Phrasal Verbs

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Jeremy Harrison

PHRASAL VERBS Written by - Escrito por: Jeremy Harrison Translated by - Traducido por: Eduardo Rosset Published by - Editado por: Editorial Stanley Design - Diseno: Angela Gomez Layout - Maquetacion: MIZAR PUBLICIDAD, S.C. Design front page - Diseno portada: DISENO IRUNES

©1998 Jeremy Harrison © 2003 Editorial Stanley Apdo. 207-20300IRUN-SPAIN Telf. 943 6404 12- Fax 943 6438 63 [email protected]

ISBN: 84-7873-368-X Dep. Leg.: BI-1268-03 Primera edition 2003 Printed at - Imprime: Imprenta Berekintza

CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Introduction Verbs with up (1) • Movimiento hacia arriba • Aumento Verbs with up (2) • Aproximandose/Llegando Verbs with up (3) • Mejora • Adjuntando/Cerrando Verbs with up (4) • Conclusion • Dano Verbs with out (1) • Salida • Fuera o lejos de casa Verbs with out (2) • Retirada y exclusion • Extincion, elimination y expiration Verbs with out (3) • Por completo • Distribution Verbs with out (4) • Selection • Peligro/Poner atencion • Descubriendo Verbs with off (1) • Comienzo • Quitar, remover Verbs with off (2) • Parando/Cancelando • Previniendo • Disminuyendo Verbs with off (3) • Acabando/Completando • Sucediendo • Separation Verbs with in (1) • Entrada • En casa Verbs with in (2) • Penetrando/Absorbiendo • Inclusion • Participation Verbs with in (3) • Empezar • Llenar/Completar • Colapsar Verbs with on (1) • Incluyendo/Cubriendo/Anadiendo • Comienzo Verbs with on (2) • Continuation • Animo • Actuacion/Desempeno Verbs with down (1) • Movimiento hacia abajo/Comiendo y bebiendo • Disminucion/Reduccion Verbs with down (2) • Derrota/Colapso/Destruccion • Dejar de funcionar/ Fracaso o fallo • Grabacion/Atribucion a Verbs with about, around and round • Sin rumbo • Por todos los sitios • Girar/Darse la vuelta • Visitar Verbs with away (1) • Movimiento alejandose/Retirandose • Quitar/Disponer Verbs with away (2) • Guardando/Escondiendo • Ausencia/Viaje • Continuo, actividad intensa Verbs with over (1) • Cayendo • Cambio/Transferencia Verbs with over (2) • Consideration cuidadosa • Cubriendo/Escondiendo • Teraiinado • A la casa de alguien Verbs with back • Movimiento • Vuelta al punto de partida • Respondiendo/Reciprocidad Verbs with apart and through • Desmantelar • Separation • Completar/A conciencia • Contacto por telefono Revision: come..., go..., bring..., take..., get..., put..., turn..., keep... Answers


1 4 6 9 12 14 16 18 20 23 26 29 32 35 37 40 43 46 48 51 54 56 59 61 64 66 68 73

PROLOGUE This book concentrates solely on a challenging but highly important area of English Grammar: Phrasal Verbs. But What is a Phrasal Verbs? Phrasal Verbs are combinations of a verb and a particle - the particle either changes the normal meaning of the verb or adds an extra meaning to it. The introduction to this book will help you understand this and other essential points about Phrasal Verbs, such as word order, etc.

Este libra se centra en un area importantisima de la gramatica inglesa: Los verbos frasales. Pero, que es un verbo frasal? Los verbos frasales son combinaciones de un verbo y una particula la particula o bien cambia el significado del verbo o le afiade un significado extra. Estelibrole ayudara a usted a entender esto y otros puntos esenciales sobre los verbos frasales, tales como el orden de las palabras, etc.

What the book consists of:

En que consiste este libro:

25 main units which uniquely cover the fourteen most frequent adverb particles which combine with verbs (up, out, off, in, on, down, about, around, round, away, over, back, apart, through). A revision section of exercises using the commonest verbs which combine with particles: come, go, bring, take, get, put, turn, keep. Full answers to all exercises.

Key features of the book: * - Clear and concise Grammar explanations and rules in Spanish which take into account your very individual problems. * Nearly 200 simple, real and reliable example sentences in English/Spanish complement the grammar explanations. Well over 100 all-English exercises linked very closely to the explanations.

Who is the book for? The book is designed for intermediate students of English, who are working by themselves or in a school or language institution. Students above and below intermediate level will also gain much indispensible knowledge about the meaning of phrasal verbs from this book.

25 unidades principales que cubren las catorce particulas adverbiales mas usuales que combinan con verbos (up, out, off, in, on, down, about, around, away, over, back, apart, through). Una section de ejercicios de repaso usando los verbos mas comunes que combinan con particulas: come, go, bring, take, get, put, turn, keep. . Solucionario de los ejercicios.

Principales caracteristicas del libro: Explicaciones y reglas gramaticales en espanol que tienen en cuenta los problemas individuales de todo estudiante. Casi 200 frases de ejemplos sencillos, reales en unas explicaciones de gramatica en espanol y en ingles. * • Mas de 100 ejercicios en ingles relacionados con las explicaciones.

Para quien es este libro? Este libro esta pensado para los estudiantes de ingles autodidactas o que estudian en una escuela oCentrode idiomas. Los estudiantes por encima y por debajo del nivel intermedio obtendran de este libro unos conocimientos indispensables sobre el significado de los verbos frasales.

INTRODUCTION Sobre este libro Este libro practica los verbos frasales con adverbios. Hemos cogido las catorce particulas adverbiales mas frecuentes y explicado las varias maneras diferentes en las que se modifica el significado de los verbos. Hay ejemplos y ejercicios para mostrar los contextos tipicos y tambien los diferentes disenos sintacticos que se usan con ellos. Sin embargo, el libro es esencialmente sobre el significado de los verbos frasales. Este libro no trata con verbos preposicionales. En primer lugar porque presentan menos dificultad que los verbos frasales. Tambien porque nos parece que la mejor manera de aprenderlos es como proverbios.

Cual es la forma mas efectiva de usar este libro? Lea las explicaciones en las paginas de la izquierda, despues haga los ejercicios. El ejercicio 1 en cada section se deberia hacer como se hacen los ejercicios 2,3 y 4. Si se usa un buen diccionario (es decir, un diccionario con ejemplos) mientras usted hace los ejercicios, contribuira a fijar las diferentes combinaciones en su mente. INTRODUCTION Sobre los verbos frasales: (5 preguntas contestadas)

Que es un verbo frasal? Un verbo frasal es una combination de un verbo y una particula. La particula o bien cambia el significado del verbo o anade un significado extra al verbo.

Que es una particula? Una particula es o bien una preposicion o un adverbio. De hecho, el termino 'particula' se usa porque la misma palabra puede ser a veces una preposicion o un adverbio. Fijese en up en estos dos ejemplos: 2A John ran up the stairs (up es una preposicion) 2B John picked up his hat (up es un adverbio) Estas palabras siempre son preposiciones: Against, among, as, at, beside, for, from, into, like, of, onto, upon, with.

Estas palabras son siempre adverbios: Ahead, apart, aside, away, back, forward, forwards, home, in front, on top, out (en ingles britanico), together. Estas palabras pueden ser adverbios o preposiciones: About, above, across, after, along, around, by, down, in, off, on, out (en ingles americano), over, past, round, through, under, up. Los adverbios en cursiva son tratados a fondo en este libro. Se presentan en orden descendente de frecuencia en veinticinco secciones de dos paginas.

Que es un verbo frasal preposicional? Muchos verbos van seguidos por una preposicion. En estos dos ejemplos on y about son preposiciones: INTRODUCTION 3A She insisted on a new carpet. (Insistio en una alfombra nueva). 3B I dreamed about you last night. (Sone contigo ayer noche). Sin embargo, estos no son verbos frasales, porque las preposiciones, aunque obligatorias, no cambian o varian el significado normal de los verbos insist y dream (vease parrafo 1, arriba). Algunos verbos van seguidos de una preposicion, y esa preposicion da al verbo un significado especial. Fijese en into y after en estos ejemplos: 3C Will you look after my bag for me? ( Quieres cuidar de mi bolsapor mi?). \ 3D She came into a fortune on his death. (Ella heredo unafortuna a la muerte de el). Los verbos 3C y 3D pueden ser defmidos como verbos frasales preposicionales. Algunos los llaman simplemente 'verbos preposicionales' (cualquier preposicion puede combinar con un verbo para hacer un verbo preposicional). Los verbos frasales preposicionales deben ser diferenciados de los verbos frasales adverbiales.

Cual es la diferencia entre un verbo frasal preposicional y un verbo frasal adverbial? La diferencia es gramatical.

El objeto de un verbo frasal preposicional debe ir siempre seguido de la preposition. En realidad, es el objeto de la preposition, no el verbo:

4A Who is 4B Mary is

Verbo looking looking

Preposition after after

Objeto the children? them1.

El objeto de un verbo frasal adverbial puede seguir a la particula (como en el 4C) o puede preceder a la particula (como en el 4D y 4E): 4C John

Verbo picked

Particular adverbial up

4D John 4E John

Verbo picked picked

Objeto his hat it2

Objeto his hat.

Particular adverbial up. up.

Un verbo frasal adverbial puede, por supuesto, ser intransitivo. En cuyo caso no tiene objeto:


Verbo ran

Particula adverbial away.

Notas importantes: 1. Cuando el objeto de un verbo prepositional es un pronombre (me, you, him, her, it, one, us, them), debe seguir la preposition (como en 4B). 2. Cuando el objeto de un verbo frasal adverbial es un pronombre (me, you, him, her, it, one, us, them), debe preceder la particula (como en 4E).

Como se puede saber si un verbo frasal es preposicional o adverbial? Cuando se mira en un buen diccionario para estudiantes de ingles, lo indica. Diferentes diccionarios usan codigos diferentes. - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English distingue entre v prep y v adv. - Collins Cobuild Dictionary distingue entre v + prep y v + adv. Este diccionario tambien da information sobre la position del objeto. Algunos dictionarios se refieren a verbos preposicionales como 'inseparables', y a verbos frasales adverbiales como 'separables'.

UNIT1 VERBS wITH UP (1) Movimiento hacia arriba • Aumento Up es una de las particulas que se encuentran mas frecuentemente con verbos frasales.

Movimiento hacia arriba El significado basico de up es 'movimiento hacia arriba' como en las frases siguientes:

He picked up his coat and left the room. Recogio su abrigo y salio de la habitation. Susana put up her hand to ask the teacher a question. Susana levanto la manopara hacer unapregunta al profesor.

Metaforicamente, tambien se puede 'levantar' I'm glad you brought up that point. It's very important. un tema para discusion Me alegro que sacaras a relucir esepunto. Es muy importante. (bring up a subject):


Los verbos con up tambien pueden tener el significado de 'traer o llevar a la superficie'. Despues de enterrarlo, un perro desenterrara un hueso (dig up a bone). Hablando metaforicamente, un periodista quiza quiera 'desenterrar' el pasado de un politico (dig up his past).

Aumento Otro significado que up puede dar a menudo a los verbos es la idea de 'aumentar' como en las frases siguientes:

Turn up the radio -1 can't hear what he's saying. Sube el volumen de la radio - No oigo lo que dice. Children build up a resistance to germs as they grow older. Los ninos se hacen mas resistentes a los germenes segun crecen. Hurry up or we'll miss the train. Date prisa o perderemos el tren.


(Haga este ejercicio al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 11. Calentar 1. Educar 6. Recoger 12. Darse prisa 2. Desenterrar 7. Subir el cuello 3. Levantarse 8. Sacar a relucir un tema 13. Hablar mas alto/levantar la voz 14. Subir el volumen 4. Subir los precios 9. Construir 15. Calentar 5. Levantar la mirada 10. Crecer

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. bring up (x2) look up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

dig up pick up

get up put up

go up turn up

lift up

Martha a plate and threw it at George. He the corner of the carpet, to see the maker's name. I coughed loudly but the woman behind the desk didn't One day Mario an old Roman knife in his garden. If you know the answer, your hand. 'It's cold', he said and the collar of his coat. I'm glad that you that question. What time do you want to tomorrow? The cost of living every year. Then he the embarrassing subject of money.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. brighten up hurry up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

bring up speak up

build up turn up

grow up warm up

heat up work up

Martha the volume so that she could hear the music in the bathroom. She put some flowers on the table to the room. The doctor told him to eat plenty of protein to his strength. If I have children, I want to them in the country. I'm a bit deaf. Could you , please? I in a big city, but I like the country best. We'll be late if we don't She moved near the radiator to her feet. You can this soup , or drink it cold. A five kilometre walk before lunch will an appetite.

EXERCISE 4 Una los verbos frasales 1-6 con las palabras y las frases A-H. 1. Bring up A a question. 2. Buildup B an appetite. 3. Get up c children. 4. Put up D in the morning. 5. Turnup E the volume. 6. Work up F your collar. G your hand. H your strength.




• Aproximandose/Llegando • Los verbos basicos de movimiento en ingles son go y come. La mayor parte de los otros verbos de movimiento describen la 'manera' del movimiento, por ejemplo: walk significa 'a pie', drive significa 'en un coche', creep (crept, crept) significa 'despacio o a escondidas'. • La particula up anade a los verbos el significado de 'aproximacion o llegada'. Fijese que la preposicion to se usa despues de verbos con up en este significado. De hecho es mejor pensar en up to como inseparables: Ejemplos: Susan went up to the tennis player and asked him for his autograph. Susan se acerco aljugador de tenis y lepidio su autografo. John is not very tall. He only comes up to his brother's shoulder. John no es muy alto. Solo llega al hombro de su hermano. UNIT2

• Fijese en el uso metaforico de come up to:

The match didn't come up to expectations. Elpartido no fue lo que se esperaba. "

• Los verbos measure up to y live up to tienen el mismo sentido metaforico. • Los verbos de movimiento se pueden usar sin mencionar el destino, como en la frase B: A A man in a mask drove up to the bank. Un hombre con una mascara condujo el coche hasta el banco. B A man in a mask drove up. Un hombre con una mascara se acerco en coche. • Sin embargo, si se menciona el destino, debe ser despues de up to, como en la frase A. Asi pues, esta frase es incorrecta (* He drove the bank up). Esta regla sirve para todos los verbos de movimiento que se usan con up to. A continuation van algunas expresiones relacionadas con ello. Fijese que las dos primeras tienen la preposicion with despues de up: catch up with someone o catch someone up (alcanzar a alguien); keep up with someone (pero no *keep someone up) (mantenerse al nivel de alguien): Show up significa 'llegar cuando la gente espera que lo hagas'. Es una expresion corriente. Turn up generalmente significa 'llegar cuando no te esperan'. Snuggle up to someone es una expresion carinosa que significa 'arrimarse a alguien'.


