Phone and Text Game

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Table of Contents A Letter From Alex Coulson.…………………………………………………………...3 Carlos Xuma……………………………………………………………………………….5 Brad Jackson…………………………………………………………………………….11 Jack………………………………………………………………………………………..15 David Wygant…………………………………………………………………………....20 APB and Gareth………………………………………………………………………....24 Greg Dean………………………………………………………………………………..31 Alex Coulson…………………………………………………………………………….35


From the desk of Alex Coulson Friday, 9th of April, 2010. I’m proud to welcome you to our brand new program “Phone and Text Game - how to turn phone numbers into dates, relationships and sex”. Why did we create this program? Our most popular dating program has always been the Street Dating Revealed membership site. Which features real videos of men approaching, meeting and getting phone numbers with women in the day time (at the mall, café, park, the street). Recently, quite a few members emailed me saying … “hey, I watched your videos and I got a woman’s number, but when I called / text her she didn’t reply. What should I do?” I wondered if more guys had the same challenges. And so I surveyed my newsletter readers and asked “What is your biggest challenge with using the phone and text messaging to succeed with women” The response was overwhelming. Hundreds of guys replied, passionately explaining their problems and frustrations. I was surprised. And then it dawned on me. My videos have always taught guys how to approach, meet and get phone numbers from women. But I’ve never taught the next step. Which is, how do you turn that phone number into a date, a relationship and even sex? And so I contacted eight of the worlds most experienced dating coaches, and persuaded them to help solve and explain the biggest challenges guys have with using the phone and texts to communicate and succeed with women. I even persuaded them to raid their own phones and share the word-for-word text messages they send women that get amazing results. Plus exactly what they say on the phone to have stimulating conversations with women.


The result? “Phone and Text Game” ebook and audio training program. A collection of interviews with the worlds top dating coaches on how to turn phone numbers into dates, relationships and sex, starting right now! To Your Success,

Alex Coulson South Coogee Australia, April, 2010


Carlos Xuma is a dating and attraction advisor, black belt martial artists and a life counselor. He's the author of several best selling programs that teach men how to approach women and build attraction. He's been featured on several TV news programs and is an in-demand speaker at seminars. Carlo's teachings are called "REAL GAME" because he shows you how to use your genuine personality to attract the opposite sex and enhance your entire lifestyle. In this section, Carlos gives away his best techniques and advice for using the phone and text messages to succeed with women. You can find out more about Carlos at

Text Game Questions: When should I first text message a woman? What is a good first text to send? The first text happens when you get her number - right there on the spot. That's how you "test" the number she gave you. I usually send her something like: "You're a dork..." or "Stop watching those kinky vampire shows!" I try to relate the text to something we talked about that night. There should always be some kind of "in-joke" that you two shared that was something funny about her. It's a light tease, something that women won't be offended by. The good thing about this is that she'll see that text on her phone and it will be a reminder of

you. I've had plenty of times where the girl texted me the next day just because she saw the teasing/flirty text I left her from the previous night. It hangs there like a reminder that she's got "unfinished" business. Now the NEXT text is the one that guys are usually thinking of as the "first" text. That's the "reconnecting" text. This one should not be too close to the one you used to test her phone when you met her. That would just look dorky. Instead, make a funny comment. I like to make this text NOT end in a question. Because if she responds when I haven't asked her anything, it's usually a pretty good sign. "Hey Flashdance - The 1980's called and they want their leg-warmers back from you"


"Mr. T is here and he says 'You a fool!' I told him you'd beat him up..." "Hey, I learned how to juggle... watch..." and then text her a capital "O" every couple of seconds (just a few). Make it funny, but also relevant to something you talked about with her. It has to remind her: "Oh, yeah! That cool dude!" But even more important than your actual text is the mind set you have about it. In other words, if you have a need for her to respond back to you, you're already setting up a "Needy" vibe. Whatever you text a woman, you should send, and then put your phone away for at least a half-hour. Don't worry, she won't lose interest in you because you didn't respond right away. In fact, that's another BIG rule of texting. Make sure you respond at least a couple minutes after her questions. If you respond right away, you look like a wuss.

But never overlook the ability to keep your face in her mind by just sending out a text in the middle of the day. You're in a battle for her mind space, and good text game will win this war! What text messages can I send to make a woman attracted to me? Again, your mindset can't be "I gotta MAKE her..." or "I gotta GET her..." or you're going to have that scary needy wuss vibe. Your attitude is "What can I send to her to let her see what a cool guy and a cool life I've got?" Your texts should all be fun and light hearted. Texting should NEVER be serious! Read that again... Texting should NEVER be serious! Stuff like:

Why bother texting? Isn’t using the phone better?

"Who's your daddy? Okay, definitely NOT me. Tell your dad I said hello & hug him for me."

I used to feel this way. I was one of those guys that HATED texting because it seemed like such a cop-out. I still feel that it's a social cop-out in a lot of ways, but you know what? Texting is natural to women. It gives them a method of sharing their "stream of consciousness" with their friends and girlfriends.

"Knock knock?" And then play out a knock knock joke with her. She won't be able to resist this one.

And that means that it's a good way to get women to open up to you and connect with you. If you have good phone game, and you have a woman that you can actually REACH on the phone, then you really should call her.

"Let's dance... I love polkas..." What text messages can I send to make the conversation sexual … without going too far or scaring her away? The best thing to do is bait her into it. If she uses ANY word that could be turned sexual, you can send her: "Beavis and


Butthead are here laughing at your text message..." Or you can do the: "Heheh... she said 'hard...' Heheh..." Never talk about sex WITH her. Your only goal should be to get her going. Start by accusing her like this: "Oh my GOD! You're so dirty..." Then she'll say, "What??? What did I say?" Then you text: "Oh, never mind. Perv." And leave her hanging for a bit. That's my favorite technique right there. What text messages should I send a woman to start a fun and interesting conversation? (Mention any role-playing or games you have played). Here are some examples, in addition to the ones I gave above. These are ones that I use, and a couple I originally learned from "The Pimp" in Vegas. This guy is GREAT with text game, and we both shared our best texts with each other. - Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful - I think you’re a player... (This technique should be used as much as possible. Use "chick lines" first - before she does. I call it a pre-emptive strike.) - I don't want to be used as a sex object... - You’re out of practice... - Can you afford me? - Ha! I’m still hotter than you - What’s your real hair color? - Hey, dork... - How much do you miss me? - Hit me with your best shot

- Jenny, I got your number off the wall... (I use a lot of old 1980's song references) - Hint: Stop looking at my boobs - Nice try, dork... - I hope you can do better than that... - You might be too "nice" for me... - I don’t know if you can handle me - I’m not sure if you’re what I want in a woman - Are you always such a pain? - This isn’t helping your chances to get with me - I’m too much of a bad boy for you - You need a “nice guy” not me - Uh oh... bad news... (This works great to get her to respond.) - Thank you... (This one works in the same way...) Some great role-playing techniques are to pretend you're a private-eye from some old movie. And she's the hot blonde that walked into your office. Another one is the "we're already married" game. Best way to do this is to pretend you're the husband that's afraid to come home because his wife is a sex addict. The key is to create a role that allows a woman to express and play on her sexual identity without feeling "slutty" or judged. What should I do if she doesn’t respond to my texts or only sends me short messages back? First, look inside. Do you feel that hollow sting of rejection? If you do, then you probably needed her to respond TOO MUCH. You're getting needy, and your best bet is to step back and get some air. If you keep trying to push her into responding more, you're going to come across as needy. Then, realize that you have NO IDEA what she's doing on the other end. She could be in


the bathroom, or in a meeting, or talking to someone in her family that just gave her some bad news. Taking it personally is tempting, but you have to let it go.

text her: "Hey, we're over at Donny's Pub on Fourth St. Get over here!" It has to be very matter-of-fact, and spur-ofthe-moment. Questions about Phone Game:

