Physics p3 Experiment

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Physics Paper 3 - Section B


PHYSICS 4531/3 SPM 2011

PAPER 3 Marking Scheme Included



Physics Paper 3 - Section B

(vi) Describe how to control the manipulated variables and how to measure the responding variables. (vii) The way to tabulate the data. (viii) The way to analyse the data [10 marks]


Diagram 3 shows two catapults A and B made from same catapult rubber. Difference forces are applied on the catapults.


A man who is fishing, pulled out a fish out of the water as shown in Diagram 3.1. It becom es more difficult to pull out the fish out of the water and the rod is getting bender in Diagram 3.2.

Base on the information and observation above: (a) State one suitable inference. [1 mark] (b) State one suitable hypothesis. [1 mark] (c) With the use of apparatus such as spring, retort stands and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). (i) The aim of the experiment (ii) The variables in the experiment (iii) The list of apparatus and materials (iv) The arrangement of the apparatus (v) The procedure of the experiment. (vi) Describe how to control the manipulated variables and how to measure the responding variables. (vii) The way to tabulate the data. (viii) The way to analyse the data [10 marks] 2.

A boy pushes the boxes along a level walkway as shown in Diagram 3.1. The boy experiences that the boxes on trolley move slowly. When the boy removes two of the boxes as shown in Diagram 4.2, he experiences that the trolley move faster than before although the same force was applied, 8 N.

Diagram 3.1

Based on the information and your observation above: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as measuring cylinder, spring balance, metal rod and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b)


Diagram 3.1 shows a diver is diving into the sea. Diagram 3.2 shows a diver is diving into the swimming pool. They are at the same depth but the diver in Diagram 3.1 feel that his ear was sick.

Diagram 3.1

Based on the information and obsevation above : (a) State one suitable inference. [1 mark] (b) State one suitable hypothesis. [1 mark] (c) With the use of apparatus such as a trolley, ticker timer, ticker tape, elastic cord and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b). In your description, state clearly the following : (i) The aim of the experiment (ii) The variables in the experiment (iii) The list of apparatus and materials (iv) The arrangement of the apparatus (v) The procedure of the experiment.

Diagram 3.2

Diagram 3.2

Based on the observation above and your knowledge of pressure in liquid; (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as thistle funnel, meter ruler and others, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b)


Physics Paper 3 - Section B


Diagram 3.1 shows an aluminium foil which has been shaped into a boat and put into a water container. Diagram 3.2 shows the same piece of aluminium foil that has been crumpled and put into the same water container.

Based on the above information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as a measuring cylinder, a metal rod, spring balance and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).

Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis (c) With the use of apparatus such as a Bourdon gauge and the other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).


Diagram 3.1 shows a half glass of hot coffee that is left for ten minutes. Diagram 3.2 shows a full glass of similar hot coffee that is left for the same time. It is notice that the hot coffee in Diagram 3.1 cools down faster than Diagram 3.2.

Diagram 3.1

Before going to Johor Bahru, Afiff measures the air pressure of the tyres of his car, as shown in Diagram 3. He noticed that the air pressure one of the tyres is 200 kPa. At Johor Bahru, Afiff measured the air pressure. He found that the air pressure in tyre has increased to 240 kPa. Afiff also found that the tyre become hot after he arrived at Johor Bahru. However the size of the tyre remains the same.

Diagram 3.2

Based on the information and observation above: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as immersion heater, beaker and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). 7.


Diagram 3.1 shows a worker pushing down on the piston of a clogged bicycle pump. Diagram 3.2 shows the same worker finding it harder to push the piston further down.

Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as Bourdon gauge, a round bottom flask and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in Question 3(b).


Physics Paper 3 - Section B


(c) With the use of apparatus such as power supply, beaker, immersion heater and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in Question 3(b).

Diagram 3.1 shows an inverted beaker contains an air trapped is converted and immersed in the water. Diagram 3.2 shows the volume of air trapped in the beaker decreased when the beaker is pushed down in the water.


Diagram 3.1 shows a student using a convex lens to form a sharp image of a lamp at the ceiling. Diagram 3.2 shows the student using another convex lens to form a sharp image of the lamp.

Based on your observation on the volume of air trapped in the beaker; (a) State one suitable inference, (b) State one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated, (c ) With use of apparatus such as a syringe , thick rubber tube and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b) Diagram 3.1 10.

