Phenomenology of Love Manuel Dy

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Phenom of love manuel dy...


#107 A PHENOMENOLOGY OF LOVE by TASYO February 22, 2005

A PHENOMENOLOGY OF LOVE by Manuel B. Dy, Jr. What ! "$e% The &ue!t' ha! bee' a!(e) !'*e the t+e  P"at, 't '"y by -re!!'a" -h"!-her! but by -e-"e r+ a"" .a"(!  "e/ Mu*h ha! a"rea)y bee' .rtte' ' th! !ube*t, a'!.er! t the &ue!t' ha$e bee' $e' a') +a'y +re &ue!t'! -!e) a') yet the rea"ty  "$e h a! 't bee' e3hau!te)/ The $ery a*t that th! &ue!t'  .hat "$e !, ! !t"" be' a!(e) !ee+! t !h. that "$e ! -art a') -ar*e"  +a'4! "e, a') a -h"!-hy  +a' ! '*+-"ete .thut a -h"!-hy,   +a' a! "$'/ Ma'y  u! ha$e the te')e'*y t e&uate "$e .th r+a'*e/ The .r") "$e r'! a !.eet +e")y t the ear!, br'! t the +a'at' the +ae  t. "$er! .h!-er' !.eet 'th'! t ea*h ther ' the -ar( r ' the te"e-h'e, u'+')u"  the re!t  the .r") a!  '"y they +atter a') e 3!t at a""/ L$e ! a +a'y !-"e')re) th', ! the !' e!/ O' the ther ha'), "$e ! -*ture) +a'y t+e! a! a' a*t  - !!e!!',  be' -!!e!!e) by a'ther -er!'/ Pe-"e ht a') !tru"e ' the 'a+e  "$e/ 6 "$e yu ha! *+e t +ea', Yu Yu are +'e a') 6 .a't yu t ) the th'! 6 .a't, 6 .a't yu t be .hat 6 .a't yu t be/ Or e"!e, t ha! *+e t +ea', 6 a+ yur!, a') yu *a' ) .hate$er yu .a't t +e/ Fr +a'y yu' -e-"e, "$e ha! be*+e !y''y+u! .th !e3/ T "$e a'ther +ea'! t be -a!!'ate"y attra*te) t her a') br' her t be) .th +e/ Th! e&uat'  "$e .th !e3 ha! "e) t the )ea that re')!h- ! 't "$e, that .he' t. "$er! brea( u-, they +ay !ett"e ).' r re')!h- a!  re')!h- .ere 'err t "$e/ Pe-"e !ay, L$e L$e ! b"') a') "$er! )'4t !ee/ Th! ha! *+e t +ea' that t "$e ! t attra*te) t the ) &ua"te!  the ther/ S+et+e! th! ! ear'e) t the e3tre+e  attrbut' attra*t$e &ua"te! t the ther e$e'  they are 't there/ L$e ha! *+e t be e&uate) .th a)+rat'/ Er*h Fr++ ' h! a+u! b( The Art  L$' +e't'! the a*t that the --u"ar 't'  "$e at -re!e't ! a""' ' "$e/ Pe-"e ha$e the +!*'*e-t' that there ! 'th' t "ear' abut "$e that "$e ht! a +a' "(e "ht''/ Ether the arr.  u-) !tr(e! yu r yu are 't/ He attrbute! th! --u"ar 't'  "$e t three rea!'!8 19 The e+-ha!!  be' "$e) rather tha' ' "$'/ Th! ! e$)e't ' the +a'y b(! .rtte' a') !") ' h. t .' re')! a') '"ue'*e -e-"e, h. t be attra*t$e, h. t ha$e !e3 a--ea", et*/ 29 The e+-ha!! ' the be*t "$e) rather tha' ' the a*u"ty  "$'/ Pe-"e ta"(  the )ea" r", the )ea" by, by, the )ea" hu!ba'), the )ea" .e/ A') t !ee+! the rht be*t t "$e "".! the !a+e tre') a! the a) ' the +ar(et/ :9 The *'u!'' the 'ta" !tate  a""' ' "$e a') the -er+a'e't !ta')' ; ' "$e/ Pe-"e +!ta(e the 'ta" ee"'  'atuat' a! "$e/ T. -e-"e ')' the+!e"$e! !tra'er! ' a *u'try a') ee"' "'e"y ea!"y a"" r ea*h ther/ 6 6 they !+-"y ba!e) ther "$e ' th! ee"'  "'e"'e!! ther "$e ."" 't "a!t/