Wait a few hours, and then try again. And go out and get ten more numbers from women so that you don't get all wrapped up in a scarcity frame of mind. Remember: Your overall attitude is FAR more important than whether or not any one girl responds to you. You need to be willing to drop any woman in a heartbeat if it starts to pull you into a negative or supplicating frame of mind. What is the best way to set up a date via text messaging? This is one thing you do NOT do via text. Big no-no! Why? #1 - It comes across as chickenshit. It's like you couldn't do it any other way than in a text, and it's lame. It's like handing her a note that says "do you like me? check one: __ yes __ no" #2 - If you do manage to set it up via text, it feels very insubstantial and WEAK, and she won't feel like it's a "serious" plan. Instead you call her up and talk to her. You need to hear her voice so you can catch anything weird in her tone or her words. You have to hear what she's saying and HOW she says it. But if you're out one night and you think it would be easy for her to come join you, just

What should I say to get a woman’s phone number?' Instead of thinking about it this way - "to GET" - think about it this way: What could you say that would GIVE her such a great feeling about you that she would BEG you to take her phone number? What could you say to make it INEVITIBLE that she gives it to you? First of all, you don't have to spring it out of the blue. You should set it up with something like, "Oh, man, another girl that's going to want my number. How do I let her down easy..." Pretend to say that to yourself, then look at her and smile and say: "Oops, you weren't supposed to hear that." Break the conventions! By joking about it like this, you expose the "elephant in the room" and you can both have a laugh. But if you need to spring it on her, you can use my tried and true guaranteed closer: Pretend to start walking away, then turn back to her and say: "Hey, you know what? We might want to continue this conversation sometime. Give me your number." Then you get your phone out and stare at the screen. Don't look up at her. Then you just start by saying the area code there. "Six five zero..." And wait for her to give you the rest.


See what I'm doing there? I'm setting up a qualification for her. I want to show her my expectation that she's got to have something interesting to say.

Ba-da-bing. Done deal. When should I first call her? Don't call her the same night, no matter what. But anything at least 12 hours later generally works. Here's a rule to live by: If you feel the IMPULSE to call her and you almost can't control yourself - WAIT. Chances are you're responding to a neediness and you'll communicate it if you call right then. Only call when you feel you could totally screw it up and it wouldn't make a difference to you. Call her when you're A) in a good and upbeat mood, and B) when you're on your way to somewhere else. You should be able to pay attention to her, but she shouldn't feel like your complete focus is on her or that this conversation is even remotely serious. What should conversation memorable?

I say to interesting,

make fun

the and

Start out by reminding her how fun and cool you are. This is important. Don't be a try-hard, just act as if you've known her for years. How would you talk to someone you've known for a while? You'd immediately assume some familiarity with them. You wouldn't be so reserved and cautious about what you say. I like to start out with, "Hey, girl. I've got a really dumb joke for you. Got time for it? Okay..." And then I launch into some dumb joke. She will laugh and I'll go straight into, "So what earth shattering cool things have happened to you today...?"

And no matter what she offers, unless it's REALLY lame, I'll acknowledge her for it. Don't talk about boring, mundane stuff. Share something interesting and revealing about you to her. One of the keys to making fast friends (and fast lovers out of women) is to demonstrate an openness and vulnerability about your character that will connect with her on a deep level. If she senses that you're being genuine and open, you can do pretty much anything. How can I avoid awkward silences on the phone? Instead of trying to avoid them, recognize that you can't avoid them, and it's a better strategy to be OKAY with them. Because that's what a woman wants to hear in your attitude. That you can be confident and secure enough for the BOTH of you. The best thing to do is CREATE a silence spot, and then go, "Hey, that was one of those awkward silences, wasn't it? Cool! We got that out of the way. Now tell me about your day..." If a silence happens on the phone, you can also pretend it didn't even happen just by saying, "Sorry, I had to move to another room. I couldn't hear you." Really, the worst thing you can do is to treat a silence as some kind of kiss-of-doom. That shows that you're already insecure. Just fill in the blanks with questions, and the conversation will keep moving forward. Or jokingly blame her for it: "C'mon, girl, I thought you'd have a ton of cool stuff to share


with me. I guess I should have called moviephone instead. Sigh." Just keep it light hearted.

can't resist to slam her with the needy "Hey let's go on a date" script. You immediately get her more interested when you just end the call with:

And always remember: If she's interested, she'll put in some effort, too. It's not 100% up to you. Keep the call short and sweet and you won't have problems with silences. Your first few calls should not be over 5 to 10 minutes long - MAXIMUM.

"Hey, I've gotta get going. But it was really cool talking to you again. You're just as fun as I remembered. You going to be around tomorrow?"

Should I try to setup a date on the first call? Or during another call later?

"Cool! Talk to you later... Ciao!"

(Don't tell her why.)

And leave her wondering. Your first call should NOT be to setup a date. You can hint at it, but I always use the first call to drive up her interest and curiosity. And there's no better way to do that than leave her wondering when you will be able to get together with her next. She knows it's hanging out there, and 90% of the guys that call her

Or, as they say in show business, "Always leave them wanting more." The next time you call her, she'll anticipating and waiting on you. And she'll WANT that date - badly.



Brad Jackson is a dating coach and the founder of Puma Skills. He specialises in teaching men how to captivate groups of women, generate attraction and have them all competing for your attention … by using magic tricks (like Mystery). Brad is not a professional magician. And he never uses magic tricks to approach women. He believes walking up to woman and asking “hey, wanna see a magic trick?” is lame. Brad uses magic sparingly around women, but with amazing results. Like crowds of women around him, smiling, laughing … and attracted! In this interview, Brad explains how he uses his phone and text messages to hook up and date the many women he meets out on the town. You can find out more about Brad by visiting his website:

Text Game Questions: When should I first text message a woman? What is a good first text to send? WHEN? Depends a bit on the situation. Often times if I get the number right then and there I will send a quick text which gives her my number in return and allows me to know it was real. It also depends on what I want from that particular woman. Do I think she's "dateworthy," or just "hook up" worthy. Hook up worthy, I'll drop a text the next day or so just to let her know that the line of communication is open. If I really like her...I don't text her first. I call her.

WHAT FIRST TEXT? Right after I get a girl's number, the text I'll send to her is "@-;---" it's symbols for a rose. I'll do this right in front of her. She'll look down and assuming she knows what that is, she might think it's cute or say thanks. I just say either: YOU: "Don't say I never got you anything nice" said with a wink, follow up with "Chivalry isn't dead." YOU: "It's my get out of jail free card. We're going to get in A LOT of fights together" said with a big grin YOU: "It's my version of The Bachelor, will you accept this rose?"


THIS one is cheesey. But most chics love that show and fantasize about getting a rose from a handsome bachelor. It's campy but gets better results that you'd imagine and NO guys will say that shit to her. Why bother texting? Isn’t using the phone better? I personally DO think that the phone is better. Younger girls (and guys) seem to only know how to text these days and the art of phone conversation is lost. I think texting is best used for escalating sexuality and dirty talk that normally wouldn't happen because you or she would be too embarrassed. What text messages can I send to make a woman attracted to me? I always prefer being witty, short and campy. Women will read too much into a long text and you don't want her to think you're too available that you have time to type out a novel. This also depends on what kind you're going for. Legitimate attraction. Legitimate, want her girlfriend-style attraction will be and funnier or complimentary.

of attraction or Sexual to be your less sexual

What text messages can I send to make the conversation sexual … without going too far or scaring her away? I'll text something like. YOU: "Just thought I'd say those shoes you're wearing make your legs look really hot." I will have sent this while she's at work or somewhere else. It won't make sense because I'm not there and I have no idea what shoes she has on. This makes her wonder WTF....and she'll respond "What? How do you

know what shoes I'm wearing" most of the time. I usually respond with … YOU: "I just figured any shoes you wear would make your legs look good. I'm also practicing my compliments to you for when you're in a bad mood. Unfortunately I just ran out. Sorry ;-) Talk later" Another fun text is "what color socks are you wearing?" She'll answer or ask "Why" You then respond: "I don't really care but I thought asking what color your panties are might be too much." This one is old but great... YOU: "You ever had your belly button licked?" Her: "Ummm, yeah, why" YOU: "From the INSIDE? ;-P " Or....a classic of mine : YOU: How's your day? Her: Bla bla bla, how's yours? YOU: One of those stressful days. You might need a foot rub