Diagram 3.1 shows two pot, X and Y, with X containing more water than Y. Both the pot are heated. After a few minutes it was observed that the water in pot Y is hotter than the water in pot X.

Diagram 3.2

Observe the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the image in both situations. Based on the observation: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such as convex lenses, a screen and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). 13.

Diagram 3.1 shows a line under a glass block. Diagram 3.2 shows an identical line under a Perspex block of the same size. An observer noticed that the image of the line formed in the glass block is nearer to the surface of the block.

Diagram 3.1 Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as beaker, thermometer immersion heater and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in Question 3(b). 11.

Diagram 3.1 shows a boy accidentally spilt a few drops of hot noodle soup onto his hand and felt slight pain. Later on, he accidentally spilt the whole bowl of hot noodle soup onto

Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference, (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such as a tall beaker, water and other apparatus and material, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2 Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated


Physics Paper 3 - Section B


Diagram 4.1 shows a boy standing beside the road and a motorcycle moving towards the boy from a far distance. Diagram 4.2 shows that the boy has to close his ears when the motorcycle has come nearer to him.

Diagram 4.1

Diagram 4.2 Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus shown in Diagram 4.3 and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).

Based on the information and the observation above: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as ripple tank, stroboscope and other suitable apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b). 16.


Diagram 4 shows a man testing a newly bought audio system in a mini theatre by changing his seating position. Loud sound can only be obtained at some seating positions with a certain distance from the loudspeaker.

Diagram 4.1 and diagram 4.2 shows the interferance patterns formed by two continuous coherent water waves with different distance between two spherical dippers.


Physics Paper 3 - Section B

Based on the observation above and your knowledge on waves phenomena; (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such as an audio generator, loudspeakers and other apparatus, describe an experimental framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). 17.

(c) With the use of apparatus such as d.c. motor (12V), slotted weight and others apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b). 19.

Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show an identical bulbs connected to the conductor wires of identical length but of different thickness. When the power supply is switched on, the bulbs lighted with different brightness.

Diagram 4 shows two audio technicians is going to set a close hall so that the audient can enjoy the sound perform by a singer clearly. When the workers bring the two speakers closely to another, the distance beside two chairs must be set further apart so that the sound effect is good enough. The works can be illustrated as shown in the Diagram 4.

Based on the situation above, (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such loudspeakers, audio signal generator and others to set your apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one hypothesis that could investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such as a dry cells, constantan wire and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).


Diagram 4.1 shows a worker lifting a load using a reel and a pulley. The worker notices that it takes a longer time to lift a heavier load to the top of the building.


Diagram 4.1 shows a lamp which lights up with normal brightness when the dimmer knob is set at its minimum value. Diagram 4.2 shows the lamp dimmer when the dimmer knob is set at its maximum value.

Diagram 4.1 Based on the situation above, (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated.


Physics Paper 3 - Section B

an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). 22.

Diagram 4.1


Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated (c) With the use of apparatus such as dry cells, constantan wire, and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).

Diagram 4.2

Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis (c) With the use of apparatus such as constantan wire , voltmeter and the other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).

Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show two night market stalls which are fixed with two identical bulbs that are connected to two identical car batteries 12 V with different length of connecting wires. Both bulbs bright up with different brightness.


Diagram 4.1 and 4.2 shows the electric circuit consists with an electric bells, switch and battery. When the switch is closed, it is observes that the bell in Diagram 4.2 rings louder than the bell in Diagram 4.1. Both electric bells in each diagram are same.

Diagram 4.1 shows Aminah ironing her school uniform. After the iron is switched on for a while, there are still wrinkles on the uniform. Diagram 4.2 shows that the wrinkles are gone when the temperature control knob as shown in figure 4.3 on the iron is turned.

Based on the observation above and your knowledge of electromagnet; (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as solenoid, paper clips and othersdescribe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b)

Based on the observation on Diagram 4.1, Diagram 4.2 and Diagram 4.3 and using your knowledge of the effect of current on heating: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis (c) With the use of apparatus such as beaker, an ammeter, an immersion heater and the other apparatus, describe


Physics Paper 3 - Section B


Diagram 4.1 and 4.2 show the electric bell which is connected to the similar batteries.

