Phlegm in Chinese Medicine An Important Tale Teller - Acupuncture Points

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Phlegm iin nC Ch hinese M Meedicine an an im important ttaale tteeller - Ac Acupuncture P Po oints



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Phlegm in Chinese Medicine an important tale ( points. org) teller Phlegm causes many diseases in Chinese medicine. It is a surprising tale teller that needs more attention than most people think. Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott June 19, 2021

Photo by Dominik Martin on Unsplash 

Key Learning Points

Why Phlegm  in Chinese medicine causes many problems

Who gets Chinese medicine Phlegm

What kinds of Phlegm there are

How to get rid of it

( ( m)

Phlegm causes many diseases

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Phlegm  can cause many diseases in Chinese medicine ( (https://www.acupuncture-poin

/tcm-theory.html ), some of them serious. (https://www.acupunctureUnfortunately, it is easy to and hard to clear. Here’s what you need to know, and the �rst thing to realise is that the ‘catarrh’, ‘mucus’, ‘gunk’, ‘goo’, – thick stu – you have to cough or hawk up is indeed nearly always ‘Phlegm’ with a capital P. But not always! For example, thick, white stu could be due just to  Heat (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / /Heat.html). Click to to rread ead abou aboutt Phle Phlegm gm Col Colour our (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ lour.html .html ). By the way, many internet sites suggest ways to clear it. They have good ideas, but no  explanation as to why one method works and not another another..

Why Does One thing work, and Not Another? So you end up trying this, then that and not necessarily knowing why this   works, and that  doesn’t!  A Small ‘Plug’ for my Book on Phlegm – much more detail than here!  

I’ve written written a book (https:/ ( / 3bQuEoE EoE ) on this, with sugg suggestion estionss ffor or the the FIVE FIVE MAIN MAIN di�erent kinds of gunk.  

It explains how your body gets it and  what to do about it.  

It goes into much more detail than this page, covering herbs for each kind and then, taking the suggestions you nd elsewhere on the web, explaining which work for your kind of the stu�!  

As far as I’ve seen, no other website explains how di �erent kinds of phlegm need di�erent solutions!  

Available for Kindle and in softback from Amazon. (… end of Sales pitch …)

Phlegm is also lots of other things in Chinese Chinese medicine, including nodules, lumps and bumps

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under the skin, swellings and soft masses in the abdomen, dry powdery stu you see in the cracks in people’s tongues and at the corners of their mouths. (

No Sign of Phlegm?

And even when you can’t see any phlegm as such, it could still be there, technically, obstructing the free movement of  Qi (http (https:/ s://www.a /www.acupun cupunctur cture-po e-points.or g/qi.html html ) and Blood (https:/ (http s://www.a /www.acupun cupunctur cture-po e-points.or g/ ood.html ml ).

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That’s when it becomes the cause of disease. So it can contribute to the formation of both  Qi Stagnation (https:/ (https://www.acupunc /www.acupuncture ture-poin -points.or stagnation. tion.html html ) and Blood Stagnation (https://www.acupuncture(https:/ (http s://www.a /www.acupun cupunctur cture-po e-points.or g/blood-s ood-stasis.h tasis.html tml ). Worse, it can obstruct free moveme movement nt of  Qi (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ) in the Heart, leading to all sorts of serious Western medically-de�ned diseases. When it blocks up what are called the ‘ori �ces’ of the  Heart (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ), you can get very disturbed mental mental behaviour, (because the Heart Heart ‘governs’ your Mind – for example, see  Heart Phlegm-Fire (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ /heart-phlegm/heart-phle gm-�re .html ml )). Of course, it’s also the result of other processes malfunctioning and of other  syndrome syndromess (https://www.acupuncture(https:/ / s.html ). Technically to be Phlegm (capital P), there should be:

Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / osis.html ): tongue coating  is  is greasy or slimy or viscid and the tongue body is usually swollen Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ): slippery and sometimes wiry (technical terms used by acupuncturists to describe describe what they feel when taking your pulse) There is, very often, heaviness in the chest, with heaviness in the body as as a whole, a confused ‘thick’ head, and sometimes dizziness too. Also, nausea is common.

One last thing befor before e I get on to the reasons you have it, it, and  and this is for the geeks. Phlegm is a form of yin excess (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ of-yin-exces ess. s.h htm tmll ). The The more you get get to know about yin and yang (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/, the more this will make sense and the faster you’ll understand what you’re doing ‘wrong’ and how to do something about abou t it. So! Onto the causes …

Phlegm’s Phleg m’s Underlying Cause – – the  the Spleen Nearly everyone everyone agrees that the Spleen (https://www.acupuncture (https://www.acupuncture-po -points. ints.or org/s g/sple pleen. en.htm htmll ) is

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most to ‘blame’ for Phlegm formation. formation. Almost equally important, at least to my mind, are the Lungs and the Kidneys.  ( In fact, a Lung or Kidney syndrome can be the prime cause.  The poor old Spleen tags along, unable to clear the mess the other has left. Having pointed blame at the Spleen, do be aware that it is mainly YOUR fault if your Spleen isn’t functioning well! You’ve been eating all wrong, so read on. Your Spleen energy is a bit like Cinderella, never quite able to keep up with the demands of her older sisters, but vital for ke keeping eping the house tidy. When Cinderella fails to clear up their mess, you get decaying piles of old food, mildew and dust in the corners, smelly unwashed garments, untidy beds and an air of subd subdued ued complaint and desperation. (Go right out and buy yourself a good re recording cording of Rossini’s int interpretation erpretation of the Cinderella Cinderella story (https:/ ( / ). It’s funny, witty and ffull ull of good tunes.) In Chinese medicine, the Spleen is supposed to ‘transform and transport’. ‘Transfor ‘Transforming’ ming’ means turn something into something else (like the Fairy Godmother in many tales of Cinderella) Cinderella).. In this context it means both

turning food into good blood and energy but also  clearing Damp and accumulated detritus, which could be blood cells past their use-by date, or muscular tissue being broken down through exercise, exercise, or fat hanging around, unwanted.