Her: LOL Ok, I love foot rubs, but why? Me: Cuz it might lead to an, ummm, uhh, back rub? And then it's downhill from there :-) What text messages should I send a woman to start a fun and interesting conversation? (Mention any role-playing or games you have played). I've never really played any role play games on text and fun and interesting conversations


for me end up being situational and take on a life of their own. What should I do if she doesn’t respond to my texts or only sends me short messages back? Call her. She might not be a big texter. Don't dwell on short texts. Texting leaves the ball in her court and if you think she's pulling away, call her and start talking...then you'll be able to tell what she sounds like on the phone with you. Don't reward her crappy short texts with more texts. What is the best way to set up a date via text messaging? I think only casual or sexual dates should be set up via text. That's what the phone is for. Text dates are like: "I'm here...come meet me" or "Cancel your plans tonight" she asks "Why" and then you CALL her. Questions about Phone Game: What should I say to get a woman’s phone number? There are so many techniques. My favorites 1. YOU: Look, this has been fun but I'm sure it's got nowhere to go but downhill...I'm sure I'm going to get to know you and find out that you snort when you laugh or eat with the wrong fork or God Forbid hog the remote control, but I'm up for an adventure if you are. I'm going to call you and we're going to try this one more time to see if we can't scare each other off. So bring your A game...snorts and all. *She WILL Laugh or play along if she's cool.

YOU: Give me your number. I'm calling you tomorrow if the boogey man doesn't get me on the way home" I KNOW this is intricate. BUT it's funny, screws with their head, turns the conversation into an unexpected tone and makes her laugh. Most importantly it shows her that she doesn't know what to expect next. 2. I have 2 magic tricks that I do which are perfect for getting numbers. It's hard to describe in detail here, but I teach them at PUMA Skills. 93 One is called Magician's Choice where I make a prediction of a certain number. I don't have anywhere to write it down so I ask for her cell phone and say I'm going to text her the number. She gives me her number, I text her my prediction and I tell her NOT to look at the phone...yet. Then I say: "Pretty sneaky way of getting your number right?" SMILE....and follow up with..."You won't stalk me after this will you?....Ok ok, let's get on with it." I then proceed to do my magic effect where I do a prediction of a single card that I have her name like the 3 of Diamonds from an imaginary deck. I tell her to look at her phone and tell me what it says. Her jaw will be on the floor and say "how did you do that?" I tell her to reply to the text and tell me how much she liked it." Then...this is key. Say..." you want me to delete your phone number or should I give you a call so we can hang out again?" Like a charm. The last, most fun and effective method is called the Destiny Number Close and it's impossible to explain here but I have created a






When should I first call her?

Be direct and have a purpose for being on the phone. In the beginning have a reason you're calling...don't stay on too long. Get to the point, ask how she's doing, tell her something fun and positive going on in your life, tell her you want to see her again and set up a date.

Depends on how the first interaction went and how much you like her. If I like her and want to get to know her a lot better....I usually tell her when I'll be calling.

If there's too much silence...get off the phone. Show her you don't have time to sit around and talk for hours UNLESS the conversation naturally goes that way.

Tomorrow afternoon. That shows her I'm decisive and take action and when I call her she knows she can rely on me.

Should I try to setup a date on the first call? Or during another call later? 93

If it's just a random girl I'm thinking about having sex with some day but not worried about taking her on a date...I'll probably wait 2-3 days MAXIMUM. What should conversation memorable?

I say to interesting,

make fun

the and

This depends on you, how you met her, the things you have in common and what kind of short history you have together. Every interaction is different so it's a little too difficult to say. This is especially true for me because I hate just blathering on about stupid little small talk.

Depends on how the first meeting went and how interested she seems on the phone...if she's interested, YES...grow a pair of hairy ones and ask her on a date or some other guy will. Girls still want to be pursued. Not pursued like you're desperate but they respond to a guy who knows what he wants and asks for it. Addendum: In the early stages TRAIN them that you're not available on the drop of a hat when they call. Take 2 hours, an hour a half an hour before you return. Mix it up. If you answer right away one time....answer a couple hours later the next time. Let them know you're busy and if you don't jump at everyone of their calls because later they'll EXPECT it. Set those expectations early!

How can I avoid awkward silences on the phone?


After splitting up with his girlfriend of four years, Jack was found himself thrust back into the dating scene, totally clueless about how to meet and talk to women in most situations. Luckily, he became friends (and business partners) with Alex Coulson, who mentored and coached Jack in the art of “day game”. And nowadays, Jack can be found talking to attractive young women (and making them smile) at the supermarket, on the street, at the mall, café – literally everywhere! Jack is also very skilled at “Text and Phone Game.” His iPhone is full of girls he is texting, talking to, seeing (or planning to see) soon. Jack is a featured expert in several of Succeed At Dating programs available at:

When should I first text message a woman? What is a good first text to send?

“Hey Susan, it’s Jack from Beach Bar last night. Great meeting you, even though you were stalking me all night ☺ How’s your weekend going?

I text women right away. If I met her at a bar or club, then I will text her later that night, usually on my way home. If I met her in the middle of the day, then I will text her later that day.

“Hey Rebecca :-) great meeting you at Cargo Bar last Friday night. Your facial expressions really got my attention! How has your weekend been? Jack”

The first text I send her is almost always playful and lets her know I’m interested. How do you make it playful? You comment on something you noticed about her during the interaction. Maybe what she said, her clothes or her jewellery. It could be anything you find amusing.

“Hey Eliana, great meeting such a famous French actress tonight ☺ Maybe we can meet before you go home to Paris?”

Text Game Questions:

Here are some first-contact text messages straight out of my phone.

Notice how I usually end my text with a question? This makes it easier for her to respond. Sometimes women won’t respond to a text, because there was nothing to respond to. You didn’t prompt her to reply by asking a question.


Also, if a woman responds to your text, and asks YOU a question, that’s almost always a sign she is interested in you. Why bother texting? Isn’t using the phone better? Actually, I use both, but in different situations. I almost always text a woman soon after meeting her. It’s a quick, easy and fun way to communicate. If she doesn’t reply, and I’m really interested in her, then I’ll probably call her the next day. Some women won’t text, they prefer the phone. If she doesn’t answer the phone, I won’t leave a voice mail. I’ll wait for her to call back. If she doesn’t, then I might text her a week later. If there is still no response, then I’ll get over it by meeting more women. Move on. But if she DOES reply to my initial text, then I’ll continue texting her, probably once every few days. If she is responding, then I’ll phone her and setup a date (I’ll cover how to do this later). My day-to-day texts I send are playful and random. You don’t always need a reason to text her. It could be something that just happened, something I saw on the news, or a question I need an answer to. Here are some more real life examples from my phone. “Hey, my best friend’s birthday is coming up. What’s a great gift to get for under $5?” “Hey dork, I bet my weekend can beat up your weekend ☺”

What text messages can I send to make a woman attracted to me? I use texting to show women I’m playful and fun. I also use texting to exchange specific information (like to setup a time and a place to meet, etc). In my opinion, attraction is best generated in person, when you’re sitting across from a woman. When you can use your body language, your voice tonality, your words, and your touch to generate attraction. You cannot use any of these powerful tools, with a text message. And that’s why I don’t rely on texts to build attraction. Instead, I send texts to keep in touch, show her I’m playful and fun, and to exchange information. What text messages can I send to make the conversation sexual … without going too far or scaring her away? Obviously, you have to be careful doing this. Sending sexual texts and getting a positive response (i.e. she sends one back and flirts with you) depends on two important things. Firstly, her sexual nature. Is she forward, outgoing and flirtatious? Or is she a prude and easily turned off by sexual suggestion? Secondly, how much time have you spent with this girl in the real world, and do you have rapport with her? I wouldn’t send a full on sexual text message to a girl who I only spent 5 minutes talking to on the street. Doing that is more likely to creep her out, than make her want to see me sooner.