When the switch is on, the bell in figure 4.2 ring loudly than the bell in figure 4.1. Based on your observation (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated (c ) With use of apparatus such as a insulated copper wire , small iron pins and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b) 25.


Diagram 4.1 shows a cross-section of a bicycle dynamo which has a magnet and coil of insulated copper wire. The output of the dynamo is connected to a bicycle lamp. The lamp will light up when the magnet is rotated by turning the wheel. The light gets brighter when the wheel turns faster.

Based on the above information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such as coil of copper wire, galvanometer, crocodile clips and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).

Diagram 4.1 shows an electromagnetic lifting machine used to lift scrap metal. Diagram 4.2 shows the observation of the machine when the current flows through the machine is increased.

Base on the information and observation above: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as copper wire, soft iron core and other apparatus describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).


MARKING SCHEME PHYSICS PAPER 3-SECTION B CHAPTER 2 Questions No. 1 (a) The length of catapult rubber depends on the force (b) The bigger the force, the longer the extension of the catapult rubber (c) To investigate the relationship between the force and extension of a spring Manipulated variable : Force Responding variable : Extension Constant variable : Length of the spring//diameter of the spring//type of spring Spring, retort stand, ruler, slotted weight State a functionable arrangement of the apparatus Measure the initial length of the spring, l1 Put one slotted mass, 20 g/m1 at the end of the spring. Measure the length of the spring, l2 Calculate extension of the spring, x = l2 – l1 Repeat the experiment for the mass 40g, 60g, 80g, 100g. Tabulate the data



CHAPTER 3 Questions No. 3 (a) The buoyant force can be determined by finding the weight of water displaced (b) The more the rod is immersed, the lower the reading on the spring balance (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between weight of water displaced and the buoyant force (ii) Manipulated : length of rod below the liquid level Responding : weight/ loss in weight Constant : Density of liquid (iii) Beaker, rod, spring balance, metre rule (iv)

Plot graph of extension /length of spring against force/mass

Questions No. 2 (a) Acceleration is influenced by the mass (b) When the mass increased, the acceleration will be decreased. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the acceleration and the mass. (ii) Manipulated variable : mass Responding variable : acceleration Constant : Force applied (iii) 5 Trolleys, ticker timer, ticker tape, a rubber band, a wooden runway, 12 V a.c power supply, ruler (iv)



The ticker-timer is switched on and a trolley (of 1 kg) is pulled using a rubber band. The extension of the rubber band is ensured to be of the same length Acceleration of the trolley is calculated using the tickertape. a = ( v-u ) / t Procedure 2 and Procedure 3 are repeated using 2, 3, 4 and 5 trolleys


A rod which is 10 cm long is marked at intervals of 1 cm and suspended from the hook of a spring balance. The experiment is started by lowering the rod to depth of 5.0 cm and reading on the spring balance, W is recorded. The length of rod below the liquid level is measured and the reading on the spring balance is recorded. The experiment is repeated by lowering the rod to different depths, i.e,H = 6.0 cm, 7.0 cm, 8.0 cm and 9.0 cm (vi) Tabulate the data :


Questions No. 4 (a) The density of the water affects the pressure (b) As the density increase , the different level/pressure increase. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the density of liquid and the pressure/ different level. (ii) MV : density

RV : pressure //different level CV : Depth (iii) Tall beaker, small thistle funnel, flexible tube, manometer, meter rule, retort stand, liquids (iv)

(viii) Analysis of data: Draw a graph of weight, W against height, h


Insert the thistle funnel vertically down to the bottom of the beaker of liquid density of 1.2 gcm-3 Measure the different level in manometer, l. Repeat the experiment 4 time using another liquid with different density such as 1.5 gcm-3. 2.0 gcm-3, 3.0 gcm-3 3.5 gcm-3 and 4.0 gcm-3 (vi) Record the data

CHAPTER 4 Questions No. 6 (a) (b) (c)

(vii) Plot graph pressure against density. Questions No. 5 (a) The different shape of platisicine , give different buoyant force (b) When the surface area increase, the buoyant force increase (c) Aim of experiment : To determine the buoyant force acting on an object in different states of flotation (i) Manipulated variable:Height of the iron bar (ii) Responding variable:Reading of the spring balance (iii) Fixed/ constant variables:Volume of the water (iv) List of apparatus and materials Measuring cylinder, a metal rod, spring balance and metre rule, beaker, water, retord stand (v) Arrangement of apparatus