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Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash 

A Plug for FAT! By the way … Who wants fat?   Everyone !  It’s probably our best form of insulation, energy and  energy reserves, reserves, and our forefathers burned it up through physical e �   �   ort and manual labour. We make it by eating too much food that turns into sugar in our blood which we don’t burn up  because we take little exercise. exercise. Of course our genes play a part in this too, but I doubt if they  can be blamed for more than a small proportion of overweight humanity. Anyway, you guessed it,  excess  fat is a form of Phlegm! By ‘Transporting’, ‘Transporting’, is meant clearing stu away from where it has lost its it s usefulness, which means keeping the highways and byways of your body clear. clear. When Phlegm builds up, things don’t move so smoothly, and everything becomes an eort, like wading through glue. So far, so good!

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Sub-categories of Phlegm (https://www.acupuncturebecause there are lots of sub-categories of Phlegm and each has dierent causes and dierent treatments. Here are some of them.  It’s possible to have more than one of  the following at the same time. Now it gets tricky,


As you read on down, you may get a bit mesmerised by all the reasoning, and other  syndromes to which there are links (click on the words in colour and underlined). If this concentrated mass of information is a bit much for you, my book   Yuck! Phlegm!  ( (https:/ / )  should make it easier. I think, as it is, this page reaches about the  limit of information that most people can take in a sitting. I’ve just re-r re-read ead it and even my mind  began to wander! (Nothing new there, of course.)  ( (http:/ / gm )

Stomach and Phlegm

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‘Stomach phlegm’ causes are usually either either from poor diet or bad eating habits. Maybe too much cold much  cold food, or too much greasy food? But also see below under below under •


Vomiting of a clear sticky sort of mucus

d iet  iet .

Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ): the slippery pulse might be more noticeable in the middle position on the right wrist. Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / osis.html ): signs of a greasy coating more noticeable in the centre of the tongue

Lungs and Phlegm Phlegm in the Lungs disturbs and blocks the proper ow of  Lung Qi (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / points. org/lunglung-qi.htm qi.htmll ) which should be  downwards : the result is coughing as Lung Qi ‘escapes’  upwards . It also stops also stops Lung Qi dispersing eectively and the result can be   dyspnoea   (meaning an awareness of breathing diculty when you wouldn’t expect it) and/or mucus expectoration. It’s good to be able to expectorate mucus from the Lungs, but some people �nd it hard to raise, including children, so its absence doesn’t mean there is no Phlegm, if other symptoms suggest it.

Pulse (https://www.acupuncture ( ): slippery in th the e Lung position, but also probably in the Spleen position, being the middle and distal positions respectively respective ly on the right wrist. Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / osis.html ): slimy coating towards the front of the tongue the tongue

NB If you have thick white mucus, this may or may not be Phlegm! It could be due to Heat,

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which has ‘cooked’ the natural colourless mucus. In this case, treatment to clear Phlegm wouldn’t work: you would also have to clear the Heat. (

Head and Upper Body Phlegm here causes:

Dizziness (often crippling, very severe, as for example in diseases such as Meniere’s) This dizziness may recur in bouts This dizziness often occurs as a result of other syndromes such as  Liver Fire (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ /�re.html ) or Internal  Wind (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / ), with th their eir re related lated symptom symptomss such as headaches, neurological disorders and even epilepsy. Pulse (https://www.acupuncture ( ): slippery in th the e distal and possibly middle positions but there would be other qualities depending on the syndromes involved Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / osis.html ): gre greasy asy towards the front of the tongue, but with other qualities depending on the syndromes involve involved d

Heart and Phlegm Phlegm here may not be in a visible form, but is still ‘assumed’ ‘as sumed’ to be present, blocking the free ow of of Heart Qi. The technical name for it is  ‘blocking the ori    ces ces of the   Heart’ . Heart’  . A bit like like someone with vital life or death decisions to make make for his family, who can’t see or hear what’ss going on, let alone communicate properl what’ properly, y, and who gets very u upset pset a and nd disturbed. With blocked Heart’s ori�ces you get:

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(/ (// / t/uploads/2020/04/vimyubkd84kd84kscaled.jpg) Photo by Siavash Ghanbari 


lack of clarity in self-expression

disturbed expression

… which can become signs of mental derange derangement ment including Western medicallyrecognised conditions such as schizophre schizophrenia nia and bi-polar disorder Pulse (https://www.acupuncture ( ): slippery in th the e distal positions at the wrist but probably other pulse qualities too Tongue (https://www.acupuncture(https://www.acupuncture-points. org/tong tongue-di ue-diagnos agnosis.htm is.htmll ): visci viscid d or slimy coating coatin g towards the tip of the tongue but often also a deep central line to the tip, which may have what looks like powder in it.

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Kidney and Gall-Bladder (https://www.acupunctureOver time, heat dries uids and creates �rst phlegm then stones. Kidney and Gallbladder stones are intensely painful end-products.  

During pain, the  pulse (htt (https:/ ps://www.a /www.acupun cupunctur cture-po e-points.or g/pulse-di se-diagnos agnosis.htm is.htmll ) will be wiry.

