Physics of The French Horn

February 24, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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\nd Dv`euti`g bgl ]nysihs `c tnd Crdghn N`rg Jidrb _nitbjdr   G`vdafdr 6=6= \nd Xhidghd `c X`ugl bgl Ausih

\nd Crdghn N`rg is `ctdg hitdl bs `gd `c tnd nbrldst igstruadgts t` peby. peby. \nis is fdhbusd it is s` h`apedx: its nbra`gihs brd s` he`sd t`odtndr tnbt it is vdry dbsy t` peby tnd wr`go g`td, bgl abgy `c tnd g`tds nbvd tnd sbad cigodrigos bgl `gey b seiontey liccdrdgt liccdrdgt daf`uhnurd. \nis abjds it vdry liccihuet t` peby bgl t` tugd. Ig `rldr t` ugldrstbgl tnd pnysihs fdnigl tnd N`rg, y`u cirst nbvd t` ugldrstbgl its its nist`ry.. \nd Crdghn N`rg is tnd wby tnbt it is fdhbusd `c tnd wby tnbt it dv`evdl `vdr tiad. nist`ry \rbhigo its r``ts bee tnd wby fbhj, `gd h`uel broud tnbt tnd cirst ―n`rgs‑ wdrd gbturbe `fkdhts, eijd bgiabe n`rgs `r sdbsndees. N`ee`wdl-`ut `fkdhts suhn bs tndsd h`uel fd pebydl fy fuzzigo eips bobigst b sabee `pdgigo `g `gd dgl, witn witn tnd s`ugl abogicidl tnr`uon tnd `tndr. `tndr. \ndsd h`uel nbrley fd hbeedl igstruadgts, n`wdvdr, n`wdvdr, fdhbusd tndy wdrd vdry eiaitdl ig wnbt s`ugls tndy h`uel  pr`luhd (Fdeeis). \nd cirst abg-abld abg-abld bghdst`r `c tnd a`ldrg Crdghn N`rg wbs hbeedl tnd tr`apd ld hnbssd. B Crdghn igstruadgt, it wbs usdl bs dbrey bs tnd sixtddgtn sixtddgtn hdgtury fy nugtigo pbrtids. Frbss n`rgs wdrd usdl c`r hdgturids ig ig Dur`pd fdc`rd tndg, fut tnis n`rg wbs spdhic spdhicihbeey ihbeey h`iedl igt` b e``p s` bs t` fd seugo `vdr b nugtsabg’s sn`ueldr. sn`ueldr. It wbs wbs `rioigbeey pebydl witn tnd fdee cbhigo up bgl `ut, s` bs t` fd dbsidr d bsidr t` peby wnied riligo b n`rsd. \nd tr`apd ld hnbssd obvd wby t` tnd h`r ld hnbssd, wnihn wbs tnd cirst t` bppdbr ig `rhndstrbti`gs. It fdhbad cbirey cbirey stbglbrl ig sdvdgtddgtn bgl diontddgtn hdgtury pidhds, suhn bs


tn`sd cr`a Fbhn, Nbglde, bgl A`zbrt. \nis igstruadgt, tnd h`r ld hnbssd, wbs twihd tnd edgotn `c its prdldhdss`r, prdldhdss`r, bf`ut c`urtddg cddt, bgl it w wbs bs h`iedl twihd. It lil g`t nbvd bgy vbevds, n`wdvdr, s` its its rbgod wbs sdvdrdey eiaitdl eiaitdl h`apbrdl t` tnbt `c tnd a`ldrg lby N`rg. Tgtie tnd gigdtddgtn hdgtury, hdgtury, bee frbss igstruadgts wdrd vbevdedss. \nis adbgt tnbt b sigoed igstruadgt h`uel `gey peby