The change in temperature of water depends on its volume / mass When the volume / mass increases, change in temperature decreases (i) To investigate the relationship between the volume / mass and temperature (ii) Manipulated variable : volume / mass of water Responding variable : change in temperature Fixed variable : heating time (iii) Power supply, immersion heater, connecting wires, beaker, stirrer, thermometer, water, measuring cylinder / balance , heater and stop watch (iv)



(vi) Procedure The meter rule was clipped to the retort stand beside of the iron bar. The height of the iron bar is set at h = 20.0 cm. The iron bar is immersed into the water. The reading of the spring balance is recorded. 4. Step 2 and 3 is repeated for the height, h= 25.0 cm, 30.0cm, 35.0 cm and 40.0 cm. (vii) Tabulation of data


20 cm3//g of water is heated by an immersion heater for 5 minutes. Final temperature is recorded after 5 minutes. Repeat step 1 and 2 using 40 cm3, 60 cm3, 80 cm3 and 100 cm3 of water

(iv) Questions No. 7 (a) The force // weight affects the volume of the gas The pressure affects the volume of the gas (b) When the pressure of a fixed mass of gas decreases , the volume of the gas increases//The bigger the acting force the smaller the volume of the gas // The bigger the acting force the smaller the volume of the gas // The greater the weight the smaller the volume of the gas. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship the pressure and the volume of the gas (ii) MV : Pressure of gas , V RV : Volume of gas , P CV: Temperature and mass of the gas. (iii) 100 cm3 glass syringe , rubber tube , Bourdon gauge , load, triple beam balance , retort stand. (iv)

Weight is added onto the piston until the Bourdon gauge shows a reading 10 Pa Record the enclosed volume, V , of the syringe Repeat the experiment by increasing the pressure to 15 Pa , 20 Pa, 25 Pa and 30 Pa. (vi) Tabulate the data.



Read thermometer when the temperature reach 30°C. At the same time, read the bourdon gauge to get the reading of gas pressure. Stir the water continuously, and repeat the experiment when the temperature reach 40°C, 50°C, 60°C and 70°C. (vi) Tabulate the data


(vii) Plot graph V against P.

(vii) Plot the graph pressure against temperature

Questions No. 9 (a) Pressure depends on volume// Volume influences pressur (b) When the volume decrease , the pressure increase , (c) To investigate the relationship between volume and pressure (i) Manipulated : volume (ii) Responding : pressure (iii) Fixed : mass of gas // temperature (iv) Syringe, clip , thick rubber tube, bourdon gauge .

Questions No. 8 (a) Pressure depends on temperature (b) The higher the temperature, the higher the pressure (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the air pressure and its temperature (ii) Manipulated : temperature Responding : pressure Fixed : volume / mass of gas (iii) Round-bottomed flask, glass tube, bourdon gauge, thermometer, rubber tube, retort stand, tripod stand, Bunsen burner, stirrer, beaker, wire gauze, water, water bath. (v) The piston of the 100 cm-3 syringe is adjusted until the volume of air in the syringe at atmospheric pressure.The other end of the rubber tube is connected tppo bourdon gauge and the pressure of the air in the syringe is read on the gauge. The piston of the syringe is pushed in until the enclosed volume is 98 cm3 / V1.

The pressure on the Bourdon gauge is recorded. The steps is repeated for an enclosed volume of 96 cm3/V2, 94 cm3/V3, 92cm3/V4, 90 cm3/V5


Questions No. 10 (a) The mass // volume affects the rise in temperature // temperature (b) The greater the mass // volume, the smaller the rise in temperature // temperature (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the mass and rise in temperature (of water) (ii) Manipulated variable : Mass Responding variable : Increase in temperature Fixed variable : Heat supplied // Time of heating // Power of the heater (iii) Beaker, water, thermometer, immersion heater, stopwatch, balance for measuring mass (iv) Draws a labeled and functional diagram of the set up of the apparatus (v) Put a mass of 100 g of water in a beaker Switch on the heater for 5 minutes and record the temperature rise Repeat the experiment with 150 g, 200 g, 250 g and, 300 g of water. (vi) Tabulate the data