Chest and Sides of Body Phlegm here causes:

Sensation of distension in the chest and/or

Pain in the chest

Sore  cough (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ )

Pulse (https://www.acupuncture ( ): slippery in th the e middle and distal positions Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / osis.html ): slimy coating towards the front of the tongue Note: a sensation of distension in the chest could be caused by   Qi Stagnation Note: a (https:/ (http s://www. /www.acupu acupunctur ncture-po e-points.or stagnation. ation.html html ) too. In that case the Qi Stagnation has to be dealt with befor before e expecting the phlegm to disappear. I’ve written a whole book about Qi Stagnation: see below.

The Jingluo The What?  Jingluo is the name given to all the interconne interconnecting cting paths and passageways that Qi takes just under the surface of the the body.

Nodules, lumps and swellings s wellings that feel rubbery and don’t move around much. Usually they don’t don’t hurt and Western medicine regards them as being removable with surgery. These are Phlegm in yet another form. Sometimes the channel on which they lie is clearly discernible, and treatment along that channel may slow down their growth. Once a

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nodule forms, however, it takes time to clear, even with good treatment. •

Lymph nodes that swell display Phlegm, as do swollen thyroid glands and lipomas. (https://www.acupunctureWhere bones and get defo deformed rmed and swollen, an underlying syndrome is Phlegm. Fluid build-up over a long period of time eventually coagulates to Phlegm. That Phlegm can then transform into bony growths. (This may not be how it is seen in modern rheumatology, but from the point of view of Energetic medicine, it is a way to understand and diagnose a condition, then treat it.)

(/ (// / t/uploads/2020/04/pp7egaydrkgydrkg-

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scaled. jpg  jpg)) Photo by Andrés Canchón 

Skin of the limbs


Here we get into the area of ‘theoretical’ Phlegm. When you get areas of numbness for which there is no other obvious cause, the default suspect is Phlegm. Elderly people are prone to this.

Numb areas on the skin, without obvious other cause

Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ): slippery

Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / osis.html ): you would expe expect ct a greasy tongue coating ( )

Other kinds of Phlegm Damp-Phlegm (This was the kind of phlegm I had that led me to acupuncture, though it was complicated by Qi Stagnation. After I sorted out the Qi Stagnation situation, the problem didn’t return. In the meantime, acupuncture really  helped keep the ‘Damp-Phlegm’ at bay, though I had to make some dietary changes too.) Mainly caused by Spleen de �cienc ciency y and appe appears ars as Lung syndromes (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / s.html ): poor appetite


nausea, especially on waking in the morning


huge amounts of clear or white mucous sometimes with the feeling that the chest contains lumps of the stu

lack of thirst

chest feels oppressed

sense of fatigue sense sticky stick y taste in the mouth

Tongue Tong ue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ osis.html ): often swollen,

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with a sticky coating •

Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ): slippery (

Phlegm-Cold (or ‘Cold-Phlegm’) Commonly appears in syndromes of Stomach or Lungs:


cough is wet

mucous is clear and may be stringy

sense of coldness, eg cold arms and legs, easily chilled, likes warmth


chest feels heavy, full

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Photo by Pascale Amez on Unsplash   

lack of thirst Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ osis.html ): pale pale,, swolle swollen n and coating is white and wet Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ): slow, slippery, may be deep

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Example of Phlegm Cold (https://www.acupunctureI just went out on my bicycle (not a pretty picture so you’re not getting one) to deliver a homoeopathic remedy (https://www.acupuncture ( athic-remedy.html ) to someone who lives about two miles away, mostly uphill .  

It’s not a steep hill, but it wasn’t a warm day and I had to pedal hard.  

Normally I try to exercise without breathing through through my mouth – just through my nose – but I was on my lunch break. (… Yes, though I work on the website from home, I try to keep o�ce hours. Should you ever nd me asleep on the sofa after lunch, I’ll assure you it’s not sleep but deep thought …)  

So I was in a hurry and did breathe quite a lot through my mouth. This cooled my lungs.  

I think the exercise did me good, overall, but when I got back my chest felt full of liquid, and my nose felt blocked and I did a certain amount of hawking and snorting to clear it from my throat and lungs.  

This was really a form of Lung Phlegm Cold, from cold air and slight over-exertion, which weakene weakened d the Lung function of descending descendin g qi. For more, read Lung Phlegm Cold (https://www.acupunctur ( gm-col cold.h d.html tml ).  

This – Lung Phlegm Cold – is common in skiers, especially as they age and nd their Kidney Yang energy reducing (https://www.acupuncture ( g-decie cienc ncy. html ml ). If you  are  are like n this you should de � � nitely    itely  avoid cold foods (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / oods.html ).


Phlegm-Heat Mainly occurs in syndromes of the Lungs, Stomach or Heart:

mucus expectorated is thick, sticky and either green or yellow: it may also be full of globules or big lumps of phlegm Mucus can be hard to expectorate chestt feels full and heavy, dicult to breathe easily ches Signs of Heat, such as fev fever, er, dryness, thirst (although not always with desire to drink, as the phlegm �lls the stomach)

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face is red

mouth is dry

generally restless

Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ osis.html ): re red, d, swollen, with


yellow, sticky coating •

Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ): fast and slippery


Phlegm-Dryness Mostly aects the Lungs:

often cannot expector expectorate ate phlegm

any phlegm is very tenacious and thick, almost rubbery

diculty breathing

chest feels very congested, causing distress

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Smoking – Photo by Riccardo Fissore on Unsplash 

can occur after inhaling poisons: tobacco smokers get this Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ osis.html ): may be re red d and dry Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ): slippery but also tight or even wiry

Qi-Phlegm often feels like Phlegm Stuck in Your Throat This ‘phlegm in throat’ sort, is where you get a sensation that phlegm is stuck in your throat constantly, or at the back of your throat.

