PHL 5 (Theo) - Principle of Epikeia
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Carrascal, Estipona, Pazcoguin, Perez, Vallarta – 2OTA
Epikeia. n. The principle in ethics that a law can be broken to achieve a greater goo. !easonable Ancient "reek
Presente b# Aristotle Aristotle
E$plaine an retaine b# %t. Tho&as A'uinas in %u&&a Theologica
()t was not possible to la# own rules o* law that woul appl# to ever# single case. +egislators atten to what co&&onl# happens, although i* the law be applie to certain cases it will *rustrate the e'ualit# o* ustice an be inurious to the co&&on goo, which the law has in view.-
%t. Tho&as teaches in the %u&&a that epikeia o e'uit# is part o* the virtue o* ustice. e escribes the use o* epikeia as * ollows/ ()t was not possible to la# own rules o* law that woul appl# to ever# single case. +egislators0 atten to what co&&onl# happens, although i* the law be applie to certain cases cases it will *rustrate the e'ualit# e'ualit# o* ustice an be be inurious to the co&&on co&&on goo, which the law has in view.view.- 1%t. Tho&as then goes on to give the e$a&ples o* application in the use o* epikeia, such as a &a&an who has eposite his swor with another an wishes to reee& it to o har&, or *ight against his countr#. )n another place, %t. Tho&as cites the e$a&ple o* citizens *leeing *ro& an ene. The gates o* the cit# are orere locke b# the authorities, but the use o* epikeia e&ans that the# be opene *or the wel*are o* these citizens. ()n these an like cases it is ba to *ollow the law, an it is goo to set asie the letter o* the law, an to *ollow the ictates o* ustice an the co&&on goo. This is the obect o* epikeia which we call e'uit#. There*ore There*ore it is evient that epikeia is a virtue.- owever, (Epikeia oes not set asie that which is ust in itsel*, but that which is ust b# law establishe.- 1(%u&&a Theologica,- Pt. ))3)), 4. 526 , Art. 5 %ource/ http/ http/ s7articles7a3catholics3course3o*3stu# cs3course3o*3stu#7canon3law7the3 7canon3law7the3 origin3an3use3o*3epikeia3links7
Originall# *or the interpretation o* legal conceptions o* the Ancient "reek
E$tene to hu&an ustice in iniviual cases, an cul&inate in an inepenent virtue o* natural law be#on &ere urisiction
8uilt on the principles o* hu&an rights an ignit# o* &an
Auste to the iniviual conscience
Epikeia there*ore/ 5. Appl Applie iess onl# onl# to to posi positi tive ve law law 2. )ts use &ust &ust involve involve soðin soðing g posing posing a suen risk risk that nees nees i&&eiat i&&eiatee re&e#
Carrascal, Estipona, Pazcoguin, Perez, Vallarta – 2OTA
9. Certain li&its are i&pose upon its use a. )n cases o* oubt, it &ust not be use. )nstea, one &ust accoring to the letter o* the law an consult proper authorit# b. )t cannot be applie to incapacitating an invaliating law, or irritant laws, whose universal observance is e&ane b# the co&&on goo. c. cannot be applie to laws originating *ro& the :ivine law . %houl be appeale onl# in absolute necessit# ;. )t &ust there*ore be use with great pruence
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