(vii) The graph of temperature rise against mass is drawn

Questions No. 11 (a) The heat/ time taken of the water depends on its mass/volume (b) The greater the mass/volume, the time taken increase (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the time taken and mass/volume (ii) Manipulated variable : mass/volume Responding variable : Time taken Constant variable : Initial temperature/specific heat capacity/ changes in temperature (iii) Power supply, thermometer, beaker, immersion heater, stirrer (iv)

The 20 g of water is filled in the beaker. The initial temperature, Ө0, of water is recorded. The heater is switched on until the water boiled. The time taken for the water is observed and recorded/ The heat is calculated. Repeat with masses of boiling water 40 g, 60 g, 80 g and 100 g.

(vi) Tabulate the table


CHAPTER 5 Questions No. 12 (a) To investigate the relationship between the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length (b) The greater the thickness of the lens, the smaller the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length (ii) Manipulated variable : Thickness of the lens Responding variable : distance from the lens to the screen focal length / f (Note: Constant variable can be ignored) (iii) Convex lenses, screen, metre rule, lens holder (iv)



A convex lens with thickness 0.4 cm is placed in front of a screen The screen is adjusted until a sharp image of a distant object is obtained and the distance between the lens and the screen is measured. The previous steps are repeated using convex lenses of thickness 0.6 cm, 0.8 cm, 1.0 cm and 1.2 cm

(vii) The graph f agianst d is plotted Questions No. 13 (a) Apparent depth depends on the density/type of block/material (b) When the density (of material) increase, the apparent depth decrease/depth of image (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between density and apparent depth/depth of the image (ii) manipulated V : density// mass of salt responding V : apparent depth/depth of image fixed V : real depth , volume water(ignore the change of volume of water + salt ) (iii) Tall Beaker/cylinder, pin, retort stand, water, salt, meter rule, triple beam balance (iv)


Fill the beaker with ( V = 1000 cm3 ) water. Put the 20 g of salt into the beaker and stir . Place a pin O into the water. Adjust the position of the pin I (at the retort stand) by observing above the beaker until it appears in line with the image Measure the apparent depth of the straight line,d. Repeat the experiment with( different four densities of liquids) by mixing the mass of salt , m = 30g , 40g, 50g, and 60g .

CHAPTER 6 Questions No. 14 (a) The loudness of the sound depends on the distance (between the source and the observer (b) The smaller the distance (between the source and the observer), the louder the sound (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the loudness of a sound and the distance (between the source and the observer) (ii) Manipulated variable : distance, d Responding variable : loudness of sound (amplitude, a) (Note: Constant variable can be ignored) (iii) Audio signal generator, loudspeaker, cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO), microphone, meter rule / measuring tape (iv)


The microphone is placed at a distance, d = 20.0 cm from the loudspeaker The amplitude, a, of the trace on the screen of the is measured. The procedure was repeated for the values of distance, d = 30.0 cm, 40.0 cm, 50.0 cm and 60.0 cm



(vii) A graph of a against d is drawn


Questions No. 15 (a) The distance between two spherical dippers affects the distance between two constructive/destructive interference. (b) The distance between two constructive/destructive interferente decrease when the distance between 2 spherical dippers. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the distance between 2 spherical dippers and the distance beteen 2 constructive /destructive interference. (ii) Mv : The distance between 2 spherical dippers Rv : the distance between 2 constructive /destructive interference. Fv: Depth of the water// speed of the motor// the perpendicular distance between the 2 spherical dippers and the place where the interference pattern is observed. (iii) Ripple tank, power supply, white paper and ruler (iv)


Two spherical dippers are attached to the water The distance between spherical dippers on the screen are adjusted to a = 5.0cm The distance between 2 constructive /destructive interference on the scree n , x is measured with the ruler and Repeat the previous step by increasing the distance between 2 spherical recorded. dippers. a =6cm,7cm,8cm and 9cm.

