Philippine American War
Short Description
Everything you need to know about the Philippine-American War!...
Philippine-American War The Philippine-American War War is an armed ar med conflict between the United States, and the Philippine rebels.
The Philippine-American War War began on February , !"##, when P$t. William William %rayson of &ompany ', !st (ebras)a *ol *olunteers unteers shot &orporal Anastacio Feli+ of the th &ompany, &ompany, orong attalion. attalion.
The attle attle of anila anila was was fought fought on February February th and and February February 0th !"## !"## between between !1,222 !1,222
Americans and !0,222 Filipinos. 3t was the first and largest battle fought during the war.
4n Febr Februa uary ry !2, !2, !"## !"## rig rig.. %en. %en. %ene %enera rall Arthu rthurr acA acArt rthu hurr prog progre ress ssed ed towa toward rdss
&aloocan, an eminent railroad center !! miles 5!6 )m7 north of anila after capturing 8a 8oma. Trainlo Trainloads ads of Filipino Filipino soldiers soldiers were seen landing in the town. 3n addition addition to, this created created a bloc)ade to alolos, Aguinaldo9s capitol. Trenches were put up by %eneral Antonio 8una with the help of elgian-trained engineer, :ose Ale;andrino to defend &aloocan. This is )nown as The attle of &aloocan.
4n April April !2, !2, U.S. %eneral %eneral ing, and Philippine (ationalists during the 8aguna &aign of the Philippine-American War, that too) place on April !! !"##.
The attle attle of Paete too) place, place, on on April April !1, !1, !"## !"## where %en. 8awto 8awton9s n9s forces forces disban disbanded ded
Filipinos bloc)ing the route to Paete in a stiff fight. Paete ta)en by the Americans. 8ast action of the 8aguna &aign.
4n April April 1?, 1?, !"## !"## Philip Philippin pinee %ene %eneral ral %regorio del Pilar stops Pilar stops American ca$alry scouts
on 8u=on, but is then routed after an artillery bombardment and infantry ground assault. This is )nown as the attle of @uingua.
4n :une , %en. Antonio 8una was assassinated in the pla=a of rectory at &abanatuan, (ue$a ci;a.
4n :une !?, !"## 4n 8u=on, 8awton9s American forces o$erwhelmingly defeat a large
Philippine force under %eneral Pio del Pilar, and inflict hea$y casualties on the enemy in 1nd largest battle of the Philippine-American War. After this battle the Filipinos decided to start using guerilla tactics. They disco$ered that they could not sBuare of the Americans, so they used their terrain to their ad$antage. 3n this battle !0 Americans were )illed and !2-!02 filipinos were )illed. oth sides suffered after hours of fighting. 3n the end Americans still won.
The attle of San :acinto, occurred on (o$ember !!, !"## is where U.S. %eneral 8loyd
Wheaton dri$es Filipinos out of San :acinto, 8u=on.
The attle of Paye, which occurred on 'ecember !#, !"## is Filipino %eneral 8icerio
%eronimo o$erwhelmingly defeats an American brigade under %eneral 8awton, in which 8awton is )illed.
The attle of Pulang 8upa, too) place on September !?, !#22 where Filipino resistance
fighters under &olonel a+imo Abad ambush 00 Americans and )ill, wound, or capture all of them. 3n the battle of Pulang 8upa the Americans had their worst defeat during the war. The elections in America was said to be decided by the outcome of this war. Abad and most of his comrades escaped the Americans, but the population of the Philippines was falling. This was to the later outcome of many guerillas surrendering meaningless man-power for the resistance. The new tactics caused Abad to surrender in April !#2!.
4n September !6, !#22 Filipino forces outmaneu$er and o$erwhelmingly defeat
American forces on 8u=on. This is )nown as The attle of abitac
4n arch !?, !#2!, American forces captured Pres. milio Aguinaldo
Pres. Theodore Coose$elt releases a proclamation, which ends the Philippine-American
!1,222-12,222 Filipino Soldiers, and 102,222-!,222,222 Filipino &i$ilians were )illed in the Philippine American War. While ,1?-D,!D0 American Soldiers died during the War
Socially, Americans became aware of the corruption in other nations and wanted to help. They adopted this idealism because of the beliefs in 'arwinism. Filipinos came to resent the United States for not gi$ing their full-fledged freedom.
Filipino &ommanders, and 8eaders during the War
milio Aguinaldo Antonio 8una Artemio Cicarte Apolinario abini iguel al$ar %regorio 'el Pilar anuel Tinio acario Sa)ay 'ionisio Seguela *icente Al$are= Sultan of Sulu
American &ommanders, and 8eaders during the War
William c>inley Theodore Coose$elt lwell Stephen 4tis Arthur acArthur, :r.
:ohn . Stotsenburg :ohn :. Pershing :acob
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