Phrasal Verbs Organiser
March 11, 2017 | Author: annika334 | Category: N/A
Short Description
english grammar...
Editor: Jimmie Hill
LTP LANGUAGE TEACHING PUBLICATIONS 114a Church Road, Hove BN3 2EB ISBN 0 906717 62 0 LTP 1993 Reprinted 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 NO UNAUTHORISED PHOTOCOPYING Copyright This book is fully protectd by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any forni or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. The Author John Flower is a teacher at Eurocentre Bournemouth where he has worked for many years. He has long experience of teaching Cambridge examination classes for whom phrasal verbs area serious problem. He is the author of the popular Build Your Vocabulary series. FIis first book in LTP's Organiser series was First Certificate Organiser. Personal Note The author would like to express his thanks to Jimmie Hill and Michael Lewis for coming up with idear; to bis students and colleagues at Eurocentre for trying out the exercises; and to Rudi, Helen, and Andrew for their special contribution. Acknow ledgem ent s Cover design by Anna Macleod. Illustrations by Martiri Cater, Anna Macleod, Pantelis Palios and Michael Salter. Typeset by Blackmore Typesetting Services, Brighton. Printed in England by Commerciai Colour Press Plc, London E7.
Using This Book There are thousands of phrasal verbs in English. Some are very common. Some are rare. Some have more than one meaning. g. This book practises over 700 with more than. 1,000 meanings.
Phrasal verbs can be organised
This book organises them in different ways - by particle, by verb, and by topic. The more different ways you meet these verbs, the more you will learn.
If you are learning English in class
Your teacher can only spend a small amount of time teaching you phrasal verbs. You must spend time at home learning them for yourself. The more you study at home, the better your English will become.
If you are learning English on your own without a teacher it is better to do a little at regular intervals, rather than a lot at one time, and then nothing for weeks.
If you do not understand the meaning of a verb
Do not worry! See if the context of the verb can help you to understand its meaning. Look the verb up in the Mini-Dictionary at the back of this book or in your own dictionary. Study the example and try to write your own sentence using the verb. This will help you to remember what the verb means and how it is used.
If you are studying for an examination
You can use the special organising pages and Your Personal List at the end of the book. Cover part of the page and test yourself.
Contents GETTTNG STARTED What is a phrasal verb? .............................................................................................................7 Where does the partirle go? ........................................................................................................7 Identifying phrasal verbs ............................................................................................................8 What do phrasal verbs meati? .................................................................................................. 10
VERBS with UP Unit 1: Verbs with UP - 1......................................................................................................... 12 Unit 2: Verbs with UP - 9 ............................................................................................... 13 Unit 3: Verbs with UP - 3......................................................................................................... 14 Unit 4: Verbs with UP - 4 ....................................................................................................... 15 Unit 5: Verbs with UP - 5......................................................................................................... 16 Unit 6: Organising verbs with UP - 1 ...................................................................................... 17 Unit 7: Organising verbs with UP - 2 ............................................................................... 18 Unit 8: Organising verbs with UP - 3 ...................................................................... 19
Unit 9: Verbs with DOWN - 1 ................................................................................................. 20 Unit 10: Verbs with DOWN - 7 ............................................................................. 71 Unit 11: Verbs with DOWN - 3 ........................................................................... 97 Unit 12: Verbs with DOWN - 4 ............................................................................. 73 Unit 13: Verbs with DOWN - 5 ............................................................................................. 74 Unit 14: Organising verbs with DOWN - 1 ....................................................... 75 Unit 15: Organising verbs with DOWN - 2............................................................... 26 Unit 16: Organising verbs with DOWN - 3 ............................................................................. 27
VERBS with OUT Unit 17: Verbs with OUT - 1.................................................................................................... 28 Unit 18: Verbs with OUT - 2.................................................................................................... 99 Unit 19: Verbs with OUT - 3.................................................................................................... 30 Unit20: Verbs with OUT. -..4 ...... ................ .................................... ................. 31 Unit 21: Verbs with OUT - 5 ........................................................................... D-7 Unit 22: Organising verbs with OUT - 1 .................................................................................. 33 Unit 23: Organising verbs with OUT - 2 .......................................................................... 34 Unit 24: Organising verbs with OUT - 3 .......................................................... 35
VERBS with INTO Unit 25: Verbs with INTO - 1 .................................................................................................. 36 Unit 26: Verbs with INTO - 9 ......................................................................................... 37 Unit 27: Organising verbs with INTO 1 ................................................................................... 38 Unit 28: Organising verbs with INTO 2 .......................................................................... 39
VERBS with IN Unit 29: Verbs with IN - 1 ....................................................................................................... 40 Unit 30: Verbs with IN - 2 .............................................................................................. 41 Unit 31: Verbs with IN - 3 ................................................................................... 42
Unit 32: Organising verbs with IN - 1 .................................................................................. 43 Unit 33: Organising verbs with IN - 2 .................................................................................. 44 Unit 34: Organising verbs with IN - 3 .................................................................................. 45
Unit 35: Verbs with ON - 1 .................................................................................................... Unit 36: Verbs with ON - 7 .................................................................................................... Unit 37: Verbs with ON - 3 .................................................................................................... Unit 38: Organising verbs with ON - 1 ................................................................................ Unit 39: Organising verbs with ON - 2 ................................................................................ Unit 40: Organising verbs with ON - 3 ................................................................................
46 47 48 49 50 51
Unit 41: Verbs with OFF - 1 ................................................................................................... 52 Unit 42: Verbs with OFF - 2 .................................................................................................. 53 Unit 43: Verbs with OFF - 3 .................................................................................................. 54 Unit 44: Organising verbs with OFF - 1 .............................................................................. 55 Unit 45: Organising verbs with OFF - 2 ............................................................................... 56 Unit 46: Organising verbs with OFF - 3 ............................................................................... 57
Unit 47: Verbs with ABOUT, ACROSS, AFTER and BY................................................ Unit 48: Verbs with AWAY .................................................................................................... Unit 49: Verbs with AGAINST, APART, AROUND and BACIA ................................ Unit 50: Verbs with OVER and THROUGH ..................................................................... Unit 51: Verbs with WITH ..................................................................................................... Unit 52: Verbs with AT and TO ............................................................................................ Unit 53: Verbs with FOR ........................................................................................................ Unit 54: Verbs with FROM and OF ..................................................................................... Unit 55: Organising verbs with other particles - 1 ............................................................... Unit 56: Organising verbs with other particles - 7 ................................................................ Unit 57: Organising verbs with other particles - 3 .............................................................. Unit 58: Organising verbs with other particles - 4 ..............................................................
Unit 59: Verbs with two particles - 1 ..................................................................................... Unit 60: Verbs with two particles - 2..................................................................................... Unit 61: Verbs with two particles - 3..................................................................................... Unit 62: Verbs with two particles - 4..................................................................................... Unit 63: Organising verbs with two particles - 1 .................................................................. Unit 64: Organising verbs with two particles - 2 .................................................................
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Unit 65: BE................................................................................................................................ 76 Unit 66: COME ........................................................................................................................ 77 Unit 67: GET ............................................................................................................................ 78 Unit 68: GO ................................................................................................................................ 79 Unit 69: PUT .............................................................................................................................. 80 Unit 70: TAKE ........................................................................................................................... 81 Unit 71: TURN and BRING .................................................................................................... 87
Unit 72: KEEP and LOOK ............................................................................................................. 83 Unit 73: Organising common verbs - 1........................................................................................... 84 Unit 74: Organising common verbs ............................................................................................... 85
VERBS BY TOPIC Unit 75: Business - 1 .......................................................................................................................... Unit 76: Business 2 ............................................................................................................................ Unit 77: Work .................................................................................................................................... Unit 78: Technology and Computing .............................................................................................. Unit 79: Travel and Transport ......................................................................................................... Unit 80: Health and Fitness .............................................................................................................. Unti 81: Sport and Leisure - 1 .......................................................................................................... Unit 82: Sport and Leisure - 2 .......................................................................................................... Unit 83: Feelings and Emotions - 1 ................................................................................................. Unit 84: Feelings and Emotions - 2 ................................................................................................. Unit 85: Law and Order - 1 .............................................................................................................. Unit 86: Law and Order - 2 ............................................................................................................... Unit 87: Colloquial Expressions - 1 ................................................................................................. Unit 88: Colloquial Expressions - 2 .................................................................................................
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
NOUNS, ADJECTIVES and OPPOSITES Unit 89: Phrasal Verb Nouns - 1 .................................................................................................... Unit 90: Phrasal Verb Nouns - 2 .................................................................................................... Unit 91: Phrasal Verb Nouns - 3 .................................................................................................... Unit 92: Phrasal Verb Nouns - 4 .................................................................................................... Unit 93: Phrasal Verb Adjectives - 1.............................................................................................. Unit 94: Phrasal Verb Adjectives - 2.............................................................................................. Unit 95: Opposites - 1 Unit 96: Opposites - 2......................................................................................................................
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
TEST YOURSELF Test 1 ................................................................................................................................................. Test 2 .................................................................................................................................................. Test 3 ................................................................................................................................................. Test 4 .................................................................................................................................................. Test 5 ..................................................................................................................................................
108 109 110 111 112
MINI-DICTIONARY ............................................................................. 113 ANSWER KEY ........................................................................................ 129 YOUR PERSONAL LIST....................................................................... 135
Getting Started i What is a phrasal verb? A phrasal verb is a verb plus one or two particles. Here are some common verbs: bring, get, go, put, take, turn. TLic are some common particles: up, down, out, in, off, on. Some teachers cali them prepositions or adverbs, but is easier to think of them as all `particles'. Here are some exampIes of phrasal verbs: bring in take out
go off get on with
To understand what a phrasal verb is, let us look at the verb GET: GET as an ordinary verb: Can you get me a glass of milk? GET with one or two particles to forni phrasal verbs: GET IN: The window was open. A thief got in and stole the video . (enter)
"I don't lltittk they gel nu ve?) , ILVII,"
GET ON WITH: We don't get on with our neighbours. (We aren't friendly to each other.) Please get on with your work. (Please continue with your work.) see that some ~sal verbs are easy and some are more difficult to understand. WOrking tbrougli the exercises in this book help you understand these verbs and timi,. meanings. Mit can
2 Where does the particle go? Very often the particle comes immediately after the verb, bui this is not always true. Particle immediately after the verb: The cat stayed on top of the wall and only got down at meni times. (descend) Particle after the object: This terrible weather is getting many peopIe down. (making them depressed) Particle before or after the object: Did you get down all the information? (manage to malie a note of it) Did you get all the information down? If the object is a pronomi, the particle comes
"Fin gelling tert.
geliing me down."
Did you get it clown?
Identifying phrasal verbs There are thousands of phrasal verbs in English. Here is an exercise to help you discover and Iearn these verbs as you study English. Look at these extracts from three articles. There are twelve phrasal verbs. Underline them and write them on the lines beside the texts.
Smoke from the lire in the kitchen set a lire alarm off. Mr and Mrs Newton and their two ehildren managed to get out throueh a window. ()ne man in the nats iipstairs was watching TV and hadn't realised what was happening. 1-le had the shock of his lire when firemen broke in and told him to leave immediately.
Annoyed by telephone salespeople? Don't put up with them any longer! Whenever one rings you up, you should ask them to bold on because you have to consult sorneone. You then simply carry on doing what you vere doing before. When you rettori after about ten minutes, you should find that the caller has hung up.
We needed money to pay off the loan so I decided never fo turo down any jobs that I was offered. Of course the work pilad up and I juta coulcin't do it alt. My wife was worried that l was going to crack up and started helping me when she conici.
10. _____________________________ 11.
Did you understand tbose twelve crerbs?.11" not, check in. the Mini-Dictionary at the enti of this book. When you reati a new lext; firmi tbe phrasal verbs. Check to see lf tbey are include[ in the Mini-Dictionary If noi, make your own list cd verbs. There are some special pages at the end cd the book to help you do this.
Match each phrasal verb from the previous exercise with its correct defìnition. Use each verb once only. See how mane verbs you can remember without looking back at the exercise. 1.
..................................... If you .......................... an alarm, for example, you cause it to start.
2. ............................. If you're in a building where there is danger and you ............................. you manage to escape.
............................ When firemen come to a house and ...................... , they enter it using force.
4. ............................. If you ......................... someone or something, you tolerate them. 5.
............................ If you ................. someone ........... you phone them.
6. ............................. If you ask someone to .......................... you want them to wait. 7.
............................ If you ........................ doing something, you continue doing it.
8. ............................. You ............................ when you end a phone conversation. 9. ............................. If you .......................... a loan, you pay the money you owe. 10. ............................ If you ........................ the offer of a job, you say you don't want it.
11. ............................ If work ............................., you have too much to do. 12. ............................ When people are under a lot of pressure and ..................... they have a nervous breakdown.
Dici you notice how the phrasal verb `set off' was used? Note the combination: set a fire alarm off
Look back at the apposite page and fine[ the nouns which go with the foliowing:
.................................... has hung up turn down ....................................... ..................................... piled up
"I rechi7 set e gli: 11 !vere cgiby esci]?"
It is important to note down any cominon partnersbips thcit verbs ibrin with nouns. This u ill belp you to understand and remember the pbrasal verbs you meet.
4 What do phrasal verbs mean? It is often possible to understand what a phrasal verb means by looking at its particle. As you do the exercises in this book, try to notice patterns of meaning and build up lists based on these patterns. Although it is not always possible to finti a pattern, thinking about the meaning of the particle will help you to understand and rernember the phrasal verbs you meet. Below you will see some of the meanings of the six most common particles used with phrasal verbs.
An upward movement: We left early, just as the sun was coming up. An increase, an improvement: Sales have gone up in the past year.
Completing, ending: We used up all the eggs when we made the calce. Approachin g: A taxi drew up just as we were thinking of calling one.
"Sales- are UP!"
DOWN A downward movement: The teacher told the pupiis to sit clown.
A decrease: That music is too loud! Turn it down!
Completing, ending, stopping:
Business was so bad that the shop •had-to dose down. "Tura DOWN!"
OUT An outward movement, not being insider Let's eat out this evening.
Excluding: The double glazing helps to shut out the noise.
Completing, doing thorou y: It tool: me hours to clean out that room.
INTANTO An inward movement: The spectators poured into the stadium.
Including, being involved: We'cl better let her into the secret.
"Akd week,J ,ou can clean il Otri?"
Movement away, detaching:
We set off at inidday.
Preventing entry, separating, not including:
They've fenced off their garden to keep dogs out.
Touching, attaching:
"We can'l gel 1V lo keep us OUT!"
fenced il OFF
I wish you wouldn't put on so mach lipsticki Continuing:
He went on talking as if nothing had happened. Tbe otber particles can often be understood because tbey bave tbeir literal meanings of piace or movement Here are some additional nzeanings:
Continuous activity:
"Ile just it'Clit OAv talking - as if notbIng bar! bappenetl!"