(v) Setting up of apparatus is as shown in diagram above. Switch on the audio generator. A student walked slowly along a parallel straight line at a distance, D = 5.0 m from the loudspeakers using a metre rule /measuring tape. The distance, x between two successive positions of loud


sounds is measured using a metre rule. The experiment is repeated for D = 1.0m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m, 2.5 m and 3.0m. (iii) Tabulate the data


(vii) Plot the graph x against D

Questions No. 16 (a) The distance between two successive loud, x sound depends on the distance from the loudspeakers, D (b) The distance between two loud sounds, x increases as the distance of separation of two sources, a increases. / the longer the distance between two loud sounds, x ,the longer the distance from the loudspeakers, D (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between distance, x and distance, D (ii) Manipulated : Distance between the observer and loudspeakers, D Responding : Distance between two successive positions of loud sounds, x. Fixed : Distance between the two loudspeaker, a, frequency of audio generator (iii) Audio signal generator, two identical loudspeakers, connecting wires and metre ruler (iv)

Questions No. 17 (a) The distance between 2 loud speaker affect the distance between 2 loud or soft sound (b) When the distance between two coherent sources of sound is increase, the distance between two consecutive constructive or destructive interference is decrease. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between two coherent sources and the distance between two consecutive constructive and destructive interference. (ii) Manipulated : Distance between two coherent sources, a Responding : Distance between two consecutive constructive or destructive Interference,x Constant : Distance between the source and the screen. (iii) Loud speaker, audio signal/frequency generator, connection wire, power supply, measuring tape. (iv)


By using a metre rule the distance between the listener from the loudspeaker is measured= D The audio-frequency generator is switched on. Use a distance between two loud speaker, a= 1.0m. The listener is requested to walk in a straight path from left to right. The distance between two successive loud regions is measured by a metre rule = x The experiment is repeated using a distance between two loud speaker a=1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m and 3.0m.

(vi) Tabulate the data

Questions No. 19 (a) Resistance// brightness of bulb depends on the diameter/thickness of the conductor wire (b) When the diameter/thickness increase, the resistance decrease (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the diameter /thickness of the conductor wire and resistance (ii) Manipulated : diameter / thickness Responding : resistance / voltage Constant : length of conductor (iii) Dry cells, insulated constantan wire, connector wire, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat , switch, meter rule (iv)


CHAPTER 7 Questions No. 18 (a) The time to reach the top depends on the mass // The current supply depends on the mass (b) When the mass increases, time / current increases (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the mass and time / current (ii) Manipulated variable : mass Responding variable : time / current Fixed variable : height (iii) Battery / DC power supply, slotted mass, connecting wires, 12V DC motor, pulley (iv)


A 20 cm length of constantan wire of diameter of 0.1 mm is connected to a circuit as shown in diagram above. Adjust the rheostat and until the ammeter reading is I = (0.2A). Measure the corresponding reading on the voltmeter, V Calculate the resistance of conductor using equation; R = V/I Repeat the experiment with the diameter of constantan wire , 0.2 mm , 0.3 mm, 0.4mm and 0.5mm.






20 g of slotted mass is lifted by a motor to a height of 1 m. The time taken to reach the top is recorded // The ammeter reading is recorded. Repeat step 1 and 2 using 40 g, 60 g, 80 g and 100 g of slotted mass

Questions No. 20 (a) The brightness // dimness of bulb is affected by the length of wire (b) The longer the wire , the higher the resistance // the smaller the current (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the length of wire and the resistance // the current flow (ii) MV : length of wire,l RV : resistance ,R // Current ,I CV : diameter of wire // thickness of wire // cross sectional area of wire // temperature of wire (iii) Ammeter , voltmeter , rheostat , constantan wire , dry cells , meter ruler , connecting wire (iv)


Manipulated variable : length Responding variable : Current/Resistance Constant variable : Potential difference/Temperature/Diameter (iii) Ammeter, voltmeter, dry cells, constantan wires, ruler (iv)


Measure the length of a constantan wire with a ruler , l = 10 cm The switch is on and adjust rheostat until ammeter reading shows current , I = 0.5 A Record the potential difference from voltmeter , V Calculate the resistance , R = V / I Repeat the experiment by using constantan wire of l = 15.0 cm, 20 cm , 25 cm , 30 cm and 35.0 cm. (vi) Tabulate the data


The length of wire is measured at 10 cm. The current is observed and recorded using the ammeter/ The resistance is calculated. Repeat with different lengths of 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm and 50 cm. (vi) Tabulate the data

(vii) Plot the graph R against l (vii)

Questions No. 21 (a) The heating effect of a conductor is affected by magnitude of the current. (b) The larger the current, the higher the temperature of the water which is being heated (c) (i) To investigate the effect of current on heating (ii) MV : current ,I RV : temperature , θ CV : volume of water (iii) Beaker, ammeter, immersion heater, thermometer, connecting wire, rheostat and stop watch (iv) Draws a labeled and functional diagram of the set up of the apparatus. (v) Pour 200cm3 of water into the beaker and measure its temperature. Switch on the circuit and adjust the rheostat until the reading of ammeter is 1.0 A. The stop watch is started. The final temperature is recorded after 2 minutes. Step repeated by adjusting the rheostat so that the ammeter readings are 2.0 A, 3.0 A, 4.0 A and 5.0 A.