It feels like a phlegm lump  in your throat. It’s too deep to see, and neither swallowing nor hawking will clear it. What’s more, your doctor won’t be able to see it either. And in reality, there may be NO  actual phlegm in your throat! But you can certainly FEEL it! This syndrome is mainly associated with  Liver Qi stagnation (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ points.o rg/liveriver-qi-sta qi-stagnatio gnation.htm n.htmll ).

it feels  as if there’s a lump lump in you yourr throat, swelling it, although no swelling or lump can  be f ound ound or seen   by your doctor hard, well impossible, to swallow and you can’t expector expectorate ate it

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chest and upper abdomen feel stuy and oppressed with this kind, you’re often emotional, especially angry or irritable, and moody ( depression may be an issue you feel better when doing  something,  something, especially something physical , like enjoyable exercise Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ osis.html ): may be unaected, or sometimes with teethmarks on the sides Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ): wiry

  Phlegm Throat

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Photo by Kate Hliznitsova 


If this ‘phlegm stuck in throat’, or ‘lump in throat’ sensation is worse when you are under pressure, pressur e, especially ’emotional’ pressure, then it’s almost certainly this Qi-phlegm type.

Phlegm from throat Causes For instance, if you get it when 

at work, when you are stressed, or

with someone you don’t get on with, or

you are trying to reach targets when there’s no time, or

you have an argument, or a situation, with someone at home

rushing because you are late for an important i mportant appointment

you are being contradicted by someone

someone has just barged into the queue in front of you

your child is stressing you  – again   … …

your boss is criticising you or being impossible

you feel nobody takes you seriously

and … the above are just examples! 


Phlegm From Throat Throat is often from Qi Stagnation Well!  … in all these examples your phlegm-throat feeling  feeling is because of

Qi stagnation, (https:/ (http s://www. /www.acupun acupunctur cture-po e-points.or stagnation. ation.html html ) caused by stress stress.. Often you don’t actually have any phlegm in your throat, but your Qi is constrained – stagnating – and constricts your feelings there.  This makes it hard to speak con�dently and assertively. You often feel as if your Adam’s Apple is pushing pushing up in the front of your neeck and you have h ave to keep swallowing to ‘push’ it down.

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Usually this feeling feeling subsides wh when en you do something to cl clear ear your Qi Stagnation (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / ). (Read the link linked ed pag page e ffor or mor more e (https://www.acupunctureon this and more on what you can do about it.) For example, if you aren’t  in the stressful situation, usually the phlegm-in-thro phlegm-in-throat, at, or lump-inthroat feeling goes away. Often pleasant exercise shifts it  , until your stress returns or you start worrying about it! By the way, acupuncture  is brilliant at sorting s orting out this Qi Phlegm, Phlegm in Throat syndrome. Of course, you can have real phlegm in throat. But unless it’s from stress too, you can usually swallow it or hawk it up and spit iitt out. (Though hawking up Phelgm-Heat and Phlegm-Dryness Phlegm-Dryn ess can be dicult.)  

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( Paper tissues for Phlegm  Real, observable, hawkable phlegm phlegm in  in throat can come from many of the syndromes listed on this page, including Damp-Phlegm, PhlegmPhlegm-Cold, Cold, Phlegm-Heat, Stomach-phlegm Stomach-phlegm,, Wind-phlegm and Lung-phlegm.

Phlegm-Fluids Various kinds of Phlegm-Fluids occur, in the hypochondrium, stomach, the limbs and the diaphragm, each with dierent symptoms, but nearly all have

expectoration of thin watery mucus, 

diculty breathing, 

dizziness and 

swollen tongue. 

Pulse  (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ )is usually wiry. Worse cold.

Wind-Phlegm This syndrome occurs with a serious and acute condition called, in Chinese medicine,  Wind (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / )-Strok )-Stroke, e, which has a close re relationship lationship to ‘stroke’’ and ‘epileptiform’ conditions. ‘stroke

mucus expectorated is watery or white, may be bubbly

phlegm is easily coughed up

chest feels heavy

throat sounds rattly, as as of phlegm phlegm there  there

aphasia aph asia (diculty communicating via speech)


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vomiting and nausea limbs may feel numb or tingly or lose power (usually one-sided) ( Tongue (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ osis.html ): swolle swollen, n, of often ten deviated or seems to ‘strain’ to one side, with a sticky coating Pulse (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ): wiry


What can You do about your Phlegm?

DIY Disa sster ter – Photo by Andre Maritz -Dreamstime 

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Self-Help (https://www.acupunctureWhat can you do to improve i mprove the chance of successful treatment treatment – see below?

Sorting out your ‘situation’ This is the obvious solution, but not so easy for all of us!

You may not be able to avoid your situation … at work or at home.

Asserting yourself too vigorously may endanger your job – friendship – partnership

You may need the job more than you need to clear the phlegm

People may, indeed, not be taking you seriously

You may be too tired or depresssed to do anything about it

Changing your habits or diet may not be an option


Certain foods are

best avoided with most kinds of Phlegm:

Foods known to weaken or block the Spleen include 

dairy foods (milk, cheese, cream, yogurt),

greasy/fatty greasy/ fatty food, 

sweet food,

sugars and sweets, sweets, 

raw food (especially when you have Cold Phlegm) and  

cold/iced food – and drinks.


These cause  Damp (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ) uids which easily turn to Phlegm. Don’t ignore this dietary advice! It really can make a di �   �   erence!   