”Knock knock …” But if you DO have rapport with a woman, and have already kissed her, then you can send her a subtle yet sexual text. Here is a text


message I sent to a woman last week that resulted in us hooking up again … “Was just thinking about storming into your office, pushing you up against the wall, and passionately kissing you. Where do you work again? ☺ Another great way to make the conversation sexual, is to use innuendo or misinterpretation. Meaning, you purposefully miss read what she text you as being forward and sexual. Here is an example … HER: “Oh god, I’m so tired, going to bed now” YOU: “Whoa. I don’t know you that well, I’m sleeping in my own bed tonight, thank you very much ☺.” What text messages should I send a woman to start a fun conversation? (Mention any role-playing or games you have played). I believe the best way is to make comments about things you know about her. For example, I went to a bar one night that had a ping pong table. Everyone was playing and it was really fun. I noticed a cute girl playing, who made these funny facial expressions every time the ball came her way. When she finished, I approached her with “Hey, I just had to say, you were making the funniest facial expressions when you were playing!” She laughed, and I eventually got her phone number. Anyway, the next day I sent her this: ME: “Hey Rebecca :-) great meeting you at Cargo Bar last Friday night. Your facial expressions really got my attention! How has your weekend been?”

And she replied with this … HER: “Hey Jack, it was nice meeting you too. My weekends been good, spent lots of time practicing not making animated facial expressions ☺ How about you, had a fun weekend?” Now that was a fun conversation! And I met up with her the following weekend. So an easy way to make the conversation interesting is to playfully tease her. What should I do if she doesn’t respond to my texts or only sends me short messages back? Remember, women are not sitting by the phone, waiting for your call. She has a life, and is probably busy. You don’t want to be the guy who agonizes and stresses about some women who has replied to your text for 30 minutes. That’s not good for your inner game. It makes you look needy and desperate. You want to be the guy who has so much going on in his life, and enough women around, that he doesn’t care if a woman doesn’t text him back. So give women time to respond. If she doesn’t reply to your text right away, then don’t send another one. Wait a day or so, then give her a call. Maybe she doesn’t like texting. Now if she doesn’t respond to your phone calls or texts at all, then you need to realize she might have lost interest in you, or changed her mind. But that’s cool too, because you can stop wasting time pursuing her, and go meet some women who are interested in you. What is the best way to set up a date via text messaging?


Here is a real life example straight out of my phone.

not asking her for it, you’re expecting she’ll give it to you.

“Hey Mary. I’m busy Thursday night, but was wondering if you would like to meet up for a drink on Friday night.”

Another great phone number getting technique, that works especially well if a woman is in a group, and you don’t want to make her friends jealous, and sabotage your chances once you’ve left, is to say …

It worked. I met her for a drink on Friday night. Notice how I said I was busy on Thursday night? I mention this because I want to show her that I’m a busy, in-demand guy, who has a life.

YOU: “Hey, we’re having a house party in 2 weeks, you guys should come, but only if you’re fun. Are you guys fun?” GIRLS: “Yes!”

I say the exact same thing when asking a woman out on the phone. If she says “Sorry, I’m busy on Friday” then I’ll respond with “Oh okay, what night are you free this week?” And if I’m free the same night, then we’re going out. But if she says “I’m not sure” then I’ll assume she’s either indecisive or not interested, and will politely end the call.

YOU: “Alright, we’ll type in your number (handing your phone to the girl you’re interested in) and I’ll text you guys the details”. You text or call her and say the party got postponed or cancelled, and make plans to see her. When should I first call her?

Questions about Phone Game: What should I say to get a woman’s phone number? I think the two worst things to say are … “can I have your phone number?” or “hey, do you wanna hang out sometime?” Because both questions sound needy and you’re giving her the option to say “no”. A much better, tried-and-tested way to get a woman’s phone number is to simply say … “Hey, I’m enjoying this conversation, but I’ve got to go in a minute. We should continue it over coffee sometime (then pull out your phone) what’s your number?” By pulling out your phone and looking at her expectantly, you’re assuming that it’s only natural she would give you her number. You’re

If you’re interested in a woman, I don’t see the need to wait 2 or 3 days. Call her the very next day and talk to her. If you enjoy the conversation, then make plans to see her. You don’t need to play silly “waiting games”. What should conversation memorable?

I say to interesting,

make fun

the and

Start by asking about her day and what she did on the weekend. Then playfully tease her. Call her a dork. Make fun of things she says. Say “you’re a bad girl. My mother wouldn’t approve of me talking to you”. Don’t talk for hours. Keep the conversation short, light hearted and fun. Avoid negative and depressing topics like politics and death.


How can I avoid awkward silences on the phone? Awkward silences are only awkward if you allow them to be. I actually enjoy a woman who can pause and shut up for awhile, so we can both relax and think. However, if there are lots of pauses because you don’t have much in common, or you simply don’t feel comfortable around her, then it’s probably a sign to NOT continue with this woman. How do you feel about this woman? Do you feel like you “get along” with her and enjoy her company or is talking to her a bit of a struggle? Should I try to setup a date on the first call? Or during another call later? Set up the date on the first call. Spend the first few minutes getting to know her a little better, then if you enjoy talking to her, ask her out.


David Wygant is an internationally renowned dating and relationship coach, author and speaker. Through his coaching and his website (, his advice has transformed the dating lives and relationships of hundreds of thousands of people from every corner of the globe. His funny -- yet always direct -- approach to dating, sex and relationships has revolutionized how people meet and interact with the opposite sex. To find out more about David and all of his dating and relationship-building products, visit him on his website at When Should I first text message a woman, and what is a good text message to send? When you should first text a woman depends on the situation. Sometimes you should text message a woman immediately. What I like to do sometimes is text a woman right after I first meet her. I might have met her at the supermarket when she was buying something very interesting for dinner. so I might text her and say, "How was your meal?" If I meet a woman at a video store, I'll say something like "How was that movie?" I'll text very simple things based on the initial interaction I had with that woman. I will not, however, text a woman I've just met and ask her out that way. That, to me, is being very lazy. So a good text to send is always one that is based on what you spoke about when you met the person. Say that you met a woman at a bar, and you want to text her later in the evening to see if she had fun with her friends. I would say, "Hey, how was your night with your friends? Did Mary ever show up?" or "Hey, how was your night?

Were you ever able to connect with your friends and see that show you wanted to see?" I always text based on a conversation I had with the person, because women are always intrigued by men who pay attention to details. Why bother texting? Isn’t using the phone better? Texting is great to just check in on what's going on in someone's life. I love to text to keep a great conversation going that I had been having with someone. Texting is great to say a quick hello, or as a quick way to remind someone that you're out there. Using the phone is better for having long conversations or asking someone out on a first date. Texting is just so simple. Say you're traveling somewhere and see something very interesting. You can text someone and say, "I just saw this really cool statue. I took a picture of it, and I'll show it to you when I get home." That way, you're


saying something that relates back to their world as they are relating to yours. What text messages can I send to make a woman attracted to me? Texting is not about manipulation. I can't stand guys who think there are five or six specific things they can put into a text to automatically make any woman attracted to them. To make a woman attracted to you, you have to text about a conversation you had with her. It's very much like what I talked about in the answer to Question 1. So say you went out on a date with a woman and had a great time with her. What do you do the next day? You text her and say, "Last night was a blast. Looking forward to hearing some jazz with you on Thursday." What you did there was let her know you had a great time with her and confirmed the second date. Another way to turn a woman on if you're newly dating her, is to follow up on conversation you were having. So if you had a great conversation with her the night before, I'd text her the next day and say, "Were you able to fall asleep last night? Last night's conversation was so much fun. Looking forward to the next one." Text something that tells her that you're interested in her, and that you're a strong and secure guy who is not afraid to put it out there. What text messages can I send to make the conversation sexual … without going too far or scaring her away? When it comes down to sexting, I would keep it very subliminal. Say that you went out with a woman, had a great time, and ended the night with a really good kiss. I would text her and say, "I can still taste that kiss on my lips :)" You could also text her and say, "I was thinking about you today . . ." She will then ask what you were thinking about her, and you can text back "I was thinking about that really