(Haga este ejercicio al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales que corresponden a estos verbos L1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Catch up with someone Come up to expectations Drive up Face up to someone Keep up with your work Lead up to the house Show up Arrive unexpectedly (turn up)

A B c D E F G H

Alcanzar a alguien Llegar a ser lo que se esperaba Llegar en coche Enfrentarse a alguien Estar al dia con tu trabajo Conducir a la casa (sendero) Aparecer, presentarse Llegar inesperadamente

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. catch up show up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

come up snuggle up

drive up turn up

face up walk up

keep up

lead up

You're walking too fast. I can't with you. With your long legs, you'll soon us She to him and whispered something in his ear. An avenue of lime trees to the castle. - What's the time? - It's to half-past six. As I came out of the bank, a car It was Sebastian. We need to to reality. Jack always when you least expect him. We expected him at 10 o'clock, but he didn't Martha just to George and hit him in the face.

EXERCISE 3 Complete el texto con las formas correctas de cinco verbos frasales de la casilla. drive up catchup

face up come up (x2)

keep up lead up

show up (x2) creep up


London. December. Very cold. Greg waited for Ginger at the end of the short road that (1) to the prison. From time to time people (2) to him. A man in an expensive coat wanted a match for his cigarette. A girl with green eyes asked him the way to the prison. Greg was nervous. An hour passed. Suddenly the two men from the nightclub (3) in a black Mercedes. 'Are you waiting for Ginger?' asked the driver. 'Yeah, but he hasn't (4) ', said Greg. 'He said he'd be here at four. It's (5) to five o'clock now and he hasn't (6) _ ' 'That's because he's not coming, my friend. Ginger has gone to Spain and he's not coming back. Get in the car.' Greg climbed in. 'Listen, my friend. You need to (7) to the reality of the situation. You're not going to see Ginger again - or your money.



Una los verbos frasales 1-6 con las oradones A-F. 1. Catch up A out of nowhere. 2. Come up B to the truth. 3. Coming up c to midnight. 4. Face up D to expectations. 5. Keep up E with someone. 6. Turn up F with your work.

UNIT3 VERBS WITH UP (3) Mejora • Adjuntando/Cerrando Mejora Con algunos verbos, la particula up anade el sentido de 'mejora' o 'hacer algo mas dispuesto'. Es un aspecto de la idea de 'aumentar' que considerabamos anteriormente (vease 1.2,pag.6). Asi, si el verbo es, por ejemplo, tidy (ordenar) el anadir el up significa 'el poner orden segun los requeridos estandar'. Up a menudo se usa en ese sentido con los verbos relacionados con 'limpieza', como en el primero de los siguientes ejemplos y, metaforicamente, en el segundo: I really must tidy up my bedroom. Verdaderamente debo poner orden en mi dormitorio. Before I go to New York I must brush up my English. Antes de ir a Nueva York debo pulir mi ingles. The actor took three hours to make up for the part of Dracula. El actor tardo tres horas en maquillarse para elpapel de Dracula.

Adjuntando/Cerrando Up se usa a menudo con un sentido de 'adjuntando' o 'cerrando' algo. Por ejemplo, segun que clase de botas (boots) pueden ser atadas con una cremallera (zip), o un lazo (a lace), o botones (buttons). Eso da estas posibilidades en ingles: Zip Lace Button


your boots

Una posibilidad mas, si se esta atando las botas con lazos o incluso cordel, cuerda, o cintas, se usa el verbo tie (atar): tie up your boots. El verbo do up se puede usar tambien para cualquier prenda de vestir: do up your boots/ your shirt. Los ejemplos anteriores demuestran algo que sucede muy a menudo, a saber, que el 'verbo' que forma parte del verbo frasal puede indicar la manera en que se hace algo. Fijese tambien en este caso en particular, que la palabra con el sentido de 'anudar' (lace, button, zip, etc.) es, a menudo, un sustantivo pero este sustantivo se usa exactamente como si fuera un verbo. Lo contrario de todos estos verbos no es un verbo frasal. Se anade el prefijo un- al verbo. Asi: undo your jacket, unzip..., unbutton..., untie..., etc.

U N I T 3


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4)

Busque los verbos ingleses frasales y expresiones que se correspondan con las expresionesLl: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Hacer una casa (decorar) Pulir tu ingles Subir la cremallera Alegrar a alguien

5. Lavar los platos 6. Atar/sujetar un caballo 7. Vestirse para una fiesta

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla.


brush up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


cheer up

do up

dress up

wash up

It's not a formal party. There's no need to for it. If we the house, we'll get a better price for it. I need to my English before I go to India. It's useful there. Please the saucepans when you've finished cooking. I must the kitchen a bit, before my mother arrives. Catherine was a bit depressed about her exam results, so we took her to see a film to her

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. board up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.




He had eaten so much that he couldn't the buttons on his jacket. He bent down to his shoes. They the empty house to keep out tramps and squatters. It's OK, Mum, I can my shirt without your help. She put her camera under a pullover and the bag. He his leather jacket, unzipped it, then it again.

7. Clint

his horse then walked slowly towards the six men.

EXERCISES Una los verbos frasales 1-6 con las frases A-F. 1. Button up A a dog. 2. Tie up B Life's not so bad. 3. Brush up c for a formal occasion. 4. Cheer up! D your shirt. 5. Dress up E the flat. 6. Tidy up F your English.


UN!T4 VERBS WITH UP (4) Conclusion • Dano Conclusion • La particula up a menudo implica que se ha completado algo; algo se hace por complete - algo se ha acabado. Use significa 'usar' (como en 1 A) pero use up significa 'consumir totalmente' (como en 1B): 1A He used travellers cheques to pay for the car. Uso cheques de viaje para pagar el coche. 1 B He used up his travellers cheques to pay for the car. Agoto todos los cheques de viaje para pagar el coche. • Con verbos como tear (desgarrar), burn (quemar), use (usar), la particula up anade la notion de 'completar'. La combination idiomatica give up significa 'desistir, dejar de': UNIT4 Why don't you give up smoking? I gave up a year ago. l?or que no dejas defumar? Lo deje hace un ano. Sin embargo, up se usa con muchos verbos que en si mismos indican 'complete'. Asi pues, no hay una diferencia real entre fill y fill up (llenar) o cover y cover up (cubrir). Con estos verbos, se podria decir que up le da mas enfasis.

Dano • La particula up a menudo se usa con verbos coloquiales que sugieren dafio de alguna especie. Por ejemplo blow up (estallar, explotar), smash up (destrozar). Mess up a room significa 'desordenar una habitation'. Pero mess up tambien se usa metaforicamente; por ejemplo: mess up someone's day significa sencillamente 'fastidiarle a alguien el dia'.

EXERCISES (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 1. Acabar como presidente 5. Zancadillear a alguien 2. Llenar el deposito de gasolina 6. Explosionar un edificio 3. Encubrir una equivocacion 7. Terminar tu cerveza 4. Romper una carta 8. Cerrar la tienda

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. burn up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

drink up

dry up

eat up

tear up

use up

I my last £1 coin on a parking meter. The program will 20 megabytes of your hard disk. This river usually in summer. She the letter and threw it in the bin. They their beer and left the pub. Running is a good way to calories.

U N I T 4

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. cover up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

end up

fill up (x2)

shut up

wash up

He'll in prison, if he doesn't stop cheating people. Don't bother to those pans I'll do them later. She the car with petrol. Anita decided to the shop for a week and go on holiday. There was no way she could her mistake. She used to her days with shopping and telephoning friends.

EXERCISE 4 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. blowup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

mess up

shake up

smash up

trip up

I'm sorry to your plans but I'm afraid I can't lend you the car. The terrorists tried to a police station with a home-made bomb. The football fans all the cafes on that side of the street. Campbell threw himself, feet first, and the Italian player. The accident me more than I expected.

UNIT5VERBSWITHOUT(1) Salida • Fuera o lejos de casa Salida


• La particula out se combina con verbos de moviCome out with your hands up! miento con el significado Sal con las manos en alto! de 've fuera/sal'. El verbo Don't go out without a raincoat. indica la manera de salir, la No saigas sin gabardina. particula out es la parte When he opened the cupboard, a skeleton fell out. que significa 'salida'. Asi Cuando abrio el armario, cayo un esqueleto. para salir de una habitation donde estoy se dice go out. Para salir hacia mi de algun otro sitio se dice come out. Pero para salir corriendo se dice run out. Mira estos ejemplos: • Out tambien se suele usar con verbos como push (empujar), pull (tirar de) I squeezed out the last bit of toothpaste. etcetera, para mostrar la manera en la Estruje hasta sacar toda la pasta de dientes. que se saca algo o a alguien fuera: Fijese en el uso metaforico de stand out que significa 'que sobresale'.

Fuera o leios de casa • La particula out se usa a veces con el sentido de fuera o lejos de casa como en estos ejemplos:

Grandma doesn't go out much since Grandpa died. La abuela no sale mucho desde que murio el abuelo. The door blew shut in the wind and I was locked out. La puerta se cerro con el viento y yo me quede fuera.

• Stay out late significa 'volver tarde a casa'. • Out se puede usar con los verbos invite y ask para significar 'invitar a salir'. Ejemplo: Si usted ask someone out significa que esa persona es su invitada en un restaurante o cine, por ejemplo. Si usted take people out usted paga los gastos. Si usted go out with someone, esa persona es su novio o novia.

EXERCISES (Hagaesto al mismo tiempo que completa EXERCISE1 los ejercicios 2, 3 y 4) Busque los verbos ingleses frasales que corresponden a estos verbos L1: 1. Escaparse de la carcel 4. Dejar salir al gato 2. Salir de casa de alguien 5. Volver tarde a casa 3. Invitar a salir a alguien 6. Sacar un panuelo

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. break out put out 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

fall out run out

jump out stand out

let out stick out

He took a deep breath and of the plane. At 4 o'clock, all the children of school. He a large, yellow handkerchief. As he pulled out his handkerchief, a packet of cigarettes Two prisoners of Brixton Prison early this morning. It's your turn to the dog for a walk. I always the cat at night. Don't the cat when you open the door. The director had a big cigar of his shirt pocket. As a manager, she really from the crowd.

pull out take out

of his pocket.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. ask out lock out

call out move out

go out stay out

invite out

2. - Could I speak to Valerie, please? - I'm afraid she has She'll soon be back. 3. Jack's father forgot that Jack wasn't at home and him by mistake. 4. - Are you going to all night? - No, I'll be back at about 2 a.m. 5. Uncle Jim has been staying with us for more than a year now. I don't know when he's going to 6. I think she likes you. Why don't you her ? 7. I don't want to the doctor in the middle of the night.

EXERCISE 4 Una 1-5 con A-E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

When did the tenants Pull out Ears which Ask someone out to Stay out

A B c D E

a restaurant. stick out. late. move out? a handkerchief.


UNIT6 VERBS WITH OUT (2) Retirada y exclusion • Extincion, elimination y expiration Retirada y exclusion

La particula out tiene un sentido de retirada o extraction en los verbos take out y pull out:


Out a menudo tiene un sentido de 'exclusion':

Students may only take out five library books. Los estudiantes pueden sacar solamente cinco libros de la biblioteca. I can take out 100 pounds a day with my Visa card. Puedo sacar 100 libras al dia con mi tarjeta Visa. The dentist took out my wisdom tooth. El dentista me saco la muela deljuicio. She spent the morning pulling out weeds. Sepaso la manana arrancando las malas hierbas. Private. Keep out. Privado. Prohibida la entrada. The bouncers threw him out. Los gorilas le arrojaron del local. 'He has an alibi, so we can rule him out', said the detective. 'Tiene una coartada, asi que podemos eliminarle', dijo el detective.

Extincion, elimination y expiration • Algunos verbos con out tienen el significado de 'extincion'o 'elimination': • Notese el uso metaforico: stamp out crime. • Algunos verbos con out tienen el sentido de 'expirar/ llegaral final':

Put out a fire. The fire goes out. Stamp out a fire.

Time is running out Run out of cigarettes.

Apagar un incendio. El incendio se apaga. Apaga el fuego pisdndolo. El tiempo se acaba. Quedarse sin cigarillos.

EXERCISES (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales que corresponden a estos verbos L1: 7. Mantenerse en sitio caliente 1. Tirar cosas que no se quieren 8. Prohibida la entrada 2. Arrancar mala hierba 9. Descartar, excluir 3. Eyectar 10. Apagar un incendio 4. Aplastar un cigarrillo 5. Quitar la mantequilla (dejar de comer mantequilla) 11. Arrancar una muela 12. Coger un libro de la biblioteca 6. Quedarse sin dinero


EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. cut out shutout

keep out (x3) take out

miss out throw out

rule out

1. - Where are my blue trainers? -1 them They were disgusting. 2. A notice on the gate said 'PRIVATE '. 3. The prime minister the possibility of a referendum. 4. It's ridiculous to women of the top jobs. 5. I'm wearing this enormous coat to the cold. 6. The doctor advised me to sugar and butter. 7 all thoughts of failure. 8. - January, February, March, May, June,... - You April. 9. You're allowed to three books at a time from the library.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. die out sell out 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

go out squeeze out

knock out stamp out

put out stub out

run out (x2) wipe out

If you leave a cigarette in an ashtray, it doesn't , but a cigar does. If the police managed to all crime, they wouldn't have a job. Many species of birds every year because of pollution. The fire service fought all night to the fire Can I my cigarette on this plate? Myxomatosis is a disease that can the entire rabbit population. Only thirty seconds to go! Time is You must answer the question. I've of cigarettes. Where can I buy a packet? Manchester United Juventus in the semi-final of the UEFA Cup. Giant supermarkets are all the small shopkeepers. I'm sorry we have of bread. But we can sell you some cakes.