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Other Foods that can lead to Phlegm •

Food that has been re�ned, or treated with preservatives, or contains food additives such as arti�cial colours or avours or avour enhancers. Although these obviously modern substances were not available to the Chinese who worked out how phlegm was caused, I think they would be included i ncluded in the list of discouraged substances now.  Foods that are not organic include antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, admittedly in minute quantities. On any one day these are unlikely to cause harm, but taking such foods regularly regularly over time may build up undesirable amounts in the body uids,

hampering Spleen, Spleen, Kidney and Liver actions. Alcohol Alco hol:: at the time this can feel like a very good idea id ea to help drown your misery, but you may notice that your Phlegm quickly worsens. 

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Bad Habits


Poor eating habits include:

eating in a rush or when working or otherwise occupied

irregular meals

(//cdn-600fb0d4c1ac180facea94cb.clo (// uploads/2020/08 /gepzcru5qga-scaled.jpg /gepzc ru5qga-scaled.jpg )

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Cheetos Baked chip bag lot 

(https://www.acupuncturenot chewing food properly before swallowing eating when tense or tired

eating too much at a time


eating too fast, or – as mentioned – a big cause! …

… not chewing properly properly..

  What Wh at if you ar are e ilill? l? •

If  you are ill  , take longer to eat, eat with small mouthfuls, and chew everything  re’. well.  The same goes if you are  elderly  and your digestion lacks its earlier ‘  r  e’. Drinking lots of cold or iced liquids douses your Stomach Fire, so you won’t digest food  so well. Warm liquids l iquids are better. better. In fact, if you suspect that your digestion is below-par, always start and  nish nish meals with something warm, even if it’s just a cup of warm tea:  this helps to ‘warm’ the tubes!  Your Spleen nearly always bene�ts from  Ginger . Get the root variety, not the dried powder.. Cut up a slither of root and add it to whatever you’re eating. Or make it into a powder tea by pouring hot water over it in a mug. Read more under  Nutrition (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / /nutrition. /nutr ition.html html ) and Supplements (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ /supplemen /suppl ements.htm ts.htmll ).

  Movement to clear Phlegm  

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( (http:/ / gm )

Treatment reatment for for Phlegm Given that Phlegm comes into existence when uids either stagnate because of  Qi Stagnation (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / stagna tion.html html ), or  (//cdn-600fb0d4c1ac180facea94cb.clo (// arise from either  Cold (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ) congealing Photoby Ahmad Odeh  uids or •

• •


thicken or condense uids to become Phlegm because of Heat  movements  that Theres://www. are various stretching keep (https:/ (http /www.acupun acupunctur cture-po e-points.or g/Heat.htm t.html l ) the spine exible and in so doing force for ce you to expand and contract your lungs.

Tai Qi is one way that has helped many; and you’ll realise that there’s not much point just trying to wave w ave it away unless you also deal theunderlying simple exercise exerc ise in(Qi appendix 10 ofCold my book Qi Stagnation takes about 2 minutes to with the cause Stagnation, or Heat). do and can be repeated regu regularly larly through the day. •

If the Walking cause is Qi Stagnation, you must do something about it! Unless you do, the problem in fresh air is usually bene �cial, but make progress – don’t amble! (However, will return. (Mine did! I know whatthe I’mlungs, talking about!)  for Phlegm-Cold aecting you may be better in a warm w arm environme environment, nt, if the •

air is well-circulated and clean.) Later, that probably means your acupuncturist will need tto o tr treat eat your Liver However, How ever, the above advice is mostly appropriate tto ol the and Damp (https://w ( ) atCold some point, but forms other  of Zangfu Phlegm. Phle gm. If you have Phlegm Heat, there are other c considerations onsiderations and you willonwant to (https://www.acu (https://w ww.acupunct puncture ure-poin /zang-fu. g-fu.html html ) ma may y be involved depending drink more cool (not iced) uidsthat to dilute the Phlegm it away. But underlying emotional factors. (… not emotional factorsand are wash the only causes ofyou’ll Qi also •

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stagnation, probably seeneed my book, treatment ‘ Yuck!toPhlegm!’ ) Phlegm!’  clear the ) Heat.  

(htt https://www.acupunctureps://


What will your acupuncturist do? He (or she) will choose – fro from m knowled knowledge ge of either TCM T Theory heory (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ /tcm-theory.html ) or 5 Element ac acupuncture upuncture theory (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ nts-acupuncture.htmll ), ffor or e example xample – the acupuncture channels (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / e-channels.html ) to adjust by means o off

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acupuncture acupunctur e points (http (https:/ s://www.a /www.acupun cupunctur cture-poi e-points.or g/acupunct puncture ure-poin -points.htm ts.htmll ) on them.  ( Then, because the  Spleen  (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / )has been unable to free up the passage of uids, meaning that Phlegm has accumulated, he must treat the Spleen.

He or she might not do acupuncture – he might start with with cupping ( (https://www.acupuncture ), as in the pictu picture re above. If the  Lungs (https://www.acupuncture( ), which tend to store the Phlegm, are involved, then then treatment must assist them. Finally, he must ‘support’ your your Kidney (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ) Qi, because it supports all the other zangfu (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ), helps Spleen Yang to transf transform orm Phlegm and is particularly relevant for the warmth of your body.