The secretary kept typing away, ignoring the noise outside.
I've given back the tools I borrowed. Reference to past time:
This photo brings back memories of when I was young.
Completing, doing thoroughly:
"Il iirings BACI: :nernorks!"
I need to think this through before I decide. When you reati or bear a pbrascd verb that you bave ever met before, tre' to
guess its meaning Does its particle belp you to understand it.? Can yott guess its meaning from its context? Look tbe verb up in a dictionaty to see ifyou are correct. Make a note of tbe verb and write yoztr own sentence so tbat you cara remenzber tbe meaning
Uír lsuilding
The schoul beli mq and MI the mais rame atti. come out In ...— have (cg spate} un your body
I crune ritti in a terrible radi alter catini; linde bolla. conte out with — come with Jahr people tra the cinema etc
Narabytkgra suore work su star cain anne nal with as
l s'abituar stavi& trembling. ! doli know whal carne neer me, come round — regala consciousness
Str tank ages lo ruote roirud alier &brii'filtrami conte through (of a message) — arrive
A message bus fusi mete Manti from beadqtrarierS, come to necessarylic a question al When il cinnes lo daing the ironing, Impetess. come lo — reetwer conseiousuess
I iras in ti corna for lesi dais when I fintile carne fa come up (of the silo)—rise le ft early in the morniwg as the san was catalog up, conte up come near tu :1 man carne up arra asked 11w sai), do the statimi. come tip—hememioned
hair riaine rame up io the rourse of ~versatimi come — arisc, appear Art opproinnitribr crini work bus corsie ap. come up natasi Ire faceti by Ire rame tip ogaiust marre problans trismi me bolli our busse. conte up tu expectations — reaclt time lecci noceteci
Unlbrinnately, the bialatrr Mani come up Io rupertatituts come up with ... think of (q; a subita>)
Eteri ibe esperls can't come up with lise answer 10 our prohleni confuse ... with — noi ime alle m lell the differente l'un» confusing me with my brorber. irba's ti/ara a duClur. coni down —Mamme un'In-
coop up — keep in a confine(' piace
The prboners sire coopea tip br their Cellsfrir 23 hours a thy copy down — write a copy al
P/case colte Moro nana
wrillen nir the board.
cordati uff— ereet harricrs m rmarim tnovernerst
The pulite malta:ed uff fine area lo prema any inciderla colmi
— include, involve in m activity
Sun., mitra tue in. l'a bare lu belp. mura un — rely nn / Impe 1 aur conia osi liuti io ire there tisi How.
count ... out — esclude frani an activity lini can mut rue unti. l'm mach Ma alti lago la aisakelancing crack domi— art more stricto' Tbepaike ure crarking datili M /n'eroit ani' mare iniabie, crack up — rare a nervous lweakdown l'auli calci up ij out L'ce/i workiug su bara', crup up appear, happen unespecially A mutilino iris cruppea up su I trar ire uvrking trii siigli!. cross out — put a lino filmagli (cg a mistake)
I Med a rider io erass ora this nrisfake. erowd amami — surround in [arpe nuncbers &errane riveda, norma ber and tried tra gel ber artrograpb, crowd inca —gin ano a piace in large numbers Iliausancis rrf»valile cromi& allo the stirami.
ire !mani binr erti urti in paia as aie hall hit bis ara cui baci — reduce
Tiwi' bari lo col burle production during lise messimi, cut back un — reduce
11;i'll bare tu cui back tiri hauries if m], salar), goes domi, cui down—consuete tess
Fon cori tuo marre sweels. Fon simula by lo cal down. cut down on reduce Tip imi alt &situi oli the ann um! uffat yon erti crery Ante cui down (io size) — reduce tbc importance of
llts riir1form, They sono cal hini dato: lir skr,
cui uff— diseonneet a piume cali
come over ..,
cry aut— make a Mal mise of paio, Mar etc
I ira col off in lini oliatile of ari important pbone cui off —separale and isolale The STIMI' fel) urli night arul etti nff lbe antri cui uff—separate hy cutting (adj. cut-off) :liava cui uff 17te bottoios or ber jeans aria matte Meni Info shorls, cui aut— noi include l'ut hying lui era ani any dessetts with a bigh suga confera. cot nut (of an angine) suddenly stop working Tbc erigine .sitailentc erri out aria I conldn't Atri' it again. erat lt out—stop being unreasonable Oh, cui il mai Donne so cui up (04)— upset
Fle reas reo' era up when bis dog dawn on
beeome ricuso
//finally dannavi ori me that
'utak a terrible triblake.
detti with ... —do sona:Ming Ama Tbc manager man deal with any anoplaints. dea! with ... —(of a newspaper artlele etc) he alunni The Miele deals problems of geldiug ohi dea! with ... — do business with
detti with nullo, firretgo roinpairies, dir away (of a nolsa)— beeome weaker, fainter Me Of tisi' band died array and the cane(' disperseti die rimo — decrease, hecome madiec
nen the 1111i2 buil diva down, the Mali-man treni tiri speuking die out (al a tradition) — disappear
Alanyiradillorrairrafts.baredied anitittlrelastfiftyyeans. dig iato
pur your hand insidi smathing and look for something
The .security girarti aug Urlo bis pocked arai Mak out a key. dlg up — discover hidden information lise reporters Icore lrying la (lig inforourriun Mout Irer disagrce with ... — food or drink) make voti feci ili I tion't col 11,111911.5. Thq (1111g11.0 utili me. dispose of gru riti ife ;misi finti a stufe' trar of di.spusing uf alt !hese drenar-1dr. do away with — aholish They're done orari' with flou rad .spretri s f iturallingfirr eaarses. do up —fasuat
Do u p prir cool ()rimali carch colai do ur — &come, mak rermirs tra nad SOME? more palai as i in going lo do tip ibis mon coatti do with ...— need
Ibr thirtly. i corda do ?Hitt a loug, rossi doze off— fall intra a light sleep
11 irta so m'aro arai I must bare duzed trff for a rumeni drag ora — continue umweessarily for a long lime Tbc meeting armai 01? Unii! 11 orfici al nigblf draw up (afa nitide) — esime tua piace and siop
lire ari' rimi' ap arti! lise driver ornateti bis &or, draw up — prcparc (eg a comici)
IVell arare up lbe amava and senti you a arpe I0 Mak al.
Mini-Dictionaly draw up — pull sameshing dose to sommhing else 771c "dor drew up a chair mut tu the bel wouldn't dream af — wouldn't consider / anoldrt7 dreatn tifirearing suda a lerriOic tire.sst dream up— rhink of (a neve activity me) / bave t0 keep dr eaming up 1001 arlivilies lo Arco llreir 11111115el1. dress up — pot un smart, elegant or formai dothes 11's a figura wedding su weW bare to dress up,
drink tra ... —drink and Rupe for succes.s let's drink Io success in !be compeillion.
fence uff—separale by crei:ling a ferree Irelifeure off !bis area and bnild a playgraand. Tight off— repet noi allow to come orse The ald lady Iried 10,1701 gaie trolf with o stick.
file away—pot away in a file Piramide mero, (bis report.
fili in — give alt the intimatimi io sortitone Fon obrIonsly don7 know what's liappened soffi filiaoi tu,
fili in—complete formi NOI! sin pair fili iit lhe forni convelly.
fili in — rake surneorie's piace and do !heir work
drink up finisti your drink lime lo drink up and p.
filling irr n'bile the manager's awur.
fili... in nn — give someone all Me information about
drive off— leave in a valere Urrc customer rime off !rifii iti! priring for Me !wird
drop away—gel smaller in number, become leso stning Suppor! drupped alny ars befiriled to keep bis promise&
drop in —violi caaually 1 fusi &TOMI in tu sue if any!~ Uvurivd la go swinuniug.
l'd licher Al jun in oli !be delatis of
fili up make full
Will lo le hnik !vini petrol befare we leave.
fili ... (with canfidence) — male someone vero' confidern lhe coach's talk frllerl the terurr with confidence.
drop out — witbdraw (eg from a compefilion)
GJter aut—gel rid of something unwanted (eg nube. an impurny)
DR) compelhors bave dropped 001 barlumi of injury. drop nel — leave, noi complete (eg a college coume) (n. drop-out) Some slndents drop 0111 when ibe morse gots more decidi.
drop net ef ...—stop belonging m (cg a college) Afier 51w dropped oti qj college, dir work& as a wallress. dry up — come to an end lf supplies r fpekal dr!. rrp, our cars be uscì=
case off —brune leso intense filen rie 01111 casa off go and do my shopping
rat ani— go out and bave a mai
nese ear-pitigs sbould filler oit mosl qf the ;mise.
Dia' duo find mrt wbere be 11110?
lire away — hegin asking questions got u fui, neon tpwslians rggin. Fire away. fish far try to gel (information esci in an indirrct way ligi was ammiri bere again, fisbing fOr informatimi. fit in —be comained in the space pnrvided 11! ibis fuggici. Icon? fi1 In. The buoi /no sulahr. fit lo — work Iva with others in a mutui
tired of cooking. Lei vai ota tontglil L'at up — ero all the food you are given up rrll),aur inetables. Thry're full of citandus.
FU in — bave unitigli lime for so tretivity
end up eventually become (sommbing noi uriginally planncd) Micbael starter! off M col ridur 1ml roder! up Os O Ti' announcer. enter for ...— pot yourname down as a cmupetitor
fax up with —arrange for s'intuirle tu have (eg a Miri flved me up with afati ai the Mari supermarket. fluite off (of paint) — come off in flakes
decider! to ente for the Glannwous Grandmother contesi.
evict from—force in leave Mron rouldn't pay tbc rent so be was evicled fare up M ... accept and deal vidi a (finii:n[1y bare tu fare up Io lbe proliferi, some time.
fit irr meli with
resi of lbe gemi!).
i rti(dit bus able tuffi in a sfiori meeting lomorrour ~mon.
The /mirti began lo fluite ri fin the sunsitint:
Ilare ep (af diamo:e) suddenly sari and beone serious Violencejlarrd up ger O man rens killed in a figbt
Iling (yourself) intra...—stan (Ming surnething entbasktoically Me fini g bermi finto ber work alti great enthuslasm.
EaEI pack—murai
flood — come in targe numbers
Me !Willyfire was so intense Mal lbe Iroops bad lu full lin& Gtll down — fall io tbc ground The girl un the roqf slipped and fell dono.
flutter down — come down io the ground lise a leaf
fati down (af an argument) — be weak
fly loia
Tinil avutoti' falls doro
tale the cosi Mia accuunl.
fati for —be dereived hy How cardi!! bare fidlen fiw that oh! Ickk?
fall for
—be stningly anraccd ut, fall ius lave with
Ityron always fifafbr (l'umico with lung red baie.
fili In (of a eciiing ur mal) — collapse The ceiling fel, in and errerai people [vere badly
fai) off—fili from \there it was placed nn to the Floor knucked 11w falde and a glass full off.
fall off —deerease Aleitibersbip basfidien tiff since limi' poi up 11w lirica.
ripplicallons rame itionding in from all over lbe mulo: 77w pieces o ]paperAllenai dormo M tbc streel belare. — suddenly gel very angry etc Sbe Jim Odo a raggi when she san. 11w muss the /tad Made.
fold up — make nem by folding Hefidded np the doctuneul aud /mi il catifidly away.
Tool around with
heliave in a careless or irresponsible way
hitt shouldn't kt dl01nbnnr finii around with makhes.
iuta deceive sonteone and nrake them do somedring !le funi& thent fuor believing be was a policetnan.
freeze aver (al' a stretch of
— covcred in ice
Last nitrivi. the iole forre unir.
freeze up he covered in ire 11 uus miri that the pipa froze up
fall aut —traumi, 111) longer he friends
freshen up — wasli and malte yourstlf look more presentatile
The). feil 001 ore[ ci Man and l'a'cr'i spokett vince len. fidi aut (of liair)— come away from the head
garnble (money) away— lumi nroney by gambling
hair keeps fctlling out al Oh rate, 171 sauri be bali!.
full thraugh (af u pian) art succeed Unfirrtanately, the plan folli ((mogli sa we sali haren't mei ber.
feci up to — feel capable, sveli magli to do something l'or tuo Ured. 1 don't feci up lo jogging ladri):
The Mahruont's upslairs you'd like hJ fresben up. Ile gandiled away alt lhe Iffinley be buri inberiled.
gel a message across nulle peaple undersund It iril.917 131.7 10 gel iuy mune unilss in sudi a short gel around (of news) —be knosvn cverywhere The nows of tbc calibrip sciati go( amami.
Mini-Dictionary get un — bave a gond relationship
get al ...— discuter (the mira etc) 1 wonder if
erer gei eri 11w Irufb of bis disappearance?
Tracey and I bare always gof uso
Thai ligin is bio Pigli for tue' Io gel
get al criticisc ,fir Grourb is amai gelling al me, erra .ben it's nodi fard get away—escape (n. getaway)
gening mi, you know. lin nernly serenai:
get nn—continue an activity 1 mal get mio or 1'11 nere,.ftnisb ibis
get un —get iuta bus etc)
The tbieres got away in a stoico cm'.
get away — go away ora ludiday We Done tu gef an mi,for a ballami. in lite country. Get awayl doni believe tour Norma's a utillionaire, yan know. - Gc1 (mq! Yon'refokingt
get away with escape, noi get emigra Tbc fhiereS filanagal 100 array wilb musi of ber jewellery. get away with — recide a retatively light punisbment gai (mq with ora), a ftte.