great . . . kiss." These make things very playful. Sex to me is playful, so you want to make your sexting texts very playful as well. Doing it that way won't scare her away, plus you will really be able to judge where she is at and where you need to go from there. What text messages should I send a woman to start a fun and interesting conversation? Well, once again it goes back to saying something related a conversation you were having with her. Say that a woman you met in the market told you about how much she loves Italy. You love Italy too, but you haven't been to the town there she said is her favorite one to go visit. So what you do is text her when you get home and say, "I just Googled that town you said you love to visit. It looks amazing. I have a question about it." That's it. By telling her that you have a question about something you were talking about, you're going to get her to respond. When she does respond, you can take the conversation further via text. What should I do if she doesn’t respond to my texts or only sends me short messages back? If she's only sending you short messages back or doesn't respond, then she's not really interested. There is something you need to know, though, before you can be sure that this is the case. She may not enjoy texting. Not everyone likes to text. Some people find it to be a nuisance. Some people can't text because of work or other situations. So if she's consistently sending you short text messages and you have texted her at different times of the day, then she either (a) does not like to text or (b) is not interested. What I do at that point is get on the phone and say, "Forget about texting.


It's ridiculous. Everyone always wants to text, but I figured we could try an old-fashioned phone conversation." See how she responds. If she responds positively and says, "Hey, I really don't like texting either. It drives me crazy." Then you've found out she's just not a texter and is more of a phone person. If she doesn't respond positively, then you've found out that she isn't interested and you can stop wondering about it. What is the best way to set up a date via text messaging? I don't like to set up dates via text messaging. I like to get on the phone. Women want you to get on the phone. They want you to call them up and ask them out "properly" on a date. Texting is just kind of a wimpy way to ask a woman out. It's almost like saying, "Hey, I'm really afraid to ask her out. I don't know if she is going to say yes, so I'll just text her and see what she says." Now, you can set up a fourth, fifth and sixth date via text, because you've already established a relationship with her. For the first couple dates, however, you need to call a woman to ask her out. Phone Game Questions: What should I say to get a woman’s phone number? There is one -- and only one -- thing you should say to get a woman's phone number. Here are some examples. "Hey, it was really great talking to you about sushi today. Let's check out that restaurant you were talking about. Give me your number." "You have got the funniest way of telling stories. I really want to find out how the rest of your night was. Give me your number." "Hey, I really enjoyed talking to you today. Give me your number."

Always ask for a woman's number by saying, "give me your number" because that is what a man says. It tells a woman that you're a proper man - a strong man and not a wimp. That you're a guy who is really secure. So you don't ever say, "Can I have your number?" That is wimpy. You also don't say, "Hey, are you dating anyone?" You need to say, "Give me your number." Saying that shows that you're a guy who knows what he's going after. You don't want to set yourself up for failure by saying, "Can I have your number?" When should I first call her? Always call a woman within 24 hours. Always. I sometimes will call right after I meet them, just to make sure they picked up the phone and so that they have my number in their phone. Really, though, call a woman within 24 hours. Don't play games. If you wait four or five days to make it look like you have so much going on in your life, what's going to happen is that she is going to also play games. So stop acting like a kid, and call her within 24 hours. What should conversation memorable?

I say to interesting,

make fun

the and

Always bring her back to a moment you were in together or to a conversation you were having. Take this example. "God, you know the other night after I met you, it was so funny. I ended up running into that friend I was telling you about. It turns out he actually went to the restaurant at which you were meeting your friends, and he said the food was amazing. I have got to listen to you next time when you tell me the food is great somewhere." I always bring someone back to a moment we had together or a moment we shared. That way,


you are always continuing a conversation instead of starting from scratch. How can I avoid awkward silences on the phone? If you have awkward silences on the phone with someone, it means that you're really nervous and really not listening. Think about all the conversations you have with people you know -- friends, business acquaintances. You don't have awkward silences in those conversations. The reason you do when you're talking to women is because you're thinking about what to say, instead of listening to what she's saying. There is never any awkward silence when you're listening. So how can you avoid awkward silences on the phone? By listening. Should I try to setup a date on the first call? Or during another call later? Always ask a woman out on the first call. Why do you want to call back again? Do you want her to be your new friend? Do you want a new phone buddy? Call her up and ask her out that very first time on the phone. Set that date up. That way, you can see each other in person, and you won't worry about catching her on the phone and playing phone tag for two weeks. You want to set up that date right away, because you want to see whether you really like her or not. A lot of people will spend three weeks leaving messages and playing phone tag, only to realize when they meet the person that they don't really like her that much anyway. So the quicker you meet the person, the quicker you can see if she's worthy of your time.


Asian Playboy is the founder of ABC’s of Attraction. And Gareth Jones is one of the leading coaches within the company. The ABCs of Attraction has helped thousands of men worldwide improve social skills and lead more fulfilling and rewarding lives. The company offers a wide range of events, tools and techniques specifically designed to help men woo, court, date and seduce women. From developing and improving game to changing one’s manner of dressing to convey sexuality, the ABCs of Attraction delivers full proof methods to help men of all ethnicities improve their love lives. You can find more about them by visiting:

“Those beautiful eyes... Those sexy lips... The most beautiful of walks... But enough about ME How are YOU doing? :)”

Worked like at charm and at least 50% would respond. So then 10 girls would hit me back. Next, I'd suggest a fun activity. From there 5 would respond, and then I would set up a date with the final 2 or 3. And because of my schedule, it worked! I would ALWAYS be busy dating beautiful women on ALL my days off I had before I had to jet off to another exciting adventure in some exotic city. However, it was the LAZY path. I didn't start to master phone and text game until I saw how a TRUE master did it. Let me introduce you to ABCs Certified Coach Gareth Jones and iGame expert. What is iGame? In the age of smart phones, isn't it about time you played SMART GAME?


Enter iGame, the new technology of flirtexting, sexting, and SKIPPING the first date with the ultimate in Phone Game2.0. Take it away Gareth! Empower Yourself, JT the Asian Playboy Hello all, Gareth Jones and it's pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’ve always been a huge phone and text guy and, while solid in-set, I can out game anyone using the phone. After getting a girl’s number, I very rarely go on first dates and prefer to simply turn a girl on so much that she will just come over to my place and release all that tension (sexual or otherwise) that has been built-up. I’ve spent hours online comparing what I know and what I’ve had great successes with to the stuff that people have put online and what I’ve found may shock some of you: IT IS ALL CRAP. To be honest, the Internet is full of bad phone and text advice. A well-known founding father of the seduction community even teaches that texting is a waste of game(!?!?!). After having seen all this stuff, I’ll tell you that, unfortunately, everything you know about phone and text game is wrong! Having hosted my iGame seminar and opened Casanova Crew’s 2010 Ultimate Text and Online Game seminar, I have the most solid and proven text and phone methods out there and, thanks to the guys at Succeed At Dating, I am going to share a few of them with you.