Complicating factors? Lots! For example if an  external pathogenic pathogenic fact factor or (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ /external-causes-of-disea /external-causes-of-dis ease se.h .htm tmll ) – a bug/bacteria/virus – is Hot and is blocking your  Lung Qi (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ) from disseminating uids, you get a thick, sticky or green ‘gloop’ that is often smelly. If the invading pathogen has produced a Cold reaction, then your phlegm is clear, more runny and odourless. In both cases, your body may clear the invader but be unable to clear the Phlegm. Sometimes the invader appears to remain (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ pathogenic-fact or.html .html ). During treatment, symptoms of the original invasion may then recur befor before e your body can eliminate both invader and Phlegm. Sometimes the patient gets repeated attacks of what what seems  seems to be  Wind-Cold (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / ) whe when n actual actually ly it is not a de�cient immune system, but Phlegm blocking the passageways and preven preventing ting ‘Wei Qi’ – your immune force – being circulated to the exterior. In this case, trying to strengthen Wei Qi wouldn’t work until Phlegm had been cleared. And that’s not that’s not all! Once Phlegm gets into the ssystem, ystem, esp especially ecially that of an older, weaker person with a system that can’t clear it, the phlegm becomes self-perpetuating self-perpetuating and sl slows ows

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everything down, causing more uids to stagnate leading to even more Phlegm. This is common where someone eats a poor diet, not recognising which foods to avoid. (https://www.acupunctureDairy foods are often avoided if you have Phlegm – but there are other causes too, see above.  

Photo by on Unspl ash  ash 

Western Medicine and Phlegm

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However, Western medically trained doctors, not trained in energetic-type medicine, typically use medications that prevent the body making the repairs needed. For instance ( In the case of hot or dry Phlegm, broncho-dilators (which Chinese medicine regar regards ds as having a hot-dry hot-dry energy)  energy) may make symptoms temporarily better but then worse. •

Where there is blockage or what seems like an in ammation (which could be not from  

a bug but from Yin de ciency (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture /�ciency.html )), it is tempting to use steroid-type spr sprays, ays, but these often have a weakening eect, not to say anti-inammatory eect, that is in eect cooling. •

where bacterial infection is suspected,  antibiotics (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / /antibiotics /antib iotics.html .html ) may be prescribed. These mostly have a  cold-damp (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / p-cold.html ) eect. They usually kill the bug (assuming the antibiotic is well-chosen and the bacteria hasn’t learned to resist it, now becoming a huge problem (https:/ (https://www.antibioticresear / )) but, being cold and damp, can weaken the Spleen. Spleen. That means that the Phlegm remains and may increase. IF your your type  type of phlegm is by nature cold  and damp , antibiotics will make it,  and you, worse. you,  worse. Instead, make yourself warm soups and stews with plenty of warming ginger. ginger. Take Take clogstoun congee (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / congee.html ) for for moistur moisture e (add ginger to that too) and energy. You’ll probably �nd the improvement matches matches anything antibiotics can do, with the advantage that you don’t go down with with the  the same thing again right after stopping the medication!

As you see, although not deeply complicated, there are many ways in which Phlegm ca can n compromise the body. Making the right diagnosis and then treatment is not always easy.

Tha tt’s ’s why I wr ote ote the book about it “Yuck! P h hlegm!”  legm!”  For example, if the cause has been, say  Heat invasion (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ /external-heat-and-cold.html ), but ther there e is also an underlying  Yin de�ciency (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ /�cien ciency cy.h .htm tmll ), Kidney Yang exhaustion (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ / -de�cie ien ncy cy.h .htm tmll ) (as can happen with the elderly) and a history of  bad diet (http (https:/ s://www.a /www.acupun cupunctur cture-po e-points.or g/nutrition rition.html .html ), picking one’s way through the treatment proce process ss can take time. Here the weak Kidney Yang cannot transform uids, which which then overow upwards and stagnate. Guess what happens? Those uids transform back back into Phlegm!

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How to Proceed! So … I hope you’ll agree that(https://www.acupunctureChinese medicine has given Phlegm a considerable amount of thought over the millennia. It’s a sometimes deep and often complicated subject. You CAN do a llot ot to help y yourself, ourself, howev however, er, and in my book (https:/ ( / cy ) I’ve summarised many successful strategies, treatments treatments and herbs you can use once you cause  .  understand unde rstand  your  kind of phlegm, and its cause . Of course, both acupuncture and herbs have been used to clear Phlegm for millennia. If you are receiving receiving treatment, be patient!

Questions Qu estions and Comments on Phlegm? Phlegm? Go right right to the bottom  of this page and you’ll �nd comments and questions from readers readers,, with some replies.  These may These  may deepen your understanding of phlegm.

Other pages to read •

Damp (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ )

Phlegm Colour (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ our.html .html )

Phlegm Phle gm afte afterr Eating (http (https:/ s://www.a /www.acupun cupunctur cture-po e-points.or g/phlegmegm-afte after-eat r-eating.h ing.html tml )

Lung Phlegm Fluids (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture /uids.html )

Spleen (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / )

Stomach Stoma ch (http (https:/ s://www.a /www.acupun cupunctur cture-poi e-points.or g/stomach. mach.html html )

Kidney Yang (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / -de�cie ien ncy cy.h .htm tmll )

Kidney Yin (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / de�cie ciency cy.h .htm tmll )

Common Diseases (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / list.html )

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(https://www.acupuncture- points. org/video video-cons -consultat ultation.h ion.html tml )

Book here (https:/ (https ://www. /www.acupunctur acupuncture-poi e-points.or g/video-con o-consulta sultation.h tion.html tml )

Check my collection collection of books: (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ points.or g/books.html s.html )

( (https: // /books.html)

( (htt ps:// /books.html)

