Physical Felicity From the Lagna Bhava

April 23, 2019 | Author: Varaha Mihira | Category: Planets In Astrology, Divination, Esoteric Cosmology, Ancient Astronomy, Astrology
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Determining health of an individual from the influences on the Lagna and the Lagna lord....


Physical Felicity from the Lagna Bhava © Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

Physical Felicity from the Lagna Bhava © Sarajit Poddar SJC March 2015

***** Maharishi Parashara says BPHS 12.1-2

           ।   ।                 ॥   ॥  १॥    sapāpo dehapo'ṣṭārivyayago dehasaukhyahṛ t | kendre koṇe sthito'ṅgeśaḥ sadā dehasukhaṁ diśet || 1||

               ।   ।                    ॥ २॥      ॥ lagnapo'staṅgato nīce śatrubhe rogakṛ d bhavet | śubhaḥ kendratrikoṇasthā sarvarogaharāḥ smṛ tā tāḥ || 2||

Should Lagna Lord be conjoined with a malefic, or be in 8th, 6th, or 12th, physical felicity will diminish. If he is in a quadrant or a trine there will be at all times comforts of the body. If Lagna Lord is in debilitation, combustion, or enemy’s Rāśi, there will be diseases. With a benefic in a quadrant or a trine all diseases will disappear. Lagna's quadrant or its trine containing a benefic, is a powerful remedy for all, related to health. BPHS 12.3

              ।                      ॥   ॥ ३॥            lagne candre'thava krūragrahairdṛṣṭe'thavā yute | śubhadṛṣṭivihīne ca jantordehasukha ṁ na hi || 3||

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Physical Felicity from the Lagna Bhava © Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

 There will not be bodily health, if Lagna or Candra are aspected by, or conjoined with a malefic, being devoid of a benefics aspects. ***** Our body is signified by the Lagna and the Chandra lagna. Like, without Lagna, there is no Bhavas, similarly without the body, there is no existence. Although the soul existed much before and an d will continue to exist much longer, the horoscope is casted for the moment when the body is formed in the womb (conception) or when the body is separated f rom the mother's body (birth) and both can say a lot about the destiny and experiences.  The body however is subjected to many kinds of forces, some positive and some negative. The level of discomfort that the body is subjected to can be seen from the influences on the Lagna. The discomfort can be caused either by sickness, laborious work or lack of care to the body. Following are the conditions which need to be noted to determine the level of comfort and discomfort. 1. Placement in good or bad bhavas: The bhavas: The good bhavas are the Kendra (strength) and the Trines (blessings) and the bad bhavas are the Dusthanas (bad places). a.  The Kendras are specifically known for action, achievement and success while the Trines are known kn own for blessings received from others and financial rewards. b.  The dusthana on the other hand indicate, 6th: enemies, debts, diseases, injuries, conflicts etc.; 8 th: Sudden calamities, mishaps, extreme financial difficulties and bankruptcy, congenital defects or chronic illnesses which arises out of malfunctioning ma lfunctioning of some body parts or organs etc., 12th: Losses, leaving homeland and culture, hospitalization etc.. c. We should include 3rd and 11th house also into the list of Dusthana because of Bhavat-Bhavam principle. 3rd is 8th from the 8th house, hence carries the energy similar to the 3rd. 11th is 6th from the 6th and also 12th from the 12th house, hence carries the energies of both 6th and 12th. d.  The only remaining house after considering Kendra (1-4-7-10), Kona (5-9), dusthana (6-8-12), and derived dusthana (3-11) is 2nd

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house. 2nd House is treated as a neutral bhava i.e., it has both good and bad potencies and much is dependent on other yogas.