As il usi ber first (geme,
get (your brutti) baule—stop feeling out of brutti 1 bari fa stop running lu gci tity tiratili kr&
get back retum from a journey The family gai back haute in tini Mit' ellnliffg. gel back— Ire given back something you have lene i'vefintilly gol back 'Mise book' 1 ieni ber,
inove away
Gel bac& iínt're stanti/m tua eluse! gel back at ...—get recinge un Edna's gol bar!! al 1111! men mio ruined ber business.
get belfind with ...— be late in paying get bebind with the rent, l'alt tnigbf lise tbc flat
get by just manage financially 's d'Ardi tu get by cm my salare.
get by — get past lk stand ire file Wely and tre couldn't gel get down —climb down from a high piace Louis fell as be tempia/lig down from Me Wire.
get .. down
make unhappy
Ibis cold weatber
get down
gelling me down,
make a note of — man (some work)
Tbat's enough lrtlkitrg. Lel'S gut down lo some umrk
get in — enter (a building etc) liti firk f gai in duoligli tbcm'irtrlaw. get in—arrive home lbe lime 1,01 1111.9'il already bad
get in (ofu truin etc) — arrive ai
bus tragitti so tre rouldul gd on.
get nn — progress How oreyou gefting oli in your nell'IO?
get un (film a lume un Fior)—be great friends Met't'e ontyjnst met /mi lbey're gelling mi Ibke a Naie 011 fine. get on with ...— bave a good relationship witlt Tristi is reo' pleasanl and lo Al 071 get tra with ... —continue with an activity Please stop talking and gut !M trilli Tour work! get nel —escape fmm a building lite bop.' manager' fa gel orti by c1liublug lbrotigb a window. get out — lave a cir or building ne m. stripped and lite drive?. gni ioni. get out of —avoid doing something I manca fa get ora o I doing tbc uvtsbing teli. get over communicate, make people undersmnd Il re as get mny message aver in a sigilli. way. gel over ...— recover 1min Sila neri resi lo belli Jun get atm:rimar operation. aver with —finisti Lining something unpleasant Lers gel firts bordi* tesi aver with and Ohm ire enti Max.
get round ...— persuade someone m cbange their mind Judy gof mutui kin 5f117Whfin, lrl lend ber bis con gel round tu ...— finally dn something altera long delay l're
gai mutui lo answering my unrie's
— contaci (cg by pitone)
get through
at/I11w linesarYetigagert 1 ran't get Ibrougb fu beati gin,.
gel to...—anno}
Gatti( dormi Dotti lel bis sarcasmi get numi.
get Ingether wisemble (n. gemogetlier)
Me dei.", spake slowly so fina 1 caule, sei dfl1V1flite (tennis.
get down
Tbc irato ,sbotdd gei in al stima thirty,
get — (some poetici etc) we musi gel in some lame paidice brcf aa. lite big araldi get in — bring indmtrs Irs rrriafrrg. Sbafi 1 belp gef the wasbing in?
get in — ask (an electrician etc) to come and repair someibing I don? ttruirmsfand ibis mirbrg. 111 bam ln gel in int etici
get intra intidted in (m unplgsant situutiun (eg trouble, debt) They mete formi' lu scii lbeir brina, when Lite), gut inni efebi. get int() (elotbes) — pia ora chnlies, ((ben with difficuity
We gel logetber once a year to falle (Mord alti limes.
get up — leave your bed and man. the day Tbe alano rung bui i bari
Tbey're gai ap a petition to panca agitimi ibe increases.
get up
— do (usually something natigItty)
lin .orti tinse cbildren arr, getling up in some mischie/
gite away sterei) — reveal a secret a tett Jou as Lung as ym promise noi to gite away seml. gite asta}, — gite withom expecting paymern They're gh,ing all'ai'fra) samples of tbc nati' cimentate bar:
gite bachi— rctitm sometbing hnrrowed When ti Ileafber going lo gin? !rock lite ladrtersbe bonvireri? gite In —stop making an diari fine 're nearly fbrisbed. Doni giri,. io noir gite Io — gite somebody some work you bave done gite tiff
get off— not be convicted (if a conte
gite out —distrihule
Morris migli' get off if lite' judge 'minus bis s'ory
get off (io sleep) — start sleeping ft Mak me age's fa get r ln,steep tosi utglit
teli where tu get off— criticise someone far their hehatiour The daorman uva sa rude fbal I !ulti biro libere lo gel rff.
get up —get tu the top of /t tank me feti minufes fa gel tip lbat bili! get up — umanise
lire terger orla, and 1 cani gai iuta ;q ohi (blies. get off—lesse (a bus, train etc) Get gai the stop after lbe lotto boli.
get an — become rad
reach, find
Please giri io your konework by Mondai',
emit (eg a 'meli)
The nd'ela re neri gtubrg offa strane stock Can you gite tuoi lbese books as flre people ardre?
gite ma lire
— trait (eg butti, filmes) was giring ritti 'tirale chards of smoke.
gite aut — stop working bccause of liredness nr overuse Affer rr11 tbese yeart the drinks martin2 Das IMMO, giren sai.
Mini Dictionar~1 give up —stop permanently Stare l gare up smoking my musi; litro s,one give up (time) —spenti rime Igiir up 501111' of time ta lmlp noi the bora pulir club. give up — abandon, enti (eg a scordi) The polio! bari lru gin up tbe marcir when it gut dark. give up — alba sonteone ur sii, mal in (your sta) I san! up 111y seat lo the nld lady and slood give up (as a bad job)— stop because it seems poitoless I kept Irritis lo pilone bai in the erra I gare 11 up as a bad joh. giare over (of eyes)—Insedi their expression The patierit's eyes Aceri orvr and he starter' brealbing go about .,.—dea! with, tackle task) How do yau go abora getling rato out of your garden? go aftcr —NT to get (cg a joh) Acido' lo go afier Mar Joh rts a receptionlsi. go after cinse 1t''stra use going after the thieves. never calci) Mem go against (or a verdlct) — onfavourable if The rerdict goes asainst me, 171 lose my bome go ahead — proceed, du what you want to do (n. goahead) Dati strii! tre Cfinki go atomi and Guild a Ove-house. go ahead with ...— pmcced with We note intenti io go Ami with thefirud stinge of tue profeti go dung with (a suggestion) — agree lo a suggesticin Lef's bave a pizza. • !'Ago along with thal. go away — leave a piace do not want to brny anythingl Please go mogi go back on a promise — noi keep a promise Grandina salti .lira cono bui she trent back ori her promise. go by (of tinte) paso alo tinte uva 1)j, Godimn grew more fonti of ho: go by — rise for guidare Don't go by ari' width. fast. go by — pass, gn past We sin& in che front palesi and walcbed the pararle go by. go down (of the sua)—set The hong! !beni nomi lima' bt bold, watching me san gru down. go down (of news) — ho received The news of dismis.sais dirle so doro( r.ery nei« goidown — get smaller, decrease I can pia mysboe on again - the swelling bas gonne domi. gn down on your kitees kneal down or apologize iris simuld go doma on your biro and apologise! go down with — emelt some kind of disease Viv's gioie down with fin sosto won7 in in the uffice Oday, go for ...— choose I itapect Mc comici" go for Me cheaper option. go for 4. alle sarkivirly turno! and aera for rate with Me karben knife. go for ... — find annuivi: /Men usuali), govsffir non olmo dress go in (of the sun) — go behind a Mond 773v mi imiti in and it started io fa ,/ rotti. go In — enter hospital as a mieto going in far ring operatimi 00 TheSdag go in ...—Gtinside Rose clothes ad go bt my sudato. go in for (a compelition) — (atter a conditimi Lers go in far do swinuidng competillow go lato ... —ilari same kind or employnteru as a career Reti Cbarks was eiginven 1.11! /Vene MIO The army. go iato — talk Anna in deidi Tiny wouldn't go inno what bappored in muri) detail
go lato (l'ospitai) — enter hospital as a paiient livIlyk gonv miti Iran/atea for a minor operMion. go off— become [tad Studi 'bis cheese l lbink it's grane off go off ...— hegin tn dislike She !svia off him when Io starlo: smoking. go off (of an darm) —suddenly make a noise The Jim abwin freni off and ire mit go off (of electrical equipment)— stop The 'again goes Ofj au mal i cally at midnight go off (at the deep end)— know very angry illeu gen! saw (Image Io mia off at che Jeep eroi, go on — continue Mali I go on or Lane juta Lona ernongh? go ori be guide(' by The pollce buten? gra unirli informai/ori lo go on. go on — happen Inut's going on maside? go on — be spent nm Alost of our ~nei, goes on fonti stinti clothes. go on (of electrical equipment) — suo working Tbe heating pes 011 antomalicrtllp if it gelo ton rnld go on dm( — continually udk abitui wish Dinne wouldn7 go on abolir ber boyfriend nll che' time. go un with .,.—continue doing Please go art your work. Don't let ore stop y(111. go out — kave your lame to go to the cinema etc Sony, rta gobig md this erening What aborti' loworrow? go out (of the tide) —go away frani the spore TTte !cric goes rulli a long erat' on this pao of tbc emisi. go out (of allght)— stop giving out light 7bere ora tr /neer cot and riti the lights tomi una. go out (like a light) — become unconscious Ile bit me and I Wein' tini like a light go out with —go with somme to the cinema etc If Trevor asked you, would you go ma with lihn? go through — be completed succe.ssfully elfier a liti nf sitsaission the acni trent dirough. go through experience "arpe I rovo. go Ibrough uri ex/oriente like that again! go through examme, review 171 go Ihrougb tap notes once more fusi before tbc min. go through procedure) — perform a procedure Torr go through a ami/dirai& prniredare fu ritiri marhate go through with ...—complete sometiting you agreed tu do Dan's promised lo mari' ho; bui will bega Ihrough with il? gru under (of a company)—fai!, go bankrupt ff 're cadi get the Man, the amano? rci11 gru nudo: go up—rise Prices have sone tap byfire per ceni ibis peto: go up —sun m hum The muti sioorl and trattino' the building go up iu pura. go up (of a cher) — he beand Cime,' 11'011 up as the champinn appormi. go up appai:di ire terra up and asked ber if Me was right. go with ...— conMine well with I nomi a brown bandbaglo go with thefacket. go without ..,—noi Bave I basi lo go all'urta sagar berause Motivo Io Intv some grow iato become large enungli to cacar properly Crani orli sonni gime Ohi Mai ftwkel. grow out of — oli !unger belare in the same way It's fin aurinving sbv gime 001 qf
Mini-Dictionary graw up — vittime forni ehild w aduli I triti bara arai greco n» iu a tira' hard down—gite w the nem generatimi Tliis necklace bue bica banda Mimi frani la daughter, band in—gite someone tonte work t'USI bave rione Please hai& in bit igaaCWOrk. Iiand in (your notice)-112Sign rana your job Mie 120 br ber notice when sheffitairi a killer /oh hand pot — distrattile Can lati Mina ma /Uso /mola (a the »mare bere? Mani over —give tvr sonante clic (n.1mnd-over) .1/r ffly's banda over the ranning 411ie corioany lo me. batti lt tu .., — Arane mamme gal ru bari:! 11 lo Unse. Site coatti sei! anything. bang arnund — may in a piace daing nothing in mandar Mose boys a'c're stili hanging argani] (liti mamme when ,lift. bang up — end a pitone conversatimi rti killer Ming a» ne earnermelo rise lbe »houe beati far ,..—more in the dina:Thin of meni sa Ungo, that tre heruhul far the neares1 restaurant heal aver (al a wound) dose and beccane licalthy Itlen lite untati bili beata over you con minore vite »lastra: geni up — become healthy and narmal again How lung 'pii, il talee far Ibis cal lo o»? bear from ...—FeCCiVe a letter or pitone n'ari filma turami? bermifrom Mandi, stime she wrote in i uly, bear al...—gel news nf Lei aie know ifyrat bar oliati. VaCaliCIVS. help yourself to — serve yourself with Please bel» yourself M salari, hit IL off — beeorue friends Bill ritiri lieti bare sa mach in comuni. Ther're s'ire Io bit h uff. hit un ... — suddenly think vd We'vefusr bit on a al!W slogan fur the adrat boldagainst — allow sumething to gite you a Mut impressine Joku aluierm- laaki inherable bai don't 11041 tt againel Imiti !Jack — restrain, noi show (eg team) li tuoi affinai Io bold back the &ars. gatti back (information) — not give, reveal information Visiti bold back inffirmation, pia crimini be arresta hold down — restrain, atti alluw tu gel up 110101 !Le anima! don( dille I giee ir an hifection, bold down (a job)—keep a job Ife's la}' that liti Las diffically balding domi bold down (priees) — ma incntase prices 11li beffi down ma lirica iride uthers /nomea theles. bold off (ufweadter) — tot occur as eapccted, be delayed Luckily tbc raia hetet off mali ILe nralcb trai aver huld un — wait liohl un a 1711DaVat. 171 tee if she's In. up — use the turni of violence tu rob (n. holdiup) Ruin the mani lime the bank's bevo behl a» Pits yent, bold up — kecp something up in position lise some strunger Meces of avrai fo bold a» the shavs. hold up — delay, stop moving The kap- ritti u» ber:anse of tuo ucciderti. hope for ...— want something tvr happen IV: 're ali hoping for belle,' member dariag uni haliday. Imi up (of competiamo)] intensify, become fiereer Cumperllion le bauiing up cui SOUrelinek gaing fa gel bari, hurry up —do things raster Mie May a», we'll miss rbe plani'. ice aver (of water)— cavered itt ice World ira aver; causing »mblemeffir the ducke
lei' up beone etwered in io: The stinge of The piane lati to ami the p1101 hist commt idernify with — be shnilar to and feel sympathy far The same thiug l' appena la are. l can Mentii), Wilb blY prabk17.1 infami ora—beviti', gite harmfal information atm Otre of ibrgang iirfortned oli tbeir leader mut be WaS urreskut invite in—ask sminuite to come intra your house 1fIty (Mal jpari invii: (beni ;mirar a cup ril"wie invito out ask !MICA-W 10 ga out kmula's imitai me ritti lo the thealre this main. joln in —herame involved in an activity with other peuple Tingi acre guing la play funtimi! and avuta me lo foin jot down — make a note of inforniation Mfru? fra Mamma" nome and Mhz, Jump at (an upportunity) — seize an oppartunity enthusiastically / tkongbriessie nion/r/funo M The china, af ei fin! buliday, Jump un ...—junip and gel un something Llot'd jumped art llie bus fast as il uni learing. jump noi—come out quickly and suddenly .4s Pa! was »ming the &orma); a man fiati/ied ouL jmnp up—stand up suddeniy 17.)e»u»ils Jumped up as the teacher entered the mia kecp at 11—continue doIng something (tlespite diffinthies) 1 know your homeavrk Ls difficult badati musi lire» at iL keep away— not dm t() come near This slavi, simula bei» MOSTIlIMS. kecp back (informatior)— not tela rcveal infiirmation Dlrl be you ermylbing?- kin be kee»ing something Mick keep down—stay hi a low poshion Aree» rioni or the Attive alli Mela!, keep down — keep m a tow levet wc' key» prIces dota o, are won't »me minium keep down — control, restrict the freedom of The ritardar uscii bis army br lice» the »euffle dora. keep in — not Ami to leave as a punishmern The teacher keja (litro in after tirar for beim; mais): keep in keep tu the ride of the reati Kee» men in astati traile Men country mar& kecp... from— prevent someone from doing snmething l traaf.lri keep &gironi ebashe,the rrrf keep off (a subjeca— can metnion a sulsject g'ett'i 0-1he subjed of Lrilirlars as afford arie Ibis year, keep off .„ — noi avalli vin Please keep off the grass. keep off (uf raia or snow) — aut stiri Locklly, the roto kOt off-nulli& ening. keep off ... not eat (cenain types uf food) I kap off .spigfunds as 127'r e M/for me. keep ori ...(+ ing) — cottane Ikervorlfouird a Joh yet bit Pur goiug ia keep rin 'ging keep un—continue givirm eruployment to, not dismiss Hai' ?Maly ClaplayeeS Fai kee» ara at the CM nf thr SeaSfia?
