscle 9e*ractin1 edia o* t&e ee include t&e *ollo+in1 ece%t a# cornea c. pupil '# lens d# aueous &uor ,&ese neurons connect t&e ee %&otorece%tors +it& one anot&er and %ro!ide t&e lateral in&i'it ec&anis in !isual neural circuitr a. 'i%olar c# aacrine cells b. horiontal cells d# 1an1lion cells O%tic c&ias ade u% o* a. te%oral *i'er *or 'ot& ees b. nasal fiber for both eyes
c# nasal *i'er *or t&e 9 ee and te%oral *i'er *or t&e L ee d# nasal *i'er *or t&e L ee and te%oral *i'er *or t&e 9 ee
Visual circuitr %resent in a# rods and cones '# 'i%olar cells
c# &ori3ontal cells d. all of the above
Mostl %resent in cones --- color !ision Hi1&est !elocit transittin1 cells a. 4 b. :
c. ! d# all o* t&e a'o!e
Ma1nocellular %at&+a --- movement 9i1&t o%tic radiation --- right nasal left temporal Point in t&e lens +&ere li1&t ras %ass +it&out re*raction --- nodal point ,&e re*racti!e %o+er o* t&e lens --- increase with an increasing in the curvature of the lens (ccoodation *or near !ision in!ol!es --- contraction of the ciliary muscle and decrease tension in the l ens ligament 4&ic& is not an o%tical de*ect o* an eetro%ic ee --- astigmatism In &%ero%ia --- retina is reached by the light rays before they come into focus In %res'o%ia --- decrease in amplitude of accommodation Not a c&aracteristic o* rods --- they have higher threshold for light Portion o* structure o* t&e %&otorece%tors contains t&e li1&t sensiti!e %&otoc&eical su'stance --- outer segment In dar" ada%tation true is --- resynthesis constriction )olor 'lindness u%on +a!elen1t& o* li1&t --- hue Blindness to red decrease %erce%tion to 1reen noral to 'lue --- protanopia Lesion to o%tic tract --- right homonymous hemianopsia Lesion to o%tic c&ias --- bilateral hemianopsia Sta'ili3e restin1 e'rane %otential o* Na --- increase extracellular Ca" concentration
Saltator conduction is %ossi'le 'ecause o* --- myelination of the fiber Visual accoodation in!ol!es +&ic& o* t&e ec&anis a. relaation o* ciliar uscle b. increase in the refractive power of the lens
c# t&e lens is &eld under tension d# t&e lens is %ulled into *lattened s&a%e
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