2. Placement in a good or bad sign: When sign:  When the Lagna lord is placed in a good sign, the comfort level will be good and vice-versa . a. Good signs of a Graha are a re their exaltation, mulatrikona and own signs as well as friendly signs. Which signs are friendly to the Lagna lord? For that we need to know the naisargika relationship.  To judge whether or not the Graha is placed in a friendly sign, note the dispositor of the Graha. Find the mulatrikona or the dispositor.  The signs which fall in the Upachaya (3-6-10-11) or the 7th from the Mulatrikona are the inimical signs of the dispositor. b. For instance, for a Sagittarius Lagna born, with the Lagna lord  Jupiter placed in Aquarius. The dispositor is Saturn (bodied planet, planet, Rahu is ignored). Saturn’s mulatrikona is Aquarius.  Jupiter’s signs are 2nd and 11th from Aquarius, hence Saturn’s is neutral towards Saturn. Similarly, from Jupiter’s mulatrikona Sagittarius, Saturn’s signs are in 2nd and 3rd, hence Jupiter is neutral towards Saturn. I.e., Both Jupiter and Saturn are neutral to each other. c.  The Deva group planets Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Mars are friendly among themselves while the Asura Group planets Saturn-MercuryVenus-Rahu are friendly among themselves. Ketu is the bridge between the two groups and is friendlier to the Deva group, with some exceptions.

3. Benefics in Kendra or Kona from the Lagna:  The next step after understanding the impact of the placement of the Lagna lord, is to understand the support received from the Kendra and Kona. a.  There is support from either protection from ill health or cure (if disease occurs) if there are benefics in the Kendra and Kona bhava. b.  The Kendra Bhavas are active while the Kona bhavas are passive.  The Benefics in the Kendra Bhavas will prod the native to go to

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people and places where he will receive the right cure. The Kona on the other hand indicates that a healer coming to the native due to blessings of the deity indicated by the Graha in the Kona. The Karaka of the Graha in the Kendra and Kona needs to be judged to assess the sources, people, places, medicine or surgery system etc. that can cure the ailments. c. Exalted Grahas in the Kendra and Kona should be treated as benefics, while debilitated Grahas should be treated a s malefics.

4. Grahas placed in or aspecting the Lagna or Chandra Lagna: Here the Maharishi is telling us never to underestimate the influences on the Chandra Lagna. The reason being, Chandra is the karaka for Human birth. As we know that all people in our life can be judged from 3 factors, the Bhava, the Bhava lord and the Karaka. Similar, the life of the native (bearer of the horoscope) under consideration can be judged from Lagna (bhava), Lagnesha (Bhava lord) and Chandra (Karaka). What has been said below also applies to the Chandra Lagna a. Benefics in the Lagna protect heath.  This is a special case of placement of benefics in Kendras to the Lagna. Best among the benefics are Jupiter and Mercury who attain Dikbala in the Lagna. Mercury when placed in the Lagna should be well associated else Mercury is treated as a malefic. b. Status of the Grahas in the Lagna: Exalted Lagna:  Exalted Grahas protect the Prana energy from being wasted while debilitated Grahas dissipates the Prana energy. This is because the exalted grahas are endowed with Sattva Guna and the debilitated grahas with Tamas Guna. Grahas in own and friendly signs also don’t spoil the Bhava they are in. Thus, Grahas placed in the Lagna should be in good state for good health; they should not n ot be placed in debility or inimical sign. In the world of benefics, benef ics, Moon attains a special status as its beneficence depends on the Paksha Bala. Thus, if it is placed in Strong Paksha bala, then it will make the physique strong even if it is placed in debility or inimical sign and vice-versa. Similarly Jupiter is an exception, even if it is debilitated, it does not lose all its beneficence and still protects the Lagna. Other benefics such as Mercury and Venus are Rajas, hence they lose their benefic potency when placed in debility debility or inimical inimical sign. For Page 4 of 11

Physical Felicity from the Lagna Bhava © Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

