Physics NTSE

March 22, 2017 | Author: Nilesh Gupta | Category: N/A
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SUMMER WORKSHOP (NTSE) Daily Practice Problem Sheet Subject : Physics 1.

Displacement is (A) a scalar quantity

Topic : Motion (B) a vector quantity

(C) derived quantity

DPP No. : 1 (D) always positive



A train is moving with the speed of 72 km h . If the train has taken 0.5 hrs, it would have travelled a distance of (A) 15 km (B) 3 km (C) 36 km (D) 18 km


An object has travelled 10 km in 15 minutes, its displacement will be (A) 10 km (B) Can be zero (C) More than 10 km


Displacement is the (A) Shortest distance between initial and final positions (B) The actual distance between initial and final positions (C) The distance travelled by the object (D) Distance travelled by the object in a unit time


Speed is (A) a scalar quantity

6. 7.

(B) a vector quantity

(C) a fixed quantity

(D) Cannot be predicted

(D) always positive

Negative acceleration means an object is moving with (A) increasing speed (B) decreasing speed (C) uniform speed

(D) high speed

When an object moves with uniform velocity, its acceleration is (A) uniform (B) non-uniform (C) zero

(D) negative


Distance-time graph of a body is a straight line passing throught the origin. Then, the body is (A) moving with non-uniform motion and negative acceleration. (B) moving with uniform motion. (C) moving with non-uniform motion and positive acceleration. (D) at rest.


The displacement-time graph shows (A) An object moving with a uniform velocity (B) An object moving with a non-uniform speed (C) A uniform accelerated motion (D) Non-uniform accelerated motion


The value of acceleration if velocity-time graph is a straight line parallel to time axis is: (A) Infinity (B) Zero (C) One (D) Cannot be predicted


A bus traveled the first one-third distance at the speed of 10 km/h, the next one-third at 20 km/h and the last one-third at 60 km/h. The average speed of the bus is (A) 9 km/h (B) 16 km/h (C) 18 km/h (D) 48 km/h


A cyclist moving on a circular track of radius 40 m completes half a revolution in 40 sec. Its average velocity is (A) zero (B) 4 m/s (C)2 m/s (D) 8m/s


A body moving with a velocity of 240 ms-1 decreases to 160 ms-1 in 8 seconds. The retardation of the body is (A) 10 ms-2 (B)-10 ms-2 (C) 20 ms-2 (D) -20 ms-2


The second’s hand of a clock is 6 cm long. The speed of the tip of the second’s hand is (A) 3.14 cms-1 (B) 1.04 cms-1 (C) 0.5 cms-1 (D) 0.63 cms-1


A body is revolving along the circumference of a circle with constant speed. There is a change in (A) the shape of the body (B) the magnitude of velocity (C) the direction of velocity (D) both the magnitude and direction of velocity

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892

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SUMMER WORKSHOP (NTSE) Daily Practice Problem Sheet Subject : Physics 1.

Topic : Electrciticy

DPP No. : 2

In the electric field of charge Q, another charge is carried from A to B. A to C, A to D and A to E, then work done will be A B Q centre +


(A) minimum along path AB. (C) minimum along path AE. 2.


(B) minimum along path AD. (D) zero along all the paths.

In the given circuit, the equivalent resistance between points A and B will be.


8 R 3

(B) 4R

(C) 6R

(D) 10R


A piece of wire of resistance 4 is bent through 1800 at its mid point and the two halves are twisted together, then resistance is : (A) 1  (B) 2  (C) 5  (D) 8 


If a wire of resistance 1 is stretched to double its length, then the resistance will become : (A)


1  2

(B) 2 


1  4

(D) 4 

Reading of ammeter in ampere for the following circuit is :

(A) 0.8

(B) 1

(C) 0.4

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892

(D) 2

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In the ladder network shown, current through the resistor 3  is 0.25 A. The input voltage ‘V’ is equal to

(A) 10 V

(B) 20 V

(C) 5 V


15 V 2


Three identical bulbs are connected in parallel with a battery. The current drawn from the battery is 6 A. If one of the bulbs gets fused, what will be the total current drawn from the battery ? (A) 6A (B) 2A (C) 4A (D) 8A


A uniform wire of resistance R is uniformly compressed along its length, until its radius becomes n times the original radius. Now, the resistance of the wire becomes : (A) R/n (B) R/n4 (C) R/n2 (D) n R


The resistance of a wire of cross-section ‘a’ and length ‘  ’ is R ohm. The resistance of another wire of the same material and of the same length but cross-section ‘4a’ will be R R (A) 4R (B) (C) (D) 16 R 16 4 In the following circuit the value of total resistance between X and Y in ohm is :






r Y

(A) (1 + 11.