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Tags: Infection (https://www.acupuncture-poin (https://www.acupuncture-points.or g/tag/inf infectio ection n ), Muscu Musculosk loskelet eletal al (https://www.acupuncture(https://www.acupu ncture(https://www.acupuncture(https:/ / eletal ), Nourishment (h (https:/ ttps://www.acupuncture / ), Phlegm (https:/ (https://www.acupunct / ), Problems (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ms ), SelfHelp (https://www.acupuncture( ), Skin (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ ), Top ((https:/ https://www.acupuncture / ), yang de�ciency (https://www.acupuncture (https:/ /�cie ciency ncy ), yin exces excesss (https://www.acupuncture(https:/ / ess ) Categories: Basics (https:/ Categories: (https://www.acupuncture/ /theory/basics ), Causes of disease (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ y/causes-of-disease ), Nutrition And Food (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ory/nutrition-and-food ood ), Problem Problemss (https://www.acupuncture(https:/ / /problems ), Syndromes (https://www.acupuncture(https:/ / y/theory/syndromes omes ), Theory (https://www.acupuncture(https:/ / /theory )

Related Articles CAUSES OF DISEASE

What Causes Miscarriage? Miscarriage? ( ( /what-causes-miscarriage.html /wha t-causes-miscarriage.html ) READ MORE » (HTTPS://WWW.ACUPUNCTURE-POINTS.ORG/WHA (HTTPS://WWW.ACUPUNCTURE-POINTS.ORG/WHAT-CAUSES-MISCARRIAGE.HTML T-CAUSES-MISCARRIAGE.HTML )

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Are Chinese Chines e Medicine Medicin e Herbs Safe? (https://www.acupuncture(https://www.acupunc icine-herbs-safe.html ) READ MORE » (HTTPS://WWW.ACUPUNCTURE-POINTS.ORG/ARE-CH (HTTPS://WWW.ACUPUNCTURE-POINTS.ORG/ARE-CHINESE-MEDICINE-HERBS-SAFE.HTML INESE-MEDICINE-HERBS-SAFE.HTML )

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Contraindications for Acupuncture (https://www.acupuncture( points.o rg/contra ontraindica indications-f tions-for-acu or-acupunctur puncture.htm e.htmll ) READ MORE » (HTTPS://WWW.ACUPUNCTURE-POINTS.ORG/CONTRAINDICA (HTTPS://WWW.ACUPUNCTURE-POINTS.ORG/CONTRAINDICATIONS-FOR-ACUPUNCTURE.HTML TIONS-FOR-ACUPUNCTURE.HTML )

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Salty Taste in Chinese medicine medicin e (https://www.acupuncture(https://www.acupunc points.o rg/salty-ta lty-taste-i ste-in-chine n-chinese-me se-medicine dicine.html .html ) Too much food with the Salty taste in Chinese medicine will make you ill. But you need some! Which foods do they mean?



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8 Responses


Jonathan Allen (htt (http: p:/ //j /jw. w.or org g ) says:

September 3, 2020 at 3:421305 pm )(https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / /phlegm.html#comment-1305 /phlegm.html#comment-

Very interesting, thank you! Diseases come on horseback, and return on foot. ~ French proverb Reply

September at 6:31 pm (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ Spicy Jonathan Taste in Chinese Chines e medicine medicin e 4, 2020 (https://www.acupuncture(https://www.acupunc tureClogstoun/phlegm.html#comment-1332 /phlegm.html#comment1332 ) Willmott says: points.o rg/spicy-t picy-tasteaste-in-chi in-chinesenese-medic ine.html ml )

Hi Jonathan, Jonathan, glad you like the page on phlegm. And what a great proverb! Jonathan CW

The spicy taste in Chinese medicine adds lightness and energy to your diet, helping your lungs work better. better. You need some, but not too much!



Ramona says:


May 16, 2021 at 2:41 pm (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture/ mmen entt-10 1043 439 9 )

I really really needed this information and I’m so grateful I found you! I have been struggling with tthis his embarrassing phlegm issue for several years, at rst I thought it was something that would go away on its own but it hasn’t. It is creating issues in my personal life and I need to get rid of it somehow. Just like another reader commented on a di erent page, it seems to be provoked when stomach goes towards empty at night so in the middle of the night I feel it at the back of my throat and I have to get up and go to the bathroom bathroom to spit it out, very disturbing! I also noticed it more often after drinking water even even if it’s not cold cold water.  water. I often drink ACV diluted in water, water, I really enjoy the tangy taste but that too lifts up phlegm. Besides acupuncture acupuncture what else do you think would help in my case? case? I  I don’t eat dairy anymore but it doesn’t make a dierence. Thank you for all your work! Reply

Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott says:

May 19, 2021 at 9:24 am (https://www.acupuncture-p ( /phlegm.html#comment-10600 ) /phlegm.html#comment-10600

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I’m sorry you have so much phlegm, and it can be hard to shift. I would say your nex nextt strategy is to use herbs. In my book (Yuck! Phlegm!) I list and explain quite a few herbs that may help and give (https://www.acupuncturethe names of basic formulae for for each kind of phlegm. When using the Chinese formulae, please do not buy them o the shelf as already ‘made-up’ formulae. While this makes them cheaper, it doesn’t necessarily make them better for you! Any practitioner of Chinese medicine, if he or she thought that the basic formula I list were the correct one, would then adapt it to your particular needs. A slightly crass analogy would be when your left foot hurts and your doctor suggests new shoes. So you ring up a shoe shop and order a pair of their most popular shoes, but forget to mention your size. Your size is rather important! Similarly with a herbal formulae: your herbalist must adapt it to your particular circumstances. ci rcumstances. Not getting it right might theoretically make it worse and if merely ineective would reduce your condence in what is otherwise other wise a great and honourable medical tradition, body of experience and intellectual acuityy: also a cultural asset.