EXERCISE 4 Una las dos partes de las frases. 1. The government passed a law to 2. The possibility of rain cannot be 3. Before entering, all cigarettes must be 4. You really should 5. This tooth needs to be

A ruled out. B taken out. c keep out immigrants. D put out. E throw out those old boots.


UNIT7 VERBS WITH OUT (3) Por completo • Distribution Por completo


• Algunos verbos con out signiShe typed out her essay. fican que la actividad indicada Ella paso a mdquina su ensayo. por el verbo se hace a fondo; He wrote out a list of all her qualities. se consigue alguna clase de El hizo una lista con todas las cualidades de ella. resultado: • En el primer ejemplo, el ensayo fue mecanografiado del todo. He cleared out the cellar. • Notese que out a menudo se usa con verbos que se Hizo limpieza en la bodega. derivan de adjetivos como clean out, tidy out, clear out, even out, flatten out, level out, hollow out, straighten out. • El resultado de tales verbos es que algo se queda clean (limpio), tidy (ordenado), clear (descongestionado), even (allanado), etc.

Distnbucion • Algunos verbos con out tienen el sentido de 'distribuir' (como en el primer ejemplo a continuation) o 'radiar' (como en el segundo ejemplo), o 'abrir como un abanico': Her job is to give out samples of perfume in a department store. Su trabajo es dar/repartir muestras de perfume en unos grandes almacenes. That fire gives out a lot of heat. Esefuego da mucho calor. She opened out the fan. Abrio el abanico. The policemen spread out across the field to look for clues. Lapolicia se esparcio por el campo para buscar pistas.

EXERCISES (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa EXERCISE1losejercicios2,3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 1. Probar una receta 4. Cansar a alguien 7. Facilitar informacion a la prensa 2. Encontrar una solucion 5. Entregar folletos 8. Rellenar un impreso 3. Resolver un problema 6. Dar calor 9. Vaciar una habitacion

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. checkout test out 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

clean out tire out

fill out try out

sort out write out

spread out printout

First, you will have to this application form. He asked me to a cheque for £500. The man says he was at the Paradise Club. Can you his alibi, Tom? Before marketing these shampoos, they them on animals - rabbits usually. My essay is on disk. I've just got to it Come to lunch on Sunday. I'm going to a new recipe. We sent the wrong goods to this customer. Will you _ _ the problem , Mr Smith? This table is too small. I'll the map on the floor. I think the walk from the station has your grandmother I must this cupboard. It's really dirty.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. UNIT7 give out (x2)

go out

hand out

put out

send out

1. -What's your job? -1 leaflets in the street for a travel agency. 2. Susan, will you these photocopies, please? One to each person. 3. We are going to an invitation to all our customers. 4. This radiator a lot of heat. 5. The public relations department a press release to calm people's fears. 6. Language programmes on the BBC in the middle of the night.

"EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. If you work something out, 2. If you sort a problem out, 3. If you check something out, 4. If you try things out, 5. If you give things out, 6. If you fill out a form,

A B c D E F

you make enquiries to see if it is correct. you use them to see what happens. you think about it until you understand it. you distribute them. you do something to solve it, or eliminate it. you leave nothing blank.

U N I T7


Selection • Peligro/Poner atencion • Descubriendo Selection Out se usa con algunos verbos par dar una idea de selection. Point at something (senalar algo) significa sencillamente apuntar con el dedo hacia algo. Point something out significa dirigir la atencion de alguien a algo con o sin el dedo. Pick something out significa elegir algo entre otras cosas: The woman at the agency picked out Chloe's best photos and sent them to the client. La mujer de la agenda eligio las mejoresfotos de Chloey las mando al cliente. I would just like to point out that Scotland is not part of England. Me gustaria senalar que Escocia no es parte de Inglaterra.

Peligro/Poner atencion UNIT8

Out se usa con algunos verbos para querer decir 'prestar atencion':

Watch out! Mind out! Lookout!

Cuidado! Cuidado! Cuidado!

• A menudo hay un peligro...: Hatch out for bits of broken glass on the bathroom floor. Cuidado con los cristales rotos en el suelo del bano. ... pero no siempre hay peligro: I'm coming to your town tomorrow. I'll look out for you. Voy a tu ciudad manana. A ver si te veo. • Fijese que we'll look for you significa 'te buscaremos', pero we'll look out for you significa sencillamente que miraremos a ver si te vemos. Watch out for y listen out for se pueden usar de la misma forma.

Descubriendo I see her every day. How can I find out her name? La veo todos los dias. Comopuedo averiguar su nombre? This is her signature, but I can't make out the name. Esta es sufirma, pero nopuedo distinguir su nombre.

EXERCISES (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales que corresponden a estos verbos: EXERCISE 1

1. 2. 3. 4.

Elegir Estar ojo avizor Senalar Averiguar algo

5. 6. 7. 8.

Destacarauno Entender Vigilar Escuchar atentamente

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. listen out point out (x2)

look out single out

pick out watch out (x3)

UNIT8 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 7. 8. 9.

He went to the bookshelf and a yellow book. 'Take this', he whispered. During the interview, he Picasso as the greatest influence on his work. I would just like to that intelligence is no substitute for hard work. ! There's a car coming. for pickpockets! They love crowds like this. ! You're going to knock over that glass with your coat. After the traffic-lights, turn left and for a pub called the Green Dragon. She sat in bed for the sound of his key in the door. He stopped from time to time to an interesting piece of architecture.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. figure out 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

find out

make out (x2)

work out (x2)

Where can I the time of the last train? I can't where I have seen you before. But I recognize your face. His writing is terrible. I can't this word. She's trying to how much money she needs to go to Thailand. He could just the silhouette of the statue in the fog. I'm no good at arithmetic. I can never sums like that.



Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. If you listen out for the telephone, 2. If you point something out, 3. If you look out for something, 4. If you can just make out what someone says on the telephone, 5. If you single someone out,

A you just manage to understand them. B you stay alert so that you hear it when it rings. c you choose that person alone for special attention. D you pay attention so that you don't miss it when it appears. E you direct someone's attention to it.

UNIT9 VERBS WITH OFF (1) Comienzo • Quitar, remover Comienzo Algunos verbos con off llevan consigo un sentido de comienzo o arranque: set off significa 'comenzar un viaje'; take off generalmente significa el comienzo de una secuencia de cosas o actividades. Compare: The men's 10,000 metres starts at 10 o'clock. Los 10.000 metros masculinos comienzan a las 10. The day's events start off with the women's javalin. Los eventos del dia comienzan con la jabalina femenina. Como ocurre a menudo con los verbos frasales, la parte del verbo de la combination puede indicar la manera en la cual algo sucede. Asi: kick off significa 'el saque' (en futbol); back off significa 'empezar a andar hacia atras'; (back off a menudo se usa metaforicamente con el significado de 'impedir una agresion'). Tambien metaforicamente, spark off se usa para 'causar un conflicto' (a spark es 'una chispa'), y kick off se puede usar para dar comienzo a cualquier clase de actividad. Ejemplo: I want to kick off wth a report of last week's meeting. Quiero empezar con un reportaje de la reunion de la semana pasada.

Quitar, remover Muchos verbos con off implican la idea de 'remover/quitar' (una especie de marcha, si se quiere). Una vez mas el verbo mismo puede dar una idea de quitar algo. Porejemplo:

With a brush (con una brocha), you brush something off. With a knife (con un cuchillo), you cut something off. The storm blew the roof off. La tormenta arranco el tejado.

I put my glass on the table. Who took it off! He dejado el vaso en la mesa. Quien se lo ha llevado? Notese que hay a me- There are no arms on this statue. nudo una oposicion en- Somebody broke them off. tre on y off en mgles: No hay brazos en esta estatua. Alguien los ha roto. Keep your hat on. If you take it off, you might lose it. Ten puesto el sombrero. Si te lo quitas quizd lo pierdas.



EXERCISES EXERCISE 1 (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa EXERCISE 1 los ejercicios 2, 3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales que corresponden a estos verbos L1: 1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Partirtemprano Dar comienzo un partido Iniciar una discusion Comenzar como secretaria Expulsaraunjugador Quitarse el sombrero ante alguien

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Quitar, rascar lapintura Me quede con el en la mano Terminar con todo Dejar sin trabajo Pagar una deuda Abarcar mas de lo que puedes

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. UNIT9 UNIT

back off set off

9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

go off spark off

kick off (x2) start off (x2)

send off take of

if we want to arrive before lunch, we will have to at 10 o'clock. The flight to Los Angeles at 10.15 a.m. A terrorist bomb was discovered outside the palace but it didn't The referee held up the red card and the player When the woman pulled out a gun, the two men immediately. A mother as the most important person in a child's life. She as a secretary but ended up as the President of the company. Yesterday's match late because of the snow. The meal was wonderful. We with a delicious soup. The incident a terrible argument between the two brothers.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. bite off kill off 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

break off lay off

brush off payoff

come off strip off

cut off take off

I my hat to people who work and study at the same time. A huge television audience saw Mike Tyson a piece of the other boxer's ear. Paula a piece of chocolate and gave it to John. Before painting a door, you need to the old paint. You've got some dust on your shoulder. Let me _

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

She's going to the legs of her jeans to make a pair of shorts. He tried to open the door but the handle in his hand. Last year, pollution in the river all the fish. For economic reasons the factory had to three hundred workers. I borrowed £1.000 from the bank. I agreed to the debt in six months.

EXERCISE4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

He did a very good job A cold winter will kill off I have bitten off She brushed off He had to pay off

A B c D E

his daughter's debts. the fly on her nose, I take off my hat to him. most insects. more than I can chew.




• Parando/Cancelando • Previniendo • Disminuyendo Parando/Cancelando • Algunos verbos con off dan una idea de parar. El uso de off esta relacionado con la idea de 'desconectar'. Una vez mas, hay a veces una oposicion entre on y off como en: switch on (enchufar); switch off (desenchufar). Metaforicamente, break off puede significar 'interrumpir': The two countries broke off diplomatic relations. Los dos paises rompieron relaciones diplomdticas. • El terminar una conversation telefonica es ring off. Y cancelar una actividad como una reunion, unas vacaciones, una huelga, etc., se llama call it off: UNIT



Sorry, Jack. I'm afraid I have to call off our meeting. siento, Jack. Me temo que tengo que cancelar nuestra entrevista. The union leaders have called the strike off. Los dirigentes sindicales han desconvocado la huelga.

Previniendo Un numero de verbos se usan con off (a veces metaforicamente) para dar la idea de 'repeler' o 'prevenir':

The old man fought off his attackers with his stick. El anciano ahuyento a sus atacantes con su baston. If you burn this candle, it will keep the mosquitoes off. Si quemas esta vela, ahuyentard los mosquitos.

Stave es un sustantivo que significa 'palo largo'. Stave off, sin embargo, se usa solo metaforicamente:

He ate berries to stave off hunger. Comio moms para apaciguar el hambre.

Disminuyendo Ciertos verbos con off dan idea de disminuir. Sin embargo, a causa de la naturaleza del verbo usado, el sentido general es el de un proceso gradual de parada:

The pain is easing off now. El dolor esta disminuyendo ahora. The effect is wearing off. Los efectos se estan diluyendo/desvaneciendo.


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales que corresponden a estos verbos L1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Apagarlaluz Suspender las conversaciones Colgar el telefono Suspender/cortar los suministros Suspender/cancelar una reunion

6. 7. 8. 9.

Ahuyentar los insectos Luchar contra un catarro Los efectos se estan desvaneciendo Quemar unas calorias

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. break of (x2) ring off 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

call off switch off

cool off turn off

cut off wear off

drop off work off

ease off

Don't forget to the light when you go to bed. 'I have never...' John in the middle of the sentence. The peace talks will tomorrow if the nationalists refuse to compromise. Parents need to know when to the TV. This phone call is getting very expensive. I'd better If you do not pay your bill within seven days, we will your electricity supply. My grandmother became very ill so we our holiday. I'm waiting for the rain to before I leave. The effects of the injection are beginning to I can feel my lip now. He went for a two-kilometre run to a few calories. The tea is very hot. Better wait for it to Sales of ice cream in December.


EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. fight off 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

hold off

keep off

stave off

warn off

Eating plenty of Vitamin C will help to colds and flu. This cream is guaranteed to insects. She was trying, without much success, to a cold. Farmers hang dead birds on a tree to other birds. The men tried to the enemy, while the women escaped.

EXERCISE4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. We staved off 2. Apparently, this plant keeps off 3. We had to call of 4. The pain wore off UNIT 10 5. She rang off

A B c D E

the match because of snow. without waiting for an answer, hunger with a bag of crisps. after a few hours. mosquitoes.



Acabando/Completando • Sucediendo • Separation Acabando/Completando Algunos verbos con off llevan consigo la idea de completar o acabar. Los terminos de carpinteria, polish (pulir) y round (redondear) a menudo se usan metaforicamente con off para sugerir 'completar las etapas finales de algo'. Estos ejemplos son tipicos: I just want to polish off Ms work. Solo quiero terminar este trabajo. We had some peaches and cream to round off the meal. Tomamos unos melocotones con natapara terminar la comida. Para crear algo rapidamente (por ejemplo, escribir una carta, o cocinar algo) es: dash off a letter, o dash off a meal.

Sucediendo Algunos verbos (come, go, bring, pass, carry) se usan con off con el significado de 'suceder' (o 'hacer que algo suceda') con exito: His attempt to break the record didn't come off. Su intento de batir el record no tuvo exito. The Italian jockey brought off the incredible feat of winning all seven races in one afternoon. El jockey italiano llevo a cabo la increible hazana de ganar siete carreras en una tarde.

Separation Los verbos como like y shut (ambos con el significado de 'cerrar') se usan con off para dar la idea de 'separation' (a veces para prevenir el acceso): They closed off the road because of a gas leak. Cerraron la carretera a causa de un escape de gas.