tnd g`tds ig b sigoed nbra`gih sdrids. _itn _itn igstruadgts suhn bs tnd pibg`, `gd jdy pr`luhds `gd g`td. \nis is a`rd `r edss tnd sbad witn witn strigo igstruadgts, igstruadgts,  fdhbusd `gd edgotn `c strigo pr`luhds `gey `gd g`td, bgl ic tnd ausihibg wisnds t` hnbgod g`tds, nd siapey hnbgods tnd edgotn `c tnd strigo fy prdssigo it l`wg ig b liccdrdgt pebhd. N`wdvdr, N`wdvdr, tnis is vdry liccdrdgt c`r frbss igstruadgts. \nd s`ugl `c b frbss igstruadgt igstruadgt is cirst pr`luhdl fy tnd pebydr fuzzigo nis eips bobigst tnd a`utnpidhd. _itn`ut _itn`ut hnbgoigo tnd edgotn `c tnd tufigo ig tnd igstruadgt, nd hbg pr`luhd abgy liccdrdgt pithnds fy hnbgoigo tnd spddl bt wnihn nis eips brd fuzzigo. \nis is fdhbusd tnd h`euag `c bir tnbt is vifrbtigo igsild `c tnd tufd is bes` vifrbtigo ig nbevds, tnirls, qubrtdrs, bgl s` `g, bgl fy fe`wigo cbstdr `r se`wdr, se`wdr, nbra`gihs bgl `vdrt`gds hbg fd rdbhndl. X`, witn`ut bgy vbevds, tnd n`rg pebydr h`uel `gey peby tnd g`tds witnig tnbt n`rg’s n`rg’s nbra`gih sdrids, bgl ig tnd uppdr `htbvds `c tnd igstruadgt’s igstruadgt’s rbgod, wndrd tnd nbra`gihs brd he`sdr t`odtndr, tnd g`tds w`uel fd vdry liccihuet, liccihuet, ic g`t iap`ssifed t` peby witn bgy ba`ugt `c  bhhurbhy. Bhh`rligo t` Hbtndrigd Xhnailt-K`gds, ―b n`rg tnbt h`uel peby b nbra`gih sdri sdrids ds `g bg D bt cuglbadgtbe, c`r dxbaped, h`uel peby s`ad, fut g`t bee, `c tnd g`tds ig ig tnd jdy `c D cebt, h`uel peby dvdg cdwdr g`tds ig jdys he`sdey rdebtdl t` D cebt, bgl h`uel peby g` g`tds bt bee ig jdys g`t rdebtdl t` D cebt.‑ cebt.‑ \ugigo tnd igstruadgt wbs bes` b hnbeedgod, bs tndrd wdrd g` a`vigo  pbrts `r seilds, s` auetiped igstruadgts igstruadgts pebyigo t`odtndr w`uel `ctdg s`ugl `ut `c tugd. \nd dv`euti`g `c tnd N`rg is bee rdsuets `c tryigo t` `vdrh`ad tndsd pr`fedas.


\nd cirst s`euti`g wbs t` bll a`rd n`rg pebydrs. B sigoed n`rg pebydr w`uel nbvd t` swithn fdtwddg igstruadgts dvdry tiad tnd ausih hnbgodl jdys, fut auetiped pebydrs adbgt tnbt swithnigo jdys h`uel fd bea`st igstbgtbgd`us. Tsubeey Tsubeey,, b pbir `c pebydrs w`uel peby ig `gd jdy bgl bg`tndr pbir w`uel peby ig tnd `tndr. A`ldrg `rhndstrbti`gs stiee rdcedht tnis, bs a`st a`st h`gtbig c`ur n`rg pbrts, witn 2st bgl 8rl bhtigo bs h`apeiadgts h`apeiadgts,, bgl 6gl bgl 22>. Xt`dezde usdl tw` pist`g vbevds `rioigbeey `rioigbeey,, bgl blldl b tnirl ig 2>8= (Drihs`g, ―_ny‑). \nd `rioigbe Crdghn N`rg vbevds wdrd pist`g pist`g vbevds, wnihn w`rj fy livdrtigo bir igt` blliti`gbe fits `c tufigo, usigo usigo b hyeiglrihbe st`hj igsild `c b hyeiglrihbe hbsigo (@ly). N`wdvdr, N`wdvdr, r`tbry vbevds bppdbrdl bs dbrey bs 2>684 fy K`sdpn Vidle, b n`rg pebydr cr`a Sidggb, Sidggb, tn`uon ―Dvildghd iglihbtds tnbt Feõnade, igspirdl fy tnd bir vbevds usdl ig aigigo `pdrbti`gs, dxpdriadgtdl witn tnis vbevd bs dbrey bs 2>22‑ 2>22‑ (Drihs`g, ―Dbrey‑). Vdobrledss, r`tbry vbevds fdhbad stbglbrl ig Odrabgy Odrabgy bgl surr`ugligo brdbs, bgl brd stiee stiee tnd stbglbrl c`r tnd a`ldrg n`rg, fdhbusd tndy pr`luhd b  fr`bldr, adee`wdr s`ugl tnbg pist`gs, bgl tndy pr`vild sa``tndr trbgsiti`gs fdtwddg g`tds, wnihn abthnds tnd n`rg’s prdvi`us styed bgl tiafrd. \nd ebst siogicihbgt blvbghdadgt ig tnd tnd nist`ry `c tnd Crdghn N`rg wbs tnd igvdgti`g `c  tnd l`ufed n`rg. \nd pr`feda `c nittigo bee tnd g`tds ig b oivdg jdy bgl fdigo bfed t` hnbgod jdys wbs s`evdl witn tnd igtr`luhti`g `c vbevds, fut n`rgs wdrd stiee g`t pdrcdht. Sbevdl Sbevdl n`rgs wdrd stiee fdigo abld ig sdvdrbe liccdrdgt jdys bgl s`ad dvdg stiee nbl igtdrhnbgodbfed hr``js. Fy tnd ebtd 2>==’s, n`rg pebydrs wdrd speit speit `vdr wnihn n`rg wbs fdst; n`rg ig C `r n`rg ig Ff. Dbhn ldsiog nbl its o``l bgl fbl qubeitids, bgl s`ad n`rg pebydrs w`uel swithn fdtwddg tnd tnd tw`, bgl dvdg `tndr jdydl n`rgs, ldpdgligo `g tnd h`ap`siti`g bgl h`gluht`r. h`gluht`r. X` tnd l`ufed Crdghn N`rg wbs igvdgtdl t` pr`vild a`rd a`rd h`gvdgidghd c`r tnd pebydrs, bgl t` `vdrh`ad s`ad bh`ustih hnbeedgods tnbt tnd sigoed n`rg prdsdgtdl. ―_itn tnd sigoed n`rg, tnd uppdr rdoistdrs rdoistdrs `c   pithn rbgod brd trihjy t` puee `cc bhhurbtdey fdhbusd tnd `vdrt`gds brd he`sd t`odtndr. \nd l`ufed


crdghn n`rg blls b sdh`gl, niondr rdoistdr n`rg (h`aa`gey b Ff n`rg) t` tnd `rioigbe C n`rg, bee`wigo nion pbssbods t` fd pebydl witn witn ordbtdr dbsd bgl bhhurbhy‑ (―Nist`ry‑). @vdr tnd ebst sdvdrbe nuglrdl ydbrs, tnd tnd Crdghn N`rg nbs dv`evdl bgl hnbgodl h`gsildrbfey,, bgl it h`gtiguds t` hnbgod bs gdw ausihibgs bgl abgucbhturdrs peby bgl h`gsildrbfey dxpdriadgt witn tnd igstruadgt. It is `gd `c tnd tnd a`st h`apedx igstruadgts tndrd is, is, wnihn abjds it b vdry igtdrdstigo bgl rdwbrligo `gd t` w`rj witn.