And soon, you'll be able to download the free iGame ebook that will explore the most advanced in phone and text. It's 2010. So stop using phone & text pick-up tech that's over half-a-decade years old and graduate to this new decade's iGame. This stuff is my life, and I see absolutely no reason why you can’t benefit from that devotion. Anyway, let’s get down to business! Questions about Text Game: When should I first text message a woman? What is a good first text to send? Just like with kino or erotic undertones, you should introduce texting early on in the relationship. At the ABCs of Attraction, we teach an initial text as soon as you get the number. Though it’s perfectly acceptable to text the next day with a quick hello with funny call-back humour. YOU: “Hey, it’s Gareth; Just wanted to make sure you’re not still spilling drinks on people ☺” Often times, sending it in the club right after you’ve met her is a great way to anchor humour and spontaneity to your texts. Imagine you’ve had a good, solid interaction for 30 or 40 minutes and, after #closing, you want to get back to your friends to see how they’re doing. While back with them, a quick text over to her identifying yourself with a silly quip or an inside joke will ensure that she saves your number and... …If she checks her phone while talking to some douche after meeting you and she sees your text, she’s going to reply right away. Ever been running bad game on a girl and had her


pull out her phone? Now we can use that response to our advantage! We’ve all had that blow to the ego before, but now we know we can use it as a great opportunity to ‘save’ her from the new PUA (that was once you!), or to simply poke fun at her. YOU: “How’s that guy doing?” or YOU: “Does it hurt? It looks like he’s hitting on you pretty hard.” These are great texts to send after you’ve received a reply to your initial message when you are watching HBTexter get hit on by another guy. This will not only show that you’re playful, but it will also show that you’re perceptive, which is a very attractive quality to women. Make sure, however, that the guy isn’t one of her friends; You could end up looking like a big jerk if you don’t evaluate the situation properly! Why bother texting? Isn’t using the phone better? To be honest, yes, using the phone is better. Why bother using the phone? Isn’t gaming in person better? Yes, it is better. However, there are some times when being with a girl or calling a girl just isn’t appropriate or an option (in class or at work, for example). To one very prominent mPUA that says texting is a waste of time, I paint this little scenario: Imagine a girl is in class and both he (the prominent, non-texting mPUA) and I are both vying for her affections. He says, “Call me after class, I have something interesting to tell you” so that, after class, he can use his special hypno-phone-game to get her over to his place.

Meanwhile, yours truly is going to spend that two -our class using text (the only available method of communicating with her) to turn her on so much that she can’t think of anything other than driving over to my place after class and spending the rest of the day in my bed, exploring the previously uncharted waters of multiple orgasm. She does this and everyone else gets the shaft. Sorry, mPUA. Maybe next time. What text messages can I send to make a woman attracted to me? Like the process of pickup, itself, gaming over phone and text follows the same structure and rules. There are no singular sentences that make a woman attracted to you, but there are various processes (like telling DHV stories or spiking BT) that will result in a woman becoming more attracted to you. Over text, it’s important to remember that the same rules of gaming a girl apply, so using BT spikes, simple routines and telling DHV stories will still work, but there are additional rules specific to phone and text also (like only sending one text at a time). Delivering DHV stories becomes more of a practice in “Keeping it under 140 characters”. You can tell a long DHV story that flips many attraction switches in person, but over text, you’ll find it more effective to stick to short stories that are more humorous. YOU: “This dude at Starbuck’s just dropped three trays of 11 drinks on a girl’s entire set of notes! Get me out of here!! ☺” I’ve found that these are the best ways to build her initial attraction, though, I warn you, it is a shallow and short-lived attraction. Gaming


purely over text is very difficult and I don’t recommend it. What text messages can I send to make the conversation sexual … without going too far or scaring her away? Getting the conversational sexual is extremely important in any aspect of the game. Inserting ‘erotic undertones’ into the conversation is a tricky art, but can be mastered with a little perseverance. I operate using a principle of “Getting sexual and making it her fault”. This is to say that if I can interpret anything she says sexually, I will and then I’ll playfully reprimand her for it. HER: “…and now I’m all wet.” ME: “HBTexter! Stop with that foul language! You have to get to know me before I will feel comfortable with you telling me how horny I make you! ;)” This also works (in a more advanced way) if you type a deliberately sexual sentence, or sentence with a sexual connotation, that could be intended platonically. My favourite is: ME: “What are you wearing?” Her: “Ew, you’re such a perv!” Me: “Excuse me? I’m just trying to find out what the weather is like there/outside. I haven’t left the house yet, jerk!” If she responds to it positively, by all mean, run with it. But these are great ways to use Erotic Undertones to sexually charge the conversation and make her more receptive to actual sexual advances. i.e. “Why don’t you come get in bed with me?” What text messages should I send a woman to start a fun and interesting conversation? (Mention any role-playing or games you have played).

Starting a conversation over text is often as easy as providing something that she is socially obligated to respond to. Just like how throwing out a high-five requires a response (social obligation), give her something that she must respond to. Favourites of mine are, YOU: “Hey, quick question; what was the name of that club last night?” Or if you’re obviously a regular patron at that particular venue, I’ll ask, YOU: “What was the name of that movie/band/tourist attraction you were talking about last night?” That will provide a risk-free opportunity to initiate contact. Once you’ve got something started, you can continue to game as you would normally, using routines and BT spikes to build attraction. Some silly things to do over text are: composing a “Three word opera” where you both tell a story by each exchanging three word lines. This is a lot of fun and almost ALWAYS turns out sexual. Much like text messages, old telegraph companies used to charge by the word, so telegraphs would be necessarily brief and contain funny language. One game that I invented, “Telegraph talk”, is where you speak as if it were an old-timey telegraph (e.g. “Gareth. Stop. Very hungry. Stop. Must make dinner plans. Stop. Respond with ideas. Full stop.”) This always gets a laugh and maybe even a themed response.


Any kind of stylistic talk or role-playing always builds a private connection between the two of you and will further serve to attract her more. What should I do if she doesn’t respond to my texts or only sends me short messages back? If a girl doesn’t respond to you, I will a) make sure she’s getting my texts YOU: “Hey, just wanted to make sure that last one went though. You down for Saturday?” And, if she doesn’t respond to that, I will do a bit of playful reprimanding. YOU: “I thought we were a bit old to be playing hard-to-get. ☺” Unfortunately, if she’s not responding to you,

The best way to set up a date over text is a 3step process. 1) Find out her schedule (“Hey, what’s your schedule look like this week?”). Unless you have a specific date in mind, finding out when she’s available before trying to set a date will drastically reduce the risk of her ‘being busy’. 2) Describe the plan in a way that up sells the date and then confirm with logic. i.e. Don’t ask her if she wants to do it, ask her if it sounds good. Frankly, you don’t ever want to give a girl a chance to reject your idea, so you don’t ask her if she wants to do it (which would be a yes or a no), you ask her if the plan you’ve described sounds good. YOU: “That’s great. I’ve got some time on Saturday, too. There’s an amazing vegan raw food restaurant I want to check out. Amazing presentation and great view. Sound good?” 3) Assume the plan. When she answers in the positive, assume that since she is free and you have a good plan, that it’s in her best interest. YOU: “Great. I’ll pick you up on Saturday at 8pm. Dress nice and I’ll talk to you before then.” Not giving her a chance to say no is going to be the difference between someone on the fence that doesn’t want to commit, and a girl that you talk into going on a date with you that has an amazing time.

She’s Just Not That Into You and it’s probably better to just move on. What is the best way to set up a date via text messaging?

Questions about Phone Game: What should I say to get a woman’s phone number?


There are a million gimmicky number closes you can use to varying degrees of success and they are all easily accessible on the Internet. Mystery, Style and Asian Playboy all have their patented number closes and even I have a youtube video of a great and lengthy BT spike that gets her number, I call this “Gareth’s Magic Number Close”. While these are all fun and great, the most solid way to get a number is to express interest in her and seeing her again, and then to tell her to give you her number. This operates under one of my favourite principles: “Don’t give her a chance to say no.” This is one of the most powerful frames you can operate in. Every time you give her a chance to say “no”, she is going to auto-pilot to that response. Think of when you’re at a store and a salesperson asks if you need any help; more often than not, you automatically reply “no” even if you do. The best example of this is when someone calls you and your ring tone wakes you up and they hear the grogginess and fatigue in your voice and say, “Did I wake you up?”. Even though it really doesn’t affect the conversation either way, most people say “no”. We want to use dominance and confidence at all times in our interactions with women, so telling her that you think she’s a riot and you want to hang out with her should be followed by, “Give me your number” not “Can I have your number?” You’re a man. You’re fun, you’re interesting, you’re confident and there’s no reason she shouldn’t give you her number, so you’re not going to ask for it, you’re going to open up the point in the conversation where she can give it to you.