Otros verbos que se usan con este sentido indican la manera en la cual el area esta separada. Verbos tipicos se derivan de sustantivos tales como: partition (partition), cordon (cordon), rope (cuerda) y fence (valla). Los verbos cut (cortar) y block (bloquear) tambien se usan de forma habitual: They partitioned off the old ballroom to make three classrooms. Dividieron el viejo salon de baile para hacer tres aulas. The village is often cut off by snow in winter. El pueblo esta a menudo aislado por la nieve en invierno.

EXERCISES EXERCISE1 (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa losejercicios2,3y4) Busque los verbos ingleses frasales que corresponden a estos verbos L1: UNlT11 12. 3. 4.

Conseguir hacer algo satisfactoriamente Terminar con satisfaction Escribir una carta deprisa y corriendo Salir/resultar perfectamente

5. Terminar un trabajo 6. Dividir unahabitation grande 7. Estar aislado

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. bring off go off 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

come off polish off

dash off round off

finish off

John the last few chips in one mouthful. In spite of his fears, the wedding without any problems. Before leaving the house, he a letter to his bank and ran to the post office. And finally, an apple tart to the meal. Give me fifteen minutes. I just want to my homework. It was a difficult movement but the gymnast it to perfection. She hoped to persuade her father to pay for the tickets, but her plan didn't

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. block off 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

cordon off


fence off

partition off

The police have the pavement in front of the building because of the danger. She decided to part of the field in order to make a garden. They parked their car sideways across the road to his escape route. He part of his enormous garage and put in a snooker table. On that remote island, Robinson was from all contact with the world.


EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. If you dash off a letter or a note to someone, 2. If a place is cut off, 3. You rope off an area so that 4. If something doesn't come off, 5. When you finish something off,

A people don't go into it. B you do what is necessary to complete it. c it is isolated. D you write it very quickly. E it means it fails.

UNIT12VERBSWITHIN(1) • Entrada • En casa Entrada • Muchos verbos con in llevan el significado de 'entrar'. Go in y come in ambos significan 'entrar', dependiendo de que lado de la puerta esta uno cuando habla. La particula in significa 'entrar' y el verbo indica la manera de entrar. A pie: you walk in. De prisa: you rush in. En un coche: you drive in... y asi sucesivamente. Bring in y take in significan 'entrar con alguien o algo': Take your boots off. Don't bring in all that mud. Quftate las botas. No metas a casa todo ese barro. The secretary took in some coffee for the managers. La secretaria llevo adentro cafe para los directores. UNIT12


somebody in es 'entrar a alguien': The exhibition was 'by invitation only', but Charles got me in. La exposition era solo 'con invitation', pew Charles consiguio que yo entrara.

• Check in y sign in ambos tienen el sentido de 'facturar':

• Write in your name significa 'escriba su nombre en un impreso'

Check in your bags at the airport. Facture su equipaje en el aeropuerto. Sign in a visitor. Hacer firmar en el libro de invitados. Key inyour password. Teclear la palabra clave.

En casa • Con ciertos verbos in tiene el significado de 'en casa' o 'en la casa':

Only rich people have servants who live in. Solo los ricos tienen criados que viven en la casa. Wait in for a phone call. Espera en casa la llamada telefonica.

• Drop in significa 'visitar a alguien de forma informal'. Pop in es el equivalente a 'entrar un momento' (visita rapida). Move in significa 'ir a vivir con alguien'.


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa log ejercicios 2, 3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 1. Facturar el equipaje 2. Conseguir que alguien entre 3. Teclear im numero

4. Enchufar la radio 5. Irse a vivir con alguien 6. Esperar a alquien

"EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. bring in key in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

check in plug in

come in rush in

drive in sign in

get in take in

go in walk in

There was a knock at the door.' , Angus. It's not locked,' said Jules. 'But don't that dog I don't want hairs all over the carpet.' 'Sit here,' Angus said to the dog. 'Jules won't let me you ' The dog made a noise that sounded like 'Why?' Angus alone. Go over to the British Airways desk and your bags. Members may invite two guests but they must them first in the Visitors' Book. First insert your bank card, then your personal identification number (PIN). It's a 'drive-in' cinema, so let's The tickets for the concert are very expensive, but my cousin can us free. 'Fools where angels fear to tread.' They were sitting in the restaurant when two men with guns. That radio hasn't got a battery. You'll have to it

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. drop. in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

live in

move in (x2)

pop in

stay in

I've got a lot of work to do, so I'm going to tonight. I can't meet you tomorrow morning. I've got to for an electrician. They had only been married three weeks when her mother decided to You can with us until your flat is ready. My next-door neighbour sometimes for a cup of coffee. They have a housekeeper who You must some time. We'd love to see you.

wait in

UNIT 12 '

EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. If you pop in to the bank, 2. If you move in with someone, 3. If you have urgent news to give someone, 4. If you drop in on a friend, 5. Before boarding a plane,


A B c D E

you start living in their house. you arrive unexpectedly, you usually have to check in. you go in to do some quick business. you might rush in to tell it to them.

UNIT13 VERBS WITH IN (2) Penetrando/Absorbiendo • Inclusion • Participation Penetrando/Absorbiendo Algunos verbos con in llevan consigo la idea de 'penetration', que es una extension del significado de 'entrar'. Por ejemplo, habia una cancion de los Beatles que empezaba: 'I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in.' 'Estoy tapando un agujero donde entra la lluvia.'

Otros verbos sugieren algo parecido a 'absorber'. Por ejemplo, take On arriving, she took in the situation at a glance. in puede significar 'reAl llegar, ella se hizo cargo de la situation de un vistazo. gistrar mentalmente': El verbo sink (hundir) con in significa que algo esta siendo entendido lentamente. (Imaginese el azucar en la espuma de un cappuccino; hay un lapso de tiempo antes de ser absorbido): It finally sank in that she had gone for ever. Finalmente se hizo a la idea de que ella se habia ido para siempre. Breathe in (inspirar) es lo contrario de breathe out (expirar).

Inclusion • In se usa con un numero de verbos para dar idea de 'incluir' o 'incorporar': You have to add in the time it takes to get to the airport. Times que anadir el tiempo que se tarda en llegar al aeropuerto. And of course, we have built in all the latest safety devices. Ypor supuesto, hemos incorporado todos los mas modernos aparatos de seguridad. • Throw in significa incluir algo extra en una transaction comercial. Encontrar tiempo para algo en un calendario muy apretado es fit something in.

Participation • Ciertos verbos con in tienen el significado de 'participation' o ' involucrar': • Rope someone in = Hacer que alguien se involucre un poco contra su voluntad (piensa en un lazo).

Music? Theatre? I don't go in for that sort of thing. Musica? Teatro? No me atrae ese tipo decosas. She sang the first verse, then everyone joined in. Ella canto el primer verso, despues, todo el mundo se unio. If you're going to play cards count me in. Si vais ajugar a las cartas contad conmigo.

UN IT 13


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercidos 2, 3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales que corresponden a estos verbos L1: 1. Comprender, registrar (en mente) 4. Anadir, incorporar 2. Inspirar 5. Unirse a, juntarse con 3. Revolver anadiendo algo 6. Establecerse en

7. Arrastrar adentro 8. Iraporalgo

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. add in count in


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

breathe in sink in

build in stir in

come in take in

drink in throw in

fit in

I opened the window and the fresh, morning air. I looked at my feet in the bottom of the boat. Water was fast. He said nothing but his eyes everything. The importance of this piece of news didn't at first. She stood in the middle of the forest and the magical atmosphere. If you the cost of the petrol, it's not cheaper to go by car. If you're going to see the new film at the Ritzy, you can me Melt the butter and the flour carefully. If you buy this car, I'll a radio and CD player for the same price. The architect has a giant TV screen on the sitting-room wall. Our delivery man is in your area today. I'm sure he can you

EXERCISES Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. cash in come in draw in fall in join in rope in settle in suck in 1. The woman in red started to shout at the politician, then everybody 2. At university he with a group of poets. 3. They tried to me for a game of football, but I told them I wasn't fit. 4. I'm sure Jane will very quickly at her new school. 5. John and Martha were arguing like cats. When they tried to me , I went home. 6. We've got a syndicate for the National Lottery. Do you want to on it? 7. Mercedes were hoping to on the new market for small cars. 8. A lot of people were taking drugs. I didn't want to get

EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. When the significance of something sinks in, 2. If you cash in on something, 3. When you settle in somewhere, 4. If you don't take in what you are reading, 5. If you get roped in for something,

A you begin to feel at home. B you get involved slightly against your will. c you take advantage of it for profit. D you finally understand it. E you don't register it mentally.

UNIT14 VERBS WITH IN (3) Empezar • Llenar/Completar • Colapsar Empezar Un numero de verbos con in llevan el significado de 'introducir' o 'empezar': The fashion for jeans came in after the war. La moda de los vaqueros vino despues de la guerra. The new manager brought in a more attacking style of play. El nuevo entrenador trajo consigo un estilo dejugar mas ofensivo. Introducir algo por etapas es phase something in. El verbo set in solo se usa para el principio de un largo periodo desagradable; por ejemplo, una enfermedad, tiempo frio, depresion. Tuck in es lanzarse a por la comida con energia.

Llenar/Completar Algunos verbos con in tienen el sentido de 'llenar'. Ejemplos:


Fill in a form. Colour in a drawing. Brick in a doorway.

Rellenar un impreso. Colorear un dibujo. Tapiar una entrada.

Metaforicamente, se usa la frase fill someone in de esta manera: I'm not up to date with the sales figures. Can you fill me in? No estoy al dia con las cifras de las ventas. Me puedes informar?

Colapsar Una importante categoria de verbos con in tiene el significado de 'colapsar' o 'rendirse':

• Notese este uso metaforico:

The floor gave in under the weight of the machine. El suelo cedio bajo el peso de la mdquina. The walls of the tunnel suddenly carved in. Lasparedes del tunel de repente cedieron. OK. Tell me the answer -1 give in. De acuerdo. Dime la respuesta - Me rindo.


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4)

Busque los verbos ingleses frasales que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 1. Antes de que comience el tiempo 2. Introducir algo escalonadamente 3. Colorear un cuadro


4. Traer/instalar un nuevo sistema 5. Rellenar un impreso 6. Ceder ante alguien

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. brick in phase in

bring in plaster in

colour in set in

come in tuck in


in (x2)

UN IT14 1. Short skirts first in the 1920s, then again in the sixties. 2. The company will a new accounting system starting on 1st January. 3. The government planned to the use of nuclear power over a period of twenty years. 4. He used to to a hearty breakfast every morning at 5 o'clock. 5. My grandfather used to play a game of golf every morning until his illness 6. Would you be so kind as to this form? 7. They gave the children some drawings of clowns to 8. I'm going to talk to the directors about Far Eastern sales. Can you me on Korea? 9. They the side windows in the 19th century to avoid paying window tax. 10. He the gap between the door frame and the wall.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. cave in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

fall in

give in (x2)

kick in

If you don't open this door, we're going to it Two men were trapped when the tunnel There was a cracking noise, then suddenly the roof Everybody laughed and stamped their feet. I was afraid the floor might. His wife was the dominant partner. He often found it easier to to her.

EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. If you fill a person in (on something), 2. If you phase in a new system, 3. When you plaster in a gap, 4. When something gives in, 5. When winter sets in,

A B c D E

you fill it with plaster. it collapses under pressure. you give them the latest relevant details. you call this the 'onset' of winter. you introduce it by stages.


UNIT15 VERBS WITH ON (1) Incluyendo/Cubriendo/Anadiendo • Comienzo Incluyendo/Cubriendo/Anadiendo • Un cierto numero de verbos con on tiene que ver con vestirse: Put on a jacket. Keep your hat on.

Ponte una chaqueta. Ten puesto el sombrero/No te quites el sombrero.

• Muy en relation a esta notion es la idea de 'juntando/sujetando': Screw a handle on = Sujetar un mango con un tornillo (a screw). Glue the nose on = Pega laparte delantera con cola (glue). All the contestants must pin their numbers on. Todos los concursantes deben sujetar los numeros con un imperdible. UNIT15 • On tambien se usa con otros verbos con la idea de 'adicion': The bill was expensive after they added on my phone calls. La factura subio mucho despues de que anadieran mis llamadas telefonicas. Don't take on too much work. You won't have time to do it properly. No cojas demasiado trabajo. No tendrds tiempo de hacerlo bien.

Comienzo • Muchos verbos con on dan la idea de comenzar (a veces de 'causar que algo comience'):

• A continuation van dos expresionesconon: —

Put on the lights. Enciende las luces. The fashion for paper dresses didn't catch on. La moda de los vestidos depapel no cuajo. What brought on all that sneezing? iQue ha ocasionado todos esos estornudos? I've got flue coming on. Estoy cogiendo la gripe. What's going on? Que estd sucediendo? I get on well with my mother-in-law. Me llevo bien con mi suegra.


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercidos 2, 3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 1. Ponerse un vestido 2. No quitarse los zapatos 3. Coger demasiado trabajo

4. Poner/enchufar la radio 5. Trajo/ocasiono un catarro 6. Probarse una chaqueta

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. addon

keep on

put on

take on (x2)

try on

1. Martha a red shirt with a blue and green skirt. She looked terrible. 2. This is a very nice suit, sir. Would you like to the jacket? youc roats 3.It'scoldinthisclassroomI.suggestyou thewineandthetip,it'sanexpensive 4.Thefoodisquitecheapbut,whenyou restaurant. 5. Looking after somebody else's children is a big responsibility to 6. It's difficult to say no. But I don't want to more work than I can do.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. bring on 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

catch on

come on (x2)

Atchoo! Atchoo! I think I've got a cold It's getting dark. Shall I the light ? The central heating will by itself at six o'clock. Every time I the radio, I hear that song. It was sitting by the open window that my cold. It's a clever invention but I don't think it will

put on

turn on

UN 11 .**£


Una los verbos frasales 1-6 con las oraciones A-F. A the service charge. Take on B a stamp. Switch on c a lot of work. Try on D clothes. Add on E the light. Stick on F with my mother-in-law. Get on


Continuation • Animo • Actuacion/Desempeno Continuacion On se usa con muchos verbos que dan idea de que algo continua. Algunas veces el verbo que se usa indica que es lo que continuayavecesesmetaforico:

'Play on' said the referee. 'Seguidjugando' dijo el drbitro. The memory of that day lived on for many years. El recuerdo de ese diaperduro muchos anos.