Fdeeis, Abry. \n`uonth`.h`a, L`tlbsn, =6 Kbgubry 6=6=, nttps;//`uonth`.h`a/nist`ry-`c-tnd-crdghn-n`rg-2992?9>, Bhhdss nttps;//`uonth`.h`a/nist`ry-`c-tnd-crdghn-n`rg-2992?9>, Bhhdssdl dl 22 G`vdafdr G`vdafdr 6=6=. 6=6=. Drihs`g, K`ng. ―Dbrey Sbevd Sbevd Ldsiogs‑ pufeih.bsu.dlu Ldsiogs‑  pufeih.bsu.dlu,, Briz` Briz`gb gb Xtbtd Tgivdrsity Tgivdrsity,, 2996, nttp;//www.pufeih.bsu.dlu/~kqdrihs/dbrevbe.nta#;~;tdxt1N`rg%6=witn%6=Fdreig%6=vbevds.,fut %6=tnis%6=is%6=ig%6=drr`r . Bhhdssdl 22 G`vdafdr 6=6=. Drihs`g, K`ng. ―\nd Igvdgti`g `c tnd L`ufed N`rg‑ pufeih.bsu.dlu N`rg‑ pufeih.bsu.dlu,, Briz`gb Xtbtd Tgivdrsity,, Cdfrubry 299>, nttp;//www.pufeih.bsu.dlu/~kqdrihs/wnyPvbevd.nta Tgivdrsity nttp;//www.pufeih.bsu.dlu/~kqdrihs/wnyPvbevd.nta.. Bhh Bhhdss dssdl dl 22 22  G`vdafdr 6=6=. Drihs`g, K`ng. ―_nbt _bs tnd @agit`gih N`rg0‑ pufeih.bsu.dlu N`rg0‑  pufeih.bsu.dlu,, Bri Briz`g z`gbb Xtbtd Xtbtd nttp;//www.pufeih.bsu.dlu/~kqdrihs/`agit`gihPn`rg.nta.. Bhh Bhhdss dssdl dl 22 22 Tgivdrsity,, Aby 299>, nttp;//www.pufeih.bsu.dlu/~kqdrihs/`agit`gihPn`rg.nta Tgivdrsity  G`vdafdr 6=6=. Drihs`g, K`ng. ―_ny Sbevds _drd Igvdgtdl‑ pufeih.bsu.dlu Igvdgtdl‑  pufeih.bsu.dlu,, Briz`g Briz`gbb Xtbtd Tgivdrsity Tgivdrsity,, Bhhdssdl dl 22 G`vdafdr G`vdafdr 6=6=. 6=6=. Aby 299>, nttp;//www.pufeih.bsu.dlu/~kqdrihs/wnyPvbevd.nta. nttp;//www.pufeih.bsu.dlu/~kqdrihs/wnyPvbevd.nta. Bhhdss ―Nist`ry `c tnd L`ufed Crdghn N`rg.‑ \nd Igstr Igstruadgt uadgt ]ebhd, 6=6=, nttps;//www.tndigstruadgtpebhd.h`a/nist`ry-`c-tnd-l`ufed-crdghn-n`rg/.. Bhhdss nttps;//www.tndigstruadgtpebhd.h`a/nist`ry-`c-tnd-l`ufed-crdghn-n`rg/ Bhhdssdl dl 22 22 G`vdafdr  G`vdafdr  6=6=. @ly, Dll. ―]ist`g Sbevds Sbevds vs. V`tbry Sbevds; Sbevds; _nbt’ _nbt’ss tnd Liccdrdghd0‑ G`rabgs Liccdrdghd0‑ G`rabgs Ausihbe   Igstruadgts, =? @ht`fdr 6=2?, nttps;//www.g`rabgs.h`.uj/fe`o/6=2?/=?/pist`g-vbevds-vs-r`tbry-vbevds-wnbts-tnd-liccdrdghd/ nttps;//www.g`rabgs.h`.uj/fe`o/6=2?/=?/pist`g-vbevds-vs-r`tbry-vbevds-wnbtstnd-liccdrdghd/.. Bhhdssdl 22 G`vdafdr 6=6=. Xhnailt-K`gds, Hbtndrigd. Tgldrstbgligo Y`ur Y`ur Crdghn Crdghn N`rg. Hrdbtivd H`aa`gs nttp;//hgx.`ro/h`gtdgt/h`e2=629/2.
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