(B) ( 3 – 1)r

r to  r

(C) 

(D) 50 r

The net resistance between points P and Q in the circuit shown in fig. is

(A) R/2 12.

3 )r



(B) 2R/5

(C) 3R/5

(D) R/3

In the circuit shown below, which one is incorrect

10V X

Y (A) current flowing in the circuit is 200 mA (C) current from X to Y is zero

(B) power supplied by the battery is 2 watt (D) potential difference across 10 is equal to zero

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892

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The circuit shown has 3 identical light bulbs A, B, C and 2 identical batteries E1, E2 . When the switch is open, A and B glow with equal brightness. When the switch is closed: C


E1 S E2


(A) A and B will maintain their brightness and C will be dimmer than A and B. (B) A and B will become dimmer and C will be brighter than A and B. (C) A and B will maintain their brightness and C will not glow. (D) A, B and C will be equally bright. .

In case of the circuit shown below, which of the following statements is/are true ? + – 1 •

A R1


R2 2

(A) R1, R2 and R3 are in series. (B) R2 and R3 are in series. (C) R2 and R3 are in parallel. (D) The equivalent resistance of the circuit is R1 + R2 + R3 15.

4 R3 3

Figure (a) below shows a Wheatstone bridge in which P, Q, R, S are fixed resistances, G is a galvanometer and B is a battery. For this particular case the galvanometer shows zero deflection. Now, only the positions of B and G are interchanged,. as shown in figure (b). The new deflection of the galvanometer.

(A) is to the left. (C) is zero.

(B) is to the right. (D) depends on the values of P, Q, R, S

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892

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SUMMER WORKSHOP (NTSE) Daily Practice Problem Sheet Subject : Physics

Topic : Light

DPP No. : 3


A pin forms an image in a plane mirror . Now the mirror is moving towards the pin with velocity 5 cm/sec . Then the velocity of the image as seen by a stationary observer will be : (A) 0 cm/sec (B) 5 cm/sec (C) 10 cm/sec (D) 15 cm/sec


If a light ray strikes perpendiclar to the mirror surface ,then find out the angle of deviation. (A) 1800 (B) 1200 (C) 1600 (D) 1700


A plane mirror is rotated by an angle Q about the plane perpendicular to the plane of incidence. The reflected ray will turn by an angle : (A)  (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) None of these


What should be the minimum height of plane mirror required to view complete image of a wall of height H behind you,If you are in the middle of the mirror and wall : (A) H/2 (B) H/3 (C) H/4 (D) H


The wavelength of visible light is in the range (A) 4 x 10-7 m to 8 x 10-7 m (C) 4 x 103 m to 8 x 103 m


(B) 4 x 107 m to 8 x 107 m (D) 2 x 10-3 m to 3 x 10-4m

Which one of the mirror below (in the absence of the other mirrors) would cause light from a distant source on the left side of the paper to be focussed to a point that is closest to the mirror ?

/////// ///////// ////

//// / Left side

(A) A 7.

(C) C

(D) D

(B) f /a


f/ a

(D) f 2/a2

The sun subtends an angle  radians at the pole of a concave mirror of focal length f. What is the diameter of the image of the sun formed by the mirror : f (D) 2f 2 In aerial mapping a camera uses a lens with a 100 cm focal length. The height at which the airplane must fly, so that the photograph of a 1 km long strip on the ground fits exactly on the 20 cm long filmstrip of the camera, is : (A) 200 km (B) 20km (C) 5 km (D) 1 km

(A) f 9.

(B) B


The focal length of a concave mirror is f and the distance from the object to the principal focus is a. The magnitude of magnification obtained will be : (A) (f + a)/f




// ///


Right side

(B) 2f


CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892

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A simple camera with a converging lens of 60 mm focal length is focused on very far objects. To focus the camera on a nearby object 1.5 m away, the distance between the film and lens will have to be : (A) decreased by 2.5 mm (B) increased by 2.5 mm (C) kept fixed as before. but aperture increased by a factor of 2.5 (D) kept fixed as before, hut aperture decreased by a factor of 2.5


Linear magnification : (A) has ‘cm’ as its S.I. unit. (C) has ‘per cm’ as its S.I. unit.


(B) has ‘m’ as its S.I. unit.. (D) is unitless.

Ronnie wears glasses of power –8.5D. His far point is : (A) 25 cm. (B) 12 cm. (C) –25 cm.

(D) –12cm.


The angle beyond which when a ray is incident, it is completely reflected back is called : (A) angle of deviation (B) critical angle (C) incident angle (D) angle of inversion


A plane mirror produces a magnification (A) of 1 (C) of zero

(B) of -1 (D) between zero and minus infinity.

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892

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