CHAPTER 8 Questions No. 23 (a) The electric current affects the loudness of the bell // The loudness of the bell depends on the electric current (b) The strength of an electromagnet increases as the current increases (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between electric current and the strength of an electromagnet (ii) Manipulated variable : electric current Responding variable : strength of an electromagnet Constant variable : number of turn solenoid // soft iron core (iii) Ammeter, connection wires, rheostat, retort stand, ,switch, d.c. supply , soft iron core, solenoid, small iron nails and plastic container. (iv)

(vi) Tabulate the data

(vii) The graph of increased in temperature against current is drawn

Questions No. 22 (a) The length of wire affects the resistance/current (b) The shorter the wire, the higher the current/the resistance is decrease (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the length of wire and current/resistance


The switch is closed. The reading of the ammeter is recorded = I The end of the solenoid is dipped into the plastic container full of small iron nails The plastic container is removed and the number of nails attached to the electromagnet is counted = N The experiment is repeated 5 times with different value of current by adjusting the rheostat. (vi) Tabulate the data

(vii) Plot graph N against I Questions No. 24 (a) Magnetic field strength depends on the number of turns (b) The magnetic field strength will increase when the number of turns increase (c) To investigate the relationship between magnetic field strength and number of turn on the coil (i) manipulated : number of turns (ii) responding : magnetic field strength //number of small iron pin (iii) Fixed : size of current// type of core (iv) Retort stand, soft iron core, connector wire, PVC insulated copper wire, small iron pin, ammeter, rheostat , battery/ power supply

Questions No. 25 (a) The amount of lifted scrap metal depends on the current (b) The higher the current, the stronger the electromagnetism. (c) To investigate the relationship between the current and the electromagnetism. (i) - Manipulated variable : Current - Responding variable : Electromagnetism - Constant variable : Number of turns (ii) Copper wire, soft iron, ammater, rheostat, batteries, pins/paper Clips (iii) State a functionable arrangement of the apparatus (iv) Adjust the rheostat to supply a current, I1 / 0.1A (v) Count the number of pins/paper clips attract by the electromagnet (vi) Adjust the rheostat for 4 different current 0.2A, 0.3A, 0.4A and 0.5A.(Repeat at least 4 times) (vii) Tabulate the data

(viii) Plot graph of number of pins against current // graph



The soft iron core is wound with 20 turns of insulated copper wire and set up as shown in diagram above. The switch is turned on and the rheostat adjusted until the ammeter Reading is 1.0 A. The beaker containing small steel pin then brought near the iron core. Count and record the number of small iron pin attached to the soft Iron core. Repeat the experiment by winding the soft iron core with, 30 turns, 40 turns, 50 turns and 60 turns.

Questions No. 26 (a) The faster the speed, the brighter the bulb . (b) The brightness of the light is influenced by the speed of the wheel. (c) When the speed increased, the current in the coil produced increased (i) Aim of experiment : To determine the relationship between the velocity of the magnet and the magnitude of the induced current (ii) Manipulated variable :Speed of the magnet Responding variable :Galvanometer reading Fixed/ constant variables :Number of turns in the coil (iii) List of apparatus and materials Galvanometer, connecting wire, permanent bar magnet, a coil of copper wire, meter rule, retort stand. (iv) Arrangement of apparatus




Procedure: The meter rule is clipped to the retort stand beside the copper wire that coiled to a solenoid. The height of the bar magnet is set at h = 100 cm The bar magnet is released into the solenoid. Reading of the galvanometer is recorded


The experiment is repeated for the height, h= 80cm, 60 cm, 40 cm and 20 cm. Tabulation of data


(vii) Analysis of data: Draw a graph of V against h

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