Algunos verbos son menos evidentes. Go on y carry on significan ambos 'continuar': He just went on reading the book as if nothing had happened. Siguid leyendo como si nada hubiera sucedido. • Keep on trying significa 'no dejes de intentar'. Hold on y hang on ambos significan 'esperauntiempocorto': • Stay on at school or university significa 'continua tus estudios mas alia de un minimo'. Get on with something significa 'continua despues de parar' o 'comienza despues de tergiversar'. Get on a veces tiene el sentido de progresar: '

Get on with it! We haven't got all day!' ' Sigue con eso! No tenemos todo el dm!' How are you getting on? Are you nearly ready? tComo vas? ^Estds ya listo? Nota: On no se usa generalmente (con el sentido de 'continuar') con un verbo transitivo (ej.: con un objeto). Se puede decir They played on (intransitivo). Pero no se puede decir They played on the game (transitivo). El significado 'ellos continuaron jugando el partido' se expresa con they carried on o They went on playing the game.

Animo On se usa con unos pocos verbos para indicar animo:

The spectators urged the runner on with cheers and shouts. Los espectadores animaron al corredor con gritos de animo. Come on Liverpool! Venga/dnimo Liverpool!


Actuacion/Desempeno On se usa con unos pocos verbos con el sentido de 'en escena' o 'en el terreno de juego'. Porejemplo:


Put on a play. Poner en escena una obra teatral. Bring on a substitute. Poner un sustituto.

EXERCISES (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejerddos 2, 3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos: UNIT16 1. 2. 3. 4.

jEspere un momento, por favor! jSiga intentandolo! jSiguecontutrabajo! Venga!

5. Seguirhaciendo algo 6. Poner en escena una obra teatral 7. Queechan?

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. carry on keep on 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

get on live on

go on (x2) play on

hang on stay on

hold on

He said good morning and reading the newspaper. Stop talking, please, Terry, and with your work. I'll ringing the bell until he opens the door. Most people at school after the age of sixteen. I'll just see if she is in her office. Will you , please? 'Sudden death' means the two teams have to until someone scores a goal. The minister : 'And there will be no immediate rise in taxation...' The film too long, in my opinion. The person who can help you will be here soon. Can you for another five minutes? 10. Duke Ellington is dead, but his music will for ever.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. be on go on (x2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

bring on put on

cheer on come on (x2)

At rugby and football matches the spectators shout:' , England!' Spectators stood on both sides of the road to the marathon runners. The Opera House recently Puccini's 'La Boheme'. In the last five minutes of the match, the trainer decided to a substitute. What at the Apollo Theatre at the moment? The 'curtain call' is when the actors at the end of a play and the audience applauds. I don't know what behind closed doors, but they look very happy to me. There are hundreds of people standing outside the supermarket. What's ?

EXERCISE4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. She stayed on 2. The music lives on 3. The National Theatre puts on 4. I must get on with 5. Keep on

A B c D E

trying. at university. my homework. in my memory. six plays a year.


UNITl7 VERBS WITH DOWN (1) • Movimiento hacia abajo/Comiendo y bebiendo • Disminucion/Reduccion Movimiento hacia abajo/Comiendo y bebiendo • El significado basico de down es 'movimiento hacia abajo'. A menudo es lo contrario de up, como en estos ejemplos: Sit down (sientate) Put down (dejar en el suelo) Go down (bajar)

stand up (levdntate) pick up (recoger del suelo) come up (subir)

• Un uso especial de down con ciertos verbos se relaciona con comer y beber. 'Tragar algo rapidamente' es gulp it down, 'comer algo vorazmente' es wolf it down: UN



was so hungry' he wolfed down tow large pizzas. Tenia tanta hambre que devoro dos grandes pizzas.

• Si tiene problemas en retenerlo en el estomago, you can't keep it down.

Disminucion/Reduccion • Down se usa con muchos verbos para dar una idea de 'disminucion' o 'reduction'. Por ejemplo, settle down y calm down ambos significan 'calmarse'. Si quiere vender algo rapidamente, you bring the price down justed baja los precios). A continuation van mas ejemplos:

Turn down the volume. Baja el volumen. I want to cut down on cigarettes, Quiero reducir el consumo de cigarrillos. All problems come down to love or money. Todos los problemas se reducen a amor o dinero. She stopped speaking till the noise died down. Dejo de hablar hasta que el ruido desaparecio.


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden 1. Dejar algo en el suelo 4. Bajar los precios 2. El sol se pone 5. Los precios descendieron 3. Echarse/tumbarse 6. Dejar de tomar azucar

a estos verbos LI: 7. Bajar el volumen 8. Calmarse 9. Las carcajadas se extinguieron

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. come down keep down

fall down lie down

go down put down

gulp down wolf down

jump down

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I'm terribly tired. I'm going to on the sofa for half an hour. Mr Brown's office is on the sixth floor. I'll phone and ask him to to Reception. That bag is too heavy for you it I'll carry it. At this time of year, the sun at about 6 o'clock. The children stood on the wall and , one after another. That tree is completely dead. It's probably going to soon. Mary her coffee and ran out of the house with a croissant in her hand. For the first two months of her pregnancy she found it difficult to any food So she didn't have breakfast. 9. Until I was about thirty-five I could masses of fat and sugar, stay in bed all day and still stay thin. ~~ EXERCISE 3

Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. bringdown die down

calm down (x2) settle down

come down (x3) turn down

cut down (x2)

1. The temperature will sharply tonight. 2. That music is rather loud. Could you it , please? 3. There were hundreds of customers in the shop earlier this morning, but things have now. 4. The children were very excited, so I read them a story to them 5. Prices usually after Christmas. 6. The actor waited for the laughter to before he continued. 7. If sterling is weak, it the price of British products abroad. 8. The popularity of German cars to two things: good design and good quality. 9. I'm trying to on the number of cigarettes I smoke. 10. The doctor advised him to on fat and sugar. 11. The students chatted for a few minutes in the library, then they to work.

EXERCISE4 Una los verbos frasales 1-5 con las oraciones A-E. 1. Jump down A a noisy class of children. 2. Comedown B on cream and sugar. 3. Cut down c off a chair. 4. Bring down D from the top floor. 5. Calm down E the price.


UN IT 18 VERBS WITH DOWN (2) Derrota/Colapso/Destruccion • Dejar de fimcionar/ Fracaso o fallo • Grabacion/Atribucion a Derrota/Colapso/Destruccion • Un numero de verbos combina con down para dar idea de 'destruction' o en un sentido metaforico de 'derrota': We must stop cutting down the rainforests. Debemos dejar de talar los bosques. Accusations of fraud brought down the government. Las acusaciones defraude han derribado al gobiemo. UNIT18

• Crack down on something y come down heavily on something ambos significan 'castigar severamente/ tomar medidas energicas contra'. Hay una idea de 'retroceder' en verbos tales como back down y climb down: His opponents were strong but the chairman refused to climb down. Sus oponentes eran fuertes pero elpresidente se nego a ceder. Los verbos keep down y stand down ambos significan 'retirarse' o 'ceder la position a alguien': The Prime Minister stepped down from office after just ten months. El primer ministro dejo el cargo justo despues de diez meses.

Dejar de funcionar/Fracaso o fallo • Down combina con un cierto numero de verbos para dar una idea de 'cesar de fimcionar' y a veces 'fallo' en un sentido mas general: The computer is down. El ordenador estd estropeado. My washing machine has broken down. Mi lavadora se ha estropeado.

Grabacion/Atribucion a Write down y take down ambos se pueden usar con el sentido de 'grabando' algo: Quick, write down his registration number! jDeprisa, anota la matricula! Notese que la segunda parte de la expresion go down (in history) se puede omitir: This match will go down as the most important of the season. Estepartido sera considerado como el mas importante de la temporada. Proverbio: what do you put it down to? Significa ' ,a que lo achacas?'

EXERCISES 1 (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercidos 2, 3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos L1: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Averiarse Echarseatras Cortar un arbol Derribar un edificio

5. 6. 7. 8.

Cerrar defmitivamente Bajaralgo Rechazar una solicitud Bajar un peldafio, retirarse, ceder el puesto

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. backdown knock down 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

break down cut down

crack down shoot down

turn down step down

They some beautiful villas to build office blocks in their place. For every tree we , we should plant another. 'If the door is locked, we'll it ,' said the policeman. Saddam threatened to the US planes. The police should on the drug dealers, not just the users. I would be the first person to an unrealistic idea. Seven years as prime minister is enough for me. I will next month. Her critics were strong and numerous but she refused to


EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. be down * put down (x2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

breakdown take down

closedown go down let .down turn down (x2) writedown

I was driving along the motorway when, suddenly, the car After twenty-five years, the shop finally in April. I can't give you a copy of the report just now. My computer I wanted a job as a fireman, but they my application. When he came out of prison, he applied for a job as a teacher, but they him We're counting on you to buy the tickets, so please don't us We all every word the professor said. He'll in history as the meanest employer who ever lived. Some people his success to intelligence and hard work, but I it to luck. If you have a problem with a taxi, you can the driver's number.


EXERCISE4 Una los verbos frasales 1-5 con las oraciones A-E. A as president. Go down B a building. Turn down c in history. Step down D someone's address. Pull down E an application for a job. Take down


• Sin rumbo • Por todos los sitios • Girar/Darse la vuelta • Visitar Sin rumbo • Las particulas about y around se usan (lo mismo una que otra) con ciertos verbos para anadir la idea de 'sin rumbo fijo' (haciendo algo que no tiene la seguridad de tener exito o beneficio). Verbos muy comunes son: sit around, stand around, lie around, hang around, mess around (encordiando) y fiddle around (perder el tiempo). Stick around significa'noirselejos': They stand around all day outside the underground station. Sepasan el diafuera de la estacion del metro. We haven't got time to mess about. No tenemos tiempo que perder/ No podemos perder el tiempo de esa manera. • About se usa con come con un sentido de 'suceder' y con bring con un sentido de sensacion de 'hacer que algo suceda': They've split up! How did that come about? jSe han separado! Comopuede haber sucedido? I don't know what brought about her sudden change in attitude towards me. No se lo que haproducido su repentino cambio de actitud hacia mi. Por

todos los sitios

Around (o about) se usa con ciertos verbos para anadir la ideade'portodo': A menudo da una idea de 'esparcir':

Wherever he went, the little dog followed him around. A dondequiera que iba, le seguia el perrito.

Don't leave your books around. Put them away. No dejes tus libros por ahi. Recogelos.

Shop around significa 'vete a muchas tiendas diferentes a fin de encontrar algo'. Hand something around (o pass something around) significa 'pasa algo a alguien en la habitation'. Tambien se puede decir hand round y pass round.

UNIT19 '

Girar/Darse la vuelta Round o around se puede usar (indistintamente) con algunos verbos con el significado de 'girar'. For ejemplo, turn round (darse la vuelta), look round (echar un vistazo), spin round (hacer girar). Win someone round significa 'hacerles ver tu punto de vista'.

Visitar • Come round, go round y call round significan todos ellos 'visitar la casa de un vecino'.


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercidos 2, 3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos L1:

UN IT19 *

1. 2. 3. 4.

Merodear, estar por ahi (sin hacer nada) Me sigue por todos los sitios Hacer compras Ensenar fotos

5. No mires a tu alrededor 6. Ven despues de cenar 7. Las noticias se divulgaron

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. follow around mess around sit around

get around (x2) pass round stand around (x2)

leave around run around stick around

shop around

1. On Sundays I always used to doing nothing. Nowadays, I spend most Sundays working. 2. There were one or two me in the bus station who obviously weren't waiting for a bus. 3. At a cocktail party you have to and make polite conversation. 4. If you outside the theatre long enough, somebody may buy your extra ticket. 5. Stop ! There's work to be done. 6. Before my sister's wedding, my mother spent the whole morning like a headless chicken. 7. Photographers her wherever she goes. 8. - New York on Monday, Paris on Wednesday. Tomorrow I'm going to Rome. - You certainly ' 9. My little sister always her books and clothes lying She's very untidy. 10. To get the cheapest price, you have to 11. Susanna her photos for everyone to see. 12. The news that she had left her husband.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. bring round look round 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

call round spin round

come round turn round (x2)

go round win round

If you , I'll brush the back of your jacket for you. Don't just now. I don't want her to know we're talking about her. They used to locomotives on an enormous disc called a turntable. How do ballet dancers so fast without getting dizzy? The audience hated him at first but in the end he them We're to see Jim. Why don't you come with us? If you after supper, we can do the homework together. I like it when people unexpectedly, so I always keep something extra in the fridge. He has fallen in love with your sister and wants you to her to his house one day.

EXERCISE4 Una los verbos frasales 1-5 con las oraciones A-E. 1. Shop around A to my house. 2. Come round B doing nothing. 3. Lie around c for a good price. 4. Pass round D on your heels. 5. Spin round E the photocopies.