keep out— noi ailmv tu ente; There 's avi clecirtrozdfence la keep 001 Ires»assers. keep up (appeiarances)— continue to behave as roti did previously Tb keep ap erNiertrauces lbe3'stiligu ro the Misi restaurauts, keep up — go ai Me sartie smani AS The Mbers treni walking so fasi that il trar diffienit lo key» tr» keep up — continue, noi stop The stime kepl a» ali dag' so 1 rlieln't go urti. keep up maintain (payments me) coulthel arnia lo Uv» a» the ParlaCUIS uu the cm, keep up with ... — go 0 the sante speed and siiti' levet with had ranfasair to lice» up with the learter,s
Mini-Dictionary keep up with ...—infami yourself dite lama news always hai' Ibis paper lo keep irp nidi the business ?rum key in— type something iuta a computer Sbe musi bave nude a inisirrke ?'bile' &e uve kering in the data. kick off— stan a game of rombati (n. kickoff) Tbc referee bleu, bis ariste and dre Lenireforward kicked off. kick up fuss)— cause a fuss Mon nidi alma ttp a friss if ereryibing turi nerd and Hifi,. kneel down— go down un your knees lite Mirata& kneeled donol and looked tbrortgb 11.11, kLyblie, knock down—hit and cube m fall m Aie ground The chili! ?PUS knorked Muro as site tras rrossing the mari. knock down — demolisb 7bey've kirocked dual Me sagnuning porti and buill a car park. knock &avo — reduce the price (ad . knockdown) Prices bare bevo knorked doni by anolber len per rent. knock aut—hit and malie unconsclous (n. knockout) He bit me so hard Mal be kuocked not knock aut—eliminate fiom a compendun (arti. knockaut) Unibilturalely ree terre kaladald aia in the sentifiuntl. lapse fino — lise concentration :and man hehaving differently Sbe suddetti]. lapsed fahr the local rifateci. laugh at makc fan uf, ridtcule Tbey ali &agiteti ai bis ritardarle costume. Luugh off— [macini sontething is amusing ami noi impanane Irto. /n'ed to laugb off Me incide& bui be uve clearly uvrigral. lay domi — estahlish (multa, regulations) Tari toast follar,' Me pranedunt i bare lobi doro?. lay rima — piace something sumewbere Can you skip, pkase, and lay down your pene. lay down (your fife) — saerifice your 'lie They M& 1101Pa tifi* linee far tbeir country. lay off —disniiss frum work (olivo temporarily) Times tien' barri ire bari to lay off stuferai employees. lay on —organise , 111 bare ln lay ari sante kind rif entertainment for the Miope. lay it ora exaggerate • He rally kr& it un, oggi all1Lal talk abiti bis riti; friends. lay out —laringe (n. know) 71c garden.hasteen latri autiaprovide roMur allyearramt& lay out — spend morrei' (n. rulli)') ife've &fel ora a bit of mini)' lo &Ormai lbe lintrse leak out (of a secret) become known nen tiene rif tbe amari kaked miri &ere trae a rasi) far W/Me. leop at —accept tptickiy and euthuslasfically kaped al tbc cinture la nuda, SOME' edra morrei,. leave aut — ma switch uff n'll1e on. l rio al tu watch Me film. leave out— noi include We torri io leave out aur player berause r f it jury. let duwn — disappoint, noi kcep a promise Dote! aurry. 1W come. I pia &ora lei down lengthen (eg a skirt) The shirl iris loo abati so stai lei N &In let down — rake the aie 0111 of (eg a tyre) ,Smurane bari lel dormi my ere mal I dfrIn't bave a pompi let in — allow in They !Mal 11.1 yall ire if you're tradir eighken. lei tatto (a secret) — sture a scena with siamone 1W &Ovili brio a serre!. 11 k nry birtbdat' friday. let iuta — allow sfumane io come inni a piace The porier let ne loto Me brani lei off— alloca a passenger tu leave a velli& Ask che driver lo Ier you off al the trai& liglas
le( off— noi punisti l'il lei you rff Ibis timi hit dool lei lt &Open ago& lei off (stai)— release energy I tolti the rbildren to ritmi mond the garden lo lel gelerai?. lei un — teli stimane a stetti s supposed lu be a serif sa doni' kt no. lei aut — allnw to go oubide Stiro opened tbc ?Muro la lel the coi oulfor tbe ragia. let out (clothes)— malie clialies larger When I prit alt raggiri, I hall lo lel ali aly Mins °ah let emit(aluud noise) Freddi' !et wit a smani alleo le san. the snake. lie ahead — be going tu occur in the future kriates fartier problems lie abead? lie down—ho somewitert, usually io resi or sieep Ifeti unti so l'or grani; Io lie ?attori far a bit. lie with be the responsibility al r's to Name?. Surely lire fatllt hes u'llbgavernment. Ilft off (of a racket) — Irose the gmund The racket lifierf riff and sui& disappeared annoti; the claud e. light up — illuminate Tbe ruckide esploder( and lil tip the salo. light up (of eyes) hecome briglie, exched Her eyes tip allea she sazi' &e dimoro& neckiare. lino up— stand in a liete Gould roll Me contestante !lue up art fronti af theludges? live down mite tiroide furget a mistake I! rive cucir O stipi? Ming tu da, ioli neva lire ti Minor. live off ... —gel mite money needed tu suppor yourself He 's towmpioyed su be bar Io lire off Me State live off ... —keep ulive by ening The survIvors q/115h and raiiittvier for &o weeks live un --have (food or muney) far survival How rari i be e:spenteti lo live miri soffia Ioni saboy? live un (uf a reputallon) — survive, continue lier reputatimi licei! aut long alier sbe bari lefi. live with ...—iiecept sometbing and continue suur life lite alt bare Io live ivilb tbe con.sequences rtf Ofir tiViOnS. liven up — niake more imeresting and bvely Our bari sporger! SailtV grotres ta try mal firtal up fin live up to be as goal as expecied ValleSSO finti 11P la ber reputano OS a saperti attrar. link — prevent somme from leaving by tocking the Man I catil gel mal Tbey're locked time in! look met — prevent someone (rara entering by locking the dota Il en I gra bark tu WL' flat, gattini I'd beim locked lock up— pur in a mom and rock the door Hie sberIff locked up lite prisoner and part a grumi orafi& look after tane care of, be responsible for TIJIS puient iris a .special n'arse lo look crfler beta! night. link around .„—svalk amund and look ai (a building) I looked oramai the building ta set n'hai rombe nati& &timi. look at ...—exatitine, check 171 gel a rota:bank tu inali ai the engine. look hnek— diink abuut part events ligien I look bank, I san don? know iebril I rild ivrong. lordi back on — ['link abolii things that Imprime(' in the post When I look bank un Mose days I reale itoiti htcky 1 intik down on consider inferior The hioked davo tiri ber berause of ber poor clothe. look for ... — Ir)' to find &case me. l'or laaking for the /udire sfatino. look forwarti ..,—assai[ witis pleasure lotti looking fonrard seeing my frierule rigala
Mhzi-Dictionary move on — disperse, go away front a piace
baie in — viali brietly 171 look in al the cliernistk and ger some aspirine.
baie intra ... — investigate lite pulire are looking iato a series rf robberies in 11w area.
Innk on
sometliing Itappen (n. onlooker)
falla looked on in liorror us tbe car rari Orto tbc sbop n'i rdori,.
look on — consider, think of someone or something in a remati way / /odi uni inneS ai arlineOlfe I ran always be fratrk with tank noi —be crrefui Look oro? Hai gnu a girar
look round — go amund and inspem (a building) Veli krok motel the building and see if it's sidtable. look titrough ...—ignare That snob looked Biro* me and pre'tende'r! I wasn't !bere.
lordi up—fine information in a hook Look up the ;n'ardui; of the word in tbis dictionary.
baie up — impmve
The mete party mined on and starled lookhrg munii the garderts.
move on talk sbotti somethIng different Lers nuoce on and ledi about lite outlook for travi year. move un—make pmgress (cg io a betterjoh) Ken), tranted lo nuove on and get a Job with more responsibility. marre un — change io a different subject The tirocini on m a las cantnwersial topis narmw down—reduce in ~e; hy eliminating tbc others Ire 'Firmami down the Choice tu Erlinburgb orilthens, note down — snake situa notes about belter note doni the Ilill'ataa5 tu pur Unse.
open up openly When Allarrin realised I !rasa't ano' be began lo operi up. own up — admit tu doing something smog Ca[ily limiti? (MIMI up, I rttigbt bave been purrisbed
part with
Tbings are starting lo look up. Business is inipmving.
ioni up — raise your eyes and Intik it'e looked up and sane lite can in tbc trae. Look up to — respect I really looked ap lo nry drama tearber. Stia mens mj'
malie far —go in the dinuction of If tbc nlnnn goes off, make for the nearest
make loto — transform They've mode the old &entre iato a disco. malie off away, e.scume The gang made off down ohe rotai with the morse): make off with ... — steal and escape with The LIMI osarle r g with all the morrei, in my parse.
keep, give or sei] to someone
I tare anyfunti of my dog and dIdn't trama (II pari miti Lin
pass by—scali pass (n. pas.serly) None r f The pople passing by tordi any notice af ber.
pass nn—give sumeone (a message etc) from someone else The MA lime I see ben 171 pass un your man
pass on (a disease)— =soffi a discese Me (Ideane was passeri rio tbrough tbe drinkhig reato-.
pass on — transfer (the essi or savings) We boe Io pass on any savings In our arstorners pass out —faina 772 mon, was SU sluffy utili I passeri otri. pass aver — noi consider for promotion Pratt's ken passeri over firr promotion l'al again.
make aut— pretend
pay ... back—get revenge
Tbc guarda matte out !beat Ibry couldn7 understand ire. make manne m see or bear dearly Il !Fin dark so I couldn1 make out tbc monbers of the bouses.
pay far .,.—use money m buy something
make aut a cheque — write a cheque
Please make mit the (bega, to 'nom:
malie up your mind — decide Uve merde rrp my mine M tank ibr a nero Joh make up — Invent (a story)(atij. made-up) Dir surehe naie up dirti strny getting lost in !beffargli,
make up — ficcarne friends again atter an argument• ,
Turo Mal Susan bare finali) rode up afler tlmlr argament
make up for ...—compensate far 77nr Ungiti` ber some flowers lo make up for arriving late.
mari down—show slot the price has been recisiceli Price.s bare bevo marked down raro eviro fan per col measure aut—measure (eg a powder) until it is the umani requircd Make su re pii n'arsure out era* deriderli very
meet with — have something happen to you l'un afraidprturbusbruul bus met with ara acchlent.
miss sui—noi include check tue list again in case l're ali5SC(1 sonretbittg out.
miss out on
noi be 'l'oliveti in (euccitement etc)
h a pie yan ~Iridi come. Voti minai mit un a Int offro,.
misi up — beccane covered with condensatimi The windows misteri ap anni ree see outside.
rnistake ... far— think someone is sortitone else Porge ore always inistaking mc far nry sisler.
mix up be unable so teli the difference hetween The terrona are similar so fin case io trtly torta tip. mixed up In — involved in (molestami dishtincst) liti mire that giri trai MIMI aP in the robbery sorridimi:
move un — make sometme move away from a piace 77re polite annui the crateri ora lo stop lbein bffickiratalC road.
,tine's determinai Io pay tini bruci for embarrassing ber. Tina's tutele /miri for ber bollila), in Spaln.
payIn —deposit moneyuntoaraaccomuni
Hare you patri tini cuslomerk dreque ari yel>
pay off— pay the money you esce I .sbould bave paid off riti' debls by the enti of the Jean
peli down (af raia)—come domi very henvily Thefelawnspeking.down orriside soidecidedto stai' Ira
phase in— introduce gradually Tbe dianges will be !Used la aver lite neri fere years.
plebe at (forni) — eat amidi mouthfuls of food RoGink
plebeout—clionse Try lo pick out the murar lomatoes. Tbey're sweeter. pick up —Icarn without mach cibo I picked up some af
linglist listertiug lo pop [miste.
pick up —stop a velaci and colteci (adj. pickup) The coarti
pick Jur tip outside iour l'anse at len ()Work
pick up (a prize) — win a prize
picked up first prize in the competilion.
pick up (the
— pay the bili
Charles picked tip the bili. ife elidn7 bare to pay anytbing. pick
up — improve
Sales pirked up
during Mie monti, q August.
picee together — assemble, form a complete idea it'ou're iein3 tu pieve logetber rebal bappened bere. pile up (of worIe) — inerme Work reali), pited up uliva I trita RUM' (in business.
pini spese — pian, arrange things in Avance We're abeadfor neri l'entra plani out (seedlings) replant aratali pianto with room to gmw Piami mit lire seedlings Iraq' a metro spari.