Sweet Taste in Chinese Chines e medicine medicin e (https://www.acupuncture(https://www.acupunc tureReply points.o rg/sweet weet-tast -taste-ine-in-chines chinese-med e-medicine icine.html .html ) Foods classi�ed as having a sweet taste in Chinese medicine are vital for health. But too little or too much ‘sweet’ food leads to disease. June 19, 2021 at 11:08 am ( ( l#comment-12087 7 )

Robyn Free says:



Wow. I have just started seeing a Chinese medicine doctor for shortness of breath on exertion and Wow. problems pro blems with gas exchange at alveolar level though I have good lung capacity volume and have have been doing my own rehab with breathing exercises till now. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Nov 2019 and had successful radical surgery and 4 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy chemotherapy (which I believe damaged my lungs). lungs). I had 11 months in remission but now they say the cancer is back in my lymph nodes. I did not want any more chemo or radiation which is all that was on o er in NHS and as I had had successful acupuncture/chinese herbal treatment for breathing problems problems many years ago I decided to give it a go again. My Chinese Dr who has been practising 30 years says s ays I have blocked Lung chi/phlegm. I felt immediate improvement after rst session and know I have a long way to go to rebalance my body with Chinese medicine as well as rebooting my body via juice detox schedule (for 10 days initially). Thank you for this detailed information and evidently I have to and want to learn/understand more this regime I am embarking on to regain health. I know Chinese medicine can’t cure my cancer but I am hoping it can make my nal months more comfortable and bearable and who knows if the enlarged enlarged lymph nodes are not cancer but merely a lot of inammation in my body I. might have a better outcome than expected. I’m 72 and a retired nurse and have some understanding of how the body works physically, physically, mentally and mentally and emotionally (according to Western medicine) but I have always always been interested in ‘old’ medicine and so I am ‘all iin’/totally n’/totally committed to these radical changes in looking after my body. I am very overweight and am sure eventually acupuncture will help me to shift the fat too. I know I made my body sick with eating wrong foods (processed) although I

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am vegan and eat more fruit and veg than most, so I owe it to my body to try to make it better, more balanced. Thanks again for all your words of wisdom and I’m sure I will be back to buy some of your books in the coming weeks as (https://www.acupuncturemy journey progresses and I observe changes and want to understand more of how to support my body as it goes through treatment treatment and change. I came looking for explanation of what my Dr told me that I have lung phlegm blockage and didn’t realise I had so much to learn learn but  but I am a good and fast learner. learner. From your words I understand thi thiss translates into too much Yin/cold and I need to heat up my body with food, medicine, acupuncture and more physical ability as able. I am totally committed so again thanks for leading me to the path of balancing chi. Reply

Jonathan ClogstounWillmott says:

June 19, 2021 at 3:50 pm (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture-p / /phlegm.html#comment-12091 /phlegm.html#comment12091 )

Dear Robyn Thank you for your long contribution. Phlegm takes many forms and certainly can lead to other problems such as Blood stasis (https:/ (https://www.acupuncture / ) and cancer. cancer. It is a form a form of yin excess (https://www.acupunctur ( cess..html ). As a general rule, with Chinese medicine you try to clear blockages such as excesses of yin rst, to allow clear Qi and Blood to circulate smoothly. It’s true, Yin factors are more often cold than hot but they can have some hot characteristics, as with Damp-Heat Damp-Heat (https://www.acupuncture ( html ). Excess ‘fat’ is also regarded as a form of phlegm! Because phlegm takes many forms, the solutions are dierent. In my book on phlegm I describe ve

main kinds, with what to do in i n each case. More than likely one, or possibly several of them, will apply to you. What we eat makes a huge di erence and vegetables are usually good. Good luck with your treatment! Jonathan Reply

Anna says:

April 30, 2022 at 6:04 am (ht (https:/ tps://www.acupuncture-p / 19993 )

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Hi, Thank you for this in-depth summary. I am recovering from mold exposure, exposure, and while I have mostly eliminated it from my home, I am only about 90% better and still struggling to fully clear the phlegm (https://www.acupuncturefrom my body. I am hypersensitive to it now and have an allergic reaction when exposed with many symptoms (actually phlegm (white), anaphylaxis, as well as nausea, heartburn, sneezing, stomach pain, my doctor said my liver was slightly stressed…). I am curious if mold has a hot or cold e ect. Do you know anything about it? I am trying to work on my diet but nd it di�cult to cut out alcohol, popped corn, and potato chips. I will eat more ginger ginger.. Otherwise, I eat very healthy (lots of bone broth, warm foods and tea, nuts and fruits and seeds, and generally few few carbs and sugars. The proverb above is exactly how I feel. Reply

Jonathan Clogstoun-

April 30, 2022 at 8:55 am (https:// (https://www.acupuncture-p /phlegm.html#comment-20001 /phlegm.html#comment-2 0001 )

Willmott says: Hi Anna, It’s your body that ‘decides’ ‘ decides’ if mould, or indeed anything, has a hot or cold eect. Also, you can have a reaction that is ‘hot’ or yang in one part of your body and ‘cold’ or yin in another.. From what you say, you have a mix of yang and yin imbalances (or possibly more another complicated than even that, with elements of yin de ciency and yang deciency too). Guessing, I would agree with your doctor but go one step further and suggest that the action in terms of Chinese medicine of your Gallbladder may be imbalanced. This Wood energy regulates regulates your Earth energy, including your Stomach (nausea, heartburn, pain, craving for sweet foods such as alcohol, popcorn and chips) and bile cuts cut s through fat in the intestines so can be likened to cutting through the eect of mould. But without examining you, including tongue and pulse, I can’t be sure. Hope this helps. Jonathan Reply

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