Phil Am Gen Insurance v. MGG Marine Services
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Case Digest...
DIGEST, SY 2016-2017
Atty. Norianne Tan
Transport ation Law GENE GENERA RAL L
(VILLARIN, L.) G.R. No. 135645, March 8, 2002 (Common Carriage- Carriage of Goods FACTS
San Miguel Corporation (SMC) insured several beer bottle cases wit an aggregate value o! "#,$%&,'''.$ wit petitioner "ilippine Aerican Aerican *eneral Insurance Copan+. e cargos were loaded on board te M-V "eatera+ "atric* to be transported !ro Mandaue Cit+ to /islig, Surigao del Sur. A!ter aving been cleared b+ te Coast *uard Station in Cebu te previous da+, te vessel le!t te port o! Mandaue Cit+ !or /islig, Surigao del Sur on Marc ', 01$2. e weater was cal wen te vessel started its vo+age. e !ollowing da+, Marc Marc %, 01$2, M-V "eatera+ "atric* listed and subse3uentl+ sun o!! Cawit "oint, Cortes, Surigao del Sur. As a conse3uence tereo!, te cargo belonging to San Miguel Corporation was lost. SMC claied te aount o! te loss !ro "ila *en (petitioner). "etitioner sent a surve+or to investigate te circustances surrounding te loss o! te cargo. e surve+or !ound tat te vessel was structurall+ sound and tat e did not see an+ daage or crac tereon. 4e concluded tat te pro5iate cause o! te listing and subse3uent sining o! te vessel was te si!ting o! ballast water !ro starboard to portside. e said si!ting o! ballast water allegedl+ a!!ected te stabilit+ o! te M-V "eatera+ "atric*. 4ence, petitioner paid SMC te aount o! "#,$%&,'''.$ and was subrogated te rigts o! SMC. "etitioner !iled a case !or collection against respondents and obtained a !avourable decision. Meanwile, te /oard o! Marine In3uir+ conducted its own investigation o! te sining o! te M-V "eatera+ "atric* and !ound tat te captain and crew sould be e5onerated !ro liabilit+. liabilit+. It !ound tat te pro5iate and onl+ cause o! te sining o! te vessel was te e5istence o! strong winds and enorous waves in Surigao del Sur, a !ortuitous event tat could not ave been !oreseen at te tie. "rivate respondents !iled an appeal and te CA reversed te RC6s decision. ISSUE/S
7eter respondent is liable !or te loss o! te cargo. 8 N9 HELD
Coon carriers, as a general rule, are presued to ave been at !ault or negligent i! te goods transported b+ te are lost, destro+ed or i! te sae deteriorated. e e5ceptions, as provided in Article 02%: o! te Civil Code, are te !ollowing; (0) (') (%) (:) (#)
0 !eet waves coupled wit strong winds tat increased !ro # nots to 0# nots witin an our was a !ortuitous event. e board board !ound tat ?along te port side platings, a sall ole and two separate cracs were !ound at about idsip.@ is caused water to ingress and resulted into an ibalance o! te sip. espite te e!!orts o! te captain and crew to pup all te water out, te sip still continued to sin and te+ were le!t wit no coice but to abandon sip.
Arcaina ♠ Austria ♠ Bañadera ♠ Cheng ♠ Coloquio ♠ Diploma ♠ Fajardo ♠ Layno ♠ Lim, J. ♠ illarin, L. ♠ illarin,"
DIGEST, SY 2016-2017
Transport ation Law
Atty. Norianne Tan
ere was tus no error on te part o! te Court o! Appeals in rel+ing on te !actual !indings o! te /oard o! Marine In3uir+, !or suc !actual !indings, being supported b+ substantial evidence are persuasive, considering tat said adinistrative bod+ is an e5pert in atters concerning arine casualties.
Arcaina ♠ Austria ♠ Bañadera ♠ Cheng ♠ Coloquio ♠ Diploma ♠ Fajardo ♠ Layno ♠ Lim, J. ♠ illarin, L. ♠ illarin,#
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