Mini-Dictionary play down — make something appear lese important The arabarities I ried lo phip Mora tbe lucidar/ lo premi prude play uff —play a marcii co decide Mio is ihc winner The ferirne Dati Io play offfor Mini Mare play duoligli (a tune) — play ci unte from die heginning ut the ed Play the tune liwough se ire rari bear arbat it sounds play with (morde) — use words m eresie an cifrar The minister trac only playing witb mutaLe. Malan darne. plug in— connect to a suppiy of electricity Family, pia", fu pus' anramfer and .switcla ost print mq— draw anention m a faci or sumething worth seeing mas1 potei out Mal we dota 't tairmake trork rei Suralays. polish up—imprese and fu pulisti up nay Spanisb belare my boliday, pour away—dispose of a intuiti 77ie annettila! sinelled stnne so I poured il turai: pour domi (of rain)— come down beavily Il arai ponring dotti, and I diritti bare an ranbrella. pour in — enter in large nunibers IVi' esperta11 spertalors lo pour ira bui ade urta thousrrnd rame. pour enter in terge numbers The dorare mere apened and the customers /murai irato:1Se siero', pour out (a drink) — paur a drink mio a glass or cup Gine me your rup and 171 poto' out !Le tra. pnur mit — reveal feelings in so uncontmlled vai' punteti oul bis problems lo bis best print print information stored In a computer (n. printout) Prese ibis key and dioc computer rulli print ratt the aelails. proceed against begin legai acuito tra bring to trial ohe baren't gru enough ['ridurre lo tramai against tacita. procrei from — prevent someone being barami by Talee no unibrda tu prratert yrie Inala the main. peli away (of ;t vehicle)— start io leave a piace The ligbfs hada green tinti the rar patitati away. peli down— someiting so tini it cumes down ff lbe sun is Zoo bar, OR Mine the Mirai. puil in—drive m che siile of the mad (and ofien stop) lerk pro? br at Me rrovt parking piace and bare some sandwirbes poli in — attrdct Pop roncerls usnally pull in a targa c'mwd. ptill In (of a traiti) .arrive in a statimi • The tratta partirti in and tbc passeugers gra auf. pull — go lo a piace off Lite mad to break a journey The drirer parli& iuta a garage ai the stele of the rami. peli nff —succeed in Lining something ditllcuil Drepite difficulales she managed ln pull off lbe deal. poli off— drive off the mad Les rapf tbe reati and bare a resi, pull off—remore hy pulling / helped rare of the ridere to pulì trll-ber aste, peli out (of a velamele)—more inni the orari or a different natie lane A 1017 saddenly Infilai ami iato the fasi lane. peli out of ... —decide noi lo continue The rompimi' pulled of Pie agreemed peli aver (nf a vehic10 — nume io the siile of the mari NN (averfor a rumeni and lel the d'n' rane gai past. peli through — servirti ara illness &Int fiele serionsly i11 bui be Mango() la pali Wangs. pull up (of a vehicie) down and stop lima reni pulled up onfside tbc farmi dorar. posti —get Mio a rituale in front of other people That uomini Idea' to targa fin and gai ora Ines Mini! ne! put away— pot something somewbere to make a piace iirly tutti books a 2 the l'ade and pia Unt amai'.
put back arrange to have (eg a meeting) inter Can tre put tbc meeting baci intimi dierfallOteing Titesday? poi baci—rerum something m the piace it mis before Don? forge: to put lie nitarbes bark rubar you fondi thcart put hy — cave for future use D'e poi Solite aranci' poi by for emergeucks. put down— kill ara animai because ic is old or vent /il Onr riti nere so ili Una ire bari to bare lana pur put down— criticise People are always pritting ber dama berause gni:t a bit doro put down (mnney) — pay same money as a deposi[ I bari Io pia 1101191 fifty poltrirti' as a deposti put down to —give as a reason I pia' bis fard femper down to pressare of work. put forward— mak]: a suggestion etc Fd like iopot foruard a prapasal for improring sala. put in (a request) —stihmit, make a request 11712 bare put in a requestfor a riew computer. pot in — install Wur fard centrai ben:nane! dotatile glazing put put in— spend lime doing sometiting Tbe mediante Las put Lr narri' tirati a hundred boria work. put in for — make a formai request for The manager Ma in for mortiglif armi tbc boss repised put finto morda — write or say how you Feel or what 'tappateti n's /card tra farti myfedings cuti words por (more effort) iato—do something with mire cifrari Yuri tunnel pia urtare dirmi irato your work. put money inno— Invest money in wants me fa fitti more money tufo lime business. put loto (afa boat) — enter a pori or harhour tbc band beota tra play as the ltner pul atto barbour. pot off— pompane We're bari to pari off lin amatela unti! neri rianalb. put ... off — distract I ratti concentrate. Mal Iroise ishatfing tue g: put oiT—switch off Coatti the last pUntlil tra leave the Mola put off the lights, please. put uff—create a bad intpressItin Doni' tic farri off by lite Malf/Wr. 111.4"really vere sby. put off — dissuade (ad(, offituning) Otre latte mistake sbouldn't pal iuta off lrying again. pot on— piace (make,up, clathes) cm your body Data look off bis pullover and put ori a jarket put un (weiglit) — gain weight l're pia ori SO inala levighi' (Mal I need some nere clolbes. put on — presero, produce (eg a show) We're putting mi a /n'additar of °Rader) and juliet" naia year, poi un—assume, rase (an acceco, stringe fare etc) Fai, pia rari a sfrange ricrear and preleraded she was apreiguer. put nn (a brave fare) —appear cheerful although sui cure noi Judj numaged la pia (11/ a brace fare despíte alt ber prablems. put it on — try to deceive people Marraysays Dee i11 bui I !Link be's prating i1 on. put out (your tongue) — make your tungue come MI Or your moutti How attira mut Do), pfli 0111 bis Mogia! al me! più out—dislocate (eg your baci) l're pra 0111 nry baci; sa 1 nausei' do ani' lifting. put aut —Munirai 77rry prtt alli ari apputl ara the radio for more belpers. put fui (a fin±)— extinguisit a fini Calle urea a blanket fra prit aut lbe fire. pot out —mirre (in arco etc) away from your body Mark part od Iris arar as a signaifor otre bus lu.stop.
Mini-Dictionary ma domo—cause m base power or effeetiveness
put out—cause someone incunvenieitee
Tre' 're rum dont the servire. There's ualp otre bus a
I Lupe fata not pulting Jour ora by calling so Mie.
(I wouldn't) put (10 post ...— i 'link is eapable uf
day. tuo kik} — crash The car r1111 rodo !ire back of a /orry,
I n1)11111,11 pul ft posi ber to (bige Per ridio! at the !risi nroinvon
put through — cammei someone un the pitone
run finto
pot up piace (in a wall III p01 up ti poster on that odi
put up —give somme fonti and a bui for the night
rari un ... — be powered by TbiS CM' rana Mi 11111Called petto!.
The Limar tverefidi so ary friemis put rate up.
put up (a tight) — 112S151, tight against someone or something 2111! escaped prisoner &dir; pari up ruttar of a fight. put up — increase 11111VIS pori HP !heir prices ur sumer.
put up (moncy) — provide money
run out of exhaust, 'int bave any leír I'r'e r11110111 r f Mater so III have lui use wargarhie inshold run out of (steatn) — lose eiuhusiasm, energy They starle(' with great entbuslasni bui 500111'1111 0111 of run over ... (of a vehiele or driver) — bit
3(efatberput up the mfiney tu sani mi, business.
The bus rari over a d'IN crossing Ihe man
nui over — review, raad quiekly
put up dimise a candidate for un elemion
antri you fusi ma over the procedure again?
tre bave lo put up a shung candidate for thrk dedita
put up with ... —tolenue
run over—more quickly to a piace They rari over lo lire shopand broker! fri lbe 1111111011'.
I can?ritrt up with Ma inter:ferme nn,)' longerr
quiden down — betulle less noisy nen The cromi bai quieteired down, hc contiamo( speaking. rama off (used in the passive) — not alloca m start Munse of mia
run through
nunblc on — keep talking in un illugicul way
rush in — enter The pupils ridimi in as mori as lue Dell ring.
rush iuta (a deelsion)— malte a decisiun without thinking Don'! rasi Info a decisimi. 773itik Ama il carefirllyfirst.
The spiravr nimbi& on Ama something 1 araldi'? audentand
— suina aut your :tem to get sumething
The shopkeeper marino, out and look a (in from the Meli
reati uff—look earefully at and note (eg measurements)
ntsh out—bave a ronni or building quirkly IPe all rasimi ora bui the arab bari alrearly sane up — colica money in order tu boy something savIng rrp to bop a neo' inolorbike
1'1/ nord fg The measurements if mit can write !bear domi.
scale domi— reduce the extent o!
read out read in a inni( viiice I want Jon to listert cartfidly as I reati out the 1111111CS,
reason with — tay lo persuade someone by using logica! arguments ire Wird fin teasint milh ber bui MI! 1C115 Ma migri, io listen, rechi' on — deputi] on, expeet litri can reckon on al least people corning in the meeting.
remind of— multe somme remember
say offulally diat you want lo leave (eg your job)
Nora resigned from berPii afier argahnt with ber boss,
baci( — pione (untone) again Inter
ring TU
The saran of tic Mann scared arre the tbieves,
score off — make somme tuo frightened io cime near Mese gitani dogs si ould scane off any thlerres.
scure the pants off ... — triake extrtmely frightened That Un'or film MIMI the pants off mei
scrape uff—remove someibing by seraping lise a knife M scrape off the paha,
screw up your foce — twist your rime (lo show disapprovai) 3130 screrred up berface in a look of intense disapprova/.
.)'(tu pack if there's any more neo%
stai off—Modi entranees to prevent movemein lino or out of a piace
ring off—enti a pilone etinversation
The pulire have mak( fi the bridding so tre can'i gel 111.
I nrust ring off note as ST1111C011C Irat11.5111 use the prore.
ring aut (of
seni up—eluse tightly (eg with tape)
ring lundly
Make sore lire parrei ls properly serri& up belare l'ori SC111111.
The bella rami; ora ras The ampie hp tbv
ring up—pilone 01/e of your bayfriends rang up! rise up — rebel against stinse in amburity (n. uprising) Finally tbc people rase apagainst Me calatoti& premimi, rari up malte huo a eylinder by rollio]; (adj. rtilledmp) The waiter volteti up a newspalow and irled r0 bi1 fin*
ras away —become rutten and disintegrate The wond Miro( array and Me Autore» 1101,
round off—complete an activity saisktetorily .
rounded ttff ore ermiing with
of well-knormr songa
sole aut—eliminate, noi consister Il Maks like aut ucciderti brii ree mal run away—escape front Mose louking atter you runaway) 773v chili aro array because sire tacca su unbappy ai ber anni k. run down (of a vehicle) — bit and injure mem Tbc lorry ran dormi cui uni Italy who anta crossing ibv.road,
run down — lose power II nom? mark. Perhaps the batieries bave noi 1111101.
rame they scalai 1101131 the renne operyrtion.
scure away—frighten someone and mafie diem go away
This scenery reminds me of the ralleys of South Waies.
rtsign tram
repeat (dualls) quickiy far ebecking purposes
filjust ioni thmagb the detalls u f lbe escursion agahr
The 'matta; u'as mimo! off so ree baria wasied forfore.
— reaelt a figure of
The rosi tradii riai iuta millions of pounds. run iato — met unexpenedly ire nur urto difficultles domini; Me tesi flight.
Can paro poi rne througb to the ;minor?
iuta— aceurnpany sumeorte Uno
A secndary saw1111! iato The office and asked me lo sil dormi. see off—say goodhve lo sortitone going on a joumey n'a come to lire alrport t0 see l'un off, see thruugh noi be deceived by The Minn werefunled brut I cadi see firmagli ali bis trarmi.
see to —tirai with I'r'e gemi lo see to tre travel anomgvinents for the holiflay.
sell aut sell all the gonds in a shop etc I ibridi gel any Irreali /minai lbr.0 Od mit. senti away for ... — write tu siimene for informatinn ete sent awayfor details nf their 111111111171 breaks,
send badi — return sornething io Are piace il emise from irinin Ai/6,011in sire sent il baci!, unopernol. senti for ...—send a ntessage for smentir io come and 110 Alarie's conditimi gru nurse sa tre bari io semi far the dottor. send in—odi somme to go inni a rioni ,ifrs Jona is bar, - Please muri ber
Mini-Dictionary senti in — write 10 comune asking for informatiun Send in fur onr frcr illustrateti brorbure. senti in —send people Io a piace m dea] with a proisiem 7b Raro-mena bari Iu sena in lbe arnie Io stop the violenza.. stnd off—post (a leiter etc) I nevd a simuli so I Uni senni off ber hiribelay rard. semi off— order a player to Ime the field It /CM sodi a bai forti tbat 11w riferii sera Nur (g. semi — forward (a Metter ere) fVrite Io rue brame Mit:ress parents sem( tbe (eller ari. send out—senti something lo 101 of peopie We're sera noi bwilations la ali fine gues1s. set aiuta— stan doing someihing I(e'd !Miei sei ribolli clearring rtp Or& wess set agile (a judgement)— say a judgernent is nnt valiti Tbejudgewent trae sei resede and sbe was refea.sedfrom Irrisori. seiirack — cost malferme an amount of rime). That nere car musi bare set ber bark a! least Magi. !innestarti, sci down (standards) — emablish standards The amaci( Inas set (101Ill standards of brgIene finr resheurants set in (of a sea.son)— benne established (Is winter sei io, the wealber gai rudi n'arse. sa off—Cause something lo man Tbc burgiews set off an alarne when tbey broke tbc , windaw set off—leale ori a journey nov selting alf aborti c,Igbt o'clack so we7I Ire !bere by urtare. sei off— cause something to esplode SP! need a unIanlver io stay beliind afa( set o f f tbe exhlosires, set ma—mut no a journey The cyclists sel out vari) , thejbllowing mori«. set out— begin an actitiry with a specific purpuse set oul lo gel errore heopie inleresled In African nnesk. set out display an rmamised way The statigics mieti to ,set out in a forar ibta is care to read. set up — organise, man il e're gaing Io gel uh nu ingrrbp boa the insister. sei up (equipment) — piace equipment somewhere and get il ready }ire cari set Io the ruicrwbbones in tbc orner of dai mann. set up a database— preparo a diabase su that it is ready for use ne se/ up a datala« so thatyow can rude a listuf Inernbens. settie down —lire a quiet, rodile life Slw Emula ber san Io gel urani& and senie daini. stole down beante more statile Al), ',MAXIM! avo! and ruy stomaci? schieri down. sei& loia (a routine)— become usci to a 'untine V11/1 umili sente brio a MI dille and fili gets rpole (ming. sew ori — allach, using a flettile ad thread Can 3(111 stie ori ibis Orinali that rame off share out — divide and distrilime Sbarri ala the resi q/1w ((esseri between shave off— remote :dl the Itar by liart tants diffenott. ,sbaved off bis woustarine. shock ... moto—cause someone to do soniething by shocking them 77w barrifle aceidenlsbocked the muri! Irrito taking anon. Amai down hring to the ground by shuming airerajt was &non by In/sta/m. d'uni up — intruse rapidly The price q/retro( bas Ani uh recenti?: shnp around — go to different shops to find a goud price Vigne giro ararmi Jfate migbt fine( ibe 737 al a Iower price. shout down — situa so loudly that a speaker canino tic carni Trinebfewakers in The tIllAWICC Irled Io sbarri lbe speaker danni. sltow in — hring sonteone inca a rum Alrinnes is otaside.- OK. We're Please sino' Un in.