UNIT20 VERBS wITH AWAy (1) Movimiento alejandose/Retirandose • Quitar/Disponer Movimiento alejandose/Retirandose • El sentido basico de away es 'movimiento alejandose'. Away combina con verbos de manera o movimiento (walk, run, fly, drive, etc.) para indicar como se aleja alguien: On the green light, the Ferrari accelerated away. Con la luz verde, el Ferrari acelero. • 'Keep your distance' es keep away o stay away. 'Escapar' es escape o get away. Nota: Away combina con los verbos transitivos para indicar como se le obliga a algo o a alguien a que se aleje. Una vieja rima infantil cuenta la historia que una cierta Srta. Muffet huyo espantada cuando hacia picnic, a causa de una arana: • ' Alejar a alguien' es turn someone away. UNIT20 AndfrightenedMiss Muffet away:

Along came a spider And sat down beside her


• Away combina con muchos verbos para dar la idea de 'quitar' o 'disponer'. Muchas de estas combinaciones de verbos son sencillamente metaforicas extensiones de la idea: throw a pair of shoes (tirar un par de zapatos) es verdaderamente tirarlos (lanzarlos), pero throw the shoes away (tirar los zapatos) puede significar sencillamente tirarlos a la basura. Give something away significa 'dar algo sin obtener nada a cambio'. Give a secret away significa divulgar algo (quiza por equivocation). He aqui otros ejemplos: • La expresion corriente Get away with something, signi- Take that cigarette a^j. It's making me sneeze. .Quita ese cigarnllo. Me esta haciendo estornudar. fica tener exito en hacer algo His confldence drained away. pehgroso sm dano o castigo'. Su confianzafue desapareciendo. The crowd soon got bored and drifted away. La muchedumbre pronto se aburrio y se alejo.


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejerdcios 2, 3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a los verbos L1: 1. Escaparse 4. Tirar algo 2. Despedir a alguien/Mandar a alguien con cajas destempladas 5. Remolcar un coche 3. Mantenerse alejado (no acercarse) 6. Escapar

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. back away fly away run away (x2) scare away 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

get away stay away

go away keep away turn away (x2)

The doormen will anybody who doesn't have a ticket for the concert. I know it's closing time but I don't want to customers When I opened the window the bird on the tree The boy stole the lady's handbag and as fast as he could. An alarming number of children from home before the age of eleven. As I approached the dog it began to , watching me suspiciously as it went. Farmers put scarecrows in the middle of their fields to the birds 'I never want to see you again , and !' she said. I've got a terrible cold. You'd better from me. What! You've lost two prisoners? How did they ?


C om p e l tea l sfrasesco a lnformacorrectadeu v n erbofrasaldec a a ls a li.

drag away take away 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

ebb away throw away (x2)

gamble away tow away

give away wash away

If you leave your car there, the police will come and it When I cleared the table last night I one of the spoons by mistake. We live in a society where people too many things Just leave the bottles outside your door and somebody will them the morning. He all his money on horse races. Confidence in the government began to _ The police the protesters A lot of magazines free samples of perfume and shampoo. Heavy rain the new paint on the wall.


EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. If you turn someone away, 2. If you talk the night away, 3. If you keep away from something, 4. If you give something away, 5. If you get away with something,

A B c D E

you don't go near it. you receive nothing in return. you don't let them come in. there are no unpleasant consequences. you talk till morning.

UNIT21 VERBS WITH AWAY 2) Guardando/Escondiendo • Ausencia/Viaje Continuo, actividad intensa Guardando/Escondiendo • Away combina con un cierto numero de verbos para dar la idea de 'guardar', o a veces, 'esconder'. En cierto sentido se hacen cosas para que desaparezcan de la vista. Put something away significa 'poner algo en su sitio'. Clear something away o tidy something away significa 'quitar algo de manera que la habitation quede libre (clear) u ordenada (tidy)':


Put away your things when you have finished. Recoge tus cosas cuando hayas terminado. The criminal was locked away for five years. El criminal fue encerrado por cinco ahos.

Ausencia/Viaje • Be away significa 'estar ausente' (o bien de viaje o enfermo). Go away a menudo significa 'irse de vacaciones', y get away puede significar 'encontrar el tiempo de ; irse de vacaciones':

We were very busy last summer, but we got away for a week in September. Estuvimos muy ocupados el verano pasado, pero nosfuimos una semana en septiembre.

1 Continuo, actividad intensa Un uso interesante y relativamente comun de away con un cierto numero de verbos da la idea de una actividad intensa. Por ejemplo: When I saw him, he was polishing away at the bonnet of his car. Cuando le vi estaba sacando brillo al capo de su coche. Este uso de away se hace generalmente con tiempos continuos o con una palabra como keep, la cual sugiere inquietud. Los verbos que combinan con away suelen tener algo que ver con el trabajo: She called him but he just kept scribbling away. Ella le llamo, pero el siguio garabateando.

Notese que la preposition at se usa para el enfoque de la actividad: The cat was scratching away at the door post. El gato estaba aranando elposte de lapuerta. Y notese esta expresion con get: get carried away (se dejo llevar).


EXERCISES (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2,3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 1. Guardar/apartar algun dinero 4. No te dejes llevar 2. Guardar la vajilla 5. Le gusta encerrarse 3. El esta fuera en este momento


"EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. be away (x2) lock away

clear away put away (x2)

get away shut away

go away todu away

1. If you do the washing-up, I'll dry the things and them 2. Before leaving her desk, Jane liked to everything into the drawers. 3. The writer himself in his study for eight hours every day until the book was finished. 4. His grandmother said he should some money for his old age. 5. It doesn't help children if their parents them from the realities of the world. 6. Are you this Christmas? 1. We didn't last summer. We spent the holiday painting our flat. 8. 'I'm afraid Mr Jones at the moment. He'll be in the office on Friday.' 9. 'You're going to China tomorrow! How wonderful! How long will you ?' 10. During the speech, waiters came and the dirty plates and dishes.


EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. flash away 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


get carried away

polish away

talk away

A police car passed us with its blue light The woman from the flat next door was standing on a chair John was at his Maths homework. The students were in the classroom. - We've won! We've won the lottery! -Don't It's only £20.

workaway at her windows.

™ EXERCISE 4 Una los verbos frasales 1-5 con las oraciones A-E. 1. Put away A at a keyboard. 2. Tap away B some money (for a rainy day). 3. Workaway c for a holiday. 4- Getaway D your valuables. 5. Lock away E at a problem.

UNIT22 VERBS WITH OVER (1) • Cayendo • Cambio/Transferencia Cayendo • Over combina con un cierto numero de verbos para dar idea en el sentido literal de caer o ser arrojado a tierra:

knock something over es 'derribar algo' fall over es 'caerse' run over es 'atropellar' be run over (o get run over) es 'ser atropellado'

• Otras combinaciones corrientes son: push something over (empujar algo para que se caiga); blow something over (soplar algo para que se caiga), y topple over (hacer caer algo pesado). Turn over y tip over significan 'volcar': The demostrators turned over the cars in the street. Los manifestantes volcaron los caches en la calle. Don't stand in the boat or you'll tip it over. No te pongas de pie en el bote o lo volcards.

Cambio/Transferencia • Over se combina con ciertos verbos para dar idea de cambio o transferencia (a menudo 'cambio de propietario'). Por ejemplo:

Mohammed Al Said took over Harrods in 1985. Mohammed Al Said se hizo cargo de Harrods en 1985. Keep quiet and hand over your money! Estense qmetos y entreguen el dinero! Jaguar wants to win customers over from Mercedes. Jaguar quiere ganarse los clientes de Mercedes. The plan was to change over to the Euro in 1999. El plan era cambiar al euro en 1999. Move over. You're taking up too much space. Muevete. Estds ocupando demasiado sitio.



(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejerddos 2, 3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos L1: 1. Tirar/derribar un vaso 4. Hacerse cargo como director 2. Ser atropellado 5. Ganarse a alguien (su confianza) 3. Entregar tu dinero (a la fuerza)

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. blowover(x2)

fall over (x2)

knock over (x2)

run over (x3)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

As she walked past our table, she a vase with her handbag. The poor man was by a bus on his thirty-first birthday. Every time the little boy , he just laughed and got up again. The big willow tree in the middle of the field was in the storm. The waiter a glass, spilling wine all over the woman's silk dress. My mother used to say: 'Always wear clean underwear in case you are by a bus.' 7. There is a noticeboard outside the restaurant, but the wind it about ten times a day. 8. The clown couldn't take three steps without 9. The parachutist landed in the middle of the airport runway and was immediately ..... by a jumbo-jet.


Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. change over 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

hand over (x3)

take over (x3)

win over (x3)


A financier from London their family business two years ago. Hoddle from Venables as manager of the England football team in 1997. I've got a gun in my pocket _ all your money! On his seventieth birthday, the chairman of the company the job to his son. At election time, politicians need to as many new supporters as they can. Our company is losing money. We need to new customers. I don't like the idea of my children to a nanny while I go out to work. In 1967, Sweden from driving on the left to driving on the right. At first, the audience booed and shouted at the actor, but in the end he them Many British people were surprised when VW Rolls Royce.

EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. A new management team 2. The old oak tree was 3. On the day he retired, the poor man was 4. I was taking out a jacket when the wardrobe 5. In the accident, the car

A B c D E

turned over. took over the company. fell over. run over by a bus. blown over.

UNIT23 VERBS WITH OVER • Consideration cuidadosa • Cubriendo/Escondiendo • Terminado • A la casa de alguien Consideration cuidadosa • Verbos como think y talk combinan con over para dar un sentido de consideration cuidadosa o a conciencia. Por ejemplo, el novelista Julian Barnes escribio un libro titulado 'Talking it over' (hablando sobre ello) en el que los protagonistas se turnan contando la historia; cada uno mantiene, por decirlo asi, una conversation con el lector. • Think something over significa 'considerar algo cuidadosamente - generalmente antes de tomar una decision'. Turn something over in your mind significa considerar algo desde todos los angulos. Look something over significa 'mirarlo con ojo critico': We looked over dozens of flats before choosing this one. Miramos docenas de pisos antes de elegir este.

Cubriendo/Escondiendo • Unos pocos verbos se usan con over para mostrar que algo esta cubierto o escondido: The sky clouded over. El cielo se cubrio. The artist didn't like the necklace so he painted it over. Al artista no le gusto el collar asi que lo volvio apintar. • Si no, use cover something over with... como en este ejemplo: We covered the holes over with wallpaper. Cubrimos los agujeros con papel de empapelar.

Terminado • Be over significa 'estar acabado' como en: The party's over. La fiesta se ha acabado.

• Blow over sugiere que las tormentas y las nubes se disipan, se usa metaforicamente para problemas, discusiones y malos tiempos. • Si presta dinero a alguien... 'to tide him over', significa 'hasta que el periodo sin dinero seacabe'. • Get something over with significa 'terminar con algo'.

A la casade alguien Over tiene el sentido de 'la casa de alguien' o a esa persona, en estas combinaciones: invite someone over (invitar a alguien); go over (ir alia); come over (venir, acudir), etc.



(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2, 3 y 4)

Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos L1: Buscarunpiso 2. Darle vueltas a algo, pensar en algo 3. Hablar sobre algo 4. Invitar a alguien a que venga

5. 6. 7. 8.

Pintaralgo El partido no ha terminado El cielo se nublo Terminemos con ello

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. cloud over paint over

cover over talk over

freeze over think over

look over

1. Would you this report before I give it to the manager? 2. You have twenty-four hours to our proposal Phone us if you accept the terms. 3. I want to this with my wife before I give you an answer. 4. When the sky began to , we left the beach and went back to the hotel. 5. First, the painters the tables and chairs with sheets. 6. In winter, the canal sometimes and then we all go skating on it. 7. Municipal workers the graffitti before the Queen arrived.

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un verbo frasal de la casilla. be over get it over with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

come over (x2) tide over

blow over invite over

We sometimes have terrrible arguments in our family, but they always very quickly. Can you lend me a little money to me until the end of the month? Take the tooth out now. I'd like to _ You must and see us some time. Dad, I've some friends on Saturday. Is that OK? I didn't know what to say when the Princess and spoke to me. When the match , the players all exchanged shirts.


EXERCISE4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. The stream always used to 2. These problems will soon 3. Fifty pounds will be enough to 4. The sky is beginning to 5. What time will the celebrations

A B c D E

cloud over. freeze over, be over? tide me over. blow over.

UNIT24 VERBS WITH BACK • Movimiento • Vuelta al punto de partida • Respondiendo/Reciprocidad Movimiento • El significado literal cuando back combina con un verbo es a menudo 'un movimiento hacia atras'; por ejemplo: stand back (echarse hacia atras); tie your hair back (atate el pelo atras); push your chair back (tira la silla atras). Sin embargo, back combina con varios verbos en el sentido metaforico de 'moverse hacia atras en el tiempo'; por ejemplo:

„ „ , . . . „ , • Hold back sigmfica controlate .

The Irish problem goes back to the 17th century. Elproblema irlandes se remota al sigh XVII. That smell takes me back to my first school. Ese olor me recuerda mi primera escuela. Don't took back. No pienses en el pasado.


Vuelta al punto de partida • Back tambien combina con muchos verbos para dar idea de 'volver al punto de partida': Go back to square one. I miss you. Come back soon. • Otras combinaciones son:

• Notese tambien:

Vuelve a la primera casilla. Te echo de menos. Vuelve pronto.

Give something back Put something back Take something back Send something back

(devuelve algo) (pon algo donde estaba) (lleva algo a su sitio) (envia algo a donde estaba)

Don't lend him any money. You'll never get it back. No leprestes dinero. No lo recuperards nunca.

Respondiendo/Reciprocidad • Una idea mas que da la palabra back es la de 'reciprocidad' o 'respuesta':

He smiled at her and she smiled back. El le sonrio y ella le devolvio la sonrisa. I'll phone you back in five minutes. Te telefoneare dentro de cinco minutos.


(Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2, 3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 1. Eso me lleva a mis buenos tiempos 4. Mirar hacia atras 2. Eso me trae recuerdos 5. Volar/coger un avion de vuelta 3. Ponlos en su sitio 6. Devolver (dinero)

EXERCISE 2 Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un drop back go back (x2) look back push back verbo frasal de la casilla. stand back (x2) take back think back tie back 1 , please! Let the ambulance men pass. 2. It's important to and consider things objectively. 3. When you work with this machine, you must your hair 4. 'Don't talk to me like that,' he said, and John with the palm of his hand. 5. The British runner is not doing so well in the race now. He's _ 6. The Minister's friendship with the actress to their schooldays together. 7. A flashback is a scene in which the film to an earlier stage of the story. 8. 'Ah, that music me !' said Grandma. 'Your mother used to play that on the piano.' 9. 'When did you last see the victim?'said the policeman.' ' 10. When I on those years, I realize they were the happiest years of my life.