Pisces Lagna, if Mercury is debilitated in the Lagna, it will give mixed results. It is a Badhaka and hence, it can cause troubles from unknown sources. However, since it attains Dikbala in the Lagna, some of its negativity is annulled. an nulled. However, if Mercury is conjoined with or aspected by a Tamas planet (Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu), it becomes deadly. Venus is the only Graha who gets debilitated in its friend’s sign (Venus and Mercury are in the Asura group), group), so it doesn’t do much negative unless afflicted by other malefics. Sun is considered as malefic for health matters as it is a Krura Graha and very heaty. So, Sun in the Lagna can give health troubles due to high pitta (bile –  (bile  –  heat),  heat), however, since it is a Sattva Graha, the native can get rid of the troubles by invoking the Sattva (positive) energy of Sun through Gayatri Mantra, Surya Namaskara etc. or even going to Setu Rameswaram and dipping in the sea. If Sun in the lagna is afflicted by other Tamas Grahas, then it can cause serious health troubles. c. Functional nature: The nature:  The Dusthana lords, especially that of 6-8-12 carry the energy of Saturn, hence their position in the Lagna is not conducive to good health, especially when it is u nder affliction.  There are some dusthana lords who are friendly to the Lagna, hence they will not damage health when placed in the Lagna. For instance, the 6th lord for even sign Lagna is always friendly to the Lagna lord. Similarly, the 8th lord for odd sign Lagna is always friendly. Similarly, the 12 th lord for the odd sign lagna is friendly to the Lagna lord. In each group, there are 3 planets which own both the Lagna and a dusthana. 6th –  Venus  Venus for Taurus Lagna (even sign), 8th- Mars for Aries Lagna (odd sign) and 12th- Saturn for Aquarius Lagna (odd sign). When the Dusthana lords who are friendly to the Lagna lord are placed in the Lagna, they attain dual tendencies and tilt on either side based on other influences. If they are devoid of any conjunctions or aspects, they are beneficial to the Lagna. If they are associated or aspected, then they give good results if they are influenced by Sattva Graha and evil results when they are influenced by Tama Graha. considerations:  For health troubles, the Badhaka sthana and the 5. Other considerations: For Badhakesha should not be overlooked. They have the tendency to give health troubles from sources that can’t be diagnosed (i.e., Abhichara, black magic etc.). The Badhaka tendencies are usually dormant unless

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there is an affliction coming from the Tamas Grahas or Guna (i.e., debilitated Graha). If the Lagna lord is placed in the Badhaka sthana or the Badhakesha is placed in the Lagna, they can cause serious health troubles from unknown sources, should they be also afflicted by Tamas Grahas, Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu.

***** Diseases due to Lagnesha in Debility When the Lagnesha is in Debility, it causes diseases partly due to the natural signification of the Lagnesha and partly due to the Bhava where the Debility happens.  The diseases are ascertained if the Lagnesha is conjoined or aspected by Tamas Grahas Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu or be hemmed between malefics, which also include the Sun. Remember that debility reduces the Prana energy thus giving rise to diseases in the body. This can be removed by increasing Prana by regularly practicing Pranayama (breathing exercises) Given below the diseases that can occur due to debility of different Lagnesha. Debility in Bhava 2nd Bhava


3rd Bhava

4th Bhava


Lagna lord in house and signs Jupiter in 2nd house in Capricorn

Diseases due to bhava Eyes, face, throat


Sun in 3rd house in Libra


Saturn in 3rd house in Aries Mars in 4th house in Cancer Saturn in 4th house in Aries

Respiratory canal, shoulder, ears, throat, neck -do-

Aries Capricorn

Lungs, heart, chest -do-


Venus in 5th house in Virgo

Stomach, liver, kidney, insanity


Moon in 5th house in Scorpio

Stomach, liver, kidney

7th Bhava


9th Bhava


10th Bhava


Mercury in 7th house in Pisces Mars in 9th house in Cancer Mercury in 10th house in Pisces

5th Bhava

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Genitals, pelvis, urinary bladder  Thai, buttocks Knees

Diseases due to planet Cough and cold, obesity, skin diseases Stomach, heart, head, forehead Nervous diseases Dental, blood, boils and eruptions Joint pains, arthritis, back pain, knee pains Sterility, sexual problems, low sperm count Cough and cold, high fever, asthma, menstrual troubles, Speech, breathing, blood pressure Blood, boils and eruptions Mental diseases

Physical Felicity from the Lagna Bhava © Sarajit Poddar, March 2015 11th Bhava


Jupiter in 11 th house in Aquarius

Shoulder, ears, shank

12th Bhava


Venus in 12th house in Virgo

Eyes, sole (below foot)

Cough and cold, obesity, skin diseases Sterility, sexual problems, low sperm count