show nff—do things or tibOW tlìillgi l0 try and impress peopie lire girl tried la giare off and inoress L'avarie wilr ber darwing. simw out—Iead somme out of a piace ,5(ie sbarrai M orti ibrOligh insiti! (how shut down—stop (a tutelane ere) working (n. shutdown) We bari lo Ara danno ibe nrarbine as 15515 overbealing. shut out— ma allow m come in / &sof lbe nimbo. lo Ani! ora Ibe nude freno tbc' fartary sfide with ...—suppuri lo ibis disfarle, I stile with the parents. sili through lookthrough very carefully tre sified tbrongh rie lisi of candidat' lo field somme sullable. sign away (your rights) — sign a document gin€n1, up ceriain right(s) Don't sign away your rigas as an MIPIO/V2. simmer down — hecomeless angry Once be's simulerei( down a bil, Ira disercas Ibings more cahnly. sink pack into lean backwards deeply (cg an armchair) I utak bar* iuta my armcliair and starla( reading. sink in—lic slowly understimd ie tbc mens (nera to shit: in, peohle ficcarne rnoy nurried. sink (its teeth) trito — hire deeply The ring jumped up rotti sank acetir Orlo &Tann sii nr011tld doing [unitimi produttive (Vt' da all tbc work utile the men sil aroma( chatting! sii down — he scalei (adj. sa-Uva) Please sii dateti and inakeynnrse/f cornfrirraida sit In — occupi a building as a sign of protesi Tbe workers sal in and refused tn team! aie building sii ori (a committee) — Ire a member n/ a ~miti« T/tey ami part la sii ora the housing corinillee. sii out (n dance) — sit down and noi take pari in a dance lin nig tired so I'd ralber sii ora tlw noti dance. slam down — angfily pur down somohing with a loud noise Maly slannned dame t110 pinne and swore n'arder bis limali. stani on (the bralies) put your Iuta quickly ori thepedal The drioer stammi riti tbc brakes as a dog rari iuta the nord. sleep through ...—continue sleeping despite the nuise lino' rombi poro sleeh that 'errarle stono las! night? slip loto (elalltes)— pur un clothes quickly Bridger.slipped 11114 ber dressing gowniund burried downstairs- — stip mit —Have quicidy and Only /ry and slip art wbile dier're wahlning slip up—malie a mistake (n. slip.up) Mese Ore ibe (mon &kens, Romane bassllpfmd up. slow down—g0 or happen los fast (n. s'industri) The folla slawed dormo trait entered Ibe tunnel, smash In — hit sontething vioknrly unti) 11 cullapses ire smasher/ Ihe (how in and Muri tbc. kidnapped INT Inside, smell of gite out Me saldi of Unir rake me& a f Inuney. smooth down —malie something have a smontai surface Gi/olina sante crealo ore bis baie and sinnalbed i! (lattee. Snap noi of — quickly 1,111 Bui of (a hai mood) 117b3 La sbe sa wiserable? 1 wisb sbc"el suo out snowed under— oterwhelmed We're bevo mue& render with cubicajiw out rawhedilian. soak up the sun —He in tbc sun fur u lung time !'ve ken soaking up lbe sun CM a Greek Island, sori out a prablem —state a pmblem ire» gol Io sori out rie hrobkor rif don , In?stay. sparir off--cause a tipica utility to The tenia e] lbe MIMO' spar -kat all'a deountstralion. speck— mit he afraid io gite your rminion (adj. outspoken) PeahIm nani' afraid ltt speak out non such a controversia( Inibir.
Mini-Dictionau speak up —speak more Mudly Can _mit speak tifi? l'or a bit dea]:
speed up —go raster
lire car began fo sputi' vip and uno so n1 ont rii sii
spit it out — -Say what you are reali} thinkingr Spii ft as oliali' 00 your mirai. spiasti down (af a spacecraft) — land in water The spercecroft should splasb dowa Lt !Le Pacific
spilli up — divide iato groups i n'ani voi lo spii! up roto groups offbar,
sviti up — end a relationship
How sodi Jack and fili Lave MI split up after years.
spread out—open something and pus it on a surface The generai spremi the map aut uri the labk squeeze can— fame sumetbing out afa container by squeezing &hist can'l squeeze noi that bit of toothpastel
stand by ...—suppuri .4 gond friendSkil& by jou ifyou'ce in trouble. stand by —ire in re.seree, ready to hc used stand-by) Corda t'ori stanti by in case ire need ari extra driver? stand by — noi clunge your manti atout wbat yuu have said Nolbing bus cbanged. I stanti by mg' originai statemivi?!
stand for ... — represent nal do the letIers 1111 stand for?
stand for ... — micette
sfide on
using glie
Musi stick the stainps un (bis leiter. stick to the point—cot ger away from the pollo That ioni s'elevane. Urli.), Mick. lo The piani.
stick up — point upwards i bori myfoot ami a Indi Alci) iris sticking up frorm the jloor. stir up (trouble)—muse 'mut& Some agitator3 (ricci Io stir up trouble al the meeting
stop off— break a jountcy Westopput off in Canberra un tbc tra)' back tu ,SjsItteg stop aver—break a piane journey (n. stupover) slopped over in Ranghk un tbe fughi Donk
storm aut — cave in a very bai semper Occ'eir lori bis (empir and slormed ord.
slow away hide (eg on a Aliti) (n. stownway) lire lui bad grumi away boping tu san lo America.
stralghten aut—stop sortitone being worried and confused This patlent bus ernotional problems. He needs stretightening rirt
strap up — pur bandages around (eg ari ami) The rause sirapped up ber arm and lobi ber noi to rise
stretclì out — lie ai full length (l'e streltled rulli ori the santi and went tu sieep. strike up (cif a band)—start playing music Me borici strock ;O and the daricers bega'? their
strip down— take tu pieces
lie rimi', stand for cine !MISI:Ma
stanti ín — lake someone's piace (n. stand-in) You'll bave In stanti in if be's unable Io attenti the meeting.
We'll bave strip down the cugine tafani wbat's team.
stub gut —extinguish cigarctte etc) by lcliiing it against sontething I/e slubbed out bis cigarette in the asbiray
stand In for ...— take someone's piace (eg if they arc ili
suffer from ... —be in paio Incluse of
stand ma— be noticeabie (adj. outstanding)
sum up briefly state the 1113k1 points•
fili bad Io s'ami in jiir ber boss, (t'ho bad saddeidy beat tak.en 111. Easterit Eurripe .stands otri as al? obvirms area far aspansim
stand out (a mise) — he very noticeable Yuri can me bes fealous. slands out a rude stanti up —get so your feci The Mais bare tu stanti tip tibia 11w tearberCMICS in.
stanti up for (your riglns) — suongly defend your rights
Don't Le affluii tu stanti up foryotrr HOU as a cilizen.
stand up to
noi run tiway from stancane
1.1112.q expect.rnela sbattilo tasomehodywilisniuscles.lbathigi
stand up to — mitre (mugli treatment) This lower was brilli to stand up io cr11 kinds cif wealber. start out—bave as ics urigin, ire originany This storteti citi! osa 96-page Donk, bui it greci'!
start up (a business) — get a business going (adj. start-tip) l'm leaving lasjub tu sturi op my non business.
trj, io mon vip the situation In a feto timi&
s-svallosv down — alluse to pais forni your mouth tu your salimeli
lbe pill was srr kapo tirai it u'as hard far tiri' boy lo sradica?, li. swell up (cif an ankle) become larger if The ankle .swells up pot nn ire pack ori it
switch off—stop electrical equipment working lie mire lo switch off ali Me liglas &fori? yvni leale. switch off— stup paying attenti" nut ire ;Mie to concentrane TIkkcturv WaS.soboritig.tswitcbetinff,
switch on —sun electrical equipment worldng Can I switch un the TV and trattili& nein? swoop down—come down suddenly aut seize or attack The bird swoopoi duro! and grabbed the plece of brani. tali back Col tune) — fon a long queue (n. tailback) Tbe traijk falla! back for al least a mite.
talee aback— surprise
stay 7 noi go out i'm slaying
il hen I do a lot uf typing, I saffer fiorir terrible net* Oche.
Ne gut tuo nutrir homervork lo do.
stay on noi leste m the expecte(' rime 11fairy pirpils stayed M al school ln take corno sicure mons stay — remain in piace, =come off ,Ity hal uve stai, un in ibis aiuti! stay un—noi hc switched uff Do the lights bave lo stay un ali ?ligia?
77.w Goternment cere taken aback by lire recidimi.
take after
Sbe's very intelligenL The takes alier ber mraber.
talee apart — disntantle, calze to piena i barile lake lire' mode! ripari (rito lbe talee (your hreath)away— surprise you a lot The spertarular ohne Intik m), breatb awayt
stay up — noi go so bed •
tatti back—agiti that wliat yint said is noi trae
Studi tic star up and tralci, the latefilm? slay aut— noi return home Most offire team stayed tua celebrating riti alghe.
step down (ala chairperson) resign The chairman stepped doni and IVCIS replared by bis depaly.
step in — ger involved, intervene i bad l'o step in wben the discussirm gut bealerl step up — increase lise 1' hird lo step tip prutinctam tu meg the Incameri Annan
I lake Int& everytiring I salti i reti!!?' enjoyed nodi. I ?mut ceree litese books bark lo tbc falce hack — [Rake stiratone chine cif past evento This dance uniste takes me back lIie lime I no? I your fatber.
calze down — write domi information illt. reporter look down lire rfeinfls r f the ucciderli. talee down — remove from a ltiglt piace On the siici'. nits ari ofd inw
1w Pah doni and (Orwell.
Mini-Dictionary take down dismande, undo something yon bave erected I nembi belp to takerinum t/le test. Coke in—funi, deceive The lingua affidai artis so conrincing that be 100k Crefy0lIC take in (clothes) — make elothn nanwer neo I /osi uvight, 1 bari to take in my dothes. take in— understand everything / rauldn't talee tra ali ibe infornatimi a! M'. take in (for questioning) — Lake io a pulce station( m question The susped was taken in for q estioning Mutui the robbeiy. take unto (your confidente) — cadde in lf uv tale ber brio con confidence, nidi st., betray us? takeinto — accept as pan or an orgimisation Weriffl derider! io fatte Lini trito the business take iato— accompany sostenne int° a piace lre far& my daughter iato bo.spItal Mia morning. take off (uf a piane) depart (n. lake-off) The p/ane is due to bile off al six a'clork take off— remove (clothes ete) from your body (1Ir TYdy Mak rpbis shoes and pnl ou bis slippers Mite off— deduci ils a special offer uv're taking tea per mit offfin. JIM COSIOMINS. take off (of sales) improve considerali y Sales usuallylake off during the Maris: sommi. Mite un—assume (a responsibility, extra work ete) Are you rcady lo tale rm the responsibility of being a manager? take un (passengers)— allow passengers tu hoard a ship or piane The piane slopped severa! Muto lo tale fOt PaSSCifgerS. take on —give employment to The conipany look on fin) ma, sales a.ssistants hist mon& Calce aut book) — burrow a book fumi a Miran' ran tale orafimr boria ilyon tvturi tra take out — dando a legai doeument Tale ~some !murane before you go 011 holtday. tale out —take someone in the cinema eic Iic's taking me (MI Io tbc disco 'bis eiviting. take out—esimei (eg a loda) The denlist bari lo tale uni the toolb as it Crasso Ciad. tale out (a Man) — :image to boom monca a laartiolury lakes h (noi of yon)— maks you feci veri' timi Dona.; This gardening retti°, lakes i! out take it out un make muntone suffer because you are angry etc knowyou're upset bui pu 2100 bave Io tale it rati (in mei mite over — gain control dia compimi') in. iakeaster) The ampia? una taken over by a larger tale aver from ... —replace nord nifice bar Mal SOMMO! to tale over Jim tbc old ~nen take sortitone you mieti for the first time was so jbandly Mal I look M ber immeclicaely. tale up—stan (a (oh or hobby) l tool up waler-skiing during a seaside take up an offer accept ali offer l'e derided lu tale up ber offer of arrommodation. tale up — use, occupy (time, space) Organising the nweliags was takiug up tuo Mar of api tinte. take up mise a topic 171 bare io urie up the question qf ()redime with bead giro. tale up — shonen (eg a skin) 77w skirt was tuo long stie ball up. talk — persuade someone Lo do something ,litchaerssinhborri. lira?! never talk Dior iato cbanging bts talk „, aut of— persuade sumeone not to do something Site Wied lo talk ber hoyfriend otri of rfsking bis fife for
mar apart dIsturb emmionally, poli in different directions Sbe rara tarar ripari by wildij, and7irling mations tear down — tenr dia arai] tic Mq (Ore down the otri po.sters and Mit tap mar amis tear off—remote hy iearing There 's a coupon al the botiom of the page fnr tvnr ro lear off. tear up trar iato pieces nuda Cure up bis leiter and tbreu+lt out of the (Malore. tee uff—bit the first shut in a game or golf The first pair of golfers lecci off dirli, that moming. teli apart — differenti& between The &bis crear lbe sane dotino so it's diffirull trite!! Mein apurt. teli off— réprintand (n. iellingmfT) tuia noiier(alci bim off far roming brune late. (of pressare) —bave a noticuble rifeci mi The "(renne of all the astro and: began to dell tini ber. tense up — flemme !termos, male your muscles tight (adj. iensed-up) I aiways teme 10 when I bave Io male a speerb, think of ...— have an upiniun abusi What do Jun tbink rif ber !Meg play? think over — cunsider 171 think orer your rffer and kt yon know 101OOMOM think through — !link earefully tont ai the possible consequences dieta treccia lo tbink it through There ante bc 'volgerlo'. throw away—get rid af something no longer useful thruwaway) Throw away any olei rnagazines you don't ami throw down —throw something downsiairs or tu a lower pusition Your pullover's ira the hednionr. 171 tbrow Il Mutai topic throw foto (prismi) — furce someorie tu go tino raison Mosse who approcci the prvorment aere thrown banjtrianoc. throw out — get rid of 117e bari Io Ibrow out all the cracked plata. throw up (a joh)— resign from a job Rosa dinne up hes'jrib and rubava! Io ber rountty, tidy up —male (eg atoni) neat hy putting things away You'll bare fil up !bis mota befolvpurfather gela Dame. aie down — limi[ the freedom uf / rioni ami tu Le lied dotali by a afe aro! a fiorii): tighten up (security) — niake security strider This profert laseerei so teentwe lo lighten up security tip off—Inforni, varo -Moto a future creta (n. tipmff) The pulire n'eri' tipped rff Aula the bank ritiri. tiro out — make anemie very iired (adj. lired aia) Carrying ali (lime bricks really tired 111(?01111 tane down — male leso estreme I /rad to lane dump the spedir M avold a (*Misurar inditela. tane up musdes — impone the eunditinn of muscles Mese exerrises teill ione up your leg moda. top up—fili up a container that has liceo partially emptied Can 1 top you 20 rii' would jun prvfer a coffee? (nudi down (cif a piane) — !and The plane had tu 1011(11 down in the miriate of the desurt. touch ori — menlion The delegate ifirlebell ori O nomber a f subferis during ber spacci,. touch up a piloto—alter hy eltanging salai demils tolichedmp) nei, tutt'ed to the !Molo to inake ber lupi: mrid younger. toto away (of a vehlele)— pull away another vehicle with a rape 7/te 1,Ebiele Irta 1011'ell after faringi' dahned tutele down — fard alter a (or or difficulty 17,0 finali), managed lo trarti down n top)' of the book. try ali—pus un something t() see if it firs l'nt noi sorgi uf 1De size so can I try (bis jackd on? try aut—Rail The (Marin mal volunleers tu hy ani tbis udir vilantin oli.