Our -he'+e'"y  "$e +u!t r!t !et a!)e a"" ab$e -re*'*e-t'!  "$e/ N., "et u!  ba*( t the r'a" e3-ere'*e  "$e/ Loneliness and Love The e3-ere'*e  "$e be'! r+ the e3-ere'*e  "'e"'e!!/ The e3-ere'*e  "'e"'e!! ! ba!*a""y a hu+a' e3-ere'*e/ at' +ay be a )e!t'y; r; yu/ ' a -er!' t !+-"y +ea'! a**e-t' the -er!', a! he ! )ere't r+ +y!e"/  A**e-t' the ther a! ther, a! he !, ! 't t be ta(e' ' a !tat* !e'!e/ The ther ! a"! h+!e" ' h! -te'ta"te!, ' h! be*+'/ e! t! -te'ta"te!  e3!te'*e/ A! !u*h, +a' ! a".ay! ahea)  h+!e" ' h! be' he ! a".ay! ahea)  h+!e", ahea)  .hat he a*tua""y ! e! +a', be*au!e )eath )e! 't be"' t e$eryb)y, but t 'e4! .' !e"/ Th! ')$)ua">' by )eath re$ea"! the 4there4  +a', h! be' Ca"'!)e;th'! =*'*er'9 a') h! be'; .th;ther! =!"*tu)e9/ 6t re$ea"! t +a' that h! *'*er' a') !"tu)e ! 'th' .he' h! .'+!t -te'ta"ty r be' ! t!e" a' !!ue ' )eath/ Authe't* be';t.ar)!;)eath )e! 't +ea', h.e$er, *utt' 'e!e"  r+ a"" re"at'!h-! rather t +ea'! -re*t' 'e!e" u-' h! .'+!t -te'ta"ty r be' rather that u-' the -!!b"ty  the4 they4 !e"/ Death ! ('.' t the authe't* +a' a! ''; re"at'a", a') .th th! a.are'e!!, he a! t .ere u')er!ta')! a') *h!e! h! -!!b"te!  re"at'a", a') .th th! a.are'e!!, he a! t .ere u')er!ta')! a') *h!e! h! -!!b"te!  re"at'! ' the "ht   the e3tre+e -!!b"ty  )eath a! '';re"at'a"/ The authe't* +a' )e! 't ut!tr- )eath/ H! a't*-at' )e! 't e$a)e )eath rather t a**e-t! th! -!!b"ty/ 6' a**e-t' )eath a! the -!!b"ty, +a' ree! h+!e"/ Th! ! t +ea' that +a', by a't*-at' ! ree r h! .' )eath he ! )e"$ere) r+ be*+' "!t ' -!!b"te!/ Wh"e bere, ' the 4they;!e"4, he .a! !e*ure ' the +-er!'a" but )*tate) by t, '. ' a't*-at', ' a**e-t' )eath a! h! e3tre+e -!!b"ty, +a' r the r!t t+e *a' u')er!ta') a') *h!e a+' the -!!b"te! ' the a+buu! 4they4 a') he ! '. ree t be h +!e", the -er!' he h+!e" .a't! t be/ H! -!!b"te! are '. -e' bere h+, )eter+'e) by h! e') a') u')er!t), thu!, a! 'te/ 6' a't*-at'  )eath a! '';re"at'a", +a' a'! a' u')er!ta')'  h! -te'ta"ty;r;be'  ther!/ S'*e a't*-at'  th! -!!b"ty .h*h ! 't t be ut!tr--e) -e'! t +a' a"" the -!!b"te! r +a(' h+!e", +a' '. *+e! t r-  h! .h"e'e!! ' a)$a'*e/ He ! '. -e' t the -!!b"ty  e3!t' a .h"e -te'ta"ty; r;be'/ The *erta'ty  )eath )e! 't ha$e the *hara*ter  *erta'ty, .h*h ! be*t$e,  the -re!e't;at;ha')/ The *erta'ty  )eath *rre!-')! t the *erta'ty  be';';the;.r")/ Thu!, .he' the authe't* +a' h")! )eath r true, .hat ! )e+a')e) r+ h+ ! 't u!t 'e )e'te (')  beha$r, but the u"" authe't*ty/ 6' a't*-at', +a' +a(e! *erta' r!t h! .'+!t be' ' t! tta"ty/ The ')e'te'e!! .h*h e! .th the *erta'ty  )eath *a""! r authe't* Da!e' t -e' t!e" t the *'!ta't threat ar!' ut r+ t! be' 4there4, a be' ' the .r")/ The !tate  +') that ! -e' t th! *'!ta't threat ! a'3ety/ 6' a'3ety, +a' *+e! a*e t a*e .th the 4'th'4  -!!b"e +-!!b"ty  h! e3!te'*e/ What he ! a'3u! abut ! ' ther tha' h! -te'ta"ty r be'/ A'3ety ')$)ua">e! +a', a') ' ')$)ua">' h+, +a(e! h+ be*+e *erta'  the tta"ty  h! -te'ta"ty r be'/ Thu!, authe't* be';t.ar)!;)eath ! e!!e'ta""y a'3ety/ Heide""er su22ari3es $!is au$!en$i# bein"0$o1ards0dea$! in $!e 'ollo1in" 1ords4  A't*-at' re$ea"! t Da!e' t! "!t'e!! ' the they !e", a') br'! t a*e t a*e .th the -!!b"ty  be' t!e", -r+ar"y u'!u--rte) by *'*er'u" !"*tu)e, but  be' t!e", rather, ' a' +-a!!'e) FEEDOM TOWADS DEATH; a ree)+ .h*h ha! bee' re"ea!e) r+ the ""u!'!  the 4they4, a') .h*h ! a*t*a", *erta'  t!e", a') a'3u!/ 5arl )a!ner/s No$ion o' Dea$! He)eer4! ree)+ t.ar)! )eath !ee+! t rea*h a the"*a" )e$e"-+e't ' @ar" ah'er/ Fr ah'er, )eath ! 't +ere"y !+eth' that **ur! t +a', a' e$e't that $erta(e! h+, 'r ! t a' e$" that bea""! h+ u'e3-e*te)"y/ Death, r ah'er, ! a' a*t  +a', a' a*t  !e";ar+at' ' rear)! t h! a**e-ta'*e r reu!a" t be h! authe't* !e", a !e" that ! -e' t tra'!*e')e'*e/ Death, thu!, *'!ttute! the hhe!t a*t  ree)+  +a', the ree)+ t !ay ye! r ' t h ! -e''e!! t G)/ 6 )eath *'!ttute! the hhe!t a*t  ree)+  +a', t ! be*au!e )eath '$"$e! the .h"e +a'/ At )eath, there ! ' "'er a'y *'*u-!*e'*e ' the -art  +a'/
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