When should I first call her? There’s much debate as to when the perfect time to call is, but I always recommend that you avoid times when she may be sleeping, getting ready to go out, or actually out with her friends. If she’s a professional, she’ll be getting up early and going to bed in the same fashion, so keep that in mind when you call her. That being said, I generally wait two or three days to give her a non-needy impression and try to call mid-afternoon to early evening. These are going to be the times when she is the least occupied and most receptive to talking. Remember that you want to find her when she’s free of distractions and able to communicate with her undivided attention. That being said, 90% of your first calls will go straight to voicemail, so don’t worry too much about the timing. We all screen our calls from numbers we don’t know or people we might not want to talk to. Try to keep it at a decent hour (Noon-8pm) and she’ll get back to you when she can. What should conversation memorable?

I say to interesting,

make fun

the and

Luckily, gaming on the phone is very similar to gaming in person. BT spikes, Routines and DHV stories are all going to be just as effective over the phone. There may be some differences between the two mediums (i.e. Teaching her how to give a perfect high-five over the phone might be more of a challenge than it’s worth), but anything funny, exciting, or heart-wrenching will be great over the phone.


How can I avoid awkward silences on the phone? Keep talking! I’m not trying to be trite here, but silences come from someone not talking. If the silence is awkward, keep talking! Should I try to setup a date on the first call? Or during another call later? It is absolutely imperative that you at least try to set up a date ASAP. Remember that the goal of all phone and text interactions is so you can actually meet up with these women and decide how much time you want to spend with them. Having a general date in mind and suggesting that you two make a day of it is a great way to end a good conversation and is perfectly acceptable during the first call. Sometimes, just the simple concept of preferring to talk to her in person will be enough reason for her to go out with you, so always make the effort right off the bat. Remember that you deserve her and, as long as you make the effort to be the most fun, interesting, and cool guy in her life, she will want to spend as much time with you as possible, as soon as possible. Good luck, and keep gaming! Gareth Jones For more information: – Bootcamp Info For the free iGame ebook, sign up for the iGame newsletter here: – iGame Information OR


Greg Dean has been a core leader in the ever evolving dating industry, holding cutting-edge dating workshops/courses every weekend around Australia and regularly holds dating seminars on attracting women internationally. Not shy, he has taken a photographer along to workshops to document proof of just how powerful his advice can be. Greg Dean is one of the few leaders in the dating industry who provides you real proof of his success. Greg Dean has published several books, including The Game: The Day I Became a Prince and Dating Evolution Mastery. You can find out more about Greg Dean at his website:

Text Game Questions: When should I first text message a woman? What is a good first text to send? The same night you meet her. Sometimes, if you are at the same bar, but in different conversations with other people, you can begin texting inane and funny texts. Here you are building an “us against the world” mentality. You are creating a personal running joke between you both. It could be she is talking to some random guy and you make a funny comment about him. Example: “You look perfect together. I can see hot, steamy nights of you both playing Dungeons and Dragons. (Also a subtle AMOG). The texts that you send should never validate her. NEVER write “So great to meet you.” Or “We should go for coffee sometime.” Both

translate to her as “I will roll over easily, and buy you coffee ONLY with the prospect that I can sleep with you. And by the way, I am definitely NO challenge” All your texts need to be funny. Dig into your phone where a friend sent you a funny joke. Forward this to her! Create a personal joke between you both and never ask for a date. Never send a naked photo of you. Never ask for one. I have some hilarious jokes my best friends have sent me that made me laugh. I’ve sent them to a woman who I just met and she has always texted me back. She finds it random and funny. Women love randomness. Why bother texting? Isn’t using the phone better?


Texting is a great tool to warm a woman up. You are easing your way into her life. You are becoming a new friend that she wants to get to know. The humour you create shows her you are not creepy and NOT needy. The phone IS better, but in context. Phone game requires different rules for different times of day. During the day there are short conversations. During the evenings, calls should be made after 8pm when they have relaxed, eaten dinner and are sick of watching tv. What text messages can I send to make a woman attracted to me? Be careful using the word attraction with the use of text messages. Text messages will only grab her interest if they are different from all of the others she receives. If her friends are sending her funny texts, then you should be doing that too. Send her a joke that’s a bit rude but very funny. Tell her something random you are doing or that you had a strange thought of her doing something crazy that makes her laugh. It could take 5 or 6 texts of random, funny stuff until she hooks. But NEVER text “Why don’t you text me back?” She doesn’t know you. It costs her money to text you. Did you build enough value with her that she wants to spend her text money on you? What text messages can I send to make the conversation sexual … without going too far or scaring her away? Firstly, sexual conversation needs to be funny. So you text “Hey I’m going for a naked run on the beach tomorrow morning... It’s a regular habit. You should join me! We’ll even do the Baywatch slo mo” Of course, this is only after she is laughing at your jokes and you have

that text connection and a few phone calls out of the way. Another, a little more direct, is what I call “I wanna...” Here you are going to a direct method, and you say “You seem to have hijacked my mind. When I think of you, I just wanna...” She will generally text back, “Wanna what?” She knows you are having sexual thoughts and she wants validation so she will try to draw more out of you. You then get more sexual but hold back. You write, “Well... I just have this feeling when I think of you now. I wanna take you somewhere, safe, warm and soft, lay you on the bed, kiss down your neck, over your chest, down your stomach... and then....” Leave it there. If she is interested she will type back “Then what??” She is getting turned on here, because you are not being obvious. You are leaving out details and this builds sexual tension.” The next description you give her will be on the phone, when she is in her room, relaxed. She will become pliable. What text messages should I send a woman to start a fun and interesting conversation? (Mention any role-playing or games you have played). Once again, send her a joke. I always hold onto jokes that I am sent. I never know when they will be useful. You should have found common interests when you first met her, and provided they WERE interesting to you both, you can thread


into this in a text. For example, if you both loved a certain movie, you should send a text with some strange fact that she never knew about one of the actors. You can text “If we’re going to be friends, you should know now that I have a very strange fetish...this is very funny. You should know”.

once you are dating her already and you are going to pick her up from work! Texting for a date in place of a phone call does NOT convey elusiveness. It conveys weakness and fear. Questions about Phone Game:

As you mentioned friendship, this won’t creep her out. Generally, she will text back “What is it?” Now it is time for the personal joke. “Think of something she told you when you were first talking. It could be anything she found interesting in her life. If she loved to paint, you could say “I love body art. I love to be painted.” What should I do if she doesn’t respond to my texts or only sends me short messages back? Send another joke a day or so later. The idea is that you are putting her on a list with the other people you forward the joke to. This could take quite a few texts. Remember, if she’s not texting you, it is because you failed to attract her enough to get her invested into you. Look back on your interaction and figure out where you went wrong. What is the best way to set up a date via text messaging? There isn’t. It’s weak to set up a date by texting. Even if you did manage the impossible, women will flake at any given moment. Texting is not real. It’s a simple bridge between first meeting, to the first phone call. The next time you are texting for a meet up is

What should I say to get a woman’s phone number? Simply ask her … ‘How do you suggest we keep in contact?” When should I first call her? The next day, IF you are not texting. A quick phone call the next day to ask her a random trivia question. Example “My friends and I have a bet. Who sings that song ‘Bitter Sweet Symphony” or “The guy who starred in Avatar. He’s Australian isn’t he? Me and my friends have a bet going.” You then say “hey, sorry, I don’t have time to chat. But I’d love to chat with you later in the week, when I can give you more time.” What should conversation memorable?