Mílii-Dictionary tuck cat enthusiastically The lince workers facked fato :heir Amen tumble rima—fati down in disnrder The ring knocked a riti and sera Me test lumbIbtg1117111L tune iato — sei controls m a panicular frequency, radio statimi /like taiting iatoforeign radio Mations. tune up—make a musical instrument play in tune The musicians began 10 fune wp as lite singers got nauly, tura against ...—no longer suppuri, be battile to The »empie. Men& againsi the gorennuent afier the 1mv ripensa turn away —refuse eotry Lia Tbe restaurarti wasfull so tre bad lo turn array customers. turn batik—stop and remo the way you Irate come lire rami IIVIS bine:bar so tly n'era /arresi lo Inni bar*. turn down— refuse, reject 'e boss tornei/ (forra my request for a day off turn down — reduce (the hening, volume etc) it gels atty rimmel-, well tune down the &ming tura in—go to bei !Ve'd Mater turn far sana as WC' 1T gai 111r varie star! i 011if ~W. turn in glve, submit work m the perno who asked you ta do it My shrdents usually trent In tery gond work turi) iato —cicinge ano something different 11 71 tabe more titoli salare dodici Io tona bleu fitto a gelatemela tura of—stop an electrical device working 1f lite reti ligblilashes, turo aff the madrine iminedintely. turn off ... — leave *ne road and gli iuta anotlier l'Oli bare lo terni off the raid fasi afler the traffic light& turn — work, benne limate Re was barile infami wInne bis Ma; tunica no bint tura ori — man an electrical dette working Tura ori llw grIll and gire it tinte to berti te», tura no —stan behaving in a ccriain way Your scollar), eran certainly Inni Oli the &anni turn out ...—produce ThiSfirdoci111115 aut finir barar& lacycles a day. turn ,,,-1w in the end The show' marea out ta bea gretti success, tura out —switch off (the light or gas) Gould you (urti met Me IVA ritira pie !care? turn aut—come io a piace to stie something (n. tiratomi Onlymfrarbundrert arecIatorsdurned ora ta sveglie:1r final. game:..... turo to „, —go io sonteime far belp Vitti else can I funi lo if l'm in frenarle? furti up — increme (eg the volume) Don? tune IIP 11113 rotante! It's Muri enougb already turn up nube something paint upwards The and man Innted a» bis cullar as if 201 mare windy. turn up anice, appear somewhere Orte cleaner turned tip an bui' late today type [rway —keep typing nen I nent in, bis secretary was typing fifi'lly, ars use up — ore all of R'e'se used ii» Oli fhc »tater so are miei( to arder satire mora wake up —(eatme someone lo) stop sleeping / asually ;rake up Ware aie letame rings itt the morning. walk int() a trap — unexpectedly get trapped in a difficult situation I knew I berti ruderi belo a tra» I sari' bis on. walk —continue sntlking in a cestaia direction 121's walk or, and intik of mute neon' Inaldings. walk out — leave as a sign of protesi (n. walk-out) Ifalf 1be remain truffi& ma tramare lite arting was so hard. walk out ori —leste as a sign of prottst hall) tralked out on ber busband Inerme hr drank wann up—do exercises tu lousen lise muscles (o. wartmup) lire bave fa wann n» befirre (Ming the main esentar
wasb down—use waler lo remote dia from a tortore Vini musi wasb down the walls belbre you start periuting. wash out — remote as the emuli al wasking This atea' deleggent trai arasti out the stata wash — wash the disks ;ui cuilery (n. washingmp) The children CM? (Mar Lite ledile and 171 least, re». watch out far .,,—be carclul belane of a diriger 4i îdch outjhr snakes when you go walking fu thefirest. water down — make weiker, test controversia! The MiltiSILT WaíVri'll (MINI bis sfrecci, Io arabi giring Teme wave down—signal to stop The mann narri file down and asked me for be/p. trave un — signal (eg traffici to continue Tre patire trami the cars tuta hnl matte the tmarbes sto». wear down — make weaker The constati! questioning trns beginnIng tu arena me dormì. wear off (or paia) — no finger ,ifirct smistante h was some lime before tbc /10111 tante off. wear out — make sameone exhausted (adj. tram out) !Ming erti tris &ging really num me ma. wear out — wear something so mueh that it becomes unumble Tre muri out rny shoes so I 71 bare lo bar a new lurir tveigh down — pot ~enne under a lai of premure ile was weigbed down by ad bis worrfes. weigh up — assess Ire roast weigh the situatimi a» carefidly belare deciding. nulle away (the lime) — make the tinte post She rida i& array the tirati n:Mq »rami' aerophrues. Whip Up — encourne perii& tu feci excited etc The presenta Od& In da» rrp entimsiasm amongst the andrinwe wind down — relax I need a relrealug babbi, lo bel» me wind daini M lite weekend. wind doto—turo a banale lo make smoking come down Cureld you udirti down the window so litri! I can bear you belter? wind dota —gradually reduce the amomi of work a business does 21,ffer bis partner ritmi, Ire began wind donar tbc business wind up (a company)— cause a company to cause trading Ru,slaest urta so baci that 131.'1111(1 Io wind up the conarany, wire up— connect (a plug) sviti] electrical wires • • Are you mire punir! tr'a'n u» ibatping rorrecay? work away — keep working /•wwrbusyteorking amay anciddidn'lmoticelrote late itums: work off— get rii of by esercisti The trainer stiggeMed some avercfres lo work off arcess fal. work nn — work t() make or improve Dar scindi:stare working on a teme, Itpe of »Male work — try to irilluence 1W work art ritta and by Will cinge bis work out— tisink abitui a problem and and the answer I fusi antri work ma lite answer ta ibis sun work out — be ali right in the end I know il irooks bar! Gai l'or san' tbittgs work ora riti right. work out— dn esercises t() keep fit (n. work-out) Ta keeppi, sbe warks nut in aie geni far an hour eteri day. wrestle with righi sfidi (ofen morally) sbe rasi lo wrestle trai, ber conservare hefore deciding write down— nube a Mite of, record in wriiing Ilare pu got some Marer?1 Irellft 10 write down lbts addruss. write off—seni a letier io an organisation Roma Unite gfin.rmalls of !heir Membri affer, write in—interi something Mio a form or (»Iter written test To seme already errale!, NOMe details irr un your form, write in—write to a TV statimi etc. Viewers bare ordinar in with more auvraies r f amusing strul
Answer Key Here are the answers to all the exercises and the tests. if you are not cure about the answer to an example, try to find it first in the Mini-Dictionary — before looking it up in this key. The Mini-Dictionary gives definitions and examples. Only use this key after you have looked the verb up in the Mini-Dictionary.
Answer Key PAGE 8 1 set ... off 2 get out 3 broke in 4 put up with 5 rings up 6 hold on 7 carry on 8 hung up 9 pay off 10 turn down 11 piled up 12 crack up
PAGE 9 1 set off 2 get out 3 break in 4 put up with 5 ring up 6 hold on 7 carry on 8 hang up 9 pay off 10 turn down 11 pile(s) up 12 crack up
UNIT 1 Ex 1 - 1 put up 2 Cheer up 3 stood up 4 liven up 5 build up 6 speak up 7 grew up 8 shot up Ex 2 - 1 hurry up 2 ring up 3 heal up 4 filI up 5 seal up 6 locked up 7 saved up 8 tidy up
UNIT 2 Ex 1 - 1G 2F 3E 4H 5A 6D 7B 8C Ex 2 - 1F 2C 3G 4E 5B 6H 7A 8D UNIT 3 Ex 1 - 1 speed up 2 lit up 3 calling up 4 beat up 5 pulled up 6 cropped up 7 own up 8 split up Ex 2 - 1 dig up 2 screwed up 3 polish up 4 bottle up 5 tighten up 6 freshen up UNIT 4 Ex 1 - lE 2D 3B 4A 5H 6G 7F 8C Ex 2 1E 2D 3F 4B 5A 6C 7H 8G UNIT 5 Ex 1 - 1 put up 2 coming up 3 set up 4 take up 5 make up 6 went up 7 picked up 8 pive up Ex 2 - 1 take up 2 went up 3 put up 4 set up 5 pick up 6 pive up 7 making up 8 carne up
UNIT 6 1 pick up 2 give up 3 take up 4 make up 5 set up 6 put up 7 come up 8 go up UNIT 7 1 keep up 2 bring up 3 turn up 4 draw up 5 look up 6 hold up 7 get up 8 break up UNIT 8 1 stay up 2 bottle up 3 cheer up 4 own up 5 blow up 6 beat up 7 freshen up 8 dress up 9 mix up 10 brush up 11 screw up 12 backup 13 tighten up 14 crup up 15 dig up
UNIT 9 Ex 1 - 1 Sit down 2 lie down 3 pouring down 4 Slow down 5 chop down 6 kneel down 7 blown down 8 shot down Ex 2 - 1 cooled down 2 calm down 3 tore down 4 cut down 5 quietened down 6 fell down 7 marked down 8 tone down
UNIT 10 Ex 1 - 1D 2G 3H 4A 5F 6E 7B 8C Ex 2 - 1D 2G 3E 4C 51-I 6B 7F 8A UNIT 11 Ex 1 - 1 get down 2 Keep down 3 copy down 4 falls down 5 tie down 6 wave down 7 water down 8 tumbling down Ex 2 - 1 jot down 2 play down 3 scale down 4 lay down 5 fluttering down 6 narrow down
UNIT 12 Ex 1 - 1G 2C 3B 4E 5H 6D 7F 8A Ex 2 - 1C 2B 3A 4E 5H 6F 7D 8G UNIT 13 Ex 1 - 1 knocked down 2-go down 3 bring down 4 put down 5 take down 6 hold down 7 come down 8 turned down Ex 2 - 1 knocked down 2 take down 3 turned down 4 carne down 5 go down 6 put down 7 hold down 8 bring down
UNIT 14 1 knock down 2 turn down 3 put down 4 bring down 5 take down 6 hold down 7 come down 8 go down
UNIT 15 1 let down 2 fall down 3 get down 4 break down 5 wind down 6 lay down 7 keep down 8 run down
UNIT 16 1 narrow down 2 hand down 3 wear down 4 live down 5 play down 6 settle down
7 pelt down 8 crack down 9 tie down 10 track down 11 tumble down 12 water down 13 wave down 14 climb down 15 jot down
UNIT 17 Ex 1 - 1 walked out 2 jumped out 3 keep out 4 ask out 5 cut out 6 squeeze out 7 stayed out 8 slip out Ex 2 - 1 locked out 2 rushed out 3 pick out 4 reach out 5 throw out 6 leave ... out 7 eat out B check out
UNIT 18 Ex 1 - 11-1 2F 3B 4G 5A 6C 7E 8D Ex 2 - 1D 2C 3H 4G 5B 6A 7E 8F UNIT 19 Ex 1 - 1 share out 2 camp out 3 try out 4 point out 5 stormed out 6 shutting out 7 passed out 8 missed out Ex 2 - 1 Invite out 2 cry out 3 hand out 4 wear .. out 5 read out 6 Measure out 7 breathe out 8 stretch out
Answer Key UNIT 20 Ex 1 - 1B 2F 3E 4H 5D 6C 7G 8A Ex 2 - 1H 2E 3F 4G 5B 6A 7C 8D UNIT 21 Ex 1 - 1 take out 2 come out 3 put out 4 turns out 5 gave out 6 let out 7 go out 8 malte out Ex 2 - 1 let out 2 give out 3 turned out 4 put out 5 going aut 6 carne out 7 took out 8 malte out UNIT 22 1 come out 2 give out 3 let out 4 put out 5 turn out 6 go out 7 make out 8 talee out UNIT 23 1 set out 2 work out 3 carry out 4 cali out 5 break out 6 fall out 7 point out 8 drop out UNIT 24 1 invite out 2 share out 3 stand out 4 hand out 5 throw out 6 spread out 7 back out 8 find out 9 look out 10 pick out 11 cross out 12 cry out 13 storm out 14 pass out 15 burst out UNIT 25 Ex 1 - 1 carne into 2 rush into 3 talk .. into 4 tune into 5 bumped into 6 go into 7 burst into 8 grow into Ex 2 - 1 check into 2 pulled into 3 put into 4 get into 5 looking into 6 let into 7 crowded into 8 make into UNIT 26 Ex 1 - lE 2D 3H 4F 5A 6G 7B 8C Ex 2 - 1H 2D 3E 4A 5G 68 7F 8C UNIT 27 1 run into 2 come into 3 get into 4 burst into 5 go into 6 let into 7 take into 8 put into UNIT 28 1 bump into 2 shock into 3 check into 4 see into 5 grow into 6 look into 7 fool into 8 walk into 9 pull into 10 crowd into 11 rush into 12 fly into 13 talk into 14 tune into 15 fling into UNIT 29 Ex 1 - 1 pouring in 2 look in 3 Ask ... in 4 let ... in 5 butted in 6 Iocked in 7 smash in 8 key in Ex 2 - 1 stay in 2 drop in 3 join in 4 send ... in 5 fit in 6 fell in 7 pay in 8 push in UNIT 30 Ex 1 1G 2H 3E 4F 5A 6D 7C 8B Ex 2 - 1H 2F 3D 4G 5A 6B 7C SE UNIT 31 Ex 1 - 1 brings/brought in 2 come in 3 got in 4 cali in 5 break in 6 fili ... in 7 taken in 8 put in Ex 2 - 1 put in 2 broke in 3 come in 4 bring in 5 cali in 6 fili in 7 take in 8 gets in UNIT 32 1 get in 2 cali in 3 bring in 4 break in 5 take in 6 put in 7 fili in 8 come in UNIT 33 1 send in 2 turn in 3 puri in 4 go in 5 fit in 6 let in 7 give in 8 write in UNIT 34 1 barge in 2 push in 3 key in 4 pour in 5 step in 6 hand in 7 invita in 8 show in 9 join in 10 drap in 11 phase in 12 piug in 13 smash in 14 sink in 15 stay in 16 pay in UNIT 35 Ex 1 - 1 Switch ... on 2 iooked on 3 stayed on 4 waved on 5 count on 6 hit on 7 brought on 8 dragged on Ex 2 - 1 send on 2 try on 3 sew .. on 4 hold on 5 add on 6 live on 7 carried on 8 touch on UNIT 36 Ex 1 - 1D 2F 3G 4A 5H 6C 7B 8E Ex 2 - 1H 2A 3G 4F 5D 6C 7B 8E UNIT 37 Ex l - 1 go on 2 get on 3 keep on 4 turn on 5 put on 6 called on 7 come on 8 taken on Ex 2 - 1 go on 2 called an 3 come on 4 take on 5 getting on 6 put on 7 keep on 8 turn on UNIT 38 1 come on 2 take on 3 cali on 4 turn on 5 put on 6 get on 7 go on 8 keep on UNIT 39 1 move on 2 work on 3 live on 4 catch on 5 bring on 6 stay on 7 look on 8 pass on UNIT 40 1 ramble on 2 drag ari 3 let on 4 carry on 5 count on 6 lay on 7 hold on 8 run on 9 hit on 10 send °n 11 switch on 12 leave on 13 touch on 14 try on 15 wave on 16 teli on - 1 switch off 2 cut off 3 score off 4 broke off 5 told ... off 6 show off 7 made off 8 cordoned off Ex 2 - 1 write off 2 clear off 3 laugh off 4 work off 5 round off 6 fight off 7 pu II ... off 8 see ... off