Complete las frases con be back bring back (x2) put back come back (x2) la forma correcta de un fly back go back . pay back verbo frasal de la casilla. ring back send back smile back write back 1. If the goods are not in perfect condition when they arrive, them to us. 2 ! All is forgiven! 3. We took the train to Paris but because we were in a hurry, we decided to 4. I'm just going out for a bite of lunch. I'll at two o'clock. 5. You can borrow these books for three weeks, but please this one tomorrow. 6. Ah, this music wonderful memories. 7. She thought about the chocolates for a few seconds, then them on the shelf. 8. My brother's on holiday at the moment. He's on Saturday. 9. When are you to your country? 10. You can borrow my pen, but please it It's the only one I've got. 11. Stay by the telephone. I'll you immediately. 12. When you smile at people, they usually 13. I wrote and asked for an explanation, but the company didn't 14. I lent him £30, but he never it EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. Bring back A the money you owe. 2. Payback B your chair. 3. Go back c later.

4. Push back 5. Callback

D happy memories. E to the beginning.

UNIT24 "


Desmantelar • Separation • Completar/A conciencia Contacto por telefono Desmantelar • Unos pocos verbos combinan con apart para dar una idea de 'desmanteShe took her bicycle apart to clean it. lar algo'. Take apart se usa para mecaElla desmonto la bicicleta para limpiarla. nismos o maquinas: • Se pueden usar fall apart o come apart para un desmantelamiento involuntario (mejor que 'rotura'): Without the proper glue, the chair will \ustfallpart again. Sin elpegamento apropiado, la silla se deshara otra vez.

Separacion UNIT25 • Apart tambien combina con algunos I hate it when we are apart verbos para dar la Detesto el que estemos separados. sensation de 'sepaHer quick intelligence always set her apart from the others. rar' o 'distinguir': Su rapidez intelectual siempre le hacia distanciarse de los demos.

Completar/A conciencia • Unos pocos verbos combinan con through para dar una idea de completar algo o hacerlo a conciencia. Estos verbos a menudo estan conectados con planes, proyectos, estrategias, discusiones, etc. Carry a project through, por ejemplo, significa conseguir que un proyecto tenga un fin exitoso. Talk something through significa 'hablar sobre ello en detalle'. Notese estos otros usos metaforicos: I agreed to do it, so I'm going to go through with it. Acepte hacerlo, asi que voy a seguir adelante con ello. His plan /f// through for lack of money. Suplan se vino abajo por falta de dinero.

Contacto por telefono Los verbos get through y put someone through se usan para el telefono

I can't get through to my mother. No consigo ponerme en contacto con mi madre. The receptionist/?«/ me through to the manager. La recepcionista mepuso con el director.

EXERCISE1 (Haga esto al mismo tiempo que completa los ejercicios 2, 3 y 4) Busque los verbos frasales ingleses que corresponden a estos verbos LI: 1. Desguazar, desmontar algo 5. Llevar a cabo un proyecto 2. Caerse en pedazos 6. No puedo coger linea (telefono) 3. Crecieron aparte 7. El plan fracaso 4. No puedo diferenciarlos




Complete las frases con la forma correcta de un come apart fall apart (x2) grow apart pul1 apart verbofrasaldelacasilla. set apart (x2) take apart tear apart tell apart 1. The repairer the clock and cleaned all the pieces. 2. We gave the child a cheap toy car for Christmas, but it when he sat on it. 3. I'm sorry about your sunglasses. They just in my hands. 4. The lion jumped on the antelope and it 5. After he lost his job, his life began to 6. The two boys were fighting in the kitchen. Their mother tried to them 7. A Ferrari will you from the crowd. 8. Her parents were happy together for a few years, but then they began to 9. What him from other footballers is his speed in front of the goal. 10. The twins are identical. Only their mother can them

EXERCISE 3 Complete las frases con carry through fall through get through go through la forma correcta de un put through think through talk through verbo frasal de la casilla. 1. It's a wonderful plan, and John O'Connor is the right man to the plan _ 2. 'I can't with it,' she said. 'I know I promised, but I can't marry him.' 3. I accepted a job in Rome, learned Italian and sold my London flat, but the day before I left England, the job 4. Before I agree to your proposal, there are one or two points that I would like to with you. 5. Before we ask the bank to lend us money, we need to our marketing strategy more clearly. 6. - Could I speak to Pamela Stone, please - on extension 3452? - Hold on a moment, please. I'll you 7. - Hello, Pamela. It's Joan speaking. I've been trying to to you all morning. - Sorry. I've had a lot of calls.

EXERCISE 4 Una las dos mitades de las frases. 1. The plan 2. The receptionist 3. Nobody can 4. The old book 5. They were once friends but they

A B c D E

will put you through to me. fell apart in his hands. fell through. grew apart. tell the sisters apart.


REVISION Come, go, bring, take, put, y get son los verbos mas comunes que combinan con particulas. Las cinco paginas siguientes estan dedicadas a ejercicios que practican las combinaciones con estos verbos asi como con los verbos turn y keep. Las frases de estos ejercicios estan cogidas de las primeras paginas del libro. Esto significa que se pueden comprobar las respuestas. Si pone una respuesta equivocada vuelva a la pagina donde trata la particula correcta y busque en el ejemplo. Los numeros de las paginas donde salen las frases se dan en parentesis despues de cada frase. Por cada ejercicio, complete las frases con las particulas correctas en las casillas.

Verbos frasales con come... EXERCISE 1 about on (x3) REVISION

back(x2) apart

down over

off (x2)

1. - Nobody eats meat any more in our house. - Oh, how did that come ? (42) 2. All problems come to love or money. (38) 3. Atchoo! Atchoo! I think I've got a cold coming (35) 4. Come ! All is forgiven! (53) 5. Come , Liverpool! Come , Liverpoo l! (36) 6. I miss you. Come soon. (52) 7. He tried to open the door but the handle came in his hand. (23) 8. His attempt to break the record didn't come (26) 9. I'm sorry about your sunglasses. They just came in my hands. (55) 10. I didn't know what to say when the Princess came and spoke to me. (51)

EXERCISE 2 up(x3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

in (x2)




I know you're in there! Come with your hands up! (14) It's coming to five o'clock now and he hasn't shown up. (9) John is not very tall. He only comes to his brother's shoulder. (8) I looked at my feet in the bottom of the boat. Water was coming fast. (31) Mr Brown's office is on the sixth floor. I'll phone him and ask him to come to Reception. (39) Prices usually come after Christmas. (39) The 'curtain call' is when the actors come at the end of a play and the audience applauds. (37) The fashion for jeans came after the war. (32) The match didn't come to expectations. (8) The popularity of German cars comes to two things: good design and good quality. (39)

Verbosfrasalescong0... EXERCISE 1 down (x2)



back (x2)



1. 'Go to square one' means return to the starting point. (52) 2. A flashback is a scene in which the film goes to an earlier stage of the story. (53) 3. A terrorist bomb was discovered outside the palace but it didn't go (23) 4. At this time of the year, the sun goes at about six o'clock. (39) 5. Don't go without a raincoat. (14) 6. He'll go in history as the meanest employer who ever lived. (41) 1. He just went reading the book as if nothing had happened. (36) 8. I agreed to do it, so I'm going to go with it. (54)




1. I don't know what goes to me.

out (x2)


up (x2)

on (x2)

behind closed doors, but they look very happy


ReVISION 2. I never want to see you again. Go , and stay away! she said. (45) 3. If you go with someone, that person is your boyfriend or girlfriend. (14) 4. If you leave a cigarette in an ashtray, it doesn't go , but a cigar does. (17) 5. Music? Theatre? I don't go for that sort of thing. (30) 6. Susan went to the tennis player and asked him for his autograph. (8) 7. The cost of living goes every year. (7) 8. The film goes too long, in my opinion. (37) 9. The Irish problem goes to the 17th century. (52) 10. This match will go as the most important of the season. (40)

Verbos frasales con bring... EXERCISE 1 up (x2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


down (x3)




Accusations of fraud brought the government. (40) Ah, this music brings wonderful memories. (53) Don't bring that dog I don't want hairs all over the carpet. (29) He has fallen in love with your sister and he wants you to bring her to his house one day. (43) I'm glad you brought that question. (7) I don't know what brought her sudden change in attitude towards me. (42) If I have children, I want to bring them in the country. (7) If sterling is weak, it brings the price of British products abroad. (39) If you want to sell something quickly, you bring the price (38)


in (x2)

on (x2)



1. In the last five minutes of the match, the trainer decided to bring a substitute. (37) 2. It was sitting by the open window that brought my cold. (35) 3. The company will bring a new accounting system starting on 1st January. (33) 4. The Italian jockey brought the incredible feat of winning all seven races in one afternoon. (26) 5. The new manager brought a more attacking style of play. (32) 6. Then he brought the embarrassing subject of money. (7) 7. You can borrow these books for three weeks, but please bring this one tomorrow. (53)

Verbos frasales con take... EXERCISE 1 off(x2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.







'Oh, that musictakesme !'said Grandma. (53) A financier from London took their family business two years ago. (49) Don't take too much work. You won't have time to do it properly. (34) Hoddle took from Venables as manager of the England football team in 1997. (49) I can take £100 a day with my Visa card. (16) I put my glass on the table. Who took it ? (22) I take my hat to people who work and study at the same time. (23) If you don't take what you are reading, you don't register it mentally. (31) If you have a problem with a taxi, you can take the driver's number. (41) If you take people , they are your guests and you pay for them. (14)

EXERCISE on (x2)



out (x2)



1. It's difficult to say no, but I don't want to take more work than I can do. (35) 2. Looking after somebody else's children is a big responsibility to take 3. Many British people were surprised when VW took Rolls Royce. 4. On arriving, she took the situation at a glance. (30) 5. Students may only take five library books. (16) 6. Take that cigarette ! It's making me sneeze. (44) 7. That smell takes me to my first school. (52) 8. The dentist took my wisdom teeth. (16) 9. The repairer took the clock and cleaned all the pieces. (55)


(35) (49)

Verbos frasales con get... EXERCISE 1 . in

on (x2)





1. I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets (30) 2. - New York on Monday, Paris on Wednesday. Tomorrow, I'm going to Rome. - You certainly get (43) 3. Don't lend him any money. You'll never get it (52) 4. Hello, Pamela. It's Joan speaking. I've been trying to get to you all morning. (55) 5. How are you getting ? Are you nearly ready? (36) 6. I must get with my homework. (37) 7. If you get with something, it means there are no unpleasant consequences. (45)


in (x2)

on (x2)

away (x2)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

She doesn't get very well with her mother-in-law. (34) Stop talking, please, Terry, and get with your work. (37) Take the tooth out now. I'd like to get it with. (51) The exhibition was by invitation only, but Charles got me (28) The tickets for the concert are very expensive, but my cousin can get us free. (29) 6. We didn't get last summer. We spent the holiday painting our flat. (47) 7. What time do you want to get tomorrow morning? (7) 8. What! You've lost two prisoners! How did they get ? (45)

Verbos frasales con put... EXERCISE 1 up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

on (x2)

down (x2)

away (x5)


Extension 3452? Hold on a moment, please. I'll put you _ (55) His grandmother said he should put some money for his old age. (47) If you do the washing-up, I' 11 dry the things and put them (47) The National Theatre puts six plays a year. (37) Some people put his success to intelligence and hard work, but I put it to luck. (41) 6. If you know the answer, put your hand (7) 7. Martha put a red shirt with a blue and green skirt. She looked terrible. (35) 8. Put your things when you have finished. (46)



out (x2)


down (x2)


1. She thought about the chocolates for a few seconds, then put them on the shelf. (53) 2. Susanna put her hand to ask the teacher a question. (6) 3. That bag is too heavy for you. Put it I'11 carry it. (39) 4. The fire service fought all night to put the fire (17) 5. The Opera House recently put Puccini's 'La Boheme'. (37) 6. The public relations department put a press release to calm people's fears. (19) 1. I wonder why he did that? What do you put it to? (40)

Verbos frasales con turn... EXERCISE 1 round REVISION ,


up (x3)


away (x2)


1. 'It's cold,' he said and turned the collar of his coat. (7) 2. Every time I turn the radio, I hear that song. (35) 3.1 wanted a job as a fireman, but they turned my application. (41) 4. If you turn , I'll brush the back of your jacket for you. (43) 5. If you turn someone , you don't let them come in. (45) 6. Jack always turns when you least expect him. (9) 7. Parents need to know when to turn the TV. (25) 8. The doormen will turn anyone who doesn't have a ticket for the concert. (45) 9. To turn something in your mind means to consider it from every angle. 10. Martha turned the volume so that she could hear the music in the bathroom. (7)

Verbos frasales con keep... EXERCISE 1 out (x2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


off (x2)

on (x2)

'Keep trying' means don't stop trying. (36) A notice on the gate said PRIVATE-KEEP (17) I've got a terrible cold. You'd better keep from me. (45) If you burn this candle, it will keep the mosquitoes (24) It's ridiculous to keep women of the top jobs. (17) Keep your hat If you take it off, you might lose it. (22) This cream is guaranteed to keep insects. (25) You're walking too fast. I can't keep with you. (9)




ANSWERS I VERBS WITH UP(l) EXERCISE 1 1 bring up 2 dig up 3 get up 4 go up 5 look up 6 pick up 7 turn up 8 bring up 9 build up 10 grow up I1 heat up 12 hurry up 13 speak up 14 turn up 15 warm up EXERCISE 2 picked up lifted up look up dug up put up 6 turned up 7 brought up 8 get up 9 goes up 10 brought up EXERCISE 3 1 turned up brighten up build up bring ... up speak up 6 grew up 7 hurry up 8 warm up 9 h e a t . . . up 10 work up EXERCISE 4 1 A/C • 2 H • 3 D • 4 G 5 E/F • 6 B

2 VERBS WITH UP (2) EXERCISE 1 1 catch up (with) 2 come up (to) 3 drive up 4 face up (to) 5 keep up (with) 6 lead up (to) 7 show up 8 turn up EXERCISE 2 1 keep up 2 catch... up 3 snuggled up 4 leads up 5 coming up 6 drove up 7 face up