I say to interesting,

make fun

the and

Tease her. Be an interesting guy! Be strong! Be real! Tease her! No negging. Teasing, teases her senses. Change from teasing to being personal and conveying interest in her that is NOT needy. After teasing her, you could say, “I thought you had beautiful eyes when I met you, by the way. I don’t know why. I just wanted you to know that.” Then follow up with another tease.


How can I avoid awkward silences on the phone?

either caught her at a bad time, or you failed to initially attract her somewhere in your routine.

Silences can be great in context. Don’t be frazzled by silence. Don’t feel the need to keep talking once you have built attraction. Silence is a great way to test whether she is invested into you. If she is not responding, you .

Should I try to setup a date on the first call? Or during another call later? Never on the first call. But always call the next day, briefly. Always during another call


Questions about Text Game: When should I first text message a woman? What is a good first text to send? Message her the SAME day (she may give her number out to numerous guys) so you want to be fresh in her mind. Message her something along these lines (depends really on what the energy was like and what you think is suitable). “Hey great meeting you today : ) you seem fun and a bit dorky : ) LOL but I love dorks! Catch you later ” Cute Nicknames include things like “Bubbles”, “Squirt” things like that… The premise of the first message is NOT to setup a date just a ‘courtesy’ message to remind her you met that day that’s all. It’s needy to ask her out or try to arrange a date on the first message. Why bother texting? Isn’t using the phone better? Some girls prefer to text message if they don’t know the guy too well or if there was a lack of rapport when they met. I personally text message women the same day, and CALL them the following day.

If you guys hit it off when you met, then by all means, call her. It would be strange if you messaged her, instead of calling. What text messages can I send to make a woman attracted to me? I don't believe you can generate attraction by sending texts ALONE. If anything, you should do that over the phone, or even better, in person. When she hears your voice there is so much you can do that you can’t do over text. Your voice inflections, modulation, intonation, etc conveys endless feelings and emotions that could be used to build attraction. Stick with the phone (or in person) to build attraction … What text messages can I send to make the conversation sexual … without going too far or scaring her away? I personally do this on the phone (see above for my answer). But be careful. Some women will be into it, some will not. So tread lightly. So when we speak on the first call, I might make some sexual jokes (and normal jokes too). How do you do this? Well, the best way to be “sexy and funny” is to pretend that she is trying to be sexual to YOU. It’s basic role reversal. Now she is the pervert, not you ☺ It might go like this …


HER: “So I live in an apartment in Brunswick” YOU: “Okay, but don’t get any funny ideas, IF we do meet, it will be at a public place, like a coffee shop. NOT at your apartment”. HER: “What? Haha. I didn’t mean it like that!” YOU: “Yeah, I like (music, sushi, anything!) HER: “Me too. I love (music, sushi, anything!) YOU: “Stop copying me! You always do this. That’s it, we are getting a divorce. I’m keeping the money and cars. You keep the dog”. It’s easy to come up with many “sexy and funny” things to say, once you get into the mind frame of SHE is trying to hit on you, sleep with you and make sexual advances. Think this way, and the words will come. Remember, always be sarcastic when you make jokes. And if she isn’t “getting” the humour and is reacting negatively, then either you’re doing it wrong, or she doesn’t have a good sense of humour. Move on. I then make sure I know what suburb she lives in (for logistic reasons) so when I call her for the 2nd call I know where to setup the date. What text messages should I send a woman to start a fun and interesting conversation? I like to keep the messages short and sweet and convey most of the attraction and rapport over the phone call. My goal is to get her ON THE PHONE, not to text her back and forward and have a texting war … What should I do if she doesn’t respond to my texts or only sends me short messages back?

This means the girl may be turning cold on you. So you can either call her (I would personally do this) or you can send her messages that evoke her interest and get her texting you back. Examples: “You’re not going to believe what happened” “I just saw the most amazing thing … ”


If the girl is NOT answering ANY of your messages … use this: “I just got out of hospital” When she calls you about this, say … “yeah the love hospital my feelings were really hurt because you didn’t return my messages and I started getting the shakes, then I couldn’t feel my legs …yeah right! (laughing)”. Say this in a mocking tone.. What is the best way to set up a date via text messaging? There are a few ways of doing this again it depends on the vibe you had with her when you met and what you think is appropriate in the circumstance. I’ve found these work for me nicely: “Hey I’m heading out today to do some grocery/clothes/furniture shopping I’ll be at the shopping mall around 1pm wanna grab a quick coffee?” The above seems casual and you’re meeting at a busy place during the day with plenty of people so she won’t be intimidated or afraid of meeting you. “Hey what you doing at 1pm today? Nothing? great! lets meet for coffee at 12pm? 1pm you


say? Alright don’t be pushy. 1pm it is at the then. see you there!”

text the girl the same day and call her the day after.

Be sure you texts you back before you go to the café though : ) and when she meets you bust / tease her for being so pushy and needy to meet with you.

What should conversation memorable?

Questions about Phone Game:

I love starting the conversation on a funny/ good tone. So I have a favourite routine I like to use.

What should I say to get a woman’s phone number? You want to appear casual and aloof when getting her number. NEVER ASK. Ever. Period. You should also say “DIGITS” rather than phone number. And say “I’ll SMS you later” rather than “call her”. As you say this, always put the phone in her hand, prompting her to enter her phone number. Examples: “Hey I’ve got a house party coming up and I’ll shoot you the details… here… (put the phone in her hand) enter your digits and I’ll SMS you the details. “

I say to interesting,

make fun

the and

“Hey you’re not going to believe who I just met? I’m at the mall and I just met your twin sister!” “I don’t have a twin sister?” “No this will freak you out in a good way, she looks exactly like you and speaks like you and she’s Indian, she’s your Indian twin sister! you guys share so much in common I think. You like shoes, she likes shoes, you like chicken, she likes tandori I’ll make an introduction when we hang out next… ” This will get her laughing and in a good mood. How can I avoid awkward silences on the phone?

Just ASSUME she’ll give her number to you. You can try this when you’ve been in conversation for 5-10 minutes and there is rapport.

If you want to be really smooth on the phone and get more dates, then it’s a matter of being prepared and practicing.

“Hey you seem pretty cool.. (get out your phone and open ‘contacts’) how do you spell your name?” (keep looking at your phone ready to enter it). This will work at least 50% of the time.

I used to have a ‘cheat sheet’ of funny banter lines and cocky/funny things to say by my phone when I call my numbers in case I did run out of conversation and there was an awkward silence.

When should I first call her?

It’s important that the calls you make are interesting and engaging because these are like ‘previews’ to the girl on how the date will go if you meet up. i.e if there’s a lot of awkward silences on the phone then there will

This depends on the interaction of course. If you hit it off well call her the next day. I usually


probably be a lot of awkward silences on the date … she’ll rationalize and probably won’t want to put herself through it. But if it’s interesting and funny then she most likely will. The idea of phone game is wetting her appetite and making her want to hang out with you. So anything you can say that’s funny, cocky or teasing her … definitely say it. I remember when I got a call from this girl that stood me up over a year ago and we hadn’t spoken since... I spent the whole call busting her chops and teasing her and she ended up closing ME for a date! Should I try to setup a date on the first call? Or during another call later? Never ask a girl out on a date on the first call as it comes across too needy. I’d wait for the second time you call her. If she suggests you guys meet up then by all means do it, also tease her for being so ‘keen’. Saturday: Got her digits (send a text message) Sunday: Call her in the evening (around 6pm) – don’t suggest a meet up Tuesday: Call her in the evening (around 6pm) – Suggest meeting on Thursday. If she says no then just chat, don’t arrange another day, just call her two days later. Thursday (evening): Call her in the evening (around 6pm) -Mention hanging out during the day on the weekend. Always somewhere busy and say something like “grab a QUICK coffee”, “I want to do a LITTLE shopping”. Make it a small commitment so she won’t feel she has to stay the whole day with you. Lower commitment dates are best for the first date.


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