***** Diseases caused by Grahas in the 6 th house  The houses of diseases are the 6th, 8th, 11th (6th from 6th) and 3rd (8th from 8th). In addition Badhaka also contribute to diagnosable diseases. The full treatment of different kinds of diseases are dealt in the Prasna Marga which needs to be studied. Here are some key principles 1. One suffers from diseases only when the Lagna and the Lagna lord are weak. Else, the diseases indicated by the various bhavas and grahas can only cause occasional troubles in their periods, but nothing signification. It becomes significant only when the Lagna is weak, whereby the same diseases can cause lifelong suffering. So the biggest protection of diseases is strong Lagna. 2. Aspect of conjunction of natural benefics Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and strong Moon (paksha bala) gives protection. Association of debilitated grahas, natural malefics who are inimical to Lagnesha damages the natural protection. 3. 6th is the house of attacks i.e., external sources which tries to break our natural shield or protection. Lagna and lagna lord should always be stronger than the 6th house and 6th lord for protection from diseases and enemies. 4. Malefics in the 6 th house destroys enemies but can give diseases if they are in bad state (i.e., debility or enemy enem y sign). Jupiter is the only benefic who removes enemies when in the 6th house. Other benefics increase enemies when placed in 6th, especially Mercury, but they remove enemies if they aspect the 6th house instead. 5. If the 6th house is under affliction due to debilitated graha, graha in inimical sign or under papa-kartari yoga, the native suffers from diseases. 6. When 6th lord is in the 6th house, the native is disease free if it is unconjoined or unaspected by any malefic. Malefic conjunction or aspect can give long drawn diseases.

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7.  The diseases can be known from nature of grahas in the 6th house or the 6th lord. The diseases happen only when the mentioned grahas are under affliction. Strong natural benefics remove diseases by conjunction or aspect on the 6th house or the 6th lord. 8.  The diseases caused by the planets can be studied from standard texts such as Phaladeepika. Given below some representative ones: a. Sun: Bile, Sun: Bile, heart, brain, head, eye (eye sight, right eye), bone. b. Moon: Breast, Moon: Breast, saliva, womb, left eye, body fluids, blood, lymphatic and glandular system c. Mars: Bile, Mars: Bile, ears, nose, forehead, sinews, muscular tissues d. Mercury: Abdomen, tongue, lungs, bowel, nerve centers, bile and muscular tissues e. Jupiter: Phlegm, Jupiter: Phlegm, blood, thighs, kidneys, fat, arterial system f. Venus: Ovaries, eyes (physical eyes), genitals, body fluids, semen, phlegm g. Saturn: Feet, Saturn:  Feet, wind, knees and excretory system, nervous system, muscles and sinews 9. For example: Saturn example: Saturn debilitated in the 6 th house for Scorpio Lagna can affect one of the following a. Saturn: Feet, Saturn:  Feet, wind, knees and excretory system, nervous system, muscles and sinews b. Aries: Head, Aries: Head, brain c. 3rd house: Arms,  house: Arms, shoulders d. 4th house: Chest,  house: Chest, lungs

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Physical Felicity from the Lagna Bhava © Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

Illustration Case I: Arnold Bennett Ve



Me TaRo Su










PiK 2°


Sa Ke 10°



Mo GePb  AqSh Ke Jp














ö TaMg

 As SgUp Ra

 Arnold Bennett

 Arnold Bennett


Mon. 5/27/1867 1 867 10:30:00 53° 0' 0"N 2°10' 0"W

Mon. 5/27/1867 1 867 10:30:00 53° 0' 0"N 2°10' 0"W



GeVi 27°40'


DK 9°

Bennett contracted typhoid fever in Paris in January 1931. He went to his h is bed for the final time on 2/03/1931 when the diagnosis was made. He suffered for three weeks, with gall bladder infection and toxemia, racked with hiccups, and died on 3/27/1931, London, England. Jyotish assessment i.

Rahu in Lagna in Leo in inimical sign. Rahu is inimical towards Sun.


Chandra Lagna is in Aquarius, Moon in an inimical sign as Saturn is highly inimical to Saturn. Moon having moderate pa ksha bala as Moon is in 10th house from the Sun. Moon is also aspected by Mars from the 6th house (from Moon).