8 turns up/shows up 9 show up/turn up 10 walked up EXERCISE 3 1 led up/leads up 2 came up 3 drove up 4 shown up 5 coming up 6 shown up 7 face up EXERCISE 4 1E-2D-3C-4B 5 E/F • 6 A

3 VERBS WITH UP (3) EXERCISE 1 do up brush up zip up 4 cheer up 5 wash up 6 tie up 7 dress up EXERCISE 2 1 dress up 2 do up 3 brush up 4 wash up 5 clean up 6 cheer... up EXERCISE 3 do up tie up boarded up 4 do up 5 zipped up 6 zipped up/ zipped ... up 7 tied up EXERCISE 4 1D-2A-3F-4B 5C-6E

4 VERBS WITH UP (4) EXERCISE 1 1 end up 2 fill up 3 cover up 4 tear up 5 trip up 6 blow up 7 drink up 8 shut up EXERCISE 2 1 used up 2 eat up 3 dries up 4 tore up 5 drank up 6 burn up

EXERCISE 3 1 end up 2 wash ... up 3 filled... up 4 shut up 5 cover up 6 fill up EXERCISE 4 1 mess up 2 blow up 3 smashed up 4 tripped up 5 shook... up

5 VERBS WITH OUT (1) EXERCISE 1 1 break out 2 move out 3 invite out 4 let out 5 stay out 6 pull out 7 lock out EXERCISE 2 1 jumped out 2 ran out 3 pulled out 4 fell out 5 broke out 6 take ... out 7 p u t . . . out 8 l e t . . . out 9 sticking out 10 stood out EXERCISE 3 1 invite ... out 2 gone out 3 locked... out 4 stay out 5 move out 6 ask . . . out 7 c a l l . . . out EXERCISE 4 1D-2E-3B-4A-5C

6 VERBS WITH OUT (2) EXERCISE 1 1 throw out 2 pull out 3 throw out 4 stub out 5 cut out 6 run out 7 keep out 8 keep out 9 rule out 10 put out 11 take out 12 takeout EXERCISE 2 1 threw... out 2 keep out

3 ruled out 4 keep ... out 5 keep out 6 cut out 7 shut out 8 missed out 9 takeout EXERCISE 3 1 go out 2 stamp out 3 die out 4 put. . . out 5 stub ... out 6 wipe out 7 running out 8 run out 9 knocked out 10 squeezing out 11 sold out EXERCISE 4 1C-2A-3D-4E 5B

7 VERBS WITH OUT (3) EXERCISE 1 1 try out 2 work out 3 sort out 4 tire out 5 hand out 6 give out 7 pull out 8 fill out 9 clear out EXERCISE 2 1 fill out 2 write out 3 check out 4 test. . . out 5 print... out 6 try out 7 sort... out 8 spread . . . out 9 tired... out 10 clean out EXERCISE 3 1 give out/hand out 2 hand out/give out 3 send out 4 gives out 5 put out 6 go out EXERCISE 4 1 C •2 E • 3 A •4 B 5D-6F

8 VERBS WITH OUT (4) EXERCISE 1 1 pick out 2 look out 3 point out 4 find out


5 single out 6 make out 7 watch out 8 listen out EXERCISE 2 1 picked out singled out point out 4 watch out 5 watch out 6 watch out 7 look out 8 listening out 9 point out EXERCISE 3 find out figure out make out 4 work out 5 make out 6 work out EXERCISE 4 1B-2E-3D-4A-5C

9 VERBS WITH OFF (1) EXERCISE 1 1 set off 2 kick off 3 spark off 4 start off 5 send off A N S W E R S 6 take off 7 strip off 8 come off 9 kill off 10 lay off 11 pay off 12 bite off EXERCISE 2 1 set off 2 takes off go off sent... off backed off 6 starts off 7 started off 8 kicked off 9 kicked off 10 sparked off EXERCISE 3 1 take off 2 bite off 3 broke off 4 strip off 5 brush ... off 6 cut off 7 came off 8 killed off 9 lay off 10 pay ... off EXERCISE 4 1C-2D-3E-4B-5A

10 VERBS WITH OFF (2) EXERCISE 1 1 switch off 2 break off 3 ring off

4 cut off 5 call off 6 keep off 7 fight off 8 wear off 9 work off EXERCISE 2 1 switch off/turn off 2 broke off 3 break off 4 turn off/switch off 5 ring off 6 cut off 7 called off 8 ease off 9 wear off 10 work off 11 cool off 12 dropped off EXERCISE 3 1 stave off 2 keep off 3 fight off 4 warn off 5 hold off EXERCISE 4 I C-2E-3A-4D-5B

II VERBS WITH OFF (3) EXERCISE 1 1 bring off 2 round off 3 dash off 4 go off 5 finish off 6 partition off 7 cut off EXERCISK 2

1 polished off 2 went off 3 dashed off 4 round off 5 finish off 6 brought... off 7 come off EXERCISE 3 1 cordoned off 2 fence off 3 block off 4 partitioned off 5 cut off EXERCISE 4 1D-2C-3A-4E-5B

12 VERBS WITH /;v(i) EXERCISE 1 1 check in 2 get in 3 key in 4 plug in 5 move in 6 wait in EXERCISE 2 1 come in 2 bring ... in 3 take ... in

4 went in 5 check in 6 sign... in 7 key in 8 drive in 9 g e t . . . in 10 rush in 11 walked in 12 p l u g . . . in EXERCISE 3 1 stay in 2 wait in 3 move in 4 move in 5 drops in/pops in 6 lives in 7 drop in/pop in EXERCISE 4 1D-2A-3E-4B-5C

13 VERBS WITH IN (2) EXERCISE 1 1 take in 2 breathe in 3 stir in 4 fit in 5 join in 6 settle in 7 get sucked in 8 go in (for) EXERCISE 2 1 breathed in 2 coming in 3 took in 4 sink in 5 drank in 6 add in 7 count... in 8 s t i r . . . in 9 throw in 10 built in 11 fit in EXERCISE 3 1 joined in fell in 3 rope ... in 4 settle in 5 draw ... in 6 come in 7 cash in 8 sucked in EXERCISE 4 1 D • 2 C • 3 A-4 E • 5 B

14 VERBS WITH IN(3) EXERCISE 1 1 sets in 2 phase in 3 colour in 4 bring in 5 fill in 6 give in EXERCISE 2 1 came in 2 bring in 3 phase in

4 tuck in 5 set in 6 fill in 7 colour in 8 fill... in 9 bricked in 10 plastered in EXERCISE 3 1 kick ... in 2 caved in 3 fell in 4 give in 5 give in EXERCISE 4 1C-2E-3A-4B-5D

15 VERBS WITH ON (I) EXERCISE 1 1 put on 2 keep on 3 take on 4 switch on/turn on/put on 5 bring on 6 try on EXERCISE 2 1 put on 2 try on 3 keep ... on 4 add on 5 take on 6 take on EXERCISE 3 1 coming on 2 put. . . on/turn ... on 3 come on 4 put on/turn on 5 brought on 6 catch on EXERCISE 4 1C-2E-3D-4A 5B-6F

16 VERBS WITH ON (2) EXERCISE 1 1 hold on 2 keep on 3 get on (with) 4 come on 5 carry on 6 put on 7 be on EXERCISE 2 1 carried on/kept on 2 get on 3 keep on/carry on 4 stay on 5 hold on/hang on 6 play on 7 went on 8 went on 9 hold on/hang on 10 live on EXERCISE 3 1 come on 2 cheer on

3 put on 4 bring on 5 is on 6 come on 7 goes on 8 going on EXERCISE 4 1B-2D-3E-4C-5A

17 VERBS WITH DOWN (1) EXERCISE 1 1 put down 2 go down 3 lie down 4 bring down 5 come down 6 cut down 7 turn down 8 calm down 9 die down EXERCISE 2 1 lie down 2 come down 3 put. . . down 4 goes down 5 jumped down 6 fall down 7 gulped down 8 keep .. . down 9 wolf down EXERCISE 3 1 come down 2 turn . . . down 3 calmed down 4 calm . .. down 5 come down 6 die down 7 brings down 8 comes down 9 cut down 10 cut down 11 settled down EXERCISE 4 1C-2D-3B-4E-5A

18 VERBS WITH DOWN (2) EXERCISE 1 1 break down 2 back down 3 cut down 4 pull down 5 close down 6 take down 7 turn down 8 step down EXERCISE 2 1 knocked down 2 cut down 3 break .. . down 4 shoot down 5 crack down 6 turn down 7 step down 8 back down


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

broke down closed down is down turned down turned . . . down let ... down wrote down go down put . . . down/put . . . down 10 take down EXERCISE 4 1C-2E-3A-4B-5D

19 VERBS WITH ABOUT, AROUND AND ROUND EXERCISE 1 1 hang around 2 follow around 3 shop around 4 pass around 5 look round 6 come round 7 get around EXERCISE 2 1 sit around 2 standing around 3 stand around 4 stick around 5 messing around 6 running around 7 follow . . . around 8 get around 9 leaves . . . around 10 shop around 1 1 passed . . . round 12 got around EXERCISE 3 1 turn round 2 look round 3 turn . . . round 4 spin round 5 won . . . round 6 going round 7 come round 8 call round 9 bring . . . round EXERCISE 4 1 C-2A-3B -4E-5D

20 VERBS WITH AWAY(!) EXERCISE 1 1 run away 2 turn away 3 keep away 4 throw away 5 tow away 6 back away 7 get away EXERCISE 2 1 turn away 2 turn . . . away 3 flew away 4 ran away

5 run away 6 back away 7 scare . . . away 8 go away/stay away 9 keep away 1 0 get away EXERCISE 3 1 tow . . . away 2 threw away 3 throw . . . away 4 take . . . away 5 gambled . . . away 6 ebb away 7 dragged . . . away 8 give away 9 washed away EXERCISE 4 1 C-2E-3A-4B 5D

21 VERBS WITH AWAY (2) EXERCISE 1 1 put away 2 put away 3 be away 4 carry away 5 shut away EXERCISE 2 1 put . . . away 2 tidy . . . away 3 locked . . . away 4 put . . . away 5 shut . . . away 6 going away 7 get away 8 is away 9 be away 10 cleared away EXERCISE 3 1 flashing away 2 polishing away 3 working away 4 talking away 5 get carried away EXERCISE 4 1B-2A-3E'4C 5D

22 VERBS WITH OVER (1) EXERCISE 1 1 knock over 2 run over 3 hand over 4 take over 5 win over EXERCISE 2 1 knocked over 2 run over 3 fell over 4 blown over 5 knocked over 6 run over 7 blows . . . over 8 falling over 9 run over

EXERCISE 3 1 took over 2 took over 3 Hand over 4 handed . . . over 5 win over 6 win over 7 handing . . . over 8 changed over 9 won .. . over 10 took over EXERCISE 4 1B-2E-3D-4C 5A

23 VERBS WITH OVER (2) EXERCISE 1 1 look over 2 think over 3 talk over 4 invite over 5 paint over 6 be over 7 cloud over 8 get it over with EXERCISE 2 1 look . . . over 2 think . . . over 3 talk . . . over 4 cloud over 5 covered . . . over 6 freezes over 7 painted . . . over EXERCISE 3 1 blow over 2 tide . . . over 3 get it over with 4 come over 5 invited . . . over 6 came over 7 was over EXERCISE 4 1B-2E-3D-4A 5C

24 VERBS WITH BACK EXERCISE 1 1 take back 2 bring back 3 put back 4 look back 5 flyback 6 pay back EXERCISE 2 1 stand back stand back tie ... back \pushed . . . back dropping back 6 went back 7 goes back 8 takes .. . back 9 think back 10 look back


EXERCISE 3 1 send . . . back 2 come back 3 flyback 4 be back 5 bring . . . back 6 brings back 7 put. . . back 8 coming back 9 going back 10 give . .. back 11 ring . .. back 12 smile back 13 write back 14 paid . . . back


25 VERBS WITH APART AND THROUGH EXERCISE 1 1 take apart 2 fall apart 3 grow apart 4 tell apart 5 carry through

6 get through 7 fall through EXERCISE 2 1 took .. . apart 2 fell apart/came apart 3 came apart/fell apart 4 tore . . . apart 5 fall apart 6 pull. . . apart 7 s e t . . . apart 8 grow apart 9 sets . . . apart 10 tell. . . apart

EXERCISE 3 1 carry . . . through go through 3 fell through 4 talk through 5 think . . . through 6 put. . . through 7 get through EXERCISE 4 1 C-2A-3E-4B 5D

8 in 9 down 10 out EXERCISE 2 1 on 2 on 3 over 4 in 5 out 6 away 7 back 8 out 9 apart

3 away 4 on 5 down/down 6 up 7 on 8 away EXERCISE 2 1 back 2 up 3 down 4 out 5 on 6 out 7 down

REVISION PHRASAL VERBS WITH COME . . . EXERCISE 1 1 about 2 down 3 on A N S W E R S 4 back 5 on/on 6 back 7 off 8 off 9 apart 10 over EXERCISE 2 1 out 2 up 3 up 4 in 5 down 6 down 7 on 8 in 9 up 10 down

PHRASAL VERBS WITH GO ... EXERCISE 1 1 back 2 back 3 off 4 down 5 out 6 down 7 on 8 through EXERCISE 2 1 on 2 away

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

out out in up up on back down

PHRASAL VERBS WITH BRING . . . EXERCISE 1 1 down 2 back 3 in 4 round 5 up 6 about 7 up 8 down 9 down EXERCISE 2 1 on 2 on 3 in 4 off 5 in 6 up 7 back


back over on over out off off

PHRASAL VERBS WITH GET . . . EXERCISE 1 1 in 2 around 3 back 4 through 5 on 6 on 7 away EXERCISE 2 1 on 2 on 3 over 4 in 5 in 6 away 7 up 8 away

PHRASAL VERBS WITH PUT . . . EXERCISE 1 1 through 2 away

PHRASAL VERBS WITH TURN . . . EXERCISE 1 1 up 2 on 3 down 4 round 5 away 6 up 7 off 8 away 9 over 10 up

PHRASAL VERBS WITH KEEP . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

on out away off out on off up

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