Physio Lab Formal Report EXP 2 SEC-E
Short Description
Experiment 2: Physiology of Nerve (Section E) Laboratory Report Maria Ronalee Dones, Vergel Vergel Jigs Enriquez, Annielle Cyreen Figueroa, Kym Gonzales
Department of Biologial !ienes College of !iene, "ni#ersity of !anto $omas Espa%a, Manila, &'ilippines
#ario #arious us spe speif ifie ie( ( parts parts t'at t'at fun funti tions ons in
The nerve is a specialized cell that recei eceive vess
and and
tran transm smit itss
elec electr tric ic
sign signal alss
reei# reei#ing ing an( transm transmitt itting ing signal signalss namely namely a2ons a2ons an( (en(ri (en(rites tes**
Den(ri Den(rites tes tran transpo sport rt
throughout the body. Voltage gated channels
eletr eletria iall signal signalss to t'e ell ell )o(y )o(y 3'erea 3'ereass
allow the passage an electric signal called an
a2ons a2ons )rin )ring g sign signal alss a3ay a3ay from from t'e t'e soma soma**
acti action on potent potentia ial. l. In this this exper experim iment ent,, the the
4eurons are lassifie( in t3o 3ays5 aor(ing
act action
to num)er of its e2tensions an( )ase( on t'e
potential, and conduction velocity of the
(ire (iret tio ion n of trans transmi miss ssio ion n of info inform rmat atio ion* n*
nerv nervee wer were dete determ rmin ined ed.. Resu Result ltss are are as
$'ere are t'ree types of neurons aor(ing to
follows: threshold voltage of the nerve is
t'e num)er of e2tensions* First, is a neuron
t'at is ompose( of a s'ort e2tension (i#i(e(
volt oltage, ge,
com compound
%.%!mV&the %.%!mV&the absolute refractory period of the
exam examin ined ed nerv nervee is %.'m %.'mse sess in whic which h the the
funtioning as an a2on an( t'e seon( )ran'
relat elativ ivee
imme immedi diat atel elyy
as a (en(rite* $'is type of neuron is alle(
follows and lastly, lastly, nerve conduction velocity
pseu(ounipolar neurons* !eon(, is a neuron
is %.%% m(s.
t'at ontains se#eral (en(rites ra(iating from
refra efract ctor oryy
peri period od
t'e soma toget'er 3it' a single long a2on*
$'is neuron is terme( as multipolar neurons*
A neur neuron on is a spei speiali alize ze( ( ell ell t'at t'at
$'e t'ir( an( last type of neuron aor(ing to
forms t'e )asi unit of t'e ner#ous system* +t
t'e t'e amou amount nt of e2te e2tens nsio ions ns are are t'e t'e )ipo )ipola lar r
is responsi)le in reei#ing an( transmitting
neuro neurons ns** $'is $'is neur neuron on 'as 'as t3o t3o e2te e2tens nsio ions ns
mess messag ages es in a form form of ele eletr tro o'e 'emi mia all
e2'i e2'i)i )iti ting ng
impulses Morgan - Bloom, .//01* +t 'as
lassi lassifi fiati ation on of neuron neuronss are )ase( )ase( on t'e
simi simila larr
leng lengt' t's* s*
$'e $'e
seo seon( n(
(iretion of information transmission* "n(er
t'is type are sensory neurons, motor neurons
$'is sequene (emonstrates t'e ation
an( interneurons* !ensory neurons reei#e
potential stimulation* Ation potentials are
signals from sensory organs an( transmit
t'ese signals t'roug' t'e a2on into t'e entral
ommuniation among neurons use( )y t'e
ner#ous system* 6n t'e ot'er 'an(, motor
neurons on(ut signals7information from t'e
&almer - !tuart, .//01* +t is pro(ue( )y t'e
orte2 into t'e spinal or( an( e#entually to
opening an( losing of #oltage'en t'e ma2imum CA& amplitu(e 3as aquire(, inreasing t'e
4er#es are go#erne( )y t'e allit' an inter#al of .;/mse an( 8.;mse, a
return to a resting potential* $'e relati#e
refratory perio( imme(iately follo3s t'e
Ho3e#er, 3'en t'e inter#al 3as lo3ere( to
a)solute refratory perio(* +n t'e relati#e
0/mse, a seon( ation potential 3as not
refratory perio(, a seon( ation potential
o)ser#e(* +t 3as only 3'en t'e stimulus
an )e pro(ue( at a 'ig'er stimulus*
#oltage 3as raise( to /mV t'at a seon( ation potential 3as o)ser#e(* >'en t'e inter#al 3as furt'er (erease( to /mse, it nee(e( I;mV stimulus to generate a seon( potential*
refratory perio( of t'e ner#e, t'e ma2imum amount of stimulus, 0/mV, 3as applie(* A 0/mV stimulus generate( a seon( potential 3'en t'e inter#als 3ere lo3ere( to 8;mse an( *;mse* Ho3e#er, a 0/mV stimulus
A.3. Determination of nerve conduction Velocity $'e on(ution #eloity an )e easily alulate( )y :no3ing )ot' t'e (istane t'e ation potential tra#els or )et3een CA&8 (81 an( CA&. (.1 t'e amount of time it ta:es* Veloity 'as t'e units of (istane per time or m7s*
+n $a)le , t'e gi#en #alue for t'e (istane )et3een reor(ing eletro(es is
Compoun( Ation &otential Refratory
/*8m1 )ut sine t'e ta)le )elo3 is in m, /*8
is on#erte( to 8/m* $'e time inter#al
n*(*1* Retrie#e( from
)et3een CA&8 an( CA&. is /*/s )ut sine
t'e ta)le )elo3 is in ms, /*/ is on#erte( to
/ms* $'en using t'e formula Goo(man, B* &*, Harper, C* M*, - Boon, A* J* .//=1* &rolonge( ompoun( musle ation potential (uration in ritial $a)le * Calulation of Con(ution Veloity
illness myopat'y* Musle - 4er#e Musle 4er#e, I/01, 8/I/
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