From Lagna, 6th lord is Saturn, 8th lord Jupiter and 12 th lord is Moon. Among them, 6th lord is inimical to the Lagna lord while 8th and 12th lord are friendly.


Saturn has no direct connection with the Lagna or the Lagna lord. However, they are connected via an intermediary Venus who is housing both the Lagna lord Sun and Saturn. Venus is friendly towards Saturn and hence it will favour Saturn over Sun.



For fixed signs, the 9 th house is Badhaka. Venus is placed in Badhaka sign and aspected by 6th lord Saturn. It is earlier said that Venus is favouring Saturn in causing trouble to Lagna lord Sun. Badhakesh Mars is placed in the 12th house having mutual aspect with 6th lord Saturn. It brings some affliction to Badhakesha by Saturn and to 6th lord by Badhakesha.

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From Moon, Mars is placed in the 6 th house, Mercury is the 8th lord and Saturn is the 12th lord.


 The trouble makers in the horoscope are Saturn, Venus, Mars and Rahu. Among them Saturn and Mars appear to be troublesome from both Lagna and Chandra Lagna. The period and sub-periods of the mentioned planets can bring serious health troubles, especially that of Saturn and Mars.


His troubles occurred in Venus-Mars when Saturn was transiting Sagittarius 24th degree, Rahu was in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini. Saturn transiting trine to the natal Rahu in Rasi and Navamsa confirms the problem.


 The health trouble happened in Venus-Rahu

Case 2: Jayj Jacobs Ra


TaAs 6°38'








TaPb 25°28'

ö VgDn






ScPA 24°25'





Sa Me

Ma Su CaSr  CpUA Me Ve Jp


Mo Ra




Jayj Jacobs

CaMg 11°14'


Jayj Jacobs

Tue. 2/1/1949 1 949 3:54:00

Tue. 2/1/1949 1 949 3:54:00

36°46' 0"N 90°24' 0"W


36°46' 0"N 90°24' 0"W

PiJy 28°20'



Ke Jp



BK 10°




American second generation astrologer, raised by Donald "Moby Dick" Jacobs who started his training when he was 15. Jayj began his professional practice in '72 when he moved from Hawaii to San Francisco. His writings have appeared in Astrology Now, ASPECTS, Welcome to Planet Earth, The Mountain Astrologer, and in three of Llewellyn's astrology anthologies. He has been awarded the Regulus Award for Community Service above and beyond the call of duty, 1998. A Type Two diabetic, diagnosed 10/1995, he had a heart attack on 2/21/1997, 2:18 AM leading to triple by-pass surgery 2/25/1997, 11:05 AM, Green Brae, CA. In 1998, he broke his ribs on April 4 and had a car accident on June 18, bouncing off the road and back, resulting in what appeared to be painful whiplash (before X-rays) but was a crushed (L-1) vertebrae, and aggravated a spinal (L-4-5) injury from a an old motorcycle accident (after dark, September 1970 in Kailua, HI).

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He died on July 3, 2011 Jyotish assessment i.

Lagna is devoid of any planet and is also not aspected by any planet.


Moon is in an inimical sign of Saturn and also aspected by retrograde Saturn. Moon is also weak as it is few days after Amavasya (Moon in 2nd from the Sun). Hence it is afflicted by Saturn.


Lagna lord Mars is placed in 3 rd house conjoined with Merc-Sun-Venus. Mars is exalted but placed with inimical Mercury, neutral Venus and friendly Sun. Venus is however, the 7th lord, hence has Maraka potencies. However, Mars is under Subha-kartari yoga. There is also an exchange of Sun and Saturn.


Moon sign lord Saturn is retrograde and placed in an inimical sign of Sun and aspected by Rahu.


Moon is the badhakesh but fortunately not afflicted by a malefic conjunction. The Badhaka sign is also free f ree of occupation. There is no Badhaka trouble.


 The troublemakers are Mercury and Venus being the 8th and 12th lord conjoined with Mars. Also, Saturn and Rahu from the Moon’s perspective.


Ketu is also afflicted by its placement in 12th house and aspected by 3rd lord and retrograde Saturn.

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