UNIT 41 Ex 1
Answer Key UNIT 42 Ex 1 - 1C 2G 3B 4H 5D 6E 7F 8A Ex 2 - 1D 2A 3H 4G 5E 6F 7C 88 UNIT 43 Ex l - 1 put off 2 Get off 3 come off 4 set off 5 took off 6 went off 7 turn off 8 let ... off Ex 2 - 1 turn off 2 gone off 3 (has) got off 4 take off 5 let ... off 6 putting ... off 7 Come off 8 set off UNIT 44 1 get off 2 put off 3 come off 4 go off 5 take off 6 turn off 7 set off 8 let ... off UNIT 45 1 break off 2 pull off 3 keep off 4 cut off 5 fall off 6 send off 7 show off 8 switch off UNIT 46 1 work off 2 cordon off 3 teli off 4 fight off 5 lift off 6 drive off 7 laugh off 8 make off 9 hold off 10 cali off 11 wear off 12 see off 13 live off 14 scrape off 15 doze off UNIT 47 Ex 1 - 1 stand by 2 go after 3 went by 4 takes after 5 carne across 6 bring about 7 get by 8 set about Ex 2 - 1 put by 2 cali after 3 standing by 4 look after 5 get .. across 6 get by -7 comes across 8 going about UNIT 48 Ex 1 - 1B 2C 3H 4E 5D 6A 7F 8G Ex 2 - 1B 2D 3C 4F 5G 6H 7A 8E UNIT 49 Ex 1 - 1 get around 2 loolcing around 3 shop around 4 get back 5 hold against 6 taking apart 7 ring back 8 take back Ex 2- 1 fall back 2 turned against 3 teli apart 4 turned back 5 hang around 6 given baci( 7 crowded around 8 carne apart UNIT 50 Ex 1 - 1H 2F 3B 4E 5D 6A 7C 8G Ex 2 - 1A 2D 3F 4G 5C 6E 76 8H UNIT 51 Ex 1 - 1 deal with 2 go with 3 reason with 4 part with 5 do with 6 playing with 7 fili ... with 8 lies with Ex 2 - 1 live with 2 deals with 3 met with 4 confusine ... with 5 wresding with 6 identify with 7 side with 8 disagrees with UNIT 52 Ex l - lE 2D 3H 4G 5C 6B 7A 8F Ex 2 - 1D 2F 3H 4A 5G 6B 7E 8C UNIT 53 Ex 1 - 1 looking far 2 calls far 3 go for 4 made for 5 send for 6 asking for 7 entered for 8 stand for Ex 2 - 1 pay for 2 went for 3 mistake ... for 4 cali for 5 fishing far 6 account for
7 hope for 8 fallen for
UNIT 54 Ex 1 - 1D 2F 3E 4B 5C 6H 7A 8G Ex 2 - 1G 2F 3H 4A 5C SE 7D BEI UNIT 55 1 give away 2 stand by 3 go through 4 cali for 5 get aver 6 run over 7 get back
Sfall for UNIT 56 1 get by 2 go by 3 stand for 4 deal with 5 get at 6 go far 7 come across 8 take back UNIT 57 1 make far 2 get away 3 da with 4 put by 5 see through 6 fall through 7 hand over
8 blow aver 9 cali after 10 back away 11 pull over 12 set about 13 take after 14 go after 15 while away 16 wrestle with
UNIT 58 1 turn against 2 come to 3 get to 4 hear from 5 jump at 6 dream of 7 shop around
8 teli apart 9 reason with 10 come apart 11 hang around 12 glaze over 13 think of 14 identify with 15 pick at UNIT 59 Ex 1 - 1 got away with 2 catch up with 3 move on to 4 send away for 5 Watch out for 6 added up to 7 stand in far 8 go ahead with Ex 2 - 1 look back on 2 made off with
3 waiked out on 4 going out with 5 foaling around with 6 cut back on 7 corna forward with 8 miss out on UNIT 60 Ex 1 - 1H 2D 3G 4E 5B 6C 7A 8F Ex 2 - 1E 2D 3F 4A 56 6H 7C 8G
UNIT 61 Ex 1 - 1 toolc up on 2 bring ... in on 3 looks down ori 4 go on about 5 got round to
6 stand up to 7 go back on 8 done away with Ex 2 - 1 brought aut in 2 look up to 3 face up to 4 gone down with 5 make up for 6 go in for 7 break in on 8 took aver from UNIT 62 Ex 1 - 1B 2D 3G 4A 5C 6H 7E 8F Ex 2 - 1D 2H 3F 4G 5C 68 7A SE
13 2
Answer Key UNIT 63 1 get on with 2 feel up to 3 fili in on 4 carry on with 5 look forward to 6 get through to 7 come in for 8 look back on 9 stand in for 10 cut back on 11 break in on 12 get round to 13 fool around with 14 take over from 15 come forward with 16 go down with UNIT 64 1 look up to 2 go in for 3 run out of 4 look down on 5 go along with 6 grow out of 7 get away with 8 catch up on 9 fix up with 10 live up to 11 come out in 12 cut down on 13 come up against 14 get behind with 15 bring in on 16 get baci( at UNIT 65 Ex 1 - 1 off 2 up 3 out of 4 down 5 down with 6 in 7 on 8 out Ex 2 - 1 out, in 2 down 3 away 4 off 5 up 6 on 7 in on 8 up to UNIT 66 Ex 1 - 1 coming down 2 come in 3 come out 4 carne round 5 carne across 6 carne over 7 coming up 8 come on, carne up with Ex 2 - 1 comes across 2 coming on 3 carne into 4 comes from 5 carne out in 6 carne in for 7 coming off 8 come up UNIT 67 Ex 1 - 1F 2C 3G 4B 5D 6H 7A 8E Ex 2 - 1B 2H 3F 4A 5E 60 7D 8C UNIT 68 Ex 1 - 1 go off 2 went up 3 went by 4 go through 5 go ahead 6 gone down with 7 go down 8 going about Ex 2 - 1 went off 2 Go on 3 go for 4 go with 5 go into 6 go up 7 going out 8 going without UNIT 69 Ex 1 - lE 2H 3F 4C 5G 6A 78 8D Ex 2 - 1B 2F 3G 4H 5C 6A 7E 8D UNIT 70 Ex 1 - 1 take back 2 take up 3 talcen off 4 take on 5 taking out 6 taken down 7 took away 8 took to Ex 2 - 1 takes after 2 take apart 3 takes back 4 talcen over 5 taken aback 6 taken on 7 take off 8 taken in UNIT 71 Ex 1 - 1G 2C 3F 4B 5A 6E 7H BD Ex 2 - 1C 2F 3G 4E 5D 6A 7H 8B UNIT 72 Ex 1 - 1G 2D 3H 4F 5C 6A 7E 8B Ex 2 1D 2E 3G 4C 5F 68 7H 8A UNIT 73 1 keep 2 is 3 look 4 go 5 get UNIT 74 1 bring 2 take 3 put 4 turn 5 come UNIT 75 Ex 1 - 1 dose down 2 put forward 3 bring out 4 took over 5 go ahead 6 build up 7 cut baci( 8 think over Ex 2 - 1 branch out 2 set up 3 run through 4 sold out 5 take up 6 dried up 7 took off 8 plan ahead UNIT 76 Ex 1 - lE 2H 3F 4C 5B 6D 7A BG Ex 2. 1F 2H 3D 4G 5C 6A 7B 8E UNIT 77 1B 2D 3A 4C 5A 6A 7D 8C 9B 10D 110 128 13C 148 UNIT 78 Ex 1 - 1 filter out 2 stripped down 3 wired up 4 stand up to 5 top up 6 go through 7 reading off 8 cutting out Ex 2 - 1 print out 2 runs out of 3 set up 4 sift through 5 put down to 6 took/talces up 7 worked out 8 back up UNIT 79 1B 2C 3A 4D 5D SA 7C 8B 9D 10D 11A 12A 13B 140 UNIT 80 Ex l 1F 2C 3G 4A 5H 6E 7B 8D Ex 2 1H 2G 38 4 A 5D 6E 7F 8C UNIT 81 1B 2B 3D 4B 5B 6C 7A 8B 9A 10C 110 12A 13B 14C UNIT 82 Ex 1 1 1C 2H 3B 4E 5D 6A 7F BG Ex 2 1E 2F 3D 4G 5A 68 7H 8C UNIT 83 1B 2B 3C 4B 5D 6A 7A 8C 9D 10A 11D 12B 13A 14D UNIT 84 113 26 3C 4A 5D 6B 7B BA 9B 10A 11D 12A 13C 14C UNIT 85 16 2C 3D 4D 5C 6A 7C 8 A 9B 106 11C 12A 13D 140 UNIT 86 1C 2D 3A 4A 5C 6C 7A 8B 9C 10B 11B 12A 13B 140 UNIT 87 Ex 1 - 10 2E 3B 4C 5F 6A Ex 2 - 10 2F 3E 46 5A 6CUNIT 88 Ex 1 - 1F 2D 3B 4E 5C 6A Ex 2 1C 2E 3F 4A 5D 68
Answer Key UNIT 89 1 print out, print-out 2 warm up, warm-up 3 burst out, outburst 4 holding up, hold-up 5 broke down, breakdown 6 taking off, take-off 7 dropped out, drop-outs broke out, outbreak 9 stands in, stand-in 10 clean up, clean-up UNIT 90 1 shut down, shut-down 2 (have) brought up, upbringing 3 built up, build-up 4 stop over, stopover 5 taken over, takeover 6 passing by, passers-by 7 stowed away, stowaway 8 stand by, stand-by 9 walked out, walk-out 10 check in, Check-in UNIT 91 1 got away, getaway 2 hand over, hand-over 3 laid out, layout 4 slowed down, slowdown 5 slipped up, slip-up 6 looking on, onlookers 7 go ahead, go-ahead 8 got together, get-together 9 told ... off, telling-off 10 tailed back, tailback UNIT 92 1 knocked out, knock-out 2 blacked out, blackout 3 changed over, change-over 4 tipped ... off, tip-off 5 wash up, washing-up 6 rose up, uprising 7 kicked off, kick-off 8 laid out, outlay 9 working out, work-out 10 {have) turned out, turn-out UNIT 93 1 rolled up, rolled-up 2 cut off, cut-off 3 ran away, runaway 4 throw away, throwaway 5 stands out, outstanding 6 tense up, tensed-up 7 made up, made-up 8 wear out, worn aut 9 built up, built-up 10 knock down, knockdown UNIT 94 1 caming in, incoming 2 broke away, breakaway 3 sat down, sit-down 4 start up, start-up 5 touched up, touched-up 6 knocked out, knockout 7 put ... off, off-putting 8 picic up, pick-up 9 tired out, tired out 10 speak out, outspoken UNIT 95 1 turn up, turn down 2 passed out, carne to 3 stay in, go out 4 set out, get back 5 switched on, switched off 6 knocked out, bring round 7 slow down, speed up 8 looked down on, looked up to 9 put back, brought forward 10 stood up, sit down UNIT 96 1 comes on, goes off 2 started out, ended up 3 step up, cut back 4 take off, Put on 5 talk out of, talk into 6 took off, touched down 7 took down, put back 8 built up, dieci down 9 Count in, Count ... out 10 break up, go back TEST 1 1B 2C 38 4C 56 6D 7A 88 9C 108 11B 12D 13A 14C 15B 16C TEST 2 1 put 2 turn 3 see 4 come 5 take 6 look 7 sleep 8 go 9 keep 10 come 11 come 12 turn 13 check 14 put 15 Look 16 burst 17 miss 18 give TEST 3 1B 2D 3D 4C 5A 6D 78 8D 9A 10C 11A 12C 13A 14D 15A 16B TEST ...4 1 come 2 go 3 take 4 weigh 5 come 6 feei 7 blow 8 look 9 put 10 hold 11 rush 12 kick 13 let 14 fili 15 come 16 turn 17 put 18 go TEST 5 1C 26 3A 4C 5B 6C 7C 8A 9A 10D 11B 12A 13A 14D 15A 16A
Your Personal List This book has practised over 700 of the most common phrasal verbs with over 1000 different meanings. There are many more phrasal verbs in English. Use this section to write down and learn other phrasal verbs which you learn in class or while you read. Try to put your verbs in the best piace: 136 — UP OUT 137 — ON OFF 138 — IN DOWN 139 OVER INTO AROUND AWAY ABOUT 140 — BACK FOR WITH THROUGH ROUND 141 — VERBS WITH TWO PARTICLES 142 — GET PUT 143 — GO COME 144 — TAKE BE
Particles — UP, OUT There are two examples to help you. Add your own. de Igeallúr de, Ifricratucw,
reeftrearrier ot 0 orks
ae T lir oat4.
Use this box for a contmon particle which you need.
Particles — ON, OFF Write a transiation beside the verb if you prefer. d'e Nei/calato,
0,..eptritrult decliebrat ireal
l;trionratt reAtfilte,
Use this box for a common particle which you need.
Particles — IN, DOWN Try to write more than just the verb. Write some of the surrounding words. kloafilr titde a paa Wea ta trac(e
, fru'
aR aag lar- a /reo ars?
ne- laa&e. trkal ta apaai
gir r`lf,p,thrAe «. 5',
Use this box for a common partirle which you need.
OVER, INTO, AROUND, AWAY, ABOUT Use this page for verbs with other particles. Write whole sentences. 7 fa&
Use these boxes for particles which you choose.
BACK, FOR, WITH, THROUGH, ROUND Write full sentences which make the meaning of the verb clear. Ple,asemia
late." BACK
Add your own particles in these boxes.
Verbs with Two Particles This page is for you to write the most comrnon phrasal verbs with two particles. Try to write a whole sentence which shows the meaning of the verb.
If/e oca/ to pt
Common Verbs - GET, PUT Add a common verb which you decide in the circle at the bottom of the page. Remember to notice where the particle comes in the sentence or phrase.
a sta./bus. laress
Common Verbs — GO, COME COME and GO do not have objects. This means that the particle comes immediately alter the verb.
irc tiz woWal
117,21;re- o/rriew
Common Verbs — TAKE, BE Try to write down phrases which show the meaning of the phrasal verb. Notice especially if the object comes before or alter the particle.
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